#Vedic Switch words
ssonikka9 · 8 months
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Unlocking Power with Vedic Switch Words Workshop Online
Transcending Beliefs is offering Vedic Switch Words Workshop that helps people bring luck, prosperity, and abundance into their lives by leveraging Vedic knowledge. By sharing switch words, we will help you remove hurdles, ease the effect of the evil eye, remove blockages from your lives, and manifest luck into your lives.
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harmoonix · 11 months
° Short Astrology Observations °
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"I get close to make it easy for you,
you are my fantasy"
🦋 -> People with 5°, 17°, 29° degrees on their Midheaven can get known/famous from a young age, these people can have that "Everyone's favorite" type of person
🦋 -> Venus at 6°, 18° degrees can make the person to fall in love a bit harder than others, that's because most of the natives have bigger expectations when it comes to love
🦋 -> Cancer & Capricorn placements in someone's chart indicate a duality between being cold yet a bit fragile, like you try to be hard/cold but inside you know you're soft and kind
🦋 -> Air Moon Water Sun can be that type person who can listen to you all night and give you the best advices, but in the same time the person who can help you grow
🦋 -> Aries/Sagittarius placements on TOP, they're so bold and so majestic, I remember the times where Sagittarius was representing royalty back in the 2016 trends
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🦋 -> Aquarius & Libra placements combo in someone's chart can make the person very social and very charismatic. Like they always have beautiful words to charm people
🦋 -> Sun in the 7th house/Leo in the 7th house tend to have both the same energy, these people are focusing much on their relationships, and they expect their partners to do the same
🦋 -> People with Saturn in Pisces/Saturn in the 12th house or Saturn in Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) natives are the type of people who wake up late or tend be late at events/they may like sleep a lot and they most times will prioritize that
🦋 -> Asteroid Lucifer (1930) aspecting Juno can be an indicator of a power couple, like you tend to boost eachother a lot and also to be posesive of eachother
🦋 -> Gemini Mars & Gemini Venus love to make deep conversations with their lovers, to be there and to talk freely is something they desire in a relationship
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🦋 -> Jupiter in harsh aspects to Sun can possess an big ego. And an switched up personality. They can also attract people without them wanting it
🦋 -> One tning about Sagittarius Mercury natives is that they are honest. So if you want an honest opinion about something, talk with an Sag Mercury about it
🦋 -> Venus in 8th house/Venus in Scorpio, is a not a lie that Venus struggles in this sign and in this house and that means the native may struggle a bit when it comes to their love life (It may be difficult to find the right partners for them)
Why Venus may struggle in Scorpio you may question? One of Venus rulers is Taurus, Scorpio is Taurus opposite sign so Venus becomes in detriment in Scorpio (Watch and see cus having it in vedic/sidereal chart sometimes it can be chaos😭)
🦋 -> Lucifer (1930) - Ascendant aspects natives are having a powerful boost of pride. People with these aspects can be very proud of themselves. In good aspects the native can have much confidence aswell
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🦋 -> Cancer Ascendant natives are really good at helping others out whenever they may need help. Like that friend who helps you with a homework they're very kind people
🦋 -> Natives with Cancer Moon (I mostly saw men with this placement) could get a lot of love from their moms, or neither at all, most of them can experience mommy isuses
🦋 -> Leo Moons/Moons in the 5th house know how to love themselves, they know how to spoil themselves in order to be happy
🦋 -> Moon in Sagittarius Degrees (9°. 21°) can find themselves writing a lot. They have great inspiration for writing and creating. Especially stories about adventure/comedy. These people can even write in their Diary a lot
🦋 -> People with Mercury - Pluto aspects can use their voice to manifest things in their lives. Like wanting something you truly want. Try to talk with the God/Spirits/Ancestors about it or whoever source you may like talking with. Because it can help a lot
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🦋 -> Taurus Ascendant and Taurus Sun people may have sensible ears, and they can be sensible also at high volumes. Like high volume music. It can trigger them. Because Taurus rules over the ears for a human body
🦋 -> 12th house placements are attracted to things people may find weird or different, for example someone may find an specific song "weird" while you may find it unique and different than the others
🦋 -> Ceres Asteroid (1) square/opposition Juno can indicate that you may need to nurture/help your partner and they to do the same for you, it may not be easy but is something that needs to be done together (Also these people are so clingy in relationships)
🦋 -> Saturn or Mars in the 1st house can get that "good body" while working out. It may actually help them a lot because people with these placements have really great muscles and gain muscles fast
🦋 -> Jupiter in the 11th house can have that type of friendships who last forever, because this house is one of the best to have Jupiter, basically your friends are everything for you
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🦋 Today feels like a day living in the most beautiful island forever 🦋
🦋 It's a good day for an Fantasy/Fairytale theme inspired post so here I come making one for y'all
🦋 I hope you all have a great day, spend it with the people you love, doing the things you love because if you don't do it know then when??🦋
🦋 Yours Truly, Harmoonix 🦋
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रात्री, rā́trī vs שלימזל, shlimazl
(poll at the end)
रात्री, rā́trī (Sanskrit)
Translation: Night
Sanskrit is an Indo-European language belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch. It’s the classical language for scientific and religious literature as well as some classical epic literature in India, in a way that can be compared to Latin in Europe. Unlike Latin, Sanskrit is still spoken today with 24 800 native speakers and 5 million who speak it as a second language. It is also still used for some learned literature today. A comparison between vocabulary in Sanskrit, Ancient Greece and Latin was what made 18th century intellectuals first propose a common origin for the languages, which led to the concept of language families.
Motivation: The base word and all of its iterations sound really pretty, and night time is very nice.
Note: There were two versions/pronunciations of this world, since the Devanagari script was for the older Vedic version I used that one for transliteration and IPA too.
שלימזל, shlimazl (Yiddish)
Translation: A person with perpetually bad luck
Yiddish is an Indo-European language belonging to the Germanic branch, today spoken by 409 000 people. It originated among Jews in Germany who mixed German with Hebrew from the Tanakh, with records going back to the 8th century. After 1250 the Yiddish-speaking Jews got contact with Slavic Jews and spread the language there. The dialect that evolved in contact with the Slavic languages later on became the prominent one. Yiddish was spread beyond Europe due to persecution of Jews in eastern Europe that led to emigration. Around half of the Yiddish-speaking community was murdered in the Holocaust, and due to that as well as further prosecution in Soviet and voluntary switching to Hebrew, there are far less speakers now than before WWII, when Yiddish had 11 million speakers.
Motivation: It’s a fun word
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when vedic astrologers show their true colors they switch off their blog and services to accomodate their interests, I think you are a meanie just like the rest who use sanatan as a shadow.
Hahahhaha. Meanie ? Such a cute word.
I am no one to use Sanatan Dharma as a shadow. How can I ? I am just a tiny instrument through which , whatever is meant to be flows through.
My blog & services both are on :).
You can be direct cutie. 🌻🌻
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rankertopgoogle · 1 year
Treatment for brain tumour
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Sino Vedic Cancer Clinic - Fight Cancer With Herbs
Sino Vedic Malignant growth Exploration Center was established in 1985 with the expect to investigate the job of spices to battle disease. With the experience of more than 36 Years and having treated north of 50,000 patients, Sino Vedic stands as a trailblazer in the field of Natural Therapy for Malignant growth. As malignant growth is a disease of qualities and pathways, so the battle against disease was centered around normalizing the disease cells by switching their gained changes in qualities and pathways. To accomplish this Sino Vedic Malignant growth Exploration Center has formed different AYUSH endorsed Sino Vedic Plans which assist with battling disease without incidental effects. Cancer clinic
About Cancer - Alternative cancer treatment
A long time back, disease was not so normal, yet its rate has been increasing alarmingly since the most recent few decades, presumably because of our changing way of life and propensities. The circumstance is disturbing to the point that each fourth individual has a lifetime chance of disease. In excess of 11 lakh new instances of malignant growth are enlisted consistently in India, though this figure is over 14 million around the world. Alternative treatment for cancer
Cancer hospital - We are continually presented to an assortment of disease causing specialists, known as cancer-causing agents, in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and in the air we relax. Our single feast might contain twelve of cancer-causing agents as deposits of pesticides and insect sprays. Openness to atomic radiation, ionizing radiation (X-beams, Gamma beams), molecule radiation produced by radioactive substances, Sun oriented radiation, and electromagnetic radiation can cause disease. Moreover, there is a not insignificant rundown of compound, physical, organic, and topographical cancer-causing agents.
Ayurvedic treatment for cancer - Cancer treatment
The change of a typical cell into a malignant cell is likely not a particularly basic occasion in that frame of mind of disease; rather it is the failure of resistant cells of the body to recognize and obliterate the recently shaped disease cells when they are not many in numbers. We have seen that the gamble of malignant growth is duplicated in those people, whose safe framework is stifled because of any component, including ongoing pressure, advanced age, constant crippling sickness, and maltreatment of medications like analgesics, anti-toxins, and corticosteroids. Besides, life has become quick and cutthroat, from 'support to grave' prompting constant pressure that further upgrades the gamble of malignant growth by smothering the resistant arrangement of the body. The frequency of disease is higher in people impacted by Human Papilloma Infection (H.P.V.), H.I.V., and other viral contaminations including Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Disease is a strange development of cells in any tissue or organ of the body and these cells tend to spread and fill in different pieces of the body. Ayurvedic cancer treatment
Typical cell division is an exceptionally managed system constrained by qualities through development administrative pathways. Drawn out openness to cancer-causing agents harms the DNA and prompts transformations in the development administrative qualities including oncogenes (ras, N-myc, c-myc, HER-2/neu, and so on), growth silencer qualities (p53, Rb, Ret, WT-1, APC, and so on) and pathways (ras, Rb, myc, and so forth) prompting loss of command over typical cell division. The changed cells go haywire and multiply unpredictably, as a rule framing a mass, known as a neoplasm or a dangerous growth or in basic words, a Disease. Best cancer hospital
Best cancer clinic Over the long haul, disease cells continue amassing further changes and procure more underhanded qualities, for example, the capacity to attack and move into the abutting tissues, travel through lymph and veins, stop and fill in different pieces of the body to frame provinces (metastasis), make their own veins (growth angiogenesis) for their nourishment, sidestep the course of modified cell passing (apoptosis) and secure the capacity of boundless replication, making the disease cells godlike. When the greater part of the diseases are at long last analyzed, they have previously added numerous changes; for instance, Every one of the (a blood malignant growth) has been found to have 5 to 10 transformations at the hour of finding. Pancreatic malignant growth has shown 50 to 60 changes, while Bosom and Colon tumors have 50 to 80 transformations at the hour of conclusion. Essentially, a large portion of the malignant growths have 11 to 15 distorted (transformed) pathways at the hour of determination.
Sino Vedic Formulations - Cancer treatment in india
Treatment for breast cancer - Sino Vedic Disease Exploration Center was established in 1985 by Dr. S.P. Kaushal, M.B.B.S., M.D. (Chinese Medication), Ph.D., D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), alongside a group of specialists and researchers. Sino Vedic Malignant growth Exploration group has distinguished anticancer spices having D.N.A. fixing, antimutagenic, antitumourangiogenic, proapoptotic, immunomodulatory, radioprotective and chemoprotective properties. After distinguishing proof, this group disengaged the particular dynamic standards (phytoconstituents) from chose anticancer spices, which were utilized to create different Sino Vedic plans to battle disease, without incidental effects. Treatment for lung cancer
Treatment for prostate cancer Sino Vedic Plans are better cures, particularly for those patients who have become safe or recalcitrant to chemotherapy and for the people who are not fit to get chemotherapy and radiotherapy because of advanced age, checked shortcoming or some other variable like kidney and liver brokenness or heart deficiency. Sino Vedic Plans help to battle disease at each step, i.e., beginning, development and spread of malignant growth. These details tame forceful malignant growth cells by fixing harmed D.N.A., hindering changes in qualities and pathways, obstructing different disease advancing catalysts and chemicals, restoring the course of apoptosis, restraining cancer angiogenesis, and supporting the safe arrangement of the body. Treatment for blood cancer
Sino Vedic Disease Exploration Center has planned this site with the intend to teach individuals about causes, avoidance and early discovery of malignant growth. This site further explains the job of Sino Vedic definitions in our battle against Malignant growth. Treatment for brain tumour
More Information - https://www.sinovedic.com/
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sainumerology17 · 1 year
A super remedy to get rid of Alcohol addiction Try to share your feedbacks
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rankertopanwar · 1 year
Alternative cancer treatment
Sino Vedic Malignant growth Exploration Center was established in 1985 with the plan to investigate the job of spices to battle disease. With the experience of more than 36 Years and having treated north of 50,000 patients, Sino Vedic stands as a trailblazer in the field of Home grown Therapy for Malignant growth. As disease is an illness of qualities and pathways, so the battle against malignant growth was centered around normalizing the malignant growth cells by switching their obtained transformations in qualities and pathways. To accomplish this Sino Vedic Disease Exploration Center has formed different AYUSH supported Sino Vedic Definitions which assist with battling malignant growth without aftereffects.
About Disease
Quite a while back, disease was not so normal, however its frequency has been rising alarmingly since the most recent few decades, likely because of our changing way of life and propensities. The circumstance is disturbing to the point that each fourth individual has a lifetime hazard of malignant growth. In excess of 11 lakh new instances of malignant growth are enrolled consistently in India, though this figure is over 14 million around the world.
We are continually presented to an assortment of disease causing specialists, known as cancer-causing agents, in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and in the air we relax. Our single dinner might contain twelve of cancer-causing agents as buildups of pesticides and insect sprays. Openness to atomic radiation, ionizing radiation (X-beams, Gamma beams), molecule radiation produced by radioactive substances, Sun oriented radiation, and electromagnetic radiation can cause malignant growth. Similarly, there is an extensive rundown of compound, physical, natural, and geological cancer-causing agents. The change of a typical cell into a carcinogenic cell is presumably not a particularly basic occasion in that frame of mind of malignant growth; rather it is the powerlessness of safe cells of the body to distinguish and obliterate the recently shaped disease cells when they are not many in numbers. We have seen that the gamble of malignant growth is duplicated in those people, whose safe framework is smothered because of any variable, including ongoing pressure, advanced age, constant crippling illness, and maltreatment of medications like analgesics, anti-toxins, and corticosteroids. Besides, life has become quick and serious, from 'support to grave' prompting ongoing pressure that further improves the gamble of disease by smothering the safe arrangement of the body. The rate of disease is higher in people impacted by Human Papilloma Infection (H.P.V.), H.I.V., and other viral diseases including Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Disease is a strange development of cells in any tissue or organ of the body and these cells tend to spread and fill in different pieces of the body. Ordinary cell division is an exceptionally managed instrument constrained by qualities through development administrative pathways. Drawn out openness to cancer-causing agents harms the DNA and actuates transformations in the development administrative qualities including oncogenes (ras, N-myc, c-myc, HER-2/neu, and so forth), growth silencer qualities (p53, Rb, Ret, WT-1, APC, and so on) and pathways (ras, Rb, myc, and so on) prompting loss of command over typical cell division. The changed cells go haywire and multiply unpredictably, normally shaping a mass, known as a neoplasm or a harmful growth or in straightforward words, a Disease.
Over the long haul, disease cells continue gathering further changes and procure more underhanded attributes, for example, the capacity to attack and move into the connecting tissues, travel through lymph and veins, stop and fill in different pieces of the body to shape settlements (metastasis), make their own veins (growth angiogenesis) for their nourishment, avoid the course of modified cell passing (apoptosis) and secure the capacity of boundless replication, making the disease cells unfading. When the majority of the diseases are at long last analyzed, they have proactively added numerous changes; for instance, Each of the (a blood malignant growth) has been found to have 5 to 10 transformations at the hour of finding. Pancreatic disease has shown 50 to 60 transformations, while Bosom and Colon tumors have 50 to 80 changes at the hour of analysis. Additionally, the vast majority of the diseases have 11 to 15 unusual (transformed) pathways at the hour of analysis.
Sino Vedic Details
Sino Vedic Malignant growth Exploration Center was established in 1985 by Dr. S.P. Kaushal, M.B.B.S., M.D. (Chinese Medication), Ph.D., D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), alongside a group of specialists and researchers. Sino Vedic Disease Exploration group has distinguished anticancer spices having D.N.A. fixing, antimutagenic, antitumourangiogenic, proapoptotic, immunomodulatory, radioprotective and chemoprotective properties. After ID, this group disconnected the particular dynamic standards (phytoconstituents) from chose anticancer spices, which were utilized to create different Sino Vedic plans to battle disease, without incidental effects.
Sino Vedic Plans are better cures, particularly for those patients who have become safe or headstrong to chemotherapy and for the individuals who are not fit to get chemotherapy and radiotherapy because of advanced age, checked shortcoming or some other component like kidney and liver brokenness or cardiovascular inadequacy. Sino Vedic Definitions help to battle disease at each step, i.e., beginning, development and spread of malignant growth. These details tame forceful disease cells by fixing harmed D.N.A., repressing changes in qualities and pathways, obstructing different malignant growth advancing proteins and chemicals, resuscitating the course of apoptosis, restraining cancer angiogenesis, and supporting the resistant arrangement of the body.
Sino Vedic Disease Exploration Center has planned this site with the expect to instruct individuals about causes, avoidance and early discovery of malignant growth. This site further explains the job of Sino Vedic definitions in our battle against Disease.
Visit for more information:- https://www.sinovedic.com/
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astrologyindia · 2 years
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Predictions and Married Life
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The Purva Phalguni Nakshatra lies in the zodiac sign of Leo from 13.20 degrees till 26.40 degrees. The symbol of the nakshatra appears like the legs of a bed or a cot. The ruling deity of purva phalguni nakshatra is Bhaga (riches and prosperity). Since the Vedic Astrology period, up to the Ramayana age, Purva Phalguni was the nakshatra to get married, and Lord Rama and Sita also got married in this nakshatra. But seeing the ups and down in their married life, Purva Phalguni was cursed by Lord Brahma and was eliminated for marriage purposes after the Ramayana age. 
Venus is the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Lord giving female characteristics to the nakshatra. With Venus as its nakshatra lord, the natives born under Purva Phalguni nakshatra enjoy all worldly comforts and materialistic pleasures. 
The word Phalguna means low, ordinary, meaningless, etc. Such effects are visible in the character, mannerisms, nature, expression, and attitude of the person. The Purva Phalguni people could be more prompt in their actions and are usually not very impressive due to the abovementioned traits. 
Astrological Predictions of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Astrological predictions about Purva Phalguni Nakshatra say that the natives of this nakshatra usually remain dissatisfied for no reason. They are independent rather than autocratic in nature. They love to travel and have a soft speech. They often switch their jobs and have inclinations for music, arts, and literature. They are peaceful inside and follow the path of truthfulness. They value relations and love in life. You try to solve every matter peacefully, but when it's a matter of your self-respect, you stand firm against the opponents. Also, you are very welcoming to friends and relatives. You are highly intuitive and can sense what other people are thinking about. The natives get fame through hard work but mostly remain restless. There is a special inclination towards independence, and you wish to make your own money. You share strong emotions and attachments with the family. 
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra marriage life 
Purva Phalguni natives have lowly mannerisms and attitudes. It means that they value others less than themselves. They are high headed and have arrogance in mind. With restlessness and dissatisfactory behavior, they rarely cooperate with their partner. They mostly remain dissatisfied with whatever their spouse does. However, with sweet speech and kindness in their hearts, they also show affection for their families. Thus, they enjoy mixed results in their married life. With Venus as their Lord, they have affection and love for others. They get good spouses and children and derive enough happiness from them. They get a trustworthy life partner who sacrifices the family's welfare. Such people may marry their love partner or some known person.
The males born in this nakshatra are lucky to have affectionate children and wives. They share good relations with their spouse leading a healthy and happy life. They are more likely to settle far away from their birthplace. 
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra females are polite, honest, and have artistic pursuits. They get indulged in religious and charitable tasks. They refrain from illicit means and activities. Females generally have a loving and caring families with noble children. Their husbands love them a lot for their politeness and sense of duty. They as they never hesitate to sacrifice anything for their family's sake. Thus, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra's marriage life is entirely satisfactory.
Purva Phalguni nakshatra's names
Every nakshatra has some initials, which should be taken as the initials of the name of the person born under that nakshatra. For Purva Phalguni Nkashatra, the initials are-
Mo, Ta, Taa, Ti, Tee and Tu
Purva Phalguni nakshatra names for boys and girls may start from these initials. The name kept as per the nakshatra helps to activate the positive energy with the recitation of that name. The energy of the nakshatra helps the native to attract positivity and prosperity in life. The nakshatra lord bestows its blessings every time the nakshatra name initials are called. So, the name, as kept according to the nakshatra initials, attracts positivity and blessings of the universe for the natives.    
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Puja 
Those born in Purva Phalguni nakshatra should perform Purva Phalguni Nakshatra puja when the Moon transits through this nakshatra. A learned Brahmin will chant the mantra required for propitiating the nakshatra lord and deity. Alternatively, one may chant the following mantra to get good results from the nakshatra-
"Om bhagaay swaha" 
Other remedies for Purva Phalguni Nakshatra-
Chant Gayatri mantra daily 108 times.
Donate a pair of coconuts once a month when the Moon transits through the Janam nakshatra.
Donate til or sesame seeds equal to your body weight when the Moon is in the natal nakshatra once in a lifetime.
Offer arghya to the Sun in the morning while chanting its beej mantra- "Om Ghrini Suryay Namah."
Perform daily Japa of the abovementioned nakshatra mantra 28 times.
Include porridge, black gram, ghee, rice, and pulse in your daily diet.
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thed4rkhand · 3 years
Moon in the signs
So here’s another post that you guys can relate to! Since most of my astrology stuff is related to Vedic astrology, remember to always go a sign back (a scorpio moon is a libra moon) if you’re used to western astrology. Remember that house placements play a huge role in determining role of planets, so that may affect this! 
Trigger warnings - too many just be careful.
Moon in the signs-
Moon in Aries
These people tend to be a bit vain honestly, very concerned about their appearance and physical health. They tend to be impulsive and head strong. Great placement for lawyers, and gives a natural talent at debating. The mother might’ve been been a career woman, and they can often resemble their mum’s in appearance. Their mother is concerned about status. Their mother could’ve had a public career, or is maybe very argumentative.These people are always concerned with what others think of them. They keep their surroundings messy and disorganized. They could’ve grown up in a large house. They have a habit of cutting people in conversations. These people always want to be in a relationship, and are innately very just in their ways. They may be extremely protective of their homeland and culture, and may be insecure about their family relationships (toxicity in the family) or wealth. They may always be thinking about foreign lands or be lost in spirituality or daydreams.
Moon in Taurus
These people definitely resemble their mother, and are very close to their mother’s side of the family. They may always be wondering about wealth or their looks. They may be into singing or music. They can be very confident in their looks, almost obsessive in love matters. They have fascinations with the moon. They’re extremely curious with such a placement, and often have mental health issues. They like looking at people’s eyes and often are brilliant at subjects like accounts and psychology. They enjoy learning about the occult. They may attract stalkers in life, and may themselves love digging up information about people. They may network through their mother, and have many foreign friends. They might be very fond of children and the creative arts. Such placements also usually love history and are fascinated with the courtly lives of that time. They may have vivid violent or sexual dreams with such a placement. Stop cutting people in conversations geez. Sometimes can be so self absorbed.
Moon in Gemini
These people are those whose minds run at the speed of light. Honestly the wittiest people around, those people obsessed with puns and word plays, also very sarcastic at times. They love to travel a lot. They may be great at academics without even trying, and they always have the best luck. Their mom’s might be foreign or speak a foreign tongue. They are inclined to be writers or IT professionals here, great with technology. They think a lot about their extended friend circle and cousins here, may be that social butterfly kind of a person. They may learn a lot from their father. Their upbringing could have been traditional and religious. They may live away from their birth land, and their mother could be a medical professional or may be into occult herself. They could’ve switched houses a lot. They could always feel like an outcaste, and may have a deep love for animals and mediation. They may always appear sleepy with their eyes half open. They may be fond of milk products. Their mother might love garlic and onions. They’re extremely curious and try to be righteous in every situation. They’re lactose intolerant. Could be a worshiper of shiva
Moon in cancer
These are the people who over analyze everything, every single thing. Believe it or not, some of the most cunning people have this position. They can be very competitive, but in a passive aggressive way. They want to do jobs like medicine, or alternatively cosmetology. These people or their mothers, love milk products. They tend to be very traditionally beautiful, and so very moody. In my opinion, they’re the most likely to cheat someone to gain something. Their mothers had a huge influence in their life. Their mother might’ve had a very traditional upbringing. Their mother could’ve smothered them in affection, and been one of those therapist type moms, alternatively, completely narcissistic mom. Their mother could be very spiritual, or their grandparents (on mom’s side) die young. Mother could hear voices. Sometimes they may use people for career gains or sex. They give really tight hugs. Also, snakes. Now this is only for late degrees, they dream about snakes, meet snakes, fascinated by snakes, have eyes like snakes. List goes on. Might be into cars and mechanics
Moon in Leo
So damn creative, the most creative of anyone I’d say. Love children and definitely want to have them. Their mum’s were probably very involved in their education and upbringing, especially education. Mother might’ve been very eccentric and maybe of a different background. Mother is very lucky in life without trying, and mother may be very famous in her field. The native might be very famous in their field. Mother might be stunning. Mother may come from a rich or powerful family, might be very family oriented and may enjoy singing a lot. Mother may be into interior designing or architecture. These people literally sit on their bed and work instead of tables. Very sexual and have trouble sleeping. May be materialistic early on, will go on to become extremely spiritual. Very into reiki and meditation. They’re great critics and into art/movies. They have have a lot of hairfall. People could directly tell you to marry them without a relationship, or people want to get into a relationship with you.
Moon in Virgo
Obsessed with their routine. Could be close to their mother’s siblings. Love small animals. Always falling sick or getting stuck in loans. May be great at math. Could be extremely insecure and might constantly find themselves without friends. They might think a lot before making friends. They may be very spiritual and always thinking about spirituality. Could also be thinking about aliens and extra-terrestrial creatures alot. Mother’s could be writers or IT professionals or they themselves could be into this. Further they could want to be doctors or bankers. They could also be very creative. They could want to go abroad a lot or be fascinated with such cultures. They may cherish their alone time a lot. Back problems and always sore. Kidney problems. Sleep problems and probably art critics. Very critical of foods and people. May have a lot of hidden enemies. Mother had a sad life. They love painting, reiki and tarot. Beautiful hands, healing hands and may pursue art. May get complimented on hands a lot. May have had to fight for everything. Really into comics and movies? Also they never post photos unless they’re with friends. Also their phones have a gazillion photos that they should delete but they just hoard.
Moon in Libra
Future budding lawyers here, have an interest in public policy with this placement. Very conscious of their looks and what others think of them in general. The people pleasers of sort. Will be extremely close to their mother, and will be very motherly in nature. Very good childhood, fortunate childhood. Really into real estate and cars. Mother is very proud of her culture. Find peace of mind in relationships and partnerships. Love doing group work. Have a lot of open enemies in life, may try to push you down. Great memory and might collect photos and postcards. Don’t like having their photos clicked alot, do it only for memory. Really like jewelry. Mother might have reproductive issues, you may also. You’re close to your grandmother. Into architecture and designing. Attracted to athletes. Also you have far too many shoes. Very independent. Speak up for the unfortunate. Always in love triangles. Also you are always balancing between the spiritual and material world. you can never make up your mind. Might have anger issues. Also, mother might have issues with one eye, or you might. Mother may play a role in your marriage.
Moon in Scorpio
The people who are so deeply engrossed in occult. Frequent depression is seen here. Might have blood circulation issues or even creating problems. Always want to get to the bottom of an issue or discover hidden knowledge. May want to or already does interact with spirits or see spirits. May like treasure hunts. Toxic relationship with mother or family. Very critical of oneself. Very intense and likely to be extremely possessive of people and objects. Likely only has sisters and no brothers. Mother supports creative passion or is creative themselves. Mother could be a psychologist or you could be. Mother may have foreign friends. Mother could be very dominating. They have trouble concentrating on issues. Very open minded. They want to be friends with people into occult. They’ll be the kind of people to be against traditional dogmatic thinking, and love people who can criticize them. These people can be extremely jealous of other people’s success. They don’t mean to, it just happens subconsciously. Very secretive in nature. Mother’s death will bring you money. Mother might have inherited a lot of money. Mother may have had a miscarriage.  People sexualize them a lot. Think about death and rebirth a lot, a lot of gore. Existential crisis.
Moon in Sagittarius
My language experts. They speak multiple languages. Very academically focussed. Mother took over the position of the father or father took over the position of the mother. Mother could be foreign. Mother may have health issues. Mother could work in healthcare or finance, and is a perfectionist. Mother could speak multiple languages. Mother pampers the sibling, mother likes small animals. Traditional upbringing or mother is strict. Religious or spiritual family, probably traditional too. Travelled a lot. Very fond of foreign cultures and food. Might want to become a teacher or professor. Them or their mother love garlic, ginger and onion. Never get over heart ache from relationships. You go back and forth with morals and ethics. A lot of vegetarians and vegans. Write books on science fiction or astrology. Maybe want a youtube channel or blog. Back and forth between spirituality and materialistic world. They love guitars. Could be a worshipper of Ganesha. Sometimes you do spiritual stuff for selfish reasons. You want to be the first person to arrive to an appointment you’re probably running late to.
Moon in Capricorn
They crave for a large family and status. They’ll always have you back. They could have crooked noses or prominent noses. Large dark circles. They crave to be famous, especially in entertainment or politics. They’re extremely hardworking but they have the worst luck. Mother might work in a cooperative. Mother might be a lawyer or deal with contracts or the government. Mother might be very invested in her marriage. Mother can or maybe you can hear voices or be schizophrenic. You might be into music. Mother might be a loner. Father may be moody or work for the government. Your father might have a large network circle. Shark tank kind of situation where you’re always striving for more in work. People might like a hard mattress on their bed. People in authority often baby you or pity you. A lot of humiliation and bullying. Mother could’ve done this to you. Yellow tint to eyes and hair. Could be fond of yellow or gold colour or  the metal. Loads of struggle in your life. You might see paranormal things or even dream prophetically. You love to give advice. Did I mention you hear voices? Different languages and strange words even. Great at technology and love going to concerts. May own musical instruments and keep them in the bedroom.
Moon in Aquarius
My social butterflies, please calm down. They honestly have this strange fascination with middle east and the Mediterranean. Also love space and stars. Could’ve had ego battles with mother or father. Very aloof to what people think of them. Mother might’ve died young or has a lot of health issues. Dual personalities and control issues. Mother is into occult or you are psychic. You are have great intuition or psychic abilities and mother’s side of the family is close. You can feel the paranormal at times. Love being alone and exploring places. fascinated with the renaissance period, also nude paintings. Adore cats and other felines. May be associated with cat like qualities. Mother may have inherited a lot of money from her parents. Mother may have mental disorders or is a perfectionist. They may want to go into modeling or dancing, alternatively, careers of theoretical physics and space. Mother may be a social outcaste. They may have assumed the role of an older sibling or acted as a mother to their own mother. May keep musical instruments and keep them in the bedroom, especially drums or other percussion instruments, or pianos, sometimes guitars. Great at technology. People may say you’re your father’s split image. Love techno music and love to sing. May want to get a telescope. Also they love plants. You could’ve shoplifted as a kid. Very principled in life. Like polarizing jobs, think doctor by day and tarot reader by night. People are very surprised to find these people being into the occult. Fascinated by shows like game of thrones.
Moon in Pisces
The daydreamers are here. Could get into spirituality either very late or very young. Over analyze every single thing. Mothers may be foreign or into psychology. Mothers may speak foreign tongues and practice astrology. Mothers could work with foreigners and write or teach as her profession. Mother’s father was a big influence in her life, she looks like her father. Mother fights with her mother. Father could’ve cheated on the mother. You may not get along with your father. You may think about foreign cultures a lot, be fascinated with the paranormal and occult easily. You may mediate. You teach other’s about occult. You have prophetic dreams and are extremely empathetic. Can feel auras and energies. Can have issues with your eyes. Might have a strong third eye. You have ankle or foot ache often. You have calcium deficiency. You have reproductive issues. You will excel in foreign lands. Prone to depression and love thinking about death and rebirth. Musically talented, are excellent writers. Feel like someone is always watching them. Tend to be taller than their husbands. Can hear voices from angels or spirits very easily. They may speak in your head often and direct you. Could’ve grown up near large water bodies. Duality between what they want and what they think they ought to. Again, being accountants by day and strippers by night kind. Love being alone and are very eccentric people, could be addicted to substances and love having their own corner to retreat into. Could be vegan or vegetarian. Huge animal rights advocates.
Anywhoooo, be sure to let me know if you enjoyed it! Reblog and Share!
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ssonikka9 · 9 months
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harmoonix · 6 months
Love you like a love song
🌹 (Astrology Observations) 🌹
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~ Music to my heart that's what you are
A song that goes on and on ~
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🌹 - Eros (433) in Cancer/4th house or at Cancer Degrees (4°, 16°, 28°) can indicate your partner brings you a sense of home, they can be your comfort
🌹 - Eros (433) in Taurus/2nd house or at Taurus Degrees 2°, 14°, 26° can indicate your partner can be very abundent and passionate
🌹 - Eros (433) aspecting the ascendant makes the native erotic, beautiful, charming while aspecting the Midheaven (MC) makes the people as a whole to see them like that
🌹 - Eros in Gemini/3rd house or at 3°, 15°, 27° degrees can indicate your partner must have a very erotic voice/good at communicating/good at flirting
🌹 - North Node in Aquarius/at 11°, 23° degrees indicates the native's life path is to start something new/unique to the world
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🌹 - Lust (4386) in the 1H/Aries/at 1°, 13°, 25° degrees can indicate a very lustful person, naughty, mischievous, very controlling of their desires
🌹- Cassanova (7328) in Aquarius natives might use a different or an unique tactic when flirting, they extra communicative at this
🌹 - Karma (3811) in Libra/aspecting Venus or in the 7H can bring you karmic partners/karmic relationships
You are beautiful, like a dream come alive
🌹 - Karma (3811) aspecting South Node indicates karma being brought up to you in this life from your past life 💖 but hey you have the chance to change it (Karma conjuncting my SN im done with life)
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Sagittarius/9H or at 9°, 21°, the native wants to be set free, to try all their lustful ideas with their partners, idk how to say this, but natives with these placements like to experience and try new things, literally giving switching the "positions" for you...
🌹 - Venus in the 6H/Virgo Venus/Venus at 6°, 18° get enemy -> lovers partners, people don't like you at first but somehow end up crushing for you...like girly ..didn't you hated me 2 seconds ago??
🌹 - Baddies with Gemini Venus/Venus in the 3rd house and 3°, 15°. 27° always spill the tea about their past relationships, like they love to tell stories about their exes
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🌹 - Juno (3) in Air Signs natives are extremely charismatic, they charm with their words, these type of people who like text you at 3 am and finish the conversation in the morning
🌹 - Mercury aspecting Juno in good aspects make the natives to have a good communication between them and their partners (tense aspects can show that you don't always understand eachother)
🌹 - Vertex aspecting Juno can indicate a certain relationship of yours will change your life/faith/destiny but depends on the circumstances
🌹 - Scorpio/Aries/Capricorn/Taurus Sidereal/Vedic Risings can act more tough/dominant while on the inside they're the sweetest
🌹 - Juno aspecting Saturn can indicate an older spouse, like yasss you attract more older/mature/respectful people
🌹 - Pisces Juno/Juno in 12H/12°, 24° can indicate having a compassionate spouse/relationship, being affectionate can be a really good thing between you 2
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🌹 - Vertex aspecting Sun can indicate that your faith/destiny/future all depends on you and you are responsible for your own future
🌹 - Venus in 2H/Taurus/2°, 14°,26° love gifting. They will always make gifts for people they love! Especially surprises!! This placement also indicate expensive taste
🌹 - Sun/Leo in the 7H have a vibrant energy, that's why people can be into them so much, their nature is charismatic makes them to attract desirable people
🌹 - A high aspected Mercury or Venus will indicate artistic talents, being into music/arts/drawing/acting
🌹 - Sun aspecting Midheaven will attract attention whenever they go. It's something they can't hide
There's no way to describe what you do to me
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Pisces/12H or at 12°, 24° will indicate a native who fantasize a lot about their sexual desires/lustful dreams/they have a very naughty imagination
🌹 - Lust (4386) in Scorpio/8H/ or at 8°, 20° will indicate a very intense native, they'll get addicted to you or vice versa, you by them, they have a mesmerizing aura
🌹 - Ceres (1) in Scorpio/8H or at 8°, 20° can nurture themselves with doing love, as corny as it sounds, it's kinda true if you think about it, Scorpio rules over the reproductive organs and Ceres is a nurturing point
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🌹 - Ceres (1) in Libra/7H or at 7°, 19° can indicate nurturing through relationships, self beauty and admiration, is a very beautiful placement to have in your chart
🌹 - Ceres in (1) in Capricorn/10H or at 10°, 22° indicates a native who has a soft yet long nurturing term, when is in the 10H you can heal through your career/job/public, your nurturing process can be seen by people/public
🌹 - Lilith in Sagittarius is possibly a place where Lilith feels the wildest, because she doesn't give 2 apples about Adam in this energy
🌹 - Lilith in Taurus is a very luxurious place for Lilith to find herself in, she develops a sense of a big self - value/worth here and builds her confidence
🌹 - If your Sun has little to no aspects, you have an easier time to be yourself/without having to hide yourself from others
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🌹 - Moon in Aquarius/Moon in the 11H/Moon at 11°, 23°. The native has a charismatic energy, they love to make new connections/new friendships with people and in general they're very loyal towards these
🌹 - North Node in Gemini/3H or at 3°, 15°, 27° degrees indicates a life path where you learn to express yourself/your personality/your aura in the right way, discover yourself through arts/music/writing etc...
🌹 - North Node aspecting Lilith indicates a life path where you have to embrace your shadow self/your bad side, to embrace and to understand that you have both good & bad sides
🌹 - Moon aspecting Lilith especially in harsh aspects are not to joke about, Lilith transforms into a venomous snake when is in harsh aspects with the Moon and it can be from powerless to dangerous to powerful and so on..
🌹 - Having a sidereal/vedic Sagittarius Sun is not that bad. Actually not at all, I have this placement at 20° in my vedic chart and it helps me being optimistic in my life
🌹 - GUYS remember how I did a post saying how much i love Pisces Venus and that I'll trade my Scorpio Venus for it? Well the Universe heard my prayer and after I found out my right birth time I actually found out I have Pisces Venus in my D9 chart (vedic astrology) which for me is still a win because I love this placement so much!!😭🌹 I literally started jumping when I discovered
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🌹 "A song that goes on and on" 🌹
- Harmoonix
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jaanusbooktalk · 3 years
Hunted By The Sky by Tanaz Bhathena - Review
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TWs: murdered parents, violence, discrimination (classism, slurs), implied sexual assault, attempted assault, dying parent, animal cruelty, blood
(TWs are ranked in order of severity, please take them seriously!)
Before anything, take a moment to scroll back up and look at that beautiful cover 😍 I don’t normally buy books based on the cover, but seeing my culture represented in such a gorgeous way made this an insta-buy for me (not to mention it was already in my TBR).
I guess I could call this an “own voices” review, but let’s keep in mind that Indian culture is very diverse and changes depending on region, so my interpretation is not going to speak for anyone but myself.
The author was actually inspired to write this book by two time periods in Indian history - Vedic India and medieval India. There’s a cool combination of court drama and desi royalty versus magical powers and distant gods. Bhathena also included elements of her Persian culture as well!
Imagine fantasy meets Indian royalty/mythology in a mystical world after a war and a 16 year old has to overthrow a tyrant. (Also enemies to lovers, badass women, ✨culture✨ etc).
On to the review ☀️
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The Summary:
“Gul has spent her life running. She has a star-shaped birthmark on her arm, and in the kingdom of Ambar, girls with such birthmarks have been disappearing for years. Gul's mark is what caused her parents' murder at the hand of King Lohar's ruthless soldiers and forced her into hiding to protect her own life. So when a group of rebel women called the Sisters of the Golden Lotus rescue her, take her in, and train her in warrior magic, Gul wants only one thing: revenge.
Cavas lives in the tenements, and he's just about ready to sign his life over to the king's army. His father is terminally ill, and Cavas will do anything to save him. But sparks fly when he meets a mysterious girl--Gul--in the capital's bazaar, and as the chemistry between them undeniably grows, he becomes entangled in a mission of vengeance--and discovers a magic he never expected to find.
Dangerous circumstances have brought Gul and Cavas together at the king's domain in Ambar Fort . . . a world with secrets deadlier than their own. Exploring identity, class struggles, and high-stakes romance, Hunted by the Sky is a gripping adventure set in a world inspired by medieval India.”
TL;DR 16 year old Gul witnesses her parents’ murder by royal troops under order from a king terrified of a prophecy that spells his end, and she’s set on a path to revenge. Cavas is trying to save his father from a chronic illness and lives in the lower class of society just trying to survive, but when he meets Gul sparks fly and adventure ensues.
(It’s 1:30 am right now so please bear with me 😭)
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Ok so on representation:
This is embarrassing - like really embarrassing especially considering I read the summary - that when I first started because of the switching perspectives I thought that Cavas was Gul for the first two chapters and that the main character was into women 😭 alas, this was not the case.
While the main couple is not confirmed to be LGBTQ+, much of the lore is. The story of the sun and the moon being lovers is so adorable and told in such a beautiful, simple way. There are queer background characters, and it’s not introduced in a weird way, it’s just a natural part of the world they live in (which was so great).
As someone who reads fantasy for escapism, reading this and knowing there was no racism or homophobia was a big plus for me ✅
Also Gul is dark skinned (from a fictional world but presumably Indian) with curly dark hair. I loved this because Indians with natural curly dark hair are not often represented in media, so this was great!!
I had trouble picturing what Cavas looks like, but I remember he’s also desi and has dark brown eyes and black hair. I didn’t know what “aquiline” meant before reading HBTS but apparently it means hooked or beak-like, and I think it’s a really pretty word for Cavas’s nose.
There was clear influence from Indian mythology and the Hindu gods, but also from traditional mythical creatures and foods. Even the outfits are fantastic- I can’t explain how it felt to read about a character getting ready for an event and pinning her dupatta in place. My heart felt warm and seen 💕💕
There is also (if I’m interpreting this right) a variety of religions present in the fictional world, some of which are similar to Islam, Hinduism, or Atheism today.
I loved how despite these different beliefs, people are able to get along. It’s more so the border disputes between rivaling kingdoms that cause trouble.
Imagining Gul running through the palace in a sari and her brown jootis just fulfills all of my childhood Bollywood dreams ❤️😭
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What I Liked:
I didn’t think I was going to like this book as much as I did. When it first started, I had a hard time getting into it, and it felt a little slow. But about a quarter in things started picking up - and quickly. I really liked how HBTS avoided some of the typical pitfalls of YA fantasy when it comes to overthrowing governments/the chosen one trope.
Also the story just starts to pull you in and you can’t tell the writer is in her groove. I liked all of the references to desi culture and the clothing, and the imagery was really pretty. Diversity in fantasy means so much to me - more than just being represented in books we get to have magic and adventures and romance too, and I adore that.
I feel like it would make a really good movie, and also the WOMEN are so great. Every single woman in this book is very well written and what I would give to have Amira call me princess 😍 anyways… 👀
I’m actually about to read the second book (this is a duology!) because I’m way too invested in the plot now.
HBTS switches perspectives between Cavas and Gul, and I honestly found Cavas’s perspective more refreshing - maybe because he was more mature than Gul or because I related to him more, but he just had more interesting thoughts 💭
I also didn’t really like Gul at the beginning, but I stuck around to see if she got character development and Ms. Bhathena did NOT disappoint. I can’t wait to see how she changes from here.
Side note: Hunted By The Sky handles classism in a really interesting way, and it makes me so happy that it was printed in India because there’s an inter-class relationship & that’s a really important convo that needs to be had
Side side note: INDIAN MAGICAL GIRLS‼️
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Why I couldn’t give it a ten:
I already mentioned this but I just had a hard time getting into it at first. There was a lot of lore specific/culture specific vocab that I wasn’t familiar with (but there is a glossary of terms at the back!)
This happens often when starting fantasy books, but the time it took to wrap my head around the world and who was who took longer than usual because new positions and groups kept being introduced.
Also, at the beginning Gul was kinda selfish and even though I really wanted to be on her side her actions were thoughtless. Her attitude when she was ten came off less as an actual ten year old and more as an older girl pretending to be a ten year old. She’s obviously not meant to be perfect however, and that’s okay. Her character development makes up for it.
Now this is a really big pitfall for YA fantasy romance and I can’t stand it:
Gul, the main character, has just turned 16. She never actually has sex but she gets into certain encounters that I felt uncomfortable reading about, knowing it was happening between two minors and written BY an adult.
Sadly, this is a common thing in YA fantasy (I’m looking at you, Sarah J. Maas). Oversexualizing minors in YA books needs to stop because it has a big impact on the kids reading - it wasn’t too bad in this book, so I still gave it 7/10. But please, do better.
Also tell me why enemies to lovers couples are always emotionally constipated 🙄 just tell each other how you feel already!! Communication, guys.
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I sincerely recommend to fans of:
• The Shadow of the Fox series 🦊 by Julie Kagawa
• Tomi Adeyemi (Children of Blood and Bone)
• Sabaa Tahir (An Ember in the Ashes)
• Jodhaa Akbar (Bollywood movie)
• Scavenge the Stars by Tara Sim
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Despite its faults, I sincerely enjoyed this book enough to check out the second. I’ll comment an update when I’ve finished but I don’t know if I’ll give it a review. This was one of those books that I wish I had liked more because of the representation it brought to the table, and I think that it’s a genuinely good book, that fell into some difficult traps. Still worth the read 🍵
And as always, read the acknowledgments and author’s note!! They’re usually really sweet or include things about the book you didn’t know when you finished. Because it’s spoiler free and I really liked it, I’ve included Tanaz Bhathena’s note below:
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Kinda badass ngl
Also if you aren’t familiar with the Gulabi Gang, please search them up and watch the documentary because they are so cool!!! A group of older Indian ladies who go around wearing pink and beating up domestic abusers.
I also really like that she describes the story as a brief journey through her twisted imagination - it deals with some rough and violent themes, and I feel like that fits. Excited to see what happens in the sequel! It’s called Rising Like A Storm ⛈
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Me debunking astrology generalizations and misconceptions or smth idk...
Squares and oppositions aren't pure evil. 
I can't believe I have to say this because I thought ya'll have learnt the characteristics of every aspect but here we are. Nothing in astrology is black and white. And I saw some ridiculous statements (not necessary here on tumblr) that said things like "if your Venus squares someone's ascendant then you don't find that person attractive AT ALL". Or "Mars square Mercury people can't speak politely and have an annoying voice". Like????? First of all, that's ridiculous. Second of all, square in not "everything bad" just like trine is not "everything amazing". Squares bring tension, which leads to motivation, they’re stimulating; sometimes excitement or charisma; sometimes they can make you overdo things. I'm not saying they're oh-so-marvelous because the challenges are still there, but they're not as bad as people paint them to be. Squares happen between two signs that are in the same modality so they have a bunch of things in common. Besides, some of them (Sagi-Pisces and Gemini-Virgo) are ruled by the same planet so there's a special type of chemistry between those (especially when applied to synastry). Oppositions work in two ways, planets either meet in the middle - opposite signs usually complete each other and fuel each other up. And worse case scenario? Natally this means being pulled in two different directions; synastry-wise, you can completely miss each other like two passing cars - so there may be some misunderstandings but I don't think that's the end of the world... And, as per usual, may be mitigated by other positive aspects.
This is me debunking other people's attempts at debunking Sun sign compatibility. 
Sun IS very important but when people ask about compatibility and go with Suns... and then someone tries to be a smartass and debunk the "compatible-incompatible" and does the same thing without even realizing it. Like, "oh I actually see a lot of Aries and Pisces having amazing relationships because *insert someting that is a total stretch and refers to their Sun sign traits*"... But you seem to forget that they're neighbouring signs... which means they probably have personal planets in those neighbouring signs... which means they're compatible not because of some made-up stuff that you're trying to come up with but because their other planets are compatible with each other. But you're still feeding into the Sun sign compatibility talk. (So like, what I'm trying to also say, yes, the entire synastry chart comes into play; Also, side note, everyone can get along on some level if they’re mature enough).
Planet in a sign is NOT the same as planet in the house. 
There may be some overlaps in some of the sign-houses associations (like in the overall energy; like for example, it sort of makes sense that 3rd, 7th and 11th are referred to as “air houses” because they’re the most social) but in NO WAY there are similarities between planet house position and the "ruling" sign. That association started a few decades ago and some would say that NOT linking houses with signs is a purely traditional approach. But there’s plenty of professional modern astrologers with 20/30/40-year experience who still differentiate between sign/house position... because they know (and have learnt along the way) that there’s a huge difference.
I'll give you 3 quick examples: Gemini planets and 3rd house planets both may put emphasis on communication, mental stimulation and gathering data. But Geminis are often scattered in their approach, they may be easily distracted, may be indecisive, may be jack of all trades and talkative jokesters. They actually hate routines and dullness. "Spice it up" is probably a Gemini's philosophy. Now 3rd house planets may indicate you actually LIKE doing things on the regular - like running errands every other day in the mornings or going to that one specific coffee shop to pick up a snack. You may actually work in logistics or as a postman (especially if your chart ruler or MC ruler is in the 3rd). Planets in the 3rd talk about your siblings, neighbours or school experiences - like having Venus in the 3rd may point to positive experiences within those areas - something Gemini Venus has nothing in common.
Venus in the 9th can study at an art/beauty or fashion school (or even teach there if the MC is involved); can be very attached to spiritual and religious matters; can also find love in a foreign land. But imagine it being in Taurus - rather shy, needing those stable values to feel secure, being an exceptionally great student at that art school thanks to its domicile. Venus in Sagittarius on the other hand, likes adventure, things being shaken up from time to time, lightheartedness and exploration. But what if we flip the scenario and that Sag Venus is in the 2nd house. This can denote earing money through travelling and looking for ways to expand but in a financial matters.
Continuing with the Venus examples, having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
And I'll leave you here with that cause those examples weren’t that quick lol and in fact, I could give you a 100 of those. Besides, this actually inspired a 3-page rant that I've already posted not so long ago that you can read HERE.
There's no such thing as "more accurate" astrology. 
Both western and vedic are valid. Both can show you the same things. JUST KEEP THEM SEPARATE AND DON'T MIX THEM WITH EACH OTHER. And don't say things like "sidereal shows your soul" - omg I saw this statement soooo many times, who the hell even came up with this?! Actually, if anything, it's the modern western approach that "psychologized" (yea I just made up a word, you mad?) astrology while Jyotish still sticks to the very real "here and now", sometimes fatalistic predictions of how exactly your life is going to roll out... But hey, reach for hellenistic methods and they can tell you the same things, just with different tools. So no, they do not show different things, it's just their language is different.
If you say you don't identify with your chart then you're just reading it wrong.
This partially connects to the last one in some ways... Switching to a different astrology or different charts is not a solution. Learn how to read your natal. If you say it doesn’t describe you, I can guarantee you that you haven’t studied it properly. (Now this hasn't turned into a rant yet but I may actually do a whole-ass post on this because if I start elaborating on it now I'll end up with another 3-page essay).
Learn how and when to generalize. Also learn how to take generalizations. 
I understand that you have to pick up on every single thing separately in order to put everything together. It's like learning a new language: first you need to learn individual words and then you need to know the proper grammar to create a full sentence. This is 100% understandable and necessary, but it's important to take the entire thing into consideration. And this goes for all branches of astrology, but I guess it's especially annoying with synastry. This, again, comes down to the very black and white approach. You know, like when you see those long paragraphs where people elaborate on all the intricacies of Venus-Pluto aspects or whatever as if that one thing was determining the entire relationship between two people. (Side note, no shade but some of ya'll should start writing fiction or poetry cause the amount of fluffy speech and waffle that I see floating around here on tumblr is insane sometimes). Why are you wording everything as a make it or break it type of situation? And on the receiving end - learn how to take *properly phrased* generalizations constructively. Example: it IS a rule that Aries is a competitive one, maybe you're not one of them (for many reasons) but don't make a fuss about someone saying this. It IS a basic rule that energies of the same sign in two people are going to get along (well that depends on the planets involved but I digress), if that, for some other reasons, doesn't apply to you, don't go yelling that it's bullcrap because you hate people of the same sign. You know? Like, learn the difference.
I had a mini-rant on this one a while ago, but I think this deserves a constant reminder (and refers to the last point), I don't want to see any more posts that would say things like "xxx house placements will bring you suffering" or "stay away from people with planets in your xxx house" or, even worse, making a (completely untrue btw) prediction based on one single thing like "someone with so-and-so aspect is going to harm you". And you're so casual about it??? You know there are sensitive people in the world. Learn some ethics. Learn some counseling skills. Don't be ignorant. Don't throw these random stuff at people just like that. And learn some actual astrology cause most of these aren't even closely describing that particual aspect. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Ok now I'm pissed again.
Studying astrology and believing in free will doesn’t go well together.
It's not just psychological and spiritual. It's useful to know that western astrology made it like that because there were still people threatening astrologers for using it as a divination tool. So they moved away from the predictive/deterministic aspect of it. Now, I'm not here to change anyone's beliefs cause that's a very personal thing that everyone should develop on their own. But once you start diving deeper into astrology you'd notice that there's a heavy emphasis on fatedness and things being predetermined. That includes both the good and the bad stuff and you should learn to accept that. And with the bad things specifically, let's not excuse it with some "oh that was an opportunity for growth". Like yea, maybe, occasionally??? But just acknowledge that sometimes things happen not because there was a deeper meaning in them... but because you have a Pluto-Mars conjunction in the 6th that makes an applying square to your chart ruler and you were going through a profection year where Mars was your time lord and it transited that chart ruler while making a conjunction with Neptune so you were attacked by a baby crocodile while swimming and it bit off your toe and you got a nasty infection and that’s it (I just made that up btw, I don't actually know anyone who was attacted by a crocodile). So like, sometimes shit just happens and there's nothing psychological about it. Also, I bet your free will didn't want to be attacked by that croc.
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rankertopgoogle · 2 years
Alternative cancer treatment
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Best cancer hospital
Sino Vedic Cancer Clinic, with the experience of over 36 years and having treated over Fifty Thousand patients, stands as a pioneer in the field of Herbal & Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer
Sino Vedic Cancer Research Center was established in 1985 with the expect to investigate the job of spices to battle malignant growth. With the experience of north of 36 Years and having treated more than Fifty Thousand patients, Sino Vedic stands as a trailblazer in the field of Herbal Treatment for Cancer. As malignant growth is an illness of qualities and pathways, so the battle against disease was centered around normalizing the disease cells by switching their procured transformations in qualities and pathways. To accomplish this Sino Vedic Cancer Research Center has figured out different Sino Vedic Formulations which assist with battling malignant growth without secondary effects.
 A long time back, disease was not so normal, yet its rate has been increasing alarmingly since the most recent few decades, presumably because of our changing way of life and propensities. The circumstance is disturbing to the point that each fourth individual has a lifetime hazard of disease. In excess of 11 lakh new instances of malignant growth are enrolled consistently in India, while this figure is over 14 million around the world.
We are continually presented to an assortment of malignant growth causing specialists, known as cancer-causing agents, in the food we eat, in the water we drink, and in the air we relax. Our single feast might contain twelve of cancer-causing agents as buildups of pesticides and insect sprays. Openness to atomic radiation, ionizing radiation (X-beams, Gamma beams), molecule radiation discharged by radioactive substances, solar radiation, and electromagnetic radiation can cause disease. In like manner, there is a considerable rundown of substance, physical, organic, and topographical cancer-causing agents. The change of a typical cell into a destructive cell is likely not a particularly basic occasion in that frame of mind of disease; rather it is the powerlessness of safe cells of the body to distinguish and obliterate the recently shaped malignant growth cells when they are not many in numbers. We have seen that the gamble of malignant growth is duplicated in those people, whose resistant framework is smothered because of any component, including ongoing pressure, advanced age, constant crippling illness, and maltreatment of medications like analgesics, anti-toxins, and corticosteroids. Additionally, life has become quick and cutthroat, from 'support to grave' prompting ongoing pressure that further upgrades the gamble of malignant growth by stifling the insusceptible arrangement of the body. The occurrence of disease is higher in people impacted by Human Papilloma Virus (H.P.V.), H.I.V., and other viral diseases including Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.
Disease is a strange development of cells in any tissue or organ of the body and these cells tend to spread and fill in different pieces of the body. Ordinary cell division is a profoundly directed instrument constrained by qualities through development administrative pathways. Delayed openness to cancer-causing agents harms the DNA and prompts transformations in the development administrative qualities including oncogenes (ras, N-myc, c-myc, HER-2/neu, and so forth), growth silencer qualities (p53, Rb, Ret, WT-1, APC, and so on) and pathways (ras, Rb, myc, and so on) prompting loss of command over ordinary cell division. The transformed cells go haywire and multiply unpredictably, as a rule shaping a mass, known as a neoplasm or a threatening growth or in basic words, a Cancer.
Over the long haul, disease cells continue gathering further changes and procure more malevolent qualities, for example, the capacity to attack and move into the connecting tissues, travel through lymph and veins, hold up and fill in different pieces of the body to shape states (metastasis), make their own veins (growth angiogenesis) for their nourishment, dodge the course of modified cell passing (apoptosis) and obtain the capacity of boundless replication, making the disease cells undying. When the majority of the malignant growths are at long last analyzed, they have proactively added numerous changes; for instance, ALL (a blood disease) has been found to have 5 to 10 transformations at the hour of conclusion. Pancreatic disease has shown 50 to 60 changes, while Breast and Colon tumors have 50 to 80 transformations at the hour of conclusion. Likewise, the greater part of the tumors have 11 to 15 deviant (changed) pathways at the hour of finding.
Sino Vedic Cancer Research Center was established in 1985 by Dr. S.P. Kaushal, M.B.B.S., M.D. (Chinese Medicine), Ph.D., D.Sc. (Honoris Causa), alongside a group of specialists and researchers. Sino Vedic Cancer Research group has distinguished anticancer spices having D.N.A. fixing, antimutagenic, antitumourangiogenic, proapoptotic, immunomodulatory, radioprotective and chemoprotective properties. After recognizable proof, this group disconnected the particular dynamic standards (phytoconstituents) from chose anticancer.
More info-https://www.sinovedic.com/
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