#Planet Zoo Challenge
sylveonyiezoo · 1 year
Planet Zoo ideas!
For if you are burnt out or don't know what to make! ♡
1) Monkey World! ♡
Create a zoo full with only primates! I got this idea from the Mokey world ape rescue centre in Dorset I use to visit all the time as a kid! It's also incredibly fun to make enclosures for these animals in game!
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2) Reptile House! ♡
Create a massive building full of reptiles! This is a fun challenge because it makes you improve on creating buildings as well as utilising exhibits! I also LOVE making habitats for the monitors! You could also add amphibians and insects because in most reptile houses they usually also have them!
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3) New Zoo! ♡
Create a zoo in a biome you have never or don't use often and fill it with animals you have never made habitats for! This is a good idea for me personally because half of my zoos are African and I really need to branch out! I make too many enclosures for lions and meerkats! Here are some animals I have never seen someone use in planet zoo!
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4) Where are you from? ♡
Make a zoo based on where you are from! Select your country and biome and fill it up with animals that live there! (If you are from the uk like me I suggest just making a European zoo because there isn't many native British animals in game.)
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5) Big Cat Sanctuary! ♡
Create a sanctuary or a rescue centre for cats! There are quite a few in the game right now from all around the world! This will help becoming better at mixing themes in one zoo!
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If you do any of these, reblog and show me <3
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speculative-world · 2 years
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i found the 25 expressions meme, so i decided that it would be fun to show how the ◗ta emote, and the backgrounds are an attempt to show their colour language, lots of greens
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mittenfoot · 2 years
everytime I get disconnected from planet zoo the wall of my brain aneurysm bulges slightly
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foone · 3 months
A world of friends
In the late 2030s, a research lab discovers how to travel to alternate earths. And what's even better, they've figured out how to best monetize it too: tourism.
See it turns out there's not a lot of variation. There's a nearly infinite number of earths, but it's not like you're traveling to an alien planet or Narnia. They're all pretty... Earthy.
And they turn that into a positive: all earths are similar, but the small differences are what counts. And they're always searching for worlds with interesting divergences from our own, as potential destinations.
Spend a weekend with Netflix on the world where Walter Disney became a little-known architect, and the face of children's media is completely different. Visit the world where the US Revolution failed, and most of the Americas remains part of the commonwealth.
Safari through the world where humans died out or never evolved, see the megafauna we weren't around to extinct.
The world where the planet's population is 97% Christian but they're also nudists because they associate nudity with the innocence of the Garden of Eden.
And if you're looking for a challenge, visit the world's where climate change has already melted the ice caps, the world's where the cold war went hot, the world where the first world war is also the last one, and it's still ongoing.
There's just one minor problem with their plan of setting up an industry to portal people to other worlds:
Someone else is already using it.
Their interdimensional tech relies on creating wormholes using a complex arrangement of superconducting magnets and there's a characteristic burst of neutrinos when the event horizon forms.
They have to monitor them to properly "aim" the wormhole, but their early work is thrown off by seeing spurious emissions coming from outside their facility, which they later realize are exactly matching their technology.
They're just seeing the wormholes from the other end.
They partner with a government agency, explaining their discovery, and express worry that the country (and the world!) may be getting infiltrated by an off world power.
They build sensors in major cities, and triangulate where the off-worlders are appearing, and follow them.
They seem harmless enough. Often skittish, taking lots of pictures, asking odd questions... These aren't security agents or an invading force.
They're just tourists. They're from another world's interdimensional tourism business. One that set up before ours.
But why are they here? What's so odd about our world among the trillions they have access to that makes them come here with cameras fully loaded with film and memory cards?
The security agents pour over surveillance tapes of them wandering around random cities, and finally spot (no pun intended) why they're here.
It's dogs.
The tourists are skittish around seeing people walking their dogs, they're taking pictures of corgis and greyhounds, they're visiting petstores and ignoring the cats and iguanas and tropical fish to go look at the most boring mutts, eyes full of wonder and fear and excitement...
One of the tourists is picked up by the security services, but hits their panic button and vanishes before they can be questioned. They leave behind a Daguerre Inc 2090 DSLR camera full of slightly blurry photos of dogs, and a pamphlet that fell out of their bag in the scuffle
The pamphlet is for this interdimensional vacation, and describes the weirdness of our world: The strange universe where humans somehow befriended wild wolves and let them into their homes and lives.
The pamphlet plays up the scariness of canines, showing Tibetan mastiffs and angry pitbulls biting into meat. Police dogs with titanium teeth replacements. There's very few pictures of chihuahuas and corgis and poodles.
So the next time you're at an animal rescue or a petting zoo, and you see someone looking on in fear and wonder at the amazing sight of a golden retriever puppy, their camera shutter clicking away...
Maybe ask them who the president is. And what year we landed on the moon.
And don't be too surprised if they answer "You mean the Prime Minister? It's still Thiers, right? I haven't been reading the papers much recently. And 1956, unless you're one of those pedantics who say it only counts if it was successful, in which case 1958"
(reposted from a twitter thread from 2022)
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pudding-parade · 7 months
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One of the games I bought while in isolation was Prehistoric Kingdom. Which is basically Planet Zoo, only with (accurate! Don't get me started on the fucking Jurassic Park/World movies/games!) non-avian dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals like mastodons, woolly rhinos, and cave lions.
The game's still in early access, but I've read that much of it is functional, so I bought it on sale. I just fired it up tonight to see what it's about and figure out how it works. Which was a little bit difficult because the recent major update of it broke the tutorial, so the tutorial is currently disabled. But as it turns out, at least in terms of landscape sculpting and building stuff, much of it works an awful lot like Planet Zoo -- only with added (and awesome) scaling functionality, not to mention being able to turn off the grid and to paint entire swaths of trees/shrubs instead of placing things one-by-one -- so between that and the in-game help, I could figure out most things.
And then I bred myself some psittacosaurs, shown in the pic, because they're among my favorite non-avian dinosaurs, and plopped them in a habitat....and....Well, a bit of nerding ahead. But before I get to that, I give the game a thumbs up so far, and it has tons of potential ahead of it. I'll probably put the game in unlimited, creative sandbox mode and just check out and build for every dino species in the game before going back and actually playing the game in its challenge mode, where you have to unlock stuff and don't get unlimited money.
Now for the nerding. My psittacosaurs promptly escaped from their habitat because I didn't bother with any natural barriers to block the invisible fences I laid. LOL But that's OK because I just wanted to see what they looked like in the game, given that we actually know a lot about what they looked like in real life in terms of soft tissues and pigmentation and such.
And it turns out that they did a pretty good job with the psittacosaurs! They got the dorky bristles at the base of the tail and the bizarre-o head correct. And they got the countershading right! That is, darker on top and lighter on the belly, which is typical for animals that live in dense forests. We know that psittacosaurs had this because there've been some specimens preserved with soft tissues, which included skin which included preserved melanosomes, so we could find out about the coloration of these buggers. So, the devs got the countershading as well as the subtle stripes/spots correct. I'd say they still look a bit too shiny/plastic-y, so they probably need to crank down the speculars a little, but otherwise? Pretty damn good.
I'd read that the developers of this game were trying to be more scientifically accurate, as opposed to...you know what...but I'm still pretty impressed. Can't wait to see if they did a similarly good job with the dilophosaurs, which are my favorite non-avian dinos. (Fucking Jurassic Park...Dilophosaurs are not tiny, venom-spitting frilled lizards, for fuck's sake, and yes, that was well-known in the early 90s, so there's no excuse!)
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verseandrhyme · 24 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
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Thanks Neffi!
Name: Vivi
Pronouns: They/Them
Birthday (no year): December 22nd
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Canada, TOA Standard Time.
How long is your roleplay experience? I've been roleplaying on Tumblr specifically for about 9 years now, but on the internet as a whole since I was first let on here unsupervised so who knows. If I had friends to play with as a kid, probably a lot sooner irl too.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? I think it was first through Gaia Online roleplay forums for Kingdom Hearts, then later I moved to Quizilla where I was actually kinda semi-popular.
How were you introduced to TOA? Ree showed up in my dms and said "quit modding FERP. Join my new server." and then later that month I was there.
Do you have any pets? No, but I have two cats back home with my parents.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) Fall and early Spring, because most of my wardrobe is geared towards then.
What is your IRL occupation? Customer Support Specialist for a video game company, but I just transferred out of Quality Assurance.
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Video games in general, musical theatre, mythology, fairy tales.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Persona, Planet Zoo/Zoo Tycoon, Eiyuden Chronicles, In Stars and Time, I can go on forever.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fire and Vulpix.
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! (Optional bonus challenge: if you filled this out last year, try not to repeat what you said back then!)
I trained in theatre and studied sword fighting/stage combat.
I'm allergic to peanuts.
The doctor told my mom to avoid all nuts as a result, and aside from the Nutella they made me eat during my latest test, I have yet to eat any nuts willingly.
I have multiple scars on my right knee.
My mom lost me on a cruise ship when I was 4.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was playing Awakening and would let me try it, but not let me make any save files, so I played the first few maps over and over until I was able to eventually get my own copy and make it past the first three chapters.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Tellius games, Awakening, Fates games, Shadows of Valentia, Warriors Games, Three Houses/Hopes, and Engage.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: First: Awakening! Favorite: Fates!
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Setsuna, Mitama, Saber, Reyson, Yunaka.
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Gaius! It was on sight I completely abandoned my plans to S-rank Frederick for him. It's the VA, he keeps getting me like this.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Crushes, no.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Gaius / probably still Gaius - Fates: Kaden/Laslow/Silas / Ryoma/Kaze/Setsuna - Three Houses: Ferdinand/Seteth/Sylvain(?)/Claude / idk probably the same - Engage: Pandreo / Still Pandreo but also Yunaka, Gregory, Diamant, Rafal, [...]
Favorite Fire Emblem class? Thief!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? I want to be one of those incredibly stupid villager units that you have to keep alive but keep running towards the enemy.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran) Black Eagles.
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? Boons: Swords, Gauntlets. Bane: Heavy Armor, Flying.
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon) uuuuh Firene.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?) Separate letters.
Current TOA muses: Mitama, Yunaka.
Past TOA muses? Bernadetta, Saber, Setsuna, Charlotte, Sylvain. I'm probably forgetting someone.
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Bernadetta! I think I'm satisfied with what I did with her, she can rest.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) People who say one thing but mean another and won't communicate their feelings clearly. This doesn't say anything about me as a person.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I want to try an antagonist at some point but I lack the emotional willpower to go up to three muses for long. I also don't think I could handle writing a lord or someone important, I like my guys who don't matter.
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know how to explain this because it's v vibe base. I like when there's emotional tension. I like seeing interactions between other characters weave together. I like building towards something bigger. Scenes where someone breaks and finally talks about something they've been holding back.
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want to force Yunaka to talk about her past with people I want that shit to get dragged out to the open I want that shell cracked open to the meat baby.
Favorite TOA-related memories? Happyland2024 was a lot of fun and I'm glad that was my first lore event back, I had a great time with everyone. Team Justice will always be dear to me, as that was the moment that really got me hooked on TOA. Getting Nat's Innes' name in babe hunt just to beat Lilly's Cynthia and Lilly's reaction always makes me laugh.
Present or past tense? Lately I've been doing present more but the thing about me is that if I stop thinking for two seconds I change tense without noticing.
Normal size text, small text, no preference? Normal text, but lately I've just been matching whatever other people cook.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 Saber quieted back down, sorry guys. I still think about trying Peri one day, and I would like to try and see if Setsuna vibes again because I miss her. I thought about Louis out of nowhere the other day, that was weird.
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 2 years
What Video Games I think Jigsaw and the Apprentices would play
Adam - Grand Theft Auto series. He regularly plays GTA Online with Amanda (he is better skilled at driving and Amanda is more skilled at shooting). Sometimes he convinces Lawrence to join. Adam switches between Michael and Franklin when in story mode the most. Adam likes using mods, ReShade and taking far too many screenshots.
Lawrence - Animal Crossing: New Horizons. After a tough day at work and knowing what John does, I doubt Lawrence is big into violent video games. Even then, video games aren't his thing. He only picked up AC:NH cause he likes the cozy vibes. Sometimes, when Diana misses him, he visits her island and they hang out together.
Amanda - DOOM Eternal and the Hitman series. This is the reason she's a sharp shooter in GTA. She loves DOOM and Hitman cause you get to shoot up bad guys to awesome music while bettering the world. Also, she loves doing wacky challenges with the Hitman games (kill everyone while wearing a clown suit also her only weapon is a giant tuna fish).
Lynn - Nintendogs and Cats for the 3DS. She got it originally for Corbette but became infatuated with it herself. It's part of the reason she really wants to get a pet. She got Amanda a 3DS and forced her to make a Mii so that when Lynn takes her virtual pet for a walk she sometimes stumbles into Amanda.
Peter - Hitman series, Metal Gear series and Detective Grimoire series. Peter has always loved media about detectives and stealth and shit. Where Amanda is silly with Hitman, Peter is dead serious. Metal Gear was the series he played as a kid, and Detective Grimoire was just a random flash game he found one day and became shocked to learn it had its own series of video games.
Mark - Party Hard, Dead by Daylight, GTA 5 and Outlast. Mark likes games where he plays as a killer, much to everyone else's concern. He plays mainly as Trevor in GTA 5. He mains Leatherface in Dead by Daylight. He mains them both cause they are both "berserk psychos with crazy weapons".
John - Pokemon, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and The Sims. John doesn't like violent video games. Period. In Pokemon, he usually sticks to Pokemon that look like cats and dogs. His favourite AC villager is Sprinkles, and he cries whenever one of his Sims dies.
Jill - Like Lawrence, she's not a big video game person. However, Corbette and Diana have both convinced her to play games with them. As their adoptive grandma, she obliges. She prefers stuff like Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort. Just cause it's nice, chill and casual.
Diana - Love Nikki, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Untitled Goose Game. She likes being creative and causing chaos. Her favourite AC villager is Sable. She loves dressing Nikki up into fantasy princesses (but has also done like rockstar criminals). She likes Untitled Goose Game cause "look at the silly goose".
Corbette - Star Stable, Littlest Pet Shop (DS), Zoo Tycoon, Planet Zoo, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Pokemon etc. She really loves animals. Ever since her brother's death, she collects plushies and it was what spawned her love of animals and creatures. She has also played Nintendogs and Cats (3DS) and Breath of the Wild.
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fishrpg · 26 days
Prepare Yourselves For September, Because It's Time For...
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I finally decided how I'm going to approach September's Hexplore challenge. Instead of going all-in on a more gonzo approach to a variety of vintage cartoons in the Merry Melodies and Looney Toons eras, I opted to reframe this month's cartoon as something from the early 1990s that was trying to capitalize on the success more established cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is a show that is a blatant cash-grab that hopes to carve out a foothold in toy store shelves for a season or two before moving on to something else. As such, I felt it fitting to modify only slightly a promotional image for the cartoon Street Sharks.
Through the magic of a bunch of arbitrary dice rolls, here's a little bit about the show:
It's set mostly in Fresno, California, in 1992 and designed to appeal to the 8-12 year-old boy demographic. Like many other shows designed to sell toys, the continuity is nearly non-existent between episodes. I have never been to Fresno, and thus the plot points will likely lean into fabrications and poorly-informed constructions because the "show's writers didn't have time to research during the tight production timelines." However, I'd like the show to have some pro-environmental messages like Captain Planet to offset the cynical marketing of such a show.
Because I don't know anything about Fresno other than reading a few paragraphs of the the city's wikipedia page, I made a series of random tables to tell me where the primary location of the episode will be set. And because it's a cartoon that is not constrained by film crew logistics or real-life geography, a good chunk of episodes will take place in various locales that are decidedly different from Fresno (also described without research to really get into the thrall of unchecked capitalism).
For each episode, I'm going to roll to see if it takes place in/around Fresno, somewhere else in the world, or in an exotic/unusual location like a moon base. Here are the tables I've created to tell me where to set the episode:
Construction Site
City Hall
TV Station
Garbage Dump
Sierra Nevada Mountains
Bad Guy’s Hideout
Theme Park
Army Base
Ocean Depths
Pirate Ship
Haunted House
Beach Resort
The White House
Mount Everest
Tropical Island
Hoover Dam
Mount Rushmore
Lake Superior
Space Station Mir
Alternate Dimension
Moon Base
Center of the Earth
Alien Planet
Time Warp (Future)
Time Warp (Past)
Inside a Monster
Inside a Computer
Magical Reality
Genre Crossover Episode
North Pole
Mount Olympus
Hologram/Virtual Reality
Secret Superhero/villain Base
Giant Robot
Alien Spacecraft
Bermuda Triangle (of cryptid/conspiracy fame)
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Donkey Day
Visit a petting zoo, or simply do some research into the underappreciated, stalwart, useful and intelligent beasts of burden known as donkeys.
World Donkey Day is a show of respect for one of the most enduring and respectable animals in the Equidae family. Throughout history, it has served throughout the world as both a mount and a beast of burden in some of the most challenging terrains and forbidding climates, and has done so with pride and endurance. It’s unsurprising that these beasts’ success is due in part to their stubborn nature, and World Donkey Day honors them for this along with their other, perhaps more laudable, traits.
History of World Donkey Day
Two subspecies of the donkey, the Somalian and the Nubian, were bred together to produce what we think of as the modern Donkey. Available evidence points to the Donkey having been working alongside humanity since 4000 BCE, most likely in Nubia, as a more versatile and resilient pack animal than the ox they were presently using. Since then they have been bred and transplanted all over the world as cultures moved, and the world expanded, and can now be found just about everywhere.
They’re also the progenitors of the sterile mule, a cross-breeding of horse and donkey that results in a breed with the strengths of both. Sadly mules are almost entirely sterile, and the exceptions so rare that no breeding stock of pure mules has ever been able to be achieved, in part due to there having yet to be recorded a case of a breedable mule stallion. Strangely, there have been cases where female mules have birthed what are, for all appearances, pure horses when bred with a horse.
Without the help of donkeys, it is hard to imagine that the modern world could ever have come into existence. These hardy pack animals provided civilization with the motive energy needed to generate wealth, well before the advent of steam power or electricity. For that reason, many people consider donkeys just as fundamental to our society as writing, pottery, and metallurgy.
World Donkey Day is all about celebrating their stoic spirit and individual charm. These creatures aren’t afraid of a hard day’s work. In fact, they more or less invented the concept. Donkeys pull carts, operate mills, and carry cargo for miles and miles, well after other species would have given up. For that reason, they have a special place in our hearts. They’re willing to put in the effort (for no pay) all to serve us – their grateful human masters.
World Donkey Day is the brainchild of Raziq Ark, a scientist whose interests primarily concern desert animals. Around ten years ago, he noticed that nobody was celebrating the humble donkey for its efforts in helping people all over the world improve their quality of life. In recognition of all this hard work, he set up a Facebook group, chronicling the trials and tribulations of the species all over the world. Eventually, the idea to set up a World Donkey Day emerged in 2018, and we’ve been celebrating it ever since.
The concept drew widespread attention in the media. The Daily Express, for instance, ran an article covering ten facts that people don’t know about donkeys. Did you know that a female donkey is called a Jenny? Ark also has thousands of followers on his Facebook page, all showing their support for this amazing creature.
Donkeys have played an essential part in human history. Ark says that they are a “precious genetic resource and a great gift of nature.” You can’t get higher praise than that!
How to celebrate World Donkey Day
The best way to celebrate World Donkey Day, depending on where you are, is merely to research these incredible beasts and the role they had to play in the world. If you’re somewhere you can take a Donkey Ride tour like the Grand Canyon or tours of certain abandoned mines then that’s an even better way to become acquainted with these adorable long-eared equines. World Donkey Day reminds us that we owe a large part of our success on this planet to these fellow travelers on the starship Earth.
There are plenty of other ways that you can show your support to donkeys all over the world and improve their wellbeing. Many of them are in constant pain and need attention fast. Often their owners are too poor to pay for a veterinarian, so it falls to the rest of us to take up the slack. Donating to a donkey charity, therefore, is a great way to show your support for these fabulous creatures directly. Currently, there are a handful of nonprofits working hard all over the world to deliver medical attention to neglected and abused animals. These charities use donated money to provide much-needed treatment to donkeys in their hour of need.
Donkey abandonment is another major issue. Many owners will dump their donkeys at the side of the road if they can no longer afford to take care of them. The animal must then scavenge for food to survive. Giving to a donkey charity, therefore, can provide these victims with shelter where they can live in safety and peace.
Donkeys are beautiful, but neglected creatures. World Donkey Day is a chance for everyone who cares about these animals to highlight their plight and do something practical about it. Are you in?
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Short Fiction Weekly Challenge
Time for a new prompt from the Short Fiction Weekly Challenge, tumblr edition. Let it spark your imagination. Any character, any fandom, any original world. Reblogs welcome!
Post your story to your blog and send the link to Short Fiction Weekly Challenge! We’ll send the link out to all our followers to enjoy.
This week’s SFWC prompt:
Week of August 23, 2024
Code/Decode: Codes bring to mind agents and spies, secret messages, intrigue, and cloak-and-dagger plots. But look beyond the obvious. A military plot could hinge on decoding the enemy’s intercepted transmissions, or on keeping the code complicated enough to defy decryption but easy enough for troops to decode in the field. Fragments of ancient writing require decoding and translation to read. Secret lovers sending coded notes to each other. In a setting with newspapers or messageboards, people might leave notes that anyone but the intended recipient either doesn’t understand, or seem innocuous. Modern radio, television, cellphone, and internet require coding signals and decoding at the end. Work in some codes or decryption in your story this week.
Feel free to continue submitting stories for any prompt.  A masterpiece missed the deadline?  Don’t let it gather electronic dust.  Submit it anyway and Short Fiction Weekly Challenge will publish it.  
This week’s featured previous prompts are: 
Never Going There and That's Final! Until, of course, they have to. What place does your character avoid? Is it a single, physical place? A city, county, or planet? A type of place: Zoos, spooky dark forests filled with snakes, buffet restaurants? Why do they hate it? There must be a reason, however irrational. Now put them there anyway. Tell the story of why and how they ended up someplace your character swore they'd never go to under any circumstances, and what happened after.  
Play for Me--Musical Instruments: Does your character play a musical instrument? What one? How well? We often think of music as something that others make for our enjoyment, something we listen to but don’t participate in. People enjoy playing music at all levels of competency, though, and for any number of reasons. Imagine your character playing an instrument, why they took it up in the first place, and why they continue playing. (Hint: the voice counts! So do drums and other things that make rhythm!)
Got an idea for a prompt?  Submit it here.
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sylveonyiezoo · 1 year
Planet Zoo ideas! Pt.2
For if you are burnt out or don't know what to make! ♡
1) Randomised! ♡
Put all of the animals on a randomiser wheel and spin to get a random animal to add to your zoo! This would be good for learning how to merge different themes together instead of making one single themed zoo!
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2) Absurd Zoo! ♡
Make a zoo with all the strange and funny looking animals! This one doesn't really improve building but it is really fun.
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3) Bear Sanctuary! ♡
Make a sanctuary/zoo with only bears! They are so cute and for some reason I rarely ever use them!
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4) Petting Zoo! ♡
Make a zoo full of animals that allow guests to walk into their habitats! I hope in the future we get a petting zoo dlc but this will do for now!
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5) Aviary! ♡
Make a zoo full of only birds! There are few currently in the game but I'm praying they add more! You don't have to actually build roofed aviaries if you don't want to but it would be really fun!
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bakafox · 2 months
Ever be like.... I want to play/indulge in 3 aspects of this game but I don't want to have to put up with any other parts of the game/get to those aspects through all the other mechanics?
And then feel that way about basically all the games in your library that you kinda want to play or could see yourself playing?
Like "Man I want to play Dwarf Fortress, except I don't... want to actively have to tell the dwarves what to do or for it to take time for the fort to be built or to dig down to the magma layer but I also don't want to start on a volcano so the magma is right at the surface levels."
"Man I want to play Planet Zoo on Challenge mode so I have to balance the budget and design animal enclosures... but I don't want to actually have to place all the scenery/building block things or deal with the challenge aspects I want to exist."
"Man I really want to play Timberborn but....I don't want to have to plan the dams and landscaping/waterscaping and tell the beavers what to do I just want to watch it all work and be how I want it."
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myth-lord · 2 months
Since I know you prefer evil mythical creatures more than good-aligned ones, what races would you have playable in a version of Mythika or D&D for an all-evil creatures campaign? (Bonus if you have at least one creature for each Sinlord and Horseman)
I really like this question, but I can't really go deep into this because it has been a long time since I've last seen my full list of mythological creatures, and my wordpad documents are a freaking MESS, 10.000 projects about Dinosaurs, Jurassic Park, Pokemon, X-Men characters, Mortal Kombat, Gemstones, D&D, Pathfinder, Streetfighter characters, Mario Characters and enemies, Lufia game worlds, Heroes of Might and Magic towns, Animals, Planet Zoo, Random Games projects like my own version of Resident Evil and even Saw-movies, I can't find shit anymore lol.
Playable-Races were never really high on my lists, so creating a list of all sinlord playable races taken from some myth would take some time, but maybe I take the challenge in the future, as I really like this question and interest so I kinda feel guilty to not properly answer this.
The horsemen are only 4, so maybe I can quick-think myself into those.
Pestilence: Aerico could be some race-type creature, but I prefer them as single-minded plague undead.
War: Makhai or Machai from greek mythology are war daemons, so I guess they could come in handy here.
Death: Some type of undead, zombies are too boring an stupid for this role, so maybe a race of Ankou, I never knew what to do with Ankou anyway as they overlap a lot with my Dullahan, so maybe Ankou could be a race of Death-based creatures and the playable character in my project for death.
Famine: Is always the hardest as there are very few famine-based creatures in Mythology, and the ones they have are mostly pure beasts or plants. But maybe a very far stretch and use the Gaki here? Or the Fear Gorta?
For the 7 Sins it would be much harder so I will do those in the future ( when my interest fully returns to mythology)
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penandprompt · 7 months
March 3rd: World Wildlife Day
Adventure: An adventurer embarks on a quest to find a mythical sanctuary where humans and wildlife coexist in harmony, but the journey is fraught with challenges and tests.
Comedy: A mix-up at a zoo leads to the release of animals with unusual traits, resulting in hilarious situations as the local community tries to cope with the unconventional wildlife.
Dystopian: In a post-apocalyptic world, bioengineered hybrid creatures roam the wastelands. Write about a young survivor who forms an unlikely bond with a loyal companion.
Fantasy: In a mystical forest, animals possess the ability to speak and form alliances. Write about a young girl who forms an unexpected friendship with a wise old owl.
Fantasy: Explore a reality where humans and animals share a symbiotic connection, influencing each other's abilities and traits, resulting in unique collaborations.
Horror: A group of friends on a camping trip stumbles upon a remote cabin in the woods, only to discover that it's inhabited by shape-shifting creatures who imitate wildlife.
Historical Fiction: Set during prehistoric times, write from the perspective of a caveman who forms a bond with a wounded animal, leading to the first instance of human-animal cooperation.
Magical Realism: In a sleepy village, a mysterious figure arrives, able to transform into any local wildlife. Their presence raises questions about the boundary between humans and animals.
Mystery: A wildlife photographer disappears while on a safari to capture the elusive "Ghost of the Jungle," a legendary creature rumored to have unique powers.
Romance: In a small coastal town, two marine biologists working to protect a fragile ecosystem find more than scientific discovery as they uncover the secrets of underwater wildlife.
Science Fiction: On an alien planet, a researcher studying the local wildlife discovers that the creatures are interconnected through a complex network of energy.
Steampunk: In a steampunk-inspired world, advanced machines designed to mimic wildlife for entertainment purposes become sentient and rebel against their creators.
Superhero: A superhero with the power to communicate with and control wildlife uses their abilities to thwart eco-terrorists threatening the delicate balance of nature.
Time Travel: A time traveler inadvertently alters the course of history by introducing modern wildlife to ancient ecosystems, leading to unforeseen consequences.
Urban Fantasy: In a bustling city, a secret society of wildlife protectors works to maintain the balance between the human world and the hidden realm of urban animals.
Journaling: Describe a memorable encounter you've had with wildlife, whether it was an animal in its natural habitat or an unexpected urban sighting.
Journaling: Reflect on the lessons you believe humans can learn from observing and interacting with wildlife. How can these lessons be applied to daily life?
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scotisfr · 2 years
Tumblr media
🌟 The Artist behind the Tumblr 🎨
Greetings ! I'm Scotis (they/them, 29y), the creator of this corner of the digital universe full of my kaleidoscope of creativity (and things that inspire me).
Let's not forget my faithful companions, Calypso (lady tabby) and Eddy (lord black), who occasionally grace these Tumblr with their presence.
So, sit back, relax and join me in this wondrous odyssey of art, tea, and all things delightful, posted daily. Whether you're a fellow wanderer of life or a curious soul seeking inspiration, you're welcome here ✨ !
Tags that I use :
#scotis - All the posts that I create #scotis life - All post concerning my real life #scotis art #scotis writing - All things that I'm creating #scotis studyblr - My self-studying posts and update #scotis challenge - Tumblr challenge that I'm doing or have done in the past #scotis on minecraft #scotis on planet zoo - Screenshots of the games I play
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climbdraws · 2 years
Hello! I just started planet zoo, Do you happen have any tips, like how breeding for colour works and tips on making enclosures, also what's better, franchise challenge or sandbox mode?
I pretty much only play franchise cause I want all the damn achievements but I recommend watching some YouTubers do speed builds and such! there's a lot out there who all have different build & commentary styles so you can find one you like
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