#Unit 2
gearoxbutabox · 7 months
Gave in and checked this game out.
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It's pretty cool I like it a lot
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wen-kexing-apologist · 10 months
Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
For those who are not aware, I have decided to run the gauntlet of @bengiyo’s Queer Cinema Syllabus and have officially started Unit 2: Race, Disability, and Class. The films in Unit 2 are: The Way He Looks (2014), Being 17 (2016), Naz and Maalik (2015), The Obituary of Tunde Johnson (2019), Margarita With a Straw (2014), and My Beautiful Laundrette (1985)
Today I will be writing about
The Way He Looks (2014) dir. Daniel Ribeiro
(image descriptions in alt text)
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[Available on Amazon, Run Time- 1:36, Language: Portuguese]
Summary: Leonardo is a blind teenager searching for independence. His everyday life, the relationship with his best friend, Giovana, and the way he sees the world change completely with the arrival of Gabriel. 
Cast Ghilherme Lobo as Leonardo, a blind teenager Fabio Audi as Gabriel, Leonardo’s love interest Tess Amorim as Giovana, Leonardo’s best friend
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I will tell you right now that I was so excited when I saw this on Ben’s list of films. I remember watching the 15 minute short I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone that was made in 2011, with the same premise and actors. The popularity of that short resulted in the creation of a feature length film that aired in 2014. I have not seen this movie probably since 2014, but I remember that I deeply deeply loved both the short and the feature film. 
So though there are a metric fuck ton of movies on this list, and it would honestly be smarter overall of me to skip over the films I have already seen. There is no way in hell that I will be doing that for this film. I would like to experience the nostalgia, thank you very much. 
As a note, while I am slowly starting to embrace “disabled” as an identity for myself, I do not have Leo’s disability, and would be curious to hear if anyone who is legally blind has seen this film and what their thoughts on the portrayal of blindness in it is. Obviously you do not have to do that. So with the acknowledgement that the actor who plays Leonardo is not blind in real life, I think it is time to talk about this film!
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I love that you can tell immediately this is going to be a gay film because it opens with a pool scene, and as we should all know by now, the pools are for the gays. I think this film does an incredible job of setting up Leonardo’s blindness for the audience both in the way that she does not properly disguise her smile at the joking suggestion that Leo and her kiss because she knows Leo can’t see her reactions as well as in the very casual way Leo continues to talk to Giovanna after she has dipped underneath the water again because he cannot see where she went.
I like that much of Leonardo’s character really revolves around straining against the barriers his parents have placed around him, and being a normal teenager. It is very important to me in pieces that include disability that the disabled person is portrayed as close to a normal person as they can be. Leonardo doesn’t communicate with his parents when he decides to stay out late, he sneaks out of his house, he has a crush on a boy he isn’t quite sure likes him back. Walt Junior in Breaking Bad gets in fights with his parents and gets mad at his mom because she takes away the fancy car Walt bought him. Heart in Moonlight Chicken sneaks out, and wants to learn how to drive a moped, and work a job.
It is possible to show where someone’s limitations are and the adaptations that exist as a result of them, while ensuring that you are not doing what Leo’s mother is often doing and infantilizing her teenage son because she is worried about his safety (which is like, also just a Mom thing so I’ve heard). 
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Something that I have noticed in a few of the romance plots that involve disabled characters (since this entire syllabus is a build up to watching BLs I will use The Way He Looks and Moonlight Chicken as my comparison points here) is that the disabled character is often treated with kid gloves by the people who have known them the longest, and that a new character comes in that is generally unfamiliar with their disability, can forget they have it, and generally treats the disabled character with far more normalcy than the rest of their friends and family. 
And that trend exists in both The Way He Looks and in Moonlight Chicken. In Moonlight Chicken, Li Ming meets Heart, doesn’t understand that he is Deaf initially, but then does start learning sign language, but even as he learns sign language sometimes he will catch himself starting to speak without signing, forgetting that Heart can’t hear him, and then he will stop mid-sentence and correct his behavior. In The Way He Looks, Gabriel frequently makes comments or suggests activities that rely on sight and remind Leonardo and the audience that Gabriel forgets about Leo’s disability. I like this in the way that Leo is trying to show the people in his life that he can be independent, and they are having a difficult time adjusting to that reality. His parents worry for his safety and Giovanna wants to believe that Leo needs to rely on her and her help because she has a crush on him and wants to keep him close. 
And while I am not blind, and I do not interact frequently with blind people in person, I will say that one of my favorite moments in this film is when Gabriel walks Leo home by himself for the first time, and forgets to tell Leo about possible hazards on the sidewalk. This continues to affirm that while there are positives to Gabriel forgetting Leo’s disability in terms of allowing Leo to have more freedom and to get new experiences, like going to the movies, that Gabriel isn’t perfect and that for all the independence Leo wants, there are going to be things that he will want or need help with that people have to be prepared to enact. I love this moment too for the fact that Gabriel apologies, Leo says “it’s alright, you’ll warn me next time” and still allows Gabriel to keep their arms linked while also pulling out his cane so that he can have a safer and more secure understanding of the sidewalk in front of him and identify any potential hazards himself. And I love even more that he continues to use his cane for days or weeks after he stumbles over a tripping hazard until Gabriel tells him he can put the cane away (an indication that he feels comfortable with his role in helping Leo navigate without having to be explicit about it).
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There are lots of wonderful little details in Ghilherme’s performance, and even in the props and sets. More than once in the movie, someone will touch Leonardo, kiss him on the cheek, etc and he will very subtly jerk back, caught off guard by not being able to see the action coming. You can see his walking cane sticking out of the side pocket of his backpack. At home, Leo is frequently in the dark, which is double fun because lots of gay shit happens in the dark, and because it is yet another subtle reminder that Leo is totally blind. He has no use for lights.
I like that Leo’s friends and teachers don’t just let abuse happen to him, and will interject if they see classmates act out of line, but I also appreciate that Leo does not really seem that bothered or impacted by the bullying he faces. We never see him breakdown about it, we never really see him lose his spark. He never appears to be worried about what people will do or say to him. His biggest hang up for about half the film is the fact that his best friend is mad at  him and won’t talk to him, and that he wants to study abroad. That is primarily what he worries about. Yet he isn’t one of the stoic sufferers either, we get to see those little moments of self consciousness, when he says he can’t dance, when he waits to go in to the showers until everyone else has left because it’s awkward, etc. 
I love that there is not suffering in this film, even as there are direct and indirect references to ableism and homophobia. Leo’s bullies make comments about how being friends with Gabriel have turned Leo more masculine, they make comments about Gabriel and Leo being in a relationship just because they are linking arms to Gabriel can guide him, Gabriel kisses Leo and then runs away immediately afterwards. Leo’s bullies wave their fingers an inch in front of Leo’s face close enough where he feels something is maybe off but can’t tell what it would be, they make comments about the machine he uses to take notes, they try to get him to kiss a dog during the spin the bottle game. And for all that these moments of cruelty exist, the bullies are literally silenced at the end and the main bully is made to look like a fool with the acknowledgement of Gabriel and Leonardo’s relationship. All of the bully’s friends start laughing at him, when Leo stops and takes Gabriel’s hand. Giovana is upset that Leo has a crush on Gabriel, not because he is gay, but because she had a crush on Leo and is realizing that she has no chance with him. 
Considering this is a movie in the race, disability, and class section I do kind of wish that we could have gotten a bit further into the intersection of disability and queerness here, two oppressed and marginalized identities.  But ultimately, it is not that kind of film and that is totally okay. 
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By, For, About 
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Again, I do not know for certain the sexuality of the people who are involved in the storytelling elements of this show, but I think I am leaning towards By and About queer people. Because being queer is not the central aspect of this story to me, rather the mounting desire for independence and general high school friend drama is far more prominent of a theme in this film, I do not think it is for queer people. 
It is wonderful, and there are many moments in it that do not let you forget these characters are queer. Leo masturbates wearing Gabriel’s hoodie, Gabriel sees Leo naked in the shower and gets a boner, etc. But for me this story is about possibility, independence, friendship, and love rather than The Queer Experience™. 
Favorite Moment 
I am torn between two. The first being the movie theater scene and the second being the eclipse scene. Ultimately they have similar vibes which is why it’s hard for me to choose.
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In the movie theater scene, Gabriel has just prior learned that he and Leo both wanted to procrastinate on their history project, and Gabriel suggests they go see a movie, forgetting Leo can’t see. But Leo agrees to go, and we get this really beautiful moment of Leo getting a chance to lean in close to Gabriel (ah the intricate rituals to touch the skin of other men) and to ask him to narrate what is going on. I love it because it shows us this gentle way of Leo helping Gabriel to adapt the theater experience, and the fact that they are whispering back and forth to one another feels like they are telling secrets, even as Gabriel is simply telling Leo what he is seeing on screen. I love too the aftermath of that movie trip being that Giovana is upset that she wasn’t invited, and though we don’t get much more than a line from Leo akin to “we never go to the movies” that line itself speaks volumes, at least to me, about the boxes that Leo’s loved ones have put him in. Leo is blind, so why would he ever go to the movies? He can’t see what’s on screen. Yet because Gabriel at that point in the film often forgets that Leo is blind, Leo is able to experience something new and to find a way to guide Gabriel so that they can both enjoy the experience.
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Similarly, Leo is invited by Gabriel to go and watch the lunar eclipse, before Gabriel once again realizes that Leo cannot see it. But Leo still agrees, and we get another beautiful moment where Gabriel tries to explain what an eclipse is and what it looks like to Leo. We get this tender moment where Gabriel has an excuse to gently touch Leo’s cheek as he asks “You know how your face is warmed by sunlight?” at the beginning of his explanation (ah, the intricate rituals that allow men to touch the skin of other men). I love that Gabriel and Leo are once again able to share a moment, once again in the dark, and this time Gabriel does not have to be guided towards narrating the view as much as Leo asks a single question and Gabriel tries multiple ways of discussion the concept until he sees what explanation clicks in Leo’s head. 
Favorite Quote
“Leo, if you had ever stolen a kiss from someone, how would you give it back?”
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This entire script is wonderful, but there is absolutely no better line than this one. This is one of the last lines of the film, and Gabriel asks it after he has finished casually providing information about his crush until Leonardo picks up on the fact that Gabriel is talking about him. 
God, truly, I feel like maybe I’m too lenient on these films, because I don’t think I’ve scored anything below a 9 yet. But it’s not my fault that I am thoroughly enjoying my time.
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doulingosakura · 5 months
As of Jan 2024: Section 1 Rookie Vocab
Unit 2 🌸
Part 1: Introduce yourself
Part 2: Order food and drink
Unit 2: pt 1 Introduce yourself
Hello : konnichiwa : こんにちは
Bye : jaane : じああね
Nice to meet you : douzoyoroshiku : どうぞよろしく
Good evening : konbanwa : こんばんは
See you tomorrow : mataashita : またあした
Mr/Mrs : san : さん
Unit 2: pt 2 order food and drink
Curry : karee : カレ―
Ramen : ramen : ラ―メン
Pizza : piza : ピザ
Cake : keeki : ケ―キ
Tasty : oishii : おいしい
Yes : hai : はい
No : iie : いいえ
This : kore : これ
That : sore : それ
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megamentagross · 10 months
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vtrieu-arch · 2 years
Design Site Research
Project 1 - The Parallax Gate
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Located between Hamstead Heath and Muswell Hill, Highgate is a suburban area located in the North-Eastern corner of London.
Highgate has a population of 10,713 residents, being the second smallest population of all Haringey Wards, however, 41.8% of Haringey is made up of open space, which is significantly more than the Haringey (25.2%) and London (27.2%) averages.
Highgate is the least densely populated ward in Haringey is substantially below the London average, at 4,254 residents per sq. km (compared to an average of 9,945 in Haringey and 8,742 in London).
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mo79zz · 1 month
App First Draft
This is my first mockup of the app to get an idea of the style we were going for
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This is a quick run through of what I had done, it showcases the main screen, and then transitions to allergies, dislikes and aims. I relayed this back to the group to get their opinion and they really liked it so Ellie carried on with the designing
I ended up really enjoying making it so decided to continue and essentially make a second app on the side by myself so that if I designed something Ellie and Ysa hadn’t thought of, we could copy it over to the main one - this was before any of us knew you could invite people to edit documents
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demigoddessqueens · 18 days
Some good news for today!!!
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mission100 · 11 months
MISSION 100 | Day 5 | Group 1 | Unit 2 | Current Events - 2 | January - National | Thiru. Puviyarasu
To download Course Time Table and Test Schedule click the link below👇🏼
To Download Presented Slide - click the link below 👇🏼
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cosmicdjeanette · 1 year
The Intersection of Feminism, Freedom, and Responsibility: A Personal Reflection
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Despite growing up in a very conservative, African household, I like to think that my parents gave me a lot more freedom than most people's parents did but, that freedom also taught me at a very early age that freedom comes with a lot of responsibility. Coming to college helped me realize two things, a lot of people were raised in very strict households by controlling parents and because of this, when they go to college they “get loose” to the point where they act irresponsibly simply because they’ve never had the freedom to do much of anything before. This is a common observation that I had made especially amongst my male friends and I began to wonder why until Marilyn Frye helped me to answer the question. In the first semester of my sophomore year, I took a class called “Philosophical Aspects of Feminism” which required the reading of Marilyn Frye’s “The Politics of Reality”.
Reading this text helped to further understand some of my own personal experiences as a Black woman but it also helped me to realize just how much freedom men are given in the world to behave in whatever way they see fit. When kids go off to college, it is expected that they do crazy things since they have no sort of adult supervision but the difference is that women are taught to be prepared and in fact, fear the negative consequences of freedom while Men are allowed to be as wild and free as they’d like to be which places an invisible burden of responsibility on women to protect themselves and stay vigilant at all times, a stark reminder that in this world you can never be as free as a Man. 
I think that a good place to witness an example of freedom and its varying degrees of responsibility would be inside of a bar. As a college student at a university that has a reputation for partying, a bar is a pretty common place for everyone to go and party which means that as long as you are of the legal age, you are free to enter a bar and drink; however, here’s where the responsibility between Men and Women varies. From the perspective of a Man, I think that the biggest responsibility they would face is to not drink too much (if they chose to) but as a woman in a bar you have to be responsible enough to know that you can’t leave your drink unattended, have to cover up your drink when you have it, go to the bathroom with a friend to avoid danger, know the signs of being drugged so that you can identify if you have been, share your location with someone just in case something bad happens and keep self defense weapons like pepper spray on you at all times. On a college campus, women and men are given the same amount of freedom but only women have to carry the burden of responsibility that comes with it. 
Frye’s reading helped me to put terms onto the different experiences that I had faced as a woman but reading it again, specifically in this class helped me to contextualize what she was talking about outside of just feminist philosophy. It helped me to understand and connect the readings that I had done to the topic of freedom and how the responsibility that is placed on you in connection to dealing with the consequences of freedom can vary depending on your gender. I hope that one day, the world has progressed past the point where we are now but until then, this is what we as women have no choice but to face. 
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queenthxt · 1 year
group 3s Caught Up Confections postmortem
Game Summary
Use ingredients to complete as many recipes as possible without making too much noise in order to earn cash and win the charity bake sale. Using equations to calculate the amount of time each step takes and the noise it produces and taking the gamble of speeding up the process while risking all your hard work.
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Target Audience 
 Since baking games are usually all ages friendly our demographic being College students created a special problem, but the stealth component helped age up the premise itself since baking quietly and not getting caught appeals to  young adults that still have to sneak around at night, AKA college students. This also differentiates itself from projects aimed at younger audiences since the baked goods don’t have too much creative freedom the way a cupcake decoration game would.
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Iterative Design Problems
Being behind the clock stifled creativity and always playing catch up. The only time this really worked in our favor was when we had a super productive game test session and fully fleshed out the game to play-ability and understand-ability
Trying to construct the stealth braking system all together. We had a lot of ideas but we couldn’t feasibly implement them without having a core mechanical system to calculate the inverse nature of time vs noise, yet it was difficult to design this system without tangible components. Stuck at a wall we just made the components and played with some random numbers and concepts that we could then translate into a mathematical equation. One of the things most work shopped in various play tests were the equations themselves and the scale of the variables used.
Burnout was also a major factor in the time it took to solidify the game. It required good chunks of time to get in the rhythm of things and we would try to squeeze designing into large, dense blocks of time without adequate breaks since we were on such a roll. By the end of the session we needed a break from the project for a bit to re-calibrate and come back with fresh eyes.
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Task Completion
The first couple versions of the rule sheet didn’t contain a fully playable version, more the components and rules without much consequence. It helped having these rules to base self play tests on since internally we understood the “jist” of the game, but translating this to play tests meant players were more confused than anything.
Since the first week was just ideological it was easy to just bypass making any real progress on the game and focus on brainstorming. But since we had a very basic set up figured out the first day, this brainstorming was kinda pointless since it wasn’t related to any tangible systems or mechanics.  We rushed like we were super behind the entire time because we mostly were.
The project kinda got completed all at once, after converting simple paper prototypes into Photoshop versions that were easy to clone and adjust, it became much easier to make changes on a large scale and have the game feel more tangible and instantly recognizable for the player. Some assets were never fully finished or fleshed out since focus at that stage in development was on clarifying the rule sheet for better player understanding.
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Task Completion Solutions
Getting things done without worrying about doing them wrong or straying from the initial vision of the game. Every time we made progress in this project, even if the change had to be retracted later down the line, brought us one step closer to having a playable and fun game. I enjoyed how the focus shifted throughout the process and resulted in something more fun then we anticipated, since the game was pretty bare bones in comparison to what we set out to make. Simplifying vision and scope assisted in this regard.
Even though we thought creating the numerical system would be difficult, using tools such as spreadsheets, tables, and just doing the math on paper with assistance from written out statements of what we were trying to achieve the system came easier then we thought it would. No doubt it was difficult but I definitely have a better understanding of how to implement a system with multiple moving parts.
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Personal Development Changes
With testing makeshift game versions, we sometimes gave too many leading hints to play testers as they were so confused by the not fully fleshed out game mechanics and rule sheet that didn’t clarify all common questions. We used these questions to fill in these gaps, but it didn’t provide a fully independent analysis on the readability of the rule sheet. 
Making something bad to be fixed or even scrapped is more productive to the final product rather then perfecting the idea beforehand. There was less of this for me personally this time around, with deadlines being missed mostly from outside factors. However I do wish we had a working version a bit sooner so when I spent my time pondering out in the real world looking for inspiration I would have a clearer idea of what direction the project should be headed in. Just trying everything and seeing what sticks is easier said then done but I believe I challenged myself and my perfectionism this project.
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genderqueerpond · 22 days
there is a perception filter on the old woman. people see her, but they don't really notice her. they don't see what's wrong about her.
until ruby points her out. ruby says "look at her. do you see that woman?" and they do. the perception filter falls away.
and the woman says "look at her. do you see that woman?" and they look at ruby, and the perception filter is gone. and they see her for what she truly is.
and it's beyond their brain's ability to comprehend.
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
If you live in the U.S. and you’re 12+, you’re eligible for the updated bivalent anti-omicron booster shot, and it should be available in your  local pharmacy. 
Please reblog this post, as there’s been very little news coverage and shockingly little propagation of information about the availability of updated boosters.
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portlandnet · 1 year
Thanks to Nancy Stone for the tip.
And yet another reminder about the NET Line Down training video.
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vaxxman · 2 months
Could I request Medic having The Mom Grip on Scout’s shoulder after the speedy moron almost let a mercenary secret slip while they weee getting groceries?
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Three Europeans and two Americans walk into a grocery store in New Mexico.
I hope this is the right meme.
More silliness below.
This comic is the antithesis of the "wtf is a kilometre" joke.
The faces they make when they can't quite identify the type of brown bread in the bread aisle.
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You don't know how [insert nationality here] you are until you go overseas and things are different.
Spy obviously has no problems with pretending to know how much a gallon of milk is, he just peeks into his conversion chart notes, pretending it's his shopping list.
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I want to think Heavy is completely fine with having to readjust to a new unit system, he just eyeballs most practical things anyways by holding them up and mumbling about how they approximately weigh like a chicken or his kettle bell etc. He's always been living in practical ignorant bliss.
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Medic has a peer reviewed meltdown the first time he realises there's no uniformity in "a cup of ____" because every object has different densities. He's diligent about memorising the conversion rates for ounces, pounds, the most common things etc., and recovers ok. He goes through the same stages of grief rage when he finds out about distances and lengths.
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Just remember four inches are 10.16 cm and pray no one asks you to specify anything bigger than inches.
Everyone does a mental victory lap when they manage to guess how much Celsius the weather is because they keep forgetting it's Celsius*5/9+32=Fahrenheit, Engineer reminds them patiently.
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The true victories are the correct temperature guesses we've made along the way.
One time, a friend asked me if I actually knew how much a tablespoon of flour was in gramms to convince me that metric users also make use of volume based units without thinking about them. But little did she know a heaped spoonful of 405 flour is about 15g and a level tablespoon is 10g.
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They claim Oolong just tastes better when it's boiled to 80°C exactly with a Bunsen burner.
You only asked for one scene but somehow I came up with a bunch of other things. This post was drawn across 2 months so the artstyle is all over the place. Thanks for your ask!
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teenagenutant · 4 months
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a bit more weird, wild, and less structurally stable than the 2-turtle fusions, here's bosch (raph+mikey+donnie) and machiavelli (leo+mikey+donnie)!
pure impulsive destructive excitement and 'what if your annoying little sibling was also the world's most acrobatic awful cat'
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g1ngerbeer · 6 months
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