#Strawberry is my favorite food unironically
nasa-real · 5 months
I (badly) turned your logo into a strawberry
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what do you mean badly, it's beautiful
And if I wasn't already trying to figure out the right shades to make my logo pink I would use it
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waitingtobelit · 1 month
Title: Build Me Up Fandom: 911 Characters/Pairings: Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard Rating: Teen for language. Genre: This is pure fluff and I'm not sorry! Summary: “If I’m your honey does that make you my Pooh Bear?”
Evan asks around a mouthful of waffle, whipped cream, and strawberries, trying to pull of innocence but failing in the way his eyes light up in clear amusement and the corners of his mouth keep twitching upwards around his food. It also doesn’t help his case that he has whipped cream and strawberry sauce all over his chin. He’s adorable like this, and he damn well knows it; Tommy doesn’t miss the roll of his shoulders as he preens. He’s an absolute menace.
Buck teases Tommy with various terms of endearment until Tommy catches him by surprise. In the end, they both render each other speechless. For day 2 of bucktommy positivity week: nicknames and terms of endearment.
Notes: Title comes from the song "Build Me Up Buttercup."
This is shameless fluff and you can probably tell I wrote this while hungry and/or how much I love waffles with whipped cream and strawberries!
For @bucktommypositivityweek prompt two: Nicknames and terms of endearment.
Build Me Up
“If I’m your honey does that make you my Pooh Bear?”
Evan asks around a mouthful of waffle, whipped cream, and strawberries, trying to pull of innocence but failing in the way his eyes light up in clear amusement and the corners of his mouth keep twitching upwards around his food. It also doesn’t help his case that he has whipped cream and strawberry sauce all over his chin. He’s adorable like this, and he damn well knows it; Tommy doesn’t miss the roll of his shoulders as he preens. He’s an absolute menace.
Truthfully, Tommy’s relieved to see Evan having fun like this, after he came over to Tommy’s place yesterday after his shift looking like he’d tried to wrangle a tornadeo. (They watched the new Twisters movie last week and Tommy finds himself unironically saying ‘tornadeo’ as often as, if not more than, Evan. He may or may not have purchased them matching tornadeo wrangler t-shirts right after the movie finished.)
Evan’s eyes had been raw and red; he was still covered in dirt and ash walking through Tommy’s door. He didn’t have to say a word; Tommy could read the shift from hell in the tension in his body. He’d immediately wrapped Evan up in his arms and done his level best to help alleviate the aftermath of a long ass shift compounded by a bigoted asshole captain.
Still, even as Tommy likes to think he helped make last night a lot more pleasant for Evan, he wanted to treat him to a nice breakfast. Evan is always cooking for him; he’s memorized Tommy’s favorite foods and particular meals, and he has a sixth sense for knowing exactly when to turn up at Harbor with comfort food for Tommy. The least he can do is return the favor. And breakfast has always been a favorite meal of Tommy’s; an excuse to indulge in the most ridiculous sorts of foods with absurd amounts of sugar. From the way Evan has been shoveling the homemade waffles with whipped cream and strawberries into his mouth, Tommy’s considering this morning overall a success, even if he did happen to let a 'honey' slip out when asking if Evan was enjoying his waffles and thus, open the door for this morning's current shenanigans. (Not that he really minds, of course.)
“No.” Tommy answers, arching an eyebrow at his boyfriend over his coffee and his own food. He does have to bite down on his lip to contain his own smile though. And from the way Evan’s gaze moves straight to his mouth and his Precious Moments blue eyes spark with noticeable interest, he doesn’t miss it either. Teasing and/or flirting with Evan over food is quickly becoming one of Tommy’s favorite pastimes.
“My sugar bear? My sweet honey pie? My darling beau?” Evan places his face in his hands and it’s entirely unfair how that gesture brings out the sweetness of his smile and the addictive energy of his whole being, neon bright like the most creative bar lights in L.A. “Angel? My favorite tornadeo?”
“Do I want to know where you’re coming up with these nicknames?” Tommy asks after a deep sip of coffee, spicy, warm, and mixed with hot chocolate, just the way he likes it. Each term of endearment seems more ridiculous than the last although, admittedly, Tommy can’t contain his smile at ‘my favorite tornadeo.’
Evan grins around another bite of waffle before he washes his food down with the glass of orange juice next to his plate. “I may or may not have found a book of creative terms of endearment at the flea market with Hen and Karen the other week,” he admits. The curve of his smile is as open as the clearest blue sky; Tommy wants to navigate his way through life with that smile all around him.
“Lovebug? Main squeeze? Darling dear?” Evan asks, and goddamn it, Tommy is so in love with this buttercup of a man. His eyes widen; he smirks around his coffee as inspiration strikes. What can he say? Evan isn’t the only one who can get swept away in a moment.
“Whatever you say, buttercup.”
Tommy sets aside his empty mug as he says it, relishing the way Evan’s whole face turns tulip pink and the man himself seems to lose all capability of speech. He walks over and leans in as he cups Evan’s face, pressing his heart into Evan’s tongue as they kiss. Evan presses his own heart back; Tommy tastes it in the breathless moan Evan lets slip like wayward honey. Evan tastes sweet like strawberries and whipped cream; Tommy imagines he must taste like coffee. A perfect blend of bitter and sweet.
By the time they part for air, Evan’s eyes are wide and shining and his lips are kiss swollen; blooming. He smirks a little, and Tommy feels his soul swoop down into his stomach, like he’s about to fall over the drop of a rollercoaster.
“Okay beautiful.”
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umm0lly · 1 year
my specific DNI
because i'm very picky in both food and people
DNI if you: are youngest child of 4+, enjoy grape flavored anything, have yellow as your favorite color, unironically enjoy country music, believe dogs > cats, are a redheaded july leo woman, have a big 3 that consists of all cancer, are a march aries, believe peeta > gale, enjoy mint flavored anything, aren't a picky eater, never dog ear pages, never wanted to dye your hair, wouldn't adopt a black cat, dislike rats, have less than 10 blorbos, are a kpop stan (extreme), believe apple music > spotify, have over 300 unopened notifications, enjoy football (american), dislike strawberry ice cream, go barefoot to bed, like peanut butter, have a name starts with j, bully people for music taste, think any breed of cat can be ugly, can watch shows without captions, enjoy math as a subject separate from who is teaching, believe basketball is a superior sport, believe math is red and not blue, can stand being within the vicinity of sand, arent bilingual, dont struggle with spelling unnecessary, fall asleep easily in cars, have made less than 7 playlists, dont sleep with stuffed animals, and dislike sharks
how many d'you get? :)
obviously most of it is a joke lol. there are a few in there that i will not talk to you if they apply but thats up to your interpretation of which they are...
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j0ht0-gh0sthunt3r · 5 months
⏰️ +
ok. so. lemme set the scene for this one.
it’s my 9th birthday. my mom calls me downstairs for breakfast. i get to the kitchen table and theres like. a breakfast feast. with pancakes, waffles, bacon, donuts, strawberries, basically all my favorite breakfast foods.
so anyway. my dad comes upstairs from his workshop (he has a workshop in the basement where he repairs and modifies stuff when he’s not at work) and says he’s got a gift for me. i unwrap it, and there’s a wooden box, painted purple and black like a ghastly. it even had painted on eyes that glow in the dark. it honestly looked like a dnd mimic. ok so my dad tells me to open the box, and what do i find inside? a brand new silph scope, made by my dad, and stickers of all my favorite things, presumably to stick on the box and the scope. he brought me to lavender town to test it out, and it worked perfectly.
ive been usin that same silph scope ever since. it’s unironically one of my favorite things i own, prolly cuz it’s a gift from someone i love.
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propertyoftoru · 2 years
Tag game: Get to know me!
Thank you @abiaswreck for the tag! :] 🖤
1. Birthday?
8/11 (me and binnie are birthday twins)
2. Favorite color?
I'll say black but i dont really have a favorite!
3. How tall are you?
5’5 (and 3/4 thank you very much)
4. How many pair of shoes to you own?
somewhere around 14 idk i gave up on counting
5. Favorite song?
for skz probably ssick or easy but not skz probably ohio is for lovers by hawthorne heights
6. Favorite movie?
oh probably either the scream movies or unironically the twilight movies (theyre my childhood comfort movies)
7. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who makes me laugh and takes the time to understand me.
8. Do you want children?
I've said no for a really long time but i think if i met the right person and the circumstances were ideal then maybe.
9. Have you gotten in trouble with the law?
Not really other than a few times of being a stupid teenager nothing serious though. Watching my parents screw up a lot when i was young probably had a lot to do with that.
10. What color socks are you wearing?
oh god i hate socks so much. i only wear them when i have to and not a second longer.
11. Favorite type of music?
this is such a cliché but i really do listen to everything. edm, pop, pop punk, metal, sad songs, happy songs, hell on occasion even a tiny bit of country (only carrie underwood lets not get carried away)
12. How many pillows do you sleep with?
2! One horizontal and one vertical. Kinda like a half body pillow i guess? idk i have to be hugging something to fall asleep.
13. What position do you sleep in?
im a diagnosed insomniac so really whatever position my body finally passes out in... there's a lot of tossing and turning most nights.
14. What don’t you like when you’re sleeping?
Bright lights (a tv or any sort of light on an appliance) or dead silence i need a fan or rain or SOMETHING.
15. Have you tried archery?
Yeah actually my grandfather used to take me hunting when i was younger. I never actually killed anything but i got pretty good at hitting cans and targets :]
16. Favorite fruit?
ohhhhh either strawberries or blackberries or pineapple... idk i love fruit so much.
17. Are you a good liar?
I can be when I have to be. I hate lying though it always brings drama and negative energy.
18. What’s your personality type?
19. Innie or outie?
20. Left or right handed?
Both! but I mostly use my right!
21. Favorite food?
Pineapple pizza (fight me Christopher Bang)
22. Favorite foreign food?
Oh my grandmother makes Jag on special occasions and its one of my favorites. Other than that as of recently ive been eating japchae so much i literally have a craving for it like every other day.
23. Are you clean or messy?
sigh. my room? depression disaster area. Everything else in my life? Severe OCD neat freak (im talking labels, sorted by color and size, the whole nine yards)
24. Most used phrase?
buh. it really has no meaning its just a sound i make about 200 times a day. i also swear like a sailor so if not buh then probably cunt or fuck.
25. How long does it take you to get ready?
Depends on where im going and whos gonna be there. anywhere from 10 minutes to 45 minutes.
26. Do you talk to yourself?
Of course, im the funniest and smartest person i know. (on a real note my hyperactive imagination goes crazy so i spend most days rambling to myself about nonsense.)
27. Do you sing to yourself?
All day everyday like im in a fucking musical or something.
28. Are you a good singer?
Eh. ive been told i am but i think i could be decent if i took lessons.
29. Biggest fear?
Sharks/The ocean (its more a fear of the unknown because what the fuck even lives down there)
30. Are you a gossip?
Absolutely not. I learned my lesson in middle/high school that shit brings nothing but bad vibes and negative energy.
31. Long or short hair?
I wish i could say short because my hair drives me crazy most days but i also hate how i look with short hair so long i suppose.
32. Favorite school subject?
English or Criminal Justice/Forensics
33. Extrovert or introvert?
introvert but situational extrovert (ill be extroverted if theres someone more introverted than me solely because i cannot stand awkward tension) not quite an ambivert but somewhere close to one.
34. What make you nervous?
Groups of super outgoing people. I always get too afraid to talk in fear of ruining the flow of conversation or being talked over.
35. Who was your first crush?
idk probably justin bieber or nick jonas
36. How many piercings do you have?
4. Both of my ears and both of my nipples. i want to get my bellybutton done soon though.
37. How many tattoos do you have?
9 but im hoping to work on my leg sleeve again soon.
38. How fast can you run?
Depends on whos chasing me.
39. What color is your hair?
Brown right now. It was half black half blonde but i wanted to focus on getting my hair healthy for a while.
40. What color are your eyes?
Blue/Green/Gray depends on who you ask and the lighting in the room.
41. What makes you angry?
Not much im a pretty calm person but when im playing video games thats a different story.
42. Do you like your name?
No. My father chose it and i dont speak to him.
43. Do you want a boy to girl as a child?
IF i had a kid i would want a boy 100%. As someone whos mother had 3 babies when i was 16/17/18 i can confidently say little girls are the spawns of the devil and little boys are rays of sunshine.
44. What are your strengths?
Mental fortitude and my empathy for others.
45. What are your weaknesses?
I give second (and third and fourth) chances to people that do not deserve it.
46. What’s the color of your bedspread?
Light gray but i keep lots and lots of blankets around too.
47. What’s the color of your room?
Gray and dark blue.
Tagging for fun! Ignore if you don’t want it do it! Or ignore if you don’t feel comfortable!: @bbyquokka @lino-ppang @alphadisaster @aspenwritesstuff +anyone that wants to do this.
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My favorite emojis (and ones that keep disappearing from my phone as of late)
In no particular order:
🩷 (My fav color, and shade)
🩵 (very pretty light blue)
🩶 (love the grey heart, good for dying love analogy)
🤭 (I love gossip)
🫥 (I have social anxiety, v good for analogies)
🫢 (refers to the hand over mouth meme) ((😲🫢))
🤫 (I am a gossip and sneaky)
🤐 (keep quiet about my sneaky)
🥴 (I like to be goofy sometimes)
🥹 (I am sensitive)
🥲 (sometimes for irony, sometimes unironically)
😶‍🌫️ (re: I am sneaky)
🫠 (sometimes, you feel like melting)
🫡 (sarcastic 'sir-yes-sir')
🥸 (re: re: I am sneaky)
🫨 (I am shookith)
😵‍💫 (re: I am shookith)
😮‍💨 (frustrating)
💙 (I like the blue heart, means no hetro)
🤔 (after the end of every question) ((yes it makes the gc annoyed))
🤗 (happy for someone else)
🥱 (Tired)
😪 (Sleepy)
🤤 (Hungry)
🤨 (when you have no idea how to respond, but what to show what you're feeling)
🧐 (re: 4x I am sneaky, and follow with: I am lurking)
🤯 (Mind Blown)
😲 (re: I am shookith, also the meme from earlier) ((😲🫢))
😵 (re: 4x I am shookith, sometimes the amount of shookith differs)
❤️‍🩹 (my heart gets sad sometimes)
❤️‍🔥 (my heart gets ANGRY sometimes) ((I know that's not what it means, but that's what I choose to use it as))
❣️ (sometimes, you be bleeding love)
💞 (this is one of my fav emojis unironically)
💗 (I use this emoji all the time)
💖 (how to show my love is sparkling today)
💕 (my second favorite emoji of all time)
🌈 (obvs)
✨ (I like sparkling)
🦊 (re: 5x I am sneaky, also I think foxes are cool)
🫏 (donkey kick, need I say more? 🤔)
🦫 (ppl say I look like a beaver 😭) ((I stand by it))
🦦 (my family likes otters, so I text one to them sometimes)
🪽 (wings, idk I just use em sometimes)
🪶 (1 killigram of steel vs 1 killigram of feathers) ((iykyk))
🐦 (I have birds, I use this emoji to refer to them)
🐦‍⬛ (fun funky little guy)
🦤 (reminds me of ice age, top ten funniest birds to quote from the movie) ((the LaSt MeLoN))
🦢 (to express how enraged I am feeling in the moment)
🦩(pretty pink bird)
🦭 (I love seals, my great grandma always wore a seal necklace that my mom now has, v pretty)
🪼 (I like jellyfish)
🪸 (coral is pretty to look at, I like the emoji)
🐞 (I like ladybugs, I am also a lady, and I like to bug, hence: the ladybug)
🍓 (I love strawberries, my favorite fruit)
🍒 (I hate cherries, one of my least favorite fruits)
🍎 (my nickname)
🫐 (my mom's favorite fruit, I use this emoji to ask if she wants any)
🫚 (I use ginger root to make ginger limeade, so I will text this as a last minute addition to the groceries list)
🫘 (me and the boys at 2am looking for BEANS) ((iykyk))
🍔 (I like burgers)
🧀 (even though I am lactose intolerant, I will NEVER give up on cheese)
🍟 (re: I like burgers) ((you can't have a burger without fries))
🌮 (I like tacos)
🌯 (I like burritos, one of my favorite foods)
🍰 (I like strawberry cake, one of my favorite cake flavors)
🍯 (I like honey, add it to my beverages)
🧋 (I like boba tea)
🫙 (I like jars)
🫗 (sometimes, in outta juice) ((literally and metaphorically))
🧭 (I, too, own a compus unironically)
🎉 (I like to celebrate)
🎊 (re: I like to celebrate)
🎀 (re: re: I like to celebrate, also I like bows)
🪩 (I like disco music, if I wasn't so bad at roller skating I would go to a roller rink all the time in 70's attire and live out my fantasies, but alas)
🕯️(I like candles)
💄 ( I like makeup, not just on myself, other girls too) ((I am a lesbian, if that wasn't obvious))
👠 (I like heels, not just on myself, others too) ((re: I am a lesbian))
👛 (I have a small pink change purse just like this one irl)
💌 (reminds me of a love letter, I like this emoji)
💋 (I love lipstick print everything, tattoos, pattern, everything) ((re: re: I am a lesbian))
🏳️‍⚧️ (trans rights are human rights, duh)
🏳️‍🌈 (obvs)
That's the end of my emoji tour. Hope you enjoyed. 😘
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nuggiebugge · 2 years
Norman Bates
This is a general headcanon request from the lovely graveyard_fairiez
(Go look at their work, its so amazing istg. They have a slasher drabbles book, go read it.)
he would sleep on his stomach in a starfish position
Or he would like, wrap his entire body around a body pillow
He is a sleepwalker, you're gonna have to put a collar with a bell on him lol
Lock all doors at night, and invest in a refrigerator lock, he likes to sleep raid
He is known to go out at night and switch into his mother, hopefully you get to him before he goes too far outside
Favorite foods
i think he would really like Italian food
Lasagna babe
He would like to make you spaghetti for dates, he's a hopeless romantic
(Low key he would love to recreate that lady and the tramp scene)
Other than that, he would also really love Asian bbq.
Take him to an authentic Japanese bbq place and he will love you forever
Habits/ quirks
he has a really bad habit of picking his nails, get him some gloves
He likes to talk to his taxidermy if he’s feeling lonely, go give him a hug :( my baby
If he's bored, he's gonna munch on something random. Like, a piece of plastic he found or a piece of wood, little nasty man.
If he finds something off centered, it just irks him to a point that he has to make it perfect. If a picture frame is even slightly off, he is centering every frame in the hotel.
His idea of a date
his mama raised him right. He is either cooking his s/o something completely from scratch, or he's taking them out to dinner. Split the bill? Are you crazy?Let you tip? No. He’s tipping.
Sweet baby might take you out for a romantic picnic later on in your relationship, take you to a clearing in the woods near his hotel.
He would make you chocolate covered strawberries, and feed them to you like royalty (because you are, tf?)
He is a cat guy, enough said.
He prefers animals to be stuffed, but cats are the exception
They are s cute and fluffy
He thinks hairless cats are scary
Dogs are also scary
He hates small dogs like chihuahuas or corgis
Those little bastards are so mean
his favorite type of show or movie unironically would be chic flicks, or cheesy romance
A sucker for twilight movies
He likes sappy cavity sweet movies like marley.
Music 🎶
i have a feeling he loves velvet core music
Or reggae music
Bob Marley be hittin
If you're a metalhead like Moi, he will totally head bang with you!
He loves all kinds of music, velvet and reggae are his favorites though.
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hillariat · 3 years
Bubbline fic finished!
Posted the final chapter of my Bubbline fic, check it out!
Also huge thanks to @hehe-food​ for beta-ing both the 3 and the final chapter
Setting: Highschool AU
Status | Wordcount: Complete |  5,770
Tags: Fluff, emotionally confused PB.
Summary: Marceline confesses to her long time friend Bonnie. It takes an unexpected turn and, just as things were back to normal, takes another one.
AKA It's Bonnie's gay awakening.
Read it on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/30298620/chapters/74678148 OR down below
The hurried pat-pat of Bonnie’s footsteps echoed through the hallways. Her legs, exhausted from a student council meeting that dragged on for far too long, begged her to slow down by at least 30%. She ignored them. She really didn’t want to keep Marceline waiting any longer than she had to after all.
When Bonnie reached the music room, she heard a familiar tune being played. Smiling to herself, she pushed the door open and saw Marceline perched upon a table and chair in a seat-footstool combo, strumming on her bass guitar. The raven-haired girl turned to Bonnie and smirked.
"’Sup Brainlord, how’s the prep meet?"
“Terrible, Becky wouldn’t shut up about adding more “tasteful” food to the school breakfast program even though that’s clearly out of our budget. It literally took us over half an hour just to move on to another topic.” Bonnie sighed and continued. “If she wasn’t so high up the pecking order, I’d have kicked her out. Personally.”
Marceline nudged her shoulder.
“I could do it for you”
“And be expelled? No thanks. As much as I hate Becky, I don’t think you leaving is worth it.”
Her heart lurched, practically begging to be freed from her chest. She opted to shrug it off, instead turning away from Bonnie to start packing her bass.
“Maybe I could do a prank instead. Y’know something that says, ‘fuck off from student council or else.’”
Bonnie raised her brows.
“Oh, and what would this prank be?”
By the time the girls left the school building, several rotten sandwiches and a passive aggressively typed note were left in Becky’s locker.
"Thanks again for waiting up for me."
Bonnie entered the front passenger seat of Marceline’s car, inhaling the familiar scent of leather, strawberry and wood that probably came from an acoustic instrument lying around somewhere.
“Dude not this again. I told you, you don’t have to thank me every time I wait up for you. It’s like, our thing to hang out on Tuesdays anyways.”
Bonnie buckled in her own seatbelt whilst Marceline started the engine.
“Still, I appreciate the gesture. Not everyone would wait 2 hours just to have afternoon tea with their friend.”
Marceline felt a blush threaten to reveal itself on her cheeks. She really needed to get those butterflies in her ribs under control. She raised her hand, the other hand focused on driving out of the parking lot. “No. Stop with the sap. You’re turning me into a marshmallow.”
“You’re already a marshmallow, Marshmaline”
She gave a playful whack, accompanied by a glare. “Shut up! I am not a marshmallow, I’m too punk rock!”
Bonnie rolled her eyes, unfazed by the other’s glare. They had long lost their terrorizing effect on her. “Sure you are. Oh! That reminds me”
She dug through her bag, fishing out a pack of guitar strings and handing it to Marceline. “Gauge 9 right?”
“Wha- Bon. You didn’t have to.”
Bonnie waved her hand dismissively. “Nonsense. I distinctly remember a certain someone complaining about forgetting to buy them for 4th week in a row yesterday.” She turned away from Marceline, opting to look at the passing traffic. “and… well, I just happen to pass by the music store when I was at the mall with Lady yesterday.”
Marceline gave her a heartwarming smile.
“Aww, thanks mom”
Bonnie huffed.
“What would you do without me?”
Marceline snorted, smile still evident on her face.
“Forgetting them for another week probably.”
Bonnie chuckled.
“Damn right”
The girls reached their destination, a quaint little café tucked in a quiet neighborhood near their school. Marceline introduced it to Bonnie a while ago, insisting that the red velvet cakes were “to die for”. Bonnie wouldn’t put it the same way, but she did admit that the food was “more than acceptable”. The place quickly became their favorite hangout spot, next to the diner ran by their friend’s ( Finn’s) parents. Though that diner was more of a clique hangout spot. This was more of a 'just them' spot.
They ordered their drinks, an apple pie to share and of course, a slice of red velvet cake for Marceline. They sat at their table, indulging in said items whilst making idle conversation, ranging from the food to Marceline’s music to school gossip.
Bonnie noticed how her shoulders were a little tense, how she would pick and flick her own fingers and how her eyes wandered in a way that said her thoughts weren’t entirely focused on the present. Marceline was clearly bothered by something.
The Bonnie of 5 years ago would’ve pried her incessantly, but now she knew better. Marceline was the kind of person that needed space to figure things out. She would tell Bonnie what was eating at her when she was good and ready. Any prying on Bonnie’s end would lead to scathing remarks and, if allowed to escalate, a fight. Hence, despite the well-meaning itch that urged her to figure out what was bothering her best friend, Bonnie didn’t ask. Respecting Marceline’s boundaries was more important.
When Marceline’s giggling fit died down after a joke about a certain lemon-faced principal , she took a deep breath. She warily made eye contact with Bonnie.
“I need to tell you something. Its -It’s important”
“Okay”. Bonnie nodded and kept her eyes at Marceline expectantly, conveying that Marceline had her full undivided attention. A long, pregnant pause ensued. Bonnie was tempted to break the silence, but Marceline got there first.
“I’m gay.”
Okay. That wasn’t what Bonnie expected. Not that there was anything wrong with being gay, no not at all. Bonnie was just very unfamiliar with coming-out-of-the-closet etiquette. After all, most of her friends were straight.
She was clearly out of her element here. How should she respond to this? Did Marceline want a boisterous congratulation? Or a simple acceptance? In the end, Bonnie did what she always did when she was uncertain about things.
“Okay, what am I supposed to do with that information?”
Marceline raised her brows in surprise. She was expecting more of a reaction to that. Bonnie had just…. rolled with it. Maybe her fears were indeed unfounded. Maybe. It was still too early to tell.
Marceline took a deep breath, gathering what little courage it could provide and continued.
“I’m gay for you. As in, I like you. Like, like-like you.”
For a moment, Bonnie was tempted to make fun of Marceline’s unironic use of “like-like” but knew better than to do that. Instead, she was contemplating her response to it. She knew exactly what she should say, she knew her answer to that obvious unsaid question, but the vulnerable expression on Marceline’s face made her hesitate. Marceline looked so fragile, as if a gentle breeze could shatter her. The only other time Bonnie saw the other like this was when Marceline’s mother had passed.
Bonnie furrowed her brows, bit her bottom lip, and took a deep breath. It was definitely going to hurt, but she was good at making tough decisions for the people she cared about.
“I … don’t feel the same way. I’ve only ever seen you as a friend. I’m sorry Marceline.”
She could see Marceline shattering right in front of her. The girl’s shoulders slumped, a frown formed on her face and, most troubling of all; the light in the girl’s eyes dimmed. For a moment Bonnie wanted to take her words back, to make Marceline beam instead with an acceptance. But she knew from experience that giving false hope was worse than a flat-out rejection, so she kept her mouth shut.
In a flash, Marceline’s demeanor switched. She had a smile plastered on her face and her posture likewise improved. Perhaps it was a prepared response, as if she already knew this was the probable outcome. Though her newfound demeanor couldn’t quite reach her eyes.
“It’s cool. It’s cool.”
She paused as if unsure as to whether she should utter the next line. She opened her mouth, her voice wavered before she could even muster the first word.
“We can still be friends, right?” Accompanied with, again, a vulnerable expression. But this time it came from a girl who was already kicked down.
“Of course.” and Marceline wasn’t the only one who wanted to believe that.
They fell into silence, neither girl looking at each other anymore. There were no more words to be said on the matter. Bonnie glanced at the clock in the café. Time ticked by slowly, as if a second was enough time to write an entire thesis.
She searched for a change of topic, not wanting the silence to stretch into awkward territory. Her eyes wandered the surroundings and found it on their table. She gestured to the item.
“Are you going to finish that cake?” Bonnie’s fork was already threateningly hovering above the slice of cake.
Marceline smirked and hoped she didn’t misread Bonnie’s seemingly playful tone.
“I swear, one day you’re gonna get diabetes Bon. You’re such a sugar slut.”
Bonnie completely ignored her friend’s warning and grabbed the last bit of cake, eating it with a slight smile on her face.
“And you – She pointed to Marceline with her empty fork- are distasteful.”
Marceline laughed at that, the tension now fully leaving her. Bonnie could say the same, though she was just smiling at her friend.
Things were going to be okay.
Chapter 2: Confusion
The coffee cup made a clack as it landed on the table.
“Figured you’d want this.” Marceline flashed a toothy grin, though this one was softer than the usual mischievous one. Still, it was one Bonnie was well acquainted with.
Her stomach squirmed. She blinked. Odd. She didn’t remember having shellfish the night before.
“Uhhm, thanks.” She didn’t know why she fumbled. Marceline always got her coffee for their afternoon study sessions. She took a sip. Caramel Macchiato with an extra shot and drizzle, just the way she liked it, though for some reason, today it tasted a little sweeter.
Marceline plotted herself next to Bonnie and started rummaging through her bag. “So, what’s on the agenda today Bonbon?”
Bonnie scribbled in her notebook, having already started on her work. “Maths. We have 2 assignments due soon so I figured we should start.”
Marceline nodded and got her stuff out. For a good half hour, the only sounds that came from their table were the scrawls of pens, the clicking of calculators, turning of pages and occasionally, some curse words muttered under Marceline’s breath. Eventually though, the relative silence was broken.
“Hey, what’d you get for 3c?”
Bonnie saw a toothy grin appear on Marceline’s face. She frowned and shot a glare in return. That girl better not do wh –
“Thirst much, Bonnibel?”
She groaned. “Really Marceline? Get your head out of the gutter.”
Marceline shrugged. “Hey, I’m not the one writing innuendos as answers.”
“Not my fault the teacher likes putting innuendos as answers”.
Marceline chuckled, then she glanced over to Bonnie’s notebook. “Anyways, how’d you get that number?” She leaned over to get a closer look at Bonnie’s homework, now just close enough for Bonnie to smell what shampoo the other used. It was strawberry. Bonnie took note of Marceline’s face, how her brows scrunched in concentration, how her green eyes always held a beautiful shade of green, how her raven hair cascaded down her face, framing her sharp jawline and how her lips pouted at a formula she obviously didn’t understand. Bonnie wondered if those lips felt soft. Wait, what?
“Earth to Bonnie? You there? Hello?” Marceline waved her hand in front of her face.
“Huh? Oh. Sorry, what did you say?”
“I said what’s the deal with this guy? -She gestured to some convoluted looking math term- How did it get to this?”
“Oh, well..” Bonnie went on to explain how she derived the expression, going through it step by step as she usually did, pushing away any strange thoughts of the girl next to her. They were just a fluke after all. Nothing more than spontaneous curiosity.
It happened again a couple of days later. Marceline was casually humming along to a punk rock song in her car with Bonnie seated next to her, quietly scrolling through her phone. The song was crass, mocking, harsh even, filled with edginess that stereotyped the genre. But somehow when the same song came from Marceline’s vocal cords, hummed in a low tone, it sounded so much more…beautiful. Smooth. Gentle. It felt like a cloud was encompassing her, warm and welcoming.
Bonnie felt her insides turn to jello. Strange how she never noticed Marceline's voice having this effect.
She frowned. Something was up. Lightning never struck twice in the same place after all.
“You got your thinking face on Bonnie. What’s up?”
“Oh. Nothing, I was just zoning out”
Marceline smirked, “Lemme guess, thinking of another experiment? Or wait, OH. Trying to answer one of the greatest mysteries of life.”
Bonnie glanced at her lap. Her hands were fiddling with loose jean threads. “You could say that.”
The rest of the week, and the next, followed the same pattern. Bonnie and Marceline would hang out and Marceline would do something utterly mundane and Bonnie would find herself getting the squirmies. Her insides would twist and turn in all sorts of funny ways and she would find her cheeks embarrassingly warm.
She found herself lying down on her own bed, gazing at the ceiling with a half bolster clutched in her arms and contemplating the confusing experiences of the previous weeks. This was the 5th night in a row she had done this.
She has had both male and female suitors confessing to her before, though none of them were as close to her as Marceline was. However, she never gave them more than a second’s worth of thought as she preferred to utilize her brain’s resources on more important things. Chiefly; her schoolwork, independent science projects and her student council duties.
She blinked. Once. Twice.
Could she…like Marceline?
She frowned; brows scrunched and lips upturned in confusion.
She had never experienced a crush on a girl before. What she had told Marceline was nothing but honest, she genuinely had never seen the other girl in a light that wasn’t platonic. Marceline was indeed only a dear friend to her. Nothing had changed between them, so why did her insides turn to mush when Marceline did something as mundane as laugh at her own joke or open a door for her. It didn’t make any sense.
Bonnie’s clock read 02:14am and she figured she should get some sleep before school. With heavy lidded eyes, Bonnie concluded that she should do what she always did when she was uncertain about things.
Bonnie found her in the music room, as usual. She was alone. Good. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and gripped her bag strap tightly. She didn’t know why she was the one who felt terrified, after all she was the one planning on basically cornering Marceline with a potentially awkward situation. She took a deep breath and entered the room.
Marceline turned to her, ceasing the strum of her bass. She flashed a warm smile. “Hey Bon, what’s up?”
“Marceline, do you want to go on a date?” At the sight of Marceline’s confused face, she added “With me. Romantically.”
Marceline raised her brows, even more confused than before. “Dude, I thought you weren’t into me that way? You said so like 2 weeks ago.”
She was right. Bonnie only hoped that her persuasion skills were good enough. “While it is true that I've never seen you in that way before, I don’t think it’d be a bad idea to try?” She paused, not really sure how to phrase it less awkwardly. “So, let’s go on a romantic date and see how that goes.”
Marceline looked downright offended by that offer. Was there some homosexual etiquette Bonnie was missing out on?
“I don’t need a pity date.”
Oh. OH. Oh god was that it how it sounded like? Bonnie knew she had to rectify the situation and soon.
“No no. It’s not that. It’s…“ Bonnie broke eye contact with Marceline, instead favoring the ground. She wasn’t sure why she felt so flustered, maybe it was because admitting the truth was embarrassing. “I’ve been thinking about us. How I feel about you, ever since that day you confessed.” Bonnie started fiddling with her hands.
Marceline tensed. She didn’t know where this was going, but she was paranoid and listened to every echoing thought in her head that said this was going to end up bad. Crap. She thought she was out of the woods after that day in the café.
”and I know I said that I hadn’t felt anything but platonic towards you before, and that’s true. But now I’m not so sure.”
Marceline furrowed her brows. What did she just say, was she implying that – “I…I might like you romantically. Or not. I don’t know. I was hoping that going on a date would help me figure things out. Its more for me really.”
Marceline blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Bonnie had…mixed feelings for her? No, rather Bonnie wasn’t sure how she felt. Marceline released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding until now. It wasn’t an ideal outcome, but it was certainly not the worst that could have come from her confession to the redhead.
Taking Marceline’s prolonged silence as a no, Bonnie continued. “I’m sorry. It was selfish of me to even suggest that considering everything you’ve been through. Just forge-“
Marceline raised her hand to stop her babbling. “I get it. Figuring out your sexuality is hard and you’re not exactly swimming in gay friends. I'm down for it. But you have to promise me this.” She looked straight into Bonnie’s eyes, holding down probably the most serious stare she could muster. “The moment you figure out your feelings for me, you have to tell me. Even if it hurts me. Its just-I just need to know as soon as possible.” Her voice wavered. “Please.”
Bonnie nodded, understanding the gravity of this.
Marceline let out a huge breath, visibly relaxing. She smiled.
“Alright. You free Friday night?”
Bonnie smiled back at her. “Yeah, pick me up at 7?”
Chapter 3: Consolidation
Bonnie didn’t think she would be one of those girls. The ones that would empty their entire closet and prance around their clothing littered room wondering why nothing there was good enough for their date. But here she was doing exactly just that.
It was just Marceline after all. They’ve hung out a billion times before.
Except it wasn’t just Marceline was it?
Bonnie groaned; this was infuriating. She dug through another pile of clothes on her bed, burying herself in thoughts of what to wear instead of trying to unpack the queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.
In the end, she settled for a white sundress. Well, “settle” was a stretch considering she was going to change again if she hadn’t been interrupted by a ring from the front door. She rushed out of her bedroom, hurriedly making her way down wooden stairs with a tap-tap from her feet.
“Is that Marceline?” Her mother called out from a distant room. Knowing her it was probably the living room. Bonnie did get her love of sappy cable TV rom-coms from her after all.
“Yeah, I got it! I’ll be back by midnight.” Bonnie replied. “Alright, text me if your plans change.” After a brief moment of silence, she added, “Oh, and keep yourselves out of trouble okay! I do not want to hear a peep about either of you from the cops again!”
Bonnie giggled, reminiscing that exact event from 6 months ago.
“Oh. Wow.” Bonnie’s gaze was fixated on the sunset, a bleary mix of reds, oranges and yellows fading into dark blues that casted a looming shadow, outlining the town center. Bonnie and Marceline were on top of a ruined four story building without a roof which was nestled on top of a steep hill, giving them a brilliant vantage point that overlooked the entire t-
“Right.” Marceline flashed a cocky smirk. “Told you this place had the best view.” And she wasn’t wrong.
Bonnie scoffed. “Well sorry I thought otherwise when you dragged me through a forest, a chain link fence and an abandoned construction site.”
Marceline snorted. “What did you think I was gonna do?”
“Kill me and the hide the body?”
“Pfft, if I did that, whose homework would I copy of off?”
“Uh,” She tapped her chin, actually giving the question some thought. “Finn’s?”
Marceline looked at her with bewilderment, one eyebrow quirked above the other. “Dude, you know the whole point of copying off someone else is to pass, not fail.” Bonnie huffed, “Okay, fair point. But – "
“Hey, what are you two doing here?! Get down now!”
They snapped their heads to the source of the yelling. Down on the ground floor stood a middle-aged security guard, practically steaming with red-hot fury. Both girls looked at each other, conveying some unsaid message to each other, seemingly in agreement.
Then they ran.
After hopping through several cinder blocks and steel beams sprinkled with a few swears and complaints about thinking the place was abandoned, they got to a chain-linked fence. Knowing that they were pressed for time with the security guard hot on their tail, they opted to try to squeeze through a tiny gap on the bottom of the fence instead of climbing over it as they did before.
Bonnie crawled through just fine, merely getting some scuffs and dirt marks on her pullover. Marceline on the other hand got stuck, her “fashionable” ripped tank top getting caught on stray fence wiring. Both girls rushed to untangle Marceline, but with the stomp-stomp of booted footsteps coming ever closer to them, Marceline pulled Bonnie’s hands away from herself.
“Bon. I’m fine, just.. go ahead without me”
“But- “ Marceline pushed her away, stopping any argument Bonnie would give out.
“Go! I’ll text you when I’m home.” Bonnie stared at her for a moment in concern. Her eyes darted back and forth between her friend and the direction of the encroaching footsteps. Then she blurted,
“Shut the fuck up” and scrambled to get her friend out.
They both got caught.
After a phone call, a drive and long drawn-out conversation between Bonnie's mom and the police, both girls found themselves on the receiving end of a stern mother's gaze whilst seated on Bonnie's couch.
Before Bonnie could get a word out, Marceline started. "It was my idea Mrs. Butler, I dragged Bonnie to the construction site up at the hill near the end of town. I wanted to show her the sunset from up there.”
"The abandoned one?"
Marceline gave a sheepish smile "Well it turns out it wasn’t so abandoned after all".
Mrs. Butler wasn’t so amused. “Uh-huh.” She glanced at Bonnie, who was squirming in her seat from nervousness. "Bonnie, I know it wasn’t your plan but you still tagged along. You’re grounded for a week. That also means no access to the garage lab."
Bonnie groaned but didn’t feel the need to protest that decision. It was fairly light considering they did get the police involved.
Her mom turned to Marceline. "And Marceline. It’s late so you can stay over, but in the morning, I am going to have a talk with your father, got it?"
"Yes ma'am."
“Good, now I’m going to head to bed, it's late. Bonnie, be a dear and help set up the couch for Marceline” With that, Mrs. Butler went to her bedroom. Bonnie and Marceline started setting up the couch in silence, bringing out blankets and extra pillows from a nearby closet. Marceline wondered if this would be a good time to say what was on her mind, but was interrupted by Bonnie asking her to grab the duvet. When she dragged the duvet to the couch, Bonnie noticed her stumble a little. And then again. She was limping.
“Marceline, your leg!”
“Huh?” Marceline glanced down, seeing a small trail of blood running from her knees. Her very battered and cut knees. “Oh shit”
Bonnie immediately pushed Marceline to sit down on the couch, then ran off into the kitchen muttering something about alcohol. She then came back with a small first aid kit and began treating Marceline’s wounds. Marceline figured this was as good of a time as any.
“Sorry I got you in trouble. I didn’t know there was security there, I checked out the whole place and didn’t even see any keep out signs.” She fiddled nervously with the duvet below her.
Bonnie flashed a warm smile. “It’s fine, just…” She glanced down at Marceline’s knee and frowned, then looked up and made eye contact with her. “Be more careful next time?”
Marceline gave a reassuring smile.
“I will.”
Ding-ding-ding-ding! God, Marceline was one hell of an impatient girl. Bonnie rushed to open the door, silently cursing herself for zoning out for so long.
Marceline was clad in a red-black plaid flannel paired with a dark grey top and ripped black jeans. 'Classic Marceline,' thought Bonnie. Though in the raven-haired girl’s words it would’ve been classic gay, whatever that meant.
Marceline started, “Hey.” She flashed a gentle, earnest smile. She can do this. She’s good at playing cool. She’s the coolest person in school. Totally cool. Absolutely not having a heart attack right now.
“You look great tonight.”
Bonnie smiled, soft and sweet. “Thanks, you look nice too.” She gestured to the other.
Marceline snorted. “Pfft, this is my normal outfit, what are you talking about?”
She smirked. Oh, it was all too easy to tease Marceline. “Maybe I think you look nice normally.”
Marceline spluttered into some incoherent murmurs. Her cheeks flushed crimson red and she scrambled to look at anywhere except Bonnie. Bonnie found it amusing.
She noticed that the raven-haired girl had her hands tucked behind her back, as if hiding an object from her view. Before she could ask though, Marceline beat her to it, having recovered from her gay panic.
“I, uhh, got you flowers.” She presented a bouquet of soft pink and white roses.
Marceline averted her gaze, instead staring at the small scuff marks on her shoes."Yeah. Figured I'd, uhmm....give you the full date experience." But the flustered cheeks and wavering voice said there was more to it than that.
Bonnie felt a heavy pang strike through her chest. She didn’t say anything about it though, figuring that it was a little too late to back out now. "Thanks."
She took the flowers into the kitchen and quickly deposited them into an empty vase. Then she rushed back out and hopped into Marceline’s car and they drove off. She turned to Marceline. “So, where are we going?”
Marceline smirked. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
“At least tell me if it's legal. I promised my mom I wouldn’t get in trouble with the cops tonight.” She crossed her arms and pouted. Marceline thought it was adorable and wondered if she should comment. She didn’t.
Instead, she let out a cackle. “Nah it's totally legal. Don’t worry about it.”
They continued the drive in relatively peaceful silence, with only the radio to fill in the space. Bonnie’s gaze fell to her lap, where she fiddled with the hem of her dress. This was it. She was going on a date. With her best friend. Marceline was her date. Huh. Sounds weird.
Chapter 4: Conclusion
Bonnie glanced at the building, eyes widening at the familiar sight of the local science museum. "I thought you didn’t like science?"
Marceline shrugged, "I don’t. But I'm down for learning about the things you like.” She flashed a gentle smile and Bonnie's insides went into a tumbling frenzy of butterflies and thrumming heartbeats. “Now c’mon, this place closes at 9!"
Before her insides could murder her further, she found herself being dragged to the building, hands intertwined and all. Bonnie couldn’t bring herself to complain.
They grabbed their tickets from the ticketing booth and then trailed through the museum, weaving through various exhibits from electrochemistry to evolution to tectonic plates. They stopped by an anatomy exhibit; Bonnie having decided that the musculoskeletal system was an absolute must-see.
“Oooooh, the knee joint!”
Marceline quirked her brows, “What makes this one so special?”
"Well, it is the largest joint in our body, and y’know, THE joint that enables us to walk.”
“Yeah, but isn’t it like, weak? I always hear about people having busted knees or something.”
“That is true. That’s mostly because it does endure a lot of force when we’re using it, about one and a half times our body weight when walking and eight times when squatting.” Bonnie paused for a moment. ”Oh! And it’s also susceptible to numerous pathological conditions like arthritis”
Marceline hummed absentmindedly, then said, “Heh, y’know, you’re just like osteoarthritis” -she turned to her and flashed a toothy grin-” ’Cause you make my knees weak.”
Bonnie stared at her as if she grew another head. A pause ensued, just as awkward and confused as Bonnie’s expression. It went on for a bit, what with Marceline having no clue how to handle it and Bonnie trying to piece together what in the world just happened. She eventually broke the silence with a snort and a smile.
"Well," She moved closer to the other, interlinking their arms together. "You’re like a cation because you’re positively attractive.”
Marceline doubled down, practically filling the museum with cackles. Her cheeks were tinted red, though whether that was from being flustered or from the strain of laughter Bonnie couldn’t tell.
“Omg Bonnie that’s…” She took a breath in an attempt to get her chuckles to die down. ”That’s so you.” Another fit of laughter hit her.
Bonnie floundered, muttering a brief string of indecipherable words and turning away from Marceline in a vain attempt to hide her beet-red face.
“Hey, hey, c’mon. I didn’t say it was bad. It's….” Marceline rubbed her neck, eyes purposely averting Bonnie’s gaze. “It’s actually really cute.” She flashed a tentative smile. Her cheeks mirrored Bonnie’s.
Bonnie pouted, “Geez, you really can’t take a compliment, can you?”
“Welp, sorry, my parents are as emotionally constipated as I am.”
Bonnie chuckled, then tugged the other along to another exhibit.
They wandered through the exhibits one by one, with Bonnie rambling on about the four ventricles of the heart and some Newtonian mechanics and Marceline occasionally quipping in with a flirt or a joke (usually a pun).
“You wanna go watch a movie? I heard they’re premiering the remake of the Thing at the old theatre downtown” Marceline asked. They had finished a full round at the Museum, just in the nick of time as an announcement declared that the museum was closing. Now they were making their way to the carpark.
Bonnie was a little surprised that Marceline would have heard of the Thing. She didn’t seem like someone who would keep up with Sci-fi remakes, then again, the Thing was also a horror, that could explain it.
Bonnie shrugged. “Sure, sounds good.” She glanced down at their still intertwined hands. It was all still surreal to her. She really was on a date. With Marceline.
“Bon? You okay?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Just…uhh, zoning out. Yep. Heh.” She really, really wished she was better at lying. Marceline raised her brows but didn’t comment any further, to Bonnie’s relief.
They wound up seated in a small theatre, with Marceline sipping on her soda and Bonnie occasionally munching on popcorn. Bonnie glanced at Marceline, wondering if she should be doing something at this moment. Their arms were still interlinked, still a fairly platonic gesture. She wondered if she should push it, cross the platonic boundary a little bit more. After all Marceline clearly had with her incessant flirting. She supposed she should reciprocate by initiating something too.
And so, cautiously, Bonnie leaned in, slowly placing her head on the crook of Marceline's shoulder. Marceline tensed for a moment, and for that moment Bonnie wondered if she should retreat. But then Marceline relaxed and leaned in.
Cuddling wasn't something the girls ever did together in their friendship. Physical affection, whilst there with casual hand-holding, a hug here and there and such, was always kept at a respectable distance. This was new and if the butterflies in Bonnie’s stomach were anything to go by, it was a good kind of new.
Maybe dating wasn’t so weird after all.
Marceline brought Bonnie to her doorstep in silence. Not the comfortable kind that they often shared. No, this was tense, heavy, as though there was a huge anvil weighing them down. Both of them clearly knew why, it was the end of their date after all. Neither of them really wanted to start, but, feeling obligated because this was her idea, Bonnie did.
"As cliche as it sounds, I really had a good time tonight." After a short pause, she added, "I'd like to do it again sometime."
Marceline’s brows shot up into her hairline. "Wait does this mean -"
“Ehp!” She croaked. Despite knowing what Marceline's reaction would be, Bonnie still found a lump rising in her throat. She took a breath and tried again.
“Yeah.” Bonnie smiled tentatively.
Marceline’s face went through various stages of metamorphosis, from confusion to disbelief to being completely flustered red. It finally settled on a dumbfounded smile with rose-tinted cheeks.
“That’s, wow.”
Bonnie giggled and crossed her arms. She just couldn’t resist the opportunity presented. “Really? You got your crush to like you back and all you can say is ‘wow’. Real smooth Marceline.”
“Sh-shut up!”
Bonnie could practically hear the pout from her. She snickered and Marceline desperately scrambled for a change in topic. She found one and smirked.
"Does this mean I can kiss you? Coz you were so obvious with the staring just now"
Bonnie scoffed. “We both know I wasn’t staring, nice try though. As for the other thing,” She averted her gaze and gave a non-committal shrug. “Maybe on the second date, or the third”
Marceline grinned. “Ooooh, there’s gonna be a third date now?”
“Only if you behave.” She deadpanned.
Marceline cackled, her voice echoing throughout the silent neighborhood. Soon enough, Bonnie couldn’t help but join and now in between the quiet of suburbia were the giggles of two girls.
They kissed on the second date.
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mygnolia · 3 years
get to know me ? 
thanks yin/ @doievoir for the tag! I’m gonna do it on my writing blog just so y’all get to know me better!
what day is your birthday? jan 7 capricorns fucking up ur shit lets go
what’s your favourite colour? honestly i love anything pastel! but im also a kidcore fanatic so maybe bright blue? 
what’s your lucky number? hm, i don’t have one? maybe 8?
do you have any pets? MY LITTLE LOAF BABY!!! i have a bunny named cookie <3
how tall are you? uhm...162-3 cm.... don’t laugh (5′3)
how many pairs of shoes do you own? like. 3. i literally wear the same shoes everyday but i have flip flops and some more sneakers?
favourite song? less of you by keshi or mixtape oh! 
favourite movie? up.....IM GONNA CRY 
what would be your ideal partner? i don’t really have a type? just anyone who’s respectful and matches my energy!
do you want children? fuck no
have you gotten in trouble with the law? nope!
bath or shower? bath but my hands can’t be in them bc they prune too fast
what colour socks are you wearing? none. but i had black socks on earlier
favourite type of music? krnb, krap, kpop!
how many pillows do you sleep with? i sleep with 2 pillows but i have a body pillow (that i don’t use) and this square one thats really fuzzy and i use it to hold when im sad
what position do you sleep in? on my stomach starfish or just holding something on my side
what you don’t like when you’re sleeping? MY NIGHTMARES LORD
what do you have for breakfast? normally skip but yogurt with granola 
have you ever tried archery? d-does game pigeon count
favourite fruit? bananas, pinapple, uh...strawberries maybe
favourite swear word? hm i use insults more often but probably motherfucker or bitch LMFAO 
do you have any scars? i have a few scars from shit that happened but thats it!
are you a good liar? depends. about trivial things? yeah, i can lie abt it easy, but if it’s things that are important i’m not good at keeping my composer rlly
what’s your personality type? infp-t
what’s your favourite type of girl? idk what it means by favorite girl but my irls c and s are my favorite kinds of people?
innie or outie? innie
left or right handed? right handed but i can write in both
favourite food? idk ramen-
favourite foreign food? pho? i like asian food ig
are you clean or messy? messy 
most used phrase? “like??? hello???” “ur good” or “ic ic” 
how long does it take you to get ready? depends for what- if we just going out for food or shopping then probably 10-15 mins, 30 if it’s formal or i need to shower
do you talk to yourself? too often it seems
do you sing to yourself? whether it be 5 pm or 1 am i always sing
are you a good singer? not to toot my own horn but u should join army’s chillin karaoke if u wanna hear LMFAOOOO
biggest fear? being alone or not being loved
are you a gossip? idk if someone tells me something i don’t see any reason to bring it up again and if it’s a rumor i’d debunk immediately
do you like long or short hair? short fs, ive looked better in short than long
favourite school subject? science and english
introvert or extrovert? pretty introverted in new spaces, extroverted when i get more comfortable with my environment
what makes you nervous? DUDE my irls idc idc im scared of all of them 
who was your first real crush? whats a real crush ig- 
how fast can you run? mile time is like 8 minutes dont make fun of me pls
what colour is your hair? black with highlights
what colour are your eyes? brown
what makes you angry? people using non-reclaimable slurs being used like hello?? stfu-
do you like your own name? i unironically go by ren online and in real life so id say yes- 
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? girl but i dont want kids period
what are you strengths? good work ethics and a pretty good leader? work well and can cooperate with others and id like to think im pretty smart!
what are your weaknesses? too stubborn, too fake too often ig- im pretty bad at communicating with my feelings
what’s the colour of your bedspread? white with periwinkle floral ish designs
colour of your room? robin blue!
uh…tagging @jtrbluv @jinkicake @tomotae @maplecornia or anyone else who wants to do this!!
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toziers · 5 years
Idk about chili’s *discourse* but now i cant stop thinking about ch 2 dinner scene taking place in a chili’s
oh my god.... you’re right..... 
it’s richie’s idea. derry’s started to get with the times (as much as derry can, which is why they end up with a chilis) and richie’s gotten into this habit of ending the shows that dont go well by finding the nearest applebee’s and drinking as many dollaritas as they’ll give him before ubering home and passing out shirtless on his couch. sadly, there’s no applebees, but chili’s is close enough, even if the drinks are a little bit pricier (not that richies thinking hes going to need the drinks or anything-- its just his old pals, right? eddie, and .... eddie..........hm. whatever, two-for-one margaritas arent that much more expensive)
stan vehemently refuses to come (yes, he’s alive, suck my dick andy mushtitty). seriously? a chilis? they’re already going to be in derry of all places, and now stan’s gotta deal with it being in a chilis on top of that? stan suggests no less than five other restaurants, which most of the losers reply they’d be happy to go to, but richie is firm on the fact he refuses to get drunk in a nice restaurant. stan eventually gives up after richie promises not only to buy stan’s meal, but to owe him Some Big Favor when all of the clown bullshit is over. 
mike eats at chilis about once a week, so its nothing out of the ordinary for him. actually, when he walks in, the staff recognize him, and mike’s not (that) offended when they hide their shock that he’s not eating alone this evening. they set up a table in the back and they’re all so excited that mike’s out on the town with his pals that they bring over a whole round of drinks for everyone for free. bill rests his hand on mikes as its happening when he thanks mike for such a special treat, and the waitress leans down and whispers (loudly) she’ll make sure the table has their private time. mike will probably never return to this chili’s based on that comment alone, and the rest of the pennywise spectacular hasn’t even happened yet
bill is JAZZED. are you kidding? chilis? thats like, unironically his favorite restaurant. the endless chips & salsa, the decadent chicken crispers, the ranch dressing that is, for whatever reason, way better at chilis than any other brand of ranch dressing hes ever had. richie pitches the idea and bill gets so excited that half the reason stan gives up on finding another place to eat is because bill starts getting those big sad puppy eyes that no one, not even stan, can resist. once seated, bill, blushing, asks mike if he wants to split a flatbread. stan and bev just roll their eyes at each other because splitting a flatbread in chilis is basically gay first base.  
eddie hates chili’s. he’s never actually been to one before, but he hates it. at least, he hates it until he has 3 & 1/2 strawberry margaritas and all of a sudden he LOVES chilis, and he LOVES these margaritas, and hey, richie, asshole, lets fucking arm wrestle, right here! why doesnt he go to chilis more? they should go to chilis all the time.
bev and ben split a 2 for $25, and when the waitress delivers their food “to the happy couple”, neither of them try to correct her. 
the rest of dinner goes probably very similar to it chapter 2 except at the end of the meal there’s no fortune cookies, instead monsters start crawling out of the lavacakes everyone had ordered, and when mike starts slamming the chair on the table, the chili’s staff don’t even come over because last year their rat problem nearly got the building shut down and they trust mike to kill it
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ncvcmbcrflush · 3 years
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《  luke newberry. genderfluid, he/they, epilogue by keaton henson  》 oh my, there goes BRENNAN SWANN. the 20/28 year old WENDIGO is currently working at HUBBARD APOTHOCARY. they’ve been in salem, ma for 28 YEARS. they are known around town as THE FORLORN. i have a feeling they ARE aware of what’s going on in town, and they are NEUTRAL. hopefully, because they are known to be GENTLE and ENCOURAGING while also being REBELLIOUS and DEFENSIVE, they will survive. i guess only time will tell.
Full Name: Brennan Samuel Swann
Nickname(s): Bren, but honestly you could call them anything and as long as you clarified that you were actually talking to them they’d be happy.
Date of Birth: July 4th, 1993
Age: 20/28
Gender + Pronouns: Genderfluid, he/they 
Place of birth: Salem, MA
Parents: Carl and Janice Swann
Siblings: None
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): None to speak of, they’re an only child of divorced parents who were more focused on their new relationships then their current child. Both moved away to different parts of the country after Brennan’s missing persons case went cold. They haven’t bothered to reach out the either of them since returning.
Pets: none, but adopts any sad looking stray or forest dweller out of a sense of kindred spirits.
Height: 6′
Build: Slender and willowy
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Distinguishing Facial Features: Big doe eyes, dimples on the rare occasion they smile wide enough to appear, stupid long eyelashes
Hair Color: strawberry blonde
Usual Hair Style: shorter on the sides then at the top, long enough to see it’s wild and curly nature
Eye Color: Dark brown, very nearly black
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks, scars): Pale skin, freckles like whoa, anytime the sun touches their skin more crop up
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Depression
What do they consider their best feature?: There is not a single thing they like about themselves, but gun to head, probably their eyes, just because that’s the default answer everyone gives.
Worst they’ve ever been injured (what, how did it happen)?: Getting chewed on by a forest monster man thing didn’t feel great.
Favorite outfit: Style is constantly changing but they gravitate towards like, a pastel punk sort of aesthetic? Like a nice tye dye sweater, lightwash skinny jeans, and some ridiculous sort of combat boot. Has been known to rock a flowercrown unironically. Everything 2014 tumblr wanted, fashion wise.
Glasses? Contacts?: neither.
Personal Hygiene: average- showers regularly and does not use three in one body wash, but rewears clothes religiously because fuck laundry, and there’s always some sort of paint, or ink, or some other kind of Art Dirt on them.
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: loves a good choker, and has several piercings. Had plans for tattoos but isn’t sure now.
What does their voice sound like?: Very quiet, slow speech with lots of pausing and restarting.
Accent?: none, just AMERICA
Unique mannerisms/physical habits: tugs at their hair when nervous or stressed.
Left handed or right?: left handed
Do they work out/exercise?: entirely too gangly and awkward for that.
Known Languages: English, some ASL leftover from speech therapy as a kid
Zodiac: Cancer
Gifts/talents: Very artistically inclined- painting, sketching, sculpture, they’ve tried and loved it all. They’re not confident about much, but their art skills is a big source of pride.
Religious stance: Raised very religious and considers himself Christian, but has trouble reconciling their religion with now not only their sexual and gender identity, but their existence as a Wendigo.
Pet peeves: Nothing really gets to them, but the people who click their pens are on thin fucking ice.
Optimist or pessimist: optimist with depressive tendencies
Extrovert or introvert: introvert
Relationship status: single as a pringle
Sexual orientation: pansexual
Ideal mate/qualities they look for in mate: someone who will see them and not be left wanting.
Ever been in love?: no.
What’s their love language?: quality time, physical touch
Most important person in their life?: Bren doesn’t really have anyone besides himself
Level of education: High school graduate, has a couple semesters of an art history degree under their belt.
Profession: cashier at Hubbard Apothecary
Past occupations: Elf at Santa’s Village at the mall
Passions: art
Which is more important – money or doing something they love?:  doing something they love.
Phobias: public speaking, eye contact
Life goals: don’t hurt people and maybe make a friend or two.
Greatest fears: being alone
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: every single social interaction they have ever had haunts them in their sleep.
Something they’ve never told anyone: tbd.
Hobbies: nature walks, really into flowers as well
Favorite color: lavender
Favorite smell: Wet dirt
Favorite food: french toast
Favorite book: They Both Die At The End
Favorite movie: Dead Poet’s Society
Favorite song: Somebody To Love- Queen
Coffee or tea?: Tea
Favorite type of weather: cloudy but dry
Most used word or phrase?: "Excuse me”
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beach-goth-baby · 4 years
i have a few new side blogs so i wanted to share this on them all so people following them can get to know me as well as people on my main!! thank u @nihilnovesubsole for doing this!! my side blogs are @ring-a-ding-broad @nightvision-of-thesoul , and @wiiild-wild-west !!
Who were you named after? no one. my mom and dad both liked the name lauren and saw it in a book so that’s why it’s my name! i do like it though. i think it’s weird when people call me by my full name though instead of like laur
Last time you cried? two nights ago when i was drinking by myself lmao good stuff
Do you like your handwriting? eh. i do like it sometimes but i have to hold my hand a certain way to get it to look the way i like it. it looks a lot like my moms which i think is cool because it’s just funny how genetics work that we even write the same way no matter how many times i tried to change it around when i was younger
What is your favorite lunch meat?  turkey babeyyy
Longest relationship? 6 years and counting
Do you still have your tonsils? yep!
What is your favorite kind of cereal? when i want to eat health(ier) cereal i always go for cinnamon life, but as far as unhealthier cereals go my fav forever will be eggo cereal whenever they have it in stores
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? uhhh truthfully i don’t think about this that much because my 4 shoes i wear are my clarks, crocs, birks and blundstones (tevas as well in the summer) and only the clarks lace up so i guess no??
Do you think you’re strong willed? i am strong willed on certain things, but generally i’m very reasonable
Favorite Ice Cream? mint chocolate chip or cherry garcia, partly for the grateful dead and party for the cherry cordials
What is the first thing you notice about a person? hair then eyes and then teeth/smile
Football or baseball? okay i HATE football with a burning, endless passion. i do not see the point or appeal at all. baseball is still slow, but i have a lot of fond memories tied to summer baseball games and the feeling of nostalgia lmao
Favorite donut? powdered all the WAY
Last thing you ate? a banana ;-)
What are you listening to? i’ve been listening to the growlers a lot again, and my golden oldies playlist which is mainly 60s-70s rock for the hippie bitch i aspire to be
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? a bright yellow !!!
What is your favorite smell? strawberries, the smell of the trees in the mountains, CAMPFIRES, roses, and one thing i miss tremendously is the smell of my boyfriend when i would hug him tightly and smell his hair and the little groove of his neck. he always smells so sweet!
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my brother! who misLEADINGLY told me that hereditary was NOT THAT SCARY right before i watched it last night
Hair color? brown/blonde! it was very very blonde when i was little and then has gotten browner as i’ve gotten older
Eye color? brown :-//
Favorite food to eat? i can always eat mac and cheese and baked beans. i will eat that as my last meal probs
Scary movies or happy ending?  scary movies, specifically ari aster lately because my boyfriend was murdered and he portrays grief really well, and i’m still resentful towards happy endings at the moment
Last movie you watched in a theater?: little women and let me tell you it can’t come out on dvd soon ENOUGH
What color shirt are you wearing? cream! it’s my john muir t shirt
Favorite holiday?: it used to be halloween when i was younger and still went trick or treating, but i think now it’s christmas, not for the day itself but for the days surrounding it where you’re cozy inside with a fire and (ideally) snow outside
Beer or wine?: beer 100% wine is NASTY
Night owl or morning person? night owl also 100%. i physically cannot go to bed before 1 in the morning on any given day. although i do appreciate the beauty of being awake and starting your day early! i just never do it
Favorite day of the week? unironically it’s monday, because i have been trying to work on myself a lot lately and monday always feels like a clean slate
Favorite animal? bears or pigs!!
Do you have a pet? 1 dog, josie, and one cat, maverick!
if you want to do this too, please do!!!
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storytell · 5 years
Can be used for RP and non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: paris 2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: when i was in middle school somehow my favorite snack in the world was mayonnaise on bread and literally nothing else 3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: smile, annnd... i dunno? i haven’t thought much about it. 4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: steak. 5. A FOOD YOU HATE: STRAWBERRIES. everyone shits on me because i really hate strawberries but they just Do Not Taste Good To Me 6. GUILTY PLEASURE: watching a couple episodes of really shitty shows unironically 7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: if i’m tired enough, literally anything. 8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: serious relationships?  9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE: i’d take the opportunity i was offered to go to the really nice performing arts highschool instead of the one i’m in now, which is really focused on math and science. 10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: yes and no. physically yes but it takes me like an hour to muster up the nerve to say “ily too” when one of my friends says they love me.
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: enchanted or WALL-E. 12. FAVORITE BOOK: huckleberry finn or the great gatsby 13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: chameleon!! 14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS:  twaincott, isaac & miria, laddlua, teccno, and evemaria 15. PIE OR CAKE: cake, but i like pumpkin pie specifically better than cake. 16. FAVORITE SCENT: firewood. 17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: bold of you to assume i keep up with celebrities 18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: NYC! again. if we’re talking out of the country probably paris. hehe.  19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: ambivert? 20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: it depends on the situation. in real life no but recently i tried playing subnautica and almost pissed my pants every 2 seconds over absolutely nothing. 21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: iphone. 22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: i play overwatch and minecraft the most. i tried to play subnautica but. i am a coward. 24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: probably save it for when i’m done with college. ideally. but realistically i would spend it all on dumb shit. 25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: DAZAI. I HATE DAZAI. I CANNOT STAND DAZAI. 26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: BNHA. i still like the muses i have, but i’m.. really glad i’m not part of the fandom anymore. i didn’t realize how horrible it was.
tagged by: @isolov​  tagging: @praevari​ , @giftandguile​ , @florabled​ , @vulpexitus​ , and anyone else
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crampdown · 5 years
The Doors, The Who aaand Led Zeppelin (^:
The Doors (2 places you’d like to visit): Mongolia and Japan ^^ (but I’ve got waaay too many wishful travel destinations)
The Who (2 of your favorite foods and 2 of the foods you hate): I love everything with grilled vegetables (served with rice, couscous or as a filling for burritos) and I have an endless appetite for sweet potato fries ^^
unpopular opinion but I don’t like almost any type of fruits (with cherries and strawberries being the noteable exception). I absolutely hate potato salad and leberkäse (a piece of baked meat formed like a loaf of bread. In my opinion it tastes of nothing but salt and fat)
Led Zeppelin (4 turn ons): Okay now this is a tough one...witts and intelligence can be endearing (also a certain type of fiction if it’s really well written :^))
But I can name you a definite turn off: unironically meant bad pick-up lines XD
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mariposalass · 5 years
Top 3 Favorite and Least Favorite Films
Got tagged by @husband-of-lucoa​ for this one. I have way too many favorite films and least liked films to list this, but I will list down the 3 that stand up and warms my heart & the 3 that makes me wish that I didn’t waste my time and money in hindsight. Not tagging anybody, but feel free to make this list when you have the time.
3 Favorite Films
The Wizard of Oz (MGM, 1939)
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This legendary classic is a masterpiece in itself. The story, while simple, is easy to follow and you can’t help but to root for Dorothy as she tries to return back to Kansas and the journey she & her friends have to go through to have a fulfilling end. The characters are memorable and charming (yes, even the Wicked Witch is memorable for being an effective threatening villain), the move to have all but the Kansas portions in color is a great choice (since this was released at the tail end of the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl was then a fresh memory for many), and the songs are so amazing to hear (Somewhere Under the Rainbow, anyone?). It’s been since I watched it, but it still has a great place in my heart. Heck, my Film and Literature class in college even watched this for class for a film stylistics discussion.
Beauty and the Beast (Disney, 1991)
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And here we have an animated Disney classic: Heck, where else did I got Belle as a favorite Disney character & Disney Princess and a f/o? I admired all the hard work from the cast and the crew to make this quite a thought provoking film which still holds up to this day: from the heartwarming take on finding inner beauty and love without hammering it in to the lovable and likeable characters to the stunning animation to the memorable songs to the fact that Howard Ashman was determined to have the film not getting canned and writing songs while dying from AIDs. The last one made me admiring Ashman even more with his work ethics and tenacity. I’m pretty pissed that Disney tried to sully my memories of the film and Belle with the soulless 2017 remake, but that won’t ever top my love for the animated hit as it did to make me hate its wasted existence.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (Disney and Walden Media, 2005)
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Whoever thought that a book series that acts as an allegory of Christianity would earn me an underrated classic? As weird as it sounds, I loved the 2005 film (even thought this had to wait until 2006 to be released in my country (the Philippines) because of the Metro Manila Film Festival hogging the Christmas cinema slot as it always do) and it lives up to the spirit of the books (and the first one the most). I enjoy the performances of the actors (including Liam Neeson and Tilda Swinton as Aslan and Jadis the White Witch respectively), the well balanced mix of real-time SFX and CGI effects (which is getting under-appreciated these days), and the good message of good overcoming evil & Edmund’s character arc so much. I did watched Prince Caspian and Dawn Treader, but they didn’t impress me as much as this one. Too bad the film series is in limbo, because I want to see if they can do The Silver Chair, The Magician’s Nephew, The Horse and His Boy, and The Last Battle justice.
3 Least Favorite Films
Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs 2 (Sony Pictures Animation and Columbia Pictures, 2012)
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Oh God, what was I thinking when I first watched this disaster? I unironically like the first film because it is so ridiculously weird it can be enjoyable in some areas, but this film is such a miserable mess. Considering this was from pre-Into the Spider-verse SPA, it is such a travesty in many places that even AniMat gave it the Seal of Garbage in his review of it. The animation, while creativite, can be an eye sore for many, there are too much food puns, the characters are now dumb down into mere stereotypes (thought I love Manny the Crazy-Prepared Guatemalan Cameraman, Chicken Brent, Steve the Monkey, and Berry the Strawberry), and the environment message felt like it was thrown in the last moment. Jesus! Luckily, Phil Lord and Chris Miller would move onto do the LEGO Movie and the 21 Jump Street films, although Sony didn’t get the message for a long time until Spider-verse’s success that stuff like this doesn’t guarantee them long-term success and fans alike.
Looney Tunes: Back in Action (Warner Bros., 2003)
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Why is that I put a gif of OOC!Shaggy and Scooby harassing Matt Lillard for the live action films here? This film is a total wreck and that scene in the studio restaurant made Shaggy & Scooby look and act like douchebags more than in their series! I hated the fact that it was made by the guy who made Gremlins, the first Howling film, and Little Soldiers and his attempt to make Space Jam (guilty pleasure of mine) look bad has backfired on him big time. The spy theme parody wasn’t done properly and the story was a mess. I know Warner Bros. can do great films (and they still do) speaking as a fan of their work, but this has to be one of their weaker films in their library. Plus, Joe did Scooby and Shaggy dirty in this scene alone, angering the Scooby Doo fan in me. How ironic that Casey Kasem would retire years later in 2007, only for Matt to take his place years after this shitty scene ruined my memory and love from the Scooby Doo franchise.
Chicken Little (Disney, 2005)
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Seriously, what was Disney thinking when they were making this!?! I understand that this is their first animated film in entirely CGI, but man, it is like they’re walking into this with blindfolds on! The animation is passable, but the story was a jumbled up mess and felt like The Nut Job in tone with its mostly mean-spirited tone against the protagonist and most of the characters aren’t that great and memorable (except for Abby because I felt I was her in the dodgeball scene when remembering this again). My 12 year old self must be guilty now for giving into wanting to watch it. Luckily, there is a short they made back in the 1940′s, granted, this was like war propaganda for WWII, but it’s much better than this loose basket and much closer to the original fable they are based on. Go search for it on YouTube. Sorry, but this film isn’t my cup of tea.
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bitofaditz · 2 years
my favorite drink unironically is this shitty boba that costs 8$ . that bitch made me sick in like a half hour but it tasted food. pinapple flavored milk tea w strawberry boba i am coming for you
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