cazyfood · 10 days
12 Best Foods To Eat If You Have Stomach Ulcers
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p19gen3 · 10 months
it turns out if ur not naturally stoic, hiding and suppressing ur emotions will manifest itself in negative physical ways
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Why can I no longer type text in white and have to choose a different colour?! Anyway, not the point of this post.
Why can’t pharmaceutical companies make tiny tablets with lower doses for people who struggle to take tablets?? Not everyone is a behemoth with a huge mouth and throat with no problem taking tablets the size of their fist!
I’ve been prescribed iron tablets but they’re quite big so I can’t take them and cutting them down makes them still awkward and sharp which is uncomfortable with ulcers in your throat. I even asked the GP before he prescribed them if they were tiny tablets and he said yes! These doctors need to reimagine their definition of tiny. I have some tablets that are smaller than a tic tac and they’re fine, and that’s what I mean by tiny.
But why! Why can’t pharmaceutical companies not just make some smaller? We asked at the pharmacy and they don’t have any smaller ones in a smaller dose that I can take more of, and we can’t even get any over the counter to tide me over until we figure out what to do next. It’s just bloody stupid. And then a family member comes along and says ‘why don’t you crush it?’ Like it’s going to be easy to crush the whole tablet into a fine powder and then mix it with a drink and it won’t taste like ass? I’m not doing that twice a bloody day.
I know I must sound proper up myself and stuff at this, but when it’s as difficult to take some tablets and in certain ways like it is for me, you kid of end up sounding like a douche about it, because people don’t usually understand. It’s very frustrating, and it’s all well and good for the doctors and pharmacists to be like ‘oh but it’s easy, just do this’ but they don’t have the same issues and what’s easy for one person isn’t easy for another. Surely there must be some smaller tablets around for like, if children need iron tablets and stuff? I mean, you can’t expect little kids to take huge tablets can you? Surely not…. Anyway, rant over, apologies.
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mcatmemoranda · 1 year
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reikifromlourdes · 2 years
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The photo below has been infused with Energy for Digestive Issues. You can use with the video Energy for Digestive Issues , https://bit.ly/3UARwzN, which is not only longer than the original, but also has the added benefit of Energy with Amber in it. Digestive Issues are the number one physical issue video on my YouTube Channel and hope that this helps many. The Septemeber Reiki Sunday special is this Sunday, 9/25 and the intention this month is Financial Security. You can find it at ReikifromLourdes.com #reikisundayspecial #restrelaxationreiki ​#reikifromlourdes #reiki #energyhealing #digestiveissues #digestion
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tothechaos · 4 months
me trying to convince myself that the whole spectrum of human emotions is a good and necessary thing to feel even if its not comfortable while im actively experiencing emotions that make me feel like my bones are being dissolved in acid
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thegreenhorseman · 7 days
Busy Busy Busy
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synerhealseo · 1 month
Healing Process of Foot Ulcer: We are here! We support you through your healing Process.
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discoverybody · 2 months
Is Chocolate Really Bad for Stomach Ulcers?
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Chocolate, despite its delightful taste, can irritate stomach ulcers and exacerbate symptoms due to its high fat content and theobromine. Stomach ulcers are open sores on the stomach lining that can cause abdominal discomfort, bloating, and nausea. They can be caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, NSAID use, alcohol consumption, smoking, or stress.
Diet plays an important influence in the development and treatment of stomach ulcers. Some meals can help mend the stomach lining, while others can worsen symptoms. There is a common myth that chocolate's antioxidants may treat stomach ulcers and that spicy foods are the primary culprit. However, chocolate's fat content and theobromine might stimulate stomach acid production and relax the lower esophageal sphincter, causing heartburn and exacerbating symptoms.
According to studies, eating chocolate increases the likelihood of developing stomach ulcers and increases the intensity of symptoms. To avoid further stomach lining irritation, avoid chocolate, spicy meals, citrus fruits, tomatoes, coffee, fizzy beverages, and alcohol. Instead, other treats such as fruit or yogurt should be chosen to satisfy sweet desires without exacerbating the sickness. Understanding the impact of certain foods on stomach ulcers is critical for efficient management and discomfort relief.
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newcom10 · 2 months
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myhealthhospital · 2 months
Heartburn vs. GERD vs. APD: Understanding the Differences
Digestive issues are common, but distinguishing between similar symptoms can be challenging. Heartburn, GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), and APD (Acid Peptic Disorders) are often confused due to overlapping symptoms. Here, we break down the key differences to help you understand and manage these conditions effectively.
1. Heartburn:
Definition: Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest, often behind the breastbone, caused by stomach acid refluxing into the esophagus.
Symptoms: Burning chest pain, often after eating or at night, regurgitation of acidic or bitter-tasting fluid into the throat.
Causes: Weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which normally prevents stomach acid from flowing back into the esophagus.
Triggers: Spicy or fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, smoking, obesity, pregnancy.
Treatment: Antacids for immediate relief, lifestyle changes (elevating the head of the bed, avoiding trigger foods), medications to reduce acid production (H2 blockers, proton pump inhibitors).
Complications: Occasional heartburn is common and usually harmless, but frequent or severe heartburn can indicate GERD.
2. GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease):
Definition: GERD is a chronic condition where stomach acid frequently flows back into the esophagus, leading to complications.
Symptoms: Persistent heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, chronic cough, hoarseness, asthma-like symptoms.
Diagnosis: Based on symptoms, medical history, and tests such as endoscopy, pH monitoring, or esophageal manometry.
Complications: Esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus), Barrett's esophagus (precancerous changes in the esophagus), strictures (narrowing of the esophagus), respiratory problems.
Treatment: Lifestyle changes (diet modification, weight loss, avoiding trigger foods), medications (proton pump inhibitors, H2 blockers), surgery (fundoplication) in severe cases.
3. APD (Acid Peptic Disorders):
Definition: APD is a group of conditions characterized by an imbalance between acid production and the protective mechanisms of the stomach and duodenum.
Types: Peptic ulcer disease (ulcers in the stomach or duodenum), gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
Symptoms: Abdominal pain, bloating, belching, nausea, vomiting, heartburn.
Causes: H. pylori infection, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), stress, smoking, alcohol.
Diagnosis: Based on symptoms, medical history, endoscopy, stool tests, or breath tests for H. pylori.
Treatment: Antibiotics for H. pylori eradication, acid-suppressing medications, antacids, lifestyle modifications.
In Conclusion: Heartburn, GERD, and APD share common symptoms but differ in terms of severity, frequency, and potential complications. While occasional heartburn is normal, persistent symptoms should not be ignored. Consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management plan tailored to your condition. Managing these conditions effectively can improve your quality of life and prevent complications.
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boilerdog1 · 3 months
Top 7 Stomach Ulcer Healing Foods You Need Everyday
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gunjanhospital · 4 months
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Causes of Diabetic Foot:
1) Diabetes
2) Venous Insufficiency
3) Hypetension
4) Skin cancer
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ibhomeremedies-blog · 4 months
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medoriscare · 5 months
Dropped Head Syndrome : Discover Supreme Comfort and Support with the Medoriscare Chin Support Cushion
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