suckycat · 8 months
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catchymemes · 2 years
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alcrego · 5 days
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cannonbreedpixels · 2 years
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Updated moveset since smash bros
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txttletale · 8 months
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The unexpected beauty of mornings vs. the chaos of how my coffee sees mornings. Choose your vibe. 💫🔥#Duality Let's turn the ordinary into extraordinary! Share your own tales of duality in the comments or reblog with your imaginative twists on everyday wonders—because every moment holds the potential for a delightful surprise. 🌟✨ #DualityCreativity
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Unexpected 56
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Warnings: non/dubcon, child endangerment, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, Andy is nasty in this, violence, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You go through the drawers and grab some clothing for Luna. Just enough without weighing you down. Then you take Luna out of the crib. She’s awake but quiet. Almost as if she senses something’s happening. You cradle her against you and move slowly through the space.
You see Andy’s body on the floor. You’re too afraid to even go near him. You reach across the bed to fish out the cell phone on the opposite nightstand. You try to unlock it but don’t know the code. Dammit.
You look down at your daughter and shudder. You lay her on the bed and take the phone. You stare down at Andy and his arm sprawled away from his body. You grit down as you bend down and lift his hand, pressing his thumb to the screen. You watch the screen flip open and you retract, staring at him, expecting him to rise and catch you in your flight.
You gather up Luna again and the extra clothes. You take her to the door as you hug her tightly and keep your other arm around the fabric, thumbing through the phone. You find the security app and after several attempts, you unlock the right door, the latch clicking back loudly.
On the other side of the door, you lock it again. It will buy you enough time. You don’t know exactly what your plan is, your mind just puts one thought in front of the other. Get dressed.
You find clothing from his dresser and pull them on. Loose but it doesn’t matter. You tie the oversized sweatpants over your hips as tight as you can. Shoes… those are another matter. You stuff the toes with socks and double up the pair on your feet. A coat over a hoodie and you should be fine. An extra pair of pants and sweater shoved into the bag you find in the bottom of the closet.
You pack up Luna’s clothes with your own, layering her in a hoodie as well before tying her around you with a sliced pillow sheet. Your work methodically through the dark, the phone your only light. You put your hand on your baby as you go to the kitchen and scour the cupboards for anything you can take with you.
That’s it. You have to go. No more time to waste. You can’t risk it. If he’s alive, if he wakes up, that door won’t stop him forever.
You near the entryway and slow. You stop at the small table and stare at the leather wallet resting next to a key dish. You pick it up and unfold it. There’s a credit card… you might be able to get a few bucks off of that before ditching it. 
You stop at the door and take a breath, the knapsack drooping on your back as you keep a hand on Luna. You flip the lock back and peer out at the night, the sky softening with the early hues of the looming morning. You step out into the world. A new world. Your world.
You’re numb as you come up to the end of the walkway and pause again at the threshold of the suburban sidewalk. You take a breath of the crisp air and shiver. You’re not cold, you’re scared but in a different way. In a freeing way.
You look down the avenue, towards Lloyd’s house, another prison you once knew. You can still go back. You can walk the half-block and just give in. No, you can’t. You won’t settle for that. You won’t let Luna live in your resent.
You turn your back on it, unsure of where you’re going. Away. Anywhere but here.
Your name stops you from taking the first step. No. Please. You should just keep going, act like you didn’t hear them but you can’t. Harlan calls you again, his footsteps shuffling across the road.
You face him as he steps up on the curb. He looks you over, his eyes fixating on your child. You press your hand firmer to her.
“I knew… I been watching,” he says darkly, “what… did you…”
“He might be dead,” you shrug, “Harlan, I’m leaving.”
He’s quiet. It’s tense and full and horrible. He lowers his head and reaches to touch the bundle around his grandchild. He nods and lifts his eyes to you.
“I know. You woulda either way,” he utters, “you’re not wrong for it.”
“Are you going to tell him?” You ask thinly.
“Nah, I won’t do that,” he says as he unzips his packet and slips his hand beneath, “you go…” he takes out his wallet as you watch dumbly. “Take this.” He hands over cash, “he can’t track that.”
“I… thank you,” you accept the money.
“You keep her safe. Yourself too,” his voice wobbles for just a moment, “I looked… I-I did. I was watching that man…”
“It’s okay. We’re okay.”
“You will be. Now, you listen,” he searches in his wallet again, “you take my number. You ain’t gotta call me right away. Just me, not Dotty. The longer you wait, the better, but you let me know when you’re settled. Let me know she’s happy.” He hands over a slip of paper, “you go to the next and you buy yourself a burner. You text me and I’ll tell ya where to go.”
Your eyes tinge. Maybe you could stay. Maybe you should. 
“Don’t you start doubtin’ yourself,” he insists as he shoves the paper into your pocket.
You swallow and gulp tightly. Without a word, you step closer and stretch your arm around him, hugging him as you try not to smother Luna. She coos as you do.
“I love you, dad,” you say as you give him a squeeze.
“Love ya, too, honey,” he pats your back, “and the little one.” He pulls back and looks down at Luna as she wriggles. She’s bigger now, almost too big for the haphazard sling.
“I’ll call,” you promise.
“You’ll go. Now.” He pushes his shoulders straight and lifts his chin, glaring past you to Andy’s house, “I’ll make sure that bastard don’t follow.”
For a moment, you wonder if he means Andy or Lloyd.
You let him past, turning to watch him march up the walk of Andy's house. You don’t move until he’s inside. You reach into your pocket and pull out Andy’s phone and card. You don’t need that. You throw it into the garden and spin back to the street.
The sky brightens as you head down the street, lighting the way as if trying to illuminate the world ahead of you. You’re going to do it right this time. 
You can handle the unexpected, that doesn’t scare you. You fear falling back into the same traps as before. This time, you’re going to do it on your own. And you’re going to show your daughter how to do the same. She won’t be like you, she’ll be stronger.
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daxsystxrs · 2 months
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So uh , Hooty is hidden in the book of bill!! This is the page called like.. 'The human body' , I can't remember and the books downstairs smh but I think it's funny how Hooty snuck in there lol 😭
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pratchettquotes · 8 months
"Just a minute," said Lobsang. "Who are you? Time has stopped, the world is given over to...fairy tales and monsters, and there's a schoolteacher running around?"
"Best kind of person to have," said Susan. "We don't like silliness. Anyway, I told you...I've inherited certain talents."
"Like living outside time?"
"That's one of them."
"It's a weird talent for a schoolteacher!"
"Good for grading papers, though," said Susan, calmly.
Terry Pratchett, Thief of Time
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horsechestnut · 8 months
Enterprise really only waited 4 episodes to do mpreg. Can't say they don't have guts.
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jaubaius · 2 years
The comedic timing on this response was pretty good.
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tarot-world · 6 months
Unexpected 🙂 More like this
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catchymemes · 2 years
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rosiemarieyn · 5 months
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pairing: Lenny Miller x (spy)Reader
Summary: Sneaking in went wrong, now you have to face him.
Genre: Enemies to lovers (kinda), fluff
Word count: 2.3k
Note: Bought new vinyls and one of the songs inspired me to write something like this so enjoy !!
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
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Simple. Sneak inside the warehouse, take the goods, and leave. Easy.
Being a spy had its perks, being able to sneak behind people's backs and seize them when in need of money or simply you were bored.
Also, you get to know about everyone's deepest darkest secrets, you loved to gossip back in the day.
Oh, right. Back to sneaking in. You roamed around for an open window. Shit, of course, they wouldn't leave any, this was the CIA for fucks sake! You had no other option but to forcefully make your way inside. You climbed up a rusty ladder, god bless your gloves because these steps could give you many diseases that have probably never been seen since the 1500s, that's how dusty this place was.
Just as you were about to break the window, you saw movement from the inside, making you freeze instantly. You crouched -it wasn't the best idea to crouch on some rusty ladder- instantly resulting in your back-hurting fall, making a loud thud noise alongside. You saw the figure open the window and look down. Fuck, busted. Quickly gathering your bag, you stood up, getting ready to run when you heard a click. Too late to run, you put your arms up, staying still as you heard someone walk down the same ladder you fell. Humiliating.
"Turn around." What a voice, definitely heard it somewhere though- You turned around to face the man. Shock quickly spreads to your eyes from your facial muscles. REALLY? HIM??? Standing right in front of you at this very moment was the man you considered your mortal enemy.
"Look who it is, Mr. Miller…missed me?" This came out more sarcastically than you intended but oh well. "Still at your little antics? How many times do I have to tell you to quit fucking around before some of my men shoot you like a deer in the hunting season?" Rude. Rolling your eyes seemed to only make him more furious as he stepped closer to you, spitting harsh words towards your way. Honestly, it was kind of funny to see him be so worked up over some woman trying to work!!!
"Why should I listen to someone who is trying to get me killed with every cell in his body?"
"kill you?!- I- I'm trying to protect you, idiot!!" He trashed around as you stared at him with wide eyes.
"What did you just say?-"
"Can't you see I'm trying to make you stay out of trouble so you don't get fucking killed?!!!"
"But why…?"
"Because I care about people I love."
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
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tanema123 · 13 days
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(From X/Twitter) #HVFankidWeek 2024 DAY 7: Free day
I explained Elizabeth's (zestmilla child's) growth spurt. Richard (radioapple child) is in shock.
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Unexpected 55
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Warnings: non/dubcon, child endangerment, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, Andy is nasty in this, violence, and other dark elements. Not all kinks or triggers are tagged. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You've done this before. Waiting out a man. Biding your time. Before, you didn't realise it. You just did it.
With Colin, you just went through the motions, waiting for something, anything to change. With Lloyd, it was waiting for the next combustion, the final one that would send it all spiraling.
Now, you're just waiting on yourself. Because now you know it's up to you. It always has been. You were just too stupid, lazy, and blind to see it.
So you do what you have to. That's nothing new. That's the easy part. Luna is the only one keeping you going and you know, you're the only one to keep her going.
When she cries, you go to her. You're no longer play the part, distracting yourself with your own motherhood, trying to get through the day. No, you want to be there for her, you want to comfort her. And in turn, as small and innocent as she is, she does the same for you.
And when Andy needs you, you bite down and get through it. Another familiarity. When he touches you, when he kisses you, when he says those disgusting things. Clawing, pawing at your chest, sucking and biting at your body like and animal, rutting with desperation until he's breathless. He thinks the noises you make are just as delighted as his own. You let him believe it, just like you let him believe this little makeshift domesticity is real.
Until the moment comes. Until you will keep that promise to yourself. To her.
You sit in the rocking chair, Luna on your chest, peaceful in his absence. You don't know why he left, you're just happy he did. It's a moment to rest, for you and your daughter.
She's getting bigger. Four or five months now, you think. Things change so fast yet move so slow.
As you let your eyes close, there's a thump at the door. The locks grinds back noisily as the baby stirs against you. You huff and try to get her to fall back asleep as Andy enters. He leaves more often these days but not for very long
"Shhh, she's asleep," you warn him, watching her eyes slit, she's almost there.
He shoots you a look as you peer up at him but doesn't say anything. You tisk. You know what he wants. You stand carefully and take Luna to her crib as you hear him pacing around behind you.
"I don't what I'd do if I didn't have you, honey," he rambles, "I just... the world's a crazy place."
He's telling you, you hide your disgust at his lack of self-awareness as you lay Luna down.
"It's going to be okay though, we're going to be okay," he rants on as you face him. He has his shirt halfway up his torso, "aren't we?"
"Sure," you answer.
"I just..." he rips his shirt over his head, "I need you so bad right now."
You nod and come forward, forcing a curve to your lips. He's as easy as any other man, just a little less stable. It's funny to think so when you have Lloyd to compare. You put your hands on his chest as you approach him. You caress him, feeling the soft hair beneath your fingertips as the tension uncoils from his shoulders. He puts his hands on your hips and steps closer.
"Are you full?" He asks.
You look at him, he's staring at your chest. Your stomach churns. Your tits are close to ready, just in time for Luna to wake, but he only cares about himself. You don't answer as he feels along the belt of the robe and unknots it. He pushes it open and dips his head down, kissing your chest as he growls.
He angles you towards the bed. You zone out as you let him and fall back beneath him. He puts his lips around your nipple and you cry out as he sucks. You hate that feeling, you hate the noises he makes, moaning like a pathetic little beast. He squeezes your tit as he keeps his mouth sealed around the bud. You grit your teeth and focus on breathing.
He shifts to put his knees between yours, pushing them apart so you're open to him. Without lifting his head, he picks at the front of his jeans, shimmying them down as his need builds. He dribbles down your chest as he parts and sits up on his knees. He pulls your legs over his and strokes himself, pressing his tip to your cunt impatiently.
You're dry as he rams insides. He grunts and holds himself deep, the tendons in his neck taut as he grips your hip, his other hand groping your chest meanly. He ruts, slamming into you as hard as he can. There's no precursor left. He doesn't pretend. He takes what he wants and you don't stop him. He accepts your complacency as love.
The bed shakes, the frame hitting the wall, bang, bang, bang. The noise hammers away at your soul and the silence. You hear Luna murmur, babbling as she awakens. She doesn't cry even as you want to. She's just a baby. She shouldn't be here. He shouldn't do this with her right there. Only the bars of a crib to protect her.
You put your hand on his wrist and the other on his stomach. You need him to be done.
"That's it," you growl through your teeth, "harder."
He obeys easily. You swallow down your whimpers as his hips crack against you. He's almost there. You can feel it.
"Come on, honey, give me it," you squeeze his wrist tighter and grunt.
"Oh yeah, you want it," he growls, "you want me to give you another baby?"
You can't help but choke. He doesn't notice as he dips his hips into you, looking down to watch his motion. You curl your lips in repulsion. Just get it over with.
"Yes," you gulp out, "yes, give me... your baby."
Your mouth is bitter as bile rises in your throat. He groans, louder and louder, and falls over you, his hips rolling frantically as he chases his release. He buries his face in your neck.
"You wanna be a mommy again," he rasps, "be a good mommy, mmm--"
He grunts and snaps his pelvis, once, twice, three times, then quakes as you feel him spill into you. You hold your breath as your eyes tinge. He slides his arms around you, inside the open robe as he pants. He clings to you, pushing himself as deep as he can get.
"I can't wait to be a daddy," he purrs.
"Mhmm," you rub his shoulders, "I know, honey."
He doesn't move, even as Luna begins to fuss. Your chest begins to thrum as she cries and you pat Andy.
"Please, she needs to eat."
"Mmmm," he drags a hand up as he leans on one elbow, fondling your tit again, "I want a little more."
"Andy, honey, please," you plead, "she won't have much."
He snarls and pouts as Luna cries loudly. He jams himself into you so you whimper and slides out roughly. He bounces off of you and sits at the end of the bed. He stretches his neck and flicks you away with his fingers.
"Fine, go ahead," he sneers, "but after, you can get on your knees and give me a suck."
You shudder and sit up. You glare at the back of his head. You could bash it in but you know you're not strong enough.
"Yes, honey," you turn your legs over the side of the bed and stand. You try not to wretch as a gush flows down your thigh.
You close your robe and tie the belt, crossing to the crib as Luna wails. Your hands linger on the thick belt. You pull them away before your thoughts can stray. You take Luna out of the crib and put her to feed. Andy stands and strips off his jeans and briefs.
You walk around as you feed Luna, when she calms, you cover your chest again and keep her in your arms. Andy huffs as he plays with himself in the bed. His impatience strikes another flash of anger in you. The belt of the robe cinches you tightly as you shift your daughter in your arms. You whisper to her and lay her down again, handing her one of her crinkle toys.
You back away and pull the curtain across the space between the bed and her little nursery. You turn to Andy and shake away your agitation. You put a knee up on the bed and lick your lips.
"My turn?" You ask as you crawl over to him, grabbing his half-flaccid dick.
He nods excitedly and you feel him twitch in your grasp. You move between his legs and tease him, hovering your lips just above his tip. You look up at him with a smirk. You're done waiting.
This, you haven't done before.
You sit against the bedframe in the dark. It's quiet and still. Eerie even.
It is the isolation, it's not the prison cell built to look like a home, no it's what needs to be done. What you're going to do.
Luna sleeps soundly in her crib, only just dozing after another bout of frustration. And beside you, another infantile creature, snoring to his content. The taste of his salty flesh sickening on your tongue.
You inhale deeply and let it out as you feel along the fabric of your terry robe. Slowly you tug the belt from the loops, inch by inch. Your chest coils tightly as it comes free and you hold the lax fabric in your hands. You stare at it in the small glow of the nightlight plugged in only a few feet from the bed.
You're jittery as you wind each end around your hands, yet numb as you push away all your thoughts. This isn't a time for doubt. You're done letting that hold you back. You pull the belt taught between your hands. It's innocuous at first glance, probably why he never even thought to remove it from the robe. To him, it was a simple knot he pulled to get what he wanted. To you, it's freedom.
You glance over at him, his shoulders broad, moving slightly with each breath. You pull the belt to full tension. You have one chance, you have to make it count. For more than yourself.
You get on your knees and edge towards his back. You raise your hands and hover them over him, shaking as you build the nerve. This isn't just as simple as tying your shoes, this is... life and death. Yours, his, Luna's.
You swoop the belt down and pull it tight around his neck. He grunts and twitches away. You quickly knee him onto his stomach and straddle his back, bringing your weight down on him.
You twist the belt around itself and pull, pull, pull. He chokes and spasms, pushing himself up. You can't stop him, he's too strong. You hook your legs around him instead, staying latched on as he gasp and claws at his neck.
He falls onto you, knocking the air out of you, but you don't stop. The heat flowing through you keeps you fighting. He rocks atop of you, writhing and kicking, reaching back blindly as he scratches down your face. You won't let go. You can't. You've come this far there's no going back.
It goes on for what feels like eternity. He just won't stop. You twist the belt tighter and tighter, the gagging battle for his life souring your stomach. Then he's still. All once, it's over and he lays limp atop you. You don't loosen the belt until you're certain he's entirely still.
You drag yourself from under him, watching him as you think he might come to life at any moment. He doesn't move. Is he dead? Did you do it?
Even if he isn't, it's a chance. This is your escape. This is it.
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pratchettquotes · 11 months
"Fascinatin'," said Ridcully. "Sapient pearwood, eh?" He knelt down in an effort to see underneath.
The Luggage backed away. It was used to terror, horror, fear, and panic. It had seldom encountered interest before.
Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
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