#USS Kraken
lonestarbattleship · 1 year
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USS KRAKEN (SS-370) being launched at Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She was sponsored by Mrs. John Z. Anderson (wife of Congressmen Anderson of California).
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She had a cool name and insignia.
Date: April 30, 1944.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command: NH 72319, NH 65248-KN
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whatgaviiformes · 2 months
Masterpost of Thunderteers (Gavii's Privateers!AU)
I am not sure if I've done this already, but this Universe has certainly evolved, so I figured why not. This AU started in a booth at tex-mex restaurant, with Hubs and I just talking sailing and the pirate trend that should never have gone away in my humble opinion. He knows just enough about Thunderbirds to brainstorm with me - so that conversation became the first three chapters of Voyage.
You can find the AO3 series in full here
I recommend starting with Hold Fast, which is Gordon's accident fic. It's heavy, but poignant. Then either read the three earlier ones for backstory or read forward chronologically for heals. Voyage is still solid since it was the start of the AU, but it is on hold so really it's just a small taste.
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Did I crochet this because of Thunderteers? No, but I do really like boats.
~*~*~*~*~ In Chronological Order [Complete]
Lord Gordon's Reel: Summer, 1768. Virgil finds his best inspiration at sea. A Thunderteers Story. Oneshot Ao3
Fathoms: Virgil wonders what’s below and Gordon tells a story about a kraken. Oneshot  Ao3
Windswept: As far as clouds go, Gordon is among the strangest. Oneshot Ao3
Hold Fast: Autumn, 1775. “The rigging ran through his blood; it was an energy, a lifeforce.” Multi-Chaptered Ao3
Brother's Oath: In "Hold Fast," Scott makes a decision. It did not come to him easily. Oneshot Ao3
Blow Ye Winds, Blow: One Prompt Challenge Submission - A scene after "Hold Fast" Oneshot Ao3
Oak and Ivory: It’s a Thursday in the summer of 1776, and the USS Thunderbird is docked in port in New England. For Virgil, it brings him the gift of inspiration, starting with a rare morning off and a warbler… Oneshot Ao3
In Progress/On Hold
Voyage of the USS Thunderbird: The Thunderbird is a merchant ship. Truly, she is. So why are Captain Scott C. Tracy and his crew trying to avoid the British navy? Privateers!AU Thunderteers Verse. Multi-Chaptered Ao3
Commissioned art of Gordon by the wonderful @chenria
Art of Scott here and here by followthepaintbrush/@soniabigcheese
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pinguinosentado · 1 year
9. What was your favourite quest?
If I had to pick just one, the USS Constitution. It's so dumb. All that work for it to just hop like half a mile and get stuck again. Incredible.
Honestly though, some of the worst quests are the best. Here There Be Monsters might be really good and interesting, but Kid in a Fridge is the dumbest quest on God's green earth and that makes it great. The Great Hunt, where you go through all that trouble to find a sea monster and it's a tiny mirelurk with a flashlight on its head? That level of absurdity makes for a fun story but I wanted to fight a kraken!
Thanks so much for the ask! Ask me anything about Fallout 4, God knows I've spent enough time writing stories for it.
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ofmdbigbang · 2 years
Me, myself and I and him, we're all the same guy
Author: MorticianSystem Artist: @schnublet Beta reader: uss-genderprise Characters: Stede Bonnet, Ed, Edward, Blackbeard, The Kraken, Lucius Spriggs Relationship(s): Stede Bonnet/Ed Teach Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Multiplicity/Plurality, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Mention of Ed's father A+ parenting, Lucius Spriggs is a little shit, Reunion, Trans Characters, Non-canon non-binary character Warnings: Hallucinations, mentions of child abuse Summary:
Edward Teach had never been just one person. There was Edward, the kid that they would have been if they hadn't killed their father. There was Blackbeard, the pirate that had been protecting them since they were a kid. There was Kraken, the creature that would destroy everything for them. If Stede had brought Ed to the world when he arrived, he left an unkind part of him in his wake.
Wordcount: 10,450
Me, myself and I and him, we're all the same guy by MorticianSystem
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somedudenamedanthony · 22 hours
Finally watched Delicious in Dungeon up until episode 10, here are some thoughts
The voice acting is great, but the art isn't my favourite (except for the food and monsters and background... okay, maybe it's just the characters but episode eight looked amazing on that front).
God, do I hate the narrating, though. And the way they say Mana with a long A. instead of a short A.
Fuck Laois and his stupid ass ugly uss emotionless face. This msn has like 2 good emotional moments and they're both followed by a joke.
Marcille <3 <3 <3
She's also the only funny one and she deserves better than these assholes.
Chilchuck is... there... Easy ftm headcannon.
Senshi is so fucking hot oh my god my daddy issues. He's fucking stupid though.
Wish they ate more foods the whole group (or at least 1 person) declared gross, would make the show feel more grounded (the kraken doesn't count because I like squid and don't like Laois).
Marcille x Falin is gonna be an issue for my sanity.
Don't like the plot with the king(?).
Overall the show so far is fine, a c+ to b-, not amazing but really enjoyable
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arteetmarteduos · 6 years
The Ryders are under fire after being caught exploring a little too far into enemy territory!
Scott and Sara Ryder by @arteetmarteduos
Kraken Con Cosplay Day 2017 on the USS Hornet
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innominatekraken · 4 years
A spontaneous road trip to New Hampshire, why not? See some cool trains and historical places in our throwback vlog!
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Buddie Fandom - A Modest Request
This is my friendly request that Buddie shippers ease up on Destiel shippers who have found their way to the Buddie fandom. Please. I ask as someone who watched SPN from the very beginning AND who has been watching 911 since the very beginning too! I’ve been aboard both the USS Destiel and the USS Buddie from day one. I was there on that fateful day in November 2020 when the USS Destiel sank into the ocean of They Were Almost Fully Reciprocated Canon just off the coast of All My Hopes and Dreams. I am currently sailing three sheets to the wind on the USS Buddie feeling like there’s nothing this ship can’t be, destined for the safe harbor of Dreams Made Real. I get what everyone is feeling!
The Buddie fandom has been overwhelmingly kind and positive, but honest about our ever-shrinking fears, during my time stalking the wilds of Tumblr for fan content, so it made me really sad when I scrolled across several posts from Buddie shippers slamming Destiel shippers’ “negativity”. The negativity can be a buzzkill AND the negativity is also quite understandable. WE HAVE ALL BEEN BURNED BEFORE. So fear that another queer ship will burn and sink is valid. The LGBTQIA-phobic complex of corporate entertainment giants is real. Although the industry has come a long way, it still has a ways to go. Recognizing that and fearing becoming yet another shipper irrevocably lost at sea is just plain old reasonable, especially if your ships include mlm, trans, bi/pan, poly, or aro/ace characters.
I’m asking for empathy and compassion toward Destiel shippers who have found their way to the Buddie fandom because many Destiel shippers had hope that the ship would become fully reciprocal canon but honestly had no real expectations until 15x18 at which point many of us had our queer hearts viciously and  unceremoniously ripped out of our chests and eaten by the homophobic corporate kraken.
Many Destiel shippers are now sailing aimlessly in the shallow, hostile waters of mainstream queer/mlm media searching for a corrective emotional experience. New ships to help heal the hurt brought down on all of us by an industry that’s still struggling to see us as fully human and tell our complex stories. Buddie has become a lighthouse for so many, even as they struggle to accept it as such. Because of the pain of the Destiel ship half sinking and the way it all went down, those mlm/queer ship refugees do not have a ton of hope for Buddie right out the gate, at least not that they are willing to admit to themselves or talk about here on Tumblr because they are trying to protect themselves from being hurt again. That is 100% understandable.
Please remember that we are all human which means that we are all carrying baggage in real life and in fandom. It is totally normal to see what happened in one experience in our lives and carry the memory of that into other experiences. That natural tendency can protect us, but it can also block the very corrective emotional experience that we’re seeking. Separating the old painful experience from the new (potentially) healing experience is incredibly difficult, but Destiel shippers are working hard to do just that. That’s why they are at the Buddie harbor seeking safety but also bracing themselves for the possibility that they are boarding another sinking ship. There will be some understandable negativity while Destiel shippers turned Buddie shippers work through all of that. Please be patient.
I ask this of my fellow Buddie shippers as someone who has been a part of both fandoms and as someone who truly believes that Buddie is going to go canon for real. May our collective hope for canon Buddie be the life raft that carries home all lost and beleaguered Destiel shippers. This amazing ship will sail and what beautiful shores she’ll discover!
P.S. Thank you for reading this and for tolerating my flowery/over the top language, LOL!
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catsend · 7 years
hey if you were at kraken con today hmu, i wanna see your photos because everyone’s cosplay was amazing!! i had some nice conversations too and it’s always awesome to meet other fans in person. i’m too shy to put my face on the internet but i was the person in the UA tracksuit. i was walking around with chloe price most of the time. 
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krastbannert · 3 years
Zoo, Unicorn, and Quiet for the summer asks☀️
Quiet: how you relax after a long day?
Usually, just by playing some dumb video games or doing a bit of writing/reading, occasionally a run (if it's the winter - doing that in the summer, in the Midwest, is a very bad idea). And my roommates and I started a tradition this past semester of watching 1-3 episodes of a TV show each night together while we eat dinner; that became one of my favorite parts of this past semester.
Unicorn: what’s your favorite mythical creature?
I pretty much always go with the Phoenix, although the Kraken (and other nautical mythological creatures just fascinate me). If you count SCPs as mythical creatures, it's definitely SCP-169, the Leviathan.
Zoo: do you collect anything?
Nothing specific. I do have a huge amount of Legos, and I generally like to buy various little trinkets from places I go to (a wooden pocketknife from Grand Cayman, meteor glass from when I went to NASA, etc.). And I've started collecting military challenge coins - I've got one each for the USS Seawolf (SSN-21), the USS Truxtun (DDG-103), the NASA Orion Program, and VFA-106 (the east coast F/A-18 training squadron).
Asks came from this list!
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arandanito27 · 3 years
∆Triángulo de las bermudas∆
¿Sabías que? El triángulo de las bermudas mide aproximadamente 1,500,000 km² qué forma un misterioso triángulo equilátero que forma a partir de 3 zonas geográficas que son la isla bermudas, Puerto Rico y Miami. Este famoso triángulo encierra mucho misterio ya que, en esta zona han desaparecido cientos de barcos desde hace muchísimo tiempo, y se desconoce si en la antigüedad tenían conocimiento de este triángulo.
En esta zona, bajo sus profundas aguas se encuentran innumerables barcos de todo tipo, ya sean modernos o antiguos, aviones de diferentes tamaños, además se dice que hay más de 80 aviones debajo de estas aguas. Sobre todo, lo más misterioso es la desaparición de las personas que abordaban estos barcos, ya que, nunca se encontraron restos de los tripulantes, como si algo se los comiera de la faz de la tierra.
El inicio de este enigmático misterio fue en el año 1918 y tiene que ver con un barco de la marina de los Estados Unidos un USS cíclops, este desapareció en esta zona, a bordo había aproximadamente 306 personas . Nunca se encontraron los restos del barco y sobre todo, de los pasajeros, lo más extraño, es que nunca se pidió auxilio y el último mensaje que recibió la base del cíclops fue el siguiente:
"Hay buen clima, todo está bien."
Nunca se supo del barco cíclops, se perdió sin dejar rastro alguno.
En el año 1945, una cuadrilla de 5 aviones que pertenecían a la marina de los Estados Unidos, sobre volaba está zona, pasaron unas cuantas horas y los aviones nunca llegaron a la base. Al no poder comunicarse con ellos y sobre todo, al no ver su ubicación en el radar, ma fuerza armada decidió mandar un sexto avión, este, era un avión de rescate. Este llegó a la zona donde sobrevolaban los 5 aviones, pero, este tampoco regreso a la base naval. Solo obtuvieron una comunicación muy corta con el sexto avión con 13 hombres a bordo, antes de llegar a la zona donde se perdieron los aviones, el piloto les menciono que no sabía su curso, no podía regresar a la base, estaba perdido y el mar se veía de una forma muy extraña. La comunicación se cortó abruptamente y nunca jamás se supo que les pasó a los 6 aviones que sobrevolaron está misteriosa área, aproximadamente 27 personas estaban a bordo de los 6 aviones y todas ellas desaparecieron sin dejar rastro alguno.
♢Primera teoría:
En las Bahamas existen pequeñas islas una de ellas llamada Andros, sus habitantes mencionan que en esa zona existe un mounstro gigantesco llamado "Lusca" y que se asemeja mucho al animal mítico Kraken. Se dice que arrastra los barcos hasta el fondo del mar.
♢Segunda teoría:
Se dice que en esta gran zona se puede encontrar la enigmática y misteriosa Ciudad perdida, la Atlántida. Ya que, Platón habló sobre esta avanzada y poderosa ciudad y que tenía una tecnología muy avanzada para el hombre. Se encontraron algunas estructuras en las aguas de las islas de las bermudas, pero esto no quiere decir que sea la ciudad Atlántida.
♢Tercera teoría:
Otra teoría que puede ser que en el triángulo de las bermudas, existe una base oculta bajo las profundidades del océano y que de esta salgan ovnis. Y que estos abduzcan aviones y barcos que pasan por esta zona. Un buscador de tesoros del nombre Darrell Milkos encontró en el triángulo de las bermudas una estructura que se parece mucho a una nave espacial. Pero esta teoría se podría descartar ya que nunca más investigó el OVNI de las bermudas.
♢Cuarta teoría:
Portal dimensionál
Muchas personas afirman que el triángulo de las bermudas es una puerta dimensional a un mundo paralelo al nuestro. Y por el cual, si un barco entra, jamás lo encontrarán en su tierra origen, sino que, este estara en otro mundo igual. Y que los que pasan este portal se dice que el tiempo no pasa, que ellos pueden haber pasado minutos, pero nuestro mundo, son años.
♢Quinta teoría:
Sabemos que el ser humano explorador con el 5% de todos los océanos, y es muy posible que existan profundidades muy grandes, el triángulo de las bermudas no es la excepción. Los barcos que se hunden se pierden en las muy profundas aguas y es por eso que nunca encuentran sus restos. Cómo le pasa a otro famoso triángulo deberían de estarlo misterioso llamado "Del diablo" o "Del dragón"
♢Sexta teoría:
Se sabe que la zona del triángulo de las Bermudas, tiene un clima un tanto peculiar, ya que siempre hay tormentas de extremadamente fuertes, huracanes y sus aguas nunca están tranquilas. Con esto puede provocar las famosas olas gigantes cuya altura son de aproximadamente de 20 a 30 metros y con esto puede causar que los barcos se volteen completamente. Las tormentas y los vientos muy fuertes, pueden hacer que los aviones se desploman y caigan el mar.
♢Septima teoría:
El gas metano
Esta nos dice que en esta zona existe gas metano y al estar en contacto con una superficie metálica o no metálica, lo que provocaría es que está flote. esto provoca que el agua sea menos densa que un barco, y por consecuente este se hundiría al fondo del Océano Atlántico. Pero, ese teoría se descartó por varios científicos, ya que no puede ser posible que los barcos se hundan, si es todo lo contrario.
Sin duda, el triángulo de las bermudas seguirá siendo un gran misterio, ya que, existen muchas teorías científicas y algunas muy fantasiosas, espero, y un día este misterio se resuelva.
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¿Cuál teoría creen que vaya más acuerdo al famoso triángulo de las bermudas? ∆
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lonestarbattleship · 2 years
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USS Kraken (SS-370) running surfaced in Lake Michigan, Michigan, circa September 1944.
NHHC: NH 72321
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mrdeath · 4 years
Meanwhile in Quarantine...
I’m playing Caribbean Sail which is like Oregon Trail (complete with dysentery).  I named Hunk as my captain of my ship. The rest of my team were USS members. Near the start of our journey, Vector contracted the plague and died. (Ironic). A ghostly figure in fog approached us before our first port stop and stole an iron box that we were told to take to New York. Now, we were attacked by this ghostly figure multiple times when fog rolled in, but lived each time.
Hunk had a dream that a devil would reward him greatly if he sank three ships. So he started pirating and destroying the entirety of the East India Trading Co. Afterwards he blacked out and the Devil gave him a set of pipes of the damned. He played them and Vector, now a husk, crawled out of the water.
We then unlocked the HELLSHIP. A horrifying battle vessel that breathes fire into ramming speed.
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It seemed appropriate for the USS to ride the high seas on this monster. 
We then had a side encounter with a Kraken (and killed that too), eventually recovering the iron box from the ghostly figure and unlocking it. It contained the figure’s logbook, describing a journey into a gate. Beyond this? Were the waters of the dead, and an ominous warning...
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Not one to take things lightly, we followed the book to the gate of the damned to pursue a dead pirate. Once there? We were greeted by a gatekeeper who warned us...
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And Hunk, the mad bastard, said yes. Sailing 2000 miles into the damned waters... we found it...
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It’s time for the final battle, you ghostly fuck. AND THE DEATH CANNOT DIE 
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+ doodle.
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bonkage · 5 years
tagged by @half-blind-heretic :DDD ty!!!!!
rules: spell out your url with a song for each letter, and then tag ten ppl
R - release the kraken by ninja sex party A - absolutely cuckoo by the magnetic fields T - this is the best by uss K - knife fight by lemon demon L - lake pontchartrain by ludo O - oh devil by electric guest K - king for a day by pierce the veil
ima tag @deathfaker @pandoramisora @gangnome @shhheep @ratpancake @reelpunk @musicaldoodler @tyhplosion​ @transraph​ + any1 else who wants to!!!!!!! GL ppl w/long urls 😔🤘
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arteetmarteduos · 7 years
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“...Has anyone told you about Dad yet...?”
Sara and Scott Ryder by @arteetmarteduos
Photo by @terracanta
Kraken Con Cosplay Day 2017 on the USS Hornet
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talaruecosplay · 7 years
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“Ready to head back out?”
Cait Fallout 4
I got to cosplay Cait on the USS Hornet for Kraken Con’s Cosplay day. It was the perfect place to do a Falllout photo-shoot.  I hope to be building her shotgun soon! Or should i work on Piper??
I’ve also been replaying the other Fallout games and i want to cosplay from them i’m just not sure who. If you have suggestions let me know!
Photo taken by: Kinetic Collections
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