#Unpopular Gundam Opinion
slowlysointernet · 4 months
I don't think the One Year War is oversaturated. I would love more One Year War content tbh.
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girlballs · 1 year
possibly an unpopular mech opinion but. armored cores and gundams having little robot hands to hold guns that are just scaled up versions of human-sized guns is kind of stupid
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greatcheshire · 4 months
low-hanging fruit: gundam witch for reverse unpopular opinions meme
I think the pacing and episode count is part of what makes GWitch so strong! Like yeah, could the ending be fleshed out more? Sure. Season 2 definitely could’ve benefitted from a greater episode count. But having now binged the show three times, the fact that it’s 25 tightly scripted episodes makes the series intensely easy to get enraptured in and makes it a great point for newcomers.
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beardog · 3 months
for that character ask game: suletta mercury! also miorine if youre up for it :)
How I feel about this character: GIRL OF ALL TIME. MY PRECIOUS DAUGHTER. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. best gundam protagonist, idc about anyone else's opinion.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: MIOMIO!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: chuchu is her ride or die. i love their friendship. also shoutout to my boi till who's a quiet but strong suletta supporter :)
My unpopular opinion about this character: not sure how unpopular this actually is, but suletta is NOT a himbo, imo - hunky and kind, sure, but not dumb. suletta is very bright and intelligent!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. i wish we got to see suletta actually on-screen telling miorine about her backstory. it's sort of implied, since miorine seems up to speed after their reconciliation, but if we had more time i would've loved to see them have a moment together dealing w that
How I feel about this character: i love her so, so, so, so much. a powerful driving force in g-witch
All the people I ship romantically with this character: SULETTA
My non-romantic OTP for this character: nika and eri. nika as the day-one sulemio shipper who knew from the jump how soft miorine was for suletta, and eri as the teasing in-law who reminds mio to be honest w herself :3c
My unpopular opinion about this character: this might not really be an unpopular opinion, more just a headcanon, but i think miorine would be the first to call suletta a pet name/term of endearment, and not the other way around lmao
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. her getting closure w delling by telling him to fuck off forever. no forgiveness. also, at least ONE flashback w her mom. the people want to see notrette's face!!
give me a character and i'll break their ass down
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Ask Game: Gonna start with an obvious one: suletta Mercury
How I feel about this character Maybe its because I am POC mixed race person that her and Loran are some of my favorite Main pilots in the franchise or at the least the ones I feel more identified(yeah, the trans girl identifies with the femboy and the bisexual autistic girl, you can clap now). She is so kindhearted and her arc about becoming her own independent person and being able to be speak her mind hit closes to home and I think its great for newcomers in a mainstream franchise to see that cause not only its a common thing in teenage-hood but in some aspects represent old Gundam values about teenage-hood vs adulthood from the original Gundam titles(never become an adult or you will want to throw an asteroid everyone).
All the people I ship romantically with this character If you spend 30 seconds on this blog you know its Miorine without a doubt. Not really interested in other Suletta ships but I respect them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Chuchu and Guel if I have to follow canon cause I think that they might have been the most supportive to her during the 3 year gap we don't see in the epilogue. If I can pick non canon ending stuff I think in a world where Elan 4 or Sophie survived they would've been great friends with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character idk if its something common nowadays but I was not a big fan of giving masculine features to Suletta when season 1 aired. Like, I am totally fine with Suletta dressed as a groom in fan art and stuff but in canon she is just a tall girl who wants to do feminine things which is why I adore the two dresses daydream she had with Miorine in the middle of season 2.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Some exploration of Sulettas recovery but sadly only 3 minutes of show left sadly. Oh and also a her going to more classes cause the show barely cares about classes except for Chuchus episode and when she is depressed in s2.
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themattress · 3 months
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Gundam: The Witch From Mercury >>> Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.
EXCEPT on one major count.
Ichiro Okouchi wrote both giant mecha anime series that balanced campy over-the-top spectacle and wacky school life shenanigans with serious socio-political and military writing along with mature philosophical and emotional themes. The largest differences is that Code Geass was divided into four cours (the first two being just Lelouch of the Rebellion and the second two being Lelouch of the Rebellion R2) while The Witch From Mercury was only two cours, and on Code Geass Okouchi was assisted in the writing process by Hiroyuki Yoshino, who is also known for extreme melodramatic works such as My-HiME and My-Otome.
While possibly an unpopular opinion, I believe that the lack of another pair of cours was actually good for Witch as it helped it avoid the fate that befell Geass. For all its gleeful stupidity, Geass had genuine substance and intrigue in its first pair of cours, and it all went out the window in the second pair. It was better Witch quit while it was ahead than risk the same happening to it. The lack of Yoshino also helped, as it meant Okouchi's worst instincts as a writer were more curbed rather than aided and abetted. A perfect example is to compare a major climactic event in Geass' first season vs. a similar one in Witch. In Geass, the big shark-jumping moment for the show was toward the end of its first season where a major political procedure centered around a princess wanting to do right by the people her family has oppressed but manipulated by more sinister interests was to occur, and of course it would all go wrong and there would be a lot of carnage and devastation that makes things worse instead of better. But instead of this being accomplished in a way that made logical sense that was set up by the narrative and the characters, it's because of an out-of-nowhere, completely uncharacteristic joke that happens to be made when a mind controlling power reaches the point of going outside its user's control. The mind-controlled princess goes on a civilian killing spree and in the end gets put down by a single bullet (which her nation's medical science can't treat despite saving a foreigner who was riddled with bullets several episodes earlier) so that her love interest feels man pain that will advance his character while all the potential of hers is casually discarded. This was the point where Geass lost its way.
By contrast, in Witch we have a major political procedure centered around a sort-of princess wanting to do right by the people her family has oppressed but manipulated by more sinister interests occurring, and of course it all goes wrong and there's a lot of carnage and devastation that makes things worse instead of better. But it is accomplished in a way that, shock of shocks, makes logical sense that was set up by the narrative and characters! It feels like a tragedy that was inevitable rather than one that happened out of nowhere because someone suddenly decided to make a joke about genocide. And of course, the princess-type character actually gets to live with the consequences and grow from them to redeem herself. This is what should have happened on Geass: Lelouch should have deliberately sabotaged Euphemia's procedure just as he was intending to, only to be met with unforeseen and unwanted consequences when Schniezel retaliates with extreme prejudice, similar to how Prospera's sabotage of Miorine ended up setting off Shaddiq to go full school shooter.
So, with all that said, what's the one major thing Geass has over Witch?
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While in Witch the main protagonist is Suletta Mercury, her mother Prospera is the character with a more direct correlation to Lelouch: a strategically brilliant, personally manipulative and theatrically charismatic individual who wears a metallic mask and yearns for both revenge and the creation of a new, better world no matter how many lives they have to take to achieve these goals, and who will use their loved ones as a justification for the selfish things they do.
Even though Geass developed a bad habit in its second season of glorifying Lelouch despite his atrocities in order to pander to his popularity, it never fully lost the plot on him (that only happened in the later, separate continuity film Lelouch of the Resurrection, but we're not talking about that garbage here). The narrative's position was still that he did wrong and that he had to pay for it in the end; he himself acknowledged this and even ensured that it happened! Additionally, as awful as he could be Lelouch was a teenager, and he had been wronged when he was a mere child, so there was still a degree of sympathy and leeway that the viewer could offer him, since the adults and systems in his life legitimately failed him.
Prospera, on the other hand, ended up feeling validated for all of the horrible actions she undertook. Instead of accepting and facing the consequences like Lelouch did, she gets off scot-free because someone else rather spontaneously decides to take the blame for her. Her living victims forgive her and the dead people she was seeking revenge for even show up to say they're proud of her! The discussion that she created more victims and by her own vengeful logic is fair game to be targeted for revenge by one of them is never had! Worse is that she was already a grown woman when the tragedy that sparked her into seeking revenge and a better world transpired, and roughly half of her villainy involves manipulating children! Many viewers say the sudden endgame Death Star type laser was the worst thing Witch did, but I beg to differ: that would have been fine had Okouchi been granted more time to set it up, which would have happened if he wasn't forcibly saddled by the higher-ups with a subplot he never intended to eat up the time that it did (Guel and his stupid family drama). There is no such excuse with this decision. Okouchi just decided she was an uwu victim.
I can accept the Death Star type laser. I can even accept Suletta's big Deus ex Machina peace-sparking victory in the final battle because that's kind of a Gundam franchise tradition at this point and there have been far worse versions of it. But I cannot accept a murderous terrorist facing no repercussions and even getting rewarded for their crimes in the end. For all that went wrong in it, Geass knew (at its time as a series anyway) that Lelouch couldn't live Happily Ever After in a peaceful world with his sister; not after he'd denied so many others that same chance. But Prospera gets to live Happily Ever After in a peaceful world with the daughters and daughter-in-law that she abused, and we're just supposed to be OK with that.
You did better here overall, Okouchi, but you still need to go back to writing school.
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st-just · 4 months
reverse unpopular opinion on Gundam?
The first half of Witch From Mercury was legitimately incredible. Gundam SEED (and SEED Destiny) were, like, not good but actually some of my first non-poke/digimon/sailor moon/etc anime and so I have an eternal soft spot in my heart for them. I have been reliably informed that like half my favorite anime characters are transparently inspired by Char.
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sukimas · 9 months
🔥 Gundam (as a franchise, but if you want to dig in on a specific entry/setting please feel free)
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I already mentioned that Victory really isn't that dark, so that's my plot thought, but let's talk about the mechs instead. Generally speaking- and this may just be my own personal preference for sleek designs and overthinking aerodynamics- I find the chunkier designs less appealing. Somewhere between the ν Gundam and the ZZ Gundam is where I draw the line for "amount of Stuff on this thing before I get tired of looking at it." (ν on the side of "I haven't tired of looking at it yet", ZZ on the side of "I've tired of looking at it.") So, despite a cool initial silhouette, I can't find myself liking things like Darilbalde or generally any of the Post Disaster mobile suits- just way too much going on. A mobile suit is, of course, meant to be cool to sell toys, but ultimately, form follows function. Sure, they have armor for protection, but covering the joints or having them lay flat also increases aerodynamics; you're not always in space (and most of the worst offenders I can think of aren't in space a lot of the time.) Ultimately I think that part of what got me into WfM was the mobile suit designs (mostly) resembling the technology I'm used to utilizing in the lab, and seeing other people utilize. While mechanical parts are beautiful, we cover them up the majority of the time so dust and debris doesn't get in, and so they don't get caught on anything. This is just as relevant in space battles, and doubly relevant in land battles.
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This is what "technology" looks like to me- not perfect Apple sleek, but not with so many extraneous bits and bobs. So I like my mobile suits to resemble this sort of thing, mostly.
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tieria-erde · 1 month
i finished rewatching gwitch! here are some of my final thoughts, broadly and in no particular order
~7.5/10 show. i enjoyed it a lot and i would recommend it to others even if i feel that it fell flat thematically in a number of places
suletta is an unbelievably good protagonist. i do not have particularly charitable opinions on the portrayal of women in the gundam franchise, so when this show was first announced i deliberately kept my expectations very low. i'm glad i did, but i really didn't need to, because holy shit they knocked it out of the fucking park with suletta
similarly, i still can't believe that they made a yuri gundam and the yuri is FANTASTIC. they got lesbian married and everything. no notes. when the finale first aired i saw a baffling number of people complaining online that gwitch was queerbait, ostensibly for not having an outright confession or kiss scene. to those people i have to say: GOD YOU ARE STUPID
i started this rewatch because this show's stance on parents has bothered me since i first watched it, and it made it hard to properly recommend it to people. i will, eventually, make a very long post about this, but i think i've successfully made peace with my grievances about this specific topic, for the most part
...however i still find the trajectory of guel's character arc egregiously disappointing
this show did not spend enough time on earth
when gwitch was first airing i saw someone point out how norea expresses a really potent grief over the idea that "earthian lives are cheaper than spacians'", and that line hits really hard, but then... the show proves her right by having earthian characters be basically the only deaths in the cast by the end. that's always stuck with me. i mean, it's fucking true, jesus
i said something midway through season 2 along the lines of "the rest of this show is too heavy to have earned the ending it got" and i don't know if i still believe that. for one, i've said this before and i'll say it again: the lesbian gundam show ending with a literal rainbow light show is FUCKING FUNNYYY
for two, i do think it became kind of hard for this show to kill its characters off at a certain point because they REALLY wanted to drive the point home of "you can't run from your past mistakes, you have to move forward" and a character kind of has to be alive to move forward... oops!
i ALSO said something about "run and gain one, move forward and gain two" being a "flawed adage" or something, and that was kind of me misremembering certain aspects of the story... i thought they condemned prospera's little motto at some point, but it actually continued to in fact basically be the message of the whole show...
i found it kind of hard to connect whatever prospera was doing to the political goings-on of the plot... to be honest, throughout the whole quiet zero thing, i kept thinking to myself, "god, i wish we were looking at the political situation on earth instead right now"
I Should Read The Tempest BTW
this show's character writing is straight up fantastic. i feel like almost every single character was memorable and charming in some way
for some reason, though, ojelo's name is only said once in this entire show. i'm not kidding. they tell you his name when they introduce him and then never say it again. i know this because i heard his name in his first appearance, forgot it, and then spent the rest of the show waiting for them to say it again so i could remember it. it never happened. do you know who ojelo gabel is? no, you don't. because they ONLY SAY HIS NAME ONCE.
also, unpopular opinion, but i don't really care for prospera. i don't know if i'm insane for this, but after watching it multiple times i STILL don't understand that scene where all the ghosts from the prologue are talking to prospera and suletta's like "you chose eri's future over revenge, and i can't fault you for that!" like, holy shit, i genuinely don't get it. she didn't do that at all. she killed people? she actively declared that she wanted to get revenge on delling rembran and Kill Him? am i missing something. this scene doesn't make any sense. if this scene makes sense to you legit please explain it to me
i had fun yay ^_^ ok thanks for reading
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freezethunder · 2 months
For the ask game... hmmmm... I don't believe I've seen your thoughts on mah gurl Himiko Yumeno!
How I feel about this character
Ever since I found out there was going to be an Ultimate Magician in V3, i was through the roof. Because I had my own Ultimate Magician OC, I was curious to see how they would make this character work. And let me tell you: I was not expecting Mage Chiaki to be the direction they went with the concept. But I still love her nonetheless. Himiko develops so much over the course of the game that how anyone views her as a useless survivor is beyond me. Starting out with being lazy and hiding her feelings to living life positively and working her hardest to survive with the others(as positive and hardworking as she can be...). Himiko may be my favorite "joke" survivor, beating Kazuichi and Yasuhiro in those categories. Not only because she's really funny, but also she because she has a character to her, and just as much a reason to push forward along with everyone else.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Let's see here, there's Tenko and Angie, obviously. Maki's pretty cute. I do like her and Kokichi when I'm not implementing my own little headcanons into the mix. And uh....I think that's it.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Ummm....not really sure. I imagine her hanging out with Chiaki could be pretty fun, the two taking naps a lot. Maybe her hanging out with Gundam for dark arts stuff. And her with Shuichi is a cute friendship.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Yes. Himiko did like Tenko before Chapter 3. The two have a "no energy, too much energy" relationship. They are NOTHING like Touko with Byakuya, or Kazuichi with Sonia.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
People like to draw characters with items that their beloved partner had before they died. I.E Hajime with Chiaki's hairpin, Maki with Kaito's jacket, etc. Himiko should have gotten something from Tenko. Like a belt or a robe or her pinwheel hair thing. It probably wouldn't be too much I'm imagining, I just like this trope.
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cyber-newtype · 2 months
reverse unpopular opinion: your least favorite character in the gundam series
paptimus sirocco acts as a sort of culmination of the ideas presented in zeta through the titans. like throughout the series we see jerrid continually fail upward through the deaths of his (much more competant) female companions, the metaphorical grooming of sarah and like obviously the fascist undertones of the titans as a whole.
but like all of this comes to a head with his relationship with reccoa and how he dresses up exploiting the fact that for some traumatised women there is a kind of safety and security in abuse as a kind of choice feminism. hes not abusing them, hes just giving them the offer to stay and theyre entirely within their free will to simply stay around and be exploited. if they wanted to leave they could do so easily
but to answer your question its judau ashta
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slowlysointernet · 4 months
I really really dislike Lacus Clyne. I think my most disliked Gundam character to date.
Everything about her character is dislikable to me. Her voice, plot armor, Mary Sueness and now she's the Chosen One. Consequences don't apply to her and every character falls down to their knees when she starts her moral lecturing.
Kira was a much much more bearable character when he was with Flay and nearly everything bad about him can be attributed to him being with Lacus.
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duckswithwings · 5 months
💛 ace attorney, 💚 fandom of ur choice, 💖 fire emblem, 💕 any gundam
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why? mia/diego | godot, i did not read them as dating AT ALL, she barely gave him the time of day. also godot means nothing to me, so there's that. 💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
for gundam 00 : a lot of people are under the assumption that tieria erde is male. she is not. 😌
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
TWSITD are an antisemitic stereotype and actively make the story weaker
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
any femslash ship before gwitch
specific shout out to dianna/kihel
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bronanlynch · 8 months
ship ask meme: IBO ship or five of your choice
hi sorry I know you literally asked this long enough ago that we've started and finished another whole entire gundam show since then but
What made you ship it? I mean I was always compelled by their dynamic from the beginning bc mika is shooting people without hesitation for orga right away but. the moment when I realized how much I shipped it was when mika snaps orga out of his grief from biscuit's death by. picking him up by the collar with one hand and saying that orga needs to pull himself together and tell mika who else to kill. that's romance, to me,
What are your favorite things about the ship? the extremely intense level of mutual trust and devotion and also shared ideology is incredibly compelling to me, is the thing. a gay communist ship for gay communists. constantly thinking abt the bit where mcgillis tries to manipulate mika by implying that he's just going along with what orga is doing instead of doing what he actually wants and mika just completely shuts him down because they Are actually on the same page and they Do want the same things even if mika doesn't usually put his ideology into words the same way. also extremely tasty that for most of the show they're doing an extended gift of the magi thing where mika is turning himself into a weapon for the sake of the new world that orga is trying to build, and orga is trying to build a new world so that mika doesn't have to keep turning himself into a weapon
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? ok. listen. I know that the show did not handle mika's disability particularly well but listen. as a fandom we can and should do better. disabled people can and do have sex, I promise you mika can fuck without being connected to the robot
What made you ship it? well you see. sometimes I see a girl blushing and complimenting another girl and I simply think they should kiss (also I went in knowing that they were endgame so. I was primed to read into their interactions)
What are your favorite things about the ship? I like how often they're both like "so we're both in love with mika and also each other" and how they make it clear that they are all in love with each other and want to support and help each other. also I love the stuff (especially in season 1) that was like. kudelia being able to put words to things that she didn't necessarily have firsthand experience with but atra does like. theory gf x praxis gf. kudelia understands the relationship between imperialism and capitalism and atra understands that the first step to getting anything done is to feed people when they are hungry. also their ending is that one poem abt like. the long distance relationship between a city lesbian and a country lesbian (want by joan larkin) and I love that for them. I wish season 2/the fanfiction on ao3 had more abt them leading a revolution together bc I do think both of their perspectives are so important and I want to see them talking abt rhetorical strategies and supply lines while also kissing and making each other soup
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I mean it's femslash I'm sure there's plenty of bad takes out there for me to disagree with. like I have beef with whoever edited the wiki so that atra is listed as kudelia's wife in the family section but not as a love interest. every time either of them express their love for mika they also reaffirm that they love each other in explicitly the same way, it's really not ambiguous
What made you ship it? well the vibes were there from the start, even when I was just like "who are these evil bureaucrats" so I always thought they were hooking up. and then we got to the bit where gaelio gets choked out by mika and mcgillis like. strokes his back comfortingly?? and I was like. ah. I see. they are Dating.
What are your favorite things about the ship? I love betrayal <3 I love it when a guy's grand plan involves killing the one person he cares abt and both of them are super normal abt it <3 also I love that gaelio isn't dead and wants revenge and also that ein is involved bc I love mess <3 (edit: I wrote before we finished the show and looking back on this. oof. rip to past me for trying to maintain some sense of detachment and just having fun at the tragic mess. current me is genuinely sad like. I do love the betrayal and that's def in the top 5 things I like abt this ship but the top spot might have to go to that final confrontation they have and specifically the bit where gaelio won't let mcgillis say that he loves him because otherwise gaelio will forgive him because he is still So in love with him and would have done anything for him if mcgillis wasn't um. specifically designed to be a foil for characters whose whole thing is solidarity and reaching out to others, so the point of his character is that he was marginalized and abused in ways that specifically isolated him so that he can't bring himself to trust anyone else and that's his downfall. communism could have saved him and also his relationship with gaelio (somehow. despite gaelio being fundamentally a spoiled rich kid. it's fine they would've worked it out. anyway)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? who could say what the unpopular opinions are. maybe that gaelio is also definitely dating ein but then again this is a show with canon polyamory so maybe the fandom is also more chill abt that
and for uh. equality I guess. one I don't ship. merribit/orga
Why don’t you ship it? not compelled by the dynamic where most of a woman's screentime is her trying to tell a man that he's doing everything wrong and needs to be more careful. they both deserve better than that and I'm glad the show stopped hinting at the possibility of them getting together
What would have made you like it? see above. what if orga could ever give a speech to try to raise morale so that everyone didn't die without merribit interrupting to tell him how fucked up it is that these kids are fighting. I assure you he knows that it's fucked up, it's his life, he's also a child soldier, does he literally ever look like he's happy abt going into battle. what if actually their relationship were abt her teaching him the value of spreadsheets. that would be romantic to me
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? if I were still a straight girl I would have been obsessed with them in a very projecting way. I would be conceptually So into guy character I love x admin woman
extra bonus now that we're so extremely tieriapilled: lockon/tieria
What made you ship it? the bit where lockon puts his hand on tieria's shoulder and tieria Immediately calms down and smiles at him softly and everyone else on the bridge is like. what the fuck happened while you two were down on earth together. and then every single other time they interact after that
What are your favorite things about the ship? lockon constantly reaffirming tieria's personhood. the "you let that man too deep into your heart" line. the incredible potential of the mirrored character arcs they could've had if lockon hadn't fucking died, because god forbid a gundam show from the 2000s allow a disabled main character to actually live their life as a disabled person, where tieria is learning how to be a person and exploring what she wants her gender to be and coming to terms with no longer being able to do the thing that made her special/effective/valuable and also feeling guilty bc she thinks she cost lockon his eye and that saving her wasn't worth it, and lockon is figuring out how to live his life now that he's gotten his revenge and also coming to terms with no longer being able to do the thing that made him special/effective/valuable, and both of them learning that their worth isn't just in being a good gundam pilot in the specific way that they had previous been good gundam pilots
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? you already know my ten thousand word essay on the various ways tieria is (mis)treated and (mis)characterized but. y'know. fandom stop being shitty abt transfem-coded characters challenge
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 9 months
IM GONNA KEEP YOU BUSY AS HELL. 10, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 45, 48, 73, 77, 86, 96 for the danganronpa ask meme!
BY JOVE‼️12 QUESTIONS😨😨 putting this one under a read more lmao
10. What Would Be Your Ultimate Title?
i Do Not Know.. maybe Ultimate Collector or something like that because i am Very Good at finding random shit and keeping it for years lmao
16. Your Absolute BROTP?
Himiko, Shuichi and Korekiyo should all be buddies forever i think.. the autism trio forever also Chihiro, Sonia and Gundam
18. Favourite Rare Ship?
i am Not sure what counts as rare but i am an Amatojo fan for sure also Celeschi which does have a bit more content than Amatojo i think but most of it doesnt have them as lesbians so i have to explode everytime i scroll the tag
19. Who Do You Think Is An Underrated Character?
bet you cant guess who my number one is.. anyways yeah Himiko but also Nekomaru there is barely any fics with him as a prominent character for no reason also i am constantly deprived of Leon fics my silly guy needs more love‼️
26. Favourite Execution?
hrrrnrgbh.. probably Gundams because that is the only one that made me cry a bit watching it for the first time which is saying something because when i was first going through the series i wasnt really Attached to any of the characters that much because it started off as just wanting to check out some of the scenes and now 4 and 1/2 years later here we are..
27. Least Favourite Execution?
proobablyy Alter Egos???? i dont really know to be honest theyr all pretty good in my opionion so i dont really have a least fav
45. Unpopular Opinion?
i dont really know what would be counted as unpopular but i dont get people who say Teruteru and Miu are the same character becasue they just Arent???? like yeah they both make a lot of sexual comments but that is about it.. also the protags are not all boring with no personality why do some people say this wadda hail
48. Favourite OST?
im guesing this is talking about the OSTs for each game they are all SO GOOD and out of all of them i am a sucker for the THH soundtrack
73. Character Who You Think Deserved Better?
All Of Them but specificaly Korekiyo, Chihiro and Sakura and also Sayaka
77. What Do You Think Of The Fandom?
ouuurbgh i havent interacted with the larger fandom in a while but i think its a bit better now than it was in 2020 especially on TikTok becasue jesus christ that was something
86. Favourite Anthology Chapter?
probably either Hair-Raising Panic because that was the first one i ever saw or What Are You Looking For? becasue auuugh thesillies
96. Who’s An Overrated Character You Dislike?
i dont really dislike any of the characters to be honest but if i had to say one then maybe Kokichi sometimes???? or at least the Kokichi that most of the fandom seem to like i think hes silly and i do like him but i know that a lot of the fandom seem to be enjoying an Entirely Different Character instead lmao
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spittyfishy · 2 years
Hey for it chacters thing can u fo either sonia or gundam
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Favourite thing about them:
I love how Sonia has interests outside of what’s typically associated with princesses, like true crime and more spooky stuff. It’s a simple but effective way of making her more of a fleshed out character.
Least favourite thing about them:
I don’t know if I have a least favourite thing, most of the issues Sonia has are all writing issues independent of her character, but things like how every once and a while they portray her as suuuper naive when logically she would have known better (looking at you, scene with Teruteru when Hajime is first exploring the island)
I love her and Gundham as besties, I think it’s really fun, and just prefer that pairing as platonic compared to romantic.
Sonia’s one of the few characters that I don’t actually ship with anyone
Sodas my boy and I love him but… as they are now he and Sonia should absolutely not be dating lol (the ship only works in the context of A: they actually worked through stuff and Soda learned how problematic he was being and probably a good amount of time has passed since that behavior stoped, or B: during the despair era bc Sonia wants to feel despair lol)
Random headcanon:
Aromantic Sonia for the win!
Unpopular opinion:
Sonia deserved her spot as a survivor and it’s a good thing she wasn’t killed off just to give character development to the boys
Song I associate with them:
Empire by Beth Crowley, Pomegranate Seeds by Juliana Moon, and Empire from Boo York Boo York! Though tbh they’re all for Remnant Sonia lol
Favourite picture of them:
Sonia Vs The Forces of Evil <3
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Favourite thing about them:
Probably just his overall design, it’s a good blend between cool looking and goofy lol
Least favourite thing about them:
I still don’t think I fully understand his plan in the funhouse, if he and Nekumaru really were trying to help everyone else why didn’t Gundham tell everyone he was the blackened? Making everyone go through the trial meant they might all die anyway so like what was the point?
He and Sonia are best buds and it’s wonderful lol
I’m not sure tbh, I’ve only recently come around on liking Gundham so I haven’t really given his ships much thought before lol.
Basically same answer as before sadly, I’ve just never thought about it.
Random headcanon:
Gundham watched just so much Hamtaro as a kid lol, also Zaboomafoo
Unpopular opinion:
I think if Gundham had been out of the game earlier I might have liked him more initially, his whole schtick sort of overstayed its welcome for me.
Song I associate with them:
Crucified by Army of Lovers
Favourite picture of them:
Hands down this Maleficent-y one from my Peko baby au
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