jazzy-art-time · 2 months
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Discussion with The Cove about changing Ulbrecht's design to be full sawsbuck led to some doodles. Bonus: his sister Annie (they have fangs/tusks like... waterdeer. even tho literally nothing else shows waterdeer I just wanted the teef ok.)
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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Local man taken out by a single Modelo
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jazzy-art-time · 2 months
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Updated Oxide concept doodles Since I'm going through with the major design overhaul for Ulbrecht... that means I gotta update his son as well! Thinking of making him more meowstic with some sawsbuck patterns.. maybe has some seasonal changing fur? Who knows Bonus doodle of Teenage Ulbrecht holding his dumb little psychic baby who floats away always
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jazzy-art-time · 3 months
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Updated the little relationship chart thing I did like?? A few years ago now? 2?? I think? Man. TIME keeps on GOING doesn't it!! ANYWHO- I thought it would be good silly fun to do a little "updated version" for the JodyCule! Now including Ulbrecht because congrats welcome to the party my big guy!! I did update some things on here, as time goes on the characters change and update with me and with how I want them to be...
Just silly fun nothing major tbh
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jazzy-art-time · 1 year
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Polycule Explanation
Something silly I did to “explain” the polycule these guys have going on. But ended up being silly. Alt Text explanation below the cut
The Polycule currently consists of Jody, Priest, Solo and Ulbrecht. Priest is romantically/sexually involved with Jody and Solo But NOT with Ulbrecht. They still love him however. (Not in that way) Jody is romantically/sexually involved with all of them. Solo is romantically/sexually involved with Jody and Priest. Ulbrecht is romantically/sexually involved with Jody. NOT with Priest, again, he loves Priest, just not in that way Ulbrecht and Solo have a unknown relationship. It’s on and off and they do not put a proper label on it No homo kisses hugs kisses  Priest doesn’t want anymore romantic/sexual partners, but isn’t opposed to his partners getting more. They personally just do not want anymore. The others are technically open to more partners, but are not “actively seeking” if that makes sense. Like they aren’t actively going around and flirting with people or seeking dates and such. If something happens, then it happens. Otherwise they are fine with what they have now. - - Also all of this I put with like “Currently how it is”  because who knows, I may change my mind with time and such! Who knows what I’ll do next I’m rabid im feral I may go wild go crazy ANYWAYS this was random and silly but I like... talking about them so you all get to hear this boring shit anyways lmao Even if you don’t give two shits about it, you will see it anyways
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jazzy-art-time · 1 year
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Rexmile overly excited to have another werewolf in his usual vulgar spewing way
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jazzy-art-time · 1 year
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Ulbrecht sketches
what can I say, the big guy has been on my mind lately have some doodles/concept sketches for him as much as I love him I have a hard time drawing him “right” in my mind
also I wrote “stantler” instead of “sawsbuck” and I find that funny for no reason. all deer the same
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jazzy-art-time · 1 year
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Jody getting hugs and kisses from her partners because I can.
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jazzy-art-time · 2 years
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within my brainrot nobody is safe.
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jazzy-art-time · 4 years
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-chanting violently- TINY GIRLFRIEND
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jazzy-art-time · 4 years
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Nana ‘n Ulbrecht Doodles
I’m upset Ulbrecht doesn’t come until very later in the plot because I really do enjoy his and Nana’s relationship
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jazzy-art-time · 4 years
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Ulbrecht Reference, June 6, 2020
//SLAMS DOWN FISTS its finally done. Struggling with this mans design for so long and he is... completed Looks nothing like a pokemon anymore but im done take this STINKY MAN
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jazzy-art-time · 4 years
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The Duality of Ulbrecht  Shitpost doodles of Ulbrecht with Solo and Rexmile starring Ulbrecht's feelings towards Solo and then Ulbrecht: No fear Rexmile: -exists- Ulbrecht: ONE FEAR MANY FEAR SO MANY FEAR
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jazzy-art-time · 5 years
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ScrafTober 2019
Day Two- “Haunt”
Palette: “Tragic Backstory”
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jazzy-art-time · 5 years
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Ask-Scrafty Doodle Dump!
Mainly Jody making faces
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jazzy-art-time · 5 years
Fear this is old writing, stuff here may or may not apply to plot anymore
Solo spat out the liquid as quickly as it touched his tongue “WAHT IZZ DIZTH?? ATHHID?!” The Scrafty quickly began to paw at his own tongue looking over with pleading eyes
Jody leaned back in her chair slightly “you’ll get used to it.” Her tone just as apathetic as always as she herself drank a large swing of the moonshine in front of them
The shiny lizard wiped off his tongue with his own shirt before continuing to speak
“How are YOU so used to it??? Is it like a born n raised country girl thing or something??? You drink it like it’s water!!”
“It’s basically just Forget Your Troubles Water” Jody shrugged and took another swig before flashing a glance at him “and I’m not a country girl.... technically..,. Wasn’t raised here fully.”
Solo gently pushed away the glass of pure death liquid as he scooted forward in his seat with a excited tone, his hips and shoulders wiggling “oh yeah that’s right! Diane said something about you guys actually being like?? Royalty?? Like princesses or something?!” He stops and suddenly laughs a bit
“Why the amusement.” Jody raised a brow as his childish laughter
“Oh it’s just... you... Diane... royalty? That’s kinda funny haha! Well Diane I can kind of see but YOU?” His smile was huge but only to quickly fade as he made eye contact with her “uh.. hehe.. you just don’t.... you know... ACT royal? I guess?”
Jody takes the final swig of her drink before leaning back more in her chair, resting her feet on the table and closing her eyes a bit “royalty has nothing to do with how you act. It’s not a state of mind or action that you can do. Royalty depends on if you were squirted into someone royal pussy and squeezed out.”
Solo snorked a bit immaturely at her comment. Haha she said pussy. But he then cocks his head at her curiously “So then... what happened that... made you guys you know... out here..” his hands gesture to the entire room they were in
“Mother was the only one who cared. She died. Father got sick of us.” Jody stared at the wood ceiling for a bit, memorizing all the cracks and creases in the wood. “Well... he liked Diane anyways, but she was close to me.”
Solo paused for a moment, processing what she said in extreme confusion. You could almost see the math floating around his head “so he didn’t like you? How’s that possible?”
Jody looked back over at him with a raised brow as he continued to speak
“I mean... you seem nice enough to me! I mean you’ve saved me enough times and.. well the only real negative I see with you is that your kinda quiet and standoffish a bit but you never seem to mean any real harm! And to be honest you are prett-“
The shiny lizards words were cut off as a stronger male voice is heard from the doorway “She has a tragic case of Cliche Backstory.”
They both look over to see Ulbrecht standing there with a shit eating grin on his face. Jody smirked a bit as Solo slowly began to sink into his seat.
Ulbrecht walks over with his hands dramatically held against his face “Poor princess... got cursed by evil wittle witch and it scared her daddy waddy so he kicked her out~” He gets on his knees and gently leans against Jody’s shoulder “and... poor wittle princess here had become stwong and independent to fiwght monsters to stop the cursey wursey~” He laughs loudly as Jody playfully elbows him in the side.
Solo sinks a bit lower into his seat
Jody gives a playful smirk as she sits upright in her seat “oh shuuut the fuck up there. Mister UwU I had to eat my sibling cuz I was forced too so I became mister edgy bad man~” Ulbrecht laughs harder as he pokes her crest “Oh PLEASE yours is soooo much more cliché!”
“I mean... my ex girlfriend was kinda mean to me....” Solo chimed in a bit, desperate to become part of the conversation again.
“Oh wow shit you right. You need some therapy?” Ulbrecht sneered with a raised brow as he laughed and took a seat next to Jody. She flicked the large lizards cheek. “Hey be nice to him, not a competition.”
Solo smiled a bit at Jody’s attempt to help, but faded again as Ulbrecht continued to speak.
He watched them playfully battle back and forth at one another for a long while. At one point he attempted to take another sip of the moonshine beside him but couldn’t handle it. Eventually he just began to fiddle with his thumbs, once every so often Jody would attempt to include him in the conversation and he would smile and give a short reply.
After fifteen or so minutes, which felt like eternity, Diane busts in with a tray of silverware. Her face visibly excited with a big grin “DINNER TIME YA’LL.”
Diane quickly sets the table, as it was her night to set it. Kiki comes in a bit later with Nana, holding various plates of food.
Dinner is usually a chatty for all of them. But Solo remained silent for once. Slowly eating his food or poking at his carrots. Once every so often he chimed in a bit but mostly his eyes remained fixated on Ulbrecht.
SnakeHead was underneath the table, his head placed on Jody’s lap as once every so often she would feed him bits of her meal.
Jody takes another bite of a biscuit before her eyes land on the unusually quiet lizard across from her “you doing alright.”
Solo jumped a bit at her speaking to him suddenly. His eyes move over to her and smiles a bit “oh yeah I’m fine!”
Jody breaks off another piece of bread to feed to SnakeHead, gently patting his head. “Something up between you two.” Jody’s eyes flicker to Ulbrecht a bit.
Solo sweats a bit and scratches the back of his head with a smile “not that I’m aware of haha!”
Jody’s expression remains blank as she takes another bite of a biscuit “if you say so.”
The rest of the meal continues on for a bit longer before Nana stands up
“Well. I better be headin off to bed. I gotta wrestle in some new bulls tomorrow morn. Ain’t that right Deedee?” Diane groans a bit in disgust.
“I don’t want tooo... stupid stinky bulls...” Diane pokes at her empty plate with a pout. Nana laughs a bit and looks over at Solo
“Aight skinny, your turn to do the dishes tonight! Tomorrow morning it’s..... Kiki to do breakfast dishes right?”
The mienshao nods with a chipper tone and big grin “yes ma’am!”
As they all begin to go into separate rooms, Solo silently begins to collect plates and move them over to the kitchen sink. His eyes fixated on Jody who was leaving out the front door to go on her nightly walk with SnakeHead.
As some plates slam down beside him Solo jumps and drops a plate on the floor, shattering it. His body whips towards where the noise came from only to be greeted by Ulbrecht’s chest.
Solo looks up at him to make eye contact nervously “haha! Sorry you scared the hell outta me!” Ulbrecht remains silent, staring back down at him with a blank expression.
Nervously Solo bends down to begin to pick up various plate shards that were scattered across the wood floor.
The tall lizard beside him slowly bends down to Solo’s ear level and grabs his shoulder firmly.
“It’s alright you know. I don’t like you either.”
Ulbrecht’s words hissed into the shiny scrafties ear, sending a slight shiver down Solo’s spine.
“It’s best if you stay in your lane little man.” Ulbrecht stands and slightly kicks some glass shards away from Solo’s hand as he slowly walks out the front door, presumably to walk with Jody again.
Solo’s eyes fixated on him as he walked out the door. As the door slammed his eyes move down to the shards of porcelain in his palms.
He was afraid. Ulbrecht was capable of a lot and has shown that. Solo didn’t have much going for him, wasn’t all that smart or clever, wasn’t even that strong.
His heart beat violently in fear. The only sound coming from him was the staggered breathing.
Even his tail was trembling slightly as the tip nervously flicked back and forth.
His eyes scanned around the room to see if anyone else had witnessed what had just happened.
He had probably planned that, just waiting for everyone to leave... no witnesses... he could have done more than just a threat... so much more....
But no... he wanted Solo to be afraid.... he knew that it would tear him apart...
Solo’s breathing begins to quicken slightly in a panic as his eyes search around the room frantically. A knife! Yes a knife would be good enough... or would it?... maybe a gun? A gun would be good.... no... no there wasn’t anything. He could have a tank and Ulbrecht could still get to him. There was no escape if things turned for the worst. Not even God could save him.
Tears began to well in his eyes from the terror surging through him.
What did he even do to deserve that? Did he just rub Ulbrecht the wrong way? What did he mean ‘I don’t like you either’? Solo had no problem with the guy other than he was mildly terrifying! What happened to cause this what what whA T WH AT WH A T W H A T WHY WHY WHY WH Y
Suddenly Solo’s Head shoots up as a sound emerges from outside. He stands up and looks out the window, it was a familiar sound. His eyes squint a bit through his teary eyes as he sees Jody playing with SnakeHead. Laughing as the dog bounds up towards her to jump on top of her, knocking her onto her back. She squeals happily as the dog begins to lick her face, her legs kicking happily. Ulbrecht was leaning by a tree watching them, Solo couldn’t hear but he could tell Ulbrecht was making a snide comment towards them.
The shiny lizards heartbeat slowly goes down and his face slowly forms a frown, his grip slowly beginning to crunch the glass shards in his palm.
He turns around to bend over and pick up the rest of the shattered plate pieces.
His breathing had evened out and heart beat had slowed down as he realized.
He didn’t dislike Ulbrecht.
He hated him.
He stood no chance against him in strength or smarts. But he suddenly wasn’t that afraid of him.
His voice is a slight irritated whisper to himself as he picks up a large shard of plate and looks at his reflection
“If anyone needs to stay in their lane on this, it’s you Ulbrecht.”
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