soreiya · 2 years
Should we as a fandom collectively decide to step away from Vat7K and push for something completely different? Now don’t run off to grab your torches and pitchforks just yet. This isn’t a hate post. I just think it would be kinda fun to have a big discussion on the subject.
First of all I’d like to ask you a few questions. This will help us get to know one another a bit better.
What got you into Vat7K?                
What do you think of the Vat7K concept?
Would your opinion of it be different if it wasn’t created by someone who worked on TtS?
Have you personally noticed any problems with Vat7K and or it’s fandom?                
What would your ideal Varian spinoff be like?                
What would your ideal partner for Varian be like? (Can be either romantic or platonic)
The vague concepts that I like:
Varian leaving Corona on a simple quest that turns into something a lot grander along the way. Let the boy have his own epic adventure. ;D
Varian finding some friends who are around his own age.
The potential to learn more about Varian’s family, (This includes his mother and The Brotherhood.)
Reuniting with Cassandra and finding out what she has been up to.
Varian being given more opportunities to use his knowledge of alchemy and engineering. Doing things like problem solving, helping others, or using it for self defense. (Since this is part of what makes him special.)
Maybe finding out if there is anything special about Varian’s hairstripe? Is it nothing? Is he cursed? Does he have some unknown magic power? Is it some prophecy bullshit? I want to knowww.    
Things I like about 7K:
I like Varian’s teal vest. Out of everything 7K related, it’s probably the only thing I have no real issues with.
Don’t worry, I’m not being completely serious with that comment. 
My Vat7K thoughts and ‘opinions’:
This AU has potential, but some stuff would need to be reworked in order to make more sense.
    Mode of transportation:
-Why wasn’t Varian provided with horses and a nice caravan? He's not only the Royal Alchemist/Engineer of Corona, but the son of a marquess. An uncovered cart wouldn't give him and his supplies adequate protection from hazardous weather conditions/potential enemy attacks.
-Would Princess Nuru's parent/s allow her to leave in some dinky cart?
The trials:
-If Donella and Ulla already completed the trials then what happened to the totems that they used to open the portal?    
-Did someone reset the trials after they had been completed? Even if they reset on their own this leads to a huge issue with the plot. Other people could have already completed the trials. All you would have to do is find someone who did and bypass the trial completely.
-Why does Varian and his group struggle with the trials if they have a cheat sheet journal? The implications here are honestly a little insulting.
-Since Princess Nuru joins the main group much later on, would she be able to take part in the trials out of order? If so, then does taking part in only a portion of the trials disqualify her from entering the Eternal Library, or can anyone enter once it has been opened?   
The Demanitus device:
-Since this is an AU I’m fine with the Demanitus device still being intact. The problem however is that the intended use of that device was weather manipulation. It could alter wind trajectory. This wouldn’t be all that useful for creating a portal.
-Varian is already capable of building interdenominational portals. He also has access to Demanitus’ tomb. Thus it is entirely likely that he could locate the notes and blueprints needed to create the portal without completing the trials. 
The Eternal Library:
-Having the end goal be to reach some treasure trove of knowledge is probably going to be a bad idea. If all knowledge is at your disposal then what’s the point in experimenting? Whatever life and drive that Varian still had left would slowly be drained away by this prospect. He wouldn’t be trying anything new. He would simply be following instructions.    
- Who let Varian leave the house in that ridiculous boy scout outfit? That’s a bigger crime than any of the ones he committed in TtS.
-All jokes aside, there are real problems with Varian’s portrayal in this AU. By making everyone and their mother a genius, alchemist, and or an engineer, you’re robbing Varian of everything that made him special. He doesn’t feel like the main character of this story. He’s just the guy with the journal. There are no big moments where he has an opportunity to really shine. Even in the final battle he has to be rescued from becoming a meat suit.    
Varian’s family
-Ulla essentially abandoned her entire family in order to find the Eternal Library. There is no other way to put it. This wasn’t some day trip or mini vacation. It could have taken her years to complete the trials. Even if she had returned home, she would have missed out on a lot of Varian’s childhood. Don’t you think this would have a lasting impact on his emotional development?               
 Given this information it’s not a plot twist whatsoever that she turned out to be the final boss. Which bothers me greatly because it is just reaffirming the one thing I hated about Cassandra’s villain arc. That somehow villainy is inherited from one’s parents.            
 Regardless of her being ‘redeemed’ or not, I’m giving her an F on the good mom scale. The quest wasn’t even time sensitive. She could have waited for Varian to become an adult before going on this journey. Heck, she could have taken him along for the ride…    
-Okay, so I’ll admit that I don't actually like the name Ulla. I’d probably like it if it was pronounced Yoolla, but uh-lla and oo-lla is on level with Horace for me.
Ulla’s relatives:
-Does anyone find it creepy that Ulla’s family are almost all Varian clones? Let them be their own characters… This feels lazy.  
 -Also, why would Varian give up on his quest just because he found his family? I get that they are like minded people, but he’s supposedly traveling with like minded people??? This feels OoC. Varian is a very goal oriented character. He doesn’t give up so easily.    
Supporting cast:
-What is her goal exactly? She’s the one who returned Ulla’s journal to Quirin in the first place. If she really thought there were secrets inside then she should have come to this conclusion beforehand… 
-There was no reason for her to send Hugo to get the fire totem or to have him infiltrate Varian’s group. Everything could have been resolved with a little honesty. Talk people!!! Seriously, I hate when plots have pointless drama or misunderstandings because someone bottles up their god damn emotions.
-When you give it some real thought the whole plot legit makes no sense. Why wait for Varian to turn 18? If she had been keeping tabs on him then she would have given Hugo more information. Instead she lets him go into some big mission completely blind? Way to go… You left him out here thinking that Varian is some sweet naive summer child who wouldn’t snap him like a twig… You’re lucky that he makes it out of this story alive.            
Princess Nuru:
-Her character is severely underdeveloped. Much like Yong she feels like an afterthought. Like she was created to fill a void rather than to be an actual character.
-Sure, let’s force the sole female character into the role of the ‘mom friend’. That won’t be stereotypical at all. 
-Why does Nuru not know anything about Varian? She’s a princess. Such people soak up loads of political gossip through osmosis. Even after Varian’s reformation he would still be a hot topic of discussion. I’m hella sus, girl…
-I get that her kingdom was in a state of crisis, but would she really be allowed to just leave with a group of strangers? Why wasn't she provided with some sort of guard at the very least?
-There is nothing particularly interesting about his character. He’s just the baby of the group.    
-If Hugo is supposed to be some stealthy street smart thief, then why does his personality completely contradict this? You can try to say that it’s just an act, but he’s always portrayed as an obnoxious player, like some pompous flirt. Stuff like that would make him notorious and easily recognizable. Believe me when I say that this behavior isn’t ideal for someone who’s entire job is to go on undercover missions.  Donella would not be pleased. She didn’t raise a cheap half assed Flynn Rider 2.0 knockoff did she?
-I hate to be the one to point this out, but the fandom might have inadvertently turned Hugo into a full on Gary Stu.  Let me explain. Often times I see people saying that Hugo is ‘smarter’ and ‘more capable’ than Varian. Did this man bring a kingdom down to it’s knees twice over? Why isn’t he using his skills in alchemy and engineering to make a fortune? He’s supposed to be greedy. That’s his whole gimmick isn’t it? Then why is he letting those smarts go to waste? He wouldn’t need to be a lapdog to a manipulative old woman if this was the case. It doesn’t matter if he feels indebted to her. A smart and resourceful person would be using their intellect wisely.
Animal companions:
-Is this just Varian in donkey form? Why do they look so much alike?
-Am I the only one who finds it a little humiliating for Varian to leave on a big adventure with a derpy looking donkey? I get that this is probably the point, but I think it's a little sad.
-Ruddiger is awesome. I just think that people forget that he exists sometimes.
-My only issue here is that people are taking information about Hugo from his D&D counterpart. They should be treated like completely separate characters. Otherwise I have no problems with the little mouse companion. I think it's a cute idea.
Thoughts on relationships:
-There should be other potential suitors for Varian in Vat7K. 
-Varian is a Flynnigan Rider fanboy. Suffice to say that his vision of romance is likely to be incredibly idealized.
-I know that this fandom loves it’s angst fodder, but let’s think for a moment on the lasting consequences of betrayal. Varian already has trust issues. That paranoia is gonna linger in the back of his mind forever regardless of how many healthy connections he makes throughout the years. If he is betrayed by a love interest, those feelings are only going to be amplified tenfold. You don’t just kiss and make up after something like that. He likely would want to close himself off completely from being in romantic relationships as a self defense mechanism.
-The first thing I saw from this relationship was an adorable confession scene animatic. That was hella cute shit. I was like “Hell yes! Nerds in love!”. Was that what I got? No, but that disappointment set in much later.    
My issues with Varian’s portrayal in the relationship.
-If you have to change a character’s whole personality in order to fit your ship preferences, then at this point they are no longer the same character. They might as well be an OC.
-Why does the fandom push toxic stereotyping? (Basically the seme/uke nonsense that you see in BL manga.) Varian usually gets dumbed down so that Hugo can swoop in. Varian has to be short, weak, and naive... Why is this so heavily enforced? Why can’t people portray things     differently without the fandom losing their collective shit?     
-Why is Varian portrayed as not being street smart? He lived on his own for months while being harassed by guards. He went to prison… He worked with terrorists… He is friends with former criminals. He is acquainted with pub thugs. ???? Sorry, but he’s not gonna be impressed with Hugo’s whole shtick… It’s not something new to him.    
-Also… Varian may be skinny, but he’s still relatively athletic. He has the endurance to run round trip through a magical blizzard. He can parkour like a pro (When he’s feeling confident.). He can build huge boilers and giant automatons. So he’s probably used to some level of manual labor. He can leap down great distances. Somehow he can scoot Xavier across the ground with no issues. o__O; What part of this sounds weak to you all?
-His height as an adult is debatable. He may remain short forever. He could grow tall. Maybe he even has a late growth spurt.
-Regardless of his height Varian shouldn’t always be portrayed as some uwu submissive fragile little flower. Let there be some equality in the relationship.
-For reference on Varian being assertive and flirty I would recommend rewatching Great Expotations.              
My issues with Hugo:
-Hugo triggers my anxiety because he gives off the vibes of a sexual predator. Unlike Eugene, Hugo doesn’t fall in love right away. Any interest he has in Varian is for self gratification and that makes me hella uncomfortable. If you combine this Varian being treated as naive and innocent. Then you can understand why I want to chase Hugo ass away with a flip flop. 
-The way Hugo speaks to Varian is gross. Constantly calling him “sweetcheeks” and other objectifying terms… It just solidifies my view that he’s not capable of keeping his mind out of the gutter for a second…
A note to the fandom:
Oh boy, I went a bit overboard… Please don’t think of me as an enemy because of this post. We can still be friends. I’m fine with you all sticking with 7K. I just wanted to raise awareness of some of the things that I have noticed about the plot and characters. Whether it has any influence on your views or not is up in the air. If anything this can be used to help troubleshoot and improve upon the AU.
At this point it’s unlikely that Disney has interest in creating a Varian spinoff series/comic/novel/etc. It would be awesome if they did, but I won’t get my hopes up.
So in the meantime, does anyone want to band together and brainstorm ideas? I feel like we could have a great time coming up with scenarios for something new. 
Advice/suggestions/additional misc notes: 
-Don’t stalk or harass the creators of this AU.
-Do not pass HC’s off as canon facts. This includes pushing 7K onto others as a canonical continuation of Tangled the Series.
-You should never threaten or bully people who do not share your opinions or HC’s. Try channeling those negative emotions into doing something positive instead.
-Do not bully or try to ‘socially cancel’ people who ship other pairings. Don’t like a ship? Scroll past it and move on with your life.
-Tag fics appropriately. Express content in detail. Don’t bait and switch. Don’t rant and rave or be malicious in any way.
-For some reason there are people who enjoy making ‘white boy’ jokes about Hugo. These same people often exaggerate Varian’s skin tone in order to put more emphasis on this. I find it pretty distasteful. Would you tolerate this behavior aimed at any of the other characters? If the answer is “No.” then stop.
-There are people who use the trans tag when all they really want to do is gender swap the character to fit their smut preferences. Objectification is not representation. (To be clear, I'm not saying all trans smut is like this. The type of storytelling I'm talking about is obvious to spot. You'll know it if/when you see it. Though hopefully you won't have to see it.)
If you want to HC Varian or any other character as trans because it makes you feel closer to the character, then by all means do so. You’re valid and this is perfectly reasonable.
I may face slack for not sharing the trans Varian HC personally, but I’m in the mindset that we need more characters who were born male that do not conform to society's norms. It’s incredibly important for boys/men to see that they can sew, cook, and clean without these activities being treated as if they are somehow emasculating. Getting rid of toxic gender stereotypes is the first step to a future where people can be accepted as equals.
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varian-is-the-best · 1 month
Seriously, Kay and Anna had no problem shipping 24 years old Hugo and 37 years old Pyrus, so why are age differences so hated in the Vat7k fandom?
Could you guys maybe chill for a bit.
Age-difference ships are nothing bad.
Varipunzel, Cassarian Eugerian or Varalina are just as good ships as Varigo. Maybe even better.
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variberry · 1 year
i dare you to look at one image of hugo and tell me that he isn’t the most british man you’ve ever seen
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Varian is an Uptown Girl by Billy Joel. I don’t care what anyone says. I don’t care that he lives in the country side and isn’t rich at all he’s from Uptown at heart
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hugogetsrawed · 1 year
petty idea we all start also tagging varigo with tangled the series to enrage the people who seem to hate varigo so so much but havent just. blocked the tag
for every asshole in the vat7k tag who's made an anti post without a) tagging it anti b) using the read more function and instead posting an absolute wall of text and c) forgotten that blocking #varigo is way easier than writing an entire essay, i will be posting a nsfw hugo post tagged #tts
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verysociallyakward · 8 months
Vat7k plotholes and how to fill them part 3
Why would Varian forgive Hugo so quickly after the betrayal?
1, he's exhausted and in pain. He isn't thinking clearly after his mother is defeated so he forgives Hugo easily. It isn't until he has a meal and a good night's sleep that's he's mad at Hugo again. They have many conversations about the betrayal explaining their sides of the story and their feelings before everything is good again.
2, Varian doesn't trust Donella so he doubts what she says. The only reason he was angry at Hugo and ran into the library was because of the high emotions and tensions clouding his judgement. When he is with his mom he starts thinking that he might've been lied to and the feeling is fortified by Hugo saving him. After a meal and a good night's sleep Hugo explains his story and Varian learned that Donella was telling the truth to an extent. They talk things out and everything is good again.
3, Hugo has been dropping hints for months so it doesn't hit as hard. While with his mom Varian realizes Hugo has been trying to tell him everything. Hugo saving Varian shows him that Hugo does care for him. A meal, a good night's sleep and several conversations about it and everything is good again.
Why would Varian believe Donella in the first place?
1, the tension is high and so are the emotions leading to zero critical thinking ability.
2, Hugo's guilty face.
3, Hugo had been indirectly telling Varian for several months and Donella just blatantly saying it clicked everything into place.
Why would we sympathize with Ulla when she left Varian when he was still an infant to find the eternal library?
1, Varian had a serious illness and she thought that the eternal library would have the cure. Varian gets better on his own and Ulla never returns.
2, Donella blackmailed Ulla. Ulla wanted to protect her family from the backlash so she joined Donella and never returned.
3, Ulla wanted to find the lost princess and thought the library would have the location. It did but she couldn't tell anybody where the lost princess was because she was locked in the library.
How does an argument lead to Donella trapping Ulla in the library?
1, they have been having big arguments since meeting Qurin over everything from rations to what to do with bandits. The final argument turned into a magic fight when they decided the other was a lost cause.
2, Ulla lost her mind in the light trial she wasn't able to think rationally so she blew the argument way out of proportion. Donella was also thinking irrationally from the light trial and retaliated.
3, both Donella and Ulla have a serial killer mindset and if anyone disagrees with them they take it as a threat. They disagree about the library and fight to the death.
Why has no one else taken the totems if anyone can access the trials?
1, they all died in the trials
2, the totem regenerates after the trial ends
3, they have and team radical has to steal it
I am out plotholes if you have more please tell me and I'll come up with solutions.
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tangledbea · 3 months
Here’s what I don’t get. I don’t get how somehow I’m seeing new people in the tags all the time 4 years after the show ended. Is it the compelling mediocrity theory? How fandoms come from stuff that isn’t good but could be good?
Well, "Ready As I'll Ever Be," "Crossing the Line," and "Nothing Left to Lose" did their rounds as AMVs, animatics, and TikToks. A lot of people were drawn into the show because of them, and I bet a lot of people still are. Also, a lot of the newcomers seem to have come here specifically because they saw Varian (or Vat7K stuff) and were drawn in by him because he's their type of blorbo.
A show being highly criticized after its conclusion doesn't mean it won't draw in new viewers. For one thing, new viewers might not know about the criticism, so why would they avoid it?
Anyway, to all new (or new-ish) viewers reading this: Hi! Welcome!
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pyro-kiinesis · 8 months
✨ hello and welcome! :3c ✨
howdy!! my name is Quinn and this is my art blog ^^ here you’ll find my own original works, doodles of my ocs, fanart, and other people’s art that I enjoy! thank you for stopping by!!<3
About Me:
•I’m 20 years old
•I’m nonbinary and I use neopronouns!! (they/xe/glow/fae)
•I’m aroflux biromantic asexual and polyam
•I’m neurodivergent and autistic
•I’m therian and otherkin (my kintypes are cat rabbit sparrow and dragon <3)
•My current interests are dungeons & dragons, critical role (mainly campaign two), TMNT, genshin impact, and tangled the series/vat7k ^w^ ~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.~-.
My Sideblogs:
• @lavenderbobadragons (misc stuff and random thoughts)
• @localwildemountwizard (critical role fan blog)
• @blueglowstiicks (my writing side blog)
• @sparrrowswings (epic the musical side blog)
• @atop-dragonspine (genshin impact side blog)
My Tags:
•#pyro kiinesisart — for all my art
•#pyro kiinesisocs — for my ocs
•#pyro kiinesisfanart — for my fanart
•#pyro kiinesislikes — for art I like+reblog :3
•#nearlywitchestrilogy — for stuff related to my personal oc universe and story!! (the masterpost for the story is here)
You Can Find Me On:
•Discord (pyrokiinesis)
thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a good day/night!! :3 <33 ✨
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barkyyy · 6 months
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
+ ★ . ☆ + . ★
☆ . + ★ . ☆ +
+ . ☆ . + .
☆✦; w e l c o m e! ★◌
My name is Barky (she/they)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I am an 18yo old multi-fandom artist, but still, even though I am of age, this blog will be completely sfw. Even in dms, keep things sfw. I'm uncomfortable with that.....stuff.
I'll try to post often, mainly fan art or art of my ocs, but don't be shocked if I disappear from the internet at random times.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
.・。.・゜✭・I am Aroace.・✫・゜・。.
➤Current hyperfixations: FNAF, Wings of Fire, Tangled the series, Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, Little Nightmares
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Interests and More!
⏤͟͟͞͞ Spicy food✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Cartoons/animated shows✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Moths✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Playing video games (especially horror) ✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Watching YouTube✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Making ocs✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Making headcanons✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Extreme amounts of gore; I love gore✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Jokes/Memes/Being a silly goofy lil guy★
⏤͟͟͞͞Headcanning literally all my fave characters to be neurodivergent and aroace lmao✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Bingus, my Lord and Savior
⏤͟͟͞͞My dog and cat✭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⏤͟͟͞͞Homophobia, racism, Aphobia, Antifurs/fatherless jokes, p*doph*lia✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Politics; this blog is supposed to be an escape. Keep that shit out✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Bullying/Toxicity of any kind; whether it be gaslighting, gatekeeping, etc✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Tomatoes; sorry they're overrated✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Art theft/tracing/reposting art without credits/permission, whether it be mine or someone else's✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Anything Nsfw✭
⋅─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Current comfort character(s)...
⏤͟͟͞͞Varian (Tangled; #1 comfort char♥︎) ✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Bonnie (Fnaf) ✭
⏤͟͟͞Six, Mono, Rk, & Rcg (Little Nightmares) ✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Roxanne Wolf (Fnaf) ✭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
⏤͟͟͞͞ I am autistic and I have adhd✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ I am a furry and I do have a fursona✭
⏤͟͟͞͞Varian is mah baby boi😍✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Currently learning to play guitar and trying to improve my writing (writing tips and constructed criticism are very very much appreciated)✭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Other fandoms I'm in...
⏤͟͟͞͞ Amphibia✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ The Owl House✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Tangled: The Series/Vat7k✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Helluva Boss✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Hazbin Hotel✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Lackadaisy✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Murder Drones✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Digital Circus✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Centaurworld✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Gravity Falls✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Dead End:Paranormal Park✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Chikn Nuggit✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Nimona✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Wings of Fire✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Warrior Cats✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Fnaf✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Little Nightmares✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Undertale/Deltarune (kinda)✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Tomodachi Life/Miitopia✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Hollow Knight✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Rain world✭
⏤͟͟͞͞ Flutter Starlight (moth game)✭
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
And.... That's a wrap, I guess! I tried my best. I haven't made an introduction before lmao
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soreiya · 1 year
If you want to add Cyrus to your list, I would like to tell you a few things about him.
His design is largely based on Pyrus Bitterfang's human design from the time when Hugo was still a DnD character.
And Pyrus and Hugo were a kind of item with lots of pictures showing them very physically close.
So I'd like to imagine that Hugo sometimes goes and flirts with Cyrus, like hugging him or sitting in his lap.
Also, there was a character named Cyrus in a Tangled comic who was the muscle to an intelligent she-thief. I don't know if that has something to do with it, but I just wanted to mention it.
Woah, I totally did not know about any of this. Thanks so much for the information. I always assumed that Cyrus was in his 40’s or 50’s. So it’s really unexpected to learn about him and Hugo being in a relationship. Of course it’s possible that the characters ages were changed for the AU’s comic concept. (Unless the creators like large age gaps that is.) Though as someone who doesn’t ship Varigo (due to personal IRL trauma among other things), I’d be fine with this new old ship becoming more widely spread/accepted.
I’ve been wanting to update my long Vat7K post for a while. There is a lot that I could do to make it better/more respectful. So if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know.
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pyro-kiinesis · 1 year
hello and welcome!!
my name is Quinn, and this is my art blog :3 here you’ll see art of my original/furry characters, fanart for things I like, and reblogs of other peoples art that I enjoy ^^
nonbinary (they/xe/glow)
aroflux biromantic/ace/polyam
therian and otherkin (my kin types are cat rabbit sparrow and dragon :3)
avid creator of original and d&d characters, I have a bunch of ocs aAA
into a large array of fictional things, including but not limited to: critical role (mainly campaign two), rottmnt, and tangled the series/vat7k <33
My tags are:
#pyro-kiinesisart —> for all my art
#pyro-kiinesisocs —> for my characters
#pyro-kiinesisfanart —> for my fanart
#pyro-kiinesislikes —> for stuff I reblog
My Sideblogs:
• @sparrrowswings —> for epic the musical stuff
• @localwildemountwizard —> for critical role stuff
• @blueglowstiicks —> for my writing stuff
• @lavenderbobadragons —> for other miscellaneous stuff
You can find me:
• pyrokiinesis (Pronouns Page)
• pyrokiinesis (Pinterest)
• pyro-kiinesis (Toyhou.se)
• pyro-kiinesis (ArtFight)
• blueglowstiicks (AO3)
• staarpup (Redbubble)
• Quinn-#9136 (Discord)
• homophobic/lgbtq+ phobic individuals
• terfs/transphobic individuals
• racists/xenophobic/antisemitic individuals
• ableists or anyone who sympathizes with autism speaks
basically just please be respectful and we’ll get along great, I’m always open to chat with people!!
✨✨thanks for stopping by! :3<3
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soreiya · 1 year
Why can't people just ship and let others ship without calling each other pedophile or slurs?
They are the fandom equivalent of Chris Sonnenburg... Stalking, harassing, and telling other fans that they are wrong for not catering to someone else's personal preferences… It all reeks of entitlement and egoism.
I can't be the only one to see the parallels.
Many of these people are not even aware of how hypocritical they sound when they make these kinds of baseless accusations. It gives off the impression of “Do as I say, not as I do.”…
I’m open about liking Varipunzel. Canonically they have roughly a 4 year age gap. By the end of TtS Varian is 16 or 17. (Some people think season 3 was longer than a year.) So according to a few bossy people in the fandom, I should feel ashamed if I age him up a year or two for a post series plot? I’m also a terrible person if I enjoy the ship in AU’s where canon ages don’t apply to anyone. There is no winning here… People will look at me badly regardless of if my intent is pure or not... So why should I care? Why should I let them taint something that I enjoy?
So if we as a fandom can’t age Varian up to ship him in AU’s then... Hmm...
Boy do I have some bad news for Varigo shippers in this case. Hugo and Varian canonically have a 10 year age gap between their respective source materials. So the Vat7K AU would be deemed immoral based on the fandom’s self imposed shipping guidelines. I doubt they would take this well at all. Haha
All I gotta say is that people need to stop with these double standards. Feign obliviousness, make excuses all day, but don’t act righteous like some kind of saint. Since everyone is bound to like something that other people would deem weird or questionable in some way. You just might not be aware of it yet.
Even widely praised canon pairings like New Dream have glaring red flags. Things that wouldn’t fly very well IRL, but they work in fiction because you have transparency. Yes, I’m being serious… Think about how Rapunzel was fresh out of the tower and had no baseline on what healthy relationships with other people should be like. It would have been easy for her to get manipulated or taken advantage of. So when people say New Dream’s age gap is okay because Rapunzel is legal, they are ignoring the fact that she has less world experience than the average 18 year old. This is a common oversight in the community. I like New Dream and even I can admit that this is a bit sketchy.
The point I’m trying to make is that every single ship has faults. No pairing is going to be loved by everyone. We should cherish our individuality and learn to be more open minded and supportive. Even to those who think differently. I'm certain that with some patience we can come to some kind of understanding of one another.
So yeah, it’s perfectly reasonable to dislike something that doesn’t appeal to you for any reason. Go forth and write full on essays or analysis posts. Do some research to try to see if you are actually right, or simple vent your personal frustrations out into the void. Just don’t be mean or make ignorant assumptions about other fans who do not share your opinions. Since there is a fine line between being a critic and being a hater.
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soreiya · 2 years
I saw your Vat7k disection. I'm ver sorryy that you fexperienced so much hostility and aggression. I think it's one, if not the, best disections of this fandom I've ever seen, and thank you a lot for the great effort.
I kind of expected a little bit of backlash. That's why I asked for a few opinions before posting publicly. I didn't want my criticisms to come off too harshly.
The only thing I'm really disappointed about is that nobody tried answering my questions. I was hoping for some fun lighthearted discussions, but I've spent more time trying to clean up misunderstandings. It's a little disheartening.
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soreiya · 2 years
i was mostly talking about the part in ur post where u said that varigo fanfic was tagged wrong. either way, it'd be cool if vat7k critical posts were actually like. tagged critical? idk i'm pretty sure the average fan doesn't wanna see a wall of text in the gen tag about why you think ppl should abandon the show.
A while back there were some anons causing real havoc on Ao3. This is why a lot of fics have moderated comment sections now. My suggestion to tag fics in detail is in relation to that fiasco. One of the anons went as far as to send people death threats. I’d like the fandom to remain a safe place for everyone. I hope that this context has helped you understand my intent a bit better.
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soreiya · 2 years
soooo i liked reading your take on vat7k, but i feel like its a bit hypocritical to complain about people tagging their vat7k wrong and then tag ur post as both tts and vat7k and then not add an "anti" or "negative" or "critical" tag. like maybe this should be a self reflection moment.
aw Thank you for reading my post. I appreciate it. I know it was a bit long and kind of a mess. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Hopefully I can clarify for you. What I said was for people to not spread misinformation about Vat7K being a canon continuation. There is nothing in my post about using the TtS tag.
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soreiya · 2 years
Art ask game: 7, 13 and 17
Thanks so much for the ask. <3
7. Show us a WIP
Let’s go into a bit of backstory before I show the WiP. What most people don’t know is that I received a death threat from someone in the Vat7K fandom. It kind of opened my eyes a bit. After that point I started noticing all of the little things. Not just about the fandom, but the concept itself. There are plot holes and things that made no sense on further inspection. Though to get back on point, one of the main issues is actually fandom related. I've found that certain HC’s are frowned upon because they go against some of the big stereotypes that are heavily enforced by the fandom. I guess I became rather rebellious because of this and decided to draw a tall Varian for a DTiYS. I just got so tired of this weird oppression? Never seen such a thing in any other fandom. o__O; I don't even have anything against short Varian, but the more I get told that drawing him tall is somehow wrong, the more I have to do it. Because there is no canon for adult Varian and people need to calm their shit and stop telling others what they can and can not do. LMFAO There are a lot of errors to correct, but it's the only recent WiP that I have. ;__;
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13. How long do you usually take on a piece?
Between a 1hr – 10+ years? LMFAO I’m just joking since I never finish anything.
Simpler stuff probably takes 1-3 hours.
More complex stuff I can’t really say for certain. Since I take breaks. Like there was one oekaki painting that I did back in 2005 that I worked on and off on for an entire week. Though I also spent a long time playing Sonic Adventure during the process. Hahahaha
Maybe once I have more confidence in my abilities I’ll use a timer app on the PC.
17. What do you love getting compliments about?
I actually feel awkward and undeserving of compliments. I’ve got a pretty low self image. I probably could use some advice on how to improve on this. x___X I remember recently @heatherthetiredwriter from the Of Rocks and Robots Discord server complimented my coloring on the AI comic and it made me cry. Though with group projects like that I’d rather not take the focus. Since a lot of work goes on throughout the process. Things wouldn’t come together as a whole if it was solely up to me. So I don't really know how to respond. It did feel nice though since that took such a long time to get done.
I’ve legit just sat here for a wile trying to really think about this question. I’ve come to the conclusion that my fave compliments come from when I’m doing something like practicing and I am genuinely struggling to learn? Like I’ll be expecting criticism on some anatomy and then someone will point out something that was done better than usual? It makes me feel like maybe I really can improve?
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