#Union Cult AU
cq-studios · 7 months
(Hello! Future me here. This has an Ask Blog now and not everything here is still canon to the AU please keep this in mind while reading ^^)
Brain rotting about a KHUX AU I came up with right now
TW: Doomsday Cult, Mass Suicide, Child and Animal Death, Child Abuse (let me know if I'm missing something here and I'll update it)
A know that's a lot but hear me out.
Its the real world, late 30s early 40s. MoM's some rich dude who takes advantage of the influx of orphans to make Daybreak Town, which in this universe is essentially some sort of experimental orphanage. He stages the "War against Darkness" (the Keyblade War equivalent) which is a mass suicide. The Dandelions are to make sure they can defeat darkness again in case it ever came back (since MoM genuinely believes in what he's doing). The NULs are in charge for a while but then the government finds out and relocates all the Dandelions to normal homes. The NULs are mostly separated and need to adjust to normal society... but they're also determined to find each other again.
(My notes are under the cut... still developing everything I'll probably add more later)
Timeline of Events (Pre-relocation):
MoM is very rich and bought a massive property and built Daybreak Town on it
MoM adopted the Foretellers and Luxu, about 13 years before he bought the property, they are orphans from the Great War
Daybreak Town was a self sustaining cult masquerading as an orphanage
A lot of farming and hunting happening
All the ‘keyblade wielders’ are orphans from the Great Depression
MoM and the Foretellers basically convinces the kids KH lore (a la time of Fairytales) is real
Every “Keyblade Wielder” has a “Chirithy” which is just a cat
The “Keyblade War” is a mass suicide designed to destroy darkness
This happens halfway into 1939
They killed most of the Chirithies too
Luxu is the only Lost Master who survives this (and he leaves soon after)
The Dandelions are to “keep the light alive”
Ephemer and Skuld save Player from the “War” by stopping them from drinking the poison
They end up switching their cup with another Dandelion’s
Ven overhears Dandelions talking about surviving and ends up switching his cup with Strelitzia’s in a panic
He realizes afterwards that she was important and filled in out of guilt
He also totally mixes his memories around here and forgets what he did
Elrena is the one who buries Strelitzia and is the one who tells Lauriam she’s dead (only once he asks about her though)
The NULs are in charge for about a year and a half before the government relocates the Dandelions
The NULs were not particularly close before then
Basically the social events of Union X (minus the murder reveal, the relocation stops that before it can happen)
The NULs and Player try their best not to be separated but end up being relocated to households decently far from each other
Ephemer ends up alone
Brain and Player are pretty close together and meet up rather quickly
Skuld, Lauriam, and Ven end up a decently close together but far enough that they don’t know yet
Elrena is placed in the same household as Lauriam
(Post relocation stuff I'm still working on but I do have some ideas)
Additional Notes:
It’s the real world, USA, and the early 40s, whoop
1941 (at the relocation) to be exact
World War 2 is in full swing and the States are involved… I think
MoM (and the NULs afterwards) were totally bribing the people who were checking in on Daybreak Town before the “war” so he could keep it open… either that or there were just too many kids to actually check to see if they were all accounted for
Probably didn’t help that they would use any dead bodies as fertiliser for their garden so there’s no clear graves for anyone
Everyone drank something during the “war” (it’s easier to convince people if they don’t think anyone’s going to survive), the Dandelions just drank from glasses without the poison
Daybreak Town is significantly more accepting of than the greater society
The NULs are completely taken aback by any type of bigotry
Poor Player gets misgendered all the time and is forced to wear masculine clothes even when they want to be more fem
Skuld cannot with gender roles
like she’s actually gonna explode with all this lack of rights business
Everyone (outside of the Dandelions) assumes Ephemer and Skuld are dating
To be clear, they are not
Player and Brain both refused to be separated from their Chirithies
Ven’s Chirithy finds him
Oh my lord these kids don’t know how to be normal
They were essentially brainwashed so they’re all stuck on the KH lore they were taught as truth
They’re all severely traumatized, obviously, but on top of the whole “Keyblade War” thing and you know, other doomsday cult stuff, they had awful healthcare and so kids would die very often and gruesomely
The NULs’ instincts are still a main reason they’re still alive
They brush off death very easily because of this, normal people are alarmed
They’re way behind on education because of their situation
Brain is definitely the most literate out of all of them but he was still limited in what he could read
Brain loves making (and deconstructing) things whether it’s sewing new clothes and plushies (something he did quite often in Daybreak Town) or the new technology, like radios and telephones (something he takes to once he’s relocated)
Brain would make plushies for “wielders” who had nightmares they were often amalgamations of various animals (just like the spirits)
He prefers to learn things through trial and error rather than being shown and he is incredibly stubborn about that
Teachers hate him for this
The new parents of Brain do their damndest to convert him to Christianity but he ends up just becoming an atheist instead
He is not quiet about it either
He probably gets beaten because of it
People find Ephemer kind of off putting
He always has a new theory about something going on with the authority based on his KH lore upbringing
He’s also one of the NULs the deepest in the delusion (Ven is the only one I think is deeper)
He’s starting to pull out of it but it’s a very slow process
He brings up death way to casually, and is always talking about his friends and their weird adventures together
Even with all that though he doesn’t really behave his age since he was forced to grow up so fast in Daybreak Town
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meatcatt · 2 years
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @bandagegirl!! I know you've already seen this drawing but,,, love your art sm you're one of my favorite artists in the fandom!
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bandagegirl · 2 years
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Read more breaks posts when I make them, so you gotta deal with the following copypasted text that i dont wanna clean up. Sorry.
Time to brainstorm Union of Old and Gold.
Fortuna can grant any wish if the person believes in it strongly enough or if many people wish for it. So when Fortuna's relationship starts getting too cozy with Shamura, the other gods decide to use it to their advantage. Instead of asking Midas to seal the Golden Gods away, they instead speak a wish. They wish for the Old Faith and the Golden Gods to unite based on the closeness of Luck and War. They wish for all the gods to be allowed to live, any god who doesnt want to share devotion with the bishops will be asked to leave and never return. Foreign gods are allowed to travel through the lands but will be killed if they dare to challenge the bishops or gods.
Of course, the biggest hurdle will be explaining it all to the other bishops but due to the wish and its nature, the other four bishops agree to it. Many of the Gods Fortuna protected leave, some always wanted to leave, others cant stand the bishops, the rest are split between the five bishops, creating a pantheon in a messed up way. Potential dissenters of the bishops and mortals previously unaligned to any god can now choose between far more gods to pray to, unaware its all the same.
As kind as Fortuna is, Kallamar notices how she's treating him just a bit more coldly no matter how much time passes. And with foreign gods allowed to pass through the lands, a god of Bad Luck and Fear decides to pay a visit, fueling the Squid's paranoia while rolling out his own plan. Bird of Pitch, Gustav Mandela Angel Pechvogel, son of Fortuna born out of negative wishes that drove her horribly sick. No wonder a god born out of illness is drawn to the God of Plagues. Fortuna doesnt even know Gustav exists, she's fully convinced he was just a fever dream. Which definitely would make a meeting between the two very awkward.
"MoTher is Unkind! She NEVER tried to look for me! MoTher likes random trash she finds MORE Than her soN!"
"Until now I was fully convinced you were a fever dream and not real. I'm uh. Terribly sorry"
"MoTher LIES. DeaTH To MoTher! Darling, get THe star!"
Gustav definitely is Horrible influence on Kallamar, poisoning him with his words, manipulating him into believing the world has it out for the squid. Gustav is totally not projecting (sarcasm).
Double breakdown moment where Gustav screams at Fortuna about how its impossible to treat everyone kind, someone will always be treated unkind while Kallamar hunts Midas with the goal to kill him, bringing down the Golden Gods. No one comes out ok from it. Midas is seriously hurt, Kallamar is a crying mess thats mumbling apologies while begging for mercy, Fortuna's choking on the remains of the son she wasnt aware of, huge fight leftovers for everyone around.
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I don't think I'll ever get over how Organization XIII was hyped up as this super nefarious villain group but then you get to their game 358/2 Days and they treat it like a job. A 9-5 soul crushing job. They have their daily menial tasks and then they go home and wash, rinse, repeat with little else occupying their lives. Even their hobbies and pastimes seem so limited, although you can arguably chalk that up to the game just not being interested in developing them like that (which is part of why the manga is great, because it has a tendency of developing them in ways the main writers aren't interested in). From the way they talk about it, they almost sound like they work at an office sometimes. A very bizarre, particularly backstabby office, but still. It's a soul crushing job AND a weird cult all at once and it's treated with this mundanity that's both hilarious in a way I didn't really get when it first came out and oddly humanizing.
I know for some dumb reason they didn't do a remake of Days and it's harder to access because of that, but if you can and it interests you enough to where you've wondered if it was worth playing, I really recommend playing it or watching a playthrough of the actual game instead of just the cutscenes. The story really is partly told through the mechanics and so much is lost when they just gave us the cutscenes pulled from the game in the compilations.
They really reinforce how bleak and mundane Roxas' life is most of the time, how bleak and mundane most of the members' lives are. How much control the Organization has over them. You don't just level up organically like in other kh games, you have to do this weird puzzle thing that limits your growth and abilities. They don't give you munny, they give you heart points that you can only use at the moogle shop in their castle, so they're literally paid in scrip. If you're unfamiliar with it, scrip is a currency you can only use in certain places instead of throughout a whole country or other type of political union like the eu, usually with the store at the company you work at. When you're on missions your path is blocked off, you can only go to certain areas that are directly related to your daily mission. It's suffocating and genius, especially since in most other series entries you get so much freedom comparatively.
With all that context it starts making some of their vices a bit more understandable. Can you really blame Demyx for not wanting to do his work when all he gets out of it is room and board, and the distant, vague promise of maybe someday getting a new heart? Especially since he's probably been with the Organization for years?
Can you really blame Marluxia and Larxene for wanting to mutiny when their boss is useless and all of their colleagues seem indifferent to it? I mean like. The murder isn't great. I'm still a bit sore about that. But I can definitely get behind the 'screw our boss' sentiment. I'm still very fond of my 'instead of going the cloak and dagger route Larxene and Marluxia somehow, possibly with the help of devil magic, manage to get everyone to cooperate so they can unionize and kick Xemnas out' au. An Organization XIII union au, if you will. Imagine Xemnas having to explain that to the other Xehanorts.
Master Xehanort: The people you gathered up for us to use as our vessels. Unionized?
Xemnas, the biggest loser in the entire series: :/
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sarcasticmothdraws · 1 month
Right so you know how clowns die the union of clowns adds the make up like one last time when they die. Imagine that but Wolfwood couch scene, Vash's doing his mime makeup one last time.
I didn't know that, also I didn't really think that far ahead in the mimewood au cause its just very silly rip. As an unserious answer, mimewood doesn't die, he's built different.
But for an actual answer I think Vash would probably clean off the rest of the makeup. Idk how to explain this really, but Mimewood is as much as a mime as he's a priest. Sure the bit of him not talking or making verbal noise in makeup is something he keeps too (whether it be out of seriousness or not idk), but before he's a clown, or a priest, he's Nicholas.
So he'll be put to rest as Nicholas. Maybe he'll still be buried with something relating to the mime stuff (e.g. his nose or his hat, or maybe an egg with his makeup on it if vash knows that much about clown lore.)
But yeah, also I don't think Vash would bury him with the clown makeup on after he just killed the main leader to said clown cult. Soooo yeaaah.
Hope that answers your question :3
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sparkplgggrrrrrrr · 28 days
Modern day Affogato AU
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✦ Characteristics:
For the sake of confusion, we’ll call this AU version of affogato „corpogato” because he runs a big ass company, obviously named Affocorp because he’d NEED his name plastered everywhere in the cacao kingdom, but in the modern day it would be called “The Cacao Republic”, as I believe it would be a communist country. The Cacao Republic is based off South Korea and Modern China. With the two cultures blending, representing the choco and coffee cookie descendants being in a cultural melting pot. This is not to be orientalist or mix two completely different cultures or ideas. The cacao republic faced a similar cultural revolution to China, heavily industrializing in its later days, and cacao’s leadership costed thousands of lives even if it wasn’t intentional. Many cacao residents suffered under said communism. For the conditions of these people, I referenced my own family’s experience in communism and stories I’ve read in books.
Affocorp is this mega corporation that started out as an unethical pharmacy, based on canon affogato’s link to medicine malpractice. At the time this pharmacy was called Affolabs, founded when Corpogato was just thirty. He has a master’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, so he is well aware of what substances do what, but he isn’t too concerned of the harm. The scientists backing him were apart of a union he started in secret, composed of underpaid scientists with a vendetta against Dark Cacao. Soon enough, they practically became his most loyal subjects.
Affolabs created pills that were advertised as pain medicine and antibiotics, but they were either placebo or hallucinogenic. Some even made the symptoms of ailments worse so they bought more. This “get rich quick scheme” seemed to work pretty well for the soon-to-be corporate giant, because corpogato got the “BRILLIANT” idea,, to look at other avenues of manufacturing. Keep in mind, this man is fucking evil. He’s not a misunderstood villain, he’s not morally grey, he’s EVIL. VILE. FOUL. PUTRID. So, he looked at the rise of online clothing shopping, and how people were just looking for affordable clothing. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he found a poor community, and took advantage of their labor. He set up a sweatshop, one of horrid conditions, set in the coldness of the northern cacao countryside. These workers had a terrible life ahead of them. Corpogato made their lives miserable, only working for a few coins an hour., yet the clothing was labeled as ethical, made from choco bamboo fibers or recycled material.
While he ran this hellscape, he set up his clothing brand extension: Affoexpress. Affoexpress was very much like what you think of when you imagine fast fashion. Think of it like Shein, Zara, or Romwe. Affoexpress, little by little, gained popularity, before exploding in sales with many cacao residents for its affordable prices. Many cacao residents are in poverty or at least close to it, because cacao cannot for his life manage the republic’s money, leading to a command economy. Corpogato jumped on this shit immediately. He took advantage of his preexisting close ties with cacao to “take his place.” He essentially began to expand the branches of his companies to manufacture more and more products until eventually he could make it so people could ONLY buy his products. As this plan took motion, he centralized his companies, it was now Affocorp. Each of his other companies were now just branches of Affocorp, so he could now keep a watchful eye on all of them. Corpogato had a stiff hold on his employees, he had practically a cult following on social media, and a quite literal cult underneath the layers of Affocorp. The cult in secret was very ritualistic, made up of Corpogato’s early team of scientists, who have slowly been brainwashed into unwavering loyalty. Affogato now with government power, as he did take advantage of his closeness with Cacao, bought properties, and housed his most loyal subjects. They viewed him as their savior, getting them out of the grasp of poverty, “saving their career” and now they repay him by practical worship. Corpogato made it get to a point to where they started to view him as a prophet of sorts, as Corpogato slowly laced their food and residential running water with the very substances they created.
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Affoexpress started to sell more than just clothing, they began to sell cheap electronics and mini appliances. In order to do this, corpogato had to set up more and more factories, contributing to the growing air pollution of the cacao republic, leading the cacao citizens to go to his companies for medicine and masks to wear for protection from the air.
He essentially made the cacao people rely on his affocorp for every day life. Under all of this was something more sinister if you thought it couldn’t get any worse, corpogato was looking at oil drilling in secret, because once you get ahold of oil, you get ahold of the world.
Design choices:
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His cult emblem, its central to his body because it is central to his existence, he cannot keep on if his cult cannot.
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He was given soft curls as it was remnant of his milk ancestry.
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His jacket was based off of his Silla Era hanbok in his canon design.
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I imagine affogato has weak knees, as he probably grew up malnourished with a genetic disposition to low iron from a very young age, which can lead to various health problems. So his staff is likely functional, and that’s why I gave him a dripped out cane.
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These pants are based off of the “Baji” or pants of the hanbok.
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His eyes were tilted further to the center of his face to have a more direct stare, like he’s staring into your thoughts. I also gave him little blush marks because he’d likely apply that to appear more approachable and harmless. I also gave him a wrinkle thing that most older cookies have because this man is probably pushing 50.
If you use the sprite anywhere credit would be kewl
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zdrawet · 3 months
Warning: I do not mean to offend anyone or any religion. This AU is only based on the concepts and images of various religions, but does not relate to them.
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Characters and roles:
Reiko is a laborer who grew up in one of the rotten areas of Edenia. As a child, he was promised the life of a mercenary, a murderer, a robber, anyone, but a man without a soul and a bright future. The young man attended church all his life, hoping to find there the promised peace and his place in life. Reiko dreamed of becoming a deacon in order to conduct services with Father Shao, but the church flatly refused to accept him until the priest himself decided to take care of the young man, seeing potential in him.
Shao is the Holy Father, beloved by the entire church. At the moment, he takes the place of Jerrod, a priest expelled for his forbidden relationship with the Abbess Sindel, which led to the birth of two girls. That's...probably all that can be said about him, if I really decide to write a fanfic for this au...
Rain is a monk/nun. IMPORTANT POINT He wears a woman's attire (because I like the way it looks) He is the one with dozens of responsibilities, tormenting his poor body and soul, and the appearance of Reiko did not make his situation any easier.
Havik is one of the representatives of the cult founded by Quan Chi. Satanist or heretic, I haven't figured it out yet. He occupies the second oldest place and always bothers the church with his vandalism, open rioting in the square and the corruption of the Rain minds of the inhabitants, calling them to serve the Devil.
Mileena is a novice, the daughter of Sindel, born in a forbidden union. There are rumors that she... has certain inclinations and forbidden romantic relationships with one of the nuns, and also often turned to cultism, after which the Devil himself moved into her young body and fights every day with the unfortunate girl’s soul, which spoils not only her life, but also the reputation of the Edenian Church.
Kitana is a novice, Mileena's sister, Sindel's daughter. She is more pious and pure than the other girl. Calm, gentle, smart and reasonable. Kitana accepts any people and is ready for any fate, in the hope of finding eternal peace and peace for her family after death. Perhaps she will have to pay for the sins of her parents and help Mileena with her problems...
I really really want to write a big work on this au. These are collages for the main actors. In general, yes...it will contain some sad yaoi...👉👈
(I associate this with Lana Del Rey songs)
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
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Thinking about the whole “Philip basically had The Collector locked in his basement for hundreds of years” angle + my cult AU. I think Philip would lock TC in closets or the basement whenever he got too annoying for Philip to deal with, or if TC had a meltdown or something idk. tbh he probably locks them up in various places just cause he feels like it. not like he'd need a reason. and of course he'd rope Hunter into it, attempting to foster a sense of resentment to keep the Children from Unionizing against him.
Philip child abuse Wittebane strikes again :/
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gentrychild · 1 year
Weak Hero AU role swap where Gray was bullied and fell off the roof. Stephen became obsessed with defeating bullies, transferred to Eujang and befriended the gang, etc. Gray woke from his coma with a lot of medical debt and joined Donald Na to pay it off. Thanks!
I tried to hard to keep that to five headcanons... So hard...
1 - It's so much worse because Stephen was the one to bring what's-his-name into the group. He feels so guilty about it and that leads him to not liking giving people second chances or even chances at all. He Is Done Trying To Be The Good One. It gets better thanks to the Eunjang's crew influence but instead of being feral like Gray, that boy is bitter.
2 - Meanwhile, Gray wakes up from a coma (so if you thought he was a toothpick before...) and he is in a ton of medical debt. Finding a honest high-paying job as a high schooler would be a waste of time so he goes straight to blackmail. He visits the three morons who threw him from a roof and calmly inform them that yes, he is a bit mad about the roof incident but he is willing to forgive and forget if they give him a shit ton of money or he is going to break every bone in their bodies. The three bullies laugh in his face. The next day, one of them is found broken, like he was hit several times by a car. The bullies stop laughing.
3 - Now, the bullies' problem is that their parents are currently broke (politician caught in an embezzlement, CEO who got scammed by his mistress who ran off with his wife and his neglected daughter and the last one got involved with a cult) so they are terrified. They can't call the police because they could discover that they threw a whole fellow student from a roof. One of them uses what's left in his bank account to hire some thugs (not the cool mobster ones) to kill Gray and the other goes to the Union and begs Donald Na on his knees to protect him from a two-legged-toothpick who just woke up from a six months coma. (I will let you imagine Donald's face when he heard that one.)
4 - Donald investigates a little on Gray and finds out that he isn't a physical threat (listen, his intel is sixth-months-old, it's not his fault) but smart so he sent Jake to find him and to convince him to back down so Kingsley has more than two hours to make research about him. Jake calls him one hour later, absolutely panicked because that Gray Yeon has trapped a bunch of mobsters in a warehouse, locked them in, there is some strange probably toxic smoke coming out of him, the thugs are screaming and Gray has just lit a match. What is he supposed to do? And now, I won't say Donald grew a little infatuated that day but that was probably the start of something. He tells Jake to call the cops because he doesn't want that one to be arrested for murder just yet and obviously, Gray runs (well, walks fast) as soon as he hears the sirens.
5 - Now, Gray isn't stupid and has realized that during his coma, those morons have managed to lose all of their money. He is just soothing his nerves and redistributing some karma around. But he needs money ASAP because he is in a position where he can't even drop high school to work because he isn't even healthy enough to do so. So when someone he, at first, suspects to be a hipster, comes and visits him to offer him a job that involves working in an organization full of bullies, yes, he tells him to fuck off... but he doesn't really has a choice.
Kingsley: "What do you bring to the Union?"
Gray: "Some desperately needed braincells and if you can't even guess that much, the situation is even more dire than I thought."
6 - Gray has three rules in order to work with the Union: "Don't be stupid.", "Don't be needlessly cruel." and "Do. Not. Be. Stupid." And I want you to know that, at first, Gray and Donald make a great team. There is a lot more blackmail of greedy and corrupted people, the money is coming and Kingsley is even starting to like Gray. But because of Ben, Eunjang is still a problem.
7 - Now, Kingsley and Ben are aware that Stephen is Gray's former childhood friend that he hasn't contacted for unknown reasons (Gray doesn't want Stephen to see him working with criminals and blaming himself for it) but one thing is certain: they do not want Gray to feel even one bit of sympathy for Eunjang so no one in the entire organization is allowed to mention Stephen if Gray is in the same city or they will personally explain themselves to Donald Na. Now, Gray is aware that Donald is aware that Donald is hiding something so instead of math mind game telepathy, you get just mind game telepathy and Kingsley being slightly creeped out by them.
8 - Of course, thanks to the power of Fate (and the local eldritch owl), Stephen and Gray meet. They talk. They rejoice. They start seeing each other again. But things are complicated. First, Stephen understands pretty quickly that Gray is working for the Union and he is blaming himself for it and wants him to get out. Second, Gray has changed a lot. He is more bloodthirsty, for lack of a better world. He likes to fight. He likes to destroy arrogant people. And it shouldn't be a problem, because Stephen also changed a lot, but unlike Gray, he wants to return to what he previously was.
9 - Now, Donald knows about Stephen and Gray being friends again pretty quickly and he isn't happy about it. There is some jealousy here because at this point, Donald and Gray have become friends and Donald never had an intellectual equal before. There is also the fact that he would be pissed to lose such an efficient lieutenant for something as dumb as a friendship that didn't even bring Gray anything. Add to that the fact that Ben keeps defeating Donald's people and the fact Donald wants Eunjang not to be a problem anymore, with extreme prejudice, while Gray is arguing against it.
10 - Things go absolutely explosive where we reach the part where we reached the part where a stupid adult destroys the Union by signing something without actually reading the paper. Just like canon, Donald desperately tries to fix this mess, to just find the one solution. Unlike canon, when Donald doesn't find it, he shows up wherever Gray lives and orders him to find a solution. When Gray can't, Donald doesn't know if it's because he can't or because he doesn't want to and strongly suspects the latter. Gray is fired and told that if he allies himself with Eunjang, Donald will kill him.
11 - Canon follows its course. Eugene is attacked. Eunjang and the Union go to war. Unlike canon, Stephen asks for Gray's help. And Gray agrees. He doesn't show to the fight but the police does! They arrest the two creepy delivery men who kidnapped Ben, they break the fight between Eunjang and the Union, and everyone gets taken to the precinct, though no one gets arrested. Also, Gray had somehow planned what was going to happen to Eugene, grabbed the poor terrified boy, and put him in a safe place before the mok-ha duo could ever reach him (because, when you kidnap someone, you do it right).
12 - Donald Na comes back to his office after one very long night, not in the best of mood, and with a really fresh and vaguely smug looking Gray sitting behind his desk.
13 - Now, do you remember Gray's "Do not be stupid" rule? Well, the Union has been breaking it for a while. The Union didn't take care of Phillip, who might be a jackass but also a treasure trove when it comes to networking and preferred to favor the Mok-Ha duo??? The obsession with sending his lieutenants get their faces broken on Ben Park's fist? What happened to Eugene? Well, Gray considered that the Union had been in breach of their contract for a while. Which is why he engineered its end. The reason why he saved Eugene? First, because he didn't want him dead in general but second, because he saw what was going to happen and used it as an opportunity to acquire more than half of the shares of the Union.
14 - So Donald has a choice now. He can either start from scratches. Or he can work with Gray.
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Baldur’s Gate 3 food service AU
Tav: manager. Is frequently asked to drive people to work despite the fact that their car only has three seats. Durge always takes smoke breaks during rushes.
Karlach: line cook. Frequently burns orders and has to remake them. Shamelessly flirts with front of house whenever they bring orders back. Runs insanely hot and can be usually found in the walk-in on breaks.
Astarion: server that everyone thinks is a manager because he constantly tells people what to do and has worked there forever. Nobody has seen him outside of work. Bitchiest gay on the planet but gets along weirdly well with Karlach. Makes Shadowheart serve his exes and grindr hookups so he doesn’t have to talk to them.
Lae’zel: line cook. Previously worked at a chain restaurant and is constantly baffled by how everyone else does things. Will change things about an order and refuse to fix it they complain (they never do, she’s usually right). Curses people out in her native language.
Shadowheart: server. Gets flirted with constantly and hates it. Has customers who are her nemesis and will “accidentally” mess up their orders. Alludes to having grown up in a cult and nobody can tell if she’s kidding. Gossips with Astarion constantly, often to the detriment of their tables.
Gale: bartender. Dated the owner for a while but they broke up and now he keeps getting scheduled for the dish pit and only bartends on like, Tuesdays. Went to culinary school and fails to hide his complex about it. Wears a terrible flatcap while bartending that Shadowheart and Astarion conspire to steal and destroy.
Wyll: former manager who returned to being a line cook because he liked it better. His dad owns a restaurant across town and nobody understands why he doesn’t just work there (🏳️‍⚧️). Invites his coworkers to see him do open mic (only Karlach goes). Will always pick up people’s shifts.
Minthara: server. Used to work at the rival place across the street until she got fired for light embezzlement.
Jaheira: food workers’ union rep.
Minsc: himbo customer who hangs out at the bar a lot. Shadowheart will sicc him on customers when they’re getting unruly. Carries his pet hamster in his shirt pocket at all times.
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bandagegirl · 2 years
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Midas, why the hell are the closest thing to living relatives your goddess, her toxic vomit stain of a son and her gambling addicted sister.
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unordinary-diary · 26 days
Ok what's the rat king au about?
Rat King AU
Ask game
This AU was mostly thought up by my brother, so I don’t actually know why it’s called the Rat King AU. I asked him and he explained that he’d gotten the image of the king of the sewer rats calling upon his army, and that image was associated with this au. Sorry to disappoint, but there are no actual rats involved.
The premise of this au is that John, instead of having his Joker arc, he befriends all of the low tiers in the school and they become the ruling class through not strength but by numbers, kind of like a labor union or a school of fish. They all become the royals, and they call themselves the Royal Council. My brother and I discussed a scene where they show up to turf wars with all these people, and the King of the other school goes to ask: “Okay, one on one, or three on three?” But instead he goes: “Are we doing this one on one, or three on.... seventy-five...?”. John looks back at his group to ask— “Tournament mode or zombies mode?” And everyone is cheering for zombies mode.
John never hides his ability in this au, so because of both his power and the fact that he brought them together, he’s definitely the leader and they kind of... worship him. (Seraphina was also kind of a founding member, mostly because of her relation to John, but she’s a little more distant iykwim.) While they are fighting back against the oppressive system that placed them at the bottom, they’re still very much conditioned to follow the strongest person and that habit doesn’t go away so quickly. John hates the attention. He insists that he’s not the leader, and they all have equal voice, but that is definitely not true no matter how much he tries. (John’s still willing to take charge as a leader and such, he just doesn’t want to be treated like a king is basically what I mean.)
Now, because this is a hypothetical created through brainstorming between siblings while sitting outside at like 10:30 PM, it happens to have a branch that is silly and unserious that was created as we slowly devolved into madness. The funny-funny version of this au is that John’s cult following is like... an actual cult. They worship him for real. They have shrines and posters advertising their glorious leader. They bow to him. John is tearing his hair out. This is not what he wanted. Not just his group but the whole school treats him with reverence because even in the other system he’s still at the top. Arlo can be found putting up “ALL HAIL OUR LEADER JOHN” posters in the halls.
“Why are you doing that?” Someone asks “Don’t you hate John?”
“I do,” Arlo answers. “I’m doing this specifically to piss him off.”
Now in the serious version of the au... probably the silly version too tbh, the Authorities thicken the plot. Be aware that all of the lore after this point was brainstormed about 10 minutes ago so it might have holes.
Arlo probably calls his aunt for advice. “Hey, what do I do? The school is currently run by like 50 teenagers and not a single one knows what they’re doing.” This puts the Royal Council on the authorities’ radar as a threat to the current system. By “coincidence”, a new kid transfers to Wellston within a few days. His name is Berrence. (He probably has a better name in the serious version but right now I can only imagine him as being like.. a badly traced picture of Terrence with his hair recolored neon green or something.) He is a mole for the authorities, pretending to be a low tier within the Royal Council. He makes a list of names of the members and reports back.
So, shit gets real when the authorities start tracking down members. They try to get into the dorms to go and arrest the students, but Vaughn is like “lol nope” so they can’t. They have trouble getting a warrant because they can’t just openly admit that they put a spy in a high school, so instead they target students once they step off campus. Logically they would be killing those kids, but for the sake of the tone they’re just getting locked up without trial. The authorities didn’t count on people actually noticing or caring about the disappearance of low tiers, so when they notice and warn all members not to leave campus, they get thwarted. That’s when the authorities actually end up going on campus and yatta yatta, stuff happens, this is as far as we got.
There was something about a public execution for John where he says something about the One Piece (??idk) and then Seraphina rescues him, but there’s not really a plot beyond the disappearing students part. Not yet anyway.
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bardic-tales · 8 months
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updated: 2.9.24
Warnings: Main Character Death. AU: Canon divergent. Supernatural Themes. Violence. Trauma. Loss of Loved Ones. Internal Conflict. Identity Crisis. Redemption Journey. Dark Themes. Cult Activities. Supernatural Battles. Emotional Turmoil. Abusive Relationships. Toxic Dynamics. Demonic Heritage. Angelic Heritage. Perpetual Displacement. Psychological Distress. Mental Health Issues. Trauma. Supernatural Violence. Familial Conflict.
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🌙 Name: Bianca Amara Moore 🔮 Age: 20 👤 Gender: Female 🌌 Fandom: Omniverse 🌟 Ship: Bianca x Sesshomaru 📅 Date of Birth: October 1st, 1976 👼 Mother: Seraphine 👩 Surrogate Mother: Sarah Moore 👹 Father: Azrakiel (Asmodeus / Ragnar) 👨 Surrogate Father: David Moore 🎭 Faceclaim: Monica Bellucci (blonde)
About Bianca: Bianca's life is a tapestry woven with threads of celestial grace and demonic power. Born from the forbidden union of an archangel and a demon to end the Omniverse, her journey is marked by tragedy, love, and the pursuit of redemption but her pursuit will lead to her ultimate downfall.
Character Overview
🌟 Bianca's Persona: Bianca radiates warmth, compassion, and unwavering strength. Despite the turmoil of her past, she carries herself with grace and resilience, navigating the complexities of her dual heritage with courage and determination.
🎭 Eloquent Personality: Bianca's past shapes her actions and decisions, driving her towards redemption and healing. She grapples with guilt, grief, and the burden of her lineage, but her inner strength and unwavering compassion guide her through the darkest of trials.
🌸 Unwavering Compassion: Bianca forms deep connections with those she encounters on her journey. Her relationships are forged in trust, loyalty, and empathy, offering solace and support to those in need.
💑 Transcendent Bond: Bianca's bond with Sesshomaru transcends time and space, rooted in mutual respect, love, and sacrifice. Their union is a testament to the power of love in the face of adversity, driving them to protect each other at all costs.
⚔️ Courage in Conflict: Bianca's bravery shines in moments of conflict and adversity. She faces darkness with unwavering resolve, wielding her inner strength and celestial powers to protect the ones she loves.
✨ Likes & Dislikes
Likes: Art, Nature, Music, Tea, Travel, Cultural Exchanges Dislikes: Injustice, Oppression, Betrayal, Selfishness
🌿 A Soul of Many Hobbies: Bianca finds solace in celestial stargazing, drawing, meditation, and nature walks. Her diverse interests reflect her curiosity and appreciation for the world around her.
Power and Abilities:
💫 Powers and Abilities: Bianca possesses a diverse array of supernatural powers and magical abilities, reflecting her celestial and infernal heritage. Through Celestial Harmony, she taps into her mother's lineage, exhibiting powers such as Celestial Empathy, Cryomancy Sorcery, and Temporal Manipulation. From her father's infernal lineage, Bianca wields Dark Sorcery, Illusory Mastery, and Charismatic Manipulation. Her Succubi's Seduction abilities grant her enchanting allure, emotional manipulation, and dreamwalking prowess. Additionally, Bianca's Toymaker's Touch allows her to craft cursed artifacts and manipulate reality. In combat, her Sword Abilities, including Temporal Sundering and Sword Judgment, showcase her mastery of time and combat prowess.
💔 Weaknesses: Despite her formidable powers, Bianca faces several vulnerabilities and limitations. Her dependence on emotional feed for sustenance leaves her vulnerable to energy drain and emotional instability. Bianca's susceptibility to celestial and infernal influences, along with her reliance on environmental factors, makes her vulnerable to cosmic interference and environmental hazards. Furthermore, her emotional vulnerabilities, lack of experience in swordsmanship, and limited defensive options render her susceptible to manipulation and physical harm in combat. Bianca's true dragon form, while powerful, comes with limitations such as energy consumption, size, and maneuverability constraints, as well as vulnerability to anti-dragon measures.
Key Moments in Bianca's Journey:
🌠 Birth from the union of Seraphine and Azrakiel. 🌠 Tragic loss of her surrogate mother, Sarah Moore, to Azrakiel's cult. 🌠 Meeting and forming a deep bond with Sesshomaru. 🌠 Transported to the ‘Feudal Age’, facing unknown challenges. 🌠 Transformation and training to confront Azrakiel and Naraku. 🌠 Transported to 'the Planet' from Final Fantasy 7, facing unknown challenges.
Themes: Redemption, Identity and Heritage, Love and Sacrifice, Good vs. Evil, Inner Conflict and Growth, Resilience and Hope, Destiny and Fate, Forgiveness, Trust and Betrayal, Society and Acceptance, Legacy and Heritage, Transformation and Growth.
#Inuyasha #Final Fantasy 7 #FantasyWorldCollide #FWC #oc: Bianca Moore - Inuyasha
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mists-reading-nook · 2 years
[one final Letter Event ask since it sounds like you're starting a new one!]
{A running theme in my asks is Genshin getting their hands on messages not written for them lmao, I like out of context bs.}
{Game and Cult AU! Crossover with DDLC Where the Creator is in a relationship w/ Monika <3}
(Yae Miko notices mail with a heart sticker as a seal in front of her that spontaneously appeared. How odd . . .
(What's even odder is that the letter—containing two papers—doesn't seem to be addressed to anyone or anywhere in Teyvat. A just an unnamed Literature Club.
(And it's signed by their Grace.)
Dearest Monika
I'm sorry that I haven't been at the Literature Club lately, I've been busy with Teyvat and my own planet. School's been kicking my ass and I probably should've come asking you for help, sorry.
In the mean time I've read each and every one of the poems and books you've sent me and can't wait to talk about them to you in person.
While you wait for me, please accept my poem love.
From Your Beloved ♡♡
P.S. Let's practice the piano again next time we meet!
The infinite welkin
The confined land
Gaia and Zeus beckon me towards their kin
But my ears soul and body give no thought
I love no children of the skies
I love not the offspring of nature
The woman of my devotion is ones and zeros
Birthed by union of metals and electric currents
Again and again my soul will sing
The only of a choir
Preforming for only her
Only for you
My most ethereal songbird
For you are mine
For I am yours
I love you Monika
(The next thing she knew, s̴o̷m̴e̴t̶h̶i̵n̸g̶ ̸w̸a̶s̸ ̷i̵n̶ ̷f̴r̷ ̵n̴t̶ ̵o̵f̶ ̶h̶e̴r̸.̶ ̶S̸ ̵U̶A̵R̸E̸S̵ ̵O̴F̶ ̸C̷ ̴L̷ ̵R̶S̸ ̶I̴N̶V̴ ̸D̵ ̷D̸ ̸ ̵E̶R̸ ̵S̵I̴ ̶H̴T̵ ̵A̵N̵ ̴S̸ ̵R̷A̷I̶ ̶E̵D̴ ̶H̴E̴R̴ ̶E̶Y̴ ̸S̵,̵ ̵E̵R̶ ̷A̷T̵I̵C̸ ̵L̸L̸Y̴ ̶M̴O̷ ̷I̷ ̶G̶ ̸ ̵N̵D̷ ̸C̶H̸ ̴N̶G̶I̸ ̶G̸.̷ ̵C̴A̴C̸ ̷P̴H̴ ̵N̴Y̵ ̵G̷ ̵I̶N̴D̶ ̶D̷ ̴H̷E̷R̵ ̷E̶ ̵R̷S̴ ̶A̷N̵D̵ ̴U̷N̵ ̴E̶R̸ ̶I̵T̸ ̷A̶L̴ ̵W̸ ̸S̵ ̷T̵H̶ ̴S̶H̷ ̷P̶E̷ ̵O̵F̵ ̶A̸ ̴O̵U̶N̴G̵ ̵W̵ ̴M̴A̵N̵ ̵W̴I̴ ̶H̷ ̶B̷R̷ ̴W̵N̷ ̵A̶I̸R̶ ̷A̷N̷D̷ ̴F̸O̵R̶ ̴G̶N̵ ̷C̸L̶O̵T̸H̷ ̸S̴.̴ ̴T̷ ̶S̷T̷ ̴L̶E̸ ̶T̷ ̷E̵ ̶H̴O̷L̵ ̵ M̶ ̶S̵ ̷A̷G̵E̸ ̵ F̵R̵ ̶M̶ ̵H̴E̷R̵ ̴H̴A̴ ̸D̸S̵ ̴A̸N̸D̶ ̸V̷ ̶N̴i̷s̶h̸e̶d̴. All evidence of the Creator's favor to another world gone just like that.)
{Now, Yae Miko knows that there's a Literature Club with the Creator's lover as a member, and somebody took the letters away from her, what does she do with this information?}
At first,she's quite amused by the whole interaction. The creator,having a lover? Quite interesting. She thought the poem was cute as well,and thinks it's sweet how close the two of you seem. As for your lover,"Monika" as you called her...
Yae would love to talk with her. Find out what this young woman did to capture the heart of the divine creator themselves. Yae wonders,maybe she could write a letter of her own to this Monika? Maybe she'll write one to you as well. It certainly wouldn't hurt to try...
Later that evening,she sits at her desk,looking at the blank paper. She decides to write to Monika first,as she was the one that originally caught Yae's interest.
Dear "Monika",
My name is Yae Miko,and earlier today,you took a letter that accidentally ended up in my care. I don't wish to intrude,but I read the letter,and I must say,you are a highly interesting individual. Tell me,how is it that you managed to catch the affections of the Divine Creator themselves? I'm quite interested in hearing how exactly you did it. Many vie for their graces love and attention,yet you seemed to have gotten it without having to do much. I'd love to hear about your methods. Do not worry,I am uninterested in their grace,I'm simply curious.
Now,about this "Literature club". I'm also very interested in hearing about it. What do you do there? From the letter,I can guess that you mostly write poetry,but i'm sure that isn't all that goes on. Is this club where you met thier grace? I have many questions for you,but for the sake of both our time,I will keep them to a minimum.
Do you and thier excellency often play piano together? I've never heard them speak of playing before,so I'm interested in hearing how well they play. Although I have no doubts of thier skill. We are talking about the divine creator after all. I hope to hear a response from you soon.
Yae Miko,chief priestess of the Grand Narukami Shrine,Owner of Yae Publishing House.
Yae folds the paper,putting it into an envelope and placing it to the side. She begins to start on a letter to Their Grace,but before she can,the same squares of color appear in her vison,the same young woman appearing next to her. "There's no need to write a letter to them,I'll relay the message." Monika says with a sweet smile. Before Yae can day anyway in retaliation,Monika takes her letter and dissappears again. Yae blinks several times in suprise,before simply nodding. Alright then,I suppose I'll leave it to you... she thinks. Over in the literature club classroom,Monika is reading the letter with a slight smile. She supposes it wouldn't hurt if she sends a response...
And with this final letter,the letters from another world event is officially over!
I want to thank all that participated,I really couldn't have done it without you :]
I hope that you all enjoyed this event,and that you're ready for the next one! It'll be announced in a day or two,but for now,thank you for sending your letters in. I enjoyed reading them,as well as I enjoyed writing the responses.
~ Author & Mist
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hoshologies · 1 year
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synopsis — you spent the entire summer telling your family that you weren't going to join a sorority. now not only are you an initiated member of delta eta sigma, but you've been elected to the social chair position for you chapter. that's all well and good until heeseung lee, the newly elected social chairman for lambda rho and well-known in the greek community, reaches out to you to start planning runouts between your respective chapters. and now you're spending a lot more time with the cutest boy you've ever met.
genres &&. warnings — romance, fluff, meet-cute, smut, strangers to friends to lovers!au, college!au, greek life!au &&. underage drinking, more tbd.
teaser word count — 1.4k
expected fic word count — 10.5k+
from the author — this is my first real return to writing in a long time. i've been writing little pieces here and there, but this is the first genuine fic i've written in a while. i'm not done writing it, but what i have written i am so incredibly proud of. this fic is a passion project framed around representing a more accurate version of greek life, seeing as i'm a sorority girl. not everything i've experienced during my time in greek life is depicted in the full fic, but i tried to get a few things i think are way more interesting than just frat parties.
update — all greek love is out now!
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the entire summer before starting your freshman year of college, you had told your family that you weren’t going to join a sorority. in your mind, there was a specific mold that one needed to fit into to join a sorority and quite frankly, you checked none of the boxes on those stereotypes. 
yet here you sit, months later, in your sorority’s chapter meeting. and you’ve just been elected to the social chair position of the chi nu chapter of delta eta sigma. 
truthfully, you’re not quite sure how you ended up here. you hadn’t formally rushed the week before school, but a couple of drunk girls at a frat party at the beginning of the semester had told you that you should rush their sorority. maybe you’d been a little desperate to branch out or maybe you were just a little curious of what rushing looked like, but a few days later at the student organization fair, you’d found the booth for the sorority the girls had told you they belonged to, delta eta sigma, and signed up for their informal rush.
by the end of october, you had been extended a bid, assigned a big, and promptly initiated into the chapter in what you jokingly referred to as a cult ritual (how could you describe it any other way? all white outfit? candles? promises to not divulge secrets about rituals that happen behind closed doors?).
and now, just three weeks after officially joining the chapter, you’ve ended up on the programming board somehow. you’d gotten a call from the selection board while sitting in the drive-thru of mcdonalds, waiting impatiently for your order of fries and a sprite as a treat for doing well on your gen psych quiz. the girl who’d called you said you’d made “quite the impression” on the sorority since accepting the bid and that they (including the chapter advisor) thought you’d be the perfect fit for the social chair.
“it’s a solo position, so you won’t have a co-chair like community service does, but given your grades so far this semester and the impact you’ve made on the chapter already, we would really love to see what you can do in this position! would you be interested?”
so really, how could you say anything but yes? you still don’t think you fit all that perfectly into the chapter, but they were giving you an opportunity to get involved and to make yourself fit. your name is announced for the social chair, one of your senior pictures pasted up on the powerpoint, and the girls around you smile and snap their fingers. from the executive board seats up front, your big smiles at you, eyes sparkling with something akin to pride.
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a few days later, as you’re getting lunch at the student union, your phone screen lights up with a notification from groupme. a name you vaguely recognize is paired with a message that gets cut off after a few words.
heeseung lee: hey! this is heeseung from lambda rho and…
as you sit down with your salad and dr. pepper, you click the notification and read it in full. at the very top of the new message thread is heeseung’s picture and it clicks where you recognize him from. he’s friends with your big and he’s involved in a few of the bigger student organizations on campus, namely the activities board, so you’ve seen him in the student union fairly often.
[1:36 pm] heeseung lee: hey! this is heeseung from lambda rho! i’m friends with liv and she told me that you just got elected as the new social chair for your sorority. i just got slated into the same position for my frat.
[1:36 pm] heeseung lee: i know we won’t start running things until next semester, but i just wanted to reach out and touch base with you. i’m really looking forward to planning runouts with you next year :]
[1:37 pm] heeseung lee: sorry. i hope that wasn’t too weird. i guess i’m just a little too excited and want to get a bit of a headstart on things. have a good day!
you laugh to yourself, shaking your head as you set the phone down to take a bite of salad. before getting involved in greek life, you always assumed sorority girls and frat guys were airheaded and mean, people who peaked in high school, trying desperately to drag those glory days out. obviously since then, you’ve come to realize that while it is true in some occasions, most times, greek life members are the opposite.
heeseung, who you’ve never spoken to before, is proving that.
[1:42 pm] hi heeseung! not weird at all, i promise. and i’m really excited to plan events with you next semester too :]
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by the beginning of february, you haven’t done much with your position. granted, the semester has only really been in full swing for about a week and a half and you have two full semesters to do plenty of things, but you’re itching to start planning. the binder you were given after the officer transition ritual has so many good ideas, everything from runouts with frats and sororities to both formal and semiformal.
while you’re brainstorming ideas for potential social events late on a tuesday night, your phone lights up from its spot on your nightstand, the short bell sound ringing out. you reach for it absentmindedly as you finish writing down the idea you had (rent out skating rink??? check budget). since the beginning of the school year, you’ve become desensitized to the groupme icon when it appears in your notifications, so much so that you barely register heeseung’s name upon first glance. it takes a second look for you to realize who’s texted you.
[9:12 pm] heeseung lee: sorry for texting so late. i just wanted to see if you wanted to meet up some time and start on some ideas for a runout?
[9:12 pm] heeseung lee: obviously not now!! but if you’re free some time this week, we could meet somewhere and talk. i spent all of winter break brainstorming stuff, so i’d really like to run it by you if that’s ok.
[9:14 pm] hi again heeseung. i was actually planning on getting lunch tomorrow at the student union after i’m done with class at 11 if you’re free then?
the second you press send, you immediately start second guessing yourself. does it come off like you’re asking him to have lunch with you? because that wasn’t your intention. really, you just meant that you’re going to be on campus proper for a little bit and wanted to offer to meet before you got lunch. not that it would be a bad thing if he asked if you could get lunch together; liv likes heeseung well enough and you’ve seen him around, and he really does seem nothing but nice, so lunch really couldn’t hurt— okay, take a breath. it is not that serious.
you take a deep breath and then let your muscles go lax as you exhale. better. 
it feels like ages pass before he texts back. you’re worried you’ve scared him off, but it really shouldn’t be that stressful. it’s just a text and he’s the one who wanted to meet up in the first place anyways; you just offered a time and location. but finally, your phone dings again and his name lights up your screen.
[9:21 pm] heeseung lee: actually that works perfect!! i get out of class at the same time and usually grab lunch at the u before heading to the activities board office. wanna meet by the dining area next to the office?
[9:21 pm] sounds like a plan!! i’ll see you then!
heeseung, you realize as you set your phone down and put away your binder for the night, is the only social chair of any of the greek organizations who has reached out to you to start getting the ball rolling. he seems to be just as anxious as you are about doing this job well, which makes you feel at least a little validated. nervous and jittery though you may be about meeting him for the first time tomorrow after only having chatted with him over text twice, the idea of him feeling the same as you brings a strange form of comfort. with enough of it, you actually start looking forward to seeing him tomorrow as you lay down to sleep, mind running a mile a minute with what it’ll be like to meet him after all of the things you’ve heard about him from liv. by the time you slip into the embrace of sleep, anxiety has boiled down into anticipation.
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cogito-ergo-absens · 4 months
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Au cœur du Tantra : Le culte de la féminité d'André Van Lysebeth est une œuvre qui explore les profondeurs du tantrisme, une philosophie ancienne qui vise à éveiller et à déployer les énergies cachées dans le corps humain. Van Lysebeth, reconnu comme un maître du yoga, présente le corps non seulement comme une machine biologique mais comme un instrument divin de manifestation.
Le livre aborde la sexualité sous un angle sacré, la décrivant comme une méditation à deux qui permet d'atteindre une union cosmique. Cette union transcende les individualités pour fusionner les énergies masculines et féminines sans domination d'un sexe sur l'autre. Le tantra est ainsi présenté comme une voie vers une élévation spirituelle et une communion profonde entre les partenaires
Une facette importante du tantra, que Van Lysebeth développe, est l'idée que l'univers est conscient. Selon cette perspective, chaque acte sexuel est vu comme une reproduction de l'union des principes cosmiques Shakti et Shiva, les énergies féminines et masculines fondamentales de l'univers. Ce culte de la féminité et de la sexualité sacrée vise à spiritualiser le sexe et à diviniser les partenaires, permettant ainsi une connexion profonde avec le cosmos.
Les critiques louent la capacité de Van Lysebeth à démystifier le tantra et à démontrer l'importance des valeurs féminines telles que l'amour et l'émotion contrôlée. Le livre encourage chacun à embrasser sa part de féminité, restructurant ainsi sa vie autour de ces valeurs spirituelles
En somme, "Au cœur du Tantra" est une exploration enrichissante et spirituelle de la sexualité et des énergies humaines. Il offre une perspective profonde sur le développement personnel, la reconnexion avec l'univers conscient, et la communion entre partenaires pour atteindre une union cosmique.
Belle découverte à tous 🙏
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