find-your-wings · 5 months
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A rare moment of [gay] respite for these two - even if Valain is much more nervous flying than his pride will let him admit.
It's alright though, Vee's got him.~
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vt-scribbles · 5 months
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'Imma fuck you up'
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wildmelon · 5 months
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was able to very accurately create my pathfinder: wrath of the righteous character in bg3!
inspired by this amazing @stinkrascal post <3
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ferberus-skull · 2 years
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Valaine (she/he/it), local vampire, public menace and self proclaimed pretty girl. she can and WILL cause problems on purpose
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citizenscreen · 2 months
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Lynn Fontanne (December 6, 1887 – July 30, 1983), pictured in the original Broadway production of Noël Coward's "Point Valaine” in 1935.
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ddduckle · 3 months
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Cozy’s back and sadder than ever!!
Prepping for artfight- I’m ddduckle on team seafoam ATTACK MEEEE >>:)))
while the dnd campaign she’s from is defunct, i still love Cozy and have now made her a rogue-druid sorta situation…im thinking more rogue, and less druid, as a rejection of magic her mother taught her bc GET THIS- it’s worse now!! im thinking, Valaine used her AGAIN to try to become a lich, and the new hair is courtesy of freezing magic and ritual..or smth?? i dont wanna step on my dm’s toes about the characters and situations she controls , but also, we ain’t playing again….lmao…i just gotta let loose and go crazy. create a side universe for myself. that’s allowed right?
also new weapon + outfit! (both her previous are tied to her Old Life that was devoted to searching for her mother…she is rejecting that now)
i’m excited to do more w her….(if only i could just attack Myself in artfight and make tons of art about her)
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vampiresdawn · 7 months
Vampires Dawn 3 - Blood Moon Mod
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Diese Mod ist FANFICTION. Sie hat aber nichts mit den Valaine Mods zu tun. Man muss diese also nicht gespielt haben
(Fast) komplett neue Story mit Alaine als Protagonist (+ Valnar als Deuteragonist und Asgar als Antagonist) und einem Ende
Kämpfe sind mehr Casual
Tag-Nacht-Zyklus. Bekämpfe andere Monster während der Nacht
Zufluchtshöhlen, in denen Alaine optionale Gespräche mit ihren Begleitern führen kann (Die auch etwas EXP geben)
Kampfmusik: Wähle zwischen 4 Liedern
Menschlichkeit ist nur noch am Gesichtsausdruck der Charaktere im Menü einsehbar und bei 0 Menschlichkeit ist das Spiel vorbei
Ändere das Aussehen deiner Vampirbegleiter (Gilt nicht für den Kampf)
Vampire zerfallen nicht länger zu Asche und Beschwörungen können geheilt werden
Runen werden nun stattdessen fürs Steigern der Stats verwendet
Zaubersystem wie VD1 mit Kombozaubern
Wechsel zwischen den 3 Hauptaffinitäten (Klassen) der Hauptcharaktere, um andere Boni und Fähigkeiten zu erhalten
Vergrößerte Orte
Neue Orte (Unter anderem Faryn Dungeon und VD2 Enddungeon)
ca. 28 neue Quests
Neue Fähigkeiten
Neuer Waffentyp: Dolche
Alle optionalen Orte sind schon aufgedeckt
Kompass führt nun stattdessen zur nächsten Hauptquest (Nicht auf Schwer)
Vampire überzeugen statt gefangen nehmen
Quests auf Level 99 bringen LP und BP statt EXP
Ein kleiner nostalgischer Ausflug bei hoher Schatzanzahl
Kampfablauf: Wähle zwischen Standard oder CTB (Die Charaktere greifen sofort an, angefangen beim schnellsten)
Vampire erwachen nach dem Kampf automatisch aus der Starre, wenn sie mindestens 20% Blut haben (Nicht auf Schwer)
Waffen- und Rüstungsläden sind jetzt vereint
Das Blutsaugen außerhalb des Kampfes ist wie in VD2
Neue Cheats: Wesen: Zeigt dir deine Menschlichkeit Valnar: Alles-vernichtender Zauber (kostet Menschlichkeit) Alaine: Schwierigkeitsgrad ändern (kostet Menschlichkeit, funktioniert nicht auf Hardcore)
5 Schwierigkeitsgrade: Storymodus = Für die, die nur die Story machen wollen Leicht Normal Schwer Hardcore = Schwer, aber man kann nur auf der Weltkarte speichern
Installation: Entpacke den "www" Ordner, kopiere ihn nach "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vampires Dawn 3" und überschreibe alle Dateien. (Vorher ein Backup machen) Videohilfe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnEtmE-AurA "Optional - Alaine Outfit Alt" ist für die, die Alaines alten Look haben wollen. Einfach den "www" Ordner über die Mod kopieren. !!!Eine neue Pose ist dafür nicht verfügbar!!! Bilder: https://sta.sh/220w219oef33 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HOnpovfWol2vda3mOweqKBtCc4OrjPbJ/view Patch Notes: https://vampiresdawn.tumblr.com/post/759618674226331648/blood-moon-updates ----------------------------------------------------
This mod is FANFICTION. But it has nothing to do with the Valaine mods. So you don't need to have played them
(Almost) completely new story with Alaine as protagonist (+ Valnar as deuteragonist and Asgar as antagonist) and one ending
Battles are more casual
Day-night cycle. Fight other monsters during the night
Sanctuary caves where Alaine can have optional conversations with her companions (which also give some EXP)
Battle music: Choose between 4 songs
Humanity is only visible on the facial expression of the characters in the menu and at 0 humanity the game is over
Change the appearance of your vampire companions (does not apply to combat)
Vampires no longer turn to ash and summons can be healed
Runes are now used to increase stats instead
Spell system like VD1 with combo spells
Switch between the 3 main affinities (classes) of the main characters to get different bonuses and abilities
Bigger locations
New locations (including Faryn Dungeon and VD2 Final Dungeon)
approx. 28 new quests
New abilities
New weapon type: Daggers
All optional locations are already revealed
Compass now leads to the next main quest instead (not on Hard)
Convince vampires instead of capturing them
Quests at level 99 bring HP and BP instead of EXP
A little nostalgic trip with a high treasure count
Battle system: Choose between Standard or CTB (characters attack immediately, starting with the fastest)
Vampires automatically awaken from rigor after combat if they have at least 20% blood (not on Hard)
Weapon and armor shops are now combined
Bloodsucking outside of combat is like VD2
New cheats: Wesen: Shows your humanity Valnar: All-destroying spell (costs humanity) Alaine: Change the difficulty (costs humanity, does not work on Hardcore)
5 difficulty levels: Story mode = For those who just want to do the story Easy Normal Hard Hardcore = Hard, but you can only save on the world map
Unzip the "www" folder, copy it to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Vampires Dawn 3" and overwrite all files. (Make a backup beforehand) Video Help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnEtmE-AurA
"Optional - Alaine Outfit Alt" is for those who want Alaine's old look. Simply copy the "www" folder and overwrite the files after installing the mod. !!!One new pose is not available for this!!! Pictures: https://sta.sh/220w219oef33 Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UWyomPheexZ0Trad2ZNnjWzjPue6_i-E/view
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eolewyn1010 · 2 years
ok obviously I have to ask: which of your characters have crafting hobbies? and what do they like to do?
If we go beyond the most basic sewing (bc the vast majority of them have to be able to do at least little repairs at their clothing), that'd be:
Keli; seeing as she's 10, she's still learning, but she has taken to cutting gemstones... admittedly from a questionable standpoint since she's rich as fuck and doesn't actually need to do physical work; she just wanted to get in touch with what made her ancestors rich. They were merchants, not gemstone cutters, but she thinks trade is boring - whereas wearing your own jewelry is something she can take pride in. Girl has never seen the conditions in which said gems are mined though.
Chryso has learned leathercraft. It's not his primary activity these days as he's mainly a warrior, but hey, at least he can take care of his own armor. He wants to get better at it to make it his main job once he retires from fighting.
Laurion does a lot of woodcarving - he has nervous hands that he needs to keep busy, and because he's an extremely practical guy, he mostly makes useful rather than pretty things. Exception would be a very delicate figurine he made for the love of his life, of a creature that in their world has the function of a guardian angel, although it's more animal-like than how we might imagine an angel.
Valain is an avid knitter. Baby blankets, vests, socks, hats, you name it. No one in her group is ever going cold, not even the bitchier ones because she's just such a sweetheart. With the Roaming people getting around a lot, she and her woolcraft friends also get their hands on very various dyes, something she loves to experiment with.
Now, Sharadi, Flavius and Irmlin all have learned weaving, seeing as they are born from moderately well-off families in which weaving is the way to show the pride of the household, but only Irmlin has ever really taken to it and developed a level of skill that can show. Sharadi is just plain bad at it; she has a fighter's body and hands and was happy enough to escape home and her mother always slapping on her fingers when her weaving was messy. As for Flavius - Ancient Rome has its strict gender roles, and he doesn't like to be reminded of his agab. He took a certain joy in burning his bridal veil when he began to live in the way he wanted, and creating fabrics by his own hands has remained a sore spot.
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444names · 1 year
early quenya names BUT excluding "q"
Ainden Aindo Ainwen Airdars Aisseme Akaute Aksanna Alane Alarday Alaulinda Aldon Alindar Alingatar Almor Alumnort Alweary Andoldos Andos Anshon Artare Atellow Atessan Atkaseena Atuivara Aukarp Aukiren Awildi Balin Baraure Beass Beecry Beecti Blindo Boldo Bromot Bronevin Canine Capal Capasear Cator Caugh Cherin Chickle Chics Chrisin Cleptalt Clison Clowe Collean Creed Cuivánto Dayan Dooko Dwaldóre Dwiði Eacenta Eandolda Eandu Earchip Eareds Eased Eavairin Ektan Elandl Elanea Elaught Elien Elinga Erdondor Erinen Eringi Esananda Essinsan Exildan Eyons Fainda Faiwar Falaimóre Falanday Fallor Fanas Fanden Fandesse Fanor Fatur Faurwar Fausip Faystrot Febrois Fendowe Fionceft Firilds Firme Firmiske Flanwe Flowen Foarmain Forinolda Forow Fresa Friloine Frinónea Fäerifir Fäerka Gestower Gillo Gnoldo Gnorois Gnowe Goble Golday Golerma Goliss Gweasto Halar Halas Haldo Halka Halkoin Halms Halon Halonda Hartil Heast Helloril Herds Hered Herildo Herun Hesseen Hipeler Hipon Hiponce Hitean Honte Houte Huree Hísear Ichro Ilaull Ildardo Ildons Iliong Ilveftyar Incleia Indeath Inded Inden Inendo Ingaindo Inorwa Inwis Inyastaxe Inóniroad Irier Irines Irisk Irtan Irtinwe Isanne Isillesta Ittleary Ittlele Iveler Iváriru Jandwin Janwinon Kaelwes Kalin Kalkas Kalmauke Kamna Kanda Kappygmi Kaulë Kinda Koiressan Koirth Koite Koiteres Koivildo Koreendl Kosse Kulda Kulki Kulkor Kuluru Kémis Kópaimort Kópakarne Kúnescre Kúvado Kúvalls Kúvien Kûruan Laiwar Landenien Laura Lauru Limalpele Limbach Limper Linboad Lingwen Linie Lintor Linway Linwë Liruhays Loirinom Lomeler Lotsansan Lount Luilóte Luves Lómelman Lómer Lómeáss Mainwe Mainwes Makas Maksanyan Makter Malin Malkapelf Malwe Manwes Mardauker Marea Marth Maste Mavaleian Maven Mavil Mavoing Mekkina Miendo Misoult Mokero Moringa Morow Mánar Múrines Namessed Namisor Nastar Neldrie Nentl Nifeen Ninavalo Nindeafre Nirind Nolie Noloutur Norld Nouds Nuager Nyassion Númin Núrith Oaruhadon Oasky Ogdre Onstorly Opitar Orbarda Ordara Orday Oreldo Orien Orthura Osaka Ostwilles Otelwe Oublearp Outily Oxforder Palas Palloisi Palme Pardomwe Pately Peaprie Pelen Pelution Peoiter Peoppy Petinyon Plachralf Plale Plath Pleat Pluivil Pluvion Poldreang Ponsienme Ponter Porise Porni Preruagle Prics Prisia Purdarver Purgahíru Puron Pygminy Pómeássan Ralaure Ranam Ranin Ranyu Renga Resselea Ringenna Rirendo Roirield Rossecry Rotest Rámanwë Rúmalday Sakea Salauru Salinen Salmost Salverres Sambo Sando Sanst Sanwë Sares Shery Sholdosi Silian Sillyon Silúvane Silúvar Simister Sinwer Sioron Smakansa Smienyon Snorda Sollonwed Sorth Stary Stevar Stillea Sulen Suluveft Suralosan Swate Sworwa Sáyan Súlinwand Súlinóre Súlis Tairme Taldorna Tallowl Tardi Teleeckni Telkand Tetirma Thrin Throot Tilimo Timos Tione Tirids Tivar Tomar Tordani Torie Torristor Tretimi Tulis Tuluntleh Tuorda Tuoreass Tureen Turiele Turil Turmalwe Turon Twilpe Twingalmo Twinwë Twire Táred Ulfiði Ulkala Uolda Uoren Uress Uring Urukilul Vailwe Vaindi Vaites Valahórea Valain Valda Valinceas Valke Valmas Valme Vanda Vandas Vanga Vanwe Varalka Varan Varin Vataikar Velfwin Velmando Velown Vendi Venies Vennin Vessandl Vieldo Voinears Vorni Wandittl Wanto Warnien Watuin Wayst Wedne Werinua Werione Whittana Whome Whonshar Wilinwean Winena Winwen Worme Wounne Yessimb Yongai Ílifuin Úrinde
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omgnoabsolutelynot · 2 months
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An Art Fight attack of a character I stumbled upon randomly, and I just liked her design so much. Valaine belongs to @ddduckle!
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crystalseadragon44 · 2 months
Behind the Veil: Melody and Alex
Gender dysphoria is a WEIRD thing. Prior to starting HRT earlier this year, I had a couple of incidents where I suddenly wanted much more cartoony proportions and wildly colored hair... Like a "living anime girl," or something! Being the creative person I am, I took it and imagined someone who wanted that all the time... That led to the creation of Melody and Alex Valain, a pair who had that very desire!
Becoming a Dream is the pair's origin story, beginning with Melody's chance encounter with Angelic Genie Ariel Hope that gives her the enchanted bracelet, which will fulfill her (and later Alex's) wish. Along the way, we have what ended up being the first real encounter with my main villains, the "Department of Magical Resources," or DMR, and the magical community. The final chapter even is the first story to directly connect to Curse Upon the New Moon, bringing back demigirl Tasha from the epilogue of that story! [As before, I'll link Scribble Hub's completed 5-chapter story instead of posting here.]
Being some of my larger characters now, I drew up profiles for both. But I will admit the arms look wonky for both of them (the upper arms are probably way too long), and I may one day want to return to them and make some adjustments... That's a plan for much later, I'm thinking. I need to build up a backlog during this hiatus of NEW stuff!
And finally, they had a comic appearance already! Inspired by the lemon meme running around a few months ago, I drew up my own take with Sour Demon Fruit!, having Alex mistakenly believe her magical superhuman powers would protect her from the sour power of the lemon! Well, they made for good revenge, at least! This continues to be my favorite comic piece so far, a good laugh nearly every time I read it!
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(A note on the comic, I apologize on the small font. I switched form Comic Sans MS to Comic Neue in light of finding out about font copyrights. Comic Neue, while a suitable replacement, was also lighter and thinner, making an already small size 8 font even smaller... I'll have to consider that in future comics.)
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find-your-wings · 5 months
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Recently learned the importance of messing with a character's facial proportions and how important that is to their design- so I messed around with Valain's features until I got to the line-up that I felt was 'right'. It wound up close to his reference image [wow what a concept lmao] but in exploring other options, I learned that I was on the right track with him- which is still a good thing! Especially with the painting I did a while ago that looks nothing like him now that I've figured out his proportions- I'll probably redo this some time LMAO...
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vt-scribbles · 11 months
Anxiety brain: Man, Valain looks just like Volo :( I hope nobody gets on to me about that.
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Logical grape sized part of brain: If AAA games can get away with it 20 times, you can do it ONCE-
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Anxiety brain: ... Y'know maybe you have a point.
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wildbeautifuldamned · 3 months
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ladies with elegance glass ornament Christmas Maid Ornament Without Box ebay VaLain Resale Co.
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ferberus-skull · 2 years
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the vampire menace herself <3
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maegorsbignaturals · 1 year
I hate reading books that has barely any fandom. With who i am supposed to talk about the parallels between Sylvie de Valaines being brutalized in the same way her Mother was and by the same man, and walking out of that house like she did when she was barely 4 years old, going full circle on how her story began, and a clare statement that she was a woman and a child at the same time, barely old enough to fullfil her roles as maid of honor of the Queen but at the same time FORCED to be a woman due to the ambience in the court and by the Vendôme who raised her and put her in that position
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