#support liberty
bearfoottruck · 3 months
I've been seeing various posts about KOSA on my dash today, and based on the research I've conducted, I can safely say that as the High Priest of the United Satanic Liberty Front, I'm in solidarity with a lot of you. I support the rights of LGBTQ+ youth, and I hereby oppose KOSA.
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boredth · 4 months
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Great to see ya again, Johnny.
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soybean-official · 6 months
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The parts of you that support me
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hinamie · 1 month
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Honestly, always felt death breathin' down my neck... 'S why I lived like every day was my last.
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deathberi · 3 months
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netunokinoart · 9 months
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songbird ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ // CYBERPUNK 2077 fanart
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rottika · 6 months
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Hello, Tumblr Faith community. I present to you: unironic but still humorous pixel priest game yuri. <3
Source under the cut.
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
If people in a position of authority are using calls of antisemitism to make mass arrests and justify police brutality, then I think it’s safe to say they don’t care about the safety of Jews and only about defending a colonial and neo-liberal status quo. Especially when Jews are disproportionately represented among arrestees.
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ronsenthal · 8 months
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A/N: so this one is according to ME (user ronsparky), because I had this crazy idea this morning about how our guys represent many archetypes from the Tarot so I knew I had to do something. Apologies in advance as I'm still learning, also thanks to my friend (not really from the fandom) who is really great at this stuff and taught me so much.
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Dick Winters: The Chariot, represents control, willpower, success, action, determination and security. He represents all of this for the company being always there, trying his best to guide and take care of everybody, he gives so much hope and comfort.
Lewis Nixon: The World, it stands for completion, integration, accomplishment, travel, study, also represents an emotional jorney and in the end in fulfillment something that he ofter brings to the table being an intelligence officer.
Ronald Speirs: Death, people often don't understand and fear this one as they are afraid of what they see, but Death also means cutting out what is unnecessary, a fresh new start, resolutions, metamorphosis and intuition, we saw all of that in his development.
Carwood Lipton: Temperance, represents balance, moderation, patience, purpose and is a reminder to remain calm during hard moments. He basically did all of that for the guys, always trying his best even, giving a smile or just cutting the crap.
Harry Welsh: The Lovers, as it represents love (obviously), romance, harmony but also stands for union, is warm, being supportive. He could be the sun tho, but he is too romantic so I had too.
Shifty Powers: The Sun, happiness, success, vitality, joy, confidence, turth, happiness and above all optimism, radiating love and hope. He is just so pure and always tries to see the good side of things, even when things aren't so great.
Bull Randleman: Kinda obvious but Strenght, because it represents courage, bravery, sel-confidence and specially power but can be so caring and have the rare balance between power and focus, being protective, guiding people and being a leader.
George Luz: Also The Sun, for success, abundance, and radiance, can brighten an entire galaxy and brings joy even after a big storm. Also carries this warm feeling for those around him that is just so adorable and also Luz in portuguese means Light
John Martin: The Emperor, mostly because of all the aura of authority, control and discipline but always thinking about his people and trying to bring order and working hard.
Roy Cobb: The Tower, I will not elaborate it.
John Janovec: Wheel of Fortune, basically fate and unexpected events sometimes good, sometimes bad.
Eugene Roe: The Star, carrying hope and healing for those who need it the most. It requires incredible strenght as it stands still up in the sky even when the clouds are blocking the view, even when you forget it's there.
Bill Guarnere: The Fool, kinda wild and people see this crazy dude that can get into real trouble by being reckless, but I thinkg it also represents spontaneity, adventure and a new journey ahead.
Tag list: @xxluckystrike, @mads-weasley If you want to be added to my tag list please let me know :) Also let me know what you think about it!!!
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kharonion · 2 days
So. I promised to myself I'd share more Blorbo Blabberings. And here we are. 😈
I'm working on editing the next chapter of Fear the Reaper finally, and it begins to dip into Vikt's limbo between corporation and mercenary. A time in which he's lost absolutely everything, and he's feeling every ounce of it.
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He was on top, holding so much power in his hands, and in what seemed like a split second, it's yanked away. Not just by anyone. By the man--no, by the corporation--he served without any question... because that's all he's known to do. A plot fueled by jealousy, a plot that seemingly involved everyone Vikt had any sort of trust in for his work.
So, now, he can't trust anyone.
Not even himself.
Squatting out in the alleys of Kabuki with nothing but the ratty clothes on his back and the fires of a hatred he can't extinguish, Vikt is both at his most vulnerable and most dangerous. A circuit ready to blow. The pits of despair are an abyss he is more than ready to jump in. No amount of drugs or fighting can dull his pain. He's not in a good place, it goes without saying. Every day is a struggle to find a reason to see the next.
People think he had it easy afterward, simply taking up merc work immediately, finding shelter with the "connections" he supposedly had. People don't think Vikt was in a fight for survival, both against the streets themselves and the shadows he's cloaked in himself--a fight he very nearly lost were it not for Jackie's interference months down the line.
The city swallowed him up, spit him out. Changed him. Broke him.
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"So Mi's not yours to take."
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✨🧢💋👊🏻B I Z K E T T E S👊🏻💋🧢✨
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magicicephoenix · 2 years
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had a sudden urge to read some inky mystery but i’m about 50 chapters behind the most recent update and have not read it in over a Year so i decided to just start over instead!
@theinkymystery up for a blast to the past?
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awwwokay · 2 months
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They’re having a MILF off 🤭
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hassanac33 · 3 months
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