#VPN company
mofffun · 11 months
"King of Gokkan"
a web manga retelling of King-Ohger from Rita's point of view, featuring new scenes from the show.
First 10 chapters release midnight 11/11 JPT, updates every Saturday. First 3 free to read. On TTFC, Piccoma and Booklive (no vpn required).
(summary of ch1-10)
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eccentriccryptid · 4 months
#just need to bitch about my new job for a minute#first of all - so lucky and happy to have a job i will say that#been unemployed for two months and i need something to pay the bills#but...the fucking 'no one wants to work' of it all is such bullshit#so this new company starts you at $13/hr#not great but considering i live in rural america it's way worse around here#they're remote but their definition of remote is that you can only work from your house no where else#you get two days off per week but it's not two days back to back#if you're full time you get extra holiday pay but there are no holidays off#if you're part time fuck you you just have to work#full time employees get 10 vacation days and 6 sick days#part time you just get so many unpaid hours off#like...i'm working part time because i'm hoping to get actual work in my field#but you're telling me if i was full time i'd get /16 days/ of paid time off per year?#but also i'm not allowed to go anywhere else while i work??#like i have family just out of state that i could pop over and see on a long weekend or even a short one#but i don't even have two days back to back so i just can't go see them without taking time off#and like...probably i can just use a vpn and it won't be a big deal#and i'm hoping this is a super temporary thing and i can actually use my degree#but like /fucking hell/ of course no one wants to work in conditions like this!#i know it's work from home and there are some perks to that but not enough to make up for everything else#also not them telling me during my interview that after training you don't have to be on camera#but during out first day today being told we have to 'earn the privilege'#bitch please it's fucking chat support#i am just so tired of employers thinking that it's a privilege for us to work for them#it's a privilege for you to have me honestly#oh and also if you run out of days off you don't get unpaid time off#they just start giving you strikes#like our trainer is really nice and great but also she's trying to sell this 10 days off as some kind of amazing thing#in the us that's /fine/ if you also get the holidays off!
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king-of-havoc · 4 months
I hate my brain so much. When I was asleep I was dreaming and I can't even remember what the original dream was about because all I can remember is that my stupid fucking brain transitioned the dream into a seamless fucking sponsorship for Surfshark VPN
One second Markiplier and Ethan are doing something, can't remember what, and the next they're talking about motherfucking Surfshark VPN and THAT woke me up
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lyinginbedmon · 2 months
The Leverage videos are region locked to the States. You should still be able to watch them there if you use a VPN to change your location
This is probably data security!Lying being overly suspicious (jk NordVPN are still running ads despite having been taken to court for selling your data) but I just don't see the value in the sales pitch of "don't give your data in split components to dozens of companies, give it all to us instead! We promise not to abuse that very obvious data security risk!"
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aweisz · 2 months
the unabomber was right. all technology is bad actually
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nias-keca · 2 years
( the kids are having a play date )
Delling: You promised to marry this clown?
Miorine: She's not a clown, she's the ring master.
Yushura: Yea, I'm like. The Clown Boss!
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I knew if I simply searched "high rise curvy fit plus size straight leg trousers in charcoal with 33 inch inseam " enough times on Ann Taylor dot com from multiple browsers and devices and wireless networks . That the universe would provide six months later . Holy fuck
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homoeroticvillain · 5 months
i need to switch vpns cause turns out express is owned by some shit people but now i have to go through the hell that is finding a new one
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prototypelq · 6 months
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this is just a popup on the internet, but it really really does feel like a balm for the soul
#also thank you every major vpn company for leaving russia you sure are helping#the world's reaction to this war has always been extremely infuriating and depressing#politics are specifically supposed to affect and weaken the government#yet it becomes mainstream and now the iron walls are built from the outside for the citizens too#like we didn't have enough of them inside#all the russian-blocking is only helping the government and further crushing the free media#for example the new and trendy anti-ad law for the foreign agents#spoiler - foreign agent is a legal repression term for the people with actual moral and ethical backbone#the youtube channels of these foreign agents have millions subscribers each#yet the youtube turned off pay from the russian viewers so these channels don't get anything out of their audience#and now their advertisement options are severely limited by the new law#these channels can only depend on the financial support of russians Outside of this godforsaken country#which as you can guess is not much#and again you likely require a vpn to access most of the independent media and vpn companies competent enough to evade#the government site blockade have stopped supporting their services here#and all of this only furthers the feeling of isolation and 'dangerous world out to get us' which builds the support for the current#regime out of fear of the world which is how we all landed in this horrible situation in the first place#i did not expect to type a rant this big just from a single popup message yet here we are#russia
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what-the-fuck-khr · 6 months
I’ve been hearing about the TikTok ban in America and man. wow. like genuinely wow
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morgue-xiiv · 1 year
It JUST hit me how incredibly stupid the antipiracy ads in front of films were. Because like. I knew the were stupid, they were yelling "do not do this crime!" to EXACTLY the people who had just chosen NOT to do this crime BUT a lot of those people probably didn't know that crime was possible!
How many people saw an ad saying "downloading movies for free online is illegal" in front of a film they paid to see and thought "wait you can download movies for free online? Oh I'll start doing that then".
This was invisible to me as a kid cos I thought everyone knew how to torrent shit, but now the next generation only knows iPhone hot chip and lie, I realised like. They literally just advertised piracy to our less savvy parents.
"wow thanks for paying to see this film, did you know you didn't have to do that? Like you can just go online and pirate stuff. It's free! And you won't have to see this stupid bossy advert! JSYK it is stealing so make sure you cover your ass and don't get into trouble :)"
I hope they've updated the ads to show the lawbreaking kid getting a VPN before illegally downloading the film so it's stayed contemporary.
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theflagscene · 7 months
Viu be on some crazy shit if they think I’ll be paying money for a subscription just to watch the last two episodes of Cherry Magic, like I’m gonna pay for a whole ass subscription just for today’s episode and next weeks episode. Nah, man, there are other ways.
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stinkrascal · 2 years
im literally on my knees begging you guys to stop buying ts4 it is not good for your soul
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rilend · 11 months
超快超方便的VPN翻墙软件- Misty Pro
突破网络限制,畅享自由上网体验:Misty Pro VPN推荐
在当今数字化时代,网络连接已成为我们生活不可或缺的一部分。但随之而来的是地理限制、网络审查和潜在的网络威胁。为了确保您的上网体验自由、安全,我们为您强烈推荐一款卓越的VPN翻墙软件——Misty Pro。
Misty Pro 是一款具有引人注目特点的VPN应用,它在市场上脱颖而出:
闪电般的速度:Misty Pro 提供出色的连接速度,让您不再受网络速度限制的困扰。无论您是在观看高清视频、下载大文件,还是进行在线游戏,速度都能令人惊叹。
界面简洁美观:Misty Pro的设计美观且界面简洁,为用户提供了愉悦的使用体验。其直观的设计和清晰的界面使您能够轻松使用各种功能。
经济实惠:Misty Pro 提供多种价格亲民的套餐选择,以满足各种用户需求。您可以根据自己的预算和需求来选择适合您的方案。
多平台支持:不管您使用的是iOS还是Android设备,Misty Pro 都能完美兼容。这种多平台支持使它成为了一个通用的解决方案,不论您使用哪种设备,都能轻松上手。
即点即连:Misty Pro 不需要复杂的设置,只需一键点击,即可连接到全球各地的服务器。这个即点即连功能使您能够迅速访问被地理限制的内容,同时保护您的在线隐私。
在这个信���受限的时代,Misty Pro 提供了突破网络限制的途径,确保您能够自由访问互联网,同时保护您的个人隐私。不再受地理位置、审查或网络限制的束缚,享受自由上网的乐趣。
无论您是想畅游全球内容、维护个人隐私,还是在不安全的网络环境下保持安全,Misty Pro 都将成为您的理想选择。
不要再受网络限制的束缚,立即下载Misty Pro,尽情畅享自由上网的体验。让您的在线活动更自由、更安全、更舒适。穿越网络障碍,自由畅游网络,从现在开始!
笔者曾尝试了市面上众多VPN梯子软件,使用效果均没有Misty Pro好,价格也没有Misty Pro合理。有部分比Misty Pro便宜的VPN却没有Misty Pro好用,如某些VPN无法在多个设备上使用,有些无法绑定邮箱,丢失即失去等等。而Misty Pro在这些方面的设计是健全且合理的,而且其提供多种人性化的购买套餐与计划,能够满足不同需求的用户。
使用邀请码: y3VIcL 获取额外15天的免费使用期限: https://mistycloud.io/ref?c=y3VIcL
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ihatebiden · 1 year
ok so my vpn subscription is about to renew in a few months and i want to change does anyone have a good recommendation that they personally use and work well. if anyone says expressvpn im deleting my account btw
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fellhellion · 1 year
Ik in my heart Xina has posted on now defunct forums dozens of essays breaking down the historical inspirations for fictitious twencen scifi tech❤️
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