somedaytakethetime · 11 months
Other girlies: the highest of high def. content, tons of it all the time
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misteria247 · 2 years
I feel like I'm being called out here... Of course I was never one of those people that like to bash the show or make those accusations. But still, I feel like I'm being called out and I don't like it. 😤 (jk)
The 2012 TMNT was my favourite iteration of the franchise growing up and is still my favourite to this day~ ^_^
(Okay fine- It was actually the first series I ever watched that introduced me to the franchise as a whole before I discovered all of the others before it (and the fact that they're all based on a comic book series) when I finally first had access to the internet when I was young.)
That being said though, I will have to admit, it does make me feel sad and a bit uncomfortable when I think back on how mean (and a bit unfair) the other 3 often were to Mikey, more specifically in the early seasons (1 & maybe 2 I can't remember well). But.. Idk. 🤷🏿‍♀️ Maybe it is because I'm an only child like OP said, so maybe I'm just not used to the bickering/rough and tumble "tough love" relationships most siblings seem to have.
I just have no choice but to take people's word for it when they say "it's just what siblings do", 'cuz I don't think I would ever truly understand what it's like.
(It honestly makes me glad that I never have to deal with it myself, no offense. 😅)
I don't know why I decided to ramble on about that, I'm sorry. 🙇‍♀️
First off please don't apologize for the ramble I love hearing people's thoughts on things! Second off I will admit that seeing sibling dynamics such as the boys no matter the variation (which they all have moments like this in the other variants of the franchise) when you don't have siblings yourself or experienced it can be a bit jarring to witness. And I can agree that the older boys had their moments where they were rather mean towards Mikey but also there are moments where Mikey can be rather mean towards them as well. It's a dynamic that while it appears to be mean and full of nothing but hitting it's actually much more than that.
Whenever the boys do their jabs or rough house with one another if you watch you can see that the boys never really take it too far with one another. Raph rough housing with Mikey is a pretty normal thing between siblings (my own little sister who's the middle child like Raph used to rough house with my little brother who's the youngest out of the three of us constantly). It's pretty common amongst middle siblings and the youngest siblings of a family. And the only reason why Raph rough houses with Mikey so much is because he knows that Mikey can handle it. Plus a lot of the instances occur when Mikey in typical baby sibling behavior presses Raph's buttons till he snaps. And it's the same way with the other two boys when it comes to this type of thing. Donnie's more quick to snap at Mikey because he and his little brother are the closest age wise. And with such a close age gap between them they're guaranteed to get rough and snippy with one another.
It's the same with Leo and Raph who argue and bicker constantly with one another, because they're closer in the age range and are the two oldest children of the boys. It's also one of the reasons why it takes a lot more for Leo to get snippy with Donnie and Mikey and rough house with them because of that age gap.
But I can promise you my friend that even though they have their moments of being mean to one another they care very deeply for each other and if they do overstep a boundary and hurt one of their brothers they're very quick to try and make amends with one another and fix the issue. It's rather difficult to explain a siblings bond because it's just so complicated in a way.
Like me for example I'm the oldest of three children, and there was moments in my childhood where me and my siblings would bicker and rough house like it was nobody's business lol. But as we got older we grew out of it and got along better with one another. Plus the boys are teenagers and like many teenage boys they're gonna be rough and somewhat rude at times because that's just how boys are lol.
But I completely understand why it's a bit unsettling to see them argue and get rough with one another and why it'd somewhat sadden you and others to see. Also you should totally check out the other variations of the Tmnt franchise because they're also hella good and you'd have a fun time watching them!!!!!
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madwomansapologist · 7 months
My forever in this twilight request is so good! Thank you for letting me know that you didn't include Dammon because you didn't have enough information about him! It's good to know 👍 I really agree about your life philosophy which is "it's our duty as human beings to care for others"! Especially when not only we deserve kindness (unless given a reason not to 😤), our lives would actually be easier if we're even a bit kinder to each other! Your Tav is a menace and I love it! Your Tav is just wonderful! I love it especially how unfair their lives are after the fall of Elturel 🥺, it's even worse when they're just civilians not some threat that must be taken care of 😫, just how much the discrimination has taken a toll on them, how ironic that they're the only one they have met that genuinely sees all living beings as another part of nature despite not being the only Druid they have met 😞, how kindness should be the norm not a surprise 😩, how they have a lot expectations of the world but reality is disappointing in general 😒, how exhausting it is to keep surviving that even Zevlor has limits, how much weights Zevlor had to carry even before Elturel fell, just how they helped others & bring hope to others 🥹, even how they talked of success as if failure isn't a possibility, how he sees them everywhere, he even thought of what would they do in this position when they left, he's not sure if people are always talking about them or he only pays attention when they're mentioned, he thought about his last good moment that involves them 🥹, his thoughts about Volo are accurately hilarious 🤣, they still drank the bad wine even though Astarion had warned them about it XD, they said it's much better although it hurts a lot, how shocked he is while they just shrugged saying they were curious, Zevlor couldn't help but just laugh, the fact he could laugh while temporarily forgetting about his troubles is because of them & they're a beacon in the darkness to him 🥹, they remind Rolan of what he could have been & his regrets, & his mistakes 🥺, they have a lot of good qualities he "hates" & feels jealous of, he does admit to himself that he can't hate them for real, he's aware it's not his fault but he wanted someone to direct his anger to, just how much he can't stand the idea of losing his siblings 😭, he noticed that they're there but he ignored them, he thought they would leave to find someone who would give them attention but they didn't, they literally just drank as they sat next to him before going to camp for a few days, he's the one who broke the silence, he asked why which they looked at him but didn't answer 🤐, he tried again then they answered like me, he couldn't think of anything else except why which their answer especially the last line is something I can relate to a lot 🥲, he took a drink that looked like it could kill someone from drunkeness into their empty glass 🫗, his answer though and his thought of finding someone else to hate 🤣 Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :)
the reason why it took me so long to answer this was because i kept going back into my asks just to read it again and again and again. that made me so fucking happy. i don't think you can even imagine how excited i was for the rest of the day (because i was online the moment you send it).
i will probably do another one with dammon and alfira, just so all my favorite tieflings will have a chapter on their own hihihi
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softtdaisy · 1 year
Obviously I'm back to comment the race (I needed to sleep it off a bit because waking up so early on a Sunday should be illegal🫠)
I don't even have the words to comment Charles' race (can you call it a race when you are out in the first lap?) and I was so mad when George had to stop because come on FIRE, are you serious?? 😤
But I have to admit that I can't even be completely sad about these things because LEWIS P2 OMG!!! I almost can't believe that I saw him on the podium, with the way the season started I thought it was never going to happen 🥹
And I'm absolutely not going to say anything about the shitshow that went down in the last 15 minutes of the race, I couldn't believe what I was seeing -🇮🇹
Hello sweetie!! (I know, I’m so tired it’s illegal to make race this early)
For real. I’m still mad that I woke up at 7 am just for Charles to dnf 5 minutes later. Not even one lap. That’s unfair. 😩 And George??? Oh boy we didn’t need that!
Lewis was definitely the reason I keep watching the race 🥹 I’m so happy to see him at the front like that, fighting for the win and on the podium at the end!! I really thought it would be more difficult for Mercedes this year and turns out it’s not that bad 🥹 (it is for Ferrari though ugh.)
But globally yeah…this GP was a mess. Losing the two alpine at the end broke my heart. And oh boy restarting the race for one lap under the safety car is so stupid. Now we have a month to get over this race!
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
Honestly the only way I'll accept the "Shannon is a victim of lazy writing" cop out to her behavior is: she is a 'victim' (loosely used) in that they gave her the sympathetic out by way of death to soften her actions, instead of forcing her to face her son and explain to him she was leaving of her own volition yet again after basically emotionally threatening Eddie into letting her fully back in, fake pregnancy included. They killed her after giving her a reasonable send off by way of divorce because "oh wait, people will think that's a bitch move, LET'S KILL HER INSTEAD, because then we can focus on Eddie's sorrow of it instead". That's the lazy writing. Her ableism and abandonment was a full circle arc. Sure, MAYBE, she had PPD to start and Eddie's overbearing, ableist family didn't help the matter at all, but you. Dont. Leave. Your. Child. You don't beg to come back when you weren't the one to reach out. For as much as I hate that type of person,I do have to admit how nuanced they wrote her regarding it, because yes, we know she's a shitty mom, but damn she worked the scenarios to her liking well.
THIS IS EXACTLY IT. Steps to making Shannon sympathetic/likeable even though she should have never been a mother, much less a mother to a disabled boy: 1. Be sure she's conventionally attractive so at least *some* fans will enjoy her presence for shallow reasons (that hair! those clothes! ugh! so pretty!) 2. Have Eddie correct everyone who criticizes her for running out on Christopher by reminding them "I ran out first". 3. Bring her back when it's beneficial to Christopher. He needs his mother to help him get into a good school? Here she is! Doing right by her kid! 4. She wants to see her son again! Her son misses his mom! What's the hold up? God, Eddie! Give her a chance! 5. Make Shannon be the one to acknowledge that she and Eddie have failed at having a real conversation about their future, rather than the reverse (she's realizing her mistake! she's trying to do things differently!) 6. Give the viewers a couple *cute* moments between mom and son to coo over. 7. Eddie must forgive her for leaving and be willing to start over. If HE is able to move past it, then she can't be THAT bad, right? She obviously has redeeming qualities... 8. Decide to make her get hit by a car and d*e. Instant waterworks! That poor woman didn't deserve such a horrible fate! Christopher's lost his mother for REAL! She can never make up for the time they lost! :'( And if THAT wasn't enough, they bring Shannon back for flashbacks of Christopher's younger years. Except, because the episode was titled "Eddie Begins", it focused on his failings as a parent, not hers. She was left all alone to care for her disabled son! Eddie reenlisted without telling her! She needed a partner, not a provider! She was willing to go back to work part-time! Maybe things could have worked out between them if they communicated better 😞 But we'll never know now because stupid Tim killed her off! 😤 It's so unfair! You know what's unfair? Real disabled children being raised by neglectful/abusive parents or straight up abandoned because it's too much work. Never mind the ones who are literally k*lled because their "problems" are too much to handle. 911 gave fandom a glimpse into a world they didn't know existed, based on the pushback I get. Good. You clearly needed it. :)
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heyimboredtalktome · 4 years
Need any solangelo headcanons?
Nico can't drive, like no, he drives very chaotically and it's dangerous for other people so Will is the one to drive
Nico has sweet tooth and Will is like "VEGETABLES"
Will pouts and melts at the same time whenever Nico's singing or playing piano because a) he's so good that's unfair and b) he's in love with the best boy on earth
Nico is melting whenever when Will plays basketball
Will makes shitty poems to Nico and one time he sang a serenade under the window, playing lute. Considering Will can't sing at all it sounded horrible but Nico liked it anyways
Nico just likes watching Will do his work. If you're in the infirmary, don't mind Nico di Angelo sitting on the table or a windowsill, watching Will healing someone
Even though Will knows Hades doesn't really like him, he keeps inviting Lord of the Underworld to family dinners to show that he's a good pair for his son
They have black cat named Mika uwu
Okay so this reminds me why I love you so much because I have thought of all of these at some point in my life:
So the driving thing. Gays can't drive. Like it's a fact. The saying for gays is spare the wheel, spare a bone or two. Nico did try to drive Argus's van with Will in shotgun and oh lord the way Will was screaming, he might as well been trying to sing soprano or something.
Nico has stashes of sweets and candies hidden all over his Cabin like some he buys and some he gets from Reyna and when Will's busy or something well say hello to hyperactive Nico because oh god that tiny boi is out to destroy you. Also about the vegetables, well Nico hates all vegetables (what the fuck do you mean green jellybeans don't count as a vegetable? Have you seen how ugly that ugly that shade of green is???)
Also about Nico playing the piano holy fuck I've thought too much about this, literally every piano piece I listen to I'm like "womp, time to imagine Nico playing it"
Will playing basketball with those tall limbs of his and Nico's like s t a r i n g and someone's like hey Nico and Nico's like " shhh shut UP I'm doing something extremely important don't you see????
I was thinking of this one earlier like when Nico's bored he always goes to the infirmary and he's like I'm bored will I'm b o r e d and Will's like good! Cut the bandages for me and the next thing you know Nico is cutting bandages like his life depended on it, so s e r i o u s. When he's not doing anything he's just staring at his boyfriend because-
Yes and Nico cooks even tho Will's like I wanna cook too 😤and Nico's like I don't want to kill my dad and Will's like I don't cook that bad🥺 and Nico's like yes William you do cook badly enough to even kill an immortal now gimme the salt.
There's this stray black cat around here too and I've knighted him *patriotic music* Sir Nico
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staysuki · 3 years
I just read chapter 36, the conflict is already written out for us here. (My Take at least)
Poor somi, she’s so misunderstood. She has been accused of being insensitive of others and an arrogant persona. She is neither, merely a bothering presence who is pricking at the nerves of those around her. I see it now, this ‘villain’ so to speak is someone who doesn’t even know they are the ‘bad guy’. She like Yeji, is unaware of the consequences that come from trying there very best. She so honest and righteous that it rubs people up the wrong way. The problem isn’t just Somi but also those who chastise her. There is an understanding that’s not coming across to characters such as Ryujin and Yuna. A middle ground that Somi and everyone else is struggling to meet, to be wary of one another. No ones the bad guy here, this is one of the most realistic confrontations that can come up irl.
I’ve had an experience like this, early high school when I won nearly all the academics awards for all my subjects. Other student began to turn on me because they saw me as a unjustified rival, I threatened their position by doing what was right for me. Even if I never did anything to them personally, I unintentionally made others loose an opportunity. Parents came to the school to accuse the teachers of being unfair to their children and I became a problem for just trying my best. I was the bad guy that I never intended to be.
People are always going to try and find something to make you the villain if the threat is real for them. Somi isn’t a villain, she’s just trying her hardest to do what’s right and others see her as a brick wall. We are lacking balance.
Ps I’m feeling so much better now 🥰 that’s super cute that you were counting down the days, I’m a special gal. I also really missed you and your beautiful writing 💕
~ Lovegame anon
welcome back sober lg eonnie, i thoroughly enjoyed the half-drunk thoughts as well ♥️
EXACTLY 😤 somi is no meanie (i mean, kinda). she lives life the way she knows how to live it— dilligent and headstrong, she simply has no stops nor filters with the way she talks or deals with things. ryujin (or yuna) isn't fully in the right either but none of them are bad people. you're correct that they simply can't reach a proper compromise because a) chan is currently not in the proper headspace to be reliable and b) changbin, who steps up to the plate in a logical way, is being waved off by somi because of the "hierarchy". nonetheless, all of them just needs to calm down and listen to each other—hence chan's meeting.
i also had the exact same experience in high school and it led me to being alienated hence when i stepped foot into college, i adapted a more laidback persona and didn't join a single extra curricular activity lmao. though somi is by no means inspired by that moment in my life cuz ngl, i forgot about that thoroughly traumatic experience until you reminded me of it JSHSJSHS. hopefully you're out of that situation now, we shouldn't feel bad just because we're doing well ♥️✨
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sketchguk · 2 years
Goodeveing! I met my crush and talked to him for a while! 😭 I tried everything you and your friend told me to thanks guys for Saving my ass 😭 We sat down and talked and he asked about my job so I thought I can ask about his too and he was so excited to talk about it! He was saying he wants to climb ranks quickly but it's not so easy and all. Then I told him that I watch those videos you linked me 😭😭😭 I told I have a friend who's interested in aviation so she sends me stuff sometimes sadshhhsssa and I showed him the pilot atc vids and he was sooooo happy 😭 he was saying everyone does that atleast once and when they do it all other pilots will start making fun of them hdssssss he doesn't make announcements but he hears about a lot of this happening! Then i asked him about the Boeing and Airbus thing and YO. THIS MAN. LOST IT . his eyes just went so wide and he was like OHMYGOD LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT IT 😭 and he spoke for 20 minutes straight 😭 he said he likes boeing because it has autopilot but a lot of controls the pilots do on the own! So it's like FYLING MY AIRPLANE and in Airbus a lot is automatic! He was saying some pilots think it's very macho and great to fly a boeing because you're doing most of the work 😭 he showed me a video of a controller saying "I thought you guys fly a Airbus for a second" and then the pilots say "Nah we fly real planes" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 he wants to do training in Boeing! What plane does your friend's bf fly? If he flies boeing he's macho otherwise he's not 😂😂 kidding! all pilots are cooool ahahaaa. You don't need to know all that I was just rambling omgg hhdada then I waited for h to ask me if i need something and My sister with her friends were going to get icecream so they were asking us what flavour we want, and he asked me Do you want vanilla? And do you want me to any toppings? And I said no but your number maybe 😭 the way I said it didn't make sense but I was just waiting for an opportunity 😭 and he went like 😳 . wow I didn't see that coming. And then he gave me the number 😭😭😭😭😭 I can't believe sending you asks saved my life 😂 thank you guys so much !!!!! I messed up with the number thing it was not as smooth as your friend but I did what I could and it surprised him ! He also said thanks for talking to him about planes and stuff hhdadas he said he feels soft that I talk about his passion AAAAH HHDADASSA I hope he texts me soooooo I want to talk to him soon 😔 thanks guys againnnnn - 🍰
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It's the way that we could co write a research paper about boeing vs. airbus at this point lolll. I'm glad that the conversation topics helped you out !!!! "A friend who's interested in aviation" - that's me that's me that's me !!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ (although, the only thing I'm really interested in is getting u a hawt pilot bee eff)
And I hope that you got to talk about yourself plenty too <333 Did you get to share anything exciting???
My friend is invested in this relationship now 🥰 or at least I will subject her to listening because this is fun loll. And she said her bf flies a boeing 777 and 787, whatever that means 😭 my air force father must be so disappointed in me, but it is what it is, ya know??
You did the number thing !!!!! I think it worked out pretty well the way he asked questions LOL. I LOVE ice cream !! Did you get vanilla??? I personally believe chocolate is superior but every opinion is valid <3
That's so funny how we secured you his numberr. Imagine one day, you have to tell him the story of how Tumblr user sketchguk and anonymous friends gave you the advice to be a smooth bombshell 😎👍
You won't text him first?!!! I hope he does though (soon). But if not, I think you should send something <33 I don't know if he will hold the expectation that you'll send a text first because you asked for his cell (unfair if you ask me because we did the hard work of securing that number 😤) .
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taeyungie · 3 years
oooooh em 😭 to be honest, i didn't think you'd answer it, but you ended up doing it so carefully slskslsn that was amazing!!! ❤ it's funny how you say you don't like describing yourself, but you're so detailed at the same time: pear shaped body and almond eyes??? i've never seen these expressions before, maybe they're really common and i'm just a fool though. i stopped picturing you since you said you're blonde, my mind was "error 404 not found" and it's easy to get used to taehyung's profile pic, so most of the times i saw it and "oh! It's em", but now i can picture you more assertively!!!! and there isn't a single thing that "doesn't sound pretty" in what you said, it was all very honest and unique <3 :) btw HEART SHAPED LIPS??? just like hobi 😭😭 and the greenish eyes... 🥺 em i pictured you with brown eyes, but that's even more special... "the green eyes, yeah, the spotlight shines upon you..." i don't know how it's in your country, but i don't know anybody with green eyes in real life 🥺 so once again you proved yourself to be a rare person with rare traits for me ♡!!! and a style smilar to jk's???? SO COOL!!!!!! about your nose, i think that once we see how much a nose contributes to our personality we can never unsee it, so i hope you know that <3 if you're 1,64 (once you said you're 1,65 - em's shrinking slnsknsl), then you're 0,5 centimeter taller than me. basically the same height? that's cool 😌 it's unfair you say all that and i say nothing about me right... so here i go~~
i have a shoulder length dark brown wavy hair and my eyes are dark brown too. they're a bit of dead eyes, so even when i'm smiling they tell how sad i'm in the inside 😭 (lmao?) sometimes i think it's charming, but most of the times it just ruins pictures. they're big and my eyelashes are REALLY big, but they're also really straight, so you can't notice it. and i wear glasses since i was five :( i hate it, probably the thing i hate the most. i just hope some day i can have a surgery and get rid of it once and for all!! my eyebrows are light grey and are very shapeless, but they go well with the rest of my face, i guess. my nose is a little upturned slsnlksn people usually like it and i think i like it too, since i always thought that my profile is much better than my face from front (it's really hard for me to take a picture with a face from front and actually like it). my lips... i don't know how to describe them, you're so much better at it. but they're small and thin (not tooo much thin) and their philtrum is accentued. do you know that basic and easy lip shape that people usually draw? i think that's it. i like my tooth, but i don't like my smile, do you know what i mean 🤣 i have no idea of which my face shape is, really, i wish i could know... and i have freckles on my cheek, they're closer to the sides and furtherst from the nose. there are times i like them and times i hate them, they are constantly mixed with pimple marks and pimples themselves 😤since you cutely mentioned the word pear in your text, i searched and apparently my body shape is an apple (?) SLSKSN basically i'm skinny, but everything i eat goes to my belly :( and i have 0 style, that's something i need to work on
oh 🥺🥺🥺 you're such a sweetheart!!! my heart is melting 🥺 ah, i'm sorry if i'm talking too long or missing asks :(( sksbsjsjks i think it's easy for me to describe things because i'm good at noticing details and using accurate words haha words i used to describe shapes are commonly used here where i live, but i didn't think they might not be used worldwide hahah my bad! 🤭 it's honestly a weird feeling, not too bad but like you said just by seeing profile picture it felt different and now it gets more private..? just knowing how someone might look like. but you're so kind :( that's absolutely the sweetest. also!! by heart shape of my lips i meant just my lip shape when my mouth is closed, not my smile!! hahah i have a very plain smile, maybe a little bit heart shaped, not as much as hobi, that would be so cute though 😭 and about my height KSBXJDJS honestly i have no idea because it's been years since i measured myslef 🥺 but i know it's something around that hahah but i like the info about being around the same height too 😌😌😌💖
now, gosh, yorr description of yourself is absolutely adorable 🥺❤️ starting from your face and hair, i can absolutely imagine how beautiful you are 🥺 i definitely think your eyes are charming, don't mind the pictures!! sometimes it can't capture your real beauty, and i think i exactly know what kind of eyes you're talking about, they're absolutely beautiful 🥺 and to add to it dark eyes and long eyelashes? gorgeous 🥺 i'm sure your glasses suit you, glasses are beautiful, but i hope you'll be able make your wish come true one day 🥺🥺 little upturned nose! gosh, what a sweet thing 🥺 well defined philtrum is gorgeous and i'm absolutely jealous of it! I'm sure your smile is beautiful, every smile is beautiful and yours deserve all the love too 🥺❤️ and freckles! how beautiful are you, really 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you so much for sharing this part of yourself with me!! 💖💖💖
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