#kakairu fanfic recommendations
roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Fourth and last (maybe... Side-eyeing u Icha Icha Strap from one of the Naruto games) installment of the Icha Icha Kakashi x Iruka series I've been doing: Icha Icha Tactics. The loose theme this time is paperwork and transformations. Because tactics involves both of those, sure. I spent a good while with this one figuring out which fics I wanted to put into it and of course once printing it out I immediately wanted to rearrange and insert different fics again... there are simply too many well written and satisfying shorter kakairu fics out there, I have to say, that they all cannot fit within four reasonably sized books, what an absolutely horrifying prospect to have.
All in all, it's very pleasing to have the entire collection all together, which I originally started this spring, and I have learned a lot in the time that has passed since Icha Icha Paradise, which is the second(ish) book that I have bound. To my mild horror, the collection has also become a comfort object for it's stories (ah, escapism my old friend) and somewhat prized possessions of mine, which although it is pleasing to know I am enjoying the fruit of my labour, it is most definitely not the degree of emotional connection to these particular books, out of all the books I've bound, that I had expected when I originally started binding this series. I have, as a result, re-read through the books multiple times now since I have bound each of them. Ah well, I digress.
A master post of the Icha Icha series can be found here.
And here are the fics within Icha Icha Tactics:
Dog Days (4k, T)
Written for Kakairufest 2017 Summer Round, Classics Prompt 11: A character undergoes a troubling physical transformation.
Stranger than fiction (5k, T)
Summary: Prompt: Classics 13 - Don Quijote
"You think people are not going to notice Kakashi ignoring his duties and hitting on anything with a pulse that stands still long enough?"
Secretary (10k, T)
In the aftermath of a war, Kakashi falls in love over politics and paperwork.
It shouldn't be this romantic.
How to file form 39-B (10.5k, E)
The first time Iruka met Hatake Kakashi, he was still on some pretty good painkillers.
A General State of Affairs (10.5k, E)
Determined not to fail his latest mission, Iruka sets out to deliver a vital scroll to General Hatake Kakashi of the Third Division.
Finding Halves (18k, T)
Hatake Kakashi’s entire life was the furthest thing away from normality, he should have expected the same with his soulmark. It appeared during the third year of his tenure when he was thirty-six, a good twenty years later than the population’s average, the mark inconspicuous at the inside of his upper left arm. Kakashi paused mid-shave, fingers still zapping with electricity, he stared at his own reflection in the mirror for a long, long time.
Worst Day Ever (22k, M)
Iruka just wants to be left alone at the hot springs to deal with Valentine's Day - the worst day of the year for him. Why can't Kakashi leave him alone? Must he bait Iruka--today, of all days? And... why is he trying so hard to get Iruka into the private spring with him...?
Strays (32k, M)
Iruka finds an injured dog.
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tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Random Naruto fics
I've given up sorting through and grouping things together. It is what it is. Which is a bunch of random ships and fics in a mixer.
Anyway, here it is:
A black dot • means it’s a one-shot
Brackets (…) means it's still being updated/not done/WIP – and I'm paying close attention to it
(000) -> disappeared off the internet (don't worry I have a copy shh)
(Pairing/Pairing+) -> Time travel or dimension hopping – something along those lines
A heart ♡ means it's focused on Sexy times (it's pure filth PWP, or like, a plot focused on getting to the porn part lol)
xwannaflyx: “Saving the World (but Mostly Yourself)” (Gai/Kakashi+) part of a series, one of three Kakashi's plan to save the world is something vaguely involving exposing Danzo's involvement in everything and stalking Orochimaru to make sure he can keep an eye on any potentially apocalyptic projects. His plan did NOT involve becoming the student of Orochimaru. (Also his plan kinda sucks and Sasuke may have had a point when he said he didn't have a plan.) (Realistically he didn't have much of a plan and thank god for Tsunade because both Kakashi and Orochimaru are a hot mess)
TJ_Dragonblade: - “Delayed (or, Why Kakashi Is Never On Time)” (Gai/Kakashi) ♡  • The real reason Kakashi's always showing up late.
Thehoundisdead: “I Was Born to Press My Head Between Your Shoulder Blades” (Gai/Kakashi) • “Ugh,” Kakashi sighs loud before turning quick and sharp in Guy’s grasp so they face each other, only to absolutely slam his face against Guy’s chest. If Guy were a lesser man it might hurt, but as is, he just laughs at his Rival’s antics, even as said rival curls his fist tight on Guy’s bare waist, “I’m trying to sleep, be quiet.” “But Kakashi,” Guy actually whispers this time, jaw moving against the top of Kakashi’s head, “You are in my bed.” Or, 5 times Kakashi fell asleep on Guy and one time Guy understood.
Forgetme: “Phoenix” (Gai/Kakashi) • Kakashi comes back to life. It takes a while. (takes place after chapter 450)
Aventria, iluxia: - “Hiding in the Leaves” (...) (general) last update: 2023 In another life, Orochimaru never leaves Konoha, opting to remain within the village that equally reveres and reviles him. Fighting a bitter battle against forces within the village that are more influential and well-positioned, he finds himself gifted with one last shining opportunity: three children, a team of genin, handed to him because Konoha has no better choice. Orochimaru agrees to become a jounin-sensei for the first and the last time, taking on the next generation's Team Seven: Uchiha Sasuke, Nara Shikamaru, and Uzumaki Naruto.
Chrononautical: - “An Unexpected Homecoming” (Kakashi/Minato+) The Reaper dies and those who were sealed alive are released.
Tozette: “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” (Sasuke/Sakura) • Sasuke is actually eighteen the first time he looks at Sakura and realizes abruptly that he wants her.
Sunshine_sparrow: - “With Nothing On My Tongue” (...) (Kakashi/Naruto) last update: 2023 Naruto realizes the ability of the Kage Bunshin the night after being attacked by Mizuki. At first he just wants to use them to help him train; then the true usefulness of the jutsu begins to reveal itself. Featuring baby badasses, Tank Team Seven, snarky dogs, a special guest appearance by Kakashi's Guilt Complex, and many, many fix-it cliches.
Grilled Cheesby: - “The Jikan Phenomenon” (...) (Sasuke/Kakashi+)         last update: 2020 The Jikan Phenomenon is something that the Uchiha rarely talk about. The sharingan and it's capabilities when it comes to space and time are largely unexplored. The sharingan has many techniques that, with enough training, the wielder can control. The Jikan Phenomenon is not one of them. 
Chespin: - “The Cessation of Panic“ (Sakura/Sasuke) • "There's a thing called a hospital," she starts. "I recognize that Orochimaru was mean to you and probably never took you to one, but they're wonderful things. You should go there. Now." Or: Five times Sasuke shows up injured on Sakura's doorstep.
CherFleur: “Tsundoku” (...) (Kakashi/OC) *discontinued, rewrite in progress, also has some unconnected fics within the same fic universe Hatake Kakashi had a problem. Some would argue that he has many problems but while they may be right, he's perfectly content ignoring them. And denial. He's very good at denial. Well, this time, technically he had three genin-shaped problems, but right now his most troublesome - ah, he can practically feel the Nara cringing - problem is a student so covered in scented lotion, shampoo, and soap that she could qualify as an implement of torture. This needed a kunoichi's touch. Preferably one without a team of her own, definitely not someone who would traumatize them even more... Ah ha. He's a genius. Yes, Nagisa Asuka will be perfect. Hopefully, she won't stab him when he asks. People often try to stab him. He wonders why.
Araceil: "Accidental Providence" (...) (Naruto/Neji) (000) deleted fic, but I still have the google doc saved An AU where Naruto graduated the first time he was at the academy and ends up on Gai's team with TenTen and Neji (in cannon he failed to graduate 3 times I think, and then after that the Mizuki thing happened) *obviously since the fic was deleted, I don't have the official summary, so my own will have to do
Wolfy Tales: - “I Found You Missing” (Kakashi/Sakura) •  'They're asking us because these soldiers have absolutely no one left to write home to' Sakura thought with a frown. So she signs up for the Shinobi Letter Exchange, not realizing how large the consequences would be.
Mx. Irony: - “Curiosity and the Copycat” (...) (Kakashi/OC)  last update: 2020 Hatake Kakashi had a routine of sorts: train, complete missions, visit the Memorial, and read Icha Icha Paradise. Then that routine was interrupted by a nosy, overly friendly civilian. 
Applecrumbledore: “Awful Wonderful” (Gai/Kakashi) •  Gai spoke at the reception that followed Kakashi's inauguration. “My eternal rival—it has been one of the premiere joys of my life to watch you transform from the curious, brooding youth whom I admired into the intelligent, powerful and truly kind man who sits before me today, whom I am proud to respect and adore.” He raised his sake cup and it looked comically small in his big hands. “To our Rokudaime.” Adore. Kakashi turned the word over and over again in his head and tried to remember if Gai had said it before in all his flowery language about friendship. He couldn't.
Blackkat: - “Backslide” (Naruto/Kakashi+)  Naruto’s friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara’s second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara’s plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he’s still breathing.
Ideaoforder: - “Roots and Wings” (Kakashi/Iruka)  When Naruto is kidnapped from his orphanage at age three, Kakashi is so done with this shit. He gets Naruto back, tells the Hokage where to go (politely, because he isn't suicidal), and raises the boy himself. Or, you know, tries and is proud when there aren't too many explosions. Then everybody starts to copy him and it's a whole thing.
Flialinginlove: - “The Bingo Book” (Kakashi/Iruka)  Kakashi avoided relationships. He didn't want to put others in danger. So he couldn't understand why there was a face staring back at him, as a sub-entry to his own, in this Bingo Book. Umino Iruka (lover) the caption read. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. The Book was fact, and to Kakashi's enemies, Iruka had just become a weakness they could exploit.
Flialinginlove: “Interested” (Kakashi/Iruka) •  Iruka sees Kakashi without his mask and suddenly seems a lot more interested in him than he's ever been before.
Flialinginlove: “Catching Lightning in a Bottle” (Kakashi/Iruka)♡  Iruka gets a little more than he bargained for when he summons his first demon.
Flialinginlove: “Scent and Sensibility” (Kakashi/Iruka)  In a world where most people identify their mates by scent the first time they meet, Kakashi and Iruka take a more scenic route. Or, the one where Iruka does an excellent job of hiding the fact that he is an omega, right up until he gets stuck in a cave with Kakashi. (A/B/O dynamics but without mpreg, dub-con, and rivers of gushing fluids, also trying to avoid overly stereotyped gender roles.)
Flialinginlove: Maldoror_gw: - “Spring Fever” (Kakashi/Iruka) •  *this one doesn't have a summary. which irritates me. and I can't be bothered writing one for it, that's just insulting. read it if u want, I remember liking it
Flialinginlove: “The Perfect Trap” (Kakashi/Iruka) •  *this one doesn't have a summary either. why.
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rayukiriver · 11 months
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Day 14, Marriage or I miss you. Any long mission is just too long and they miss each other dearly
I really loved the idea of chakra rings from this one Kakairu fanfic Anata which i recommend everyone interested in Kakairu, it's delicious. And i don't remember the way they did it in manga, were there any rings at all?.. Anyway i couldn't think of the way to show their ring fingers, so i just did this thing with their chakras binding around them slowly but i don't think it reads the way it should. Welp...
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smelllikeme · 2 years
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I relate too much to this
By the way this thread is actually from a Kakairu fanfic called Foreign Tongues, it's so good, I totally recommend it, the chapters so far have been far from disappointing 💓
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thoughtsareclouded · 2 years
KakaIru Fanfic Recommendations
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UPDATED 26/12/2022
This is a list of my favourite KakaIru fics I've read on AO3. I've also included some polyamorous fics featuring this ship. All of them are complete. They're not ranked in any particular order. Links are in the titles.
Lying is the best policy
Growing old is getting old
Howling for You
more important
For as Long as You'll Have Me
Into The Woods, Dark and Deep
The Hitai-ate
ANBU in the Bedroom
Full Moon Bay
Pride, Prejudice, and Plenty of Sex
Lose Control
A Forked-Tongue Tells Many Lies
She's a Big Boy Now
Killing Me Softly
Careful Words
Mission gone Wrong
Earth Shaker
i lie awake (and pray you don't lie awake for me)
The Scarlet Fog
Handle With Care
way too damn needy
Not Quite So Soulless
Among Him, Bliss
Thought and Feeling Interwound
killing me to love you
The Butterfly
Craving You
Make it Rain
Always Only One Night
But we’re really NOT married!
Can’t Steal, Can’t Give it Up
Hide and Seek
By Blood, Bound
Ebb and Flow
You’re so Pretty, Sensei
Four First Dates
The Demon on your Shoulder
Son of the White Fang
After the Storm
Poly Ships Featuring KakaIru
Black and White and In Between (KakaYamaIru)
Intervention (KakaYamaIru)
Birthday Break (KakaYamaIru)
Love Heals Most Scars (KakaYamaIru)
I Love Him, But I Still Love You (KakaYamaIru)
Under the Persimmon Tree (KakaYamaIru)
Savour (KakaYamaIruGuy)
Morning Meetings (KakaIruGuy)
Double Trouble (KakaIruSukea)
Tenzou and the Wild Goose Chase (KakaYamaIru)
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grumpycheer · 3 years
Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hatake Kakashi/Umino Iruka Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Umino Iruka, Uzumaki Naruto, Shiranui Genma Additional Tags: KakaIru Mini Bang 2020, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Soulmates, Curses, Inspired by Shrek (Movies) Series: Part 1 of The Princess and The Cyclops Summary:
the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb In the shape of an "L" on her forehead
this is the best kakairu fanfic I've found yet, please go check it out if you’re interested
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happyocelot · 2 years
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
Yayyy, an ask! Thanks, @gentlesoulgentlefist
NaruGaa and NaruNeji are much better pairings than SasuNaru.
Hinata never wanted to be clan leader. She wanted to be strong, to improve herself, but she never said anything about leading her clan. I have no idea where people got this idea from. (OK, this isn't an unpopular opinion, but a fact, but whatever.)
On a related note, the Hyuuga clan, did in fact, change. We're shown and told that they changed. Why do people just keep ignoring Hiashi's conversation with Edo Tensei Hizashi? (Ditto.)
I don't ship Kakashi with anyone and don't like his characterization in most shippy fanfics. Okayyy, there are SOME KakaIru and KakaGai fics and art I like, but not too many. But, I'm open to any good fics and recommendations for him.
Contrary to what a lot of NH fics portray, I think that Naruto has soft hands and Hinata has rough hands.
I don't think Sakura and Hinata were "wasted potential." I don't think any of the kunoichi were wasted potential, and I find that people who say this often never understood those characters well in the first place (i.e. complaints of Sakura being a fangirl or Hinata being a stalker). I do think Sakura definitely needed more screentime, but, again, she wasn't wasted potential, a loaded term if there ever was one.
A lot of people who dislike ch. 700+, in my observation, often fundamentally fail to grasp many characters and plotlines, and in fact say things that are factually, provably wrong, such as the recurring claims that the "shinobi system" didn't change, that the Hyuuga didn't change, that Naruto is a bad father, that NH/SS are badly done, and so on and so forth. And most of these complaints are almost invariably made by people who shipped something other than the endgame pairing(s). It's astonishing how much people's shipping choices led them to viewing the manga/anime through such distorted lenses.
I wish we knew when Himawari's birthday was.
Most importantly, I wanna know how Guy and Lee's jumpsuits work. They don't seem to have any zippers, so what do they do when they need to go to the bathroom? This is the biggest mystery in the series. I'm not kidding
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helenasugar · 3 years
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For @kakairu-shrine, based on her fanfic Catkashi (1000/10, super recommended if you need some fluff and cuteness to make your day better 💕✨)
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detectivepoodles · 3 years
When you find that perfect Kakairu fanfiction you've been dying for
Can anyone please recommend me some good Kakairu fics? Honestly, I'm at that point where I don't know what tag to find in a fanfic anymore. 🥲🙃
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roseserpentpress · 2 years
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Third of the four mock Icha Icha novels that are Kakashi x Iruka fanfiction anthologies. As there is no design for this cover, I was allowed to go buck wild for the colour scheme, and well... Immediately, I decided to go for something obnoxious.
The theme for this volume was, as that the title was termed Icha Icha Innocence, relating to domesticity/family. Part of me thought it would be funny for it to be more explicit, in irony, but in the end I hadn't done a found family collection, and as that is a large trope within kakairu, I figured that would work better.
Link to the Icha Icha series master post.
List and links to fanfiction included below:
Starts with a Bang (4k, T)
The quickest way to a ninja's heart is with a good explosive tag.
Sneak Peek (4.5k, G)
A very young Kakashi gets a hold of a scroll that allows him a sneak peek in to his distant future. It's not what he expected to see.
A Shortcut to Marriage (7k, G)
“It was a quiet ceremony.” Iruka tells the man with the air of someone who says such things all the time. “There was a war on; it didn’t seem appropriate to celebrate. And the Rokudaime is a private person. It isn’t unreasonable for him to keep his personal life quiet for his partner’s safety. Especially considering Konoha’s…. checkered history with the lifespan of Kage spouses.”
“And how do you know about this arrangement if it is such a national secret?”
Iruka takes a deep breath, preparing to make his boldest claim yet. His mouth opens, ready to say that he and Kakashi are close, personal friends when…
“You can hardly marry a man without telling him about it.”
All of the air leaves Iruka’s lungs in a rush as Kakashi uses his big, dumb, mouth to ruin everything.
Mail Order What? (8.6k, T)
When Kakashi agreed to be on Minato and Kushina’s wills and care for Naruto if anything should happen to them he didn’t believe it would ever happen. At the advice of friends he decides hiring an au pair is his only option. Iruka might be his only hope, but the cute teacher comes with his own problems. Can the three of them really make it work?
He Needs You (10k, E)
Hatake Kakashi, Konoha's retired Hokage, finds his former assistant, Umino Iruka, wounded and in need of comfort.
Or does Kakashi need something from Iruka?
A road leading home to you (13k, T)
There are benches near the gates of Konoha where people wait for their loved ones to return from missions. Kakashi is used to ignoring them; it’s been a long time since someone has taken anything more than a professional interest in his comings and goings.
Let Me Take This Coat and This Weight Off of Your Shoulders (16k, T)
Iruka invites Kakashi over for dinner. This has some unexpected consequences.
Kitsune no Iruka (18.5k, T)
Naruto is not the only jinchuuriki in the village. Kakashi/Iruka.
Family Recipe (22k, T)
“Naruto is a person with a name,” Iruka snapped, already way past the limit of his patience for the day. Funny, how he could spend all day with small children, but a single council meeting wore him down to the bone. “Use it.”
For a long second, Iruka thought that he was about to die. And then Hatake’s eye curled in a friendly crinkle, an approximation of a smile.
“You’ll do,” Hatake said.
*** 5 times Kakashi & Iruka tried to be a normal family for Naruto + 1 time they were a full on ninja family ***
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chojuuro · 3 years
kakairu, gaalee, madatobi, poly sasusakunaru
send me a ship and i'll grade it!
KakaIru C: Not a bad ship
it's cute!! it's not my first choice for kakashi ships (kakaships, if you will) but it's definitely not one that i'll pass up. there's a lot of really cute fanart and fanfic out there. wholesome! i enjoy it!
GaaLee A: I love it
THE OG THE BLUEPRINT ENEMIES TO LOVERS. i adore gaalee with all of my soul. i dont consume a lot of content surrounding it but it has a very special place in my heart
MadaTobi A: I love it
they make me act UNWISE something something inherent eroticism something something ripping each other apart something something you killed my brother and i hate you with my entire being but i can't get you out of my mind. ugh i love this shit i love mutually destructive unhealthy ships don't look at me??? elnhrt does some amazing art for this ship. highly recommend if you love unhealthy dynamics and destructive bs (where it CAN be healthier in au's but blah blah yadda yadda) anyway i could yell about them for a long time
SasuSakuNaru B: It’s really cute
end the shipping wars they're all dating. no i think they're cute! i generally like most of the teams as polyam ships tbh and i think these three have such a close, intimate bond even without a shipping lens that it would be easy to consider them in a relationship
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magnustesla · 5 years
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Trans KakaIru Fanfics ♡
I got asked a while ago about fanfic for kakairu that had either (or both) as trans characters and so, I've put together a rec list that I hope you'll enjoy - just click on the bolded titles and it'll open the fic. 
Warm Water - by e1even
Kakashi drops in on Iruka to see how he is, and helps him unwind after a long day.
A sweet bit of smut and look into what feels like a new relationship. Lots of ninja life feels and a nice read. Rated Explicit.
Hold Me Close - by MagnusTesla
Delirious with a high fever, Iruka lets slip secrets of feelings he's kept hidden from his best friend. Rated Mature.
An adorable sickfic full of angst and feels, with a happy ending.
Fusion - by Aryagraceling (@aryagraceling)
Hokage Kakashi gets sassed by his long term partner, Iruka and indulge in some fun roleplay together. Rated Explicit.
Forbidden - by Aryagraceling
In the same 'verse as before, just at a later time in their lives. Kakashi doesn't do as he's told and gets punished. Rated Explicit.
Bloom - by Aryagraceling
Iruka beat hanahaki once but finds himself with it again. He closes himself off and shuts Kakashi out, dooming him to the same fate.
There is a happy ending, I promise. Rated Mature.
All three fics are brilliant reads, ranging from fun and smutty, to some serious feels. The author has some other fics for trans kakairu but they focus around dysphoria and some darker subjects. They are also great reads.
Iris - by Transkakashi (@trans-kxkashi)
A slice of life and look into Kakashi and Iruka's lives/relationship with in a sprinkle of unexpected happenings. Rated Mature.
Gladiolus - by Transkakashi
Pre relationship, follows Kakashi from childhood to being a sensei, and everything that happens a long the way. Linked to the fic, Iris. Rated Mature.
All of the fics in this series are wonderful and a must read.
This Is Who We Are - by Megyal (@penmaries)
Kakashi is being pressured by the council to have children, and decides to drop the bombshell of being in love with Iruka, only to play into the councils hands. Rated Teen.
A lovely, adorable fic featuring trans Iruka and ace Kakashi.
A Distraction - by @stupidbadgers
A super short and sweet ficlet showing a little snapshot of Kakashi and Iruka's lives with Iruka post-top surgery.
Sinew And Starlight - by @hazelbeka-blog
Very feels heavy kakairu fic, with Iruka dealing with his dysphoria and longing for transformation. Includes some awesome mythology and werewolves.
To Hold You Up - by callaina
Post-shuriken injury incident. Kakashi swings by Iruka’s apartment to drop off a birthday gift that has Iruka choked up. Featuring Iruka as nonbinary, and a super sweet Kakashi, this fic is perfect if you need a dose of fluff.
Meet Me In The Woods Tonight - by booleanWildcard
This fic is a wonderful fusion of the Naruto ninja world, Howl’s Moving Castle, and the author’s own ideas. I cannot begin to summarize the awesomeness of this fic, so you’ll have to go read for yourself. Featuring trans Iruka and a load of found family feels.
Hidden Blooms - by @kalira​ 
Kakashi and Iruka are soulmates, and each have what is called a heart flower, reflecting their feelings. It’s a really wonderful fic, packed full of feelings and the realisation of said feelings. 
Smiling Scars - by @kalira​
Post-top surgery Iruka loving his new scars, and Kakashi being a supportive, doting partner. Kakashi is a wolf shifter in this, which adds another layer of absolute adorableness to the fic.
Artwork commissioned for this post, created by @anniemaar ♡
Please reblog if you enjoyed any of these, and help these stories with their wonderful representation be seen ♡ If you enjoyed any, please do let the author know via kudos and comments!
Note: There is no one universal trans experience, and so I can only recommend these based on what I, as a trans person, like to read. If these aren’t to your taste, I would ask that you kindly just click away. Thank you!  ♡
Please do not repost, crop or edit this artwork in any way, or remove the description or source.
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kakairu-fest · 5 years
KakaIru Mini Bingo Fest
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We’re excited to announce that we will be organising a mini Bingo fest!
How to play:
Sign up on the google form, and we will send you a card with prompts as soon as we can
Get bingo on your card, and you can request for a new card
Basic bingo will count for 2 points, the Level Up bingo cards will count for 4 points, and the Blackout Bingo will count for 8 points! The one who gets the highest score will get bragging rights! (And maybe a small prize)
Have fun!
Important Dates:
28 Oct - 08 Nov: Prompts Submissions + Initial Sign ups
09 Nov - 15 Nov: First batch of bingo cards to be sent out. If you have not received your card by 15 Nov:, please let us know!
15 Nov ~ 01 March: Posting period. During this period, we will continue to send bingo cards if you've completed yours.
05 March: Final Scores announcements out!
Some rules and important notes:
All types of fanworks are accepted!
Fanfic: >1000words
Fanart: Mid / large sized
Cosplay photos
And other fanwork as long as it's KakaIru
You can post to our collection at AO3 (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/KakaIru_2019_Mini_Bingo/profile)
If you post on Twitter, do remember to tag us (@KI_ficfest)
If you post on Tumblr, remember to tag us (@kakairu-fest)
When posting your work, you'll need to include your bingo card with the prompt that you're posting crossed out.
You can continue posting after the posting period but it won’t be counted towards your final bingo scores
You can still sign-up after the initial sign-up period
The bingo card will be randomised from the prompts that everyone has submitted
Warning: If you agree to receive kink prompts, you may receive a prompt that squicks you
You will only be allowed to pass on one card. Just send us an email when you’re done posting your fanwork, and we will send you another card.
There will be no limit on the number of cards you can fill as long as you hit bingo on your current card
Depending on the number of prompts we get, you may end up receiving prompts that you have received before, but we will try to limit that as much as possible
All work has to be end-game KakaIru
How to post and how to bingo below the cut.
How to post your work on AO3:
When posting your fic, you'll need to include your bingo card. You can post either the image (edited with the prompt you've worked on greyed out) that you were sent, or you can use the HTML code below in the fic that you post on AO3.
> Post the image
If you want to post your bingo card as an image when you submit your work on AO3, you will need to find an image hosting service, and edit the bingo card everytime you post
> Post a table in your submitted work with HTML
Due to the limitation in AO3's HTML system, we can only do simple tables, and we are unable to change the background colours. So we will need to indicate in the cell directly
↓Copy and paste the code below if you want to use HTML↓
<center> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td align="center">Add in [FILLED] when submitting your work</td> <td align="center">Example: [Filled] Prompt 1</td> <td align="center">Prompt 2</td> </tr>
<tr> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> </tr>
<tr> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> <td align="center">Fill in your prompt here</td> </tr>
</tbody> </table> </center> Click to see how it would look like on AO3 If you’re posting on Tumblr or Twitter, we recommend that you update your posts with an image of your Bingo Card.
How to bingo:
There are a few different ways to bingo:
(Since this is a mini bingo fest, we will be using 3 x 3 cards instead of the usual 5 x 5 cards)
Free Space: You get this space for free! It'll count whether you write something there (of your own theme) or not.
Basic Bingo (2 point)
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Level Up Bingo (4 points each) X-Bingo
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Cross Bingo
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Final Level Bingo Blackout Bingo (8 points each completed card)
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mytsukkishine · 5 years
I love your kakairu fanfics in your ao3. I'm just starting to love them, may i ask if you have any favorite au of Kakairu? or any suggestions?
henlo anon-chan.thank you so so dam much for liking my fanfics, it's very heartwarming and ahhhhh
That's a nice question. I think my top 5 fave AUs would be;
-Iruka under the Infinite Tsukuyomi and his feels for Kakashi :c
-I am a slut for Modern Setting (either teacher, or single parent, or actor, etc.)
-Loving single parent Iruka bcz fight me
bonus: genderbent or alpha/omega verse
I think that’s my top 5 but I read almost everything that has a happy ending. though i am a little weak-heart when it comes to tragedies so sometimes i avoid them (even though i love making angsty shit)
fanfic recomms, actually i have read a lotsss since December, maybe over 200 now or 400 and i aint ashamed lol. even under this quarantine I have read a lot and writte a lot more now.
maybe a recommendation would come once I have a list. For now, I suggest you read whatever you like under kakaIru and i’m 100% sure all of it is awesome and lovely
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tr33-g1rl · 5 years
"You've... you've done something," he accused, fingers finally finding their ways into fists. "You've ruined me."
From ‘Can’t Fucking Stand You’ by frozenCinders on AO3  
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7354351
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Reason I love this quote: This is so in character for Shigaraki and I adore it. Just everything about this story was perfect, and this quote made me both laugh and say “awwww!” Just tsundere!Shigaraki makes my day, especially when it’s so in character!
Do not fret... I've never presumed to think of you as mine.
I only know that I am yours.
From ‘Show Me...’ by CrazyLabRat on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16278545/chapters/38068457#workskin
Pairing: KakaIru
Reason I love this quote: How could you not love a quote as powerful as this?!?! It’s so open and vulnerable, but the context in which it’s said is so guarded that you can’t help but crave more! And when I say more, I mean you want everything to come to light. You want the open wound unwrapped so you can look at it and marvel at it before cleaning it and stitching it back up and letting everything be alright. This story is a classic and completely gives a new take to the ‘secret admirer’ trope. It’s easily one of my top three fanfictions ever!
“You were amazing today, mophead.”
That’s it. No mockery, no sarcasm. There’s a little breathiness in his voice and Tomura wonders where it’s coming from. He wonders whether today’s one of those days when Dabi likes to take his time, pretend to court him before shoving him against the nearest surface and kissing his mouth like he can never get enough of it.
From ‘special’ by chuuyafucks on AO3 (Rated E)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052693
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Reason I love this quote: I love the image of Dabi as the same cool, badass character but he’s got this little obssession with crush on Dabi that he doesn’t even bother hiding! It’s everything I ever wanted! Especially in this allies-with-benefits kind of relationship! The author writes the characters so well and I’m in love with it!
“Thank you,” he mutters, nearing incoherence. “Thank you so much, mophead. I’d worship you like this every day, if you’d let me.”
From ‘special’ by chuuyafucks on AO3 (Rated E)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16052693
Pairing: ShigaDabi
Reason I love this quote: Yes I’m putting another quote from this fic! It’s so nice to see Dabi like this, especially when he’s showing it so willingly to Shigaraki! The author writes him so well and keeps him in character that these little bits of adoration feel not just real, but like they’re even part of his character! Not to mention, quotes like these just make me swoon.
"I do, but I mean it. So unless you do too, I'd appreciate it if you would refrain."
And that just made no sense at all.
"What is it that you mean when you do it, then?"
His eye curled up into a smile as his fingers released my wrist.
"You already know."
From ‘Like A Brat’ by CrazyLabRat on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16717613
Pairing: Kakairu
Reason I love this quote: It’s such a pivotal point in the story and it’s handled so well! The short sentences and subtle actions make really creates a tension in the scene that hits the scene home and clues the reader in as to what’s going on! While Iruka is only further submersed into darkness onto what Kakashi means, the reader finds everything becoming clear as day, and it makes the reader fall even deeper in love with Kakashi, who is just too clever (in a unique way). This is a very cute take on a simple act that I thought I’d always hate.
“Ever Slytherin knows that there are two ways two control a scandal,” Yamada answers, slumping back into his chair. “One way is to keep it a secret. The second is to announce it to the world.” Hizashi gives Shōta a sharp smile, and for the first time Shōta truly sees the Slytherin in him. “And I’ve never been good at keeping my mouth shut.”
From ‘Star-Bright’ by KuriKuri on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7805674
Pairing: EraserMic
Reason I love this quote: This entire story is a gem, but I can’t help but love just how well this quote explains Hizashi’s seemingly thoughtless actions throughout the entire story. It also shows just how good of a Slytherin Hizashi makes, and it’s now an idea I adore. This story is a really good read with an ending so sweet and satisfying that I can’t even find anything to compare it to.
"Stop that," Iruka commanded, a little rattled from his behaviour. If OOC for Kakashi meant he was back to teasing Iruka, he was having nothing of it. "And your mask, it's almost off." Without thinking, Iruka re-sheathed his kunai and stepped forward, grasping the edge of the stretchy black material, hauling it up back over his nose. Kakashi blinked at him and then grabbed Iruka's hands, staring at them intently. Then, he rubbed his face against Iruka's palms, and made a sound like a large, contented cat.
From ‘Responsible, forever, for what you have tamed’ by megyal on AO3 (Rated M)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/111529
Pairing: KakaIru
Reason I love this quote: This scene is just too cute for my dead, cold heart. I can’t help but giggle and blush like a kid with a crush when I read this scene. I love this little paragraph with my entire body and just how it shows Kakashi’s adoration for Iruka.
This ninja had naturally bronze skin that had been darkened further by the sun. His black eyes, black hair, and black eyelashes looked like accents added to an ink drawing, but overall his features were blunt and square. Compared to Kakashi, he had a core like a tree trunk. If he appeared in Icha Icha, it would be as a virtuous farmer. Kakashi would have been happy to follow him home.
From  ‘The Full Umino Experience’ by pentapus on AO3
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2772086
Pairing: KakaIru
Reason I love this quote: Unlike most fanfics, this author takes a more lifelike approach to their writing, and doesn’t absolutely romanticize the characters into models. This description is just so realistic and perfect to the character! It doesn’t make him absolutely gorgeous and, to me, that makes the story itself even more beautiful. Though this quote isn’t the only thing I love about this story, this part really stuck with a younger me who was definitely the type to romanticize everything. It’s definitely the paragraph from any fanfiction that’s had the most impact on my own writing, and I really appreciate all it’s done for me. I highly recommend this story to everyone, but especially writers who want to really improve!
He bends over into a half-bow over him, which confuses Morisuke to no end. Does he want him to bow back? What? Morisuke glances at Kuroo, who makes a petting motion.
Really? He wants to be petted? Morisuke reaches up to ruffle Lev’s hair—it’s silky, even with sweat dampening it—and Lev jerks a little but then stills. “You did well,” Morisuke says, ignoring the way Kuroo’s sniggering.
From ‘Yaku and the Beanstalk’ by Mysecretfanmoments
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2765213
Pairing: Yakulev
Reason I love this quote: This is wayyyy too cute for me, and I can’t help but coo at this scene like it’s a newborn puppy. This is too precious and pure and adorable and it makes my heart happy.
(Might add more later)
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milksylph · 7 years
hey! do you read any naruto fanfiction? i can't seem to find good ones in ffnet and i saw you mention once that you've read some well-written naruto fics. can you recommend them?
yo hey sorry for the long wait anywhoooo !! ya i do actually but i dont read from ffn anymore, not since i was like 11 or something. everything i read is hosted in ao3, and even if there were fics i read in ffn, i wouldn’t really remember them because the last time i checked the naruto fics there was like,,,, 5 or so years ago. im not sure what kind of fics u like tho, u didnt give me a pairing or a genre? so im just gonna give u a mix. most of these u can easily find u sort by kudos in ao3, because im rly predictable that way. 
also like,,,,, the pairings are kinda all over the place honestly ive been in this fandom ever since i was like 6 im p sure ive read shit on almost all possible and logical ships
i dont actually remember mentioning my fanfic reading thing lmao but i made sure to double check so i know what ur referring to and i think it’s the sasuke centric one? anyway, its under the readmore + more !!
im pretty sure this was the fic i was talking abt when i mentioned my ff reading thing so !! everything by weialala. but most especially these gems: in good company, and its sequel, ragnarokr. anyway ive been reading this since it was released and FUCKKKKKKKKKKK this is my #1 absolute favourite fic. its sasuke-centric and you know what?????? it has gr8 characterization of my fave hokage (u can guess who, i have shit taste). AND !! i love the relationship between sasuke and kakashi FUCK !!! IT S JUST !! [ clenches fists ] . anyway…….. its sasunaru but like, at this point its very SLOOOOOOOOOOW BURN wherein the burn is actually on the verge of just dying out. seriously. you’ll see more of sasuke-with-others than sasuke-with-naruto. STILL WORTH IT THO I SWEAR. FUCK !!! i love this fic im gonna shut up now b4 i spoil.
my second fave is probably a bit controversial bc …… just check clouded mind and heavy heart. i love thE WHOLE SERIES !! it might not be ur type bc its kinda dark and its abt naruto defecting with sasuke and im just. as someone who has thought abt it countless times its nice to be able to find something written abt it . it gets kinda fucked the FUCKED up the farther u go but idc i lOVE IT
anything written by blackkat that involves orochimaru as the main character. i linked u to her orochimaru fics sorted by kudos but like…. even if the pairings seem absurd its worth it !!! I LOVE THEIR OROCHIMARU CHARACTERIZATION !!! ITS LIKE SOMEONE LOOKED INTO MY MIND AND WROTE IT DOWN FOR ME. im the biggest orochimaru stan so finding these gems were a BLESSING !! trust me?? the sakumo/orochimaru ones are good GOOD !!!! read the superhero au thing. im too lazy to link it ervdvdrvf but its cute bc tiny anko and kabuto.
anyway i have 2 fave fics pertaining to my #2 otp which is gaara/naruto and they’re white wedding and monogatari. monogatari is SOOOOOO good i read it every yr honestly…. so good. white wedding is an a+ feel good fic and idk if i remember correctly but i think there’s kakairu? i might be wrong tho
ok so those are like my to die for fics but i have some that are also REALLYYY GOOD and are mostly oneshots i’ll just link em to u 
in bond and blood. kaka/iru, very nice feel good fic 
Baby Animals, Weddings, And Other Things Not Normally Associated With Uchiha Sasuke. fdgbdg the title is long i copy-pasted it but I LOVE THIS BC ITS JUST….. A NICE ALMOST FIX-IT FIC WITH PARENTAL SASUNARU 
the worst shift. sasunaru, gets kinda heavy in the later chapters but GOOOOOOOOD
HONESTLY JUST READ EVERYTHING on the first page if u sort by kudos. 
this one is iruka/gai. i know it sounds weird but trust me on this.
special mentions: 
reverse. its the naruto fic with the most kudos and its still incomplete. im not super there with the characterizations or how it goes later on but i love it still mostly because its a shameless fix-it fic AND it includes my #1 FAVOURITE JINCHUURIKI (whom i RARELY find in actual fics) UTAKATA !! I LOVE HIM and any fics which includes him living is a+ for me already im easily impressed
HONESTLY ALL OF blackkat’s fix-it fics honestly. including stormborn and backslide. backslide is my fave out of all three of these bc im kind of a bit eh with stormborn’s later chapters but backslide is just good !!!! good goooooood!!
hmmmmmmm honestly i read just about ANYTHING that catches my interest and my ridiculously high standards (except for this fandom i lowered it a bit bc ….. well……. 
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