#Unlicensed Medicines
thealogie · 2 years
Every time I put the oat milk in the door part of the fridge I do think of James Wilson M.D. I’m like rip girl you would have LOVED oat milk and hated where I’m putting it right now.
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ikrispharmaa · 3 months
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Popular aesthetics: whump edition!
So this is a silly silly idea that came to me after looking at some older posts that brought up "cottagecore whump" aka, cozy whump and h/c situations taking place in a cottage or cabin. I then got thinking about some other popular aesthetics and how to whumpify them so...this.
Cottagecore: Spoonfuls of honey-laced medicine, quilts, creaking floorboards, panicked hushed voices under the light of kerosene lanterns, no proper insulation; cold and heat alike seeping into an old cottage, a hot fire and wool blankets; a mug of tea clasped between shaking hands
Dark Academia: Storms lashing at the windows, sleepless nights, hoarding secrets that slowly eat away at the psyche, getting trapped in old buildings, reawakened old traumas, dark undereye circles, feverish nightmares, literal and metaphorical ghosts, fires started from spilled candles, old scars
Goblincore: Poisonous fungi, a healer's hut deep in the woods filled with tiny glass bottles housing unsettling contents, chased by creatures that look like familiar woodland animals but aren't, finding bones in the woods (whose are they?), getting lost in the forest late at night, having to build or scrounge for shelter before it gets dark
Light Academia: Waking up in an unfamiliar bed; cold winter light spilling in from the half open window, recovering with quiet but kindly strangers, blood spilled on white marble floors, exhaustedly finding a mostly hidden nook in the library to sleep in, weak tea and bitter medicine, windows rattling ominously late at night
Whimsigoth: Sinister potions from masked figures who claim to know what they're doing, eerie hallucinations, possession, vampire bites and werewolf claws, a murder of crows watching over someone's fitful sleep, hypnosis, breaking curses
Cyberpunk: Hurt and bleeding in a dark and rainy alleyway, running from secretive forces all on your own, unlicensed medical procedures, nowhere to hide, narrowly escaped assassination attempts, bloody hands and knees, numbers counting down to the day you die
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transmutationisms · 10 months
In what way are phrenological principles still foundational to research psychology & neurology, and science in general? Asking out of ignorance and wanting to know more.
so, phrenology throughout the 19th century was a broad program of research principles, self-help advice, and social-hygienic prognostication. we tend to think of it now as being reducible to a craniometric chart and a crank trying to divine personality traits from a person's skull shape—this did happen, but phrenology encompassed much more than that. it was a driving force in the increasing acceptance of ideas like brain localisation (that the brain did not act as one, but had distinct parts that could behave differently and independently to one another), the related position that human psychology and personalities could be classified / taxonomised / measured (like, 'attention' as being a faculty distinct from 'judgment' or 'reason' or so forth), and the belief that organic derangements of the brain accounted for a person's individual social / economic / intellectual success, as well as social phenomena like crime, delinquency, or addiction.
by about the 1890s, the word "phrenology" had become more or less dismissed in mainstream french and british scientific circles, and it was portrayed as a pseudoscientific perversion of respectable craniometry / anthropometry. this happened for many reasons, including that british and french medicine were professionalising over the course of the 19th century and that phrenological practitioners were often unlicensed and operating more in a marginal self-help space (akin to many of today's astrologers) than in institutionally sanctioned scientific circles. additionally, after world war ii, phrenology's association with eugenics made it even more unpalatable; it was now seen to be politically dangerous even to those who had previously endorsed eugenics. the same happened to many other theories and disciplines of social-hygienic or degeneration-theory ideas.
however, the rejection of phrenology that began in the late 19th century and intensified in the late 20th has been largely superficial, and 'modern' science has never really grappled with the phrenological roots of so much neuro-deterministic and anthropomentric thinking, from psychiatry to a great deal of moralistic public health to the incredibly deeply entrenched, yet blatantly prejudicial in every way, idea that a person's appearance is indicative of their character or morality. fundamentally phrenology was a major driver in the acceptance (in many different fields) of scientific 'naturalism', a general rejection of prior christian teleological thinking and search for universally deterministic scientific laws instead. rendering mental action into the category of 'natural thing governed by natural laws' was foundational, for example, to darwin's conception of evolution and his effort to distinguish his own theory from the teleological evolutionary theory of robert chambers.
none of this is to say that scientific naturalism ought to be inherently rejected, or replaced with christian metaphysics; however, failing to grapple with the fuller legacy of phrenology, and eugenics more generally, because we don't want to upset what philosophical boundaries we think we've erected between religion and 'modern' science allows such eugenic thinking to retain its centrality in current scientific practice.
it is also always worth emphasising that phrenology, like a lot of scientific theories of self-improvement, has frequently been employed as a vehicle of liberal ideology, particularly in britain. although phrenological practitioners have at various times tried to ally themselves with a superficially radical sort of 'common man's' rejection of the élite scientific institutions, phrenology has at the same time followed a general trajectory whereby it emphasises more and more an idea of personal responsibility for one's own neuro-biological traits and associated character flaws. this is often seen as more palatable than outright hereditarian thinking because, rather than tacitly endorsing the expurgation of the biologically 'unfit', the liberal phrenologist affirms that people simply need to overcome, tame, or temper their own neurobiological defects in order to live productive, socially desirable lives. cf. 'negative' versus 'positive' eugenics.
if you're interested in this i would recommend roger cooter's 'the cultural meaning of popular science: phrenology and the organisation of consent in 19th-century britain' (1984) and philip rehbock's 'the philosophical naturalists: themes in early 19th-century british biology' (1983). cooter was an avowed marxist and his account of phrenology, science, and their relationships to industrial capitalism—while not flawless—is markedly different from any other prior literature on the topic. rehbock's book is less politically daring and less focussed on phrenology specifically, but clarifies some aspects of scientific naturalism and what is meant by distinguishing a 'modern' scientific episteme from earlier practices and principles.
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It's short wait for her at Harper's office, as always. The doctor is surprisingly accomodating whenever she stops by, and Avery isn't sure if it's the money talking or something else that makes her so cooperative. This makes all interactions with the good doctor so very uncomfortable.
"How have you been?" Harper asks, smiling pleasantly. She has one of those unsettlingly calm faces. It might be comforting for something else, but to Avery it's like a still lake. Probably swarming with bacteria and parasites, that is.
"Fine." Avery is always curt to her, albeit polite. "I just want my prescription. I have work today until later, and i'm all out of my medicine."
"On a sunday?" Harper's eyebrows shoot up. "My, that must be stressful."
"You're also working on a sunday." Avery points out, with a hint of a frown on her face.
"Yes, but i like my job." Harper gives her another one of those unnerving, placid smiles.
Avery doesn't like the implication of her words, but she keeps quiet. She needs to stay on the doctor's good side, at least until she gets another supplier.
"And you're in luck." Harper says, getting up to grab something in a cabinet behind her desk. "I've just gotten samples of your prescription, so you don't even need to go to the pharmacy."
She holds out two little bottles of pills, unlabeled, unlicensed opiates. Likely stronger than the stuff she could buy anywhere else. Avery can't help but get a bit excited to feel that high again, as her tolarance built up over the years.
"That's nice." Avery smiles carefully. "How much?"
"Because it's you... I guess £20000 will do." Harper decides. "A discount for a regular. So?"
"Hey, that's steep." Avery frowns, but Harper seems completely unfazed, as always.
"You can always just grab the usual." Harper shrugs, setting the bottles down on her desk, then getting in front of them as she leans back on her desk. "Ah, i hate to see you looking so sad. I can give you a prescription for the pharmacy for the same price as always, or..."
"Or?" Avery raises an eyebrow at the doctor. She doesn't like her tone, but if it's a good offer...
"You can help me with research, and i'll dock the price." Harper's smile widens a bit as she says it. "Answer some questions for me, and i can do it for around... £15000. What do you say?"
Avery has blinks a little. That big of a discount, just for answering some questions? It had to have a catch, but... The temptation of something that could give her a decent high was too strong.
"Okay, fine, but make it quick. I have work." Avery hurriedly replies, and Harper's claps once like a little kid.
"Okay, great! Let me just..." The doctor turns and grabs a clipboard and pen from her desk, scribbling something on the paper. "Whenever you're ready."
"Let's get this over with already." Impatient, Avery has to hold back from rolling her eyes at the pretense of profissionalism.
"Right, first question. What drugs do you usually take?" Harper asks, and as Avery shoots her a glare, she explains. "Drug is an umbrella term that describes medicines, too, as i'm sure you know. I'm not implying anything here, miss Avery, please don't be offended."
"You know that already, then." Avery huffs, but Harper just chuckles a little.
"For the purposes of research, i can't assume anything about the subjects. Now, if you'd be kind to tell me..." She insists.
"God, fine." Avery reluctantly lists them, by brand rather than name, to emphasize their legal status just in case that file falls in the wrong hands. Harper seems a bit amused by this, but doesn't comment on it.
"You smoke, correct?" Harper asks, and Avery takes a moment before nodding.
"Just occasionally." She adds, making Harper shoot her a look. Whatever, she didn't need to prove anything.
"What about alcohol?" Harper continues.
"...Socially." Avery replies, and Harper sets down the clipboard.
"Miss Avery, i know i said i shouldn't assume anything about the subjects, but i'd like it if you were truthful." Harper almost sounds like she's begging, and Avery hates that it could work if she didn't know better. "Don't worry, nobody else is going to see this, and your name won't be on it. It's... Personal research."
Avery lets out a loud sigh as she looks away from Harper's pleading eyes.
"Fine, yes, i do drink more than socially, but i'm not an alcoholic or something! Put that down exactly like that!" Avery half-growls, her impatience getting the best of her, and she hates even more that Harper seems pleased by that.
As Harper takes her time writing, Avery looks at the watch on her wrist. She'll run late if the good doctor doesn't pick up her pace.
"Are we done?" Avery asks, not bothering to hide her irritation anymore.
"Two more questions." Harper grins at her. "Do you often mix alcohol and your usual drugs?"
"...Sometimes, so what? You said it'd be fine if the dosing was on the low side." Avery grumbles.
"It's usually fine, don't worry." Harper shakes her head. "Last question, how do you usually feel when you do that?"
She stares at Avery intensely, making her feel even more reluctant to answer.
"I feel fine." Avery replies, but Harper doesn't even bother writing it down. She wants details, clearly. "I don't know, i feel relaxed, my head feels lighter for a moment. Is that what you want to know?"
"A little more, if you will." There's a glint of something in Harper's eyes that Avery can't quite discern, maybe just a sick curiosity, or maybe something more dangerous.
"I... I get drunk easier. I guess. I suppose it makes me more willing to get drunk." Avery says, hoping that will satisfy the doctor, but she keeps staring behind her pink-tinted glasses, expecting even more. "Sometimes when i fall sleep like that and wake up i don't remember much, but it feels like a really good night's sleep."
Harper nods and quickly scribbles something, as Avery starts to tap her foot on the floor unconsciously, wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. When Harper looks at her again, there's an intensity in her gaze that wasn't there before.
"I have another offer to make." Harper says, her grin widening as she reached for the bottle behind her. "If you take one of those right now, i'll give you another £5000 discount."
Avery feels a chill run down her spine, something telling her that this would be a bad idea. The alarm on her phone goes off and warns her that lunch break is over, and she can't thank herself enough for setting it up earlier.
"No, i'm already late." She gets up, and Harper's smile fades a little. "I'll just pay for the samples, thank you."
Before she even finishes speaking, the money is already out of her wallet and being shoved in Harper's direction, but the doctor takes an awfully long time before reaching for the bank notes. There's an almost forlorn look on her face as she hands Avery the bottles.
"Next time i might make some ajustments." Harper says, sounding a bit defeated, though Avery knows it means it might get more expensive. Her smile is back shortly after, though. "Please tell me if it's any good."
"Yeah, yeah, i'll be in touch, thank you." Avery can't hide her relief to have ended that crazy negotiation.
The doctor's eyes fixate on her back as she leaves the office and closes the door maybe a bit too forcefully. It occurred to her, maybe a bit too late, that this might entice Harper's curiosity even more. With a shiver, she hoped that those little pills were enough to stop her from having nightmares about prodding, curious little needles and scalpels reaching for her forehead, trying to pick her head open like Harper always tried to do.
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a-new-hetch · 8 days
Kid, if I could, the entirety of Showfall would be taken down legally for the amount of shit they've done.
Let's see... kidnapping, assault, torture, criminal restraint, unlawful and unlicensed practice of medicine.
That's just to name a few crimes I've observed. If fucking only I could find substantial evidence, that'd sure make shit easier
Name one person currently within Showfall Media who did not come here willingly. Everyone has signed a contract that states what may occur to them, if they had wished to not undergo the actions that occur here. How are you so certain that we do or do not have a medical license? I understand that you have no knowledge of how being HETCH works, but I assure you that our practice is as legal as it can be considering the rest of the world has not caught up to our technology, and thus there are no laws around it.
Do not waste your time here Aster.
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moonandsunwoo · 2 years
txt taking care of their sick s/o
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# — pairing: Bf!txt x you
# — genre: fluff only fluff
# — warnings: being sick (but taken care of)
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This was requested with such a sweet message, thank you again for your kind words, i really appreciate it <3 i hope you like this!! I wrote the reverse situation some time ago and you can find it here if interested! Now have fun <3
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Soobin — Very gentle care, gentle foreheadkisses, gentle knocking at the door for check ups, gentle scents from teas and soups, him literally suffering with you when you have to take a bitter medicine. You‘re always his priority but when sick !! You‘re his first number one priority. Comes to bring you food to the bed and sits next to you with his plate so you (and he) dont have to eat alone <3
Yeonjun — He‘s definitely the type of bf to take a whole day off/ work from home so he can take care of you. He cooks comfort meals (tries it at least), makes tea, probably and very possibly babies you to no end. He has to!! Its his royal duty to live out his inner unlicensed nurse to the fullest. If he can‘t take a day off, he will make sure to have his phone close and notifications on so he can be of help if you need any.
Beomgyu — Violent care. He is ADAMANT to get you back up on your feet asap. Sometimes, when he thinks you‘re asleep you can hear him cuss out whatever sickness got to you, just quietly under his breath. If you want to he will get his guitar and play a bit for you and he will put honey into your tea for your throat (if you‘re vegan read: agave syrup). He cares a lot, he hopes you can see that even if his attempts may be a bit clumsy sometimes. Beomgyu is a good boy(friend)
Taehyun — He has a medicine cabinet and a brain, he will know a way how to ease any pains and discomforts you might be feeling. And if he can‘t, then he will try his best to help you through it. There‘s cuddles, theres cute little notes when you wake up, there‘s carefully helping you get dressed or put your hair into a protective hairstyle (if needed) so you can lay comfortably.
Hueningkai — He (and others…🧸) probably calls his mum for tips first and then resorts to bringing comfort through teas and quality time. If you don‘t like tea, syrup. Cola. Whatever he can find. He insists on spending time with you because thats what gets him fit the fastest: cuddling (scientifically approved). He will of course offer you every single one of his plushies for mental support and makes sure your waterbottle is always filled up when he has to leave and there are snacks (probably poprocks and gummy worms but hey he tried) available for you
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© moonandsunwoo
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bcbdrums · 8 days
Canon may say that Stein is unlicensed, but I like the idea of him graduating and leaving behind a class full of fellow doctors both horny and afraid of him. His teachers are waiting for whatever genius research he publishes.
LOL, i'll likely settle on a middle ground somewhere. quite likely he pursued the study of medicine seriously but wouldn't select any one field. i can see him studying...all the things. idk how long he could have gotten away with doing this, since institutions want you to pick one thing, but i can see him studying every branch of medicine that piqued his interest for as long as he could till he finally got kicked out of whatever university would take him.
this is also where his inner sherlock holmes would come out... soon as he has lab access, he'd be in there metaphorically beating cadavers with riding crops. and yes i looove imagining that he got away with it for awhile and indeed thrived off of his fellows being curious about him but terrified all at once.
so does he ever officially get the doctorate? or even the undergrad degree for that matter... who knows. maybe not. but oh he'd have taken every change to get into those laboratories!
thanks for the ask!!
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prongsfish · 2 months
im post blocked
(ive been asking everyone because he's slowly becoming my favourite)
just now realising you asked this nearly a month ago i'm so sorry i don't know why i struggle with answering asks so much!! but anyways evan headcanons i will GLADLY give. my characterisation of him is less concrete than characters like barty or regulus but i think about him loads still i love him...
this is a classic ofc but i will always see him and pandora as twins!! i love siblings in media so much and i think it allows for suuupper interesting dynamics between them, even in canon
in muggle aus my go-to career for him is either a piercer or something in the medical science field. i can just picture him as this mildly off-putting medsci student who goes on to be a forensic pathologist or something, he's really intrigued by the human body and how it functions in various ways. could definitely also go the way of unlicensed surgeon or mad scientist who performs fucked up experiments on people but that sort of thing doesn't quite fit into every fic lmaoo
i've always thought of him as more of a piercings guy than a tattoo guy (which is the opposite to barty). he'd definitely have both but i associate him more with piercings if that makes sense? i imagine he'd have a labret, bridge, stretched lobes (~7/8"), stretched septum (~0g), eyebrows (normal and middle placements), and high nostrils. all symmetrical!! plus probably some other non-facial piercings
he'd love sci-fi, thriller, and horror (especially psychological) films. anything super tense and probably confusing
when he was a child he and pandora would trap and kill insects. they'd spend ages examining little bug bodies and dissecting them with sticks and stuff... as he grew older he became more and more interested in bigger animals. occasionally he would kill animals himself but more often he'd search for those already dead, especially roadkill. once he was finished with any given specimen he'd carefully remove, clean, and reconstruct their skeletons to give to pandora. she didn't like the organs stuff as much as he did but she loved collecting bones and taxidermy insects, in exchange one year for his birthday (10-14th, maybe) she spent ages searching to buy him a surgical set from an antique store
waaay scarier than barty. if you don't know them you might be more initially scared by barty but while barty is loud and crazy and violent and laughs at pain/danger, evan is creepy. he knows way a million and one ways to kill someone without leaving behind any evidence. he knows every single pressure point on the human body. someone mentions a medicine they've taken their whole life for the first time and when someone else asks what it is he can explain in minute detail exactly how it works to the point where not even the person who takes it knew even half of what he says. he's super quiet moving without even meaning to be so he scares the shit out of people all the time. he doesn't blink as often as he should but just often enough that you don't notice until you're paying attention. and this is all revealed gradually, whereas barty's most "scary" traits are purposefully the most surface level things about him
he loooves medical dramas. he's watched tons of them. he HATES the good doctor though, purely on principle because once someone said that must be his favourite because he's autistic. his actual favourite is house
he runs cold and NEVER wears shorts. lots of beanies and jackets
these were so random and i went on a few tangents but oh well i did like five other things between writing these so it's a bit of a mess LMAO
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kcokaine · 3 months
you think goro and shoko would get along or have a understanding of one another in diff universe bcs of the cheating/ unlicensed "medicine" practices
I personally think Goro would be like whatever about her cuz he hates everyone. Plus he isn’t a doctor, he doesnt find best ways to save people he finds best ways how to kill them or make them miserable nefore dying
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Honestly, considering the amount of crimes Dan himself has under his belt (can’t remember all of them but after a very brief run through of some of the old mod videos I’m pretty sure there’s multiple counts of medical malpractice, jailbreak—himself and others—at least two counts of breaking and entering if I’m remembering correctly, unlicensed practice of medicine, theft, and there mayyy have been some murder at some point) I think that him and Revivebur would be great together
So trueee!
Vote danbur!
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evita-shelby · 4 months
Please, can we get some headcanons on thg!Eva's cows? I was remembering that post about them getting shampoo'd after she won the games and being all fluffy after 🥰
Omg Lauren bdbdbdndnd
So Eva loves animals and used to be able to talk to them as a kid(or so her family claims) and her dad was essentially an unlicensed vet who was married to a midwife + medicine woman so Eva knew about animal husbandry and human care before her parents and siblings died.
She has raised a lot of calves who lost their moms and needed to be cared for until they were old enough to be returned to their ranch or farm
She cries every time one of her cows has to be slaughtered and has never gotten used to it no matter how much she pretends otherwise
Tried to go vegetarian but even as a victor she knows she needs the protein and nutrients to survive(and have a healthy baby)
They have people names because she's weird like that
Jack nearly threw up when Eva allowed him to witness the beautiful miracle of life (aka the calf to be named after him being born)
She prefers dairy cows because they don't die for consumption
They are featured on Panem's animal magazines
Capitol citizens went apeshit for the grassfed cruelty free cage free byproducts
Eva fucking hates it ^
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ikrispharmaa · 4 months
Pharmaceutical distributor | importer | Exporter supplier in india
Contract manufacturing pharma organization
In contract manufacturing, one organization engages an outside party/ parties to handle some of its operations and activities under the contract. Contract manufacturing acts as a helping hand to the manufacturer and the organization (such as hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc.), and it is beneficial for both parties. Usually, an agreement is signed by owners (manufacturers and clients) and contract facilities in contract manufacturing.
In the pharmaceutical industry, contract facilities provide various services, operations, and activities, e.g., analytical testing and other laboratory services, packaging and labeling, sterilization or terminal sterilization, cold chain storage and transportation services, and many more.
Ikris Pharma Network is a globally trusted contract manufacturing in the pharmaceutical industry in India. Ikris works according to the FDA’s guidelines of CGMP ( current good manufacturing practice), which includes the implementation of oversight and controls over the manufacture of medicines to ensure quality. It also includes managing the risk of and establishing the safety of raw materials, materials used to manufacture drugs and finished drug products. Ikris have expertise in contract manufacturing and providing such facilities for more than 5 years. It has not limited its services to only contract manufacturing but has mastery in providing other services too.
Global contract manufacturing company
Contract manufacturing in pharma refers to outsourcing the packaging and many more services related to drugs or medicines. An agreement is made between the manufacturers, contract manufacturer and the client regarding operations and activities of the medicine. Operations and activities include packaging and labelling, storage and transportation, cold chain storage, etc.
Contract manufacturers provide facilities to the manufacturing organization so that manufacturers can focus on their core competencies. Contracting can enhance speed and efficiency, provide technological expertise, and expand capacity. This facility is favourable for both manufacturers and clients. Contract manufacturers and manufacturers should adhere to the FDA guidelines always.
Ikris Pharma Network is an India based pharmaceutical contract manufacturing company providing its services worldwide. Ikris strictly adhere to the FDA guidelines and work accordingly. Following these guidelines can benefit the patients who take the drugs manufactured under these arrangements in many ways and avoid the adulteration of drugs. Ikris have expertise in this business, and it works under professionals who have experience from ages. Apart from this, Ikris has excelled in providing other pharmaceutical services too.
Best third party pharmaceutical manufacturer in India
Third-party manufacturing in the pharma industry refers to the organizations which act as a linkage between manufacturers and clients. In third-party manufacturing, pharmaceutical products are outsourced or manufactured from other manufacturing units with your brand name. There is an agreement between the three parties (the manufacturer, the third-party manufacturer, and the client organization). This quality agreement defines the expectations among the three parties regarding the quality of the product, duration of time required, etc.
There are numerous responsibilities of a third-party manufacturer in pharmaceuticals which include: finalizing quantity and composition of the required product, packaging of medicine, delivery of the product, checking of the quality of the product, storage of certain drugs under controlled temperature, etc.
Ikris is one such worldwide trusted third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer in India. Ikris have mastery in this field of third-party manufacturers of medical products. Ikris takes care that FDA guidelines are strictly followed in this process. Based on the FDA standards, Ikris makes the product qualitative and non-adulterated to make it safe for potential patients. Moreover, Ikris provides other major facilities other than third-party pharmaceutical manufacturing. It has been providing services in India and overseas for more than 5 years.
Contract Manufacturing for Pharma products
Contract manufacturing for pharmaceutical products is when a pharmaceutical company engages with other outsourcing organizations to manufacture the products under their brand.
Contract manufacturing is beneficial for both manufacturers and clients (pharmaceutical organizations or hospitals). Usually, an agreement is signed among owners (manufacturers and clients) and contract facilities in contract manufacturing.
Ikris Pharma is an India based pharmaceutical company that deals in contract manufacturing of pharma products. India is known as the largest generic medicine manufacturer in the World, and Ikris works with only certified manufacturers of such medicines. The services of pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies are not limited to manufacturing only. Ikris provide a host of services which also include: Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirement, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation. Ikris adhere to the FDA regulations and work according to these guidelines benefits the potential patient to have quality medicines with zero adulteration.
Contract manufacturing has become the essential service that a pharmaceutical organization needs. Ikris Pharma provides contract manufacturing of various medicines such as nutraceutical products, generic medicines, etc. Ikris Pharma has been in this industry for more than 7 years supplying drugs and products in India and around the World.
Top Third Party Pharma Manufacturers in India
Here we are talking about third party pharmaceutical manufacturer India, known for the largest generic medicine manufacturing in the World. Third-party manufacturers set up a business association among manufacturers and the clients (hospitals/organizations). When clients search for quality products at reasonable prices and manufacturers want their medicine to reach potential customers, then comes the role of third party manufacturer, quenching the thirst of both parties. Third-party manufacturers make a pact among manufacturers and clients. According to the pact, manufacturers produce products as per the requirements of the client.
Third-party pharma manufacturing is also known as contract manufacturing. A vast number of pharmaceutical organizations use this process for outsourcing manufactured pharma products. Some key factors burden the manufacturers to carry out several activities in-house. Third-party manufacturers decrease their (manufacturers) burden by doing jobs such as packaging and testing before transporting goods to a distribution centre. The involvement of third parties is not only limited to manufacturing and packaging. Product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures.
Ikris Pharma Network is one of the best third party pharmaceutical manufacturers at the international level. Ikris provides this service to hospitals and pharmaceutical organizations, and we work with manufacturers only. There is a list of favours one gets if working with Ikris, a third party manufacturer:
We connect buyers with manufacturing companies. We have more than a hundred manufacturing companies in our Network.
We transport temperature-sensitive medication in cold chain transportation facilities under the required temperature of the medicines.
We always transport the product to the medical sites on time or ahead of time.
One will find 100 % transparency during the whole process. We work only with approved manufacturers.
Pharmaceutical wholesalers and distributors
The pharmaceutical market is changing rapidly. Due to increasing chronic diseases and after the Covid-19 outbreak, there came a massive boom in the pharma industry. Thus the pharmaceutical organizations and manufacturers began to manufacture and supply medicines and medical equipment faster to meet the requirements of the patients. Pharmaceutical distributors work more than an intermediary and ease the tasks of manufacturers and clients.
Pharma distributors purchase and take legal ownership of pharmaceuticals and manage inventory and credit risk; this allows manufacturers to focus on their core drug development and manufacturing competencies. They are critical players in the healthcare ecosystem. Ninety-two percent of prescription pharmaceuticals flow through a complex, secure ecosystem composed of patients, providers, pharmacies, distributors, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), manufacturers, pharmacy services administration organizations (PSAOs), pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs).
Pharmaceutical distributors continue to evolve beyond their flagship offering of core services to enlarge services to ecosystem stakeholders while optimizing costs. In addition to enabling a secure, transparent, and efficient pharmaceutical supply chain that safeguards patient safety, distributors offer value-added services such as independent pharmacy support, generic sourcing programs, hub services, and innovative partnerships.
Distributors provide services and distribution facilities such as packaging and testing before transporting goods to a required site. Ikris Pharma Network is one of the trusted distributors and wholesalers in the Indian market, exporting medical products and medicines globally. Ikris is a GDP-certified company having licenses for both wholesale and retail drugs. There are temperature-sensitive drugs that require appropriate storage and transportation under the required temperature, and we are best at catering cold-chain supplies of medicines.
We have professionals, sophisticated processes, and impeccable reliability. Our aspiration and liability are to keep up to ensure our clients’ supply chains and businesses both succeed and keep flourishing. We believe in completing the assigned task before or on time. That’s why we are emerging as a top pharmaceutical distributor in India and at the global level.
India: Largest pharmaceutical distributors and manufacturers
A pharmaceutical distributor works as a link between manufacturers, healthcare providers, and eventually the patients. Pharma distributors are the backbone of the healthcare ecosystem. India is known as the largest generic medicine manufacturer and distributor in the World. Distributors manage a complex supply chain, harnessing innovative technologies to ensure safe, secure, and efficient delivery every time.
During Covid-19, distributors played a crucial role by supplying medicines and medical aids on time. Pharmaceutical distributors continuously keep in check the appropriate storage conditions, secure handling of the drugs, and medication delivery under required circumstances. Distributors facilitate the manufacturers to concentrate on their core responsibility by taking care of the distribution system, which is a complex job in a pharmaceutical ecosystem. With passing time, chronic diseases are increasing, and after Covid-19, there is a massive demand for medicines in the pharma sector. And to meet the need of the medication, manufacturers are manufacturing the products at a double rate and delivering the products on time; manufacturers need distributors to do the further job of supplying the client's requirements on time at the required site.
Ikris Pharma Network is known as the trusted pharmaceutical distributor from India. We deal in high-quality drug supply at the global level. Ikris is a certified supplier of generic medicines in India as well as in the World. We have certification from the highest authorities like ISO 9001:2008, GMP, WHO, GDP, etc. Ikris being a pharma distributor, provides services and distribution facilities such as cold chain shipping, packaging, and testing before transporting goods to a required site.
Ikris Pharma Network distributes medicines and medical products in bulk to organizations/hospitals and directly to patients. Our dedicated team and professional leaders make this distribution organization outstanding in the pharmaceutical sector in the World. We have excelled in distributing rare medicines which are not available easily in the market, such as cancer medications, heart disease medications, HIV-related medication, etc. We have served 50000+ patients, supplied more than 5000 products across 150+ countries such as Africa, United States, UK, Gulf countries, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, South East Asia, Philippines, Cambodia, Poland, and many more.
Ikris Pharma Network is a fast-growing global pharmaceutical consultancy and service company whose motto is "access is a right, not a privilege." It is dedicated to delivering hard-to-access medicines to needy patients to improve their quality of life. With Ikris, geographical boundaries are no more constraints for needy patients in getting otherwise unavailable medication.
Top-grade third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer
The third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer refers to when one firm gets medications produced by a manufacturing firm with its brand name. Third-party manufacturers help in making higher quality medicines available to the potential customers manufactured by the manufacturer. Both manufacturer and the third-party manufacturer sign the legal document according to which manufacturer will manufacture the products as per the customers' requirements.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is the best emerging third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer in India, and is a known largest generic medicine manufacturer. IPN comes with a lot of perks as a third-party manufacturer, such as
The entire process becomes cost-effective.
Increase in the efficacy in the core competencies of a pharma firm.
Product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures.
100% transparency in the entire process.
Selects the best manufacturer according to the customers' requirements.
IPN has an established vast network of USFDA-approved manufacturers.
Licensed Private Label Manufacturer
Private label manufacturing refers to the contract or third-party manufacturing in which a private label product is manufactured by another firm on a contract basis and sold under the retailer’s brand. Outsourced products are manufactured according to the demand and requirements of the retailers or the customers. The outsourcing process is not limited to manufacturing and packaging, but private label manufacturers provide facilities such as Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation.
Ikris Pharma Network or IPN is one of the best private label pharmaceutical manufacturers firm for outsourcing the manufacturing of pharma products and medicines. IPN is already exporting products to more than 150 countries worldwide. It is run by professionals who have had expertise in this industry for more than 20 years. Ikris works with USFDA approved manufacturers only.
Pharmaceutical distributor
India is known for generic medicines manufacturing in large quantities. India is one of the top suppliers and distributors in the World. With increasing cases of chronic or long term diseases, the demand for medicines is also growing. To meet the requirements of the patients' manufacturers manufacture the drugs at twice the previous rate of manufacturing. Distributors help in connecting the manufacturers and health providers. Distribution is a vital stage in the complex supply chain of products in the pharmaceutical industry.
Ikris Pharma Network is a top-level wholesale pharmaceutical distributor from India. In addition, to allow a secure, transparent, and efficient pharmaceutical supply chain that safeguards patient safety, IPN offers value-added services such as independent pharmacy support, generic sourcing programs, hub services, and innovative partnerships. It also has expertise in cold-chain transportation for temperature-sensitive drugs, supplying in India and overseas.
A Pharmaceutical Supplier in Brazil
During the Covid-19 crisis, many countries ran out of rare medicines for patients suffering from chronic diseases like cancers, HIV, etc. India came forward to help such countries by supplying rare drugs to different countries worldwide. India is known as the largest generic medicine. Ikris Pharma Network is a fast-growing global pharmaceutical consultancy and service company dedicated to delivering hard-to-access drugs to needy patients to save their lives. Ikris is also emerging as the best pharmaceutical supplier in Brazil, mainly after it supplied medicines during the pandemic, and IPN is continuously supplying drugs in the Brazilian pharmaceutical sector. It has already provided more than 150 products to Brazil. IPN is a GDP-certified pharmaceutical organization for wholesale as well as retail drugs. We supply to pharmacies, hospitals, pharmacy organizations and many more. It is a reliable brand Worldwide for providing the best quality pharma products. It only works through legal channels in delivering products and works as per the FDA guidelines.
Private label manufacturers in India
Private label manufacturing is similar to contract manufacturing or third-party manufacturing.
This process is beneficial for pharmaceutical manufacturers and customers (hospitals, pharmacies, etc.). In private label manufacturing, the products are outsourced to manufactured by some other pharmaceutical firm under another firm's brand. To meet the increasing demand for medicines and medical equipment, pharmaceutical organizations outsource the in-house operations and activities to other firms to lessen their burden and focus on their core business.
Ikris Pharma Network is one of the best known private label pharmaceutical manufacturers India. Being a certified private label manufacturer, IPN provides the best services, including Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation. IPN has been supplying internationally in more than 150 countries for more than seven years. It is run by professionals and has a vast network with FDA-approved manufacturers.
Contract Manufacturing Pharma Companies in India
Contract manufacturing refers to the manufacturers who serve other pharmaceutical organizations on a contractual basis to provide services from drug development through drug manufacturing. Contract manufacturing helps pharmaceutical firms focus on drug discovery, drug marketing, etc., reducing their in-house activities. The contract manufacturer and the customer and the manufacturer enter into a written agreement to ensure that the customer’s operations do not face any obstacles during the whole process to have an uninterrupted quality supply of the product within the appropriate time.
Ikris Pharma Network is on top in listed contract manufacturing Pharma companies in India. Do you know what qualities make IPN best? Here are the following benefits of IPN as a contract manufacturer:
Cost optimization
Fast track drug products and speed time delivery to the required site
Meeting current and projected growth trends for drug products Helps pharmaceutical companies in the cost optimization and ease of burden of hiring and training workers during periods of labour shortage
Services offered by IPN include but are not limited to pre-formulation, formulation development, stability studies, method development, clinical trial materials, formal stability, scale-up, registration batches and commercial production.
Best Third-Party Manufacturing Pharma Companies
Third-party manufacturers mean one firm outsources the products to manufacture by another firm under the brand name of retailers. The complex supply chain in the pharmaceutical ecosystem leads pharmaceutical organizations to opt for third-party manufacturing. An assignment is signed among the manufacturers and third-party manufacturers according to which manufacturer will manufacture the products based on the customers’ requirements.
The need for third-party manufacturers comes when an organization is burdened with many in-house activities and concentrates on its core business. The involvement of third parties is also not limited to manufacturing and packaging: product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, and logistics.
Ikris Pharma Network is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical organization. It is a GDP-certified organization having licenses in both wholesale and retail drugs. IPN is on top of the list of third-party manufacturing pharma companies in India. It provides 100% transparency in the whole process. It has been exporting products across the globe for more than 7 years.
Contract manufacturing pharmaceutical company
Contract manufacturing is a term that defines a process in which a firm produces products for a pharmaceutical firm but does not own the inventory. This kind of partnership benefits the pharma firm, the contract manufacturer, and the customers. The lack of facilities for in-house activities or the burden of many in-house activities leads to the need for a contract manufacturer. Contract manufacturers also provide advanced technologies and high containment capabilities and manufacturing and other operations and activities (Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirement, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, etc.).
Ikris Pharma Network is an internationally acclaimed and GDP-certified pharmaceutical organization blooming as among the best pharma contract manufacturing companies in India and globally. They have been in this industry for more than a decade and can find a tailor-made solution according to the needs of the clients. IPN only works with the FDA-approved manufacturers and believes in 100 percent transparency during the whole process.
Third-party manufacturers in Pharmaceutical
Third-party manufacturing is also termed contract manufacturing. Third-party manufacturing is a partnership in which two parties agree to manufacture the products according to the customers' demand within an appropriate time period.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is emerging as the best third-party manufacturing pharma.IPN is run by professionals having years of experience in this industry. Apart from manufacturing and packaging, IPN facilitates many services such as product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures. Outsourcing the products to third-party manufacturers reduces the burden of the pharmaceutical organization in many ways, which results in the concentration of a pharma organization in their core business. IPN as a third-party manufacturer proves to be a good agreement because it adheres to FDA guidelines, ensures the security of the supply, has specialist capabilities, has a license, provides product lifecycle management, has market access, and provides cost optimization.
Need for Contract Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
With passing time, the demand for generic medicines is increasing. Because of the increasing demand, the pharmaceutical ecosystem is getting complex, and many burdens are on pharmaceutical organizations to manufacture higher quality products within the appropriate time. For easing the responsibility of the pharmaceutical organization, contract manufacturers came into being to carry out many in-house activities. CMOs have facilities such as quality equipment and a labor force to carry out cost-effective production.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) has expertise in pharmaceutical contract manufacturing. It facilitates manufacturing and packaging services with more services (like Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirement, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation, and so on). IPN has been working in the pharmaceutical ecosystem for more than 7 years and delivering products to more than 150 countries worldwide.
Role of contract manufacturing in pharma ecosystem
Third-party manufacturing or private label manufacturing is very similar to contract manufacturing. In these processes, an agreement is signed among the contract manufacturers, the pharmaceutical organization in which manufacturers agree to manufacture the products as per the clients' necessities to pacify the requirements of the potential patients for higher quality medicines available at a reasonable price. Contract manufacturing plays a significant part in the pharmaceutical ecosystem to ease the tasks of the pharmaceutical organizations in in-house activities and operations to manufacture a quality drug.
Ikris Pharma Network is a GDP-certified pharma contract manufacturing organization helping other pharmaceutical organizations to focus on their core competencies by performing some tasks for them. Contract manufacturers perform functions like manufacturing and packaging of the products and offer many other services like cold-chain supply, cost-effective production, drug stability studies, picking up the best manufacturer as per the clients' requirement, and many more.
Top pharmaceutical third-party manufacturing organization
With the growing need for generic medicines, third-party manufacturing is in huge demand offering a range of facilities other than manufacturing and packaging the products. Third-party manufacturing means the agreement in which one firm outsources the drugs for production to another firm under its brand name. So, if one is looking for the best third-party manufacturer, Ikris Pharma Network is the best option one can opt for.
Ikris Pharma Network tops the list of top 10 pharmaceutical third-party manufacturing company in India. Ikris is a GDP-certified pharmaceutical organization that has provided many services such as third-party manufacturing in India and internationally for more than 7 years. Service provided by IPN includes Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirement, etc. IPN only works according to the FDA guidelines and works with only those manufacturers approved by the FDA.
Top grade pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies
The term “Contract manufacturing” refers to a process in which one firm partners with another firm to ease their burden of in-house activities and operations so that they can focus on their core business. Manufacturers and contract manufacturers sign an agreement to manufacture the products according to the clients’ requirements and complete the task in time.
Ikris Pharma Network is in the top 10 pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies list. IPN is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical contract manufacturing company that serves manufacturing and packaging facilities and other services such as cold-chain supply, developing late-stage clinical trial material, providing scale-up and registration batches and pre-formulation, etc. Outsourcing of products is beneficial for both pharmaceutical organizations and contract manufacturers. IPN is already supplying the product Worldwide. It has a wide established network with FDA-approved manufacturers.
3rd Party Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals
Third-party manufacturing in the pharmaceutical ecosystem plays a crucial role in keeping up with the increasing demand for generic medicines due to the increase in the cases of chronic diseases. Most pharmaceutical firms take the help of third-party manufacturers to manufacture products for them under their brand name.
One should look for the qualities before going for a third-party manufacturer:
Works according to the FDA guidelines.
Cost optimization for production of goods.
Cold-chain supply for temperature-sensitive drugs. Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements.
Have expertise in this industry and work with only manufacturers approved by FDA. One can find all these qualities with other facilities from Ikris Pharma Network (IPN), one of the best 3rd party manufacturing pharmaceuticals in India. IPN is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical organization having expertise in contract manufacturing service, including other facilities. Ikris can help one build complete indication-wise portfolios, e.g., if you require a portfolio for Transplant, Ikris Pharma will provide all transplants. This includes Cyclosporine, Mycophenolate, Azathioprine, and Sirolimus, etc. Third-party Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals
Third-party Manufacturing is a process in which an agreement is signed among the manufacturers and pharmaceutical organizations to fulfill the demand of the potential patients of higher quality drugs at a reasonable cost. Most pharmaceutical organizations prefer third-party manufacturers' involvement due to a lack of time, resources, or labor force. A third-party manufacturer eases the burden of any pharmaceutical organization, which results in the smooth running of their core business without any interruption.
And Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) has expertise in this area of the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, if you are looking for some reliable plus best 3rd party manufacturing pharmaceuticals in the pharma ecosystem, IPN is a promising option. IPN hosts several services other than Manufacturing and packaging such as drug stability studies, Manufacturing, development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirement, developing late-stage clinical trial material, providing scale-up and registration batches, and pre-formulation.
Top Third-party manufacturers in India
India is known as the largest manufacturer of generic medicines and exporting them to the World. To meet the increasing demands of generic medicines with increasing cases of chronic diseases, the pharmaceutical ecosystem is having a burden, and the ecosystem is becoming complex. The supply chain of pharmaceuticals starts from the supply of active ingredients. It goes through several stages to get the final product. The third-party manufacturers play a crucial role in easing the job of pharmaceutical organizations by doing several tasks for them according to the clients' requirements. Manufacturers and third-party manufacturers sign a legal agreement to manufacture products as per the necessities.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is one of the top third-party manufacturers in India providing services worldwide. IPN is already serving in more than 150 countries in the World and works with only FDA-approved manufacturers to deliver quality products at affordable prices. IPN is a GMP-certified pharmaceutical organization providing many services and has expertise in third-party manufacturing, cold-chain supply, and many more.
Contract Manufacturers in Pharmaceutical ecosystem
Contract manufacturers are those organizations who offer manufacturing services with volume capabilities ranging from small amounts for preclinical R&D to larger volumes necessary for clinical trials purposes and commercialization. A contract manufacturer is a company that serves other companies in the pharmaceutical industry on a contract basis to provide comprehensive services from drug development through drug manufacturing. Contract manufacturing eases the job of pharmaceutical organizations to manufacture quality products at a reasonable price within an appropriate time.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical organization that hosts many services, and contract manufacturing is one of them. IPN is blooming as one of the best pharma contract manufacturing companies in India. As a contract manufacturing company, IPN serves facilities such as drug stability studies, manufacturing, development of compliance documents per FDA regulatory requirement, etc. IPN as a contract manufacturer provides a wide range of services, including manufacturing of Ayurveda, Herbal, and generic medicines with various approved quality levels.
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Role of outsourcing the pharmaceutical products
Pharmaceutical organizations outsource the manufacturing of the products to other firms to ease their burden of in-house activities and operations. Outsourcing helps companies to save on resource costs, infrastructure costs, and other overhead expenses. Contract manufacturers, private-label manufacturers, and third-party manufacturers are the manufacturers for the outsourced production of products. Outsourcing helps pharma organizations improve efficiencies, reduce costs, ensure business continuity, better access expertise, reduce staff, allow staff to focus on the core competency, and mitigate risk through using the specialist count.
Ikris Pharma Network is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical organization, GDP-certified organization, and one of the best pharma outsourcing companies in India exporting globally. IPN deals in numerous medicines related to oncology, hematology, hepatitis, immunotherapy, transplant medicine, vaccines, etc. All the products with IPN are manufactured by major reputed Indian manufacturers who are compatible and consistent with FDA standards.
Premium Contract Manufacturing Companies in India
Contract Manufacturing in the Pharmaceutical ecosystem is outsourcing the manufacturing of the products to obtain specific scientific, medical or operational expertise or to have a labour force. Contract manufacturing manufactures products as per the customers' requirements and delivers the products at an appropriate time. In contract manufacturing, a legal agreement is signed among the pharma organizations and the contract manufacturers.
Ikris Pharma Network is one of the top contract manufacturing companies in India who is serving abroad also for more than 7 years. They only work with FDA-approved manufacturers, and IPN itself strictly adheres to the FDA guidelines. They provide a host of services other than manufacturing and packaging, which also include: drug Stability studies, manufacturing, development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, providing scale-up and registration batches and pre-formulation and many more.
Top contract manufacturing pharma company
Nowadays, most pharmaceutical organizations outsource the products manufactured by another firm. They both enter into an agreement that the manufacturer will manufacture and deliver the products within the appropriate time cost-effectively. Improving efficiencies, reducing costs, ensuring business continuity, better access expertise, reducing staff, allowing staff to focus on the core competency, mitigating risk through using specialists count are a few of the drivers associated with Global pharmaceutical contract manufacturing.
If one is searching for contract manufacturing, Ikris Pharma Network is the best option one can go. IPN is one of the top contract manufacturing pharma companies in India. The expertise in their services hosted makes them different from other organizations in this arena of the pharma ecosystem. IPN serves many facilities and manufacturing and packaging such as: Developing late-stage clinical trial material, drug Stability studies, manufacturing, development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, providing scale-up and registration batches and pre-formulation, and many more.
Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing in India:
A contract manufacturing organization is sometimes also known as a contract development and manufacturing organization. Contract manufacturing means outsourcing products of higher quality to manufacture by another firm on a contractual basis. Outsourcing is the easiest and most cost-effective way to lessen the work burden for a pharmaceutical organization.
Ikris Pharma Network comes at the top of the best pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies list. IPN is blooming in the pharmaceutical ecosystem because of its expertise in the pharmaceutical services such as contract manufacturing which includes manufacturing, packaging, transportation, and many more responsibilities in manufacturing an outsourced product. IPN is a reliable and GDP-certified pharmaceutical organization. It is already supplying the products in more than 150 countries in the World. And they work only according to the FDA guidelines.
Why choose Ikris Pharma Network for contract manufacturing?
Contract manufacturing is a significant part of the pharma industry; it helps ease the jobs of manufacturers and clients (organisations/hospitals). Contract manufacturing is a term used when pharma organisations outsource the products manufactured by other organisations under their brand. It is similar to private label manufacturing or third party pharmaceutical manufacturing, or outsource manufacturing.
Ikris Pharma Network is the best contract manufacturing in pharmaceutical industry in India. It deals in rare medicines of higher quality. Ikris Pharma helps one to connect with the best of the manufacturers for manufacturing activities. Ikris believes in working with certified manufacturers only, and it is working with more than 50 manufacturers. It provides a host of services, including Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches, and Pre formulation.
Why to go for Ikris Pharma for private label manufacturing?
Private label manufacturing means pharmaceutical organisation partners with a contract or third-party manufacturer to manufacture the product under the retailer’s brand. Medicines or medical products will be manufactured according to the retailer’s needs. The requirement of private label manufacturing comes when an organisation wants to meet the demand of the patients for medicines with the quality available at a reasonable price as generic medicines by innovators are costlier, and versions of generic medications comparatively come at a lower price. So, keeping the stock available for clients retailers requires the need for private label manufacturing.
Ikris Pharma Network is one of the best private label pharmaceutical manufacturers. It eases the job of retailers/clients to concentrate on their core competencies. In contrast, private label manufacturers reduce their tasks by taking over responsibilities like Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents, as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation.
How is Ikris best for Reference Listed Drugs?
The term reference listed drugs refer to the approved drug product to which new generic versions show bioequivalence (chemically identical, i.e. same active ingredients). When a pharmaceutical organization seeks approval to market, a generically equivalent drug should refer to the Reference Listed Drug(RLD) in its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA). Reference listed drugs can also be called comparator drugs.
Ikris Pharma Network is a top-level RLD Pharma globally that provides facilities to researchers/CRO/ pharmaceutical organizations in accessing products that are not available or approved in a particular country. Ikris has a vast network of pharmaceutical distributors which leads Ikris in obtaining branded innovator samples or reference listed drugs for bioequivalence and clinical trials from most reference countries (such as the USA, Japan, Australia, etc.). Ikris has a specialization in sourcing reference listed drugs (RLD) from single/multiple branches in specific quantities and products that are available with most suppliers.
Why pick Ikris as a third party manufacturer?
The third-party manufacturer is a term given to those organizations which connect manufacturers and the clients. The pharmaceutical ecosystem is complex from the beginning, supplying active ingredients to the transportation of the products at clinical sites. Thus this ecosystem requires helping hands or partners at each stage to ease the burden of manufacturers and customers. An agreement is made among the manufacturers, third-party manufacturers and the clients (hospitals/ pharma organizations). Third-party manufacturing is another term for contract manufacturing. Responsibilities as a third-party manufacturer include packaging and transportation and much more like product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is an international third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer India. The advantages of IPN as a third-party pharmaceutical manufacturer such as IPN work with more than 100 manufacturing companies. As per the requirement of the client, IPN picks up the best manufacturers. Professionals lead it who have years of experience in this industry with 100% transparency in the whole process. It has been supplying products in India and overseas for more than 7 years.
What makes Ikris the best wholesale pharmaceutical distributor?
A pharmaceutical distributor plays an essential role in the pharma industry. It acts as a link between manufacturers and the clients (pharmacist, hospitals, etc.). In the pharma industry, pharmaceutical distribution is an important activity in the integrated supply chain of medical products.
Pharmaceutical distributors have responsibilities other than distribution as handling and storage of pharma products. To reduce their burden and to concentrate on their core business, manufacturers partner with distributors. Distributors serve more than an intermediary; they purchase and take legal ownership of pharmaceuticals and manage inventory and credit risk.
Ikris Pharma Network(IPN) is emerging as the best pharmaceutical wholesale distributor at the global level. During the pandemic crisis, IPN actively participated in supplying required medicines in India and abroad. IPN believes in supporting patient safety, enabling the right product to reach the right patient in a timely and transparent manner. Ikris is a GDP-certified company that has licenses for both wholesale and retail drugs. And it has expertise in cold-chain supplies for temperature-sensitive medicines. IPN is run by professionals with immense experience in this industry.
How did Ikris help Brazil during Covid?
Covid-19 impacted every person in the World in one way or the other way. The outbreak of the pandemic led to a fall in the global economy and public health sector. Moreover, this resulted in the sudden shutdown of many services such as mobility restrictions, closed international border crossings, and declined economic activity. More than half of the population in the World got infected, resulting in a massive number of deaths. But all those patients suffering from chronic diseases or were having cancers faced many difficulties in getting the medicines within the appropriate time. Due to mobility restrictions and lack of adequate transportation systems, deaths were reported in many countries.
Brazil is one such country that India helped in those crucial times. India supplied many medicines which were not available at that time. Ikris Pharma Network is a GDP-certified India-based company with licenses for wholesale and retail drugs, delivering globally. Ikris was one of the organizations which came forward to help Brazil by exporting all the necessary rare medication within time. Ikris strictly follows the FDA rules and regulations to provide a higher quality of medicines with zero adulteration. Ikris is now supplying more rare drugs and is looking forward to emerging as the best exporter of medical products in the Brazilian health sector.
What is all Ikris doing in Brazil's health sector?
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is an internationally recognized pharmaceutical wholesaler and distributor from India and supplies products to everyone involved in the supply chain of the healthcare sector. This organization is GDP certified, delivering medicines and medicinal products to wholesalers, distributors, resellers, clinics, NGOs and Pharmacies. Best quality medicine with zero adulteration is the priority of IPN. Hence, it adheres to the FDA rules and regulations.
In the Brazilian pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, Ikris is achieving new heights in making necessary medicines readily available and emerging as a trusted pharmaceutical distributor in Brazil. In times of the Covid crisis, Ikris also helped Brazil in coping up with those challenging circumstances. IPN has the highest number of FDA approved manufacturers to manufacture high-quality medicines. It specializes in exporting generic drugs from India to any part of the World. Ikris deals in numerous oncology, haematology, hepatitis, immunotherapy, transplant medicine, vaccines, etc. Ikris has already exported more than 100 products in the Brazilian healthcare sector and is still exporting quality products in Brazil.
Ikris is an expert in cold-chain supply and supply products on or ahead of time to access the medicine quickly.
What is the role of IKRIS Pharma in healthcare?
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) was established in 2014, situated at Noida in India. IPN is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical wholesaler and service company. It is one of the most reliable pharmaceutical companies for generic (or branded generic) and branded medication supplies globally, making it a key player in the industry. IPN built an efficient network over the years and is the only company to have a pan India presence certified by GDP and ISO under WHO Guidelines.
Ikris Pharma Network has a wide range of more than 5000 generic and branded medications’ distribution facilities in India and is internationally emerging as a top-grade generic medicine supplier. It deals in every kind of medicine: tablets, pills, injections, capsules, liquid, topical, suppositories, drops, inhalers, implants or patches, etc. IPN has specialization in supplying medicines related to oncology (different kinds of cancers), hematology (leukemia and lymphoma, multiple myeloma), hepatitis (hepatitis B, hepatitis C), immunotherapy (eliglustat, xeljanz, etc.), transplant medicine, vaccines (such as cholera vaccine, ONCO BCG, etc.).
IPN is very promising in delivering products of higher quality on time or ahead of time under appropriate temperature and conditions securely to the required site. Moreover, it works within the parameters of FDA rules and regulations. They keep their customers (pharmacies, hospitals, patients, etc.) updated about pricing, inventory levels, and order status. They work with 100 % transparency with the client, and it is run by professionals having years of experience in this industry.
IPN is best at serving facilities like access to generic medicines, facilitating access for licensed and unlicensed medicines through Named Patient Import services, RLD supply (comparator sourcing), contract manufacturing/private label manufacturing, cold-chain supply services, etc.
Why Ikris is best generic medicine supplier?
With increasing chronic diseases and after a pandemic outbreak, there is an inflated demand for generic medicines globally, which is the golden opportunity for any pharmaceutical company to bloom in the pharma industry. Efficient and inexpensive drugs have massive needs across the pharmaceutical industry.
Ikris Pharma Network is an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical wholesaler and service organization. IPN was established in 2014 in Noida, India. It is one of the trusted brands in the pharmaceutical sector for supplying generic medications across the globe. It is certified by the highest authorities such as ISO 9001:2008, GMP, WHO, GDP, etc. IPN deals in various rare medicines related to cancers, chronic diseases, heart problems, HIV and many more. It has a reliable network as a generic medicine supplier across more than 100 countries worldwide. IPN has served 50000+ patients and supplied more than 5000 products across 150+ countries, e.g., Africa, United States, UK, Gulf countries, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, South East Asia, Philippines, Cambodia, Poland, and many more.
What does the term Managed access program mean?
Managed access program helps patients and physicians access much-required medicines when other alternative options are exhausted or the particular is not available in a specific country. Managed Access Program is also known as an Expanded Access Program (EAP), Early Access Program, Compassionate Use Program, Named Patient Program (NPP). These programs help especially needy patients improve their quality of life or save patients’ lives. Such programs also facilitate accessing unlicensed medication from another country when patients have no alternative at the local level.
In almost every country in the World, any patient with some chronic disease, life-threatening, has the right to buy, import, or access medication that can improve or save their life. Every country has its own rules and regulations set up for importing such medicines.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is the fastest growing pharmaceutical consultancy and service organization globally, facilitating access to advanced medicines for needy patients in India or any part of the World via the Named Patient Program. They have already successfully assisted more than 600 patients through this program across different geographies in the World.
How is IKRIS Pharma the best in managed access program?
Managed Access Program is a process that helps needy patients access the medicines that are not available in a particular country or alternative options for that medicine have been exhausted. The other known terms for managed access programs are Expanded Access Program (EAP), Early Access Program, Compassionate Use Program, Named Patient Program (NPP).
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is a pharmaceutical consultancy and service company helping patients and supplying products globally. IPN helps patients in accessing life-saving drugs through legal procedures, namely the Named Patient Program. It acts as a portal so that every individual out there, no matter who they are or where they are based, has identical, fast, and fair access to the advanced and best healthcare. There are a few parameters that one should fulfill in favor of accessing life-saving medicines and these parameters are as follows:
The life-saving medication has market approval in another country and is unapproved or unavailable in their native country.
There is no alternative option in the market.
The medication is for personal use only.
The respective patient has a valid prescription letter from their healthcare professional in their home country.
Why is Ikris best for contract manufacturing?
With time the pharmaceutical industry seeks a boom, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, the requirement of medicines increased at twice the previous rate. Contract manufacturing means outsourcing the production of the products by using the facilities of the other organisations for manufacturing the products under their brand name. Contract manufacturers help the manufacturers to focus on manufacturing the quality product, and the rest of the responsibilities are handed over to the contract manufacturers. An agreement is signed among the manufacturers, clients and the contact manufacturer.
Ikris Pharma Network is emerging as the best-known contract manufacturing of pharma products globally. We have expertise in contract manufacturing services, including Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches, and Pre formulation. This process is beneficial to both manufacturers and clients. It delivers the product under appropriate conditions and on or before the time at required sites. It deals with certified manufacturers only to get the best quality of medicines for potential patients.
Why Ikris Pharma for Private label manufacturing?
Private label manufacturing refers to the process in which products are manufactured by the manufacturer for sale under another organization’s brand. An agreement is signed among the manufacturer, private label manufacturer and the client.
To keep up with the increasing demand for generic medicines in the healthcare sector, pharmaceutical organizations prefer to opt for private label manufacturing to ease their burden and partner with other organizations. These organizations help in tasks such as Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents, as per FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches and Pre formulation.
Ikris Pharma Network is the best private label pharmaceutical manufacturers India, supplying at international level. Private label manufacturing is similar to third party pharmaceutical manufacturing or outsourcing manufacturing. IPN connects you with the best manufacturers to manufacture the product according to the necessities. IPN deals in rare medicines, and it is already exporting products to more than 150 countries across the World.
Why should one pick Ikris Pharma for a Reference Listed Drug?
Due to the enormous demand for generic medicine in the pharmaceutical market, there comes the need for reference-listed drugs; the clinical trials are held to compare the new generic version of the medication with the innovator sample for bioequivalence such as the same active ingredients. Any organization seeking approval to market a new version of generic medicine must refer to the Reference Listed Drug in its Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA).
Ikris Pharma Network is the best RLD supplier internationally. Ikris is the right place to get FDA-approved innovator samples (single batch/multiple batches of specific quantities) for clinical trials. IPN specializes in sourcing Reference Listed Drugs/ Innovator samples from across the globe, including India, the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Japan, and Latin America. IPN has a well-established network worldwide, allowing it to get, store and supply the products from all the major pharmaceutical manufacturers and authorized distribution channels to and from any location in the world, specific products or product sets in a bit huge volumes. They only deal with approved sources and validated supply chains.
Why is Ikris Pharma the best as third-party manufacturing?
Third-party manufacturing refers to outsourcing pharma products or getting products manufactured from other manufacturing units with your brand names. Third-party manufacturers act as connectivity among the manufacturers and the clients. The third-party manufacturer, the manufacturer, and the client agree upon an agreement to manufacture and transport the products as per the client's requirement. The pharmaceutical supply chain is very complex and needs multiple organizations to come together and make it possible to manufacture, supply, and sell quality medicine for potential patients.
Ikris Pharma Network is emerging best among the third-party manufacturing pharma companies. Being a third-party manufacturer has listed responsibilities: to ensure the security of supply, the need for specialist capabilities, in-licensing, product lifecycle management, market access, and cost optimization. The involvement of third-party manufacturers is not limited to manufacturing and packaging. Still, it has other tasks such as product development, specialized processing, radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures. IPN has excellence in providing these services to the other parties.
Why Ikris is the best pharmaceutical wholesale distributor?
Pharmaceutical wholesale distributors play a very crucial role in the pharmaceutical ecosystem. They are the second link in any pharma industry and the backbone of the pharma sector. Wholesaler distributors purchase the products in bulk, store them under the appropriate conditions and temperatures, and transport them from one location to another (such as pharmacies, hospitals, clinics, doctors’ offices, and labs). Pharmaceutical wholesale distributors purchase the drugs (and other equipment) from pharmaceutical companies, store them in warehouses and other holding facilities, and sell them to pharmacies, etc.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is one of the best pharmaceutical wholesale distributors in Noida, India. IPN is supplying products in India and globally. The temperature-sensitive drugs need the right conditions and temperature to store and deliver, and Ikris has expertise in cold-chain supply. They have professionals having years of experience, sophisticated processes, and impeccable reliability. Their aspiration and liability are to keep up to ensure their clients’ supply chains and businesses both succeed and keep blooming.
What makes Ikris one of the best generic medicine suppliers?
With passing time, cases of chronic diseases are increasing rapidly, and the demand for inexpensive generic medicine is growing simultaneously.
Ikris Pharma Network is the best generic medicine company in India, an internationally acclaimed pharmaceutical wholesaler and service company providing a gamut of services specified in medications. IPN is known to supply higher-quality generic medicines. It is certified by the highest authorities like ISO 9001:2008, GMP, WHO, GDP, etc., and has a diversified products line across all the crucial aspects of healthcare. They have already served more than 5000 patients and supplied more than 150 products in different countries such as Africa, United States, UK, Gulf countries, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, South East Asia, Philippines, Cambodia, Poland, and many more.
India is the largest generic medicine manufacturer and has more than 665 USA FDA-approved manufacturing plants in India. And Ikris Pharma Network works with a vast number of reliable manufacturers.
Why to opt Ikris Pharma as contact manufacturers?
Contract manufacturing is an outsourcing process where a firm enters into a contract with another firm to manufacture products under another firm's brand. Contract manufacturing has massive demand in the pharmaceutical sector. Contract manufacturing is beneficial if the firm gets involved with the right firm, which can manufacture quality products within an appropriate time.
After the increase in chronic diseases and pandemic outbreak, there is an inflated demand for generic medicines; that's how outsourcing processes came in need. Outsourcing is the process of using a non-related for another on a contractual basis. An agreement is assigned among the firms to produce products according to the requirements of the clients.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is one of the best pharmaceutical organizations globally in contract manufacturing of pharma products. Its responsibilities are not only limited to the manufacturing of the products. It provides a host of services: Drug Stability studies, Manufacturing, Development of compliance documents according to FDA regulatory requirements, Developing late-stage clinical trial material, Providing scale-up and registration batches, and Pre formulation. Ikris is already exporting pharma products in more than 150 countries.
What makes Ikris Pharma the top third-party manufacturing company?
Third-party manufacturing is a legal process through which a deal is done between the manufacturer and the company. Manufacturers agree to manufacture quality products by a specific date. Third-party manufacturing pharma means the pharma company gets medications produced with its brand name from a manufacturing company.
Many pharmaceutical organizations use this facility of outsourcing the manufacturing of products to ease their burden, which helps them focus on their core competency. The responsibility of third-party manufacturers is not limited to manufacturing and packaging. Still, they also carry activities like product development, specialized processing, such as radiation sterilization, testing, logistics, and medicine transportation at appropriate temperatures, etc.
Ikris Pharma Network is one of the top third-party pharma manufacturers in India. Ikris provides a lot of advantages as a third-party manufacturer. The benefits with Ikris are: they provide a quality product to the customer within a short time, plays as a linkage between the manufacturer and the customers, have a sizeable established network with USFDA approved manufacturers, run by professionals having years of experience in the pharma industry, 100% transparency in work, etc.
Why is Ikris Pharma a top pharmaceutical wholesale distributor?
A distributor is a vital intermediate between manufacturers and the clients (retailers, hospitals, pharmacies, etc.). The scope of a wide range of contacts with clients and manufacturers increases if one is a wholesale distributor because they have connections with retailers, consumers, pharmacies, chemist shops, clinics, etc. Distributors are the backbone of the pharmaceutical industry, as they are meant to transport the medicines and products to the required sites and increase sales.
Ikris Pharma Network is an internationally acclaimed wholesaler pharmaceutical distribution company of generic medicines delivering products worldwide. Ikris is a GDP-certified pharmaceutical organization having licenses for both wholesale and retail drugs. It is a one-stop-shop for generic medication for every kind of chronic disease. IPN has expertise in catering cold-chain supplies of medicines that are temperature sensitive. IPN purchases and takes legal ownership of pharmaceuticals and manages inventory and credit risk to help manufacturers concentrate on their core competencies to manufacture quality generic medicines. It has professionals, sophisticated processes, and impeccable reliability. They have aspiration and liability to keep up to ensure their clients’ supply chains and businesses both prosper and keep flourishing.
Why Ikris Pharma for contract manufacturing?
When one pharma organization arranges for another to manufacture its products, this process is known as contract manufacturing or outsourcing of the products to manufacture. The company provides the manufacturing company with all the details and, if applicable, also with the materials required for the production process. This type of contract sets out the manufacturer's requirements concerning the quality of the products, certification, quantities, conditions, dates of delivery, etc. The parties make an agreement, and the product is manufactured as per the customer's requirement.
Ikris Pharma Network (IPN) is one of the top contract manufacturing companies in India, dealing internationally. IPN comes with several perks as a contract manufacturer. The list of the perks are:
IPN has a vast established network with FDA-approved manufacturers.
IPN is already doing business in more than 150 countries all over the World.
IPN provides contract manufacturing pharma services including manufacturing of Ayurveda, Herbal, and generic medicines with various approved quality levels.
It picks the best-suited manufacturer according to the requirement of the clients.
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tuif · 5 months
My DND character has adopted like 8 kobolds and has trained them in the art of punching stuff, hitting stuff, magic and unlicensed medicine
Two of the kobolds died in explosions last session
May grog and frog rest in piece 😔
My condolences, I hope they rest in piece and that your other kobolds are doing alright.
What are the names of the other dudes?
And while I’m here, funny you mention punching, magic, and unlicensed medicine, let me list off every Kobold PC I have played
Currently, Kobalt is Kobold, Astral Soul Monk
Cinder Bricks, Ascendant Dragon Monk
Ground, Trickery Cleric
And Stycks, Alchemy Artificer
Punch, magic, and underground medicine.
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darkmaga-retard · 21 days
by Dr. William Makis MD
BMJ Case Rep. 2021; 14(10): e244195.
Published online 2021 Oct 14. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-244195
PMCID: PMC8559110
PMID: 34649854
Lung cancer patient who had declined conventional cancer treatment: could the self-administration of ‘CBD oil’ be contributing to the observed tumour regression?
Kah Ling Liew,1 Ermanno Capuano,2 and Bernard Yung3
Conventional lung cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy; however, these treatments are often poorly tolerated by patients. Cannabinoids have been studied for use as a primary cancer treatment. Cannabinoids, which are chemically similar to our own body’s endocannabinoids, can interact with signalling pathways to control the fate of cells, including cancer cells. We present a patient who declined conventional lung cancer treatment. Without the knowledge of her clinicians, she chose to self-administer ‘cannabidiol (CBD) oil’ orally 2–3 times daily. Serial imaging shows that her cancer reduced in size progressively from 41 mm to 10 mm over a period of 2.5 years. Previous studies have failed to agree on the usefulness of cannabinoids as a cancer treatment. This case appears to demonstrate a possible benefit of ‘CBD oil’ intake that may have resulted in the observed tumour regression. The use of cannabinoids as a potential cancer treatment justifies further research.
Keywords: respiratory medicine, lung cancer (oncology), complementary medicine, cancer intervention, malignant disease and immunosuppression
Lung cancer remains the second most common cancer in the UK. Despite advances in current treatment options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and targeted cancer drugs, survival rates remain low at around 15% at 5 years from diagnosis.1 Some patients opt for symptom control and even then, the median survival rate without treatment is 7.15 months.2
We report a case of non-small cell lung cancer that was amenable to conventional treatment options. The patient had extensive discussions with the clinicians regarding the potential treatment options and she declined all treatment options offered, so was placed under ‘watch and wait’ surveillance. The patient then chose a non-conventional and unlicensed treatment that appears to have had a positive effect on her disease.
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balkantroll · 8 months
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Đust a čroll from the Balkans (Alternia). You can call me Sloven, as it's not my real name but it fits the theme. My džender and caste are not important. I post what i like. My quadžrants are none of your business. I practice medicine and wičcraft. You can ask me for medicull advice if you like, but know that I'm unlicensed. Other advice as well, if you want that for whatever reason. I don't bite(most of the time). Wač Yusufoh
Translation: Intro. Just a troll from the Balkans (Alternia).You can call me Sloven, as it's not my real name but it fits the theme. My gender and caste are not important. I post what i like. My quadrants are none of your business. I practice medicine and witchcraft. You can ask me for medicull advice if you like, but know that I'm unlicensed. Other advice as well, if you want that for whatever reason. I don't bite(most of the time). Watch Yusufoh
OOC: hi! same guy behind @invertedromance2 . The idea behind this account is a troll from the Alternian Balkans (cause hey, if japan can exist in alternia, why not the balkans?)
I understand the quirk is not something many will understand because English isn't phonetic, so a translation will be provided every time. Basically i replace all the nonconsistent english sounds with the corresponding letter in the bosnian-serbian-croatian-montenegrin alphabet, example:
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He will also sometimes just speak 🇧🇦🇭🇷🇷🇸🇲🇪 because i think it's funny
Obviously anything said in rp is not real. This is a roleplay account! Also even though this should be obvious, i myself am from the balkans lol
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