#Undertale player
ultrabean · 27 days
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Mealtime interrupted. WIP comic.
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bathroomgirl0024 · 1 year
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i made this ina hurry and in ms paint
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howlsofbloodhounds · 3 months
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Undertale Something New: A Summary of Timelines.
(Art by Rahafwabas & the underground pics by Toby Fox ig 💀.)
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makerofmadness · 1 year
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"It becomes clear that the player and the main character aren't one and the same"
"You got The Locket"
"You took back the locket"
I've read through most of this book now and it does NOT just make statements like that or try to fill itself with fan theories. The most I've seen it "mess up" was with the story/battle context for Papyrus's really cool regular attack, calling it his special attack, which I have seen other people in the fandom do before anyway.
This author had direct access to Toby himself (there's notes about them asking him questions) and his own notes for the translators and stuff from when Undertale was being localized. there's screenshots of texts and spreadsheets.
I have seen nothing else in this book so far that is at all "stating theories as if they're canon." And iirc this book was officially considered "not part of Undertale merch" or something along those lines so it dodges the non-canonicity thing (plus again this is directly about the localization process behind Undertale from English to Japanese, I'm not sure how Toby's own notes on how Determination works could be considered anything but "canon").
I guess we were never really the greatest person, now were we...?
(this is the legends of localization book btw)
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willowwilberttree · 2 months
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Drew something!
(Inbox open for requests btw)
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the-afterparty-au · 3 months
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Happy let papyrus say fuck day here's a unrelated post that took this entire month
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wonderfull-star · 1 month
The little silly idea of ​​a Undertale x Fop crossover.(since I’m also an Undertale fan)
Imagine that Hazel and Dev both fell into the underground and they have to survive and going into the fight with monsters together. And Dev will persuade her to fight monsters and not spare them. But Hazel is naturally against violence and ultimately goes the way of a pacifist. Soon he even gets used to it and even liked this whole idea with pacifism and friendship(especially after Papyrus fight)
Genocide route idea:
Hazel agrees with Dev about the idea of ​​fighting monsters.(here it is already clear that now it’s not her, but exclusively the player's control) But soon he starts to worry about her strange behavior. He stops liking the idea of ​​fighting monsters, telling Hazel that "it's not a good idea anymore" and then just runs away. Later Dev stood up against her to protect the others(but unfortunately for the monsters everything failed.)
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stealing this idea from @howlsofbloodhounds since it's been in my head for too long...
i need a the something new player, dusttale player, and horrortale player to be friends so bad. they're online friends in a group chat and they always talk about stuff related to their version of the undertale game. it would be so fun to have a chat fic with them. i have some ideas right now.
something new player: goes by xXx_ki11er_mimi_xXx
coquette girlie, super fan of hello kitty and kuromi
they are a gamer that owns a modified version of undertale that has turned into a creepypasta sort of something new au
self-taught computer science nerd, a valued member of the local hackerspace
they love to do some cyber activism and gray-hat hacking from time to time
super proud of and obsessed with their greatest creation: k1ll_sans
they brag about killer to the other two all the time
dusttale player: goes by DASH1002
competitive gamer, professional speedrunner, and occasional faceless streamer
college student majoring in biochemistry
they are unsure about whether to pursue a career in streaming or biochem engineering after graduation
they drink way too much monster energy
they have been playing undertale for so many times that the game starts to glitch and introduces a whole new "secret storyline"
they often rant about how frustrating to beat murder!sans since "the ai gets too clever sometimes"
horrortale player: goes by SugarWoe
amateur mystery writer
they join a facebook group of other writers and are working on self-publishing their first novel
they played undertale for two runs and then quit because it was too difficult for them
the other two sometimes lovingly mock them for being a loser and quitter, and they snark back a lot
definitely the most unhinged of them all - often they give a lot of out-of-pocket advice to the other two
they often say things that are scarily accurate about the stories of the aus without realizing it
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karmaspidr · 11 months
Kris: Why are you making my life hell?
Player: Good question. Screams into the void HEY ASSHOLE!! WHY AM I STUCK MAKING THIS BRAT'S LIFE HELL! WHERE'S MY VESSEL?!
Gaster: Don't know, don't care.
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under-lore · 2 years
EDIT 14/03 : Since many people have been sharing this post around (mostly on reddit) and incorrectly assuming it to be the full argument tied with the book reveals mentioned, please keep in mind this was made just a few hours after the book extracts were released and it doesn’t contain all the information there is at all about the book or even about the arguments made regarding the extracts. It was just made (in a slight rush, i may add) to briefly inform people of the overall discoveries made via the book a few hours earlier. There are more things to say about those with are not shared in this post !
So you may have heard about the Undertale legends of localisation 3 book currently available for pre-order of Fangamer.
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Recently, a few images from this book have made their way online a few of them are very intriguing lore wise. At first i’ve suspected them to be fake due to the magnitude of the information given, but after verification those did in fact turn out to be real extracts from the book.
This book is a document which is both specified as "made with full access to Toby Fox" and "not part of Undertale merch" (Possibly to avoid the stigma about debatable merch canonicity due to Toby’s old tweet about it ?).
(Most) of it was not written by hand by Toby but it was said to be reflective of Toby's vision of the game and is therefore to be considered as official information.
The most important piece of information to have come out of this book as of today is the following section, more specifically the first paragraph.
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And this tells us several very important things that seem to confirm and deconfirm a couple of old UT fan theories !
To start with the less important one :
1 - Chara is excluded from "The three members of the Dreemurr family".
This line coupled with the alarm clock dialogue and a couple lines where Toriel and Asgore refer to Chara in an odd manner seem to imply that Chara may not have wanted to be considered a Dreemurr (Which the Dreemurrs would respect, but the rest of the kingdom would still assume them to be Asriel's sibling), or that they were simply never properly 'adopted' by the Dreemurrs and only lived and were treated as if they were.
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(is Chara not considered their child ?)
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2 - The Undertale three entities thesis is correct. That is, that there is a trio of 3 entities able to control Frisk's body (Frisk, Chara, and the player.)
This has two sides, first off, it means that :
1) Chara does in fact, have to be bound with Frisk in every route and not just in genocide. There were already several ways to know this via the game of course, but no direct implication of this from outside media existed until now. (There were a couple indirect ones)
It is however not a proof of NarraChara as it could still be possible for Chara to fulfill this role described here by being around Frisk, but not necessarily also being the narrator of the game. Nevertheless, it does still fairly strongly supports the theory and deconfirms one of its antithesises).
And 2) : The second side is that this would also have to make the player a canon entity in Undertale as well in order to complete that triforce. The player cannot be a third party vying for control of Frisk’s body if they do not exist in-world.
You can also point out how just before saying that, the text also portrays Monsters, Humans and the player as a set of three and thus shows that Frisk must be a different entity from the player that way as well.
This book contains yet more information to be analysed and whilst i intend to obtain my own physical copy as soon as possible, until then updates regarding it will only be as fast as new information appears.
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number-1-panstander · 9 months
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shitty meme I made while procrastinating at school
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ultrabean · 29 days
Been thinking about Underplayer again
it's wild how little appreciation this AU gets
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littlehappyrabbit · 5 months
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theres a contest going on in a server im in, so I made a small something something
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howlsofbloodhounds · 11 days
So I had this type of idea for Stage 4 for awhile now, heavily inspired by a non-utmv fanfic I read before. I bounced a lot of ideas off people in real life and some online, so there was some tweaking and adjustments over the time.
Stage 4 believing that if no one tells it to eat or offers it food, it’s because They don’t want it to eat. And so it must earn a reward.
It will only allow itself scraps of a reward (food, rest, shower, anything it thinks it needs) if a mission objective is fulfilled and the scene is marked. When a mission is completed and marked, it is allowed more and bigger rewards.
And it is only ever allowed rewards if it marks the mission as completed—such as carving or drawing an upside down heart on the victim, the scene, or its own body. The upside down heart is to represent Stage 4–that it did this and earned all the rewards—and affirm its mirroring of Chara.
A mission objective is possibly killing a target. Higher targets such as Frisks, Boss monsters, etc have names and higher rewards and punishments.
For example: Boss Monsters like Asgore, Flowey/Asriel, and Toriel could be called Command Objectives or considered Primary Targets. These figures symbolize the core of the world’s structure and power, and their destruction would be considered the ultimate display of obedience and power.
When it manages to kill these targets, Stage 4 could sense it’s earned an immense reward akin to a massive surge of energy.
This could mean it is allowed to binge on a full meal, which Stage 4 would only reserve for the highest-value targets. The meal could even be tied to something symbolic, like eating after erasing/killing Asgore as if its feeding on the defeated world itself.
Stage 4 could even delusionally believe that with each Command Objective kill, it unlocks a new skill or becomes physically more powerful, further feeding into its belief that its advancing toward its ultimate mission.
Stage 4 could even experience a brief moment of clarity or relief—the constant feeling of being watched or judged might lift temporarily, as though They are momentarily satisfied.
Failure to kill a Primary Target would result in severe punishment in Stage 4’s mind. It could deny itself food or any form of reward for an extended period, refusing to eat or do anything until the target is successfully eliminated.
Stage 4 could resort to self-harm, carving more intense or larger marks into its body as punishment, believing that it hasn’t earned the right to exist if it can’t complete such an important objective.
And the of course there’s the Personal Objective—Papyrus. Although Stage 4 will never think of it by name.
Killing Papyrus would carry extreme emotional weight, even if Stage 4 is emotionally disconnected, and the rewards would be specific to the psychological and emotional significance of the kill.
The Personal Objective is a target that transcends mere violence and ties into Killer’s identity and past as Sans. Stage 4 could view Papyrus as an “Impossible Target” due to Killer’s emotional baggage, even if it’s buried under layers of detachment.
If Stage 4 successfully kills the Personal Objective, it might interpret it as the final step in severing its connection to Sans entirely. The reward might not be physical, but a feeling of emotional void, as though Stage 4 has finally completed the process of becoming something separate from Sans.
Upon completing this objective, Stage 4 might mark itself in a specific way—perhaps carving an inverted heart directly where its own SOUL is, symbolizing that it has eradicated its deepest connection to its former self. This could become a ritual in which it leaves a permanent, highly visible mark as a trophy of its success.
After killing the Personal Objective, Stage 4 might grant itself a particularly significant meal, as if the kill has earned it a chance to feast without restriction. It could view this as a form of final reward for overcoming its hardest, most personal challenge.
Even though Stage 4 might not recognize the emotions associated with guilt, it could manifest as a deep, unsettling feeling of failure. If it fails to kill the Personal Objective, Stage 4 could physically punish itself in a much more severe way, such as carving larger or more intense marks into its body.
The delusion of being watched could intensify, making Stage 4 believe that They are forcing it to relive its failures, torturing it with images of the Personal Objective still being alive and mocking its inability to complete the mission.
Characters like Undyne and Mettaton provide a lot of EXP and are crucial for increasing LV (Levels of Violence). Killing them could be viewed as crucial for Leveling Up and advancing toward its ultimate goal.
Stage 4 could refer to these characters as Leveling Targets, recognizing their role in helping it gain power and EXP. Their purpose is to be eliminated so that Stage 4 can continue rising in LV and fulfill its larger mission.
Each kill could be perceived as granting an instant boost to its Level of Violence, further solidifying Stage 4’s sense of power and purpose. This could lead to Stage 4 feeling physically stronger and more capable after each kill.
After killing a high-EXP figure, Stage 4 might allow itself to eat a moderate meal, seeing it as a functional reward to keep itself going. It wouldn’t be as grand as killing a Primary Target, but enough to keep it sustained as it continues its mission.
Failing to kill these high-EXP targets would result in self-imposed hunger and a belief that it’s becoming weaker, as though not killing them is preventing it from reaching its full potential.
Stage 4 could experience a form of self-doubt, believing that it’s failing in its mission if it can’t eliminate Leveling Targets efficiently. This doubt could manifest as an intensified feeling of being watched, with Them seemingly disappointed or angry.
Stage 4 might cut deeper marks into its body after each failure, believing that it needs to pay for its mistakes.
Food becomes the ultimate reward, and if it doesn’t perform, it withholds it from itself, leading to starvation and physical weakening.
It might feel as though They are punishing it mentally by forcing it to relive moments of failure, experiencing the scorn of its observers.
And of course, saving the most important for last, the Star. Frisks, or an AU’s equivalent of a Frisk.
A world’s Frisk, or an AU’s Frisk-equivalent, with the ability to Reset the world if they possess more Determination than Stage 4, holds immense importance in the hierarchy of Stage 4’s objectives.
In fact, such a character would likely represent Stage 4’s greatest threat, as they hold the power to undo everything Stage 4 has worked for, rendering all its actions meaningless.
This would directly challenge the rigid control and sense of purpose Stage 4 adheres to, making these figures crucial targets in the broader mission to erase timelines.
The Star would rank among the highest-priority targets, given its ability to Reset and undo everything. In Stage 4’s mind, the Star’s mere existence jeopardizes its mission to erase the world or timeline, making it a special and crucial enemy.
While Boss Monsters and high-EXP figures serve as important stepping stones, Frisk (or their equivalent) would be the ultimate objective. Failure to neutralize the Star means the entire timeline can be undone, so eliminating it becomes a matter of necessity.
Stage 4 would view the Star as the embodiment of the Player’s influence or the timeline's refusal to die. The Star holds onto Determination, a power Stage 4 feels belongs only to Them. The Star’s Determination would be seen as a corruption that needs to be eradicated.
In Stage 4’s mind, the Frisk figure could represent the final test of strength—the one obstacle that can still defy the mission’s completion. Killing them would be the ultimate sign that Stage 4 has won, taking full control of the timeline.
The rewards for successfully eliminating the Star or its equivalent would be extraordinary, as this would be seen as securing control over the entire timeline and ensuring no future interference with the eradication process.
The significance of this kill would go beyond just one meal or mark; it would represent a massive psychological victory for Stage 4.
After killing the Star, Stage 4 might finally allow itself a massive reward—perhaps a large, ceremonial meal or months of rest—something it perceives as the ultimate prize for ensuring the timeline remains erased. This would symbolize the culmination of all its work.
Stage 4 could develop an almost delusional sense of invincibility after killing a Frisk-equivalent.
Since the Star is the embodiment of Resets, its death might convince Stage 4 that it has escaped the cycle of resetting and perhaps now is beyond the reach of even the Player's interference. (Of course this is temporary. Because its mission is never ending, and there will always be another Star to kill.)
In killing the Star, Stage 4 might feel as though it has gained complete mastery over the timeline or world, believing that the absence of the Star’s Determination grants it absolute dominion over the timeline. And no one can hurt it again, no one can hurt anyone.
Failing to eliminate the Star would likely feel like the ultimate punishment for Stage 4. The timeline being Reset would reinforce the idea that it’s trapped in a cycle of futility, rendering all of its violent acts pointless. This would have a massive psychological impact on Stage 4.
Stage 4 might feel as if it’s doomed to repeat its mission over and over, with the Star undoing everything, resulting in the ultimate form of punishment—being caught in a loop with no resolution. This would likely lead to escalating self-harm or intense starvation.
The sense of being watched or judged would intensify to the point where Stage 4 could believe everyone is Them, including the Star. The Reset would exacerbate Stage 4’s paranoia, making it feel as though it is under constant, mocking scrutiny.
Failing to kill the Star would mean absolute denial of food or other rewards. Stage 4 would feel that until the Star is dead, nothing it does matters, and it isn’t worthy of any reward. It could starve itself, refusing sustenance until the mission is completed.
The presence of a Frisk-equivalent in a world where Stage 4 is operating introduces the ultimate challenge to its mission.
These individuals would represent the final barrier to erasing the timeline entirely, and killing them would be seen as the greatest victory.
The concept of Reset would become an obsession for Stage 4, pushing it to ensure that no one—especially a figure as Determined as the Star—could ever interfere with the end of the world.
Rewards would be monumental, and punishments for failure would be equally harsh, driving Stage 4 to approach this final task with a cold and calculating sense of purpose.
Reaching certain levels in stats—such as 9 on everything—could even be enough to warrant 9 minutes of rest, or even 9 hours or days of rest if it’s something as massive as having destroyed 9 timelines in succession.
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eksvee15 · 1 year
So we all have this constant argument of whether MEGALOVANIA is Sans' fight theme or the Player's (it's not Chara's. Stop) fight theme. Well, I believe Deltarune's use of the soundtracks solved that issue for us.
There is a firm belief that in Undertale, and by logic Deltarune, the theme heard is the theme of who initiates the battle. Undyne starts the battle against us, both times we hear her theme - Spears of Justice and Battle Against A True Hero. Flowey ALWAYS starts the battle, so we hear his themes - Your Best Nightmare and Finale, also counts for Hopes and Dreams given he and Asriel are one and the same. And it's pretty evident that whoever has the first turn DOES NOT ACTUALLY MATTER, it is misleading and is canonically not actually relevant - Undyne herself specifies she's letting us have the first turn, in any fight, she's fair, and ALLOWS US the first turn. Sans gets the first turn to catch us off guard, which is what he does during the ENTIRE fight, ATK 1 DEF 1 yet takes multiple attacks to be defeated and will obliterate your health bar, suddenly has laser weapons, dodges, can manipulate space and gravity, teleport, stops time, his entire character is "surprise bitch", no wonder he gets that first turn - heck on the third turn he won't even finish his "beautiful day" speech and start attacking MID SENTENCE
There is, aside from Sans, one other occasion where the Player initiates the battle - that being Monster Kid. Yet MEGALOVANIA doesn't play there, instead, we hear the OST "In My Way" which is ONLY played against Monster Kid and Flowey in No Mercy. But I believe it's intentional, think of your first Genocide playthrough - you still kind of feel iffy, like it's wrong. It's not much of a challenge as it is a chore at this point. You just killed Papyrus. You just killed Toriel. Two people that have shown love, care, and so much genuine friendship to you, it feels awful. You're a danger, but not yet, a megalomaniac. (Side note, I think Etika's playthrough of No Mercy shows us how LOVE affects the actual player, because killing Toriel is a pain, killing Papyrus feels absolutely awful, but then when you get through Undyne the Undying? Etika celebrated beating her, then stopped and said "Wait no, why am I celebrating, I just killed her". THIS. LV affects us and how we view the Undertale characters, from being friends and caring about them, to being a challenge to overcome in the end. And not a lot of people realise that fact)
Now that I've established all this, where does Deltarune come into play? Well, specifically in Chapter 1, we fight Lancer a number of times. And he has that memorable bouncy theme when you fight him, Vs. Lancer. We all know that theme. However there is ONE moment where we DON'T hear Vs. Lancer DESPITE facing Lancer in battle.
The Susie V Lancer battle in the Card Castle's prison.
There, Susie alone engages battle against Lancer. And we know she engages because Lancer doesn't want to fight her, heck he even avoids to attack her at some point. The battle engaged is ENTIRELY Susie's intentions to put Lancer in his place. And the theme that plays, is Vs. Susie. Because SHE engaged the battle. So it's not Susie against Lancer, it's Lancer against Susie, despite US controling Susie. Just like it's Sans against us, despite us being in control.
This is proof. Proof that we hear the theme of who engages in a battle. You could also take as back up proof the Spamton NEO fight in Snowgrave, because he has every reason to engage against Kris - they're threatening everything Spamton COULD have, so of COURSE Spamton engages, furthermore because Kris goes from puppeted to puppeteer in his eyes. Sans never engages in battle against us. We engage against him. Because we're trying to get it over with.
MEGALOVANIA is most definitely the player's theme in late No Mercy run, and we know this thanks to Susie evolving the opposite way in Ch1 that we do in No Mercy.
Thank you for reading!!
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cvbullshit · 7 months
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I made a Player character for Undertale Yellow!!!
Mainly because of the implications of Clover somehow being able to change their route and choices without any help from Flowey despite seemingly not remembering the timelines.
So here's Lemon! They're my little Sourpatch kid :)
Inspired by @liliallowed
Fun facts about Lemon:
-They go by any gender of course, they dress more masculine but can act somewhat feminine at times.
-They canonically have fangs that always stick out a bit when they smile with their teeth
-The fabric around their head isn't a hood, it's like those small strings on your cowboy hats that help keep it on your head/neck but more stylish.
-They have a hate-love relationship with Flowey
-I headcanon them to be the less likely to be actively malicious out of the group of different players(all of the soul colors if they ever got games), like the more likely to say pure in a way. Even when on a Genocide route, they are more playful than murder-y, they know Flowey will bring them all back(though they still worry that the others may never come back from it.)
-They can be slightly easily manipulated if they believe what they are doing is for the best outcome/greater good. (Ex: Killing the monsters, I mean, they deserved it right? They killed those poor kids.)
-They don't exactly fear being alone but would definitely be affected by it, think Spinel standing in the garden sorta thing.
-They fear not being a fearless protector who stands for what's right, if they can't help people then what's their purpose anymore?
-They would gladly go through millions of resets if it means they can help and befriend Flowey.
-They absolutely adore Clover, they just wanna squeeze them in a hug.
-The yellow things on their jacket are actually both for style and free ammo, they can take one off and load it into their gun, another one will pop right back into place!
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