#Umino Iruka fanfic
kakairu-rocks · 5 months
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As promised, our fic recs are back! So if you’re looking for something to read, come and check out our first round of fic recs of the year! The theme this month is… Found Family! ❤️
We would also love to know if you have any other recs, or have written something yourself, that fits the theme!
We hope you enjoy this edition!
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dilly-oh · 4 months
Lost and Found Family
“Come on, Pakkun, just shit already,” Kakashi sighs, tugging impatiently at his dog’s leash. The ornery pug gives him an annoyed glance, then keeps sniffing the same bush he’s been investigating for the past fifteen minutes. “Oh my GOD. I should have left you at the pound.”
Pakkun continues to ignore him, instead deciding that the bush doesn’t meet his standards and moving on to sniff at another, nearly identical bush. Kakashi wants to scream.
He’s still in his ratty pajamas, for God’s sake, with a vicious case of bed-head, not to mention it’s past noon, and passersby are giving him strange looks. One even tries to hand him a dollar, but Kakashi shoos them away irritably.
“Okay, enough. Here.” He rifles around in his pants pocket. “Do your business, and you get a treat, okay?” He pulls out a doggie bone and waves it enticingly. “Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy?” Pakkun just gives him a flat stare. “…Yeah I know it’s not you but take it anyway.” He throws it on the ground. The pug doesn’t even twitch. “Oh, come on. It’s not that stale.” Pakkun snorts. “Whatever. I’m sure some wild animal will come along and eat-”
And then a kid scurries over, picks up the treat, and starts gnawing on it.
“Um,” Kakashi says.
The kid looks up at him with wide, shockingly blue eyes, his hair a tangled blonde mess. He looks like a scruffy dandelion, complete with grass-stained elbows and knees. Kakashi blinks.
“…What’re you doing?”
“Looking for my dad,” the kid answers around a mouthful of stale dog treat. “You seen him, gramps?” Kakashi nearly chokes.
“I’ll take that as a no.” The kid swallows and grimaces. “Ugh, this cookie tastes like ass. Also, I might be lost.”
Kakashi starts looking around for a policeman.
The kid suddenly scrambles up a nearby tree like a rabid squirrel and teeters out on an upper branch, shading his eyes with one hand as he searches the horizon.
“Christ, kid, you should be on a leash,” Kakashi says. The boy looks down at him.
“I was, I chewed through it.”
Kakashi starts looking for that cop again.
“Oh my God, chill. I’m joking. I did lose my dad, though.” The kid squints in frustration, still searching. “Damn, I still don’t see him. Where did he GO?” He glances down at Kakashi. “I’d ask you to look, but I don’t trust your eyesight, old man.”
“I am THIRTY-”
“So you’ll help me?”
“I did NOT agree- look, just get down from there before you- AWK!” Kakashi cuts off in a squawk as the kid pounces on him, nearly tackling him to the ground. “Good lord, you almost threw out my back-”
“Okay, boomer,” the kid says. Kakashi nearly walks away.
“Do NOT make me regret this.” He threatens, glaring at him. “On second thought, I already do, but nevermind that. What does your dad call you?”
“Well, let’s see.” The kid thinks for a minute. “There’s ‘buster’, ‘lazy-butt’, ‘Mr. Stinky McPoo-Pants-”
“I mean your name!”
“Oh. It’s Naruto.”
“…He named you after RAMEN?” Kakashi is completely appalled. He’s considering contacting child protective services.
“Yeah, but it’s cool, I love ramen.” Naruto catches sight of Pakkun and gasps with delight. “And doggies. Hey, buddy!” He actually gets down on hands and knees to greet the pug face-to-face. Pakkun is rather cordial and simply grunts in annoyance at the intrusion of his personal space.
“Why don’t you sniff his butt while you’re down there,” Kakashi grumbles.
“Are you gonna help me find my dad or what?” Naruto asks, getting back to his feet.
“That depends.” Kakashi quirks an eyebrow. “…He cute?”
“Okay, ew, nevermind-”
“I was joking, kid, get back here.” Kakashi sighs in defeat and pulls out his phone. “What’s his number?”
“I dunno.”
“How can you not- have you never called him before?”
“Course I have. Usually like this.” The kid takes a deep breath. “DAAAAAAAAAAD-”
“OKAY STOP. I meant with a phone.” Naruto just gives him a blank look. “…You don’t have a phone? How about a pager? Tracking chip? Anything??” Still the blank stare. Kakashi tries a different approach. “What’s your dad look like?” The kid shrugs.
“Like a dad.”
“No, that’s not- describe him.”
“Well, he’s pretty bossy. He’s always telling me to clean my room and eat my vegetables when I’d rather just eat ramen, and he doesn’t let me play Fortnite-”
“That is not what-” Kakashi has to count to ten. “What color is his hair?”
“Oh.” Naruto blinks. “Boring.”
“Boring is not a color. How about his height and weight?”
“I dunno. Boring, again.”
“And his face? For the love of God do not say boring-”
“It’s normal. Average. Standard.”
“…That’s my bad, I walked right into that one,” Kakashi says, deadpan. “Okay, so we’re looking for any adult man within a radius of five miles. He got a name?”
“Bofa,” Naruto answers.
Kakashi starts to walk away.
“No wait please I’m sorry-”
Against his better judgement, Kakashi stops and slowly turns around. “This is your last chance before I take you to the pound,” he warns. Pakkun barks, offended. “You too, pal.” He looks at Naruto. “Where’s the last place you saw him?”
“Umm…this way!” Naruto grabs him by the arm and drags him along. Kakashi makes a mental note to Purell vigorously once this is over, as he is unable to distinguish whether the brown smears on the kid’s hands are dirt, chocolate, or something much more foul. Pakkun grumbles at the fast pace but is able to keep up. Kakashi’s glad he’s at least getting some exercise.
What follows next is a mad scramble through the streets, as Naruto is easily distracted by every sight, sound, and smell. Kakashi has to pull him out of a fountain twice, break up a fight between him and an unruly pigeon, and is forced to buy him a hotdog from a vendor after he complains of missing lunch. Then he demands Kakashi carry him on his shoulders for ‘optimal dad-spotting’, as he puts it. Kakashi almost agrees, then notices Naruto’s funny little dance and hustles him behind a tree before he has an accident.
All in all, it’s a very hectic hour. Kakashi is considering taking the harness off of Pakkun and putting it on the kid. Which is obviously what Naruto’s dad should have done, seeing as he is partly to blame for this whole mess. What kind of selfish, irresponsible parent loses their kid like this-
“Naruto?” a voice says behind them.
“DAD!!” Naruto shoots from Kakashi’s side, squealing in delight.
Kakashi opens his mouth and turns around, intent on giving the man a piece of his mind.
His jaw falls open the rest of the way and swings in the breeze.
Naruto’s a fucking LIAR. His dad is most definitely not boring.
He’s a complete babe.
His boring brown hair is a lovely, chocolatey brown that drapes over his shoulders, clinging enticingly to his jawline. His boring eyes are a deeper, richer shade of brown, framed by long, dark lashes. His boring body is a gorgeously toned physique, highlighted by a pair of tight jogging pants and thin t-shirt.
And his face, dear God, his face.
If Naruto is a dandelion, he’s the blazing sun. The warm smile on his face as he hugs his kid warms Kakashi from ten feet away. He wants to bask in it for hours, but the warmth quickly diminishes as Naruto’s dad grows serious.
“Where did you GO?” he demands, holding Naruto at arm’s length. A scar across his nose wrinkles with concern, which is fucking adorable. “I look away for one second and you’re gone! What happened?”
“There was an ice cream truck,” Naruto says weakly. Iruka just stares at him.
“…Did you at least catch it?”
“Good, because you definitely don’t deserve ice-cream after running off like that.” He finally looks up and notices Kakashi. “Oh, hello.”
Kakashi shuts his jaw with an audible snap. “Hi.” It comes out more of a squeak than a sexy, manly purr, and he quickly clears his throat. “I’m Kakashi. Nice to meet you. Uhh…”
“Iruka,” the man helpfully supplies, holding out a strong, fine-boned hand. Kakashi has to suppress the urge to go down on one knee and kiss it. With tongue. “Thank you so much for bringing my son back to me.” His grin grows slightly wicked. “Although I’m not too sure I should be thanking you.”
“Not funny, dad,” Naruto huffs at him. “It was an accident, I swear. I won’t leave aga- oh my gosh is that a quarter over there-”
“NOPE.” Iruka grabs him by the scruff of the neck like a mama cat and reels him back in. “We are going straight home, buster, and you are getting locked in the basement- I mean your room.”
Kakashi chokes on a laugh, faltering a little. He’s desperate to say something else to keep this lovely man’s attention, anything-
“I hope his mother wasn’t too worried,” he blurts out, then immediately wants to sock himself in the face. Way to kill the mood, asshole.
“Oh, hell no, I’m gay as fuck,” Iruka states bluntly. “He’s adopted.”
“…I see,” Kakashi says calmly, while hearing an angel choir singing a chorus of ‘Hallelujah’ in the background.
“I have a wine aunt,” Naruto says.
“Naruto, do NOT call Anko that-”
“But she is!”
“Let me finish. To her FACE.”
Kakashi’s grinning like a fool, watching the banter between the two. It’s incredibly entertaining. They should have their own sitcom.
“And what happened to your clothes?” Iruka goes on in exasperation. “Did you roll around in the dog park or did you let a dog poop directly on you?”
“Hey, at least I’m not still in my pajamas!” Naruto gestures at Kakashi, who freezes.
Fuck. He’d forgotten about that. Immediately he’s self-conscious, painfully aware of his worn pajamas and messy hair. And here’s Iruka looking like a whole ass snack. FUCK.
“Uh, yeah, sorry, rough morning,” he says, chuckling awkwardly.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve been there,” Iruka replies with ease. “One time I went to the store with puke on my shirt. Didn’t even care. I totally understand.”
Kakashi doesn’t think he could possibly be more attracted to the man.
“Oh my God, I love your pug,” Iruka says, and Goddamn if Kakashi doesn’t fall in love right then and there. “We should totally walk our dogs together.”
“You guys have a dog?” Kakashi asks in surprise. “Isn’t the kid enough?” Iruka laughs.
“His name is Kurama!” Naruto chimes in. “He’s a Shiba Inu.” He goes on in a whisper. “He’s such an asshole.”
“Naruto, language,” Iruka hisses.
“Pakkun is, too,” Kakashi says, nodding at the pug, who gives a surly growl at the sound of his name. “Oh, shut up. You know I love you.” Iruka laughs again.
“Well then, it’s a date,” he says with a wink, and Kakashi nearly cheers aloud. “It’ll be fun. Naruto can come with us.”
And just like that, the flirty atmosphere comes to a screeching halt.
Kakashi opens his mouth to object, and then stops. Because of course Naruto will come with them. He’s Iruka’s kid. It’s a package deal. If he’s truly interested in the man, he has to be willing to accept that.
Kakashi doesn’t know if he can.
He has almost no experience with children, seeing them as little more than puppies who can talk. They poop and pee everywhere, trash the place, eat all your food, and generally make a racket. They’re not even that cute-
“Thanks for helping me!” Naruto says, beaming up at him like a miniature sun, then throws his arms around his waist in a tight hug.
Kakashi is rendered speechless. He can’t remember the last time he’s been hugged. It’s…nice. He looks over at Iruka in bewilderment, and is stunned at the look of pure love on Iruka’s face, transforming it into something even more beautiful than before.
…Maybe this won’t be so bad.
“Later, gramps!”
And then Naruto whips around and runs back to his dad, elbowing Kakashi right in the dick.
…Still worth it.
(Written for @kakairu-rocks KakaIru Valentine's Week 2024, Day 1 prompts: Meet Cute and Found Family.)
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kakairu-bigbang-2024 · 6 months
WE ARE BACK BABY! (With a wee interest check)
Hello 🐬🍆 kakairu 🍆🐬 nation!! We, the mods of the kakairu reverse bang 2022, are back for more! Are you interested in round 2? Have an opinion on word limits, timing, big bang VS reverse bang, just general enthusiasm? We have we got the survey for you! To better gauge interest in another large scale collaborative event we have put together an interest check survey. Click here to access and fill in the google form! Any and all feedback, comments, suggestions for events or prompts, or general word vomit is welcome and can be submitted via this form as well! We want to hear from you and the community so please spread the word to all your friends who love kakairu. Feel free to follow this tumblr for more updates as well. ✨🥳 LETS DO THE THING! 🥳✨
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sophies-junkyard · 23 days
To delete later: HELP ME FIND A NARUTO FIC!!!
there was a Naruto fic I read years ago that was a found family story centered on Iruka taking care of Naruto over the years. I remember a LOT of specific scenes.
1. Iruka confronts Jiraiya in a brothel for spending all of Naruto’s money. There’s emphasis on gamachan looking sad and empty, plus descriptions of all the people in the bar knowing who Naruto is (cause he lives on a dangerous street) and wanting to help out.
2. I think it ended up being Kakairu?
3. Food as a metaphor for love??? Definitely something about. like. “Don’t neglect your heart, keep your heart as full as your stomach” etc.
4. All the other chunin/teachers are key characters. There’s definitely a scene where they go out and get drunk and give Iruka shit about liking Kakashi.
5. Over the course of the story, Naruto lowkey moves in with Iruka. He just doesn’t go back to his lonely apartment but since they’re not used to having family they just Don’t Talk About It.
6. Ends with iruka adopting Naruto. If I’m not mistaken, there’s literally a conversation about him taking Irukas last name vs Kakashi’s. Something about “scarecrow of the sea” and comparing which combo of names is better.
Anyways, I feel like it’s probably been deleted and that’s why I can’t find it. But if anyone can help or at least confirm they remember this fic it would be much appreciated!
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abs-2020 · 1 year
Kakashi Hatake x reader(F)
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Summary: kakashi was your school boy crush. But you were the girl that was scared of evening. And him? He was scared of nothing. You hadn’t seen him since grade school. You hadn’t thought about him since grade school… at least up until now.
Warnings: SMUT/18+/praise kink/degrading kink/virginity loss/P in V/size kink/breeding kink/primal&pray dymanics/heartbreak/language/heavy topics/jealousy/stalking/alcohol/manipulation/guilt tripping/abuse if you squint/ and other stuff… it’s me so it’s either gonna be dark and angsty or sad, dark and angsty. But of course it will have SMUT.
Authors note: uuuh, I just had an idea and went with it. Kakashis my daddy. And I hope he’s yours too.
‘Kakashi Hatake…’
“Kakashi Hatake!” Naruto would yell once again both his arms waving in the air.
‘Kakashi Hatake..’
“KA-KA-SHI!! HA-TA-KE!!” Naruto would yell even louder this time each syllable getting aggressively pronounced.
You finally spoke “kakashi Hatake…” you’d say in a whisper, your face was covered in disbelief and concern. “Kakashi..h-“
Naruto would sigh an ‘uuuuuugh’ and roll his eyes “YES! (Y/N) YES! Again YES!”
A small ‘huh’ would leave your Cherry lips as you took your hand from the boys spikey, yellow hair and rose from your knees to your feet. The dust and dirt from the floor staining your navy blue combat pants. You were flabbergasted.
“I went to school with him.” You’d say out loud. More to yourself than anyone else.
Your small and dainty hands would fidget with the sticks and leave you had collected only minutes ago. You sat and the corner of the school. You liked to spend recess alone you were scared of the other kids. Your lips would form into a small pout when the leave you were trying to tie to the twig ripped in half. With an annoyed sigh you’d throw the sticks and leave to the side your hands now stained green.
You’d lift your head and trail your eyes upwards. And there he was. Your little school boy crush. Kakashi Hatake. Playing with his two best friends. Obito and Hanare. You didn’t quite know why you liked him. You didn’t even know him. Maybe it was His silver hair was just so beautiful. Maybe it was his pretty obsidian eyes. Or perhaps the little beauty mark on the right side of his face. But you didn’t know. And he didn’t know. He didn’t even know you existed.
Naruto’s eyes would gleem at your words and suddenly he’d jump up and down even higher.
“What was he like?? We’re you two friends??!!” Naruto would squeal jumping up and down.
A ‘meh’ expression would cross your face at the words friends. ‘Far from it.’
You’d lift your finger up in anticipation quickly raising your eyes brows in a cheeky manner.
“Heeeee…” you’d draw your words out to tease the little boy his eyes lighting up. ”..didn’t know I existed..” another ‘meh’ expression would cross your face as you slouched your shoulders.
Naruto would fall to the ground in a dramatic manner. “(Y/N)-Chan that was so messed up.” His voice was high pitched and full of disappointment.
Your look down at the blonde boy and smile. “Cmon get up.” You’d giggle like a child as he rose from the floor like you after a hard mission or battle. “Honestly tho, I had completely forgotten that, that man existed up until now.” You said with a cheeky smile as you and Naruto headed down the street the sun starting to set.
A knock at your door would have you throwing your head back and dropping your dough as you headed to the door a rag in your hands to wipe off the flour that coated your hands and forearms. Slowly and angrily you’d unlock your door annoyance radiating off your body as you swung the old piece of wood open.
“You better have a good reason for knocking this lat- oh.. Kotetsu.. Izumo.” You’d pause as you stared into the eyes of the two men who sheepishly held their hands up in a surrendering manner.
“Po tchari!!” The boys would yell in unison. The nickname had you cringing and your body visibly tensing.
“What do you two knuckle heads want?!” You’d bark wiping the flower from your hands obviously unimpressed.
The boys would grimace at your tone as they looked to each other. ‘That look.’ You hated that look. That look meant they had something up their sleeves. Kotetsu would finally speak his chin lifting in a proud manner.
“Well, we thought since todays a special day-“
“It’s a Monday” you’d chime in unimpressed
The boys would puff and shake their heads.
“We thought since it’s a very very special Monday, that maybe you’d want to go out to a party and get wasted??” The two boys would say the last word in unison as they both jumped in anticipation, stupid and childish grins painted on their faces.
Your face was plain and expressionless, you were obviously unimpressed or amused
You’d mentally curse at yourself as you stood between the two overly drunk boys that had dragged you to this party. ‘I’m going to kill them once they’re sober’ you thought as you shoved past them and the crowd of drunken and who knows what else ninjas. You’d stomp your way over to a kitchen island grabbing yourself and cup of water before plopping yourself onto a chair. ‘I hated parties’ you thought as you sensed started to get overstimulated and overwhelmed. You’d groan as you rubbed your temples in an aggressive manner. Annoyance was radiating off of you.
“Hmm, don’t like parties?” A velvety and alluring voice would coo from in front of you. As a slutry chuckle follower.
‘Jesus’ was all you thought as you raised your head to meet the eyes of the man with the slutry voice.
“Uh no, no not at all actually.” You’d laugh out before meeting eyes with the man.
And when you did verbally sighed. It was just some ugly guy. You thought as you looked the brunette up and down as he eyes you down like you were some dog toy.
“Cmon, how could a pretty little lady like you not like parties?” The man would boast.
His cheeks were visibly red. He was obviously drunk. His finger and hands were stained black from some kind of much or dirt. And his skin was coated with a nasty sheen of sweat. He looked what one would call musty. Especially since the white shirt he was wearing was stained yellow from where he sweat the most. The sight of him almost made you gag.
You’d visibly cringe at his words. ‘This, this is why I don’t go out.’ With an exhausted sigh you’d leap from your chair and make your way to the exit. You didn’t want this musty man to chase after you and you didn’t want the situation to escalate any further. But as if satan himself heard you, a rough and clamy hand would find it’s way onto your shoulder and squeeze the soft and delicate flesh. A shiver was sent up your spine as the man’s breath assaulted your ear.
“Hey now sweet thing..” he’d grind his hips against your behind. You’d freeze. No man’s ever touched you like that. Ever “why not go back to my place hmm? Let me forgive you for walking away from me like that??” His voice was husky and there was an anger behind it. A drunken anger. Your guy would turn as he ground his hips against you once more.
You saw red. You saw red and in the blink of an eyes you’d spun around and had the drunken bastard on his back. You didn’t say anything, you just stared into his eyes very fiercely and walked out of that crazy house.
Once the cold fresh air had hit your face your let out a sigh. A sigh of relief.
“Thank heaven..” you’d mumble as your stuffed your hands into the pockets of your maroon hoodie and sighed once more.
It was late. Super late. Luckily you hadn’t even let a drop of alcohol enter your system. But as you wondered through the streets you couldn’t help but think about why you were so ‘anti social’. The only people you could really stand were Naruto and maybe the two boys that had invited you to the party. They were the only ones you weren’t annoyed scared by. You laughed to yourself. A ninja, someone who saves people yet so annoyed scared by them.
You were lost in your thoughts, that was until the hairs on your body stood up. ‘You were being watched’ your intuition screamed as you froze in your steps. You’d close your eyes and take in a deep breath, you didn’t sense anybody. And you sure as hell couldn’t see anybody. You bit your lip at the feeling of prying eyes. With a gulp you shoved the feeling down and continued forward.
After what seemed like the longest walk of your existence you’d finally find yourself at Ichiraku Ramen. It was nearly 2 A.M. and the man was still up waiting for someone to come and eat his ramen. You’d chuckle at that observation.
“One bowl of your finest Ramen please” you’d say with a finger pointed up and a cheeky grin as you sat yourself.
The old man would chuckle and make small talk. The conversation you two were having seeming to be somewhat bearable.
“You found anyone special?” The old man would ask as you slurped up a noodle almost chocking on the damn thing at his question.
You’d laugh as you set your chopsticks down.
“Uh no, haven’t found the right guy.” You’d say your lips forming into a straight line. “Actually, I just got back from a party and this man practically threw himself at me..” you’d shiver at the memory. “The audacity of some men.” You’d say out loud as you shook your head.
A small clang would be heard from beside you, causing you to turn your head to the left wanting to investigate what made the noise. Your skin would go ghost white at the sight before you. ‘Kakashi.’ Your body would freeze at the sight of your childhood crush. It wouldn’t have been so unsettling if he hadn’t already been staring at you. But his obsidian eye locked onto yours. The hairs on your body would stand up just like before. His eye causing the same prying feeling as before to course through your veins.
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‘He was watching me. He was the one watching me while I was walking.’ You thought as you continued to stare at the white haired man. His presence now felt, more dominating than ever. There was a grey gloom that filtered your vision as your stared into his eye. Even though he was 2 seats away from you he looked huge. He looked like a big bad wolf. Your finger would twitch when you finally broke the trance you were in and pulled your wallet from the pocket of your sweats.
“Here’s a tip-“ you’d pause the feeling of Kakashis eye still on you. He was boring a hole into your soul. “T-thank you for them ramen. It was delicious.”
With shakey hands you’d place a $5 bill onto the island quickly stuffing your wallet back into your pocket. With a faker smile and a wake you’d throw your hands into your pockets and make your way back to your house, your heart was pounding. Racing. ‘Why was he just staring at me like that?” Your frantic steps would fill the streets as you sped walked to your old and crusty apartment. ‘Don’t look behind you’ you told yourself as you squeezed your eyes shut.
After a few rushed turns and twists your finally made your way to your small apartment shutting the old wooden door behind you with a rushed and quick thud. You didn’t give two shits about waking your neighbors as you tree yourself against your now locked door your breathing frantic and ragged as fear continued to pulse and shoot through your veins like a thick syrup. ‘Why was he staring at me like that…’ you thought to yourself as you bit your quivering lip. ‘Why was he watching me…’ questions filled your head as the image of his one eye bored into your brain. As your breaths died down and your heart rate calmed you’d close your eyes ‘he doesn’t even know it’s me. He doesn’t know I exist.’ You told yourself as the adrenaline from your earlier encounter began to die down and your body became tired and your eyelids heavy. Slowly but surely you drifted off only one thing on your mind ‘kakashi Hatake’.
You’d laugh with Naruto as you two sat in a small clearing in the lush green forest bright rays of sun poking through the thick bush of leaves formed on top of the forest canopy. It was a warm day, and a very light breeze flowed through and rustled the leaves. The chirping of birds filled you and the small blonde boys ears as you two continued to giggle at whatever none sense you could.
Then a crack would fill the air as the wind started to pick up causing leaves and stick to smack into you and Naruto’s face. A whine would leave the boy as he jumped up to protect you. the sun was quickly covered by a dark grey cloud. As the birds and animals in the forest started to screech and whale. Then another crack would fill the air and sting your ears. A growl would fill the air and suddenly the hairs on your body would stick up as prying eyes stalked you through the thick bush of the forest. The world would spin as you began to hyperventilate your small hand going to clutch your chest. Another crack of twigs and a single red eye would have you whipping your head to the left. A scream would shoot for Naruto’s lips and..
You’d jump awake as a scream ripped through your own throat your body covered in a cold sweat. You clothes were sticky and clung to your body in an unwanted way as you wiped a sheen of sweat from your forehead.
“My god..” you’d gasp out fear still racing through your heart, the images your brain had made up still causing panic to fill your senses.
‘Kakashi’ was all you thought as you stood from your spot on the floor your arse numb and flat from the hours you spent sat there. ‘I slept against my door..’ you’d note as you rubbed your ringing temples. You may have not drank last night but your encounter with Kakashi and that dreamnightmare was definitely enough to make you wake up and feel like you had. Your clothes were sticky and stained with sweat. Your body covered in the sheen of your BO. You needed a shower. So with a roll of your eyes and a shuffle from your living room to your bathroom you’d go and get the job done.
You’d throw your damp hair into a messy bun before throwing a jacket on and stepping through your front door. Today was your day off. A Tuesday. It made you cringe. Everyone else got to work and get their jobs done then party on the weekend. Everyone but you. You could say that was part of the reason you never really made efforts to talk to anyone or make friends. You never had the right time.
Aimlessly you walked through the streets full of everyday faces holding your head high but keeping your eyes low, that was until you heard the name ‘kakashi’ it had your ears tuning in and eyes widening. You’d start your eyes to the side using your peripheral to find the source of his name. It was two women. Two young and done up women. And they were whispering into each others ears their body’s full of excitement. You’d lean against the post of a small shop closing your eyes trying your best not to act as an imposter. Taking a deep breath you’d calm your body and mind tuning your senses and listing into their conversation.
“The way he touched me and ran his hands up my body.” One would squeal from beside her friend her feet stomping to the floor in excitement. “He was huge.. in both ways” a gargled chuckle would leave the woman’s throat as she playfully chives her friends shoulder.
“you know how high his body count is right?” Her friend would chime in your tone wavering and stern. “Did he even take his Mask of to kiss you?” Her friend would ask. “Or like, say anything?”
The once excited and ecstatic woman would Stay quiet for a moment a long pause filling the air. “No.” Her once Loud voice was now week.
“Exactly, you were just another body to add to the bag. You don’t change and man like that. You don’t change a man like kakashi.” Her friend would add lightly rubbing her friends shoulder. “He’s like a wolf, a big bad wolf. he takes what he wants and he leaves.”
You’d open your eyes after hearing the end of the conversation. And you’d cringe. ‘High body count’ was all you were stuck on as regret set into your stomach. Nervously you’d rub the back of your neck and shake your head as you continued forward. A part of you wasn’t surprised at all. But then another part of you was. You knew girls likes kakashi, and you knew he knew. You just never thought that he’d use their affections for that. But then again ‘what else are you supposed to do when your sweetheart dies.’ You’d reason as you stepped into a small book store.
Boredom would sink into your bones as you walked the the isles and looked at the covers and titles on the books that sat on the shelves. After walking around the store for about 5mins you’d feel defeated Turing around and making your way to the exit in a surrender. Then, a bright orange book with two people sat on the counter would catch your eye causing you to pivot around on your feet. Your small hands would reach to the book brining it closer to you to read the title.
“Icha Icha- Make Out Paradise….” You we’re intrigued and unimpressed with the title your words laced with curiosity as you flipped the book around and began reading the summary. Then In giant bolded red letters ‘18+’caught your eye. Your eyes would widen and your fingers would twitch. ‘A little curiosity never killed anyone…’ you thought to yourself. ‘Might as well read about it. See what I’m ‘missing out on’’ Izumo’s words replayed in your head as you convinced yourself buying the book would be ok.
Guilt and Shame would claw and scream at you as the cashier placed the orange novel into your hands. you were quite ‘embarrassed’ but at the same time you knew the man could care less about what you bought from his store. He had to make a living somehow. Just like you.
“Have a nice day” you’d squeak out as you waved ‘goodbye’ to cashier. Quickly tucking the book into your pocket before rushing out of the small store.
As you sat against the bark of a tree a bright red dust would paint it’s way onto your cheeks as you read a particular part in your new romance novel that had your thighs squeezing together and your stomach turning in an unfamiliar way. Hastily you’d throw the book away from you the orange novel landing with a thud a few feet away from you. your hands would shoot up to your now tomato red face.
“Icha Icha~” a velvety and unfamiliar voice would coo from above you.
‘Oh god, not another perv..’ you’d internally groan as Your delicate and small hands dragged across your face.
“Whao-“ you’d jump back your head hitting the back of the tree as none other than kakashi Hatake stared at you his face only inches from yours.
He was giant. He was a giant. His form overpowered yours like you were nothing. It looked like he could swallow you if he wanted to. ‘Bastard’ you thought to yourself as he slowly lifted one of his arms placing it right besides your head against the tree. ‘I forget about this man for years and suddenly he has me pinned to a tree.’ Your hands would begin to shake at the proximity of the large man. Your school boy crush. The big bad wolf. And right now you felt like a little ass lamb.
“U-uh… yea-“
Kakashi would cut you off as he lifted the book into your face in a taunting manner.
“(Y/N) right?” His voice was just as velvety and smooth as the first time he spoke, something about it drawing you in.
All you could do was nod as you staired into kakashis singular obsidian orb. Kakashi would give you a close eye’d smile as he gestured for you to take your book. With a shudder you’d grab the orange Novel from his large hands and mutter a small ‘thanks’ as you continued to stare into his singular eye. ‘So close’
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“It’s a good read.” Kakashi would say as he lifted his hand from the tree and stood himself up. “I would know.” The white haired man’s voice was filled with a strange sense of pride as he pulled a much more tattered and withered version of your book from his pocket. Then he’d give you another close eyed smile. “Although, I don’t think I’ve ever had that kind of reaction.” Kakashi would snicker in a teasing tone as his eye never left yours.
You’d give the giant man a look that said ‘what the fuck’ as you stood up from the tree your back still flush against its bark. Then a look of confusion would cross your face as you finally broke eye contact with the man an insulting laugh leaving your throat in the process. You’d take a step from the tree walking towards the man. And his eye widened. That was until you shoulder checked right past the beast making your way out of the forest. Out of the big bad wolfs territory.
“The audacity of some men” you said out loud to yourself. The boldness and Oddness of your encounter finally setting in. ‘He’s watching me’
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Naruto would yell your name as he pulled on your pants trying to get your attention in a childlike manner.
“What?” You’d question your mind still fuzzy from zoning out. “What is it?” Your tone was full of annoyance.
“Kakashi…” your eyes would roll at the sound of the white haired man’s name coming from the blonde boys mouth.
Purposefully you’d zone out as the little boy rambled on about something the legendary ninja has taught him and the rest of his team. If it was any other teacher, any other man you’d care to listen. But not when it was kakashi.. not when ever since the first time naruto had brought him up he’d consumed your ever thought and being like some animal.
Then there it was again. Your hairs would stick up from every single place on your body your spine automatically stiffening as once again prying eyes pried onto you. You’d stop dead in your tracks your heart stopping once again.
“Do you feel that?” You’d ask naruto as your eyes did a 360 of your surroundings the sun bright and heavy.
It had been 3 days since your last encounter with the white haired man. 3 days since prying eyes had pried onto your very soul. 3 lucky days.
“Feel what?” Naruto would ask jumping into a ninja stance as he dramatically whipped around. “WHOS THERE??” Naruto would bark as he circled you in a protective manner. ‘Funny, I should be the one protecting him.’
“So you do feel it?” You’d ask the little boy frantically. A small sense of hope washing over your small form.
Naruto would turn to face you making a ‘oh’ face whilst rubbing the back of his neck.
‘I hate the feeling of his eyes..’ you though to yourself as you rubbed your fingers tighter and tried to shake the stiffness from your spine away.
“No…” Naruto would cringe at his words. And you’d sigh in defeat as you rubbed your temples annoyed steam coming from your ears.
“Forget it… I think I’m just going crazy.” You’d say as you hung your head in a defeated manner. “Let’s just go get some ramen.”
Naruto would jump up and down at your words and start yelling about ‘how much’ he was gonna eat and ‘how full’ he was gonna feel. You’d chuckle at the boy his smile causing your paranoia and stress to fade.
Loud slurping noises would fill your ears as you tried to peacefully eat your ramen. ‘This boy acts like he hasn’t ate in months’ you groaned to yourself as you looked down at your bowl of ramen. ‘And he’s going to make me go broke’
“TWO MORE!” Naruto would demand from besides you causing you to shoot a glare to the child next to you.
“Naruto!! You’re going to make me go broke! Five is plenty you little crotch goblin!!” You’d yell.
“Don’t worry, it’s on me.”
‘Oh god’ your eyes would widen at the sound of the same velvety voice from earlier that week filled your ears invading your presence. You’d look to your left only to find kakashi sitting right next to you. ‘How does he just sneak up like that?’ You asked yourself as you continued to stare at the giant man. There was a glint in his eyes as he gave you another far to innocent close eye’d smile.
“Oh, that’s really uh, sweet of you.” You’d stumble on your own words trying to find the right words for your school boy crush. “But you don’t have to. Trust me it’s fine.” You’d say as you raised a defensive hand in the air your eyes locked onto kakashis.
Kakashi would chuckle.
“I insist, it’s the least I can do.” You’d raise a brow at his words ‘the least you can do for what? Stalking me?’
“Well then.. I gotta get going. Uh. Here’s this, it should cover for me and Naruto.” You’d hand a $50 bill to Teuchi Ichiraku but before the bill could reach his fingers kakashi would rip it from your fingers in the blink of an eye.
“It’s already covered.” Kakashi would say sternly as he grabbed your hand and placed the bill into your fingers in an aggressive manner.
His eye stared you down like prey, like he was testing you. like he was just waiting for you to make some kind of mistake. And you did. Your brows would furrow into a harsh line as you ripped your fingers from kakashis grasp crunching the bill in your harsh grip. You and kakshi would stare each other down both of your eyes filled with a fire that neither one of you could quite describe.
“Ya know, most ladies would say thank you.” Teuchi would peep from beside the two of you.
You’d break eye contact with kakashi to look at the old man and give him a nervous smile and look back at kakashi who was now looking at you with dark, dark eyes. It had you taking a step back.
“U-uh thank you Hatake..” you wouldn’t call him by his first name. Not to his face.
Kakashi didn’t say anything, all he did was stare at you. The same look in his eye as when you first saw him at the ramen booth.
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“Yeah, you’re crazy Po tchari.” Kotetsu would laugh as he listened to your story of kakashi and your frantic and crazy assumptions. “The son of the great White Fang wouldn’t stalk you, or ANYONE for that matter.” Kotetsu would add as you took a sip from his canteen Kotetsu wiping the sheen of sweat from his forehead.
The two of you had been training together for the past two hours and a half the sun finally starting to set and tiredness beginning to hit your overworked bodies.
“Whatever, you have no idea.” You’d bite back your voice laced with annoyance. “It all makes perfect sense, it all lines up.” You’d state as you threw a hoodie over your sweaty form. “You wouldn’t understand, you’re too realistic to understand.” You’d say your voice dying down.
Kotetsu would laugh.
“And you’re too paranoid to think straight.” He’d sigh “cmon Po tchari.. let’s be realistic here. What are the chances that your Childhood crush would suddenly come into your life and start stalking you? What are the chances he would like you..?” Kotetsu would stay quiet for a moment “slim. Very very slim. Especially since it’s Kakashi Hatake.”
You’d visibly wince and shrink at his words. ‘Chances that he’d like me’ you’d drop your eyes downward as you turned around making it so your back was now facing Kotetsu. ‘That hurt’ you’d think as you bit your lip feeling smaller and more defeated than ever.
“That really fucking hurt.” You’d say barley above a whisper. And you had no idea why, but tha though of kakashi not liking you brought an emptiness you hadn’t felt before. “Why would you say tha-“ you’d cut yourself off as you brang a small Hand to the bridge of your nose pinching the soft flesh before taking in a deep breath. ‘Be realistic…’ kotetsus words rang though your head “yeah.. you’re right.” Your words were small. You felt small. Smaller then when kakashi was around.
Subconsciously you’d bring both your arms across your chest in a way to protect yourself from anything else your ‘friend’ had to say Before walking away. Your brows would furrow at the words Kotetsu had said played on an infinite loop as you made your way from the training grounds to your apartment. Your safe space. Your sanctuary. You didn’t quite know when or why, but as the sun set a sheet of grey had filled the sky blocking out the beautiful colors of the setting sun. This only depressened the mood. Your mood. Then it was back. Those prying eyes that had you stopping right in your tracks and every hair on your body sticking up. But this time you weren’t scared. You were angry. Angry at the man that wasn’t was stalking you. You’d bite your lip as you looked to the trees around you steam coming from your ears as you stomped at the floor like a child.
“GO AWAY YOU SICK BASTARD!” Your words were filled with a sadness and venom you couldn’t quiet put your finger on.
There was nothing. No answer. No rustle of leaves. No gust of wind. And no kakashi. It had you rubbing your temples yet again a few mumbled curses leaving your breath. ‘Just go home’ you pleaded to yourself. A look of distress crossed your face as you looked to the heavens above before continuing your journey home.
“ kotetsu was right. You’re just paranoid (Y/N)” you reassured yourself.
“Rough day?”
“Perfect….” You’d spit out rolling your eyes as you looked to your left. And there he was in all his glory resting against a fence post.
At first you were angry. Furious when you heard his stupid amazing voice but when your eyes met his singular obsidian orb you found all of your anger and stress melting away. You found yourself humming as a warm and fuzzy feeling sat inside your belly. You felt safe. And happy. And you just didn’t understand why. So you finally caved in. You caved in and gave the man what he wanted. A response.
“Uh- yeah. Yeah you could say that..” you’d reply as you turned your body to face his. His frame still leaning against the fence post.
Kakashi would stay quiet as he studied your form. You should’ve felt embarrassed letting him see you like that, sweaty, messy hair, tired, boyish clothes. Most girls would’ve. But you didn’t seem to care. That intrigued him.
“How so?” Kakshi would question his voice as velvety as ever as he pushed himself from the fence post making his way towards your small form.
Now you were nervous. Nervous to have him so close. Nervous to have him tower over you. Nervous to inhale his woody and grassy smell with just a hint of lotus. You’d rub the back of your neck nervously, pondering what to say to the legendary ninja.
“Well, I just feel like I’m being watched…not all of the time but most of the time. I feel like prey. But my friend said I’m just paranoid.”
Kakashis eye would darken at your words his body visibly stiffening. He’d hold still as he looked down and you something dark glowing in his eyes. He’d take a deep breath in then a long exhale out.
“What are you telling yourself?” Kakshi would ask his head tilting ever so slightly. The world seeming to get a whole lost smaller and kakashi and whole lot bigger.
“T-that I’m being hunted..” your voice was squeaky.
Kakashis singular eye would darken even more, you didn’t think that was possible. Not with his already obsession orb. Then he’d lean in, the fabric of his mask rubbing against your cheek as he whispered into your ear.
“Might wanna listen to your instincts and be careful then…” kakashi would growl causing vibrations to shoot down your spine at the animalistic noise. “You don’t want the Big Bad Wolf to get ya.” Kakashis voice had dropped a million octaves, your body visibly shaking at the dominating tone in his voice.
‘It was him.’ Now you were sure of it.
The next two weeks had gone by perfectly fine. Kakashi had walked you home a couple times and even decided to buy you a couple snacks for some of your missions. Although you and his ‘encounters’ were limited and vague you still enjoyed ever second of being with him. At least some part of you did. The other part was terrified every second screaming and begging for you to run away. It was warning you. Kotetsu and Izumo had teased you about kakashi singing stupid little love songs about you two just to get on your nerves. Naruto had loved training with kakashi and always told you about how ‘cute Sakura’ was it made you giggle. But something just didn’t feel right. Something was just so wrong.
You sat with Kotetsu And Izumo all three of you hanging at another party with some friends. Everyone sitting in a circle you all getting ready to play ‘truth or dare’ part of you was annoyed that they had dragged you into this yet again buuut another part of you was happy that you were finally learning to let go and have fun. You still wouldn’t drink tho, not in-front of everyone one, and surely not in this setting. Then the door would click causing all of your heads to turn.
“Sorry everyone, sorta got lost on the path of life.” Kakashi would wave as he gave everyone a close eyes smile.
Everyone would cheer and chant his name, especially Might Guy. He looked happy and relaxed. Until his eye connected with yours. And where you were, at this party, full of drunken ninja and seated between to boys at that. something about him changed. And you could sense it. Hell you could see it. But you just didn’t understand why he looked so bothered. You were just here at a party you didn’t really care for. So when he asked you to talk with him for a bit and somewhere ‘more private’ you fingers twitched and your gut sank as you excused yourself from the circle Kotetsu and Izumo playfully nudging you before you left.
Kakashi was quick to grab your wrist and pull you outside quickly placing his large hands onto your shoulders and placing you against the door in an all to aggressive and caring manner.
“Why are you here?” Kakashi would ask his tone laced with annoyance as he stared into your eyes.
An audible gasp would leave your throat as tor mouth fell open. ‘The audacity of some men’ you’d laugh a boastful laugh.
“Because I can be.“ was All you replied with as you took kakashis hands from your shoulders and shoved them away.
“Are you drunk?” Kakashi would ask as he took a heavy step towards you his body language rigid and fierce. His eye drilled a hole into yours.
“No, as a matter o fact I don’t drink!” You’d say pridefully. “And either way, it would be none of your fucking business.” You’d scoff “why do you care anyway? It’s not like you’re my boyfriend or anything.” You’d question your tone fiery and fierce as you looked up at the white haired ninja with challenging eyes your brows furrowed into a hard line.
Kakashis Demeanor would shift at your words as he took a step back. He was stunned. You stunned him. No body had ever talked to him like that. No woman has ever talked to him like that.
Your Angry eyes would look kakashi up and down. ‘Who does this guy think he is?’ You’d ask yourself as you shook your head at the man. The large man.
“The audacity of some men..” was all you said before you aggressively took off stomping down the porch and back to your apartment.
You’d hum to yourself as you stepped out of your shower your hair wet and dripping a towel wrapped around your form. You hadn’t seen kakashi in a bit, and to be honest you didn’t want to. Not after he came into that party and acted like he owned you. Not after everything he’s done. Not after he stalked you. Thankfully you hadn’t felt his prying eyes in a bit. You’d hoped he’d just gone off and found some other prettier girl to mess with. But that thought also made you sad. He made you bipolar.
A sigh would leave your throat as you threw your towel off and quickly threw on an oversized hoodie and panties. You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
A long hard sigh would leave your throat as you slammed your back against the wooden door of your apartment. You’d just gotten back from a mission, and a hard one at that. You’d almost lost a teammate and your own life. Your close your eyes as exhaustion finally rammed into your body.
“Jesus..” you’d mumble as you pushed yourself from the wooden door “I’ll shower tomorrow” you mumbled to yourself as you hung your head low. Your back felt like crap, a sharp pain shooting up your body part with each step you took. You felt like crap.
A small grumble would have your eyes widening. You were hungry. Your body was hungry. You hadn’t ate all day. But you sure as hell weren’t making anything and nothing was open this late.
“I’ll eat tomorrow too..” you told yourself as you entered into your bedroom ‘it was darker than usual’ each step you dragged out and heavy.
You’d throw your head back looking to the ceiling as you threw your headband off it hitting the wall and floor with a few clangs. Next was your vest, it was heavy. It felt heavy on your shoulders a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you took the burdened protective piece of clothing off your body. You’d take another deep breath your body relishing in the feeling of being free. Then a shuffle to the right would have your head snapping to the corner. You were on edge, after almost losing your life and a teammates who wouldn’t be? The corner was dark. Every corner in your room was darker than usual. ‘Who’s there.’ Is what you wanted to ask as your eyes glared holes into the dark corner of your room. Your breath would shutter when the hairs on your body slowly stood up the same feeling of prying eyes boring holes into your very soul “kakashi’ was All you thought. He’s what you expected to come from the corner to your right. But when a chuckle was heard from infront of you causing you to whip your head to your front your stomach would drop. He was in front of you. Taking slow and teasing steps from the darkness infront of you. His white hair shining brighter than the moon.
“Hatake…” you’d breath out as your eyes locked onto his obsidian orb all the tiredness from your body leaving in an instant. You still wouldn’t say his name. And you knew it triggered him.
He didn’t say anything. He just walked closer and closer. Slowly stalking his way up to you like a predator. There was a darkness to his eye as he looked your beaten and tired frame up and down. With each step he took he got closer, and closer, bigger and bigger, bulkier and bulkier, more dominating by the second. He truly looked like…
“The big bad wolf..” your mumble barley above a whisper.
The comment had his eyes growing even darker and his head dipping in an animalistic way. He kept stalking towards you Until he was finally an arms length from you. Then he’d speak.
“He’d lift a hand to her throat” kakashis voice was velvety and primal as he slowly raised a hand to your throat. “And squeeze” kakashis fingers would squeeze your throat his grip strong, like a vice. “Then he’d force her backwards slamming her against the wall.” And kakashi would do just that lightly lifting you from the floor your the tips of your toes barley touching the floor beneath you. You’d panic as a slick started to form between your thighs. “Then he’d leave in, his breath tickling her ears.” Kakashis lips would brush against the lobe of your ear the fabric of his mask sending shivers to shoot up your spine. “Then he’d speak…” the grip on your neck would tighten. You were gonna have bruises. ‘A mark to remember this.’ You thought as you stared at the wall infront of you.
Kakashi would practically throw his head back so his eye could lock with yours his lips leaving your ear.
“you’re Mine.” Kakashi would practically growl his words, the anger in his voice causing your thighs to clench.
Your eyes would widen as a recollection of a specific ’underlined’ portion of your book slapped you in the face. Then you connected the dots.
You’d lay yourself in bed quickly reaching over to turn off your night lamp, only you’d stop once you saw your Icha Icah book sitting on top your night stand. And open at that. You’d raise a brow. ‘I never just leave it out in the open.’ You thought as you rubbed the back of your neck trying to think about how in ended up there. ‘Eh, maybe I just forgot..’ you tried to convince yourself as you finally turned your lamp off and laid your head onto your soft pillows. Your bed was much to big for one person. It needed someone. Kakashi. As you drifted off to sleep something felt off. ‘You never left your book out in the open’ you told yourself once again before drifting off into a slumber.
“Y-you we’re there that night. It was you.” You’d try your best to accuse the man your words choppy and broken from the lack of oxygen you were receiving kakashis hand still wrapped around your delicate throat.
Kakashi would chuckle. A dark chuckle. It had you shivering. You were his prey. His meal. Kakashi would take his free hand using the giant limb to tuck a few lose strands of hair behind your ear. He was warm, too warm. His warmth had you subconsciously leaning into his touch. Again Kakashi would chuckle slowly dragging his fingers against the soft flesh of your cheek tantalizingly slow. You’d shudder when the pad of his thumb connected with your lips slowly pushing the large digit past your lips and into your mouth. The action had your thighs clenching and rubbing together as slick continued to poop between your panties.
“I can smell you (Y/N)” Kakashi would coo in his velvety tone as he dipped his thumb to the back of your throat causing you to gag on the digit.
Your hands would go to his forearm trying to pry his hand from your neck, or for support. You weren’t even sure. Your mind was just dizzy. Blank. You had to be dreaming. ‘This had to be a dream.’ Kakashi dipping his thumb into the back of your throat had you second guessing if it was a dream as you gagged a second time.
“Please..” you’d all but whisper as kakashi dragged his fingers along your plumb lips coating them with your own saliva.
You didn’t know what you were begging for, not in the slightest. All you knew was that you needed kakashi, you needed him like an alcoholic needed alcohol or an addict needed his drugs, because ever since he’d randomly popped into your life you hadn’t been scared, you hadn’t been lonely, and the world wasn’t grey. It was warm, colorful and enjoyable. You needed kakashi.
You’d bite your lip stuffing a whine when kakashis hand left your throat and his lower half parted from yours. before you could even protest the man leaving kakashi was back to you in the blink of an eye. You’d reach for the white haired ninja only to have him grab your wrist and spin you around before putting your back flush against his chest. He felt like stone. Every muscle in his body solid and condensed. It was your insides clenching and you throwing your head back to look at the ninja. You wanted to kiss him. And He knew. The fucker knew. So without asking he’d bring your headband into view only to blindfold you with the soft cloth. You were blindfolded. Completely at his mercy your senses were now doubled. Every touch or whisper from the man now brining more Ecstasy and pleasure to between your thighs.
“Hatake..” you’d whine as the man’s hands left your body once again.
He didn’t say anything, all he did was place his hands back onto your body hooking his finger tips underneath the fabric of your shirt slowly lifting the material off of your body. You’d blush a bright crimson red a as flustered smile crossed your lips. Then kakashi placed both of his hands onto your shoulders and guided your small frame backwards until the back of your knees hit the edge of your bed causing you to fall onto the soft and fuzzy material of your blanket. Then without warning kakashis lips were on yours his quickly overpowering yours in searing and passionate kiss the action had you audibly gasping as you brang your hands to his hair lacing your fingers between his beautiful white locks. ‘If only I could look at him’ you though to yourself. Kakashi would pull his lips from yours resting his forehead against yours.
“You taste good lotus..” is all kakashi would say before diving back claiming your lips with his in seconds.
You’d moan into kakashis mouth when his hand traveled between both of your bodies and began rubbing smooth and calculated circles over your bundle of nerves. It had you melting, slick and wetness staining your panties even more. Kakashis lips still dominating yours. You wanted him, more than you’d ever wanted anybody. Any man. No man has ever touched you like this, and you’d be fine if kakashi was the first and last. Subconsciously your begin to buck your hips against kakashis fingers your body begging for a release it’s never had or felt before. Finally kakashi would break the kiss once more only to slowly travel down your body leaving small kisses along the way making sure to unclasp your bra and give both your breasts undivided attention before he confined downwards stopping at the hem of your pants.
“Please.. Hatake please…” Is all you could muster as you dug your fingers into the blanket below you your knuckles going white.
“Beg.” Is all kakashi would say as he stared at your blindfolded face a devilish smirk plastered onto his handsome features.
“Hatake I need you, please… please..” you we’re embarrassed. You felt shame. Begging for such a thing?
All kakashi would do is click his tung before slowly dragging your pants and panties down your legs, ankles and finally discarding them some where on your bedroom floor. Kakashi would pepper small and delicate kisses up the Inside of your thighs as he made his way back up your body until finally stopping right between your legs.
“You smell… exquisite.” Kakashi would mutter to himself as he gripped onto your thighs Harshly. Then he’d take a long and dragged out whiff basically inhaling your scent. And then to your surprise the white haired ninja would moan. A quiet and buttery moan.
That had you going feral, your toes curling and your hole clenching around nothing. You didn’t think such a giant and dominant man could make such a beautiful noise and it had you falling deeper into madness with the man. Kakashi blowing a cool line of air onto your clit had your whole body jolting your thighs a molding around his head. Kakashi would chuckle saying nothing as his hands snaked around your thighs pulling them from his head like nothing. He was so strong.
“Please…” it was the hundredth time you’d said that word tonight. At least it felt like it.
To your surprise kakashi would comply with your plead planting A wet kiss was planted onto your clit. It had your hand shooting to his white locks while the other dug into the blanket below you. Kakashi would continue to pepper wet kisses onto your clit before he finally decided to take the little bundle of nerves into his mouth and give it a long and harsh suck. And my god the noise. The noise that filled the room when he sucked onto your little bundle of nerves had you crying outloud your nails digging into his scalp. Kakashis grip on your thighs was bruising but oh so pleasurable. You wanted him to leave his mark. Needed him to.
Kakashi would take another long and torturous suck before he finally decided to flick his tongue across your little nub deciding to finally devour and torture the bundle of pleasure. He’d continue to suck and flick at the nub for quiet a while wanting to draw out ever little noise from you he possibly could. At it was working quiet well. Very well. You were writing in your bed, bucking your hips into his mouth every so often your fingers daring to pull chunks of hair from the man’s scalp. Little Mewls and moans left your throat. But never his name. His name never left your throat. Your first ever climax would continue to build your vision fading as your mind trailed off into an abyss a knot in your stomach daring to snap any minute as slick poured onto your bed sheets kakashi every so often leaving your slit to suck of your delicious and exquisite juices. Your nectar. Kakashi bitting down onto your little bundle of nerves had the knot finally bursting as a white hot pleasure invaded every sense in your body. It had your toes curing and you screaming…
“Hatake!” As your heels duh into your bed.
Kakashi would continue to ‘eat you out’ through your orgasm making sure to drink every last drop you dripped.
“Oh, (Y/N) you taste so good.” Kakashi would grumble as he climbed back up your body the fabric of his clothes rubbing against your clit making your bottom lip tremble.
Kakashi would place both of his hands to your head and take you in a searing hot kiss the feeling of your wet juices and the taste still on his chin and lips. Your whole body would tremble and melt underneath the giant man fully accepting the kiss he planted onto your lips. But you just wanted to see him. To see his face. You hated that he had blindfolded you.
“Kaka-..” you’d pause “Hatake.. please. Take me. Take me, I’m yours.” You’d say between the kiss you two had just shared.
Kakashi would say anything. You were used to that tho. In a flash hed leave your body, filling the empty void with the noise of rustling clothes and your heavy breaths. Then kakashi was back onto you filling your senses with warmth. Kakashi would give you another kiss before taking both of your wrists into one of his hands and pinning them above your head. You couldn’t see him. Or his eyes. But you had no doubt his pupils were blow out and dark. Animalistic. It had you biting your lip.
Kakashis tip teasing your Folds, dragging back and fourth between your aching hole and abused clit had you jumping back into reality and out of your thoughts. Then kakashi would finally. Finally. Like his tip up with your aching hole. But, not All things go as planned.. at least not how you planned. In a matter of seconds kakashi was thrusting his entire length and girth into you untouched core in one go. A socket scream would leave your mouth your hand immediately fighting against kakashis trying to break free from his lock as a white searing hot pain pulsated through your lower half. You felt as if you’d just been ripped in half and split open. Pain, pain was all you felt. There was no pleasure. He was taking you. Taking you a wild animal.
A shuttered breath would leave kakashi lips when his cock had gone as far as it could go in one thrust. He felt your gummy walls stretching in a way they hadn’t before your insides confused on weather or not they wanted to suck him in or push him out. A cry would bubble from your throat as kakashi pulled most of his length out only to plunge all the way back into you causing another shot of pain to shoot through your lower half. None of this felt good. None of it. You were too hot. Kakashis body heat mixed with yours now causing you to overheat as a sheen of sweat began to form on your trembling body.
“H-Hatake that hurts..” you’d mewl from below. “You’re hurting me..”
This only earned a growl from the white haired ninja, as he quickly reached his lips down to yours taking you into another searing, wet, hot kiss. It actually seemed to numb the pain, that was until he started rutting into you setting a brutal painstaking pace that had your legs wrapping around him heels digging into his arse as another cry of pain left your throat. Grunts and snarles would leave kakashis throat with each thrust the sound of wet skin slapping set skin filling the room and your ears. The sound had your hole clenching around kakashis cock.
“J-just shut up and take it.” Kakashi would growl between his words as he continued to slam into your body.
Quickly the pain would turn into a burning hot pleasure few and quiet moan beginning to leave your throat as kakashi abused and used your weeping cunt. Tears of pain were falling down your eyes from just the size and girth of the man only minutes ago, now? Now tears of pure joy and bliss were falling soaking into the fabric of your headband. Your hole began spasming around the white haired ninja’s cock signaling to kakashi that you were close. And you were. Your toes were curling and that oh so pleasurable knot was beginning to form in your stomach. Kakashi would bring his free hand and squeeze it between your bodies immediately attacking your bundle of nerves with his large and rough digit.
“Oh fuck.. you’re squeezing me so tight (Y/N).” Kakashi would mutter a moan leaving his lips.
His moan was enough to set you off causing you to reach your second orgasm of the night. A loud and pleasure filled moan would leave your throat as your cunt squeezed and creamed around kakashis length. Kakashi would continue to pound into you through your orgasm his hips and thrusts starting to stutter signaling he was close to his own climax. Before you knew it kakashi was pulling out of you and paining your stomach with his cum another guttural and feral growl leaving the man’s throat.
Both of you would stay quiet the only sound that filled the room was the sound of you two catching your breaths. Then there was a rustling, kakashi getting off your bed. But then he was back. He was back and his hand were untying the blindfold from your eyes. ‘I finally get to see him.’ You thought. But when your eyes finally met his singular eye and the mask a sigh of disappointment would leave your throat. But you were tired. Too tired to protest. Your eyes and body were sleepy tiredness finally hitting you like a punch to the face. Kakashi noticed this and planted a kiss to your forehead before he laid you in bed and wrapped and strong and large arm around your form. A hum of satisfaction would leave your throat before sleep finally over took you the last thought on your mind being
‘Kakashis right here. Here’s right here.’
Authors note: Sooooo I hope yalll enjoyed. AND HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!! This is y’all’s gift. Sorry for the wait but yeah!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 this was honestly just a daydream that I decided to write out so I hope it’s okay. I also didn’t know who to add to the tag list so I’m so sorry. 😅 buuut let me know for part two. 👍🏻
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brassfannibal · 1 month
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Naruto (Anime & Manga) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Tsunade (Naruto), Uzumaki Naruto, Yamato | Tenzou, Shizune (Naruto) Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Dom/sub Undertones, Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Memory Loss, Mutual Pining, Eventual Romance, Alpha Hatake Kakashi, Omega Umino Iruka, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending, Slow Burn, POV Multiple, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcohol Withdrawal, Hatake Kakashi Needs a Hug, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, First Time, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Hokage Hatake Kakashi Summary:
"He thinks in lines. The lines on his palms, the lines of shadows to those darkened rooms, the lines of blood evaporating into the earth. Where do they travel to? Where do they end?"
After the Fourth Shinobi war Kakashi loses his identity. Iruka helps him find his way back one step at a time.
It’s finished! It was fun to write and I hope whoever reads it enjoys it <3
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ohhipstaplease · 1 year
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“Thank you for always taking care of him. I promise I’ll continue to watch over him. His happiness is my everything, father.”
Chapter 55 of Strawberry Sugar is now live on Ao3 | FFN | Wattpad
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doctornemesis · 5 months
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Happy New Year! I'm alive, and working on my other fic. Like everything else, it started simple until...not. I just wanted to drop this screenshot I took of Iruka's trivia section because how did I not know this part? Iruka's entire inception is predicated on theme of searching for acceptance.
Makes me want to cry.
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renegad3rogu3 · 3 months
I can NOT tell you how much I am LOVING this fanfic by applebiter1234.
If you love Iruka character deep dives, this is already fantastic and promises so much more!
It's dark, angsty, and does so well humanizing every character so no one is perfect. It has a unique POV and I can't wait to see where the story is going!
Archive Warning:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Naruto (Anime & Manga)
Hatake Kakashi/Umino IrukaSarutobi Hiruzen & Umino IrukaNara Shikamaru & Umino Iruka
Umino IrukaUzumaki NarutoSarutobi HiruzenHatake KakashiNara Shikamaru
Additional Tags:
More tags as postManipulationEmotional ManipulationAngstSlow Burnthe slowest of burnsFuuinjutsu User Umino IrukaUmino Iruka-centricPrankster Umino IrukaIruka has a vendetta against the ANBUthe ANBU has a vendetta against IrukaUmino Iruka vs ANBU
Sarutobi Hiruzen has made many mistakes in his long life. But still in the firm believe it was all worth while in the end. That was until he looked at the grieving Umino Iruka and saw potential and a chance to have his previous mistakes rightened. It will take time and a lot of effort but it’ll be possible. Even if Iruka isn’t aware of the path he’s being set on. Truly, there’s no doubt now that Hiruzen is destined for hell.
I listen to all of my fanfics with speech if (not an ad, I accidentally bought a year subscription, I'm sure there are good free ones put there) so here is a part of Enough by applebiter1234
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kakairu-rocks · 1 month
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If you’re looking for something to read, come and check out our latest round of fic recs! The theme this time is… Seals Master Iruka Umino!
We would also love to know if you have any other recs, or have written something yourself, that fits the theme!
We hope you enjoy this edition!
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dilly-oh · 4 months
Gimme a Break
“Kakashi, what’s wrong?” Iruka asks from across the table. “You’ve barely touched your food.”
“Sorry, I’m already full. You’re such a feast for the eyes,” Kakashi replies instantly with a cheeky wink.
Iruka snorts at him and returns to his meal.
They’re on their third date, at one of the nicer restaurants in Konoha. The place is a little swanky but not too snooty about it, fancy enough to show Iruka he’s serious but not expensive enough to cripple his wallet for the rest of the week.
And Kakashi is serious. This isn’t just some casual fling with no strings attached, and he wants to prove that to Iruka. He truly, genuinely likes the man, and is eager to see where this goes. He even rushed through a last-minute mission assignment earlier that day to make it back on time for their date. Kakashi wouldn’t have missed it for the world, not even for several cracked ribs, a dislocated arm, a fractured pelvis, and a sprained ankle.
Which he has, but that’s beside the point.
Iruka doesn’t need to know. Honestly, it’s not even that bad.
He holds back a scream as he reaches for the salt.
Okay, maybe it is pretty bad.
The rest of the meal passes, the talk a bit stiff and stilted. Kakashi can’t really carry a conversation right now, seeing as talking and/or breathing is quite excruciating. His clothing hides the worst of the injuries, not to mention the plethora of bruises blossoming all over his body. He just needs to make it through the date, and then he’ll stagger his way to the nearest hospital. Piece of cake.
Speaking of cake, a waiter heads toward them, intent on offering a dessert menu, but Kakashi locks eyes with the man and he freezes in place, goes white as a sheet, then hurriedly backs away through the swinging doors into the kitchen. Another man, trembling in fear, is shoved out and cautiously brings them the check. Kakashi feels a bit bad and gives him a generous tip.
“I’ll walk you home,” he says, because above all else, he is a gentleman.
Also Iruka is wearing a deliciously tight pair of slacks and you can really see his rockin’ ass.
It’s the only thing distracting Kakashi from the walk from hell.
Every step is agony. With each one, he can feel his ribs grind together, pelvis creaking, his entire body howling in pain. He manages to hide his limp, mentally cursing that he’d chosen a restaurant so far away from Iruka’s apartment. Finally, after what feels like an eternity, they arrive at the complex, and then Kakashi remembers.
Iruka lives on the third floor.
He lets Iruka climb the stairs first just so he has something to motivate him.
They reach the door without him passing out. Kakashi calls that a win. Now to make a quick exit.
“Well, that was fun,” he begins, already slinking away. “I’ll see you again-”
Iruka starts fiddling with his keys.
Kakashi stops.
That’s it. The signal. Iruka’s giving him the go-ahead. Kakashi had been polite before, only kissing the man’s hand at the end of their previous dates, but when Iruka is the one offering, all bets are off.
Kakashi wants so badly to lean in and kiss the other man, ravish him until he’s gasping for breath and weak in the knees.
But he can’t. He can’t.
Like, physically. His ribs will snap.
So he just stands there like an idiot as the moment drags on, eventually reaching an awkward stage where it’s obvious Kakashi has missed the cue. Iruka finally finds the key he’s been looking for and slots it into the keyhole.
“I had a nice time,” he says, looking back over his shoulder at Kakashi, who gulps. He needs to leave before he decides broken ribs are worth it.
“See you again,” he repeats, then turns to go, a wave of relief washing away his lingering guilt and regret. Now to head to the nearest clinic, get treated, and leave Iruka none the wiser-
“Actually,” Iruka says, and Kakashi’s stomach drops in dread. He slowly turns to see Iruka unlock his front door and hold it open invitingly.
“…Would you like to come in?” he asks in a sultry voice.
Kakashi freezes.
Oh NO.
This can’t be happening.
Iruka can’t be inviting him in right now. Because that would only mean one thing. One certain thing that Kakashi would very, very much like to do with Iruka, but currently lacks the physical capability to do so at the moment. It was one matter to turn down a kiss, quite another to turn down this lavish offering.
Which he has to. Kakashi’s pretty sure it’ll kill him.
Iruka’s still standing there, waiting expectantly. Kakashi scrambles for an answer, fumbling words out of his mouth before his brain can even catch up.
“No thanks,” he blurts out.
The silence that follows is heavy enough to smother him to death, which he would gladly welcome at the moment.
“…Oh,” Iruka says, deflating with disappointment. “Okay. I…I just thought that-”
“I mean, not that I’m not flattered,” Kakashi goes on, babbling nonsensically while he flounders for a plausible excuse. “I am, really I am, but…this is, uh, a bit of a bad time for me. I have to…go home and…” His mind blanks, a fuzz of static replacing every coherent thought in his head. “…Water…my…plant?”
Now the silence becomes thorny enough to draw blood. He’ll welcome that, too.
“God, just forget it.” Iruka’s expression is tight with anger and hurt. “If you’re not interested in me, just say so. You don’t have to waste my time like an asshole.” He steps into his apartment with an irritated huff.
“No, Iruka, wait-” Kakashi reaches out a hand just as Iruka swings the door shut.
“Oh, fuck! I’m sorry!” Iruka yanks the door open as Kakashi staggers back, clutching his hand to his chest. “I really didn’t mean to do that. Are your fingers okay?”
“Yep, they’re fine,” Kakashi grits out. “Totally fine. I’m just gonna-”
“Don’t be stupid, they’re broken! I can see how crooked they are from here!” Iruka cries, striding forward. “Hold still, let me see-” He reaches out and takes Kakashi’s arm. The one that’s dislocated.
So naturally, he screams.
“What?!” Iruka snatches his hand away and jerks back in surprise. “What’d I do?! I just barely touched you! Here-” He tries again, touching Kakashi’s chest this time. Right where the broken ribs are.
He screams again.
Iruka goes very still, staring intently at Kakashi as his eyes narrow with suspicion. Kakashi goes still as well, like a small prey animal desperately trying to avoid the attention of a hungry predator. He feels a bead of sweat trickle down his back as he waits for the incoming assault. It doesn’t take long.
“Kakashi for the love of FUCK have you been injured this whole TIME?!” Iruka roars at him.
“…Yes,” Kakashi finally admits, “but it’s not that bad-”
Iruka jabs a finger into his ribs. Kakashi cuts off in a high-pitched yelp. Iruka pokes him again, in a different place, and again. With each touch, Kakashi squeals in pain and flinches away. Iruka throws his hands up.
“What the fuck! Is there any part of you that isn’t hurt?!”
“…My face,” Kakashi says after a pause.
“Okay, good, hold still.” Iruka raises a fist.
“Let me explain!” Kakashi cries desperately. Iruka waits, fist still cocked. “I had a mission earlier today. It…didn’t go well, to say the least. I may have several injuries that…need attending.”
“I can’t believe you hid this from me.” Iruka’s still fuming. “How did I not notice?!”
“I’m good at keeping secrets.” Kakashi shrugs, then winces.
“How severe are your injuries?” Iruka demands to know, crossing his arms. Kakashi hesitates.
“…Non-life threatening.”
“Answer the question before that changes.”
“Okay, fine.” Kakashi gives in with a huff. “I have a dislocated arm, a sprained ankle, a hairline fracture on my pelvis, and a few cracked ribs.” He pauses. “Also, some broken fingers.” He pauses again. “And I kinda stubbed my toe walking up the steps earlier.”
Iruka just gapes at him, flabbergasted. Kakashi tries again.
“…You can kiss them all better if you like-”
“Are you an IDIOT?!” Iruka cuts him off. “Why the fuck didn’t you go to a HOSPITAL?!”
“I didn’t want to miss our date,” Kakashi says weakly. Iruka stops, blinking rapidly for several moments.
“…Oh,” he says in a small voice. His eyes drop to the ground. He looks…chastened. Almost shy. He fidgets a little, shifting his feet awkwardly. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it was so important to you.” Iruka glances up at him beneath those heavy lashes, biting his lip.
There it is again. The signal. Kakashi sure as fuck isn’t going to miss it this time. Not for anything.
He leans in for a kiss.
And promptly faints dead away.
Kakashi wakes up several hours later to find himself tucked away in a hospital bed, covered in bandages and hooked up to several monitors and an IV drip. There’s a small bouquet of flowers on his bedside table with a note attached. He almost passes out again reaching for it, but just barely manages to snag the piece of paper with his fingertips and carefully unfolds it.
Next time I’m going to be the reason you break a hip -Iruka, it reads, followed by a little heart.
Kakashi can’t wait.
(Written for @kakairu-rocks KakaIru Valentine's Week 2024, Day 6 prompt: Secrets.)
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kakairu-bigbang-2024 · 4 months
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Hi guys !!
Thank you for completing the interest check - the mod team have had a chance to review the data and we would like to reveal that ...
We are doing a Big Bang this year !!! 🥳🎉🎊👯🥳
This year the event will be 18+ (sorry kids) and there will no longer be a tier list! Instead, your minimums are:
Writers: 7,500 Words Artists: Simple character render & solid colour background
Sign-Ups begin from now (Feb 9th) until Feb 29th!! We will also be allowing people to join as a pair from the get-go, so bring your friends and come join us for a new KakaIru adventure!
If you'd like any more information or just want to check out the rules, regulations and expectations you can check out our Bingo Book here! This will have almost everything you need to know as a participant :^)
You can sign up for the 2024 KakaIru Big Bang HERE
Looking forward to working with you! 💛
~ Your friendly neighbourhood KakaIru Big Bang Mod team xo
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starclara-blog1 · 6 months
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Fourth and last (maybe... Side-eyeing u Icha Icha Strap from one of the Naruto games) installment of the Icha Icha Kakashi x Iruka series I've been doing: Icha Icha Tactics. The loose theme this time is paperwork and transformations. Because tactics involves both of those, sure. I spent a good while with this one figuring out which fics I wanted to put into it and of course once printing it out I immediately wanted to rearrange and insert different fics again... there are simply too many well written and satisfying shorter kakairu fics out there, I have to say, that they all cannot fit within four reasonably sized books, what an absolutely horrifying prospect to have.
All in all, it's very pleasing to have the entire collection all together, which I originally started this spring, and I have learned a lot in the time that has passed since Icha Icha Paradise, which is the second(ish) book that I have bound. To my mild horror, the collection has also become a comfort object for it's stories (ah, escapism my old friend) and somewhat prized possessions of mine, which although it is pleasing to know I am enjoying the fruit of my labour, it is most definitely not the degree of emotional connection to these particular books, out of all the books I've bound, that I had expected when I originally started binding this series. I have, as a result, re-read through the books multiple times now since I have bound each of them. Ah well, I digress.
A master post of the Icha Icha series can be found here.
And here are the fics within Icha Icha Tactics:
Dog Days (4k, T)
Written for Kakairufest 2017 Summer Round, Classics Prompt 11: A character undergoes a troubling physical transformation.
Stranger than fiction (5k, T)
Summary: Prompt: Classics 13 - Don Quijote
"You think people are not going to notice Kakashi ignoring his duties and hitting on anything with a pulse that stands still long enough?"
Secretary (10k, T)
In the aftermath of a war, Kakashi falls in love over politics and paperwork.
It shouldn't be this romantic.
How to file form 39-B (10.5k, E)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
A General State of Affairs (10.5k, E)
Determined not to fail his latest mission, Iruka sets out to deliver a vital scroll to General Hatake Kakashi of the Third Division.
Finding Halves (18k, T)
Hatake Kakashi’s entire life was the furthest thing away from normality, he should have expected the same with his soulmark. It appeared during the third year of his tenure when he was thirty-six, a good twenty years later than the population’s average, the mark inconspicuous at the inside of his upper left arm. Kakashi paused mid-shave, fingers still zapping with electricity, he stared at his own reflection in the mirror for a long, long time.
Worst Day Ever (22k, M)
Iruka just wants to be left alone at the hot springs to deal with Valentine's Day - the worst day of the year for him. Why can't Kakashi leave him alone? Must he bait Iruka--today, of all days? And... why is he trying so hard to get Iruka into the private spring with him...?
Strays (32k, M)
Iruka finds an injured dog.
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indigosabyss · 1 month
Senku's Adventures in Konoha: Shuriken Training
Iruka kept an especially close eye on his charges as they all rushed out for the first thrown weapons class of the school year.
The kids in this class ranged in age from nine to eleven, and definitely not ignorant of the way blades should be handled. Except for one.
Gaku Shiraishi - or Senku, as he demanded to be called - was a late entry who had previously been rejected because of both his underdeveloped chakra system and utter lack of athleticism to make up for it.
Why he had been let in after that, Iruka didn't know, but the kid didn't seem too happy about it either.
Personally, Iruka thought that he was using his unenthusiasm as a shield to hide his worries about falling behind. But Iruka may also be projecting.
But still, he watched the boy pout at the back of the line for the shuriken box. This left him with a handful of blunt shuriken that no one wanted.
Everyone else went before him, until finally the last few were standing in front of the target posts trying to hit the center.
Well, all the others were. Shiraishi was sitting on the ground looking completely unwilling to attempt even one throw.
"Don't be worried." Iruka offered, sidling up to him, "Give it a go."
Shiraishi looked up with narrowed eyes. Iruka gamely frowned right back, until he finally hefted himself up and held one of his hands up in the seal of confrontation, eyes closed.
Iruka watched, bemused, "You know that you aren't fighting the target, right?"
Shiraishi didn't respond, eyes flicking open as he picked out one shuriken and then tossed it.
Kids who had been watching and snickering fell silent.
The shuriken had hit the target dead center. It barely sunk in at all, expected with the power Shiraishi hadn't put into the throw, but miraculous considering this was his first time throwing something.
"Good job, Senku!" Iruka congratulated, "Think you can do that again?"
Shiraishi groaned, frowned at the target again for half a minute, and then landed another bullseye.
This process repeated until all the shuriken were embedded within the dot of the target.
The other classmates buzzed with jealousy.
"You've got a talent for this." Iruka tried to encourage him nonetheless, "Now if you can do it faster, that'll be great."
Shiraishi glared at him, "I'm crunching the numbers as fast as I can. Let's see you try to factor air density into trajectory equations."
Shiraishi sighed condescendingly, "Never mind."
Next time they had a thrown weapons class, Shiraishi came out with a small bundle of cloth, that was finally unraveled to reveal a handheld metal device with a thin barrel pointing straight out.
"Uh... what's that, Senku?" Iruka asked, as Senku elbowed himself to the front of the targets without even picking up shuriken from the box.
"You wanted me to do it faster." Shiraishi explained, a sheen of excitement in his eyes despite the uninterested facade he had up.
He held up the device.
"I call this a gun."
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virtualcarrot · 1 month
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(context) I was just gonna reply in comments but since my answer ended up with fic recs I'm putting it here (please tell me if you mind)
@cybermanolo I mean absolutely, I've read some fantastic fics regardless (recs below). The rant is more about a general vibe in fandom than a condemnation of its content.
Spring Fever by Maldoror_Chant (https://archiveofourown.org/works/12114636) this one!!! this one is just...MWAH CHEF'S KISS, okay you don't understand I ADORE this characterization of Iruka as a teacher and his relationship with his students and ex students, also Kakashi prying information out of his genin will never not be a hilarious scene, and the whole wrong-footed Iruka in the restaurant thing? hehehe with real pieces of Ibiki cameo.
The line that instantly won me over and got my eternal devotion: "Little twerp…but I’ll turn you into a ninja if it kills me."
Dinner with the Special Assassination and Tactical Squad by Pentapus (https://archiveofourown.org/works/919375) why HELLO! real boys will be boys vibes there, extremely excellent group dynamics, Iruka has flaws! self-awareness of them! but still flaws! he likes to show off! but also he's angry! he's funny! gfdcxgsre YES
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