#Unconventional Birth Clause
cantheykillmacbeth · 10 months
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz from Phineas and Ferb could kill Macbeth!
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This is due to the fact that, canonically, neither of his parents "bothered to show up" to his birth, putting him under the Unconventional Birth category.
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jelreth · 6 months
adrien agreste could kill macbeth,... couldnt he ?
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wingedcatgirl · 7 months
I don't rember if @cantheykillmacbeth ever already did a poll themself but here's one now anyway:
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scoutbot · 8 months
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Fae from Epicrp/my brain could kill macbeth!
they apply to all 3 clauses - gender clause, unconventional birth clause, and birth parent clause
gender clause - fae is not a man. their specific gender is uncertain but yeah
unconventional birth clause - fae wasnt born, instead splintering off of another character and coming into existance at 13 years of age
birth parent clause - deadpica, the guy they splintered off of, is not a woman
apologies to @cantheykillmacbeth
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tcrrestrial · 5 years
diego barrueco + cisgender male + he/him + supernatural condition.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear seven devils by florence welch + the machine playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just kai winter, a 28 year old mercenary. according to my sources, i heard he can be chaotic neutral and is determined, but also merciless. that’s probably why they remind everyone of rusted metal, bruised knuckles and battle wounds so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re neutral about the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them ! ( lotte, 26, gmt, she/her )
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TECHNARCHY: (n) A ruling body governing several planets within one overarching system, located in Zair, a galaxy located a million light years away from the Milky Way.
FREI: (n) (plural: frei) The most elite caste within the Technarchy, commanding all.
VALE: (n) (pronounced: VA-YEL) The noble/wealthy caste within the Technarchy.
SYNESTRA: (n) the queen mother of the Technarchy, manifesting in a living, floating city that is normally situated over the principal iron city, Plythe.
SYNESTRANS (n): The people of Synestra, considered to be a middle-class caste, far above those living within the iron city.
KAEVA (n): (pronounced KEE-VAH) gladiators and super weapons trained to serve the Technarchy.
PLYTHE (n) (Pronounced PLATE): An iron city located directly below the capital floating city within the Technarchy.
AEN (n): (pronounced AY-ON) Common folk living in iron city, doing blue-collar work.
FREE WILL — a novel concept, but one that does not exist within the TECHNARCHY. It might be more accurate to say that it was suppressed. As charming a concept it was, it did not serve the Technarchy to have radical elements within the system. After all, it was a perfect system, all creatures within it having been created and crafted for a singular purpose. A lifelong goal they spend their lives striving toward. This system had worked brilliantly for the TECHNARCHY, growing from what was once a single-planet Kingdom, into a multi-planet intergalactic empire. The sustainability and success of the system was evidenced by time itself. As such, there was no room for deviancy, and any traces of it did not go unpunished.
The system was divided into very clear, contrasted castes. All the way at the top of the hierarchal pyramid that shaped their society were the Frei, natural-born leaders whose destiny was to further their field and, by extension, the society. The Frei were leading academics, scientists, strategists, politicians, and researchers whose whims and innovations shaped the destiny of all those blessed to be born within the almighty TECHNARCHY. They were the closest in proximity and favour to the Queen Mother, SYNESTRA, and entertained a status akin to divinity. Legend had it that the Queen Mother had travelled through hundreds of thousands of systems, all throughout the far-reaching universe, before humbling their star system with the value of Her presence. The stories claimed the Queen Mother had chosen the first Frei herself, before creating a system through which subjects were categorised before they were even born.
Just below the Frei lay the Vales, nobility and self-made billionaires who only answered to the law on paper. They drove the economy, often at the expense of those at the bottom. The Vales were notorious for their unquenchable thirst for the most unconventional and unique of desires. Children were often warned of appetites that were beyond the pale, ranging from exhibitionist murder to slavery. The Colosseum was created as an answer to their unique palates. A fighting dome located within the heart of SYNESTRA, where the young were made to fight, kill and die for the pleasure of others.
The Vales normally took to watching the action from floating balconies just above the colosseum, while the rows of seats were filled with Synestran locals. With mediocre wealth, they were those who lay in between the very rich and very poor. Daily life in SYNESTRA could be boring from time to time, so, while they did not share the same thirst for blood Vales did, any entertainment was welcome to Synestrans.
However, the Queen Mother was not cruel. She would not send her children to die needlessly. To even the odds, she allowed for only the strongest of warriors to enter the Colosseum, natural killers trained from birth to lay their life and morals on the line for the Queen Mother’s desires. These were the Kaeva. Supernatural weapons who were privy to their own set of privileges and caveats.
Kaeva, regardless of birthplace, were automatically allowed to live on SYNESTRA, and to bring their families with them. Depending on their skill and accolades, Kaeva could even grow to be revered almost equally to the Vales. They were also deemed the Frei’s right hand, divine messengers of destruction, justice and wrath — whichever it may be. However, these privileges came at a heavy price. The role of Kaeva was one without an expiration date — no opportunity for retirement, no reprieve in old age or sickness. Instead they were taken apart and put back together until they became more machine than creature. Until they became even more monstrous than they already were.
From womb to tomb, they belonged to their masters, the Frei. The only exit clause to their destiny was death.
They were not given luxuries such as personhood — the freedom to love, dream, choose based on their own principles. They were not given the privilege of excelling or failing of their own volition. Every move they made was predetermined.
And so, was it a life worth living at all?
Then at the very bottom of the system were the Aen. Proud, hard-working people who toiled for the betterment and continuity of the TECHNARCHY. They were the moving cogs powering the great machine in which they all lived. They lived in the iron cities down below, wrapped in the thick fumes that poured out of the factories littering the ground. Their hard work put credits into the pockets of Vales and Frei who refused to dirty their own hands.
The family that would later produce number 9 was governed by a predetermined mediocrity that spanned over 12 generations. Each passing generation was born, and died, an Aen, working as hunters, famers, mechanics, builders, and the like. #00000009’s parents were no less mediocre. The father, Hunter #19099971, known to his family as ‘Vatre’ (Father) or Olarg worked as a hunter who tracked down deviants and criminals for a modest sum of credits to keep their family afloat.
Hunter #19099971 and his spouse, Medic #18772001 had five children in total. The record states the order being as follows.
1. SEALED #00000000: the eldest, known to the family as PYETR. STATUS: DECEASED.
2. FARMER #34991002: known to the family as MIRELISA STATUS: ALIVE.
3. FARMER #00918892: known to the family as ‘NAUCETE’  STATUS: ALIVE.
4. MECH #9001820: known to the family as ‘LVNA’ STATUS: ALIVE
Number 9 was the fifth child in the family and symbolised a miraculous turn in fate and a blessing bestowed upon them by the Queen Mother. For number nine, known to his family as ARES, was bestowed the rank of KAEVA.
Number 9 was left in the care of his parents until he was aged 8 years old. As policy dictates, tutoring was provided to the operative in the subjects of science, politics, mathematics and history.
Following this, he began his formal Kaeva training at the institute.The Institute oversees all Kaeva training and education. Core tenets such as survival, competition and determination for the mission are reinforced at this stage. Interpersonal relationships are undesirable as they may taint the training process.
After completing his initial training in melee combat, achieving the best results in his training group, he was put into the colosseum system.
Number 9’s lack of mercy and empathy are believed to be the keystones to his success as a fighter within the colosseum.
Speaking on Number 9’s record, Lord Vyneth had this to say, “The blood on his hands could submerge an empire.”
Currently, his ranking is the ninth amongst all KAEVA, and he was given the previous number 9’s serial number as a reward for his victory.
+ After conquering the colosseum, he was cleared for active duty. First, his missions were based locally, and often required him to take on the role of an enforcer, a spy, an assassin.
+ Then, he was upgraded to intergalactic missions, being sent as an envoy to other systems to carry out the Frei’s desires.
+ Sometimes, it meant taking down an existing government. Other times, it meant stealing supernatural artefacts or stealing enemy secrets.
+ The rules of being an envoy are simple. Assimilate, absorb, and, finally, complete the mission.
+ His eldest brother died due to ‘unknown reasons.’ His parents never spoke of it, but he later came to believe that it was because he was a defector.
+ His current mission is based on Earth. He’s in the early stages, and does not know the details of said mission.
His power is ‘supernatural condition’. Based on the wiki this simply means: “The ability to possess an obviously supernatural physical and mental condition. Advanced version of Enhanced Condition. Combination of Supernatural Body and Supernatural Mind.”
Basically he’s not ‘superpowered’, per se, and he’s just about as strong as anyone else of his rank in his home planet. He’s just relatively ‘super’ because he’s a supernatural being to begin with.
There are various types listed in the wiki, but they all seemed a little overpowered for me. He is faster than a regular human, so faster than Usain Bolt, I guess. And stronger than an average human but he doesn’t have exceptional (super) strength.
Of his variants, he has the following:
- Supernatural Combat - Supernatural Senses - Supernatural Survivability
- Not exceptionally clever - Lack of emotional intelligence - REALLY BAD AT ANYTHING OTHER THAN FIGHTING. Want him to boil an egg? Couldn’t tell you how. - He’s still new to the planet anddd probably can be easily outsmarted on a street smart level as well as home-based knowledge - He comes from a cold planet so extreme heat as well.
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racingtoaredlight · 5 years
Opening Bell: October 18, 2019
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During a stunning press conference yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney bucked what the president and his defenders have been saying for weeks about the dealings of his private attorney, Rudy Guiliani, with the government of Ukraine; Mulvaney insisted that not only was defense aid held up in order to induce Ukrainian cooperation in investing the Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but that the quid pro quo was commonly done in foreign policy. Instantly a firestorm erupted and Congressional Democrats announced that this amounted to an admission of an impeachable act: the president had engaged with a foreign government to gain something of value, dirt, on a political rival in order to affect a U.S. election. By the late afternoon, Mulvaney was walking back his comments, saying that this did in fact amount to a quid pro quo, but the damage may already be done. While nothing is certain at this point, the possibility of the House of Representatives impeaching Donald Trump grows with each passing day and the actions of the White House look increasingly erratic as more sordid details emerge. With political scandals, especially those that pose an existential threat to a large number of people involved or with knowledge, there comes a couple of tipping points: first when those individuals who were never thrilled by the conduct in question start talking in order to separate themselves from the malfeasance, and second when close supporters realize the danger involved in continuing to support or be a part of the conduct, and start jumping ship en masse in order to save their own careers and, in some cases, liberty. Right now, it feels like we are transitioning somewhere between the first and second tipping points.
 The statement that the White House did participate in a quid pro quo was certainly the most significant part of the Mick Mulvaney press conference yesterday, but second place was the announcement by Mulvaney that Trump had selected his resort in South Florida to host the G-7 summit next year and that would insist the Russian President Vladimir Putin be invited. It bears mentioning that Russia used to be a member of the former G-8, but was kicked out Russian occupied the Crimea and a sliver of eastern Ukraine. But that is not even the most brazen aspect of this announcement. Rather, it’s that Mulvaney made this announcement at a press conference where, as above, he justified the Trump administration’s quid pro quo with Ukraine and also apparently saw no problem with publicly announcing that a meeting of international leaders would take place at a resort owned by the 45th President of the United States, all but sneering at the emoluments clause of the Constitution in the process. Ignoring or subverting the rule of law is the very first step in undermining what makes democracy work, because it undermines trust in the government which is charged with enforcing the laws it passes. When faith in democratic institutions is gone, there is no longer a functioning government of the people.
In the early morning hours yesterday, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), the Chairman of the powerful House Oversight Committee, passed away at the age of 68 due to what his office called the culmination of a “series of health issues.” Cummings death comes at a critical time, as he was one of the three Democratic House Committee chairs spearheading the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. Cummings was widely known for his deep voice, which ranged somewhere between a baritone and a bass, and for his unapologetically liberal views. The Oversight Committee will now vote for a permanent replacement for Cummings, but it remains to be seen whether his replacement as chair will have as significant a role in the impeachment inquiry as Cummings did, especially at first.
For ten years, Jack Barsky was an American living and working in New York City, starting out as a bike messenger, and eventually becoming a computer analyst living in Queens with his wife and young daughter. Jack Barsky was not his birth name though, and his wife and child were not the only wife and child in his life. Jack Barsky was also Albrecht Dittrich, an East German chemist who had been recruited into the KGB while a university student. In 1988, after a decade working in the KGB’s most secretive and elite spy program within the United States, Barsky suddenly had a choice to make: abandon his wife and child and return to East Germany to his German wife and child, or ignore his recall orders and stay in the U.S., avoiding both fellow KGB agents and the FBI. Incredibly Barsky chose to stay and it’s his life after making that decision that is as interesting as his life before it.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the United States enjoyed an approximately 10 year period where it faced no peer world power. No other nation on earth could boast an economy as large or a military as strong, with diplomatic and economic interests spanning the globe. By the late 1990s, the U.S. became focused on containing threats by emerging terrorist organizations and, following September 11, 2001, this developed into the Global War on Terror and, after 2003, long-standing, large-scale military presences in Afghanistan and Iraq. During this time, other nations emerged as potential regional and even international peer threats to U.S. military might, most notably China. One nation, however, that should not even be considered a regional military threat, despite what television pundits assert, is Iran. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, and in particular its Quds Force, are elite units, well-equipped, by Iranian standards, and well-trained. Quds Force is deeply involved with a variety of terrorist organizations throughout the Middle East, but especially in Lebanon, Palestinian territories, and Yemen. The rest of the Iranian military, however, leaves much to be desired. The conventional army is relatively large but lacks advanced equipment, the navy has only a handful of patrol boats and no major warships, and the air force is filled with 1970s vintage aircraft and few spare parts. But, as the article points out, this military weakness, is exactly why Iran pursues an unconventional, asymmetrical weapon to protect its interest: a nuclear weapon.
Obesity is one of the last major social stigmas, and prejudices, left unaddressed in this country. The data surrounding peoples’ perception of obese individuals unfailingly shows that, with no other information, obese people are considered lazy, irresponsible, unhealthy, weak-willed, and a drag on society as a whole. And what is most damning about this, is that doctors are often among those in society who hold such views. The problem is that health data demonstrates that what we think is the case about obese people and health, is misguided, simplistic, reductionist, or flat-out wrong. And what is perhaps most galling about this  latter set of data, is that it has been known for years, but personal and collective prejudices against obese people are stronger than what the facts actually suggest. This has created a bitter cycle in which obese people cannot get the help they need from the medical community, and are shunned and ridiculed by society even when they attempt to do what they believe is right: lose weight. This feature length piece from Huffington Post is enlightening and challenges and overturns swathes of beliefs that many of us have and continue to hold about obesity.
The marquee awards given out at the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards, most people agree, are best support actor and actress, best actor and actress, best director, and best picture. But there are a myriad of supporting crewmembers who specialize in niche areas of films which contribute massively to the final product: from foley artists to music supervisors to food specialists. Without these individuals, who toil under virtual anonymity unless they are nominated for one of the aforementioned awards, movies would not be the final product that we know and expect today. Moreover, the stories these individuals have to tell about their craft and their experiences in the business, are endlessly fascinating. A large collection of them has been assembled here by Vulture.
Finally, the most recent Democratic primary debate took place in Ohio, formerly considered THE national bellwether in presidential elections. Kyle Kondik of the Center for Politics looks at how Ohio has evolved into a state which, while still important to Democrats in a general election, is far more vital for Republicans to win, and further why that seemingly paradoxical statement is not an internal contradiction.
 Welcome to the weekend.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/trumps-new-muslim-journey-ban-has-same-vintage-troubles/
Trump’s new Muslim journey ban has same vintage troubles
PRESIDENT Donald Trump may additionally have retooled his unique, wrong travel ban, but — the bright, new package deal still can’t cover an affront to essential American values, values that stand for equality and reject discrimination. A U.S. District Decide in Hawaii issued a nationwide restraining order towards it.
Next month, the U.S. Courtroom of Appeals for the 9th Circuit ought to conclude no in a different way when it hears arguments in Seattle in the Trump Management’s attraction of the Hawaii ruling. It is actual that Trump’s new ban, in contrast to the old one, exempts inexperienced card holders and all of us accepted for a visa, however its purported attention on nationality belies its true motives. Regular with the president’s repeated campaign guarantees to bar Muslims from getting into the country, the new executive order still discriminates based on religion, violating the Constitution.
The Constitution’s promise of spiritual freedom is neither a twist of fate of records nor a footnote. Our nation’s founders stated that the Constitution’s assure of free workout of religion and the structural prohibition on status quo of religion collectively assist make certain, as James Madison said, that “[t]he faith … of every man need to be left to the conviction and sense of right and wrong of each man.”
Trump’s anti-Muslim tour and refugee ban defy this founding expertise, as validated through Trump adviser and previous The big apple Metropolis Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s telling of the story at the back of the White Residence’s efforts to write a Muslim ban into law. “I’ll tell you the entire history of it,” Giuliani advised Fox News in January. “whilst [Trump] first announced it, he said ‘Muslim ban. He referred to as me up, he said … ‘display me the proper way to do it legally.’ ” Giuliani went on to mention, “And what we did become we centered on, in preference to religion, threat, areas of the world that create a chance for us … perfectly criminal, perfectly practical.” In different words, an unconstitutional plan with only the slightest pretense to legality.
Giuliani is proper, of the route, about Trump’s unique cause to institute a Muslim ban, for the reason that that reason nevertheless blares on his campaign website. Trump’s claim that the prior ban turned into not designed to unmarried out Muslims is honestly no longer credible, and courts ought to hold to look thru this obvious charade.
In the meantime, the ban not most effective flout our constitutional values, it additionally conflicts with federal laws handed by means of Congress that limit the president’s electricity to modify immigration. The ban conflicts with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which categorically forbids discrimination based on “nationality, a region of birth, or place of residence.”
Even though the Act offers the president huge discretion to disclaim entry to any immigrant or nonimmigrant, it does now not confer the power to issue a blanket exclusion towards thousands and thousands of humans based totally on where they’re from. The president continues to be obligated to abide via the Act’s nondiscrimination clause.
Ultimately, sensible arguments also weigh in opposition to the revised ban. First amongst them: Whilst the ban now singles out human beings from six instead of seven majority-Muslim international locations (Iraq is not on the list), no American has been killed in a terrorist attack in decades, if ever, by immigrants from these nations. There’s little motive to accept as true with that human beings from Trump’s listing of banned nations pose a greater threat to us.
As the 9th Circuit Court docket of Appeals referred to approximately the authentic ban, the Management has provided no evidence that the republic is at threat from immigrants from the focused nations. Lawyer Widespread Jeff Sessions claimed that “extra than three hundred folks who entered America as refugees are currently the subjects of counterterrorism investigations by means of the” FBI.
Trump, however, has referred to no direct connection between any of those 300 people to the six nations on his listing. That’s embarrassing sufficient, however just closing month, a Branch of Homeland Protection intelligence draft file located that citizenship is an “unlikely indicator” of terrorism threats to the USA.
The bottom line? religious intolerance masquerading as Safety is offensive to the concepts on which the founders mounted this country, and in the direction of which we as a country need to continuously strive. Trump’s new govt order attracts little difference among determined refugees fleeing conflict and terrorism, and those accountable for conflict and terrorism. Real human beings were hurt with the aid of Trump’s policy, and they will stay hurt unless the courts satisfy their center function to decrease this shameful abuse of presidency electricity.
five should Go to Mosques For Muslims Travelers A mosque is a divine area for Muslims in which they worship the Almighty Allah. A mosque is a place which brings together all the Muslims and unites them below one umbrella of Islam. in contrast to inside the state-of-the-art norms, no person is more than or lesser to another person. Islam is a faith of affection, peace, kindness and equality, that may be skilled in a mosque. humans made mosques and enhance them, showing the everlasting Islamic homes. There are limitless mosques that are present the world over, but a number of them have constructed a wonderful mark on the history. Islam has been spread all over the world and has inclined distinctive cultures. This text will inform you about the five various mosques around the sector that every Muslim have to attempt to Visit and pray at a minimum one time.
Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque, Brunei: Ruled through the Sultan, Brunei is one of the pinnacle vacation-maker attractions in Asia. The Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin Mosque is located in the capital Town of Bandar Seri Begawan. The mosque is a representation of current Islamic architecture, made in 1958. As the name shows, that is a royal mosque made on a synthetic pond which positioned on the banks of the Brunei River. this is an aggregate of Mughal and iconic Italian styles. Bounded via lush inexperienced bushes and gardens, this mosque is a heavenly outflow that you must upload to the bucket list.
Shah Faisal Mosque, Pakistan: Did that Shah Faisal Mosque is the foremost mosque in South Asia and fourth predominant inside the international? Located within the capital Metropolis of Islamabad, the mosque became a present representative to Pakistan by means of the King Shah Faisal of KSA and might accommodate more than 10,000 worshippers straight away. this is an unconventional mosque with current designs and Turkish architecture. Islamabad is invented as the second one most beautiful capital Metropolis within the global, now we realize one of the reasons for it.
Hassan II Mosque, Morocco: Done in 1993, Hassan II Mosque is the best and the seventh largest mosque within the global. The Minaret is 60 sections high and the most charming and appealing a part of the mosque is that this is topped with a laser light that factors within the path of Mecca. another attracting development is the glass floor of the prayer halls giving a view of the seabed. To pinnacle it all, this has a huge area for as much as a hundred and five,000 traffic who can pray together. Do you want to be one in every of them?
Blue Mosque, Turkey: one of the beautiful and famous mosques, the Blue mosque has stood for the reason that early 1600s in Istanbul, Turkey. This becomes made during and named after Sultan Ahmet’s rule. this is normally known as Because of the blue mosque because the internal walls are enclosed with blue tiles. This has grown to be a famed visitor spot in Istanbul but closes for non-Muslims in the course of prayer times. As lovely and diffused as blue crystals, the enjoy of praying in this mosque is one of the highest stories.
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, UAE: UAE is one of the pinnacle traveler location, inclusive of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and other places. Dubai and Abu Dhabi has by no means did not astonish the world with their top of the line progressions and growths. You may locate the world’s important purchasing malls and tallest buildings. Sheikh Zayed Grand mosque is any other conventional work of the Arabs. located in Abu Dhabi, the mosque is yet every other instance of the diffused and current Islamic architecture. that is open to everyone who wishes to explore and adore its art work. The center of Friday prayers, this needs to be your Next significance to worship in.
There may be no Muslim within the global who doesn’t wish to Visit Masjid Al Haram in Mecca and Masjid Al Nabwi in Medina. Muslims come from everywhere in the global for performing hajj by way of hajj packages They definitely come on pinnacle of the list and every Muslim should warfare hard to make it to the two most holy mosques ever. Let’s observe the listing that we recommend to each Muslim to Visit and pray in. All of us love to tour for a laugh and exploring, how about touring to a poised location for the sake of praying in the beautiful mosques.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 7 months
Could Goncharov kill Macbeth?
Okay, I'm really glad you brought this up, since this is a topic that has... kind of come up before on this blog (See: Steven Universe, Zagreus from Hades) but not exactly so I think this is a great moment to address it:
I think that if being a C-section baby counted towards the Unconventional Birth Clause for MacDuff, then it should count for it when a character is delivered posthumously. Since Goncharov is this sort of situation, with his mother Viktoria having died during childbirth (the wording implies that she died slightly before childbirth, but either way it is explicitly said she died in the hospital), he would count towards the Unconventional Birth Clause.
As for the Gender Clause, I know someone is going to bring this up, so let me make this clear: Goncharov saying "I can no longer look in the mirror and see a man" in the balcony scene with Andrey is just him dramatically saying that he is disgusted with who he has become at that point in the movie. He's not saying that he's trans, he's saying that he's a monster/inhuman. You can headcanon this however you want, but the fact of the matter is that in canon, he's just saying he can't live with himself after what he did to Antonio. So, no, Goncharov does not apply for the Gender Clause.
So, long story short: Yes, Lo Straniero aka Goncharov from the eponymous Goncharov (1973) could kill Macbeth!
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He applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause.
Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 1 month
could ronan lynch from the raven cycle and the dreamer trilogy kill macbeth? i think he qualifies for unconventional birth, as do several characters in these books
Yes, Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle and The Dreamer Trilogy could kill Macbeth!
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He was brought into the world magically through a dream by his father Niall Lynch and a woman called Mór Ó Corra, meaning he applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause!
Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 9 months
Kendal from Aurora Webcomic was not born he is the former incarnation of a kidnapped god.
Yes, Kendal from the Aurora webcomic could kill Macbeth!
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He inhabits the body of the god Vash, being "what [Vash] left behind" after Vash's soul was stolen by the Collector. He applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause and arguably the Birth Parent Clause, as one could interpret Vash as his inadvertent creator. Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 9 months
Barbie from the Barbiverse could kill Macbeth. She's a woman (or technically, a doll, which also counts for the gender clause), and she seemed to come down from the sky at the beginning of the Barbie movie, qualifying her for the birth clause.
Yes, Barbara Handler AKA Barbie from the Barbie movie could kill Macbeth!
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Being a woman created through little girls' imaginations, Barbie applies for the Gender Clause and the Unconventional Birth Clause! Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 10 months
SecUnit from The Murderbot Diaries could kill Macbeth!
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In these books, SecUnit (it/its) is a "construct," a genderless being with the systems and functionality of a robot that is structured around cloned human tissue. Because of this, it meets all three criteria (Gender Clause, Unconventional Birth Clause, and Birth Parent Clause)!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 13 days
Could Woody from Toy Story kill McBeth?
Yes, Woody from Toy Story could kill Macbeth!
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Being a mass-produced cowboy pull-string toy, he was manufactured rather than born, meaning he applies for the Unconventional Birth Clause and presumably Birth Parent Clause.
Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 4 months
Can Death (from Discworld) kill Macbeth?
Yes, Death from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series could kill Macbeth!
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In regards to the Gender Clause, it gets a bit complicated, as Death seems to generally be alright with masculine terms and he/him pronouns, though Death's gender identity is wildly different across different translations. This is mainly due to the fact that these languages will have inherit genders tied to different concepts, and in many of these, death is often referred to with feminine pronouns, and so there's a bit of confusion there. (Apparently, the Czech translation deals with this by making his name a non-existent masculine equivalent to their feminine word for death.) For now, we'll be leaving Death off of the Gender Clause, but that is not to say that there's no ground for discussion on that front, of course.
As for the Unconventional Birth Clause and Birth Parent Clause, Discworld's Death is very much a primordial entity- perhaps more accurately, a primordial concept- and thus was never exactly born, and certainly not of a woman. The character of Death has always been and always will be, similar to the concept of death itself. So, Death applies for both UBC and BPC!
As for whether or not Death counts as a Unique Exception, I'm leaning a bit more strongly towards no. There is a case to be made, of course, that Macbeth dying in any way would be Death killing him, but in the Discworld books, Death as a character seems to be very heavily discouraged from meddling in mortal affairs and killing anyone directly. Instead, he acts more as someone who comes to take you away after you have already died. Now, Discworld's Death does seem to be a transdimensional entity, and this whole thing of being "discouraged from directly meddling in mortal affairs" may very well be a rule he must only abide by within Discworld, and he would be free to kill as he pleased in a different universe (say, one with Macbeth in it). But either way, we've already confirmed Death's ability to kill Macbeth through UBC and BPC, and considering that, these explanations feel like a bit too much of a stretch for me, so I won't be categorizing Death as a Unique Exception.
Thank you for your submission! (And big thanks to my mom for helping me out with this one!)
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cantheykillmacbeth · 7 months
Could Macbeth kill Macbeth?
To specify, and partly because I assume you've dealt with the most basic version of that question, here's some specific permutations of that question.
Could time-traveling future Macbeth kill his old version or vice versa? Could a clone of Macbeth who's realized she's trans kill Macbeth? Could Macbeth kill himself after his parents realize they're both non-binary? Could the historical figure Macbeth kill his fictional counterpart or vice versa?
(cracks my knuckles and leans forward in my chair)
Macbeth from the Future: No. Both are man of woman born and both have the prophecy. Neither would be able to kill the other.
Trans Woman Clone of Macbeth: Yes. GC and UBC. Potentially BPC as well depending on who made the clone. If the prophecy applies to her, Macbeth would not be able to retaliate.
Suicide w/ NB Parents: Yes. Macbeth himself would then apply for BPC.
Historical Macbeth: No. H!Macbeth is a man of woman born (presumably; not much is known about the real person). H!Macbeth also does not have the prophecy, meaning F!Macbeth could retaliate and kill him.
Some more you didn't specifically ask about but would probably get brought up otherwise:
Suicide: No. Macbeth is a man of woman born. Also, Shakespeare would 100% do a scene where Macbeth has reached a breaking point and tries to end it all but finds that he physically can't.
Copy of the Script and Stage Directions for the Play Macbeth: Yes. An inanimate object and therefore genderless, also the play was originally written (not born) by William Shakespeare, a man. GC, UBC, BPC. That is, unless it is being used as a murder weapon, in which case we would analyze who set it into motion instead of the script itself.
Alternate Universe Macbeth: As long as this Macbeth is still a man of woman born, then no. Also, as long as the prophecy isn't different between the two, neither would be able to kill the other.
Specifically from a Universe where everything is the same except "No Man of Woman Born" is a name and "Macbeth" is a term meaning anybody but a man of woman born: Yes. NoManofWomanBorn would count as a Unique Exception for Macbeth, while Macbeth would also count as a Unique Exception for NoManofWomanBorn, meaning they would be able to kill each other despite both of them being man of woman born.
Suicide after legally changing his name to No Man of Woman Born: Yes. He would then be a Unique Exception for himself.
If there's anything else obvious I missed you can let me know with the specific scenario you have in mind via either the ask box (it'll take a while for me to get to it) or putting it in a reblog of this post (it'll probably be way faster this way).
Thank you for your submission!
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cantheykillmacbeth · 4 months
Could Princess Kaguya from Japanese mythology kill Macbeth?
Yes, Princess Kaguya from the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter could kill Macbeth!
Tumblr media
A celestial princess born from a glowing stalk of bamboo upon it being cut open by a man named Taketori no Okina, she applies for the Gender Clause, Unconventional Birth Clause, and Birth Parent Clause!
Thank you for your submission!
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