#Vilandel 💕
kalolasfantasyworld · 13 days
Thank you post #3
I think the tag limit is 5... so that's how many people I will tag.
Main post
all of these mentions are PH related
I'm honestly not sure if I told you this or not, but it was such a big moment I will repeat myself. When I got my first review from you I was studying for a big test, which I had the next day (Yes a test on Saturday... uni sucks). I got so emotional I told my colleague we need to take a break, because I'm too happy to think 😂. All of your reviews are so detailed and you go in depth with your analysis. You also have amazing theories about what may happen and I always need to stop myself to not confirm when you're right. Truly when I started getting your reviews it really felt like I was doing something right with the fic.
I'm so happy you asked me about tumblr in your comments and that you joined us here as well. It's been lovely getting to know you and now we also share the Vox Machina brainrot 😂.
I honestly don't even remember how we started interacting but we just did and it clicked. We laugh we joke and it makes me so proud that you adore my silly hispanic siblings. That video you made of BC characters, Styx and the siblings singing is still one of my favorite, such as your arts. You also leave comments under my illustrations or reblog them. I always love hearing your opinions on them 🥺 Be it fan girling about Helena or crying about whatever Nozel did. I'm also always honored when you include the Drazels in your quotes.
We also talked quite early on and you were always so nice and sweet to me, supporting me in the OC environment in which I didn't feel confident. I remember when I asked you how would use affectionately call a mischievous child in Spanish and you said monita. That's how Helena calls her youngest sister Cecilia now.
Thanks for that 💕
Marune you always support my art, PH and my little one shots here. You're so sweet and always have something nice to say. I can see how passionate you are about your stories here.
I want to talk here about that comment you left under PH and how meaningful it was to me. You said that I managed to show the cold, negative patterns that Nozel canonically displays and it was the biggest compliment I could get, because this was my point. To analyse his character, his behavior and make sense of it, explain the changes happening behind the scenes of BC.
And simply you saying that you love their story means so much 🥺
that's off PH, but I always love your posts, how excited and passionate you are 💕
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acacia-may · 6 months
Can I ask what are your favourite Black Clover OC x CC ships from your mutuals? Ignore this ask if it's too much romance for you 😅
Hi there, Anon-friend! Thank you for the ask! There are a lot of really nice and well thought out OC x CC pairings in the Black Clover fandom, and I certainly have a lot of respect for everyone who takes the time, passion, and inspiration to make these OCs and their ships. Even though I'm not usually that into shipping (despite what the past few days of ship specific content on this blog might seem to imply), I have definitely enjoyed many Black Clover OC x CC pairings in the fandom, but from my Tumblr mutuals specifically, I think I've actually talked about most of my favorites as part of this ask game already. 😊
The only one of my all-time favorites that come to mind that's missing is @delicious-donna/@delirious-donna's Alina x Magna from Chasing the Sparks (AO3 Link) which is another that's probably just permanently part of my personal canon now. I personally find it very compelling because I think they're very well suited for each other. Alina is kind of this gentle and steady constant in the chaos of Magna’s life and Magna’s enthusiasm and loyalty really encourages her to build confidence and believe in herself and her abilities. They really bring out the best in each other, and it's very, very sweet. I also just adore Alina as a character (and not just because she's Finral and Langris's cousin though that is just a major bonus and I loved getting to write about their platonic cousin relationship in the story Donna requested, "Melting Snowman," and in a really fun collaboration project that unfortunately never got finished). But yes, they are wonderful and definitely an all-time favorite of mine. 💖
In terms of my other personal favorites from my Tumblr moots that I've already talked about, I'll just list them and link to the posts where I rambled about them already:
@loosesodamarble's Nacht x Josele (discussed here)
@lyranova's William x Zera (discussed here)
@thoughtfullyrainynightmare's Fuegoleon x Solara (discussed here)
@kalolasfantasyworld's Nozel x Helena (and I also really enjoy Gabriel x Vanessa, both of which are discussed in this post)
And a shout out to a new (and unexpected) favorite, @vilandel's Solid x Rosette which I just discovered during this ask game but definitely really enjoyed and rambled about here.
All of that said, shipping is very subjective and really based on very personal feelings, opinions, and preferences, as well as headcanons and perceptions of the characters. These are just the pairings that are my cup of tea and personally really compelling to me. I also only included pairings from my Tumblr moots. There are ships from friends from other places and a few from some relative strangers that I've seen floating around that I enjoy, but these are definitely my favorites from my Tumblr friends and pairings that I really think of as part of my personal canon for Black Clover and the characters' futures. Thanks for asking! 💕
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vilandel · 6 months
Hi Vilandel!
For the writers ask game how about 21, 24 and 2? 💕
Hello Lola, thank you for the ask 💕
21, 24 and 2, let's go!
7 ☘️ … that I liked but had to cut Hm, the only thing that comes close to that in my memories is the original ending to an oneshot I wrote back in 2022. But the actual ending fit better with what I intended to write with this story. I actually ended up preferring the final ending more than what I originally planned.
Without letting go of the blanket, Vanessa turned in Nozels arms and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“Ugh, gross.”
“Shut up, Solid!”
“Oh my, the prince and the witch are getting naughty.”
“What do you mean, Zora? They’re just loving with each other.”
Vanessa broke the slowly, so that Nozel could still savour the lingering of her lips on his.
“So, until now, do you like it, handsome?” she whispered, so that he was the only one to hear her.
Vanessa smiled, before turning around and clap her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, people, he opened all the presents and now it’s time for cake.”
Nozel smiled. He just felt so happy, like he never did for years on his birthday. Honestly, he would love to have something blissful like that again next year. All seven of them together, so casually and genuinely happy.
They started eating the cake and ended up spending the whole day in his room. From Bedroom Birthday, another oneshot I wrote for Nozels birthday, in 2022 this time. This is the ending I ended up preferring.
24 ☘️ … that makes me go "huh... I wrote that?"
This whole chapter, practically a Black Clover mixed with Charles Dickens "Little Dorrit" I need to continue this one day^^'
2 ☘️ … that makes me laugh Oh, I've already talked about "Surprises In The Night", but there's another one.
“Wait, Noelle knows?” Magna screamed. “But… that’s her brother!”
“I am very aware of the obvious family bonds I share with my sister, thank you very much,” Nozel just said, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. He really would have preferred if another Black Bull would find out. That shy girl Grey, for example.
Vanessa laughed at his statement, while kissing his cheek.
“Gross,” Gauche muttered, for which Vanessa throw a pillow at his face. “Geez, Wino, what was that for?”
“I’m very open, but I don’t accept showing affection for my boyfriend being called gross.”
“I would gladly appreciate if you won’t call my girlfriend Wino, Adlai,” Nozel added, looking sternly at Gauche, who gulped. “Vanessa might not care about it, but I won’t tolerate kindly that you call her like that in front of me. I’m not sure that Grey would like your attitude either, even though she likes you a lot.”
“Wait… how do you… Vanessa!”
“What? Nozel knows how much I care about you all, so he asks me how you’re going and I tell him everything, of course. Nothing to worry about.”
“Everything?” Magna asked in fear. From Nothing To Worry About, just Magna and Gauche learning about Nozel and Vanessa by catching them making out.
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lyranova · 5 months
For you ask game, 🌻🐇🥐🍦🧩 if you don't mind 🥰
Hiya Little fan! Of course I don’t mind 🥰!
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
Aaaahhh there’s so many people 😭! There’s you, there’s @vilandel @1phoebe1 @marune2 @artistic-endchamber @t-f-t and the lovely @lunargrapejuice ! Honestly there’s so many that I know I’m forgetting people, but please know I appreciate all of you lovelies 😤💕!
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Hm, personally I like a mix of both but I tend to lean towards OC’s 😅. For example; for the Leo x Reader fic I created an OC in order to try and get an idea for a partner for him, and it actually worked and I used them as inspo for the reader’s personality in that fic! So a mix of both but leans more towards OC’s 🥰!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
I’m assuming this is kind of like a meme? Hmm…the only internet reference that makes me laugh is a silly video where a bull rider (or rodeo clown) puts his leg on a wall while Smash mouths “All star” is playing and suddenly the music stops, and then as the bull suddenly bangs the metal door open the music starts up again 😅. It was shocking, but the editing on that video was so good that it made me laugh!
(Is this an interney reference? I’m old so I don’t know if thats what this means 😭)
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Hmm…I guess I’ll go with Jester this time 😆.
1 He has cool magic
2 Has pretty interesting lore that I wish they would have expanded on in the movie!!
3 He has so much potential in and out of canon!
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Mischaracterization, or those “bashing X character” fics! This just *sigh* this just grinds my gears so bad; sometimes I let mischaracterization pass because it “fits the AU better” (such as crack fics) but when you write a fic where you intentionally mischaracterize a character in order to bash them and make them look bad its just…really in poor taste. Especially when you bash this character in order to make another character or a particular ship “look better” just *sigh* I will click out a fic so fast whenever i see that happening 😭!
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
Tumblr media
Sosette for the Bridgeton AU
Rosette belongs to @vilandel 💕
Reference under the cut
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
Rosette belongs to @vilandel 💕
A little chat between the ladies inspired by the character profile you posted.
Helena: Hola Rosetta! Rosette: Helena hi! What's up? Helena: Your hermana... she's a piece of work. Rosette: I know... Helena: Nothing I can't handle, but it makes wonder how are the two of you related? Rosette: What do you mean? Helena: Well she's straight up manipulative and simply a mean person, while you're one of the sweetest people I know, even made Solid's heart melt for you.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
You know, I thought about it just slightly, but do you think that Helena would sometimes call Rosette Rosetta?
I'm pretty sure Helena would mostly call her Rosseta with a strong hispanic accent. Although in some unofficial situations she would switch to Rosie or chica. 💕
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How about 🎶🌹🍁 for Natalia and Luciana?
Hi Vilandel!
Thank you for the ask ^^
🎶 - How do they sound? Describe their voice
Natalia - She’s got a really sweet voice with a curious note to it. She can be a bit shy so she speaks rather quietly unless she gets excited or is around those she’s comfortable with.
Luciana - When I think of her voice I imagine it being powerful, but melodic. A bit of a soap opera, hispanic mama if you wish.
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike? 
Natalia - She loves the scent of lilac and uses shampoos and perfumes scented with it, but nothing too much. She’s sensitive to smells.
Luciana - She loves rose perfumes. Roses are her favourite flowers and Luciana will show that off with her scent.
🍁 - Their favourite season and why?
Natalia - She actually adores winter. Natalia loves watching snowflakes fall down and she actually adores snowball fights even though she might get sick after. 
Luciana - Summer, all the way summer. Especially since she was raised in Raque it was summer all along. Beaches, partying, all the drama.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 22 days
Okay, for the ask game... 3, 17 and 30, if you don't mind.
Hi Vilandel! 💕
Thank you for your asks ^^
3. how you feel about your current WIP
My current WIP being AoO... I feel sad 😭 and sorry that I wrote it. It's fine I can break my own heart. That's why I decided to do it.
17. talk about your writing and editing process
As I found out some time ago my process is quite poor... as in I day dream, I sometimes write a plan (usually those are 3 sentences for a 5000 words chapter 😂), then I sit down and write, there's no special recipe, nice music and whatever tea I'm feeling like helps, then when it comes to PH and LPoL I send them to my rl friend so that she can basically read and say "it's good" (nothing else ever happens 😂 but it's always reassuring she likes it), then I do a spell check with a google doc and post
when it comes to one shots? I usually just sit down, write, spell check and post
As you can see editing doesn't really happen in my case. I'm the kind of person who thinks that first thought is usually the best.
30. Share a fic you're especially proud of
Hah it would be Paper Hearts. It's my biggest passion project and will always have a special place in my heart. I wonder if anything will ever beat it.
However when it comes to one shots it would be the Picking Flowers where we have multiple povs and and maaaany well written hints, or the Evilena one shot 🤔 just because of how much of a sociopath she's there. It's really well written and short, but sweet.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Hey Lola, may I ask you for the game as well? 1, 7, 11, 16 and 22 💘
Hi Vilandel!
Thank you so much for asking and sooo many 💕
First Nozel laugh
7. Helena finding out about Fuego and Nozel comforting her (one of the big 7 plot points)
11. YamiChar!
16. The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot
22. Situation after which Helena realised that she likes Nozel
1. That makes me smile
Can I get the number 1 always?
First Nozel laugh! Because we’ve waited 21 freaking chapters for it 
She glanced at the shallow water by the shore and then at Nozel.
“Can I?” She asked.
“You don’t have to ask me.”
She smiled brightly and quickly took off her golden sandals. At first one of the straps did not want to come undone. A grain of sand probably had gotten into the clasp. After she got her way with it she threw her sandals near the rock and turned towards the sea and the setting sun. Her toes dug into the sand, which was getting chiller with each minute. 
She could not wait any longer and happily ran over to the edge of the bank. She stopped drastically centimetres in away of it. The sea was so still, that only tiny waves made their way here. Helena observed them curious.
She had been to many lakes, pools and other water reservoirs. However the sea had become something mythical in her head. Luciana was raised, by it and told Helena all of the amazing stories. How, when the sea was calm, she had slept on the beach with her friends. She partied, danced, but also rested by herself. The sound of waves was soothing for Helena’s mother. However, she also mentioned, that the waters would get angry from time to time. Powerful storms would come and go, sometimes even taking lives. 'Respect the nature,’ Luciana always said.
Helena battled herself about stepping in. She shook her head and made up her mind. Overly cautious she lifted up her right foot and stretched it out towards the tiny waves. One came over and Helena’s toe met its surface. 
She screeched and jumped up.
“It’s cold!” she shouted upset.
At that moment she heard one of the rarest sounds in her life. Nozel laughed. He was standing few meters away. His blue cape and silver hair fluttered, lifted up by the sea breeze. His lips formed a small smile and she noticed the corners of his eyes cheerfully wrinkle. He looked genuinely happy. Seeing him like this way made Helena feel warm in her heart. 
She grinned at him and pretended to get offended. 
“If you’re going to laugh at me, you better get over here,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. 
“I’m good where I stand,” he chuckled. The corners of his lips moved upwards even more.
“Suit yourself,” Helena over dramatically flipped her hair. The headscarf fluttered as she did so. She convinced herself to step into the water more confidently this time. She was glad that her dress was knee-length. At least it would not get wet.
7. That I nursed in a daydream before writing
The whole fic xd literally
But the latter scenes a lot, because when I started I kind of set up 7 BIG MOMENTS so those definitely, one of them would be Helena finding out about Fuego and Nozel comforting her
 She curled up her fists and without a word turned around to face the door. She walked out and silently passed Leo, who was still sitting in the same spot. She wanted to leave this abominable tower. 
Further down the corridor she heard slow steps. Helena stopped and did her best to collect herself. She did not want a random person to her this weak. 
When she looked up she saw Nozel Silva. He appeared very angry. His pushed back and up silver hair and braid over his sharp nose, gave him a predatory, eagle-like look. His lips were pressed into a narrow line. Lilac eyes vigilant. The Silver Eagle’s mantle and his blue cape looked majestically solemn. Nozel’s walk was steady and forceful. 
He was probably heading to see Fuegoleon. When he noticed her, the furious expression changed to confusion then worry. His lips parted slightly and eyebrows raised. Their eyes met and Helena could not hold the tears any longer. She run up to him and clung on to his tunic. She buried her face in his chest and released a muffled scream. Tears were pouring down, now fully let go. She was getting his shirt wet. 
At first he did not know how to react, so he just stood frozen in place, but then he put his right arm around her protectively. He hugged her, and used the other hand to gently stroke her hair. Nozel’s strong physical touch comforted her. Helena felt safe in his arms.
“I will not let anything like this happen ever again” he said quietly, but firmly. Helena could feel his determination. “I’m going to serve them justice and get revenge myself.”
They stood there for a while holding each other close. The only thing that broke the silence in the dark hallway were Helena’s weeps. Later Nozel went by himself to visit Fuegoleon. He had already seen him earlier, but probably wanted to come back without any bystanders to notice him care. She waited for him to come back. Without talking Helena and Nozel made their way to the Silva Estate. They made a quick stop on their way, so that she could drop off the ointment for the burnt girl. The mood was sullen. 
11. Characters I want to write more in the future
“Vanessa!” Helena shouted behind her, but the witch had already made her way to the centre of the tent.
“You’re finally here captain!” Vanessa exclaimed and reached her right, gloved arm forward. Her cheeks were flushed from alcohol. Rouge, the red kitten, was standing on her shoulder. “What are you doing captain? Please drink with me!”
Helena face palmed herself. The witch was on her own now. She was just going to watch.
“Hello, Vanessa,” Yami turned towards her. The cigarette stuck out of his mouth.
However the witch paid no attention to him. She look at the blonde beauty and their eyes met. Both of their brows furrowed. Some tension appeared in the air. Vanessa seemed determined and Rouge hissed.
“That’s the Blue Rose captain,” Asta, who stood next to Yami explained. Vanessa yelped and Helena did the same surprised. 
So the mysterious beauty was no other, but Charlotte Roselei, the leader of the mostly female magic knights' squad. Helena felt an uncomfortable pinch in her chest. That exquisite woman was working with Nozel. They had all of those captains’ meetings, where he could see and admire her magnificent features. They also knew each other longer than he and Helena did. She pressed her lips together and furrowed her brows. Was that jealousy, that she was feeling?
16. The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot (I’ll have an illustration for this exact scene)
“Can we be magic knights now?” Heinry jumped up, because he was earlier pushed away by Noureen.
“You need to be fifteen to be a magic knights,” Nozel said. 
“But I want to be one now,” he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Papa please,” Noureen pouted. “Can we be Silver Eagles?”
And what was Nozel going to do about that? He furrowed his brows and looked at both of his sons’ eyes. They were lilac just like his and shone brightly with pure, childish hope. He did not want to dim that light. 
Nozel sighed and stood up from his chair. He approached one of the chests and pulled out his spare Silver Eagle’s mantle. It had the long feathery wings attached to them. He gave it to Heinry, who nearly fell over, because he did not expect the fabric to be this heavy. Then Nozel pulled his own mantle over his head and passed it to Noureen. 
“Put these on and you will be Silver Eagles,” he said.
“Help papa,” Heinry asked and pushed the mantle back to his hands. 
Nozel knelt down and helped him put it on. In the same moment Noureen struggled with his own and got stuck halfway. Nozel smiled fondly and after he quickly finished with Heinry, he pulled down Noureen’s mantle. 
Boys looked at themselves amazed. Heinry was beaming with joy as he spun around and then placed his hands on his hips. Noureen just stood frozen and slightly embarrassed, but Nozel could tell that he was happy. He gazed at them proudly. Future Silver Eagles, his sons. 
22. That is so blissfully self indulgent 
Once again the whole fic xd
Situation after which Helena realised that she likes Nozel
“I could,” Helena said, “but there’s just something magical in picking a book from a shelf, so I never use my powers to do so.”
“Something magical in not using your magic?” Nozel raised his eyebrows and arrogantly looked at her.
“Oh stop being witty,” she groaned. “You know what I mean.” Helena stood up from her seat. “I’m gonna go grab it.”
She turned around and started walking through the aisles towards the shelf with the book. Helena noticed, that Nozel also got up and was following her.
“Why are you coming with me?” She asked.
“Maybe I just want to see this magic you speak of,” his face was serious, but Helena could swear, that she heard a playful tone in his voice. 
She rolled her eyes and stopped in front of the shelf. Nozel halted a few meters behind her. He quietly watched her, with his arms loosely hanging by his sides. Helena looked up and swept with her gaze through the book titles. They had rich colorful covers and most of them had their names written in golden print. All of the books were well-maintained, but there was thin layer of dust covering them. On a higher shelf she noticed the one that she was looking for. 
Helena smiled to herself and reached up with her right hand. However she stopped just few centimetres away from it. She was already high on her toes. She heard Nozel snort. Helena furrowed her brows and turned towards him angrily. He collected himself and his expression once again became serious.
“You’re too short,” Nozel commented.
“I noticed,” she said annoyed. It was embarrassing, but she was not going to just let him mock her. “I’m going to grab a stool and I’ll get it,” Helena announced confidently.
“Don’t bother,” he said and took a couple steps forward. “I’ll just grab it for you. Without using magic,” Nozel emphasised. He stopped right in front of her and looked down on her face. “Are you going to let me?”
“I’m fine, I’ll get a stool and do it myself,” Helena repeated decisively. She wanted to go around him, so she took a quick step back. Suddenly she felt her sandal not find the footing it was looking for. Helena lost her balance and started falling backwards. She could only think of the embarrassment that she would feel, after landing loudly on the floor. She was hoping she would luckily avoid hitting the shelf, that was behind her. Her dark chocolate hair fluttered in front of her face. 
All of the sudden she felt a strong grip at the small of her back. Sleek fingers dug into her body. The tug stopped her fall to the ground. However she was still close to the shelf. The other hand appeared and protected Helena’s head from hitting it. Then she was slowly allowed to lean back, so that her shoulders relied on the surface of the bookcase, behind her. The strong hand was still holding her at her waist. Helena’s bangs fell to the sides of her face, uncovering her dark, round eyes. 
“Watch out,” she heard a sharp voice belonging to Nozel.
He was leaning over her. His left arm, that stopped her head from hitting the shelf, was above her. He used it to stabilise himself and put some weight on the bookcase. Nozel’s other arm was reached forward and bent at the elbow. This hand was keeping Helena from falling. He held her tight, close to his body for better balance. She felt so small and vulnerable at that moment.
Nozel’s face was centimetres away from hers. She was looking at him and observed all of the sharp features, fine chin, thin silver brows. The narrow eyes, were framed by long, black eyelashes. His irises had a beautiful bright, lilac color. They surrounded his slightly dilated pupils. Nozel’s thin lips were parted a little. They were in a shade of light pink. The lower one was a bit thicker. They looked a bit dry. His braid was hanging over Helena nearly touching her with the Silva pendant. It covered a part of his handsome face.
She did not think much, when she raised her hand and lifted it up. Now she could appreciate the bridge of his nose and the central, slightly ticker bits of his silver brows. Helena was mesmerised. She was finally able to catch a breath. 
She stopped observing and started feeling. The hot breath on her cheeks. Sleek fingers digging into the small of her back. Nozel’s body heat. Did her heart always beat this fast, when he was close? She did not know. Helena felt warmth rising inside her chest and then spread through out her body and on to her face. 
Nozel blinked surprised by her action, his grip loosened. Then she realised what she did. She dropped the braid and it bumped into his nose. Helena’s cheeks were bright red and her eyes wide open. She quickly pushed Nozel away, placing her palms on his chest. Then she pulled her hands right back, as if he had burnt her.
“I’m so sorry!” She squealed embarrassed. “I don’t know why I did that!” Helena could not look up at him. Her heart was beating like a drum and it felt as if it wanted to jump out of her chest. She took a step to the side, staring at the floor and did her best to pass him quickly without bumping in.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 3 months
Thank you so much!
Once again I can't believe I'm getting these since I didn't ask and that's so sweet.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
If I may... 19, 37, 63 and 77 for the writer ask game 🤗
Hi Vilandel! 💕
Thank you for asking ^^
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
My style is probably a little less suited for children, but I think that Percy Jackson. I like the loose vibes of the story, so it would be easy to read, clear and understandable. I get poetic from time to time and then people can really appreciate the detail, without getting lost in the metaphors the whole time.
37. when creating characters, what comes first: appearance, backstory, motivation, personality, something else?
Let’s take Helena as an example. First I had the plot of Paper Hearts (Silva redemption and main ideas), so I needed someone fitting and thus her personality came first, then her motivations, because they also needed to fit. Later appearance and backstory intertwined. 
63. what’s the best insult you’ve read in a fic?
I’m wondering do you mean insult in a mean, or funny way. Since I read a lot of enemies to lovers, sunshine and grumpies I’ll got with the funny one. It’s probably not the best one, but it’s been years since I read those amazing fics. 
And now I quickly came back to find something funny, so here is one insult that had me cracking up. However it’s probably not the best one.
On thin Ice fic
Keith is a pro hockey player, who’s being taught by Lance how to figure skate. It’s his first time wearing figure skates and he nicely said sucks.
“When Shiro asked me to help teach the tadpole class, I never thought I’d also get to teach a beached fish.” He rubs at his chin pensively, all attitude and conceit.
Although it's more funny to me, because I know Lance and I know that this is such a bad and try to be witty insult 😂
77. how do you write kissing scenes?
I really like to stick to one pov and describe what that one person is feeling, instead of jumping between the two. You focus on the experiences and can imagine it clearly. I add little details such as additional touches, little movements. I tend to focus on emotions, memories which they bring, experiences, but at the same time staying in the moment. 
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
Since you're doing it too, here's a basket of 🍓🍎🍊🍋🫐
Hi Vilandel!
Thank you for your ask 💕
🍓 What’s a fic you’ve written you feel is underrated?
Hmm so I haven’t really written that much yet, but from my few works I think it would be “I walk alone” angst, which is a really good piece of writing. It’s poetic, strong, but well it’s angst and not everybody enjoys it contrary to me. (I feel like I’ve always been reading fics which had fluff, angst and smut so PH is the same way)
🍎 Is there anything you straight-up won’t write?
Underaged smut and any pedophilia tropes. Let’s keep the children pure.
🍊 Who’s a character you don’t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (They’re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorbo…)
I’d like to write Finral more. He’s one of my favourites and yes he is an important character in PH, but he’s not a Silva so he’s not getting as much attention.
🍋 What’s your favorite spicier trope to write?
Not sure if this counts as a trope, but I love writing all the teasing in the lead up, also at least in Nozelena’s case bed talk is just really funny, so that’s a lot of fun as well.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
Mars and Fana! I love these two so much and if not for my countless of projects be it art or writing I would write for them more. Maybe an AU fic, who knows.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
Since you do the ask game as well, how about 🛼🍄🍬🌿🍦🌸🎨🧩
Hi Vilandel! 💕
That's a lot ^^. Thanks!
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Zobra - They have no idea how it happened and how are both of them still alive. ^^
(although that's a pretty common one I think)
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Dorothy is not that strong.
Sorry, but I don't think she is. Yes she can trap people in her dream world, but what about those outside. She also can't trap everyone, she said it herself devils would get out. I also think that she would loose against those with more mana, because she has to get tired.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Read some else's work. Seriously if you get in the flow it really helps.
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
I don't think there is a character that I genuinely hate. Hmm maybe Dante if I had to choose.
He's confident.
His regeneration magic is amazing.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
A puppy, her name is Łatka
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🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Hmm I have so many arts that I love...
Okay currently it's this art a twitter moot made of Helena ❤️ She's been on my wallpaper for a while. It's favorite, because it's personal and it was such a sweet surprise.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I don't like when it's just pure dialogue without setting the scene and well I can't read when there are too many mistakes. Stories maybe amazing, but sometimes it's just hard to reach through them.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
(don't mind if I ask you again? 🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
I'm very happy to answer again ^^
Once again the same categories
Have you ever seen the rain - Creedence clearwater revival (kind of working on a fitting art rn)
I like it heavy - Halestorm (I'm forever thankful to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare for introducing me to this)
Sad boys
A drop in the ocean - Rob Pope (he just puts so much emotion into this)
My fic (these two I may explain a bit this weekend)
Dynasty - MIIA
Let me go - 3 doors down
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
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Dearest reader, It has come to this author's attention that the Silva family seems to be rather enjoying themselves this season... even though some choices are questionable and may become the centre of gossip. Foreign princess, a peasant with a sharp tongue, frail daughter of a Great House and a boy from nowhere... Will they prevail, or will the obstacles be greater?
Rosette belongs to @vilandel 💕
All of these were referenced from Kanthony scenes from the second Bridgeton season.
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