#V Anon
Hey again Gabriel. Whats up with all of those asks about Liking machines?
Is all that true? Are you secretly Gay-briel D] - V
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irl-morros-account · 7 months
never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you
-v anon
I should just shut up forever and see where it gets me
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
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Tell me why the sQeptics created V without telling me why they created V 🙄.
This ask was almost certainly sent by Aeltri. She imagined herself God's gift to the arts and is incredibly bitter that she never managed to get her big breakthrough.
The "Sophie was in a porn movie" narrative was debunked long ago. Even Patty had to admit it. But I'm not surprised the sQeptics' puritan ass prevents them from admitting it.
As for Sophie's career, she had one long before she married Ben. It is also pretty damn clear she isn't using him to get work. If she did, she would be called by his name. Never mind that Ben probably wouldn't be much help since they both work in 2 very different field. That's another thing the sQeptics don't seem to understand.
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viennakarma · 7 months
Knowing how much I love all your other fics, I don’t think you could disappoint me let alone everyone else who follows you. Everything you write is ✨immaculate✨.
Let your creativity flow, V
We will be here… waiting (im)patiently
Well well well how the turn tables 🤓
Seems like you didn’t have to wait that much! Thank you for enjoying the story and for (im)patiently waiting!
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knotworthypup · 5 days
Anyone else’s opinions on that piece of writing are invalid. It clearly comes from a painful place and is personal to you, so it’s valuable and valid and hopefully a little cathartic. But having said that, I liked it.
aww thank you, v
i just woke up and can say this gona make my entire day
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
now i dont know i didnt plan this far fbsbbdbfb - v
Better think quick before I break you in as a new sex toy.
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Hi Sun, hi Moon :)
I sure feel lucky I found you guys. My family is expecting me to be so grown-up nowadays, but I don’t feel very grown-up at all. I have to do all this paperwork stuff and meet a bunch of deadlines I didn’t have before, and it’s all really overwhelming. I don’t like having to do that stuff, since I’m still small in so many ways. Do you have any advice for a little who has to act too big sometimes? Comfort, maybe? Even a hug would help me lots :)
New friend, we’re sorry to hear that! Being big is hard, especially when it’s overwhelming! While taking care of your big responsibilities is very important, it’s also important to take breaks and relax.
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We see that you’re working hard. Keep going and doing your best. Try to focus on the little things that make you happy.
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And we’re always here if you need some help along the way! Just know that you are valid and loved!! I’d be happy to give you a hug!
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urgrossdaughter · 4 months
It IS going to be ok, even if it doesn’t feel like it now.
You feel things super intensely right now. This pain will pass. I promise.
I hope so :( thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate it and i lowkey dont want to answer sp i can keeo this in my asks but ill just reply💕 thank u sm
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Hey sorry for initially posting this as a message to mods! it was very late when i wrote up the first time lol
Hello, my name is V. I'm looking for support and validation, advice not wanted.
For the past 21 years I've lived in an abusive home. After some lengthy trauma processing I realized this abuse likely didn't start or stop anywhere, it just changed over time. In the past my dad was very physically abusive and both my parents were very verbally and emotionally abusive. Now that I am older it's ebbed in frequency but its still very much there, and financial abuse has gotten even worse now that I have my own assets. But that's precisely the problem.
All my life, my reality has been denied. Despite being told to keep the abuse behind closed doors, I refused and have told everyone about what happened to me to everyone I can think of. But every time I did, my situation was never considered "enough." my parents never faced any repercussions for their actions--law enforcement nor CPS ever questioned them--and still don't; even now if they make some sort of snide comment that hurts my feelings, they're quick to use emotional manipulation and red herrings to deflect accountability. I realized this month just how trapped I am here: if I attempt to leave, I'll lose access to my car, my health insurance, my bank account, pretty much everything that will help me survive on my own. That realization has spurred suicidal thoughts and a self harm relapse like no other. I'm currently unemployed after having to quit my job due to having my hours cut with no opportunity for overtime and only have about 900 dollars to my name as of now, so moving out isn't an option.
All this has given me a deep sense of shame and self doubt when speaking of my abuse. Despite having CPTSD from the abuse and still get constant nightmares and flashbacks, if nobody believes me when I say I'm being abused, or if they do believe me but don't share the same sense of urgency I do about it, then maybe it really isn't so bad and I'm just incapable of tolerating normal things, and if that's true, then maybe I'm not fit to exist in a world that is filled with these normal, intolerable things. My head fills up with thoughts like, "Stop talking about it, nobody is taking you seriously. No matter what you say, even if you can confirm its abusive, nobody will believe you, nobody will save you, because its your fault for not being able to handle this normal behavior."
In a last ditch effort, I have applied to stay at a respite house out of state for a week. My parents are out of town at the moment and I thought it would be refreshing, but then my brother decided to use this time to get incredibly drunk and act like a drunken asshole to me for 3 days then leave me alone for 2 days without telling me where he was, so that's a dream crushed. There's no respite houses in my state so I have to cross the border and drive for an hour and a half but its no big deal. I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents that I'm leaving for a week and have to turn off the tracking apps they force me to use (on the house's website it states that the address is not public for safety reasons and idk if Life360 can pull the address of the place and give it to my parents) but I don't think I care anymore. All I want is someone to affirm to me that what I'm experiencing is real, it's abuse, and I don't deserve it. Maybe there's people there who can do that for me. If my parents want to punish me for this, then I can't stop them. This is all I have left.
Putting these here so I can find this post on the TL
Hi V,
I'm so sorry to hear about what you've been going through. It's hard enough to experience this magnitude and multitude of abuse, but to be essentially gaslit on top of it makes things unimaginably worse. It seems that being financially dependent on them unfortunately works in their favor in order to keep you trapped in this dynamic.
Being minimized and dismissed, even by organizations like CPS, can be incredibly discouraging and it makes sense why at times you feel like what you're going through isn't severe or important enough. The people who try to convince you of this cannot dictate reality - you know what's going on and that's good enough. But that's hard to feel when you're trapped and surrounded by people who don't believe you no matter how much you're struggling. That's amplified by the internalized gaslighting of telling yourself that your experiences don't matter. It's a horrible situation to be in.
I work in a domestic violence shelter so if you need help finding somewhere safe to stay, I am happy to help. Please let us know if you need anything.
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https://ibb.co/DWYgxbL Successfully picked up little goober without disturbing him ! (excuse my poor drawing of a hand, anatomy isn't anatomying) - V / V1RUS
pls do not wake him up
he needs rest
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Oh cmon I wanna know. That would explain all the weird things you said to me when we fought last. - V
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irl-morros-account · 11 months
-v anon
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doctortwhohiddles · 1 year
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I doubt Tom and Zawe would invite the sQeptics' imaginary friend to their wedding (notice the not so subtle way that anon says she hopes they break up).
Let's face it, that scenario would be the tinhaters' worst nightmare. Ben and Sophie attending the wedding is very likely. It would prove that Ben is still married and that Tom has no problem with Sophie. And I bet that she and Zawe must get along great. They have a lot in common after all.
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thoulizziers · 8 months
Here's @anonymous-antagonist
Let's pretend his wings are folded behind his back cause I suck at drawing wings
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Also AAAAA I made him look older in the drawing what :(
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agerefandom · 2 years
MOOD BOARD FOR CG! V FROM V FOR VENDETTA please sir he is my father...my dada....
But of course! 
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Here are my headcanons to pair with it ^-^ I’m always so so happy to make some V content!!! 
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alittlemxchievous · 1 year
hey you are like. really hot nxhdjfbcjd - v
Thank you sweetheart. What are you going to do about it?
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