#tts discourse
hugogetsrawed · 1 year
petty idea we all start also tagging varigo with tangled the series to enrage the people who seem to hate varigo so so much but havent just. blocked the tag
for every asshole in the vat7k tag who's made an anti post without a) tagging it anti b) using the read more function and instead posting an absolute wall of text and c) forgotten that blocking #varigo is way easier than writing an entire essay, i will be posting a nsfw hugo post tagged #tts
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eggmuffinwaffles · 9 months
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shana tovah 💖
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lemonmoonlavender · 2 months
callout post once again for THAT SPECIFIC SOMEONE in this fandom in particular. cassarian is fucking gross! stop! ship characters that arent 8 years apart and divided by the legal consent age! theres so many fucking characters to ship and you chose pedophilia! jesus fucking christ!
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hammerbonk · 8 months
I hate prsk tiktok, it’s full of unhinged people and petty discourse. Unlike prsk tumblr, which is full of unhinged people and petty discourse
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98chao · 4 months
do you guys think rejoining twitter to post my crk art is worth it lmk
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the-diabolic-acid · 1 year
there was a post that showed up on my dash about mother gothel and antisemitism but the op blocked reblogs, and i would like to talk about it because the take was really bad and filled me with anger and this is my blog i make the rules. i have no clue how old it is. i dont care im upset and i wanna talk about it sjfkdgj
cw for discussions of antisemitism in tangled under the thing i got a lot of thoughts so read more my beloved
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This is a bad take.
Whether or not it was intentional, Mother Gothel looks like a jewish woman. Her name is mother Gothel. making the protagonist of this story a blonde haired blue eyed girl who was kidnapped by a woman with dark curly hair and a hooked nose has implications whether you wanted to have them or not.
Not to mention! Blood libel! for anyone who is not aware, blood libel is a very old antisemitic trope that is found in Tons of pieces of media, where jews are accused of kidnapping and murdering goyim and using their blood in religious rituals. A lot of stories will use this trope without even realizing it, (Dracula is one that immediately comes to mind) which is why it is so important we talk about antisemitism and how pervasive it is.
A story about a woman with jewish features, named mother gothel, who kidnapped a blonde haired blue eyed girl and used her in a ritual to keep herself young has implications. Very bad implications. Passive antisemitism and active antisemitism are different, but getting defensive when someone (especially jewish people) tell you that a piece of media is harmful is in fact antisemitic and is very frustrating.
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Yes! If you create a characters with stereotypically jewish features, especially in a medium that has a Very long history of jew coding its villains, that is a problem. You can say it wasn't intentional, but please tell that to all the kids in disney circles who compared me to mother gothel. (News flash, I don't look like the VA. I look like an ashkenazi jew.)
This isn't to say you can't still love Tangled. I'm in the fandom. I'd be a complete hypocrite. But ignoring the harmful parts only makes things worse.
By the way, a side note, I was not seething when I read this, but then I read the tags.
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I'm sorry but. No? Respectfully can we not compare an antisemitic villain (she is antisemitic. I don't care if it wasn't intentional. Her design hurts jewish people.) to a genocidal maniac? Out of all the disney villains you could have picked to make that point you picked the one who explicitly wanted to commit genocide. I'm sorry but I really do not understand how you thought that was an OK and good point to make.
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I love a good redemption arc, and I love a fall-from-grace arc, and most of all I love a fall-from-the-icebreaker-prime arc.
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itsjustpoopeh · 9 months
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would you like to know what this sounds like in TTS?
i am no longer begging people to use standard goddamn punctuation (ellipses are three dots not twenty) and not do cutesy fucking page breaks
i am fucking telling you that from now on when i open a fic and see this i am immediately closing it and muting you forever i'm not putting up with that with every fucking POV shift
(this does not apply to anyone i'm following any errors in your text are solely down to english being a bastard that humans can barely parse much less speech engines homographs shouldn't even be allowed to exist)
idk i just don't think it's too much to ask for you guys to use TTS to listen to your writing every once in a while. not even every time! just sometimes when you're editing, turn on that old read aloud feature and give it a listen. it'll help you with proofreading even!
i only use TTS sometimes and i'm this mad, just imagine how people who rely on screenreaders exclusively feel
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keeeywiii · 2 years
Have yall noticed how many people hate on cassunzel? Like what is that even about? I know some people like to see them as sisters or besties and I know everyone likes to point out that Rapunzel marries Eugene which are all valid. But people are still gonna ship cassunzel. And I think it's pretty obvious why people ship it. It's not exactly a crack ship. We can't deny that they've had their fair share of shipy moments right. Just think about all the parallels Cass has with Eugene. Plus the sun and moon dynamic. I have no problem with anyone who doesn't ship it and prefers to view them as platonic, which is what canon abides by at the end of the day. And I'm not here to try to convince anyone to ship something they don't want to. I don't even mind if people make their own posts about how they feel about the ship. I've also had my share of ships I couldn't quite get behind so I understand. But it is a bit disheartening when people hate on the ship/shippers on posts, fanart, edits etc. that are specifically dedicated to cassunzel. That's like me going onto a post about (insert NOTP) and saying how awful it is. I think it's okay if you make your own post about why or how much you don't like a particular ship. I even think it's okay to say something along the lines of "I don't ship it and personally prefer Rapunzel and Eugene, but nice art." on a cassunzel post. But to blatantly say "No! This is horrible. They're best friends/ sisters. Rapunzel is married. It's gross." Is kinda uncalled for.
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scarefox · 3 months
me whenever the tiktok algorithm starts to give me mainly just upsetting, discourse and opinion content because i got stuck on 1-2 for a minute too long
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hyunubear · 10 months
have you guys heard of this thing where they say that there are 5 types of men; eagle, fox, bear, dog, reptile? im tryin to categorize mx into this... what do yall think?
Kihyun is obv fox. like i think we can agree to that. shownu is bear too. but i feel like the rest aren’t as easy.... like i don’t think Minhyuk is dog... and obv there is no “cat” so where does that leave Changkyun? I think Jooheon is dog. Wonho... im stuck between bear and dog. hyungwon is reptile right?
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bitches be like "i'm a fan of [band] but anything besides their first 2/3 albums is just pop trash and really forgettable and i hate every song on the first few albums besides [tiny list] and honestly they've overstayed their welcome as artists and need to stop producing and if you like their first few albums/[specific album that is popular/unpopular] you're a tiktok fake fan who's only posing and pretending to like them"
like honey you're not a fan you're a toxic piece of shit
like yeah don't consume anything entirely uncritically but at the same time don't become an asshole who does nothing but criticize yknow
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neokonewman · 2 years
What's the hottest hot take you have about Tangled the series?
I don’t exactly know what truly constitutes a “hot take” but my most steadfast belief that I don’t think I’ve gotten a chance to express on tumblr is that Eugene had a lot more going for him then just being Rapunzel’s supportive boyfriend, and the show really dropped the ball when it came to his potential as well as New Dream’s development as a couple and as individuals.
Like most things in the series, TTS had all the potential story elements to do Eugene’s character justice, but stops short for one reason or another in my opinion the most frustrating way possible. Lance being his old partner in crime that he screwed over, but later reconciled with and joined him on his way to redemption. A bitter lover that Flynn Rider betrayed. A crime lord that he worked under for most of his life that has it out for. An identity crisis that involves his long lost birth family. All of these elements have the potential to make a story arc that would have gracefully continued Eugene’s arc from the movie about him making up for his past, and moving forward as the bat version of himself.
Unfortunately, almost all of these plot points weren’t even resolved by Eugene himself. They were most often “solved” by Rapunzel either telling him what was “best” for him, or taking over the plot point entirely, robbing Eugene a chance to have agency in his own story beats. Sometimes, the story just drops a plot point for Eugene almost entirely (ex: his identity crisis at the end of S2 completely overshadowed by the Cassandra betrayal twist that no other character ever touches on)
As for the lost potential of New Dream, even if we ignore the near universally hated ending of “No Time Like the Past” making Rapunzel on the same level as Stalyan (arguably worst than her), the couple is so one-sided that the show just forgets that Eugene is supposed to the future co-ruler of Corona or at least heavily support Rapunzel with her doing so by marriage, and instead makes him take a job directly under Rapunzel’s employment. Instead of using his previously establish position as a criminal consultant to the royal guard be a stepping stone of him applying his knowledge to help heal Corona from the reckless war on crime, he instead is put in a position that he in canon of the show was established to be awful at, and ended up “running the tightest ship the kingdom’s ever had, which again Corona did not need.
As a fan of the original movie, Eugene was tied as my favorite character in the movie along with Mother Gothel, so seeing his character so sidelined was a heavy hit to my enjoyment of the series.
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sculkcensor · 11 months
guys we simply HAVE to put the same energy towards AI art to AI voice use. idc if u want to hear ur fav streamer sing taylor swift or some actor tell u goodnight personally or whatever. using other ppls voice without permission is wrong and dangerous
how'd u feel if someone used ur voice to say whatever they want, even things you really don't agree with. it's especially bad when it's someone who's voice is their career (singers, voice actors etc) but its honestly so creepy and weird to do it to anyone. just stop using other ppls stuff (art, voice, anything) in AI shit. ur weird.
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lemon-wedges · 9 months
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imanalbertross · 1 year
It's Unpopular Opinion Time with Uncle Al!
TTS Proshipping
I'ma gonna make some people mad, but here I go.
Most of the optional ships I have seen/read/heard of for Varian that are not Hugo or maybe Nuru, though to me she reads incredibly lesbian, are really huge proships. I am, of course, talking about cannon characters (You wanna ship him with an OC, go ahead. I don't have to approve but I can remember being young and wishing I had an OC to give my favorite boy-things). For the most part, the characters that are available to him are of a significant age-gap and power-gap, and that's not a good thing.
I feel like it needs to be remembered that so many of these women/men being shipped with him (though in the lists I've seen that don't include Hugo, the only guy they really offer is Eugene, so still a huge proship) are adults. Which is point number 1. No matter who that person is- Cassandra, Rapunzel, Eugene, whoever- going after the 14 year old, even after a gap of time to allow him to age, would be considered grooming.
Why? Well, largely because of just the three I named, they met him as a child (yes, fourteen year olds still count as children in the eyes of the law) and he had sort of a hero-worship attitude for them at first. He had a full on crush on Cass, respected Raps for being a princess and also the fact that she really thinks his alchemy is cool- which seems to be rare in his world-, and Eugene was probably his first gay crush. That puts them in a position to use that respect he has for them in their favor to gain his interest.
So, Cassarian/Cassandrian has a woman literally almost ten years older than him coming back and getting into a relationship with a person she knows had a crush on her when he was a child makes dating him in the future abusive. The reason for this is because she is leveraging this information to get a relationship based on a child’s feelings, which is super creepy. If this was a male YouTuber and a fan, you wouldn’t be shipping this.
Rapunzel is a princess, and knew she was when she met him, so she gets the Cass rundown plus the fact that the power balance between them is insane. Let not even mention the fact that those two are so high in the sibling vibes category that it makes it an extra step of creepy. And is anyone actually shipping Eugene with him? I kind of feel like that’s a fake ship that angry people use as an example of why we shouldn’t have gays in kids’ shows.
The second point is that most of the other characters that end up on those lists are either small children- like 10-12, and he’s 14-16. I don’t know if you know this, but Varian is kind of an exception to the rule, when it comes to 16 year olds hanging out with younger kids. He’s still learning to friend, which is how he ends up with such a diverse group of friends.
I’ve seen Vex in these lists, and she barely wanted anything to do with the main group, and Varian’s villain schtick wasn’t who he really was. We all have a villain arc as people, and seldom is it the person we long to be or would be on purpose if given the choice. Usually, like Varian, we end up pretty ashamed of that part of our lives. But the characters listed that don’t know him probably wouldn’t want that kind of a relationship with him, nor would they be likely to hold similar desires and ideals- this kind of thing can be a deal breaker in relationships.
This said, we also kind of need to talk about leaving Hugo off the list. Is this because he’s from a program that was denied by Disney? Possibly, but it needs to be said. If you want to post about partners for Varian, you need to state “out of the canon characters” because, honey, there are so many non-canon choices. Hugo is just the one that the writers chose. Which is kind of important too, since they built him. They know Varian better than we do.
Being anti about gay ships but fine with straight proships is a rant for another day. But I got to a point with Cassarian that I just needed to point out the genuine nope surrounding it.
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