#Ubisoft Forward 2022
raymantogether · 25 days
Rayman Together Community Spotlight #2 - Rabbid Edge!
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If you haven't already played Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle or Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, the game was published by Ubisoft exclusively for Nintendo Switch and is an action-adventure turn-based strategy game developed by Ubisoft Milan and Ubisoft Paris. Prior to the Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle reveal at E3 2017, the game surfaced online and was met with criticism and skepticism from the wider gaming community. The artwork leaked online depicted Mario and friends alongside their Rabbid counterparts with large blasters. The prospect of Mario with the Rabbids was a nightmare for a lot of people. Following the success of Rayman Raving Rabbids, the Rabbids had slowly declined in popularity. The Rabbids were annoying and boring and had lost their humor. Nintendo, who have strongly held their licenses for Mario, has rarely ever collaborated with other videogame companies. Furthermore, Nintendo has always encouraged a family-friendly and positive environment. The prospect of Mario with weapons was alien to a lot of people. Ubisoft finally revealed Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle at E3 2017; the game went on to become a huge success. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle was released on August 29th, 2017 and went on to sell over 10 million copies in over six years. A sequel, Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope, was revealed at E3 2021 and released on October 20th, 2022. Despite the game initially not exceeding Ubisoft sales expectations, the game went on to sell over three million as of January 2024. This was another remarkable success for the teams at Ubisoft Milan and Paris. Both games were well received and were critically acclaimed. 
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If you haven't already, I implore you to pick up both games. The Mario + Rabbids series is personally one of the most refreshing titles from Ubisoft in a generation. The game oozes personality and charm thanks to its charismatic and energetic character design and animations. The soundtracks for both games are composed by the amazing Grant Kirkhope, who is responsible for some of the most creative music in the industry. Needn't I say more? The world design is intricate, creative, and a real pleasure to explore. I thoroughly enjoyed the heartfelt, exciting, and fun story, which gripped me from beginning to end in both stories. The development teams did a remarkable job of capturing both the look and personality from the worlds of both the Rabbids and Mario and bringing it to life. The game is gorgeous thanks to the Snowdrop Engine, which has been executed brilliantly on the Nintendo Switch. Ubisoft has somehow managed to compliment Mario with the Rabbids extraordinarily well. This is something I never imagined possible. Both games are very similar to those of the XCOM and Fire Emblem series. I love strategy games, and I have sunk hours into both titles. I found the gameplay rewarding, clever, and at times a real challenge for tacticians. There are plenty of creative options with gameplay thanks to various choices of weapons, skills, and characters. The gameplay possibilities are endless. My favorite game in the series is definitely Mario Rabbids Sparks of Hope, as it offers so much more opportunities for world-building and exploration. The game allows for more creative gameplay choices through movement and freedom of choice, including the addition of the Sparks. However, the most important reason Sparks of Hope is my favorite game in the series is because Ubisoft Milan brought back Rayman. 
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At Ubisoft Forward in 2022 Ubisoft Milan Creative Director Davide Soliani revealed to the World their plan to bring back Rayman as part of the season pass for Mario Rabbids Sparks Of Hope. The third story expansion called Rayman In The Phantom Show released on August 30th 2023. The DLC stars Rayman alongside Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Peach as they are invited to the mysterious Space Opera Network by the fan favourite villain the Phantom. The Phantom who has renounced his villainy for fame needs help from Rayman and the Rabbids to help restore the poor ratings and viewings to his TV Space Station.  Rayman, Rabbid Peach And Rabbid Mario adventure across Western, Pirate and Medieval sets as part of the Phantoms ambitious plan for revenge. The team at Ubisoft did an extraordinary job of bring back Rayman to life. Rayman has never looked and felt so alive. You get a real sense that Ubisoft Milan and Ubisoft Paris love Rayman from this short but jam packed adventure. Rayman In The Phantom Show pays tribute to the Rayman series through acknowledgement of his almost 30 Year history. In every stage you can find card board references from various Rayman Games. The combat fatigues  from Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc make a spectacular return with Rayman offering plenty of gameplay variety on the battlefield. Both the vortex and rocket costumes look better then ever and are brilliant both in design and how you can use them. The weapons are crafted with plenty of attention to detail with references in design to Ly The Fairy, Teensies, Rayman Raving Rabbids and more. I particularly am fond of the plum turrets. If Nintendo ever work collaborate with Ubisoft again I would love to see Rayman in Super Smash Bros with the Plum Turrets. The soundtrack for the DLC Is composed by Grant Kirkhope and Christopher Heral. The genius Christopher Heral responsible for both soundtracks for Rayman Origins and Legends returns for Rayman In The Phantom Show. If you listen closely you can hear brilliant renditions from various games. David Gasman also reprises his role in Rayman In The Phantom Show. If you have played the earlier Rayman games you will be familiar of his work. I thoroughly enjoyed this DLC and it has left me with wanting so much more. I would love to see Ubisoft Milan work on Rayman again in the future. If you're new to the series or a Rayman fan and have liked everything you have read so far I strongly encourage you to pick up Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle and Sparks Of Hope including the season pass. 
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To celebrate both Rayman's 29th anniversary this weekend and the anniversary of Mario + Rabbids Sparks Of Hope DLC Rayman In The Phantom Show, I am delighted to feature Anna as part of this special community spotlight.
You may know Anna as RabbidEdge from both the Rayman and the Mario Rabbids community. Anna is an extremely passionate, kind, and caring individual with a yearning to help create a positive environment in the community. Anna is renowned for her creative cosplays of Rabbid Edge, Rayman, and more. Anna enjoys creating artwork and has a passion for telling stories. I am delighted to feature and show you more about Anna in this brilliant and really insightful spotlight.
Anna has been extremely open and honest about some very serious and sensitive subjects in this spotlight about her personal health and wellbeing. I encourage you all to be polite and respectful. 
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Please introduce yourself:
"Hi everyone, My name's Anna. I am 37 years old (but I've never lost my inner child) and living with my husband, our four kids, three cats, and nine chickens in a village in Austria. I am working as a pharmacist, enjoying helping people every day. Last year I started two new hobbies: cosplaying and drawing digitally. Since that, I am also sharing my creations on social media like Instagram, X, or Tumblr."
Tell us something funny or interesting about yourself?
"I have always been a very creative, extroverted, and energetic person. Even as a child, I loved to draw, invent stories or songs, and to tape-record them together with friends or to play little theater sketches for our families. Many times we dressed up as our favorite anime- or video game characters, singers, or just some elves or Vikings. I wouldn´t call it cosplay, and most costumes were just a mix of old fancy dresses and things we found in the wardrobe of our grandparents, but we always had a lot of fun, and my heart is warming with joy when I think about these times... However, things change, life happens, and so having babies, a house, and animals had kept me quite busy (but happy!) for almost 9 years. I had lost my former self somewhere between household, work, and trying the best to be a good mom. Then came Edge.."
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How do you like to spend your free time?
"Free time—what's that? Haha! I don't know this, for I always have a lot on my plate! But I think, you mean the time when I am not at work or busy with mom-duties. I am spending most of these hours crafting and sewing new cosplays or improving old ones, shooting them in various sceneries, editing the photos and videos I took for my social media, doodling and drawing Rabbids-stuff, posting my finished work and stories on Instagram, X and co, replying to dms and comments or supporting other artists.
Furthermore, I am a very active person, feeling the need to exercise every day or to at least go for a walk or ride my bike. Music is also a very important part of my life! I enjoy listening to it while I am doing a workout or working on a drawing.
Music inspires me! When I look at my art or cosplay- pictures, I immediately remember the song that brought me into the mood for its creation, that I listened to during the process, or that I used in my Instagram stories for its posting. I am also singing in a choir, by the way.
There is much more I would love to do, like playing video games or reading. The only problem is that my days only have 24 hours. I used to say that I am living two lives with the time of just one."
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What made you fall in love with the Mario Rabbid Series?
"To be honest, it was my oldest daughter! She has never been interested in TV shows for kids like Paw Patrol, etc. Instead, she likes to watch game streams on YouTube, and there she discovered Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope. She enjoyed watching these streams so much that she wanted to play the game herself, so she got it as a gift on St. Nicholas Day in 2022. However, it was quite challenging for her, and so my husband started to play it with our kids and me watching him. I can remember that I always did my workout on a fitness mat on the floor while he was playing, and it was quite entertaining to watch him! I was surprised by the cute designs of the characters and levels and by its unique gameplay, which is totally different from other games I had played before—and really addictive! So we often ended up playing till late at night, saying “Just one more battle!” again and again. Even if I hadn't played the game myself at the beginning, I already loved it! Oh, and then came Edge...and made my love for this game and Mario+Rabbids in general go through the roof! I couldn´t think about anything else than Edge and Rabbids the whole day long! I started to play myself, always having Edge as the leader of my team, searched for fan art and fan fiction, and slowly stumbled into the fandom. Oh, and I still play Sparks of Hope when I find time for it! I consider this game a real masterpiece! Ubisoft poured so much love into every detail! I love everything about it, from the backstory to the funny voice-lines or to the amazing soundtrack! And I enjoy the “found-family" dynamics of the hero team so much, OMG!!! With this game, Ubisoft managed to make me fall in love with Rabbids, not only with Edge but with Rabbids in general."
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What is your favorite Mario Rabbids game, and who is your favorite character?
"That's quite a simple question to answer. Of course, to be honest, I haven't played Mario+Rabbids: Kingdom Battle yet. Shame on me! I already have the game at home, but all the time I thought about starting it, I ended up playing Sparks of Hope instead. Of course I wanted to see my beloved Edge.
Furthermore, Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope will always have a special meaning for me, as it distracted me from health problems that were bothering me a lot at this time. At the beginning of December 2022, I had to wait for a medical appointment in order to check if I would suffer from cancer. I tried to not let the possibility of receiving a bad diagnosis overwhelm me—something easier said than done. So watching and playing Sparks of Hope with my family made me forget this sorrow for a moment. It cheered me up in a difficult time of my life. As I one evening found myself thinking about what I would want to do before death, if I would have just some months left to live, I realized that I wouldn't want to go on a big journey or party hard or so. Instead, I would want to spend the last moments with my family, doing what we already did every evening—sitting and playing together. This thought made me feel calm and peaceful, blessed and grateful. So Sparks of Hope became for me what its name promises: a spark of hope. With that, it will always be my favorite Mario+Rabbids game!
However, I am sure that Kingdom Battle is a great game as well! I have only heard good things about it, and I am familiar with its characters and plot. I finally need to get into it myself...
Oh, and my favorite character is- surprise, surprise—Edge! But to be honest, I like them all! No matter if it's Rabbid Peach, Bwario, Kanya, or Rayman. I couldn't pick a single character of the series that I totally couldn't stand."
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What made you fall in love so much with Rabbid Edge, and what is your inspiration behind your artwork and comic series?
"I have to laugh at this question; of course I could fill a whole book with this answer! Haha! I will try to be brief. I can remember the first time I saw Edge. It was in December 2022 as I watched my husband play Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope—the well-known cutscene of her first appearance. God, just thinking about it makes me shiver in excitement! This epic scene instantly made me fall in love with her! It was as if Ubisoft had poured all the characteristics that make my heart flutter into this little rabbit! To explain this further: I am a sucker for mysterious characters, which hide a kind heart behind their badass attitude. I love mighty swords, spiky hair, sharp teeth, gothic clothes, the colors green and purple, and deep, striking voices. On top of all, give that character a dark backstory, and I am hooked! The combination of these attributes made me fall for Edge. I couldn't help it! Neither have I chosen to feel this way nor have I ever thought that it would be possible to develop true love for a fictional character! However, I thought the best thing would be to welcome these beautiful feelings and to make full use of this newfound energy. So I started to work on the art of Edge and different scenes of the game, including a comic about her tragic past and the battle against Cursa.
I also wanted to dress up as Edge for the carnival  but found out that there isn't any costume of her or Rabbids in general. This was when I decided to sew one myself. With that, my cosplay journey began. I thought that if no one has ever made a cosplay of Edge before, I had to be the one to bring her to life, even if I had no idea what I was doing. Looking at the first photos I took of her makes me smile. Some look really funny and weird, but I can remember how strong, confident, and sexy I felt in these moments. And hey, every journey has to start with a first step! Since then, I have learned a lot. I have improved my skills, bought more tools and materials, worked over my cosplay again and again, altered and exchanged parts, and developed this alter ego of Rabbid Edge for me and my social media. Still, I am quite a newbie, and there is always room for improvement!
I am so grateful that I got to know Edge; of course she made me find myself again and, at the same time, discover another me. She made me feel like more than just a mom again. She made me feel attractive and love my body again. She made me get creative and go wild and crazy. She made me play again; she made me dream again and go far beyond my imagination! And she made me get to know so many new amazing people! I owe her so much. I owe Ubisoft so much! I feel so grateful and full of love that I would want to hug everyone of my followers and of the great people that worked on Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope!
The main inspiration for my work comes from the game itself, for it provides a quite mature and exciting backstory and interesting characters but leaves room for further assumptions and interpretation. But of course official concept art, headcanons, and drawings of other fans inspire me a lot too! And sometimes a new idea comes to my mind while I am on a walk or listening to music."
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If you could live in any world from the Mario Rabbids Series, where would you live?
"I would choose Melodic Gardens! I love its biome with the tropical forest, exotic flowers, and the flooded ruins. Everything looks so beautiful and mystical. Furthermore, I like the cute and peaceful Rabbids, that live here and the symphonies that fill the air of this planet. And I would love to meet Allegra! She is so cute and majestic."
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Who would be at your dream Mario Rabbids Party?
"Wow, it's really hard to select three out of all the great characters, but I think I would take Edge, Rayman, and Rabbid Peach. Edge, course she's Edge, hey! Rayman, course he is my childhood hero, who—together with Super Mario—made me start to play video games, and Rabbid Peach, course she is sassy and crazy, and course I always need a healer in my party!"
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What made you fall in love with the Rayman series?
"You have to know that I grew up loving Rayman! He was my childhood hero! For my ten-year-old me, Rayman was cool, Rayman was fun, and Rayman was Ubisoft.
As I was a little kid, my family had no computer or game console. My brother and I knew video games just from our cousins or neighbors. I can remember how we often bought gaming magazines and looked at them, wishing that we were able to play these games ourselves. And when there was something of Rayman in it, we went, Ah, look, Rayman, so cool!!! He somehow fascinated us. At the age of 9, we got a Game Boy for Christmas; at the age of 12, a Dreamcast. This was a dream come true for us! There was a demo disc coming with it that also had a demo of Rayman 2 on it. We immediately played and loved it! I don't know how many times we played this demo! It must have been a few hundred times or so! One day we received the full version of the game, and from this time on, Rayman accompanied us nearly every day. We played it again and again! I can remember that I even had a crush on Rayman! I loved his cool attitude, his crazy hair, and his voice. I drew him a lot, wrote songs about him, and even dressed up as him—just for fun. Later we also played the Rayman Game Boy Color Game and Rayman 3, as an adult also Rayman M, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Rayman Origins, and Rayman Legends. 
But Rayman also has a deeper meaning for my brother and me. Our childhood wasn't easy. We have experienced things that no kid, no one should ever witness. Rayman, and playing games in general, helped us to escape from reality, when there was only fear and violence waiting for us. I can remember that we had so much fun and laughed a lot despite the difficult circumstances we were raised under. Rayman and Ubisoft distracted us, were there for us, when there was no light in real life...Last year I thanked the people of Ubisoft Milan for this. I thanked them for having always been there for me for nearly all my life.
Today I am a happy and positive person. I have reached everything I ever wanted. I have learned to make the best of every situation, no matter how bad it may seem. I have learned that everything happens for a reason, even if we cannot understand it in a certain moment. This is why I am not sad or angry about the things that happened to me as a child. I am grateful; of course, all these things made me become the person I am today.
However, when I think about my tragic past, I realize that I may have more in common with Edge than I'd like. I feel connected with her. I understand her. I feel her."
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What is your favorite cosplay you have designed?
"This is a difficult question. Of course, every cosplay I have made so far has aspects I like but also something I dislike, and there are various ways to rate them. I would say that the cosplays I enjoy to wear the most—or I “am feeling” the most—are definitely Edge and Kanya. When I dress up as them, I am really becoming the character! I look into the mirror and think,Yeah, baby!” But considering my craftsmanship skills, I think Barbara from Rayman Legends is my best cosplay so far. As a cosplay newbie, I am still learning and improving. Therefore, I am also working over my older cosplays again and again. I have changed Edge's wig so many times, I have stopped counting. And soon I want to do the fourth sword for her. Edge will always be my number one!
I am also happy that I managed to do a Rayman (and Ramon) cosplay! It´s for sure not perfect, and I have to work over the photos with Photoshop to remove my limbs, but dressing up as him makes my inner child scream with joy!
Furthermore, the “play" factor in “cosplay” is very important for me! I don´t just buy cosplays, put them on, take a photo, and toss them away again. I love to bring my characters to life, to think about how they would act and talk, and to cosplay them in alternative outfits and different situations, like the wedding of Edge and Midnite or my Christmas- or Easter-shooting."
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What cosplays are you planning on in the future?
"I am currently working on a new project: I am creating my own protogen and therefore sewing a fursuit. It's not really cosplay; of course it won't be a certain character. I'd rather call it a fursona or OC. But I am excited to work on it; of course it is something totally different from what I have done so far, and I think it will look really cool in the end!
Despite that, I want to make a cosplay of Hiiragi Utena from the anime “Gushing over Magical Girls." I have already bought the fabric for it.
Furthermore, the idea of making a Cursa-cosplay (Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope) won't go out of my mind! I would love to create a sensual version of her true form, wearing a long cloak and her white mask, but maybe also showing some skin... Yeah, I think I will have to get this one started next...
And of course I will always work on further Edge content! I will improve parts of her cosplay, and I will think of new outfits and shootings. I already have a special scenery in mind; I want to shoot in autumn."
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Tell us about your time at Ubisoft Milan.
"Last year in September I was granted to meet my beloved Edge—or better—the amazing artists and creators of Mario+Rabbids: Sparks of Hope at Ubisoft Milan. It was a dream come true for me! After enjoying their games and admiring their work for so long, I was finally able to hug them and thank them for everything they have gifted us players so far. I still can't believe how lucky I was! My visit there was a blast in every way! I was able to take a look at the “holy halls," to shake hands with all these kind people I had known only from social media or the credits of their games, and to get to know more about Edge's creation and her backstory. Furthermore, we had lunch together, took a lot of cool and funny photos, and talked about the hard work in the gaming industry, my cosplay work, but also private things. And as if this hadn´t been enough, I received many gifts, like the art book or Spark-plushies for my kids and special drawings that were made for me during my visit.
I have to admit that before my visit I had been very excited! But everyone was so nice, polite, and cute! I felt like meeting and talking to long-known friends. The fear was gone, and laughter and joy filled the air. They welcomed me so heartily, and I immediately felt comfortable among these amazing people. I am so grateful that for this unique moment I was granted to be part of their "family." I will keep the memories of my visit as an eternal treasure in my heart."
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Thank you so much, Anna, for being a part of the Rayman Together community spotlight. It was amazing to read about yourself and discover more about you. If you are interested in finding out more about Anna, I have included links to her social media account below. Please follow and support her.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Remake Is Coming In 2026
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/prince-of-persia-the-sands-of-time-remake-is-coming-in-2026/
Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time Remake Is Coming In 2026
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Prince of Persia: The Sands Of Time reemerged during Ubisoft’s Forward event, but only slightly. Basically, Ubisoft confirmed the game is still in development, but it won’t be releasing until 2026.
The game has hit some development difficulties over to course of its creation. When announced, Ubisoft Pune and Ubisoft Mumbai were said to be developing the game, but in 2022 it was shared that development duties would be handed over to Ubisoft Montreal. It seems at that time development was effectively fully reset because it will be some time before release.
For more on Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time remake, head here. For a look at the original game, you can check out our recent episode or Replay below.
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iso91 · 5 months
Кога ще бъде пусната Assassin's Creed Hexe?
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Разкрити първи подробности за новата игра Assassin's Creed: Кога ще бъде пусната?
Започнаха да пристигат първите подробности за новата игра Assassin's Creed Hexe. Очакваната дата на пускане на играта също беше споделена. Ето подробностите! Можем да кажем, че до днес не знаехме почти нищо за играта Assassin's Creed Hexe. Но най-накрая започват да излизат първите подробности. Марк-Алексис Коте, вицепрезидент и изпълнителен продуцент на поредицата, сподели първите подробности за играта и задоволи любопитството на чакащите играта. Marc-Alexis Côté каза, че играта ще бъде различна от другите игри в поредицата и че е разработена от Ubisoft Montreal. Знаем няколко подробности, които вече знаем за играта от предишния официален трейлър.
Първи подробности за Assassin's Creed Hexe
Знаем, че играта, обявена от Unisoft Forward през септември 2022 г., ще се развива в Централна Европа по време на Свещената Римска империя от 16-ти век. Insider Games също сподели нова информация за играта. Говори се, че играта все още е в процес на разработка и вероятно ще бъде пусната през 2026 г. Също така се смята, че Assassin's Creed Hexe ще има по-линеен геймплей в сравнение с други игри. Както се вижда във видеото „Ранни подробности“, публикувано от Insider Games, се очаква играта да включва героиня на име Елза със свръхестествени способности. Няма много подробности за способностите на героя. Само Елза е видяна да бъде преследвана от немски войници от 16-ти век. Междувременно той също е видян да използва заклинание, за да улови котка наблизо. Единствената характеристика, която знаем за героя, е, че той може да направи магия, за да отвлече вниманието на войниците. Източници също казват, че играта ще има система на ужасите, вдъхновена от съдържанието на Assassin's Creed Syndicate "Jack The Ripper ". Въпреки че няма много подробности за това, изглежда възможно споменатата система да може да се приложи към Hexe. Read the full article
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thewirely · 8 months
Ubisoft's upcoming Assassin's Creed Codename Red is stirring significant anticipation in the gaming community, promising an immersive journey into feudal Japan. Despite sparse details about the game since its announcement at Ubisoft Forward in 2022, the title has quickly become one of the most eagerly awaited in the franchise. "Codename Red represents a bold step into one of the most requested settings by fans," said a gaming analyst. "While we have limited information, the intrigue around an Assassin's Creed game set in feudal Japan is undeniable." The buzz around the game is based primarily on a brief thirty-second reveal trailer. It teases the setting and a glimpse of the protagonist, sparking intense speculation and excitement within the gaming community. "The trailer, though short, was enough to set imaginations ablaze," shared a long-time fan of the series. Ubisoft has hinted at significant developments in Codename Red, describing it as the "future of our open-world RPG games." This has led to expectations of an interactive environment and a narrative that pushes the boundaries of the series. Marc-Alexis Cote, associated with the game's development, emphasized a dynamic world that evolves around the player. "We're expecting an environment that changes as you progress, offering a more immersive and responsive experience," he said. https://twitter.com/VGC_News/status/1678882681008840704 Speculations abound regarding the game's protagonists, with Insider Gaming suggesting players might switch between a samurai and a shinobi. "The idea of exploring feudal Japan through different perspectives is fascinating," noted a game critic. "It adds layers to the gameplay and narrative." Ubisoft Quebec, the studio behind successful titles like Assassin's Creed Syndicate and Odyssey, is developing Codename Red. "Given their track record, we have high expectations for Codename Red," a gaming journalist remarked. "Their experience with expansive open-world RPGs in the series bodes well for this title." While a release date remains unconfirmed, Ubisoft's description of Codename Red as the "biggest blockbuster of 2024" hints at an upcoming launch. "This game could redefine what we expect from the Assassin's Creed franchise," suggested a Ubisoft insider. As the gaming world awaits more details, the anticipation for Assassin's Creed Codename Red continues to build. With its promise of an evolved RPG experience in a rich, historical setting, the game is poised to be a landmark entry in the storied franchise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD_DemeUuy8
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threeboy · 8 months
Games I finished in 2023
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Nine years ago I had a bigass retro game collection but I barely played them so it felt more like hoarding than "collecting" so I sold them all. A few years ago I got back into gaming with the renewed focus to actually finish games I play.
This year's list is smaller than the previous years (2020, 2021, 2022) so go back and read those if you want.
These are teh games I beat in 2023...
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Switch) 😲 I played the demo years ago and it didn’t grab me but after spending some time with it (100+ hours logged) it grew on me. It’s a lot better than the first Hyrule Warriors and I’m surprised at how cohesive this one feels because the first one was all over the place. I hated the Ubisoft style map quests at the start but eventually 100%'d it.
Yoshi's New Island (3DS) 😑 Surprisingly one of the few 3DS games I like to play with the 3D effect on. I liked the graphics but hated the Yoshi animation when I first started playing but eventually got over it. The game is _okay_ i felt like I had to muscle through it. I compare every Yoshi game to the original Yoshi’s Island (SNES) and they never seem as good so I gotta replay the original to see if it’s a nostalgia trick or if it still holds up.
Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Switch) 😍 "It feels like a DLC for the first game" - I don't see why that is a problem if the first game was great (which it was). Finished every quest, got every piece of armor (didn't max) and that was enough for me (200+ hours logged no ragrets). Looking forward to see where the franchise goes next.
Celeste (PC) 🤯 Late to the party but blasted through this in a few days - pretty fuckin' rad. Wanted to quit a few times but I'm glad I didn't.
Terror of Hemasaurus (Switch) 😅 Played this with my (then) 7 year old son thinking it was a cute homage to Rampage, and it is, but it's also got a lot of fuckin' swear words. Weird system slowdown issues playing on Switch but still playble.
Box Boy & Box Girl (Switch) 🥰- 2 Player Campaign Simple and cute as shit (like me). Very enjoyable for a 2 player puzzle platform experience. Will likely do the 1 Player campaign next.
...and that's all folks.
I'm realizing now I haven't loaded up the Wii U in a while.
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cavenewstimes · 1 year
Assassin's Creed Codename Red release date, story, everything we know
(Image credit: Ubisoft) Assassin’s Creed Codename Red was first announced at Ubisoft Forward in 2022, and while we don’t have much information regarding its release almost a year later, that hasn’t stopped it from becoming one of the most anticipated upcoming games still. Taking place in one of the most long-awaited and asked-for settings by fans, if you’re a fan of the Assassin’s Creed…
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infinity23tech · 1 year
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Ubisoft Forward a dévoilé en septembre 2022 Assassin's Creed Mirage en tant que 13e opus ajout à la franchise. Le jeu se déroule à Bagdad et présente Basim comme protagoniste. Bien qu'il y ait peu de détails concernant le jeu, il est dit qu'il sortira en 2023.
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Netflix Games' Masterstroke: Joseph Staten Joins the Ranks to Fulfill Ambitious Gaming Strategy
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Netflix has taken a significant step forward in the video game industry by bringing Joseph Staten, the former Bungie Director, on board as the creative director of Netflix Games. This move underscores Netflix's relentless expansion and ambition in the gaming world, spanning from mobile games to AAA titles.
 Staten will be working on a new AAA multiplatform game and original IP for the streaming giant. He expressed his excitement for the opportunity to collaborate and create new worlds with iconic characters and adventures. His move to Netflix follows his previous role as the creative director for Halo Infinite at 343 Industries, and a subsequent position at Xbox Publishing. 
Netflix's gaming strategy began with a focus on mobile games. The company launched Netflix Games in late 2021 with a catalog of titles based on popular Netflix shows and a selection of acclaimed indie games. Netflix has also entered a partnership with Ubisoft to release three mobile titles exclusively on its platform, emphasizing its dedication to expanding its mobile gaming offerings.
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As part of its expansion strategy, Netflix has been aggressively opening new studios and acquiring talented developers. In September 2022, the company hired Marko Lastikkato lead a new internal game studio in Helsinki, Finland. Following this move, Netflix opened another game development studio in Southern California in October 2022, led by Chacko Sonny, a former executive producer of the Overwatch franchise at Blizzard Entertainment. These studios join other acquisitions like Night School Studio and Boss Fight Entertainment in creating a diverse portfolio of games for Netflix.
Additionally, Netflix is exploring the field of cloud gaming, as disclosed by Leanne Loombe, the company's VP of external games. Netflix is carefully considering how it develops the service, aiming to provide a seamless and accessible gaming experience no matter where users are.
Netflix's gaming strategy revolves around continuous expansion, showcasing its ambitions in the video game industry by venturing into mobile games, AAA titles, and cloud gaming. Joseph Staten's appointment as creative director of Netflix Games is a testament to the company's commitment to realizing its vision. (343)
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64bitgamer · 2 years
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businessscribble · 2 years
Just Dance 2023 Release Date: Gameplay and Trailer
#JustDance2023 #JustDance
During the Ubisoft Forward held last September 10, 2022, Ubisoft announced that the latest Just Dance installment was on the way. Continue reading to learn more about Just Dance 2023, its release date, gameplay, trailer, and available songs. Just Dance 2023 Edition Release Date: November 22, 2022 Just Dance 2023 Edition will launch on November 22, 2022. The game is available on Nintendo Switch,…
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getbasicidea · 2 years
Get more knowledge about Ubisoft’s Announcement on Assassin’s Creed: Mirage (2023).
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wintcore · 2 years
The expanse reading order
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#The expanse reading order full
#The expanse reading order simulator
The title is a reference to the similar biblical phrase "Sins of the father" from Exodus, of how the consequences of sin can pass or be inherited from one generation to another over time.
#The expanse reading order full
Filip recognizes the eventual impact of the shifting of allegiances within the group and acts, with full awareness of the consequences of his actions. An internal power struggle within the settlers also threatens the settlement in a more subtle way. With the free-to-play platform fighter MultiVersus blowing up the internet lately, it also wouldn't surprise us if we got a sneak peek at some upcoming MultiVersus characters.“It kills monsters” - Spoilers for The Sins of Our Fathers follow.Īfter the collapse of the Ring network, a settlement of 436 people on the planet Jannah, including Filip Nagata, fight to protect themselves from the native creatures that threaten the settlement. Warner Bros.īeyond the appearances of Hogwarts Legacy and Gotham Knights that we know are coming during the major Gamescom 2022 showcases, we might get a look at the upcoming Suicide Squad game expected to release in 2023. We wouldn't be surprised to see the One Piece Odyssey RPG, the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle remake, or the multiplayer survival game Dragon Ball: Tie Breakers. We're begging Bandai Namco to tease some Elden Ring DLC this Gamescom - we want more reasons to dive back into what is easily one of the best Xbox games ever made - but even if that doesn't happen, the publisher likely still has some good stuff in store.
#The expanse reading order simulator
11, and looks at Goat Simulator 3 and Payday 3, both of which are releasing in 2023. We may also see The Chant, a third-person horror game set to release on Nov. 23 - the same day that the festival begins. The game everyone expects PLAION (formerly known as Koch Media) to spotlight at Gamescom is the Saint's Row (2022) reboot, which is slated to launch on Aug. Attendees will be able to play demos of these titles, though it's unclear if fans will get to see them during a stream. THQ Nordic has confirmed it's showing a wide variety of new games at Gamescom, including the Alone in the Dark reboot, Outcast 2, Wreckreation, Destroy All Humans! 2: Reprobed, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake, SpellForce: Conquest of Eo, The Valiant, Tempest Rising, and AEW: Fight Forever. We could see Miasma Chronicles as well, which is a brand new turn-based exploration RPG set in the near-future. In addition to the FPS roguelike Gunfire Reborn that the publisher is showing during the Xbox Booth Live stream, we also expect to see the Eiyuden Chronicles RPG and Among the Trolls, a survival action-adventure title set in a Finnish forest. 505 Gamesĥ05 Games has announced it's bringing an "amazing line up" to Gamescom 2022. In the biggest stretch, we may also catch a glimpse of the new BioShock game 2K confirmed was coming in 2019. We'll also likely see footage from the upcoming New Tales from the Borderlands game (details leaked earlier this week on Amazon) or the recently-delayed superhero title Marvel's Midnight Suns. It's very likely that 2K Games will have some DLC for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands to show off, especially since we haven't heard anything about the planned "Glutton's Gamble" release since developer Gearbox revealed the game's roadmap alongside the Coiled Captors DLC in April 2022. If the stars align, Beyond Good and Evil 2 could appear, although rumors say that game is still a ways out. We'll also likely see Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope, the Splinter Cell remake, or the free-to-play shooter The Division Heartland. In any event, we may see more from games like Skull and Bones or the ambitious Assassin's Creed Infinity. The studio may not host an event since it has a Ubisoft Forward show planned for early September (opens in new tab), though we won't know for sure until Ubisoft provides some details. Ubisoft is one huge developer and publisher that has confirmed it will be at Gamescom. (Image credit: Deep Silver Volition)īoth in and outside of the big livestreams mentioned above, we expect to get closer looks at several games coming from some of the industry's biggest publishers. There's a good chance Koch Media will show off Saint's Row (2022) during Gamescom.
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helpsitespeed · 2 years
Prince of persia remake
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Operating System: Microsoft Win 10 / 8 / 8.
Video Card: Nvidias GTX 1060 GPU / AMD RX 570 Gpu is Requires.
CPU: Intel Core I7 6th Gen / AMD Ryzen 7 1700X Processer.
Operating System: Microsoft Win 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7 64 Bit.
This Game requires 64 Bit of Windows To Run Your Pc.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake System Requirements:
Ruined King: A League of Legends Story freeload.
Master the Sands of Time and use your dagger to reverse, accelerate, freeze, and slow time itself. Embark on a journey to save your kingdom from the treacherous Vizier. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake will release for Pc, PS5, PS4, and Xbox X, and Xbox one on 18 March 2021. The Prince has returned Experience the classic tale that redefined action-adventure gaming in this full-scale remake for a new generation. This game is the remake of the old Prince of Persia Sands of Time game and the story will not change that much, So if you have played the old game this game will remind you of the story of the old game. The best thing about this game series was the puzzles and parkour, this was one of the main reasons that people loved this game and also the story.’ For now it’s still in development, and we’re crossing our fingers that it’ll reach its completion.So this is filled with puzzles, parkours, and also with so many different and difficult enemies. The planned release date was January 21, 2021. The game was revealed on Septemduring UbiForward. Considering The Division Heartland was only revealed earlier. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake is a third-person action-adventure puzzle-platforming video game developed by Ubisoft Pune and Ubisoft Mumbai. Rocksmith+ is another casualty pushed back into this time period, with the music-subscription simulator also seeing delays. Both games have been postponed, now launching after April 2022 but before March 2023. Hopefully Ubisoft has something to show us before the year is done, as this is one of the most anticipated remakes in recent history. The Division Heartland And The Prince Of Persia Remake Have Been Delayed. Then, around the same time, the company delayed it yet again, this time to 2022. This was when the initial worries began to sprout in the fan base which was only amplified when Ubisoft revealed that Prince of Persia: Sands of Time would not be shown during their E3 2021 showcase. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake has been rebuilt from the ground up in the Anvil engine for the PlayStation 4 systems, Xbox One systems and PC. Shortly after this the title was delayed till March 18, 2021, and then again with no new date. The game was given a release date of January 21, 2021, which of course did not come to fruition. It began when the game was revealed back in September 2020 when they initially announced the remake of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time during the Ubisoft Forward. While this statement is a bit of a sigh of relief, it’s also a bit concerning due to the amount of times that the game was delayed over the course of an entire year. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on Janu. Unfortunately, they didn’t really go into the specifics of how far the game was in the development process, nor did they offer any sort of release time frame other than 2022. Ubisoft has announced Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake will be released in January. Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Time is still in development Īs you can see in the tweet above, Ubisoft makes it very clear that the project is still ongoing, and as of this writing, have no intentions of stopping. The company made a statement on Twitter saying that the game is in fact still going through development, and has not been canceled. However, Ubisoft themselves has decided to put those worries to rest. This has caused the fanbase to worry quite a bit, as this is the routine textbook pathway to seeing a project canceled or put in limbo for several years, also known as development hell. The story of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake has been quite an interesting one to follow.Fans begged for a new Prince of Persia game for years, but when Ubisoft did finally announce the. It’s been a while since we heard anything about Ubisoft’s remake of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. The game has been delayed a number of times, with the most recent one coming just this past Spring when it was revealed that it was pushed into next year.
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justmicro · 2 years
Watch dogs 2 download free gtx 1070
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#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 driver#
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#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 full#
Here’s the full list of all of Watch Dogs 2’s advanced video options so you can see ahead of time just what can be dialed up or down to achieve those FPS boosts. Should you not have an uber powerful rig that sounds like a jet engine and runs like a nuclear reactor then you’re probably going to have to fiddle around with Watch Dogs 2’s graphics settings in order to achieve optimum performance. Let’s hope the extra fortnight in the oven means Ubisoft has got Watch Dogs 2 running in tip-top condition. Looking good is one thing, performing well is another thing entirely. FSR 2.Our friends over in console land have been emptying granny’s bank accounts and smacking folk around the chops with a ball on a string for a couple of weeks now, but Watch Dogs 2 will be with us on PC looking better than ever from tomorrow.
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#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 pro#
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We look forward to adding this game to our VGA bench. It's reasonably well coded so far and the game's rendition of San Francisco is gorgeous. I'm also happy to report that there is no weird mouse acceleration and the driving controls have been significantly improved over the first Watch_Dogs. What's also worth mentioning is that gameplay feels very smooth, even at sub-60 FPS rates. Given that the game supports both NVIDIA SLI and AMD CrossFire, you could look into something like GTX 1070 SLI or R9 Fury X CrossFire to tame this beast. Even the GeForce GTX 1080 barely holds things above the 30 fps mark. 4K Ultra HD is a daunting task for all single-GPU graphics cards we have. The performance-segment cards run close to the 30 fps mark. To enjoy the game at 2560 x 1440 with the highest details, you need to invest in a GeForce GTX 1070, which can be had for around $390 right now. AMD's fastest GPU, the R9 Fury X, still doesn't breach the 60 fps mark. The GTX 1060 6 GB is comfortably faster than the RX 480 8 GB. The RX 470 is a little more reassuring compared to the GTX 1050 Ti, which is too close to the 30 fps mark (below which playability degrades).
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 1080p#
With its details maxed out, Watch_Dogs 2 runs comfortably on most >$200 graphics cards, at 1080p resolution. VRAM usage is very reasonable, especially without the optional high-res texture pack. Overall performance is decent, but could be a bit more optimized - Watch_Dogs 2 certainly doesn't look as good as Battlefield 1 for example, which runs at higher FPS across the board.
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 drivers#
We used these GeForce 376.09 WHQL and Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.11.5 drivers in this article.
#Watch dogs 2 freeload gtx 1070 driver#
Both companies have delivered game optimized drivers yesterday, which, especially on AMD, shows that the company is right on track with providing timely driver updates to gamers for new titles. Performance on AMD Radeon graphics cards is a little bit lower than what we would expect, but this is no surprise given Watch_Dogs 2 bears an NVIDIA "The Way It's Meant To Be Played" badge, inferring that NVIDIA helped Ubisoft in the development of this game. There is no frame-rate (FPS) cap and field of view can be adjusted by up to 110°, both of which are certainly welcome in the PC-gaming arena. An optional high-res texture pack is available as a freeload and the game settings provide tons of dials to adjust performance. Only flat areas like streets look a bit too flat, lacking some geometric detail. Graphics-wise, the game looks great, with good visual detail in all scenes. Unfortunately, it still uses DirectX 11, but given how bad the track record of DirectX 12 games is so far, this might not be bad thing. The new Disrupt 2.0 engine is a revamped version of the engine that powered the original. You play a hacktivist in San Francisco who has to team up with his buddies in DedSec to stop whatever ctOS 2.0 is doing with the data it's collecting from all citizens in the city. Conclusion"Watch_Dogs 2" is a significant improvement in gameplay over the original Watch_Dogs.
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vilihemmingsvn · 2 years
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ilikedetectives · 2 years
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Roshan from Assassin's Creed: Mirage (2023)
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