#Union Cavalry
cavalrycommand1876 · 8 months
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Patrol Under Fire by Don Spaulding
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chamberlainswifey · 2 years
Guys don't. Don't listen to Duster while you're reading about union cavalry, that just did it for me
To think about the bond between those soldiers and those horses, and the fact that it could be SHATTERED in a split second. I literally can't imagine going to war with my horse knowing one of us could end up without the other
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brandonraykirk · 2 years
Poem: "Old Abraham" (1996)
Old Abraham: Historic Sycamore Tree in #Barboursville #WV #Appalachia #poets #poetry #writing #history #wvhistory #CivilWar
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szkin-art · 14 days
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NPC portraits for the Lancer game I'm playing in~
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revoltedstates · 3 months
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George Keats Speed was born 9 Feb. 1846 in Louisville, KY. He joined the Union Army at age 15, becoming a lieutenant at age 16 in the 1st Kentucky Cavalry. He also served as adjutant and captain in the same unit, and worked on the staffs of Maj. Gen. Charles Gilbert and Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger. Image source: LOC. Info source: Findagrave.
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aunti-christ-ine · 7 months
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sometimeslondon · 2 years
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The Household Cavalry Museum in Westminster with a union jack flag
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roscoe-conkling · 1 year
"So it came to pass that as he trudged from the place of blood and wrath his soul changed." ...Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage
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What do the different coloured poppies mean?
19 October 2022
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Many people choose to wear a poppy in November for Remembrance Day to show respect for the people who died fighting in the First World War and the conflicts that followed it.
But there are other coloured poppies too - purple, black and white - that have different meanings.
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The red poppy is the most famous symbol used to commemorate those who sacrificed their lives in World War One and conflicts that followed.
Wearing a poppy was inspired by the fields of poppies that grew where many of the battles were fought.
The red poppy belongs to the Royal British Legion - a charity created by veterans of World War One.
They say that the red poppy represents remembrance and hope.
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The purple poppy is often worn to remember animals that have been victims of war.
Animals like horses, dogs and pigeons were often drafted into the war effort, and those that wear the purple poppy feel their service should be seen as equal to that of human service.
In particular, many horses were killed or injured in World War One.
Donations to the Animal Purple Poppy Fund go to charities including World Horse Welfare and the Household Cavalry Foundation.
The Animal Purple Poppy Fund uses the word 'poppy' with the agreement of the Royal British Legion.
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The Black Poppy Rose commemorates the contributions of black, African and Caribbean communities to the war effort - as servicemen and servicewomen, and as civilians.
The charitable organisation was launched in 2010 and aims to highlight "largely untold historical legacies" from the 16th century onwards.
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Some people feel that the red poppy glorifies war and conflict. Instead, they might choose to wear a white poppy.
The white poppy is handed out by a charity called Peace Pledge Union, which promotes peace.
They say that the white poppy commemorates people who died in conflict, but focuses on achieving peace and challenging the way we look at war.
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cavalrycommand1876 · 8 months
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Going for Help by Don Spaulding
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vulturesouls · 3 months
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Union Cavalry officer, Philadelphia, 1860s
J Paul Getty Museum
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obtener2 · 1 year
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Mid-June 1863, the U.S. capital became desperate for additional defenders. An ominous rumble sounded beyond the Blue Ridge. Perilous gunfire could not be dismissed as rebel guerrillas, who hovered in small squads across the Potomac. Startling reports created panic. Rumors contradicted one another, except for one consistent theme—General Lee marched north. A Family and Nation Under Fire
iBooks https://goo.gl/SAVc8A
nook https://goo.gl/DSQXGu
Amazon: https://goo.gl/A3brGd
KSU Press http://goo.gl/Z3z4Xs
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Russian Calvary on Parade,” Chicago Tribune. February 17, 1933. Page 2. ---- Russian cavalry, part of the mighty Soviet war machine, on parade in Moscow during recent maneuvres. The Red army consists of 650,000 conscripts, but officials say they can put a force of several million held in short order.
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revoltedstates · 1 month
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Soldiers of Co. H, 3rd Indiana Cavalry, smoking cigars and holding bouquets. Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. Detail from a larger company photo, Library of Congress.
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blindedguilt · 2 years
Verseday! Questions for my muse - Lukhege 1.3||Soldier of the Union ⚪ - What are small things that mean something to your muse
Growing up, doing each other's hair was always a somewhat intimate gesture reserved for the closest of friends and family. His village had been tight-knit, and having a mother and older brother (Occasionally, his younger brothers as well) always there to fix it when it was a mess left him truly blind to just how uncommon it was after being left on his own. Perhaps it takes him by surprise not just to be shown such kindness in a time of war so intense it seems that the very world has reached its end - Not to mention being in the front lines of it, nonetheless - But that the very action serves as a somewhat bittersweet gateway to those memories to those simpler days living with his brothers, as well. For his memories and his upbringing, it was an act of great affection and significance - And regardless of how much of that old life he's left behind, the perception of that intimacy won't so easily leave his mind.
... Another thing, though he wouldn't quite so easily admit to it as the last, is small gestures of psychical touch. Something like a hand or a pat to the shoulder, even if made casually, has a habit of lingering in the soldier's mind for an especially long time. To any outsiders, especially those who know of his upbringing, the answer why is clear enough - Though Lukhege himself had and could never put a finger on it... Even if he allowed himself to acknowledge it, to begin with.
🔴 - What are bigger gestures that are important to your muse Polishing any equipment of his such as weapons or swords, or taking the time to help or complete any chores in his stead takes a lot of work and time, and Lukhege is well aware of this. Typically, favours done for him helps him to feel far more adjusted within his "Family", as he sometimes prefers to call it, and serve as a great alternative to his warming in contrast to any deeper conversations or attempts to "get to know him" that would otherwise count as a great gesture... Chatting about his past, or even generally deeper topics, is a quick turn-down for him. To feel validated and supported in his efforts through those favours, however, to feel as if he truly is being cared for and counted among others, comes nothing short of a great reassurance for him.
🖤 - Can your muse be selfish? If he knows he can get away with it. It isn't necessarily that Lukhege hates being selfless towards others (Whether out of comradery, respect, and an overall agreement with their views or in trying to prove himself or in worser cases, an attempt to get on their better side to avoid any negativity or harm directed his way in the future) as much as it is him simply living off instinct - It is a world where every man must fend for themselves, and having been tasked with the responsibility of his two younger siblings atop his chores as the eldest cared for the dragons, Lukhege fights with each opportunity to take what he can for himself - As long as the eyes of others are off his actions when he does deign to think for himself, that's all he needs. With those outside the Union, such as civilians, however - He doesn't mind acting to serve his own self-interests at all.
✋ - Can your muse be rude or unfriendly? Perhaps some could consider Lukhege's briskness and straightforward attitude uninviting, particularly when in the midst of a task or training, though he's learned well enough not to say anything outwardly demeaning or rude towards his fellow soldiers - While not the brightest or most inviting, Lukhege still follows basic courtesy and small-talk when approached, taking care never to state many disagreements or other such things that can otherwise put him on thin ice. To a majority of civilians, however, while generally just a bit more curt unless otherwise provoked, he's developed a bit of a bad habit of using force or even harming civilians - Or anyone else "below" him, as a soldier of the Union - Simply when he feels like it. While not aware of it himself, it very well may be some internal attempt to take back power for himself after spending so many years, especially as a child, stuck under the Union's thumb - Simply inflicting the pain he had been caused in his past onto others.
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cuubism · 2 months
as a certified horse obsessed freak i'm obliged to have an equestrian au so here's an equestrian au. make it olympics flavored for relevance. but there will be no sex in hay!! EVER!!!
it is smutty though.
Dream Endleas’s reputation for being difficult preceded him. His critical eye, his adherence to perfection, his crisp turnout and refusal to ever appear the slightest bit disheveled even after competing in the summer heat; his family, his money, his luxury-brand sponsorships—Hob had seen enough videos of Dream’s Grand Prix tests to be prepared for all of it. But he wasn’t prepared for the force of seeing it in person.
Dream in person was somehow even more perfect and posh than he appeared on video. Hob hadn’t actually spoken to him yet, had only communicated through his groom, Matthew, while getting the horses settled in—but God, he looked like such a prat. He looked like the type of snotty kid Hob had seen around the yard growing up, the type who thought they could ride because their parents had bought them a fifty-thousand pound pony. The type that persisted into adulthood, rolling up in a Range Rover to get on an already tacked horse, later handing their fancy horse back to the groom before stalking back out of the stable in pristine white breeches, leaving all the care to others.
Hob might have had a bit of a chip on his shoulder about that sort of thing.
It would have been easy to hate Dream, except that, fancy horse or not, he actually could ride, exceedingly well at that, and—and Hob was feeling very betrayed by his dick on this one—he was also blisteringly hot.
Dressage competition wear was, by and large, not one’s first choice of clothes that would be considered “sexy.” The combination of “business formal” and “cavalry officer on parade” wasn’t exactly giving come hither, but Hob took one look at Dream stalking down the center aisle of the barn in his clean white breeches and his high boots and his black coat with its little fucking Union Jack embroidery and he wanted. It was a good thing thoughts were an internal situation because it was embarrassing how quickly he went to I want those skinny little thighs wrapped around my head. Mortifying, really.
He was thinking about it so hard he didn’t immediately realize Dream was coming for him.
“You,” Dream said, stopping before him. “You are the stable manager.”
“That’s me,” Hob agreed. Regretting it more every minute, too. Managing the horses for the Olympic team had sounded like a good gig in theory…
“Why have the horses not been turned out?” Dream demanded.
“Aren’t you competing in—” Hob checked his watch— “an hour? Why are you asking me this now?”
“Because it came to my attention that things were mismanaged,” Dream said, unrepentant, then stood, waiting for his answer.
Hob sighed. “They didn’t provide us any turnout space.”
“They did not provide—” Dream started, then stopped, apparently flummoxed. “That is unacceptable.”
Hob had to grudgingly admit that it was to his credit that he cared. Not everyone did. “Tell me about it. But if you hadn’t noticed, we’re in a several hundred year old stable and they weren’t about to revamp the entire situation for us.”
“As per usual, horse welfare comes last,” Dream said, narrowing his eyes. Jesus Christ, Hob thought, he’s wearing eyeliner. “Be advised that I will be paying close attention going forward—” he looked at Hob’s name badge— “Hob Gadling.”
And with that ominous statement, he turned and stalked off.
“Good luck with your test,” Hob offered, half-heartedly, to Dream’s retreating back. Then, to himself, “Really? That prick’s the one you want?”
He could hardly be angry with Dream for being upset about it, though. Hob certainly had a bone to pick with the organizers about the horses being stalled 24/7. But he doubted that the people who managed The Palace of Versailles gave a fuck what he thought.
It did mean less for Hob to do, though. So once he’d done another round of their team’s wing of the stables he headed out to the arena to watch Dream’s test. There was no way Hob was going to miss watching him ride after a performance like that. If you were going to live up to your reputation of being rude and difficult you had damn well better live up to your reputation for skill as well.
Unfortunately for Hob, Dream did in fact live up to that reputation. He and Jessamy were gorgeous together. She was a smaller and lighter horse than many of the others and seemed to practically float across the ring. Dream made it look so easy when Hob knew damn well it was not. Hob could have watched him for hours, though of course the test was only a few minutes long.
In addition to watching Dream’s test, he was keeping an eye on the horses going in and out of the stable, keeping up to date on any injuries or soreness, though each had its own groom who was responsible for the horse’s immediate care. At the conclusion of Dream’s test, Hob expected him to hand Jessamy off to Matthew, but instead Dream just dropped his stirrups, letting Jessamy steer on a long rein as he wandered off towards the grassy area past the border of the dressage arena.
“Oi!” Hob called, catching up to him. “Where are you going?”
“I am going for a hack,” Dream said, hardly sparing him a passing glance.
Hob followed the direction he was headed. “On the cross-country course?”
“They aren’t using it,” Dream said, uncaring. “We”—presumably he meant himself and the horse—“are sick of being in the stable.”
So saying, he started off again, Jessamy’s ears pricked forward in interest as she picked her way across the grass.
Hob doubted he could stop him. And he had to admit it was probably more entertaining for the horse to go for a walk than to sit in her stall. It seemed a strange thing for Dream to do, though, wander off across the grass, legs swinging free out of the stirrups, instead of maintaining a strict training regimen in the arena.
Dream stopped before he was too far away, turning over his shoulder to call out: “I will be back before the final test is complete. If scheduling concerns you.”
So there was some recognition of the fact that it would be Hob’s neck if the horses weren’t where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, waving a hand. “Though given your score, I’d imagine you want to be back before they announce the medals.”
He got a half-smile from Dream for this, and then he was wandering off again, sitting comfortably in the saddle with the reins long, Jessamy’s tail swishing away the summer flies.
Hob watched his retreating back for a long moment, then turned back to the ring to keep an eye on the rest of the horses.
As Hob had predicted, Dream did win gold. He showed up just in time for it, finally giving Jessamy back to Matthew to take inside. She’d picked up some grass stains on her white socks, though Dream’s clothes were as pristine as ever. He seemed immune to dishevelment. He accepted his medal with predictable stoicism and bore the obligatory photos with grace and poise but what seemed to Hob like resignation rather than enjoyment of the attention.
Hob didn’t see where he ended up next. He had horses to feed and water and tack to be sure was in order for tomorrow’s events. In fact, he doubted he’d see Dream again at all. It should have been a good thing, for all Dream was a source of frustration for him. Instead, he found himself feeling disappointed. 
Hob was always the last one in the barn at night. Partly out of obsessiveness, partly due to the fact that unlike the riders, his lodgings were actually on the stable grounds. So he did his final round looking in on the horses at around 9 p.m. Not that there was much to do—check water, throw a little hay, make sure none of the horses had managed to keel over in the last two hours since he’d seen them—but it was a soothing ritual, making sure everything was shut up tight before going to bed himself.
Or it would have been soothing, if there wasn’t somebody else there.
The distant sound of a stall door sliding open had Hob immediately on edge. No one else had cause to be here this late, and at such a high profile event, he couldn’t rule out the possibility of ill intentions—or just of a horse getting out past an improperly latched door. He walked quickly towards that wing of the stable, though there had been no more sounds since—
Oh. It was Jessamy’s stall. Hopefully that meant it was Dream, or at least Matthew, because otherwise Dream would be royally fucking pissed.
Hob peered around the door where it was cracked open. And then just stood there, frozen, because it was Dream, crouched down in the shavings cleaning the grass stains from Jessamy’s leg—but not Dream like Hob had ever seen him.
For one, he was wearing shorts. Actual jean shorts that fell to mid-thigh, legs bare down to his paddock boots. Legs which were just as wiry and pale as Hob had imagined under his breeches, but covered in dust, with a streak of mud across one knee and a small bruise on the other thigh of the type you inevitably get when you spend enough time in the barn. Instead of his crisp white shirt and black jacket of earlier, he was wearing a loose black t-shirt spotted with water across the chest—watching the way Jessamy was sloshing about in her water bucket, now full of hydrating additives, Hob could just about guess how that had occurred. Dream even had a piece of hay stuck in his hair.
It was all so shocking Hob didn’t realize Dream was calling his name until he’d said it a second time.
“Hob Gadling. Do you require something, or can I be left in peace for the first time today?”
“You’re wearing shorts,” Hob said, dumbfounded.
Dream raised an eyebrow. “It is very hot out, if you hadn’t noticed.”
“I just— I can’t imagine you in shorts.” Or covered in dirt, for that matter. Dream was so pristine, so refined. Except for now, when he was at least fifty percent dust.
“Do you imagine me frequently?” Dream asked, and Hob was grateful that the low lighting disguised the way his cheeks flushed.
“No, I—” he did, though. He’d imagined Dream constantly since first seeing him. Since first learning they’d be crossing paths at the Olympics, really. “Maybe.”
Dream smirked, and stood, stepping out of the stall and perching instead on his tack trunk in the aisle, latching the door behind him. “What about me makes you think I do not own shorts?”
Hob was definitely blushing now. “You just. Always look so put together. And now you’re…” he gestured to the various bits of grime sticking to Dream.
“Of course I am put together at a show, Hob,” Dream said, rolling his eyes. “You could hardly expect me to show up to the Olympic final with mud smeared across my face.”
This was a good point, actually.
“I did not intend to be seen like this at all,” Dream added, giving him a pointed look.
Hob found it charming, though. The fact that Dream’s relative familiarity in being sticky with sweat and hay dust meant he did at least some of his own horse care regularly. The fact he didn’t just show up to get on and off.
“Why are you here so late?” Hob asked, glancing over at Jessamy. “I think she’ll survive with some grass stains until tomorrow. You’re done competing anyway.”
Dream’s brow pinched. “The amount of socializing at this event is stressful. And there is no reprieve in my rooms.”
This made Hob grin. “Not having fun in the Olympic Village?”
Dream wrinkled his nose. “I do not like having a roommate,” he said, and Hob had to laugh at the disgust in his tone. “I considered booking my own hotel room, but was informed this was not demonstrative of team spirit.”
“Oh no, you had to be part of a team at a team event, that’s terrible,” Hob said, still grinning. “Poor Dream.”
Dream’s lips twitched into a half-smile, but it did reach his eyes, Hob saw it. “Terrible,” he agreed. “Hence, I am hiding in the barn.”
“And you wanted to check on your horse,” Hob guessed, softening. He had finally reached the conclusion that he had been wrong about the type of horseman Dream was likely to be. And shouldn’t have assumed it in the first place.
“I worry about them overheating,” Dream said. “This barn has poor airflow.”
“You’ve got better at your place back home?”
“My horses live outside,” Dream said.
Hob had really been wrong about the type of horseman Dream was.
“Now you will tell me they will break themselves in the field,” Dream sighed, apparently well-used to the argument.
“Nope,” said Hob. “So do mine.”
Then, Dream looked at him in surprise and, if Hob wasn’t mistaken, a new hint of grudging respect.
“Mine aren’t as expensive as yours, of course,” Hob teased. He could only guess at the price tag on Dream’s Grand Prix dressage horses.
“They are insured,” Dream said, dismissively. “I care little for how much they cost me. They are happier out of their stalls.”
Hob smiled, and felt the softness of it on his own face. Goddammit. Now he wasn’t only finding Dream hot, which he could maybe have coped with, but going soft on him, too. “I really am sorry about the turnout situation here. There’s just not much we can do about it. I did ask.”
“It’s no matter.” He’d apparently decided to give up on his annoyance with Hob about it. “I may bring her home early. Though I doubt they will let me leave until the end.”
“No one’s ever been less excited to be at the Olympics than you, Dream,” Hob said, laughing, and Dream cracked another smile. He was very pretty when he smiled. He was pretty when he was stern and focused, too. Really, all of him was doing it for Hob.
“I am not very good at dealing with people,” Dream admitted.
Hob felt abruptly bad for him and the reputation he’d developed. Not that Dream hadn’t done anything to justify it. But it couldn’t make it any easier to make friends. He looked so much smaller, too, sitting on the tack trunk in his shorts and t-shirt, covered in dust and hay. Far from the stern and unapproachable Dream Hob had seen earlier.
“Come take a walk with me,” he suggested. “We’ll finish checking in on the horses and then, I don’t know. Get a drink or something.”
It felt too bold a suggestion as soon as Hob suggested it, but Dream sighed and stood, dusting off his shorts. “I suppose I should try not to sequester myself.”
“That’s the enthusiasm I like to see,” Hob said, and got another smile out of Dream. He was quickly becoming addicted to getting those smiles.
Dream followed as Hob checked in on the remaining horses, helping him top off waters and throw hay. By the end Hob was just as covered in dust as Dream, t-shirt drenched in sweat, and had tied up his hair in a bun to get it off the back of his neck, not that it helped much. Dream had been right, the barn was poorly ventilated, and they were both suffering the results of that.
When he turned from tying up his hair, he found Dream watching him, gaze tracking the movement of Hob’s hands, the fall of his hair, then back to his face.
“What?” Hob asked.
“I—” Dream swallowed, throat catching. “Was I. Wrong. To think I caught you looking before?”
Somehow Hob knew exactly what he meant. He probably should have felt embarrassed about it—but it was hard to when Dream was looking at him like that now. Dust sticking to his hair, sweat gleaming along his neck, and he was looking at Hob like he’d suddenly found something very compelling to cut through the weariness of the day.
“No,” Hob said. “Did it bother you?”
Dream shook his head. “No one looks at me like that.”
“Seriously? But you’re gorgeous.”
Dream’s mouth popped open, and even in the semi-dark Hob thought he saw his eyes dilate. “Am I?”
“Maybe they’re all just too intimidated by you to show it,” Hob said, taking a step closer to him.
“And are you?” Dream asked. “Am I so terrifying?”
“I think I can handle it,” Hob said, and closed the remaining distance between them, sparing one moment to think I can’t believe I’m fucking doing this before he took Dream’s face between his hands and kissed him.
Dream whimpered into the kiss, clutching at Hob’s wrists. He opened his mouth to Hob, head tipping back. Dream had such a strong presence that Hob hadn’t realized there was a slight height difference between them, but he took full advantage of it now, pressing him back, letting go of his face to catch him around the waist.
Dream pulled away long enough to take a breath, then dove back immediately into the kiss, sucking on Hob’s lower lip, digging his fingers into Hob’s hair. Hob steered him back, half-blind for kissing, until they stumbled into one of the empty stalls being used to store extra tack, where he pushed Dream down to sit on one of the tack trunks.
Dream’s breath caught, his pulse hammering where Hob set his lips and teeth to it, sucking a mark into his throat on his way to kneeling between Dream’s spread thighs. “I was thinking about you as well,” Dream admitted, once Hob had detached from his neck and dropped fully to kneel on the floor, grinding dirt into his knees. “Seeing you. Carrying bags of feed over your shoulder like they weighed nothing. Mmm. Your shoulders.”
“Oh, yeah?” That was heady to think about, Dream watching him like that. Hob undid the button on his shorts, skimming them and his underwear down and off over his paddock boots. This revealed Dream’s pretty pink cock, already plumping up as he leaned back on his hands on the tack trunk. Hob nosed at the base, taking in the sweat and musk of him, hearing Dream’s breath hitch. “You know what I was thinking about?”
“Doing this.” Hob took the head of Dream’s cock in his mouth, pulling a wrenching cry from Dream as he twitched where he sat, thighs trembling. Hob bobbed his head, sucked up the length of him, pulling off with a pop and saying, “This is exactly where I wanted you.”
“Indeed?” The word was shaky. Dream’s fingers twitched on the wood of the trunk.
“Go on,” Hob told him, and Dream’s hands went to his hair, pulling it from its bun, directing Hob back down onto his cock. Hob took him deep, pressing his nose into the hair at the base of Dream’s pelvis. The weight of Dream in his mouth was addicting, and then Dream’s legs shifted and he tucked them up and over Hob’s shoulders, thighs pressing in against his head—yes, perfect.
Dream pulled him close, thrust his hips up into Hob’s mouth, hesitant at first then bolder when Hob hummed in encouragement. Dream’s fingers combed through his hair, not quite pulling but tugging and tangling in little pinpricks of delicious pain, and Hob closed his eyes, surrendering to the experience of satisfying him, so hard in his own jeans but ignoring it for now—it only made everything feel more vivid, anyway.
“Hob,” Dream cried, cock twitching, pre-come spilling over Hob’s tongue. Hob didn't let up, only took him deeper, Dream bumping against the back of his throat as he swallowed.
Dream cried out as he came, hands clenching to the point of pain in Hob’s hair, legs tightening around Hob’s head. Hob nearly came himself at the feeling. Instead he swallowed again, sucking on Dream’s cock as it softened until Dream whimpered from overstimulation, and then Hob carefully let him go, finally able to take a full breath as Dream curled around his head, thighs trembling against Hob’s cheeks.
Hob turned his head to kiss his thigh, grazing his teeth over the small bruise he’d seen earlier, making Dream gasp. He uncurled himself from Hob, letting go of his death grip on Hob’s hair to instead caress his cheeks, run his thumb over Hob’s wet lower lip. Hob looked up, met his gaze, nearly perished at the look of blown-out pleasure there. He could live on that look, he thought, feed himself on it every day.
“Come here,” Dream ordered. Hob was helpless but to obey. He let Dream draw him up, disentangle them so Dream’s legs were around his waist instead of over his shoulders, and Dream plucked open the button on Hob’s jeans, pushed his underwear down far enough to take him out. Dream took him in hand, humming in appreciation.
“Like what you see?” Hob teased, but it came out far breathier than he intended, all of him going taut with Dream's hand on him. Dream only smiled slowly, stroking Hob, slow but firm.
“I do,” he said, and drew Hob in with his other hand wrapped around the back of Hob’s neck, sticking in the new sweat that had beaded along his skin, letting Hob rut into his fist. Hob kissed up the side of his neck, leaving marks, breath catching when Dream hooked a leg around the back of his thigh to pull him even closer.
“So perfect for me,” Dream praised, hand sliding up to curl in his hair while his other kept expertly working Hob’s cock. “Mmm. Later, I want you to fuck me properly. I want that gorgeous cock inside me. I know you will fill me so well. I want to feel you.”
All it really took was Dream’s sweet words to send Hob’s arousal boiling over. He gasped into Dream’s throat as he came, hips stuttering into Dream’s fist. Dream pet his hair as he came down from the high, wiping his hand off on his shirt. Hob kissed the side of his neck once more for good measure, tasting the sweat there, before finally pulling away.
“You really want me to fuck you?” he asked. “You going to—”
Dream laid a finger over his lips. “If you make a joke about me riding you I will walk out of this stable and never return.”
Hob broke down laughing, pressing his forehead against Dream’s shoulder. “You get that one a lot?”
“I’ll bet.”
Dream was chuckling, too, chest rumbling against Hob’s body. Hob liked the sound of it.
“Cross my heart, I swear I won’t make any jokes,” Hob promised.
He liked this. Leaning against Dream. Touching him. Sharing a soft moment. He liked it a lot.
Dream tipped his face back up with a fingertip under his chin. “I do still want you to fuck me,” he said, watching Hob with dark eyes. Hob swallowed hard. “Will you take me back to your rooms? For we are certainly not going back to mine.”
“Don’t want to involve your roommate?” Hob teased, and Dream sighed.
“Don’t make fun of my indignities,” he complained, and Hob laughed.
“I’m sorry, darling. You suffer so much. Your life is terribly difficult.”
“And you are making it worse by making me wait,” Dream complained.
Hob certainly didn’t want that. So he stood, tucking himself away again, and rearranged Dream in his shorts, helping him up. He paused then, wondering just how far this burgeoning thing between them went, before deciding, fuck it, and pulled Dream in for a soft kiss, hands light on his lower back. Hob was feeling very fond of him right then. He might as well show it.
Dream hummed into the kiss, sinking into him. When they separated, his lips curved into a soft smile.
“Perhaps you might make me breakfast in the morning, too,” he said, taking Hob’s hand.
“If you’re willing to wake up at six,” Hob said. “Because that’s when the horses get breakfast.”
Dream groaned dramatically, but didn’t let go of Hob’s hand, and as Hob tugged him out past the stall door and towards his lodgings at the far end of the stable, he was smiling, eyes bright. And Hob thought waking up to him before sunrise might be very beautiful indeed.
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