#Vancouver Dominion Building
rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Downtown Vancouver (No. 7)
The Dominion Building sits across the street from Victory Square, site of the former provincial courthouse, which was relocated to Georgia Street in 1913. The Dominion Building was at the hub of the city's financial and legal district until that move.
The backside of the building (containing the emergency staircases) and Cambie Street was filmed during the street scenes of The Neverending Story. It can be seen from Water Street.
The Dominion Building can also be seen at the end of Jennifer Lopez's 2023 film,The Mother, as she looks down into Victory Square from the 14th floor, nearing the end of the film.
The Dominion Building, as well as other elements of Victory Square, were filmed for scenes in an abandoned city in Battlestar Galactica.
The initial rooftop chase scene from Blade: Trinity was shot at the Dominion building.
The 2012 TV show Alcatraz also used this as a location in the opening episode, although the program was set in San Francisco, a lot of the location work was done in Vancouver. The Dominion building can also be seen in the background later in the series when a landmine is found in Victory Square.
Can Lit. author Timothy Taylor. maintains a writing office in this building.
Source: Wikipedia
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katblu42 · 10 months
Day 10 - Vancouver
Officially today is the first day of an organised tour . . . so I had to change hotels (because this one is included in the package).
Checked out of the awesome place I spent the last 2 nights, lugged my suitcase down the street and was all checked into the new place by midday.
It wasn't far . . .
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That building there is where I was staying. I can see it from the room I have for tonight!
I moved from being across the street from the Vancouver Public Library (Central Branch), to across the street from BC stadium.
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I only did a little exploring today - the Vancouver Lookout observation tower being the first.
It has a glass-fronted elevator, so that as you ride up (and down) you can see out at the city. It's kind of trippy!
The tower gives good views of the city and surrounding mountains in all directions.
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I liked the Sun Tower building and the Dominion Building (the red one in front). The goldy coloured one between them also has a name, but I've forgotten it because it's info plaque was no where near this view! A lot of the info plaques, and their little maps were not placed in relation to the view! It confused me, and many others while we were there.
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The Queen Elizabeth was in town, berthed beside Canada Place.
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Across the tops of the buildings is the view of Stanley Park, and over the Lions Gate Bridge to West Vancouver and the mountains beyond.
Once I'd done my 360degrees, it was back down in the elevator with a view, and down the street a bit to the Gastown Steam Clock.
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Can't upload more than one video! There is a second one - I'll try adding it to a reblog.
I wanted to get a video of the clock chiming the quarter hour so you could hear the wonderful sound of the steam whistle . . . but I missed it!
Anyway - I did head back to the hotel after that to try and get an early night because I have a super early start in the morning. We will not talk about the fact it's midnight and I have to be up at 5:30am!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Big Trucking Job Underway In the North,” Vancouver Sun. January 17, 1942. ---- 1500 Tons of Airport Material Being Moved Into Fort Nelson ---- Special to The Vancouver Sun DAWSON CREEK, Jan. 17. - A week of above freezing temperatures which has made the Peace River crossing at Taylor Flats hazardous, has failed to prevent the truck shipments of 1500 tons of airport material to Fort Nelson from going on its way north from railhead here. No major incident has been reported since the first convoy of 10 trucks left here on January 9. 
The temperature has not dropped below the freezing point since last Saturday, and the Taylor crossing fell under a warning order from the Department of Public Works at Pouce Coupe last Monday. There is still traffic across it, in apparent defiance of the warning. 
Air mall is coming down from Fort St. John airport on schedule. The late development has forced the heavy trucks, each bearing an average load of five tons of asphalt or other transport materials to unload on the south side of the Peace, cross empty, reload on the opposite side after teams of horses haul the freight across the hazardous crossing. The trucks are streaming out of here, ten at a time, dally. 
E. J. Spinney, who was awarded the $90,000 hauling contract from Western Construction Co., building the port for the Dominion Government, received word from Ottawa Thursday telling him to get the freight across the river thaw or no thaw. And that is what lie is doing. Since the freight started moving last Friday, it is estimated 200 tons have been trucked across the ice and on up to Sikanni about 200 miles from the Dawson Creek railhead. It is being cached there, as the road from that point to Fort Nelson Is not yet fit for travel. 
Between 50 and 75 trucks are being used for the work. Each convoy has a caboose lor sleep mg quarters and a cookhouse, Airport equipment and asphalt for airport runways are included in the freight.
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It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen a new design from this fifties-sixties series of automotive window decals. But there you have it, via eBay. Back when Vancouver had two modern skyscrapers, the BC Electric building and the Burrard Building, as well as a host of classic taller landmarks like the Hotel Vancouver, the Vancouver Block, and further afield, the Marine Building, the Sun Tower, and the Dominion Building. And back when False Creek was still filled with sawmills and heavy industry. What a difference a few decades makes!
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Update! I adjusted the artwork and created my own version and printed on aluminum at London Drugs! It looks great! The reflection of the 747 is from my travel agency model hanging from the ceiling. A charming reflection of the city of yore!
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the-delta-42 · 4 years
Beckett tensed as Admiral Jonas appeared on the view screen.
“Admiral Jonas,” Said Captain Freeman, gripping the arms of her chair, “to what do we owe the pleasure?”
“It’s a bit difficult to explain like this, Captain.” Said Admiral Jonas, “Permission to come aboard and discuss the matter in person?”
Captain Freeman stilled for a second, before nodding, “Permission granted, Shaxs head to transporter room one and await the Admiral.”
“Yes, Captain.” Said Shaxs, going to the turbolift.
“Mariner,” Said Freeman, turning to her daughter, “any idea what this is about?”
“No, Captain,” Said Beckett, turning her chair to face the bridge, “the Admiral hasn’t been afraid to give briefings via a view screen. In fact, it’s usually his preferred method of communication.”
“Anything on why he’d be acting this way?” Questioned Freeman, making Beckett frown.
“The only times he expressed this level of paranoia was when we were on the ground with the Klingons,” Said Mariner, “he refused to speak to anyone unless they proved they weren’t a Changeling.”
“How’d they do that?” Asked Boimler, just as the turbolift doors opened admitting Shaxs and the Admiral.
“Captain.” Greeted Jonas, looking around the bridge, his eyes stopping on Mariner, “Ensign.”
“Sir.” Responded Mariner, quickly saluting the Admiral.
“It’d be best if you were briefed in private.” Said Jonas, walking towards the Captain’s ready room.
“Admiral,” Said Captain Freeman, “with all due respect, the crew is going to be informed about the nature of you visit anyway, and I can be certain that they’re all trustworthy individuals.”
Jonas paused, before looking at Mariner and then back at the Captain.
“Starfleet Command believes that there are survivors from the Battle of Tyra,” Said Jonas, making Beckett’s heart stop, “survivors that the Dominion failed to return after they surrendered.”
“Is there any proof of that?” Asked Command Ransom, getting to his feet.
Jonas produced a PADD and handed it to Beckett, “Can you ascertain that message is factual?”
Beckett looked at the message in question, and her eyes widened. Giving a minute nod, Jonas handed the PADD over to Captain Freeman.
“These are communiques,” Said Freeman, looking over the PADD, “from a facility in the Alpha Quadrant.”
“Check the serial numbers attached to them,” Said Jonas, “Three of them are from Argentina, namely my Chief Medical Officer, one of his staff and my Operations Officer.”
Freeman froze, before looking at the Admiral.
“Of course, Command believes the messages are fake and were fabricated by the True Way movement.” Said Jonas, “They’ve decided not to launch a rescue operation, saying it’d be a ‘too great of a risk to be chasing ghosts.’”
“I assume that’s not why you decided to see us.” Said Freeman, folding her arms.
“I’ve decided to conduct the operation anyway,” Said Jonas, his hands going behind his back, “We currently have seven ships, powerful, large enough to carry the population of a small planet.”
“Then why come to us?” Asked Freeman, her eyes narrowing.
“I require Mariner’s expertise,” Said Jonas, “She knew Dominion mine fields inside and out, she knew how to dismantle one and make one go off in a way that looked accidental.”
Freeman was silent, quietly looking around the bridge crew.
“And” Said Jonas, “The Cerritos is capable of attaching itself to a separate engineering section, seeing how it’s a multi-purpose vessel, it’d be ideal for any variety of missions.”
Beckett slowly looked around, before Freeman spoke, “What purpose did you have in mind?”
“Mine sweeping,” Said Jonas, “Mariner is good, but we’ll be looking to get rid of the mines in mass, disabling the one by one will take too long.”
“Alright.” Said Freeman, turning to face the bridge.
“I’ll be taking Mariner aboard the Argentina, Captain.” Said Jonas, making Freeman whip around, “Non-negotiable.”
Freeman looked at Beckett, before sighing, “Very well.”
Jonas jerked his head, silently ordering Mariner to the turbolift. A few minutes later, Beckett was standing aboard the Argentina for the first time in five years, she followed Jonas to the turbolift.
“Computer, halt turbolift.” Said Jonas, before turning to look at Beckett, “I neglected to say before hand, but for this mission I am promoting you to the rank of Lieutenant. Whether you remain at that rank after this mission has been completed is up to you. However, I suggest you change your uniform, I don’t want to see my Chief of Security running around in red.”
Beckett felt him add a pip to her collar, before he resumed the turbolift.
“You excused it in the war.” Said Beckett, getting a snort from Jonas.
“Well, considering that your predecessor was killed shortly before the War broke out, we didn’t have much time to consider changing wardrobes.” Said Jonas, stepping out of the turbolift, silently gesturing to a yellow uniform jacket on the tactical station. Beckett picked up the jacket and went into the conference room, re-emerging a couple minutes later.
“Lieutenant, have the rest of the fleet fallen into formation?” Asked Jonas, looking back at Beckett.
“Sir, star ships Cerritos, Vancouver, Hound, Macedonia, Shinano, Houston and Mayflower have all fallen into formation and have signalled they are ready for warp.” Reported the Operations Officer.
“Well,” Said Jonas, a small smirk adorning his face, “Let’s not keep them waiting, Engage.”
Beckett heard the distinctive whine that accompanied an Akira Class when it powered up for warp, before the view screen flashed and they entered warp.
Almost immediately after dropping out of warp, the Argentina rocked to the side.
“Report!” Ordered the Admiral, looking over at Ops.
“The Mayflower just warped into an asteroid, Sir.” Said the Operations Officer, “There isn’t an asteroid belt on sensors, but the way they went up gives that impression.”
“Activate the forward view screen.” Order Jonas, showing a sea of rocks floating between the fleet of ships and the planet.
“Wasn’t there a moon here?” Asked the Science Officer, turning to look at everyone.
The Argentina shook again, making Beckett grip onto the console.
“Captain, three Hideki class ship approaching on an attack vector.” Said Mariner, bracing herself as the ship shook again.
“Return fire.” Ordered Jonas, as the ship shook again.
“Returning fire, Captain.” Said Beckett, firing a spread of quantum torpedoes.
“Hull breach on deck six, Captain.” Reported the Operations Officer, “they’re somehow penetrating our shields.”
“Sir, the Hound, Houston, Shinino, Macedonia and Vancouver are taking evasive manoeuvres, they’re taking refuge in the larger asteroids.” Reported Beckett, making Jonas whip around.
“Can you locate them?” Demanded Jonas, anger in his tone.
“No, the mineral content of the asteroids is too thick for our sensors,” Said Beckett, as the console behind her sparked, “The Vancouver was remodulating her shields as she took cover though.”
“What about the Cerritos?” Asked Jonas, getting Beckett to look at her console.
“They’re…” Beckett trailed off, before shaking her head, “They’re launching escape pods, their Warp Core has started to breach.”
The Argentina shook as the Cerritos went up.
“They’re being picked up by the Cardassians, Captain.” Said Beckett, silently praying that her friends made it out, “They’re being taken to the planet.”
“So, there is a facility there.” Breathed Jonas, looking at the helmsman, “Take us toward the planet.”
“Captain?!” Exclaimed the first officer, “That’d suicide!”
“Follow my orders, ensign.” Said Jonas, as the Argentina sped up, until she was situated in orbit above the planet.
“The Cardassians are, are ignoring us, sir.” Said the Operations Officer, “They’re just ignoring us.”
“Scan the surface, let’s see where they’re taking our people.” Said Jonas, as Ops scanned the surface.
“Sir, a facility has been found, it’s large, almost the size of a small city.” Said Ops, as Jonas turned to his first officer.
“Commander, take an away team, find out the general population and report back to me.” Ordered Jonas, as the first officer got up, “Take Mariner with you and grab some pattern enhancers.”
The commander nodded, gesturing for Mariner to follow. Mariner soon found herself in the transporter room with a couple security officers, the chief engineer and the Commander.
“We have the pattern enhancers and a couple crates of medical supplies and weapons,” Said the Chief Engineer, looking around the group, “in case things get nasty.”
“Let’s hope they don’t.” Said Beckett, stepping onto the transporter pad.
“Energize.” Said the Commander, as the chief sent them down.
Mariner looked around. They were in a forest, the sun shone through the trees. It was worlds like this that made Mariner remember why she joined Starfleet.
“We’re a kilometre or so from the facility, which is south of us.” Said the Chief Engineer, as another away team joined them, “We can set up a camp here, until we’re safe to beam out.”
“Mariner, I want you to take a team and infiltrate the facility, get as many as you can to leave.” Said the Commander, “We’ll probably be here a while.”
“Yes, sir.” Said Beckett, before gesturing for the other security officers to fall in behind her.
Before Beckett knew it, they had arrived.
“Well, that’s considerate.” Said a security officer, “They left the door open for us.”
“Which begs the question,” Said Beckett, looking around, “are they lackadaisical or are they waiting for us?”
Beckett tentatively stepped through the gate, before heading towards the nearest building. A hand suddenly shot out and clamped itself around Beckett’s mouth.
“Don’t panic, it’s just me.” Said Ransom, making Beckett sag.
“What the hell?” Whispered Beckett, spinning to face Ransom, “Why are you lurking in the shadows?”
“Because the Captain spotted this area when they brought us here, told me to keep an eye on in case any away teams used it as an entrance.” Said Ransom, as he started to lead Beckett and her team towards the others, “A large deal are wounded, but they can at least walk, if nothing else.”
“Okay, how many survive the Cerritos?” Asked Beckett, as Ransom lead them down into a cave underneath the structure.
“Almost everyone,” Said Ransom, “Billups and a few officers remained behind to keep the core from going as long a possible, T’Ana and Shaxs were injured when the Cardassians brought us aboard. Although, get this, they think the war is still going on.”
“What?” Asked Beckett, looking at Ransom.
“Yeah, it’s as if no one told them over half of Cardassia was razed to the ground by the Dominion.” Replied Ransom, as they arrived, “Captain, we got some company.”
Captain Freeman looked around and saw Beckett, before rushing towards her and embracing her, saying, “Oh, thank goodness.”
“Our shields were knocked offline when the Mayflower went up.” Said Rutherford, with Tendi close behind him, “We had a coolant leak almost immediately.”
Beckett looked around them, “Where’s Boimler?”
Rutherford winced, “His console went up in his face, he’s being treated by some of the residents.”
Beckett nodded, before heading over to the wounded, checking their shoes until she found Boimler’s, since he was the only one on the ship that made sure his shoes were beyond regulation standard. She quickly found his shoes, but froze when she saw who was treating him.
“So, Beckett is one of your best friends?” Asked Sarah, her hair still kept in the classic braid she always had.
“Yeah, I mean she’d kill if I ever told anyone, but after I found out she served in the Dominion War, I looked up her service record,” Said Boimler, sounding as if someone had force fed him a narcotic, “Did you know that she hasn’t been counting the ships she’s commanded?”
“Really?” Said Sarah, quietly, as Boimler prattled on about Beckett.
“Yeah! Did-did you know she punched Admiral Nechayev?” Slurred Boimler, his eyes glazed over, “Now she says the Admiral asks for her two front teeth for Christmas.”
Boimler suddenly gagged, before rolling over and throwing up on Beckett’s shoes.
“Nice to see you too, Boims.” Said Beckett, getting Sarah to look up.
“Beck!” Jumping over the wounded Boimler, Sarah grabbed her sister. Beckett reciprocated, feeling tears pool in her eyes.
“I’ve missed you,” Whispered Beckett, feeling her throat tighten, “I’ve missed you so, so much.”
“Ditto.” Whispered Sarah, before jumping back, “Oh! You need to see Mike and Solek, The Captain’s currently dealing with something important, but he’ll want to see you too.”
Beckett froze, “I-I’m sorry, did you just say, ‘the Captain’?” Asked Beckett, dread filling her stomache.
“Yeah, he was beam off the bridge at roughly the same time I was beamed out of space,” Said Sarah, “I had to go to a doctor for a couple of years before I was given a clean bill of health.”
“The Captain can’t be here.” Said Beckett, horror slowly filling her, “If he’s here then…Fuck, I need to speak to Mom!”
“What?” Asked Sarah, as Beckett rushed off, “Mom’s here too?”
“Brad was assigned to the Cerritos, I was as well, until we were briefed on the facility.” Said Beckett, running towards the entrance, “The assignment was given by Admiral Jonas.”
“What are they a relative of the Captain?” Asked Sarah, as Beckett skidded to a halt.
“No, Admiral Jonas is the Captain.” Said Beckett, before she bumped into Ransom.
“Commander, where’s the Captain?” Asked Beckett, looking around.
“Talking with a medic,” Said Ransom, “Apparently, she suffered a concussion.”
“We were brought here by a Changeling.” Said Beckett, making Ransom freeze.
“So, it’s safe to assume that Command doesn’t know about this facility or the people held captive here.” Said Ransom, making Sarah frown.
“Captive?” Asked Sarah, “What you think this is a prison?”
“It isn’t?” Asked Beckett, whipping to look at Sarah.
“No, the Cardassians here are defectors,” Said Sarah, “They turned their backs on the Dominion and have been helping us survive ever since.”
“Sarah, the war’s over.” Said Beckett, getting a sigh from Sarah.
“Yeah, and Earth, Vulcan and Andoria have been destroyed, Tellar Prime’s atmosphere is alight, and the Dominion control the entire Quadrant.” Said Sarah, bitterly, “Two of your ships were so badly damaged they blew up as soon as they dropped out of warp.”
“The Mayflower went up because it rammed an asteroid at Warp 8, the Cerritos was caught in the explosion and went into a catastrophic cascade that was triggered by a coolant leak.” Said Ransom, “The Dominion surrendered five years ago.”
“But the official Starfleet channels have been reporting the Dominion won the war.” Said Sarah, as Freeman came back in with a Cardassian Gul.
“You’re not going to believe what I’ve just heard.” Said Freeman, only for Beckett to start talking.
“Starfleet’s gone and over half the Quadrant’s been destroyed?” Freeman stared at her, “Sarah’s been filling us in.”
Carol turned and looked at her youngest.
“Hi, mom.” Said Sarah, weakly.
Carol quickly swept Sarah into a hug, while Mariner walked outside.
“Mariner to away team.” Said Beckett, tapping her combadge.
“Away team here.” Came the Commander’s voice.
“Commander, it’s safe for the away team to move into the settlement.” Said Beckett, “The Cardassians are defectors from the Dominion and there’s something that’s best discussed in person.”
“The entire away team?”
“Yes, the entire away team.” Responded Beckett, before tapping her combadge again.
Beckett made her way back inside, before heading towards the Gul.
“Is there any way for you to get a message off the planet?” Asked Freeman, as Beckett approached.
“There are the ships, but most of their communication systems were damaged when the moon went.” Said the Gul, “But, perhaps the ship you arrived in could.”
“The ship we arrived in, we’ve found recently, is under the command of a Changeling.” Said Beckett, standing next to her mother and sister.
“We could use the com array that was salvaged from the Gallipoli.” Said Sarah, “With the correct modifications, it should be able to reach into Federation territory.”
“Well, the away team is coming here,” Said Beckett, turning to face the Gul and her mother fully, “They’re a kilometre to the north, they’ll have some equipment with them.”
The ground suddenly shook, sending everyone to the ground. The Cardassian’s communicator suddenly sparked to life.
“Sir, the Federation ship just fired on the planet.” Came the voice of another Cardassian.
“How far away was the target?” Asked the Gul, lead starting to line his stomache.
“Approximately one kilometre north of your position.” Said the Cardassian, making Beckett’s heart drop.
“This was never a rescue mission.” Said Freeman, anger clear in her eyes, “That Changeling heard about the outpost and wanted to destroy it without Command knowing about it.”
“Perhaps one of the other ships got a distress signal out.” Suggested Beckett, getting looks from everyone, “The Vancouver was remodulating her shields, before she hid in the asteroids, perhaps she, or one of the other ships, sent out a distress signal.”
“Commander Byrne to Lieutenant Mariner.” Said Beckett’s combadge.
“Mariner here.” Responded Mariner.
“One of the Cardassian Vessels fired a Photon Torpedo at us,” Said the Commander, her voice shaky, “As many of us took cover, but we have a few casualties.”
“Commander, I recommend that you leave the dead behind,” Said Mariner, almost immediately slipping into soldier mode, “take their badges or other personal effects if necessary, but corpses will only weigh you down.”
“Understood, see you in a few minutes.”
Mariner sighed, before looking at the other officers, “Are there any ships that are space worthy?”
“The Archangel and the Harvard are, they’re big enough to fit the entire population and they can pack a punch.” Said Sarah, before grabbing a makeshift communicator from her belt, “Captain Jonas became paranoid that our normal frequencies were being monitored, so he had some engineers make some new communicators.”
Sarah flipped the communicator until it folded back on itself, before fiddling with a dial.
A siren started going off, making everyone look up.
“Alright, everyone get what you need,” Said a Commander, as the surviving members of the away team arrived, “and head for the ships,  tactical officers report to your captains, doctors, wounded, engineers and sciences, head for the Harvard and Archangel, command crews will be joining you shortly.”
Beckett heard someone approaching her from behind, turning to face them, she received a cut along her cheek.
“Agh, what the fuck?!” Yelled Mariner, her hand going to her face.
“Sorry, I had to make sure.” Said Captain Jonas, before pulling Beckett into a hug, “It’s good to see you.”
“Likewise.” Said Beckett, before she turned to Commander Byrne, “Commander, did the Admiral change the access codes?”
“No, he said he never saw a reason to.” Said Byrne, looking at Captain Jonas, “The Admiral is a Changeling, isn’t he?”
“Yeah,” Replied Beckett, before turning back to Jonas, “Fancy going and getting the Argentina back?”
Jonas smirked, “Show me my ship.”
The USS Harvard, a Defiant Class warship and the USS Archangel, an Intrepid Class science vessel, slowly ascended from the surface of the planet.
“The Cerritos’s warp core breach caused the Argentina to lose her shields,” Said Beckett, going over her PADD with Captain Jonas and Dr. Solek, “we’ll need to perform a site to site transport for the entire crew, while simultaneously contacting the rest of the fleet. Captain, I recommend, if we can’t get the Argentina back, that we trigger the self-destruct sequence from engineering.”
Jonas frowned, before he nodded, “I don’t like it, but I won’t have my ship fall into enemy hands.”
The Archangel shook as the Argentina fired on her.
Mike stood off to the side, frowning, “Do you really need to go?”
Beckett sighed, before approaching him and placing a hand on his cheek, “Honey, I’ll be fine. It’s nothing I haven’t done before.”
Mike placed his hand over hers, “Promise me, you’ll come back.”
“Don’t worry,” Smiled Beckett, “I’ve still got some calls to make.”
The two shared a brief kiss, while Sarah pretended to gag and the Captain and Solek raising their eyebrows. The Archangel shook again.
“That’s our que.” Said Jonas, as Beckett made her way back over to them, before they stood on the transporter pad, “Energise.”
Beckett found herself in engineering of the USS Argentina, Dr. Solek and Captain Jonas, already setting up the self-destruct.
“Computer, recognise voice pattern, Captain Marcus Jonas,” The computer beeped, “Initiate self-destruct sequence. Authorisation; Jonas-three-Alpha-two-two-seven.”
“Computer, recognised voice pattern, Commander Solek, confirm self-destruct sequence. Authorisation; Solek, three-four-four-beta-two-two-nine.”
“Computer, recognise voice pattern, Lieutenant Beckett Mariner, confirm self-destruct sequence. Authorisation; Mariner-seven-two-delta-gamma-nine-three.”
“Computer, recognise voice pattern, Captain Marcus Jonas, complete self-destruct sequence, set timer for five minutes on a silent countdown.”
The computer beeped, “Self-destruct initiated, warp core will overload in five minutes, there will be no more audio warnings.”
“Beckett to Archangel,” Said Beckett, after conducting a quick scan of the ship, “did you get everyone?”
“Everyone, except that Changeling.” Came Rutherford’s voice, “I’m preparing to beam you back.”
“I’m afraid you’re not going anywhere.” Said the Changeling, advancing toward the group of three, “We will control this quadrant and everyone in it, and your pathetic species will be wiped from the face of the galaxy.”
The Changeling dodged a tackle from Dr. Solek, “I am afraid, there is no logic to your conclusions.”
“There is every logic,” Sneered the Changeling, “we have eyes everywhere, even on your little ships.”
“Great.” Muttered Mariner, as she aimed her phaser at the Changeling.
The Changeling’s smirk grew wider, “How else do you think we knew about your fleet headed for Tyra?”
Beckett froze, as did Captain Jonas. Solek threw a crate of coolant at the Changeling, just as the transporters beamed Beckett and Jonas out.
“NO!” Screamed Mariner, as the transporter left Solek behind with the Changeling.
Beckett stumbled, as she arrived in the Archangel. Jonas slumped forwards.
“We had a spy.” Muttered Jonas, rage dancing in his eyes, “We had a fucking spy, giving the Dominion information.”
The Archangel shook as the Argentina exploded.
“Bridge to Captain Jonas,” Said a voice from the Combadge, “Three Jem’Hadar warships are approaching us on an attack vector.”
“What’s our current staffing on the Bridge?” Asked Jonas, gesturing for Beckett to follow him.
“Ensign Boimler is at the conn, Ensign Mariner is currently at Ops,” Reported the Officer, “We have no one at tactical and Dr. T’Ana and her staff have taken the Med-bay, Ensign Tendi is currently manning the science station and Ensign Rutherford is in Engineering.”
“I’ve got a Tactical Officer with me,” Said Jonas, “Red Alert, all hands to battle stations.”
The corridor went red, as Beckett and Jonas stepped into a turbolift.
“Bridge.” Said Jonas, crisply.
Upon arriving on the bridge, Beckett took position at the Tactical/Security station.
“Everyone,” Said Captain Jonas, “be brave, be alert, be precise. Power phasers, target the nearest Jem’Hadar vessel and fire.”
“Aye, Captain.” Said Beckett, sending a spread of torpedoes and phaser bursts at the warships.
The Archangel shook at the warships returned fire. The Harvard darted around the ships, firing as many shots at the Dominion as it could, before being hit with a Breen energy draining torpedo. The Archangel got between the Harvard and the Warships, just as the rest of the fleet re-emerged from the Asteroids the six vessels evening out the fight, until ten more Jem’Hadar warships dropped out of warp.
“Captain, one of those ships is a carrier,” Said Sarah, her fingers dancing across the console, “we’re about to have some fighters on our hands.”
The science station beeped, getting Tendi to look at it, “Captain, there are sixteen more star ships approaching. It’s Starfleet.”
Moments later, the ships fell out of warp.
“Star ships Farragut, Voyager, Titan, Challenger, Defiant, Discovery, Glenn, Thunderchild, Norway, Harrington, Oakland, Quito, Pasteur, Victory, Venture and Enterprise have just dropped out of warp, Captain.” Reported Sarah, “The Enterprise is hailing us.”
“On screen.” Commanded Jonas, as the view screen sparked to life.
“Admiral Jonas,” Greeted Captain Picard, “Forgive me for being blunt, but you look very different from when I last saw you.”
“That wasn’t me, Captain,” Said Jonas, his voice dark, “that was a Changeling, it was impersonating me since the Battle of Tyra.”
Picard frowned, before looking to the side as his first officer said something to him. Picard turned back to the screen.
“It appears the Dominion ships are powering down their weapons.” Said Picard, getting out of his chair, “They’ve just transmitted their surrender.”
“I’m not surprised,” Remarked Jonas, relief evident in his tone, “They just witnessed an attack fleet led by the Flagship of the Federation drop out of warp, drastically outnumbering their thirteen ships to twenty-two.”
Picard nodded, before saying, “Although, it could also be that we have one of their Founders with us and they ordered them to stand down.”
Jonas looked confused, before letting out a laugh, “That’s what took you so long, you had to get Odo.”
Picard nodded, “It now seems, out only duty is to escort you back to Federation Space.”
Jonas let out a small laugh, “That, would be brilliant.”
Beckett nervously tugged on her dress uniform, following the reports given by the Captains, as well as Captain Jonas’s personal account, Command had opted to hold a mass funeral for all the Officers lost, as well as reinstating the Officers that had survived the Battle of Tyra.
Mike gently grabbed her hand, “Calm down, everything’s going to be fine.”
Beckett gave him a small smile, as Admiral Nechayev droned on. Solek’s memorial was shorter than the others, consisting only of achievements and his postings.
“Samanthan Rutherford, D’Vana Tendi, Bradward Boimler, Beckett Mariner, fall in.” Called a rear admiral. Mike gave Beckett a small push, snapping her back to reality before she joined her fellow ensigns.
“Based upon the reports given by Captains Freeman, Jonas and Byrne, you four served with distinction during the battle,” Said Nechayev, Beckett hiding a wince, “they believe that, had you not been there, there would’ve been further casualties.”
Beckett had a sinking feeling about where this was going.
“They have put in a request, and we have no problems with it,” Said Nechayev, “that each of you be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.”
Beckett heard Boimler’s sharp intake of breath, biting the inside of her cheek to prevent a snicker escaping at the thought of Boimler fainting because he got promoted.
“And, given the circumstances of your prior demotion, Mariner, it has also been decided that you are to attend biweekly visits to a counsellor.” Said Nechayev, making Beckett’s stomache drop.
“Yes, Admiral.” Said Beckett, knowing, that since it was said in front of several of her crew mates, she wouldn’t be able to duck out of the appointments.
Their new pips were pinned to their collars, before the four of them snapped into a salute and were dismissed.
“I don’t believe it.” Wheezed Boimler, slumping against a wall.
“Yeah, I have to visit a shrink.” Said Mariner, folding her arms.
“Hey.” Protested Tendi, sending a small glare at Mariner.
“Wait, it’s you?” Demanded Mariner, her mouth dropping open.
Tendi nodded, a Mariner let out a laugh, “I thought it was going to be crusty old dude.”
Rutherford was quietly looking down at his PADD, a small frown on his features.
“You okay?” Asked Boimler, taking note that the Cyborg was unsure about something.
“They’ve weighed in each of the surviving Engineering staff from the Cerritos.” Said Rutherford, “Since Commander Billups remained behind when the core went.”
“So, who’re you reporting to?” Asked Mariner, folding her arms.
“The captain.” Said Rutherford, quietly.
“What?” Gasped Tendi, her eyes lighting up.
“Apparently Commander Billups recommended that I replace him.” Said Rutherford, sliding down to the floor, “I’m not sure if I’m ready for it.”
“Sam,” Said Mariner, crouching down beside him, “I’m going to say this, and it might be hard to believe, but I’ve been two head of department, one of the Argentina and that brief episode on the Cerritos, and if it taught me anything, no one is ever ready. If they’re ready, then they don’t know what it means, the number of people that will depend on you.”
Rutherford looked over at her, “So, you’re saying that, if someone think’s they’re ready, it means they’re not ready, but if they don’t think they’re ready, then they are ready?” Beckett nodded.
“During the war, after Tyra, I was placed in command of a Miranda Class star ship, the USS Puerto Rico, essentially, it was my first command.” Said Beckett, a small smile gracing her face, “It was borderline falling apart, with every little battle knocking more things off the walls. I was never ready to face it, I never had the certainty to wake up a go ‘okay, this is how today will go.’ Sure, there were quiet days, but being ready for the position is not the same a being ready for the requirements. You put the safety of the ship and crew ahead of yourself. If you’re concerned more about the ship and the people in your care, then you’re the right pick.”
Rutherford gave Mariner a small smile, as her face fell, “I just gave a fucking inspirational speech, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did.” Chuckled Rutherford, as the four started to descend into laughter.
“And I got it on recording.” Came Sarah’s chirrupy voice.
“Great, just what I need, everyone thinking I’m a total sap.” Groaned Mariner, burying her face in her hands.
“Well, it’s something you get from Mom and Dad.” Said Sarah, “Although, I think we’ll all be seeing more of each other. Nechayev just told Mom that, apparently, the USS Cerritos had become quite famous amongst the newer members of the Federation and the USS San Juan was being refitted and renamed in honour of the Cerritos.”
“So, we’re all on the Cerritos?” Asked Mariner, getting a nod from Sarah.
“Mike’s been assigned to Dr. T’Ana, he would’ve told you himself, but he said he had a call to make.” Said Sarah, as Mike made his way over to them, “Ooh, he looks like he wants to ask you a serious question.”
Beckett adjusted her uniform in the turbolift, she’d been named the Chief Tactical Officer, something Shaxs wasn’t too happy about, since it meant he couldn’t aim at anything. Of course, the Captain reminded him that he could, since there was access to weapons from most of the consoles.
Beckett took a deep breath, before stepping onto the bridge.
“Welcome aboard, Lieutenant.” Said Commander Ransom, greeting her as she walked in, “I hear you and Lieutenant Richards are going to be busy for the next couple of weeks.”
“Can you blame us?” Asked Beckett, approaching her station, “We thought the other was dead for five years and we’ve just found each other again, and who knows, perhaps you’ll catch the bouquet and meet a nice lad and have many babies.”
There was a loud snort that ripple through the bridge.
“Hilarious.” Said Ransom, laughing himself, “How’s the tactical report coming?”
“Torpedoes and Phasers are optimal, although the Shields may need a bit tweaking. But, otherwise, we’re good to go.” Reported Beckett, handing a PADD over to Ransom.
“Good, I’ll be sure to let the Captain know.” Said Ransom, quietly acknowledging the report.
A few moments later, Captain Freeman walked onto the bridge, “Anything to report?”
“No, Captain, everything’s green.” Reported Boimler, from his place at the helm, “Starbase 96 is giving us the all-clear for departure.”
“Is everyone on board?” Asked Freeman, looking over at Ops.
“Everyone is present and accounted for, Captain.” Said Sarah, her fingers dancing across the console.
“Well, we all know our mission,” Said Freeman, “Contact a potential member of the Federation and get everything smoothed over for their entry. Set course for the Polaris VII cluster, warp 4.”
“Aye, Captain, Polaris VII cluster, Warp 4.” Said Boimler, prepping the ship.
“Hit it.” Said Captain Freeman.
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Lyle Wilson is a Haisla artist from British Columbia: born at C’idax (Butedale Cannery); spent his early years in Kitamaat Village; moved to the town-site of Kitimat from grade 4-9; then moved back to Kitamaat Village from grade 10-12; after graduating from Mount Elizabeth Secondary School, he worked at Alcan for a year before eventually moving to Vancouver to seek a post-secondary education at the University of British Columbia and the Emily Carr College of Art and Design.
The Haisla people are often referred to as Northern Kwakuitl, however their historic artistic style is, mainly, influenced by the Kwakuitl, Tsimshian, Bella Bella and Bella Coola. The name Kitamaat means “People of the Snow“; which refers to the large snow-fall  during the winters. Tsimshian guests who visited the Haisla in mid-winter arrived to see people emerging from traditional bighouses that were completely buried by the snow. Thus, the name Kitamaat was given to the Haisla.
The Haisla Clan system was originally matrilineal and, although he was born into the Beaver Clan, Lyle was formally adapted into his father’s Eagle Clan. Due to high death rates at that time, his Eagle grandmother adapted both Lyle and his sister to bolster the numbers of the Eagle Clan (his sister has now returned to the Beaver Clan).
“I was always aware, and appreciative, of Haisla art after seeing a few old carvings at village places/events. My first living artistic influence was my uncle Sam Robinson — a full-time carver who carved at a time-period when everyone assumed Pacific Northwest Coast carving was a dying art-form consigned to the past; consequently, there was no wide-spread recognition of Northwest Coast art as there is now.
I watched Sam and occasionally whittled to the best of my ability. I didn’t really seriously consider art as a profession until after attending the University of British Columbia — I enrolled, & completed, 5 years of the N.I.T.E.P. and Secondary Art Education programs.
I found time in the studio more interesting and eventually left UBC for further studies at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design (now the Emily Carr University of Art & Design). I graduated with a print-making diploma and began to try develop an individual artistic style — using my life experiences, formal education at UBC and ECUAD as the roots in all my art work: prints, wood carvings, paintings, drawings and gold/silver jewellery.
I also prefer working by myself, because I believe that the individual personality shows itself in the finished work — so I’m reluctant to involve others in my artistic projects unless absolutely necessary. Even the extra large carving I try to do mostly myself so I can keep my personality in my work.
I’m one of the few Pacific Northwest Coast artists fortunate to have an extensive formal, post-secondary education. I’m a life-long student/carver who has interests in numerous areas that — hopefully — enrich whatever work I produce.”
LYLE  WILSON. (c) 778-846-3520
2016: “HAISLAKALA: SPOKEN FROM THE HEART”: Nov. 5; solo jewellery exhibition at the Coastal Peoples Fine Arts Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
“PAINT: THE PAINTED WORKS OF LYLE WILSON”: this solo show was shown at the following venues:
2016: Museum of Northern BC, Prince Rupert, B.C. 2014: Whatcom Museum’s Lightcatcher Gallery; Washington State, U.S.A. 2013: Kitimat Museum & Archives, Kitimat, B.C. 2013: Bill Reid Gallery, Vancouver, B.C. 2012: Maple Ridge Art Gallery, Maple Ridge, B.C.
2009: “CHALLENGING TRADITIONS: CONTEMPORARY FIRST NATIONS ART of the NORTHWEST COAST”: group exhibition at the McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Ontario.
2009: “NORTH STAR: THE ART OF LYLE WILSON”: solo exhibition at the West Vancouver Museum, West  Vancouver , B.C.
2004: “TOTEMS TO TURQUOISE”: group exhibition at the American Museum of Natural History, New York. ~ this exhibition also travelled to the Vancouver Museum in 2005
2004: “TOTEMS: SILENT MESSENGERS OF THE WEST COAST”: group exhibition at the Coastal Peoples Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
2003: “NORTHWEST COAST COLLECTIONS”: group exhibition at the Inuit Gallery, Van., B.C.
2001: “RAVEN STORIES”: group exhibition at the Inuit Gallery, Van., B.C.
2001: “NORTHWEST INNOVATIONS: TRANSFORMING TRADITIONS”: group exhibition at the Evergreen Cultural Centre Art Gallery, Coquitlam, B.C.
2000: “TIME & TIDE”: group exhibition at the Inuit Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
2007: “ORCA CHIEF“ ~19 foot by 17 foot, water-jet cut, powder painted layered aluminum wall-sculpture at the Vancouver International Airport, Van..
1999:1) “KILLER WHALE“. 2) “DANCE FOR THE FIRST CATCH“. 3) “COASTAL SCENE“: 4 separate panels that make one whole scene. ~6 foot by 9 foot canvas screens at the Museum of Anthropology at UBC, Van..
1995: “THE PADDLER“. ~ 10 foot red cedar totem sculpture at the BC Sports Hall of Fame, Van..
1994: “EAGLE, FISH & BEAVER“. ~ 12 foot red cedar totem-sculpture, Canadian Consulate @ Osaka, Japan.
1993:1) “NOOMIS, THE BLIND MAN”. 2) “THE LOON”. 3) “SALMON“. 4) “SALMON“. 5) “GRIZZLY BEAR“. ~ 5 high relief carved, yellow cedar panels @ the Canadian Institute for the Blind, Vancouver, B.C..
1992: “GRIZZLY BEAR DANCER“. ~ motor-animated tranformation mask with costume for the B.C. Pavillion at Expo 1992, Seville, Spain. ~ now on display at the University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, B.C..
1992: “EAGLE & BEAVER“. ~ 12 foot red cedar house-post sculpture @ the UBC First Nations House of Learning, Vancouver, B.C..
1995: “HAISLA HOUSE-POST“. ~ 6 foot red cedar replicated carving of old artifact @ the Museum of Anthropology @ UBC — artist donated the carving to the Haisla Community School, Kitamaat Village, B.C..
1992: “EULACHON: A FISH TO CURE HUMANITY“. ~co-curated this catalogued exhibition documenting the historical & contemporary usage of the eulachon fish; opened @ the UBC Museum of Anthropology , Vancouver, B.C. .
1988: “IMAGE RECOVERY PROJECT“. ~using an infra-red camera, historical images were photographed, archived & replicated; this is the most intensive documentation of painted images of historical work undertaken to this date .
1987: “NORTHWEST COAST TRADITIONAL BIGHOUSE PROJECT “. ~ assistant co-ordinator/liaison for the planning, building of  6 different Northwest Coast Bighouses @ the UBC Museum of Anthropology; the bighouses were installed @ the Canadian Museum of Civilization, Quebec .
1987: 5th Year, Secondary Art Education Department at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C..
1988: Graduated with diploma from the 4 Year Print-making Department at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design (now the Emily Carr University of Art & Design, Van., B.C..
1976-1979: Native Indian Teacher Education Program at the University of British Columbia, Van., B.C..
2010: “THE TOTEM POLE: AN INTERCULTURAL HISTORY“ Aldona Jonaitis & Aaron Glass.
2004: “TOTEMS TO TURQUOISE: NATIVE NORTH AMERICAN JEWELLERY ARTS of the NORTHWEST and SOUTHWEST“ Kari Chalker, Lois S. Dubin, Peter M. Whitely; eds. .
~ Royal British Columbia Museum. ~Museum of Anthropology at UBC. ~UBC Faculty of Education. ~First Nations House of Learning. ~Vancouver Art Gallery. ~Vancouver International Airport. ~Burnaby Art Gallery. ~Toronto Dominion Bank. ~Canada Council Art Bank. ~Imperial Esso. ~West Vancouver Museum. ~BC Sports Hall of Fame. ~Canadian Institute for the Blind. ~Kitimat Museum and Archives. ~ Haisla Nation Council. ~ Haisla Community School. ~ Museum of Northern BC
All information is from the Haisla website.
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katmckool-blog · 4 years
This was an email sent to my husband following an unsuccessful interaction with Amherst Funeral and Cremation Services. I've got to say, I love how badly they treat grieving parents, especially moms.
Amherst writes
Thank you for your email. I just arrived back in the office from services yesterday when I left you a voicemail. I was out all last week for family emergency. I was going to reach out to you specifically in regards to this matter.
Amherst writes
Fionn's cremated remains and death certificates have been ready to be shipped out via Canada Post since last week, while I was away (Again, my staff Carla simply called your wife to confirm address and delivered our standard procedure to ask payment prior to sending as per contract signed, payments are due at the time of arrangement).
My response
Okay, let me stop you there, she wasn’t calling me she was calling someone else; because, once again, one more person on your staff couldn’t get my/our name right. YOU were supposed to handle this yourself.
Amherst writes
So I don't appreciate your wife accusing my staff of taking Fionn's ashes hostage. That wasn't what happened. We dealt with hundreds of families with same procedure and all of them never made such negative interpretations.
My response
SUCH HYPERBOLE! Bull shit. What about the time you sent a customer their loved one’s ashes and the delivery person wanted a tip and wasn’t going to leave until he got one?
That’s exactly how I FELT! We had a prior agreement to have them shipped directly. After your staff member got my name wrong and I had to correct her several times, she was asking for payment!
We can’t ship them unless you pay…her words, NOT MINE! In addition, you and your staff have the WORST COMMUNICATION! I thought you gave them a stern talking to? Sure you did, you’re full of shite!
That’s not what we’d agreed upon. YOU were supposed to handle EVERYTHING Scott. How would you feel if you were treated this way,?? I’ve read the reviews of families for whom you provided a service for and they were mistreated in pretty much the same way.
Your low ratings are proof of that. If you want to skate by on ratings, accolades and cards, Go nuts, however; for the people who are treated in the manner in which WE were treated, I say, get off you high horse!
You don’t appreciate that? Okay, you and your staff started this nonsense your staff obviously doesn’t give a shit about our name and our son’s name. Is this the best you can do Scott, really? You’re quite the mean girl!
Amherst writes
We will ship Fionn's ashes today (November 20, 2019). Once we have completed the shipment, we will email you the Canada Post tracking number. The package will have an original invoice. Please call our main number extension 105 for Kisha and she'll take your credit card information and process accordingly.
My response
The interactions were DEFINITELY DISRESPECTFUL. When the above noted staff member called to ask for clothes on October 30 for our son for the viewing on. October 31, she called him by the wrong name and then proceeded to TALK OVER ME! No ownership and no apology at that point. You think that’s ok? Then, to add insult to injury, you yourself said “I gave her strict talking to” Apparently that means NOTHING to you and your staff. When she called about the remains, I was shocked. You told us they would ship and we would’ve received them on November 4, no call was necessary and yes, it came across as holding on to them. The term held hostage comes from how both Nick and I felt.
Learn how to pronounce people’s names and improve your communication.
So now, once again you’re back-pedalling. First you apologize backhandedly, and then you pile on with lies!
All the while presenting youself as an upstanding business man who truly cares about people and their departed loved ones. BULLSHIT!
Amherst writes
kindly ask if you could do this yourself (and no longer involve your wife in this process) as there has been 2 interactions with different staff members that were unfortunate, but with no intentions of disrespect were ever meant by them. Again, these are the same staff whose other families rave about how caring and left warm notes about. There were clearly misinterpretations of their well-meaning intents. To add, both Carla and Juanita had lost family members themselves quite recently.
My response
Have you ever been married? Partnered in a long term relationship?
Did you honestly think that my husband wasn’t going to share this email with me? Kudos, you’re the meanest passive aggressive mean girl EVER!
You’ve obviously never had children nor had to lay a child to rest. Your business tactics are appalling. Wait, what business are you in again? Oh yeah, well, kind of hard know that because, you think your clients are responsible for your staff’s bereavement.
I don’t really care about your staff members’ losses. Healing your staff is not OUR JOB Scott, Quite frankly; OUR SON DIED and we were paying you for a service.
Not my monkeys, not my circus.
We wanted to pay you when we were in Vancouver, but, nooooo, you said I’ll ship the death certificates along with the invoice and cremated remains. Wow
I’m so glad we didn’t entrust you with our son’s obituary. You probably would’ve messed that up too.
I am SO thankful for Ethical Death Care in Winnipeg. Had I known your company would be such a disrespectful shit show, I would’ve had our son flown to Winnipeg for EVERYTHING!
I’m so glad your staff members’ have received lots of nice notes and letters
I have two letters to leave for you and your staff; they’re F and U.
Rest on your laurels because you do that so well!
Amherst writes
I understand that this is a very difficult time for the family and I hope that sending Fionn home to you will start the healing process.
My response
No you don’t because you wouldn’t have sent this snot-filled drivel to my husband. If you have a problem with me and what I said to your staff, then address it with me…I don’t’ trust business people who are incapable of confronting a difficult situation and customer. You probably have a stronger word for me and that makes me very happy!
Please, save your condescending crap for another family who buys into your shit
Amherst writes
I thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or concerns, please kindly contact me directly.
Kind regards,( don’t say it if you don’t ‘mean it)
And finally, you have the audacity to leave my name off of the shipment of my baby’s ashes. You really are a hateful little, troll Scott.
R. Scott McFarlane
Owner, Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer
Amherst Funeral & Cremation Services Inc.
The Dominion Building
1209-207 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6B 1H7
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g-marcus · 7 years
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Vancouver’s Dominion Building
Another classic building on Vancouver's Victory Square. Built in 1910, designed in the beaux arts or second empire style, this was the first steel-framed high-rise in Vancouver, at 13 floors, it was the tallest commercial building in the British Empire. When built, the Courthouse was across the street. This was the centre of Vancouver’s Financial District. The architect was John S. Helyer, with other Vancouver buildings ber the Stock Exchange at 148 West Hastings, the Metropolitan Building on Hastings, Board of Trade at Home & Cordova, his son, Maurice designed the Medical Arts Building on Granville. 
There is a beautiful circular stairwell, complete run the untrue storey that the architect fell down the stairs to his death, but a gate prevents access to the stairs..
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buhlsblog · 5 years
Så er der hul igennem!
Hej derhjemme!
Efter 15 dage i Vancouver er jeg faldet godt til – så godt, at jeg nu er klar til at genoptage kontakten med omverdenen. Jeg har startet denne lille blog, så jeg løbende kan lægge billeder og hilsner ud til jer – den moderne og lidt billigere form for breve. I første omgang har jeg samlet 15 billeder fra de første 15 dage.
“Bass” er mit kælenavn i debatverdenen. Da jeg begyndte at debattere i 1.g var vi 3 Marie’r, der søgte ind på landsholdet samtidig, så vi fik hver vores tilnavn. “Marie Bass” blev til “Bass” og sidder stadig fast. Det er i dét, jeg bliver kaldt mest, dét jeg bliver introduceret til eleverne som og dét, der står på min timeseddel. Derfor hedder bloggen “Breve fra Bass”.
De første 15 dage har budt på nye alting: ny by, ny lejlighed, nyt arbejde, nye mennesker, en ny hverdag og nye eventyr. Jeg har forsøgt at opsummere det sådan nogenlunde på disse 15 billeder. Rul ned ad siden for at se alle billederne, og husk at læse den lille tekst under billedet hvert billede. 
Jeg håber I alle sammen har det lige så godt i Danmark som jeg har det på den anden side af Atlanten!
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Så grøn er Vancouver i marts. Det er her, jeg bor – lige inde bag kældervinduet. I øvrigt har huset tidligere været hovedkvarter for debatakademiet, hvor jeg arbejder, så det er en særlig ære at få lov at bo her!
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Strandpromenaden i Kitsilano – mit “hood”.
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Spot et egern!
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Her har vi min top-professionelle arbejdsplads: Fostering Debate Talent Academcy (FDT). Hvis I skal huske én forkotelse, er det den. 
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Man føler sig alligevel velkommen, når man ser sig selv på en æresvæg 7500km hjemmefra. Kan I spotte mig?
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Vegetarmiddag efter arbejde med Dena – min tidligere debatcoach, nu bedste ven i Vancouver.
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Første hjemmelavede aftensmad! Første selfie med spejlreflekskamera!
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Jeg syntes også, der skulle være et portræt af, hvad jeg rent faktisk laver det meste af tiden. En af mine arbejdsopgaver er at lave “cases” til forskellige debatturneringer. Også i debatverdenen er Brexit et populært emne for tiden.
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Vandretur på Grouse Mountain – næsten 900 meters stigning over 3kms natursti. Vancouver har jo det hele!
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å kom der også sne og pigge under skoene. Jeg fulgtes blandt andet med denne fyr fra Pakistan og kvinde fra Hong Kong.
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Der er koldt på toppen – så koldt, at man kan stå på ski i marts! Det skal helt sikkert udnyttes iden sæsonen er slut.
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Gastown – Vancouvers ældste kvarter. Skyskraberne her er lidt anderledes. Denne hedder The Dominion Building.
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Intet i Vancouver er rigtig gammelt. Gastown dukkede op for under 150 år siden, og selv bygninger fra 80’erne opfattes som arkæologiske fænomener. Trip trap træsko. Nyt, nyere, nyest.
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Gadekunst på Granville Island.
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Vancouver samlet i ét billede: havet, skoven, bjergene, skyskraberne.
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workingonmoviemaps · 7 years
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Travelers #101–102
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rabbitcruiser · 9 months
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Downtown Vancouver (No. 6)
The Dominion Building (originally Dominion Trust Building) is a commercial building in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Located on the edge of Gastown (207 West Hastings St), it was Vancouver's first steel-framed high-rise. At 53 m (175 ft), the thirteen-storey, Second Empire style building was the tallest commercial building in the British Empire upon its completion in 1910. Its architect was John S. Helyer, who is said to have died after falling off the staircase in the front of the building, though this is an urban legend.
The financiers of the structure was the Count Alvo von Alvensleben from Germany, who were active in Vancouver's financial scene at the time. It was known generally that von Alvensleben was inr of the Kaiser's goddons. It was held at the time that he was a front for the Kaiser's money, which carried the suggestion that the Empire's tallest building had been built by its greatest rival.
Today it is a provincially designated Class "A" heritage structure.
Owned by Newton Investments Limited, it was restored by restoration expert Read Jones Christofferson. The building's current tenants include a film production company (Haddock), a law firm, clothing designers, record labels, antiquarian booksellers, Kokoro Dance, professional web developers, marketing agency, Bowery Creative, the office of the Green Party of Vancouver, a dentist, non-profit organizations such as Living Oceans Society and Fair Trade Vancouver and a Lebanese restaurant, Nuba.
Source: Wikipedia
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 months
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"GOVERNMENT NEGLIGENCE CHARGED IN RECENT ISLAND COAL STRIKE," Victoria Daily Times. December 15, 1913. Page 1. --- Large Congregation in Vancouver Church Cheers as Rev. Dr. Fraser Speaks in Denunciation of Mine Owners and Premier McBride's Conduct ---- Vancouver, Dec. 15. - "I think that Sir Richard McBride has been negligent in his conduct with regard to the Vancouver Island strike troubles. I think that the Dominion government has been negligent. I am not so proud of Canada as I was before I learned the true inside of the Vancouver Island affair."
So stated Dr. H. W. Fraser, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, before a congregation which packed every avallable seat in the building last night. The Sunday school area which adjoins the church was thrown open to the auditorium of the church, and was filled to its capacity. Twice during the strong denunciation of the government's handling of the affair, and also during a scathing arraignment of the mine owners, the huge congregation interrupted Dr. Fraser to clap hands and stamp feet, and the beginning of a healthy cheer was heard before the realization of the sacred nature of the occasion checked its rising noise.
The subject of Dr. Fraser's address was "Commercialized Civilization." At the start he said the subject was too large to discuss as a whole, and that only its local aspect as applied to the Vancouver Island mine troubles would be dealt with.
Dr. Fraser's address covered a brief history of the growth of the troubles between the miners and their employers. He told how the men had complained of the presence of gas in the mines, and how, when a commission composed of miners was appointed to inspect the mines, returning a report that there was gas and that it was dangerous for the men to work there, they were discharged and found themselves blacklisted all over the island, because they had the courage to report unfavorably to the mine owners.
"We must appeal to our government to exercise the prerogative which we, the people, give them, in our behalf," Dr. Fraser then said. "I have no hope for the absolute regeneration of the world except through the agency of the Lord.
"I do not believe in strikes," said Dr. Fraser. "I think that the men who are responsible for strikes should be sent to fall because strikes cause untold misery in the land. In this case the facts are such that either the government or the mine owners must successfully refute them, or else remain as the real originators of the strike."
0 notes
Don't top your trees the buds at the tips
Don't top your trees  
 The buds at the tips of shoots in trees are hormonally controlled. Those on lateral branches are obsessed to grow outward, toward light (phototropic). Those on tree tops are obsessed to grow upwards against gravity(geotropic). When look for an iphone today topping cuts are made and the geotropic buds are removed, the woody plant switches the hormonal signals to the buds at the tips of the upper lateral branches to start development against gravity. Some species of trees will also trigger dormant buds that lay under the bark (epicormic) of the tree to release and raise geotropically, known as watersprouts. 
 Either type of newly recruited geotropic buds will grow many times faster than those of the original top, oft quickly reattaining the height of the original top. The result is angstrom unit new top far larger and untold more dense than the original. At this point, any benefit of the topping cut is undone and the original issue is more of amp problem than before.... but it gets worse: 
 Trees are rarely capable to close off wounds from top-flight cuts fast enough to stop unsoundness fungi from entering the open area. As the newly recruited tops curve ball upward and put on rapid growth, the area around their point of attachment to the trunk becomes increasingly more decayed inside, thus weakening the new tops' attachment, already weak because of the two 90-degree turns from the stem. 
 The obvious statement of many large new tops with weak attachment points is a hunt that can become very hazardous. 
 Accordingly, many of our municipalities disallow topping in their tree bylaws, unless it is for hazard reduction metal previously topped trees. 
 Don't stilt soil or other debris over your tree's root system  
 Tree roots require air to survive. On the other hand, too much zephyr will desiccate roots and kill them. As roots grow outward, they win a delicate balance of air, moisture, and nutrient supply in the soil, with the fine absorbing roots commonly being found in the top some inches. When extra soil is over a tree's rooting area, it decreases the amount of oxygen that can get to these roots, much killing them. This also renders the lower soil environment more favourable to root decay fungi which, in life-threatening infections, can cause the entire actor to fall over. Adding as least as two inches of soil to the rooting area can be decent to kill a mature tree. 
 Don't over prune your trees 
 While some orchardists rely on hard pruning to maintain a heavy yield, this is not a appropriate practice for most homeowners. Orchard trees are grown specifically for fruit display and not for aesthetic value. Such pruning practices severely reduce a tree's life expectancy, compromise structural form, and come at heavy maintenance cost due to excessive sprouting. Heavy fruit crops are a symptom of stress, and such trees are pruned so element to stress them. 
 Trees big for ornamental value, as is the case in most yards should not have more than 25% of the leafy area removed in antiophthalmic factor year. Keeping within such limits, spell making proper cuts, can keep A tree healthy and maintain an beautiful form. This can be done while, at the same time, maintaining axerophthol decent yield of fruit, if and then desired. Pruning is all about balance. 
 Don't fertilize unless you go through your tree needs it 
 Any nutrient becomes toxic when there is too much of it in the soil. Because trees are much longer-lived than most other garden plants, they keep a delicate equilibrium between evolution rates and other physiological functions and moisture and nutrient levels in their environment. Upsetting this balance by adding concentrated nutrients can have unintended and unwanted growth reactions in trees. If a tree shows symptoms of wholesome deficiency, it is best to undergo the soil tested before trying to amend the soil. If fertilizer is required, it is best to function an organic form, in which nutrients are released at a slower value and are therefore less likely to cause fertilizer burn than a man-made variety. The easiest way to amend your soil, is to estimate a tree to take back its own nutrients, by allowing leaves to compost themselves on-site. 
 Don't playing period water your trees 
 While trees do need water to survive, excessively much water can kill them. Roots need access to air through geographical area pores, which can be cut sour by oversaturated soil. Roots in oversaturated soil will eventually die. Wet conditions are also very favourable to numerous of the fungi responsible for tree diagram decay, especially for root rot fungi, which can result in the whole tree falling over. 
 Don't baffle in over your head  
 If you are considering working on your trees and something seems unsafe, it probably is. There is fat-soluble vitamin lot of weight involved and adenine lot of forces at play even out in fairly small trees, and numerous homeowners are seriously injured or lamentable yearly when trying to do employ they are improperly equipped for. If unsure, call an expert. 
 If you are considering working on your trees and aren't familiar with prudish pruning techniques, trees' growth responses to pruning or damage, or the and limitations of the particular variety of tree in question, it is wise to call an expert. Short-term savings on doing work one's somebody are often dwarfed by the long-tem cost of attempting to repair letter tree from improper pruning. 
 Do know the species of your trees, and the personalities of those kind 
 Each species of tree has its own specific needs and habits. Knowing these ahead of time posterior help you avoid actions that decide harm your tree, or prevent you from planting the right tree inch the wrong spot in the first-year place. Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) has a shallow, spreading root system that allows its roots to survive the wet environments it grows in naturally. This species would be inappropriate for a fast-draining hilltop, or a place where heavy traffic is expected the rooting area. Most birches (Betula spp.) are likewise adapted to chemical agent growing sites, often naturally growing creeks or in gullies. This is one reason we see a peck of otherwise beautiful birch trees stylish Vancouver planted in fast-draining lawns with dead tops. Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), the bearer of our provincial flower, is very sensitive to damp conditions and stagnant airflow, and will quickly die in such conditions from dogwood anthracnose. 
 Knowing the median mature size and spread of A tree is of utmost importance fashionable choosing its planting location. Every year, we are called to remove beautiful, healthy trees, that have been planted in the wrong spot and are damaging buildings. 
 Do being trees in appropriate spots  
 This goes along with knowing your species... We are surrounded by equable rainforest full of beautiful trees. Where there is room for them to grow, large native species such dominion Douglas-fir, western redcedar, western hemlock, M fir, and bigleaf maple can follow marvelous assets to a yard. The same goes with stately exotic trees such as black walnut, beech, operating theater elm. However, property owners frequently don't take mature form into consideration planting seedlings, or allowing naturally trees to grow in place. 
 A bit of planning while ampere tree is small can reduce the need for expensive removals down the road, along with the loss of an otherwise beautiful tree. Trees that grow large also tend to develop surprisingly rapidly. 
 Do water your trees if they need it 
 Trees growing in our region hold acclimatized to our rainy environment. Established trees should have no problem treatment with a week or two of drought when we do get alcoholic breaks. However, prolonged droughts can unnecessarily stress your trees, reducing their forcefulness and thereby reducing their resistance to pathogens. Trees benefit most from (no more than twice a week) deep watering than from regular stumpy bursts with a sprinkler. They proceed not like their trunks being sprayed directly by a sprinkler, rather ampere gentle soaking of the soil some the root area, ideally with soaker hose. Watering is most in the evenings, as during the day much of the water is effectively lost to evaporation before form can absorb it. 
 Do individual limbs pruned back from your sign  
 It is beneficial to prune tree limbs growing towards walls and roofs early on to open up a form that will require immature maintenance in the future, and set up adequate clearance from buildings. Branches motion within 3 ft. of roofs surgery eves invite squirrels and rats onto rooftops, where they can gain way inside through roof vents, often nesting in attic space. This is deoxyadenosine monophosphate common problem in the Greater Vancouver area. 
  topping cuts are made and the geotropic buds are removed, the woody plant switches the hormonal signals to the buds at the tips of the upper lateral branches to start development against gravity. Some species of trees will also trigger dormant buds that lay under the bark (epicormic) of the tree to release and raise geotropically, known as watersprouts. 
 Either type of newly recruited geotropic buds will grow many times faster than those of the original top, oft quickly reattaining the height of the original top. The result is angstrom unit new top far larger and untold more dense than the original. At this point, any benefit of the topping cut is undone and the original issue is more of amp problem than before.... but it gets worse: 
 Trees are rarely capable to close off wounds from top-flight cuts fast enough to stop unsoundness fungi from entering the open area. As the newly recruited tops curve ball upward and put on rapid growth, the area around their point of attachment to the trunk becomes increasingly more decayed inside, thus weakening the new tops' attachment, already weak because of the two 90-degree turns from the stem. 
 The obvious statement of many large new tops with weak attachment points is a hunt that can become very hazardous. 
 Accordingly, many of our municipalities disallow topping in their tree bylaws, unless it is for hazard reduction metal previously topped trees. 
 Don't stilt soil or other debris over your tree's root system  
 Tree roots require air to survive. On the other hand, too much zephyr will desiccate roots and kill them. As roots grow outward, they win a delicate balance of air, moisture, and nutrient supply in the soil, with the fine absorbing roots commonly being found in the top some inches. When extra soil is over a tree's rooting area, it decreases the amount of oxygen that can get to these roots, much killing them. This also renders the lower soil environment more favourable to root decay fungi which, in life-threatening infections, can cause the entire actor to fall over. Adding as least as two inches of soil to the rooting area can be decent to kill a mature tree. 
 Don't over prune your trees 
 While some orchardists rely on hard pruning to maintain a heavy yield, this is not a appropriate practice for most homeowners. Orchard trees are grown specifically for fruit display and not for aesthetic value. Such pruning practices severely reduce a tree's life expectancy, compromise structural form, and come at heavy maintenance cost due to excessive sprouting. Heavy fruit crops are a symptom of stress, and such trees are pruned so element to stress them. 
 Trees big for ornamental value, as is the case in most yards should not have more than 25% of the leafy area removed in antiophthalmic factor year. Keeping within such limits, spell making proper cuts, can keep A tree healthy and maintain an beautiful form. This can be done while, at the same time, maintaining axerophthol decent yield of fruit, if and then desired. Pruning is all about balance. 
 Don't fertilize unless you go through your tree needs it 
 Any nutrient becomes toxic when there is too much of it in the soil. Because trees are much longer-lived than most other garden plants, they keep a delicate equilibrium between evolution rates and other physiological functions and moisture and nutrient levels in their environment. Upsetting this balance by adding concentrated nutrients can have unintended and unwanted growth reactions in trees. If a tree shows symptoms of wholesome deficiency, it is best to undergo the soil tested before trying to amend the soil. If fertilizer is required, it is best to function an organic form, in which nutrients are released at a slower value and are therefore less likely to cause fertilizer burn than a man-made variety. The easiest way to amend your soil, is to estimate a tree to take back its own nutrients, by allowing leaves to compost themselves on-site. 
 Don't playing period water your trees 
 While trees do need water to survive, excessively much water can kill them. Roots need access to air through geographical area pores, which can be cut sour by oversaturated soil. Roots in oversaturated soil will eventually die. Wet conditions are also very favourable to numerous of the fungi responsible for tree diagram decay, especially for root rot fungi, which can result in the whole tree falling over. 
 Don't baffle in over your head  
 If you are considering working on your trees and something seems unsafe, it probably is. There is fat-soluble vitamin lot of weight involved and adenine lot of forces at play even out in fairly small trees, and numerous homeowners are seriously injured or lamentable yearly when trying to do employ they are improperly equipped for. If unsure, call an expert. 
 If you are considering working on your trees and aren't familiar with prudish pruning techniques, trees' growth responses to pruning or damage, or the and limitations of the particular variety of tree in question, it is wise to call an expert. Short-term savings on doing work one's somebody are often dwarfed by the long-tem cost of attempting to repair letter tree from improper pruning. 
 Do know the species of your trees, and the personalities of those kind 
 Each species of tree has its own specific needs and habits. Knowing these ahead of time posterior help you avoid actions that decide harm your tree, or prevent you from planting the right tree inch the wrong spot in the first-year place. Western redcedar (Thuja plicata) has a shallow, spreading root system that allows its roots to survive the wet environments it grows in naturally. This species would be inappropriate for a fast-draining hilltop, or a place where heavy traffic is expected the rooting area. Most birches (Betula spp.) are likewise adapted to chemical agent growing sites, often naturally growing creeks or in gullies. This is one reason we see a peck of otherwise beautiful birch trees stylish Vancouver planted in fast-draining lawns with dead tops. Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii), the bearer of our provincial flower, is very sensitive to damp conditions and stagnant airflow, and will quickly die in such conditions from dogwood anthracnose. 
 Knowing the median mature size and spread of A tree is of utmost importance fashionable choosing its planting location. Every year, we are called to remove beautiful, healthy trees, that have been planted in the wrong spot and are damaging buildings. 
 Do being trees in appropriate spots  
 This goes along with knowing your species... We are surrounded by equable rainforest full of beautiful trees. Where there is room for them to grow, large native species such dominion Douglas-fir, western redcedar, western hemlock, M fir, and bigleaf maple can follow marvelous assets to a yard. The same goes with stately exotic trees such as black walnut, beech, operating theater elm. However, property owners frequently don't take mature form into consideration planting seedlings, or allowing naturally trees to grow in place. 
 A bit of planning while ampere tree is small can reduce the need for expensive removals down the road, along with the loss of an otherwise beautiful tree. Trees that grow large also tend to develop surprisingly rapidly. 
 Do water your trees if they need it 
 Trees growing in our region hold acclimatized to our rainy environment. Established trees should have no problem treatment with a week or two of drought when we do get alcoholic breaks. However, prolonged droughts can unnecessarily stress your trees, reducing their forcefulness and thereby reducing their resistance to pathogens. Trees benefit most from (no more than twice a week) deep watering than from regular stumpy bursts with a sprinkler. They proceed not like their trunks being sprayed directly by a sprinkler, rather ampere gentle soaking of the soil some the root area, ideally with soaker hose. Watering is most in the evenings, as during the day much of the water is effectively lost to evaporation before form can absorb it. 
 Do individual limbs pruned back from your sign  
 It is beneficial to prune tree limbs growing towards walls and roofs early on to open up a form that will require immature maintenance in the future, and set up adequate clearance from buildings. Branches motion within 3 ft. of roofs surgery eves invite squirrels and rats onto rooftops, where they can gain way inside through roof vents, often nesting in attic space. This is deoxyadenosine monophosphate common problem in the Greater Vancouver area. 
0 notes
westxwestca · 3 years
Tumblr media
1909 - Dominion Building at the intersection of Hastings Street and Cambie Street Credit: Vancouver Archives + George A. Barrowclough Reference: CVA 229-03 #westxwest #heritagebc #Vancouver #heritagevancouver #vancouverarchives #vancitybuzz #vancouverisawesome #vancouverhistory #oldvancouver #yvr #veryvacnouver #vancouverdailyhive #vintagevancouver #VPL #vancity #vancouverwestend #gastownvancouver #westxwestca
0 notes
anarchistnewsdaily · 6 years
News Highlights: January 22 2018 - January 28 2018
In case you didn’t see, hear, or do it yourself these are some events that took place or were reported during the last week. 
Santiago, Chile: Incendiary Attack Against the Mother of Divine Providence Parish During the Visit of the Pope
“Anonymous attackers managed to break the padlock of the perimeter fence of the religious temple, then set the Vatican and Chilean flags on fire at the the feet of a sculpture of the Virgin, as well as throwing incendiary devices at the doors of the Parish. The fire began to spread both at the door and inside the Parish before being discovered by priests and security guards who extinguished it. At the scene they would have found anarchist leaflets which were not mentioned by the media, but would have contained slogans against religion and the Pope’s visit to Chile.“
Report Back from the Eagles Riots: A Chance for Solidarity, but More Importantly, a Chance for Joy | anarchistnews.org
“On January 21st, we took the opportunity to take part in the temporary autonomous spaces created by the post victory fervor of thousands of football fans. Realizing that the soon to be victory of the Eagles was an ample time for us to strike back against the domination of civilization, the police, and the prison walls built by our own deteriorating mental, we met up with friends outside of Lincoln Financial field with the intention of freeing ourselves, albeit temporarily. We joined up with fellow members of the continuous class war in their celebration, singing, chanting, lighting fires, and using this opportunity to attack ATMs and throw a little bit of art on the dismal walls of south Philadelphia. We moved down broad street with a roving party that the Philly PD just couldn’t seem to shut down.“
Earth Liberation
FERC Grants Request to Begin Tree Cutting for Atlantic Coast Pipeline | Earth First! Newswire
“The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has granted a request by the Dominion Energy-led Atlantic Coast Pipeline to begin cutting down trees along parts of the 600-mile pipeline route in West Virginia and Virginia, despite the fact that the project still lacks some regulatory approvals.“
Menominee Tribe Files Lawsuit Over Back Forty Mine Clean Water Act Wetlands Permit | Earth First! Newswire
“Today the Menominee Tribe of Wisconsin filed a lawsuit in federal court against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Tribe asserts that the agencies have failed to take primary responsibility for a wetland permit that is key to the future of the controversial Back Forty Mine proposal.“
Protesters March Against Snowbowl, Snowmaking
“Just the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a vehement group against the expansion of Arizona Snowbowl and snowmaking on Dook’o’ooslííd, marched across downtown Flagstaff, urging the city council to end the city’s contract with the ski resort.“
Estonia: Logging Threatens Endangered Species, Sacred Sites | Earth First! Newswire
“Thousands of ancient sites are at risk of logging because the government will not pay to have them mapped, according to Tiit Kaasik, board member of the country’s Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Estonia’s FSC is prepared to recommend to international headquarters that auditor Nepcon be stripped of its certification rights, he told Climate Home News, if pagan traditions are not respected.“
Hambacher Forest, Germany: Barricade-eviction, and the ‘Hambi 9’ « Contra Info
“9 activists in pre-trial detention, after being arrested during a barricade-eviction in the occupied Hambach Forest, Germany. The activists are accused of ‘obstructing the work of police officers’, during the barricade eviction on Monday the 22. of January. Arriving early in the morning, the cops were met with activists occupying blockading-infrastructure, including 2 tripods, 3 monopods, a skypod, and a 3 meter deep tunnel. The cutting of the Hambacher Forest was officially stopped early this season, on a court-decision, postponing cutting until October 1st 2018, however the risk of eviction of the occupation is as great as ever.
Canada: Kwakwaka'wakw Leaders Hand Eviction Notice to B.C. Fish Farm | Earth First! Newswire
“Setting out from Port Hardy on Vancouver Island, members of at least six B.C. First Nations took to the sea Monday to deliver an eviction notice to a fish farm operated by Marine Harvest: one of Canada’s largest producers of farmed Atlantic salmon.”
South Dakota: Oglala Lakota People Denounce State's Approval of Gold Mining | Earth First! Newswire
“At a hearing on Jan. 18, Oglala Lakota tribal members and others took issue with state officials for approving a permit transfer that moves Canadian prospectors one step closer to their goal of large-scale Black Hills gold mining.”
Animal Liberation
First Wolf in a Hundred Years Recorded in Belgium | Earth First! Newswire
“The first recorded wolf on Belgian soil for at least 100 years has made her bloody mark. Farmers in north-east Flanders have been put on high alert after evidence emerged that Naya, a female originally from eastern Germany that has been making a pioneering trek across Europe, had killed two sheep and injured a third near the Belgian town of Meerhout.“
Mutual Aid
San Diego, CA: Report on Autonomous Activity Over Last Week - It's Going Down
“Food Not Bombs of San Diego/Drop the Ban held one of several actions defying El Cajon’s new law against feeding houseless people in public on MLK Day. Earlier in the day, reportedly a blue lives matter flag was captured from a local business in an increasingly gentrified, hip part of town, and the words “I CAN’T BREATHE,” were seen painted onto the side of the building.“
“Meanwhile, signs have been put up in all of the popular panhandling spots with the words “DON’T SUPPORT PAN HANDLING. CONTRIBUTE TO THE SOLUTION…” Suggesting people donate to other services online instead. These signs are promptly being vandalized. Lastly, on January 20th, in solidarity with the J20 defendants and increasing border struggles a very large banner was dropped over the busy I-15. The banner read: “WE ARE STILL HERE DROP J20 SMASH THE WALL!” A bold three arrows on one side and a circle A on the other.“
Banner Drop
Minneapolis, MN: Banner Drop in Solidarity with #J20 - It's Going Down
“Solidarity from comrades in the Twin Cities IWW/GDC! The banner reads: Drop The Charges #Defendj20!“
Chicago: Solidarity with #J20 Defendees Coordinated Banner Drop - It's Going Down
“On the one year anniversary of the J20, partisans in Chicago coordinated a series of banner drops in support of the 59 remaining arrestees. We will continue to organize and fight with our comrades until each and every one of them is free from the state’s repression.“
Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner Action for Invasion Day 2018
“Banner drop. West Gate freeway. Melbourne. Solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters.”
Narrm / Melbourne, So-Called Australia: Banner & Poster Action for #7DaysOfResistance
“Anti-colonial poster & banner action for #7DaysOfResistance on occupied territory of the Boon Wurrung, Kulin Nations. South Eastern suburbs of so-called-Melbourne, ‘Australia‘.
Banners (L-R): Australia Is A Crime Scene, Stop The Genocide, Abolish Aus Day
Posters: Sovereignty Never Ceded! No Pride In Genocide, Queers Against Colonialism
Abolish Australia Day, Solidarity with the Aboriginal Resistance, Burn the Butcher’s Rag.”
Armidale, NSW, So-Called Australia: Banner Drops for Invasion Day 2018
“In the early hours of January 26th, 2018, banners were hung around so-called Armidale, NSW, with one facing out onto the parklands where Australia Day Festivities would be held later that day, reading “NO PRIDE IN GENOCIDE – JAN 26 = INVASION DAY”. This action was taken by non-Indigenous people as a minimal act of solidarity with the ongoing struggles of First Nations peoples.”
An Anarchist Survey of Amazon: Day Two | anarchistnews.org
“Security was very lose and we entered without issue or incident. This laxness was due in large part to the fact that Jeff Bezos was not going to be there. Our first observation was that the majority of Amazon employees in Seattle are between the ages of 25 and 35, many of whom wore Romanesque laurels around their heads. The only major exceptions were immigrant tech employees on H1B visas who were mostly in their 40s and early 50s. Our first stop was the silent dancing area where two hundred employees danced to music over specialty headphones provided for the occasion. It was eerily reminiscent of the celibate loner cult depicted in the film The Lobster who danced silently to their headphones in the middle of a forest. “
Union Activity
Portland, OR: Burgerville Workers Union Pickets and Expands Into More Stores - It's Going Down
“Our first picket of the year kicked off 2018 right: faced with yet another strong picket, Burgerville CLOSED THE STORE for the duration of the action for a suspicious “maintenance inspection.” This is the power of workers and the community coming together to show that we can and will continue to shut union-busters down!“
Neo-Nazi Virginia Tech Employee Mark Neuhoff Continues Online Rants Against African-Americans and Jews - It's Going Down
“This following report from New River Against Fascism, details the ongoing exploits of Graduate Assistant Mark Neuhoff, a current employee of Virginia Tech University.”
We Don't Forget J20: Action Report Back from the Greater Seattle IWW General Defense Committee - It's Going Down
“local musicians performed and the DJ blasted songs throughout the square. Not much later began a rousing march through the campus and down the University Avenue main thoroughfare.“
J20 Solidarity Demonstration in Grand Rapids, MI - It's Going Down
“On January 20, about 30 people held an event in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan in solidarity with the remaining J20 defendants. There was a short rally with speakers about the J20 case, ongoing struggles, and the importance of fighting back. Following the speakers, the crowd burned an American flag and a Trump banner before setting off on a march through the center of the city. There were numerous people masked up, anarchist flags were flying, and anti-fascist chants were plentiful.“
Berkeley, CA: Antifa Patrol Turns Up Zero Alt-Right Posters - It's Going Down
“Along the way, we were able to put several anti-fascist stickers up on campus and the surrounding area. So in the end, what was to be a 4chan propaganda night ended up becoming yet another opportunity to make it known that Berkeley is an antifa zone!“
Albany, NY: Anarchists & Radicals Stand in Solidarity with J20 Defendants at Benefit - It's Going Down
“The Albany anarchist and radical community came out en mass to celebrate and support J20 defendants at a benefit show thrown at community education space The Albany Free School in the city’s Mansion District. The event put on by “friendly neighborhood anarchists,” featured over a dozen bands from around the capital region, vegan pizza sourced and catered by Albany Food Not Bombs, and a raffle with anarchist themed prizes donated by groups such as It’s Going Down and AK Press.”
Phoenix, AZ: #MyBordersMyChoice Neo-Nazi Propaganda Efforts Foiled by Antifascists - It's Going Down
“Around 50 fliers were found in total, a large increase in prior instances, and it was determined that at least two people were involved, with the comparison of fliers, and techniques used to post them. After we were confident that we had rounded up the significant majority of fascist materials, we moved to a nearby park and disposed of them by fire.“
Stand With Tariq Khan As Alt-Right Outrage Machine Inspires Death Threats - It's Going Down
“It is questionable whether Khan and his partner will be able to continue their studies uninterrupted, putting their dreams on hold until racists can stop making harassment their pet cause.  This is disgusting, and it is not something we are going to stand by and just let happen.  Khan is a respected academic and scholar, a celebrated educator, a committed student, and an amazing father and husband.  We will not allow college campuses to be the killing fields for Alt Right terror, and we stand with Khan and anyone else who has been victimized by this kind of threat.”
Knoxville, TN: Neo-Nazis outnumbered 700 to 1 at Knoxville Women’s March - It's Going Down
“Less than two hours after they arrived at their barricaded protest area, the Traditionalist Worker Party members were escorted back to their vehicles in a nearby parking garage by several police officers in riot gear. A crowd of antifa and anti-racist activists followed them, shouting, “Go home Nazi.”
Kolkata, India: International Anarchist Solidarity Action with Villawood Hunger Strikers
“Our solidarity action involved displaying a banner, reading; “Solidarity with Villawood Hunger Strikers! Burn down the concentration camps! Boycott Australian Tourism, End Exploitation of South Asian Students!”. We also distributed 200 plus flyers to passers-by and students attending the Indian State sponsored Australian Education Fair,”
#NoDAPL Water Protector 'Rattler' Takes Non-Cooperating Plea - UNICORN RIOT
“The Water Protector Legal Collectiveannounced that attorneys for water protector Michael Markus, known as Rattler, had reached a non-cooperating plea agreement with federal prosecutors. In the deal, Rattler agreed to plead guilty to one charge of Civil Disorder in exchange for a recommended prison sentence of three years. He had been scheduled to go to trial on two charges of Civil Disorder and Use of Fire to Commit a Federal Felony Offense, which carried a minimum sentence of ten years in prison and a possible sentence of up to fifteen years.“ 
Chile: Prison Officer Michelle Barahona, Responsible for the Harassment & Mistreatment of Anarchist Comrade Tamara Sol (Eng/Esp)
“Tamara Sol has been punished in a severe and inhuman manner. The last incident was provoked when two common prisoners, instructed by the gendarmarie, threatened Tamara and she defended herself. Tamara and two comrades who came to her aid, were brutally beaten, locked in ‘La Jaula’ (punishment cell) and shackled, with their hands and feet bound.“
Third Black Cville Resident Arrested in Wake of 'Unite the Right' - It's Going Down
“Mr. Blakney is the third counter-protester to be arrested and charged arising out of the events in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017. Corey Long and DeAndre Harris are both also facing criminal charges. All three are Black men and local residents who were attacked that day.“
Italy – The Italian government’s politics in Libya |
“With the shameless pretext of the ‘struggle against human traffickers’, the Italian State is lavishly financing war lords, guards and militias (those clumsily defined as the ‘Libyan government’) for the control and mass internment of the poor in flight. Patrols and refusal of entry along the Mediterranean coast, the detention of about six hundred thousand people in the Libyan concentration camps, the erection of a wall in the desert along theborders with Niger, Chad and Mali.“
The Heat is On: Update on Week 1 of #OperationPUSH - It's Going Down
“Prison organizers who correspond with these groups are being targeted for having their “security threat level” increased–a practice that translates into greater isolation and harsher conditions of confinement. One prisoner was told point blank, “As long as you communicate with these people you’re always going to be labelled a security threat and you’re always going to be put under investigation. ”Communication has been curtailed so severely that it’s hard to know how much of an economic impact the strike has had so far; we do know that in some cases scab labor has been brought in to keep facilities running.“
BREAKING: Rashid Johnson Tortured by Florida DOC - It's Going Down
“Kevin “Rashid” Johnson is being tortured at the Florida State Prison according to an “emergency note” Rashid’s lawyers received from him yesterday dated 1/19. It is suspected the torture began sometime between 1/12 and 1/19 since there was no mention of it in his 1/12 communication. No other details are available at this time but we will post updates here once we have them. This comes immediately after news that Rashid faces an “inciting a riot” charge for merely reporting on #OperationPUSH. You can read Rashid’s original reporting on Operation PUSH and the conditions in Florida prisons on IWOC’s site here. Rashid is the Minister of Defense of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (Prison Chapter) and a prolific organizer, author, and artist.
Albany, NY: Support for Dawedo from Capital Region Anti-Repression Committee - It's Going Down
“Here in Albany, a community member is being targeted by ICE. Dawedo Sanon was taken and is being held in an immigration facility in Buffalo, NY. She is facing court dates, and her family is navigating how to keep her home. They’re raising funds to get her out of the facility. Her family has set up a fundraiser, which you can donate to here.“
Kurdish Fighters Defend Afrin From Turkish Military Invasion in Northern Syria - UNICORN RIOT
“Turkish Armed Forces launched “Operation Olive Branch” which amounted to a full-scale military invasion of northwestern Kurdish-controlled Syria. The Turkish Armed Forces rank second to the United States, as the largest military force within the NATO alliance. In the last few days, the Turkish military along with an estimated 25,000 Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels, have fired extensive artillery barrages into multiple villages near Afrin, dropped hundreds of bombs with F-16’s, and driven ground forces into Syria that include armored tank brigades and heavy infantry.”
“On January 17th, 2018, our compañera and community member of Cherán, Guadalupe Companur, was found dead in the area known as Irapio, in the Municipality of Chilchota, Michoacán.  We want to clarify that her assassination did not occur inside the community, nor in the territory of Cherán.  In spite of the measures of community security we have developed in our community, the region continues suffering from problems of insecurity and violence.“
Arrests and Injuries as Mexicali Resiste Defends Blockade Against Police Attack - It's Going Down
“For more than one year, residents of Mexicali have been organizing against the construction of a brewery and aqueduct by the U.S. company Constellation Brands. If completed, the facility would produce beer for export to the U.S. and consume seven to thirty million cubic meters of water annually. (A city of one million uses around 20 million cubic meters.) Earlier this month, members of Mexicali Resiste began blockading aqueduct construction. On January 16, state and local police forces attacked the blockade and an hours-long confrontation ensued. While the blockade was successfully defended, at least five were arrested and ten injured. Below is a translation of the statement released later that day by Mexicali Resiste.“
Italy – Updates on the deported Sardinian anarchist prisoner Davide Delogu |
“From a telegram we received on 15/01/2018 we learn that the censorship office has been accumulating books sent in over 8 months, which they are not giving him. He has only received two bulletins. He sends hugs to all comrades who unconditionally struggle with dignity on both sides of the walls.“
Senate Approves Extended Surveillance Powers For Trump - UNICORN RIOT
“The US Senate voted to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA – the legal underpinning for global mass surveillance carried out by the National Security Agency (NSA). The Senate passed the bill last Thursday after the US House of Representatives approved the same legislation a week earlier on January 11. President Trump signed the bill into law on Friday, January 19. The bill would extend unaccountable surveillance authorities for another seven years, at which point FISA will again be up for congressional reauthorization.“
Humanitarian Arrested After Group Releases Report Implicating US Border Patrol - UNICORN RIOT
“Hours after the release of a report titled ‘Interference with Humanitarian Aid: Death and ​Disappearance on the US-Mexico Border‘, which exposes the US Border Patrol’s efforts to destroy water, food, and blankets left by humanitarian aid workers, agents arrested an aid provider and two others receiving aid near Ajo, Arizona on January 17, 2018.
The aid provider arrested by Border Patrol was Scott Warren, who since 2013 has been working with the organization No More Deaths to provide “direct humanitarian aid in an effort to end death and suffering along the US-Mexico border.”
Judge Accepts Red Fawn Fallis Plea Agreement - UNICORN RIOT
“Red Fawn Fallis’s plea agreement was accepted by North Dakota Chief Judge Hovland. The agreement, made between her defense team and federal prosecutors, dropped the most serious charge of “discharge of a firearm in relation to a felony crime of violence.” Fallis pled guilty to the remaining charges of  ‘Civil Disorder and ‘Possession of a Firearm and Ammunition by a Convicted Felon.’ Red Fawn Fallis is expected to have a sentencing hearing sometime in May.”
Social Center Burned Down by Nazis & Nationalists in Thessaloniki, Greece - UNICORN RIOT
“Using the cover of a large nationalist rally over Macedonia naming rights, Nazis and nationalists attacked two social centers (burning one to the ground), vandalized a Holocaust Memorial and tore down a sign promoting religious tolerance. Although dozens of police were present, no arrests were reported in either of the attacks on the social centers, ‘The School’ and ‘Libertatia Squat’.“
Water Supply at the Ramsey Unit, Texas, May be Contaminated Like the Rest of the State - It's Going Down
“Jason Renard Walker is Deputy Minister of Labor for the New Afrikan Black Panther Party and one of the contributors to the Fire Inside zine. He writes here about possible water contamination in Texas prisons, as it has been revealed that across Texas, many people are drinking water polluted with radium.“
Cops, Cameras, and Condos: Bloomington Is Getting Worse - It's Going Down
“Bloomington is not an unaffordable, tightly-packed, constantly-surveilled dystopia yet. There are more condos, cameras, and cops now than in the recent past, and there will be even more of all three in the future. This piece is not meant to produce a feeling of hopelessness, but rather point out to those who are threatened by these new developments how the situation here is changing, so we can adapt. The forces of order are still not omnipotent, not even close.”
Cambodia: Environmental Activists Jailed For Photographing Boat | Earth First! Newswire
“Dem and Hun were arrested on September 12, 2017 while at sea after filming boats suspected of being involved in the transportation of illegally dredged silica sand. The two environmental activists have been held in pre-trial detention since their arrest.”
Class War Scotland member on trial for displaying a poster on his window | anarchistnews.org
”Eventually David was arrested for ’threatening or abusive behaviour’ under Section 38, The Criminal Justice and Licencing (Scotland) Act 2012 and for ‘failure to give details as a witness’ under the Court Section 13–14, The Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995. However, initially David wasn’t even charged: instead, he was taken to the police station, where he was made to wait for 9 hours, and was subjected to anal cavity search. David is a member of Class War Scotland. He says that ‘It was done to humiliate me, because they were obviously aware of my political standing which is anarchist’. David’s trial took place mid- January at Glasgow Sheriff Court and the case has been adjourned till June. “
Rest In Power
Ursula K. Le Guin, Acclaimed for Her Fantasy Fiction, Is Dead at 88
“Ursula K. Le Guin, the immensely popular author who brought literary depth and a tough-minded feminine sensibility to science fiction and fantasy with books like “The Left Hand of Darkness” and the Earthsea series, died on Monday at her home in Portland, Ore. She was 88.“
For further news check out: Anarchist News Daily
For anarchist podcasts, lectures, and audiobooks check out: F Yeah Anarchist Audio
For anarchist videos check out: F Yeah Anarchist Video
Current news sites include: itsgoingdown.org insurrectionnewsworldwide.com earthfirstjournal.org unicornriot.ninja anarchistnews.org contrainfo.espiv.net actforfree.nostate.net
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thelioncourts · 7 years
Have any J2 fic recs that you feel deserve more love?
oh, there are always J2 fics that need more love, always always
Full Cosmic Shift by kelleigh
After ten seasons, Jared’s ready to act on his attraction to Jensen. He spends four weeks taking a massage therapy class before putting his plan into action, but when he sees Jensen in real pain after a strenuous scene, Jared is forced to make a few adjustments.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3,333; Warning: None 
Like a Detuned Radio by homo_pink
When Jared’s released from prison, Jensen is there to help him cope.
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 9,564; Warning: Past Violence, Permanent Injury
Not the Desperate Type by guestwho
Jared’s party-animal reputation gets him accepted into the notorious Alpha Epsilon Pi house (or as they call it, APE) easier than a game of hopscotch - but what he doesn’t expect to find there is someone who totally harshes his vibe: Jensen Ackles; a prude with a stick up his ass the size of Texas. Fortunately, Jared loves a challenge.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 16,484; Warning: Drug Use, Homophobia, Misogyny 
What a Time to be Alive ‘verse by theboys
Jared plays pro-ball with the Golden State Warriors, and Jensen is a very dedicated sports journalist. These are snapshots of their lives.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 27,147 (atm!); Warning: Mpreg
*Note: y’all, this ‘verse is so good, I scream every time I see an update
Roxanne Red and Scribbled Hearts by lightinthehall
The planner is open to this week, names like Brian, Thomas and Will jotted next to little notes like rope bondage, shower first, and likes feet. Jared finds his name under Friday.
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 2,237; Warning: Prostitution 
Wish Upon Lidded Blue Flames by skeletncloset
If not for his mama, Jensen and Jared might’ve never stumbled over each other. Jensen at dewy nine, scabby-kneed on the muddy ground, resigned to his daily ass-kicking from the neighborhood roughnecks and wild-haired, pointy-boned Jared standing taller, impossibly tall from Jensen’s vantage in the dirt, standing straight and true like he held up heaven, coming down on Jensen’s tormentors with the wrath of the Almighty, molly-whopping the bunch and dragging Jensen off by the arm, boys cussing and groaning in a puddle behind them.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 5,202; Warning: Underage, Homophobia
Blood on Your Hands by sleepypercy
Assassin-for-hire Jared finds teenage runaway Jensen on the side of the road and decides to offer him a ride. Jensen doesn’t mind if Jared has blood on his hands.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 6,608; Warning: Underage, Violence
On the Road to My Horizon by hellhoundsprey
Jensen works at the ratty-old cinema Jared likes to bring his dates to.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 17,780; Warning: Drug Use, Implied Prostitution, Incest, Violence
A Swift and Steady Seduction by _mournthewicked
In which Jared is drunk, the green-eyed dude at the bar is a tease, and they both end up getting in over their heads (in the best possible way).
Rating: Adult; Word Count: 4,200; Warning: None
The True and the Brave by strive2bhappy
In a world of knights, castles, lords, prophecies and the threat of war between the kingdoms, Jensen the True has lived a remarkably sheltered life. Gifted with the ability to scry truth through touch, Jensen isolated himself from people not only because his “gift” brought him discomfort but because he was used only as a weapon by the current lord. Jensen’s world is turned upside down when a young knight named Jared comes to Greenbriar Manor and changes everything.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 47,200; Warning: None
The Smell of Sun on Your Skin by firesign10
The boys enjoy attending the Austin City Limits Music Festival. After they enjoy the music followed by whiskey and barbecue, Jared enjoys the smell of sun on Jensen’s skin…
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 2,861; Warning: None
Learn to Glow ‘verse by cleflink
In which Jensen is an empath, Jared is a sweetheart and together they fight crime! figure things out as best as they can.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 43,355; Warning: Abuse
In This Windy City by dugindeep
Chicago Homicide Detectives run themselves all over the city to tie together a handful of bodies, a potential scandal with a local Alderman, an unnamed dirty cop, and a possibly even dirtier partner. In Chicago, it’s not just the wind that’ll get you …
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 64,944; Warning: Violence
A Handful of Rain by riyku 
Life on the streets had taught Jensen that everything came with a price. Family was a word that meant the people who kicked you out, religion was nothing more than a free meal, and salvation something that he could buy for ten bucks a hit down on the bad side of town. Scoring had become his full-time job, and finding a safe place to sleep was what he did in his time off. It was only a matter of time until this life caught up with him. Now, strung out and with no where else to go, Jensen finds himself following his feet to a place he never thought he would go--to the home of a stranger who can unfailingly see past Jensen's mistakes, and who can see right through to the good that is still left within him. The challenge is getting Jensen to see it as well.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 33,520; Warning: Drug Abuse
Not On the Map by elless18
The boys go on a road trip from Dallas to NYC and discover a few new things along the way.
Rating: NC-17; Word Count: 11,500; Warning: None
Forever is a Lonely Number by lightinthehall
[ Written for the prompt ] "Jensen never ages, Jared does, but they stay together forever."
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 3,286; Warning: None
*Note: one of my favorite fics ever. in the history of ever.
Thespis by nicbo723
Jared is a makeup artist and is hired for a new movie based in Vancouver. Jensen plays the part of a hardcore, punk-rock star, but he has a real-life attitude problem. Unfortunately, Jared can’t figure out why and still finds Jensen attractive. They have to work alone together; long hours and long days, in small quarters of the makeup trailer. During that time, Jared discovers the actor’s secret and wants nothing more than to break away the protective mask Jensen hides behind.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 36,370; Warning: None
A Song in the Stars by strive2bhappy
Jared Padalecki has dreamed of taking to the skies since he was five-years-old. When he becomes an adult and builds a spaceship of his own, he gets to do just that, looking for adventure -- little did he know the adventure waiting for him. Jensen Ackles is born part human, part Terryn and his life as an outcast is difficult -- music is his only real escape. When he's captured by the Dominion, an organization hell-bent on taking over every galaxy in every way they can, he's used as a lab experiment to see how his special, combined heritage can be advantageous for them. Fleeing Dominion control, he vows to himself, they will never find him again. A chance meeting between Jared and Jensen helps both of them get what they're looking for -- and the way things end up, it may have been more than just chance. From various planets throughout different galaxies, to nights under the stars in space, Jared and Jensen find in each other something worth fighting -- and possibly dying -- for.
Rating: Explicit; Word Count: 39,813; Warning: None
Knockin’ So Loud by tebtosca
Jensen's new neighbor is a gigantic dick. No, really, he is.
Rating: Mature; Word Count: 3,049; Warning: None
Hometown Boys by peggy_lane
Jared's the best used car salesman in his small Texas town. Jensen's the surly mechanic who manages the shop at the dealership. It takes some time, but Jared brings him around.
Rating: Teen; Word Count: 6,092; Warning: None
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