cyberpunkboytoy · 6 months
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Thinking about character design and shape language
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merethessc · 3 months
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Just some fun moments from my UT playthrough
and something im working for it
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answersnetwork · 1 year
Ep. 700 - The Biodynamics of the Immune System: Balancing the Energies of the Body with the Cosmo
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economicsresearch · 2 years
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page 185 - ooooooooh baby!
One moment I'm out of it, just straight groggy and nodding off and then it's like someone stabs me in the heart with an enormous syringe, overflowing with pure adrenaline and my heart starts RACING. It feels like I could die at any moment and I love it!
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dilfsisko · 1 month
you there. high quality production youtube channel with a team of people. why are your captions autogenerated.
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orphetoon · 2 months
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adriles · 3 months
they are Cancelling me for dealing with my grief as best i can . also for the vicious war Crimes
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wolfythewitch · 6 months
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i have so much rage in me one day i think i will explode. i dont think i know how to forgive as much as i know how to forget
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stil-lindigo · 2 months
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lead balloon (the tumblr post that saved me)
if this comic resonated with you, it would mean the world to me if you donated to this palestinian family's escape fund.
no creative notes because this isn't that kind of comic.
I know I don’t owe any of you anything but I still felt compelled to write about my long term absence. And I feel far enough away from the dangerous spot I was in to be able to make this comic. I have a therapist now, and she agreed that making this could be a very cathartic gesture, and the start of properly leaving these thoughts behind me. I am still, at seemingly random times, blindsided by fleeting desires to kill myself. They’re always passing urges, but it’s disarming, and uncomfortable. I worry sometimes that my brain’s spent so long thinking only about suicide that it’s forgotten how to think about anything else. Like, now that I've opened that door for myself, I'll never be able to fully shut it again. But I’m trying my best to encourage my mind in other directions. We'll see how that goes.
I am still donating all proceeds from my store to Palestinian causes. So far, I've donated over $15K, not including donations coming from my own pocket or the fundraising streams which jointly raised around $10K. In the time since I made my initial post about where this money would be going, the focus has shifted from aid organisations to directly donating to escape funds.
If you'd like to do the same, you can look at Operation Olive Branch, which hosts hundreds of Palestinian escape funds or donate to Safebow, which has helped facilitate the safe crossing and securing of important medical procedures for over 150 at-risk palestinians since the beginning of the genocide.
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strawberrycircuits · 6 months
sometimes the moral of the story really is just "you cannot go back and what happened to you is going to be with you for the rest of your life. but it's still going to be okay" huh
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scuffledig · 1 year
self-flagellation and self-bullying are all bad motivators for change BTW. it can be hard to escape from a spiral but genuinely u have to be nice to urself or nothing will change
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cyberpunkboytoy · 1 year
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Redid the initial profile art for the Terminal Status cast
(Characters are: Concuss, Post-Op, Suture, IV, Vagus, Lacerae, Viscera.)
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bananonbinary · 6 months
also worth noting that "abusive" doesn't actually mean "irredeemable" either.
there's a lot of people that have done things in the past that were bad, because they weren't taught any better, or they were in an overall toxic situation where EVERYONE was shitty (like a cult), or they were just at an especially low point and hurt others for it.
you don't have to forgive them. you don't have to ever speak to them again. you can be angry with them until you die if you want.
but society cannot function if we don't allow them to move on. to change their behavior and fuck off somewhere else and build meaningful relationships without bothering you again. we need a path for people to change, or nothing ever will.
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crystaleevee4 · 3 months
i am going to start a collection
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if you have any other posts of this kind please send them to me
update: this one thanks to @iputmcytsintohydraulicpress (great url, by the way)
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this one courtesy of @catamaurrr-star
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So I didn’t want to separate it into two images, this was the best I could do- thanks to @blocky-tides! also art is by @/cheeryfairies
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thanks @o0recipme0o
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hey @igotthisaccountunderduress. less mcyt related but thanks anyways :D
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...so anyways here's my self-promotion now that this has almost 15,000 notes and you guys sure as hell won't see it if i reblog
My AO3! Not much there right now besides OC stuff, but more to come!
Situations ask game! pleasepleaseplease send me hc/life series stuff here i need enrichment (some of these are shorter, but i can promise you i will deliver!)
@traffic-smp-headcannons! me and mod tides like seeing your ideas :)
(of note: i also take art requests, but only traditional)
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economicsresearch · 2 years
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page 185 - is there a zero percent chance I'm imagining it? Aw hell no!
But, I think I'm sitting on a couch. I'm still in the dungeon, and the couch is rapidly wetting out, but it's a couch. I don't know when it arrived and I don't know why and as I say I may be hallucinating the whole thing, but my butt feels so good right now, drugs or not, I don't think I'm sitting on the ground.
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attleboy · 9 days
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YES ‼️ KILL ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
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