#Video Review: Pissed Jeans Moving On
New Video: Pissed Jeans Shares Anthemic Ripper "Moving On"
New Video: Pissed Jeans Shares Anthemic Ripper "Moving On" @ThePissedJeans @subpop @subpoplicity @fdnieto @JoeStakun
Over the course of their 20-year history together, Allentown, PA-based punks Pissed Jeans — Matt Korvette (vocals), Brad Fry (guitar), Randy Huth (bass) and Sean McGuinness (drums) — has never been known to go halfway: They’ve long been known for material that pairs feral vocals and acerbic, biting lyrics with buzzsaw guitars — and for their unhinged live show. The Allentown-based punks’…
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the-starsabove-you · 4 years
A Choice
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Summary: I kinda got inspired I was looking at James Dean’s wiki and saw that at apparently he at Pier Angeli’s wedding and was across the road with a motorcycle and I wrote from there!  Reviews are always nice! Thanks for reading! 
Mat was fixing the tie on his tuxedo, a frown appearing on his lips as he had a million thoughts in his head but he mindlessly fixed his tie as he was lost in thought. 
There was a knock on the door and he looked back to see Tito coming in with a smile as he walked in, wearing a tuxedo himself. He went towards Mat and smiled 
“You’re looking good today” Tito said and Mat chuckled and turned to him “It’s my wedding, I have to look good otherwise Hailey is gonna be pissed” 
 Tito helped Mat with his tie and he looked at his best friend “You’re thinking about her aren’t you?” He said and Mat nodded “Its obvious isn’t it?” He said and Tito narrowed his eyes “You can fool everyone but not me Mat” 
Mat narrowed his eyes a bit “I’m thinking of the breakup” He muttered and Tito sighed “Ah yes, the breakup” 
Mat crossed his arms and sighed “We didn’t break up on the best terms, broke up with her after I was drafted and I was leaving for New York.. I thought I was protecting her but in the end I ended up hurting us both” 
“But you two remained friends” Tito said and Mat sighed “It’s only because she forgave me after all these years but seeing the videos of her on vacation and the pictures.. I just get that feeling that I should..” 
“Be with her” Tito said and Mat nodded “Yeah, her” 
Tito looked at Mat “You invited her to the wedding?” Tito said and Mat nodded “Yeah, I know she’s traveling across Europe right now.. So I doubt that she’s coming here” Mat muttered as he had a bitter taste in his mouth and he sighed 
“If she came, then I probably would have been at a crossroad if to marry Harley or run off with the one that got away” Mat said quietly and Tito raised an eyebrow “Well Mat, today is the day you have to choose if to give her up or marry Harley” 
Mat looked in the mirror for a long time before Tito placed a hand on his best friend’s shoulder “I gotta check to see if everything is okay out there, I’ll come get you when everything is ready.. Gives you some time to think” 
Mat turned to his best friend and grinned “What would I do without you?” 
“Don’t know!” Tito laughed as he walked off. 
Mat sat down looking at his shoes and he heard a knock before he sighed “Tito I’m fine” He said before looking up and his eyes widened 
She was standing there with a pair of jeans and a blue denim jacket, holding sunglasses and she was leaning on the doorframe and was watching him. Mat was lost for words and he felt his heart pounding 
“Hey” She said with a small grin as she looked at him “Can I come in? I won’t be murdered by the future Mrs. right?” She joked and Mat chuckled “You won’t I promise��� He said and she stepped in 
“You look amazing” Mat said and she chuckled and shook her head “I’m trying to go for the classic look, would have worn a leather jacket and looked like some badass Greaser from Greece or the Outsiders but it’s too hot for that” 
 Mat chuckled and shook his head “You’ve got your motorcycle don’t you?” He said and she nodded “Thought I would pass by, I’m a sucker for weddings” She said but Mat could tell there was a sadness in her eyes and she looked at him “Saw your family coming in, they looked happy and shocked to see me” 
 “Because you’re probably one of the last people they would see at my wedding” Mat muttered and she nodded and looked around “I saw the garden you’re getting married at.. Beautiful, love all those flowers” She said, trying to make some kind of small talk and he chuckled and shook his head “Thanks, it was Harley who picked everything out” She nodded and watched him for a moment and she spoke “Are you happy Mat?” She asked and of course Mat looked at her with a confused expression and she crossed her arms leaning on the wall “I’ve known you since we were children Mat, I can tell when something is on your mind” Mat was quiet for a moment, a million thoughts rushing through his head before he spoke “I don’t know if I’m making the right choice right now, you would think that I would have made up my mind by this time but even now.. I’m just confused” Mat said and it took her a couple of moments for it to click in her head but when it did, she frowned and shook her head “Mat, what we had was so long ago..” She whispered and Mat looked at her with a frown “I know, but it was always on my mind even now.” He muttered and she looked down “So why didn’t you call or anything after we broke up?” She said softly and Mat looked down, ashamed of himself “Because I thought I could move on, thought all those models and stuff could cause me to move on but even when I met Harley, I thought things would change and I do love her.. But I love you too” She was silent for a moment, she had many thoughts going through her head and she looked up at Mat and went towards him and she rested a hand on his cheek and leaned into it 
“I’m leaving for Italy.. Right after this, I’m gonna drive my motorcycle back to the hotel and I’m gonna get my things and leave and go explore more of Europe.. You can come with me” She whispered and Mat’s eyes widened as she looked at him with a small smile “Come with me, we’ll go explore Europe together and go sightseeing.. Just the two of us” She said her voice was a bit shaky, Mat’s eyes were wide and she shook her head “We’ll face the aftermath of it when we get to New York.. But we’ll face it together.” She whispered and Mat was silent, well shocked really and at a loss for words. Mat looked down and her expression fell a bit and she shook her head “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just gave you a choice like that” She muttered and Mat shook his head “It just makes everything harder” Mat admitted as he ran his hand through his hair and she sighed and shook her head “My offer stands, if I see you kiss her then I know that you made your choice and you won’t have to hear or see me ever again, I’ll be out of your life completely but if I see you coming to the motorcycle, then I’ll make sure you don’t regret it” She said and Mat looked at her as he bit his lip and she went forward and she leaned forward to kiss his cheek and she looked at him with a small smile “Well, if I don’t see you.. I guess this is goodbye” She said and she turned around and walked off, leaving Mat speechless. A rush of emotions ran through him and he suddenly felt overwhelmed as he was trying to take deep breaths before he looked up to see Tito at the doorway and he looked at his best friend “You’re ready?” Mat took a breath and nodded “Yeah.. I’m ready” He muttered as Tito led him from the room and out to the garden where he was set to be married. 
It felt like time stopped as Mat was walking to the arch. A million thoughts came over him.. Did he want to get married right now? Would he be happy? Did he see himself spending the rest of his life with Harley? He was standing at the arch, suddenly the music started playing and he looked over and saw Harley was walking towards him with her father walking her. Mat suddenly felt sweaty as he had a small smile on his face, he needed to hide his feelings for a bit.. Just until his mind was clear. It was half way through the ceremony and Harley was speaking her vows, Mat didn’t speak his vows yet but in all honesty he forgot them with what happened.. He let out a deep breath as something caught the corner of his eye and he turned to look. She was across the road, her beautiful motorcycle was parked in front of the venue, she was leaning on the motorcycle with her arms crossed and looking the wedding and it wasn’t until they locked eyes In that moment, Mat knew he had to make a choice.. It was now or never and he knew that he wouldn’t regret his choice, it was either the first love of his life or Harley. “Mat?” Harley whispered and Mat looked at her and then at the woman across the road and he nodded. He had to make his choice now
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saintstrawberry · 4 years
When the Night is Over/Just What I Needed
Second Chapter is up!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27733207/chapters/68086045#workskin
bokuaka, kuroken, kagehina, daisuga, daiaka, iwaoi
A surprise visit, mariokart, and Oikawa. Malibu also makes an appearance (Or multiple).
Notes: Akaashi has a bad memory. Relatable content.
Songs I recommend for this chap are Dionysus by the Buttertones, Best Interest by Tyler the Creator (for Kuroo), and Shampoo Bottles by Peach Pit for the ending. I promise Bokuto will show up in the next chap! >.<
I also make a reference to Natsume Ono because she smacks! Read her manga Not Simple; it is fantastic!
Thank you for reading!
Shampoo Bottles
It’s Saturday, something Akaashi doesn’t realize until he is flying halfway out his front door and huffing a breath at his phone screen’s mocking display: 6:30 AM, Saturday, June 14th. Exactly a week before Hinata’s birthday.
He blinks and remembers the night before, when he was nursing a red wine and a deadline for his “Ono Natsume: Shouting for the Voiceless” article. He remembers, vaguely, submitting the piece at 11:50 and dropping his head right there on his cheap Ikea desk, exhausted.
Presently, he’s nodding awkwardly at his neighbor (leaving the complex to work out, no less) and trying to make it look, somehow, like he meant to open his front door only to close it seconds later.
Toeing off his work shoes and entirely caught off guard by the idea of a day off, Akaashi retreats to his bed. He passes out almost as soon as his foggy head hits the pillow, dreaming of nothing. The next time he opens his eyes, his breath and body still completely.
“Mornin’, sleeping beauty! It’s ten, I’m surprised you slept so long!”
“Kuroo-san, why are you in my apartment?”
The offender offers no answer but grins brilliantly, gold irises level with Akaashi’s blue-green.
“And just how long have you been here anyway?” Kuroo ignores him again, instead choosing to stand from his squatting position. His hands at his hips, Kuroo wears a white oversized Bouncing Ball hoodie and black skinny jeans. Much to Akaashi’s discomfort, he still has his shoes on- red and white high top sneakers with the laces tucked in. As always, the guy’s flawlessly disheveled, silver jewelry glinting from his ears and neck.
Akaashi groans and plants his face in his pillow. It’s too early for the young, beautiful, and rich.
Kuroo, unsurprisingly, doesn’t yield Akaashi’s thoughts and scoffs once. He moves to draw open the curtains in his room. Keiji can’t help but grimace as he feels his skin bathed in hot summer light.
“Man. You should really dust your windowsills. Do you even ever open these things?! You’re not some bat, ‘Kaashi. You need fresh air.”
“I think bats need air too,” Akaashi mumbles into the pillow.
Kuroo waves a dismissive hand and turns to survey him, arms folded across a broad chest. Keiji reluctantly turns his head to address his stare, squinting without the aid of his glasses or contacts. Kuroo’s bedhead is seemingly even worse today- probably from whatever plane he just hopped out of. The latter smirks devilishly.
“Well. Are you gonna welcome me back or what?”
“So you didn’t expect to land in Tokyo until Thursday?” Akaashi asks this of Kuroo about 45 minutes after his intrusion into the writer’s apartment. The pair are getting brunch in some needlessly swanky rooftop restaurant, one where Kuroo insisted he wouldn’t get recognized. Akaashi raised his eyebrows at that- his friend had stuffed his signature messy locks into one of Akaashi’s ratty baseball caps and donned aviators the moment they got outside.
No matter to him, anyway. Akaashi got fancy champagne out of the deal.
“Sure didn’t. Management canceled the show in Singapore last minute. Something about the venue. Fuck if I know,” Kuroo explains almost incoherently through colossal bites of egg.
“What matters is nobody got hurt. We refunded tickets and rescheduled the gig. S’all good. I’m just happy to be back home with my buddy!” Kuroo reaches over to slap Akaashi on the back with a friendly grin.
He’s sputtering over his mimosa when Kuroo continues, “Can’t wait to surprise Kenma tonight, either. Can you imagine his face?"
“Yeah, actually, I can,” Akaashi slouches his shoulders forward in his chair with an uninterested expression and quirks up an eyebrow ever so slightly, impersonating his best friend.
“Hey, that was pretty good! Though I guess it’s not that hard for you. You’re both pretty stoic. Like Easter Island Heads.”
Akaashi swats at him half-heartedly. Kuroo laughs.
“Anyway, you’re lucky I didn’t call him immediately this morning- or the police for that matter,” Akaashi says matter of factly. Kuroo clutches at his heart dramatically.
“Akaashi-kun. You wound me. I am the furthest from a criminal.”
Akaashi huffs a laugh.
“Tell the Osaka police force that.”
“Hey! What, a guy can’t take a piss anymore?”
“Not, apparently, from the top of the Umeda Sky Building-”
“To be fair, I didn’t know the police officer was right there,” Kuroo interjects.
“-After downing half a bottle of Malibu with Oikawa. And you were 17. You were lucky you didn’t get charged with public indecency.”
Kuroo pouts but offers no petition.
“Guilty as charged, I suppose. Hey, speaking of police officers-”
Akaashi clears his throat and interrupts, “Speaking of drinking, how was Singapore?”
Kuroo takes the hint and stretches back in his chair, raising his third bloody mary to his lips.
“Didn’t get much time there, only about four days before I got the call about the cancellation. Flew straight here after the news.”
Straight to Kenma, Akaashi supplies mentally, grinning fondly at his friends’ relationship.
“Anyway, it was pretty mild, all things considered. Bokuto seemed to like the clubbing scene more than I did. Matter of fact, he’s staying there ‘til the next concert.”
“Bokuto?” Akaashi says, cutting into his eggs and watching the yolk spill onto his fork.
Kuroo, now onto his nearly 2,500 yen crepe, takes a break from his meal to look up at him with a puzzled stare.
“My tourmate? Bokuto Koutarou? X. Ace?”
Akaashi meets his eyes blankly.
“I guess it makes sense his stage name doesn’t ring a bell, but I’m surprised you don’t know about the guy’s v-ball career.”
The blue-eyed 24 year old drops his gaze to the napkin in his lap.
“Sorry, sorry. Touchy topic.”
“Anyway, you should really check out some of his matches with the Panthers.”
“He was signed with the Panthers?” Akaashi sputters, clapping his mouth shut immediately after.
Kuroo cackles.
“Don’t give yourself a heart attack, Akaashi. It’s okay to be impressed- it’s impressive. He’s crazy. You’ll be meeting him soon.”
Akaashi only hums in response.
"You're coming to the show, right?"
Akaashi hums again.
"Big talker today, huh, Keiji?"
“Right. So.. you baited yourself a hook yet?”
“Beg your pardon?”
“You know. After Daichi,” Kuroo tries again.
No, he really hasn’t.
Akaashi downs the rest of his drink. He peers into his empty glass in response.
“Haven’t thought about it really. He said it himself- I don’t have the time.”
“Oh, Keiji. Nevermind him.”
“Don’t sigh like that. Did you fly all the way from China to pity me?”
The rapper shakes his head, “No, I didn’t. I just want you to-”
“Be as happy as you are with Kenma,” Keiji finishes.
Kuroo gives a gentle smile, “Can you blame me?”
“God. You two are worse than the shoujo manga I have to review.”
“But twice as fun.”
“Shut up and eat your crepe.”
Kuroo happily complies, “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
“I’m glad you’re home, Kuroo-san,” Akaashi remarks. And he is. Even with his busy lifestyle as a chart-topping artist, Kuroo somehow manages to draw Kenma and Akaashi out of the house.
Kuroo and Kenma are both relatively new to their fame- about three years out from Kuroo’s first breakthrough hit and four since Kenma first started his Bouncing Ball Youtube channel- but their fans are… dedicated. Akaashi often marvels at how even Kenma takes it in stride. He's entertaining to watch and a seasoned video game expert. And Kuroo... Akaashi looks to the man and the ketchup stain on his lip.
Well, they both deserve their good fortune.
"Nothing, nothing."
He has interviewed them each multiple times for the journal. The good thing about his friends’ famous status is that Akaashi gets to profit from it as well. He tells Kuroo as much and the latter almost chokes on his stupidly expensive breakfast laughing. Even Akaashi cracks a small grin.
“I told that was him!” The writer hears two girlish voices behind him, talking in excited whispers.
“E-Excuse me, K-Kuroo-san?”
The rapper breaks out in a large grin and stands, bowing formally at the pair.
“Yes? Hello, ladies. Are you two fans of mine?”
“Yes!! Very much so! I loved your new song!” The girl, about 17 with dark lashes and fire red hair, praises politely.
“Would, would you mind taking a picture with us!?” The other chirps.
“Not at all! Akaashi, my pal, would you be a dear and snap some shots?” It takes everything for Akaashi not to roll his eyes.
“But of course.”
This is how Akaashi comes to search up the 2018 Panthers roster on his phone’s Google. He gives up his sleuthing when he realizes he doesn’t remember the guy’s name or know what he looks like.
He forgets about the whole thing until later that night, at Kenma’s celebration party for 5 million followers. It’s small, of course, about ten of them drinking champagne and playing drinking games. Akaashi knows Hinata did all the planning anyway, despite the event being at Kenma’s. The trio is standing off to the side when Akaashi pulls out his phone briefly to check the time.
Kuroo should be here any minute, he thinks. Hinata peers too, instinctually curious.
“Hey! Whatcha looking up the Panthers for? That’s not the latest roster, you know! Ooh, you’re looking up X-Ace, right?! Seeeeee, I knew you’d like him!”
Akaashi looks down at the picture Hinata points to. The guy’s sturdy and smug with one thick eyebrow raised. His chest is broad and his eyes are perfectly golden. The first thing Akaashi notices, however, is his hair. Absolutely ridiculous, he thinks. Makes sense that this guy’s Hinata’s idol.
Kenma raises his eyebrows.
“What made you do that?” he asks.
“Oh, uh, just...curious.”
Kenma looks like he’s about to say more when Oikawa joins their group with a boisterous, “Pudding Head! Congratsssss!” He pinches the smaller’s cheeks, who just about hisses in response.
Akaashi, grateful for Oikawa’s interruption, takes another quick glance at… X-Ace, and pockets his phone.
Hinata grins wide when Tooru, seemingly already a bit tipsy, ruffles his hair.
“Thanks, Oikawa-san," Kenma begrudgingly replies.
“You know, Kuroo is-”
Akaashi, ever vigilant, cuts in immediately, “-is so happy for you, Ken.”
Oikawa seems to get the hint, his eyes widening in realization.
“He sure is! Want some more alcohol?” The chestnut-haired friend of Kuroo’s quickly shoves his bottle of strawberry rum in Kenma’s face.
“You know I hate your sticky Malibu. Why are you guys acting all weird?”
Hinata, completely oblivious to the unspoken diaogue between Akaashi and Oikawa, tugs Kenma’s shirt.
“Kenma, Kenma! We should stream!!”
“Hey, that’s not too bad an idea, Shoyo,” Akaashi adds, if just to distract him.
“Sure, we could play some Mario-Kart. My fans seem to like you guys. Just don’t do anything stupid, Tooru.”
“Who, me?! And when do I-” Oikawa starts dramatically. The rest of the men send him a collective stare which answers his question before he can even finish it. He crosses his arms with a huff.
“Whatever. I call Princess Peach.”
After Kenma finishes setting up the Livestream and the small group has gained over a couple thousand viewers, Akaashi is in dead last as Blooper. Well, almost dead last, expect for...
“How am I losing? No fair, Kozume!” Oikawa whines.
“Me? What did I do?” Kenma-san replies, uninterested. Unsurprisingly, the Youtuber is in first place with his signature Toad.
“I don’t know, your fancy settings or something. Iwa-chan! Back me up, here!”
“It’s ‘cause you suck, Trashy-kawa,” Iwaizumi-san, whom the quartet bribed into playing with agedashi dofu, doesn’t hesitate to retaliate. His player, Bowser, is in second, with Hinata close behind as Yoshi.
“Take that, Hajime-san! Oh, shoot, sorry, Akaashi-san!” Hinata shouts, rising from his seat as he hurls a red shell, accidentally hitting Keiji.
“Hinata, language!” Kuroo’s smooth voice floods the apartment in mock disapproval. Kenma whips his head so fast he drops his controller. The blonde doesn’t say anything but slowly rises to his feet, then breaks into a short run at the sight of his boyfriend. The former picks up Kenma effortlessly and twirls him in a tight embrace. Akaashi looks on fondly.
“Kuroo-san!” Hinata exclaims, jumping up excitedly.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Tetsuro’s home. I’m about to kick all of your asses!” Oikawa waves away his entrance, sticking out his tongue. Iwaizumi slaps him on the back of the head.
The stream chat has exploded at the sound of Kuroo.
bb-corp: is that Kuroo???
applephi: NO WAY djwhdnbwibdfwq
yoyotetsuro: couple goals
kurokenxx: will anyone ever love me like Kuroo loves Kenma?
keeeeenmaaa_: I think this is the first time BouncingBall’s lost at Mariokart
A little tired and a lot tipsy, Akaashi insists on taking a cab home. It doesn't feel right to invade Kenma's when the Kuroo's home. Keiji could tell the pair... needed their space for the night. He splits the ride with Hinata, who talks his ear off the whole way about Kuroo's arrival and how badly he wishes he had the money to go to a concert. Akaashi smirks at that, just a little. Shoyo exits the vehicle with an enthusiastic, "Bye, 'Kaashi-san!! I'll see you soon! Maybe I'll come to the store, or, or, you can come to see me and Tobio-chan! He didn't come out tonight because he has a game tomorrow, but-" The rest of his goodbye is drowned out by him closing the door.
"I apologize for the noise," Keiji addresses the driver. She makes a noise of recognition and drops him off 15 minutes later. He thinks about his conversation with Kuroo about "baiting his hook" as he enters his living room, dropping his keys unceremoniously on the floor next to his door. What does that even mean? Akaashi doesn't exactly meet a lot of people with his work and his friends are all, well, with each other. He's happy for them and all, but sometimes being around so many couples gets a bit nauseating. Akaashi is struck with a small wave of loneliness when he waters his small bamboo plant, made worse by the two shots of Malibu Oikawa shoved down his throat. This is all I have to come home to, a fucking bamboo plant. Akaashi stares at its braided stalks with a vengeance. Not a second later, he pets the leaves in apology. I shouldn't take this out on the plant.
He's always been relatively independent, but having someone felt kind of... nice, for a change. It's been almost a year since Daichi left, and probably 6 months since he and Suga got together. It's one of those things that Akaashi didn't process for awhile, forcing him to fend for himself when the realization came to knock him on his ass months down the line. He's been confronting turned over picture frames and empty sheets ever since.
And so it goes.
He pads over to his bed with a sigh and for the second time today, falls asleep and dreams of nothing.
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Would You Rather [Chapter 1]
The guys laughed at my addition to game night but were, at minimum, sarcastically supportive to try. The weekly ritual of me and a couple of my friends from work consisted of beer and board games every Thursday.
Matt and Jim both worked on my team, sort of, while John was our boss’s peer. Honestly having John invited to these probably wasn’t the most ‘ethical’ thing but we all genuinely enjoyed each others’ company and all loved games. I didn’t think John’s presence would be an issue and it hadn’t been.
Oh, and me, Kyle.
Sometimes another guy, Robert, came but he was spotty. He worked near us but was usually busy with something or another. Tonight it was just the four of us.
The game I found was from one of my favorite online board game stores and included very little in the box. There was, believe it or not, a DVD for the instructions, some stacks of paper and pencils, what looked to be a scorecard for up to 8 players, and a baggie of different board game pieces (dice, little colored squares, some coins, and other loose garbage). Online it had pretty good reviews and promised to be a unique experience unlike any other.
So after the laughter of the DVD instructions and clear scam I submitted to, we popped over to the living room and put the disc into my xBox. Man was this video old. It looked like a DVD copy of an early 90’s VHS.
A man came on screen and welcomed us to the game of “Would You Rather?” I had personally played a game by the same name where you had to guess what the other players would answer. It was a cute quick game that spawned good conversation. I assumed this would be similar.
As the host went on, I started to feel a little tired. Long day at the office I suppose. I accidentally dropped my head for a second but came too quickly just as he got to the rules of the game.
“Each player should write 2 options on a piece of paper for another player to choose from. That player will then have to choose to do one of the options or lose a point. Each player starts with 3 points and the last player standing is the winner.
Please pause the video now and have each player write a card for each other player. Resume the video once that is complete.”
Matt asked, “So I write one option per paper?”
“No,” John answered. “I think you write both options on a single sheet and then do the same for two other sheets. So you have a ‘would you rather’ question for each person.” “Oh, got it.” Matt looked up to the ceiling and scrunched his face while thinking of his options.
I added a bit of my strategy out loud, “So, I want you guys to pass on these right? That’s how you lose points.”
“Oh, yeah,” Jim confirmed. “I guess they should be pretty hard then.”
“Well that’s pretty easy then, right?” Matt asked. “I’ll just make you get naked.”
“And who said I wouldn’t do that?” Jim joked.
The guys were all straight, to my knowledge. Maybe bi, who knows. Each of them were married though with kids, except Robert who wasn’t here. I myself was gay and I think they knew it but we never really talked about it. The idea of any of them getting naked was kind of hot I had to admit.
Matt was pretty short but proportioned so nicely. I found myself staring at his butt through the week. Jim was like the complete opposite: a walking bear. Probably 6’5” and big all-around. I’d be lying if I didn’t secretly wonder if everything was big. John was the oldest in the group, maybe late 40s, but in great shape for his age. He had started to get some salt in his dark hair the past couple years and it suited him well. I, myself, was pretty average across the board. I kept in shape but mainly due to diet. I only hit the gym a couple times a week at best.
Back to the game.
I scribbled down some would you rathers that were pretty tame; mostly embarrassing stuff even though I would have loved to write out explicit acts. I didn’t want to weird anyone out.
When we had finished writing ours down, we put them face-down in front of us. Matt and Jim had been snickering the entire time. I pressed play on the video to figure out more specifics on the rules.
“Ready to continue and start the game? Good! Don’t turn away and keep watching and listening to me. You may not have known, but you’ve been hypnotized from an earlier part of this video. Sorry about that, but we found it to be a much more exciting game this way.”
What the fuck, I thought. I wanted to turn to see the other guys’ reaction but I couldn’t stop looking at the screen. I couldn’t even speak.
“The game will go as follows. You’ll all put your pieces of paper in a bowl or hat and take turns drawing them until all slips have been taken. Which means it’s possible to get your own card. I hope you weren’t too hard on your fellow players…
Also, there’s no opting out. Tonight is about the thrill of learning what your friends or family really would rather do. Once you read the options, you have to pick one and complete it unless physically impossible.”
What the fuck?!
“The game is over once all cards have been read. That’s it! Two final little adverts before I let you get on with your night. Firstly, once the game is over all you’ll remember is that this game was really fun, so be sure to leave us a good review online. And secondly, while leaving us a good review, check out our other selection of amazing games for your next party.
And with that, this video will finish and you can begin the game. Youngest player goes first and will continue in that order. Have fun!”
Once the video ended I was back to myself but we all exclaimed the same things. What the fuck. What is this shit. Oh my god. Fucking fuckers. Holy fuck. Etcetera.
“Kyle, what the fuck man?! Did you know about this!?” Matt asked.
“No! Honestly! It just had good reviews so I bought it. I had no idea!”
Jim layered on, “and you didn’t think to look over the rules first before you brought us into this shit?”
“You saw me open it up with you guys! Why would I have thought this was a possibility?!”
There was clearly anger in the room. There was very little question in anyone’s mind that it was real because I’m sure everyone had tried to turn away or speak or something during that monologue and none were successful. That’s when a tingling started in my mind, forcing me towards my first move. I knew I was the youngest.
“Me too,” John said. “It’s like I’m physically getting pushed back towards the table to play.”
We all tried to fight it but couldn’t and walked back to the table with our slips of paper. I went into the kitchen to grab a popcorn bowl and brought it to the center of the table. We each threw our cards into it and I mixed them around.
“I’m so sorry guys.” Matt had anguish on his face. “I just wanted you all to pass on my cards.”
“Fuck! Same. Shit fuck fuck,” Jim said.
I mixed the cards around and pulled the first one out. It felt like I was playing Russian Roulette. I recognized Jim’s sloppy handwriting instantly and my eyes darted to him.
He just closed his eyes in shame.
“Piss your pants or put hot sauce on your dick.”
“Sorry.” Jim clearly was ashamed but I assumed we would all feel that and many other emotions tonight.
“I.. I get it. No sorries, Jim. I guess… I’d rather piss myself.” I decided to stand, for some reason. It took me like 30 seconds to start since it’s foreign to piss with your clothes still on but was finally able to let loose. The warm liquid filled around my crotch and went down my leg, darkening a path on my jeans as it went. Luckily I had gone before the guys came over but I was still one beer in and had some volume backed up.
“Not what I was hoping to do with my night but better that then getting an infection on my junk or something…” I sat back down.
We all knew each others’ ages, relatively at least, and knew that Jim was next. He scrunched his eyes, clearly not wanting to grab a slip but couldn’t really help himself. He pulled one out and yelled, “Fucking A!”
We were all silently looking at him as he read aloud, “WYR, I assume that means ‘would you rather,’” Shit, I thought. It was one of my cards. “Do a naked hula dance or eat a tub of mayonnaise.”
I think we all wanted to laugh but were all still intimidated by the night to come. I should make it clear that none of us had seen each other in any sort of undress. Matt and I went to the same gym but almost never were there at the same time and never in the locker room together.
“My answer would probably have been different, but I’m hoping the hypnosis was right and no one will remember this tomorrow… Fuck me. I’d rather do the hula fucking dance.”
Oh god! Jim was going to get naked? I honestly expected the mayonnaise, while gross, wasn’t that bad and I only had like a fourth of the container left in my fridge. It was a couple spoonfuls at best. Should I tell him?
The internal debate was immediately thrown away when he reached for the button on his jeans. He slid down his denim and then removed his shirt as well. Standing in front of me in just his boxers I was speechless. He really was bit everywhere. His gut was big and hairy, pecs were massive, shoulders, arms, legs, …bulge. I couldn’t tell too much with his semi-baggy boxers but a second later he shucked them to the ground as well.
Jim stood there covering himself with his hands with another heavy sigh. “Okay, here we go.” He raised both arms and started to do his, admittedly poor, attempt at a Hawaiian hula dance. I was curious why he didn’t keep one hand down to cover himself but perhaps it was this hypnosis shit or maybe he just didn’t think of it. Either way, I got to prove out my theory that he was indeed big everywhere.
Jim had a pretty big bush but even-so his soft cock was quite visible. I would guess 4ish inches soft and quite thick which sprung fantasies into my head about how big he would be hard. I imagined he was a grower and the impressive 4 soft inches would be a thick 8 when excited. I dreamed that I’d get the opportunity to see tonight.
He continued to sway his hips for a minute or so. His cock and hefty balls swinging back and forth as he did. I couldn’t turn away, for obvious reasons, but could tell the other guys were also watching intently. I’m positive they’re straight so I chalked it up again to the hypnosis power. Maybe we had to look? Maybe we had to do a lot of things the announcer didn’t make clear to us? The excitement was constantly rimmed with fear in my mind.
And like that, Jim declared he was finished, and turned around to dress. I got to see his ripe ass as well which was a wonderful, hairy treat.
“Nice moves, Jimbo,” John said with a smile.
“Haha, ass.” Jim said as he finished putting his shirt on. “I figure you guys won’t remember so why not? And I know Matty’s been wanting to see my big ol’ dick for a while now.”
“Shut up, Jim.” Matt wasn’t enthused. Maybe because it was his turn.
Without much ceremony or grandeur he reached in and grabbed a slip of paper and started to curse under his breath. “It’s one of my own damn submissions.”
John said, “Well isn’t that the best? I’d personally rather get all my own so no one else has to do what I wrote.”
“Yeah well John, I’m a fucking asshole who wanted you all to lose.”
It was true that Matt was the most competitive. Maybe it was a size thing, but he was always very competitive in all the games we played even if they were co-op.
“Would you rather suck everyone’s dick or send everyone at work a dick pic?”
“Oh…” John said.
“Yeah. Fuck me ‘oh’.” Matt wasn’t happy at all and I knew why. While our memories would hopefully be wiped clear from the night if he sent out a picture of his dick to everyone at work that would certainly be there tomorrow and would likely result in him getting fired or in the BEST case he’d get a huge warning and everyone would have a picture of his dick.
“At least you won’t remember?” Jim tried to cheer him up.
“Hard to find the silver lining in that with three dicks in my mouth, you dick.”
“Hey, you wrote it you dingus. Don’t get angry at us.”
“Fuuuuuuuck.” I could tell he wasn’t happy and was fighting it but whatever power this game had over us couldn’t be stopped and would push you towards the choice. “Get your fucking dick out, Jim.”
“Me first? Why?”
“Because you’re right next to me and I don’t fucking know or care. I just want to get this out of the way.”
Jim didn’t really protest further since it would be each of us one way or another. He unzipped his pants and lifted his butt off his chair to pull them and his underwear down a bit under his balls. He was still soft but did look a bit bigger than a minute ago.
“What if I can’t get hard?” he asked.
I answered, for some reason, “Something tells me the hypnosis will ensure we all cooperate.”
Matt got down off his chair and moved between Jim’s legs. His head actually blocked my view which frustrated me. I wanted to move around to watch but since John wasn’t moving I figured the urge was my own gay ones vs. the game. And if he was staying put I should too.
“Fuck me,” was the last thing Matt said before leaning in and taking Jim into his mouth. Jim let a little ‘ohh’ out immediately but then just leaned his head back. The sounds of a sloppy blowjob were obvious but at least Matt was using a lot of saliva. I really wish I could have watched the action. By Matt’s head bobs I’d assume he was only going down maybe 3-4 inches but was that because it was all he could take or because that’s all there was? Was Jim even hard yet?
Two minutes went by with just the sound of a wet blowjob and occasional moans from Jim. I was painfully hard and afraid that would be too ‘gay’ once it became my turn. Suddenly Jim shot his head back forward and looked down at Matt.
“Matt, I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum.”
Matt didn’t stop. I’m positive it was the hypnosis because there’s no way he would swallow but I guess the blow job was inferred to be ‘to completion’ mixed with ‘spitters are quitters.’
“Fuck.. ah fuck. FUUUCK!” Jim clearly shot into Matt’s mouth. Matt continued to bob during Jim’s sensitive eruption which lead to Jim’s body just convulsing. He didn’t push Matt off and instead rode with the waves of euphoria and climax.
It wasn’t until Jim’s convulsions stopped that Matt withdrew himself from Jim’s cock. “This is so fucking gross,” was all he said as he crawled under the table. That’s when I got to see Jim’s cock. Probably deflated a bit but still hard from the BJ he had just gotten, glistening with spit and remnants of his own semen. I was pretty spot on with my estimate. He was as thick as I expected and probably just shy of 8 inches now. His balls were pulled tight against his body still as he breathed heavily, eyes closed.
That’s when I noticed Matt’s hands on John’s leg. “Okay, dick hole, get your dick out.”
John obliged but stood up to undo his belt and jeans. He slid everything all the way down to his ankles and, most surprisingly, took off his shirt. “You don’t have to get naked, man!” Matt said.
“I know, but I like being naked when I get my dick sucked, you cocksucker.” He winked at Matt as he sat back down but I wasn’t really paying attention to their words. Sitting next to me, I could see all of John’s body for the first time in my life.
He was probably the most-fit out of all us. His body hair was limited but in all the right spots. Hairy pecs, a treasure trail that turned thicker as it roped down his torso, and a manicured bush highlighting a beautiful package. Nothing about John’s cock or balls was exceptional in dimension but man was it a good-looking dick. It was like what a well sculpted, realistic dildo would look like. I did notice that he shaved his balls though. John clearly took care of himself even now into his 40s, married, with 3 kids.
The other thing, of note, was that John was already rock hard. Perhaps it was the hypnosis or perhaps John was a bit more experimental than I thought. Either way, he was ready for Matt and Matt wasn’t enthused. I’m sure he wouldn’t be enthused either way though.
I won’t bore you with the struggles of a straight guy giving a blow job but in short, he couldn’t fit much in. The 3-4 inches was all Matt was capable of taking which is probably pretty good for a guy that’s never had a dick near his face, I assume.
While Matt sucked, John played with his own nipples. He moaned a lot more than Jim and even encouraged him by name. John wasn’t living in a fantasy, picturing his wife or something, he was living in the moment.
“Oh, fuck yeah Matt. Suck my cock. Mmmm, you’re so good at his man. That feels so good, Matt.”
I looked over to Jim quickly. He had put his cock away but his hand happened to be covering his clothed cock. Was he getting hard again? He was certainly watching the show.
The blowjob went on for probably three minutes before John placed a hand behind Matt’s head. “Here it comes, Matt. You’re gonna make me blow.”
In response Matt just greedily sucked, forced to give the best blowjob he could. John’s stomach tightened up and his balls retracted as he came. Based on his own convulsions I imagine he shot 5-6 ropes into Matt’s mouth. Unfortunately, since Matt doesn’t know how to deep throat he got to taste all of John’s spunk on his tongue before swallowing. Maybe I should teach him sometime, I joked to myself.
Then fear.
I just realized it meant it was about to be my turn and the embarrassment crept up on me. Sure, they hopefully wouldn’t remember any of this tomorrow but how could I not still feel ashamed. I wasn’t some sort of exhibitionist.
When Matt finally let John’s cock out of his mouth John made no effort to redress. He just sat there, naked and still hard, looking over at me. “Your turn, buddy.”
Matt didn’t even have words at this point. He actually started to unbutton my jeans for me! They were still wet from my piss but cold and kind of gross to peel off. I decided, like John, to just remove them all-together with my underwear. I kept my shirt on but it felt much better to be without bottoms.
Matt looked at my dick, then up at me. My cock was pretty good. About 7 inches and average thickness? Maybe a hair thinner than average if I’m honest with myself but I like the shape. Straight as an arrow, unlike me.
While looking at me, Matt placed the head of my dick into his mouth. I was pleasantly surprised that Matt didn’t use any teeth. He still didn’t take much in but it really wasn’t a bad blowjob. Then again a warm mouth feels pretty good on your dick no matter what.
Perhaps due to the practice or maybe the hypnosis, Matt got a bit more into it. One hand rested on my thigh, massaging it lightly, while the other grasped me around my base. He started to jack me off a bit while he blew me. He probably just wanted me to finish quicker, actually.
Lucky for him, I did. Partly because it was a good blowjob but more-so fueled by the facts of what just transpired over the past 10 minutes I was ready to go. He maybe blew me for a minute before I shot. I’m not even going to feign embarrassment at that.
I may be relatively average on most things but I know that my dick is a bit above average length and I know I shoot well above-average. Typically I edge for a while before shooting which helps but even in my quick jack-off sessions I drench the toilet paper I use to clean up. Poor Matt had to swallow probably two tablespoons of my jiz and swallow he did. Even a bit leaked out of his mouth and when he unsheathed me from his lips he licked it up. Man was he committed.
I looked over at John after my climax and he was still naked, and still hard. Following his suit, I opted to stay naked mainly because the alternative was to put on wet, cold jeans. Instead I just scooted in further to the table to hide my own non-ceasing erection.
“So.. um,” John said.
“Please. I don’t want to talk about it. I just want to get this over with,” Matt said, back in his chair.
“I was just going to thank you, but fair enough. I guess it’s my turn then.”
John reached in and grabbed a slip. “Run to the end of the street naked or ask the neighbor for a cup of sugar in your underwear.” Another one of mine.
“Well,” John said, “that’s not so bad considering.”
“You’re damn right.” Matt added.
“I think I’d rather take my chances getting spotted running down the dark sidewalk then have to face your neighbors, Kyle. Especially since I don’t think my erection’s not going away anytime soon.”
John got up and walked over towards the front door, indeed being led by his cock right out in front of him. He had a dick like mine that pointed straight out. We all followed him to the door, me covering my own erection with my shirt, poorly. We knew he’d actually do it due to the hypnosis but general curiosity and rubbernecking meant we wanted to watch to see if he’d get spotted.
It was dark but my neighborhood has street lights so his pale body was still pretty visible. John made good time bounding down the 40 or so yards to the end of my block and back. I got to see his firm, squarish ass as he ran away and his bobbing dick and he ran back. I didn’t realize how hot it would be to see a guy naked out in public.
I couldn’t be sure no one saw him but at least no one came outside to yell at him. I had a breif thought of panic that if someone called the cops what would we do? Would we be able to stop the game to answer the door? What if we got arrested without finishing? Hopefully I wouldn’t find out.
When we were all seated I congratulated John on his ‘naked mile’ and he accepted the praise, laughing it off.
“I’m not sure why you’re so happy about all this,” Matt said, agitated.
“Well. I’m still pretty sure none of us will remember this so from my eyes nothing really matters. Plus I just got a great blowjob from this amazing cock sucker.”
Matt laughed a little, “Man, shut up.”
“Really Matt. I kind of wish you’d remember tonight. You’ve got a thing for sucking dicks.”
“You’re all gay!” Matt yelled. He couldn’t help but crack a smile though.
Jim added in, “alright, let’s please finish this. Kyle, your turn.”
“I know..”
I reached into the bowl and pulled out a slip. I saw the words before I read them out loud. I looked to Matt instantly remembering his last slip and he just grimaced. It was definitely his and was going to take tonight to a whole new level.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by tickticktmr
What's the best food to have at a sleepover? I’d have a blast at a sleepover if my friends and I were to get a square-cut cheese pizza with a box of wings. Cheesy nachos with beef would be great too.
How did you meet the last person you shared a bed with? We were introduced by our respective friends.
Do you like the yellow cheetos better or the orange ones? I don’t like Cheetos, period. Cheese puffs never did grow on me.
Where did you buy the shoes you wore today? My mom got it for me two Christmases ago.
Do you have any half siblings? Nope. But this year I found out I have a half-cousin (and possibly half-cousins) from a trash uncle who apparently fooled around behind my aunt’s back, but I have no desire to associate with her or that entire family altogether. 
How many DVD players are in the house? We still have two lying around but we haven’t used either in 6–7 years.
Do you like the last song you heard on the radio? I cried, because I needed to hear the lyrics that were being sung.
Do you know anyone who has been on TV? Sure, mostly some of my friends’ parents.
When going shopping for junk food, what's the first thing you pick up? My eyes usually dart to the Pringles before anything else. And if there’s also any salted egg chips that looks appealing enough for me to pick up.
How would you react if you found out you had a long lost sister? I think my literal first reaction would be to be pissed at my parents for hiding such a secret from me for a long time. It would depend on how they explain the situation if I end up wanting to meet her or if I can do without.
At sleepovers, do you usually stay up all night or actually go to sleep? Hahaha I’m the grandma that passes out. I’ve never successfully stayed up at a sleepover and for some reason I’m always the first one to start getting sleepy. I guess all my friends’ bedrooms are really that comfy.
Is there anything in the room you're in that's really dusty? [continued from last night] For sure. There are some things in my room I barely use or move around so it definitely wouldn’t be a surprised if they’ve since gathered up a fine layer of dust.
Do you know anybody with different colored eyes? Yeah, someone from my high school has this condition.
Are any of your relatives vets? [continued AGAIN from the night before last, lmao send help] As far as I know, no. We’re not really the type of family that produces doctors, and I believe we lean more towards law.
Who cleans the most in your house? Oh my mom, for sure. She wants all chores done a certain way, and she’s always genuinely happy to do everything herself.
Do you own any shirts that cost over $100? No. I think my most expensive shirts are my wrestling ones, which never went above P3000, I think.
What about any shoes? Do you think that's a lot of money for clothes? Yeah, well shoes are generally more expensive so I’ve definitely spent more on sneakers than I’ve ever had on a shirt. I think a pair of shoes that go for P5000 is fine because for the most part it’s also already a testament to its quality. I draw the line at P5000 shirts, because you’re only paying for the label at that point.
What's the movie theatre in your town called? Ours don’t have names. Most of our cinemas are housed within malls, so whenever we make plans to watch a movie we just mention the mall.
How many minutes do you consider late? Idk man, I prize punctuality a lot. People to me are either early, on the dot, or late.
Is there any jam in the fridge right now? No, we don’t really consume jam. We’re not a very spread-y kind of family, come to think of it. We prefer meatier stuff in our sandwiches.
What did you get your best friend for their last birthday? I learned iMovie throughout my UTI-slash-fever horror experience so I can make a video for Gab that compiled her friends’ greetings in time for her birthday. I wasn’t able to get Angela anything because I was still looking for a job then and didn’t have any source of income; and because Gab broke up with me on that day so I was too distraught to be doing anything.
What about your mom's and dad's last birthdays? My dad was abroad for his last birthday. I didn’t get my mom anything because we don’t have that kind of relationship.
What kinds of food do you dunk into milk? Uhm mostly none, because I never really have milk unless I’m at a hotel or at a friend’s, lol. I’ve dipped chocolate chip cookies into milk several times though, and those didn’t turn out bad at all :) I’m a fan of the mushiness.
Do you have any current or past teachers on your facebook friends? A couple of my high school teachers are still my Facebook friends. I never added nor received requests from my college professors, which I prefer tbh because I’ve always viewed college profs as having a more professional vibe compared to my grade school and high school teachers, who were like parents to me.
Are there any baby pictures of you up? Like, the room I’m currently in? No but my school portrait from Prep is framed and hanging on my wall, which is the closest thing. I was already 7, though.
Do you have any friends who have bleached blonde hair? Nah. I have a lot of friends who’ve dyed their hair over the years, but none bleached all the way through. Gabie did, but just for her tips.
How much sugar do you like in your tea/coffee? Lots. I need every trace of it feeling like black coffee removed, haha.
What color is the cereal in your cupboard? We don’t eat cereals in this family; we’ve always enjoyed a classic Filipino breakfast. Sometimes we’ll get cereals I guess, but we never eat them the traditional way; my mom and sister usually just snack on them straight from the box on non-breakfast hours.
Are you wearing any jewlery that a boyfriend/girlfriend gave you? No.
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you jewlery? Yes.
Have you ever seen the last person you kissed cry? Many times.
Would you rather work at a gas station or be a maid? I hate chores and touching other people’s stuff, so I’ll go with the gas station. I could meet different people from that job too, which sounds more interesting.
What's the closest store to your house called? Just Things. Basically sells hype merch, including the P5000 streetwear shirts I called out earlier, for all the hype heads in my area.
Do horror movies scare you more when they're 'based on a true story'? The biographical nerd in me obviously gets excited, but I don’t get scared. I get more invested when they include snippets or updates about the real-life counterparts and go beyond the vague ‘based on a true story’ banner.
Do you still talk to the last person who hurt you (emotionally)? Yeah but I really need some sort of coin bank thing for it for every time I do so because idk why I still hang around sometimes.
Is there an outdoor movie theatre where you live? Not where I live. But I do know that because of Covid, some malls outside of my city have started offering drive-in cinemas, which were never a thing here before.
What color was the last food you ate? Golden brown, yellow, black, red, green. It was a truffle and mushroom pizza that I treated my family to because I had gotten my first paycheck this week and I would’ve looked like an absolute ass if I spent it on anything else other than my family. I MEAN I wanted to treat them too, of course, but I won’t deny that there’s an underlying reason for me buying the food as well. Welcome to a firstborn’s life in the Philippines (and in Asia, tbh).
Have you ever seen your mom or dad drunk? My mom has been tipsy, but not drunk. My dad never lets himself get swayed by alcohol. He’ll still get a single bottle of beer, but I’ve never seen his demeanor change.
How expensive is too expensive for a pair of jeans? Anything above P7,000 or P7,500, maybe.
After seeing a movie, do you go to a site to enter a review about it? Nah, I’m not the Letterboxd type of person. I’ll sometimes tweet about a movie, but only if I found it good or intriguing enough.
Have you ever done that? No. I’m not the best movie reviewer, so even though I’m aware of Letterboxd’s or IMDb’s appeal I’ve always been too shy to share my thoughts or ratings just in case someone ends up criticsplaining a movie to me.
Would you consider McDonald's a restaurant? I know what route this question is getting to but I’m too tired to defend my thought process, so suffice it to say I love McDonald’s, lol.
Do your parents vote? LOL my mom only started doing so again when I registered - before 2016, she cast her last vote back in 1992. Of course, her opinions were wrong for both the presidential (2016) and senatorial elections (2019) haha. 
My dad does not vote and he stopped giving a shit about Philippine politics when he started working abroad 20 years ago and increasingly spent more time overseas than he does in his home country. Which, honestly, as sad and bad as it sounds, I totally understand. He’s completely detached from the goings-on in our country that to make him vote would be just as useful as letting him purely guess his choices.
Are there any creepy pictures up on the walls of your house? We’ve never gotten such a comment before, so no.
What's the last thing you were excited to eat? The pizzas I bought tonightttttt :> I got truffle and mushroom pizza and quattro formaggi pizzas and they were from Motorino, this fancy (and pricey) place I used to go on dates in that I haven’t visited so long.
It’s hilarious because I didn’t even plan on buying any food today as I’m stingy with money...but in my shift today I was tasked to order food bundles for certain media partners we regularly collaborate with. I kept ordering all these fucking pizzas for people I don’t even know and I got so jealous???? So I ended up buying for myself at the end of the day HAHAHAH
Do you ever hit electronics if they don't work? I smack them against a surface, but I rarely hit them with my own hand.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? I’ve only gone out with one person and, her toxic traits aside, I highly doubt any future prospect would ever come remotely close to her.
Is there anything hanging from the ceiling in your room? My bedroom light.
How would you react if your best friend was pregnant/got someone pregnant? She’s not planning on having a kid any time soon so I would assume it happened by accident, and I would assume she would be in distress. That said, my instinct would be to be there for her and support her in whatever she does moving forward.
Do you know who Lisa Simpson is? Sure thing, she’s my favorite.
Have you ever had a crush on the last person you spoke to online? No. I’ve never even met her.
Have you ever seen the last person you hugged dressed up fancy? Sure, my grandma dresses up for parties and other formal events.
(If your parents married), Do you know where they got engaged? No. My dad didn’t even pop the question; at some point they just sat each other down, had a long talk, and decided they’d get engaged. Idk where it happened though. Maybe while on a date somewhere?
What color was the last cup you drank out of? Copper.
What was the last picture you printed of? I honestly can’t tell you. I’ve printed a number of documents for various adulting tasks lately, but I don’t know the last time I specifically printed out a photo.
What restaurant has the best fries? I’d have to go with Army Navy. Or if we’re going with fast food, Jollibee.
What does your mailbox look like? We don’t have one. Messengers just insert envelopes through our screen door.
Have you ever gotten something stuck on the roof? We have a rooftop, so that’s never been a problem for us.
Have you ever had a surprise party thrown for you? No. I don’t think I’ve ever been that important for anyone.
Is the room you're in organized? It can do with some fixing, but it’s not terrible.
Would your mom make a good president? She’d be the most organized, neurotic, and punctual president in the history of presidents, but I doubt she’d be of help in conflict resolution or law-making, or any decision-making aspects that go with being president.
The 2nd class you had last time you went to school: ever skipped it? I don’t think I ever skipped that class in the short time I took it before Covid took over.
Do your aunts and uncles have kids? Yeah, nearly everyone does.
Is this survey interesting so far? I liked it.
Do you say fancy or formal? Or something else? Depends on the context. I use both as I think they have different connotations anyway.
Does your English teacher have kids? The last English professor I had doesn’t.
Does your computer make a lot of noise? The fan whirs when the laptop gets too busy. The noise is definitely noticeable considering how quiet my laptop is 98% of the time; but I wouldn’t call it bothersome.
Do you see movies at home or in the theatre more? Home. I watch at the cinema like, a maximum of 5 times a year.
What's your favorite thing to eat during a movie? Potato Corner fries. Non-negotiable.
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rhiannonroot · 5 years
BOOK REVIEW: ‘A Prince on Paper’ by Alyssa Cole
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Content warning: Emotional abuse
I’m a little conflicted about Alyssa Cole’s “A Prince on Paper.” On the one hand, Cole does a lot of ambitious and interesting things in this book that I really enjoyed and admired. On the other, there are some issues that I can’t ignore.
Let’s begin, shall we? Nya Jerami is a shy, sweet young woman who is into video games and virtual dating apps. She’s the cousin of the previous heroine Ledi Smith (“A Princess in Theory”) and she’s returned home to celebrate the wedding.
Too bad the groom’s bestie Johan von Braustein is also in attendance. Dude is the prince of Liechtienbourg and a total tabloid darling. He’s a bad boy and pretty much the opposite of Nya. (I’m convinced that Johan is loosely based on Prince Harry of England. His late mother has a Princess Diana-like legacy.)
Nya accidentally bumps into him on the plane ride home. And then the two get thrown together in some wedding-themed traditions, tensions rise and Johan has a few moments of sweetness. (Nya unexpectedly gets her period, it’s visible and he makes sure she knows and no one sees, because blood stains are embarrassing.)
Meanwhile Nya plays an app called One True Prince and one of the last levels she has to complete is Johan-themed. Which is kinda hilarious. It does play into the plot a bit.
And then through wacky romance novel circumstances, Nya and Johan fake an engagement. Liechtienbourg is having a referendum on the monarchy and there’s a good chance that the royal family might not be in power anymore, so having a love story plays well in the polls. Nya wants some freedom and a little excitement. (And maybe to piss off her awful, controlling, abusive father.)
As you can imagine, the forced proximity and fake relationship sparks a lot of feelings between the two! And it’s a lot of fun.
There were a lot of things I enjoyed about this book. Cole pretty fearlessly and sensitively tackles some big issues, particularly emotional abuse by a parent and gender identity. We also see how two very different families work and don’t work – this will tug on your heartstrings. Arguably we also see how a found family works with the friendships among our heroines.
I liked Nya a lot as a heroine. She’s kind and sweet in a world that seems to want to crush it out of her. She’s also repeatedly underestimated, even though she proves herself over and over again. And best of all, she’s perceptive and incredibly savvy. In a lot of ways, Nya reminded me of Lara Jean from the “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” series.
We come to find out that Johan’s “carefree playboy” image is just an act. He’s a sensitive and caring dude. He makes himself into tabloid fodder because his younger half-brother is getting attention in the press and Johan wants to distract them. It kinda works? The logic isn’t super sound, but sure, dude. Johan also struggles with the loss of his mother and the relationships he has with his step-father king and crown prince brother.
For the most part, I liked their relationship, though there were multiple moments of “Could you two just fucking talk about the things that are bothering you?!”
“A Prince on Paper” is a pretty darn good book, all in all. However, like I said, I’m a little conflicted about a few things.
First and foremost, I have an issue with how Cole talks about media and journalism. Only tabloid journalists are ever mentioned or represented, which is incredibly frustrating. Look, I get that this is an element of the world, but ughhhhhhhhh, this isn’t OK. This is an issue because basic media literacy is a language many people don’t speak. So, if you didn’t know any better you’d think every journalist is part of an indistinguishable mob and that we’re all just a bunch of monsters who don’t have any sense of boundaries and only care about celebrities and their shenanigans.
This is an especially bad move because we’re coming upon the first anniversary of the killings at The Capital News-Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, and the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Pair this with the ongoing crisis of community newspapers folding, news deserts and mass layoffs in the industry and you have a huge fucking problems.
I’m sorry to single out Cole here, she’s not the only one who does this, but I can’t ignore it either. THIS IS NOT OK. Please, authors, please stop doing this.
Rant over. Other issues: The weird mashup of French and German doesn’t quite work. It reads weird. With the exception of Lukas, the secondary characters fall flat in this book. And the pacing is off. The ending is tied up too neatly and we never get the full emotional fallout we should have. There was also a thread that I was confused about and I don’t think ever got resolved. (The early diplomatic mission where Nya’s friend is married to a man who comes across jerk-like.)
All in all, this wasn’t my favorite of the series, but I enjoyed Cole’s prose and a lot of the risks she took. I look forward to reading more from her.
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derryhawkins · 7 years
Growing Fame (4/??)
summary: A modern AU where the losers are semi-famous for different things, and when they all run into each other at a certain event, all of their fans go bat-shit crazy – wanting the seven to spend more time together. What they didn’t expect even more than that, though, was a well-known and mean journalist to write bad reviews on them all. Their growing fame could soon shrink, they quickly realized. warnings: swearing pairings: benverly; bichie; steddie; mike/oc a/n: I feel like this is short, sorry, but hope you enjoy anyway!
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 coming soon
The Three Way Skype Call
“I’m a f-f-f-uh-fucking good big br-bruh-brother!”
Bill was furious, to put it simply. Not only was it notable in his re-appearing stutter, but as well as his body language and facial expression. Rightfully, so too. He was a good older brother to Georgie but the article pegged him as a young, irresponsible adult who drinks with his baby brother around. The other’s were pissed, too. They hated the fact that some well known journalist wrote false information about their little day at comic con.
“Of course you are, Big Bill, you’re the best! And what’s up with this guy’s name anyway?” Richie asked, frowning as he glared down at the phone he was holding in his hand. He moved closer to the computer where the group was doing a three way Skype call - him and Bev; Bill, Eddie, and Stan; Mike and Ben. It was easier than traveling to meet somewhere. “Penny Wise... More like Penis Wise you fucking dick. What is Penny short for anyway? I bet it’s Penis, I bet his parents named him penis because they didn’t have the heart to name him Dick. Guess it’s a good because then we’d-.”
“Beep beep, Richie,” Beverly and Bill talked in unison.
Richie shut his mouth abruptly and looked to the side at his roommate and then at the screen where he saw Bill. He set his phone down after exiting out of the article he pulled up to look at one last time and adjusted the glasses on his face. Usually he wore contacts, but he was being lazy for the day and he thankfully had no where too important to be until later tonight -- band practice. He leaned back in his chair and puffed out his cheeks while Eddie started talking.
“This is all bullshit,” Eddie repeated the phrase that has been said multiple times by each of them. “We haven’t done anything, why target us?”
Richie opened his mouth and once again started talking, leg bouncing and eyes roaming around. “Maybe he wants to kill us, I don’t know, he seems hateful enough to commit a murder or two. He’s fucking a joke -- a clown -- I bet he eats kids-.”
“Richie,” Bill stopped him once again, tone more stern. Beverly simply rested a hand on his knee to try and keep him from bouncing his leg so much; it didn’t work too well. The others quickly started talking again, but Richie’s phone dinging made him lean forward and read the message; Beverly did the same, just to be nosey.
from Big Bill: are you taking your ADHD meds still?
Beverly snatched the phone out of his hand before Richie could reply himself, and typed a message before sending it. Richie glared at her, but she just shrugged and stood up. She walked out of the room and the tall male watched for a second before looking at what she had sent.
to Big Bill: Ran out, not enough money to continue the prescription.
He rolled his eyes; of course she wasn’t going to let him lie about it. He ran out just after comic con weekend had ended, and because of the fact that the medicine is pretty expensive and that his parents stopped paying for it, he doesn’t exactly have enough money. Sure, he’s becoming and more famous, but Richie doesn’t have the right amount money for a constant pay of medicine every month of every year just yet. That might change soon, but not now. He might be taking Beverly’s offer for some money if the ADHD gets too bad.
from Big Bill: fuck, man, need some money?
to Big Bill: don’t worry about it to Big Bill: I’ll get them sometime soon
Richie locked his phone then and put it face down on the table. He looked at the part of the screen Bill was on and shrugged as he stared him down. Right then, Beverly came back and sat down again. This time with a Rubix Cube. She handed it to Richie, who gladly took it and started shifting it around in no specific order as he listened to the conversation.
“We need to speak out, or do something about this before it becomes too much to handle,” Mike said.
“We’re irresponsible college students in their eyes,” Stan said, “Getting them to listen will be like trying to get a shark to be friendly to it’s food.”
“Yeah, I doubt they’ll talk to the girl who sleeps around,” Beverly bitterly said.
“You’re not a slut,” Ben said, voice quiet but still able to be heard.
Richie side eyed Beverly with a small smirk as her cheeks tinged pink while she replied, “Thanks, Ben...” The young man smiled proudly and the redhead gave a smile back. Richie smirked to himself, knowing he was going to poke and prod Beverly about the tiny interaction later.
“I wanna say just wade it all out,” Eddie said, “but that could make things worse if none of us say anything.”
“Things could get worse if we do say anything, Eds.” Richie slouched in the chair and focused his eyes on the Rubix Cube in his hands. But still, that smirk played on his lips.
“That’s not my name.”
He shrugged. “Whatever, Eds.”
Richie looked up just in time to see Eddie make a face at the nickname. He chuckled and looked over at Bill, who sat two seats away from the short male with Stan in between them both. He wanted to keep his eyes on the two shorter boys to try and figure out why they were sitting so much closer together, but Richie’s eyes kept drifting over to his best friend. There wasn’t anything special about him, though. Bill’s hair was just a bit tussled from running his hands through it, stressed over the article, and he currently had a resting pissed off expression because of the situation at hand. The slightly taller male had on the regular clothes he wore. A baseball tee with jeans.
The curly, dark headed male made himself look away and frowned at himself as he tried to focus back on what everyone was saying. Richie, though, kept glancing to where Bill was on his computer screen. Fuck, it’s junior year all over again, he thought. Dammit. Richie flinched as Beverly’s hand whacked him on the shoulder. He snapped his head in her direction and gave her a glare until she handed him her phone. The notes app was opened; she had typed something down.
-istg if you don’t stop staring at him,,..
Richie rolled his eyes and typed something back before handing it back.
-I wasn’t staring, Bev, not like that
Beverly let out a soft scoff, clearly not taking the lie.
-uUUM you sit on a thrown of lies
-don’t fucking use Elf quotes on me
-admit you like Bill and I’ll stop
-go on a date with Ben and we’ll see about that
-l o l  f u c k  y o u
“What are you two keeping from us?” Mike asked suddenly. He was genuinely curious, but also seemed like he was hoping it was embarrassing so he could tease them.
It was then both friends realized the talking had stopped and the other five had been watching them pass the phone around a few times. The redhead girl and raven head boy glanced at one another. Beverly knew not to say anything, and so did Richie -- obviously, he didn’t need Bill knowing he was staring at him. Eventually, Richie answered.
“Just talking about great your mom was last night!” He grinned cheekily and started laughing once again as Beverly slapped him on the shoulder, groans of annoyance coming from the other boys.
“I th-thought you would grow out those jokes by now, Rich,” Bill complained.
“Big Bill, you know you shouldn’t expect so much of me!”
“God, I hate you,” he mumbled with a small laugh.
“Nah, you love me!” Richie leaned forward and rested his chin in the palm of his hand as his cheeky grin grew.
“I’m starting to think I don’t, actually.” Bill teased. His own cheeky smile formed and Riche feigned a hurt gasp. He sat up straight and clutched his heart, the others either laughing or smiling in amusement.
“You wound me, Big Bill.”
“Are you two done flirting?” Stan asked before Bill could say anything in reply. “We need to get this article thing under control.”
Richie and Bill both instantly went wide eyed, cheeks tainted pink and stiff postures. Bill slowlyIt  crossed his arms over his chest and looked around the room he was in, avoiding Eddie looking at him from around Stan and any of the others staring at him through Skype. Richie licked his lips and sat back normally as he picked up the Rubix cube that he had set down. He quickly started playing with it again. But not before glancing once again at Bill. He didn’t seem so tense or pissed anymore. 
Good, Richie thought, my little plan worked.
“This guy just had to be popular, huh?” Mike grumbled, stealing a chip from Ben’s plate of food. Ben instantly slapped Mike’s hand but the action did nothing; the taller male shrugged and tossed the chip in his mouth. “My notifications are blowing up more than usual!” He scrolled through his twitter notifs, frowning at the swarm of mentions about him and the others.
“Maybe we could do some digging and find some shit on the journalist,” Ben suggested. He scooted his plate of food father away from his best friend as his hand reached to grab another chip.
The Skype call had ended thirty minutes ago, all of them having thrown ideas on what to do for a solid hour before making up a plan for them all to meet up at Bill’s place since it was the biggest apartment. They would make a video together explaining everything, apologize for any ruckus they may have caused during the weekend, and then post it up on YouTube. It was a good idea. Whether it cause more drama was unknown to them.
“We don’t need to lower to Penis Wise’s antics,” Mike muttered with a roll of his eyes, gladly using the nickname Richie had come up with earlier.
Ben slouched but nodded, scrolling through the hellsite of tumblr dot com.  “You’re right, but, I don’t know -- I can’t let this go easily.”
“Because Beverly go called a slut?”
“Wha- No, that’s- Mike do not look at me like that!”
“You wrote a poem about her hair and put it on your Tumblr account.”
“I- fuck off,” he grumbled and slouched behind the computer screen, not bothering to try and lie. “Go flirt with that girl you met online.”
The two sat like that in Mike’s kitchen for a while longer. Mike on Twitter and muttering about how he hated the influx of notifications while stealing food off of Ben’s plate, getting a slap on the hand every time. Ben on his computer, going through Tumblr and giving the occasional laugh at a meme while trying to keep his food away from Mike and researching how Penis Wise actually got popular in the first place. Once in a while, Mike would blatantly tease Ben about his quickly growing crush on a certain redhead girl, which Ben retaliated with how Mike was crushing on a girl in Australia.
ok does Richie like Bill or what
do you like Stan or what
oh suddenly my mom is calling, gotta blast!!
heyheyhey kiss him! what could go wrong??
who said I wanted to kiss him? but seriously I do have to call my mom so I’ll text you later
fine fine ok [unsent] you boys and denying your feelings, istg first Richie now you
AUTHOR’S NOTE: ok I was gonna do some Steddie at the end but honest to god this is all I could write for this part so have Eddie denying his feelings for Stan to Bev over text instead. I’ll be sure to add Steddie next chapter! 
TAG LIST: @cupcakeatl @howellhxlic @anniewdoodles @kitaruhakiashi @thesubtextmachine @magickandmoons @allison0609 @i-t-s-y-a-b-o-i @multifandomimaginings @tobzier
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nyangibun · 7 years
In YouTube We Trust
Summary: Sansa is kind of YouTube famous and decides to vlog her family holiday for her viewers but her first video has unexpected results. 
The thing is Sansa didn’t mean to get into YouTube. She had aspirations of being a theatre actress, doing Shakespeare on the West End or something equally as prestigious, but one drunken night at uni, Sansa decides the world is in dire need of a video on how to do your makeup drunk. It’s not her proudest moment and she even uploaded it without any editing whatsoever, but somehow, by the time she woke up the next morning, she already had over 100,000 views. It’s utterly bizarre and – well, it’s kind of cool. Jeyne thinks it’s good exposure because it’s not like she can’t just quit YouTube if she wants, so she uploads a couple more videos. One of her doing the everyday beauty routine challenge and another drunk one where Jeyne and her drink wine and talk about fuckboys. By the end of the month, she’s kind of YouTube famous and life ceased to make sense anymore.
Her family at least thinks it’s hilarious. Robb constantly asks to appear in her videos and her views skyrocket each time because according to her fans, her brother is ‘so hot holy shit let him impregnate me’, which is really, really disgusting. Occasionally Bran will join her if he’s visiting her at uni and they’ll just drink and review movies or shows together. The only two people who adamantly refuse to have anything to do with her channel are Arya and Rickon. Rickon’s still in that awkward teenage phase where hanging out with his older sister is uncool and Arya just scoffs at YouTube in general. But when the trend of vlogging starts taking off, Sansa decides to give it a try. She’s going on holiday with her family and a few of their friends, so it’s the perfect opportunity to test it out.
– although not everyone thinks so.
“Get that fucking camera out of my face, Sansa,” Arya spits out as they stand in the queue waiting to check in their luggage. Sansa sticks out her tongue and her sister rolls her eyes in exasperation. They’ve always had an antagonistic relationship, as sisters do, but it’s gotten worse with YouTube. Sansa doesn’t really know why but she doesn’t want to dwell on it either. Arya can be a cow so it’s probably just that.
Sansa turns the camera to Robb, who’s wearing a greying hoodie, sunglasses perched on his nose and an empty Starbucks cup in one hand. “Hungover, Robb?”
He looks up blearily, notices the camera and flashes a weak smile. “Like you wouldn’t believe.” Looking directly at the camera, he adds, “listen, kids, if your best friend breaks up with his girlfriend and you think it’s a good idea to go cheer him up with a bottle of whiskey eight hours before flying, don’t.”
Arya, Bran and Rickon snicker, but Sansa is a little frozen with this new piece of knowledge. “Wait…” But she doesn’t get a chance to ask because Jeyne comes bounding forward with her hot pink suitcase rolling behind her.
“Morning, Starklings!” she greets brightly – to much groaning from her siblings. She plants a kiss on Sansa’s cheek and squishes Robb’s face between her hands. “Hi, sunshine. Saw your Instagram story last night. Looks like you and Jon had a great time.”
“Story? What story?” Robb questions, rubbing his cheeks, before his eyes widen. “Noooo, I didn’t. Did I? Shit.”
“You did, you so very did,” Jeyne chirps, as she turns to the camera with a wave. “Our resident heartthrob here took our resident grump to a strip club.”
“What!” shouts all four Stark siblings, Sansa included.
Arya punches Robb in the shoulder. “Why would you do that to Jon? Does he look like that would cheer him up? He’s not you or Theon.”
Her brother rubs his shoulder, glaring at Arya. “Drinking games weren’t working! And he didn’t want to talk about it so…” He shrugs sheepishly. “We were out of options.”
“That’s so like you, Robb,” Sansa says on a sigh. “Maybe you should’ve just left him alone.”
She doesn’t usually voice her opinions on any matter involving Jon – mostly because she doesn’t think she has a leg to stand on. They’re not friends, not in the way he is with Robb or Arya or even Bran and Rickon. Actually, she seems to be the only person he doesn’t get along with. But she knows him. He’s Jon. He’s the guy who sat with her on her fifteenth birthday when she walked in on Joffrey making out with Margaery. He’s the guy that drove her home when she got drunk for the first time at seventeen and was too terrified to call Robb or her parents. He’s her grumpy knight in shining armour and she’s been in love with him for six years, so she knows him, probably better than Robb does, but of course no one knows that.
“Speak of the devil!” Arya exclaims as she walks quickly towards Jon, throwing her arms around his waist in a tight hug. He chuckles and wraps his arms around her. Sansa watches them whispering to one another, Arya rolling her eyes and then Jon ruffling her hair with fondness. It twists something inside of her that makes her shut the camera off and look away.
“Are you okay?” Jeyne says under her breath so only Sansa can hear.
She nods mutely, not wanting to say anything to betray how painful it’s always been to see Jon interact with her siblings, how effortless their friendships are and the stark contrast it is to how he is with her. She doesn’t need him to love her back, not in the way she loves him, but she can’t even have his friendship and that stings.
“Morning,” Jon greets as he reaches them with Arya tucked under his arm. “So I guess you’ve all heard.” They nod and there’s a round of commiserations. “Okay, good. Now that that’s done with, let’s not bring it up again.” His voice is teasing but there’s a sharpness to it that means Jon’s serious, so they all laugh and carry on, changing the topic to whether their flight will be delayed.
Theon’s the last to arrive, and thankfully by that point, the queue’s moved up enough that they only have to wait a further five minutes to check in. Her parents arrive back from their morning stroll around the airport just in time and soon they’re all heading to board the plane. There’s a scuffle as they near the gate as everyone’s looking at their tickets to see who they’re sitting with.
“Oh c’mon! Someone else sit next to him!”
“Awe, Jeyne, I’m not that bad.”
“Piss off, Theon. I will stab you!”
“Jeyne, honey, it’s only a couple hours.”
“Yes, Mrs Stark.”
Sansa muffles her laugh behind her bag as she searches for her passport which she shoved down to the bottom as they went through security. Once she has it in her grasps, she pulls out the ticket and reads out, “26C.”
“Oh,” says a voice from behind her and Sansa quickly turns around. Jon’s looking at his ticket then back up at her, a faint smile on his lips. “26B. I guess we’re sitting together.”
“I guess so,” is all she can manage, as her whole body stiffens at the prospect of spending nearly three hours on a plane beside Jon. A single Jon. It’s just all too much for Sansa to deal with this early in the morning. His hair is as unruly as ever, curling just over his forehead, and he’s wearing a thin black jumper that strain against his broad shoulders and a pair of dark-washed jeans. Too much. It’s too much.
Sansa grabs for Jeyne and tugs her forward, turning away from Jon. “I’ll sit with Theon.”
Her best friend’s face widens with joy and then suddenly pinches together as she frowns at Sansa. “Why would you –” She glances behind them where Jon is still standing, now rolling his eyes at whatever Robb is saying. “Oh no, absolutely not. You are not running away from him again.”
“Again?” Sansa cries out indignantly, catching the curious gaze of her father. “What are you talking about?” she hisses a little quieter.
“Um, remember when Robb and Jon came out with us that night in freshers?” Jeyne raises a brow and Sansa deflates because she does remember. “He was practically ready to propose to you.”
“He was drunk.”
“He couldn’t stop staring at you or smiling at you,” Jeyne says. “And then he asks you to go outside with him and you panic and run away.”
“I went to the bathroom!” Sansa whispers harshly, but she did panic. She had been so sure she would never be more than Robb’s little sister to Jon that when he had taken her hand and asked if she wanted to get some fresh air, she panicked.
“And what happened next, Sans?” Jeyne asks, voice a little gentler now.
Her heart breaks all over again as she leans her forehead against her friend’s shoulder, a resigned sigh escaping her lips. “He met Ygritte.”
“That’s right, he did, and guess what? They broke up and you’re not bloody running again,” Jeyne says as she pushes Sansa back upright. “You’re going to sit there and be charming and he’s going to fall in love with you all over again.”
“You’re delusional,” Sansa murmurs instead.
“No, I’m brilliant. Now, c’mon.”
The first hour actually passes by in near to complete silence. Sansa doesn’t know if she’s disappointed or relieved; she’s existing in the realm between both emotions and it’s making it really hard for her to sit still or sleep. Jon seems to be sleeping just fine, his face relaxed as he leans as far back as the chair will go. But as the second hour approaches, the man beside Jon, a terrifyingly large and bulky man with multiple tattoos winding up his arms and peeking from his cargo shorts, slumps his head onto Jon’s shoulder with a thump. He startles awake, wide-eyed and confused, and Sansa can’t help laughing at his expression and the situation he’s now in.
He groans quietly. “Of course this would happen to me.”
“Oh, don’t be such a drama queen, Jon,” she says, nudging his shoulder with hers. “If only I was as lucky to have a handsome man resting on me.”
Jon quirks an eyebrow at her. “Then let’s trade seats.”
“But how could you wake him!” she whispers back, smiling brightly at him and forgetting for a moment that she’s still madly, desperately, stupidly in love with this man.
“You’re enjoying this too much,” he says but his lips twitch and it’s adorable how hard he’s trying not to smile.
“I’m enjoying it just the right amount,” Sansa says before she’s reaching down for her bag and grabbing her camera, turning it on and recording. “Now I’m enjoying it too much.”
Jon eyes the camera and then glares at it. “Sansa,” he says warningly. “If this goes on the internet, I’m going to –”
“What?” she questions with an innocent smile. Sansa turns the camera onto herself. “He wouldn’t dare threaten this face, would he?” She gives a little pout, and in the background, she sees Jon cracking a fond smile as he reaches forward to tug at her loose plait.
“I’ll get you back for this.”
She focuses the camera back on him again. “Hmmm, no, I don’t think so.”
“What do you mean, no?”
“I mean no, Jon, you big puppy dog. I can outplay you,” she says still sweetly innocent. She’s enjoying this weird banter they have going on far more than she should because Jon just broke up with his girlfriend and this is only going to end up with her getting her heart broken in the end. Only she doesn’t care. She doesn’t care so much she might as well repress whatever self-preserving brain cells she has left.
“Outplay me? I didn’t realise this was a game,” Jon says, amused.
“Life’s a game, Jon Snow,” she quips back, to which he actually laughs so loud the man leaning on him jumps awake. He stares at Jon and then at Sansa’s camera and yawns before leaning against the window and falling asleep once again.
Both Jon and Sansa stifle their laughter but it’s no use so Sansa does something wildly inappropriate and presses her face into Jon’s shoulder, muffling her giggles into his jumper. He doesn’t seem to mind or maybe he’s too busy trying not to laugh himself.
For a few seconds, Sansa just allows herself the comfort his warmth provides her before extricating herself once she realises her camera’s still recording. She turns it to face her and makes a face. “We’re going to hell.”
Jon nods in the background. “First class tickets.”
“At least I have you as company,” she says, smiling back at him, and he returns her smile.
When she passes out later at the hotel trying to edit the footage, the last thing Sansa expects is for it to be uploaded by the time she wakes up and for her to receive way more notifications than should be normal.
Aromanticbabex: Okay but am I the only one who would still climb hungover Robb like a tree?
Sansa blanches. How is that the most liked comment? Ew!
Lyla Patel: Sansa, you’re so pretty! I’m so glad you’re vlogging! Your videos always makes my days better!
A smile so wide blossoms on her face and she quickly replies, ‘Thank you, Lyla. I appreciate you and all my fans so much! Xxx’
But then the comments sort of devolve from there and she really has no how idea how to handle any of it.
            Roseand Tenforever: I ship it! I ship it so hard!!
Siobhan Hughes: Ummmmmm why the fuck would anyone break up with a man who looks like THAT! Sansa, get in there, girl!
Sansa slams her laptop shut and throws a pillow at Jeyne’s head. Her friend groans and rolls away from her. She throws a second pillow at her.
“Did you edit my video and upload it for me?” Sansa demands angrily. She slides out of bed to go and sit on top of Jeyne’s prone figure.
The girl huffs and tries to kick her legs out to dislodge Sansa. “I thought I was being a good friend! You looked really tired!”
“But now the entire internet thinks me and Jon have something going on!”
Jeyne opens one eye to narrow it at Sansa. “Well, don’t you? You two were awfully cosy on that plane.”
“Jeyne,” she groans, pinching her friend on the hip. “He just broke up with his girlfriend! What if Ygritte sees it?”
“Then her bloody loss!” Jeyne suddenly thrashes wildly and Sansa ends up falling backwards onto the floor. A bruise is definitely going to form on her ass now. “Stop worrying about some girl you don’t even know and go after what you want, Sans.” She leans over the side of the bed to look down at her. “Look, I know Joffrey and Harry really screwed you over in the whole relationship department. And then after Ramsay, you’re kind of hesitant but we’ve known Jon since forever. He’s good and decent.”
Sansa rolls her eyes, even though her whole body’s recoiled at the mention of Ramsay but she’s trying desperately not to dwell on those months in her life. “I know that. Of course I know that. I’m the one in love with him, aren’t I?”
It’s hard to concentrate on having a good holiday when her mind is whirling with what Jeyne’s said. She doesn’t know why she doesn’t just go for Jon aside from the courtesy of giving him a wide berth while he heals from his breakup, but that’s not even what’s making her hesitant. It’s much more convoluted than that. It’s being cheated on in both of her previous relationships. It’s being stalked by a classmate for three months until he’s finally arrested for something completely unrelated – since reporting a stalker who hasn’t done anything means nothing to the police. It’s all of those things that make Sansa start to wonder maybe she shouldn’t be with anyone ever because everything she touches gets tainted one way or another and the last thing she’d want is to taint someone as pure as Jon. He’s the last good man on this planet that’s not related to her. And that’s just the thing, isn’t it? He’s really, really good. He’s honourable and honest and so loyal. He’d never cheat on his girlfriend. When he loves someone, she’s his whole world. Sansa saw the way he used to look at Ygritte, and although it had killed her to see him look at someone that way that wasn’t her, she was happy he’d found someone who made him that happy.
God, she hates love. She hates everything about it.
“Alright, sourpus, what’s got your knickers in a twist?” Arya asks, slumping down into the beach chair beside her. She’s in a simple black bikini with a ball cap turned the wrong way around on her head. She has a bottle of some obscure Spanish beer in one hand.
Sansa shields her eyes from the sun to look at her sister. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re glaring at the ocean like it personally offended you,” Arya points out with a long drag from her beer. “Honestly, you’re in bloody Spain. What have you got to be so angry about?”
“I’m not angry, I’m just… thinking,” she says lamely as she watches Jeyne tackle Theon into the ocean while Robb looks on with an amused and somewhat impressed expression.
“Uhuh, well you should think less,” Arya says. “Because you’re on holiday. Thinking is for losers. C’mon, Sans, have some fun.”
Sansa sighs. “What do you care if I’m miserable or not?”
Her sister snorts and rolls her eyes. “I care. Hey, I do. Just because I think you’re a spoiled princess most of the time doesn’t mean I don’t care if you’re happy or not. You’re just annoying.”
“I don’t know if I should be comforted or insulted,” Sansa chuckles as she swipes the beer from Arya’s hand to take a sip. As soon as the liquid hits the back of her throat, she makes a face. “I forgot I hated beer.”
Her sister snatches the bottle back. “Good. More for me.” They fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both of them too busy watching their family and friends get into an all out war with each other. “Is this about Jon?”
Sansa’s head snaps to Arya so quickly she probably has whiplash now. “What?”
“He has no idea you fancy him, you know?” she says nonchalantly as if Sansa’s whole world hasn’t just been turned upside down. “Jon’s a bit of an idiot like that. Actually, both of you are idiots like that.”
“I mean god, he fancied you for so long it was honestly super gross,” she continues. “When he started dating Ygritte, we were all like ‘what the fuck’ but also kind of glad he was moving on.”
“What do you mean ‘we’ and what are you talking about!” Sansa is about to hit her sister out of sheer frustration.
Arya finally turns to look at Sansa and she’s wearing a long-suffering expression. “We as in the whole bloody family. Okay maybe except for Rickon. But everyone else kind of guessed it.” Her sister shrugs. “We didn’t think you were interested.”
“But I –”
“You’ve always been the type of person to keep your cards close to your chest,” Arya rattles on, cutting her off. “It was hard for any of us to tell.”
“So what changed?”
“Ygritte.” Her sister sighs and takes another pull from her beer. “When he started bringing her around, it was like – I don’t know. You just looked so broken.”
Sansa bites down hard on her lower lip but the memories come flooding back anyways.
The first time she saw Ygritte and Jon together was at her childhood home during Easter holidays. He’d brought her back with him from uni and it was just so obvious how smitten he was with her. Seeing him like that, so in love with someone else, had ripped out every wall she’d ever built around herself. It was like her mind had just given up trying to protect itself, like it didn’t care anymore what the rest of her did; it just wanted to succumb to its own self-pity and heartache. For days, Sansa had lived on autopilot. She smiled and made small talk but nothing could penetrate through the haze she was living in. Eventually, Jeyne had to come kidnap her and drive them back to uni early before Sansa completely fell apart.
The months that followed were the most agonising of her life. It feels melodramatic now to think it but Sansa couldn’t describe it in any other way. She knew even then how stupid it was to feel such a loss so acutely when Jon had never been hers to lose in the first place, but the petulant, childish part of her mind still screamed out that he was hers. He was her grump in shining armour and no one else’s. It was pathetic and she felt pathetic for thinking it.
“I hated her so much,” Sansa admits after a long silence. “I know that’s awful. I didn’t even know her but I just did. She was everything I wasn’t. Strong, smart, witty – it was like this realisation that I could try all my life to be like Ygritte but no one would ever look at me the way Jon looked at her.” She looks at her feet buried in the sand and says quietly, “because none of them would ever be him.”
Arya reaches out to grip Sansa’s hand. “You don’t just fancy him, do you?” She shakes her head. “You love him?” She nods. “Awe shit, Sans, then tell him.”
“I can’t. It’s not – he just broke up with Ygritte. I’d be an asshole to dump all this on him now.”
“You’re an asshole for not telling him in the first place,” Arya says but she’s smiling softly at her. “I’m no Jon interpreter but there’s a good fucking chance he loved you too.”
That night Sansa can’t bear to be around her family as they mill around the hotel bar chatting and drinking. She has too much to think about so at the first opportunity – which is just when Robb and Theon decide to do a duet at the karaoke machine – she slips out onto the beach with the goal of just walking aimlessly for as long as she needs to clear her mind. As always, Sansa has her camera and she begins to record the ocean as it laps up onto the sand. It’s close to a full moon and the silver light reflects off of the murky surface of the water. It’s beautiful and romantic, and so of course, she feels lonely for the first time in a long time. Sansa’s normally okay being single. After the debacle with Harry and the incident with Ramsay, the thought of any man being near her made her queasy, but now all she wants is for someone to wrap her up in their arms and just hold her. It’s a silly thought, probably born out of all those Disney movies she used to watch as a kid, but it’s there anyways, niggling at the back of her mind as she walks down the beach.
The air is humid and makes her hair stick to the back of her neck but there’s a cool breeze coming from the ocean that eases the humidity. She’s nearing the edge of the hotel’s property when she hears someone call out her name. Sansa turns and squints against the darkness.
“You shouldn’t be walking out here alone,” he says, jogging up to her. “It’s not safe.”
“Jon,” she breathes out, her whole body instantly relaxing at the sight of him. “I was just… clearing my head.”
He nods, grey eyes watching her carefully, before his cheeks flush. “Your viewers seem to like me.”
“You watched it?” Sansa asks, a little incredulous. She turns the camera off and puts it back into her bag.
“I always watch your videos, Sans.” He sounds so casual but the pink flush spreading across his cheeks makes her think this is anything other than casual. It’s unfairly adorable.
“I didn’t… know that,” she says slowly, unsure of what else to say now. “I can take it down if you don’t want anyone to see. Jeyne edited it so I didn’t really get a final say before she uploaded the video.”
Jon shakes his head. “It’s okay. It was funny.”
“Yeah,” Sansa says with a cheeky smile. “You and that man looked really good together on camera.”
He sighs and runs a hand through his dark hair. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Never,” she agrees, smiling even brighter.
“Figures,” he mumbles, chuckling softly. “You know... we looked good together too.”
“What?” Sansa’s heart all but stops. She’s not really sure what to say or what he’s implying.
Jon takes a couple steps closer to her till they’re only a foot apart. “I wish I knew,” he murmurs softly. “Maybe I wouldn’t have wasted everyone’s time pretending I still didn’t care.”
“Jon, what are you talking about?”
“Do you want to know why Ygritte and I broke up?” he asks instead, which really annoys her, and if she isn’t already so close to coming completely undone she would kick him for being so cryptic.
“It started a couple months ago,” Jon continues when she doesn’t answer. He’s looking at her warily and it’s making her heart beat faster and faster. “Or maybe earlier, I don’t know. But when I found out what was happening to you with that Ramsay guy, I was just – it was all I could think about. Robb and I would spend hours researching what legal action you could take. We’d take turns driving past your flat and making sure you were safe. I was so worried out of my mind that I guess I just neglected Ygritte. And when she tried to bring it up, I snapped at her. I was furious that she couldn’t understand how important this was, how it was you.”
Sansa doesn’t really know anymore if she’s breathing. She wonders if she might’ve just wandered into the ocean and died because this is too surreal. This is Jon telling her she means as much to him as he means to her.
“Once Ramsay was arrested, I promised her I’d get better but it was like – for over a year, I was so sure I was in love with Ygritte. She was great in every way, but…” Jon pauses to glance towards the ocean. “The thought that someone could hurt you and take you away from me suddenly made me realise that I never did move on. And I think after awhile Ygritte figured that out too.”
He looks back at her then and takes her hand in his. “I don’t deserve you but I just need to know if there’s even a chance you feel the same way or if I completely misread the signs in that video and made a total prick of myself. If I did, I promise I’ll never bring this up again and we can go back to –”
Sansa cuts him off by pressing her lips against his. He freezes at first but then his hands go immediately around her and she’s wrapping her own arms around his neck, carding her fingers through his hair. It’s everything she ever wanted and so much more because it’s not just a kiss, it’s a confirmation that Jon really is hers and has always been hers and will forever be hers.
“God, I love you so much,” she admits quietly when they pull apart. “But you really are an idiot.”
“I know,” he chuckles. “And I’m sorry it took me this long to get here.”
“You’re here now,” she tells him, dropping a chaste kiss to his lips just because she can.
“I am… and for the record, I fucking love you too.”
Aromanticbabex: I can’t decide if I want to climb Robb or Jon like a tree. Maybe both together? Anyone else?
           Alison Lowe: I would let them do ungodly things to me
           Superwholock: You guys are gross (but if I had to choose, I’d choose Robb!)
           R0cket Racoon: Uhhhh, are you serious? It’s Jon all the way!
           Sansa Stark: Can you guys please stop trying to climb my brother and my boyfriend? (Also, Jon all the way indeed ;)) xxx
Wonder Starks: I think I peed myself laughing watching Robb try to give Jon ‘The Talk’!!!
           Wonder Starks: Also, how cute is Jon surprising Sansa with a holiday! I wish someone would fucking whisk me away from these exams! Where’s my grump in shining armour!
           Dasha Santos: Seriously, where’s my fucking grump!!!1!@£@!$£!!!
           Dani Johnson: I’m not crying you’re crying!!! T_T
           2Slow Veryfurious: This is the best Christmas present ever!!
           Arya Stark: You guys need to get a fucking grip.
           Jeyne Poole: Don’t be rude, Arya. This has been in the making for like seven years!! Do you know how tired I was of hearing her pine away for him?
           Robb Stark: Ugh, do YOU GUYS know how tiring it was for ME to watch my best friend stare longingly at my baby sister? That’s way worse!
           Arya Stark: That’s because you think Sansa and I are like 12
           Robb Stark: But you are…
           Robb Stark: Arya?
           Jeyne Poole: I think she left, idiot.
           Robb Stark: Oi, don’t call me an idiot or I won’t take you out on that date!
           Jeyne Poole: I NEVER EVEN SAID YES!!
           Robb Stark: The lady doth protest too much ;)
           Robb Stark: Jeyne?
           Robb Stark: Oh goddamnit.
           Tom Hart: OH MY GOD! REYNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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New Video: Pissed Jeans Share a Bruising and Ripping Meditation on Harsh Truths
New Video: Pissed Jeans Share a Bruising and Ripping Meditation on Harsh Truths @ThePissedJeans @subpop @subpoplicity
Allentown-based punks Pissed Jeans’ highly-anticipated sixth album Half Divorced further cements their longtime reputation for crating feral punk with their acerbic sense of humor. Thematically, the material mercilessly skewers the tension between youthful optimism and the sobering realities of adulthood but while still managing to be — perhaps inadvertently — fun. “Half Divorced has an…
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