officialblogstory · 1 year
What is Minimum Wage in The UK?
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Oscar Montoya’s ability to show up, immediately understand the assignment, and take initiative is UNREAL.
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 3 months
My dad's lack of media comprehension serves as a fascinating litmus test for gay subtext. He "didn't pick up on any gay breadcrumbs" between Stede and Ed until the moment they kissed, but he knew that Will Byers was gay just from "it's not my fault you don't like girls" in series 3. It took him way too long to realise that there was something fruity going on in Killing Eve, but he fully believed that Sherlock and John ended up together
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theforsakenprince · 2 months
give me a story all about hope and I will be unwell about it for free
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todays-xkcd · 2 days
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In contrast to Pascal's Wager Triangle, Pascal's Triangle Wager argues that maybe God wants you to draw a triangle of numbers where each one is the sum of the two numbers above it, so you probably should, just in case.
Pascal's Wager Triangle [Explained]
[Cueballs, each holding some document, are shown in a triangular arrangement, with arrows pointing from upper to lower Cueballs:] C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15
[The pattern may continue downwards, off-comic, as the lowest rank are only half in-frame. Some of the following speech bubbles that are edge-adjacent are not entirely in view as they extend sidways off-pane, but are still given here in full.] C1: Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my god! C2 & C3: I'm convinced! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my god! C4 & C6: I'm convinced! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my god! C5: Ok, I believe you both! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my two gods! C7: I'm convinced! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my god! C8 & C9: Ok, I believe you both! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my three gods! C12 & C14: Ok, I believe you both! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my four gods! C13: Ok, I believe you both! Hey, you two below me! Here's a proof that you should believe in my six gods! [The speech bubbles of C10, C11 and C15 are not seen at all, but would all be a "my (singular) god" quote.]
[Caption below the panel:] Pascal's Wager Triangle
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Deep Water Challenge
Hello all weird and wonderful writers! This week, I thought it might be fun to host a mini-challenge where we turn the tables, and I give YOU a request.
Time to try your hand at micro-micro fiction. Write a 1-3 sentence prompt/'story', that has something to do with RAIN.
If participating, please add your submission either as a reblog or a comment on THIS POST, so we can keep all of them in one place and allow everyone else to look through them. On Friday May 17, I'll share my favorites in a separate post, tagging the authors.
As always, keep writing, and stay weird.
- L
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More König story ideas in pics
Can I just say I love that snake/dragon suit.... I need to be a maiden who rocks a snake suit and then some crazy lovestruck man König arrives and is like "babe? why are you in a snake suit? oh well it doesn't matter you're perfect just the way you are :) :)"
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dceasesd · 7 days
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i just found this panel and i am crying and laughing at the same time
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audliminal · 5 months
I think the crux of what makes the rat grinders so damn rage-inducing is just. How fucking entitled their whole stance is. Like sure they've put in a lot of time! And frankly, if they were just trying to graduate, put in the work, and get out with average fucking grades that would be fine.
But instead the first thing we know about them is that they feel the treatment some people (the bad kids) get is unfair. And like. That's what makes it so frustrating when the revelation comes of what they've been doing for the last two years. Because in those two years they have risked nothing and helped no one. Killing rats in a trainee forest doesn't change anything. The rats are just there. They're not a threat to anyone, there isn't any danger. Nobody needs to be doing that.
Meanwhile, the bad kids have quite literally saved the world three fucking times. The number of people who have directly benefitted from the actions of the bad kids is astronomical! And they have risked so goddamn much in the process. They have repeatedly put everything they have and are on the line, with the only beneficial reward they've gotten being their grades. Hell, mostly their success has just resulted in them being burdened with more work!
So when these fucking rat grinders show up and start complaining that the bad kids are getting favored unreasonably, they and we all know how absolutely bullshit it is, because the reality is, the bad kids have put in so much more work than the rat grinders have, for barely any reward.
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myfandomincolor · 2 months
I know we're loving putting Astarion in Neil Newbon's flawless McQueen fit from the BAFTA Games Awards
But can I offer you Halsin in a tuxedo with the bear paw cufflinks à la Dave Jones' black tie ensemble?
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tap/click and get that good quality!
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innerslumber · 10 months
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(Please click on the images for full size and ease of reading)
Click here for the magazine transcript and an "After Interview " fic!
Title: Sharper Knives
Ship: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Rating: Mature
Square: N4 "Friendly Competition" August adoptable. @allcapsbingo
Tags: AU Modern - No Power, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Secret Relationship.
Summary: Steve and Bucky have been best friends since childhood and are seasoned actors. After many years, they finally got to make a movie together. Much thirsting ensues.
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zhouxiangs · 5 months
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way, you don't have to follow him.
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isagrimorie · 6 months
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Seven of Nine Hijacking a Federation Starship (Voyager)
Episodes: Scorpion 2, The Gift, The Raven, Bliss
I love this scene in Picard S3. (One of the reasons I love this season!)
Tuvok and Seven have had this conversation many, many, many times before. Seven even looked like the most Seven in the last gif -- listening to Tuvok reprimand her for hijacking a Federation Starship or a shuttlecraft again.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
hey love your blog so much keep up the amazing work ❤️
i was trying to find this one fic when derek lives alone and scott and issac did like a mail order bride thing without telling dereks and it’s stiles but he doesn’t speak much english and he is sending money back to his dad.
been trying to find it for ages many thanks 🥰🥰
Anon says it's this one.
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Ukochany by VincentMeoblinn
(15/15 I 34,121 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek comes home to find a mail order husband and two amused betas waiting for him. When he realizes their prank was far from harmless he ends up saddled with a husband who barely speaks English but insists Derek is the love of his life. He’s also determined to win him over
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twst-mer · 2 years
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
DC X DP: King Danny shows up to help and then freaking Constantine tries to use his soul to pay for a favor and Danny just straight up looks at him and says: “Dude… your soul is like pocket change now, you broke the ghost economy and I fixed it by devaluating your soul, this sliver of soul is not worth more than a pack of gum and a clip”
Danny already has five slivers alone. Pretty much everyone he knows in the Zone has at least one, or has had one. Ellie has a lion's share of them after playing poker in a ghost casino she found in Vegas.
His human friends all have one, for Ancients' sake!
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