#Vermilion Range
thorsenmark · 6 months
The Rundle Peaks and Sanson Peak (Banff National Park)
The Rundle Peaks and Sanson Peak (Banff National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A roadside pulloff with the famous view of Vermilion Lakes and Mount Rundle. Another location that I never tire of seeing any chance I have to visit Banff National Park! Here I focused with a more wider angle view, capturing not just the nearby waters of Vermilion Lakes and mountains peaks, but also including more of the blue skies with those big white puffy clouds above.
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cosmologicalrising · 4 months
is there a tool anywhere that gives you the opposite/farthest color on the color wheel?
like for example you'd enter vermilion and it's spit back the color that'd give you the widest offspring color range possible
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meat-fr · 4 months
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Color Guide for matching Festival Genes + Primal Eyes
Now i want to say this is not meant to be some definitive guide. These are just my attempts at matching colors as closely as i could find with what's available on the color wheel currently. Some of which were quite tricky to find a good match for (or is maybe not even the best use for the gene, looking at you Crystalline...). Will list the colors used for the scries above, but I'll also have some notes for some other similar matches or other color ideas. Overall, this was just a fun little project to work on as the genes released, and maybe some will find some use from it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Light: Sanddollar (Flaxen is a very close 2nd, if you want a very slight warmer color. Banana could also pass, but i find it a little too dark compared to the eyes)
Lightning: Robin (This one's tricky since the color IS the lightning rather than the outline, but Robin is bright enough to give the illusion of being white with a matching blue outline. Aqua is a close 2nd, but again is a little to dark in comparison)
Fire: Sunshine (Saffron if you want darker, more orange fire. Marigold if you want a lighter, more yellow fire. Sunshine is the middle ground of these two. All 3 of these match very closely, so up to your personal preference here)
Arcane: Bubblegum (Matching to the little runes. If you want to match to the eyes themselves, Orchid is the closest match without being too dark in color)
Plague: Vermilion (Berry if you want something less egregiously bright. But i do think Vermilion is technically a closer color match, tho both are very close. If you want a color flipped match, Chartreuse matches the colors pretty well, or Crocodile is you want a similar pallet but less bright (and also has a slight bit more red to it's accents). Bonus color: while it doesn't really match the eyes, Red has a very good Plague-y vibe, if you're a fan of the red+green aesthetic)
Earth: Pumpkin (This one has been the most difficult one to match with all the colors going on with both the eyes and genes. But it leads to a bunch of potential options that just kinda almost match. Ultimately tho there's not really a perfect match for these, just go by your own preference. Ginger matches close for a solid color match. For multi-toned picks, some other good options are Caramel, Peach, Ivory, Seafoam, and Cream. Sadly there's not really any colors that adds more pink secondary tones. (also as an added bonus for these: if you want to match with the geode currency used for the festival: teal, ultramarine, and splash are some good picks)
Ice: Eggplant (Indigo if you want just a very slight more saturation, but ultimately the two are nearly indistinguishable from each other. if you want some really dark blue ice in the same hue, Sapphire works well. If you want a lighter ice color: Sky, Periwinkle, Twilight, and Storm are the closest without going just full on white)
Shadow: Grape (Royal or Violet for a more subdued color, tho i find them a little too bright. The strong highlights on this gene make it tricky to match perfectly, especially when we don't have many darker purples as is. But at the same time, you really can't go too wrong with most of the purple range with this gene, it's just a matter of preference)
Wind: Peridot (Not much to say about this one. This color is incredibly spot on. I guess, if you want something a little darker, Pear matches the darker tips of the eyes)
Water: Cornflower (The whole Lapis-to-Sky range works here, for varying degrees of saturation and brightness, but i think overall Cornflower has the best balance out of all of them? (it looks the closest on adult dragons at least). Idk, this one's really tricky too xP And i am once again painfully reminded that we don't really have any good super vibrant colors in the sky blue range T___T All the closest colors are either too green or too faded. Also as a bonus option: If you want a foamy look, Ice and Pistachio work really well for this)
Nature: Orca (I initially thought Peridot would win this one, but then Orca came out of nowhere. Peridot's still another good option tho, the flowers are just a little more on the green side than the ones on the eyes (but they do match with the actual 'eye' part of the eyes). Also for a bonus color, Pearl also looks really nice paired with nature eyes, even tho it does have a lot of purple in the vines. the leaves and flowers still match really well. And as far as i can find, there's not really a good way to match the vines to the vines of the eyes, since that parts seems to stick to darker colors and browns)
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useralba · 2 months
authors note: ( nervous laugh ) haha … yeah so this stupid one shot is taking me an embarrassingly long time to complete; been rewriting it for like a week and am only now almost done — and I feel bad!!! so here’s a little snippet. 🎀
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jons statement was framed by a white puff as it floated into the icy nights-air and froze. before you stood an ancient, crumbling tower; years of neglect evident, the only thing daring to climb the long-forgotten tower being vines and ivy. your eyes met jons, a huff of disbelief escaping your chattering jaws.
everything here was cold, the thought still rang true in waves of trembling shivers as the hour of the wolf drew near.
jon peered into the rubble-coated stairwell inside, his palm open and scarred with chivalry as he held it out to you; an offer of tender guidance you would need upon navigating the foreign ruin blanketed in the unrelenting decay of time. he glanced to you, hoisting the precarious barrel closer to his side as the cold wind bit at your face, his eyes patient and reassuring.
robb appeared by your side, a glint of amusement in his eyes as he gazed upon your shivering form; starkly contrasting the brothers, who stood tall and unwavering as though the dornish sun kissed their northern features.
"scarce chance of gaining warmth stood out here, my lady." robb stated, sharing a silent look of teasing with his brother, who turned to face the ruin as he inconspicuously hid his smile. you rolled your eyes, the urge to regurgitate a snarky remark fizzling out within you at the warm hand robb rested upon the small of your back; lithe fingers splayed upon the crimson silk as his breath fanned across your neck, "and scarce chance of the indulgence you seek."
vermilion leaves danced through the wind, rustling restlessly as they too, awaited your compliance. the sky above dark and twinkling; akin to jons eyes as you curled your fingers around his. a hum of agreement from you at the honeyed rasp of robbs words; merely more than a short exhale of uncertain exuberance as your wandering eyes climbed the cobbled tower: coiled, slithering vines constricting its stones from crumbling.
jons jaw clenching momentarily; his grip gentle, careful upon your hand; averse of tarnishing the regal purity of your palms — of you — with his bastardy; the sight before him however, rendering him unwilling to let go, his grip assuring itself slightly upon you — swallowing contempt; his eyes trailing the line of robbs arm, his hand obscured by the fluttering silk of your gown. robbs eyes upon where his brothers hand swallowed your own, the possessive, unnoticeable pressure of his hand pushing upon your waist.
silent snarls of territorial wolves, honing themselves for the hunt; laying claim upon their prey.
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( I don’t wanna show you — my beloved @dipperscavern especially — too much !!! but I assure you, the full thing is coming soon. ) 🎀
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plein-air-on-gorkhon · 3 months
painting with a limited palette: part 1
struggling to pick colors for your art? is the sheer number of hues, tints, and shades overwhelming? most times, less is more: so come try a little art experiment with me, not at all scary, i promise
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#1 'limited earth' palette made famous by swedish artist anders zorn, consisting of yellow ochre, vermilion, ivory black, and titanium white. black is used both to darken and be a substitute for blue, creating neutral greens and purples
#2 she has the range: used in the steppe landscape and marble nest triptych . this palette really excels in its range of oranges, reds, and purples; very earthy, very grungy, perfect for illustrating pathologic and the like
#3 the zorn palette's lack of vibrant blues and greens leads to careful color combinations that must sell the illusion of blue and green: factory idyll
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#4 crank that saturation all the way up for a larger range of color
#5 palettes needn't be constrained to 'red', 'yellow', and 'blue' as primaries: adapted from x
#6 get silly with it:
pick your primaries: works best with a light, medium, dark, and 'white' color with a variety of saturations
create secondary colors by mixing one primary at 50% opacity over another, doesn't have to be perfectly halfway between the primaries
repeat once more, and then create a string of tints by mixing primary and secondary colors with the 'white'. i just end up using these as a visual reference, and only eye dropping colors from the primaries to mix on the canvas, but whatever floats your boat
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fierysplash213 · 1 year
Hello! Sorry I have not been posting in the last month. I had no inspiration. However, I started to watch My Hero Academia (MHA). Started to simp for a few characters, and decided to write a Bakugou x reader.
Prompt: You are sitting alone during lunch until your boyfriend ends your misery.
Warning: Swearing. It’s Bakugo. What do you expect?
Author’s note: I had so much fun writing this! This is quite different than what I normally write.
Sitting alone? I can fix that.
As the lunch bell rang, all of he students in U.A. came to the cafeteria. As usual, some students were buying food, and some were already digging in to the food they prepared the previous day.
After you got your food, you were looking for a seat. You skipped breakfast, big mistake. The smell of lunch made your stomach rumble even more. You could not wait to finally sit down and devour your noodles. You could even say that you were drooling at that point.
Your boyfriend, Bakugo had to stay back in class to get lecture from Aizawa. Typical. You would usually find an empty seat and sit with him, but today, you had to eat without him.
You go up to classmates and ask if you could sit there, but they either pretend you’re not there, or they were too busy talking to hear you. Scratch that, they all probably ignored you.
Feeling defeated, you find an empty seat and sit down. You sighed. As much as you wanted to feel sad and get mad at your entire class, you had an entire bowl of noodles to finish. Your stomach could not take it anymore, so you started slurping down your noodles.
Even though you were slurping down noodles, you could not help but think that everyone has been avoiding you recently. Honestly, they were never your friends. You just sat there, alone, with nobody to talk to. However, that that moment of despair might have ended at that moment.
“Hey idiot, anyone sitting here?” A rash voice called out.
You looked up and saw a familiar pair of vermilion eyes.
“Nope, there is no one.” You replied.
The blonde pulled out a chair as he sat down, putting his tray on the table and started to eat.
“I thought the lecture would last longer.”
“Well, you were wrong. And why were you sitting alone? I thought you would sit with classmates.”
“They ignored me.” You said in a sad tone.
“Fuck those idiots.” He said, looking slightly pissed.
You smiled. You were lucky to have a boyfriend like him.
“I love you.” You said in a cheerful voice.
“Shut up.” He blushes a little after saying those words.
Your smile widens. You knew it was his way of saying “I love you” back.
So? What do you think? I can do this prompt with multiple characters. (As long as they are in school of course.) I am actually surprised I managed to write this long. As I said before that this is quite different from what I usually write.
Thank you for reading! Have a fantastic day!
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fakesimp · 2 years
Hello hello~
I see that your requests are open so if I may, can I request a hurt/comfort fic/scenario where they neglect you for awhile and they only figure out after finding you in the bathroom crying? (I’m such a sucker for hurt/comfort)
And for the characters, I’m not sure if you take more than one but preferably Ike and Ver? (If not you can just write for either one) Also gn reader would be much appreciated.
Thank you sm and have a good day/night! <33
"Forgive me for leaving you" , With Ike Eveland, Ver Vermilion
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Warning !
Hurt/Comfort ; No beginning on how the argument starts ; Established Relationship
A/n !
I am sorry for not being able to write for you anon (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) here i am now just replying to the request, i apologize. I do hope you like this anon !
Ike Eveland
The last time you saw your Beloved Novelist was 3 hours ago, he left without saying anything after the argument. You were left alone in your shared home, you broke down at the hall as you saw the door closed behind him.
You're on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Blankly, the tears are threatening to flow again as you remember the argument between your beloved, you then immediately gets off the bed and went to the bedroom. Planning to wash your face, only for your tears to flow down as you bask your face with water. You started sobbing and slowly slides down to the floor, staring at your trembling hands as you saw the tears dropped on your palms.
You didn't hear a door clicking open in your shared bedroom, that is until you heard a familiar voice calling you. "..Älskling?" It was Ike, his foot leads him to the bathroom where you're in. He gently knocks on the door, and slowly opens it. He then saw you on the floor looking back at him, tears flowing down your cheeks. His eyes widen and immediately went to your side, "Oh,Älskling.. I am so sorry. I'm sorry, very sorry." He's chanting apologies to your ears as he held your figure close to him. His gentle hand ran through your hair locks, "I am sorry, forgive me." He whispered as he held you a bit tighter.
"Forgive me for leaving you," Ike trailed off, "I was not at the right mind, I just left without thinking." He continued and he gently move you away from him so he can see your face. He then placed both of his hands on your cheeks, he slowly rub his thumb, rubbing away the tears that's still flowing. "Shh.. there there, I am sorry, forgive my behavior." He said before peppering your face with kisses,
"That's why, please let me make up for it, älskling.."
Ver Vermilion
Your Beloved Kaichou, have completely ignore you. You were just trying to be a good lover, you know this eventually will happen one day. But you didn't thought it's going to be this, painful. Your heart aches and when you saw him leaving you alone in your shared bedroom, you stood there dumbfounded.
You had been sitting silently at the edge of the bed, staring down at your own hand. And then a tear dropped on your palm, you blink confusedly at your palm that's starting to get wet from tears that slowly keep on flowing down. You immediately stood up and went to the bathroom and washed your face, you stare at yourself at the mirror.
"Damnit.." you whispered to yourself and then you cover half of your face with your hand, and then you started sobbing.
You don't know how long you've been inside the bathroom crying, until somebody knocked at the door. "Jagiya?" A familiar voice rang through your eardrums, "Please open up.." he pleaded. It took you a whole minute before you open the door for him. The moment you open the door, you saw Ver standing not too far from you. He stood there staring at you slightly worried, he slowly approached you and gently grabbed your hand. He rubbed his thumb along your knuckles, "Did, you.. cry?" He hesitantly asked. "No, don't answer it. I'm sorry." He apologized and pull you into his arms.
"I'm sorry, Forgive me for leaving you." He whispered as he ran a hand through your hair locks, he held you tighter. He stuttered out a sigh, "Sorry.." he kissed your temple,
"Let me make it up for leaving you, so please let me indulge you."
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
Here you go anon ! I apologize for the wait, also this is shorter than intended (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)..
Apologies for that, but I do hope you enjoy this ! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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Don't Drink The Paint Water
Ok, the title is a little misleading since a lot of the paint I'm gonna talk about in this post would have been tempera or oil, and not water-based acrylic, so there would be no paint water. But as someone who worked in acrylic and definitely accidentally drank their paint water more than once, the warning is what rings in my mind every time I think of this topic.
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Art is great for the soul. Art supplies, however, are not always great for the body.
Humans love smearing ourselves and our stuff with pretty colors made of shit that will kill us. Lead facepaint in Queen Elizabeth's court; Arsenic Green Wallpaper in Victorian parlors; uranium in glassware and wristwatches. And of course, all kinds of heavy metals in paints.
I talked in my post about Caravaggio about how a lot of his balls-to-the-wall batshit insane behavior may have been a result of chronic poisoning from his paints. Many artists through that whole era of history suffered from lead poisoning, to the point that "Painter's Colic" was a term for the intestinal constipation caused by chronic lead poisoning.
Now let's talk about that a little, and the various toxins that some of your favorite historical painters may have had in their systems from the creation and application of their paints...
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White Paint: Lead
Lead white has been used as far back at the 4th century B.C.E. by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, and was THE white pigment in western art up through the nineteenth century (and also appeared in works from China and Japan). It's important to note that through much of history, you didn't just go to the store and buy a tube of paint -- you made your own by grinding up pigment and adding it to a medium such as oil. To make lead white paint, artists would grind a block of lead into powder, releasing toxic dust particles into the air. The pigment's popularity largely stemmed from how thick and opaque it was, allowing for dense applications of radiant, warm white.
Lead poisoning resultantly affected a great many artists who worked extensively with lead white paint, with gastrointestinal, neuromuscular, and neurological symptoms. Chronic lead poisoning resulted in abdominal pain, nausea and constipation, as well as neuromuscular issues such as tremor, loss of coordination and numbness. Neurologically, sufferers could experience loss of short-term memory or concentration, depression, fatigue, headaches, stupor, slurred speech, and difficulty with emotional regulation, which may have contributed to the enduring stereotype of artists as erratic tortured geniuses.
Lead white would eventually be replaced by zinc white and titanium white.
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Vermilion Paint: Cinnabar (Mercury-Sulfide)
Cinnabar is a form of mercury sulfide (HgS) that can range in color from bright scarlet to brick-red. It is the most common source ore for refining elemental mercury-- and from both its mined form and creation via synthetic alchemy was used to create a range of red 'vermilion' pigments. Cinnabar was used decoratively dating back to antiquity due to its color, appearing in fine craftsmanship and artworks ranging from China to South America, and was the primary source of red pigment in European painting from the Renaissance to the 20th century.
And of course; it came with the fun fun experience of mercury poisoning! While ingesting cinnabar isn't nearly as toxic as other forms of mercury since the chemical composition is less reactive, cutting and grinding cinnabar to create paint pigment would lead to inhalation of particles, and the more it was ground, the brighter the red it would produce. Plus, heating cinnabar would result in the release of highly toxic mercury vapor which would damage the lungs. Long term cinnabar use would lead to renal failure, and likely other symptoms of mercury poisoning such as damage to the brain and nervous system.
Vermilion would eventually be replaced with the less-toxic cadmium red.
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Naples Yellow Paint: Lead + Antimony
Here's a two-for-one poisoning deal! Naples yellow -- a saturated, thick yellow that could range from pinkish orange to an almost green lemon-yellow -- is derived from lead antimonate. Inorganic and synthetically created, the pigment itself dates back to ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, making it one of the oldest synthetic pigments (it was predated by the Egyptians' use of the yellow pigment 'Orpiment' which was made with arsenic, for even more fun!) It was first referred to as Naples Yellow in the 17th century, and became particularly popular in European painting from the mid 1700s to mid 1800s, used by artists such as Délacroix, Jacques-Louis David, and Goya.
In addition to the joys of lead as discussed above, Antimony can cause vomiting, headache, dizziness, and sleeplessness, with effects similar to arsenic poisoning.
While there were a number of holdout artists who continued to use Naples Yellow up to the 20th century, Naples Yellow was largely replaced by Chrome Yellow and Cadmium Yellow by the late 19th century.
These are just a few of the more popular culprits in western art history -- and not counting fabric dyes such as Scheele's Green which experienced brief and deadly popularity in the Victorian era (made with Arsenic), or Uranium Yellow pigment used in ceramics and glass, which... I think you can guess where the problem with that lay.
All of which is to say, Art Was Hazardous, and a lot of artists through history quite literally died for the dyes, sacrificing their health, sanity, and years off their lives, knowingly or not, for the colors in their masterworks.
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maryrouille · 4 months
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Social perception of wearing lipstick
Lipstick as part of women's makeup has had a very turbulent history over the centuries. It wasn't until the beginning of the 20th century that lipstick started to lose its stigma. Advances in technology and more sophisticated marketing and advertising tactics have raised the profile of cosmetics. For the first time since ancient Egypt, makeup became widely accepted, both socially and morally [Read My Lips: A Cultural History of Lipstick, M. Cohen Ragas, K. Kozlowski, 1998]. But do you know how people with lipstick are perceived by others today?
Lips matters
Fuller lips, a feminine feature, are characterized by clearly developed and bigger vermilion zone. And the red color of the lips, as well as the pink color of the cheeks, is the result of blood circulation in the subcutaneous blood vessels. Therefore, maintaining these colors can be a symbol of health and attractiveness [1]. It would seem that if we artificially enhance this natural feature, the perception of attractiveness may increase even more. An experiment was conducted with women wearing red, pink, brown and no lipstick in bars. The results showed that red lipstick status was associated with more male solicitations and a shorter time between women's arrival at the bar and the man's first offer of advances! [2].
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Lipstick affects our first impression
Social perception is the process of getting to know other people and assigning them specific characteristics, often based on a very limited amount of information. A type of such perception is the first impression, which is usually most influenced by a person's appearance. Then, specific mental characteristics of a given person are perceived, even based on the way they dress or make up. A study conducted at the University of Michigan showed that a girl with lipstick is rated by students as more self-aware, interested in men, less conscientious, more talkative and sociable than the same girl (behaving identically) assessed without lipstick [Social Perception: the Development of Interpersonal Impressions, H. Toch, H. Clay Smith, 1968].
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Later experiments seem to confirm this and show that a woman with lipstick is perceived as sensual and sociable [The Perception of People, K. Skarzynska, 1981]. Interestingly, wearing lipstick also affects our self-perception. The reasons for using this product by women themselves are more related to self-esteem and status in society than to sexual allure. Moreover, lipstick serves as a transition from adolescence to womanhood in society [3].
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So, knowing this research, should we wear lipstick more often? It depends on the effect we want to achieve. It is also worth taking into account the intensity and wide range of colors of lipsticks, the impact of which has not yet been tested.
In closing, I would just like to say that this topic was inspired by a recent exchange here on Tumblr about wearing red lips. And this is not the last post about the meaning of lipstick! During these searches, I found another interesting topic that I would like to discuss. Kiss, kiss 💋
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8.25-carat bi-color Tourmaline from Afghanistan🇦🇫
Explore the enchanting 8.25-carat bi-color tourmaline from Afghanistan 🇦🇫. Delight in its stunning dimensions, ranging from 1064.5mm to 5.13.93mm. This natural wonder could be yours! ✨💎
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aeide-thea · 9 months
tagged by @aldieb! thx for thinking of me, these little questionnaires are like. a cute little blast from tumblr's more interactive past :)
last song: i was going to have to give a sad little answer here about how i don't listen to music nearly enough anymore (never mind sing) and it's very definitely a reflection of my depression, but then i entirely out of nowhere and very urgently was like 'wait actually i have to listen to gordon lightfoot's "song for a winter's night" right now' so then i dashed off and did that and now that's the answer:
if i could know within my heart that you were lonely too i would be happy just to hold the hands i love on this winter night with you…
favorite color: oof so so many!! colors are so important. the signature one has gotta be a really highlighter-vivid chartreuse (🎾), but i do also really love me a good marigold orange? not to mention vermilion, or ochre, or moss green, or really saturated cobalt, or shades of rust or russet…
last movie/show: shetland bbc, which is a quiet well-acted murder mystery series set in a very beautiful very remote landscape. soothing if you like the british isles and can bear to entertain the fantasy of a decent policeman, at least for an hour or so at a time. also i admit to enjoying douglas henshall's face.
sweet/spicy/savory: all the best things are savory and also spicy! like. the jamaican curried chicken i grew up with. indian curries. malaysian laksa my beloved. can you tell i like curry. :D
relationship status: sidebar but this is such an amatonormative question lol. like why are we societally expected to look at 'relationship' and infer 'romantic.' also it seems like a weird outlier given that all the other qs are low-stakes little softballs abt yr tastes. however. extremely single! sometimes i'm sad about it because i miss sexual intimacy and i'm too shy to pursue that with strangers? but honestly most of the time i'm just as glad, because i don't actually know how to love people romantically without making a whole self-abnegating religion of it, so i'm not really convinced that dating was ever really all that good for me, on the whole…
last thing i googled: i use duckduckgo now, and you should too! :) having said that: 'yoal boat.' which is a very beautiful traditional style of shetland boat—apparently descended from a norwegian model?—that the islanders used to use for fishing, and then for storage draw up onto the land into these little prepared hollows called noosts (they have marinas now), which like. obviously i think is the most charming word imaginable. a cozy little noost for a lovely little boat! 🪺
current obsession(s): yoals aside, i guess the thing that best fits this category is that sometime in the last year or so i turned into Merino Guy??? like. even my boxer briefs are merino now (well, a merino-tencel blend) and like. it's so good, guys. comfy in a startlingly wide range of temps, helps me lessen my contribution to the microplastics problem, somehow even makes for reasonable athletic wear in the right weights and cuts: what's not to like. anyway brb, gotta go print out my 'NOT 🐑ISH ABOUT MERINO' bumper sticker. :D
tag 9 people: oof idk, do this if you'd enjoy it and ignore it if you wouldn't? gonna make like west and pull some names from my activity feed: @e-b-reads, @ghostofasecretary, @leatherbookmark, @nathanielthecurious, @obstinatecondolement, @papavera, @quailfang, @tisiphoness, @youcanthandelthetruth
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miaisnotacat · 1 year
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Name: Ling Luo
Age: 16
Height: 163cm
Weight: 52kg
Birthday: July 14
Nationality: Chinese
Gender: Female
Signing age: 13
Timeline: The original timeline has been destroyed by the rescue witch (Madoka Witch), so I can only wander between parallel universes
Gentle and kind, not very courageous but always pretending to be brave and decisive, will think carefully before doing things, but because of easy self-denial and no actual action, often have an evasive mentality, and the inner drama is very serious
Likes: drawing, handmade, fantasy, chocolate
Dislikes: Bitter melon, people who trust you, betrayal
Soul Gem Color: Vermilion, Amber
"I want to see other worlds and become friends with everyone there!"
Originally, there was very little karma, and she should have become a witch directly after making a wish to "explore other worlds and meet new friends" that transcended her own karma, but because of the particularity of the wish, Lingluo in other universes and her After the combination, the causality is also folded, making it the existence with the largest amount of causality in this universe
Inherent ability: <space jump>
Traveling through different time and space and worlds, and people in other worlds will have an inexplicable affection for her
(As long as it is within the scope of the second dimension, you can go there)
Derivative capacity:
〈Teleportation Barrier〉
Creates two teleportation arrays within the visible area
(Its usage is similar to the game "Portal")
Unique Weapons:
Knife, often used in melee combat, is also a tool for <space jump>
Derived weapons:
Bow, often used for ranged attacks
Double-ended knife, mainly used as a temporary foothold, and occasionally used as a weapon
Shotguns, I am a little afraid of gunshots, so I don't like to use them
The reason for despair: under the guidance of qb, I think that I shouldn't set foot in other worlds from the beginning, and I feel that if I don't interfere, my original universe will not be destroyed
"In a certain parallel universe, she exists on the same level as the Relief Witch"
Witch of false gods; whose nature is gaffe
This witch is sad because of the mistakes she made in the past. She can't think of a solution, so she chooses to pretend to sleep to avoid the problem, but the timid witch may be "woke up" as long as there is a little commotion
Servant of the Witch of a False God; whose duty is to be a believer
These subordinates were turned into cursed humans. They worshiped the witch extremely and regarded her as a god. They waited on the witch all day long, hoping to get a response from the witch one day.
Servant of the Witch of the False God; whose duty is to protect
He thinks he is the witch's messenger, and for her sake, he will do whatever it takes to eliminate the intruders who disturb the witch
Witch's Enchantment:
The barrier is so huge that it covers the entire earth, making all human beings except the magical girl cursed
Although the witch's own ability does not need to hide in the barrier, but because the witch is too timid, she has been hiding in the depths of the barrier
一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一 The content is google translation, my English is very bad
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Pokemon Card of the Day #2958: Reshiram-GX (Dragon Majesty)
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Reshiram-GX had one really obvious attack to possibly get excited about. Its GX attack provided big damage and strong Energy acceleration in one package, which seemed absurdly good. There was, of course, a catch, and that was that other acceleration was needed to get there. Reshiram-GX itself could get Energy from the deck with a cheap, damageless attack, so there was a chance for something big here. With Fire getting tons of ways to get Energy onto the field in other forms, however, the competition was fierce for the role.
180 HP was pretty close to standard for a Basic Pokemon-GX, and it was in range for something like a Pikachu & Zekrom-GX with a single Electropower. That was still bulky enough to take many early hits, at least, so it wasn't too bad. The Water Weakness was not the worst in the world, though you still had to look out for something like Keldeo-GX. The Retreat Cost was 2, useful for if Reshiram-GX survived after using its GX attack since its power was otherwise a bit lacking.
Flame Charge started the path to Reshiram-GX's goal. The requirement was a Colorless Energy, and while it did no damage, you did get to search your deck for up to 2 Fire Energy cards and attach them to it. The goal was to get a second turn Vermilion GX so other big attackers of the type could easily fire away.
Scorching Column was the only damaging move that could be used more than once here. 110 damage and Burn was not enough for 3 Fire and a Colorless Energy, especially with Pokemon doing 150 for 3 or so being released commonly not long after this.
Vermilion GX was an absurd attack on paper. You did need 4 Energy to use this, so Flame Charge was almost required. You also needed to get extra Fire Energy into the hand, likely with Fiery Flint. If you got it all set up quickly, the GX attack did 180 damage and you could attach up to 5 Fire Energy cards from your hand to your Pokemon however you wanted. This was extremely powerful if done correctly, though needing so many things in place to get maximum impact held it back.
Reshiram-GX was better on paper than it was in practice, as Fire already had plenty of Energy acceleration (Welder, Kiawe, Naganadel for Blacephalon-GX decks) and needing to go second, get the first attack off, get all the Energy attachments in, put back-up Pokemon in play, and have resources to Fiery Flint into a bunch of extra Fire Energy was just a lot to ask. Reshiram-GX wasn't very popular despite its peak being quite good due to all the other forms of acceleration for the type and the consistency issues of getting this to be explosive enough to outdo all those.
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dahliarosebud · 2 years
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- Love Is A War Series ~ Aemond x Reader
• Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
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Warnings: Death, mentioned child birth
Synopsis: You’re finally back with your family in Pentos. Yet it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.
With my family alas. My heart can stop jumping out of my chest when Septa’s voice loomed over me. I stood with my hands pressed against the stone ledge - not dull and ugly like the red keep. But a warm sunbathed beige. The wind kissed at my face as I stared out to the sea.
I leaned further excitement rampaging through my veins as I watched my father and mother. Caraxes flying straight up. My room being darkened as the vermilion scaled belly the flew past. I could no longer see them, but I knew they were far above me.
Carxe’s whistle and Vahgar’s heavy grunt called out like thunder in a summers sky. Green soon followed by red; rushing past my open window balcony. Their blonde hair trailed behind them. Once they were out of sight and hearing range I grabbed a book and sat on the ledge. ‘The histories of the seven kingdoms.’ 
Kepa had gifted it to me for my seventh name day, he would read it to me till I would drift asleep and my head would rest on Muña’s lap as my sister’s rested either side of me. The blue soon turned orangey pink and the waves slowly sloshed against the shore. The bustling in the dinning rose me from seat on the ledge, my back growing sore from the ever-digging stone.
I walked into the quaint hall. The large table set out with an array of exotic foods you would never would have found at the seemingly never-ending dinners with King Viserys and his wife. I zoned out once the annoying man’s voice began to drone on - I wish I had stayed in my room now.
“A toast to Aegon the Conqueror, your exalted forebear, who joined our cause against Volantis in the Century of Blood. On the great dragon Balerion,” I lazily held my cup in the air my arm slowly growing tired. Not missing the way my father gave my mother a look, “he flew to our aid in Lys and burned a fleet of enemy ships, thus turning the tide.”
My father stood up and we all raised our cups even higher. “Aegon the Conqueror.”
“To Aegon.” We all said our praise in unison. My perfect sisters smiling brightly at father, I rolled my eyes in hunger. My father drank from his cup finally sitting down. 
Reggio’s voice rejoiced again. “This brings me to some business. A proposal I wish to make in the spirit of honouring our storied alliance.” Here we go. I gulped down a mouthful of wine and shovelled some pork into my mouth. 
My mother’s soothing voice calmed my mind as always, “If your aim is to marry one of our daughters, Your Excellence, you might have said so and spared us the history lesson.”
I grew pale and just as fast as my apatite left, we left the dinner. Mother stood behind Rhaena and her soft hands pushed Baela and I along. I went into my chambers my bath already drawn. The mad undid my dress the cold biting at my naked skin. 
Fully submerged. Surrounded by warm water, finally at peace. My eyes tired and droopy. My head tipped back, eyes closing just for a second. A raven cawed. The piercing noise making me jump. I stood up grabbing my robe and wrapped it around me. I put my arm out allowing the bird to hop onto my arm. I carried it inside. Taking the parchment from its beak. He flew from my arm back into the night.
I slipped on my night gown ready to go see father and mother to wish the goodnight. The parchment staring at me from where it rested on my desk as I left the room.
Finally, I found Rhaena. I knocked on the door and entered. She sat knees to her chest staring at the egg. I sat next to her watching as the fire danced iver the scaled egg. “You will have dragon Rhaena it may not be born to you, but I know you will be a strong dragon rider just as Aegon’s wife Rhaenys was.”
She leaned her head on your shoulder, “and you will be Visenya Y/n. What about Baela?”
She lifted her head and stared at me, “She can be Meraxes, but don’t tell her I said that” I whispered and smiled as the girl giggled. We were startled by our mother’s screams. “Wait here and do not move, okay?” She nodded and I ran out of the room.
“Kepa? Kepa!” I ran round the corner stopping as her screams stopped. My heart never left its place in my throat until it dropped to my stomach when I saw my father press his back to the wall. I saw the bottom of mother’s dress dust around the corner of the open doorway that led to the beach where Vahgar rested.
I ran after her. Slowing to a stop when I saw my mother. I was about to call out until a weak “Dracarys,” seeped from her chapped lips and Vahgar opened her mouth flurried swirls of fire flowed out. I felt sick. Bile rising to my throat. 
“Leana!” That was my father, but he was muffled. I cried, gasping as no air entered my lungs as I ran forward. “Y/n! Y/n!” My father called after me.
“Muña! Muña!” It hurt. It hurt everywhere. I couldn’t see. My vision became blurry with tears. I kicked and screamed louder as my father snatched me from the ground (finally having caught up). “Muña! Muña.” My father pulled me away shushing me softly. 
Baela and Rhaena stood in the doorway hands clasped together tears in their eyes. He finally let go of me and I fell to the floor sickened. I felt my sisters’ arms around me. Baela’s quiet voice asking father whether it was true then their bodies shaking with mine. I looked up at my father watching as he wiped his tears.
I opened the door sluggishly my warm room greeting me. I was about to be comforted by the soft sheets only for the roll of parchment to catch my eye. I got up crumpling it into my hand. I walked to the fire that illuminated the room in an orange hue tossing it in. Watching as the paper burned.
What was the point in reading it Aemond can just tell me all about it at the funeral.
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edenspetals · 2 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ꒰🥀꒱ rhyraël ៸៸
ଓ.° “ oh aren't you just the sweetest little dream. . . ’
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·⊰ species: mana spirit
·⊰ sex: male
·⊰ age: unknown
·⊰ hair colour: black
·⊰ eye colour: deep purple
·⊰ mbti: ENTJ
·⊰ about: the literal boogeyman but with a twist, rhyraël is the creature that many will tell their children of. however, his main target is in fact adults as their fear grants him far more power. at a staggering height of 7’5’’ and a pale skin tone, he maintains this in both his human form and ‘nightmarish form’. in his nightmarish form, he has a head of long, ebony black hair which extends past his waist and dark purple eyes with the whites of his eyes being black while his irises are slitted. sharp canines with generally sharp teeth which are paired with his elongated tongue that bears a simple piercing at the middle. at the centre of his forehead a small red gem forms some sort of vermilion mark and is encrusted in. from his temples extend two sets of black horns which he often adorns in jewellery, typically gold or silver chains with amethyst gems dangling from them. his ears are long and pointed and he wears a variety of piercings, typically hoops along his helixes. however, he also has chain earrings which connect to the hoops and join at a stud on his lobe which then extends a smaller chain with a gem attached to it. his fingers extend long, sharp, claw-like nails that are often black. this dark colour also bleeds onto the tips of his fingers. his lips often bear black lipstick, solely on his top lip while he also wears eyeliner around his lids but also extends them into wings on his lids. in his human form his horns are hidden and his ears are that of a human along with all his other monster features. his hair remains the same and his eyes mimic human eyes with his same eye colour. his outfits range from robes such as this to more modernised black suits, dress-shirts and suit pants — this goes for both of his forms. He also wears dark bangles around his wrists along with dark rings on his fingers.
as stated earlier. rhyraël is, quite literally, the boogeyman. he’s been around for an indefinite amount of time but his story isn't exactly what humans have adapted it out to be. known as a 'mana spirit', his very being centres around the universe and it's life essence. as such it's only natural that he draws his energy from the world's creatures, particularly — fear. while he also draws energy from sin ( greed, lust, deceit, violence ) and corruption, fear is what strengthens him the most. he is a rather cunning individual with a great amount of pride but an equal deal of witt. he takes his reputation with pride although ironically has some distaste towards 'the boogeyman' name and leans more towards 'the shadowman' if not his actual name. while he does have quite a short fuse this isn't particularly evident as he masks this anger with sadistic slyness and feigned amusement. on the topic of his humour he tends to have a rather ( pun intended ) dark humour. he's smug, sarcastic and overall ruthless, especially when it comes to his line of work. he's also considered to have quite the charm and charisma towards other people — not to mention, he is a bit of a flirt.
at the onset of his creation, rhyraël was born alongside a twin brother whom he loved deeply. the two were promised greatness and were tasked with the duty of maintaining order in the physical world and protecting its inhabitants. however, he found it difficult in using the pure tactics and powers that were said to be the 'only way' and often fell short of his brother. as they grew older, rhyraël discovers that he was in fact never destined to rise to greatness and was in fact, determined to fall into corruption so that "balance" could be maintained with his brother being the "inherently good force" whilst rhyraël was meant to be the "inherently evil force." in a fit of rage, he commits patricide ( as it is his father who determined his downfall and ultimately picked his brother over him ) and engages in a horrendous duel with his brother as a result. in the end, neither of them win and rhyraël flees. it is now that he learns he is far more talented in the darkness and discovers his true powers. from that day forth, he vows to end his brother and take back his birthright.
he is a businessman by trade, a leader by right and a mercenary by skill. seeing as though he quite literally gains strength through the corruption, sins and fear of others, what better occupation in the modern world than that of the leader to one of the most renowned underground crime guilds? this guild, known as talon, has their hands in both mercenary work and mob networks in both the mortal and supernatural world. a wide array of dark creatures operate in this guild, some of which are his own creations whilst others are not. rhyraël states, "the fear in someone's eyes just before they pass on tastes almost as divine as one's fear of the unknown. with that being said, he also enjoys the traditional approach of spooking someone with paranormal occurrences as it is the way in which he first started off after his turn to the darker side. he frequently has run-ins with his brother who leads an intelligence and national security agency in the modern world ( it also doubles over to handle supernatural issues ) that directly opposes talon. he and his brother are in competition now.
with a lover, rhyraël is still quite cunning although it is watered down to a playful sort of malice as he enjoys eliciting reactions out of you. especially that of embarrassment and fluster. he's quite the shameless individual who says what's on his mind especially when it comes to you ( most of which serve to fluster you. ) as stated earlier he can be a bit of a flirt which is only amplified around you — he especially adores teasing you. with all that being said rhyraël is also quite protective and might be borderline possessive over you. he's had what was supposed to be his taken before and he refuses to let it happen again. while you might not be aware, he almost always has one of his henchman giving him full reports regarding you when he isn't around for the sake of your safety. he is very aware that he's made a lot of enemies and thus cannot bear the thought of you being hurt as a result. he is also a very passionate lover and extends his affection in both physical and verbal methods. sometimes he'll spin you around whilst you're busy with who knows what and kiss you until your breathless. other times he'll wrap his arms around you — maybe while you're waiting in line for a coffee and simply hold you in his embrace or press kisses down your neck. apart from all of this, rhyraël would need someone to break through the barriers he's set up for himself. he may not be entirely good at this love thing but damn will he try for you.
·⊰ strengths:
ଓ.° fear detection and manipulation — the ability to sense one's fears. he can see all their fears and depending on how weak a person is mentally, he can induce terror into them. fear is his ultimate source of power. this includes nightmares, he can both induce and manipulate them
ଓ.° dark mana — he has control over dark mana and can create, shape and manipulate it into physical projections. he draws this mana from living beings and thus actively harms them in the process
ଓ.° shadow teleportation — the ability to travel and teleport through shadows
ଓ.° shadow animation — be it temporary or actual living beings, he can draw dark mana and negative energy to create aparations of creatures. this is also how his makes his underlings
ଓ.° shapeshifting — the ability to change his appearance
·⊰ weaknesses:
ଓ.° white mana — the complete opposite to his dark mana which prides itself on positive and pure energy. this can harm and weaken him. if the is user his on his level ( his brother ) it can be fatal
ଓ.°courage inducement — a trait of his brother's side. depending on the strength of the wielder with this ability it can counter his fear inducement
ଓ.°daytime — while he is not affected too harshly he does become only a tad bit weaker in daytime. nothing too extreme but it does limit his shadow teleportation
ଓ.°light-based powers — any of these abilities outright counter his and weaken him. they can cause injury
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moons-rising · 10 months
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these two had a range from gold to obsidian on the secondary and both decided on red~ (15k each)
xyz obsidian vermilion buttercup
xyz obsidian berry gold
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