dravencroft · 2 years
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The first step towards forgiving yourself is admitting you've made a mistake.
My D&D Ranger, Nero Valaran, as a young soldier in a foreign army in the past and as a mercenary who is trying to come to terms with past mistakes in the present.
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unsortedrpgart · 2 years
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The next card in my project. This card, The Fool, is of one of my player’s character “Calanor Valaran” and to say the least, I dont know if I’ve had a PC at my table make *this many* bad choices back to back
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jtannerposts · 5 years
Valaran is a plane dominated by truly massive arcologies, completely self sufficient, self contained cityscapes dotted across the landscape. Some are massive spires reaching into the heavens, others are spheres residing beneath the oceans or buried pyramids beneath Valaran’s surface. While no two acrologies look alike they all share the same traits of self sufficiency, being built over confluxes of mana. Even the smallest acrology contains hundreds of thousands of souls, supported by mage engines that convert mana into matter, conjuring material from the aether.
While each arcology has their own governments all are in practise mageocracies, given that their vital systems are supported by the magical expertise of mages every arcology is dominated by mages. Whether it’s by political philosophy, economic power, or sheer intimidation mages comprise the majority on ever political body of note. To be born with magic is a golden ticket to a life of plenty, to be without is to be doomed to be looked over. Even democratic and progressive arcologies have mage lead councils and presidencies, the sheer power and importance of mages in Valaran society ensuring their supremacy. 
The world outside the arcologies is a landscape dotted with ruins, once home to a truly massive plane spanning Empire, the rise of the arcology spelt it’s downfall. The old Empire relied on a monopolization of resources to maintain it’s hegemony, encouraging a massive trade network that linked continents across the globe to establish an economic dependence on it’s markets. When the arcologies were built, their self sufficient nature provided an alternative to the Empire’s tyrannical rule. Slowly tensions mounted as arcologies began to sprung up across the globe, decades of labour going into their construction, draining resources and entire cities of population into them. Eventually the arcologies declared independence from what they saw as a failing Empire that had been imposing it’s culture and beliefs on the world for too long. 
Most of the arcologies declared a mutual defense pact, some stayed neutral or even declaring loyalty to the Empire. Each had developed distinct cultures of their own over the years but the majority all decided that the time had come to break away and become their own political entities in their own right. Each arcologies free to rule it’s people as they wished.
The war raged for nearly a hundred years, slowly swinging in the favour of the arcologies as more and more were completed, people flee behind their defenses for shelter from the war. Powerful magic was tossed around by both sides, the megaspells of the Divines devastating the very land for centuries. Desperate weapon projects were started and abandoned in equal measure by all factions, littering the plane with rouge war machines and horrific monsters that still roam Valaran today. This proliferation of weapons would finally break the back of the old Empire, by the end of the war the overwhelming majority of the plane now resided inside the safety of the arcologies, the once great cities of the Empire being reclaimed by nature and the land was seething with monsters lurking in the shadows.
In modern times most people are born and die in their acrologies, growing up on stories of how dangerous the outside world is. In theory each arcology is capable of support all it’s inhabitants equally, in practise every arcology experiences a massive inequality in the distribution of resources. While people with magical talent make up barely a quarter of the any arcology, they take up over 70% of most the resources in most arcologies. Massively opulent and hedonistic parties are thrown from golden towers while non magic’s busy themselves with making a living Most people live comfortable lives and public education is a mandatory policy in every arcology so that only the poorest reach adulthood illiterate.
Because each arcology is self sufficient traffic beyond the walls is an uncommon occurrence. But it’s not unheard off; for the fabulously rich, mostly mages, they travel across the land in massive ariships, cruising through the sky on personal party barges. Everyone else is force to travel by caravans, hiring a small army of mercenaries for protection, or if they can afford it hiring a Hunter. Aside from tourist Mages the people most likely to travel are Adventures looking to plunder ancient ruins of the Old Empire for valuable scraps, travelling merchants and performers, or people just desperate enough to risk life and limb for a taste of opportunity somewhere else.
And that opportunity is found in two places the Freeholds or the Frontiers. The Frontiers communities of people who for whatever reason leave the arcologies to eek out an existence in the world beyond the arcology walls. These townships usually spring up around major trade routes, if a community can survive the initial few years and establish themselves with the patronage of an Arcology they usually grow into small cities of a few tens of thousand souls. The Frontiers act as extensions of an Arcology, many Frontiers reliant on their parent arcology for advanced magic and resources. While more equal they still suffer from the class inequality of the arcologies. But most people who live in the Frontiers prefer their harder life of honest work makinging a life to toiling in a mage’s sweatshop. 
The other option for people who want to leave their arcology but want to truly break free from the yoke of the mages is to venture out into the wild and join a Freehold. Freeholds are rough communities of people who wish to live apart from their Arcology. No two are the same, some are hardy pioneers taming the land free from the yoke of their mage overlords, others are hives of scum and villainy. Religious convents worshiping a Divine, secretive cults, Arcane research facilities that the mainstream discourse dream unethical, Freeholds are a broad classification that covers any settlement not subservient to an Arcology. While they rarely grow beyond a thousand souls, most dying out in a few decades, a rare few survive to truly establish themselves as real cities. The Free Cities are often less corrupt than the Arcologies but with the added drawback of resource scarcity. Most are forced to trade with Frontier townships for resources and the number of truly established Freehold cities is less than a hundred.
Monsters and the old warmachines are a constant threat for these communities, even the arcologies regularly maintain purges on their surrounding lands least anything infiltrate their walls. Which is where the Hunters step into play, mercenary professionals who travel between the Frontiers, Freeholds and Arcologies taking contracts on monsters or occasionally providing protection to travelers.
Hunters are an offshoot of an old super soldier program from the plane’s history, centuries ago in the twilight years of the old empire a cabal of mages banded together to create the perfect fighters. Children were taken and experimented on with alchemical and magical concoctions, out of a hundred only 10 would survive the procedures. But those that did developed superhuman reflexes, mental acuity, stamina and strength. They were made resistant to all manner of disease and toxins, taught a small amount of magic and purposely had their empathy dulled. Expensive, brutal and highly lethal these soldiers were also rendered infertile, least the mage’s weapons slip their leash and breed a new race of superhumans.
Effective as they were their numbers were simply too small to save the failing empire and as time went on they all died out. Or so the world thought, in reality a squad of these soldiers saw the writing on the wall in the empire’s final days and disappeared into the growing wilderness, emerging over a century later to offer their services. In their self imposed exile these soldiers had survived in the wilderness, learning how to fight the roaming monsters of the new world.
They formed the Hunter Guilds, becoming a group of mercenary organizations selling their services for gold and supplies. They still follow the Procedures that created them, taking in orphaned children or purchasing them from the desperate. Even centuries later the odds of survival are no better than when the Procedure was first invented. Often a parent who sells there child never learns of their fate, and in the vanishingly rare moments it is often bittersweet when they do cross paths. The Hunter often either carries a chip on their shoulder at being abandoned, or doesn’t even recognize their parents.
The origin of the Divine Exalted is a mystery as records indicate they predate the even the old Empire, but what isn’t is the forms they come in, seperated into Holy and Unholy shards of White and Black mana. On Valaran angels and demons don’t just emerge from the plane’s mana, instead a shard of energy is formed called an Exaltation. This Exaltation seeks out a soul that fits it’s profile and merges with the person’s soul, granting them fantastic power. A person is chosen for how they act in the moment of exaltation, regardless of the actual content of their character. Angelic shards pick people performing Heroic or monumental tasks, while Demonic shards pick for profoundly selfish or cruel acts. Because of this it is not unheard of for Angelic Divine to go drunk with power and Demonic Divine to be overcome with guilt, but the majority of Divine play to type. 
The Divine barely number more than 600 in total, a combination of the rarity of their creation and the tendency for new exalted to take massive risks while still riding the initial wave of power. The Divine are to the best knowledge of the plane immortal, the Exaltations keeping the bodies of their hosts sturdy and strong. The Angels and Demons of Valaran share some traits with their counterparts across the multiverse, but the biggest divergence is that the powers of the exalted is determined by the abilities of the host as the Divine shards boost it’s host’s abilities beyond what is possible by mere mortals. A mortal swordsman can parry an axe, with training an Exalted can parry magic. A mortal mage can throw fire, an Exalted mage can incinerate cities. The Divine look mortal, capable to manifesting their otherworldly nature at will, the only signs that a person of more than mortal is the tell tale glow of their eyes. Angels possess glowing golden pupils while Demons possess similar violet pupils. Many an arrogant mage or conniving trickster has sought to mimic this through illusion magic, though many Divine loath impersonation and most use this strategy sparingly to avoid retribution.
For this reason the Divine are venerated far and wide, with many setting up massive cults of personality around themselves. On Valaran most Arcologies have at least one patron Divine, or multiple. For the most part though the Divine don’t factor into the daily lives of the people and are content to enjoy the mind boggling luxuries afforded to them.
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toxinkkitsune · 3 years
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shrikeseams · 2 years
@tanoraqui said something about Luthien's inclination to blasphemy and it got me thinking about how interesting a role-reversal AU would be, where Thingol makes it to Aman and Feanor grows up in Beleriand. (Really, the point of this exercise is because I'd like to see Luthien try to do things without Plot Armor, and what the Finwions could do if they weren't Doomed. )
And part of what makes this interesting is my own personal headcanons about Thingol's personality, and the illicit nature of his relationship with Melain. Because the thing is, Thingol textually wants to go to Aman, and I've never really understood why Melain didn't just rustle up Osse or an Eagle and get a third transoceanic cruise set up. There has to be a reason she doesn't try, and a reason Thingol doesn't push her to do it. And I've got an unsubstantiated assumption that those reasons are:
1. Any and all elf/ainu relationships are EXTREMELY PROFOUNDLY FROWNED UPON, and Melian would face serious repercussions for the relationship, and there's a nonzero chance that the relationship would get forcibly broken up. (In canon, I think Luthien gets her way with Namo because it sets a hard limit on the ripple effect of the relationship. Luthien becomes human and she takes her weird part-maia soul out of Arda with her. Nonzero chance that the marriage is annulled when Thingol dies.)
2. In addition to telling Thingol that the Valar would not be chill about their relationship… Melian heavily implies that that can offer Thingol all the joys of Aman except the light, and also that there would be no other king above him. And Thingol… is very attracted to the idea of being the highest authority around. Which is an uncharitable interpretation, but I do think it aligns with his political choices.
Which, if they're in Aman instead of Beleriand, both sets of Thingol/Melian as a relationship that there has to be a legal battle about, like Finwe's marriages, and establishes Thingol as somewhat resistant to Valaran authority. And Luthien can share Feanor's canonical neuroses about the Valar ruling whether or not her existence is a sign that the world is marred! 🙃
But idk what to do with the Finwions, because part of the goal of this thought exercise is to have Luthien be the one who's explicitly set against the Valar and Doomed for it, which Feanor just… does not interact with them. But then you have no silmarils, and I think that changes Feanor's trajectory considerably. Also, Finwe could still go to Aman and remarry Indis while Feanor stays behind, but then how to I get Fingolfin & Co interested in leaving Aman? (I do think they'd way less fervor about the remarriage with Feanor on the other side of the sea.)
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lizzy-frizzle · 4 years
I love the healer I just had in shisui, right before the first boss they told the tank to stop pulling mobs out of my doton
Winterharte Valaran, if you're out here, you have my thanks
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tesworldthink · 5 years
Maormer’s / Маормеры
"The Maormer are native to the island kingdom of Pyandonea, an archipelago in the southern ocean. Their ruler, King Orgnum, is said to be immortal."―Serpent's Grotto Loading Screen[src]
The Maormer, also known as Tropical Elves,[1] Sea Elves,[2] Fish Elves,[2] or Pyandoneans,[3]are a race of Mer that live on the continent Pyandonea, far south of the Summerset Isles,[1] after migrating there from the legendary continent Aldmeris as Aldmer in the Merethic Era. 
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Ambassador Ulondil, a Maormer
Maormer are especially distinguished by their skin and eyes. Their eyes are clear and milky-white.[3]Maormer's skin is entirely pale and colorless, as though their flesh is made of white limpid jelly. Their skin also has strange, chameleon-like properties, comparable to that of the forest coupling skills of the Wood Elves.
King Orgnum is the Maormer ruler of Pyandonea. Orgnum is a deathless wizard who it seems is not only immortal, but grows more youthful by the century,[1][4] and he is said to be the Serpent God Satakal.[1] The Maormer practice a powerful form of snake magic, and with this they have tamed the sea serpents of their island for use as steeds and warbeasts.[1] These sea serpents serve as King Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts.[4]
Maormeri ships are described as insectoid in appearance, with membranous sails and a rugged chitin hull, flying a markedly alien flag.[3] Waving tendrils of kelp trap all but the Maormer's own ships in the uncharted waters of Pyandonea.[4].
"Like the High Elves, the Sea Elves also came from Old Aldmeris. But where the Altmer settled in the paradise of Summerset, the Maormer ended up in low, marshy, and insect-infested Pyandonea—and the Sea Elves have never forgiven the High Elves for it."―Stormwarden Undercroft Loading Screen[src]
Translations of tapestries in the Crystal Tower are the most reliable origin story for the Maormer, and tell the tale of how the Maormer were likely separated in their original homeland of Aldmeris. According to this story, Orgnum was a massively rich Aldmer nobleman, who used his wealth to rebel against the governments and powers of Aldmeris. He and his followers were exilled from Aldmeris, to a place where they could not take such actions again, via impenetrable mist, Pyandonea, "The Veil of Mist." This proved successful, as they never assaulted Aldmeris again, and became the Maormer.[4]
First & Second Era
The Maormer were relentless in their drive to conquer Summerset, and there is scarcely a year throughout the First or Second Era when they did not ravage the coastlines of the Altmer.[5] Every attack launched by the Maormer against Summerset has been led by Orgnum himself, and despite the number of wars and strategies employed by the Maormer, each of these attacks has proved to be an ultimate failure.[4]
In the year 2E 486, a small Maormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of Alinor, and King Hidellith ordered his navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through uncharted waters, into an ambush in Pyandonea itself. Most of the Alinori navy was destroyed, but a single warship returned to Summerset, a testament to the maritime genius of the Altmer.[4]
During the Three Banners War in 2E 582, the Maormer had some form of control over the Elsweyr island Khenarthi's Roost, under a treaty they agreed to with the city of Mistral. Ulondil, the Maormer ambassador of the island, along with his followers, later went on to betray the agreement. The Sea Vipers, a powerful faction of Maormer, was known to have also led attacks against the First Aldmeri Dominion throughout many of its controlled territories.[6]
The Second Aldmeri Dominion made allies of the Maormer,[7] although the Dominion allowed the kings of Colovia to eliminate Maormer outposts that had been established along the western coast of the mainland.[5]
Third Era
The last documented appearance of the Maormer was the War of the Isle in the year 3E 110.[4] The united alliance of the kings of Summerset, Antiochus Septim, and the Psijic Order, combining the Imperial fleet, the royal navies of Summerset, and the Psijic's magical powers, succeeded in destroying the Pyandonean invading armada.[8][9] It was said that the storm brewed by the Psijic of Artaeum so annihilated Orgnum's fleet that he was never again able to muster together enough of a force to dare another battle.[4]
Known Maormer
Angalmo – A respected geographer who detailed Tempest Island
Irinwe – Sea Viper captain
Aryaamo – Embassy clerk
Heculon – Admiral who wrote the Maormer Memo
Ohmanil – Commodore on Tempest Island
Orgnum – King of the Maormer and Pyandonea
Uldor – Powerful, centuries old wizard
Ulondil – Ambassador to Khenarthi's Roost
Valaran – Storm Mage on Tempest Island
Yalorasse – The Speaker on Tempest Island
Zyklos – Sea Viper at Khenarthi's Roost, performs a ritual to create another storm
Маормеры (ориг. Maormer), также известные как морские эльфы или тропические эльфы — раса меров, проживающая на континенте Пиандонея.
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Точная причина отделения этого народа неизвестна. Одни учёные считают, что маормеры были изгнаны с островов Саммерсет в наказание, тогда как сюжеты гобеленов Кристальной башниповествуют о том, что маормеры отделились от основной группы альдмери ещё на Альдмерисе.
По легенде, их лидер Оргнум, провозгласивший себя королём, принадлежал к альдмерской знати и был исключительно богат. Он использовал свои финансовые возможности для организации мятежа против существовавших порядков, за что вместе со своими приверженцами был сослан в место, отделённое от Альдмериса непроницаемым туманом, Пиандонею, «Завеса тумана».
В любом случае маормеры ушли, но так и не оставили своих родичей. На протяжении всей истории, с момента разделения (за исключением Четвёртой эры), флот маормеров опустошал побережья южной части Тамриэля. К сожалению, никто из историков, по сведениям Императорского географического общества, не привёл числа кампаний и числа стратегий, использованных морскими эльфами против Саммерсета, однако как бы они ни были хитроумны, все походы заканчивались неудачей.
Альтмеры также предпринимали попытки покорения Пиандонеи. Один случай стоит упомянуть особо, поскольку лишь эта история даёт некие сведения о реальном облике этого континента. В 2Э 486 близ берегов Алинора была замечена небольшая флотилия маормеров. Король Хайделлит велел своим военно-морским силам начать преследование. В погоне за судами противника альтмеры заплыли в неизведанные воды и попали в засаду в самой Пиандонее. Бо́льшая часть алинорского флота была разгромлена (вернулся лишь один корабль).
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Большую роль тропические эльфы сыграли в период Войны Альянсов, когда один из их флотов, легендарные «Морские гадюки», активно опустошал прибрежные земли, принадлежащие Первому Альдмерскому Доминиону.
И всё же, несмотря на многовековые разногласия, две расы порой могли договориться. Маормеры были союзниками Второго Альдмерского Доминиона. Хотя следует отметить, что Доминион не препятствовал коловианским царям устранять форпосты морских эльфов, которые были установлены вдоль западного побережья материка.
Последние документальные сведения о маормерах относятся к 3Э 110 и Войне Островов. Буря, вызванная псиджиками из Артеума, нанесла такой ущерб флоту Оргнума, что ему никогда больше не удалось собрать вместе достаточное количество сил, чтобы решиться на ещё одну битву. Туманы на юге не позволяют подтвердить или опровергнуть это утверждение, но можно надеяться, что оно верное.
Внешний вид
Люди на борту были не просто бледными, они были абсолютно бесцветными, как будто бы их плоть была сделана из какой-то белой прозрачной желеподобной субстанции, но её уже предупредили об этом. Когда появился король и его переводчик, она посмотрела им прямо в глаза и протянула руку. Король издал какие-то звуки — Королева-Волчица, том 4
Маормеры обладают пустыми, белыми глазами, и странной кожей, подобной таковой у хамелеонов, что создаёт впечатление, как будто бы их плоть сделана из какой-то белой прозрачной желеподобной субстанции. Эта непроизвольно проявляющаяся способность сродни умению босмеров сливаться с лесом. В остальном тропические эльфы напоминают альтмеров (в том числе и характером).
Потема стояла на пирсе и смотрела, как причаливает корабль из Пиандонеи. Ей уже приходилось видеть так много кораблей из разных провинций Тамриэля на фоне серых волн Скайрима, что и этот не показался необычным. Судно обликом напоминало насекомое: перепончатые паруса и хитиновый корпус, но подобные, если не идентичные, уже прибывали из Морровинда. Нет, если бы не флаг, который был определённо чужим, она не отличила бы этот корабль от пары десятков других, стоящих в гавани. Когда до её лица долетели солёные брызги, она подняла руку, чтобы поприветствовать посетителей из другой островной империи — Королева-Волчица, том 4
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Тотем маормеров
Маормеры являются великолепными мореходами. Их флот считается одним из лучших и вполне успешно подтверждает это.
Кроме того, тропические эльфы, как и все меры, являются непревзойдёнными магами. Они особенно искусны в магии Разрушения (а если конкретнее — шока), и, кроме того, являются единственными практиками редкой змеиной магии. Эта магия прочно влилась в жизнь расы. Так некоторые маормеры освоили искусство верховой езды на «небольших» змеях, в то время как более крупные и менее послушные животные используются для поддержки флота. Кроме того, отдельные личности этого народа были мастерами-некромантами.
У маормеров имеется собственный язык, хотя судить о их культуре в целом достаточно сложно, так как ни предметов быта, ни архитектуры жители Тамриэля практически не видели. Вполне возможно, что морские эльфы могут являться приверженцами старых альдмерских традиций (правда, подтверждается это только стилем используемой ими брони и оружия).
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«Морские гадюки» (на заднем плане) атакуют корабль Первого Альдмерского Доминиона
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iestyn-crowe · 5 years
✵ for Valarin!
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse:
“What a sucker. Honestly! The lad’s practically thanking me for relievin’ ‘im of ‘is wallet! An’ I’m sick of ‘ese bloody Sin’dorei thinkin’ they’re better ‘an me. Least ‘ave the decency ta punch my lights out yerself, yer attitude in’t gonna cut it.”
Iestyn’s first interaction with Valarin practically gave him whiplash. The priest gave him a curt reminder that if he was looking to make a pilgrimage to the Sunwell, he ought to be on the Isle and not in Silvermoon City. The amount of satisfaction that he got from pickpocketing him was swept completely out from under him upon realizing what he stole, however. On his person had been a crudely-drawn picture of a stick figure orc child holding the hand of what had to be that very blood elf. At the top, the words “we miss you valaran” had been scrawled in crayon.
No, no, no, don’t you dare go back and talk to him. Don’t you do it. Don’t— “Excuse me sir, you dropped ‘is!”
Current impression:
“’E’s everything I promised I’d be and more. … What’s my excuse, ‘en?”
Valarin is the gentlest person that Iestyn has ever met. The thief has seen the cruelty of the world and knows full well what it does to those soft of heart and smile. He’s seen the scars that Valarin bears, both physical and emotional, and has the utmost respect for him for choosing kindness over bitterness every single day. He has no idea how the priest managed to sneak his way past his defenses, but he honestly believes that he can trust him with anything.
Are they attracted to your muse?:
“Aye, the lad’s beautiful, ‘ere’s no doubt about ‘at. Honestly, though, it’s ‘is damned laugh, ‘is smile, ‘at melts my bloody heart. ‘E deserves somethin’ better ‘an the world’s e’er gonna give ‘im.”
Admittedly, Iestyn invited him up to his hotel room the first day they met, so jot that down. After realizing such an offer had Valarin extremely flustered and bewildered he adjusted accordingly. He might think he’s cute, but by no means does he intend on making anyone uncomfortable.
Something they find frightening about your muse:
“’Ere’s not a damned thing anyone could say ‘at’d make me fear ‘at man. I think if I swatted a bloody fly ‘e’d make a tiny cast fer it an’ send it on its way.”
Valarin is incredibly disarming, a fact that has him terribly worried. In the short time they’ve known each other, the priest has become privy to some secrets that Iestyn usually spends all his time keeping under wraps. He trusts him, and he has no idea when that happened, but that isn’t the thing that bothers him the most. Somehow, he’s convinced him that he’s a good person. He doesn’t want to stick around long enough for Val to realize the truth.
Something they find adorable about your muse:
“Hah! Everythin’.”
Iestyn is certain that if you look up “adorable” in the dictionary, there’d be a picture of Valarin Sunstorm. He’s seen him carrying a pile of stuffed animals, pretending to be a scary pirate, and dropping everything to help someone in need. All of these things are equally precious to him.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:
“… Aye. ‘At I would. ‘Is world needs more people like ‘im ‘an it does people like me.”
As far as he’s concerned, if he sacrificed himself to keep Valarin alive and safe, he’d be fulfilling a promise he made to the best of his ability. That would make his sister happy, wouldn’t it?
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:
“E’en if I thought ‘e’d lke ‘at, e’en if I were the datin’ type, ‘e deserves better. Romantic or platonic, it in’t matter. ‘E deserves a better love an’ ‘e deserves a better friend.”
Iestyn believes it would be best for all involved if he stayed out of Valarin’s life. He’s a bit greedy, though, a thief stealing kindness meant for others. There’s a person that the priest thinks he is. If that person were real, maybe they could be friends.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:
Would my muse slap yours if they could?:
“I’d ne’er lay a hand on the lad, an’ though I in’t the fightin’ type, anyone who tried around me wouldn’t ‘ave one fer very long.”
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
“If ‘e e’er needed one or e’er asked, aye. I would.”
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aalcaine · 7 years
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Ua #craba #lleidatana ! #lleidata #lleidatà #valdaran #cabra #cabreta #hiking #senderisme #senderismo #trekking #bossost #bossòst #casteth #castèth #Casteràs #garona #eragarona #lagarona #coffee #cafè #cafe #café #climb #climbing #lleida #catalunya #valaran #occitanie #occitania #occitània #missmatchedshoes #missmatched (en Castèth-Leon)
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worldanvil · 6 years
House Valaran - The Beggar Kings by Darkseid -
Learn about a dynasty with an explosive rise and fall in this article filled with rich history, the lands they have conquered, and a poetic homage!
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elijah-storm · 6 years
Elderscrolls tumblr I have a new OC to show you!
So his name is Domelyn Valaran, he is a dark elf who was born and raised in cyrodiil. He always had an interest in magic, so when he was old enough to leave home he began his study first in the chorrol chapter of the mages guild.
Over the course of about 4 years he traveled to each chapter to get his recommendation letters. However he was unable to enter the university right away.
His father had grown ill, and since his mother was too weak to continue the family business (a heart condition from birth), Domelyn had to run it. Their family business? Leatherwork. Because the work had long hours and was very involved, Domelyn had no time to even practice magic, and his recommendation letters gathered dust in a drawer for 6 years.
When his mother eventually also passed away due to her condition, he merged the business with the local blacksmith and went on his way to the imperial city to finally continue his studies.
All was peaceful and good for many many years for domelyn, and his magical study was going very well. Until a project of his landed him within an ayleid ruin thought empty. But actually inhabited by vampires. He barely got out alive, if one can even say that when a few days later the sun burned his skin like fire.
(His story is still in the works. More will come soon!)
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dravencroft · 2 years
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A quiet moment shared by my D&D Ranger Nero Valaran with his animal companion, the albino falcon Leto.
Nero is a Dàinn, one of the many amazing races created by our wonderful DM @sarenhale for her homebrew campaign!
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armasl · 6 years
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Had a bit of an incident last night in Neo-Atlantis on Valaran. Someone shot through the glass and reactor in one of the hubs and flooded the place with irradiated water. Most of us escaped unscathed on a tardis.
Good to see repairs are already up to speed.
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jtannerposts · 5 years
Alethea of Brevean
-Alethea is a striking woman, tall, with a well built physique, pale skin and bright red hair she’d stand out in a crowd even if she didn’t have glowing gold eyes and set of scars running down her cheek from where a manticor nearly took out her eye. Or the fact she is always wearing her armored leathers and never without her swords, a longsword and a greatsword that she wears over her shoulder. Strung across her hips and hung off bits of her armor is a collection of vials, potions, powders and bombs. 
-An angel from Valaran she began life born into poverty in the Brevean Arcology, sold at the age of 6 to a Hunter looking for new recruits she was subjected to the Procedures and trials used to create the superhuman monster hunters. For many years she traveled Valaran as a human woman, taking contracts and slaying monsters until one day she came across a Freehold in desperate need of help, every night they were attacked by a swarm of ghouls and were on the brink of dying out. They didn’t have much gold, and not enough to pay the usual fee she’d charge but Alethea was moved by their plight and also desperate for cash, taking the job despite her misgivings. That night the ghoul swarm attacked and she found out the villagers had lied about the size of the swarm, what should have been no more than 6 undead had in reality swelled to over 30. She was well within her rights to turn tail and flee, but couldn’t abandon the desperate settlers. So she faced down the swarm despite the fact it was almost assuredly suicide, and exalted in the process. She blazed through the swarm, the rush of power activating her spark sending her hurtling into the blind eternities.
-Alethea planeswalks very quickly, creating a fuckoff huge burst of light and sound so bright and loud people unaware of her planeswalking just assume she fucking exploded. She’s spoken with other planeswalkers and come to the conclusion her Exaltation supercharges the magic, letting ‘walk super fast like an old walker with the trade off being an absolute zero percent change of subtly. Her Exaltaion also seems to keep forcing her to land on a plan in the most dramatic way possible, where a normal planeswalker will simply appear on the ground, Alethea is heralded by a beam of light from the heavens that strike the ground before she appears. She has no control over this and avoids planeswalking into public places as a result.
-Despite being an Angel now Alethea still needs to eat and sleep like a normal person. Alethea is old, though she never reveals her age the most she’s willing to admit is that she’s well over a hundred, though she’s only been exalted for nearly twenty.
-Alethea likes to think of herself as a pragmatic woman and rolls her eyes at mentions of honour and chivalry, following the mercenary nature of her order. In reality she has a strict code of honour she doesn’t like to admit, and is willing to take jobs for cheap when she believes the cause is worth it. She can’t stand to see innocent people suffer and while she has a thick skin doesn’t lightly bear insults to those she cares about. Despite the Hunter’s reputation for brutality towards monsters Alethea is perfectly okay with making exceptions for sentient creatures.
-A seasoned Hunter she’s a master of tracking her quarries and wilderness survival and has a wealth of knowledge about monsters from all across the multiverse. Alethea is a master swordswoman, having trained with a sword since she was a child and continued over many years it is rare for her to find someone who can match her in swordplay. She has extensive training in alchemy, how to create antitoxins and medicinal remedies for almost any poison or venom. She also knows how to brew useful potions such as health elixirs and potent alchemical bombs.
-Alethea’s magic is internally focused, while she knows a handful of magical tricks, simple spells she can use in combat, her magic comes from her exaltation which boosts her abilities to superhuman levels. It lets her fight beyond her limits, protects her mind and soul from harmful effects, improves her natural healing and perform impossible feats of martial prowess. Deflect a rainstorm, parry a giant weilding a tree, dodge lightning, these are historically feats of Valaran Angels and Demons. While she’s still growing into her power and has been reluctant to seek out training in developing it she’s theoretically just as capable of such feats, even if only in small bursts.
However she is reluctant to unleash this because Divine magic is not subtle and demands attention, while Alethea stubbornly prefers to fly under the radar and not get involved in the affairs of other people. In addition she’s very wary of the rush of power tapping into her Exaltation gives her and is worried about losing her humanity to it. Afterall Valaran history is full of Angels and Demons who single handedly killed armies and forged crowns of blood simply because they were so powerful no one could stop them.
-She also has regular angel powers, inbuilt lie detector, flying, the ability to perform minor miracles if she focuses on it. She mostly uses the later to turn water into booze when she’s not working a contract.
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wtffanfiction-de · 7 years
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Fandom: Harry Potter
“„Der Knabe ist 16 Jahre alt und er liebt Tiere über alles. Der Junge ist sehr wach an Verstand und hat eine unglaubliche Kombinationsgabe. Außerdem so schien es mir war er in der Lage Raphaels Gedanken zu lesen. Zumindest die, die ihn selber betrafen oder besser gesagt seine Zukunft.“ den letzten Satz hatte er mehr zu dem rothaarigen Krieger als zum Rat gesagt als er bemerkte dass dessen Augen sich weiteten. Ungläubig schüttelte er den Kopf, nein das konnte nicht sein. Niemals er wusste das sei Sohn den Tot gefunden hatte wie also konnte der Knabe in Hogwarts dann sein Enkel sein? „Ja so ungefähr habe ich auch aussehen müssen denn der Bengel fing an zu lachen.“ knurrte Raphael und dabei meinte er keinesfalls Valaran sondern viel mehr Sandalphon selbst. Michael wusste nicht was er tun sollte, er war nicht in der Lage ein Wort heraus zu bringen und als er realisiert hatte Was man ihm da gerade gesagt hatte musste er sich erst einmal setzen. Sein Enkel war am Leben, er hatte einen Enkel. Ein Beweis für seine Liebe zu Godric. Wusste der andere schon davon? War er wieder fähig zu lächeln?“
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reeeaper · 8 years
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When your friend overthrows the valaran monarchy
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