#Uma x Reader
kaivenom · 4 months
Hi, my sister in arms. I have a request for you: Can you make a one-shot based in Descendants about Harry x reader x Uma, please? I can pay you in cookies, in chickens, in lands, or whatever you like. Thank you.
Lazy Nights on Hook's ship
Summary: being part of Uma's crew made life incredibly crazy, but sometimes, when the stress of commanding the territory fades away, you three can relax and spent a good time.
Pairing: Harry Hook x reader x Uma
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This week was particulary rough, some revolts on the frontiers of the port, some betrayals from the crewmates and all the other things that come with the life on the island.
You are stood right in front of the Hook's family ship, with a bag of soft muffins, the best you could make with the bad ingredients on the island. You entered the ship turned into house and inmediately felt the warmth of cooking, apparently they started without you.
You walked to the kitchen guided by the sweet humming of a sailor song. Uma was sitting on the table, drinking some ron from a fancy cup while Harry was stirring up some dough.
"Hi gorgeous." inmediatly, a smile appeared on Harry's face.
"Hi, there, beautiful:"
You put the muffins on the counter, while Harry opens his mouth to ask for a piece. You smiled and placed a muffin on his mouth, giving him little perks on the cheeks and lips after. He made a small cute giggle and continue stirring while you went towards Uma and placed your hands on his shoulders.
"How is my favourite captain?" now it's her time to be showed in kisses.
"Good, better know that the three of us are together." her hand caressing your arm.
The humming continued, now the three of you contrinuting. Harry put the cookies on the oven, with a couple of kicks to make it work. You took your usual place on his lap while placing your legs on top of Uma's.
The ron and the card games were rolling between your hands for half an hour, waiting for the ding of the old hoven to sound. It's incredible to think about how their behavious changes when the three of you are together, and alone. Uma laughs more truly and Harry shows out his sweet spot.
"He was being an asshole, he is lucky i only broke his nose."
"No, no... you did it because he was looking at our little thing."
Uma's hand brushed you hair carefully, attaching you know with kisses. An innocent laugh escaped your lips while they both started to tickle you.
Suddently the ding on the hoven sounded, finally letting you start what you've been craving all week. The cookies and the muffins were ready, the drinks placed on the small dinning table in front of the old TV, the popcorn only needed two minutes to be made so easy task.
You three sat on the squeaky couch and set the TV on. Like always, there was nothing interest rather than Auradon TV and villain correctional chanel, but you three always liked to make jokes and make fun of the first one.
After a long week on the island of the lost, you know that no matter what, you always have Uma and Harry around to relax and be loved.
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Can you do a transmale!reader x Harry Hook/Uma
(if you do multiple characters)
Where reader is chosen with the main four in the first movie (kid of Jack Sparrow) and leaves. He’s part of Uma’s crew. And when he’s chosen in the first movie, he’s pre-T or anything like it.
Then the second movie comes along and reader goes back to the isle with the others to bring back Mal. But he really goes because he wants to see his pirates. Except now he’s been on T for about a year now and had his surgeries. So they don’t recognize him and kidnap him along with Ben.
Anddddd I can’t really think of anything else after that. So…have fun with it! Preferably a happy ending, with lots of fluff and sweetness.
Pre-established Uma/Harry and Reader didn’t come out to them before leaving so as far as Uma/Harry know, Reader is a cis woman. So it’s a surprise when he finally tells him who he really is.
And yeah, that’s all. It’s alright if you don’t write it, I’d understand. Thanks!
Are we supposed to know you? (Uma x TransMale!Reader x Harry Hook)
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Summary: You were sent off with the other Vk's to Auradon and when you come back to retrieve Mal, you're changed. You of course go back for Mal, but it's mainly to see the people you left and to tell them you're home. What happens when they don't recognize you and see you as a threat, just like Ben. How will they know you're who you say you are? Pronouns: You/Yours, She/Her (In mentions from Uma and Harry), He/Him Warnings: None Word Count: 2.7k A/N: (Long A/N) Act like Jefferson doesn't exist, I forgot he existed lol. Also, I won't lie, I started this at one o'clock in the morning, and was contemplating how on earth I make this fluff when they don't recognize him and kidnap him. So, unfortunately I didn't get lots of fluff into it, I apologize, I will write a part two to this little thing just for you with only fluff in it. I hope I did the general idea justice, if I didn't, I apologize. Lots of love! <333 (Even if I explained it, you guys would not understand how frustrated I've been with tumblr and my computer. I'm so sorry for how late this is, I've been upset because I had to delay it. It's here now though.)
When Mal came to you , talking about the Isle, you couldn't help but get excited. Your eyes lit up and your smile got wider at the thought of discussing it. Mal noticed your obvious signs of wanting to continue the conversation so she sat down next to you on the bed, looking out the open curtains where the students of Auradon Prep walked. The blonde girl looked over to you, the tips of her hair their typical purple. She sighed and looked back down, messing with her fingers, “Do you ever feel like…” She paused, unable to express how she felt in words. It would’ve been easier for her if you were the first person she went to, but you weren’t.
She went to Evie, Jay, Carlos, but none of them could understand where she was coming from. It was as if everyone was happy with their new lives, but her.
Mal groaned, putting her head into her hands, unable to speak anymore.
You looked at her curiously, placing a hand on her back and rubbing small circles into it. “You wanted to talk about the island…right?” You asked her, tilting your head to see her expression. She removed her hands and nodded, not looking at you. “Yeah.”
“Is it because…you miss it?”
There was a pause, as if the room itself stilled, as if the world stopped. You moved your hand a bit just to make sure it wasn’t some sort of magic freezing everything. 
Mal sat up straight, swallowing hard, “I don’t miss the island itself.” She confessed, making eye contact with you, “I miss who I was.” She explained, taking a deep breath, “Do you get what I mean?”
You looked at her blankly, tilting your head as you looked down at yourself. 
As you did so, she opened her mouth before closing it immediately. She shook her head and laughed, slapping your arm lightly. “You know what I mean!”
“Hey, I didn’t even say anything!” You chuckled out, putting an arm around her, placing your head on hers. “But…” You began, rubbing her arm softly as she leaned into you, “I do get where you’re coming from.”
Mal looked up, her eyes a bit water, “You do?”
You nodded with a smile, “We went from a life of no no structure, doing whatever we want, enjoying life to…” You blew air out of your mouth, sighing heavily, “Rules, etiquette, expectations.” 
The girl next to you stiffened at the last word before she relaxed, leaning more into your shoulder. “I just miss….” She trailed off, shaking her head.
“You miss the freedom.”
“Yeah, I miss the freedom.”
You nodded, thinking for a moment. Soon enough, you removed your arm from her and turned to her, “Then, get it back.”
“Show everyone that you still deserve your freedom.” You explained, moving your hands with your words. “We didn’t stop being villain kids just because we started going to Auradon.” You continued watching as her eyes got bigger, “You don’t have to fit into these boxes people are trying to force us into.” You told her, shaking your head, “If they don’t understand that, then they never really understood you.”
Your words seemed to have gotten to Mal as she stood up quickly, a small smile on her face. “I needed that, thank you.” She told you, inhaling softly as she turned to the door to walk out.
You waved and mumbled a small ‘you’re welcome’ once the door was closed since she gave you no time to. 
You didn’t think much of it, you just assumed she would do something to show people that she was still herself even if she wasn’t ‘evil’, or necessarily ‘good’. 
Well, you didn’t think much of it until the next day when the VK group and Ben bursted into your room. You jumped, shoving a paper under your pillow as you clutch your chest. “Last I checked, knocking wasn’t a foreign concept.”
Evie mumbled a small apology as the rest stood with apologetic but serious faces.
You sat up since the air was so tense, tossing your legs over the bed to stand in front of them, “What’s up?”
“Mal left for the Isle.” Carlos blurted out, blinking rapidly as he looked everywhere but you.
Ben looked down with a guilty face, a frown placed on his lips. “We had a fight…” He mumbled, “She said I didn’t understand how…” He paused, clearing his throat, “She said I didn’t understand her.”
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open at the realization and of the conversation you had with her.
Jay noticed your expression and knitted his brows together, “What?”
A harsh cough left your throat as you looked away from them, “I might’ve had something to do with that.”
The group simultaneously yelled, “What?!”
Your hands raised in an automatic surrender, “Hey, she came to me talking about the Isle,” You began your explanation, “and I miss my
Evie wasn’t pleased to say the least, she crossed her arms with a raised brow. “We are your people.”
You almost laughed, but given the situation you decided not to. “I miss my people.” You specified, your words reminding the group that all of you weren’t exactly the bestest of friends back on the island.
They couldn’t say anything, they knew you were right. Ben didn’t exactly get the message, and that reminded you all of why you were gathered in the first place.
You agreed to go to the Isle to help Mal.
You agreed, but you weren’t really going to help Mal. She lived there her entire life, you knew she would be fine. She knows her way around the island, she practically ran it. You weren’t going to the Island to help Mal, you were going home.
Once all of you reached the island, you thought you would all spread out to find Mal…that wasn’t the case. You all went in a suspiciously large group to find the daughter of Maleficent, something you thought was stupid.
You thought it was stupid, but you all still found where she was hiding out and Ben went to talk to her.
Evie, Jay, and Carlos all talked to each other as you scanned the area, kicking the ground slightly as time passed by. You were barely on the island and now you all were going to leave. It wasn’t how you wanted things to go, nothing was how you wanted to go.
Ben walked out and before anyone could question him, he walked straight past you guys. Everyone looked at each other and you sighed, “I’ll get him.” You grumbled, jogging after him.
“Ben!” You yelled, trying to catch up to him. “Ben, wait up!” You yelled once again, finally reaching him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “What happened? Why are you so upset?”
“She doesn’t want to come with us, all of this was for nothing.” Ben spoke harshly, ripping his beanie off his head and throwing it to the ground.
You sighed, picking the beanie up, dusting it off. “Ben, do me a favor.”
“Look around right now.” You told him, gripping the beanie tightly. He looked at you confused but you repeated, “Look around right now.”
Ben regulated his breathing, calming down enough to look around. It was cramped, cluttered, dirty even. It wasn’t properly cared for but the people around seemed to be having a good time nonetheless. 
When he looked back at you, you were looking at the children running around, trying to find a way to pick-pocket Ben. “This is how we grew up Ben…” You mumbled, finally making eye contact with Ben, “You can’t expect Mal, the daughter of the biggest villain who was on this island, to just snap into a princess.” You explained to him, shaking your head.
Ben turned, looking at the area around, “I didn’t realize…” He whispered, eyes flickering to something new the more he looked. 
When the son of Belle and the Beast turned around to face you again, you were nowhere to be found. He turned around quickly, breath picking up the pace as he looked for you, “Where’d you go?” He called out, spinning in a circle until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He let out a sigh of relief, “Come on, that wasn’t fun-” The next thing he knew, everything went black.
Blurry eyes opened, a dry throat let out a cough, and vision restored. Ben looked around for a moment before his gaze fell on you. You were sat with a blank expression, seemingly uninterested in your current situation.
Ben muttered a few incoherent sentences but you cut him off for a moment.
“Getting kidnapped was not on my vacation bucket list.”
Neither of you could even begin a conversation after your words when someone started laughing. The two of you looked up and saw someone had walked in, seemingly amused at your situations. 
“Absolutely hilarious, you’re quite funny.” The male said, looking you over a bit before turning his attention to Ben to do the same thing.
Your brows furrowed as you broke out of whatever ‘trance’ you were in. “Harry?” You asked aloud, adjusting yourself to get a closer look at him.
He pointed his fake hook to you, placing it under his chin. “How do you know my name?”
“How does who know your name?” A voice called from behind the boy, footsteps getting louder as they neared.
Harry tilted his head, “This one.” He spoke, moving his hook from under your chin to step back.
The person that walked in was a girl, she had light blue braids and brown eyes. She stood tall with the hat of a pirate on. 
Your brows furrowed once again, your mind still a little fuzzy from your current situation. “Uma?” You mumbled out, tilting your head.
“You know these people?” Ben suddenly spoke out, trying to get out the rope that tied his hands behind his back.
You looked over at him, a bit unimpressed. “I was raised here, I know everyone here.”
Harry gasped falsely, fake hook over his heart, “You’re a VK?” He asked, not expecting you to answer, since he didn't believe you.
You nodded, forgetting that you look different so they don’t recognize you. “Uh, yeah.” You spoke as if it were obvious, “Born and raised.” You spoke, trying to jog their memory. “Uma, I was in your shop every single da-”
“Oh, and are we supposed to know you because of that?” She asked with a straight face, squatting down to bore her eyes into yours.
You took a deep breath, closing your eyes before opening them again, “If you said you didn’t, I��d be questioning our friendship.”
Your captors both laughed, looking at each other, “Friendship?”
Ben decided to give up, still listening to the conversation. So much was running through his mind, he was trying to figure out how to get out of this situation until…he realized something. You knew these people, you guys were friends, they just didn’t recognize you. If Ben reminded them, maybe they would let you guys go.
He thought it over before blurting out, “He’s the child of Jack Sparrow, so yes he is a villain kid.” 
Everyone went silent, their laughs were quiet, and your breathing stopped at Bens sudden exclamation.
You looked over and Ben looked you up and down, and that is when you realized…they don’t know who you are. You had changed so much in the past year, even your voice was different. How did you just expect them to recognize you?
When you looked back at the two pirates, they were staring you down. If looks could kill, you would be six feet under.
Uma squatted down in front of you, glaring harshly, “Don’t you ever disrespect her like that ever again.” She whispered to you seriously, her head whipping to Ben, “Don’t you ever mention her in front of me, again.”
Harry took a few deep breaths, “She would’ve been fine here, and you took her.” He told Ben, poking his chest with his hook. “If you ever try to lie to us, I will gut you like a fish.”
Uma nodded to the statement, “You think we wouldn’t know her family?” She asked you, tilting her head. “Jack Sparrow had one child, a daughter, and she’s never coming back.” She paused, biting the inside of her cheek, “For you, a preppy, to just try to claim her father as your own for some sense of freedom…it’s disgusting.”
The blue haired girl stood slowly, keeping her eyes on you. You finally released the breath you were holding, when she removed herself from your space.
You blinked back a few tears as they turned to walk out the door. Harry gently took Umas hand, whispering some things that you couldn't hear.
They were so good together, they still defended your name even if they thought you weren't there. You didn't expect your chest to hurt so badly when they protected you, even if they believed you were gone for good.
“I would’ve joined your crew even if I lost that race.” You mumbled, looking at their backs with sad eyes.
The two paused before turning to you, “Excuse me?” Uma asked, standing in place.
“The race..” You trailed off, “If you won I would join your crew, if I won you would have to spend a week proving to me how much you wanted me to join and then I’d give you my answer.” You continued, nodding with your own words. You didn't notice how they continued to walk towards you. You continued on, “Unfortunately, I was dragged to Auradon before I could answer you, so I’m doing it now.” You told them, looking up to see both of them analyzing you with parted lips, “I was going to join your crew anyways.”
Umas eyes were focusing on each of your features before she cupped your face, looking at you more intensely.
Harry looked up, making eye contact with you, “You have her eyes…” He muttered, taking off his hook to trace your cheeks.
You swallowed harshly before breathing out a chuckle, your cheeks warming a bit. “I would hope so, I was born with my eyes, guys.”
Uma shook her head, “But she’s… you’re not…”
“A girl…I know.” You whispered out, looking down, or trying to. Harry picked your head back up swiftly.
His eyes were watering slightly, “You’re telling the truth aren’t you?”
You nodded as best as you could with his hands on your cheeks. “I know I don’t look the same…”
He shook his head, “But you’re still you…” 
Uma quickly untied the rope keeping you tied up, trying her best to go quickly. She had ordered her crew to tie your guys up from your arms to your legs, and now she was regretting it. Harry noticed her struggle and began to help untie you, muttering curses when he got to harder knots.
Once you were untied, you rubbed at your wrists, looking down for a moment at the burn. 
You looked up, finally, and were met with Harry and Uma on their knees, staring at you. Their eyes were teary, their chests were rising and falling deeper than ever, neither could speak.
You felt your own eyes begin to water as you rushed forward, wrapping your arms around the both of them.
Harry's arm immediately went around you, he began to cry into your shoulder, holding you tightly. “We thought we’d never see you again.” 
Uma, on the other hand, was hesitant. She slowly wrapped her arm around you. When she did, she felt a rush of familiar comfort, a heat rushing through her chest, something she only felt with Harry and…you. She bit her tongue so as to not cry as she buried her nose into your other shoulder, “We would’ve found a way to you anyways.”
The warmth of the two enveloped you as you finally got to be near them again, as you finally got to feel their comforting arms again. “I have no doubt in my mind that you would’ve found me again.” You whispered to them, trying to hold them tighter.
Harry rambled on about never leaving them again, Uma ran her fingers down your back, both of them weren't letting you go anytime soon.
Uma sniffled a bit, "We missed you so much."
"I missed you guys too, more than you'll ever know."
You were finally with your people again. Now, you didn’t have to stare at a picture of the three of you, wishing they were in your arms.
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rlimagi · 2 months
Pairing: Uma x Reader
Request: Hi !! Can I please have a fluff Uma x reader fic ? Reader is Uma’s longtime girlfriend 💙 I’m so excited there’s an account for descendants fem x reader !!!!! I’m so excited to read your writing !!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any.
Note: I started writing this since a few days ago but I kept rewriting it because I didn’t feel satisfied with the ending. So this might have a part 2 if my brain wants to work with me again.
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You were Mal’s twin sister, which meant you had the utmost unfortunate experience of having Maleficent as your mother. You never experienced the motherly love you’ve always craved for, so you didn’t know what love felt like until you met her.
At a very young age, you found your love in books. Fairytales about princesses and magic were your favorites because they’ll always end up living happily ever after, and you wanted that so badly. But your love for what many other kids claimed, ‘nerdy’ became the reason you would always find comfort alone in your room instead of doing things a villain should do. Which meant you were a total loner.
You were a disappointment to your mother and as for your twin, you guys had always been close, though being polar opposites. Mal and Jay were the only friends you had and it stayed that way for years until one night.
You had just returned your books back to the library, if you could even call it that, the area was dark and you couldn’t see the paths clearly so you stumbled on an unfamiliar alley.
It was full of older kids, most of the kids on the isles were trouble makers but the kids there were the oldest of the bunch and the worst of them all.
“Hey! Isn’t that Maleficent’s kid?” An older boy shouted out, walking towards you as his gang backed him up. Those kids were pirates, you weren’t sure how that worked out since the isles had no open water for them to sail and rob other ships, but you weren’t going to question them.
It was ironic that you’re the daughter of one of the most evil villian, yet you could barely make eye contact with people who aren’t your sister or Jay, nor fight.
“Shouldn’t she have purple hair, like her sister? Why is it blue?” An older girl spoke up this time but she was as scary as the rest of them. You stood still as she took a few strands of your hair and examined them.
“What should we do with her? Do you reckon it’ll be a good idea if we kidnap her and ask for ransom money?” Another boy smirked, his crooked teeth showed as he cracked into laughters like the rest of his crew.
You were terrified for your life as the rest of them surrounded you but then a voice called out.
“How about you leave her alone, Henry?”
You turned around to see a girl your age but her eyes showed no fear, only confidence and dominance.
“Uma, you’re no fun. Imagine all the money we’ll get from her mom and don’t you hate her sister?” The boy she called Henry shook his head as he placed his dirty hand on your hair and messed it all up.
“Hands off or I’ll tell my mom that you’re the one who broke all her tables last week.” The pretty girl clapped back as she glared at the older boy.
Henry sighed in annoyance before gesturing to the rest of his crew to follow him out. “You’re lucky Ursula’s your mother.”
Your eyes followed as you watched them kicked everything in their way, probably out of annoyance that they got dominated by a kid 3 years younger than they were.
“Thank you.” You muttered, face reddening up when she smiled and nodded. You’ve never seen such a beauty like her before, not like you’ve met a lot of girls.
“No problem, they were annoying me all week anyways…but hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around here before.” Uma smiled, her eyes were dark yet it was so sparkly for some reason.
“Oh I’m-“ You were about to introduce yourself when your sister and Jay, came out of nowhere.
“Yn! We were looking for you everywhere, where have you b-“ Mal rushed to your side, face filled with worries but she abruptly stopped mid sentence when she looked at the girl standing beside you. “Oh it’s you. Hey Shrimpy~”
Your eyes widened up in shock at your sister’s reaction to Uma. You knew your sister was a bully in a way, to other kids but it was just shocking to see her like that with your own eyes. Especially to the girl who had just saved you only a few minutes prior.
“Why are you here with her sis? You’re going to turn into a shrimp if you stand too close to her.” Mal’s grimace turned into a smirk as she pulled you away from where you were.
Uma’s smile turned sour almost immediately after Mal and Jay came. Without saying anything, she gave them both a nasty glare before running away.
“That’s so not cool, Mal.” You pushed your sister away before heading home on your own, ignoring the shouts from behind.
After that night, you secretly went out late at night looking for her. You didn’t want to look for her when the sun is bright because your sister or Jay might find out. Eventually, you found her sitting alone on a dock.
That night, you gave her the biggest apology for your sister’s behavior and asked her to be friends. Luckily, she didn’t have anything against you and agreed.
That was the day your love story started to blossom. After a year of secretly being friends, Uma she asked you to be her girlfriend and of course you agreed.
But fate separated you both after the 3rd year of your relationship, because you were invited to Auradon. You were ecstatic since all your life you’ve always dreamed of getting out of the isles, and you might have a chance of having a happily ever after like those fairytales you’ve enjoyed so much. But will you actually ever find one if your lover won’t be there with you?
When you told Uma that you won’t be going if it meant that you’ll never see her again, she got upset that you’re throwing away your dream, just for her. She didn’t want you to sacrifice your happiness like that, so ultimately you agreed but with a promise that you’ll try everything in your power to see her again.
Your life on Auradon was great, the people were nice, the food was spectacular, and it was a breath of fresh air and eventually you started to forget the life you left behind.
“Yn, can we talk?” Your older sister rushed to your side as you were lying against a big oak tree, trying to read a book.
There were a few decent books back in the isles but it couldn’t compare to the ones Auradon had. After arriving at Auradon Prep, you’ve gain a lot of friends but got close to Jane the fastest after she discovered your love for books and introduced you to a few of her favorites.
“Oh, sure! What’s up?” You smiled before patting on the grass next to you, gesturing her to sit there. Pulling your attention away from the book, you noticed Mal’s sullen expression and you knew all too well what it meant. “Spill.”
Mal sighed before the look on her face turned on into a slight frown. “I’ve just had a disagreement with the other VKs and Ben. They just don’t get me. And I tried to find you first but I swear you’re everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.”
You chuckled, patting her shoulder before asking. “You know I can’t stay still. Well then, what did you talk to them about? It can’t be that bad right?”
“No, but it’s just…” Mal stopped for a moment while her eyes drifted off to the distance, to where the isles were.
“Okay, I think I get what you’re thinking of. You want to head back and they don’t?” Mal was a hard person to read, but luckily you were her twin who could read her like an open book. Even without the spells.
“Yes! I just miss being…bad, no rules, no people throwing microphones into your face and asking invasive questions. I just miss being me, you get it right?” Of course you understood her, you could see it from miles away.
You saw how she had been dealing with her new title as Ben’s girlfriend and soon the future Queen of Auradon. It was a lot of responsibility being thrown on her, you knew she would break soon enough.
“I get it, I do miss beating up nasty old men, stealing candies, and...” the thoughts of your girlfriend flooded all over your head. “Her…” you whispered.
“And?” Mal looked at you, confused. You’ve never told any one of your friends, even Mal about the relationship between you and Uma. Mal hated Uma and the feelings were mutual with Uma, they hated each other’s guts and honesty it was hard hiding the fact that you were dating the girl your sister used to bully.
You blinked, getting caught off guard before faking a cough. “Umm, nothing!”
Mal nodded but you knew she was still a bit suspicious but chose to let it go anyways. “I think, I’m going to go back.” Mal claimed confidently as she abruptly stood up. Not even a second later, she looked at you back with vulnerable eyes. “Should I? I don’t think I’ll be coming back and I don’t want to leave if you’re all going to be mad at me for doing so. Especially you, you’re my twin and your words means the most to me.”
You sighed, following her action. “Mal, .you’re my sister and as your sister, I say you should do whatever the hell you want. No matter what, and no matter what we will always be sisters.” you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Thanks, I really needed that. Do you want to come with me, maybe?” Mal chuckled before punching you jokingly.
Your breath hitched, immediately thinking of Uma. You did promise that you’ll find a way to see her again.
“Thanks Mal, but I do need to return these books back to Jane first. You go a head and I’ll find you there after I’m done.” You smiled before pointing to the piles of books that laid next to you. “I’ll know where to find you.”
“Got it.” Mal nodded. “Talk to the others for me okay? They don’t know I’m leaving, at least not yet.”
“Of course, you can always count on me.”
When you arrived at your shared dorm with Evie and Mal, a freaked out Evie rushed to your side. “Yn! There you are!” She exclaimed, pulling you inside before handing over a note. “Did you know about this?”
You looked at Mal’s goodbye note before looking back at your best friend. “Of course, she talked to me right before she left.”
“And you didn’t stop her?!” Evie gasped, pulling you to sit down on your bed.
“Nope.” You replied casually before popping a few gummies into your mouth. Your table always had sweets in stock for you to munch on. You’ve never had any sugar before but after arriving at Auradon, you’ve never gone a day without them.
“I’m planning to go too, now if you’ll excuse me.” you muttered before walking past Evie to grab a notebook which you had written down all the useful spells on. Honestly, you were cursing yourself for not thinking of a way to meet her until now.
“Wait what?” Evie asked in shock before blocking your way as you were about to head out. “Well you can’t leave, not alone anyways. We need to tell Ben about this, he’ll know how to get her back.” Evie said before pulling you with her.
“Slow down Evie! She’s just giving little old home a visit and if she decides to stay there then, well we can’t do much about it!” Your voice echoed across the halls but went unheard as Evie dragged you into Ben’s office.
The next thing you know, you were pulled into the Limo with Carlos and Jay sitting beside you. The ride to the isles wasn’t too long, but you were nervous extremely nervous yet excited at the same time. You haven’t seen her in 6 months, what if she found someone else while you’re away?
Your worries never washed away, even when you bumped into Gil after landing. He was the only person in the world who knows about your relationship with Uma. How he knew didn’t happen on person.
During your second year anniversary, you and Uma had sneaked out to go on a date late at night on top of the roof of your school’s building. It was sweet and romantic but then Gil for some odd reason was there and walked in on you two making out. He swore not to tell anyone and luckily he kept his words.
“Ben, before you go in and talk to her…you need to prepare yourself for the worse outcome, alright?” You called out to Ben right before he walked up the stairs. He frowned slightly but nodded anyways.
“This is what Mal needs, no offense you’re great and I love you for her but sometimes she just needs to get back to figure things out with this side of hers…alright you can go now I won’t stall any longer.” You patted his shoulder before pushing him slightly.
“Thanks Yn, and don’t worry. Whatever Mal decides, I’ll respect it.” Ben said before rushing up the flights of stairs.
You nodded and looked back at your other best friends who all shared the same nervous looks. Not too long after, Ben came down looking devastated and ran off into the darkness. You knew that he would get lost being all by himself so you left the VKs and followed after him.
“Ben?” You called out but got left with no response, you swore he was just there a minute ago. “Ben, buddy. Is that you?” You asked once you saw a figure walking up to you.
The alleyway was dark since there were barely any light source so it was hard to identify who it was. Not too long after, you found yourself losing consciousness.
You woke up to the sound of people yelling and running around your surroundings. “Hey, Yn! Wake up!” you felt a hand nudged yours and suddenly you were finally aware of where you were. Uma’s territory.
“Ben!? Is that you? Why am I tied up? Why are we tied up? What the hell is going on?” You whispered back, squirming as you tried your hardest to get the ropes to loosen up. Of course it didn’t but it was worth a try.
“I talked to Uma who’s like the captain here, I really messed up by forgetting about the other kids who didn’t get picked” Ben replied, deeply regretful for forgetting his main goal for the future of Auradon and the kids who were punished because of the faults of their parents. “It was my goal to bring every kid to Auradon. But then I got so busy with being a King that I had forgotten about all the innocent lives out here.”
“Wait Uma was here? Never mind, don’t blame yourself. You are an amazing person and King, we’re all forever grateful that you gave us a chance to figure out who we are. And it wasn’t your fault for forgetting, you’re still a kid who became King and suddenly got handled all the responsibilities.” You had always thought of Ben like a brother and he was amazing.
Ben was different than all the other royals, he didn’t have to care but he did by bringing 5 villian kids to Auradon and giving them a chance.
Everyone was outraged, but Ben didn’t care. He wanted change, and it’s starting to happen slowly but surely. “You can always make your goal happen, it’s never too late for anything.”
“I promise the first thing I’ll do when we get back to Auradon is find a way to get more kids out of here.” Ben said in determination. After exploring the island for a while, he could see how terrible the conditions were.
“I know you will.” you replied before everything went quiet. All the pirates stopped at their places and you could hear someone untying Ben and before you knew it, Harry walked past you with Ben being pushed towards the plank.
“Boo!” Someone whispered in your ear, scaring the living soul out of you. Then you heard a laugh, the voice of the only person you’ve ever loved. Uma.
“Hey baby, did you miss me?” Uma smirked as she moved to stand right in from of you. Her hand held up next to your face as she teasingly pinched your cheek. She had always adored the way your cheeks reddened up whenever she did that.
“Do I?” You teased back, enjoying how she acted annoyed whenever you played with her but you knew that she secretly loved it. “Kidding, of course I do! Now can you please untie me?”
“I kind of like it when you’re tied up though, that way you can’t go anywhere else.” Uma replied back jokingly but you could see it in her eyes that there was some truth in that. Ever since you guys became a couple, you had never gone a day without seeing each other at least once. And ever since you got sent to Auradon, you have been apart for longer than 6 months.
“Uma, I really wish I could bring you to Auradon with me.” You said sincerely as she untied you from the pole.
Uma stopped for a moment, looking at you with a smile before leaning in. Her hands trialed from your neck to your face before pulling you in for a much needed kiss. Even after kissing her so many times, the same spark and fluttery feeing from the first one will always reappear.
The way she looked at you, the way she touched your lips, the way it made you feel like you were floating, it was everything. She was everything.
“I know, but don’t worry. You’ll be able to bring me with you after Mal gives me the fairy godmother’s wand.”
You looked at her in confusion. Uma and Mal were clearly not on good terms so why would your sister willingly do that. “What are you saying?”
Your question was left unanswered as Uma broke eye contact, her smile turning into a mischievous grin after seeing visitors stepping in her territory.
You were confused by her sudden change of demeanor before looking the same way she was heading to, Mal and your friends were there.
You knew that it would not end well, at all.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Maybe preferences for the descendants characters about them with a s/o who’s a VK and is having trouble fitting in at auradon? I’m desperate for mal and evie content I dunno
oo yeah sure!! ; hopefully I did this some justice lollll ; but thank you for requesting!! hope you enjoy 🫶 ; I just did the ogs (core four + uma) bc you wanted evie and mal and I like separating the ogs from the ror vks so 😔
DESCENDANTS ; fitting in
includes ; mal, evie, carlos, jay & uma
warnings ; language
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she feels so bad that you're not fitting in
it's not even about that, it's about feeling like you're still being ridiculed for being a vk
but trust she has your back
lots of pep talks and reassuring you that you're not like your parent/s
and that weirdos who wanna make fun of you can go suck it
"because everyone who wants to judge you, they can go suck it. you're amazing, they've just yet to see it"
as long as you have her and your friends you'll be okay I promise 😔🙏
she knows what it feels like to only fit in because she has a pretty face, so she understands the fake kindness
lots of reassurance that you're worth it, and that you'll fit in soon enough
"theyre just... skeptical. once they get to know you, they'll see why we love you" she smiles. "try and compliment some people, or try out for a sport or program or club"
she has the most genuine, best advice ever
and she'll always be by your side to help
she always brings you to her fashion events so people can meet you as well 🫶🫶
he will do everything in his power to make you feel better / help you fit in
whether it be giving out treats or joining clubs / finding your interests, he'll be there
he understands how scary auradon is at first so he really does try to pep talk you and assure you everything will fall into place
"It'll be alright, y/n, you just have to get out there, find what you love, and kinda just... bond with people. they're just misguided and worried, i guess. but I promise, everything will be alright. Just give it time"
he has your back dw, he WILL snap back at a bitch
"actually, you're built like a refrigerator, so stop talking"
damn okay
he's constantly reassuring you that everything will be okay
"I swear, y/n, they'll warm up. you just gotta show them you aren't evil. like I did, I joined tourney and it makes me happy. find something that makes you happy, and you'll find other people who are happy with that interest."
he's always got your back too, and he's not one to shy away from a pep talk when you need it
he's right by your side when you're trying out new things to see what you like
and he's always whispering little things in your ear to help you talk to the auradon kids
she gets it dw
she barely fits in too
she's always got an arm slung over your shoulders while she gives you a pep talk
"dont worry about those people, just be you"
she makes sure to make you realize that you don't have to fit in and be popular amongst the auradon kids
like just be yourself cause you'll always have her and the other vks
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handsomemilo · 1 year
I'm so in love with Harry Hook honestly, and Uma. I mainly love d2 but honestly I'm tempted to write fics for descendants characters
Mostly Harry
I just love the pirates so so much
Okay I'm writing at least one fic for descendants, I may need people to suggest stuff for me
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i-love-rice · 2 months
the lack of red x reader fanfics is actually CRIMINAL
i really thought she would be all over tumblr :(
authors PLEASE i BEG of you
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that1geek06 · 2 months
Hey, can I request an Evie (Descendants) x younger brother reader where R stayed behind on the isle and Uma swept in and became R’s sister figure and when Evie comes back to the isle she tries to make up with R? Up to you how it ends :))
OOO I love this concept, sorry it has taken me so long to get this out, life sucks 😭 anywayss ENJOYY
Evie X Male!Brother!Reader (Platonic) Uma x Male!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Angst, Neglect, Verbal abuse, Suicidal thoughts (if there's smth I missed pls lmk idrk what goes in the warnings)
Y/N ran through the dark streets of the isle, long held in tears streaming down his face as he weaves through the people. He hated his mom, he hated his life, he hated everything, and most importantly..
He hated his sister.
[1 day before]
"Evie!! Come with me this instant, we are due for a very important meeting with the others." Y/N heard his mom yell, and in curiosity he goes down from his small attic like bedroom and makes his way to the front door where his mom stood.
Nervously he looks up, "Um, mother? Where are you going?" He asked sheepishly, and he watches as she looks down at him. Disgust growing on her face.
"That is none of your concern boy."
With hesitation he speaks again, "...can I go with? I'll be quiet and-" a scoff from his mother interrupts him, "You annoying brat, not everything is about you. You are not going with, you have no purpose to, you would be absolutely useless and I don't need you embarrassing me in front of the others. You're as worthless as your father was."
Y/N's head falls as he looks at the floor, he shouldn't have asked. Just then Evie finally makes her way out of her room, their mother leaving the house mumbling that she's waiting outside for her.
Evie doesn't even spare a glance at her younger brother, eyes too focused on the small mirror in front of her as she fixes her lipstick and walks out as well.
The door shuts behind her and Y/N is left in the silent and empty house...again.
The next day is just as quiet as the day before, both Evie and his mom not at the house. In boredom, he turns on the T.V, flicking through the very few channels that were available at the isle, then one thing catches his eye.
He watches as an announcement was made how four VK's had been chosen to attend Auradon prep for a new chance in life...and he watches as his sister and her friends appeared on the screen. Standing by this sleek black car by the gate.
Before Y/N even realized he had bolted out the door, heart pounding against his chest. She couldn't leave, She couldn't leave him alone with their mother, He needed her.
Pushing his legs to the max, he finally spots the group and car way off in the distance. Maybe he could make it and convince her to let some other kid go.
They all get in the car...
"EVIE HANG ON! WAIT!!" He yells, but to far away for her to hear.
The car door closes and the engine starts...
He runs faster. Eyes wide with unshed tears. "DON'T GO!! EVIE PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!"
The car starts to drive away...
"NO!!!" Y/N reaches out, the unbalance making his overworked legs buckle and he falls to the ground. Looking up and catching the magic gate slowly closing behind the car.
She's gone. And he didn't even get to say goodbye.
He quickly stands up, heart still beating quickly as he looks around. He felt so lost... Y/N turns and runs again, going wherever his feet take him.
[Back to present moment]
He had ran all the way to the other side of the isle. The smell of salt water and fish everywhere. Y/N finally stops at a cliff, the dark water below hitting against the rock, as if it tried to reach for him.
He hadn't planned this, to come here, and to find the water looked so welcoming. Like it whispered to him that all his problems would fade away if he is fell in.
He couldn't go back home, he couldn't go back to his mother alone.
Y/N closes his eyes, maybe he could...
"Hey, kid." Someone calls out, causing the boy to spin around quickly. Eyes wide in panic.
The girl in front of him raises her hands in surrender. She looked around Evie's age, she had blueish braids that flowed from under a pirate hat.
"I'm not here to hurt you or anything, a person in my crew had spotted you and I just came up here to make sure you weren't about to raid my ship."
His brows furrow in confusion at her words, he looks back over the cliff and just now notices the rugged boat off to the left. "Oh..I didn't even notice, I-Im sorry I didn't mean to make you think that, its not why I'm here." Y/N stutters, shrinking in on himself. Wishing he could disappear already.
The girl just shrugs, "Yeah I figured." She pauses for a moment, looking the younger boy over. "...You Evie's brother?" She suddenly asked.
"...yeah...um Y/N." His face saddens st her words.
She raised her brow at that, "I'm surprised you came to this side of the isle then." He looks surprised at that, what did his sister do? "I didn't know I wasn't supposed to, did my sister do something?" Y/N asked cautiously.
"I wouldn't say that, just have a bit of a rivalry with her group is all, did she not tell you?" She questioned.
He shakes his head, "we don't really talk a lot anymore."
A silence falls over the two, before the girl speaks up again. "Tell you what kid, why don't you come back to my ship with me, me and my crew were just about to head out and get some food."
Y/N thinks about it for a moment, he didn't want to go home."Okay.."
"Great, your with Uma now kid." She smirks down at him, putting her arm over his shoulder as she leads him to the boat.
-------------------------------- [Time Skip] --------------------------------
Y/N waits in the birds nest for Harry and Gil to return, Uma had sent them out on a mission. And after about ten minutes he spots them coming in through the tunnel, Gil carrying someone on his shoulder.
Hurriedly, he grabs the rope he tied to the nest and slides down it, running to greet them at the front of the boat. "Oi there squirt!" Harry calls out smirking as th boy gives him a hug.
"Hey! Hi Gil!" Y/N says, bright smile on his face that Gil gladly returns.
Suddenly he felt an arm around his shoulder, but he knows exactly who it was. "Good job you two, tie him up against the post. Its time to wait for our old friends to arrive." Uma says darkly. Harry smirks and bows "Aye aye captain."
She then looks down at Y/N, ruffling his hair. "Go ahead and wait in my cabin kid. I'll fill you in here soon." He nods and goes over to Uma's cabin, laying in the bed she set up for him a while back.
He waits there for a while, not that he minded though, but all of the sudden he hears a bunch of commotion. Yelling that was very muffled and he couldn't make out. What was going on?
He steps out of the cabin and walks towards Uma, seeing Gil and Harry close to her. "What's happ-" he stops mid way as he looks up, making eye contact with someone who he thought he'd never see again...
"Y/N?!" Evie called out, confusion and shock on her face.
He couldn't pull his eyes away from her, his chest starts to heave as that day flashes in his eyes. He only snaps out of it when Uma lays a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Lets not get distracted now, you know the deal. No wand, no crown." She calls out. And then the exchange happens, they hand Uma the wand and we give them the guy Harry and Gil took which was Prince Ben.
The crew watches in anticipation as she goes to use it, their faces drop when nothing happens. It was fake.
"GET THEM!" She calls out, and a big fight breaks out. Y/N goes to hide back in the cabin when he feels an arm pull him to the side. And he was now once again staring into his sisters eyes.
She looked upset, "Y/N what are you doing over here? These people are dangerous." He shakes his head at that. "No they arent, they actually take really good care of me."
Evie's eyes widen at that, "Take good care- how long have you been here??" She asks.
"How long has it been since you left." He says with bitterness. And she freezes at that. Looking over Y/N. He had changed a lot, his hair was longer, he had gotten taller, and you could faintly see the fuzz of facial hair starting to grow in. "It...its been a while hasn't it?" She said sadly, much to her surprise though, the younger sibling just scoffs.
"Don't even act like you missed me Evie. I didn't exist to you anymore. You left me with mom, you didn't say goodbye. Which I don't even know why I thought you would, you'd never even help me when mom would yell." Her heart stings at that, how could she let this happen?
Evie thinks hard, before her face lights up. "Come with me, I'll take you to Auradon and you can stay there with me. Its so much better then the isle Y/N you'll love it there, and I can make up for everything and we can spend time-"
"No." He says dryly, not even giving her the chance to finish. And her heart breaks. The group calls put to her as they head towards the exit, and Evie knows she has to go. "Please?"
He shakes his head at her plea. "Why would I run off with someone I barely know." Y/N then turns and heads towards the cabin again, hearing Evie's footsteps run off as she escapes with the group.
Uma grunts in annoyance at this. Sighing in exasperation. And then she feels a hand on her back. "Don't worry Uma, we'll get out of here soon." Y/N softly smiles, and watches as she slowly relaxes.
The crew heads down to the fish and chip shop to wind down. Even though they lost this battle, laughs and banter echo around them, and in the front of the group, Uma leads walking and saying something small here and there, rolling her eyes at Harry's bad jokes and Girl's innocence. Y/N sat on top of Gil's shoulders as he laughed with them. He would never leave these people.
He would never leave his family.
Thank you for readingg, I really hoped you liked it, and I'm so sorry anon that it took so long to get out, procrastination will kill me one day I swear. But I hope this made your daydream a little more real!
Have a good day/night, and go drink water rn, don't even fight me ik you haven't, BE WILD OUT THERE GOOBERS 💃
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kori-xo · 1 month
Pairing: Uma x Fem!Reader (but there’s only like one mention of gender 😭) 
Notes: This literally has no plot, this is just a little side writing I did while trying to finish requests 🧍🏽‍♀️
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Sometimes, a moment of peace is all you needed. 
After defeating Audrey, helping to save Auradon, and celebrating the barrier between the kingdom and the Isle of the Lost being removed, and actually settling into Auradon, you were exhausted.
They gave you and the others two weeks to get acquainted with the school grounds and your dorms, but right now, you were using that free time to rest.
So now there you were, on your bed in your dorm, laying with your roommate and girlfriend, Uma, sitting in blissful silence. 
“Your elbow is digging into my thigh, girl.”
Uma’s statement makes you snap out of your half aware haze, murmuring a small apology before moving your arm and replacing it with your head. Your arm was kinda getting tired of propping it up, anyways. 
The silence resurfaces, Uma counting her braids while your fingers absentmindedly danced along her leg. 
You carry on in doing so until your eyelids begin to droop, the temptation of a good nap too good to pass up. 
Uma must’ve noticed your growing sleepiness, as she stops playing with her hair for a brief second to drape a throw blanket over your shoulder, making you extra comfortable. You hummed lowly, settling under it as you yawn softly, before giving into sleep’s clutches with your love keeping you warm and watching over you. 
Yep, this break was most definitely needed. 
— — — — — — — — — 
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hurts2think · 1 month
Uma x Fem!reader with some fluff and physical affection?
🌊Uma x Reader Dating Headcanons🌊
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Principal Uma x Princess Reader
Plot: Dating Headcanons that leads to a proposal!
Extra: I just did this as headcanons since I really didn't have much to go off of, but I hope you enjoy! Even if this is a little half assed🫶
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- You two actually met as teenagers after the barrier on the isle was taken down.
- She didn't really like you at first because she was still getting used to being in Auradon and wasn't a fan of all the royals
- Since the isle came down after you two were both already just graduated school, you never got to go to AP with her but you were close friends with Ben and Mal so you'd often run into her at events
- You always tried becoming friends with her because you really did admire her. Her determination, her capabilities, and being able to lead so wonderfully. And of course, she was probably one of the most gorgeous people you've ever met
- She finally got over her petty feelings towards you just because you were royalty and started to tolerate you.
- After that you two almost immediately bonded. You admitted your lack of interest in ever becoming queen one day and she very surprisingly invited you to join her pirate crew
- Naturally you accepted and ran off together with her crew. It wasn't long before you two admitted your undeniable feelings for each other.
- Harry would threaten you very often about making sure you didn't ever hurt Uma
- You all lived life at sea and going on wild adventures for a long while before you visited Auradon again and Uma was asked to take charge while Ben and Mal were gone
- Uma told you to not stay with her and go back to sea since she knew you never liked life on Auradon. You refused and insisted on staying with her.
- You always supported any of her decisions, especially considering they were always made with helping others in mind
- After temporarily moving back to Auradon and living with her, you finally started to get alone time with her.
- She's very physically affectionate and protective of you
- She's not big on pet names but she calls you "princess" if you're being an idiot
- (Let's say this is the timeline where the Queen of Hearts didn't do the coup)
- You started working at the school, teaching whatever class you wanted. Of course Uma would give you any job at the school you asked for
- She is not afraid to tell you when you're being stupid
- Lots of playful bickering. Pretty much 24/7 playful bickering
- She'll mock you for being a princess but it's all in good fun.
- She loves changing her hairstyle like all the time
- She's a huge hugger. You didn't expect her to be crazy about hugs since she almost hit you the first time you tried hugging her. But after you got together it was hugs all the time
- Speaking of hug, she gives the strongest hugs in the world. You swear she might break your back one day
- She's very very strong, typical for any pirate. She likes to just pick you up and spin you around. Usually bridal style
- Sometimes she does just like picking you up and moving you aside if you're in the way instead of just asking you to move
- Cuddling everyday! She loves cuddling
- While you guys cuddle you watch movies and she never shuts up. Always yelling about how stupid the people in the movie are
- If you guys do have a sexual relationship, the aftercare is insane. She really does treat you like a princess, in bed and with aftercare
- Her facial expressions say everything. If she's disgusted, you can tell. If she's angry, you can tell. If she's happy, you can tell. Her face tells it all
- She's very laid back and casual about pretty much everything but if she's particularly in the mood she gets very flirty
- One time she whispered something not-so-family-friendly in your ear at a royal dinner just to see you try to hide your expression
- She loves getting you all worked up, especially in public. Seeing you all flustered and trying to hide it is her favorite thing in the world
- Then she'll tease you for getting all worked up as if it wasn't her fault
- You guys do argue occasionally. She always wins
- Uma always drags her hands all over you when you guys are alone
- She's not very good at planning the events for school so she usually let's you do all of that with the school dances
- Pretty much the entire school loves her as a principal. She's very fun and not so uptight. Only a couple kids who are still stuck in the old Auradon ways don't like her
- You've tried to very subtly bring up the idea of marriage to her on multiple occasions but she just didn't seem to catch on
- You didn't want to just propose to her because what if she didn't want marriage?
- Buuuut, one day you saw the most gorgeous ring that she would love and you had to get it. So, maybe you were proposing.
- You two have a lot of scheduled dates, usually where you're just alone and one night there was supposed to be a meteor shower so you guys decided to have a night time picnic
- Uma usually does all the cooking since she used to work at a diner and she was best at it so she prepared all the food for you guys
- You decided it would be very romantic to propose at the picnic
- You were extremely nervous but while watching the meteor shower you decided to propose
- Her entire face lit up and she pulls out a ring from her pocket too
- You both laughed and giggled about you both trying to propose at the same time
- She picks you up and spins you around, kissing you, absolutely overjoyed
- While you're engaged she never stops mentioning it to people, always flexing about how amazing her girlfriend-soon-to-be-wife is
- She really loves you more than anything in the world, even with all her snarky remarks, she lets you know you're the most amazing woman she's ever met
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dovesdreaming · 2 months
hiii oml ignore this if you don't write for her... but uma x gn reader who's ariel & erics kid and lived in auradon blah blah blah and they have a kinda enemies to lovers type thing?
like "your mom tried to kill mine " and "well maybe your mom shouldn't have been more stupid!" but they realize they aren't as bad as what they thought and blah blah blah
I hate that I like you
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(Is gn reader just for aesthetic of reader)
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This is one of my favourite requests I’ve ever done! I’m sorry it took so long I just really wanted it to be something I was proud of but I’m not sure if it is 🤷‍♀️. I really hope it is enjoyable though <3 Definitely making headcanons with this relationship soon!
Word count: 1.7k (my biggest fic yet!!)
Warnings: none
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When the barrier between Auradon and the isle was taken down you didn’t have many strong feelings either way about it, but when you saw a face you recognised just a bit too much that’s when your blood boiled at the thought of everyone disrupting the life you had built here. You also hated the way that face made your stomach fill with small butterflies.
All the villains kids were allowed to attend Auradon prep which you were curious about so you signed yourself up as a welcomer, something you would come to regret.
You were each assigned a person to welcome and show round the school and as you picked up the name of your assigned person you could already feel the annoyance that came with their presence. The name read Uma and as you walked up to her her grin only grew it was like she had planned this, she loved to taunt you.
With your parents being Ariel and Eric and her mother being Ursula it was like it was in your blood to hate each other. Your parents hatred for one another influenced your opinions of each other meaning you always bickered with each other as you both wanted the last word.
You only glared back at Uma and huffed. You hated that she could get under your skin. You also hated how you found her even slightly attractive. You just wanted this over and done with now, any curiosity you had was gone now replaced with irritation. You kept your tour brief and blunt not bothering yourself to be helpful to Uma. She of course replied to this with her own gift of insults about the school and you. Her words were along the lines of “I didn’t think Auradon could get any dumber or preppier” and “no wonder your mother was so dumb, she attended this school”. You gave her comments no response only quickly moving the tour on but this was what Uma discovered to be her favourite part of your relationship. She loved riling you up, trying to get a reaction out of you.
It had been a few weeks since umas arrival and she had somehow managed to work her way into your friendship group along with hook. This bothered you to no end and yet she seemed to be enjoying all your reactions, especially when she managed to find a weak point of yours that got a big reaction. Weak points she had found for you recently were the clam necklace you wore and your love for the sea, whenever she insulted you about these it felt like a personal attack. You grew to almost hate her, she had no remorse and showed no care for anyone but her own feelings. Yet she seemed to view it as a cat and mouse chase between you and you wanted out.
By month two of Uma being in Auradon you had tried to avoid her in every way, from staying in the library til late or going into the gardens and greenhouses yet she always found you. It was like she sought out your presence. It confused you to know end how she always wanted to be around you yet only ever through insults at you. While you very much still held anger towards Uma after two months of her being around it had softened around the edges the feelings you held for her only deepening. What once had been a blazing fire of hatred inside you for her was now a soft burning fire that only sparked when she touched a nerve. You had actually developed a love hate relationship. You would help each other out with minor things such as homework or answers for questions in class and you guessed she was ok but there were still things that were stopping you from actually being friends with her. You would be getting along with Uma and feel like you were getting somewhere and then she would throw a deep insult at you, this grated on you and confused you. You couldn’t understand why she would allow you to be so close then punch you in the gut. The feelings of hurt and anger from these insults slowly built up inside you until they came to a head one day.
You and Uma had recently been getting along again, everything was going well and something just had to happen to ruin it. Someone had brought up umas mother and she was trying to defend her saying she was a good person. That definitely wasn’t true and you both knew it. “Your mother tried to kill mine! How is she a good person?” Uma turned to you with venom in her eyes and she stuck her fangs into you with her next comment “your mother was mindless and dense to fall for that trick! It was her own fault”. You thought you and Uma could be somewhat friends maybe even more even if your parents had their differences but it seems she could not see past her mothers opinions. You felt slightly betrayed but you didn’t know why, it wasn’t like you and Uma had been that close of friends or anything more (if even you day dreamed about it regularly) yet it felt a knife in your back. You stepped back from her and turned to walk away back to your dorm. When you stepped back you saw realisation hit umas face yet she made no move to change her actions, she was stubborn and had to keep her appearance.
You made sure to keep your distance from Uma this time and it seemed like she didn’t seek you out either. It had been a few days without her presence and it had felt peaceful yet almost like something was missing, you knew what it was you just couldn’t admit it to yourself. You couldn’t be missing her presence could you? No you shook your head of the thought. You could never miss someone like uma even if she was nice to look at.
It had been five days since your interaction with Uma and she has mainly somewhat sulked in her room. She had regretted the words when she realised just what she had said. She let her mothers opinions Infiltrate her mind. She felt a weird sense of guilt, something she had never felt before. She would never admit it to anyone not even herself but her heart felt bruised at the thought of you hating her and whether she would ever admit it, it was because she had started to develop feelings for you. She didn’t know how to show love, she had never seen it only heard about it in book and stories. How could she love someone when she had never experienced it in anyway. So she pushed you away any time she felt her heart threatened by this rush of emotions she did it the way she knew best. Insulting you. She knew your week spots now and could poke all she wanted.
She decided to suck up her pride and at least try to apologise to you. She headed to your dorm and knocked on your door. You assumed it was your friends visiting you again so you just shouted that you didn’t want to see anyone. When you heard another knock you frustratedly got up and yanked the door open ready to ask what was so important yet you were faced with Uma with downcast eyes, something you had never seen on her before. There was an awkward paused before you questioned why she was her “come to insult me more?”. She didn’t removed her eyes from the ground when she quieter than usual asked if you two could talk. This shocked you and caused you to pause, you didn’t know Uma could be like this ur was so out of character for her. You stutters out a yes and moved out of the doorway to invite her in.
She finally took her eyes off the ground and took in your room. She hadn’t seen it and if it was any other time she would have laughed and teased you for it being sea themed. Once you closed the door you sat on your bed allowing her to sit next to you. You didn’t know where this conversation was gonna go and you definitely didn’t expect the next words to come out of umas mouth to be an apology. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you, for the whole time I’ve been here. I should have treated you as an individual and not judged you on your parents, especially considering who my mother is. I hope you can forgive me.” You stared at her face really taking in her remorse and decided that she was being honest. “It’s alright I forgive you. I shouldn’t have judged you on your mother either, im sorry.”
Now that everything had been cleared up there was a weird tension left in the room. Things still left unspoken about true feelings. As the silence grew you both made eye contact for the first time in days. Your eyes seemed to stick together like they were stuck with honey, seconds later hours as you stared at one another. She finally felt ready to welcome herself to new experiences and with that she slowly leaned in and you reciprocated. When your lips met it felt right like it was your destiny. Her hand came up to hold your chin by your ear. The kiss spoke truth and words that neither of you could ever bring yourselves to say. As you pulled apart and looked at each other again you couldn’t help but smile. Since her arrival you finally felt right in her presence like something had been missing before. Your relationship only grew from there onwards. You helped Uma learn to express her emotions, in turn helping her to love people one of them being you. What you shared with each other became quite a soft kind of love one of soft touches and smiley glances from across the room. No matter how shocked people were when they learned who your parents were it felt right between you both and nothing would ever change that. However you both may leave it a while before telling your parents exactly who it was you were dating.
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Thank you for reading!
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fandomnerd9602 · 2 months
Can you do Uma x Ariel's son
Y/N continue swimming as Uma approaches the edge of the pool…
Uma: you know faculty is not allowed to swim past school hours
Y/N: I thought you were a former VK, you’ve never really been one for rules
Uma: I’m head mistress now, so I have to have some standard
Y/N: oh come on Headmistress, can’t you have just a little bit of fun?
Uma thinks it over…
She dives right in the pool and into Y/N’s arms, giggling…
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callmekenya · 1 month
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Pairings: Uma x m!Y/n
Warnings: Contains mild violence, blood, intense emotional themes, and complex relationships. Suitable for mature teens and adults.
The sun was setting over the Isle of the Lost, casting long shadows across the dilapidated buildings and trash-strewn streets. In a dimly lit room aboard Uma's ship, Y/n, son of Eris, sat reading an ancient tome on chaos magic. The sudden burst of the door flying open barely fazed him as Uma stormed in, her eyes alight with excitement and a touch of malice.
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"Y/n! You won't believe what's happened," Uma exclaimed, her braids swinging as she paced the small cabin. "Mal and her little gang are back on the Isle. And get this – they brought Prince Ben with them!"
Y/n's eyebrow arched slightly as he closed his book. "Is that so? How... interesting." His voice was calm, but there was an undercurrent of something darker. "I assume you have plans for this fortuitous turn of events?"
Uma's grin was sharp as a shark's. "Oh, you know me so well. I've already sent Harry and Gil to bring our royal visitor to us. But Y/n..." Her voice softened slightly, a hint of vulnerability showing through her tough exterior. "What about Mal? Are you going to try to win her back?"
Y/n sat up straighter, his golden eyes fixed on Uma. "And why would I do that, Uma? Do you think she deserves my attention after everything?"
Uma opened her mouth, then closed it again, unsure how to respond. Y/n stood, crossing the room in a few smooth strides. He took Uma's hand in his, his touch gentle despite the calluses from years of wielding weapons.
"Uma," he said softly, "you should know by now. You have me, all of me. There's no need for jealousy or doubt."
Uma's breath caught in her throat. "Y/n, I..."
Before she could finish, Y/n pulled a dagger from his belt. The blade glinted in the low light as he made a swift cut across his palm, then did the same to Uma's hand. She didn't flinch, her eyes locked on his face.
"With this blood, I bind us," Y/n intoned, pressing their bleeding palms together. "Our lives, our souls, united as one. Do you accept this bond, Uma?"
Uma's voice was barely a whisper. "I do."
A faint glow surrounded their joined hands, and Uma gasped as she felt a surge of power flow through her. When it faded, Y/n cupped her face in his hands and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
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"Now and always," he murmured, before turning and walking away, leaving Uma to process what had just occurred.
Meanwhile, in Ursula's Fish and Chips shop, chaos reigned. Mal had burst in, her eyes glowing green with barely contained fury.
"Where is he, Uma?" Mal demanded, magic crackling around her fists.
Uma lounged against the counter, a smirk playing on her lips. "Who, your precious little king? Oh, he's safe... for now."
Mal lunged forward, but Uma was ready. The two girls clashed in a flurry of fists and magic, their battle destroying tables and sending patrons fleeing.
"You've gotten soft in Auradon, Mal," Uma taunted as she dodged a blast of green energy. "Forgotten how we do things on the Isle?"
Mal snarled, her pixie heritage giving her enhanced speed and agility. "I haven't forgotten anything, Uma. Including how to take you down!"
The fight intensified, both girls drawing blood and leaving scorch marks on the walls. Just as Mal was about to land a devastating blow, a sudden pulse of energy sent her flying backwards. She crashed into the wall, her head ringing from the impact.
As Mal struggled to her feet, she saw Uma surrounded by a shimmering aura of power. Uma's eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed in triumph.
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"Well, well," Uma purred. "Looks like I've got a guardian angel. Or should I say, a guardian chaos god?"
Mal's heart clenched as realization dawned. "Y/n," she whispered.
Uma's grin was vicious. "That's right, Mal. He's with me now. And if you want to see your precious Ben alive again, you'll bring me Fairy Godmother's wand."
Mal's jaw tightened. "Fine. But this isn't over, Uma."
As Mal turned to leave, Uma couldn't resist one final jab. "Oh, and Mal? Y/n sends his regards. We've gotten quite... close."
Mal paused, her back to Uma. "Is that so? Well, you might want to ask yourself, Uma – if he's so devoted to you, why does he always come running when I'm in danger?" With that parting shot, Mal stalked out of the shop.
Y/n's hideout was a testament to his parentage – a swirling mix of order and chaos, beautiful and terrifying all at once. When Mal and her friends entered, they found him lounging on a throne-like chair, idly toying with a ball of crackling energy.
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"Well, if it isn't the prodigal daughter of evil," Y/n drawled, his eyes fixed on Mal. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Mal stepped forward, her chin raised defiantly. "Cut the act, Y/n. What's this I hear about you and Uma?"
Y/n's laugh was cold and bitter. "Act? Oh, Mal. You're the one who's been acting. Playing at being good, pretending you belong in Auradon. At least I know who and what I am."
He stood, moving closer to Mal. In one swift motion, he snatched the necklace from around her neck – the one he had given her long ago.
"You don't need this anymore," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Uma deserves everything I can give her. My love, my loyalty, my devotion. She's never tried to change me or leave me behind."
Mal's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "Y/n, please. This isn't you. Uma's using you, can't you see that?"
Y/n's expression hardened. "No, Mal. For the first time, I see clearly. Now go. Try to save your king. But remember – the Isle always wins in the end."
As Mal and her friends left, Evie placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.
Mal squared her shoulders. "I have to be. We have a wand to fake and a king to save."
On Uma's ship, Y/n watched as she paced back and forth, muttering to herself. "Uma," he called out, concern lacing his voice. "What's troubling you?"
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Uma stopped, turning to face him. "It's what Mal said. About you always coming when she's in danger. Is... is that true?"
Y/n sighed, pulling Uma close. "Come with me," he said, leading her to her cabin. Once inside, he retrieved a dusty tome from a hidden compartment.
"Do you know what this is?" he asked, opening the book to a specific page. Uma shook her head.
"This," Y/n explained, "is a record of ancient rituals and bonds. The blood-sharing we did? It's more than just a symbolic gesture. For beings like us – demigods, children of chaos – it's as binding as any marriage. More so, even. Our souls are literally entwined now, Uma."
Uma's eyes widened. "So when you saved me during the fight with Mal..."
Y/n nodded. "I felt your danger. Our bond called me to protect you. It has nothing to do with Mal, and everything to do with us."
Uma's face softened, a rare vulnerability showing through. "Y/n, I..."
Before she could finish, Harry burst into the cabin. "They're back!" he announced. "With the wand!"
The confrontation on the dock was tense. Mal held out the fake wand, her eyes never leaving Uma's face.
"The wand for Ben," she said firmly.
Uma reached for it, but Y/n's hand on her arm stopped her. "Be careful," he murmured. "Remember what we discussed about Fae magic."
Uma nodded, then took the wand. She waved it, expecting a surge of power. When nothing happened, her face contorted with rage.
"You lied!" she snarled, lunging at Mal.
Y/n caught her, holding her back. "Uma, stop. This isn't the way."
As chaos erupted around them, Y/n locked eyes with Mal over Uma's head. For a moment, something passed between them – regret, understanding, a hint of the connection they once shared. Then the moment was gone, and the battle raged on.
The Cotillion was in full swing when Ben arrived with Uma on his arm. The shocked gasps of the attendees were music to Uma's ears as Ben declared his love for her.
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But the triumph was short-lived. Mal's true love's kiss broke the spell, and Uma found herself backed into a corner. With a cry of rage and pain, she leapt into the sea, the magic of her mother's shell transforming her into a magnificent, terrifying cecaelia.
As Mal transformed into a dragon to meet her, Uma felt a surge of power flow through her. Y/n's gift, their bond, giving her strength. The battle was fierce, water against fire, tentacles against wings.
In the end, it was Ben who stopped the fight. As Uma swam away, her heart heavy with defeat, she knew where she was going – back to the one person who truly understood her.
Y/n stood on the shore of the Isle, his eyes scanning the horizon. When he saw Uma emerge from the waves, her octopus form melting away, he opened his arms without a word.
Uma collapsed against him, her body shaking with silent sobs. Y/n held her close, stroking her hair.
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"It's okay," he murmured. "You're home now. We'll find another way, Uma. I promise you, one day, we'll have the freedom you dream of. Together."
Uma looked up at him, her eyes shining with a mix of tears and determination. "Promise?"
Y/n smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I swear it on the chaos that runs through our veins. You and me, Uma. Always."
As they stood there, the sun setting behind them, Y/n and Uma knew that this was just the beginning of their story. The Isle of the Lost might be their prison for now, but with their combined power and cunning, it was only a matter of time before they rewrote the rules of their world.
After all, in chaos, there was always opportunity. And they were nothing if not masters of chaos.
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vexieeeee · 1 month
Descendants Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Harry Hook:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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rlimagi · 2 months
- Perfect Revenge
- Kitchen Disaster!
- When Everything Else Becomes Too Much
Princess Red
-Only Hers
-I don’t wanna be your friend
Queen of Hearts
- Life Was Sweet
- Eyes
Chloe Charming
- Was It Casual? , part 2
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
HEYY, I saw you wanted descendants requests, so here's one:
Can I request a preference with whatever characters you want, where reader has another form (animal form, form with stuff like claws or wings or smth, I'll leave it up to you)
thank you thank youuuu!!! ; also decided to go with uma on this one cause I thought it would be cool enough considering she's got fun little octopus powers and shit ; but thank you for requesting! hope you enjoy! ; gang I did not realize this was supposed to be a preference... I apologize LMFAO
UMA HALI ; anamorph
summary ; as an anamorph, you can turn into an animal at your will, that animal being a cat
warnings ; language
word count ; 250
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even though it's kinda dumb, your anamorph is pretty useful
as a cat, you can sneak around places and are very agile
your power is also very useful to uma as well
if she needs backup or a spy, she's got you
you're really good at spying
she's joked around and tried to feed you cat food/treats before but you always switch back to smack her light heartedly
like gang... you don't eat fish in your octopus form? why would you eat cat food?
on that topic, you've tried cat food before
despite the pretty appetizing smell, it's awful, texture and taste wise
you also like hiding from uma in your cat form
hide and seek goes crazy w her, harry & gil
half the time when you're a cat on the street, they mistake you for a stray and try to feed you or lure you in to take care of you
then you morph back like "guys, you didn't realize it was me??"
and they try to joke it off like "omg no we knew we were just messing w you"
and they're giving each other "jesus christ were stupid" looks
you're able to spy on audrey during her villain arc and inform the gang on her whereabouts and what her plan is
you're a big asset trusttt
but uma loves parading you around
especially loves bragging to mal about how she has an awesome spy for a friend
like okay can we focus on your other traits please!
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handsomemilo · 1 year
hello sweetie! :D
i see that you want to write about descendants and i would absolutely love to share some requests i've been thinking about.
idk if you write ficlets, headcannons or oneshots, so you can write in the way you feel more comfortable! :)
so, the thing is, uma and harry (separately) x artist!reader (gn please!!) where the reader draw and write music and poetry about their lover/crush. i just want to see how they would react if they seen the readers art bcs i think it would be soooooo cute!
(im so sorry if you can't understand something, english isn't my first language.)
take care of yourself. love u!!
I love this so so much! thank you!
Hope this doesn't end up being too bad, I feel it was a little rushed (not because I felt I was being rushed just that I had a few thoughts that I needed to write before they were gone yk?)
I'm doing it so it's:
Harry Hook x painter/drawer!reader
Uma x music artist! Reader
To make it easier to imagine
Also I've kept it gender neutral dw and I've also written it so Uma and Harry are in Auradon when they meet you
Please feel free to request more at any point (I'm going to write for all descendants characters but mostly Harry Hook)
Harry Hook
Let's imagine Harry has no idea who you are in the beginning
Some random person that's always seen drawing, painting, creating something.
He's seen some of your works hung around Auradon prep in expensive looking frames
He doesn't approach you for a while, in fact Gil is the first to meet you
Gil takes the same art course as you so you meet there when Gil had a bit of a paint disaster
Harry was originally cautious around you because he thought you'd be some stuck up art critique kind of person who was going to complain about Gil
But when you instead explain that you could see what he was trying to do but the actual execution of it wasn't great , Harry laughed with you
Overall your first meet was a positive one that was the beginning of a laughter filled relationship
Harry would always see you sat somewhere, in some weird position, scribbling away in your sketchbook
He eventually spots what you are drawing, or better yet who.
He crashes.
All thoughts, Gone.
He's just staring at it for a good 5 minutes before you have to click your fingers in front of his face to wake him up.
"H- How, no, why are ye drawin' meh?" Heat rises to his cheeks and he slowly brings his thoughts back to Earth.
He'd already had been developing feelings for you since you two met. I mean you were nice to his friends, kind to him, he let you meet his sisters at one point and they seemed to even like you. You are fun to be around, you check that he's taking care of himself, you make sure he's not too bashed up from the sports he plays. What isn't there to like?
"You have a pretty face, nice to draw." He takes note of the blush that grows on your cheeks and the way you look off to the side with a shy smile growing. "I draw the people I like, the people I'm closest to."
His heart almost stops. Did you just try to kill him?! 'cause clearly you aren't aware of the way you make him feel.
I headcannon Harry to be Pansexual, as a pan person myself, so he was kinda well known on the Isle for being able to flirt with anyone he wanted for various reasons
But let me tell you, not once had he had the air knocked out of his chest from a few simple words.
You take his silence the wrong way and begin packing your things to go find somewhere to wallow in your shame, but Harry just drops to his knees in front of you.
"Please, draw meh, whenever ye want to." He is on his knees looking at you with the happiest smile he can muster and almost puppy like wonder in his eyes. "I'll be yours, if you'll be mine?"
Okay that bit came out a little too easy to him, he didn't really mean for that to happen.
But he can't complain since you agreed!
Everything you create for him, he treats like it's the most fragile item he's ever come in contact with
He's always showing it off though he's so appreciative of everything you do so he wants to show the entire world
When you feel down for not feeling your art is good enough, he's oddly prepared to show every bit of art you've ever given him with reasons on what makes it perfect to him
He may as well be prepared with a PowerPoint presentation on every one of your works he's seen
I fact he's probably prepared one somewhere, pictures, effects, transitions, the whole shebang!
He draws too, almost forgot to mention. I've got a little headcanon of him always doodling pirates on cool adventures when he was younger on the isle. I also like to imagine that there was a time where Evie and Harry liked to draw together but Evie drew Princesses and dress designs and Harry drew pirates which created some childish clashing between the two. So they'd stopped almost as soon as they started their little doodle hangouts
That's offtrack, sorry.
He gives you pictures of you in multiple different styles, each time it seems like he's trying to depict you as an angel of sorts
He also draws the Uma and the crew but he comes to check that he got everyone right with you
He may or may not let you take pictures of him for references as long as he can do the same with you, he's also pretty good at photography so he loves getting new picture of you with some fantastical background making you stand out so much more
Uma knew who you were when she arrived in Auradon, she'd heard your music played at cotillion
She couldn't complain about it, it wasnt her usual style but it was new and she liked that
When she had officially arrived she would notice you all around
Playing music for parties, proper events, even just around the school
Despite her not meeting you she subconsciously finds her way to you
She listens out for you whenever she can
She ends up actually meeting you thought Evie
Evie was designing everyone's outfits for a party so your fitting time overlapped into Uma's time. Uma didn't mind and in fact took the opportunity to tell you that she'd heard you around but hadn't had the chance to meet you
From then, you became quick friends.
Her feelings developed the more time she spent with you, she just loves listening to your music
She'd like to learn an instrument that would compliment your style of music so you could play together
She helps you with lyrics whenever you need the help
She first finds out that you write songs about your experiences and the people around you by looking at the lyrics for some of your songs
She finds it sweet that although you don't directly mention people, you can share the way you feel to them to those who will listen
But then she finds a song that's for her
I mean who else would it be for, she's the person you spend most of your time with and she's the pretty pirate with blue hair
She definitely looks over the lyrics and gets so giddy that she's kicking her feet with glee, when you walk in and see her smiling at the page she doesn't stop smiling
She immediately asks what you mean and when you tell her she latches onto you
Basically, she asks you out right then and there
Who are you to deny her? Of course you accept
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
So sorry it took longer than I thought, and sorry Uma's part was shorter thats my dumb lil brain being dumb
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