#Unstoppable Force (Damian Stubbornness)
Academic Achievements (romantic)
Requested by - can i request an academic rivals to lovers w/ damian? :) maybe a dash of angst >:)
Angst heh? Ha ahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahha yes~
Btw some topics of bullying, class division and Damien kinda being a little shit at the beginning (but we all expected that)
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Damien Wayne was a stuck up snooty brat who didn’t work for anything that came his way
Controversial opinion but it was one held by you and the handful of other kids of Gotham academy that came from blue collar or lower class families
Everything came to him with a flick of a finger whether that be his lunch on a silver platter or the attention of others. It was effortless, truly and utterly effortless
He never truly had to work for what he’s gotten in your eyes
Just another rich kid at this academy that’s populated by them
What makes him different though is that he’s a Wayne, a breed of rich all on its own
Practically royalty to Gotham society
He and them get in on money and name alone while you and a handful of others have to work their asses off to get in
It isn’t fair but you’ve accepted that at this point
It’s why you dedicated yourself to studying, to be better than them, than him for once
All students at this school were given a somewhat level playing ground when it came to actual grades
Sure, some had tutors and private fancy teaches at home to help but unless they actually cared they could not buy their way to victory
This in itself gave you enough edge to be head of class academic wise
Well not before the Wayne whom was your age had to stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and had decided he’d try to outsmart you
It started off small at first, projects in which he’d try to constantly one up you
Sending you snide smirks from across the class
You never acknowledged them but perhaps that’s what made him more determined. More pissed off that it didn’t aggravate you like he had intended
So he moves into trying to answer questions faster than you
Raising his hand up high as to be picked first
And so on and so fourth with his attempts
It was getting annoying but you’d put up with worse, much worse at this school
But he just didn’t seem to get any hints
Especially not when he one day tracked you down at lunch while you were in the art room
It was one of your only sanctuaries here. You are in peace without the threat of getting food or a drink dumped on you by some prissy girl again for not agreeing to give her the answers she wanted for homework
You just want to be left in peace but he doesn’t get that
No, he had to stick his nose where he shouldn’t have
He tells you to give up, that he’ll win and it’ll just be easier for you accept that
You almost punch him but hold back knowing you’d be fucked if you did that
You tell him to fuck off
And that leads to the two of you arguing loudly though fortunately no one was around
Rose white statues are the only ones that see and hear the carnage
Words are thrown back and forth, like a rocking ship before it crashes bow first into the waves
Sinking deep into ice cold murky waters as neither of you back down
For him it was his pride that kept him going, for you it was your stubbornness and determination that pushed you
Two opposing forces, an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object
A fiery red rage vs seething cold fury
“You just can’t let anyone be better at you than anything huh?. That’s the problem here, you just won’t let anyone else win. You already have everything, for once stop being selfish and just give others that chance at victory, you get it enough as it is for just waving a hand in a certain direction”
“Why do you even care so much!?, does your self esteem really hang so much on your position as the top of class?”
“Damien, I’ve had to work MY ass off to get into this school along with my friends. We fucking cried when the acceptance letters came in, and it’s a miracle that the school was merciful enough to pay for me!. You don’t have to worry about that!, you probably didn’t even bat an fucking eye when that letter came because it didn’t matter to you but it does for ME!. It matters to me cause it’s the only thing I can do that everyone else can’t just pay to win”
You leave after that, grabbing your book bag and slinging it over your shoulder as you storm past him to go to your next class. Tears lining your eyes that you hold back and push away
You wouldn’t cry, not in this jungle where the moment you show weakness they’ll descend upon you like vultures to pick away at your self esteem even more
He doesn’t move oddly enough but you don’t pay attention to it much
That night when you barely catch the bus home and then have to walk for at least another 15 minutes with your hands gripping a small pocket knife as you get home.
It’s late, dinner is cold but you don’t have the effort to place it in the microwave
You go to study for the missed time at lunch from your altercation
Your tired and cold from the walk, cheeks still red and nose stuffy but you don’t care
You pull out your notebook and begin to answer equations as best you can
The words from before playing in your mind before you drowned it out with the soundtrack of howls moving castle
As Damien returns home though he’s…shaken so to say
He kinda realizes he may have gone a step too far, a line crossed in the sand that he bounded over in pursuit of something
It also makes him realize how in some ways you were right, which he didn’t want to admit aloud
He didn’t think much about that initial letter, he tossed it away noting giving it the time of day
He knew he was smart and would’ve passed the test to get in but his fathers money had paid for him not to go through that effort
And you were right, he didn’t let others win
He always thought that was a good trait, but perhaps in cases like this it wasn’t as good as initially perceived to be
He would usually go to Dick or his father for advice but instead he goes to Todd for it
Knowing how he had a better grip on what it was like to not live rich in Gotham
And well…
“Wow ok…yeah kinda dick thing to do. You came at them unprovoked and then tried to take a crack at self esteem…good going”
And that’s when the guilt begins to set in the longer he talks to his older adoptive brother
And it hits bad especially when he knows a simple apology won’t likely cut it
It’s during the next couple of days that he watches you in a new light
Compared to him and everyone else who had large social groups your relatively alone
Only one or two friends who come to your side
It’s also here he now notices the divide that he for some reason never caught onto while at the school
Damien is a loner yes, but if he wanted friends he had people who would flock to him at a heartbeat. People who seemed to adore his every breath, a single wave getting a few cheering at getting his attention
But for you and your friends there is disdain and disgust. Like seeing a bug crawled it’s way on your table before swatting it away
But you can’t be swatted, no matter how many times someone pours water or attempts to trip you it ends up with you walking it off
Giving a glare that sends them running off with giggles as they hide a smirk behind a small “oh I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there”
You never say anything about it though, you never go to a teacher or report it at all
You just take it and it makes him confused as to why you stood up to him and not them
It’s why he returns to you after a week or so of observations
Once again interrupting your lunch as you worked on a new painting
“Oh…your back.”
“I’ve…” he pauses for a moment trying to find the right words, pride be damned “I’ve come to say I’m sorry”
You stop your painting at that, mid-stroke as you put down your brush and turn back to look at him. “I don’t believe that” it comes out your mouth and he’s left to stare
“And how would I make you do so?”
“If you really want that then show me change. Show me that you work for what you get just like I do, then I’ll respect you, then I’ll accept your apology”
That seems to hit something in him since he pauses whatever response he had
And surprisingly enough he nods
It’s from that point on you notice that there’s a shift in the young Wayne
One that others also begin to catch onto
It’s a slow process but you begin having lunch with him…well more like he joins you for lunch as you either study or continue your paintings
He shows his notebooks when your stuck and how a truck into solving a question
When others are jeering at you or your friends he steps in, glaring them down
At some point he even reported on a few students after one had poured a drink on your friend purposely
For once the report wasn’t brushed aside
There are definitely jealous glared from others about how he seemed keen on spending time with you but you don’t pay it any mind
Especially not when your working on a history project about the Ottoman Empire which he had extensive knowledge about
You…begin to enjoy his presence
At first you tolerated it but now you genuinely enjoy when he meets up at lunch and integrates himself into your small group of friends
He seems happier, more content and not scowling all the time
In class the two of you start a playful competition, not like before which was motivated by bitterness and pride
Now it’s just for the hell of it as mrs.smith can only watch as the two of you fling your hands up to answer
Afterwards depending who answered the most you’d both do a dare
He begins to actually seem like a kid and not a self-centered robot
You both begin to partner up for projects
He ends up at your small house since you don’t feel quite comfortable yet going to his place, partially in fear of being out of place
He doesn’t seem to mind but tells you that his family would love you
You wave the comment off but it does help ease your nerves slightly
In your home he finds a certain sense of normalcy he’d never really experienced
This feels like what a normal home should be like, small and cozy
Fruit left out by your mom with a note saying to have a snack
He enjoys it wholeheartedly and can’t help but smile when he keeps returning to work with you on the project
Perhaps with a bit more eagerness than he’d like to admit which makes Alfred smile knowingly
Eventually you end up at the manor with him
Your nervous and clutching your bag as your fingers fidgeted
He sees this and takes your hand
Squeezing it in a silent gesture of “it’s alright” and “your gonna be ok”
You swear your heart skips a beat yet you ignore the feeling as you step out a the car with him
The large building and its gates seeming to look over you before your attention is taken away at the sight of a dog
He smiles as the dog comes bounding forwards, stopping for a moment to sniff you before he seemingly gave you permission to pet him
“What’s his name?”
“This is Titus. He’s my dog, and resident best friend”
You giggle a bit at that as Titus pushed his snout into your hand
Tail wagging back and forth before he followed the two of you into the large home
It feels grandiose and elegant
You’d only ever see bits and pieces from magazines or on tv but seeing it in person felt like something else
Almost like walking into a book or painting
Damien guides you through the old halls and into their private library
There are a few stacked books left on a table, all of which are related to your shared project
Honestly this placed seemed like heaven
The two of you work on the project but it’s intercepted by moments of the two of you just passionately talking about the subject
Neither of you had seen it before but both of you are overwhelmingly passionate and headstrong
A reason why you’d both clashed heads before but now seemingly brung you both together
At some point he asks about your art and you somewhat shyly tell him of your hobby
How you sell your pieces on the side to make some extra money since your parents only make enough to get by
Surprisingly he compliments your skill, the techniques you’d learned over years of trial and error
And it’s…nice
You feel warm and fuzzy on the inside just as he does when you ask him to tell you more about his pets or about his roots
Eventually you have to leave but you come back soon after to confine the project
The two of you making a schedule where you sometimes go to your house or his
It’s through this you meet his kind butler who is nothing but kind and caring as he delivers cookies
Along with brief instances of Damien’s older brothers who are seemingly shocked
Especially the slightly (in your eyes) infamous Dick Grayson who peaks in as you both study
Well…before Damien hucks a book at his head yelling for him to leave
The king of Gotham himself, Bruce Wayne even stops by when your about to leave to talk to you
He thanks you for having such a positive change on Damien and your left a bit flustered by it
Especially since the man says your always welcome in their home and that your always welcome if you need help
Things seem better for both you and Damien
You’d been selling more paintings as he actually gained a group of tight knit friends who were just as nerdy as he was
Things are good
So good in-fact that Damien ends up inviting you to a gala him and his family were invited too as his plus one
Aomehow he ends up convincing you to join, even helping you find something appropriate for the occasion at a new exhibit at the Gotham art museum
A place you’d visited before for a couple feudal trips yet never saw in its actual capacity
As the celebrations start the tow of you quickly end up wandering the empty halls, admiring the art
You were both the only kids there so it was only natural to do so, besides, the adults were all mingling with one another
There are countless classics and styles of all kinds ranging from paintings to sculptures
All of which lead to the two of you talking of your interpretations of the meaning
Before you both end up at a painting with a black dot in the middle
Nothing else, just a blank white canvas with a dot
The sight of which makes you giggle
the sound makes his eyes widen and heart race, it sounds like the chimes that would happen from a light summer’s breeze or the fluttering of petals in the wind
And then he joins along in your giggles as the two of you stare at the hoity toity painting of a plane black dot on a white canvas
“I think I make better works than that” you joke
“Think?, no you definitely make better stuff than this. I don’t buy bad art”
Wait what?
You turn to him and he seems to catch what he had said
You notice that his avoids eye contact and how turns to face slightly away from you
“You…your the person who bought my art?. Why?”
“Like I said, I don’t buy bad art. Yours is much better than some of the stuff here, father even thought so”
Now it’s your turn to be flustered as you feel butterflies in your stomach
Off in the distance the two of you can hear the sound of classical music
It’s muffled and too slow for your taste so you pull out your phone and AirPods
“Wanna dance to some real tunes?”
He smiles and takes the AirPod as you press shuffle on your playlist
The sound of “lovesong” by the cure playing conveniently in both your ears
Damien takes your hand and you both take turns leading the dance
He can’t help but grin happily
Neither of you notice his family pealing into the room watching with happy smiles
Nor how Tim had kinds maybe hacked your phone to play that song
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
All of Bruce's kid's teenage rebellion phases was all okay. Running away, starting fights, etc. Etc. The usual. (In bat standard, at least. Other heroes would have heart attacks if their kids did whatever the batkids do.)
The only one who hasn't really rebelled was Timmy.
Now, in Tim's defense, he was busy being Bruce's emotional pillar of support. He wasn't rebellious towards Bruce. Matter of fact, technically, Bruce WAS his rebellious phase from his parents.
That all changed when Bruce pissed Tim the hell off.
Tim's patience. Okay. It's... it's practically impossible to piss Tim off. This is a chill little twink with a whole fuck ton of 'it is what it is' to give. It would take so fucking much to piss Tim off to the point of extreme pettyness. And once you piss Tim off? Hold on to your seatbells cause you're up for a wild fucking ride. Just ask Ra's.
So Bruce pisses Tim off, and it's a surprise when it happens. After all, Tim? Of all people? Pissed? And at Bruce? Boy's people pleasing tendancies come out tenfold for Bruce. Tim's like a dog on it's back for Bruce.
What'll happen now? What did Bruce do? Fuck, what will Tim do? All questions bruce answered in a grunt, mouth shut and unwilling to answer properly like a stubborn child.
So, in true Tim fashion, he sets to piss Bruce off too. This is the kid with a mean streak passing Dick Grayson. This is a kid who knows how to play dirtier than Jason Todd. This is a kid who knows how to hold on to a grudge and strike back with such strong vengeance longer than Damian freaking Wayne. This is a kid. This is Tim fucking Drake against Bruce Wayne. Unstoppable force meets immoveable object.
It starts with ignorance. Tim gives Bruce the silent treatment. Refuses to sit in the same room, refuses to acknowledge his existance. Tim would give a bigger fuck about an ant than he would Bruce Wayne. Tim refuses to go back to WE if Bruce came in the office. Tim would put such a large distance between red Robin and Batman, Batman could only grunt out plans through intercom for tim to hear him.
Once everyone got tired of that and forced an apology between the both of them, Tim started being careless. He'd drop things in front of Bruce and pleasantly ask him to pick it up. Too much sweetness in his voice, too much honey in his tone. Bruce, walking on egg shells and trying to keep the peace, would bite his tongue and follow. He hates it when they're alone, because Tim has this vicious little grin and a sadistic glint in his eye as he tells Bruce to "pick it up, bitch."
Eventually, it stopped being enough to quell the growing fire in Tim. He started thinking... what would piss Bruce off the most?
So he started fucking people. Easy scumbags first who'd do anything for a taste of his pretty little cunt. He'd make sure to fuck semi-privately too. Areas where he knows Bruce will find him. It fills him with satisfaction every time Bruce starts getting snappy with everyone much more than he usually he is.
He continues. People his age with tattoos, hell, even a tiny bit older. People who are addicted to all kinds of things, the taste of nicotine and the smell of alcohol clinging to them and on Tim. Each person a bit worse and Bruce goes more snappish with each boy. Tim continuous, not really set on changing his plans but then...
But then Jason flirts with him. And Tim is struck with the best bad idea that's ever entered his genius little mind.
Loose clothing, the kind he knows Jason loves. A yelp on an ass slap here, a gasp on a hair tug there and next thing they knew they're fucking on top of the batmobile. As Tim lay flat on his back and Jason's head was buried tongue deep in his pussy Tim sees a peak of Bruce around the corner.
He's never felt such awesome victory since he defeated Ra's as Bruce makes Jason work out harder.
Tim changes his plans, just a tiny bit. It starts with Jason. Then Dick paws at his door, begging for a sweet fuck just to chase nightmares away. Then Damian starts sucking on his tits in his sleep.
Everyone but Bruce.
Hell, Tim starts fucking his coworkers too. All just to get Bruce pissed.
THIS THIS THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH BECAUSE IT IS EXACTLY THE LEVEL OF PETTY TIM WOULD DO!!!! tim is someone slow to anger and compared to the rest of his brothers, he's taken a lot of shit from bruce over the years! but tim let it go, he was understanding because he knew bruce was in a rough place mentally. so he let a lot of it go.
and bruce? well bruce, whether consciously or not, seemed to take that as permission to treat and talk to tim any way he wanted.
there were a lot of things tim would take, a lot of things he could handle. but blatent disrespect?
absolutely not.
no one's really sure what bruce did to fuck up so massively that tim was actively retaliating. they're not sure that even bruce knew what he did to fuck up and get tim furious with him.
as cruel as it may seem, bruce was pretty mindlessly rude to tim all the time. a lot of people were. stephanie and kon had a shared habit of dunking on tim and making fun of him and usually tim didn't have a problem with it.
but tim makes it absolutely clear once someone crosses a line with him. kon didn't look at him for almost a month, shame coloring his expression whenever they were together. and stephanie literally left gotham for several weeks and returned practically walking on eggshells around him.
the two of them learned the difference between being teasing and being disrespectful pretty quick.
but tim doesn't deal with bruce the same way he did with kon or stephanie.
bruce is a harder nut to crack.
so while ignoring his existence did work, it was mostly just inconvenience. not just for bruce but other people around them.
making bruce get down on his knees or bend down to pick up something tim "dropped" helped a little bit but it did nothing to soothe the roaring fire of anger inside him because tim is pissed at bruce.
massively fucking pissed off with him.
he's given bruce plenty of passes before but there came a time where tim needed to cease being a doormat that bruce felt he could wipe his muddy shoes all over.
it strikes tim during an otherwise normal evening. he's sitting on a couch only half listening to dick lament about his lack of sex life to jason who isn't listening and bobbing his head to some metal music blaring through his headphones.
it's just a random thought that drifts across tim's mind. a small internal remark about how bruce always got on his case about dating as robin let alone fucking.
it was like a lightbulb went off.
there's rules about bringing people back to the manor for sex. a minimum thirty-minute notice to all residents, a signed NDA forwarded to PR, entrance and exits through the backdoor so alfred didn't have to deal with shooing them out in a few hours.
they're relatively straightforward and tim recalls getting texts and seeing how bruce, jason, or dick were bringing someone back for the night.
tim remembers how he didn't notice or even really care beyond putting on some headphones when he saw it was bruce because....
he and bruce shared a bathroom.
tim had chosen the bedroom right next to bruce's, the one that had a joint bathroom to the master's bedroom. originally tim's bedroom was a nursury and bruce's childhood bedroom. it was connected to the master's quarter's in case his parents ever wanted to check up on him or so that bruce's cries for them could be heard.
tim choose it because he wanted to be able to monitor bruce when he was injured or hurt. it also helped when bruce's occasionally nightmares would strike him and tim would be able to jump out of bed and race to his side.
bruce had never said anything about his feelings for tim choosing the bedroom.
tim doubted bruce even knew how well tim could hear him having sex in the other room.
but bruce learns it pretty quickly when tim brings home a boy he knows from the skatepark. your typical teen rebel who sneaks his mom's cigarettes and drinks far too young.
tim moans and tilts his head back as he kisses a line down tim's neck and ruts his covered cock against his cunt.
when he fucks into tim all tim can think about is how he left bruce's box of condoms spilled out in the shared bathroom for him to see in the morning.
now don't get tim wrong he likes his skatepark friends just fine.
but the real reason that he choose them was because they were easy.
they like making thin veily jokes about tim's body. about his pretty tits and prettier mouth. when they show him a move they put their hands on tim's hips while guiding him through the moves on his board.
bruce doesn't like tim driving so he'll often drop off and pick tim up from the park. so when tim doesn't respond to his texts that he's arrived and in the parking lot, tim knows he'll go looking. he knows how tim thinks so he'll check the bathrooms first where he'll be greeted to the sounds of tim getting his guts pumped from behind over a sink.
bruce knows how tim thinks and tim knows how he thinks too.
bruce has always been more sensitive and angered by tim doing teenager things.
and for the sake of his feelings tim ended up abstaining from things like dating, going to dances, and fucking.
not anymore.
tim can see how it's getting to bruce.
his temper has gotten shorter. he's snapping at people, lashing out.
he's especially short with the boys tim fucks.
the ones he lets stay the night, the ones he spots tim fucking when picking him up from somewhere-
sometimes tim's feeling a bit more cruel and asks bruce to give his 'friend' a new ride.
social convention tells bruce to be courteous to the boy who's done nothing wrong aside from fuck tim so hard his cunt was throbbing.
bruce can't be mean to the boy without admitting that he saw them together. the entire ride bruce is tensed and asking brisk questions that are answer half-heartedly by the boys because their brains are leaking out of their ears from how hard they orgasmed.
tim's a pretty good lay and a lot of the boys from the skatepark have been trying to fuck him for years.
but tim needs to expand his pool.
he knows stephanie complains about how the boys in her neighborhood are bums and losers. so now tim starts returning to the manor reeking of second hand smoke from weed and his neck bruised up from hickies that bruce stares at for a beat too long before stiffly telling tim that he didn't return home in time for curfew.
curfew only tim has because dick, jason, and even damian can be out all night without so much as a text but tim has to be back in the manor by nine.
yet another reason tim takes it a step forward.
jason's circle of crime alley associates are pretty nice choices and bruce has a profile on each of them so tim knows that bruce recognizes them when tim starts bringing them home.
from the way bruce's knuckles are clenched white with the force around his fork the next morning he's sure that he also knows that those boys are a bit...above his age group.
really it was the decision to start fucking crime alley boys that led to tim's next step.
crime alley boys talk. they brag.
they especially brag about the hot, rich pussy they screwed the night before.
tim's sure the men he's been seeing and their words reached jason's ears.
when jason starts making vague, lightly flirty moves on him tim is certain he knows.
he knows about how soft and pretty tim's cunt is. how he tastes to sweet and the noises and little gasps he makes are heavenly. how he can take cock like a champ and fits like a glove. how he's so sinfully tight as he rides them all night until he's cumming and going all tight around them.
tim sees the heady desire in jason's eyes. sees how he licks his lips and strokes his hands against tim.
jason has always been bruce's favorite child.
neither jason or bruce would ever admit it but everyone knew. but jason was like a kid who got cancer as a baby, all that parental concern, love, and doting was just stronger for him than it was for the rest of them.
nobody ever held it against them.
and it was working for tim now as he started wearing flowy fabric and styling his hair to curl at the ends. as he made little humming sounds when jason groped his tit. as his breath hitched when jason not-so-jokingly slapped his ass as he was passing by him. as he tilted his head back and moaned while staring into jason's eyes when he twirled a lock of tim's hair and lightly tugged on it.
tim knows that it's not just jason who's looking at him. dick has been a bright red at breakfast glancing up and away at tim's friction-puffed lips and hickey-lined neck. he knows damian's more than a little curious about it all. his big green eyes peek around the corner when tim escorts his gentlemen out the back. tim can feel damian's eyes on him as the boys press a final, tongue filled kiss to tim's mouth and tell him to not forgot to call them the next time he's looking for some 'fun'.
both dick and damian are more than a little curious and interested as they watch jason start to dance around him.
jason gives in easily. and tim sees the peek of a cowl around a corner of the cave as he lets out little cries while jason sucks mercilessly on his clit.
jason eats him out like it's his last day on earth. he fucks tim after he's already cum twice. when he's all wet and sloppy and leaking cum onto the hood of the batmobile.
the batmobile has exterior cameras and tim makes sure to arch his back and offer his tits to jason who latches on as he furiously ruts into tim.
tim hopes bruce enjoys that shot along with the one of jason's mouth falling open as he gasps and pulls out, stroking himself and shooting off onto tim's front and covering him with his cum.
the next day bruce is the most irritable that he's ever been. tim would even go so far as to compare it to his early robin days.
jason gets worked like a dog, sent to mission after mission and maybe part of tim should feel a little bad.
after all tim's poor cunt tingled for hours after jason fucked him.
but....bruce's reaction was well worth it.
a few days later jason is still in the trenches and dick knocks on his door.
he's trying to act casual as he walks into tim's room. but he's blushing, and his eyes keep drifting to tim's puffy chest.
dick brings his own condoms and fucks tim with the desperation of someone who hasn't gotten laid in a year.
dick whines as tim rides him hard and fast, holding onto tim's hips as he lets out gutted gasps.
"nnnghhh! ahn hnn hmmn nnmm oh! fuck! shiii- nnngh this is just as good as- hmmmmnn - as jason said it'd be nnngh-"
of course jason told dick.
crime alley boys love to brag afterall.
dick joins jason on his missions the next day but with the two of them working together they come home and fuck tim right on the living room couch which is how damian stumbles upon them.
damian is curious about sex in the way all teenage boys are. but he's much more interested in looking and touching tim's body then actively fucking it.
he has a fascination with tim's tits. his eyes practically sparkling with interest as he watches how they bounce when jason is fucking him.
damian mostly watches. something that made jason and dick feel awkward at first because neither of them wanted to fuck tim in front of a kid. but damian refused to leave so they got used to ignoring him and everything around them, including bruce's silhouette in the doorway as he watched them.
damian gets more curious and braver. most nights tim's bedroom is occupied by dick or jason or both.
both of them like fucking tim and they like that they don't have to go out and beg for pussy at bars when tim's is right there. but some days they're both too worn out from all of bruce's additional shifts.
those are the days when damian starts coming in. tim stares at him. waiting to see what he'll do.
damian doesn't even look at him, more focused on touching im and running his hands down tim's body. until he gets to the hem of tim's shirt and pushes it up until its under tim's chin.
damian's breath hitches at the sight of tim's tits.
a soft grunt leaves tim as damian straddles his abdomen and leans his head down to nuzzle the plush mounds. tim is staring at his ceiling when damian first latches on.
damian is a lot like bruce in some reguards. the way the two of them are so... kid-like as they sleep.
after comforting bruce from a nightmare, bruce would always tug tim into his arms and hug him to his chest, breathing softly against the top of tim's head.
damian makes the same relaxed brow face as bruce. the only difference is the soft movement of his jaw as he sucks on tim's tit like a baby does a binky.
tim's not sure if damian's expecting milk to come out with how much he's nursing on tim's tits until they're red, hot, and sore.
but the look on bruce's face when tim's bathroom door creaks open and he peeks in is well worth it.
he hadn't heard dick or jason and it was the first night since tim began his crusade that all was silent on tim's end.
he'd wrongly assumed that tim was curled up and asleep, giving his poor pussy a break for the first time in months.
only to be greeted by the sight of tim with an arm wrapped around damian's waist and the other stroking the back of his head as he nurses on a mouthful of tim's tit.
something in bruce's expression flickers. there's something in his eyes as his eyes locked on where damian's lips are sealed around tim's rosy body, saliva streaked around the sides.
damian's eyes are closed and his breathing is slowed. he's pretty much asleep and sucking on tim's tit for comfort like a little baby.
tim can see the tension in bruce's throat as he stares, his jaw clenched so tight there's a vein popping up against his forehead.
tim stares into his eyes as he tilts his head down and presses a soft kiss to damian's forehead.
the low 'smeck' is audible in the room that's so dead quiet.
something crosses bruce his expression and he disappears behind the door, slamming it for good measure and startling damian awak who blinks sleepy eyes at tim while sucking faster in startle confusion.
tim soothes him, making low whispers and telling damian to go back to sleep.
tim was never one to revel in bruce's pain. not like others.
but even he had his limits.
tim would go as far as he needed to for the lesson to get through bruce's skull. until he he understood what he did and apologized for it.
tim would keep going until the words 'i'm sorry tim' left bruce's lips.
it was up to bruce how long that would take.
tim tightened his grip around damian's body, slotting a knee between his legs and smiling in amusement at the half chub there.
tim would give it a few more nights before damian pawed at his pajama pants and clumsily pressed his hard cock in to find relief.
whether bruce did anything before that happened was yet to be seen.
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b-rainlet · 2 years
Hear me out: TimDami fic where Tim gets exposed to truth serum and absolutely books it whenever Damian so much as breathes near him
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donnyclaws · 3 years
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scenes 2 *screaming and thudding sfx*
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request:  Can you please do a Damain(or tim) x reader where the reader( who was a vigilante) is forced to retire because fight with Joker gone wrong. The reader being stubborn still wants to fight but has to come to a realization in the end they cannot fight on the field.
Warning: Joker’s usual antics, angst
A/N: I did Tim for this just because I thought it flowed a little better with him! Thanks for sending this in I hope you like it! 
Word Count: 2k
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You knew the Joker never played by the rules.
He was the bad of bad's, crazier than anyone, and didn't think twice about killing anyone that got in his way. Well, you had gotten in his way, lots, and that didn't end well for you.
After knowing what happened to Jason and Barbra, you should have known that anyone was at the Joker's will to get traumatized next. Jason died, Barbra paralyzed, you didn't think that anyone could get it worse than them. You had gotten off lucky - and that was saying something.
Joker had gotten you when you didn't expect it. After weeks of tracking his moves and trying to figure out what he was up to next, you weren't even slightly aware that he was watching you the whole time. The second that he put his 'plan' into action, you were there. It was stupid to go alone - and it was more stupid to think that Joker was actually going through with something that made sense.
It was a trap for you, and it changed your life forever. Joker had taken away your life - maybe not as literal as Jason's - but he had taken your ability to be the hero you always were. You were lucky, Barbra was trapped in a chair forever, you were only there for a couple months. He had broken you just enough that you would never be able to continue your life along Batman.
Your knees would have a permanent brace for the rest of your life. No amount of surgeries would ever bring you back to your feet, which meant you could never play sports, be a vigilante, or partake in any part of life that you once craved. You weren't the same, and everyone saw it. Tim saw it.
Tim Drake was with you through it all. He watched as you tried to keep yourself together, get strength to become healthy, and cry yourself to sleep at night. He was the one that found you in that warehouse and the one to stay by your hospital bed every night. Tim wasn't going to let you out of his sight.
The two of you were dating far before the incident had happened. You knew that if you could make it through your darkest time with him, you could make it through everything. That didn't stop your arguments though. You wanted to get back in the game, you wanted to prove that you were just as good as you once were.
Tim never wanted to see you in that suit again. He didn't want to be reminded of what happened to you or that it could just as easily happen again. He knew that you would never be back in the shape that you were years ago, as much as you wished you could be.
Thousands of dollars were spent on surgery's, replacements, anything that would help you. And a lot of it did, it helped you with day to day movements but nothing as strenuous as working with Batman. You still tried. You tried so hard to keep doing your job. The city needed you, and you could barely help yourself.
Trying to be the hero you once were and failing hurt you more than Joker ever could. Tim watched as you broke yourself down every day trying to do what you used to. He didn't want you to give up, but he couldn't watch you fail anymore. It broke his heart.
Every time you tried to go back out there, it only lead to more pain, more knee problems, and more surgeries. You tried to keep fighting in the streets of Gotham but it was doing you more harm than good. Bruce tried to get you to quit, he was tired of having to see you in recovery because you couldn't move like you used to.
The two of you used to be unstoppable. Every mission that you were on together had always been a success. Even Bruce was shocked to see how incredible the two of you worked together, it was like you were made just for this. Being partners on the field had sparked your dating life.
Part of you felt that maybe if you could no longer be his partner against crime, he wouldn't feel the same way for you anymore. This was Tim you were talking about, he was never like this, yet it still struck fear in you. That was part of the reason you tried so hard to get back out there - you wanted things to stay the same with him.
Dick was far past concerned about your health. He was the one who had to save you when you were down and the one to bring you back home only to be bedridden for weeks again. He knew you couldn't keep this up any longer but he didn't dare try to tell you that. Not after the reaction that you had given Damian.
Damian tried to stop you from going out there again. You were healed rather well but it was only months ago that you weren't. He was ready to put you on your ass if that meant that you were safe at home. Damian learned that you too, were good with swords and knives. You didn't mean to stab him, but he also learned his lesson not to get in your way.
"Baby," Tim called for you. It was just the two of you down in the bat cave. Tim was hunched over the computer while you were trying to train like you used to. He froze in his spot when he heard you cry out, followed by a loud thump. You were on the ground, arms covering your face but obvious frustration rolling off you.
The brace on your knee stood out like a sore thumb. It was bulky, ugly, and refrained your movements half the time. You were so tempted to take it off but you knew too well that you wouldn't make it three steps without it, much less trying to practice your fighting.
It was killing you not to be able to do simple training anymore. You felt weak, like you couldn't do anything on your own ever again. Tim babied you even though you were as healed as you were ever going to be. He just wanted what was best for you.
Tim knelt down beside you. His hand barely grazing your back before you pushed him away and abruptly stood up. For a while now, you had the bad habit of pushing him away. You knew that he meant best, but you didn't want his pity. You just wanted things back to where they were.
"(Y/N)," Tim tried again. Defeat was evident in his voice, he was tired of this routine. You trying to do the impossible, getting hurt, and Tim trying to comfort you when you only pushed him away. He was tired of seeing you push him away when he was only trying to help you.
"I can do this!" You shouted, unsure if it was to convince him, or yourself.
"No, you can't" Tim's voice was soft, devastated. You had barely caught what he said, but the words rang loudly through your mind. Even he believed you couldn't do this. The one person you always relied on, the one person who held you tight and promised everything would be okay, didn't believe you could.
Truth be told, you knew this. Deep down in your heart you knew that you would never get back to your place as a hero. Part of you always knew, but whether it was sheer stubbornness or determination, you never gave up. You didn't think Tim would give up on you either.
"I'm tired of seeing you hurt about this. I want you to be back like you were, of course I fucking do. It's been years that you've been trying, years of being so fucking brave. It's time... it's time to realize that maybe you're out for good."
"No," you harshly spoke. You refused to believe that you were supposed to give up. Tears stung at your eyes at the idea of it all. You were supposed to be just as good as Batman one day - maybe take on the mantle yourself. Those dreams were ruined, everything in your life was ruined because of the Joker.
Tim reached out to you. He pulled your close before reaching up to wipe the tears that fell down your cheeks. There was nothing more that he hated than seeing you like this. Tim knew that you were going to struggle lots after the incident, but he also knew that he would never give up on you.
"I love you, more than anything or anyone. I hate seeing you like this, I hate seeing you get your hopes up just to be disappointed again. All I want for you is for you to be happy again, and you're never going to be able to do that until you accept that this legacy isn't possible anymore.
"Even if it was, how long would it last? Weeks, months? A year? The Joker knew just how to break you, and if you keep trying to get back at him like this... he's going to win. I know you want to get back at him, but this isn't the way," Tim tried to reason with you. He was trying to be gentle about this, but it didn't make your heart ache any less.
"I-I," You stuttered over your words. Tears fell faster down your cheeks and you felt like an absolute mess in front of your boyfriend. He wasn't give up on you, he was trying to find you another way - just like he always did with that big brain of his. "I feel like if I give up on this I'm giving up on everything."
"You know that's not what's happening," Tim assured. He pecked your lips and pulled you into a tight embrace. Just the touch of him calmed you down. For years he had been the one watching over you, making sure that you were safe. You loved that about him, you loved everything about him.
"Look, whatever you choose to do, you know that I'm gonna be there, right beside you," Tim promised. He was trying to stay strong for you, but seeing you like this nearly brought his own tears. "You know what's best for yourself, it's your choice."
"I need some time, Timmy," your voice was muffled from being tucked into the crook of his neck. "It's just, it's hard going through this."
"Maybe talk to Barbra, she's the one person that really understands what you're going through," Tim offered. You had talked to her several times about what had happened to you. You always went to her with a strong headed idea that you would continue her legacy. Maybe this time, she could give you a different kind of perspective of what you should do.
"I love you, Tim," You sighed into his skin once more before pulling away to look up into his eyes. As always, they held reassurance and love for you. "You're the best thing to happen to me. I couldn't have gotten through all this without you."
"Of course you could have," Tim half smiled. "You're the strongest person I know. You were always meant for great things, I knew that from the moment I met you. Hang up the cowl, live a life that the rest of us are never going to get the chance to have."
"You're my life, Tim. No matter where you are, I'm there," you told him. "Even if I decide to hang it up, that doesn't mean that I can't help. Barbra helps Dick all the time, god knows where he'd be right now if it wasn't for her. I'm gonna be by your side for the rest of your life, it's just a matter of how."
"As long as you're there, I don't care how."
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