#Underfell Grillby
aimasup · 4 months
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"too much time to kill"
I imagine grillby's in underfell to be very cold-coloured despite the high temperature inside
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theskeletongames · 11 months
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Fell Grillby looking HOT!
He's a fire man, and I like to make him more of the fire part than the man part. I also wanted to capture OG Grillby's little candle flicker flame head from the sprite.
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sansbydaily · 8 months
Day 292 - Happy 8 Years!
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AU - @underfell
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silverskye13 · 10 months
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It's like I'm always just about to fall off the edge of the world's tallest building.
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sugarstickz-mp3 · 1 year
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have some sans practice and underfell doodles :3 hehehehehe
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t-p-i-o · 4 months
underfell drawings
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the first ever ut au that i liked
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underfell by @underfell
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kaissauce · 2 months
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what the ever. fell king mettaton ending. and they're purple
he gets overthrown after a month tops because everyone hates his swag
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fieryca · 2 months
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Well.... Yes🥴 I hope I'll draw some more of their (almost) human versions hehe
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lover-of-skellies · 6 months
Red: I think I just figured something out. I gotta go
UF!Grillby: Aren't you forgetting something?
Red: Uhh...*hesitantly kisses Grillby's forehead before running out*
UF!Grillby: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?!
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papirussian · 24 days
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"paying your dues" pt 19-23?
Grillby stole sans's gold chain necklace to pay his tab. T'was his intention all along
The end
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wolfbeestudio · 9 months
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We all love the Grillby bois~ So how about some silly fire kitties?
Get them as a keychain on my etsy!
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Commissions for illustrations and plush are open :3c
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reinadecorazonez · 5 days
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Old Art Dump 🚮
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capricioussun · 4 months
Some uf hc bc im sleepy <3
• Asgore did still mentor Undyne, but more so because he saw her fighting potential
• Undyne had a complicated relationship with Asgore. When she was younger, he was still a little softer, or at least could be at times, and he was really the only family she had aside from Gerson. She's aware of how bad he’s gotten, but she can't really convince herself to go against him
• Her and Papyrus have a very strange relationship, she really does care about him, but she tries hard to keep some distance because she doesn't want another vulnerability (she has enough already caring about Gerson and Alphys)
• Papyrus really does admire Undyne, but he worries about how far she'd be willing to go to maintain the status quo
• The dog guards actually like Sans and Papyrus. They used to be intimidated by Sans and not take Papyrus seriously, but over the years have come to trust them and are grateful for their leadership in Snowdin
• MK actually resents Undyne for a while. Generally she's pretty mean and doesn't tolerate kids loitering around (not realizing it's because she worries about them being in danger). Papyrus is the one who changes their spiteful view of the guards, but it still takes a while before they really start looking up to him
• Grillby was a young adult when he met Sans and Papyrus, a few years older than Sans, when they first came to Snowdin. He helped them out a few times, and was one of the first monsters Sans came to...almost trust
• Gerson is one of the few monsters who gets away with vocally disapproving of the king. Him and Asgore have a very tense relationship, but there are some lines Asgore still won't cross
• Gerson is also one of the few monsters who can tell Sans and Papyrus aren't what they seem to be...but he's never been able to figure out much else
• Sans thinks Toriel's fucking crazy but eh, she makes him laugh anyway, so why not keep visiting (he knows it'll bite him on the ass one day, just probably didn't expect it'd be in the way of protecting a human oof)
• Papyrus' vision in his left eye is pretty fucked but he can forcibly balance his vision a lot by focusing on redistributing his magic. Basically he can have good vision in one eye and absolute shit vision in the other or mediocre vision in both
• Undyne just straight up does not have a second eye anymore, but Alphys has offered to make a mechanical one (turned down, because she suspects Asgore would force Alphys to put a camera in it (he absolutely would))
• Papyrus and Undyne share clothes often, neither really remember who's is who's most of the time
• Mettaton hates his stupid baka life acting as a propagandist for Asgore but he does still willing agree to perform so he can have his body and whatnot
• Toriel isn't the best at baking because of the limited available ingredients underground, so she makes a lot of...questionable. Substitutions...
• Alphys and Sans have a very tense relationship, but in some ways, they're actually very loyal to each other, given that Alphys entirely hides things from Asgore for him, and Sans covers for Alphys all the time
• Undyne still loves anime and Papyrus still thinks they're weird cartoons
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p4ll3t · 4 months
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in @dracoria-nebulae 's The Price you Pay!
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undertale-fluffcanons · 4 months
Underfell Grillby and human reader trying to figure out how to cuddle without Grillby hurting em?
*Fellby knows how to keep his fire from burning you, since he has managed to hold your hand a few times now without hurting you
*but cuddling was something else. You had gotten cold and you wanted to cuddle with him, but you were both figuring out how to do so without you getting hurt in the process
*he figured this was going to come up eventually, so this was a perfect opportunity to figure this out
*you started off with just holding hands, like usual, before you got closer
*Fellby eventually figured out that to prevent himself from hurting you, he just had to do the same thing he was doing with his hands, for his whole body
*and once that was figured out, oh it was over for you both. You immediately started cuddling with him, enjoying the warmth he gave off
*Fellby was a bit surprised by how cold you were, and he kept you close to him until you warmed up. He may or may not have told you never to tell anyone about this for he wouldn’t hear the end of it
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changeside · 8 months
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Underfell men are fine as hell
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