#US Department of Transportation
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West Coast Midnight Run has produced three editorial and review segments following the devastating explosion of the chocolate factory in the borough of West Reading, Pennsylvania. The final segment explores issues tied to nationbal public safety, recalcitrance from borough officials and the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) from offering the most basic information on the R.M Palmer facility under the rationalization it would somehow compromise their investigation (which is ongoing since March 2023).
The review segment further examines evidence that knowledge of same gas piping system is already in the public domain and questions have surfaced about its safety since the turn of the Millennium with very explicit warnings as of 2011 involving criminal convictions for PG&E (California leading utility with national influence) sometimes in 2017 and 2019.
West Coast Midnight Run™ invites the public and internet surfers to read our review and editorial and take action, because the fuse is still active and it is connected to piles and piles of "dynamite" - Public safety nationwide is STILL AT RISK!
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nexttravelstream · 2 years
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After the Biden administration issued a final rule last week that would require airlines to automatically issue refunds to passengers whose flights are delayed or canceled, four lawmakers bankrolled by the airline industry introduced must-pass legislation that could undermine the effort.
As The Lever reported, the lawmakers — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.), and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) — introduced a new Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization deal that would require passengers to send a “written or electronic request” in order to receive a full refund for a canceled or significantly delayed flight.
The publication notes that, under this provision, “airlines would only have to pay refunds to the subset of passengers who have the disposable time and patience to go through a notoriously arduous refund process.” The FAA’s current authorization expires May 10.
The legislation comes after Cruz attempted to pass a measure that would give lawmakers their own security escorts at airports. Despite hailing from a bright red state, Cruz is once again facing a surprisingly competitive reelection campaign. Given that the two-term Texas junior senator begged for donations on Fox News earlier this month while complaining that “Democrats are coming after me,” it’s no surprise that he might attempt to placate donors where he can.
The provision in the FAA reauthorization would chip away at the Biden administration’s promise to streamline the refund process for airline customers — which has become a bigger issue as airlines have routinely sold tickets on flights they do not have the capacity to operate. “There are a number of airlines who cannot fly their schedules,” United Airlines CEO Scott Kirby said last year. “The customers are paying the price. They’re canceling a lot of flights. But they simply can’t fly the schedules today.”
In an announcement last week, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg declared that passengers “deserve to get their money back when an airline owes them — without headaches or haggling,” adding that their rule “sets a new standard to require airlines to promptly provide cash refunds to their passengers.”
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) criticized the measure on Monday, writing on X that the “latest deal in Congress could mean that travelers are still bearing the burden of airlines’ mishaps,” and that this “would be a gift to the airlines, who know many travelers won’t have the time or resources to navigate the bureaucratic process they designed.” Warren added, “Congress should protect travelers’ rights, not pad airline executives’ pockets.”
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thoughtportal · 2 years
East Palestine
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onlytiktoks · 6 months
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jaybee2000 · 5 months
I just wanted to share this video interview between Hank Green and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Not only is it super interesting and discusses trains (yay trains!!! huge fan of those) but it also is just a peek into what you are voting for this November.
Do you really think whatever guy Trump picks will be as informed and impassioned about making your lives better through infrastructure? Do you think they’ll care about putting electric car chargers into multi family homes or ensuring passenger rail gets preference on freight lines?
When you vote for Biden, you are not just voting for a president you are voting for the people around him who will work for you and for your benefit as opposed to people who will be working to dismantle government or enrich themselves and their cronies.
I’m going to vote for a better rail system. And Medicare for all. And affordable housing. And renewable energy. And common sense gun laws. Etc. etc. etc. All that before I vote for Biden as a person.
Because both parties are not the same and this interview shows you a glimpse into that.
Bureaucracy isn’t glamorous but it’s so so necessary and I believe that Biden actually appointed public servants to do this kind of work. This is what you’re voting for.
Just something to think about.
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plethoraworldatlas · 11 months
The Republican-controlled House of Representatives moved to cut Transport Secretary Pete Buttigieg's salary to just $1 per year.
An amendment introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia passed by voice vote on Tuesday afternoon — meaning no lawmaker objected to its inclusion in a broader government spending bill dealing with Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The underlying bill faces an uncertain future; the House was set to vote on final passage on Tuesday evening, but a vote was pulled at the last minute over concerns from New York Republicans over the bill's cuts to Amtrak. Instead, the House voted on the censure of Rep. Rashida Tlaib.
Even if the bill passes, it will almost certainly be blocked by the Democratic-controlled Senate, which is working on its own transportation funding bill.
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tasmiya1980 · 1 year
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weyrleaders · 2 years
im so fucking mad rn turns out the road they closed for a month isnt going to connect to the highway anymore so my 15-20 minute drive to work is going to be 20-30 forever
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head-post · 3 months
US fines Emirates $1.5m for flights in prohibited airspace
The US Department of Transportation (USDOT) fined Emirates $1.5 million for operating flights codenamed JetBlue Airways in prohibited airspace, according to Reuters.
The department reported on Thursday that between December 2021 and August 2022, Emirates operated a significant number of flights under the JetBlue Airways code between the United Arab Emirates and the United States in airspace prohibited by the Federal Aviation Administration for US operators.
The conduct also violated a consent order issued in October 2020. The order requires the company to pay $200,000 under the 2020 agreement and another $200,000 if it violates the order within a year.
An Emirates spokesperson reported in a statement that the airline intended to operate flights at or above the restricted level. However, during the flight, air traffic control did not authorise the ascent or instruct the flights to fly below that level.
Our pilots duly followed ATC (air traffic control) instructions, a decision which is fully aligned with international aviation regulations for safety reasons.
JetBlue, whose code-sharing with Emirates ended in 2022, declined to comment. The agency said the flights in question crossed the Baghdad Flight Information Region, where the Federal Aviation Administration had banned all US air carriers, all US commercial operators and codeshare operators from flying without special permission. Emirates could face another $300,000 fine if it violates the rules again within a year.
The company’s spokesman stated that the airline no longer operated flights with US carrier codes over Iraqi airspace. It also told USDOT that it prioritised the safety of passengers, employees, and other airspace users.
Read more HERE
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ttpd-chair · 4 months
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smoov-criminal · 4 months
the US Department of Transportation is now accepting comments on new rules for US airlines regarding disabled passengers!
"The proposed rule would require that airlines meet rigorous standards for accommodating passengers with disabilities safely and with dignity. The proposal will set new standards for prompt, safe, and dignified assistance, mandate enhanced training for airline employees and contractors who physically assist passengers with disabilities and handle passengers’ wheelchairs and specify actions that airlines must take to protect passengers when a wheelchair is damaged during transport. Notably, the proposed rule also would make it easier for DOT to hold airlines accountable when they damage or delay the return of a wheelchair by making it an automatic violation of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) to mishandle wheelchairs."
you can read the complete proposal here, and leave a comment here! the comments will be open for 25 days as of today, May 18th. if you're American, even if you aren't disabled, please leave a comment, and if not please share this around!
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Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is a favorite target of the right. Conservatives appear to have difficulty handling the most senior gay official in the U.S. government with a husband, Chasten, and children. The Buttigieg kids, Penelope and Gus, have been in the world for over two years, and Republican voters remain obsessed with their parents.
Throughout it all, Buttigieg faced political attacks from those on the right who otherwise praised “strong family values.”
It is, therefore, no surprise that Buttigieg is keenly aware of the realities LGBTQ+ people face in 2023 as conservatives attack the community and LGBTQ+ people from American society through targeted legislation intended to limit discussion of sexual orientation, gender identity, and books, as well as eliminate essential health care for transgender people.
“I think it’s gotten worse,” Buttigieg told Time during a recent interview. “I think we’re actually in an exceptionally ugly moment in terms of some figures deciding that there’s utility, political utility, in targeting trans people and LGBTQ people more generally,” before pointing to Republicans who voted against last year’s Respect For Marriage Act, which provides some protections for same-sex and interracial marriages. The bill, which received overwhelming support from Democrats, was opposed by 36 Republican senators and 169 Republican representatives.
“I mean, look how many people voted against marriage equality—which should have been an easy one—just as recently as a few months ago. And so I think it’s a reminder that none of what’s been gained is really locked in.”
Gallup reports that more than 71% of Americans favor marriage equality.
In light of the recent ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, Buttigieg warns that a Supreme Court decision also ushered in marriage equality, and the Justices have proved themselves capable of overturning established precedent.
“I don’t think anything is safe. I mean, Roe fell, and that was the law of the land for longer than I’ve been alive. Nothing is safe. Especially right now,” Buttigieg said.
Currently, LGBTQ+ rights in this country face a terrifying reality. Far-right provocateurs and lawmakers have moved on to identity politics after the court's decision.
These policies do not help Republicans win over middle-class voters, despite the praise of hard-right lawmakers. While Buttigieg acknowledges the privileges he enjoys, he believes this approach will fail.
“The situation of an upper-middle-class, married white gay dude is not the same as a trans kid in Texas or any number of LGBTQ people of color trying to survive right now,” he said. “They see political value in this. I see not only distraction but a very real harm that’s being done. And that’s gonna persist until they figure out that it is not rewarding politically for them.”
One of the GOP candidates for president in 2024 has gone all in on hatred of LGBTQ+ people. As Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis has unapologetically targeted queer people in his state, and it appears that that disdain extends to his professional interactions with Buttigieg.
One example is a proposed rail line connecting Miami to Tampa via a station near Disney World near Orlando. Federal infrastructure dollars could be a big boon to the state. As a result of its dispute with DeSantis, the company canceled an expansion of $1 billion and the construction of a station at Disney Springs.
According to Time, the train will instead head to the Orange County Convention Center in central Florida, but the longer it lingers, the less likely a Washington cash infusion will be.
Despite his best efforts, Buttigieg said he has yet to speak with DeSantis about transportation issues. Buttigieg noted that he has called DeSantis but has yet to talk to him.
“I’ve never heard from this Governor, and it’s not because I’ve never called him. We’ve never spoken. What I will say is we’ve done a lot of good work with the Florida Department of Transportation,” Buttigieg said. “We try to work around and through all that to just get stuff done. A huge amount of energy and effort is being wasted in these dumb fights. And that’s really unfortunate. It’s policy waste in order to achieve political benefit or perceived political benefit.”
Buttigieg added, “He’s more worried about Bud Light or Disney or whatever.”
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heritageposts · 5 months
From the Freedom Flotilla, April 27 2024:
On Thursday afternoon, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition was contacted by the Guinea Bissau International Ships Registry (GBISR), requesting an inspection of our lead ship – Akdenez. This was a highly unusual request as our ship had already passed all required inspections; nevertheless, we agreed. The inspector arrived on Thursday evening. On Friday afternoon, before the inspection was completed, the GBISR, in a blatantly political move, informed the Freedom Flotilla Coalition that it had withdrawn the Guinea Bissau flag from two of the Freedom Flotilla’s ships, one of which is our cargo ship, already loaded with over 5000 tons of life-saving aid for the Palestinians of Gaza. In its communication informing us of this cancelation, the GBISR made specific reference to our planned mission to Gaza. It also made several extraordinary requests for information, including confirmation of the ships’ destination, any potential additional port calls, and the discharge port for humanitarian aid and estimated arrival dates and times. It further demanded a formal letter explicitly approving the transportation of humanitarian aid and a complete manifest of the cargo. Again, this is a highly unusual move from a flagging authority. Normally, national flagging authorities concern themselves only with safety and related standards on vessels bearing their flag, and are not concerned with the destination, route, cargo manifests or the nature of a specific voyage. Just like when you register your car, the authorities don’t require you to detail to them every place you are going to go with the car. Sadly, Guinea-Bissau has allowed itself to become complicit in Israel’s deliberate starvation, illegal siege and genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Israel is showing the world the extent to which it will go to deny Palestinians the aid they need to stay alive, in direct contravention of International Humanitarian Law, UN Security Council resolutions, and two orders of the International Court of Justice. [...] without a flag, we cannot sail. But, this is not the end. Israel cannot and will not crush our resolve to break its illegal siege and reach the people of Gaza. The people of Gaza and all of Palestine remain steadfast under the most horrific, unimaginable conditions. We take strength from their incredible, inexplicable ability to maintain their humanity, dignity and hope when the world has given them no reason to do so. It is our responsibility to keep that hope alive. WE WILL SAIL.
The Freedom Flotilla, which was set to depart from Turkey on the 27th of April with 5000 tons of life-saving aid, has now been delayed because Israel and the United States has pressured Guinea Bissau to withdraw its flag from the Flotilla's lead ship.
Seeing as how their tactics worked on Guinea Bissau, organizers now fear that Israel and the US will exert the same pressure on whichever country the Freedom Flotilla attempt to register their ship under next.
To help the Freedom Flotilla reach Gaza, please keep an eye out for further updates from the organizers. Right now, as of April 27th, they're asking people to help boost their visibility, and to donate to their member campaigns.
For more info, see their webpage.
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rhk111sblog · 11 months
Three Countries (Japan, South Korea and India) will try to replace China’s funding of three Railway Projects in the Philippines worth a total of Usd 5 billion. Meanwhile, the last Project that the United States (US) and their Filipino Doggies managed to kick China out of, the Sangley Point International Airport (SPIA) Project, is yet to make a Groundbreaking and is already at least three Years late
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batboyblog · 3 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #26
July 5-12 2024
The IRS announced it had managed to collect $1 billion in back taxes from high-wealth tax cheats. The program focused on persons with more than $1 million in yearly income who owned more than $250,000 in unpaid taxes. Thanks to money in Biden's 2022 Inflation Reduction Act the IRS is able to undertake more enforcement against rich tax cheats after years of Republicans cutting the agency's budget, which they hope to do again if they win power again.
The Biden administration announced a $244 million dollar investment in the federal government’s registered apprenticeship program. This marks the largest investment in the program's history with grants going out to 52 programs in 32 states. The President is focused on getting well paying blue collar opportunities to people and more people are taking part in the apprenticeship program than ever before. Republican pledge to cut it, even as employers struggle to find qualified workers.
The Department of Transportation announced the largest single project in the department's history, $11 billion dollars in grants for the The Hudson River Tunnel. Part of the $66 billion the Biden Administration has invested in our rail system the tunnel, the most complex Infrastructure project in the nation would link New York and New Jersey by rail under the Hudson. Once finished it's believed it'll impact 20% of the American economy by improving and speeding connection throughout the Northeast.
The Department of Energy announced $1.7 billion to save auto worker's jobs and convert factories to electronic vehicles. The Biden administration will used the money to save or reopen factories in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, and Virginia and retool them to make electric cars. The project will save 15,000 skilled union worker jobs, and created 2,900 new high-quality jobs.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development reached a settlement with The Appraisal Foundation over racial discrimination. TAF is the organization responsible for setting standards and qualifications for real estate appraisers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics last year found that TAF was 94.7% White and 0.6% Black, making it the least racially diverse of the 800 occupations surveyed. Black and Latino home owners are far more likely to have their houses under valued than whites. Under the settlement with HUD TAF will have to take serious steps to increase diversity and remove structural barriers to diversity.
The Department of Justice disrupted an effort by the Russian government to influence public opinion through AI bots. The DoJ shut down nearly 1,000 twitter accounts that were linked to a Russian Bot farm. The bots used AI technology to not only generate tweets but also AI image faces for profile pictures. The effort seemed focused on boosting support for Russia's war against Ukraine and spread negative stories/impressions about Ukraine.
The Department of Transportation announces $1.5 billion to help local authorities buy made in America buses. 80% of the funding will go toward zero or low-emission technology, a part of the President's goal of reaching zero emissions by 2050. This is part of the $5 billion the DOT has spent over the last 3 years replacing aging buses with new cleaner technology.
President Biden with Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau and Finnish President Alexander Stubb signed a new agreement on the arctic. The new trilateral agreement between the 3 NATO partners, known as the ICE Pact, will boost production of ice breaking ships, the 3 plan to build as many as 90 between them in the coming years. The alliance hopes to be a counter weight to China's current dominance in the ice breaker market and help western allies respond to Russia's aggressive push into the arctic waters.
The Department of Transportation announced $1.1 billion for greater rail safety. The program seeks to, where ever possible, eliminate rail crossings, thus removing the dangers and inconvenience to communities divided by rail lines. It will also help update and improve safety measures at rail crossings.
The Department of the Interior announced $120 million to help tribal communities prepare for climate disasters. This funding is part of half a billion dollars the Biden administration has spent to help tribes build climate resilience, which itself is part of a $50 billion dollar effort to build climate resilience across the nation. This funding will help support drought measures, wildland fire mitigation, community-driven relocation, managed retreat, protect-in-place efforts, and ocean and coastal management.
The USDA announced $100 million in additional funds to help feed low income kids over the summer. Known as "SUN Bucks" or "Summer EBT" the new Biden program grants the families of kids who qualify for free meals at school $120 dollars pre-child for groceries. This comes on top of the traditional SUN Meals program which offers school meals to qualifying children over the summer, as well as the new under President Biden SUN Meals To-Go program which is now offering delivery of meals to low-income children in rural areas. This grant is meant to help local governments build up the Infrastructure to support and distribute SUN Bucks. If fully implemented SUN Bucks could help 30 million kids, but many Republican governors have refused the funding.
USAID announced its giving $100 million to the UN World Food Program to deliver urgently needed food assistance in Gaza. This will bring the total humanitarian aid given by the US to the Palestinian people since the war started in October 2023 to $774 million, the single largest donor nation. President Biden at his press conference last night said that Israel and Hamas have agreed in principle to a ceasefire deal that will end the war and release the hostages. US negotiators are working to close the final gaps between the two sides and end the war.
The Senate confirmed Nancy Maldonado to serve as a Judge on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Judge Maldonado is the 202nd federal Judge appointed by President Biden to be confirmed. She will the first Latino judge to ever serve on the 7th Circuit which covers Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin.
Bonus: At the NATO summit in Washington DC President Biden joined 32 allies in the Ukraine compact. Allies from Japan to Iceland confirmed their support for Ukraine and deepening their commitments to building Ukraine's forces and keeping a free and Democratic Ukraine in the face of Russian aggression. World leaders such as British Prime Minster Keir Starmer, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, praised President Biden's experience and leadership during the NATO summit
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