#Vesper (BG3 Tav)
lizzorasaurus · 9 months
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themoonatmingitaw · 4 months
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Serilde: 'Repeat after me: Thank you for helping me, it was very kind'
or 'If you can't make your own manners, store-bought is fine :)'
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pocket-dragon · 5 months
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This is a Thembo to MILF Karlach truther account now everyone I'm sorry
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tatooine92 · 7 months
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I am ECSTATIC about this commission from @artofzofia. It's Gale and my Tav, who is, of course, the BG3 version of my all-time favorite D&D character Vesper!
Vesper was developed for a Tal'Dorei campaign so she has all kinds of Vox Machina AU goodness going on, and in my BG3 headcanons, all those things remain true. The idea is that she accidentally fell through a Plane Shift-type situation with her old adventuring party and ended up in Faerun by accident, where she got kidnapped by the illithid and ended up tadpoled. So she gets the added bonus of "Hey I'm not from here" on top of everything else.
She is a half-elf druid and she and Gale fall in love SO fast. They're just idiots who take a hundred years to admit it to each other. But they love deep and true and they are going to have the most beautiful babies.
*chinhands* I love them, your honor.
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defiedfate · 4 months
like for something from Vesper.
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pumaskulls · 14 days
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Sun Haven & Baldurs Gate 3 AU refs for Vesper!
No matter the universe, I feel like it's very important that Vesp captures the vibe of "heartbreaking! the most annoying/meanest woman you know just made a really funny joke". In fact, BG3 Vesper is worse than Canon Vesper, if only bc in TUTYS he's reigned in by not being the leader of the group.....in BG3 he's free to be as awful and chaotic as he wants and the rest of the party suffers for it
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crowsyart · 4 months
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A full and updated reference of my bg3 tav, Vesper!
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thecagedbard · 2 months
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catcrow236 · 7 months
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I’ve drawn him but here’s my tav for those who wish to see him
His name is Vesper and he’s autistic about bugs
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the-phantom-otaku · 6 months
Another little sneak peak of the Vesper fic (working title is Incident at the Elfsong). Other sneak peak can be viewed here.
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videogame-ocs · 8 months
Baldurs Gate Tav
So I started playing Baldurs Gate III after getting a new gaming laptop and I am in love, I literally had to pull myself away from the screen and log off to go to sleep. Anyway, here’s my first Tav;
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Her name’s Vesper Wakefield, she’s a half elf bard, with the College of Swords subclass and Entertainer background. She’s has a kind of serious demeanour, but of course being a bard she has a huge fun streak to her, and well, she just wants to make sure all of her friends are okay and happy, well, that, and the tadpole out of her head of course.
I haven’t really figured out her backstory yet but I know she’s got three older human half siblings, her human side is maternal, she is somehow related to the BG1 & 2 protagonist and her guardian is someone she lost.
She’s probably going to be romancing Astarion but maybe possibly Gale, I can kind of see her with both of them so I’ll see how it plays out.
I’ll probably do another post with a more detailed background for her but I love her so much!
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themoonatmingitaw · 4 months
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And you're so lovely
When you cry, it hurts me
You're the only person left so hold me
Don't leave me
I couldn't resist making some fanart for Perfect Slaughter, an amazing fanfic by @asterdurge
This moment in chapter 15 stuck with me painfully so I had to get it out :)
(for some context I am the anon that mentioned the Mystery of Love song, I was shyer then jsjsj)
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themaskstayson · 3 months
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Vespers the human Necromancer
Nickname: Ves
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 35
A traveling wizard trained in the arts of the dead. For a small price, he would speak to the dead; and for a larger sum of gold, he can raise it.
He was once employed by a Lich King to bring back his most beloved wife and only child, but something went wrong, and the King cursed Ves to be mute so he could never cast a spell ever again.
Getting nabbed by Mind Flayers was the last thing he ever thought would happen to him, but luckily for Vespers, his trusty companion and familiar, Salem the raven, is around.
Vespers was from a D&D campaign that was very short-lived. The party was tasked to bring a prisoner that was sealed away in a wood box before the party was ambused by thieves. A raven cast knock on the box and freed Ves so he can aid the party.
Once freed, Vespers informed the party, through the raven, that the king had cursed him and he had to seek the aid of his church he left many years ago.
Vespers mostly is known for his nercomancy but he can provide simple healing through spells and making potions.
After defeating the lich king, he never got his voice back. He went back to traveling around and helping people be able to speak to their dead loved ones and dealing with unruly undead.
In Baldur's Gate 3
He's intrigued by Astarion due to him being a vampire and would love to study him, despite Astarion's distain for it. But Ves sneaks in some questions here and that does get answered before Astarion realizes what the wizard is doing.
He enjoys learning Gale's specialty in magic, despite Ves lack of appreciation to Mystra, and spends his downtime with the other wizard in reading and sharing knowledge.
Ves also asks Wyll many questions about his transformation and seeks him out during the party to see if he can get more out of the hero. He does try to comfort him but does a piss poor job.
While Lae'zel kind of scares him, he does find Githyanki culture fascinating and would ask her questions with Gale.
Vespers has no interest in Shar and even finds the Goddess annoying cause she preys on the weak, in his opinion. But he can tell Shadowheart isn't like most Sharrans... And keeping a cleric happy is usually for the best in a party situation.
He adores Karlach. She's like a sister he never had. He also understands the pain of someone taking something from you and is glad he can help get her to touch again.
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tatooine92 · 7 months
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well since y'all have seen the world's most adorable art commission starring Vesper and her depressed wizard boyfriend I guess you may as well see her actual face and some cute shippy moments
a few of the things she did in-game: - sided with the tieflings BUT got Kagha to see the light - never ever used any tadpole powers ever - was allergic to everyone's flirtations except Gale's - hugged her Dream Visitor and ended up massively regretting it - was severely traumatized by Astarion going in for a sip but ended up befriending him (sort of) and didn't let him ascend - besties 4 lyfe with Karlach and shipped her and Wyll REAL hard - helped her depressed wizard boyfriend not be depressed anymore by valuing him for himself and helping him tell his goddess to get bent - was generally just a wonderful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
all in all, a lawful good ray of sunshine.
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lizzorasaurus · 9 months
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Yknow Lor you should really play the game you made this character for- ENOUGH!! 10000 years blorbo rotation ONLY!
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vulpixelates · 10 months
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going through screenshots for characters i've abandoned and having regrets about not playing this one, a tiefling paladin named vesper. might have to remake her with a different face since i'm using this one for foxglove now 🤔
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