#Unexplored Games
blueskittlesart · 13 days
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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teex · 5 months
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DAL @ NJD 01.20.24
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rise-my-angel · 1 month
Jon asking Missandei that if she wanted to sail home to Naath the next day, what would Daenerys do, and she's like "She'd give me a ship and wish me farwell." Jon pressing her with mega skepticism asking if she believes that and Missandei going "I know it."
Meanwhile Jons standing there in disbelief listening to this. Just staring at her like hes finally realized what brainwashing is for the first time. Jon straight up believed that Daenerys treated her "willing servants" like slaves. He deadass did not believe that Dany would let anyone willingly leave her service.
I think it's pretty telling that someone close to Danys side, tells Jon that she is not a slave to Dany and could leave at anytime, and Jon did not believe her. Also note at this point in the story, Jon himself is a prisoner on the island and cannot leave unless Dany allows him to go home, and took his and his mens weapons so they could not defend themselves or fight back in any way.
Jon unironically thought that the way Dany used people in her servitude was just slavery disguised as freedom of choice.
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Y'know I really feel like Harry and Dave's relationship goes highly unexplored which is a shame because there IS quite a bit to explore, ESPECIALLY if you care about shipping. But as the game stands I mean, they must be aware of each other. Harry in fact definitely knows about Dave. I don't think he'd tell the fucking weird rotten bunny his terrible boss brought in IS the number one threat against Freddy's since day 1 but even so. Dave I don't think would see Harry as much more than A Phoney™ though, which is always more of an obstacle and way less of a person. Which is usually opposite of how Jack sees his often sole employee. Like, you get what I mean? It's almost similar to 2 with the main opposing routes being Peter and Dave except the stakes are arguably way lower now.
#luly talks#dsaf#dsaf harry#dsaf dave#harry fitzgerald#dave miller#if you DO care about shipping however the meat to chew on becomes greater#i think dave bond w Phoneys in general goes fairly unexplored which is once again A Shame bc i do like the hypocrisy he holds#in more than one way they mirror each other#now im just getting emotional and derailed now im literally just thinking of steven that's NOT da point now 💥💥💥#point is i do think you'd take this to a weird domesticating route or simply a more. goofy love triangle one#i mean dave does say he'll win Jack back which is peak divorced line#so its like. a tug war. except Harry isn't like peter who was like employee for the love of god i need your help#harry is pretty passive like Sir. This is urgent but it is your choice ☹️#sorry my meds are kicking in what am i even saying anymore?#i feel like that NyQuil post im for sure gonna shit the bed tonight#i digress anyway point being i think you'd go many places with this concept#you'd just have them coexist in a way the game doesn't explore. you'd have it just plaguing Jack's mind.#you'd have a one sided rivalry. you'd have a STRAIGHT UP RIVALRY. you'd have tragedy and agony in planet earth#which i saw be touched up on once by that one artist who draws jack like he never left the 80s mullet and all. muppety too.#iykyk there's like 6 harrysport artists overall you'll figure what i mean#and yeah you'd even have a somewhat functional jack having two hands. which is something taps chest i truly think could happen#i believe un love and peace and chsnge and healing and#and copium first and foremost ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️#my body feels so heavy its hard to leep my eyes open
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froget-me-nots · 11 months
12 minutes into woe.begone. there is no universe in which i will be normal about this.
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eclipsewxtch · 7 months
gonna make a fic titled “snowfalls” in which coriolanus snow has a dozen chances at happiness and sabotages ALL OF THEM + the one (1) time he didn’t.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
local sewer-roving bloodhound gets sweet talked into stepfathering a debutante mob boss well into his 30s, forced to co-parent with sworn bff for several years. more at 11
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asweetprologue · 11 months
just finished tears of the kingdom feeling Some Type of Way
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girlscience · 5 months
having some thoughts today about sexuality and for the first time in a long fucking time they are positive. had an experience last night and i won't go into detail, but afterwards i was thinking "that was for me and i don't want to and would not want to ever share that with anyone else". and now i'm having thoughts today about maybe my sexuality is for me and it's not about other people. it's about what i enjoy and what feels good to me and maybe i would invite someone else into that someday, but my sexuality would exist for me even if i never had a sexual partner in my whole life. i shouldn't worry about or struggle with or try to label myself for that potential partner or my family or my friends or random people online or strangers on the street. it's just about me and what i enjoy. what makes me feel good. and for some reason that's not something i ever really realized before. my sexuality isn't a nutrition label on a can of soup, it isn't some political opinion or experience, it isn't alienating to others, and it certainly isn't a moral stance. it is an internal experience for me to enjoy first and foremost and that has nothing to do with other people.
#like yeah i'm attracted to other people. but the way that makes me feel or act has nothing to do with them#i get off in certain ways because it feels good to me. not because other people thinks it's normal or weird or it's how they get off#i have certain kinks and i enjoy them because they make me feel good. not because other people think they are good or bad or whatever#it's my internal experience and i could share it with other people but i don't have to because i would enjoy it anyway by myself#its like. video games or transformers or books or hiking#i love all of these things by myself. i play video games and go hiking in the woods alone#and i love it!!!! i enjoy reading books by myself and watching tf on the couch alone#my enjoyment is not dependent on other people doing those things with me#but it can be fun to do it with others too! i like video chatting friends while playing video games together#or going on hikes with other people. it's fun!! i love talking about books and transformers with other people#but that's like a whole new second experience to what i do and feel by myself#not better or worse just different and it's a shared experience which makes it like it's whole own new thing#but the enjoyment started just with me first and then grew into something new with other people's involvement#IDK IF IM MAKING SENSE BUT IT FEELS BIG AND SPECIAL AND LIKE DISCOVERING SOMETHING NEW TO ME#like i'm on the horizon of some big unexplored land and it's exciting and strange and hopeful all at once#idk i just feel like my whole life i've been told sexuality is about other people and how they feel about you and how you relate to them#and it's for them. it's a gift it's sacred it's intimate and special and beautiful or it's broken and dirty and ugly and bad if done wrong#and like maybe absolutely none of that is true#maybe MY sexuality is just about ME and is just for ME and everyone else can get fucked
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orkowhereheshouldntbe · 11 months
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[ID in ALT!]
Orko in Sulani from The Sims 4. Will he meet any mermaids?
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void-botanist · 6 months
Okay I wanna ask you Blorbo wrapped questions back lmao. I'm also curious about who you thought was coolest, who you rotated in your head the most and who was most fun to write. But also, did you have anyone that was kinda driving you up a wall but then something clicked and you really figured out how to write them? If not, who's still driving you up a wall?
Kendrick! I think you saw that I got too excited and answered my own questions over here but who has been driving me up a wall is an excellent question, lol. There are a few who aren't actively driving me up a wall (what's up with Aza huh) but the people who I still haven't got a hold on are Declan, Horatio, and Sid.
I'm almost hesitant to say Declan because I don't think I have a hard time writing him but I also feel like I haven't fully keyed into the fact that he's an autism creature of a man (and also making it clear that the way the rest of the crew does things behind his back is not them infantilizing him because of it but more complicated than that. They do think he's fragile but that's because of how he's handled his grief). Also like. He literally trusts his crew with his life. But he is so so bad at talking to them and I haven't totally figured out how that all works out.
Oops this got long so here's a cut
Horatio got a character lift in this version. He's always been a sweetheart but that evolved out of him having A Sense Of Justice while also being generally pathetic and wet and soft. Now he has the Standing family deviousness that goes along with it and I don't know how to write that. Because also he looks completely different to Sid, who knows him very well and who he's open with, than he does to Avis, who hates him somewhat for the circumstances of his birth (she tries not to because it's not his fault) but extremely much for being sun-coded in the "cheerful" and "unavoidable and intense" ways. So like, what is he plotting (especially about getting Sorian and Avis back together) and how is he plotting it and how does this dovetail with the happy-go-lucky florist which is equally as much who he is?
Sid on the other hand is challenging in the sense that writing him feels fine. He's a real everyman if you will. Except I don't get his character and I think that's a major stumbling block for AOM as a whole. Yeah, on some level he has to be the sad traumatized guy but like. How does he handle his parents trying to run his life once he takes a massive step outside of their frame of reference? How does this work with Avis's story? (Can I successfully shove these two stories into one thing that is a whole? They have so many themes in common help) In his earliest iterations he was the devil-may-care I'm-doing-my-best guy who mildly tormented Horatio Sense Of Justice and I guess they've sort of flipped? Except Sid is always the Doing My Best guy.
Also when it comes to Anni and Zel, Anni is so easy to write with all the technical stuff and much more challenging with the romance stuff and I don't want it to be that way aaaaaaa
As for who did click, I think I'm getting there with Patience (even though I haven't worked on TFA in a while), Rodney worked better when I just let him be soft, working out Fay's whole divorce history helped make her easier to write (she's not pretending to be the good suburban mom. she just is sometimes and other times she sucks), the fact that Wylie hates himself cracked his whole character wide open, and lately I've realized that a critical part of post-divorce Sorian is that he's tired. He's tired of Avis needling him, always being there but never being there for him. He's not even sure he deserves for her to be. But he kinda wishes she would just leave and move on so he can too.
#'but your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone'#every iteration I get closer with Anni & Zel. I promise they have chemistry. I just don't feel confident in my ability to bring it out#which is probably the real problem. I think I'm gonna just write a ton of them outside of TFA until I get it#also when I start writing Binna again I think she's going to be kind of tough but we'll get there#original Old Canon Sid was a fucking trip (highly affectionate). I think he was dead? and trapped in the time stream?#so he could just go through time and dimensions however he pleased to annoy everybody equally#he and horatio had this unexplored 'menaces to lovers' potential#his methods were questionable but he really was trying to do the right thing. I wish I had written seven million more pages of him#I originally solved Sid vs. his parents with what was essentially a heist plot crafted to convince them he was a lost cause#which was delightful but. I don't think that's how I want to do things this time#it was great catharsis while I was really going through it tho#also throwback to when I mentally got through finals in the spring by just taking a break to write Vy x Wylie smut#thinking about Sorian and mentally going 'aw my baby' and laughing about who I have/would call my baby#anyone is fair game but I usually say it about Dez (cute) - Tirias (fun) - Mirilde (darling) - Sorian (sad) - Fabian (loser)#c: Sid#c: Declan#c: Horatio#c: Sorian#c: Fay#c: Wylie#c: Rodney#c: Patience#rose meta#rose brambles
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starrytect · 1 year
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Bioware bring back the City Elf Origin for Dreadwolf challenge.
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theflagscene · 1 year
Last Line Tag Game
I was tagged by @ragingbyesexual 🫡
Last thing written in my nearly done AkkAyan fic for Year of OTP prompts (January) Yeah, I’m a couple days behind because I spent almost all of January writing 12k if ToddBlack smut lol!
“Hey, no.” Ayan said, carefully cupping Akk’s face with his hand. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed by, you like being told you’re pretty, that you’re doing good, there’s nothing wrong with it. Especially since I like saying it.” Ayan smiled cheekily, pressing a kiss to each one of Akk’s rosy cheeks. “So pretty, my pretty perfect.” He whispered against Akk’s skin. “Such a good boy.”
I’m tagging @raeality @paalove @firstkanaphans @obroech & @poetry-protest-pornography
There is no pressure and obviously you don’t have to do this if you don’t want too 💖
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character-selecton · 10 months
to be specific my friends hate it until i destroy a boss in three hits
Completely valid. Based gameplay. My girlfriend hates that I have to talk to every npc and loot everything because she’s a speed runner
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landgraabbed · 10 months
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unexplored still has my whole heart
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