#Valentina’s Wedding
daltony · 6 years
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Gifs (part 2/4) from La boda de Valentina / Valentina’s Wedding with Tony Dalton as Adrián Corcuera.
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aurborsau · 4 months
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I’m so gagged by this look. I’ll never get over Valentina
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entitled-fangirl · 4 months
The human did interrupt.
Caius Volturi x human!reader
Summary: The reader is sitting with Caius when Valentina interrupts.
Author's note: This is so short but it just came to me when I remembered that scene lmao.
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A knock on the door interrupted their thoughts.
Aro stood, greeting whomever had dared to enter without announcement.
"Ah, Valentina has brought us something!"
Caius grimaced. His hand came up to rest on the leg of the pretty little human mate of his that currently resided in his lap. "She should not have interrupted."
Aro turned with a gracious look, "She's new."
Marcus' head turned, "Aren't they all?"
Caius smiled wickedly, pulling the girl in his arms closer.
Valentina simply stood at the base of the stairs, nervous and unsure of what to do.
Aro looked rather annoyed at this, motioning for her to step forward to meet him.
As she does, she presents a silver platter with an envelope on it.
Aro opens it, gazing at the handwriting within. "Ah!  L'amore ci mantiene giovani (Love keeps us young). Edward and Bella are to be married."
The girl in Caius' lap turns slightly to see his reaction. He watched his eyebrows furrow carefully in thought, anger beginning to take over his features.
Marcus simply turned his head, his expression anything but an emotion, "What. Joy."
Caius finally spoke up, "This is the Cullen's way of announcing her transformation. They mock us with their delays…"
Aro looked over his shoulder, his attention now away from Valentina, "Patience, brother." Aro then set the envelope back on the platter. "Though, you do have a point," he gently caressed Valentina's face as his voice lost its kindness, "the human did interrupt."
Caius pulled his pretty mate to her feet, pulling her with him as the three Volturi kings began to exit. 
Felix and Demetri appeared on either side of the secretary as Aro walked on, "I do love weddings."
Caius' mate turned to look over her shoulder to see what would become of the girl, but Caius gently caught her jaw, keeping her from looking back. "…C…Caius?" She asked hesitantly.
"Shh. Come, Bella Amora," he leaned to whisper in her ear, "Let the human learn her mistake."
Caius pulled his mate from the throne room, the sound of Valentina's screams being heard throughout the entire castle.
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devourable · 7 months
masterlist ! long post under cut. anything without links is unfinished. nsfw content marked in red
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{ boy yanderes }
yandere church boy (⛪️ abraham atkins)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs / asks :
sfw hcs 1 . sfw hcs 2 . nsfw hcs . darling w different religion . equally religious darling . darling from large family .
fics, drabbles, etc :
prayer session - private service - genesis 9:6 - divine sin [ocxoc ; by darling--core] - kinktober; overstim [ocxoc ; by darling--core] - my angel {wip, coming soon!}
yandere hacker (🖥️ gene eliades)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
gene x camslut darling
fics, drabbles, etc :
coding lesson - kinktober; cockwarming [ocxoc ; by darling--core]
yandere prodigy (🪶 sterling cygnus)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
ask dump . what if darling left school? . college parties . handmade birthday present . overheard confession . positive reinforcement darling
fics, drabbles, etc :
field trip - i like you {wip, coming soon!}
aus :
professor cygnus (older!au)
yandere best friends (tobias lovell & sebastian lee ; 🍀 the neighbors)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
nsfw hcs - shy voyeur darling (wip, coming soon!)
yandere delinquents (mattias c., judas j., dominic g., aaron d. ; 🚬 the delinquents)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
how did they meet? . nsfw headcanons . sick darling . dom reader . darling’s birthday . asexual darling . oral fixation darling
yandere monster (🌲 mykolas)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
sfw headcanons . how does he mate with his darling?
fics, drabbles, etc :
break time
yandere cheerleader (📣 orion knight) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
yandere idol (🎤 ivan armani) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
the huntsman (🪓 gareth sharpe) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
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{ girl yanderes }
yandere gym bunny (💪 valentina everett)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
wedding headcanons
fics, drabbles, etc :
wlw comfort drabble - making a scene
yandere princess (👑 althea chrysostomides)
intro fic • pinboard
yandere mermaids (kallisto, tomila, lyonesse ; 🪸 the mermaids)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
what gifts do they like? . sfw headcanons . what if darling wants a family?
fics, drabbles, etc :
mating season (wip, coming soon!)
yandere farmer (🌾 linden bell) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
the coven (wip)
intro fic • pinboard
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{ nonbinary yanderes }
the butcher (🥩 rhodes williams)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
vulture culture darling . nsfw headcanons . fiesty/protective darling
fics, drabbles, etc :
better days - helpless - make me bleed
the stalker (💌 vega leers) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
the alt kids (faust m., delta c., anton f., ; 🕷️ the alt kids)
intro fic • pinboard
hcs and asks :
nsfw hcs
the demon (🩸 melchior) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
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[ poly yanderes ]
the parents (angel & bianca moreno ; 🧸 the parents) — wip
intro fic • pinboard
the villains — wip
intro fic • pinboard
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{ misc / multi oc posts }
your first time p1
your first time p2 (coming soon!)
date night w abe / delinquents
flirty darling x sterling and rhodes
yanderes x single parent darling
yanderes x cuddle drunk darling (wip, coming soon!)
yanderes / darlings and cuddles
poly yanderes x biased darling
yandere terms of endearment
abe, tina, and rhodes x chronically ill darling
how do they feel about other yanderes?
who does/doesn’t want kids?
rhodes x darling x abraham, part 2
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hpowellsmith · 6 months
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I was already having a rough day. And this is really sad.
Working on Love Island the Game wasn't always easy in a variety of ways, especially at the end, but even after most of us were laid off amid dramatic circumstances, more than two years ago now, it was nice knowing that some people enjoyed our work that was still out there.
The Season 3 episodes and scenes, and the ones I edited, were my first experiences in a game studio team (shoutout to the scenes with Tai, Rafi, and Lily that were the first pieces of writing I did on the game!). I learned so much from that, from The Wedding, Chelsea's Murder Mystery and The Boat Party, from all the prototypes and ideation that never went anywhere (that wonderful Regency-era Noah art... sigh...), from how the characters and storylines came together for Season 4 aka Bombshell (I loved coming up with the original concepts for Bruno, and Oliver, and Juliet, and Lexi, and Tiffany, and Valentina, and Kobi, and Hazeem: absolute joys to write and to see other writers bringing them extra sparks of life, and to do the same with helping bring other writers' concepts to life, and to start doing all sorts of exciting senior role stuff). It was very sad and stressful when it turned out that we couldn't be there to complete Season 4 in as polished a way as all of us wanted.
I'm still friends with many of the people I worked with on Love Island the Game and our other projects, and the things that didn't end up going out there, and I've worked with some of them since which was an absolute pleasure. I saw a lot of them earlier this month, and chatted with one on a video call just this morning. The way it ended for us was very painful, but a lot of it up to that point was so much fun.
There will still be some of the work I did for Love Island the Game out there in Season 4/Bombshell and Matchmaker. But what a shame that a huge chunk of the work we all did, and the work before my time that got the studio its audience in the first place, turns out to be so ephemeral.
Thank you to all the people who played and enjoyed the work we made.
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srbachchan · 4 months
DAY 5826
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 30/31, 2024 Wed 12:04 am
Birthday - EF - Valentina Ivanovna/Ef Sourav Banerjee/ Ef Madhumita Gupta,Birthday Wednesday, 31 January .. all good wishes for this special day .. from the Ef ..❤️🌹
.. and the ever present social media lingers about .. once started it remains page after page after page .. making the World an 8 billion inhabitant journalist question markers .. and around 4 billion camera operators ..
the scarcity of information was never more acute than now ..
Social media, once heralded as a tool for connectivity, has devolved into a breeding ground for societal evils. Its addictive algorithms manipulate users, fostering a culture of comparison and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying thrives in the anonymous shadows, leading to mental health crises. Privacy erosion becomes the collateral damage as personal data is exploited for profit. The incessant barrage of curated content perpetuates misinformation, polarizing societies and undermining critical thinking. The pursuit of online validation eclipses genuine human connections, contributing to loneliness and disconnection. Social media's insidious influence seeps into every facet of life, corroding empathy and amplifying the darker aspects of human behavior.
Social media, despite its drawbacks, offers a myriad of benefits. It facilitates instant global communication, connecting people across distances and fostering a sense of community. Platforms serve as catalysts for social movements, enabling collective activism and awareness. Businesses leverage social media for marketing, reaching diverse audiences efficiently. Educational opportunities flourish through online courses and collaborative platforms. Social media becomes a tool for self-expression, giving marginalized voices a platform. It serves as a vast information hub, promoting knowledge-sharing and global awareness. Ultimately, social media, when used judiciously, can be a force for positive change, empowerment, and enlightenment.
the opinions from the informed .. above 👆🏼
sensible and within the limits of ts express .. for every opinion in the Universe of the DAY , is ever pronounced by the question mark of the question ..
Is it ..?
Will it ..?
How ..?
what will be .. ?
can it be .. ?
the question is .. ?
good night .. without any question mark ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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daltony · 6 years
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Gif (part 1/4) from La boda de Valentina / Valentina’s Wedding with Tony Dalton as Adrián Corcuera.
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forgotteneithne · 4 months
ooc || eithne & malconaire & i guess some family history?!
not even sure if this is meant to be an ooc thread with anyone or just some rambling of my thoughts that all stem out of me thinking "i need something for eithne beyond being sad and nice and pretty"? anyway, since its relating TO the malconaire estate & i'm realizing as i'm typing sort of the family history, here it is for everyone?!
i realize that i've been operating under the assumption that the Malconaire Estate is comparable to like an english country estate with tenants and farms and even a village of some sort with the family obviously still living in the manor/main house which may not be what the intention was?
but, continuing on the idea of a country estate style life for malconaire, clearly its gone a bit downhill since the war-- i don't know if the battle where lord m died took place ON (or near?) his landholdings but if that's the case then it could be some of the farmlands/tenant rentals/or even the village maybe? were damaged during the battle(s) an obviously valentina has had NO interest in spending her $$$ on estate improvements when she could buy herself nice things!!! but then obviously the estate is not bringing in much (any?!) money currently hence here we are.
anyway re: eithne & her role/relationship with the estate. since we've established she was meant to be her father's heir, she started learning how the estate operated with her father as soon as she was old enough-- probably starting doing things just like checking in on tenants, etc and then moving on to learning about managing the financial side of things and some knowledge about farming (i guess i've just decided they'd farm the lands?!) and really just instilling the idea that they are the caretakers of the land and the people who live there (which since i think we've established the malconaires are an old astairian family definitely harkens back to that idea of the ruling class caring for the citizens who care for the guardians!)
basically it was straight up engrained in eithne that she must carry on the responsibility of caring for malconaire and she was up for the challenge but now with this sus "will" naming cassimir the heir popping up and watching the whole thing get run into the ground of the past two years.. yeah its not great. i think she has some guilt regarding this but she knows that there isn't much she can DO to get control of the estate back (#thanksroderick) so she's been doing the best she can to try and keep some of it together. and while her sisters well being is very important to her and their safety in comfort is a big factor in her decision making for the future, feeling as if she needs to stay and take care of malconaire is a factor as well
if/when @forgottencassimir proposes, its definitely mostly for the good of the estate and all the people who still live there and depend on them for survival! even if the kindest richest most handsome man ever (who somehow has three extra castles for her sisters to live in!) showed up and proposed marriage to her, it would be very hard for her to abandon her family history and obligations to the estate for cassimir & valentina to take. i do think eithne will maybe have some conditions she will make with cassimir before the wedding which probably will ruffle valentina's feathers more than anything? (honestly step one: valentina moves into whatever version of the dowager house exists. step two: valentina gets a modest allowance, haha!) among she wants to re-employ any of the servants valentina has fired (honestly imagining that eithne does what she can to provide for them if they haven't found new jobs or left entirely!) and promote @forgottencillian to the state's steward (which in my mind was her father's plan that never got to happen because again #thanksroderick)
anyway, this is a bunch of rambling and i'm open to adapting anything of course especially regarding to WHAT malconaire estate actually is because this was all just in my head assumption nonsense, haha :)
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scorpiotrait · 2 years
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jinnie-ret · 6 months
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ep.4: cold feet and warm hearts
ratings: fluff, tiny angst
warnings: none
running time: 2.3k words
summary: the next two weddings are in full swing. one is bound to go well, the other one... not so much
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We put Hyunjin and Sienna together because they both have a quality that the other values, and that's thinking with their heart. Sienna may not have been in a relationship before, but with Hyunjin's experience, hopefully he'll be able to make her feel comfortable in their marriage.
What a beautiful place to get married. It was a stunning, old castle, full of life, and now bustling with it too. Guests entered the gorgeous venue and some even gasped in awe at such grandeur which sweeped the halls, patterned floors that looked like they had been painted all those years ago.
Somewhere like this, somewhere historical, had a lot of stories to tell. And through these tales of past people who had been lucky enough to once reside in such a place, there was always love to be shared around, words from the heart.
Unsurprisingly, being an artistic man himself, these details did not go unnoticed by Hyunjin as he walked up the aisle. In fact, he was eagerly taking mental screenshots of the finer details that screamed out at him, rather than the guests in the room, the main ones he should be aiming to impress looking at him confusedly. He was handsome, undeniably, but he had this dazed look in his eyes and so they had already began wondering if he could be someone who could step up and support the bride.
What they didn't know was, Hyunjin was utterly besotted with the place, and they only hoped he would be with his wife as well, their beloved Sienna. Radiant grins mirrored the two as their eyes met, both astonished at the sudden warmth consuming them and it all felt just... right.
Plus the real bonus was that Sienna's family immediately saw the change in Hyunjin, the starstruck expression on his face. The bride herself couldn't believe what she was seeing, this man in front of her... her husband to be in a matter of minutes, was incredibly handsome. She's never had a relationship before and she gets paired with him?!
Wait. She had to remind herself to stop thinking with her head. Think with the heart.
"You..." Sienna was speechless.
"It's you..." Hyunjin too.
And their words were not examples of them knowing each other, because they didn't. It was moreso the feeling deep down that they their partner they were being wedded to would be 'the one'.
Now, this one was a tricky one to crack. But we can see that there is a frankness to both Jisung and Valentina. She is certainly not afraid to say what she thinks, and we think she can bring a different side out to Jisung, make him feel confident in what it would be like to be in a relationship, and we're excited to see the two of them together.
It was only fitting that for two music lovers they'd be married in a famous music hall, located just on the outskirts of town. And for such a gloomy day of weather, grey and cloudy, the atmosphere created on the inside made up for it much more. Candles lit as you entered, illuminating the maroon walls, a romantic mood was automatically set.
Jisung found himself hesitating before he himself entered the venue for his wedding. Is this what he really wanted? Sure, he knew he wanted to be with someone forever, for the rest of his life, but was it too soon? He could already hear the excited and general murmurs of the audience there, both his family and his wife's alike.
Yet through all this worry he found himself walking up the aisle with a smile on his face, politely bowing at his bride's family as he came to stand where the focus of the ceremony would be. Maybe it didn't help that this was slightly elevated on a stage, but Jisung did think, if he wanted to perform on them one day, what better way to get used to it than meeting the love of his life.
Valentina walked up the aisle in a sexy, alluring gown which hung off the shoulders, the bodice having a sheer, lacy element that flowed into the skirt of the dress poofing out. She knew she looked amazing, and that made her all the more confident as she grinned excitedly at her family and friends and waved happily to Jisung's family and friends.
And then they caught eyes. Valentina could burst, he was so handsome yet cute at the same time, the way his dark hair had been curled and styled really gave him this rockstar vibe. But the way his boba eyes stared at her in wonder, and his chubby cheeks shifted as his jaw dropped, adorable.
Jisung couldn't believe his eyes. He's never had a relationship before and he gets paired with her?! It felt like he had won the lottery, but when she came to stand in front of him, he was frozen and couldn't say much.
"Hi, I'm Valentina," the bride whispered to him with a grin, but all Jisung could do was nod and face forwards. "Hi," he whispered back, not able to look at her. Why? Why now did his nerves have to play up? He made it down the aisle but he hoped he could also get through his vows.
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"When I look at you, I feel such a strong connection, as if we have always been meant to be together," Hyunjin began his vows, so happy with the woman he had been paired with that there was such stability in the way he held his notes. "I promise to give our marriage my all and always be honest and open with you. I promise to always be there for you, to celebrate you and treat you how your heart deserves."
"Wow, that's just like mine," Sienna covered her mouth with her hand, grinning with glee at her family sat down.
"Really?" Hyunjin whispered in shock.
"Yeah," Sienna nodded, biting her lip as she prepared herself to read her vows. "Ok, ok, my father always told me to think with my heart, no matter what," she choked on her words, Hyunjin immediately rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles soothingly.
"It's ok," he whispered.
"So when I give you this ring, I promise you that you will see the real, raw me, when you get to know me more. I'll take care of you and always strive to be your suppor...supportive person you can lean on, and trest you with kindness," Sienna stumbled slightly over some words, her Polish accent coming through, yet she made it to the end and they placed their rings on each other's hands.
"Ok... Umm, I'll go first then," Valentina now felt unsure herself. "With this marriage I promise that we will have fun! I may be a busy girl but I'll always have time for you. Even better if you like going out on the weekends too," she giggled as she said that last bit. "Seriously though, I think sometimes people are intimidated by my loud personality but I've got so much to give and I'm ready to listen to all your stories and get to know you as long as you're ready for mine," she grinned and gave Jisung his ring.
Shit. How was he meant to match up to that?! Funny and sweet? No, his vows were like that too, they were sentimental, he thought so anyways when he used Google to help him write them.
"I vow to always support you, laugh with you, hug you and love you," Jisung began shakily, not noticing some of Valentina's family exchanging odd looks at the upfront words. "I am willing to put everything into this marriage and I will be there by your side through sickness and health, so that we can enjoy the good times together. I love you," Jisung finished, smiling now that he got through his vows as he slid the ring onto Valentina's hand.
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And when they could kiss their brides, oh, maybe Hyunjin's and Sienna's lasted too long, but they were probably making up for how Valentina turned her head for Jisung to kiss her cheek instead. This would certainly be interesting...
"I've not actually been with anyone before, well I have, but not a proper relationship," Sienna commented as she cut into a nice piece of chicken, everyone now sat down and having dinner in the evening. She was feeling comfortable enough around Hyunjin to share a bit more about her, after all, they were now married!
"Wow that must be a big jump for you going into marriage then?" Hyunjin's eyes widened, thinking about his last relationship which was 6 months ago, he thought it would be best not to say that for now. Better to learn more about Sienna and keep it about her.
"Yeah it does feel like a lot, but it just had to happen, you know?" Sienna smiled at him, nudging his shoulder with hers happily.
"Oh great, this had to happen!"
Han on the other hand was not so happy. He was stressed. Pacing the hallway up and down after rushing out of the room where photos were being taken, specifically of him and Valentina, was all he could do to let out his emotions that had quickly gone haywire.
His friends had kindly stepped away from their feasting to try and reassure him, calm him down.
"Bro, just go talk to her, you're out here worrying but she's also in there worrying about being a lonely bride, on her wedding day..."
"Honestly, with the way you've treated me even with the little things, I have no worries anymore, like I feel like I have no reason to have feel paranoid about being a lonely bride left at the altar!" Sienna rambled, sipping from her glass of white wine. She clinker her glass with Hyunjin's as he poured himself some more.
"Of course not! It's your wedding day! Our wedding day! Stuck with me either way now, I'm just glad you're happy about this, with me," Hyunjin felt more timid in admitting this, but unaware to him, Sienna was sat next to him admiring him with the biggest doe eyes.
Jisung sheepishly entered the room in which everyone was dining in, hurriedly rushing across to the other side of the room where Valentina was sat boredly, attempting to hold herself back from picking at her nail polish. At least her friend was there to keep her company before they left her to talk to Jisung.
"I'm not happy with how things just went, and that's because of me, I wanna apologise and make it up to you because I am faithful and I am putting everything into this I just get anxious sometimes and-" Jisung sat and grabbed Valentina's hands to show her how much he wanted to be there for her.
"Let's go outside, yeah?" Valentina stopped his ramblings, shutting him up gently as they both exited the hall together.
"I want a home like this one day, maybe not a castle but it truly is so beautiful," Hyunjin admired the lounge like area he and Sienna had been directed to by the crew, for where they could have time to talk amongst themselves.
"Yes you are," Sienna was leant against Hyunjin's shoulder, gazing up at his face ever since the word 'beautiful' was uttered.
Hyunjin laughed through his nose, smirking as he rose an inquisitive brow at his wife.
"Yes, you are... so right about that wow! Sorry umm, accent, haha, the language you know it's just so-" Sienna laughed nervously, tripping up on her words as she tried to find an excuse, shaking off Hyunjin's smug look at her.
"I can't tell if you're shaking because you're cold or if you're nervous," Jisung tried making a joke as he grabbed a blanket for the two of them as they sat underneath a small gazebo.
"I think it's a bit of both from me, I should be asking you that though!" Valentina brushed her hair back as the two of them sank into the sofa, just their knees touching, as their legs relaxed and natural leant that way.
"I-i'm ok, I think it was just a lot being in there, makes it real you know?" Jisung rubs his face as he admits that, seeing his wife's face drop at the sound of that. "Not that I don't want this to be real! I, I'm really ok with this, it's just such a big thing you know?" Jisung added on, hoping Valentina would see that he did really want this, he was just nervous about it all.
"Oh, I understand," Valentina nodded seeming downcast. This was her wedding day, she didn't want to feel sad or worry about these types of things.
"Hey, I have an idea," Jisung sat up quickly, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.
"Yeah, you do?" Valentina perked up a little bit, seeing her husband's bright smile.
"Why don't we have our own nighttime shoot? I know the photographer has left right now but I'm the reason we didn't get wedding photos earlier-" Jisung once again rambled, trying to fully explain why he wanted to do so and make up for what he did but Valentina had other ideas.
She promptly kissed him on the lips to shut him up. It was very effective.
"Mmm sure, that sounds good," she grinned at him and patted his cheek as she pulled away.
Wow, maybe things wouldn't be so bad?
viewers: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kai-lee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @jyu-037 @keen-li @strawberry31 @5starlee @thatonedemigodfromseoul @amararosesblog @noyurcapri
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
Ralph Penbury (Timewasters) Masterlist
Worth It
Worth It began as a Valentine's Day one-shot, then blossomed into a three-shot, and now there are officially twenty chapters in the Worth It-verse. This story takes place a little before the Timewasters that we know and love. (Thus thwarting Ralph's heartbreak and demise. Not even a little bit sorry.) Ralph is in his early 20s, and the female reader who's going to give him the love and affection that he deserves is about a year older and unnamed. (No Y/N, just terms of endearment.) Please read the announcement, and then... enjoy!
*Read This Important Series Announcement Before Proceeding!*
Chapter 1 - The Dance Your mother forces you to go to a Valentine's Day dance with a dull date, but Ralph manages to make your night worthwhile.
Chapter 2 - The Bridge Ralph waits for you on the bridge the next day. To say he's nervous would be an understatement.
Chapter 3 - My Good Friend Mary Ralph brings you a present that's also a prop in your masterful plan to keep your mother in the dark.
Chapter 4 - The Most Ordinary Girl in the World Even though you hate shopping, you decide it's time to go see a lady about a dress or twelve.
Chapter 5 - There Is Nothing Wrong With You You and Ralph have a heart-to-heart after the shopping incident.
Chapter 6 - A Great Deal of Bravery A simple act breaks Ralph's brain. A simple phrase breaks yours.
Chapter 7 - One Hundred Kisses Ralph is upset, but luckily, you know one hundred ways to make him better.
Chapter 8 - Are You Still With Me, Ralph? Ralph is down with a cold, but his favorite nurse comes to take care of him.
Chapter 9 - Seven Dreadful Days Ralph has to go away for a few days, and neither of you are sure you'll survive your time apart.
Chapter 10 - Go Easy On Those Pastries Ralph comes home, but your reunion does not go as planned.
Chapter 11 - Questioning Miracles Your secret isn't a secret anymore. Time to face the music.
Chapter 12 - Do You Think He's Still Alive? Ralph meets your father, and you make a decision about your future together.
Chapter 13 - Try Not to Get Trampled Easter picnics aren't generally Ralph's idea of a good time, but if you're there, it can't be but so bad… right?
Chapter 14 - Just the Way You Are Ralph needs some reassurance. You need an axe.
Chapter 15 - All I Want Is You Planning a wedding with two overbearing mothers. What could possibly go wrong?
Chapter 16 - Victoria and I Are Having a Party You're invited to a Penbury Party. Try not to panic.
Chapter 17 - I Think We Should Try That Again So an introvert walks into a crowded Penbury Party…
Chapter 18 - The Feeling Is Mutual Shopping for a wedding dress is so unbearable, you and Ralph decide to do something desperate.
Chapter 19 - Every Single Room What comes after a wedding?
Chapter 20 - Forty-Four Days All good things must come to an end… right?
Worth It: The Honeymoon (Blurbs)
What did Mr. and Mrs. Penbury do during that long honeymoon?
Warm | Vanity | Beard | Portraits | Fountain | Table | Grandmother's Room | Library | Stable | Valentina | Climbing Tree | Nightmare | Valentina's Palace | Hair | Billiards | Sunshine | Garden | Mud | Toys | Ready When You Are
Always Worth It
You didn't think you'd seen the last of the Penburys, did you?
The Other Dance A flashback to Ralph and the future Mrs. Penbury's first kiss at the Christmas Ball.
Christmas in July Mr. and Mrs. Penbury get another chance at a perfect kiss under the mistletoe at an unexpected time of the year.
I Ralph You Ralph learns a hip new word he's not too fond of. His lovely wife must act fast and help him un-learn it.
Escape from Penbury Manor Mr. and Mrs. Penbury attend a Halloween party, but when the sun goes down, it's not all fun and games for the happy couple.
What the Hell is Compressed Yeast? Ralph wakes up in the middle of the night, and you're not next to him like you should be. Where are you, Mrs. Penbury?
Made for This Ralph needs a little reassurance about his impending fatherhood. You're more than happy to give it.
Keeping Us Awake You and Ralph receive a pair of tickets to the Nutcracker Ballet as a Christmas gift, an event neither of you really wants to attend... how ever will you stay awake through such a spectacle?
The Most Amazing Wife in the World Ralph is having a rough day, but his amazing wife knows exactly how to turn things around.
A Valentine's Day Surprise It's not really Valentine's Day without a dance with your one and only, is it? (Happy 1st Anniversary to Worth It!)
Our Sweet Baby Mary First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Penburys with a... well, you know the rest. (Bonus: There's Something About Mary)
Blurbs Based on Emojis
🥶 - Snow Day 🍆 - Trying New Things 🍫 - One of Everything 💋 - Marking Your Territory
Post-Series Stuff
Thank You for Reading Goodbye Forever? That One Announcement Everyone Ignores
Not Worth It (Other Stuff)
Ralph Deserves a Present Ralph goes snooping and gets an early Christmas present. (Christmas Fluff, but make it suggestive)
Ralphtanic A multi-chapter Worth It AU set on the Titanic!
242 notes · View notes
silvervioletvalentine · 11 months
🦋Whenever , Wherever, we’re meant to be together! Part 2! 🦋
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Pairing: Quinn Hughes x OC Spanish popstar!Lina Valentina.
Word count : 10k
Summary: in which its a year later and it’s time for him to meet lina’s parents, including her over protective father Carlos.
A/N : another Quinn oneshot. Sorry dudes , I promise I’m still gonna write for f1 drivers but I’m on a hockey obsession again at the moment so..yeah. Sorry (not sorry) but you’ll have to put up with a couple more Quinn ones then I’ll get back to it. Promise xoxo
Lina could only smirk in slight amusement to herself as she got ready for the day, trying to focus on rubbing her skincare creams and lotions onto her skin when she noticed Quinn hovering by the bathroom door, leaning against the frame with a small pout on his face as he watched her , quietly.
Still, he didn't say anything . Just watching her pull out a brush as she pulled her hair back into a sleek braid for their plane ride back home.
Sighing loudly as she finally acknowledged him, meeting his gaze in the mirror in front of her with a small smile tugging at her mouth .
"I know I'm beautiful Q but you're drilling holes into my face. Get a camera." She teased him, chuckling as she fondly watched as his cheeks immediately went a dark pink at being caught out, having thought that he was being subtle in his staring.
He was not. He never was. Not when it came to Lina.
It filled her chest with butterflies to know that even a year on, she still managed to have such a schoolgirl effect on him. She only fell in love with him more and more everyday , each nervous laugh, each wandering gaze , each shy smile and sweet embrace , the way he was unable to go too long without touching her in some sort of way...all of it only endeared him to her further.
He was the one. There was no doubt about it.
She had already started daydreaming about their future wedding , wondering if she could somehow convince Quinn to wear a different suit that the same one he always wore to conferences and such . She imagained him in a cool grey, fitted suit with a slight unbuttoned white shirt underneath and sighed dreamily , feeling dazed just at the thought of him.
That's my man. She smiled , pleased, as she looked back up to her reflection just in time to see Quinn averting his eyes back from his feet , where they had fell to shyly at her teasing comment.
"Does your dad own any weapons babe?" He asked her worriedly , having spent the past few days in a constant loop of panic and stomach aches , ever since it was revealed to him that he would be coming home to Madrid with her to finally meet her parents.
Lina had tried putting it off for him for long enough now , but it had been a year of being together and even moving in together in her apartment , her mother was getting antsy with her the longer she refused to let them meet her new boyfriend.
He was The first serious guy she had gotten with since the whole baby daddy fiasco. So it was only warranted that they would be anxious and impatient about meeting Quinn, especially since she spoke so highly about him, always casually dropping his name into any conversation around her . It just came naturally to her now. It drove people around her mad sometimes..
Like when her friend told her about a cute linen dress that she thought Lina would look pretty in, Lina had beamed and replied "it looks so cute! Oh my god, they do a men's selection! Q would look so cute in white linens . Actually he would look good in all the colours . I'm gonna get them all. Then me and Quinn can match!" She had gushed before rushing off back into the store to purchase both her and Quinn matching sets of clothes , her friend left blinking at where she had just been stood in disbelief.
It usually went something like that now. But oh well. It wasn’t a crime to love her boyfriend so much that everything came back to him, was it?
He was apart of her world now, of course she was going to mention him any chance she got. She thought that Quinn was amazing , and she wanted everybody else to know that too.
'You'll really like this pasta!' She would reply at lunch with friends "I would as well but it's too spicy for Quinn. Let's make two but add more cheese for mi amor."
She had gone completely soft for him, her usual 'guys ain't shit, I want nothing to do with them. I'm going to become a nun before I fall in love again' attitude , was now nowhere to be seen.
But looking at Quinn's worried eyes , seeing him biting his nails with anxiety had her whole demeanour softening.
Yeah. He was the one. He had her heart. He could keep it forever. She knew that she would be holding onto his tenderly forever too.
She reached back, eyes still down to the vanity table as she looked through which skincare syrum she wanted to use that morning, gently pulling his hand away from his Mouth before he could make his nail beds bleed again .
"He does not." She simply replied, amused by how scared Quinn was to meet her parents , considering the fact that her mother had taken to calling and messaging Quinn almost everyday to make sure that he was okay.
She would love to see his reaction if her father called him up out of the blue like that, it would be hilarious no doubt. The first time her mother had demanded Lina to give her her new boyfriends number , she had gotten to watch as poor Quinn's face paled when her mother's loud and annoyed voice rang down the line.
He had looked up at her in panic, eyes blown wide in shock as his mouth dropped open in absolute disbelief.
"what the fuck?" He mouthed at Lina panicking , his girlfriend too busy giggling as she made them something to eat in the kitchen.
“You gave your mother my phone number?!" He whisper shouted at her in exasperation , Lina just winking at him mischievously, enjoying every second of it.
"Quinn? That's your name? American?" Maria , her mother, immediately started to shootout her curious questions at him loudly. Pausing between them to yell something out to her husband that sounded suspiciously like 'she wasn't joking! I hear the accent! My poor heart!'.
Quinn didn't know what to say, heart pounding in his chest as he looked helplessly over at Lina , this being the first time he had had any contact with her parents at all.
They had been dating for six months at that point and her mama had enough of her hiding him away, so she decided to take matters into her own hands. By forcing her daughter to give her his number so she could smother him, already treating him like he was one of her own kids .
"Yes. It's Quinn. Er-American . I guess." He confirmed quietly , eyes still wide in shock as he heard her mother inhaled sharply , sounding a little too much like grief .
He smiled a little in amusement without realising , knowing just where Lina got her drama from now .
Lina had already warned him about her parents dramatics , about how exaggerated everything they did and said was. She had told him to just go with it, that they meant no harm. It was just the way they were.
Quinn thought it was both funny and terrifying , unsure if they were joking or not. The last thing he wanted to do was laugh at something her parents had said only to find out a little too late that they weren’t joking at all.
She muttered something in Spanish before sighing loudly .
“Quinn. You play sports? Lina tells me that you get hurt a lot? Will you die? Is this something we need to worry about?" She rushed out in concern, having spent the night googling him and seeing all the pictures of poor Quinn getting injured on the ice all the night .
Her mother almost had a heart attack. Used to lina's boyfriends either being football players or European models , some chefs.. none of them American. And none of them needing to wear head gear to protect their skull for work. Maria was worried sick.
Quinn chuckled a little bit , face softening as he heard the concern in her mother’s voice. Accent thicker than lina's was. He wondered if the more time Lina spent in Madrid , the more she would sound like home.
He knew that at some point Lina would want to go back home for longer periods of time , having told him herself that if he wanted to be in her life for a long time , then he better start practising his Spanish.
So far it hasn't been going too well , although he was certain that he could curse fluently in Spanish now , seeing as the love of his life has a motormouth like a sailer when she was even slightly annoyed. Everybody knew.
"No, no. I'll be okay.. it's usually my nose if I'm honest. It's apart of the sport unfortunately. And the teeth-" he tried to play it down for lina's mother sake, wincing a little in regret when she let out a sharp gasp at his words .
She sounded absolutely Horrified "teeth?! No! You keep them in your mouth,  I will not have it! I'm cooking for you when you and Lina come here, you need to keep all of your teeth in your mouth , por favor! Are you trying to kill me? American boy!" She ranted on, muttering about how there was no way she would be feeding him only soup and that he better keep them or else.
He laughed, finally relaxing a little as he peered over to the kitchen to see Lina feeding Juan his food , his eyes softening as he gazed at them with love in his eyes, so overwhelmed with it.
"Sorry. I'll make sure to have all my teeth in when you see me." He tried to joke, amused as he realised just where Lina got her dramatics from.
A few weeks ago when he had gotten a cut to his head while on the ice, he had come home to a furious Lina giving him the silent treatment .
Because apparently him getting a puck to the face was his fault and it was also his fault for scaring her. She had chucked an ice pack, a packet of painkillers and a flannel at him before stomping away. Refusing to speak to him until he had physically picked her up, pulled her into his arms to apologise for scaring her, wiping the tears from her pretty eyes as he promised her that he was okay.
She had started to come to more of his games after that, bringing a genuine smile to his face when he skated past and heard her cursing out someone from the opposite team loudly, if they even so much as bashed into him, she went all mama mode.
Quinn had been forced to tell her to stop calling the other team 'useless sperm and brainless bastards' before she got herself kicked out. No matter how much he enjoyed hearing her defend him in her slightly unhinged ways.
It was the thought that counts.
Even little Juan had started making outraged noises when he saw Quinn take a hit or push, the two year old gasping and yelling nonsense , or just his name over and over again, little finger pointing at whoever had hurt him as he shouted 'bad! Bad! Bad!' At them over and over again.
Lina encouraging her baby to scold the asshole with a proud look upon her face, easily ignoring the shocked or horrified looks that she received from around her. Only caring about Quinn .
She was protective of him, now her mother was too and he hadn't even met her face to face yet. It was...nice. To know that they cared so much about him but it still didn't manage to ease up his nerves about meeting them whatsoever.
"You're going to be okay amor. I promise. My mama already loves you. She sent you a first aid kid after watching your game on tv didn't she?" Lina remained him with a amused smile as she pulled him over to her, pushing him down on his shoulders so that he would sit on the closed toilet seat in front of her.
Grabbing some cleanser , she gently rubbed it over his face in soft circles , Quinn just letting her as he let out a soft sigh. Fingers fidgeting with the ends of her cotton shorts.
"She did. But your dad didn't. I haven't spoken to him at all. Except for that...email." He muttered , a little amused but mostly wary of the strangely business like email he had randomly received from her father one night after finishing a away game.
'That kid almost broke your jaw with that stick, very good swinging. Even when it hit you , he did not drop it. Perhaps I should take up hockey , would be a good anger reliever. No?' It had read. Signed off neatly with his name and nothing else.
Quinn had panicked, not sure if it was just a mere observation or a threat from her father.
Lina had just giggled like crazy when he had rushed into their room to show her his phone, telling him that he didn't have to worry. That was just her fathers sense of humour.
But Quinn wasn't so sure. Because at the end of the day he was going to be the first man that she had brought home in a long time , the first man that she had firmly declared to them that he was her forever. That it was serious this time.
That he was the one.
And well, Lina had never had much luck with man in the past. Mostly due to her bad taste and hormonal need to get herself a bad boy to cure her boredom .
So naturally, her parents were a little concerned with her sudden lovesick smiles and dreamy sighs whenever she rambled to them about Quinn.
"He likes you! He told me that he can't wait to meet you , he's never said that about any other guy before. He used to refuse to let them in the house. I had to sneak them all in through my bedroom window-" she told him absentmindedly as she picked up some toner and gently wiped some across his face too.
He just sighed , raising a brow at her "all of them? How many were there? I thought you only had two boyfriends in the past." He questioned her, confused.
Lina laughed "yeah. I did. But they weren't boyfriends, they were sex friends. Or- what did Jack call them?" She paused to look down at him curiously , not remembering the term that they all used.
Quinn pursed his lips together firmly "fuckbuddies." He mumbled . Stomach turning at the reminder of just how popular she was with the guys. It was nothing new to him.
He had adored her for a long time , had seen all the photos of her with different guys each week in magazines . He knew that she had a reputation but sometimes he just…forgot.
Because here, now, it was just them. Nobody else. Whenever they were in a crowded room her eyes only ever looked for him. It didn't matter if fucking Michael Jordan was in front of her, she was too busy trying to make him laugh at her stupid , sometimes mean, jokes. Too busy whispering to each other like lovesick teenagers, too busy pointing out things that they saw that the other person would like.
Nobody else existed to them when they were together. Her past didn't matter because it was her, Juan and Quinn now. Her slutty days were over.
She had Quinn to blame for that. She was sucking only one dick for the rest of her life now.
Nineteen years old Lina would have laughed hysterically at the thought of being tied down to one man . But now, now she was just happy.
As simple as that.
"You look beautiful mi amor. Tan bueno (so good)" she whispered to him as she gently applied her moisturiser over his face next, rubbing it in softly in soothing circles until she felt his breathing start to Calm down again.
He gently kissed her shoulder just before she could fully pull away, blushing darkly and smiling shyly as he bit down on his bottom lip sheepishly . Glancing down at the white waffle material shirt she had gotten him , oversized with some tan pants and brand new jordans. A little gold chain with L+J hanging delicately from it on his chest.
For Lina and Juana . He never took it off now.
"I don't look stupid? I look a bit...rich. But like-pretentiously maybe?" He mumbled unsurely as he picked at the thousands of dollars shirt that she had gotten him. Loving how soft it was but not used to dressing in anything luxurious like this. A sweatshirt and jeans , or sweatpants usually did him good.
But he couldn’t deny the way his chest and face filled with warmth as he saw Lina take in a deep breath, stepping away from him as she eyed him up and down, biting down on her lip as she gazed at him , eyes turning dark as she shamelessly checked him out.
Quinn fidgeted on his feet , letting out a nervous laugh the longer she was silent .
His laugh seemingly snapping her out of her dirty thoughts as she flushed, making eye contact with him as she Whistled long and hard.
"You look so sexy. Quiero hacerte cosas sucias. Mierda..(I want to do dirty things to you. Fuck..)" she breathed out. Smoothing her hands down the soft half buttoned shirt , in awe of how good he looked right then.
He chuckled lowly , cupping the back of her head as he bent down a little so that he could kiss the side of her face gently. Pressing another two kisses above her brow for good luck. Then another on her glossy lips just because he could .
"Was that a compliment?" It sounded like one , he felt his breath hitch as he watched her smirk up at him . Lashes fluttering as she squeezed his biceps firmly , reaching up to kiss his jaw.
"It was." She soothed his worries, kissing him again before pulling away when she heard a familiar loud voice coming in. "te amo." She let him know softly.
Quinn just laughed shyly, stroking her hair once last time before pulling away. Bending down just in time to catch Juan stumbling into the bathroom, holding a Batman toy in his hand.
"Te amo. I love you." He told her in both Spanish and English. Wishing he could tell her in every language. Simply saying it didn't feel enough.
There was no words to describe how he felt for her, just feelings. Never ending ones. The kind of love that made him dizzy and his knees go weak each time she smiled at him like that.
"Quinny! Looookkkk!" Juan shouted , laughing loudly as he picked him up. Proudly showing him his toy "I'm Batman!" He tried to do the voice. Looking at him impatiently as he waited for him to laugh.
Quinn did, running his fingers through the two years old hair gently to detangle the knots. Juan having decided to go on a hairdresser ban just like Quinn had, now Lina had two of them looking like scruffy rockstars with their outgrown hair and messy style.
They were lucky she loved them. She shook her head in amusement as she looked at what Juan was wearing , Quinn having been the one to get him ready that morning while she finished packing their bags.
"Really Quinn? Another one? It's all he wears now!" She laughed as she looked at juans Canucks jersey with Quinn's number and name all over it, with black basketball shorts underneath . A cap placed backwards on his head just like Quinn's .
She almost had a stroke. Glaring at her giggling boyfriend in exasperation. He just couldn't help himself could he?
He just shrugged proudly , straightening out said jersey on the two year old contently. "So? He looks cool. He's repping the best player out there. Aren't you buddy?" He tickled Juan's tummy , grinning proudly when he nodded his head happily. Squealing as he tried to wiggle away.
"Si! Si! I'm going to play too!" He happily announced to his mother , making Quinn freeze with a guilty wince.
She gasped loudly , horrified "you are not! You have a beautiful nose ..and face ! And your teeth mi amor! No!" She felt faint as she clutched her chest dramatically . Narrowing her eyes over at Quinn dangerously , knowing exactly who had been putting this idea in his head.
He chuckled nervously , patting little mans back to get Him to shut up as he grinned innocently at Lina "no. He's just- he's kidding aren't you bud?" He rose a brow down at Juan pointedly , Juan just blinked up at him in confusion .
“He's kidding."
He was not.
Little guy already loved watching hockey and Quinn couldn't wait to get him into skates . To be able to teach him everything he knew, it was going to be amazing . His little mini him. And even though Juan wasn't his biologically , that didn't mean Jack shit to him.
Because for the past year the two of them had bonded , had spent almost everyday together , Lina And Juan travelled with him to as many away games as they could , and the two year old loved it. Loved him.
Quinn don't care what anybody else thought , he knew that he loved Lina and Juan unconditionally, and that wasn't going to fade anytime soon. They were his future now. Everybody else could suck it.
Even if he lost on the ice, he was winning of it so..it made the sting fade pretty damn quick when he was greeted with their warm embrace and uplifting words to him after each game.
They were his family now .
"Don't worry. You're gonna be just as good as me. Juan the star. Like your mama." He mumbled down to the two year in his arms as he wandered out of the bathroom with him , to put on his shoes and sunscreen before Lina tried to kill him again for letting little man out of the house without it.
A plane ride later and Quinn was back to panicking as they parked up outside of a large bungalow style home in what looked to the be there middle of no where , feeling his heart racing in his chest as he lingered by the car while Lina got a sleeping Juan out of his seat.
"I'm going to be sick." He muttered dreadfully , wiping the sweat gathering on his hairline with a shaky hand. Wafting his now stifling shirt with the other . 
He was scared shitless. In Madrid. Oh god.
Lina just giggled as she pushed his sweaty hair away from his forhead , handing him a candy bar with the other. "It's the heat. You can take off your shirt if you want to cool down more." She suggested , more for herself than anything.
Quinn wasn't as amused, shooting her a Look of disbelief as he clutched at the candy bar in his hand.
"You want me to be shirtless as I meet your Parents? Are you trying to get me killed? Lina!" He hissed after her as she casually walked down the long driveway to the door, Quinn quickly scuttling after her.
Reaching over to snatch up her free hand to hold, clinging onto her fingers tightly as he tried to remember how to breath . The anxiety about what was going to happen about to kill him.
Lina just gently kissed his shoulders, face softening sympathetically "Quinn. Stop it. Everything is going to be okay. Just don't mention football-" before she could finish her warning , the front door swung open.
Quinn freezing in his spot as a short , dark haired woman looked up at him with wide eyes, gasping loudly as she clutched a tea towel to her chest.
"A vampire!" She almost screeched in fright. Looking like she had seen a ghost, or someone as pale as one.
She looked horrified as she looked at poor Quinn who looked helplessly to his girlfriend , Lina just giggling hysterically as she nudged past her mother to get inside their home to put Juan down now that he was sleep.
"Oh no! Come on! Come on! What happened? You allergic to the sun?" She ushered him in , clutching onto Quinn's arm as she dragged him through the house and towards the back patio doors.
Lina just waving at him with a amused giggle, having already expected this reaction from her mother for bringing home a very pale American boy.
He flushed pink , letting her drag him out to the garden , trying not to laugh at the genuine worry on the older woman's face .
“No. No- just don't get out as much I guess." He didn't know what to say. Instead letting her mother just Mother him instead.
Maria huffed as she pushed him down onto a chair , shaking her head at him. "Not good at all! You sit here, you get some colour! You can't go scaring people like that! What will the neighbours think?" She pulled out some sunscreen from her apron and clutched his face tightly on one hand, roughly applying it all over his face while Quinn spluttered.
Squeezing his eyes shut to stop it getting in his eyes as she roughly patted it all over his face , tutting at him as she did so.
“I don't get tan. I just burn. I'll go red." He tried to warn her, more than amused now as she lifted up his arms to apply sunscreen there too.
He peered over Maria's shoulders to see Lina by the back door, leaning against it with a amused smirk on her face while holding up her phone as she videoed him getting scolded and smothered by her mother , no doubt going to send it to his brothers and their friends back home.
Maria just patted his head, "yes you will. You're not leaving until I see health! Lina pass me the sun oil! And a bandana too!" She shouted over to her giggling  daughter who immediately did as she was told, passing her the magic oil with a grin.
Her mother narrowed her eyes at her "you let this happen? He looks -paper! I could write a letter on his face!" She scolded her accusingly .
Lina just laughed "mama! I like him as he is! He's my Casper! So cute!" She cooed at him. Enjoying the offended look on her poor boyfriends face as her mother manhandled him .
"Lina.." Quinn exclaimed , offended "Casper the ghost? Seriously?!"
She snorted "I love Casper and I love you so shut up and get tanning mi amor. You whine too much." She bantered back at him. Used to their bickering and back and forth back home.
Her mother was not. Maria gasped loudly "be kind! He is your partner , not your secret lover! I remember how you used to treat those boys when you were younger Lina! So mean!" She scolded her. Making Quinn laugh loudly .
"Yeah Lina. Be nice to me." He smirked over at her, one eye closed as her mother slapped oil all over his face as well. He felt like a Christmas Turkey about to be cooked. But he wasn't going to say anything.
Inhaling deeply , she rolled her eyes at him before turning around just As her father came to the door, pausing by the doorframe as his eyes wandered from his daughter and then over to the supposed 'love of her life' that she had not stopped gushing about to them.
He frowned , titling his head a little as he watched his wife wrap a bandana around the poor Quinn's head, making him grimace as she tightened it too much.
He looked worried as he looked at his only daughter with concern written all over his face "my love..Is he sick? It's not a good idea to travel when sick, I don't want to get sick." He worried "is he contagious?"
Used to her parents dramatics, Lina just laughed as she hugged her father tightly . Carlos kissing the top of her head fondly as he embraced her with a happy sigh , having missed her while she was gone.
"No papa. He is well. Very well in fact.." she sighed dreamily as she gazed over at her boyfriend now being forcefully fed by her overbearing mother who had now moved onto complaining about him not eating enough , despite this being the first time she had even met him .
Thankfully , Quinn had somewhat expected something like this to happen, the constant texts and inpatient phone calls with Maria demanding to know if they were both eating well and keeping hydrated letting him know that she took her motherly duties very seriously. Even if she was in a completely different country.
"Thank you for sending me those recipes by the way.." Quinn spoke up shyly after a few moments of Maria plating up some food for him , fidgeting with the evil eye bracelet on his wrist that Lina had made them all wear , even his own brothers had to as well.
Maria smiled at him , pleased with his politeness as she took a seat opposite him, ready to get to know her daughters new forever better. She had never seen Her baby so in love before, so she wanted to see for herself just why Lina had chosen Quinn out of all the men she could have had . The pale American boy had been the one she looked twice at and never turned away from since.
Her mother had been surprised , a little catious and more than confused at first , but now as she watched Quinn take small glances over at her daughter with a small smile playing on his lips each time he heard her laugh and seen her smile , Maria began to realise that perhaps Lina was right.
This might be it for her. For him.
He might be the one that mothers like Maria had wished for and prayed for their daughters to find their whole lives.
"You tried making them?" She inquired , proud to know that she had been of help.
Lina had offhandedly mentioned one time on the phone that Quinn had been trying to learn how to cook more Spanish dishes for her but was struggling.
Maria's instincts had kicked in and after a hour long phone call with a startled Quinn , she had sent him more than enough family recipes to last a lifetime. Telling him to call her if he got lost in them, helping him whenever he had a question , their odd and sparse texts with Quinn sheepishly asking her if he had gotten the right onion or the right type of flour for the recipe , had endeared him even more to her .
He had been passing the mothers tests with flying colours , Maria could already hear the wedding bells in the distance . She hid her smile behind her fingers , watching as Quinn fiddled with his fork like a nervous kid , smiling up at her briefly before looking away.
"Yeah I did." He nodded his head in confirmation "we have date night every Friday and Saturday. We take turns . And Lina seems happy each time she ate what I cooked so.." he let out a small chuckle "I think it's been going okay. She hasn't thrown up yet so that's a good sign." He tried to joke , squinting from the hot sun blaring down on his oiled up skin.
Maria hummed proudly "very good. You know..my husband has bought me flowers every week since we were eighteen years old." She spoke fondly of Carlos, both of them peering over at her father who was still standing by the door with Lina , talking with smiles on their faces as they embraced .
Quinn smiled fondly , struggling to take his eyes of Lina as he watched the sun shine down on her , highlighting the short , flowy white dress she was wearing, her curls long down her back as she gently ran her fingers through the ends , seeing the golden locket that he had gotten her resting against her chest , shining beautifully , he let out a happy sigh. Unable to believe that this was his life now.
For so long he had posters on his wall of Lina, now their apartment had a wall full of photographs of them together.
He felt like he was in a dream , one that he never wanted to wake up from.
"Lina loves flowers too. I think that we'll end up having a garden full of flowers in the future. She really loves them all. I got her marigolds last week and she's been pressing them to keep them forever. It's nice.." he mumbled a little shyly , perking up when he heard a familiar screech of his name.
Head snapping over to the backdoor to see that Juan had woken up, the two year old stumbling as fast as he could over to him. Quinn laughing a little as he reached down to pick him up, placing him onto his knee as Juan shoved a Batman figure into his face excitedly.
"Oh wow!" He gasped playing along as he gently ruffled his hair "it's Batman! Is he being a hero again?"
Juan grinned up at him happily "si! We can play at home. You Spider-Man." He practically demanded.
The two of them having spent hours playing every game imaginable. Lately Juan had gotten into avengers after sitting with Quinn on the couch while he watched it. Anything that he liked, Juan did too. It made his chest warm as he smiled down at the little boy on his lap, pressing a kisss to the side of his head affectionately.
"Deal." As he continued to converse and play with Juan, he missed the look of softness and approval he got from Maria as she watched her grandson and future son in law get lost in their own world together. Quinn not hesitating to let himself be dragged away to play with the excited two year old, the happiness clear on both of their faces as they played.
Maria beamed happily and looked up to the sky "whoever did this. I will owe you a lifetime! You did well!"
"Quintin , you play?" Carlos, her father , finally approached him after not so subtly watching the hockey player play with his two year old grandson outside on the sandpit. Trying to find a moment to catch him off guard and find out who he really was and what his intentions with his daughter were.
Lina was his only daughter, his star , his life. He would only accept the best for her, nothing less. Carlos had spent years accepting the fact that Lina would probably end up with some European guy, a footballer or a some Spanish male model.
His daughter had a type . Tall, tanned and built like Greek gods , loud and confident . A real smooth talker with the charm of a rich man who knew just what he wanted . And usually what they wanted was his daughter.
Carlos had always thought that the day Lina brought home a boyfriend , it would be somebody that the family already knew. Or somebody that their country did.
But apparently he had been wrong because Carlos was now staring down at a startled , pale , awkward American man sitting in his sandbox with little Juan in his lap, avengers figures all around them.
He just sighed long and hard, pursed his lips and repeated himself again "you play?" Impatiently raising a brow at him.
Quinn blinked and then Rapidly nodded his head, heart racing in his chest as he looked up at her intimidating father towering over him. Looking less than impressed.
Clearing his throat a little , he hugged the two year old a little closer to his chest nervously .
“Yeah. I play hockey-" he tried to smile at him, hoping to show that he wasn't a absolute dickhead like lina's long list of lovers in the past were .
But Carlos quickly cut him off, testing him "no. You play hearts? Girls? You like breaking their seeet hearts and making them cry?" His voice was tense, as though expecting him to agree and give him a casual ‘yeah. Love it!'
Quinn felt like he was going to have a heart tack as he let out a nervous laugh , quickly shaking his head no.
"No! No. Not me. I don't -no. That's more my brothers thing-" he tried to joke, tried to break the sudden tension that had fallen upon them.
Juan hitting his shoulder with an iron man figure, he briefly looked down to give him a smile, taking the Batman figure from his other hand that he wanted him to hold. "One minute little man." He mumbled to him , rubbing his arm gently to soothe him.
Seeing this, Carlos softened a little . But not much. Still on edge and more than confused at his daughter bringing home a guy that was the complete opposite of all the others before.
"You're very strange. My wife seems to think that you're good though. A little quite but ..." he shrugged loosely as he recalled his wife's praises of Quinn as she warned him to play nice with their daughters new partner.
Quinn didn't know how to take that, so he just offered an unsure smile up at him "that's-nice? I think." He muttered while slowly standing to his feet so he didn't have to keep looking up at her father like a little kid getting a scolding at school.
Hoisting juan up into his arms , the two year old giggling as he continued to play with his figure on Quinn's shoulder. Completely unbothered by how tense Quinn had gone.
Her father sighed again "yes. Very nice. Do you plan on coming home with her more often ? To Madrid I mean." He asked him curiously .
Wanting Lina to have someone that would make sure that she was happy too. That would put in the effort to make things work even from a whole different country away. That would make her his priority.
Quinn nodded slowly "yeah. I mean, we haven't talked about it but we'll kind of just be going back and forth. I like it here- a lot different than back home but its nice. “ he shrugged a little shyly , barely able to look her father in the eye. Scared he'd say something wrong and ruin the whole thing for them.
He wanted lina's parents to like him, with her mom it had been pretty easy. The woman had already been calling and texting him for months pestering him about his health , and making sure they were eating food and getting enough sleep.
Her father though ...Quinn didn't know what to say or do around him .  The man had the aura of someone that wasn't afraid to simply make you disappear if you did him or his family wrong in any way.
It was safe to say that Quinn's stomach was turning into a sickly bay of nerves and anxiety . Just wanting everything to go smoothly.
Lina was his forever and if he wanted to marry her someday soon, wanted to have their own family and be each other's future. He needed her family to like him , otherwise it was going to make for awkward weddings , tense dinners and thanksgivings .
Lina would kill him.
Carlos nodded , pleased. "Yes it is. This is serious for you? You can't mess around like this. Not when there is a beautiful child involved too." He got firm with his words as he gently brushed Juan's hair from his face. Adoring his grandson.
"I know what you American boys are like! I've seen the shows!" Her father scowled , protective of his family.
Quinn's eyes widened In panic "I am serious! I can promise you sir. The minute I saw Lina.." he hesitated to say , overcome by the emotional ball rising up his throat .
He adjusted Juan in his arms and let out a small sigh , gathering what confidence and courage he had to make sure that Carlos knew that his daughter was the light of his world now , that he would never hurt her. Never break her heart.
"Tell me." Carlos encouraged as he led him over to one of the garden benches , patting his shoulder encouragingly once he noticed him struggling for words. Realising that he may have come on a little strong and scared the poor guy, he smiled a little at him with humour "there's nothing more a father loves than hearing the love his daughter has gained." He told him sincerely , warning to hear it from his mouth that it was true. That this wasn't just some phase they were going through.
Quinn let out a shaky breath and started quietly "I knew ya know? I've admired her for what felt like all my life...and then she was there. In front of me, smiling and I just -" he let out a sheepish chuckle , shaking his head in amazement to himself as he glanced over the end of the garden to see Lina smiling with her mother as they shared some wine.
"I felt like I was dying. Like I couldn't breathe." He admitted to her father shyly , averting his eyes down to little Juan snuggled up in his arms .
He softly ran his fingers through his curly hair , the two year old humming happily as he clung onto him a little tighter. Snuggling into him with ease. Trusting Quinn completely.
"Nobody tells you that falling in love can feel like you’re having a heartattack." He muttered as colour filled his cheeks , not used to talking about his feelings out loud like this to anyone other than Lina.
Carlos laughed knowingly , smirking a little at him "oh I know that one! It was the same with my wife. I couldn’t even speak to her at first unless I had a drink or two!" He let him know , amusement colouring his voice as he watched Quinn sheepishly look up from his lap and up to him again.
Reminding him of a nervous teenager about to ask his crush to the dance , Carlos smiled . Slowly begging to relax as he realised that maybe Quinn really was just simply a good guy.
Quinn chuckled a little "she's always made me so incredibly happy. Even before I knew her. It's embarrassing. All the guys chirp me for it back home.." he muttered , adjusting the now napping two year old more comfortably on his chest. Placing his little head In the crook of his neck so it wouldn't ache at a weird angle while sleeping .
Carlos just scoffed a little "never be embarrassed for feeling love. You see so many guys that are too involved with their own pride, too afraid to seem weak to other guys around them, feel like they're too tough to show affection and to be soft.  But to be emotionally available and soft for the one that you love, that is something only a truly man can do. One that is needed to be in love and loved in return. Do you understand?" He placed a firm hand on Quinn's free shoulder, smiling at him softly .
His earlier worries being washed away just like that, he had a good feeling about this one.
Quinn nodded his head slowly as he let his wise words of encouragement sink in, feeling a small weight being lifted off from his shoulders as he looked up at lina's father and saw nothing but approval now.
"I do. I get it. I've just - I’ve never felt like this before so it's a little overwhelming. But I do, I love her. And I love Juan too. He's a cool little dude. Loves watching hockey with me so that's nice.." he rambled to him with a small laugh , affection filling him at the thought of the little Home made family he had now.
Her father grinned at him , pleased. Deciding that he wouldn’t go feeding Quinn to the sharks anytime soon.
"you hold her hand in public?" He wanted to know. Another little test.
Quinn didn't hesitate to nod his head "yeah, I do." He then let out a shy laugh "although I think it's more for my benefit than hers. She makes me feel calm. It's hard to feel down when she's holding my hand." He mumbled shyly , eyes back down to his feet.
"You rub her feet when they ache?"
"I do." He nodded. Biting back a smile.
Carlos hummed "You gave her your jacket when she's cold? You keep her warm even if it means you're not?" He asked him seriously .
Quinn chuckled "I do. But Honeslty usually it's me stealing her sweathisrts and jackets. We practically share them now. She's got good taste." He admitted, unashamed to admit that Lina was the fashionista of the two of them.
She had upgraded his wardrobe that now consisted of cool sweathisrts , designer hoodies and linen sets , all of the finest cotton. Lina liked to take care of him like that . It was nice.
Carlos's smile grew even softer , nodding his head along in satisfaction . "You hold her tight even in front of your friends? You laugh even when a joke she tells you isn’t so funny?"
Quinn smiled down at his hand resting on Juan's little head , laughing lightly as he recalled all the times that he had laughed at lina's stupid jokes, not because they were funny but because she found them to be .
She would always start giggling before she could even finish saying her joke and that was what made Quinn laugh along with her each time.
If She was happy then so was he. It really was as simple as that.
"I do." He breathed out , grinning "she try's her best. We watch a show together and even though I watched it with her , she will still repeat all of the jokes they said on tv to me." He told her father fondly , shaking his head in amusement at his girlfriends ways .
Her father just smiled and placed a hand on top of Quinn's head , ruffling his hair before he could even blink .  Letting out a loud laugh as he saw Quinn's startled reaction, his eyes snapping over to him in slight shock . Having not expected the fatherly touch like that, Carlos patted his shoulder once more before finally pulling away.
"Then you have my approval." Carlos told him simply , more than pleased with what he had learned. Feeling a weight lift off of his shoulders now that he knew that his daughter and grandson really were in good hands .
Quinn began to smile widely , letting out a loud sigh of relief "yeah? Thank god..otherwise this would have made birthdays and Christmases really awkward." He said without thinking , more tan relieved.
Carlos just chuckled "mhmm. But I gotta warn you Quinn..." he let out a dramatic breath as he gestured around the large stretch of empty land around his home .
"-one line overstepped, one tear of hurt or pain ,  or a broken heart... " he stared the poor American hockey player down seriously "you see all of this land of mine? It’s Endless.."
Quinn nodded warily , a little scared now "yeah?" Eyes growing wide as he began to realise Just where her father was going with his little speech.
He recalled lina’s reassuring laugh as she told him in a giggle that 'her father wouldn't even hurt a fly!'
Quinn swallowed audibly and realised then that perhaps Lina hadn't seen him around her other ex boyfriends before. She definitely hadn't Been around for the 'man to man' chats or the 'I'm just going to show him my collection of handmade nail studded bats'.
And maybe she was right . Carlos wouldn't hurt a fly but he would hurt anyone who dared to lay a painful hand on his daughter physically or emotionally.
She was his baby. Anyone that hurt her would simple become a ghost. As simple as that.
Carlos looked at him square on "if you break my daughters or my grandsons heart.." he inhaled sharply just at the thought of his family getting hurt "you will become dust on my land. I will plant flowers with you. Si?" He casually said to him, tone calm as though he was talking about the weather to him.
Quinn rapidly  nodded  his head , shocked at the sudden threat of his life.
“Si. Si. Yeah. Loud and clear." He stumbled out , laughing nervously as he looked around in hopes of spotting Lina nearby. Preferably to find her before her father told him all the ways he Could make him disappear.
Carlos just laughed at the scared look on his face , then he reached over to smack the back of his head before standing to his feet again . Amused.
"I like you." He grinned contently while pointing a finger at him, nodding along to what he was saying .
"You should come here More often. We can play golf together. In case hockey doesn't work out. You need backups." He told him happily , the intimidating and cold demeanour falling right back off him now that he had gotten his little tests on Quinn out of the way.
Quinn could only blink up at him in surprise , still thrown off from the whole 'I will kill you' talk. But he nodded nonetheless .
“Sure sir. Sounds fun." He said nervously.
Yet he couldn't help but smile a little at Carlos saying that he liked him. That was all that he had wanted out of this trip. For her parents to like him. He had gotten 2/2. So he was feeling pretty pleased with himself then.
Her father just laughed "don't call me sir! It's Carlos. You're family now! My daughter loves you so I will learn to love you too!" He told him grinning , hands on his hips as he let out a long dramatic sigh.
"This was good." He declared then , speaking his mind. "I was worried but now I am not." He simply said "you're a good American boy. I didn't realise you existed . A little pale but ..more summers here will fix that." He rambled to him "welcome to the family kid."
Quinn grinned.
Later that night when everybody was asleep, Quinn was keeping Lina awake with his excited whispers in the dark as he relaid his whole day with her. Lina moaning sleepily as she snuggled into his neck, legs intertwined as she listened to him, half asleep already.
Quinn played with her hair as he mumbled "I think that we should get a place here. We could come here , like , swap the weeks between ours and here. Your father said that there was some nice beach houses not too far away from here." He suggested quietly , running his free hand down her bare back gently . Lightly scratching her shoulders with his nails just the way she liked it.
Lina lifted her head a little to look at him in surprise , letting out a shocked laugh. That having been the last thing she had expected him to say to her that night.
"You really like it that much here?" She couldn't believe it, happiness filling her chest at the thought of being able to have a place with Quinn in the same place she had grown up in. Her home. Just like Quinn was.
He just nodded shyly , eyes darting across her face quickly to check her reaction . He only relaxed a little once he saw her growing smile .
He smiled too "yeah. I do. But also -" he tucked himself underneath her chin , being the one to snuggle her this time. Wrapping his arms around her waist so she could hold him close .
“I think it would be good for Juan to see his grandparents more." He whispered before hesitating briefly "and-"
He cleared his throat a little sheepishly "and your dad wants to take me golfing. Apparently there's a family tournament this summer that he wants me to be in with him so.. he really wants to be the neighbours . So I'll need the practice." He shyly mumbled to her . Cheeks colouring red as he felt her chest vibrate beneath him with a amused giggle.
She ran her fingers through his hair gently , kissing the top of his head over and over again as pride filled her. Recalling how scared Quinn had been to even talk to her father , convinced that Carlos wouldn't like him.
And now look at him, one day with her father and they were already planning going golfing together. She couldn't have felt any happier if she tried.
"New best friend?" She teased him affectionately, lifting his head up by his hair gently so that she could see his face that he was hiding from her.
With blushed cheeks and glossy eyes , he giggled shyly "yeah. Maybe." He sounded excited too , having spent the rest of the day after their 'talk' hanging out with her father .
He was a really cool guy and Quinn honestly felt like he had a second father figure for him to talk to , he loved Carlos. And Carlos loved him now.
He was so fucking happy he could cry. For once in his life everything was working out the way it should.
All the stars were aligning and he knew that he only had the love of his life to thank for it. His happiness really was secured with her.
"I also said that I'd take him to some of my hockey games as well." He told her with a pleased smile on his face , biting down on his lip as he peered up at his girlfriend through his lashes bashfully , his chin caught between her fingers firmly to keep his eyes on her.
"Yeah?" She smiled, pecking his nose . Heart bursting with love for the man she had given her whole heart to.
He nodded "yeah. He said he'll come as long as good food and wine is provided." He told her in amusement , having spent a good few hours explaining the rules of hockey to her confused father who didn't have a clue to what he did on the ice at all. But Quinn was certain that he could make Carlos a fan, hopefully of him and his team, but a fan nonetheless.
Lina just giggled in amusement "sounds like him." She muttered fondly before letting out a long sigh as she smiled down at him in adoration .
"I love you . You know that?" She whispered to him, brushing her lips against his own parted ones gently ,
He let out a shaky breath against her lips, swallowing audibly as he looked down at her pouty mouth that only he got to kiss now.
"I know. I can feel it." It was true.
She didn't need to tell him that she loved him for him to know, her love was in everything she did for him. Everything she said. Love was just her choosing him, over and over again.
“You're my whole fucking universe and all the stars in the sky." He felt himself begin to get emotional , so overcome with love for her that welled ip his eyes and made his lip tremble for her.
"I love you." He whispered against her lips, smiling
"I always will." He promised and he meant it.
And so did the diamond ring in his suitcase just waiting to be opened .
Something that would be much more easier to do now that he had her fathers approval and blessing to love Lina for the rest of his damn life.
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writtenwhalien · 2 years
jump then fall (into you) | teaser
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banner by the talented @jimilter​ 💖
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pairing ↠ jungkook x reader
genre ↠ cruise AU, fake dating AU, best friends to lovers AU | fluff, angst, smut
word count ↠ 50k+
18+ | warnings ↠ swearing, some jealousy, drinking, sexual content (detailed warnings on the final fic)
summary ↠ bringing Jungkook along as your date to your ex’s lavish cruise wedding seemed like a perfect idea at first — all of your family and close friends together, nothing can go wrong… then Jungkook’s ex shows up and all of a sudden you’re in a year long relationship with him. You don’t mind though, really, how hard can sharing a cabin and pretending to be deeply in love with your best friend really be?
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a/n. finally after months i feel like im coming back?? i hope this fic turns out to be somewhat decent lol 🙃 please let me know how you find it!  ↠ a part of the seven seas collab hosted by the wonderful yannie @ressjeon​ 🌊🥰 posting date ↠ 22nd may ‘24 — 5pm BST
taglist is open <3
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Alex watches quietly as the scene plays out in front of him. 
He can’t help but find it amusing how you try to step in and help Jungkook out, subtly trying to protect your best friend from the wiles of Valentina, but to Alex, it seems a little more than that. It’s what he’s been trying to tell you for months now! – Sometimes he wishes you could see everything exactly as he sees it.
Take now for example, all Valentina has done is placed her hand on Jungkook’s arm and your eyes seem to be hyper-fixated on it– oh, and now look, you’re slipping your own hand around his arm.
Jungkook’s and your actions are so transparent to Alex, he just wants to say it out loud right now and make you see it...
Then, the cogs in the brilliant mind of Alexander Cirillo turn and he comes up with what can only be a genius idea. Perhaps it's all the romance he’s been experiencing recently with his own fiancee, but Alex is convinced that this can only have one outcome, the only possible outcome – the one that’s been written in the stars since Jungkook and you met so many years ago, he’s sure of it.
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Beaming, Alex looks at Valentina. “Don’t they look so good together?”
She pauses then frowns. “Together?”
Your own expression matches Valentina’s as you glance at Alex too. 
“Yes, together,” he repeats as a fact, smiling at Jungkook and you before looking at Valentina.
“You’ve heard, no? Jungkook and Y/N are together.”
From next to you, Jungkook swallows hard and your hand subconsciously tightens around his arm. Both of you are staring at Alex and he just gives you a subtle raise of his brow. 
“Oh, my,” Valentina smiles, and although there’s some kind of genuinity to it, there’s more you can see but haven’t got the mental capacity to try to decipher right now when you’re still trying to figure out what Alex is doing.
 “I should’ve known this was gonna happen, you always were inseparable,” she says with somewhat of an eye roll. 
Jungkook laughs awkwardly, but he’s not stupid and he knows Alex isn’t either. This is one surefire way he can keep Valentina and any of her advances away from him for the next three weeks. All he has to do is pretend to be dating you… how hard can that be?
“Yeah, I guess it was meant to be,” he says, sounding a little stilted. 
You’re still sitting a little dumbfounded but Thalia also gives you an expression that tells you to improvise better. The most you can manage is a meek smile. 
Jungkook responds almost as awkwardly, putting his arm around you which makes Alex laugh.
“Oh, don’t be so coy,” he says, sneaking in a wink to you as Valentina’s eyes remain locked on you both. “It’s been almost what? Eight months?”
“Uh, yeah, almost,” you answer, suddenly feeling shy with the way Jungkook’s hand is gripping your waist. 
It’s not like he’s never had his hand on your waist before — his face was all up in your boobs only fifteen minutes ago — but the feeling remains. It makes your cheeks go warm, your heart races a little faster and your fingers go fuzzy. 
You’re sure it’s showing on your face but Valentina doesn’t seem to notice, or if she does, she must think it’s down to you finding this awkward. 
“Well, congratulations to you too then,” she says, wearing a smile that doesn’t actually seem anything less than genuine, but you’re aware there’s more to her words.
“Thank you,” Jungkook and you say in unison. 
Valentina nods, taking it as her cue to leave. “I’ll see you all around, and except for the engaged couple who get a pass, let’s keep the pda to a minimum please,” she adds airily, words directed to Jungkook and you as she saunters off. 
“Can’t promise anything with these two,” Alex calls out after her.
When he looks back at you, he’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Thalia purses her lips in a smile that resembles a child trying to laugh while they’re getting told off. 
Turning to them, you burst. “What the hell was that?” you say hotly, seeming more flustered than anything else. 
Alex shrugs. “Sorry, it was the best thing I could think of.” 
“It could be worse,” Thalia adds with a smile that’s supposed to be apologetic but the gleam in her eyes tells you she’s finding this just as amusing as her fiancé. 
Then, Jungkook shifts from beside you and only now do you realise you’re still holding his arm. “Well,” he says, briefly glancing down as you let go, “I guess we’re dating now.”
With a small raise of your brows, you shrug lightly and try not to show any signs of how flustered you’re feeling. “I guess we are.”
When you meet his gaze, for a second you go still and think of what it means, how might you be expected to act with Jungkook — but really, it doesn’t seem that much different from how you already are now. Except of course, if you ever had to indulge in any public displays of affection, cheek kisses, lingering hugs, maybe even a peck on the lips…  
The thought of it all sets loose a swirl of butterflies in your stomach and only then do you realise that your gaze is still locked on Jungkook, and he too, is still staring at you. 
With those butterflies still swarming, you abruptly break away from his gaze and notice the tips of his ears are turning pink. You wonder if he’s thinking the same as you right now. 
“See, already believable.”
Alex’s voice interrupts your thoughts and when you turn to flare at him, he’s got a smug smirk on his face. 
“You’re supposed to be smart,” you say with a sigh, pushing down the butterflies that it almost seems like Alex knows all about. “Couldn’t have come up with something smarter?”
“This is smart,” Alex says with a hint of sass.
“How?” you sass back. 
Leaning back, he puts his arm around Thalia as his smirk grows into a smile. “You’ll see, just give it some time,” he sighs, punctuating his sentence with a wink.
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note. taglist is open! i hope you enjoy the fic when it comes, i’ll keep you updated on the date x please comment/rb if you enjoyed :) <3
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daltony · 6 years
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Stills (part 9/9) from La boda de Valentina / Valentina’s Wedding with Tony Dalton as Adrián Corcuera.
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I love those wss tumblr Rp's so in tribute of that I'm sharing my headcanons for the wss characters
Riff: despite Riff being a part of the jets and being in a gang and shit, he knows how to treat women. Like when he's with a girl (or guy, lookin at you Tony) he will go all out to surprise her and treat her like the absolute queen she (or king, looking at you tony) is. He also is the kind of person who is scared to love at first because of all he's lost, but once he falls in love he falls down like 85 flights of stairs metaphorically for them. I also think he like just really likes donuts. No explanation for that. He just gives me a donut-lover kind of vibe.
Tony: Tony is a hopeless romantic. He lies awake at night wondering what it's like to fall in love until he does. He has all these little fantasies planned out, he dreams about his wedding, etc. He sees an old couple walking together on the street and pictures them as him and his future spouse.
Graziella: Graziella is the kind of person who's nice until she's not. She'll be the sweetest girl ever one minute, offering you a drink, giving up her seat on the train for an old lady, but the minute you mess with her loved ones, she'll fuck you up. She will literslly not hold back like your ass will be cooked and locked in a basement or some shit (you best know she knows how to hide a dead body) and then she'll help the authorities look for your body. She is also the kind of person who has a major rbf but is actually nice when you meet them.
Baby John: baby John may seem more innocent and like a kid on the outside, but in the reality he's just as valuable to the gang as anyone else. He can fit in small spaces, he's sneaky, etc. So the jets use him to pull pranks on the Sharks and shit. He also likes to steal small thinks like candy bars off those street stands.
Balkan: alright so yall know how when Gee Officer Krupke starts and Balkan is like "I want no part in this," but eventually gives in? He's an ambivert. He'll go out with his friends if they invite him, but his ideal Friday night might vary between partying hard with strangers or just sitting alone but not lonely at home maybe with a newspaper to read. Also hwar me out Balkan has an astigmatism but is insecure about wearing the glasses, but at night when he can barely see because of the street lights, he'll take out the old pair he got from Valentina.
who's headcanon do yall want next?
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menofchaos · 2 years
Rio Masterlist
Rio x Sasha
Part 1: Getting Together
Part 2: Admission
Part 3: Possession*
Part 4: Prequel - The Meeting
Part 5: Disappearance
Part 6: Flashback - Lingerie
Part 7: Prequel - Dating
Part 8: Reunion*
Part 9: Teasing*
Part 10: Halloween
Part 11: A Wedding
Part 12: Confrontation
Part 13: Anxious*
Part 14: Domestic
Part 15: Petty
Part 16: Attention*
Part 17: Anniversary
Part 18: Disagree
Part 19: Reconcile
Part 20: Lust*
Part 21: Sick
Part 22: Kidnap
Part 23: Blow*
Part 24: Bet
Part 25: Nerves
Part 26: Brat*
Part 27: Quiet*
Rio x Reader
Rio has a close call
La Fantasma
Part 1: Gone…Allegedly
Part 2: Cold Eyes
Part 3: Call Me Valentina
Part 4: Inevitability
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