#University of Liege
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New technique can capture or reuse CO2 as a chemical source for the production of sustainable plastics
A team led by chemists at the University of Liège has developed a new polyurethane production technique using CO2 to create new types of easily recyclable plastics. The study, published in the Journal of the American Chemistry Society, could provide a solution for the development of truly sustainable plastics. Commodity plastics have transformed global industry. Whether in construction, clothing, vehicles or food packaging, these plastics are everywhere in our daily lives, so much so that their global use has been estimated at around 460 million tons in 2019. "This number is staggering, but not surprising, because plastics, also known as synthetic polymers, have met a large success thanks to their irreplaceable characteristics: they are light, cheap and incredibly versatile," explains Christophe Detrembleur, chemist at the Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM) of the University of Liège. "However, the fact that they are difficult to recycle, or even impossible to recycle in the case of thermosets, has serious consequences."
Read more.
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reportwire · 2 years
Smilodon's sabre teeth
Smilodon’s sabre teeth
Newswise — A team of researchers led by Narimane Chatar, a doctoral student at the EDDyLab of the University of Liège (Belgium), has tested the biting efficiency of Smilodon, an extinct species of carnivore close to the extant felines.  Using high-precision 3D scans and simulation methods, the team has just revealed how these animals managed to bite despite the impressive length of their…
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laserbread · 8 months
Energon universe spoilers ahead!!!
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Me: I should go to bed
Also me: What if I drew something intensely difficult for a meme
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planetformer-central · 8 months
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Three hours later, I have all these rough sketches complete. Yes I am well aware I have a baby Primes problem. No I will not be stopping.
Enjoy the critters and their forever changing designs because I am indecisive.
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lets-try-some-writing · 9 months
So, in the pretender au, does optimus have the matrix of leadership, and if so, what does it think of him and the parasite business?
Oh he absolutely does have it and BOY the Matrix and those within it are not happy.
Previous part here.
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He probably should have kept up with the affairs of the living realm, but Liege Maximo gave up somewhere halfway into Nova Prime's reign. Being dead was not all the living children of Primus chalked it up to be, at least not for Liege. Sure there were no more physical concerns, but by the stars, there was none of that peace and quiet nonsense.
Primus had seen fit to put all of the Primes within the Matrix upon their deaths, all to guide those who would come after. It was a logical decision, one Liege saw increadible potential in for himself. If he could get a word in with the chosen Primes, he could manipulate them as he saw fit. Eventually he would find a way to get a new body through the Primes and their near infinite political influence. At least that was his big plan. Unfortunately for him, his siblings were not so keen to let him roam free.
"We are the Primes of old, here to offer our wisdom and guide you, young Prime. But take heed, do not listen to the voice of Liege Maximo. We cannot silence him, and despite his elegant words, he wishes you harm."
It was the same script over and over again. If he was honest, Liege was rather offended. He didn't necessarily want to harm the Primes chosen by the Matrix, he just wanted out of the Primus forsaken relic. It was never ending chatter in their gold gilded prison. Quintus was forever rambling on about something or other. Prima and Amalgemous were constantly bickering over what to do about the newest series of Primes. Then there was Solus who simply refused to shut up about the little glitches who came and claimed the Matrix along with the station it entailed. There was no such thing as peace and quiet within their pocket realm in the Matrix.
As such, Liege simply stopped bothering with the new Primes once they refused to adhere to him more than three times. He listened when his siblings spoke of the new Prime that was meant to come, one supposedly forged in Thirteen's image. However he didn't put much stock in their words. If the next Prime was to be like Thirteen, then he wouldn't be able to say two words before he was shut down. No use trying if he was guaranteed to fail in this case.
At least, that was what his original plan was.
When the time came and a new mech approached the Matrix, Liege was all but shoved forward to observe the candidate. He sighed but observed, quickly growing more and more interested as the mech dragged himself forward.
His limbs were long and gangly, too long to be normal by modern Cybertronian standards according the memories of prior Primes. His optics were wider than they should have likely been, his frame was disproportionate to the point of being almost comical, and the way his field flared was... ominous. He didn't feel like any creation of Primus Liege had encountered. He was certainly still a Cybertronian, but the waves he emitted spoke of CNA that was closer in strain to an Insecticon, or perhaps even Quintus's creations. Something so deviated and yet still intrinsically tied to the Cybertronian template that it neither presented as friend or foe.
The other Primes reeled in confusion. Liege could hear their whispers of how "He isn't the one." But of course, there was no time for his siblings to reject the newcomer as the mech, or perhaps the creature, suddenly dropped to all fours and threw itself forward with preposterous speed. Micronus prepared and electric field around the Matrix, Prima and the others hurried to burn the newcomer if he, or perhaps it, so much as touched them. But in that moment, Liege saw and opportunity. Using what influence he had, he waited until the last moment and disrupted his sibling's defenses, allowing the creature to grab the Matrix and hold it in his far too long digits.
His siblings screamed. Liege smiled as the thing carried the Matrix away, down tunnels and into the dark. His siblings screamed that they would never accept the newcomer, but the thing did not halt in its steps. It moved with purpose until it arrived before an active plasma pit. Liege cackled as the thing held the Matrix over the edge, its voice ringing out in a strange strangled mixture of hisses and chittering.
"We will not adhere to you. Whatever you are, you are not our chosen."
"No, but I am all that remains."
"Leave us. You are not worthy."
"I carry his CNA, his memory, and his goals."
"We do not know you or what you are. You are a face stealer, a creature that haunts the dreams of newsparks."
"I am a failsafe, a being designed to ensure that something of this world endures in the event that my foolish sister race fail to secure their continued existence."
"You are not one of us. We give you nothing. Return us to our resting place so that someone who is worthy may claim us."
"I am afraid I cannot allow that. I need the security that this relic provides. I need the wisdom of the ages in order to ensure that my kind flourish."
"A being such as yourself does not deserve to continue functioning, much less spread."
"Perhaps. But if you will not grant me the wisdom you hold, then none shall possess it."
"You cannot do this. The wisdom we carry is meant only for the Primes."
"Then make me something greater, make me a Prime."
His siblings bickered, but ultimately they conceded. The creature smiled, fangs and mandibles on full display as it parted its chassis to reveal a fully formed spark hidden within a chamber made of calipers more akin to claws. The Matrix was placed within, and the Primes did only the bare minimum to adjust the being they were now bound to. For the first time, Liege put all of his effort into the new Prime. His siblings offered no gifts aside from the usual enhanced strength. But Liege? Oh he did far more than them. With his siblings refusing to augment the new Prime more than absolutely necessary, Liege stepped in.
Looking over the new Prime's biology, Liege wanted to laugh until he passed out. Such a convoluted being. It was a miracle the creature had lasted so long. Plant, Insecticon, base Cybertronian, and even a small portion of Mech-animal CNA were mixed together in an unholy union. The fact that the creature lasted past its conception was surprising in the extreme. It was a wonderful concept, a creature capable of reproducing on its own to eliminate the need for the Well. It's biology allowed it and all its kind to work with the Insecticon colony instinct, getting rid of the pesky emotional distress that the children of Primus felt when put into a role. And most notably, its biology dictated that it's young could be changed, their very CNA adjusted to blend in, to act and seem just like any other Cybertronian... up until it was time for them to wake. It was a brilliant creature, one that simply had a few flaws.
Liege smoothed its coding, easing everything into a far less volatile state so that it would not forever be at odds with itself when around the children of Primus. He adjusted the creature's transformation cog so that it could both have a vehicular alternate mode and shed its disguise without pain. He carefully rearranged how its internals were structured, adjusting its organs to match the children of Primus in appearance so that scanners would not give it away. He went to great lengths to dutifully alter the creature's appearance, granting it something more regal to cover for its natural traits. Then, just as his siblings noticed his intervention, he adjusted one final thing in the creature. It's field was a dead giveaway, so he simply... quieted it. A keen set of optics would still pick the creature out, but the average mech would feel nothing.
When Prima stepped in, halting his changes, Liege simply laughed. The creature had been changed, and now it was guaranteed to last. This being could make Liege a body, and more than that, it was a being made of logic. It would listen to him.
"We will offer our wisdom, but do not heed the voice of Liege Maximo. He will lead you astray-"
"I will adhere to whomever I wish to offer my audial. You will not sway me."
The creature had sensed Liege's changes, it saw him favorably. The other Primes shrank back, most giving up immediacy as the thing's optics became their own. It began its journey toward the surface, toward the Autobots. All the Primes did was plot and pray the creature ended up being killed. Liege however pushed forward, brushing past his siblings to complete the rite.
"We have never had a Prime such as yourself. You need a designation worthy of your station."
"What name would you give me silver speaker?"
"You are the first of your kind, and I believe that given time, you shall usher in a new age for this world."
"Complete your statement. There is little time to waste."
"I would grant you the name Optimus Prime. First of your kind and last of the old line of Primes."
"That is acceptable."
His siblings threatened him, but there was nothing they could do to stop him as Liege kept himself in the forefront of the Matrix. The new Prime did not trust them, and rightly so. The only one who he gave his attention to was Liege, and so Liege did everything in his power to build on the silver of trust given to him. The new Prime was naive in the ways of the world, so Liege directed him. He taught the creature how to speak, how to act, and how to manipulate. He sensed Optimus's will and goals, and he did all he could to assist. He supplied specific memories, cultivating all the knowledge the young Prime consumed. And with every passing cycle, he grew more cunning, more logical-
More like Liege Maximo.
Things were progressing well, but the Prime needed allies he could trust with his nature, and as soon as the Insecticons found him, Optimus had their allegiance. It had been a complete accident, but shortly after Optimus integrated with the Autobots, the nearest Insecticons tracked him down and bowed before him. Liege's augments made Optimus appealing, especially with the Prime's ability to spawn. The Insecticons sensed this, and their coding demanded they follow their "Queen".
The Prime, having cultivated his cunning under Liege's guidance, wanted to do the strategically correct thing and deploy the Insecticons to do his bidding. But Liege stepped in before he could. This was too good and opportunity, and with it, Liege had the chance to make a deal.
"Don't send them out Optimus. Your Autobots are already dubious about you. If you do this, they will find out what you are and refuse to follow you."
"I can conjure a tale. I am a Prime."
"That is true, but you must understand how important reputation is. It would be wiser to use your new subjects to bolster your foundation, to build on what you have."
"What are you suggesting?"
"You cannot spawn because it is not safe for your young yet. But you are also the only one. If you die, your species will have failed."
"Get to the point."
"Use the Insecticons to create a safe haven, a storehouse for your spawn until it is safe for them to grow. The Insecticons will guard them, and in the event all else fails, you can wait until the children of Primus have thinned their ranks and do whatever you wish with your forces."
"That is a logical suggestion."
"Not only that, but should you be killed, some of your young will remain. And in doing so, you also ensure the survival of some of your sister race through the Insecticons."
"I understand. I will follow this advice."
"Good... and to ensure their security, I have a few measures that could be used to guard your brood while you are absent."
"You offer this knowledge too freely. What is it you want?"
"You have learned well. I want a body Optimus. I have been locked in here since the first age, and with your ability to spawn, all you would need to do it connect the Matrix toward your reproductive systems. Then I can move my spark into one of your larva."
"It would mean death for the larva in question."
"A small price to pay for my teachings."
"How do I know you will not turn on me upon receiving a frame?"
"Why would I? You may rule over your kind as you see fit. They would not adhere to me anyway. But in return, I wish to govern the children of Primus."
"You will not harm me or my kin."
"Of course."
"Then the deal is done. Offer me your knowledge to guard my brood, and we shall discuss when you are to receive your frame."
The deal was complete, and Liege could only smile as he sat back and guided the young Prime in his work. Finally, a Prime he could use, a Prime that agreed with him. No matter what happened to Optimus, the creature would keep his oath. In the end, the new species would survive and Liege would get his frame. His siblings begged him to use his trust with the Prime to lead him to death, but Liege refused. They screamed as the named Pretender spawned, and Liege chuckled.
Let them spread, let the Pretenders grow. They would be valuable allies once Liege was set free. They were logical, and so long as Liege had useful skill or wisdom to offer, they would aid him. Optimus had proven as such. The Pretenders were the bane of the Decepticons and Liege Maximo's salvation. He would need to thank the one called Shockwave when all was said and done. The Pretenders were truly extraordinary.
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Hey Optimus why are you the best prime?
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Out of all his incarnations and fellow Primes, Optimus was the only one who learned to not be an aft about things.
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
snorts another line of Dark Energon (Warning: Trauma. Lots of it.) Gods & Goddesses AU where the 13 OG Primes are stranded on Earth in the aftermath of Gaea's birth(???), & they decide to try & Claim these new toys in front of her. Primus/Rung manages to get them offworld, but the damage has already been done. The 13 are utterly mangled by the experience, physically, spiritually & mentally. Primus/Rung has to remove the vast majority of their power because they would straight-up die from their biology & Sparks being torn up otherwise, downgrading them from "Physical Gods" to "Immortality & mild superpowers, but that's it" like IDW 2005. He can't help with the trauma & rhabdophobia (fear of magic), tho. Prima never treated Megatronus badly in this timeline, Liege never plots against his siblings, & Quintus never makes the Quintessons (he got his optics permanently damaged, & is too afraid to leave Iacon) so...yay, teamwork? (If we want to tie this into the Prima's a Dragon-Fragger AU, then 1.) Prima would have to be clever about how he takes on Predaking due to the massive power difference between them & 2.) Predaking realizes he has to invent therapy for his small BF. And talk to his Dad so he can get some context for when Prima wakes up screaming.)
Hmm, this is more of a commentary route because I got really set ideas about Gaea being a sister/daughter/reflection to Unicron and Primus.
As in, Primus would never have been able to get the remaining Primes back. Not after splitting his own power to them. Yes, they are powerful gods. However, Gaea can be taken as their originator as she is of Unicron, who is of Primus, and all were once a single entity that existed before nothing.
Basically, she took advantage of their relationship to claim them. And unlike her brothers, she's not letting them go. Ever.
In this particular AU, the variables that caused their downfall went another way, so it was Quintus who left first. He ventured off to find new species to become good neighbors to a new race. Where in one world, Quintus had found the planet Quintessa; the dreamy Prime was pulled to a hungry Gaea...
< Fragment of myself. > It crooned to a dreaming Prime, fascinated by his visionary thoughts and far-flung travels to seek out his goals. Quintus dreamt of gleaming cities and massive libraries. Stars full of treasures and beautiful singing bridges that connected everything and everywhere. < Wayward Dreamer. Sky-walker. Bridge-builder. > How could it leave such a delicious, willing morsel that stolen its dark heart with such a vision?
Quintus became the bait to grab the rest. Megatronus never returned when he went to fetch their lost brother. Solus and Liege Maximo disappeared on his trail, so it wasn't a surprise it prompted the rest of the brothers to stage a rescue with Prima hot on their heels...
And they all Fell.
Besides, I doubt they would leave after finding out that Unicron hadn't been fully vanquished.
Some of the Primes sleep so deeply, unable to awaken in physical reality. They put too much of themselves into fully caging the Unmaker. Others still walk the planet, wandering and trying to find a way off the planet.
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Given how Megatronus was misappropriated in RID15, I'm just hoping that Megatronus isn't protrayed as EVUL BADMAN GOD OF TEH DECEPTICONS again in Earthspark. We've seen the 13, or at least an interpretation of them and Megatronus wasn't drawn as looking (designwise) in some kind of evil fashion (ie spikes of doom, etc) in fact he kind of looks like a hybrid of Megatron and Optimus Prime, at least in the image shown in "Disarmed".
Also I don't know why, but Liege Maximo, or what I assume to be Liege Maximo in the lineup kind of makes me wonder if Liege in this continuity is female or maybe non-binary. ES Liege also has a hair bun, which I find both funny and neat.
Considering everything i know of earthspark i doubt that Megatronus Prime's depiction will be as strict as Ancient Evil Mc Evilman (no, that feels like a role for a more g1 esque Unicron which i admit I'm hoping for at som eff point), in fact i have a feeling none of the thirteen are going to be outright evil. Even if the theories suggesting there's more to Quintus than his benevolent actions so far, i don't think he's going to be a fully evil character.
Do i still feel like whatever depiction he gets will be filled with angst? Yes, that's based on how i interpreted his Aligned tfwiki entry though. It would be cool if he was a temporary antagonist who becomes/became an ally eventually (I'm having ideas regarding how the thirteen beat back unicron in Aligned, how Megatronus is the most connected with Unicron, the g1 heralds of unicron, and the roving planet eater model of unicron) but that's highly speculative on my part
Also oooo on femme or nonbinary Maximo?
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epickiya722 · 11 days
I hope that Anon didn't go and ruin someone else's day.
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kras-art-archive · 10 months
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And to finish the trio! My silly silly vigilantes are done, which means I’ll be working on some cool concept art for general world building stuff!
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motokeith · 7 months
can we stop treating our participation in the voltron fandom as something horrific and shameful or is every single voltron post going to be prefaced with self-deprecation and disgust
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Will you take ruthenium with your tea or coffee?
A study by Lionel Delaude and François Mazars, researchers from the Laboratory of Catalysis at the University of Liège (Belgium), has shown that caffeine and theophylline can be used to "green" catalysts based on ruthenium. This chemical element belongs to the transition metals. The results of this study have been published in Organometallics. Catalysts are ubiquitous in chemical processes because they enable reactions to be carried out faster and more selectively under milder experimental conditions. They are generally obtained from non-renewable raw materials, often derived from petrochemicals and metallurgy. In line with the twelve principles of "green chemistry", chemists are now seeking to reduce the carbon footprint of their processes as much as possible. In this context, the team from the Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis at the University of Liège has developed biobased catalysts derived from caffeine and theophylline, two natural substances from the xanthine family found in large quantities in coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa beans. "The whole process of adding value to these compounds is environmentally friendly, since their extraction and separation from renewable plant sources requires only water and supercritical CO2 ," explains Lionel Delaude, professor of chemistry and director of the laboratory. "What's more, they are under-exploited and available at low cost."
Read more.
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amamaliege · 2 years
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Steven Universe's own supreme leader, White Diamond fanart! <3 Made for inktober 2019, with prismacolor watercolors and color pencils! I had watched the episode when she showed up for the first time that day so, here you go haha
You want some art? Comission are open! Contact me on:
Socials: http://linktr.ee/MamaLiege
Dont use my art without written permission or you will be punished!
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aria0fgold · 6 months
The best thing to come out of the mafia au in mhyk is the increase of fanarts where Cain looks threatening and is covered in blood. Like, yes pls drench him in blood some more, whether it's his or not I don't mind, he just deserves blood splattered all over him.
#aria rants#seeing fanarts of ppl drawing owen with a guandao is such a delight too. he looks sooo cool with a weapon taller than him#owen always gets deranged fanart as one whos always unhinged in canon but now... cain gets some too and im sooo happy#its my boy's turn to be deranged and threatening and visibly unhinged as he smile all while covered in blood in fanarts#thats what happens when hes sworn to snow and is practically surrounded with the northern wizards from canon#the north's token knight now turned dangerous right hand man of an even more dangerous person and the way that#despite all of that. its Still cain. all the most important and recognizable traits of his stayed. it rlly is just the difference#between having arthur as the liege and not. when its arthur. cain makes an effort to hide all the ugly parts of himself#so as not to disgrace his liege for showing faults in a way unbecoming of what he thinks a ''perfect knight'' is#a perfect knight should only have the interest of his liege in mind. a perfect knight should be ready to face death for his liege#but in the mafia au. he isnt a knight. hes sworn to snow. the leader of a dangerous mafia group. so thats what hes doing instead#to present himself befitting a member of a dangerous mafia gang esp when he has sworn absolute loyalty to the boss of it#so hes more threatening. less dignified in what a knight should present himself yet more deadly in the way a dangerous mafia#member should carry themself in a town where chaos is present in every corner. and ooohhhh i love him so much#cain knightley in every universe you are doomed to swear your life away towards another all while forsaking that role#to purpose someone else other than your liege. doomed to always be a knight wanting to be with a princess that fought the dragon herself
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planetformer-central · 8 months
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Liege is ✨stunning✨ and he knows it.
Now we know where Starscream's flare originates from.
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What if it was another Prime who was reincarnated into Orion Pax? Like instead of The Thirteenth who was reborn as Orion Pax and late became Optimus Prime, what if it was Prima? Or Solus Prime? Or Heck! What if it was Megatonus!
How would the plot change? What would their interactions between the Team, Decepticons and Humans be like? What would their reaction to finding Unicron be like?
Thank you!
Ooooooooh this is a REALLY good prompt. I like it a great deal. Also I loved this idea so much that I took it to my friend @spreadwardiard and with his help, planned out several parts for this AU.
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Where is Thirteen?!
It had been decided long ago that the Thirteenth Prime would be the one to return, that he or one of his incarnations would lead Cybertron during its darkest hour. The original Primes all knew this, especially those who perished and were returned to Primus's embrace. It was the rule. And so when Thirteen vanished from among them, sent up to be prepared to enter the living realm, they were all eager and waiting to see what would come of it.
But nothing came. Things continued to grow worse in the living realm, and while they couldn't see it, they could FEEL it. Thirteen should have been up and operating by now. He should have been doing something.
Liege Maximo was not generous by any definition of the term, but he was cunning and calculating. He could tell quite easily that something had either gone wrong, or Thirteen had gotten lost somewhere in his mission. Whatever the case, it needed to be rectified. As such he intended to go the Well's edge, to possibly attempt to hitch a ride with some unsuspecting mech so he could look through their optics and get and idea of what was going on. It would be bending the rules, but he knew how to play his cards. The only reason his plans fell apart last time was due to his belief that Solus would not be overpowered by Megatronus. He was wiser now, he would play his games carefully.
He really should have expected Primus to note his desire and do something with it.
'This was wrong, very very wrong. Thirteen couldn't be gone. Thirteen was supposed to be operating this frame, NOT Liege Maximo. The younger Prime was a fool, but he was the one meant for this task, not Liege, never him. The frame he occupied what quite clearly meant for his diplomatic compatriot, the singular member of the original Primes that Liege failed to gain any sway over. He both admired and resented that fact.
Whatever the case, this was wrong. Horribly and unmistakably wrong.'
Something obviously had deviated from the plan. All Liege could do was internally scream when he found himself within the small and still sparkling like frame quite clearly intended for his fellow Prime. The body he occupied had Thirteen's face, it had his structure, and most disgustingly it had absolutely none of the sharp features Liege loved in his old frame. He hated it with every fiber of his being, and momentarily he considered flinging himself and the abominable frame he operated back into the Well. However that idea was banished when Liege came to the conclusion rather quickly that if HE was operating Thirteen's intended frame, then Thirteen was still up here somewhere, lost and quite possibly stuck in some limbo.
This was not his job. He was the most 'evil' of his fellows, he was the most selfish, and he was NOT meant to be the kind and empathetic leader Primus had likely sent Thirteen up to be. Why in the stars was HE here then? As much as he seethed at the question, he soon found himself with an answer as Alpha Trion came to collect him. The elder Prime knew it was Liege immediately, and in return both were let reeling and wondering where their fellow Prime was.
Alpha Trion: You should not be here Liege.
Liege Maximo: I am well aware of that Trion. Where is Thirteen?
Alpha Trion: I do not know. The Covenant offers no wisdom aside from the assurance that he yet lives.
Liege Maximo: He has a duty to fulfill and I have no interest in remaining in his frame.
Alpha Trion: That much is obvious, but there is little we can do at present. Thirteen must be located and put back on task. Until then, you must operate in his stead.
Liege Maximo: What? I am no empathetic fool like Thirteen. I have wishes, desires, things I wish to have.
Alpha Trion: I am well aware of that Liege. But you have always been charismatic. Use that ability and Thirteen's frame to find him and bring him back into the fold.
Liege Maximo: And what do I gain from this arrangement?
Alpha Trion: A chance to obtain power. If you find him, you will have Thirteen's audial. You always wanted a say in the developments of Cybertron did you not?
Liege was still not pleased with the arrangement, but it was one he had next to no choice in agreeing to. He had no interest in playing messiah for Primus's mortal creations unless he could lord over them, and that was not on the table so long as Thirteen was lurking somewhere. Regardless of his future plans, he still needed to find wherever his fellow Prime had wandered off to, if only to assess the situation. If Thirteen failed to perform, them Liege could begin looking into doing as he wished. Until then, he needed strength and influence, resources he would gain through his search if Thirteen was buried as deep as he predicted.
As such, Liege went with Alpha Trion and contented himself for a time in gathering intelligence as his frame developed. Taking into account the rather docile appearance of his new frame, Liege developed a designation and personality to match. He needed contacts, and his prior personality would simply not cut it, at least so long as he paraded himself so openly. He had been given a set of cards to play, and while not fond of them, he would put them to good use. He chose the designation of Orion Pax, a name he found to be fitting for his purposes. He needed to be seen as intelligent, but kind. He played that role before with Solus. He could do so again. It did not take long for him to be known as the most knowledgeable and kindsparked archivist serving under Alpha Trion. This ended up with the Master Archivist giving Liege, or rather Orion, quite a few side glances, untrusting due to his prior betrayal.
Orion Pax opted to keep his distance from his fellow Prime for both their sakes, but mainly for his plans. Alpha Trion knew him well, he knew that Liege, or Orion, was a master manipulator and speaker. If the Recorder Prime knew all his thoughts, there would be battle between them. As it was, they were only bound by shared duty. Thus while Orion learned under him, he otherwise kept to himself and tried not to be suspicious.
He grew slowly but observed dutifully. He saw the situation on Cybertron and laughed in the face of it. The mortals were so very foolish. They chose their Primes on whims and chained themselves without any subtly. Using reprogramming and castes was so very inefficient. If the mortals really wanted control, they would make their population believe themselves in command through careful usage of propaganda and education, not forced labor. It was too obvious, and there were always mecha willing to look past the veil. How very foolish of them. It was so ridiculous to him that often he spent extraordinary amounts of time digging through files, not for enjoyment, but to dig out the gems amidst the slag. He needed servants like his loyal beasts from so long ago. He needed mecha who would follow him and do his bidding even if they weren't aware of it. And for that, he required competent individuals to serve him.
It was somewhat hard for him to work his way through the archives enough to understand the world in great enough detail to begin his search. It took him millennia, of which he spent patiently working away under Alpha Trion even as he grew in knowledge. He could be patient, especially when he finally found mecha that garnered his interest that were within the realms of his sphere of influence. Orion was of course only a middle caste mech, data caste specifically. There were rules to his station, ones that he found just as foolish as the caste system, but that he was required to adhere to while he blended in and grew in power. With that in mind, there were only two mecha who he could influence who seemed to not be wrapped up in the lies told to them.
Orion Pax: Welcome to the Archives. How may I be of assistance?
Ratchet: I am looking for medical case records from the Rust Plague. I couldn't find them at my local archive. They said the files were transferred here.
Orion Pax: That would be correct. We had those files moved here in response to an influx of medical personnel. I will guide you to the records, please follow me.
Ratchet: Thank you-?
Orion Pax: My designation is Orion Pax. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
It was not hard to throw his weight around as Alpha Trion's student to have files moved. And it was also not at all difficult to purposefully have certain files checked out when Ratchet came, forcing the medical student to return time and time again for more. Orion always made sure to be the one to help him, and to offer nothing but kindness with a hint at a desire to break free of the castes. It was perfect, and before too long, Ratchet came to him without need for manipulation, often speaking on the cruelties of their world. He played his cards well, and in return he gained a loyal ally who was well on his way to climbing up the latter in the medical field.
Jazz was not so easy to take into his circle as the spy was quite simply able to see through his manipulations. Thus Orion instead opted to speak half truths and lure the spy in with promises of a better future. Jazz was rightfully skeptical, but Orion showed his worth by performing a few minor interventions, saving the lives of a few mecha with well placed documents and a few whispers amongst certain circles. Jazz didn't trust him, but he didn't need to. He only needed to serve. In that regard, he was exemplary, doing exactly what Orion needed him to do if Orion could simply convince him it was for the benefit of their endeavors to free the people of Cybertron. Meanwhile behind the scenes, Orion used the influence he garnered to begin his search for his fellow Prime.
Vorns were spent going through records, visiting locations, and trying to find anomalies. It was an impossible task, and quickly ended with Orion deciding that moving along and preparing the way for Thirteen was the best course of action. He had already cemented himself as a 'freedom fighter' amongst his allies, so he might as well use that reputation to make greater contacts. Thirteen would naturally be drawn toward things that aligned with his duty, at least, that was the hope. Thirteen was most likely to be involved in organizations and communities that focused around freedom and care for the weak. As such it simply made sense for Orion to seek out a mech with growing influence down in the pits, if not to find Thirteen, then to increase his own sphere of influence via association.
Alpha Trion: You wish to go to Kaon and use archival funds to do so.
Orion Pax: I do. There is a mech there, one who has named himself after our fallen fellow Prime. He speaks of freedom and fights for it.
Alpha Trion: You have never cared for freedom Liege. What is it you really want?
Orion Pax: Now, don't be hasty Trion. I am going to Kaon to look for Thirteen, just as I said I would. He is most likely to be around those fighting for his precious freedom.
Alpha Trion: What do you gain from this Liege? Don't play games with me.
Orion Pax: So untrusting. If you must know, I intend to establish contact with the gladiator Megatronus and extend my sphere of influence. There is much to be gained from eliminating this ridiculous waste of resources you call the caste system.
Alpha Trion: Such as potential for you to manipulate the order of this world?
Orion Pax: Why I never insinuated anything of the kind Prime. I merely wish to see the people of this world free to act as they will-
Alpha Trion: Preferably for your benefit.
It was quite the affair to convince Alpha Trion to find his expedition, but once it was done, Orion Pax studied Megatronus and prepared the perfect personality and arguments to use. He needed the gladiator to find him useful if nothing else, and due to his position, he brought much to the table. There was no way Megatronus would turn him away, and with the gladiator's help, Orion could ride his way straight into a position of power able to manipulate Cybertron. Finding Thirteen would be a bonus since he could throw his sibling Prime into the position of poster mech and control things from the sidelines. It was a perfect plan, one with little room for egregious error.
Only as soon as he finally secured a meeting with the gladiator, he suddenly found himself vividly remembering the chaos that was his first attempt to control the flow of things during the first age as one mech stuck out like an energon crystal in the rust sea. He came expecting to meet Megatronus, and possibly even locate Thirteen hiding away somewhere as a small domestic worker or even settled with a family. He was not at all ready to meet Megatronus and find himself being stared down by a masked mech who looked nearly nothing like his brother Prime, but was quite clearly the one and only Thirteen.
Orion Pax: Greetings, it is a pleasure to meet you-?
???: Greeting accepted: Orion Pax aknowledged.
Orion Pax: You know my designation? How-?
Megatronus: The moment you reached out to me, I had my associate here look into you. I do not like acting without the input of my second.
Orion Pax straining to keep smiling: Oh? I was unaware you had someone with such capabilities on your side, much less a second in command.
Megatronus: Why yes, Soundwave is a highly capable friend and compatriot. I would have never gotten this far without his aid in planning and management. He is a true ally and the only who I believe could best me in the arena.
Orion Pax struggling to not break character: I see. In that case, shall we begin discussion? As I stated in my message, I wish to hear more of your ideals and operations.
It was against all the odds, yet somehow Thirteen happened to be the mysterious spymaster and second in command of Megatronus of Kaon of all mecha. The Thirteen Orion, or rather Liege Maximo recalled was soft spoken, a diplomate of few words but endless empathy and consideration. This mech... he had to be Thirteen, his spark signature and everything about his told Orion as such, but he was different, wiser, and no longer the naïve Prime from so long ago. He had not been idle during his time in the living realm, and yet no matter how hard Orion looked into "Soundwave" he could barely find anything. All information on the mech was hidden behind Prime and council level security. If he went to Alpha Trion asking for the information, the recorder Prime was likely to become outright hostile.
He couldn't risk it. He would just need to work on his own. Now that he knew who Thirteen was, he just needed to move him into a position where Orion could manipulate him. But that quickly proved to be a challenge as the moment he tried to use his persona on Soundwave, his brother Prime noted him immediately and cornered him.
Orion Pax: Soundwave! I would be in your debt if you would look over these speeches I have composed for Megatronus-!
Soundwave: Liege Maximo's games are waste of time. Megatronus: No fool. Tolerates you because of usefulness. Hard to win trust.
Liege Maximo: Why Thirteen, I do not wish to harm him or anyone for that matter. I merely wish for this world to be made into the best version of itself. Does that not start with removing the caste system?
Soundwave: Liege Maximo: Betrayed us. Had Megatronus kill Solus. Was punished by Megatronus. Liege Maximo: Does not remember last attempt at manipulation?
Liege Maximo: I am well aware of my faults Thirteen. But that is why I need your aid. You were meant to inhabit this frame, not me. If I had my way I would never have come to the living realm as I am. You are far better suited to lead this people. Can I not help you get there?
Soundwave: Manipulations: Useless. Liege Maximo: Will refer to Soundwave by designation. Not Thirteen anymore. Soundwave: Has no interest in ruling. Megatronus: Better suited.
Liege Maximo: Then why don't we put aside our differences for the time being to help him? He wants to fix things doesn't he? If I prove untrustworthy by the time he gets to speak to the council, then we can discuss this further. How does that sound?
Soundwave: .... Parameters: Acceptable. Liege Maximo: Will be killed if Megatronus is harmed.
Liege Maximo: Of course brother. I would never touch your Champion, at least not without cause.
Soundwave: Final warning: Do. Not. Touch. Megatronus.
Orion or rather Liege Maximo finally found Thirteen, but it seemed that his fellow Prime was not at all trusting. It was an agitating turn of events, but manageable. Now with Thirteen at least within his realm of influence, Orion could finally begin working to accomplish his own aims.
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