balrog-slayer66 · 1 year
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The Addams Family home at 0001 Cemetery Lane — Blueprints
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ohsofightclub · 6 months
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the addams family (1991)
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faceless-crowd · 6 months
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This comic is shitty but I just wanted a “good ending” for the eraserhead baby
(Yes I know I spelled some shit wrong I made this at like 2 am over spring break)
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lntheconservatory · 5 months
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Happy birthday, Carolyn Jones
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atomic-chronoscaph · 8 months
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Dear Dead Days - art by Charles Addams (1959)
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georgeromeros · 8 months
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The Addams Family - Season 1 Episode 19 (1965) The Addams Family Splurges
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1liv · 2 years
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prokopetz · 1 year
My controversial Addams Family opinion is that I don't think Fester should be depicted as badass under any circumstances whatsoever and modern adaptations should stop trying to make him cool. Yes, he's absolutely the scariest guy in the room in terms of what he's done and what he's capable of, but that's the joke: to all outward appearances he's just an affable, kind of bumbling dude with the personality and mannerisms of that one uncle the kids think is great fun and everybody else finds slightly annoying, and it's almost never made explicit exactly why the normies are so scared of him.
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tabrisofmars · 1 year
*Enid and Wednesday share a soulful kiss on the Raven's bed*
Fester slams open their door with Thing in his palm: Wednesday we need to- Oh is this a bad time?
Enid screams and hides her face behind Wednesday
Wednesday: Tio Fester!
Fester looking down at Thing: My gawd, these bitches gay?
Thing rolls into a thumbs up
Fester: Good for them! Good for them.
Enid, peering over a shoulder: I hate that your uncle didn't knock, but his reaction to us is so touching, Willa.
Wednesday, pulling a knife: He is going to be more than touched in a minute.
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lodisama · 2 years
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xavier thorpe x reader (no pronouns mentioned)
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summary: reader is wednesday's cousin, or rather, uncle fester's child. you have transferred to nevermore, and on your first week, you meet someone. this turns into forming a secret alliance wednesday can't know.
reader has the same powers as uncle fester (electricity)
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Being around people who stare at you like your some animal zoo wasn’t really on my list, especially when they’re the same kind as you. An outcast or, a so called freak. I would’ve enjoyed this more if I did something terrible. But for some reason these people love peculiar blood lines.
I exit the door to the school indoors, and there I enter the quad. Where every student of monsters imaginable hang out. I loathe the gossips, but love the stares. Everyone turned their heads to me, then there was silence. I look around to muster in the atmosphere. It’s not that I think highly of myself. It’s just they make me feel highly than what they are. I felt a dark aura behind me, making its way next to me. I turn to my side, “Wednesday, my beloved cousin.” I turn my head back to the students, smiling, not at them but at her presence.
She has always made me feel wanted and seen, though we had different interests, she never failed to make me feel fit in.
“Y/n, it’s lovely to see you again.” Her hands clinged together, hanging down.
Her voice monotone, though I know her words were sincere. “How is the first week in this hellhole full of surprises?” She asked, sounding almost displeased. I sigh, not upset in any case. “Surprisingly good. Though my roommate appears to be a no-sleep enjoyer.” She hums, raising her eyebrows.
Silence fell after that, but then a familiar platinum blond, with colorful tips comes hopping our way. “Y/n, hope you don’t mind me borrowing Wednesday from you.” She smiles excitedly.
I return her kind smile, “No not at all, you may take her.” I see Wednesday look uncomfortable, but she let it happen. “Thank you!” Edin holds Wednesday by her shoulder, as they walk away to a bench. I walk to a pillar next to a wall art, standing beside the pillar. I felt electricity fuzz on my shoulder, making me flinch. I step back to see who it was
“What the…”— He looks down my size.—“Oh”
I hum, seeing the man. Tall, tall enough to be a tree, hair tied up, miserable eye bags, chiseled face. “No sorry? I apologize, I didn’t see you’s?” He raises his eyebrows, with a confused yet maintained calm tone. “Have you heard me say anything?” I respond, which he raises his eyebrows at this. He licks the inside of his cheek, muttering a silent Alright. He seemed used to it.
He turns around, and continued on painting the wall, the crow impressively detailed. He coated its background with a different shade of blue. I stare, blankly following his every move. “Please stop looking, I can feel your eyes,” The man lets out a breathy chuckle, still focused on the painting. My face hardens by the feeling of getting caught.
“My apologies.” I clutch on the bind of the book I was holding.
I didn’t give him time to say something, not that I was expecting him to. I turned around and went in a different turn of the quad.
Though I didn’t see it, he smiled unevenly when I apologized.
━ ━ ━✦❘༻༺❘✦━ ━ ━
"Do you know where it is?" Wednesday ask in a stern, yet eager voice. "Of course. Dad always told me stories about this school." Her eyes practically glew when I said that. "Will you please show me?" She blurted. "It's in that secret headquarters full of Nightshade wanna be's. " I slowly walk up the stairs, making sure my voice was low. She nods, satisfied with my answer. "I need you and Thing to get it for me. Weems has me on a radar right now." She stops next to the railings, looking at me. "Do you mind?" I smile at her, shaking my head a no "I don't mind , Wednesday". "Thank you." She whispers. As I look around, I saw Xavier looking at the both of us from the other side of the railings. My face turns stoic, as I inhale sharply.
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"So I just snap two times?" I asked Wednesday. "Yes, you'll need this." She confirms, handing me a flashlight. Thing crawls on my shoulder, giving me a thumbs up. Got it I responded. I face the statue, snapping two times. The statue slowly moved backwards, revealing a spiral staircase on the right side. I checked to look at my back. Wednesday was already gone. I exhale, walking to the stairs, the dark room full of paintings and the smell of old books greeted me. I point my flashlight to the wall, seeing every painting of whom I assume to be the parents of these students, which I familiarly recognize.
Unfortunately my father, didn’t possess the academic aptitude to be here, but I am grateful to be filled with his knowledge about this school, and letting me experience it at least.
My whole body shivers in joy seeing the Nightshade logo on the floor. Pure ecstasy erupted in me. Finally happy to see one of the best stories my father has ever told me, right in front of me. I keep my pace slow, paranoid by the idea of getting caught, but either way, what bliss. I could feel Thing patiently waiting on my shoulder. Suddenly, I hear something shift behind me. I had the instinct to turn around and flash out electricity on my finger, not yet zapping the said noise. "Woah━ woah." The man raises his arms up in the air, moving backwards. "Xavier?" I say breathly, whilst my eyes wide open. I slowly lower my hand, the electricity disappearing on my finger tips. We both pause. A minute of taking heavy breaths. Now that we're all alone, under this dim light, he looks good. Genuinely good. His hair not tied up in a man bun was a foreign sight to see. He was the first one to break the silence. "What are you doing here?" Brows furrowed, voice shaky. I blink profusely, thinking of an answer. Usually I'm great with lying, even at the most unbelievable situations. But right now, I can't just discard him away or say that I was exploring the school. Fuck.
My mouth opens, then it closes again. "Exploring. I couldn't sleep." I say. I try to ignore his eyes. Clearly doubting my excuse. "How did you get in? Not many people can." He asks. I subtly smile "Do you think of me as stupid?" I muse, tilting my head. He stiffens in his position "No━I just━ Forget it, I'm sorry." He rubs the back of his neck. "No worries," I blankly say, hiding my laugh. My eyes look around the room, seeing the painting that hides the treasure Wednesday desires. I make my way to it, not caring that he was still behind me. "What are you looking for?" He follows behind me. "This is none of your business." I hold the side of the painting, opening it like a door. "What the hell.." He says in awe. I hadn't even realize it, but Thing was now nowhere in my sight. "Thing?" I call out for him. "Wait, what? What are really here for, Y/n?" His voice now serious. I inhale deeply in exasperation. Turning around, I fuse electricity on my finger, pointing it at him. "Dare to speak a word of this and I will electrocute you in your bath." I threatened, slowly walk towards him. He looks at the blue fuzzing thing on my finger. "Okay, I won't. What can I do to help?" I sigh in annoyance once again, and I think he got the idea, but still stayed. "I prefer to commit theif crime alone." Thing signed, agreeing with me. "Would you rather me tell on Weems?" It's his turn to threaten me now. Though it didn't do much. "She'll lose one of the most rarest outcast, then." I smugly reply. "Trust me no one here needs you," I could hear his smile through those words. I ignore him, and proceeded to do what I was told to do. "Thing, open the safe please." I ordered Thing, and like that he obliged. "Hey, I don't think we're supposed to open that safe." Xavier peers, concerned of some sort. "Then leave." I bent down to the size of the painting or rather, safe. It opened swiftly, revealing the book I needed. I softly gasp, grabbing the book. Flipping through the pages. The pages contain different kinds of beasts. The man behind me slowly made his way next to me, interested in my discovery. My eyes widen as I saw the beast my cousin has been obsessed with. "That's the thing I keep on dreaming about," His voice low. My brows knit together, turning my head to his face level. "You've seen this before?" I ask in curiosity. He nods, "Yeah. I've been drawing them too, it's been on my mind for so long. It's fucking me up." He covers his mouth, faltering his eyes at mine. There was a pause, but then I turned around to look back at the book. I sharply close it, emitting a sound. I grab my bag, putting the book inside. "Thank you, Thing." I looked at the moving hand. Thing crawls back on my shoulder, making himself comfy. "Y'know, you might get caught, right?" Xavier puts his hands inside his jean pockets. "Yes, and the idea excites me." I reply coldly. Xavier snickers at this. "Let's go before anyone notices we're gone." I said. He nods, letting me walk up the stairs first, his tall figure following me behind. We made it out the underground place, and I immediately turn to a different path, but I was abruptly stopped by a hand holding tightly on my wrist. I look at his hand and up at him. "What?" I ask. "Do you have a phone, or are you just like your cousin?" He chuckles lowly. I straighten my position, raising my eyebrows. 'I prefer to be old schooled." I replied. "Letters?" He breathed. Well he catch on quick. "Yes. Why?" pure confusion runs my head. "Expect letters under your door." He drops my hand, now pointing at me. "I'll be ready with a lighter to burn them." I muse once again. "Is that a yes?" He pushed further on. This boy is ridiculous. I nod slowly, I could see and hear his smile through the darkness. "Goodnight Y/n."
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forgottencartoons · 2 years
Finished the new Wednesday series and I figured out what the Tim Burton version of the Addams Family is missing for me and it’s the mania. There’s no manic edge to any of the jokes. There’s hardly any snap (pun intended) in the dialogue. Gomez is sedated, the guy who played the younger version of him was serving more Gomez energy in five minutes onscreen. There’s a moment where CJZ calls him “mon cheri” and there is ZERO reaction, not even an aborted attempt at a “Tish! That’s FRENCH!” gag, which I was definitely waiting for. Pugsley isn’t hyperactive at all. He says he misses being waterboarded but he doesn’t beg Wednesday to torture him or really do much at all the few minutes the kid is onscreen. His one gag is basically just a fat-kids-will-eat-anything joke where he chows on some potpourri. Nothing in the therapy scene to suggest how VERY in over her head Kinbott is. Nobody else is ever really set on edge or feeling jumpy because they have no idea what any Addams will do next. 
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baldguy-fight · 2 years
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lorelaiblair · 6 months
fester and ophelia frump hate each other. nobody knows why, morticia has tried and tried, and after she and gomez married he tried too.
when wednesday was little, she followed them around for weeks before realizing that.. she really didn’t care. (it drove her crazy that she couldn’t figure it out)
enid met fester the week she moved into the addams residence.
she met ophelia a few months later.
she figured it out within ten minutes. ever the gossip, ever the kind and caring person, ophelia just outright told her!!
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lntheconservatory · 6 months
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Here's an interesting fact for you: Carolyn Jones, who played Morticia Addams in the popular TV series "The Addams Family," wore a ring on set that only cost 6 dollars. According to her husband, Peter Bailey Britton, one of Carolyn's close friends was interested in the ring, thinking it was made of diamonds. Despite its low cost, the ring was a unique piece of jewelry that added to Carolyn's distinctive style as the beloved matriarch of the Addams family.
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nkp1981 · 9 months
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Charles Addams Christmas illustration.
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