#Unit 761
fishyfishyfishtimes · 4 months
Daily fish fact #761
Maryland darter!
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The Maryland darter was the state of Maryland’s only endemic vertebrate, a rare fish with a very specific habitat of well-oxygenated rocky riffles, and supposedly only one single riffle in Deer Creek river. The last time the fish was spotted was in 1988, and due to this the Red Book lists this fish as extinct. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service still classifies it as endangered due to the fact that it has been spotted very few times, anyway.
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catierambles · 1 year
Feral Instincts Ch.10
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Pairing: The Rogue's Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 761 *shrug*
Warnings: Some mentions of pregnancy and such
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August nearly had a stroke when he found out she had been planning on leaving, a far cry from how he couldn't wait to get rid of her when this whole thing started. It had taken her going to him and pulling him down into a kiss, her fingers running through his hair for him to calm down, his hands holding her waist and pulling her against him as if to confirm that yes, she was still there.
They sat around the living room watching a movie, Mike sitting at her feet, holding her legs as they crossed over his chest while she sat on the couch between Walter and Sy, each resting hand on her knee. She couldn’t concentrate on the movie, the howling in her mind growing in intensity. She’s been able to ignore it before then but was starting to become an annoyance, especially as it increased in volume.
“--anie?” She snapped out of it, blinking quickly and shaking her head. They were looking at her, Mike tilting his head back to stare at her upside down.
“Does it ever stop?” She asked.
“Does what ever stop, doll?” Sy asked.
“The howling. Does it ever stop? Or is it just something I have to get used to?” She asked and they exchanged looks.
“What howling?” Mike asked, “I don’t--do you guys hear howling? Is it an Alpha thing?”
“No.” Geralt said.
“When did it start?” August asked.
“Before I shifted when I ran off.” Stephanie said, “I was able to ignore it, but it’s getting so loud.”
“Have you heard it before that?” Walter asked and she thought back.
“First time was when Geralt and I went to get my things…and Jordan was there.” She said, “It got deafening, but Geralt was able to break through it and drown it out."
"He's still trying to Call her?" Mike asked, "Give it up, asshole!" She ran her nails through his hair at that and he shuddered, turning his head and pressing his lips to the side of her knee.
"Do you feel any compulsion to go to him?" August asked but she shook her head.
"He has to be in proximity, right?" Sy asked, more rhetorically than anything.
"Yes." Geralt answered regardless and got up from his seat, heading out of the cabin. The howling suddenly cut off and she sighed.
"Blessed silence." She said and looked over as Geralt came back, a scowl on his face. "He rabbit again?"
"Fucking coward." He grumbled and sat back down, but not before pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
"Who you bunkin' with tonight, babe?" Sy asked and Mike tilted his head back again, looking up at her with a pout and she covered his face with her hand, making him smile.
"If Mr. Needy here doesn’t stop giving me puppy eyes." She said, "I'll sleep with Sy tonight."
"Aw, man." Mike pouted.
"You had her all this morning!" Sy shot back.
"And you guys had her all last night." Mike retorted, rolling his eyes, and she blinked, shaking her head slightly.
"First off: that makes me sound like…a woman of questionable moral fiber, and secondly: you guys start fighting about it and I'm sleeping on the couch." She said.
"Female Alphas have a tendency to unite packs and birth strong Alphas that can control entire states." August said, almost offhandedly, and she arched a brow at him. "Not uncommon for them to keep multiple partners."
"Okay, well, I'm good with what I got, don't need any more," She said, "And kids?" She shook her head, "Not for me."
"You don't want to carry our pups, babe?" Sy asked, a shiver racing down her spine at the timbre of his voice.
"M-moot point anyway." She said, "I had my tubes tied years ago. Pain in the ass to find a doctor to do it, but I’m sterile now."
"It's reversible." Geralt said and she shot him a look.
"But I ain't getting it reversed." She said.
"Your body, your choice." Sy said, but he still sounded a bit dejected. "You'd be carryin'em anyway, so we have no say in it."
"So we can nut all we want and not have to worry about babies!" Mike said, "Nice!" She reached down and flicked the tip of his nose. "Ow!"
"No fully baked cream pies for us." Sy said and there was a pause before she burst into laughter.
"You did not just refer to children as "fully baked cream pies"!" She said.
"Am I wrong?"
"Not colloquially, but still."
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darkmaga-retard · 8 days
16 September 2024 by Larry C. Johnson
My Monday conversations with Judge Napolitano and Nima are posted at the end of this piece. We need to focus on events in the Levant. Yesterday’s Houthi missile strike in Israel is something new and dramatic — a game changer. When I spoke with Judge Nap early in the day, I did not have any specifics on the distance and time travel of the missile. I do now, and the reports — if true — are astonishing. The Houthi missile traveled 1200 miles in eleven minutes. How fast is that? 6,666 miles per hour. That, boys and girls, is a hypersonic missile.
The speed of sound, at sea level, is 761 miles per hour. A hypersonic missile is something that travels at least five times the speed of sound. Do the math. The Houthi missile was traveling at least NINE times the speed of sound. That means it was a hypersonic missile.
Neither the United States nor Israel, to my knowledge, have an operational hypersonic missile. So the question is, where did the Houthis get this missile? The Houthis claim they built it. While I do not doubt their tenacity and resourcefulness, Yemen does not have the scientific and engineering infrastructure required to create and manufacture a hypersonic missile. Russia does and, according to reports published a year ago, so does Iran.
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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12-year-old Carolyn King fought for a spot on her local Little League team, despite the national Little League organization prohibiting girls from playing. She brought her suit to federal court. 
Dr. Louis Kivi confirmed that baseball was not any more dangerous to girls than it was to boys on June 27, 1973 (p. 1, 6).
Record Group 21: Records of District Courts of the United States Series: Civil Case Files File Unit: Carolyn King, by Gerald King, her Next Friend, Ypsilanti Community American Little League, and the City of Ypsilanti v. Little League Baseball, Inc.
CAROLYN ANN KING, by GERALD W. KING, her next friends, YPSILANTI COMMUNITY AMERICA LITTLE LEAGUE an Unincorporated Michigan Association THE CITY OF YPSILANTI, a Michigan Public Body Corporation.
Vs.  Case No. 40304
LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL, INCORPORATED A Federal Corporation, S.B. STANTION, Agent for Little League Baseball.
The Deposition of DR. LOUIS P. KIVI, a witness herein, taken for the purpose of discovery in the above entiled cause at 3131 Professional Drive, in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Wednesday, June 27, 1973, commencing at or about the hour o 7:00 o'clock, P.M., before Richard L. Nizza, a Notary Public in abd for the Country of Macomb acting in Washtenaw.
(By: John M. Barr)
105 Pearl Strees
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197
[page 2]
A Twentyfour to eight.
Q And did some of the sons play in little league ball?
A I just had one.
Q And did you become familiar with the game and the way it is played and the equipment, and what is necessary and so on?
A Yes, sir.
Q And when was that that you became familiar with it?
A That was about 1960.
Q Okay. And based on your acquaintanceship with the game and your treatment of the patients that you have mentioned and your training and so on Doctor, would you have an opinion as to whether or not it would be dangerous or more dangerous for girls to play little league baseball then it would be for boys to play little league baseball, assuming there ages to be between ten and twelve?
A I think that I would say it would make no difference what sex they are. It makes a difference in how strong they are, what kind of child they are.
Q Can you say, as a generality, that one sex would be stronger or weaker then another sex at this age?
A I think there would be very little difference.
Q Do you have an opinion as the children grow older
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Dorothy's Vision is coming soon, and with it, modules for Marksman snipers! Are any of those modules actually, like ... good? Except for having a little more attack so Exusiai can hit past defenses on the margins, the modules for snipers I have seem kinda lackluster. Is there something I'm not seeing?
Keep in mind the following list is my personal opinion
Marksman Modules added in Dorothy's Vision
Archetto - This module's much better than her second one coming later, but it's main usage is if you're using Archetto as a helidrop unit to attack with her skills right away. Not necessary, but +8 ASPD when there is a Ground Enemy in range and +4 ASPD from the level 3 module is actually quite nice on a Marksman with offensive recovery skills.
Ash - Garbage, don't bother (unless you want some more ATK). It's fine though because Ash is already a godlike Marksman and as a truly limited unit due to being from a collab, it would suck if she got a module that was actually really good.
Exusiai - I actually really like this one. The level 1 effect is completely pointless barring one enemy (Exusiai already melts all enemy drones that aren't Ursus Artillery Drones, which this module lets her kill), but the level 2 effect gives her 2 angel blessings instead of 1. I think this is actually pretty nice for people who intend to eventually run the upgraded Siegepipe as their new vanguard combo (a very common problem is that Exusiai's angel blessing is often wasted on a flagbearer, but Siegepipe fixes this, and having 2 blessings will buff them both)
Platinum - This will change nothing about Platinum, who's already very different from other Marksmen by prioritizing longer range and more powerful strikes vs rapidfire attacks. If you love Platinum she WILL do more damage with this mod though so why not.
May - HG were probably afraid of breaking her because she's so strong in IS, because unlike her fellow IS and 4 star friend Cutter who got an SP upgrade, May got... +2% ATK per module level. But hey, the module stats gives +3 ASPD and 4 star modules are so cheap I just upgrade them to level 3 without blinking so... why not?
Vermeil - Level 3 pushes her self SP regen bonus from +0.3 to 0.4, so assuming you have S2M3 her charge time goes from 15 seconds to... 14 seconds. It's literally nothing. +31 Base ATK is nice though, it's higher than what Archetto's getting with her level 3 module and she costs way more lmao.
Greythroat - Level 3 module taking her from 15% chance to crit to 21% is very sad, but the Level1 effect of +8 ASPD vs ground targets adds very nicely to her talent giving her +6 ASPD. As a Marksman rolling for crits, actually shooting more is quite good. I'd say keep it at level 1, only upgrade to max if you really like Greythroat because +6% crit chance is pathetic imo when fellow 5 star Sniper Meteorite got +20%. If I ignore ASPD bonuses from talent and mod (because im lazy), the 6% crit chance increase boosts Greythroat's expected normal attack DPS from 720 to 773, which is okay but could have been way better. At least be +10% crit chance HG come on.
April - If you actually use April you know that she's more of a specialist offclassing as a Marksman, and that boosting her talent can't go wrong when it's REALLY good. +8 ASPD vs ground targets is good, and level 3 module going from -20s redeploy time to -28s (a 40% increase!) and -1 DP cost to -2DP is good. I really like this one.
Kroos The Keen Glint - Kroos unfortunately got the anti-air module rather than the anti-ground one which puts her a bit behind Greythroat (I don't value the anti-air one as highly because it's very rare that Marksmen can't handle aerial enemies well enough already), and her module boosting her crit damage from 160% to 175% at Level 3 (im assuming she's max potential because she's a free unit) rather than her crit chance actually gives her a lower overall DPS increase than Greythroat's mod (Kroos' expected DPS goes from 761 to 778), but that doesn't take into account how Marksmen love dealing higher damage per hit, as their main enemy is getting over an enemy's DEF stat. If you like Kroos I wouldn't mind building this module. Crits have a funny way of scaling with certain buffs anyway.
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confuchan · 3 months
Seventeen Recs Pt. 2
(updated: aug. 30, 2024)
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Warnings usually left by authors at beginning of each
My warnings just in case (I hope these make sense): ⤵
♨ - contains nsfw in story         🔞 - just nsfw
💖 - my faves  
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Series (Multi-part fics) / OT13 Masterlists
Imprinted - Masterlist♨️💖 ~ werewolf au, OT13
Tales from the Pack - Masterlist♨️ ~ werewolf au, OT13
the party chronicles - Masterlist♨️💖 ~ various POVs, party au, OT13 [unfinished(?)]
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Fics (5k+ words)
S. Coups
hello tutorial💖 ~ 7.3k, college au, frat au
tomorrow night💖 ~ 20.8k, f2L, idiots to lovers
nobody knows ~ 7.2k, mafia au, assassin!s. coups
other people's weddings💖 ~ 15.6k, fake dating au, f2L
dare you♨️ ~ 6k (Part of SVT Hub Spookteen collab + same couple from "It's all fun and games")
by hook or by cross♨️ ~ 12.4k, meet-ugly au, kickboxing au(?), s2L
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Oneshots (1k-5k words)
S. Coups
{dog trainer coups oneshot}💖 ~ 1.1k
Bouquets for a Friend (From a Friend) ~ 1.6k, ceo au, secretary/personal assistant au
Sleepless Nights💖 ~ 1.3k, roommate au (Prequel to All Through The Night)
All Through The Night🔞💖 ~ 4.5k
who’s in control?🔞💖 ~ 4.7k
(best friend hoshi oneshot)🔞 ~ 2k
25¢ Magic ~ 2.6k, f2L au
Paper Rings💖 ~ 4k
pretty party favor🔞💖 ~ 3.7k
clover camp💖 ~ 1.7k, camp counselor!chan, summer camp au
Double Dare ~ 1.5k, fwb2L
Fuck, Marry, Kill🔞💖 ~ 4.7k (+ S. Coups & Hoshi)
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Drabbles (under 1k words)
S. Coups
(college ta{?} s. coups)🔞💖 ~ 761, college au, tutor au
[get a taste]💖 ~ 231
(there’s a cat in my kitchen. i don’t own a cat. prompt)💖 ~ 918, neighbor!wonwoo
muffin for you ~ 480, acquaintances to lovers, coffee shop au
impossible💖 ~ 570
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Reactions / Scenarios / Misc.
Incorrect Quote (SK, DN, WZ, MH, VN, WW, JS, & HS)💖
SVT - married w/ kids, getting some, or bitchless💖
SVT - members green flags
Expecting {texts} ~ (VN)💖
SVT - shirtless cuddling + some sleeping too💖
SVT - how would every member kiss you
SVT - Major Turn Ons
SVT - reaction to their s/o being drunk and hørnier than usual
SVT - reaction to the reader being shy the morning after their first time
Incorrect Quote (JH, SC, Maknae Line)💖
SVT - most to least helpful in changing your flat tire💖
choi seungcheol is a youtube dad
Unsolicited Review of SVT Members' Stans💖
Incorrect Quote (JS, HS, DK, SK, VN, & WZ)
neighbors with seventeen
powerpoints (@/thepixelelf) think seventeen would bring to a ppt sleepover💖
SVT as Bottoms (🔞?)
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Vampire Canons | The Outcast
Uvan • 761 Years Old • The Leader of the Outcasts 10 Points | Suggested Face Claim is Michael Fassbender
An old Scottish highlander that once had a coven (turned at 45) but was pushed out of it due to being uncooperative. He now wanders the world looking to take in any vampires that have been pushed out of covens, the outcast vampires that follow Uvan’s leadership are a constant thorn in the side of the vampires within the Covens. With a bar from both familia aut mors and Eclipse’s End, Uvan is very often laughing in their faces, enjoying his life of freedom.
There are a few reasons why we would LOVE to see Uvan on Gracefully Cursed, the first one being who doesn't love a rebel??? Uvan is fighting for a break in vampiric tradition and for this he has put himself at odds with some of the most powerful vampires in the world, let alone the United States! He is one of the oldest vampire canons, and he has potential to interact with all of the covens as well as The Franchise, Human Resistance, and potentially even some of the werewolf factions!!
We would love to see some Original Outcast vampire characters! And for that reason, having Uvan to talk to and ensure that your outcast character isn't completely shunned from society is a bonus!
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Toyota Fortuner facelift 2024 resmi diluncurkan di Indonesia dengan harga 663 juta rupiah untuk varian 2.8 VRZ TSS GR. Sedangkan untuk 761 juta rupiah untuk varian 4x4 GR-S. Ubahan utamanya ada pada bagian depan yang mengadopsi desain Legender yang pertama muncul 2020 lalu di Thailand.
Sedikit berbeda dengan sebelumnya, mobil ini hadir dengan tipe 2.4 G, 2.7 SRZ, 2.7 SRZ GR Parts, 2.8 VRZ, 2.8 VRZ TSS, 2.8 VRZ GR Parts TSS, 2.8 VRZ 4x4 dan 2.8 GR Sport TSS 4x4.
Untuk varian GR Sport, hanya tersedia varian 4x4, memiliki lampu depan lebih sangar, overfender sewarna bodi, pelek berbeda, kaliper rem merah aerokit lebih simpel, dan garnish belakang putih. Model GR Sport ini sudah ada di banyak negara lain.
Bicara fitur, untuk pertama kalinya Fortuner di Indonesia dibekali opsi Toyota Safety Sense (TSS) - opsional untuk tipe VRZ, dan standar untuk VRZ GR Parts & GR Sport 4x4, yang terdiri dari Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, LDA, RCTA, PCS dan BSM. Namun selain tipe 4x4 yang 7 airbag, Fortuner masih dibekali 3 airbag.
Selain itu Fortuner juga dilengkapi head unit baru dengan T-Intouch versi baru, dilengkapi dengan remote immobilizer dan in-car Wi-Fi hotspot serta terintegrasi rear seat entertainment (RSE). Khusus tipe GR Sport mendapat plafon hitam dan digital rear view mirror dengan DVR.
Tidak ada ubahan pada mesin, tetap tersedia tiga pilihan yaitu 2.400 cc 2GD-FTV 150 PS (G), 2.700 cc 2TR-FE 166 PS (SRZ), dan 2.800 cc 1GD-FTV 204 PS.
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elevationlofts · 27 days
Elevation Lofts Hotel | Your Gateway to Downtown Asheville
Welcome to Elevation Lofts Hotel, Your home away from home located in Asheville North Carolina, USA, We at Elevation Lofts offer a unique and memorable short-term living experience like no other Asheville hotel. Our exceptional services make customers feel relaxed and comfortable and enjoy luxury in our hotel. Elevation Lofts Hotel is designed for guests who appreciate an authentic, but upscale, urban experience, its ideal location, in a fully renovated historic building in the heart of downtown, allows guests to enjoy walking to many of Asheville’s most interesting and vibrant attractions.
Elevation Lofts is not only a hotel but a home away from your home, our experienced staff gives you unforgettable services, and our units are designed for the comfort of tourists.
At the end of each of your amazing days in Asheville, come back to your individually designed and fully furnished unit, with its contemporary loft vibe, unique art, and “urban luxe” décor and amenities. Book room in Elevation Lofts Hotel and experience the comfort and luxury.
For reservation/online booking call:+1 (828) 761 7742 Email: at [email protected]
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Cochlear Implant Market Size To Reach USD 2.77 Billion By 2030
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Cochlear Implant Market Growth & Trends
The global cochlear implant market is anticipated to reach USD 2.77 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 6.02% during the forecast period, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Hearing loss is a major concern caused by genetic factors, infections, and medications. Favorable reimbursement policies, minimally invasive procedures, and technological advancements are boosting the adoption of cochlear implants.
The increasing approvals of cochlear implants, owing to technological advancements, is expected to boost the market’s growth. For instance, in December 2020, Advanced Bionics LLC, a U.S. subsidiary of Sonova, received FDA approval for Naida CI Marvel and Sky CI Marvel sound processors in the United States. These sound processors allow users to customize their implants with the help of machine learning algorithms, based on the wearers’ location whether in noisy places or at homes.
Increasing investment in R&D activities for product innovation enables manufacturers to compete with other players to achieve a greater market stronghold. For instance, Cochlear Ltd. increased its investment to USD 199.5 million in 2021 from USD 25.9 million in 2020 . Kanso 2 sound Processor, Nucleus 7 Sound Processor, and custom sound pro fitting software by Cochlear Ltd. are some of the product launched in 2020.
Moreover, several initiatives are being undertaken by governments and various organizations to support research in the field of cochlear implantation. For instance, in March  2022, the ACI Alliance members shared their research and clinical practice at the AAA conference in 2022. The conference aimed to connect with peers, stay updated with upcoming information, and know about recent developments in the audiological industry. This is expected to boost the market’s growth.
The increasing prevalence of hearing impairment among elderly is a significant factor driving market growth. The rising burden of hearing impairment in this age group is expected to drive this growth. According to the UN's World Social Report 2023, 761 million people globally are aged 65 years and above in 2021. According to the WHO, the geriatric population is expected to nearly double from 12% in 2012 to 22% in 2050, reaching two billion by 2050 from 900 million in 2015. This is expected to drive the demand for both short and long-term demand for auditory impairment devices have increased, driving the market growth.
Request a free sample copy or view report summary: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cochlear-implants-industry
Cochlear Implant Market Report Highlights
Based on age group, the adult segment dominated with the largest revenue share of 57.70% in 2023. This can be attributed to the presence of a large patient population, lower complications compared to complications in children, and availability of several products.
Based on end-use, the clinics segment held the largest revenue share in 2023. This can be attributed to the implantation procedures increasingly being performed in outpatient clinics.
North America dominated the market in 2023, attributed to technological advancements, reimbursement coverage, and greater spending capacity, resulting in high adoption of cochlear implant devices.
Asia Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. This can be attributed to the rapidly increasing geriatric population coupled with rising awareness about hearing aids and the local presence of key players in the region.
Some prominent market players include Cochlear Ltd, Sonova, MED-EL Medical Electronics, Demant A/S, Zhejiang Nurotron Biotechnology Co. Ltd., and Amplifon S.p.A. (GAES)
In February 2023, Cochlear Ltd. partnered with Amazon.com, Inc. to expand audio streaming for hearing aids to provide comfortable entertainment for people with Cochlear's hearing implants.
Cochlear Implant Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global cochlear implant market based on age group, end-use, and region:
Cochlear Implant Age Group Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Adult Unilateral Implants
Adult Bilateral Implants
Pediatric Unilateral Implants
Pediatric Bilateral Implants
Cochlear Implant End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Regional Insights
North America held the largest market share of 36.83% in 2023. Some of the key drivers for this growth include technological advancements, reimbursement coverage, and greater spending capacity, resulting in high adoption of cochlear implant devices. In addition, the availability of skilled surgeons and well-equipped clinics is another factor propelling the regional growth. Moreover, key companies are developing products that can provide profound treatment to cochlear implant patients, along with developing sound processors with dual microphones.
Cochlear Implant Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players in the Cochlear Implant Market
Cochlear Ltd.
MED-EL Medical Electronics
Demant A/S
Zhejiang Nurotron Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Nurotron)
Amplifon S.p.A. (GAES)
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cochlear-implants-industry  
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localbizprofiles · 1 month
We guarantee the lowest prices in Las Vegas for phone repair and we will beat any local competitor's price.
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darkmaga-retard · 14 days
There was once a mathematician who supposedly invented the game of chess and presented it to his king.
The king, impressed by the game, asked the mathematician to name his reward.
The mathematician asked for grains of wheat, using the chessboard to calculate the amount. He requested that a single grain of wheat be placed on the first square and doubled for every subsequent square.
This means two grains on the second square, four on the third, eight on the fourth, and so on, for all 64 squares on the chessboard.
Initially, the request seemed modest to the king, who agreed.
However, the reality of exponential growth became apparent as the process unfolded.
By the time the board was half-covered (at the 32nd square), the number of grains was already enormous, reaching over four billion. As the squares continued to be filled, the numbers grew astronomically larger.
By the 64th square, the total wheat needed for the entire board reached 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains—about 18.4 quintillion.
To put this into context, let’s convert this to a more understandable measure, such as metric tons. The average weight of a grain of wheat is about 50 milligrams or 0.00005 kilograms.
18,446,744,073,709,551,615 grains * 0.00005 kilograms/grain = 922 trillion kilograms.
Since there are 1,000 kilograms in a metric ton, this equals about 922 billion metric tons.
To compare this with global wheat production, let’s consider recent figures. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the world’s wheat production in a recent year was about 761 million metric tons.
The 922 billion metric tons required for the chessboard is about 1,211 TIMES the entire global wheat production.
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localizee · 6 months
Our services extend to Phone Unlocking, Smartphone Repair, and fixing Cracked Screens.
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sufferfly1 · 8 months
 Drinking Water Adsorbents Market: An Overview of Key Players and Competitive Landscape
Report Overview
Polaris Market Research announces the release of a new report Drinking Water Adsorbents Market by Share, Size, Trends, Future Growth, and Demand Analysis 2032 Keyword. The research report conducts an in-depth market study to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state and future potential of the Drinking Water Adsorbents Market. It covers several aspects, including industry size, key players, growth drivers, key opportunities, and challenges. Besides, market segmentation, competitive landscape, and regional analysis are detailed in the report.
The research study aims to assist stakeholders, investors, and businesses in making more informed decisions and formulating effective strategies to stay ahead of the curve. In addition, the impact of technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and rising demand for innovative services on the market is covered. The report is a must-read for anyone currently involved or interested in the industry.
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According to the research report, the global drinking water adsorbents market was valued at USD 559.8 million in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 966.4 million by 2032, to grow at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape
The research study analyzes the current competitive environment of the market by providing information regarding Drinking Water Adsorbents Market key players. The competitive landscape section covers several aspects of industry players, including their sales volume, market share, price, and gross margin. Additionally, important information about strategic developments such as mergers, acquisitions, and collaborations is provided in the report.
Major Key Players
The Dow Chemical Company
CycloPure Inc.
Evoqua Water Technologies LLC
Lenntech B.V.
KMI Zeolite
Kuraray Co. Ltd.
and BASF SE.
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Growth Drivers
Key trends: The report identifies and analyzes the key trends and drivers that are shaping the growth trajectory of the Drinking Water Adsorbents Market.
Technological advancements: Advances in technology and their overall impact on the industry have been covered in the report.
Regulatory landscape: The research study provides an in-depth examination of the regulatory environment to help stakeholders seize opportunities and mitigate potential challenges.
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Segmental Analysis
The Drinking Water Adsorbents Market segmentation is primarily based on type, application, end use, and region. A comprehensive analysis of each of these segments is detailed in the report. Besides, the study sheds light on all the major sub-segments in the market. That way, stakeholders can better understand the needs of their customers and align their business strategies accordingly.
Regional Overview
The study offers additional insight into the regional market distribution, covering industry trends, revenue sources, and potential opportunities. Also, it offers predictions for revenue growth at regional, national, and global levels. Other important factors like pricing, production capacity, supply and demand ratios, and projected Drinking Water Adsorbents Market sales are detailed in the report.
The Geographical Analysis Covers Following Key Regions:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and the rest of South America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, and the Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
Key Highlights of the Report
A descriptive analysis of the demand-supply gap and forecast in the global market.
Bottom-up and top-down approaches for regional analysis.
Covers a SWOT analysis of key players and the overall Drinking Water Adsorbents Market.
Includes both primary and secondary research methods to provide a thorough market understanding.
Porter’s Five Forces model provides an in-depth examination of industry vendors, substitutes, and competition among industry players.
Provides a detailed picture of the market by including value chain analysis.
The Report Answers Questions Such As
What is the current size and projected value for the market?
What are the key factors driving the Drinking Water Adsorbents Market demand?
Which is the leading segment in the industry?
What are the potential attractive investment opportunities in the market?
At what CAGR is the market projected to grow over the forecast period?
Where will strategic developments take the Drinking Water Adsorbents Market in the short to long term?
Read More Trending Report of "Polaris Market Research Exclusive": https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/drinking-water-adsorbents-market
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