sunbeamstone-art · 5 months
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A little something between my OC Miya and @TheDarknessWolf OC Vastis.
One is in love while the other have mixed feelings.
Part of a RP we done together
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astralflumph · 2 months
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7. clouds, 16. witness, for the 16th chapter of They Were Roommates (By Mystra, They Were Roommates)
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cordyceps-sapiens · 1 year
 I like Titanic II way more than the original, honestly. 
The stuff about “women and children first” was clearly dated, so they only involved adult men. Too many clearly innocent people were killed in the first one, but the second really boiled it down to only people involved in the hubris that led to the disaster. 
I’m not normally a James Cameron fan, but I do think they should have welcomed his involvement in this project a little sooner: this is a rare case where he could have reduced a budget (as the leading expert in exploring the Titanic for no scientific reason, he realized from the start that the search radius would be very small). 
I also enjoyed the new supernatural element of “banging sounds”. Unquiet dead angered by the renewed hubris of the tourist submarine? Ghosts of the billionaires pleading for aid? I like the ambiguity.
My absolute favorite part was the callback to the original “unsinkable” quote, where Stockton Rush called his submarine “pretty much invulnerable”. 
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triviareads · 8 months
Hello, sorry to bother, can you recommend historicals where the hero or heroine play an instrument? Or even don't play but like music
Always Be My Duchess by Amalie Howard: Montcroix a cellist and there's an EXCELLENT scene where he's hard after watching Nève dance and he's trying to play his cello to exercise his frustrations but then she shows up and he proceeds to play her like a cello, vibrato and all.
Theory of Earls by Kathleen Ayers: Maggie plays the piano so stirringly that apparently it borders on wanton for her Victorian audience. The hero Tony is also a gifted pianist and this book features piano fingering, piano oral, and a ruination... on a piano.
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake by Sarah MacLean: Ralston is secretly a great pianist and he's playing very angstily when Callie sneaks into his house to request that he give her her first kiss.
Patience by Lisa Valdez: Both Matthew and Patience are cellists, I think they duet at some point, and there's a this super hot scene where she's in his lap with her legs spread and they're both playing his cello which leads to more.
Marrying Winterborne by Lisa Kleypas: Helen is an accomplished pianist and plays for Rhys in the prior book while he's recovering from his injuries and he's *entranced*. In Marrying Winterborne, Rhys also tries to bribe her into sleeping with him by offering to buy her a new piano. It does work. Kind of.
An Island Princess Starts A Scandal by Adriana Herrera: I mean, they must enjoy the opera enough for Cora to go down on Manuela in their private box during a performance.
In Which Winnie Halifax is Utterly Ruined by Alexandra Vasti: Ditto for Spencer and Winnie ^^
And if you wanna read about endearingly shitty musicians, there's always the Smythe-Smith Quartet series by Julia Quinn.
M is for Marquess by Grace Callaway: Thea and Tremont first meet after she plays the piano and he's super stirred by it and he later admits he wanted to take her on said piano.
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hardcovernights · 8 months
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In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint
Alexandra Vasti
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monomatica · 2 months
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Type Map for Ne’er Duke Well by Alexandra Vasti 💚🩵
A portrait of Lady Selina Ravencroft, one of my favorite clever and savvy Regency heroines. The Duke of Stanhope never had a chance.
Follow my Insta »
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stcnefruit · 6 months
— open starter.
status - open to all, but pls read my rules and mobile about (pinned post) first before interacting. don't like my starters. muse - vasti inaiê souza gonçalves, sculptor, potter and printmaker. bisexual, uses she/her pronouns. human, thirty. wanted opposites (in order of priority) - m/nb/f, 30+. mocs (muns/muses of color) preferred. wanted connections - literal strangers, an ex, fellow artist, someone they haven't seen since sixth grade, as long as they're a little richer than vasti is (and not related) go literally batsh*t plot - they're on their way to personally deliver one of their commissions but they haven't slept well in over 48 hours (they've slept enough to not get pulled over, they can drive) and really should have hired a truck or sent it through the post but hey they've done it before and the client is right across town (or city, cough) so it shouldn't be too bad right? they'll make it except you just kind of yk. rear-ended them at the stoplight and their sh*t's in the trunk bc it couldn't fit in the back seat and now you might have just f*cked sh*t up if that packing wrap isn't as good as it's marketed to be. potential meet cute with insurance problems and career threatening happenings basically, what could be better than that
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— she hears it before she feels it, the way the body of the car lurches underneath her at the street corner. the rattling in the back is too loud for her to ignore, and she's already doing inventory on what she has with her. registration papers, house keys, studio keys, that flat tire kit she's never had to use in her life and hopes she won't have to now, the delivery— oh God, fuck, the delivery. in the trunk. surrounded by a shit ton of bubble wrap and cling film and whatever the fuck else she wrapped it in at 3am two days ago and placed it in its box, but last she checked no flat tire makes that kind of sound like the kind where there's a bit too much metal and you know in your gut you'll need to call your insurance company. both of them, in her case, if the vehicle in her rearview mirror is giving anything to go by. que se lixe isso, this is not a good day. her blood pressure was not made for this. neither was her neck, for that matter, but she doubts there was enough speed behind the impact to cause any whiplash worth worrying about. she unlocks her phone as she steps out, car door slamming closed behind her, insurance already on speed dial. as a precaution she takes a few photos of the other car's license plate, now neatly tucked (along with the front bumper) just barely under her chassis—she is not paying for this shit if she doesn't have to, especially if the driver in question has enough money to be driving a car like that right into her sedan and especially if they might have just jeopardized her commission. three months, hundreds of hours, possibly damaged in her trunk because it's the one day she didn't have her morning coffee and decided to put it there instead of the backseat, bubble wrap or no bubble wrap. yeah, she'll milk every last penny from that payout while she's at it. might as well be pissed for a reason. 'hey,' she says, coming up to the window as it rolls down, 'i'm sorry, this is going to sound so completely fucking obvious and i know this and you know this but i think you just rear-ended me? and there's something in my trunk that i really need to get out and check on before this day goes any further to shit than it already has so if you could please try and back the fuck up, it would be much appreciated. juro o túmulo da minha mãe.' her mother is alive, thank you very much, but it's not like they need to know that in english or portuguese. // @indiestarter
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Nightbreed without speaking roles, but known names:
Kushnir Day
Vasty Moses // Beloit Motto
Saul // (2. pic for the three white sisters of Midian in the background)
Mater Q // Otis & Clay
Yilly Cat // (2. pic for Frick in the background)
Radinka // Scorch
berserkers // Lizzie B (fg, I don't know the name of the NB in the bg)
Chocolat (fg left side. Don't know the name of the blue NB in the bg. The NB in the bg on the far right looks like Kolca Threeflies. Bonus Peloquin right in the middle)
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icarrymany · 6 months
ive been thinking abt tma like vaguely for a few weeks its just in my brain. need to get the energy to listen to protocol
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cienie-isengardu · 9 months
I find it funny that both Sektor and Noob Saibot and Frost all are all on the Near Pure Evil wiki. It's basically for villains who are close to being complete monsters but they having a redeeming quality/fail standards in story or are played for sympathy without it being detracted to where they can't be Pure Evil.
All three are Lin Kuei or at least former in Bi-Han's sense and all on the same wiki.
Bi-Han's main prevention is being minor tragic, failing heinous standards and having minor respect for Kuai in the intros and having moral agency problems thanks to Quan Chi receiving him.
Frost fails the heinous standards of the MK universe to other villains.
Sektor's prevention is being loyal to the clan and being under the belief the Cyber Initiative was actually helping them.
Honestly isn't all too surprising.
Near Pure Evil? Heh. Sadly, can’t say I’m surprised by including those characters on such wiki.
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starxrender · 8 months
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A close up of a most interesting breed.
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miscreantahead · 8 months
everyone's talking about red canary but i can't stop looking at badgrav like that seems vasty to me
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readtilyoudie · 1 year
Working was out of the question. He had retrieved his spectacles and put them on to read through some reports from his estate managers -- and then he had caught a glimpse of Matilda's face.
Her mouth had fallen open. "You... wear spectacles?" she said faintly.
He glared at her through them. "Yes. To read. Because I am old."
He had, in fact, worn spectacles to read since he had first learned to read, but he did not tell her that.
She had nodded, her lips still parted, the daft woman. And then he'd felt the heat of her fixed stare as he'd tried to work. It was impossible not to feel it. He rubbed the back of his neck, stared blindly at the reports, and then yanked off his spectacles and shoved them brutally into his jacket pocket.
Matilda had let out the tiniest, breathiest sigh.
In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
ciao cla, quali “mezzi” usi per informarti sulle news di solito? Siti / tg ecc?
Ciaoooo allora Tg (principalmente 1 3 e regionale), cinguetterai, tvblog (che è poi dove prende le news cinguetterai), Davide Maggio, baccotvnews su twt, rbcasting e poi seguo tutte le pagine IG delle varie case di produzione quindi le news principali le ho per le cose televisive/cinematografiche. Poi il canale telegram Breaking news - ultimora.net per le notizie più importanti che riguardano un po' di tutto e poi se voglio gli approfondimenti vado sui siti/giornali che dovrebbero essere un po' più raccomandabili tipo La Repubblica e vari ma cerco sempre di leggere più fonti e verifico da dove prendono le informazioni (perché più spesso dell'accettabile le 'fonti affidabili' scrivono boiate prese da chissà dove). Più variə divulgatorə su Instagram per argomenti di cui so che trattano e questo è quanto
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triviareads · 8 months
The struggles of reading that a side character in Ne'er Duke Well apparently was a bit o'rough coal miner('s son) who KIDNAPPED his current wife through her window and they eloped, but then seeing that this man is also a Tory :/
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hardcovernights · 10 months
I’m currently reading Alexandra Vasti‘s In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint and I cannot wait for her full length debut next year oh lord
Our mmc Ashford just got out the reading glasses for some light work and had to ("brutally"!!) pack them away again until further notice because Matilda would not stop staring at him. Just getting absolutely hot and bothered for this old man with his spectacles that she starts making him uncomfortable. Real
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