#United Satanic Liberty Front
bearfoottruck · 6 months
I've been seeing various posts about KOSA on my dash today, and based on the research I've conducted, I can safely say that as the High Priest of the United Satanic Liberty Front, I'm in solidarity with a lot of you. I support the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, and I hereby oppose KOSA.
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Fellow Travelers Fic Recs | Author of the Month: July
captainquint | @jesterlesbian
Works in FT Fandom: 8
Most Recent:  I Wanna Be a Cowboy's Sweetheart [E, 3K] Hawk tipped his hat politely towards Tim, the way he always did when he rode back into town and stabled his horse at the Liberty Bell, where Tim worked as a stable hand. The pay wasn’t much, but it was steady work, and the off-chance of spotting Hawkins Fuller in leather chaps astride a horse sweetened the pot considerably.
Hawk flashed Tim the look that he understood meant “Meet me around the back,” so Tim dawdled for a few moments more, trying in vain to wipe off as much dirt and muck as he could from his shirt before oh-so-casually strolling to behind the stables, where it met the treeline and provided just the right amount of cover.
Longest Fic:  I Guess I've Got The Christmas Blues [E, 5K] Tim Laughlin stood in front of Hawk, one hand still raised as if to continue banging on the door, his tweed jacked dotted with snowflakes. Water droplets were trapped on his glasses, maybe from melted snow. But with how red-rimmed his eyes were, there might have been teardrops on his glasses as well.
Hawk’s slightly intoxicated reflexes took a moment to spring into action upon seeing Tim. “Skippy,” he grinned, "what, did you miss me that much? I’ll still be here after New Year’s."
Tim’s face screwed up in a look of righteous fury that Hawk knew meant an argument was coming. And before he could react, Tim was shoving Hawk backwards and into the apartment, slamming the door behind them.
“You absolute ass!”
Or, Tim confronts Hawk about his being investigated by the M Unit.
Top 3 Highest Rated Fics:  I Guess I've Got The Christmas Blues
Picturing You Kneeling In Prayer [M, 2K] It's the beginning of Lent in 1953.
“During Lent, we’re supposed to give up earthly pleasures so as to better reflect on Christ in the desert, and his overcoming Satan’s temptations. Speaking of which, you should probably be going.”
Tim slid away from Hawk’s grasp and moved to gather his hat and coat for him. He turned to find Hawk still seated on the bed, staring back at him with a slightly confused look on his face.
“People give up lots of things for Lent, things they consider indulgent or pleasurable. Booze, cigarettes, chocolate. I guess what I’m trying to say is, I gave up… you.”
we'll be on the road like Jack Kerouac [M, 4K] He tried to think of what Tim would do or say. The man who had only spoken to his son a handful of times over one weekend in 1968, but had seemed to understand him far better than Hawk ever had.
The business card felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket.
An idea burst to life in Hawk’s mind. This was an emergency if he’d ever seen one.
“What would you say to coming with me to San Francisco?”
Or, Hawk and Jackson go on a cross-country road trip to San Francisco.
Hidden Gem:  Only The Lucky Ones Come Home [M, 1K] It didn’t make sense. Kenny wasn’t in Italy, he wasn’t in Europe. He was sent somewhere in the Pacific, Hawk wasn’t quite sure. That was the last he had heard. So how could Kenneth Willard be bleeding out at his feet in Velletri?
“You did this.”
The blood in Hawk’s veins turned to ice at Kenny’s words.
Or, Hawk has a nightmare about his time in the war.
FTFR Fave:  All Tied Up With Nowhere To Go [E, 2K] “Are they too tight?” Hawk asked, tugging on Tim’s wrists.
Tim’s wrists were, at that moment, bound to the headboard of Hawkins Fuller’s bed by some carefully knotted neckties. Tim was struck by the thought of Hawk wearing one of these ties to work on a later day, becoming distracted in his office thinking of what they had done with them on this night. His mouth twitched up at the corner. “Hey, are you listening to me?” Hawk placed a hand under his chin and tilted Tim’s face towards Hawk’s own. “This is important. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Tim rolled his wrists and wiggled his fingers to show they were fine. “I’m not made of glass, Hawk, you don’t have to treat me like I’ll break.”
Or, Hawk teases a tied-up Tim
Part 2 of FT Valentine's Day 2024 
Upcoming Work I’m Excited About: Tim in Lingerie Fic Snippet (Tim in Lingerie Fic):  He was pulled from his thoughts by the feeling of Hawk slowly removing his sheer stockings, caressing his calf and ankle on the way down. Hawk took one bare foot in his hand and smirked up at Tim with a raised eyebrow, as if to say, “Remember this?” before sucking a toe into his mouth. The wet heat hit him immediately, and Tim whined high in the back of his throat.
“Hawk, get back up here, I need you,” Tim groaned, already creeping toward overstimulation at the dual sensations of Hawk’s tongue along his foot and the slide of the lace against his skin. He had always been… excitable, and the last thing he wanted to do was spill too soon.
Hawk pulled off his toes with an obscene pop! and rose again before him, bringing a hand to the hard planes of Tim’s abdomen and scratching lightly, teasing.
“You’re always in such a rush, Skippy. It’s not your fault, you’re still young,” he chuckled, “but I think I’m going to take my time with you tonight.”
Thanks for reading!
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karen-anti-r-cml · 1 year
Republican = Confederate MAGA Loyalist
white supremacist = White Defectives
The trump Effect = During and After trump entered the White House the number of White Defective groups began to rise, most are break aways from the old groups, the only difference is their costumes and more militant behavior. Groups like MAGA, Proud Boys and Patriot Front.
March 2023: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), released a report showing there has been a 38% increase in white supremacist Defectives propaganda efforts in the US, the highest number ever recorded by the organization.
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News2Share, tweeted Patriot Front "generally shows up unannounced to other groups' protests or hold their own without seeking permits in an attempt to avoid press or counter-protesters."
Lately the "Patriot Front" has been rattling their sabers and making appearances around the Nation
May 13, 2023: Washington D.C. had the pleasure of their latest March with around 150-200 militant showing up carrying signs like this, drumming and chanting 'life, liberty and victory'
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W.D.C. Police Officers were ready for them "escorting" them in order to separate them from counter-protesters.
A spokesperson for the Capitol Police stated There were "No major issues either," and no known arrests during the march.
May 14, 2023: "Republicans Against Trump" tweeted "Hundreds of fascists from the Patriot Front white nationalist movement were marching through the National Mall in W.D.C.
Sadly, they're welcomed in today's GOP. They desperately need Trump back in the WH. We Must Not Let It Happen."
Thanks to Capital Police there were no major issues.
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April 29, 2023: “SatanCon 2023.” Boston, Massachusetts...
Satanist view Satan not as the embodiment of evil but instead as a figure who dares to question authority, and it advocates for various causes, including abortion and the separation of church and state.
“The mission of the Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice and undertake noble pursuits,” Per the Satanic Temple’s website
So of course Christian Protesters showed up with signs like “Satan has NO Rights!" I'm guessing they forgot there in the United States, Everyone has Rights, even those from Fairytales.
Then they were joined by the "Patriot Front" still afraid to show their faces the wore the latest in white hate group facial coverings, goes without saying so I'm writing the coverings were white LOL
The So-called "Patriots" were seen confronting people attending the event, while counter-protesters screamed chants of, "Nazis go home" and streamed the event on social platform, Twitch.
Good News: it seems it was only shouting contest and then both sides went went in different directions
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Judge a persons character and the way they treat me and/or others. What I've found over my 58 years is the vast majority of people are Awesome and I believe no matter the Country, Culture, Color most of us want the same core things from life, we want to be Happy, Healthy and Be Loved we want to take care of our families, do the best we can for our kids, get away from the kids sometimes with friends, have a nice home, in a safe place, pay our bills, eat good and see a movie at the theater every once in awhile, etc.
"Hundreds of White Supremacists March on Capitol With Shields, Battle Drums"
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tricktster · 4 years
Is TST for the satanic temple
It is merely a happy happy happy coincidence, but don’t take that to mean that they don’t have my full-throated support and admiration.
Since you kids are on tumblr, I’m guessing a lot of you already know that The Satanic Temple (TST) is not, in fact, a group of people who worship Satan. For those of you who might (understandably) have TST confused with an an actual Satan-worshipping entity, rest assured - supporting TST requires no actual Satan worship - or anything worship, it’s a “non-theistic religion.” 
So, you might be wondering, what’s the point of a purported Satanic church that explicitly does not believe in, nor worship, Satan? 
Great rhetorical question! Thank you for the invitation to geek out! In this essay I will explain why The Satanic Temple is an incredibly clever maneuver to protect the individual rights and liberties of people in the United States of America, and why you should all, regardless of religious belief, stan them. I am sorry! This is going to be a long one! I’m going to use a page break!
(Apologies if anything I say here is really basic obvious stuff that you already know. I will probably cover some familiar ground, but I didn’t get taught about any of this in high school beyond a few throwaway paragraphs in a textbook, so I’m writing with an audience of ‘me in high school’ in mind.)
As you know, the founding fathers did some pretty wild shit when they decided on what the United States of America was going to look like, and among the wildest was the decision that America would not have a state religion. I cannot express to you guys how significant this decision was in shaping American culture... soooo I won’t try because it’s beside the point and this is already going to be way too long. All you really need to take away is the following:
The U.S. constitution provides both that religion and government are to be kept separate, and that the free exercise of religion is a fundamental individual right, and those portions of the constitution have pissed a lot of people off over the last 244 years.
So there’s actually three parts of the bill of rights that are in play here. In the First Amendment, we have the Establishment Clause, and the Free Exercise Clause:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion [The Establishment Clause], or prohibiting the free exercise thereof [The Free Exercise Clause]; or abridging the freedom of speech [...]”
These clauses were the only part of the Constitution that touched on religion until the 14th amendment was ratified in 1868. For those of you who are curious about the timing of a new amendment in 1869 and are as bad with significant dates as I am, the Civil War ended in 1865, and, as such, it’s worth noting that the purpose of the 14th Amendment was to guarantee equal civil and legal rights to Black people. I am not the first person to note that uh, we are clearly still working on that.
Anyway, for our purposes, the pertinent part of the 14th amendment is the Equal Protection Clause:
“No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
Okay, very broadly, here’s what each clause actually does:
The Establishment Clause says that the US government cannot sponsor any religion, or involve itself in religion to the benefit of one religion over another. 
The Free Exercise clause says that the US government cannot stop someone from holding a religious belief (or force them to adhere to another religious belief)
The Equal Protection Clause prohibits discrimination on the basis of religious belief
These all look pretty great on paper, but in practice, enforcing them has been wildly hit or miss. I’m going to discuss why, so I’ll say up front that none of this should not be construed as an attack on Christianity. Religious faith is intensely personal, and I want to emphasize that I am in no way advocating for adherents to the Christian faith to be unable to practice that faith. I am a sincere advocate for everyone to be able to freely practice their own religious beliefs (or lack thereof), and that’s exactly what’s at issue here - when one religion is positioned above all others, anyone who does not believe in that particular religion is impacted detrimentally.
So with that caveat in place, it’s important to recognize the following: the United States is, and has always been, a majority Christian nation. 65% of Americans identified as Christian in 2019, which is a historic low. Even ten years back, it was closer to 85%. In accordance with the demographics of the US, Christianity is, if anything, over-represented in US government. 85.4% of US congressmen identify as Christian. 82 out of the 100 senators identify as Christian (I’m not counting members of congress or the senate who identify as members of the Church of Latter Day Saints in those numbers). Furthermore, every single president has identified themselves as Christian - the spiciest America has gotten in re: the religious beliefs of a POTUS was JFK, who was, you know, Catholic.
This is important, because it directly impacts how we interpret what “separation of church and state,” “free exercise of religion,” and “nondiscrimination on the basis of faith” actually mean. When a country is predominantly comprised of people who share the same faith, that faith becomes part of the shared cultural concept of national identity: even though the US is, in practice, relatively diverse in terms of ethnicities and religious faiths (as far as countries go), if you ask someone on the street to imagine an American, they are probably going to imagine a white dude who loves Flag and also Jesus. That national identity is reflected in the country’s chosen representatives, and in return, in the legislation passed by those representatives and the behavior expressly condoned by the government as a whole. The end result of all of this is that in the United States of America, Christianity and the exercise of government frequently intersect.
Take the late forties and early fifties. WWII is over, and two global superpowers have emerged that are at diametrical positions; there’s our old capitalist pal the US in one corner, and in the other, the godless, socialist menace of the USSR. I’m being silly and hyperbolic here, but not about the godless bit: the USSR was officially an athiest state, and the government forcibly converted its citizens to atheism. So, the US squints at this and swings hard in the opposite direction; this is a Christian nation, we are sticking “under god” in the pledge of allegiance, we are putting Ten Commandment sculptures in front of our courthouses, we are mandating prayer in school, and if you have an issue with any of that, you are not a patriotic American.
Some of that stuff from the 50s still exists today (“under god” is still kicking around), but a lot more of it is essentially outlawed thanks to the branch of government that I haven’t mentioned yet, the federal judiciary. How this played out was essentially that someone would be impacted by state-sponsored Christianity, they would sue, and their case would eventually be appealed up to the level of the Supreme Court, who would look at the Constitution, admit that it’s pretty unequivocal about the whole separation of church and state thing, and bar the state sponsored religious practice at issue, or at the very least ensure that the state was not sponsoring one faith to the exclusion of others. So, to return to our ten commandments in front of the courthouse or nativity scene outside of a government building; (I’m really simplifying things here but this is the gist) the court has repeatedly decided, those are fine, as long as you give fair play to any other religion that wants to erect their own religious display there too. It’s either that all religions have an equal opportunity to be represented, or no religion does.
I know, this is supposed to be about why The Satanic Temple is cool. We’re getting there.
Let’s jump ahead to the early 2000s. Bush Jr. is president, thanks in no small part to massive evangelical Christian support, and those evangelical Christians have some demands: they want schools to teach creationism, they’re gunning directly for reproductive rights, and they have had enough of this whole gay nonsense. A lot of legislation gets passed during the Bush era that gives the Evangelical base what they want, and among those big evangelical wins was on teaching intelligent design in schools. This didn’t happen everywhere, but some states basically said that intelligent design could be taught alongside evolution in public school science classes, and that evolution and intelligent design had to be portayed as equally valid theories.
Obviously, a lot people were upset about this, because... well, it’s science class. Among the people who thought this whole thing was bullshit was a guy named Bobby Henderson, who wrote an open letter to the Kansas Board of Education in 2005. Referencing the Supreme Court decisions I discussed earlier (either all religious beliefs get equal play or none of them do), Bobby demanded that along with evolution and intelligent design, Kansas schools devote equal time to teaching the creation story of his religious faith, and if any of this is sounding familiar, that’s because Bobby described his religious faith as “Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.”
The memetic potential of this argument was basically designed for the internet era, and it wasn’t too long before purported adherents to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was filing lawsuits that challenged all sorts of government practices that obviously skewed Christian. They were making classic reductio ad absurdum arguments; if it was ridiculous that the government should promote the message of the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a given sphere, it was equally ridiculous that the government should promote the message of other religious faiths in that same sphere.
The whole pastafarian movement had one major weakness, however - it was expressly, deliberately silly. Nobody could mistake a Flying Spaghetti Monster argument to be made in good faith, and the courts used this to basically ignore FSM challenges that would otherwise be valid. Here’s what the Nebraska federal district court decided in the big Flying Spaghetti Monster case, Cavanaugh v. Bartlet:
“The Court finds that FSMism is not a ‘religion’ within the meaning of the relevant federal statutes and constitutional jurisprudence. It is, rather, a parody, intended to advance an argument about science, the evolution of life, and the place of religion in public education. Those are important issues, and FSMism contains a serious argument, but that does not mean that the trappings of the satire used to make that argument are entitled to protection as a ‘religion.’”
That’s the Pastafarian problem in a nutshell. They had great points, but they weren’t actually a religion, and that left the courts free to disregard their arguments by saying that they lacked standing. “Standing” is legalese for the concept of who is able to bring a lawsuit based on a particular act or law. This sounds esoteric, but it makes logical sense: If your neighbor gets hit by an ice cream truck, is injured, and is now hundreds of thousands of dollars in the hole for medical debt, he has standing to sue the ice cream truck driver. He suffered an injury that was caused by the ice cream truck driver, and the court has the ability to direct the ice cream truck driver to pay for his medical bills and pain and suffering etc. If you, on the other hand, decide to sue the ice cream truck driver because they ran over your neighbor, well, did you actually get injured? Would it being about any sort of justice if the ice cream truck driver had to pay you money? If the answer is no and you try to sue anyway, the court’s going to kick that lawsuit out.
Constitutional challenges often die because the person suing doesn’t have standing to bring the case. Remember how I mentioned earlier that “one nation under god” is still in the Pledge of Allegiance? A case about that actually got all the way to the Supreme Court, before it was tossed out for lack of standing - the problem was that a student’s father had brought the lawsuit, instead of the student herself. Likewise, the Flying Spaghetti Monster cases usually went nowhere because the courts would say “okay, you’re claiming that this law is trampling on your right to practice your chosen religion, but your religion is deliberately ludicrous. Your holy book was published in 2006 and heavily features a beer volcano. You don’t actually believe in any of this, so you haven’t actually suffered the harm that you’re claiming this legislation caused.”
So, uh, how the hell does an athiest challenge the constitutionality of laws like the FSM movement tried to without just getting tossed out for lack of sincerity?
Okay. Okay. We’re finally here. Let’s talk about The Satanic Temple.
In 2013, after witnessing how the FSM movement failed to accomplish meaningful change, Lucien Greaves realized that even though the basic concept of what FSM was trying to accomplish was solid, the issue was in its execution. If you wanted to challenge laws that unconstitutionally favored Christianity, you couldn’t be joking around about your fake religion; you had to play it absolutely straight.
What Greaves came up with is incredibly clever. He set about constructing a new religion for the purpose of using the FSM playbook without falling into the same judicial pitfalls. He made sure that the new religion would constitute an actual belief system in the eyes of the law, which involved identifying the mission and core articulable tenents of the religion. I’m quoting them both below because they’re cool as hell:
The Mission of The Satanic Temple
“The mission of The Satanic Temple is to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people, reject tyrannical authority, advocate practical common sense, oppose injustice, and undertake noble pursuits.
The Satanic Temple has publicly confronted hate groups, fought for the abolition of corporal punishment in public schools, applied for equal representation when religious installations are placed on public property, provided religious exemption and legal protection against laws that unscientifically restrict women's reproductive autonomy, exposed harmful pseudo-scientific practitioners in mental health care, organized clubs alongside other religious after-school clubs in schools besieged by proselytizing organizations, and engaged in other advocacy in accordance with our tenets.”
The Seven Tenets of The Satanic Temple
1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
3. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.
4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
Tenets aside, though, this next bit is what just delights me to my core with how crafty it is: Instead of making up his own religious text and history, he went directly to the Bible and said (I’m paraphrasing) “the historical foundation of The Satanic Temple is the exact same as the historical foundation of Christianity. We share the same holy book, and our faiths are grounded in the same tradition. Here’s the only difference: We believe with all sincerity that the character in that book who said ‘hey, try the apple, the pursuit of knowledge is worth rebelling against authority for’ is actually the good guy in the story, and although we are not a theistic organization, it is our sincere religious belief to comport ourselves in the manner espoused by the literary character Satan.”
Holy shit, guys. Holy shit, that is smart. He set up his religion so that you couldn’t attack it for being fake without also attacking Christianity for being fake! Simultaneously, he designed a religion that would reliably produce the perfect reductio ad absurdum argument- you want to display your ten commandment statue on public land? Okay, chill, but per the Constitution, we get equal play, so if you want those ten commandments, you’d better be cool with them sitting right next to our 3000 lb bronze statue of children gazing adoringly up at Baphomet:
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Oh, wait, you don’t want to have that statue on government property? Cool. Totally fine. Just take your ten commandments slabs away too, and we’ll call it a truce.
The Satanic Temple exists to protect individual constitutional rights. Regardless of your own religious sentiment, it’s hopefully easy enough to see how incredibly shitty it would be to have your elected government promote religious beliefs that you do not share, to have religious sentiments that you find abhorrent expressly condoned by the government, or to have your own rights of expression and against discrimination constrained by a government that expressly santions only the religious beliefs of the majority, in spite of the concepts expressed in the United States Constitution. The only way to challenge an unconstitutional law is to sue, and it takes a lot of time, effort, and most of all resources to see a constitutional lawsuit through. Organized religion and government entities have a much easier time defending those cases than an individual does in suing them; by supporting The Satanic Temple, you’re directly evening the odds.
P.S. I know I talk a big game about how cleverly The Satanic Temple was designed, but you know how you can tell that it’s actually brilliant? The IRS granted it tax exempt status as a religious entity in 2019. Yup. Even with the IRS directly under the thumb of Donald J. Trump, a man desperate to maintain evangelical support, the IRS finally had to concede that they could not find any reason why The Satanic Temple shouldn’t be treated the exact same way as any other church. Angry that a Satanic entity doesn’t have to pay taxes on its income? Well, buddy, get ready to learn what megachurches get away with.
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liya4kar · 4 years
Liyada’s Pokespe AU Masterpost
I decided to do a Pokespe AU Masterpost because I have a lot of them and unfortunately never get to speak of them with anyone because nobody knows them. And doing a master post with also help me to actually keep track of all of them.
I’ll also probably do one post for the more developed AU where I can develop them fully, as I’ll try to keep this post short.
If you want to send me an ask about any of them, please do! I’d love to speak of them more~ If you want to know more about a character in an AU, or how some events happen, I will love to answer you!
Also, every work relate to those AU will be tag on my blog, you can find the tag name at the beginning of each AU, as well as the related fics if there are any!
The Magical Dexholders AU
The Magical Pokémons AU
Humans Gods AU Number 1
Humans Gods AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 1
Kagepro AU Number 2
Kagepro AU Number 3 (Though the only link between this AU and Kagepro is the idea behind Ene)
Yorozuya no Lack-Chan AU
Legendary Dexholders AU
Blond Family AU
One Piece AU
Natural Spirits AU
Ducktales AU
1. The Magical Dexholders (Will have a special post)
(Fic for it: The Magical Dexholders)
Tag: #The Magical Dexholder AU
A canon-compliant AU, where all the canons adventure has already taken place, and when a new adventure arises. Except that this time it’s not an Evil Team but the Darkness Force of the Evil that is so Bad that They stole the Snack of a Four Years Old Child, and that the Dexholders are not fighting with their Pokémons but with their Magical Powers they obtained from some random strange sassy colorful creatures, and they fight with the power of Friendship, Anime, and Protagonist on their side.
Aka a total self-compliant Magical Girl AU where I put whatever strange idea I have. 
In this AU, you can find:
Sassy little creatures
Characters being dumb
Diamond and Silver bonding over their passion for Proteam Omega while fighting The Darkness of the Evil that is blabla Snack of a Child blabla.
Blue and Yellow kicking ass.
Hippie Celebi (oops this one is a spoiler)
Not all the characters are Magical Holders right now but they will all appear up to Sun and Moon at least. Maybe SWSH if I or someone finds a way to incorporate them. (Though if you ask for the destiny of any specific character of this AU in an ask, I’ll surely answer!)
Some people bonding over their friends being dumb (Or how Pearl, Green, Crystal, and Y ended up in a group chat with a Satanic God) (Ooops Spoiler again)
2. The Magical Pokémons (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Magical Pokémons AU
This AU, though created before the Magical Dexholders, is actually linked to the Magical Dexholders. Technically, they happen in the same setting and meet at one point. But of course, when I wanted to write a fic for it alongside the Dexholders, I realized I actually have no time to write it! Ahah-
Basically, still a Magical Girl AU, still a parodical AU where the only goal is to have fun and laugh, but this time it’s not the Dexholders that are the Magical Boys or Girls but their Pokémons! Well, not all of them. Two per Dexholders. Do you realize how complicated it’s to manage all the DH? So all their Pokémons? No way- So only two Pokémons per DH.
Warning, this AU happen before Black was released from the Light Stone. But Sun and Moon are already out of the Ultra-Dimension. Respecting the timeline? It’s my AU I do what I want. (Mainly cause this AU was created back in 2018 actually)
In this AU, you can find:
Pokémons doing dumb sh*t when their trainers are not in sight.
Black being the only humans having powers because he was in the Light Stone when Reshiram received powers, and now he can sometimes go out of the Light Stone when the situation is desperate enough.
Also when Black activates his power he wears a white wedding dress.
Yellow also joining sometimes?
3. Human Gods AU Number 1
Tag: #Spe Human Gods AU Number 1
I always found weird there were only Pokémon Gods in the Pokémon Universe. So what did I do? I created not only one, but two Humans God AU! And here we go for the first.
So. Once Upon a Time, there were Human Gods. But they were not really nice. Actually, they wanted to destroy all the Pokémon Gods and to at best, reduce Pokémons as slaves, at worst killing them all. Of course, the Pokémons Gods did not agree, and after a (little) war, the Humans Gods were sealed by the Pokémons Gods and erased of mainstream history. But of course, things are not that easy, Humans Gods still have secret followers and are planing for their return.
Centuries later, when those followers are finally close to getting back their Gods and need to steal some old parchments for that, they are noticed by Cynthia who asked the help of the Sinnoh Trio. Of course, nothing works like expected, and when the Human Gods finally break their seal, they need bodies to reincarnate in and it’s really convenient that Diamond and Platinum are just right there. Now, the Humans Gods free and ready to put their reign of terror in place, it’s up to Pearl (who saw his best friends lovers possessed in front of him yeah!), the other DH, and the (for once) united army of the Pokémon Gods to stop them before it’s too late. Oh, and also maybe get Diamond and Platinum back.
In this AU you can find:
Epic fights
I mean there are powerful Gods so EPIC FIGHTS
Even more angst
Maybe Major Character Death. To see.
Development of Pokémons and Humans relationship
Did I mention Angst?
4. Human Gods AU Number 2 (Will have a special post)
Tag: #Spe Humans Gods AU Number 2
And yeah, there is a Number 2- They are not the only AU that ends to have several versions of it at the end.
So. Basically, like in the previous AUs, thousands of years ago there was a war between the Pokémons and Humans Gods, each other judging the other being invasive and dangerous to the other being. Normal Humans and Gods also participate in this war. But on both sides, some start to lose faith in this conflict and believe that cohabitation is possible. Things become more complicated when Gods from both factions start to bond. Together, they decide to end the was so everyone can live peacefully together. If the Pokémons Gods accept it pretty well, the Humans ones don’t, especially after one of the most vehement deity simulated a Pokémon attack, and they decide to end the war by using a magical machine to destroy the Pokémons Gods (the one used in the Kalos war is a less-powerful derivate of it).
 As the Humans Gods working for the peace don’t have much time left before the arms use, they take an extreme measure and seal their fellow Gods to the price of their own life. The Pokémons Gods then decided to end the war and to let the Pokémons and Humans live together without interfering with them anymore. They also used a bit of their power to grant the last wish of the Humans Gods who sacrificed themselves, who wanted to see a world where everyone can cohabitate. The said Humans Gods, no longer Gods, reincarnate as normal Humans once in while, still having a little fragment of their powers, 
Thousands of years later, the seal finally breaks, and the Humans Gods come out, some planing their revenge, some wanting to see how the world has evolved in their absence before taking a decision. Obviously, the DH gets involved. Either by meeting the gods and decide to help or fight them depending on the situation or by being one of the reincarnated Gods themselves.
What do you find in this AU:
Angst, surely
Some DH in God versions with cool designs
Human and Pokémon relationship development
Lore created from crap by me, with some inspiration from the real world but with also a lot of invented stuff, because hey it’s my AU and I do what I want
Magic. Everywhere.
5. Kagepro AU Number 1 (Aka the Fidel to the Kagepro Plot)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 1
I used to be in Kagepro a lot last, so OF COURSE, I ended doing an AU of it. Wait, not only one actually- I’ll list them by “How close to the Kagepro plot they are”.
So, in this first one, it’s basically “We replace the Kagepro characters with Pokespe characters”, though some things change, depending on the personality of the chosen characters. But they still have the same powers as the originals Kagepro cast.
Here the main cast!
Red as Ayano
Green as Shintaro
Blue as Takane/Ene
Yellow as Haruka/Konoha
Prof Oak as Kenjiirou (Ayano’s father)
Platinum as Kido Tsubomi
Diamond as Seto Kyousuke
Pearl as Kano Shuuya
White as Momo
Whi-Two as Mary
X as Hibiya
Y as Hiyori
What you can find in this AU:
Angst, I missed you!
Family relationship between several characters because ships are great, family is better.
Major Character Deaths. Like, they all die at some point but come back to life because of time loops reason!
Damn, there is so much angst possible with this one.
6. Kagepro AU Number 2 (Aka I take a lot of liberty from the original plot but you can still see the Kagepro influence) (Will have a post)
Tag: #Liya’s Kagepro AU 2
So... How to explain this one... 
It’s my most developed Kagepro AU, and so my more complex one. Too complex to even summarize it in this post (I try and stop when it became longuer than all the previous AUs combined ahah-), it’s why it’ll be the first one to have its post. Please be patient, I’ll link it as soon that I'll post it!
It also follows the canon, though some events/characters interactions change.
What can you find in this AU:
Angst, to change
Four DHs that are not all related being a found family because I can.
Major Characters Deaths. Once again.
Friendships too. Friendships are great.
7. Kagepro AU Number 3 (aka there is nearly no link to Kagepro by this point)
Tag: #Liya’s Spe Kagepro AU 3
So. In Kagepro, I always loved Ene. And all the angst include by everyone believing you are dead while you are transformed into a virus/computer program.
So basically, there is a crazy scientist organization that is doing all sorts of experiments on humans, to get immortality. Those experiments are killing nearly all the people who go through them, the rare survivors being broken beyond repair and not immortal at all. If they took random people at first, they end up taking more different people, from all backgrounds with all kinds of lives, to see if there is any difference. They tend to socially isolate their prospect guinea pigs before simulating their death in an accident.
One of this experience include separating the soul from the body: they transform the brains data into informatical data and transfer it in a computer. Like any of their experiments, there is a lot of death. But for once, it succeeds, and they end up with one person with their body in a coma while their “soul” is on a computer. Thrilled by this success, they do other attempts and end up with two other survivors. All of them are determined and stubborn people who have some people they hold dear to see again. At some point, the organization decides to try to kill the bodies to see if the informatical data stay, and the three of them decide to run away on the Internet, so the scientists can’t try this new experiment. They change of appearance, name, and end up in the computer of the BW Agency, and after some misunderstood, end up working for them.
White is glad to have three artificial intelligence helping with her work, she did not remember her software supplier having programs that powerful.
On the meanwhile, Pearl, Shauna, and Green are glad to not be experiments anymore, nor do they mind helping White with her work, though they would like to get their bodies back one day.
And far from the Agency, Platinum, Blue, and X, after a rather strange meeting, end up investigating their friends' mysterious deaths of their friends with the help of Lack-Two.
What do you find in this AU:
When was the last time I saw you; Angst?
Pearl, Shauna, and Green are doing shenanigans. And also end being close friends/found family?
White is also joining them in shenanigans
Funny and light with White and the three “Yes yes we are AI, absolutely not humans!” while the others are more on a dark, crime movie atmosphere
Also, some characters don’t cope well with their friends' deaths
Do we tag Major Character Deaths when someone believes someone else is dead even if it’s not the case and that the reader knows it?
8. Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Fics for it: Dogwalker Lack and The Begining of Yorozuya no Lack-Chan
Tag #Yorozuya no Lack-chan AU
Got a drabble request once and ended up doing a whole AU of it because meh why not? Like you can say with the title, it is somehow Gintama inspired.
So basically, at the end of BW2 Lack-two got fired from the International Police and start doing odd jobs for a living. He even created an agency for it, who do any work from you as long that you pay. He even has two employees, who he doesn’t really pay, aka Whi-Two and X. Yeah.
What do you find in this AU:
Furry Neko Sun
Characters being dumb
Do you wanna laugh?
Characters doing odd jobs
9. Legendary Dexholders AU (Will do a post about this one)
Fic for it: Giratina
Tag: #Legendary Dexholders AU
Being an immortal god can be boring after a few thousand years, especially when nothing had happened for a while. And one of the advantages of being a God is to left a copy of yourself while you are wandering around in a human body.
Aka several Legendaries Pokémons decide to just reincarnate in humans and, of course, they had to end up becoming Dexholders and have a complicated life. Well, at least they did not have that much fun since the last drinking contest between Kyogre and Lugia five hundred years ago.
What do you find in this AU:
An AU firstly created to be funny but the only fic I wrote about it ended up being a character study fic
But at the end, the Legendaries Pokémons are just doing shenanigans
Arceus is so done with them
Also feature mainly the main Sinnoh Legendaries Pokémons because I love them but there are also a few others
10. Blonde Family AU
Fics about it: Don't listen to others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them and To be a Cousin
Tag: #Spe Blonde Family AU
What if several blonde characters were related? Aka the AUs where Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are all cousins, and Emerald is the son of Palmer but neither Em nor Palmet know it until Ruby and Sapphire decide to investigate what happened to Emerald’s parents.
In this AU, you find:
Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, and Y are cousins, pretty close to each other, but when they see each other it usually ends up in a catastrophe
Emerald could not care less about his father because he has a found family but Ruby and Sapphire still decide to investigate (notably to kick their b*** if one of them is still alive and abandoned Emerald).
To Palmer’s defense, it was an adventure before he met Pearl’s mother, and Emerald’s mom ran away without telling him she was pregnant
Either cousins doing dumb cousins stuff together or Ruby and Sapphire going on a hunt to kick Palmer’s a** while Em and Pearl look and eat popcorns.
11. One Piece AU
Fic about it: Bonding on the Grand Line
Tag: #Liya’s Spe One Piece AU
With this AU, we arrive in the AUs that don’t take place in the canon world! The other AUs where all somehow link to the canon world and the canon adventures of the DH, except for the Kagepro number 1. But starting from this one, they all take place in other worlds!
This AU was created for the Pirate Summer Event of the Pokespe Art Community Discord and but I like it so I’ll probably write more about it if I find time to.
So basically, your One Piece AU, that happened 20 years before the death of Gold Roger (so 40 years before Luffy & Co.). To protect his best friends, Pearl ends up becoming a pirate, captain of his own crew (with the Sinnoh Gym Leaders!). And being a pirate on the Grand Line is not always easy.
What do you find in this AU:
Pearl's and Cheren's friendship. I’d die for it.
Pearl, Cheren, and the Sinnohan and Unovan Gym Leaders doing shenanigans
But also a bit of angst because hey, you know me now
Also other characters but I need to plan more their role in this AU
12. Natural Spirits AU (there will be definitely a post about this one)
Tag: Spe Natural Spirits AU
There are two beings on Earth: Humans and Natural Spirits, magical beings close to nature, each one of them being connected to a natural concept. The Natural Spirits stay hide in their cities, with only a few humans knowing their existence, and tend to despise the humans, destroying the planets at a ridiculous rate. But the Natural Spirits society is complicated, and as the human society, is far from perfect.
X, a prodigy Spirits, can’t take the pressure anymore and isolate himself far from his city, near the human town. Whi-Two, another Spirit, have a strange fascination for the humans but never go through the forest and the human town frontier. Until the day when they each meet one human, and befriend them, despite the warnings they had heard since they were children. Hiding that they are not humans, they end up joining their two new friends to a rather strange place call High-school. 
Pearl and Sapphire have rather normal lives. School, homework, friends... But since they met two new people in the forest, things start to become more interesting. Especially with the wave of people trying to take over the world... Wait, what?
What do you find in this AU:
A friendship between four characters who never met in the canon
But all the other DHs and several secondary characters have their roles
And some of them are also Natural Spirits
High-school life
Magic too
Both Humans and Spirits teams trying to take over the world and the four friends had to stop them every time
Also, the Natural Spirits society is like humans one, very far from perfect
Secret identity problems like hiding to your human friends that you can actually speak to mushrooms.
13. Ducktales AU (Will have a post because there is so much to say about this one)
Tag: Spe Ducktales AU
Ducktales, Woo-Ooo!
I love Ducktales. I have been hyperobsessing on it recently, so of course, I had to make an AU out of it! Special thanks to Vex who supported my random brainstorming in her DMs.
So... Basically, once upon a time, the richest Duck of the world, Prof McWak, had four grandchildren, two pairs of siblings: Green and Blue, and Red and Yellow. Like any normal family, on their weekends they used to go on ancient temples with deadly traps and fight monsters to get new treasures. When Prof McWak died, the four cousins, now young adults, continue to go on adventures, while Red, Yellow, and Green found their own families. But everything ends one day when, following some disastrous event, Yellow disappears, more likely to be dead. The three left cousins argue and end up splitting up, Blue founding her own company, Green becoming the CEO of their grandfather empire, and Red leaving with his new-hatched son and Yellow’s egg, never contacting his cousins again.
Ten years later, Diamond and Pearl, two cousins who grew up as brothers, accidentally break into the infamous McWak Enterprise CEO manor and met his oldest daughter, Platinum. After she brought them in a self-proclaimed adventure, when the trio became good friends, they have the surprise to find that first, Diamond’s Dad/Pearl’s “Uncle” Red and Platinum’s Father Green are actually cousins and that since they blew up Red’s houseboat during their adventures, they now get to live in the McWak Manor.
What happens next is history.
What do you find in this AU:
The Kanto quartet, the Sinnoh Trio, and Moon being all relatives because FAMILY TROPE YEAH
Pearl and chibi sassy Moon investigating Yellow’s disappearance
Family, Humor, Adventures, Angst AU
Red and Green need to learn how to communicate
Also, Sinnoh Trio adventures because those three are too precious
It’s all for the moment! I’ll probably add more AUs as I’ll inevitably create more. Thank you for reading this AU Masterpost!
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years
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Archbishop Vigano’s  Warns Trump About ‘Great Reset’ Plot
Open Letter To The President Of The United States
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Solemnity of Christ the King
Mr. President,
Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).
As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.
Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.
A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.
The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.
Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam.”
Many people – as we well know – are annoyed by this reference to the clash between Good and Evil and the use of “apocalyptic” overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and sharpens divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel he seeks to conquer undisturbed. What is surprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the alarm. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had succeeded in making the transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed, all sorts of deceptions, scandals and crimes are coming to light.
Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and of our children, segregated from friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting at home alone in front of a computer.
In Sacred Scripture, Saint Paul speaks to us of “the one who opposes” the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order.
As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks.
Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.
For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, He who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44).
Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.
And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).
Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers.
With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.
God bless the United States of America!
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
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arcanalogue · 5 years
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ON TYRANNY - An Unsolicited Tarot Tour, pt. II
In my initial post groping for symbolic parallels between the Major Arcana and Timothy Snyder’s ON TYRANNY, we covered The Fool and The Magician. 
In the few days then (just to show how fast time seems to move during a budding oligarchy), video has surfaced of the President speaking to rich donors at one of his own hotels, in which he says: “The European Union is a group of countries that got together to screw the United States, it’s as simple as that.” He goes on to explain why this is surprising: “We’re all sort of from there, right?”
He also tweeted a thinly-veiled threat suggesting that Adam Schiff, the US rep who gave a rousing speech in the impeachment trial the other day, “has not paid the price, yet, for what he has done to our Country!”
There’s also video of his pick for Special Advisor to the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative, Paula White, working this bit into a sermon: “We command all satanic pregnancies to miscarry right now.” 
And just for fun, a case of the Wuhan coronavirus was detected near Los Angeles, and today officials are reporting that, as feared, the disease is contagious before the appearance of symptoms. There are still plenty of good folks left at the CDC, right? The lights are on, at least?
But if we let paroxysms of fear induced by bad headlines stop us from going about our day, pretty much none of us would have made it through 2017 — and yet here we are, two full years beyond that point, still rallying, still cracking jokes, still helping each other get things back on track. And sure, my beard and chest hair are suddenly growing in all white, but that’s fine! The sharper contrast will be dazzling against all of my goth attire. How’s that for a silver lining? 
Anyway, on to the cards.
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The High Priestess represents everything we take for granted about our own awareness. She’s the source of our inspiration, the dream we awaken from that colors our perception of the day; she’s the vapors sighing from a crack in the earth, and she’s also the Pythia who hears and interprets those whispers. 
Most of us realize we’re more than just our cognition, or our memories, but it’s still quite easy to lose track of the various pillars our interior world is formed around... until one of them is suddenly swept away.
And it’s the same with our exterior life, because “interior” and “exterior” are only matters of scale, baby. Your mind is your own (for now), but how did it become what it became? What unseen protections was it afforded? 
Most people probably think of libraries, or organizations, or certain publications when they hear the word “institutions.” But so many different things fall under this category, it’s actually mind-boggling! It really makes you ponder about the particular framework of your community. Some are more fragile or less corporeal than others; to LGBTQ people, a bar can serve as an institution. Hell, in Brooklyn a taco restaurant can be described as a “mainstay” if it manages to last 15 years.
Some institutions are really only useful to those who created them, and others or who are well-adapted to them, and are bound to crumble naturally with time. A lot of what history has thought to provide will be useless to people in the coming century and beyond; their needs are evolving drastically, right in front of our eyes. This is why we also need to create safe and fertile territory for new institutions to be formed, and try not to take it too personally when the world just moves on. Memento mori, and all that.
But this entropy is not what Snyder’s talking about: he says DEFEND institutions, implying they are under attack. And some of this is very easy to watch for, because we think we know what an attack looks like. But as Snyder’s chapter points out:
“Sometimes institutions are deprived of vitality and function, turned into a simulacrum of what they once were, so that they gird the new order, instead of resisting it. This is what the Nazis called Gleichschaltung.”
You know, like appointing industrial tycoons to manage the EPA and the Department of Education, or leaving countless government positions unfilled so that none of the departments can function quite as they used to.
No one can look after all of them, and none of us knows which we’ll depend on most in a key moment. That means we all have to fan out and each claim a different piece of the puzzle. But which one? And how?
Reflect on the mental architecture that contributed to the formation of your own mind, and then let the Priestess guide you. 
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The tarot-ticklers of antiquity may have determined that The Emperor’s power trumps that of The Empress (as the cards are ordered so that each one “triumphs” over the one that preceded it), but he can’t exist without her, and everyone in the kingdom knows it. 
In this chapter Snyder invokes the popular saying “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” adding:
“When we think of this saying today, we imagine our own righteous vigilance directed outward, against misguided and hostile others... But the sense of the saying was entirely different: that human nature is such that American democracy must be defended from Americans who would exploit its freedoms to bring about its end.”
In readings I often explain to people that The Emperor represents the outward-looking ruler, the conqueror, the prospector, the warlord. The Empress is the inward looking ruler, tending to the needs of the people, governing, presiding over everything that gives life meaning. 
I mentioned above that the very concept of interior/exterior is only a matter of scale. Those terms are used very flexibly, aren’t they? There’s the interior of my body, and the interior of my home, and the interior of my apartment complex, and so on. At some point it stops being “my” anything. Suddenly we’re looking beyond my town, or my state, or my country. Sometimes others draw those lines for us, and other times we have to be The Emperor, pushing back against that line, drawing one of our own, defending what’s rightfully ours. 
Regarding our own interior as a nation: in case you hadn’t heard (HAHA!) we’re about to stagger through a series of important elections. The one thing we know for sure is that the results of these elections will be disputed, no matter what they happen to be. If we can no longer trust the outcome of an election — due to internal fiddling, not just foreign — then what’s the point of having them at all? You can already sense everyone’s fatigue, ripe to be exploited.
The GOP is already slavering for it, canceling primaries left and right so that Trump will run unopposed for reelection. A “one-party” election suits them just fine. Debates only raise questions, and give a platform to challengers. In order for Trump 2020 to seem like an inevitable choice, he has to be the only choice.
Ruining the public’s faith in American democracy is part of the strategy, because of course it is. Later in Chapter III, Snyder offers yet another popular saying: “Where annual elections end, tyranny begins.” 
The work required to protect the upcoming election, and make sure people still care about the outcome, can only be done by Americans organizing and working together on every level: personal, local, national. The fatalism and cynicism everyone’s feeling is understandable, but it ought to drive one toward active participation in preserving what little democracy we have left. 
Otherwise, what’s the point? If it’s more important to have your worst fears confirmed, to be able to say “I told you so,” to bargain with the inevitability of fascism, then you’re rooting against The Empress and the rest of us. You’re part of the rot in your own kingdom.
If you’re someone who does Empress-related work, this is your new practice: she is calling you to serve as guardian and minister of the interior. Whatever inspiration you manage to muster, your role is to imbue others with it, and resist whatever negativity you may encounter as you do so.
Are your friends and family registered to vote? Are they sure? Do your representatives in Congress have a plan in place for when Trump refuses to concede? What communities near you could use a leg up in terms of outreach? Ask questions. Get creative. Be a constructive part of the pressure. 
What you manage to accomplish on your own may seem meager, but pouring energy into these concerns will remind others why this fight still matters, and it will encourage those who never forgot. We need everyone in this fight.
Our last “real” election can’t already be behind us. The Empress is counting on us to make sure of it. 
This is Part II in a series of posts about Timothy Snyder’s ON TYRANNY, which can be purchased via your local bookstore, and also here. 
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daniella100 · 3 years
I was going to bitch about Instagram. Man, I was there today, what a bore. How many selfies can you take a year? Apparently A LOT. Well there, a tiny bitching. And kudos for the dads pictures in there. Those warmed my heart!
Now to these wise words, fitting for Father’s Day. It’s good to read about this phenomenon. Hopefully we’ll navigate it with grace.
Happy Father’s Day!
📷 The New Era of Lost Friendships A societal disaster. 📷 Jun 1📷 John C Dvorak One of those random articles promoted by the front page of a web browser claimed that 2020 was the year of lost friendships. Chasms widened between Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals, cynics and rule-follwers, Christians and atheists, capitalists and Marxists, liberty absolutists and lockdown-lovers, and even free-speech advocates and angry mobs.This article was about lost friendships in 2020 and what changed and why.Trump created this chaos. Whether it was because Trump was Satan himself or the embodiment of the actual underlying American spirit is beside the point. He was never meant to be president and whatever was “supposed” to happen to keep America on some Clintonesque neo-Liberal path toward a backdoor global governance as envisioned by the creeps at the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization was derailed or put on hold.This timeline disruption unleashed a horrendous backlash against not only Trump but the Republicans and independents who voted for him. They would suffer to the point that few would admit in public they ever voted for Trump. They did not know what was good for them.This “good for them” meant open borders, no nations, and no old-fashioned nationalism (the root of all evil). Hillary envisioned a Western Hemisphere with no borders from the tip of South America to Alaska. It would be a wonderful Utopia. In the early stages of this super-state, a plan had already been made for the coinage of the Amero modelled after the Euro.📷Some of these were made as collector’s coins. The argument is now made that this was a bogus “conspiracy theory” to begin with. There were never any plans for the Amero. And do you remember the plans for a super highway designed to split the USA in half? It was to go north and south from Mexico straight to Canada to move goods, a forerunner of the Eastern Hemisphere’s belt-and road promoted by the Chinese?Who knows what else would have been dreamed up by these maniacal forces that did not seem to have the interests of the American public (or any public) in mind. During this era, the corporations went global, while the American workforce was replaced with overseas workers—imported cheap foreign workers whom American workers had to train.The irony to me, all along, is that the Democrat Party, which was always promoting itself as “pro labor,” was nothing of the sort as it appealed to the global bankers and the real elites in finance, technology, publishing, and entertainment. America was told to say goodbye to the lost jobs.The American worker, as well as most ethnic minorities, were seen as too dumb, or at least too busy, to notice that their traditional political party was working against them.There even seemed to be an anti-American corporation theme involved as some of the highest corporate taxes in the world were levied on American corporations. Trump’s supposed great economic miracle cranked up the economy and brought jobs back—the sort of jobs Obama declared would never return—with a simple decrease in the corporate tax rates. How hard was that?Since then, Biden and the Democrats have worked to re-establish the old trends.📷 In the meantime, the schism between friends who were once Democrats who disagreed with Republicans but could still have dinner together is over. The source of much of this began years ago before Trump ever came along. It then came to the fore by Trump-haters and the endless nonsense about Russia combined with two “show trial” doomed to fail impeachments. This only succeeded in making the chasm wider.Further, an entire generation of kids has emerged from the educational system who hate this country. These are also the ones who seem to suffer the most from Covid hysteria. To this day in various parts of the country, they wear two masks, a plastic face screen, and those blue gloves, unless they’re soaking their hands in various alcoholic disinfectants.The schools now teach them about identity politics, critical theory, and
— variations on failed 1960s communist ideology. Even Black Lives Matter philosophies include the dissolution of the nuclear family and the overt Marxist world view and mechanism.This is seen as OK by the new generations of Americans who have not seen a vibrant economy in their lifetimes, thanks to the machinations of the neo-Liberals and progressive one-world government mavens who cannot seem to pull off an actual world government, but muck things up trying.In fact, they cannot even come close to a One World Government. They tried with some sort of world governance for climate change (“climate crisis” or “climate emergency” in newspeak), but there is too much skepticism. Would they name Greta Thunberg our new world leader?The Covid pandemic looks like another backdoor attempt, but only after a year of what looked like Keystone Kop world governance. These same people did manage to show that the most well-educated population of the entire globe can all want to take an experimental vaccine. This was through fearmongering and the global suppression of actual debate. Still, it has not gotten us any closer to world governance.All Covid did was damage more relationships as families who have bought into the vaccine will not let any of the unvaccinated near them, begging the question “What are you worried about if the vaccine actually works?” “Well, why take a chance,” they will tell you, parroting the mob boss Remo Gaggi from the movie Casino. OK, so something else is going on here.The result of this is that both sides think the other side is so stupid that they cannot have dinner together lest they come to blows. It boils down to that.What to do about it? I see only one common yet subtle element running throughout this story: the reintroduction and emphasis in education (K-12 and college) of the kind of anti-capitalist, anti-American Communist-Marixist-Socialist globalist rhetoric that was once eschewed by our education system. How did it become okay now?We were warned about it in the 1950's and 1960's. It’s happened. It’s permeated everything, including once-cherished friendships. Good luck fixing it. -- JCDJune 1, 2021 📷
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vamonumentlandscape · 3 years
Danville: Part 1, Interviewing the Virginia Flaggers and Our Reactions
On Saturday, May 22nd, our research team travelled to Danville, Virginia. One of the first things that we saw driving into the city was a giant Confederate flag beside State Highway 29. Being from Maryland, this was not something that Josh was used to seeing. However, Tomi is a native of Danville so this was not all so uncommon to her. Before talking about some of the other elements of our journey to this interesting city, Tomi and Josh will offer their perspectives on the Virginia Flaggers, Confederate sympathizers who protested the removed Confederate flag and monument at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History. The museum itself is housed in what was the Sutherlin Mansion, where Jefferson Davis found refuge in the weaning days of the Confederacy. After being a residential home for the Sutherlin family, the city was granted ownership and was at one time a whites-only segregated library.
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Tomi’s Perspective:
As a Danville native, I had a conflicting experience when returning home for this stop during our research. The photo above is only a five minute drive from my home. Confederate flags are flown at residential homes, on businesses, and on signs welcoming those visiting to “The Last Capital of the Confederacy.” To me, it seemed so normal before becoming a History major at Randolph College. That’s just how things were. The Virginia Flaggers, the Confederate sympathizing organization for those who protest the removal of the Confederate flags and monuments across the state, sit out every Saturday in front of the museum and then on the Riverside Drive section of Business Route 58. Their cause is obvious from the apparel they dawn, the flags they hold, and the large, almost Garrison sized Confederate flags that they have put up around the city. I had never spoken to them since I never felt a need to speak to those kinds of people. It seemed smarter to stay away. However, when you are researching and feeling as brave as we were, you do.
Prior to going to interview the group, we spoke with the director of the museum, Elsabé Dixon, and she suggested we tell the police, who sit across the street to monitor the flaggers activity, what we were doing. She also advised us that they were sometimes armed, which was not unexpected.
When Josh and I were walking towards them, we had already planned that I, with a uniquely southern Danvillian accent, would be doing most of the talking. Oddly enough, I was not nervous. I was excited. But of course, we could not wear masks there. I had to try very hard not to show the emotional reactions on my face to what they were saying once we began talking to them. We started off easy with a hello and introduced ourselves as History majors from Lynchburg coming to visit the museum. We were just curious about what they were out there for. Their response was, “What college? Where are y’all from?” So without missing a beat, I said we were students from Liberty University and both native to Lynchburg. They were absolutely impressed when we told them this. “If you’re going to go to any college, it’d better be that one!” one of them said. Thank goodness for Randolph being in Lynchburg, am I right?! One of the women asserted that she wished “she could see the look on our faces as we walked out of that kind of museum.” Each one of the men and women wanted to have a say in giving us “real history.” One of the women did say, “They’re History majors, we don’t need to tell them this! They know it already.” Another man countered with, “Who knows what they are learning inside of those classrooms,” and proceeded to tell us the real history he was talking about. One of the men was speaking to both of us, while the other was speaking mostly to me. His first major comment was about the removal of the Confederate monument. He said this completely outrageous accusation about how those memorials came to be and why most of them were put up decades after the war was over. “The women of the Daughters of the Confederacy would have picnics and contemplate sites that looked pretty to them to honor their loved ones. That’s why it took so long! They had to decide where and then raise money of course.” I was completely shocked. Forty plus years passed before most Confederate monuments went up. That, my friend, would be a lot of picnics! I question the authenticity of that statement.
His next statement was another that took me aback. Well, most of them did, but that is beside the point. The conversation went to their “Lost Cause” narrative (slavery did not cause the war, states rights did), and slavery was brought up. “The real slaves were the Scots-Irish. I am of Irish descent myself.” It was hard for me to look at him when he said that, but I had to keep up my role, smile and nod. I am not saying that white Americans in the rural south did not go through hardships. It has been seen throughout history that rural, poor whites faced immense struggle. But, it does not compare to having every single human right ripped away from you as an enslaved person did. A poor white man could vote, get married, own land, have children with someone they chose, travel wherever they wanted, work a job they chose… the list goes on. Enslaved persons in the United States had to fight for their freedom, while all the Scots-Irish had to do was be born.
When we left they were packing up to go to a local Italian restaurant for lunch and fuel up for their next protest on Riverside Drive. I cringed as I walked away when they said “Bye sweetheart we hope to see you on 58! It’s safer down there, that’s private property!” We did not join them for their next protest.
The conversations I had with these people forever changed the way I look at the flaggers. I am in fear of the lessons they are teaching their children and how that will be passed on. In my opinion, there is no larger threat to our country than the spreading of this disinformation and the violence it leads to. I love my hometown, but this is unacceptable.
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Josh’s Perspective:
Coming from a military family, I have always maintained pride in the Stars and Stripes. It is a symbol of all of the values that we hold dear. While our nation is far from perfect with many People of Color living in fear of individuals meant to protect them, I believe that our flag symbolizes the freedom to protest against those injustices. There are some countries where such freedoms are not granted. The Stars and Bars of the Confederacy are rarely seen where I come from, so it was a bit shocking to see so many of them when we crossed into Danville’s city limits, even beside the Martin Luther King Jr. bridge. Outside of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History, Tomi and I spoke to people that were upset about the removal of a Confederate flag and statue from the grounds of the museum. I was prepared to hear the “Lost Cause” arguments, but the name-calling and derogatory remarks directed towards the museum and the staff exposed a great deal of sadness within me. In speaking to People of Color throughout my life and listening to their experiences, I know how the flag is seen as a symbol of hatred. While these flaggers think that their heritage is being destroyed with such removals, others feel that the country is making a great deal of progress in making people of all races feel welcome anywhere that they reside or travel.
While much of the comments heard from the Virginia Flaggers were depicted in Tomi’s post, I would like to highlight some others. They referred to the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History as a “fruitcake museum.” They seemed to have a high level of comfort in using this kind of language since we said we were students from Liberty University, which we had to say to ensure that we could gain their insight. They also referred to the director of the Danville Museum as “Beelzeabé” - a play on words for another name for Satan. I was trying not to be visibly shocked by this kind of verbal abuse towards someone that is trying to make an institution welcoming for all visitors, but it was truly difficult. Then, the protestors claimed that only “Black Yankees” were honored in the museum and not “Black Confederates.” There is no way to be sure as we went through the museum after speaking with the sympathizers, but were the notable African-American residents in the Danville museum, such as Camilla Williams, being included in the “Black Yankees” summation? It should also be made clear that the Confederacy only changed its policy of Black men carrying arms in battle in the last month of the Civil War (March 1865) when their efforts were becoming desperate.
There is a final fragment of our conversation with the protestors that I would like to highlight. Abraham Lincoln is often seen as one of the greatest Presidents in American history, but not in the minds of the individuals that we spoke to. They claimed that Lincoln regularly corresponded with Karl Marx, the author of the Manifesto of the Communist Party. As a curious historian, I wondered if this was true. While the Washington Post published an essay by Gillian Brockwell that echoed these supposed facts, the American Institute for Economic Research refuted her claims in 2019 with an article titled Was Lincoln Really Into Marx? - “Contrary to her assertion, there is no evidence that Lincoln ever read or absorbed Marx’s economic theories. In fact, it’s unlikely that Lincoln even knew who Karl Marx was, as distinct from the thousands of well-wishers who sent him congratulatory notes after his reelection.” It is likely that the protestors wanted to strengthen their claims of “communist” actions of statue removal in Danville, as well as the rest of the country.
There was one more considerable element of our trip to Danville that did not sit right with me, and I thought it would be my foremost duty to save it for the end of my perspective. A gigantic Confederate flag flies on private property just beyond the Martin Luther King Jr. bridge as you leave downtown. My jaw literally dropped when seeing this. If the argument from Confederate heritage groups that support the flying of the flag is “heritage not hate,” then why is the flag within 100 feet of a bridge dedicated to the memory of the most well-known leader for American Civil Rights? Let’s not forget what the Confederacy fought for. They sought to preserve their most economically sacred institution - slavery. In the Jim Crow era, the Stars and Bars were used by white supremacist groups, like the Ku Klux Klan, to intimidate African-Americans in an era of discrimination and horrific acts of lynching. The flag is still a significant presence at contemporary rallies of racists. These are the facts.
We are supposed to be the United States of America. That is why it is so shocking to me that folks throughout the United States still fly the flag of an entity that sought to tear it all apart. According to YouGovAmerica, the majority of Black Americans support the removal of Confederate statues. The emotional and psychological pain that may ensue within the minds of People of Color when walking or driving by these statues constitutes action being taken. Doing nothing and claiming “Southern pride” does not seem to be the best course of action for a country that should seek to be inclusive for all.
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(images used are directly from the Virginia Flaggers blog and the last photo from this 2016 local news station article lhttps://wset.com/news/local/gallery/confederate-flag-supporters-rally-outside-of-danville-museum#photo-1 )
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veale2006-blog · 4 years
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The Beast, The False Jesus, & The Rapture, Part 4 - Double-Cross               February 25, 2021 In 1598 BC, on Mt. Sinai, (Exodus 24), Moses spent six evenings and mornings in a cloud, being shown six days (and informed of a seventh day) from seven different weeks, taken from seven different time periods. On the seventh day in Genesis chapter one, Yehovah rested after restoring life on Earth, in about 24 Million BC. This was Restoration Week Three, the fourth advent of mankind, and the second to be made in God’s image. Yehovah always tells the truth to those that hear His voice. But Lucifer tells lies to those that listen to him, and will double cross those that believe and follow him.
There are hidden documents that link the Vatican to the creation of Islam. Both Islam and Roman Catholicism have so much secret information on each other, that it would be a major worldwide scandal, leading to disaster for both religions, if they were exposed. As revealed in Part 2, a secret deal was made to kill or run off true Christians and Jews in Asia Minor and Africa, but not to damage the Catholic shrines, nor hurt Catholics and Augustine monks, also to turn over Jerusalem to the Pope. The Vatican mostly financed the building of the Islamic massive armies, in exchange for handing over Jerusalem. But the Muslims double-crossed the Pope, and kept Jerusalem, and built a Mosque, making it their “second most holy” site.
However, we’re not finished with the Jesuits. Part of their catechism is that when the Pope says something that is contrary to the Holy Scriptures, “the Scriptures must be thrown aside”. It is stated that the Pope is “the Vicar (replacement) of Christ, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and there is but one Judgment-Seat belonging to God and the Pope”.  These are quotes from the book Understanding the New Age: World Government and World Religion (New Wine Press, 1998, p. 104). The present Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), who is the first Jesuit to be elected to the (white) Papacy, earlier said that “Christians do not exist outside the Roman Catholic Church. People can not be Christians without the (Catholic) Church. A Christian’s identity is rooted in it, and that believers can not stand alone”. Now that a Jesuit is the white Pope, you can expect a more “hard lined” approach from Catholicism.
Yet there is another “front” group that the Jesuits control.  It is the Freemasons. Freemasonry started from medieval stonemasons, after castle building became an industry.  By the 1100’s AD, a religious zeal resulted in the construction of thousands of imposing stone cathedrals across Western Europe. The skills of a stonemason were in high demand, as were members of the guild. This gave rise to classes of stonemasons, which were apprentices, journeymen, and master masons. Apprentices were bound to their masters for the cost of their training. The journeymen had a higher level of skill and could travel (journey) to assist their masters. A master mason was considered a “freeman”, who could travel as he wished to work on projects. During the Renaissance, the stonemason's guild admitted members who were not stonemasons, and eventually evolved into the Society of Freemasonry. These became fraternal groups which observe the traditional culture of stonemasons, but are not typically involved in construction projects
Remember the Knights of Templars, from Part 2?  Their leader was Jacques De Molay, and before he was executed, he passed on certain “rituals and guidelines” to what became the Freemasons. Even today, freemasonry has a youth group called “the order of De Molay”. The Jesuits infiltrated the Freemasons, and perfected it to be their tool to “deceived and to conquer”. It was further advanced by Albert Pike, who is said to had begun the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. In the book “Morals and Dogma”, he wrote “Masonry, like all the religions…, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts (insiders)…, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those (on the outside) who deserve to be misled: to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from them and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it…  So masonry jealously conceals its secrets, and intentionally leads conceited interpreters astray”.  pp. 104-105.  He also writes: “the Templars, like all other Secret Orders and Associations, had two doctrines, one concealed and reserved for the Masters, which was Johannism (Lucifer worship); the other public, which was Roman Catholic”, p. 817.
From the first, to the thirty-second degree, masons are taught that Freemasonry follows the Bible in Christian lodges, the Pentateuch in Jewish lodges, and the Koran in Muslim lodges. That is the sham fed to new members (outsiders). Only when you become a 33rd degree are you told who the god of Freemasonry is. It is Lucifer.  In the book The Secret Doctrine, it says “Lucifer represents Life... Thought… Progress… Civilization… Liberty… Independence. Lucifer is the Logos (the Word)… the Serpent, the Savior”. “It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God”. This was written by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, which many world leaders adhere to, which are 33rd degree Freemasons.  The Jesuits have seen to it that Protestant churches and seminaries have been infiltrated with these teachings.
You might be surprised to learn who are, and have been, 33rd degree Freemasons, and I question their allegiance.  Some of them are/have been FDR, Karl Marx, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Vladimir Lenin, Yasser Arafat, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Al Gore, Billy Graham, Tony Blair (England), Bill Clinton, Barry Goldwater, and Colin Powell. What surprised me was that Benjamin Netanyahu (Israel) is a 33rd degree Freemason. No matter what “front” these people may  have shown the public, they did, and do not, worship the true God (Yehovah).  
We finally come to the origins of the Illuminati. Basically, the Jesuits were banned in 83 countries, so they had to come up with a plan to remain in power. The Bavarian Illuminati was born in 1776, and soon made its way to the USA. There are many who are Jewish by name, but are Jesuit by philosophy (like The Rothschilds and Rockefellers), and have obtained about all of the important financial positions. They are in league with the Knights of Malta. Some of the Illuminati’s front groups are, the Committee of 300, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the United Nations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and the Bilderberg Group. Some current members of the above groups which we are familiar with, have been Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton (6th degree Grand Dame of Illuminati), Allen Greenspan, Jimmy Carter, even Henry Kissinger. It is certain that former President Obama was brought into the group, and was part of the secret Bilderberg meeting, when he won the Democratic nomination, and left members of the press on the plane.
Therefore, for decades, we have had a string of undesirable Presidents, since JFK. The Republicans and Democrats have been taking turns, destroying our nation, both in the White house, and in the House of Representatives and the Senate, selling out the American people. It finally became expos d when Donald Trump, the best President ever, took office. Only massive election fraud could defeat him. But yet another double cross is on the horizon. We’ve now laid the groundwork, giving the history behind “the whore”.  Now, the stage is set for the entry of “the Beast”, in Part 5.
Love, Debbie
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frederickwiddowson · 4 years
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The writings of Luke the physician starting with his version of the gospel - Luke 19:11-27 comments: a certain nobleman
Luke 19:11 ¶  And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear. 12  He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return. 13  And he called his ten servants, and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, Occupy till I come. 14  But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us. 15 And it came to pass, that when he was returned, having received the kingdom, then he commanded these servants to be called unto him, to whom he had given the money, that he might know how much every man had gained by trading. 16  Then came the first, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained ten pounds. 17  And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. 18  And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. 19  And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities. 20  And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin: 21  For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow. 22 And he saith unto him, Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee, thou wicked servant. Thou knewest that I was an austere man, taking up that I laid not down, and reaping that I did not sow: 23  Wherefore then gavest not thou my money into the bank, that at my coming I might have required mine own with usury? 24  And he said unto them that stood by, Take from him the pound, and give it to him that hath ten pounds. 25  (And they said unto him, Lord, he hath ten pounds.) 26  For I say unto you, That unto every one which hath shall be given; and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him. 27 But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
 The disciples are following Jesus to Jerusalem fully expecting His power to be revealed and His kingdom to be made manifest in a physical, tangible sense on earth right in front of them. Christ then speaks a parable about the consequences for the Jews of rejecting Him. This would apply to all mankind as well. The nobleman presents himself to his subjects who reject him. He has supplied his own servants, and, remember, He is talking with His Jewish disciples here, with a gift that they are to use on his behalf. In the end, those who reject the nobleman’s rule over them will be executed and that servant who does not exercise his talents in the world will lose even what they have. A similar parable is told in Matthew 25 but in the context of them not knowing when Christ would return as He discusses the end times when asked in Matthew 24:1 when they will come about.
 He has already told them in 17 that the kingdom of God for them lies within their hearts but they have been expecting a conquering Messiah who will remove the Roman yoke of bondage from their necks and restore Israel to a place of prominence. Even after His resurrection they say;
 Acts 1:6  When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?
 Jesus had told Governor Pilate;
 John 18:36  Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
 Notice the now is my kingdom not from hence. But, His kingdom will come to this world and many will suffer for their rejection of Him.
 Matthew 3:12  Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.
 God exercises His power over our existence in every heartbeat He makes happen. But, Jesus is not now exercising direct and physical, political rule over the kingdoms of the world although the Bible says that there will come a time for that.
 Revelation 11:15  And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
 The direct application is for Christ’s Jewish disciples in the days coming to His Crucifixion and after His Resurrection and ascension to Heaven. But, we’ve been given gifts which we are to exercise on His behalf also. We are His ambassadors, perhaps a front infiltrating in Satan’s world of men and women to prepare Christ’s coming. An analogy can be made to a commando unit landing behind enemy lines. Or, more simply, like the prophets and John the Baptist who announced Him. Our gifts are not all physical. In fact, the proof or fruit of the Holy Spirit living inside of us is outlined in Galatians 5 in contrast against the demands of the flesh and the consequences of living in it.
 Galatians 5:13 ¶  For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14  For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 15  But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. 16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17  For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19  Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23  Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24  And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26  Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.
 In addition to the fruit of the Spirit we have each been given gifts of abilities. Each of these are particular to us individually and one does not have what the other has and two with the same do not have it in the same measure.
 Romans 12:1 ¶  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. 3  For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. 4  For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: 5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. 6  Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith; 7  Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching; 8  Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. 9  Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. 10  Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another; 11  Not slothful in
business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; 12  Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; 13 Distributing to the necessity of saints; given to hospitality. 14  Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not. 15  Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.
 The error on our part is in doing nothing. It is not about being successful as God provides the success.
 1Corinthians 3:5 ¶  Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? 6  I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8  Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9  For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building. 10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.
Or, as Jesus said so clearly;
 John 3:27  John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
John 15:5  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
 We are like the servants who received the pounds and were tasked to make them work for the master. As the Baltimore preacher Sewall Smith asked in a sermon on John 6:9, “What are you going to do with your five and two?”
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a-wandering-fool · 7 years
Had to post this just for the title!  From the article:
I personally believe politics in these United States is driven by four factors.
(1) A conflict between those who believe mankind can evolve to a higher state of perfection if only led by the proper leaders, and those who believe mankind is inherently flawed and the best we can do is provide guide rails.
(2) A conflict between Populists, those who believe anyone with undue power must have their wings clipped for the better good, and those who see this sort of populism (against the wealthy, against corporations, against powerful politicians) as dangerous and hypocritical demagoguery.
(3) Regional conflicts between 11 American “nations”, regions with similar cultural and ideological viewpoints that would, in places like Europe, balkanized into separate countries years ago. (In fact, one could consider the American Civil War as an attempt at the balkanization of the United States.)
(4) Busy-bodies; meddling or prying people–generally women in our country–who see something they don’t like and actively meddle, involving politicians and passing laws if necessary, because something they see offends their sad and lonely sensitivities.
Whether we like it or not, part of our politics is defined by Gladys Kravitz, the snooping neighbor who lived next store to the Tates on the TV show “Bewitched”, constantly calling the cops because she saw something she didn’t like. It’s defined by meddlers who don’t like how much we weigh, or how we dress, or what we eat, or how we play.
And these meddlers–mostly at the local level, but sometimes their meddling and snooping reaches national levels–have found supporting politicians on both sides of the aisle. It’s not to say there is no role for local officials in settling disputes between neighbors. But this goes beyond settling disputes.
It goes to things like this bit of bullshit, promulgated by former Detroit mayoral candidate Jerroll Sanders:
Restaurant under fire for ‘sexually suggestive’ uniforms
A small shawarma chain in Detroit is taking some heat for its “sexually suggestive” uniforms, but the owner claims he never intended for the clothes to be so provocative.
And what was the provocative uniform being worn by the wait staff at Bucharest Grill? Was it short-skirts which landed just an inch or two below the rear end and a short mid-riff shirt? Was it “short-shorts” so short they showed the bottom portion of the rear end? Was it a thin string bikini with dental floss g-string bottoms, covered with a semi-transparent skirt?
Well, not quite.
But rather than offend your eyes by showing an image to this extremely offensive uniform, I’ll instead place a link here. Fortunately the photo I found is slightly out of focus, and needless to say, at least according to mayoral candidate and confirmed busybody and meddling snoop Jerroll Sanders, not safe for work.
If you feel inclined, go look at the offensive uniform. I’ll wait.
I know! How terrible is it for a waitress to wear a hooded long-sleeve top that completely covers her head, her arms, and long black pants that completely cover her entire body–but then has the audacity to draw attention to her rear end with the words “We Deliver!”
OMG! She may as well be splayed, naked in front of us, having sex simultaneously with two men!</sarcasm>
Welcome to 21st century politics.
Unfortunately, this is modern politics. And so much of modern politics are the Gladys Kravitz’s of the world, concerned that somewhere, somehow, someone may be having more fun than her–and this bit of fun must be hunted down and exterminated for the Greater Good.
I mean, Just Think Of The Children!™
I wish I knew an anecdote to this, but sadly some meddlers and snoops have constituencies, and some meddlers and snoops have groups behind them who need something to be offended at. While those groups may have memberships so fucking dirt dumb that they confuse the three-star symbol at the center of the Tennessee flag with a satanic symbol, the people who lead these organizations require some sort of conflict in order to keep their organization alive.
So sometimes a restaurant owner gets bullied into submission by a maniac with a chip on her shoulder.
Because she is Offended!
Sadly it happens in so many places, in so many towns around the country. Hell, just a few weeks ago I watched a flame war arise on the web site Nextdoor, a web site which connects neighbors together, over the issue of teenagers disrespecting bicyclists. Apparently an older woman’s husband was disrespected as a truck full of teenagers passed by, and one of the teenagers in the back flipped the husband off. So he followed the truck to their house, and now the local neighborhood busy-body was demanding all her neighbors with children better discipline their teenagers.
Personally, and I pointed this out in the thread, I’m more concerned about the fact that her husband followed those children to their home, apparently angered by some sort of altercation he could have just shrugged off as “kids being kids.” (Because nothing sets an example like threatening to escalate being offended into a violent confrontation.)
But, to the mind of the local “snoop”, kids are never just kids. They must be disciplined and kept in line. They must be respectful to their elders–even if their elders have to physically confront them.
And if they are not appropriately respectful, We Need A Law.
There is always Child Protective Services. Because nothing says “respect your elders” like destroying a family.
I have absolutely no fucking patience for snoops and busy bodies and those who are offended that somewhere, someone may be having more fun than them.
And I believe the right answer to this form of busy-body bullshit is to call them out, humiliate them in public, and reveal them for who they are: people who actively need to get a fucking hobby.
It’s a shame that so much of our politics is driven by this sort of nonsense–even to the point where we are cowed from exercising our legal rights because we’re afraid someone may take offense. So we don’t invite friends over late at night because we’re afraid some neighbor may call the cops–even if we take great pains to make sure the ambient noise level does not rise above legal limits. So we don’t wear something that someone may think is too revealing–even though it falls well within the limits of any sorts of laws on indecent exposure.
Fun fact: after reading a local news article, out of curiosity I looked up North Carolina’s indecent exposure laws. And, as it turns out, indecent exposure in North Carolina is defined as “willfully exposing the private parts … in any public place and in the presence of other person or persons.”
Two court cases addressed the definitions of “public place” and “private parts”; in the former, “public place” also includes areas on private property that is in plain view of a public place. But, more interestingly, “private parts” was defined in State v Fly as only meaning the genitals. The ruling explicitly stated the law did not prohibit women from wearing a thong or g-string in public:
To hold that buttocks are private parts would make criminals of all North Carolinians who appear in public wearing “thong” or “g-string” bikinis or other such skimpy attire during our torrid summer months. Our beaches, lakes, and resort areas are often teeming with such scantily clad vacationers. We simply do not believe that our legislature sought to discourage a practice so commonly engaged in by so many of our people when it enacted N.C.G.S. § 14–190.9.
Moreover, State v Jones held that a women’s breasts do not violate N.C.G.S. § 14–190.9 as they are not considered “private parts”:
By G.S. § 14-190, the General Assembly has seen fit to classify as a criminal act the indecent public exposure by a male or female of his or her private parts and to ordain the punishment therefor. We are not at liberty to include acts not within the terms of the statute. The female breasts are not private parts within the terms of the quoted portion of the statute.
We are of the opinion, and so hold, that the exposure by a female of her breasts to the public view in a public place is not an offense under G.S. § 14-190. Neither the legislature, by its enactment of laws, nor the courts, by interpretation thereof, can make a man a gentleman nor a woman a lady this molding must come from other elements of society.
Therefore, it would be perfectly legal for a woman in the state of North Carolina to wear nothing but a g-string and go topless, according to the laws of North Carolina.
(Note: I am barring any “disturbing the peace” charges that may arise if a woman were to do so, say, in downtown Raleigh. I’m also excluding any local laws which may serve to prevent a woman from walking topless and in a g-string through Raleigh–though note that according to North Carolina law, state law precludes local laws from re-regulating the same area unless explicitly allowed so by that law. So while a Raleigh city ordinance may be passed to (say) define “disturbing the peace” as wearing clothing or acting in a way which causes a commotion, the City of Raleigh cannot pass an ordinance which redefines indecent exposure so as to include women’s breasts or men’s buttocks.)
And yet, if you ask most North Carolinians (as I did when I first got here) what the indecent exposure laws are–and the answer you get back ranges from a belief that women must cover their entire breasts and buttocks to a belief that breastfeeding in public is illegal.
This despite the fact that N.C.G.S. § 14–190.9 explicitly permits breast feeding:in section (b):
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a woman may breast feed in any public or private location where she is otherwise authorized to be, irrespective of whether the nipple of the mother’s breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breast feeding.
(Note the wording of the law permits breast feeding even if subsequent changes to the rest of the ordinance or subsequent rulings decide that women’s breasts are somehow “private parts.” Meaning the wording of section (b) did not change the legislative intent or prior court rulings over women going topless.)
Hell, the belief that North Carolina’s indecent exposure laws are far more restrictive than they really are (by law, stated legislative intent and supreme court rulings) runs rampant, thanks to the snoops and meddlers of the world. Just look at the answers offered on Trip Advisor when someone asked about going topless on the Outer Banks of North Carolina:
I don’t know of any NC beach that allows that. You have to follow the same laws on the beach as if you were on a public street in NC. I guess if you were up around Carova or an isolated beach without houses around you could go topless…but if the beach patrol see you I’m sure there will some type of fine or arrest.
I know Molly but it was just info on both and by the way it is not legal on Coquina Beach or Pea Island National Refuge however it has been done I have seen toless in frisco too but it doesn’t make it legal. You stand a chance of gettin g a ticket if you caught any where on the Outer Banks topless or nude
It’s not to say that going topless wearing nothing but a thong may be morally wrong. Nor is it to suggest that you won’t get angry stares or even be harassed by local authorities asking you to “cover up”, because somewhere, someone was offended.
But we’ve confused immoral with illegal.
This is just a long-winded way of saying the Gladys Kravitz’s of the world are winning.
To some extent, they have won.
Somewhere, someone is having too much fun, and they are succeeding at having it stopped.
And thanks to them, we no longer know the difference between tacky (such as printing words across the rear end of yoga pants) and indecent, thanks to the Gladys Kravitz’s.
All we know is that the police have shown up in order to start asking questions. And the politicians, ever desiring to please another constituency by “doing something”, is poised to take away another freedom.
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hobbitsetal · 8 years
2:13-17 pas deux
“Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
[because i don’t like breaking up trains of thought, but i’m also incapable of exploring more than two verses per post, apparently...at least they’re good verses! picking back up in 15:]
For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. [Matthew Henry: “Another reason why Christians should submit to the evil magistrate is because it is the will of God, and consequently their duty; and because it is the way to put to silence the malicious slanders of ignorant and foolish men, v. 15. Learn, [1.] The will of God is, to a good man, the strongest reason for any duty. [2.] Obedience to magistrates is a considerable branch of a Christian’s duty: So is the will of God. [3.] A Christian must endeavour, in all relations, to behave himself so as to put to silence the unreasonable reproaches of the most ignorant and foolish men. [4.] Those who speak against religion and religious people are ignorant and foolish.”
“because God says so” is honestly the strongest and most sufficient reason one could have for doing anything. and when God “says so”, you need well-exegeted chapter and verse for exactly what He said and why you believe it should be taken this way, because there are a lot of heresies and false beliefs in the world... and also, if you’re using Scripture properly to back up what you’re doing, it saves you from a lot of errors. i knew a lady who said God told her it was okay to divorce her husband. there are quite a lot of verses urging Christians to protect marriage. the only two reasons Christ allows for divorce are infidelity and desertion...and even then, He urges us to seek reconciliation. so yeah, divorcing her husband (from the circumstances related to us) was not okay.
that aside, what about civil disobedience? what about when the commands of God conflict with the commands of government? for this, i’m skipping Matthew Henry and going to my dad, Captain Doctor Lieutenant Colonel Chaplain Roy. (doctor of ministry, for the record; he studied Biblical Counseling and teaches it internationally. v qualified to answer.)
so, my handsome father pointed me to Acts 5:27-29, when the Sanhedrin arrested Peter and the other apostles for preaching, Peter preached again, and the Sanhedrin was like “...buddy. what is your problem.”  to which Peter offered the immortal reply, “We must obey God rather than man.” so the modern example of civil disobedience is that famous baker who refused to make a cake for the gay couple, and subsequently got sued. as far as we can tell, the baker refused as politely as possible on the grounds of religious conviction. and the subsequent persecution they faced is analogous to Peter getting thrown in prison for preaching. God has always been very forthright about the cost of Christianity. the question we must face is, “is He worth it?”  the resounding answer is “YES. through pain and suffering, through every minute of this life, God is worth it.”
i’m all over the map this morning...reading 13-15 cohesively, we also have to consider that laws in and of themselves are good and God-ordained. Christ frees us to be able to obey God’s laws; He doesn’t free us to ignore them. “what, shall we sin then that grace may abound? by no means!”
Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.
[we are free. we are free to love lavishly, to serve others. we are free to treat all people as equals, because all people are created in the image of God. even nazis deserve our respect and love, because even nazis are created in the image of God.  “love your enemies. do good to them that curse you.” this current trend of “PUNCH ALL NAZIS” is an unchristian thought. do i agree with nazis? BEFORE GOD, NO. THEY ARE WRONG. would i punch a nazi? no. that is also wrong. 
but to get back to the actual verses in front of me, let’s focus on 16. “not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil.”
Matthew Henry again: “Learn, [1.] All the servants of Christ are free men (Jn. 8:36 ); they are free from Satans’ dominion, the law’s condemnation, the wrath of God, the uneasiness of duty, and the terrors of death. [2.] The servants of Jesus Christ ought to be very careful not to abuse their Christian liberty; they must not make it a cover or cloak for any wickedness against God or disobedience to superiors.4. The apostle concludes his discourse concerning the duty of subjects with four admirable precepts:—(1.) Honour all men. A due respect is to be given to all men; the poor are not to be despised (Prov. 17:5 ); the wicked must be honoured, not for their wickedness, but for any other qualities, such as wit, prudence, courage, eminency of employment, or the hoary head. Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, the prophets, and the apostles, never scrupled to give due honour to bad men. (2.) Love the brotherhood. All Christians are a fraternity, united to Christ the head, alike disposed and qualified, nearly related in the same interest, having communion one with another, and going to the same home; they should therefore love one another with an especial affection. (3.) Fear God with the highest reverence, duty, and submission; if this be wanting, none of the other three duties can be performed as they ought. (4.)Honour the king with that highest honour that is peculiarly due to him above other men.” 
amen, Matthew Henry. amen.
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ohhhhmyblog · 8 years
#StoryTimeWithMy - Me & #HurtBae handle things differently...clearly.
Ok... So I was with him over 3 years at this point. But in recent times, we had had multiple convos about not being together for various reasons...but there was still that lingering love. You know? Where you still speak everyday, still hang out, are still intimate, etc... Still...to the point where one week prior to this "incident" we did a little day trip where we took Teagan out to eat and to Liberty Science Center. You know, regular shit...
So on this day, I spoke with him a couple times throughout the day. I let him know I had made plans in his area later and we agreed to just hang out until my girl got off work. Soooo.... I go.
I get to his house and everything's regular... drinks, music, his friends, their girlfriends...typical weekend night at his place.
Then the bell rings, he goes to open it, and a woman comes in. I don't think anything of it at all...at first. Then I notice all of his friends get weirdly silent (completely out of character for this bunch). The woman is totally comfortable. She goes into the fridge for something, takes a charger out of the wall and heads toward his bedroom. She's out of sight for about a minute and I decide to go follow her.
And there she is...sitting on his bed, phone plugged in the wall, just scrolling through her phone...super comfortable. I do the only thing there is to do... "Oh hi...I'm MyAsia. Who are you? I'm *insert name i dont remember because it didn't matter*. Oh. You're here for *him*? How do you know him...because you clearly KNOW him? I've known him for years." She starts to look worried. She's catching on... (lol, funny now...wasn't funny then)
I go back into the living room. I approach him. I just stare at him. He gives me this look like "Fuck!" but tries to play like he's confused. "What?" he says., I just stare at him...
In that moment, I am trying soooooo hard not to burst into tears because...y'all...she was comfortable there. She wasn't new. She knew where the outlets were in his bedroom. She didn't require an introduction to his friends. She was comfortable enough to go in the fridge.
"Who is she? Why is she here?" He just stares at me with the goofiest "I have fucked up" face. She walks into the living room. It's now awkward af. I. LOSE. IT. I have so many questions and I'm asking them all...in front of everyone...at max volume...without one single fuck to give. Not. One.
His friends start to head to the door. The gf of one his boys stays behind and attempts to get me to relax. Nope. I'm on one. Then something in my head is like "MyAsia, you are making a fool of yourself. You are flipping your shit and he isn't even reacting." He is still in the same spot...looking dumb.
The woman gets her things to leave. I start to leave too. He follows. (I think he thought we would get into something...but no, my issue was never with her.) But in that moment, I interpreted that as him wanting to save her from me. I started swinging. You know when you swing as you talk? Why👊would👊you👊do👊this👊to👊me? Why👊have👊her👊come👊here👊when👊you👊knew👊I'd👊be👊here? He gives me this "I didnt know she was coming" bs...which only pissed me off even more. Now I know she's comfortable just popping up here? Ok.
I start bawling. I am sooo hurt. I felt betrayed. I felt stupid. I had placed him on this pedestal...because in my mind, he would never be "this guy". I attempt to storm out. He stops me. Now he has answers. Now he wants to explain. He wants to tell me that "we broke up already". He wants to tell me "we already decided not to be together". He wants me to believe she just came around in the last couple weeks...this woman who goes in his fridge, knows his friends, comes over unannounced and knows where the outlets are in his bedroom... I. Can. Not. Stop. Crying. I want to...because I feel weak and stupid...but I can't.
I snatch away from him and leave. I can't leave. I have an excruciating headache suddenly. I can't see thru the tears. I was a wreck...smh. I get in the car, drive one block up and park. I call the friend I was suppose to link up with after she got off. I am hysterical. She can't understand me. My phone beeps. There's another call coming in. It's his friend's gf from back at the house. She wants to know where I am. I tell her and click back over. I give a short, prob super inaccurate version of what just happened. At this point, he is Satan to me...so I can only imagine what I said.
Anyway, I tell her where I am and hang up. I am legit hysterical. My head is hurting. I am angry. I am hurt. This woman wasn't new. This woman was comfortable y'all. When he reacted to this whole "incident", he considered her. I saw it. It was too much. I sat in my car just shaking...trying to talk myself out of setting his house on fire. Seriously... The ONLY thing that stopped me was knowing that children lived in the unit above him...the children who stomp around and make so much more on those weekend mornings when he and I just wanted to sleep in. Those loud ass children kept me from making a super irrational decision that night.
I'm startled by a knock on my window. It's his friend's gf. She tells me to unlock the door. She gets in the passenger seat and just sits there, silently. I'm still crying. I can't make it stop. My head is racing. Then the other friend shows up. She gets in the car. We just sit there for a minute. Then my friend who missed the whole thing says "what the hell happened?"... I tell her...and finish with "My head hurts. My stomach hurts. I need a drink."
We all get in her car andride around North Newark looking for a bar. It's dark. It's late. Everything is closed. Then we see this little corner bar that seems to be open. We get out. We go in. There are all Hispanic men over 50 in this bar, y'all. I didn't care. They had liquor...lol I had shots and cocktails with these 2 til the bar was closed. I spilled my little heart out in there...to 2 women who weren't even THAT close to me...but in that moment I appreciated them. They let me vent and talked me down...well kinda... ...Because now, I'm angry AND upset AND still feeling stupid...and I've spent the last hour drinking continuously...
I decide I am going back to his house. They try to talk me out of it...but nah, I'm going back. I call his phone. He answers immediately. I tell him I'm coming back and he needs to be there and alone. I promise you in my head I was going back to that house to hurt him. I considered killing him...in real life. I thought of how I'd do it, how I could get away with it, how it'd make his mom and sister feel, how I'd explain it to Teagan...all that. SMH
We leave the bar and head back to his house. They wont let me go in alone. I ring the bell. He comes to the door. In that moment...something happened to me that I cant and wont ever be able to explain. In that moment, I needed him. So many times before I he had been the ONLY person to see me through bs and tough times. This time was no different. In that moment, I was searching for and anticipating comfort and consolation...from the very person who had just hurt me. SMH Why was I like that?!
I start yelling, crying and carrying on...and he tries to hold me. I'm fighting him...I want him not to touch me and I want him to hold me tighter...at the same... damn...time. Y'all... I was all messed up.
We go inside and he's giving me the same story and I'm so over hearing it. I zone out and I'm just wondering why I'm back at his house...seeking solace in the same man who had upset me in the first place. I got angry. I was back and forth between literally throwing blows and falling into his chest crying asking him why. The whole time my head is KILLING me.
Suddenly it's silent. For a while there's just me doing that "I just finished crying", sniffling thing lol Then he takes my jacket off of me, lays me down in his bed, takes my shoes off and just cuddles up next to me. He says he's sorry and that he never meant to hurt me like this and this isn't how he ever thought this would go. I fell asleep...in the arms of the same mf who I had just thrown jabs at...the same mf I seriously considered killing just hours before. I woke up the next morning and left silently.
I was violently ill for days. I learned then just how real "mind over matter" is. I had literally gotten physically SICK...because of mental and emotional pain. I also learned that you can not ever view someone the same after heartbreak. I learned that anyone is capable of anything and pedestals are for trophies, not people. I learned that everyone is just moments of hurt & anger away from a Snapped episode so I don't judge.
Fast forward to present time...fast forward pass months of personal growth and experience...fast forward pass a bunch of laughs and tough convos between us over the years... This guy is still one of the closest ppl to me. I still love him to death. I currently consider him a friend of mine. I just know I can't ever look at him THAT way again...and that's ok.
That #HurtBae video struck a nerve with me. No one is above being hurt. But when you're in a situation that is emotionally and mentally draining, get the hell out of it!
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delwray-blog · 6 years
Or the Satanic Plan to Destroy White Christian America. Why America is losing the war? The passing of the Civil Rights Bill: Now that the Civil Rights Bill has been passed, many people are asking the Question: How may I fight for segregation and States' Rights? In this article, we will tell you what the commandments of God are regarding this evil satanic plot to destroy white Christian America. We will prove to you beyond any shadow of a doubt that your duty to God and country is to fight to maintain segregation, States' Rights and the Constitution. Before we give you the plan, let’s look at the history of this battle through the years. Many people mistakenly believe that this fight for States' Rights, segregation and the Constitution began with the 1954 Supreme Court decision. This is not true. The New York and International Jewish Bankers of the world attempted to destroy the United States of America by dividing it in two, giving one half to Canada and one half to Mexico, which Money Systems they both controlled. Yes, the International Jewish-Communist first attempt to take over the United States took place way back in the 1860s. Does this amaze you? It should not! Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848. By 1860 the Jews were ready to attempt the communizing of the world. In this, they totally failed. Why? Let’s look and see. Let’s go back to the year 1863 to the greatest battle the Confederacy ever fought, it was a total victory for the South. That battle was the battle of Chancellorsville. The Chancellorsville battlefield is located along the Orange Turnpike, approximately ten miles west of Fredericksburg. At the end of April 1861, General Hooker of the Union Army began to threaten Fredericksburg and cross the upper Rappahannock to come behind Lee. A Confederate force of two divisions under Anderson re-enforced by Jackson's command, entrenched along a three-mile front and arrested the progress of Hooker's flanking movement on May 1st, 1863. Meeting with such unexpected resistance, Hooker abandoned the initiative and fell back to entrench along a five-mile front in the vicinity of Chancellorsville. Lee advanced cautiously on the afternoon of May 1st to take a position along the old Furnace Road. At Fredericksburg Lee had left approximately ten thousand men under General Jubal Early to guard the heights against Sedgwick's Federal force of about 25,000 men. Among the pines at the Junction of the Orange Plank and Furnace Roads is located the site of the Last Bivouac of Lee and Jackson. Here on the night of May 1st, 1863, the generals planned the battle of Chancellorsville, one of the most daringly conceived engagements of the war. Here they parted company for the last time. The next morning Jackson moved out on the bold maneuver that divided the Confederate Army. The leading regiments of Jackson's command reached the halfway point at about 12:30 p.m. From there they pushed northward to the Plank Road where Jackson met Fitzhugh Lee, the cavalryman. The two generals rode eastward on a reconnaissance along the Plank Road to a Hilltop that revealed the completely exposed nature of the Federal right. Returning, Jackson quickly gave the order to continue the advance to the Orange Turnpike and thence eastward toward Chancellorsville. At approximately two miles from the Union Forces on May 2nd, 1863, Jackson's veterans WITHOUT SHOES, WITH BLOODY FEET AND NO FOOD stretched in massed columns a mile on either side of the turnpike struck Howard's Federal corps about 6 p.m. It was the crushing irresistible attack of these dedicated men, hurled back Hooker's right two miles toward Chancellorsville. The withdrawal of Sickel's Federal corps early that morning permitted the Confederates to seize the best positions and establish a heavy concentration of artillery which enfiladed part of the Federal line and raked the strongly entrenched Federal position at Fairview. Lee rode to Hazel Grove at 10 a.m. to supervise the assault on Fairview. All positions were finally carried by storm at about 10 a.m. Chancellorsville, a smoking ruin, and then fell into Confederate hands. It must be remembered that this Confederate force was outnumbered by over two to one. The Union forces were fully equipped, well led and 130,000 strong, whereas the Southern forces were ill-fed, very poorly equipped and only 60,000 in number. What made the difference? These men were able to rout a numerically superior Army due to the fact that they believed in their cause, States' Rights and the Liberty of men. Did these men die in vain? That's up to you. Look the pictures over very carefully. These men died for you! If they had not fought, the International Jew Communists would have removed all your Rights and this Nation and its entire people would have been in slavery long ago. They fought for you and gave you 100 years of additional freedom. That's right, you would have lost your States' Rights and your Constitution over 100 years ago, had they not been Christian men, brave enough to stand up and fight. God commands that his people obey his laws. One of the most important laws is the law of segregation. You MUST maintain Segregation if you ever intend to see the Kingdom of God. Yes, salvation depends on it. But you say how can we preserve Segregation when the Civil Rights Bill has passed. The best weapon is to practice segregation yourself. Many people believe they can picket an area that is about to be integrated and stop it with this method. This never works, because the Jewish businessmen of the particular community that you are trying to keep segregated gather together, form a bi-racial committee and when all the shouting is through you will have lost, for they will integrate the businesses anyway. Why take the chance of hurting innocent people by attempting to halt integration this way. Your best weapon is to follow this simple program. Will you obey men or God? The great man of God, Joshua, answered in this way: "But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. And as the two apostles Peter and John answered the Jews when they told them they must obey, and speak these things no longer, they said: "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than to God, judge yourselves. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." Acts 4:19-20. I am determined in my case that these brave men of the 1860s shall not have died in vain. And what's more important, I will preserve segregation at all costs. For my duty and yours is to obey God and not men. The Constitution of the United States is a contract that WE THE PEOPLE made with one another, which sets up the machinery of government to carry out this contract, mainly for the purpose of PROTECTING INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS as well as STATES' RIGHTS against the power of government. No public official has a right to override the provisions of that contract. To quote Thomas James Norton's Constitution of the United States, its Application, etc., "A law of Congress to be one of the supreme laws must be made in pursuance thereof and not in conflict with the Constitution. When not made in pursuance thereof, it is, of course, unconstitutional and of no effect." And of course the same would similarly apply to a wrongful decision rendered by the Supreme Court, or an unlawful Treaty. All States are warned to "STAND YOUR GROUND" and fight for STATES' RIGHTS. The Jew-Communist plan for the complete overthrow of our White Christian heritage must be stopped at all cost.
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spiritualbaetribe · 7 years
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New Mindset....Who dis??? I'm a Menace 2 a dogmatic society!!! This tee was made for days like this. So many meanings to it. Today it represents a 🖕🏾the myth of white oppression in this country. A 🖕🏾to the dogma that perpetuates hate,racism,sexism,transphobia,homophobia,ableism,islamaphobia,freedomphobia,all bigotry and Some moe shit!! Including the disenfranchisement + marginalization of people of color in this country 4 years ✌🏾. The hell with white silence it remains a major threat to poc in this country. - Ima give ya the tea ☕️ (White)supremacy is the shadowy parts of America,Europe...supremacy has specks within us all. These shadowy specks don't want to be faced head on,and yet they have been perpetuated by Europeans as they colonized wherever they pleased.The parts that destroyed their own indigenous. The parts that support cultural myths of elitism,superiority,competition,scarcity,not enoughness,unworthiness,and rejection of our inner divinity that unites us all with every single thing on this planet. It supports the belief that we are separate from the universe and that there is something to be conquered on this planet and in this world. So far it has perpetuated the conquering of cultures and people of color. Avoidance of this shadow will gets us nowhere. Denial of the shadow grows its presence.How long will you be silent+ignore+deny? - May we all take a deep breath and feel our way thru this and be fueled to stand against the ignorance,the bigotry,the hate in whatever way is best for you...but stand you fucking must!!!! - Sending radical light&healing energy to #charlottesville stay alert ✊🏾to those injured on the front lines standing for their truth. - Unite+Resist+Create Angelea @thespiritualbae Black Witches Matter✊🏾 #spiritualbae #blacklivesmatter #nativelivesmatter #translivesmatter #fuckfacisicm #lovetrumpshate #nastywoman • • • • • #racism #speakthetruth #freedom #america #powertothepeople #changemaster #merica #intersectionalfeminist #racist #spirituality #sayhername #blackowned #activist #liberty #blackwitch #riseup #offensive #bigot #satan #whitesupremacy #stopthehate #socialjusticewarrior (at Phoenix, Arizona)
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