officialblogstory · 1 year
What is Minimum Wage in The UK?
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drsonnet · 8 months
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Dear Children of Gaza, “I am sorry.”
Member of Parliament for Bradford West | Vice Chair
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Firstly - ISLAM is NOT a race.
Islamophobia does NOT exist..
UKLabour, you are hilarious.
Vote @reformparty_uk for less rhetoric, more action..
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whatevergreen · 11 months
THIS: @UKLabour, the official opposition party of the UK and likely party of the next government has said absolutely nothing across all main accounts during October 28th, during the ongoing Gaza Genocide. Not one tweet about anything, foreign or domestic.
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scott1984fp · 3 days
Who / What Groups Shielding 🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️🛡️ Benji & Jake, Shield @Keir@PMQs @UKLabour @Grumpy Gardener @Byline Times @Channel 4.0 @netflix @Netflix Philippines @Netflix Japan @Mike Galsworthy 👑 Charles Harry Meghan Their Kids, @KING KHAN 🤴 👑 @Ahah @Owen Jones @Dylan Page @Channel4news @Channel 4 News @Channel 4 Sport @Channel 4 @Jeremy Corbyn VP Tim Waltz, Barrack Michelle Obama, Mr. Beast, KSI, Logan Paul, Prime,
You Touch 197 Families Worldwide Surnames & 7 Frenemies Alliances Relationships Countries Kingdoms 👑 & I Will Re Enter Hell On Earth In Flesh With USB Sticks Into Daily Vile, Billionaires Brainwashing Club, The Scum, Torygraph, Daily Mess, Fix News, Sly Sky, Comcast Sly Sky, & Will Burn ❤️‍🔥🔥 YOU With Words,
I Told You Go Prisons, Pysche Wards, Die On Spot, Run, Stand Down Project BRICS Project 2025 1984 Coup Of Waters Farms Gold Silver Bronze Foods Drinks Industries Digital Currencies Twitter X TikTok & More,
I Gave 8 Years & You Fucked Up 15-09-2024 & We Know Nanobots Killing Palestines Muslims & More Too SINK My Motorola Light 🕯️ Within Goodness Smartphones,
So I Can't Reach My Long Lost Cousins 🤗🫂💜❤️
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coldhideoutthing · 6 months
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crhlabour · 1 year
RT @UKLabour: This is who the Tories really are👇 https://t.co/C8l9Zlo9o8
— Labour CRH 🌹 (@CRHLabour) May 20, 2023
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jharcourt1 · 1 year
@UKLabour I would, but the Labour MP doesn’t even bother showing his face in Redhill East. Where do you find these people?
@UKLabour I would, but the Labour MP doesn’t even bother showing his face in Redhill East. Where do you find these people?
— James Harcourt (@jharcourt1) May 4, 2023
via Twitter https://twitter.com/jharcourt1 May 04, 2023 at 09:36PM
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britishmousestuff · 2 years
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reviewgazette · 2 years
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Any updates on Ukraine, Putin needs to retire like sooner the better. Friggin nutcase. #war #ukraine @uklabour @keirstarmer @emmalewellbuckmp https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl8v86aoeXA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blackswanproduction · 2 years
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Can someone please help me… my math has to be off @AngelaRayner said she was helped by @UKLabour when she had her first child(son) in 1997 that would make him 25 y/o now. Even if she had her son as early as 15 that would make her about 39/40 now … can someone please tell where is the foundation of youth or her plastic surgeon cause I can think of a lot people need to go including me … cause her picture don’t match the year or her actual age. Maybe she shouldn’t have mentioned her son’s year of birth … does anybody know what #truth is anymore #POOFF #KeeptheDreamsAlive #EnoughIsEnough #StopFalling4Anything https://www.instagram.com/p/CkV9FParFdiJqjyUqjCjvksqtnzzepS5ZB681c0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goretzki · 4 years
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venomprison · 5 years
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Captured from @damnationfestival-blog - Richard Burgon is fighting the good fight alongside many others. Vote Labour Party on 12th December.
For the many, not the few.
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scott1984fp · 5 days
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@BenjiAndJake:We Will @Keir@PMQs @UKLabour @nato @Nato 7 Frenemies Alliances Relationships Countries & 197 Families Worldwide Don't Scare Me & Never Have, Bye 👋🌊 9 Billion & 197 Countries Bigger Bye 👋🌊
King 👑 Charles Wants Too Be An Global Farmer & Hemp & Bamboo 🎍 Grower For Renewables, NOT King 👑 That Was Mummy's & 7 Frenemies Alliances Relationships Countries & 197 Families Worldwide Dream & Grifters Dreams NOT His
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oneoflokis-blog · 4 years
I'll tell you all why not even LOKI 🔥 HIMSELF, could pre-empt/counter/prevent that ROTTEN TRICK that the Neoliberal Elite and their press stooges played on UK Labour, with their "Anti-Semitism" hoax! 😡😡
(With reference to the Wagner Das Rheingold variant, of some of the myths... 🙂 Which the so-called "victors" at the last UK general election might well be advised to take as a *cautionary tale"... For it predicts their likely end.)
And it's the reason *I* didn't understand it; and couldn't see why people would believe it: because the accusation of Anti-Semitism, bigged up by all the conservative - yea even the "liberal" aka the Blairite press - was and is NOT LOGICAL. 😡 (Which is why my keen mind was of little use in the situation, unfortunately. I cannot argue with fools. It reminds me of arguing with some very thick bullies at school: there is literally no intelligence for eloquent words and for reason to have any purchase on!)
(Nor is "anti-semitism" based around a hot-button issue, which affects the majority of people in this country, **which was what Brexit was,** and why the latter was so dangerous. And that was of course the *main* thing that lost Labour the last election... ☹️)
But the "anti-semitism". Pfff!! 🙄 To refute all that: all you have to do is read this ebook published by Verso: which is still available as a free download... https://www.versobooks.com/books/3215-anti-semitism-and-the-labour-party
The above book, which I have recently intensively re-read, SAYS IT ALL on the subject. It's great, folks: download it - all they want in return is your email address: which they will annoyingly print on every second page of your copy, to ensure you do not upload it elsewhere: but it is worth it.
The reason, btw, as I am trying to explain, that a Lokean mind *cannot* comprehend - or possibly effectively counter-strategize against such dirt - other than to dismiss it utterly - is because, at fundament, we are *relentlessly logical*. That is how our minds work.
Unfortunately, it means we *cannot* always stand up successfully against *stupid* people, when those stupid people are in the ascendant, a bit like bullies at school... Who are always the thickies. Who always make - or believe - wild accusations!
Yes: I know that people who know a little bit about Loki, Tricksters and so on, will say that the archetype is one of "chaos", etc. Well. Actually that comes out most of all in our sense of humour. It is absurdist and surreal. 🙂 It also centres a lot around mockery and drawing down the forces of nemesis to people filled with hubris deserving of it. (To illustrate this with regard to the Eddaic Loki, you would have to look at, for example, his prank where he cuts off the hair of Thor's wife, Sif: or the barrage of witty abuse he pours all over the high gods, the Aesir, in the old poem Lokasenna.)
When it comes to *plotting*, however, Loki is finely finessing, and relentlessly logical. Rather than combing the rather obscurely-written Eddas - or reading a Marvel comic - perhaps a better way to illustrate to yourself this side of Loki very clearly would be simply to watch a video or something, with subtitles of course, of Richard Wagner's opera Das Rheingold (the Pierre Boulez production is best for my money - and it's a FINE opera! Did you know that Richard Wagner invented the "theme tune", otherwise known as the leitmotif? 🙂), where Loki goes under the more Germanic name of Loge, and where he plots and explains and persuades (his own boss, Wotan/Odin, chiefly) as finely as the finest of sophists. But nothing he says is *stupid*: or the sort of thing where any god or dwarf would stop and say: "Huh? What's THAT all about?" Or "WTF are you going on about, Loki? That's ridiculous - get off the stage!!"
(Which is basically what "mass anti-semitism in Labour" is all about!! So stupid, only newspapers could believe it! 😡
Everything Loki/Loge says, on the other hand, is clever as clever; logical as logical. (He's probably doing a bit of subtle manipulation with every sentence - but that's what Loki at his best does! 😄 You might almost call him a spin doctor...)
Oh Loki can think up all sorts of TRICKS; but none of what he says, you see, is insanely stupid.... As you can see from Das Rheingold, he's all about convincing people by means of Reason... (And a little bit of flattery, and suggestion, here and there, of course...) He's as eloquent as Alexander Hamilton. 🙂
But Loki is really the god of truth, ultimately, you see: of truth of the inconvenient sort.
Whereas what our elite - who aren't representatives of any kind of truth - this time seem to have resorted to - is not any "spin": they were obviously too desperate for that!! (At the idea of justice for Palestine; and a curb to this project of colonisation, of the Middle East, no doubt... 😏)
What they resorted to, was sheer insane FANTASY. 😵
Unfortunately, their *stupid irrationalism* seems pretty much to have worked - and caused the overall appearance of disunity in Labour, which is another thing that puts voters off. As well as any perception of hypocrisy... but THIS is only really because JOURNALISM in this country is by and large, so rotten and substandard: and so are all our major newspapers. They fall for and disseminate all sorts of RUBBISH. 😏
To see how and WHY this is so: you need to read Flat Earth News, by Nick Davies. A British journalist critical of the current state of journalism, and of all kinds of "fake news".
Incidentally: About the only equivalently STUPID and BIZARRE US equivalent to this pile of fake news poo 💩 - the "antisemitism" accusations re UK Labour and Jeremy Corbyn in particular: were all those "birthers" fomented by the American Right, claiming that Barack Obama was not born in Hawaii, that his birth certificate was a fake and that he was not born an American! 🙄 And therefore not entitled to be President! (Which is just about the equivalent of claiming that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite, a Czech spy or any of the other garbage that was spewed about him!) The US extreme right and religious right (who love to deny truth) are certainly proficient in insane fabrication: but that was about the only thing as bad as what was stuffed down the UK Labour Party's throat!! AND, in the USA - it didn't WORK - to make Obama lose, because nobody but rabid righties believed it!! (And the left of centre press and organisations didn't promote it. Instead, all Democrats logically and vociferously opposed and argued against this "theory"! As the "rational left" SHOULD do, against everything that is STUPID! 🤤)
The racist Right in the US were obviously panicking, so as to come up with that extremely absurd, yet simultaneously trifling (bears all the hallmarks of the stupid and the trivial mind, just like fake "anti-semitism", fake "spies" and the rest of the fakes) conspiracy theory about Obama - pity they didn't somehow bring a flying saucer 🛸 into it - BUT - it didn't work for them!
Which is what surprises me: that the UK voters, and the BBC, and the Guardian, et al, would believe - and disseminate - not dissimilar disinfo here... Doesn't reflect well on us.
This all just goes to show, mind you: that the right-wing and the anti-progressives tend to suffer from a series of mental illnesses: worrying paranoias and crass fantasies of all types... Which should only make the keener-minded shake their heads... 😖
If a) Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell hadn't been so principled re the plight of the Palestinians, and kept the matter of justice for Palestine firmly on UK Labour's agenda despite all the high-level pressure to remove it, thus laying themselves open to horrific slander -
and b) The issue of Brexit had not so much obsessed the British public -
Then Corbyn's Labour would have won! Either in 2017 or 2019! 😏
As one Jewish Labour member, Roger Silverman, said on the record: "This campaign is even dirtier than the ‘Zinoviev letter’ faked by MI5 to damage Labour in the general election of 1923, or than Churchill’s lie in 1945 that if Labour won the election, it would establish a Gestapo police state. It is of course the Tory party that is riddled with racism. It was a Tory government which introduced the 1905 Aliens Act that blocked Jewish immigration from the East European pogroms, and it was a Tory MP who founded the Right Club in the 1930s to ‘expose the activities of organised Jewry’. British immigration policy throughout the Nazi period was designed to keep out at least ten times as many Jews as it allowed in."
But anyway: Re the Palestine situation leading to people in high places making up so many psychotic lies and ridiculous disinformation... As Norman Finkelstein and others have said (see above book, edited by Jamie Stern-Weiner). How people, even elite psychopaths, can be SO GREEDY, and unreasonable, as to abandon all reason and logic, is quite beyond me...
(And beyond Loki/Loge... For example, in the above opera, this "political advisor" god Loge (not at all a bad chap, by any means, in this operatic version as in many others) at one point advises that the Rheingold of the title be returned to the Rhine maidens, whose property it is at the beginning... But he is outvoted. In the end, when the treasure is recovered from Alberich, the greedy, sexually frustrated dwarf who stole it, it is paid over to two builder giants, Fasolt and Fafnir, as a fee/ransom, to suit the gods - who otherwise might have to give up a goddess! 😏 As Loki/Loge prophecies - or suggests - the two giants almost immediately thereupon turn on each other and fight each other to the death over it. Fafnir, the survivor, drags it all to a cave: where he transforms into a hideous dragon, to guard it, miserably, for the rest of his life....)
THAT'S what greed does for you!! Doesn't the old opera make it obvious!!! 😏
(Actually: tempting the giants to their fate is the only way by which Loki is able to get his own back on them! And some justice for Rhine maidens! 😉)
antisemitism, UK Labour, neoliberalism, Palestine, disinformation, logic and illogic, Loki, Loge, Das Rheingold, trickster thought, Lokean pov
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ghostofatree · 5 years
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I tend to think Facebook and Twitter are for politics and Instagram is for art but just for today indulge me. It’s cold and wet out there and I’m soaked but home. It took me ten minutes to go and vote and I’ll dry off and have a cuppa and then go back out with my partner when he gets in from work. It’s not so easy for the victims of Tory austerity who are homeless. Every 19 hours a homeless person dies from neglect on the streets of Britain, out there in the rain and the cold. If you are deeply ashamed of this take the ten minutes to go to your local station. If you care like I do about our NHS, our fire police and school services, if you care about inequality and how to reduce it, our kids’ futures, if you care about workers rights and wider human rights Please vote today. Shock the elite, the billionaires the racists and homophobes, those who would subvert our democracy until it functions in name only by their corruption, lies and manipulation. Rise like lions and get the Tories out. It’s long overdue time for fairness, investment, decency and hope. Vote Labour. #uklabour #getthetoriesout #fuckboris #fuckborisjohnson #neverkissedatory #austerity #nhs #jc4pm (at Liverpool, England UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5-aJ8VACiT/?igshid=12hmdmddtk3f4
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