#Very much appreciated
misspoetree · 10 months
Every time I see a @khunspikesficrecs post on my dash, this is what I imagine:
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Just felt very important to tell you guys that.
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nasa-real · 5 months
I (badly) turned your logo into a strawberry
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what do you mean badly, it's beautiful
And if I wasn't already trying to figure out the right shades to make my logo pink I would use it
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2aceofspades · 1 year
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Hi hello oh my stars thank you awwee you're too sweet!! 🥹🤗✨
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abbeyofcyn · 1 year
I totally get the whole not knowing how to color or shade thing, I still don't really know what I'm doing most of the time and it doesn't help that I can barely get myself to draw for, like, months (but I'm working on that, at least I'm trying to)
Anyway, something that's helped me with the whole shading thing is this tik tok I ran into a while back. It makes shading somewhat simpler (at least for me) in some weird way? It'd probably help to play around with the colors though since the colors used in the tik tok is for outside in the daylight and you're primarily drawing sewer turtles that mostly just come out at night, if at all, but the base idea should still be useful.
There is also another technique(?) that's basically just coloring in the shading before putting your actual base colors so that it's all unified, I think? It makes sense in my head at least, like you're less distracted by the base colors and can simply focus on the shading itself.
That's about as much as I can give considering I haven't seriously colored anything in a while, either- but I hope it helps!
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valkoinenlintu · 9 months
7 and 9 for the WiP ask?
Thank you for the ask! 💜
7. Post Any sentence from your wip
Let's see, what I got :)
Und noch immer, Stunden später, spüre ich Marlies’ Hände um meinen Hals, die mich voller Hass würgen.
(A Friesland WiP)
9. What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
There are many... Hm...
One that's been on my mind for days or even weeks now is a Friesland (TV Series) AU. I don't even really know what the setting will be like, just some rough ideas.
It will take place a few centuries back. Wolfgang will be a count in Leer (Ostfriesland) and Yunus his personal sailor/driver.
I was thinking something dangerous might happen while they sail somewhere, but I'm not sure what yet. However, one thing is for sure: They're in great danger and will only survive together.
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syrva · 1 year
Hey, first off I admire you tremendously, you are such a skilled artist and your mark-making/textures are MMM. To the point though- I wanted to check that you’re aware your blog doesn’t appear on search? Even when searching your username specifically? Asking because I came across someone on Pinterest who wrote a whole paragraph about how good an uncredited-reposted drawing of yours was, and I directed them to you, but I realized when I went to check the spelling that you don’t appear in search. I can delete the comment if you actually set it so you wouldn’t appear, I just wanted to be sure? Because otherwise I’m on the warpath, there’s so much uncredited stuff on Pinterest and it was legitimately just a happy accident that I found your actual blog when I came to tumblr >:,(
Thanks so much for going through the effort of trying to credit me on Pinterest, I rlly appreciate it 😭
yeah I have no idea what’s going on with my account… I’ve had a couple of friends tell me I’m near impossible to search on tumblr? I’ve made sure the settings for my account are on public and searchable. I’ve even contacted tumblr support about it, and nothing was done so, I’m unsure of what to do.
I’m pretty sure my posts don’t even get shown on tag search, so my posts are only seen via following or some kind soul reblogging my stuff.
If u still have a link to that Pinterest post. could you send it my way, I’d love to see the comment 🥺 tysm ❤️
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I’ve come to say hello to the gang!!! And offer everyone a nice bottle of almond water! It helps you keep your sanity, so as you can probably imagine, I have a whole ahh wine cellar full of almond water :) just so I can tolerate people. Would anyone like some?
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Not a lot of them can have liquids…
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butteronabun · 2 months
Your literally one of my favorite writer's! Everytime you post diluc content it brings a smile to my face. The way you write is just so immaculate!!<3
AWHHH SHUCKS!!! thank you!!!! i’m glad it makes you smile whenever i post diluc content!!! that means so much aaaaa 🥰🥰🥰 DILUC LUVS U
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 months
english or spanish?
I don't speak Spanish, sorry! Just English for me 🫡
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 5 months
you said tma influenced your ttrpg, what ttrpg are you playing ? :O and are you a player or a gm ? (or even both idk)
I forgot to answer this--
Its a fully homebrewed one that I really need to rework. it's nearly 3 years old now and I've only done about 4 sessions. I'm the GM, although I'm still improving my storytelling skills. I'm a fic writer, improv is NOT my strong suit.
There's a lot I've written down, and so I really want to give a very basic overview of my ideas, so I'll just throw it all below this cut and you all can ask questions if you want. But this is going to be LONG winded and probably not make any sense.
I made too many of them, and they only really make sense to me. Lore wise, they didn't make this world. They found it. They didn't know something was here before them, and don't realise its REALLY angry that they've claimed domains and stolen its power. In terms of the gods currently in charge, we've got:
Dark and Black (2 facets of darkness, and they might just be the same dude.)
Frost, Snow, and Glacier (again, facets of Winter, might all be the same thing)
Death (fr just mumza, ill be honest)
Sky and Air (air's the winds, skys the ..sky, and also gets the trickster archetype)
Light (all my homies hate light, they're dangerous and bored)
Water (dead)
Locations (only the interesting ones):
Winter: winter trio's domain, noone can survive there.
Frozen Woods: also winter trio's domain. a snowy forest of ginormous, and i mean BIG, petrified trees. the petrification all happened at the same time, isn't that weird.
The Dark: Dark and/or Blacks domain, they fought over it a long time ago but noone knows who won. The place is surrounded by mountains and is full of glowy crystals. It also should be super cold but theres thermo vents under it and also hot springs around.
Creeping Wastes: Death's domain, but used to be Dark and/or Black's. Lore wise, it used to be part of The Dark. They share part of the mountains and its also surrounded by mountains but has a little access to the ocean. The people don't know this though, since something happened that put a blight over the entire land to the point nothing can live there. Fun!
Shrouded Peaks: Air's domain. It's a bunch of mountains that form like a horseshoe that faces out onto the ocean. Its really cool and misty there.
The Exiled: A few island off the coast of the Shrouded Peaks. Noone knows what its like over there but that's where bad people get sent. Ya know, ethically!
The Blinding Desert: Light's domain. Used to be all lush like The Wildlands (forest), but something happened and noooow its a desert. woohoo. Noone really goes there if they can help it because theres a river in the way. Beyond that is the Shores but they arnt toooo interesting right now.
Dark Satyrs. When Dark and Black fought over The Dark (and what's now the Wastes), the energy infested the crystals that were growing there, and the Dark Satyrs popped out! They still pop out of the glowy crystals, and the crystals grow on their bodies. That's how they denote families, too, since they aren't related by blood, but instead by vein!
Dragons: I'm not going to do my funky spelling for these for everyone's sake (Dragoens) but this pretty much where the egg's designs come from for me. they're like reptile people with no wings and feathery tails and shoulders. They were made by Air and given funky patterns and colors by Light. They live on the shrouded peaks in big groups. They can fly, even without wings, by bending the energy around them. But they think it comes from the gods specifically, so they're very religious. Oh, also they have 2 sets of horns! the top set is pretty similar to the satyr's horns, but the second set come out a bit behind the ears and curl down towards the front usually.
Ice Fairies: again, I won't do the funny spelling for you all (Faeries). They were made by the winter trio, and live in the frozen woods. They've hollowed out homes in the trunks and decorate the trees. the faries have twisty horns on the tops of their heads and big ol delicate wings on their backs. if the wings get hurt they CAN heal, but it'll come back discolored. the discoloration depends on their diet though, so they have some fun risky tattooing the do sometimes.
Stone Golems: Death got sad that it couldn't create life, so it carved some golems out of "living stone" from the Wastes. It used some left over soul material from the dead to animate them. They can't really die, but they also don't have enough of a soul to pass on if they do, so they bond their soul with another's so they can pass on with them and go back home to Death :]. Its like c!Skeppy and c!Bad, but the other way around. Stone Golems have a very close relationship with their soul bond, and can read their emotions and stuff.
There's more creatures that I'll quickly sum up, like Candles (failed creature by Light), Prisms (like a siren made of colors. by Light), Black Ice (Big monster in the sea by Dark and Glacier), Walker Wraiths/Darsite Husks (sleepwalking demon -> modified creature that took its body but really isn't all that bad if you know how it works), Shadows (lost souls because of improper reaping), Crystal Golems (long story, but the Wastes WERE a part of the Dark so you know) and definitely some more that I can't think of.
Any questions :]?
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beatheprincess · 7 months
I get this random ah anxiety when I go to sleep at night (I've had this on and off for awhile) I rly hate it bcus my brain has nothing else to leech off of at night- so I'll practice breathing exercises/stretching or asmr constantly. That always help me relax🎀
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yakultii · 4 months
whoever just sent me these anons u have such a pretty mind <3333 they are such beautiful questions, idk that my answers will be of any value but imma work my way through them ily ily ily 😚😚😚
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easypeasylindyvesey · 4 months
chris has such an attitude in his post game inty & i love it
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In light of your post: *hands you a ninja turtle* *hands you a ninja turtle* *hands you a ninja turtle* *hands you a ninja turtle* *hands you a ninja turtle* *hands yo
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raph is my favorite :) 2018, 2012, and 87 are my favorite versions of him
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scar-eyejolteon14 · 1 year
Can someone please make a au/fic where yuma kokohead is also a homunculi
Thanks 🙏 😉🥂
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justobsessedwithvic · 8 months
Don't cry bbg *tries to wipe your tears but accidentally pokes you in the eye*
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