#Virgil Deaf AU
virgils-screams · 2 years
Me And You | Dukexiety
Virgil may seem ooc, so may Remus! I wrote this like a month ago-
Remus is too tired to be disturbing- lol
There are no TW! - Wow  am I right?
High school au, Janus is deaf, cause I could.
Could be read as platonic, not proof read.
Virgil pulls out his phone to text Remus for his whereabouts, they had promised to go to the park after school but for some reason Remus had disappeared.
Sighing he scrolls through his contacts selecting Remus, when a grunt took his attention, he looked up and saw the gym doors open, with light pouring through, and like a cheesy chick-flic moment he peaked in.
In the center of the room Remus was wrestling another classmate. Ah, he forgot about his practice. He scanned the area quickly to see the other wrestlers watching intently as Remus had put a hold on his opponent, the coach signalling he had won moments later. The loser got up and glared at him as he rounded Remus to sit with who Virgil now assumed were other unlucky losers.
Virgil debated leaving and waiting for him out side so he wouldn't seem like a perv, and he was about to walk away too if it weren't for the coach calling up Janus.
Janus had a grin on his face as he stood opposite of Remus, he signed something to him before getting in position. Remus chuckled out "you wish" before also getting set.
Virgil saw Remus' eyes drift to him for a second, and Virgil ducked out from the door way immediately hearing an 'oof' and cheering shortly after.
"Great job, Janus!" One of the bystanders shouted.
... Oops, did he cause that?
Virgil scurried out of the school and opted to wait at his car and play on his phone.
"And hello to you too, Rem."
Remus rolled his eyes at him pushing him out of the way of the passenger door. "You cost me a perfect practice."
He hummed in acknowledgement going around to the drivers seat.
"One could argue you were fated to lose anyway, Janus almost always beats your ass."
He could almost feel the eye roll from Remus.
"Yeah, Almost! I had a chance if it wasn't for this strangely attractive pervert watching us fight."
Virgil pulled out of the parking lot only offering an amused smirk.
The drive to the park was relatively quiet besides the low hum from the radio as Remus switched from staring at his phone and looking out the window. His eyelids getting heavier by the minute.
"Hey, you dozing off there?" Virgil pushed his shoulder lightly.
"Mmh- hey!" The car swerved a bit when Remus shoved back.
"Alright, calm down," he sighed looking briefly at Remus, taking in his appearance. "You sure you don't wanna just head to your place? You seem pretty tired."
Remus shook his head sitting up in an effort to make himself more awake. "No, no, I wanna go to the park, I promised I would-" he was cut short with a yawn, glaring at Virgil when he laughed.
"C'mon, Rem, we can go to the park tomorrow,"
Remus watched in annoyance as Virgil turned down a road that lead the opposite direction of the park, momentarily contemplating grabbing the wheel.
"It's not like I'm gonna get any sleep anyway. My brothers are bringing friends over." He huffed.
"Well, then we'll go to my place, it's not like you haven't stayed over before."
Remus hummed distractedly, looking back out the window.
"Aight, we're here."
Remus all but drug himself into Virgils room, ignoring the snickers from Virgil.
"The twins will freak when they find you here." He commented setting his stuff on his desk then collapsing onto his bed.
Remus smiled fondly at the mention of them and got onto the bed with him.
"Your brothers are so sweet, I can't wait to be charged enough to play with them." He sighed closing his eyes when he got settled.
"Hm" the tv turned on to a show he couldn't give a rats ass about, but it lulled him to sleep nonetheless, along with the quick taps on Virgils laptop next to him.
Virgil was so focused on his work as he typed away for an assignment that was due Monday that he didn't register the snores coming from beside him and only realized Remus was asleep when he turned and threw an arm into his laptop, which, not that anyone would know, scared the bejesus out if Virgil.
"Holy shit-" his right hand clutching his chest where his heart would be, turning to Remus' sleeping form.
"If you broke it, youre paying."
He muttered turning back to his laptop, he carefully pulled it from under Romans arm and surveyed the damage. "Oh, that's not so bad you only," his voice raised slightly in a panic as he continued, "erased half of my work!? Dammit!" He sighed carding his hand through his hair, he set his laptop to the side and just laid back watching the tv as he conveniently forgot about his work. Soon after falling asleep.
His phone alarm woke him up, he tried to sit up but when he couldn't he started to panic, even more so when the grip tightened around him tried to move again.
A tired groaning noise caused him to look to his side, a sleeping Remus hugging onto him like a koala bear.
"Ah.. That explains the- yeah" a sigh of relief escaped his lips as he carefully reached for his phone trying to not wake Remus.
When he finally managed to turn off his alarm he relaxed back into the bed, Remus now snuggling closer into him.
The warmth and the comfortability of it all quickly made him fall asleep again, damn, Remus was like a heater.
"REMUS IS HERE!!" The twins, Patton and Thomas yelled in unison, promptly jumping onto them.
"He-hey you guys-"
They squealed bouncing on the bed slowly but surely pushing Virgil off. Rude.
"Boys! Boys do you want ice cream?" Virgil hissed out trying to get the boys to quiet down.
They stopped immediately, turning to him with a gasp. "I'll get you some if you beat me down stairs."
In a moments notice they scrambled of the bed racing down stairs. Virgil chuckled lightly getting up to follow them, only turning back at the doorway to make sure Remus was still asleep.
Sure enough he was sprawled out on Virgils bed snoring away. Virgil rolled his eyes closing the door behind him, only Remus could sleep through such an attack, "weirdo." Virgil whispered fondly before the soft click of the door shutting was heard, leaving Remus to rest peacefully.
Hope you enjoyed💜
Words: 1070
A/N: yes, I know Janus is deaf and cannot hear Remus say 'you wish', but, I wrote it with lip reading in mind. Thank you.
Tag list {you can ask to be added or removed}:
@reiney-weather @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @hedgiehoggles @autumnpleaves @from-the-gall0ws @skylar-pansexualnerd19 @emo-sunshine42
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*starts straight up vibrating*
Prinxiety is my biggest muse for high school AUs. Maybe it's because I'm in high school (update the 👑 lore /j) and so I remember things that happen to me and that I can take inspiration from but they're so.. *incomprehensible noises*. I love them. I feel like hs universes get dunked on for being used so often but they're used so often for a reason. Hehehe I love them <3
— 👑
Prinxiety high school aus >>>> they're so iconic, especially when they involve a musical/theater storyline. One of the first few ones I read stuck with me for years, where Roman was auditioning for the lead role, and Virgil was in the tech crew cleaning back stage. He was singing along to Roman's audition song when suddenly his booth mic got set to the speakers (with the power of plot devices) and Roman gets his audition ruined because of it. Virgil ends up as Roman's understudy and they practice lines together
The fic had a seriously wild ending and one of them ends up in the hospital and deaf?? Wattpad fics were WILD
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hauntedkidstarfish · 2 years
Unheard Beauty Part 1
This is my first fanfic and please let me know if you want a second part
Prompt: Virgil has been deaf for about three months and hadn't told the others because he was worried about how they will react...Until one day the others found out
Characters: Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Janus Sanders and Remus Sanders
Pairing: None
Warning: Ableism being shown throughout some parts of the story, Remus being Remus, mentions of a Panic attack, Angst and mild cussing (Possibly that's all. Let me know if I've missed something)
Summary: Basically the prompt at the moment
It started about three months ago after Thomas finished recording a new Sanders ASides video with all six of his sides. He prepared his living room for the appropriate theme of the video which is similar to the first ASides video of Healthy distractions.
It was hard to tell how it happened for Virgil but he was in his room listening to music with his headphones, sitting on the floor in the middle of his room, when he could make out some of the lyrics but couldn't for other parts of the lyrics. Virgil sighed a bit to himself, took off his headphones, rubbed his face and thought that not being able to make out some of the lyrics was because he was maybe tired so he got up and noticed that it was oddly strange that he was able to hear his own heartbeat, not his breathing or the others as his breathing started to pick up a bit; so in order to calm himself down, he went to the kitchen to get a drink of water.
Virgil looked around the living room, nobody was there which was odd. Usually Logan was reading on the couch, Janus usually sat opposite of Logan and had a cup of tea while keeping an eye on Remus so that there wouldn't be any chaos and Patton was usually in the kitchen with Roman making lunch right about now. Virgil went into the living room with a cup of water and sat on the couch.
"Maybe they're just busy somewhere in the Mindscape..." Virgil says to himself as he drank some water. Virgil began to tap his foot a bit, worry beginning to set in. It was very odd for the others to not be where they usually were, Virgil closed his eyes shut in order to calm himself down a bit more.
Maybe a few minutes had passed and Virgil opened his eyes to be greeted with an annoyed looking prince which had scared shit out of Virgil.
"What the fuck!?!?!" Virgil says panicked, "When did you get here???"
"A few minutes ago Emo! Where have *inaudible* Why haven't you responded to the group chat?!?!?" Roman replied while crossing his arms
Patton went to Roman and Virgil and as calmly as possible said, "We were exploring Roman's side of the Imagination Kiddo. We've *inaudible* your name and knocked on your *inaudible* if you *inaudible* come with us *inaudible* answered"
Virgil looks at Roman and Patton a little confused, "Huh? I'm sorry but I didn't hear you guys"
Roman had grown more annoyed and looked a little angry when Virgil replied, "Well, maybe if you hadn't have had your headphones on maybe you would've heard us Count Woe-laf!!!"
Virgil got up and threw the remaining water from his cup at Roman, "Well I'm sorry if I was busy working in my room until now!!!"
Patton immediately went to Logan who was calmly watching the situation unfold with Janus and Remus.
Logan looked at the two sides arguing for a few minutes before going to them and saying, "That's enough. The both of you, arguing about something so trivial isn't going to get you anything. So I suggest-"
"Shut it Microsoft Nerd! What are you to say about any of this?!?! You don't even understand emotions!!!" Roman replied angrily while interrupting Logan
Virgil pushed Roman a bit, "Leave him alone!! Don't you dare bring him into this!!! You can say all you want about me to my face but don't you dare insult the others!!! Do you understand?!?!" Virgil went up the stairs and stopped halfway, he looked at the others, to see a worried Patton, a slightly worried and grinning Remus, a calm Janus, an angry Roman and Logan regaining his composure, "I won't be eating lunch today. Just go back to whatever you guys have been doing" And before anyone could say a word, Virgil went to his room, slammed it shut, locked it and fell to the floor shaking.
"Why??? What is happening?!?! I don't-" Virgil says panicked
Why did you do that?
"Stop... please..." Virgil says quietly and began to cover his ears
An hour later, Virgil was curled up in his blanket, lying down on his bed. He found his room to be quiet after having a panic attack but he was still glazed with worry and fear of what had happened an hour earlier. First not being able to hear some words, then getting into an argument with Roman and then having a panic attack in his room and not feeling hungry at the moment even though he could smell the food that Patton most likely made.
He didn't want to get up, he didn't know what's going on with his hearing and he wants it to just stop. He thought it will be best if he just avoided the others for as long as he can until he figured out what was going on with his hearing and why it is how it's becoming
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pixelatedrose · 4 years
Hello, It is I! *very dramatic pose* Could you do "You know you never listen to me." "That's not true!" "I've told you I loved you every day for a year."? With Prinxiety if you don't mind :D
"You know you never listen to me." "That's not true!!" "I told you I loved you every day for a year."
Word Count: 1,329
Warnings: Minor swearing, being ignored, a lot of fluff!!!
Want me to write you something? Here are some ideas!!
Hard Of Hearing
  Virgil Storrm had been deaf for quite a while. A childhood accident had caused it, though that also meant that, through years of practice, he was able to talk just like a normal person was. And he was so good at reading lips, that as long as he was facing whoever was talking to him, They would never know he was ever deaf.
  And such was the case when Virgil was bowled over by Roman Prim on the street.
  “Gah!! Hey watch where you’re going!” Virgil yelled. He was very suddenly stricken by how pretty the stranger was, but of course he was pretty. All stupid people in Virgil’s life made up for it by being pretty.
  “I’m so sorry!” The pretty stranger said, frantically getting up to his feet and holding out a hand for Virgil.
  Virgil accepted it, letting himself be pulled to his feet by surprisingly strong arms.
  “Hey, I’m really sorry there. How about I pay you back for that.” The stranger pulled out a piece of paper and wrote down an address and a time. “Can I buy you coffee tomorrow?”
  “Virgil smiled, shaking off his first impression of the tall stranger. “Sure. My name’s Virgil, by the way.”
  “Roman! It’s nice to meet you!”
  Coffee had gone great. Roman turned out to be an aspiring actor that played at the local theater whenever he could and would write stories for people on commission on the side while also working as a waiter at a restaurant across town. He worked hard to be able to do what he wanted. He was charming and funny and made Virgil laugh on more than one occasion.
  As for Roman, He found out that the cute stranger he had knocked over on the street was a freelance programmer and artist, which kept him pretty busy most of the time. He was a total emo boy and was proud of it. Virgil was witty and sarcastic, and had the most adorable laugh.
  The two became fast friends and met every tuesday and thursday for coffee. Soon that evolved to meeting at each other’s apartments for a movie night every other week. And then that became just barging into one another’s houses whenever they felt like it.
  And after a year of knowing each other, Roman realized he had fallen hard for the emo boy. And he had fallen hard.
  Finally, Roman worked up the courage to tell him. 
  Virgil was just about to walk out the door of Roman’s apartment, his back facing Roman, when Roman finally blurted out, “Virgil, I love you!! I don’t know that you feel the same way, but I know that I love you more than I have ever loved anything and-”
  Virgil closed the door behind him, calling, “See ya later, Princey!” As he went.
  Roman was devastated. But he didn’t let that get him down.
  And every day, before he left Virgil’s house or vice versa, Roman would say, out loud or as a whisper, “Virgil, I love you.” And then quietly sigh, not knowing his love couldn’t even hear him.
  Every day. That was how often they saw each other. And every day, Roman’s “I love you”s were met with silence or a change of subject. Sure, Every time Roman said it, Virgil was turned away from him or couldn’t see his face, but that shouldn’t have mattered.
  Finally, a year later, Roman got tired of Virgil ignoring him.
  They were sitting in their favorite cafe after dark. They both had a free night and had decided that they needed the break.
  Virgil was looking blissfully out the window, the starry night sky outshined by the city lights.
  Roman worked up his courage again, like he had to every day, and opened his mouth. “Virgil, I love you.” He said, loud enough that any passing person could have heard it.
  Virgil turned to him. “Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that. What were you saying?”
  Roman sighed and looked down into his half full cup. “Nevermind…”
  Virgil smiled sadly. “O-oh. Okay then, I guess.” He took a sip from his own cup and the pair went back to a comfortable silence.
  “You know, you never listen to me…” Roman huffed sadly. He tried to make it more annoyed sounding, he couldn’t let Virgil know how upset he was.
  Virgil’s eyes went wide. “That’s not true!!” He said panicked, placing a soft hand atop Roman’s.
  Roman stared at their hands. “I told you I loved you every day for a year...you never once said anything about it…” Roman chuckled sadly.
  He looked up, expecting to see a guilty face or perhaps an amused one at how stupid Roman had been. But instead he was met face to face with a furiously blushing Virgil that looked like he was reevaluating his entire life.
  Virgil stood up, nearly knocking his chair over. “ROMAN I’M DEAF!!” He yelled, face still a very deep red.
  Roman’s own face was lighting up a little at the sight. He crossed his arms and huffed. “Okay there’s no need to exaggerate or lie to me Virgil, jeez-”
  “NO YOU IDIOT, I’M ACTUALLY DEAF!!” He yelled again, his face brimming with joy and laughter.
  Roman stared into the void of bad decisions. “Oh…” He said dumbly. He thought of every single tie he told Virgil he loved him. Every single time his back was turned. “Oh fuCK!! Roman stood up, holding Virgil’s hand, face ablaze. “You couldn’t hear me!!”
  Virgil laughed. “That’s what being deaf means, idiot!!”
  Roman laughed and picked Virgil up, spinning him around before setting him down and pulling him close. “So does this mean you’re okay with me loving you?”
  Virgil smiled, oh dear god his smile was so sweet. “I’m more than okay with that, Princey!” His smile faltered slightly. “Though...Can we maybe take this outside?” He leaned in and hid his face in Roman’s shirt. “There are people staring!” HE said quietly, though Roman could hear the smile in his voice.
  Roman looked around the semi-full cafe to see the occupants and workers staring expectantly at them, two workers in particular, Logan and Patton, smiling widely at them. Roman parted from Virgil just slightly, moving his hands from around his waist to entangle themselves in Virgil’s own pale hands. “Yes, lets go.”
  As they stepped outside, Roman picked him up again, much to Virgil’s delight. This time Roman didn’t let Virgil’s feet touch the ground again, not that Virgil minded. Instead he wrapped his legs around the taller man and laughed delightedly. He felt something rumble against Roman’s chest and he pulled away slightly, just enough to see his face.
  And he read the words on Roman’s perfect lips, words that made his heart beat and his chest glow with warmth and want. “Virgil, can I kiss you?”
  Virgil responded by locking his lips with Roman’s, no time for a warning. It was wonderful and amazing and soft and strong, Roman tasted like butterscotch and cinnamon and it was everything Virgil had been too afraid to ask for, waiting, waiting for Roman to speak first. He ran his hand through Roman’s thick brown hair and felt the entire world fall away, the only thing that mattered was Roman, that he was there, that he felt the same way Virgil did, and that they were finally together. 
  Roman was caught only slightly by surprise before leaning into the kiss, tasting the lavender tea on Virgil’s breath. It was all worth it, everything. Finally, after what felt like forever, they parted. And as they parted Roman spoke. “I love you…” And like the flood gates opening, Roman felt every ‘I love you’ Virgil hadn’t heard spill out of him. “I love you, I love you, I love you!! So much!!”
  Virgil giggled and gave Roman another kiss. “I know, Princey!” He kissed him again and again and again. “I love you too!”
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sleepless-stories · 4 years
Limitations AU |Meetings and a Meeting (end)
Summary: Roman, Virgil, Janus, Patton all go to a meeting of some sort of therapy group and become friends and play games. 
Warnings: None
Note please know that research was done for this series and people with some disabilities used did help with the ideas. if you find something wrong with this series please DM me
Logan sat on Roman’s bed listening to him work and reading a book. Paper cutting, the occasional typing of a keyboard, fabric rustling, and quiet music from Roman’s playlist, which was primarily Disney and Musicals, playing. Roman cut the paper and glued it together, creating a paper puppet of a dragon. He was planning on doing another film with Logan soon. Though they were just relaxing and hanging out right now, planning a bit of the film occasionally.
 The door suddenly opened and Remus popped in, “H-hey bro, ready? Ready to go y-yet?” Roman looked over tilting his head slightly, he didn’t remember having to go anywhere. He didn’t believe he had any plans. Remus noticed Roman’s confusion and him getting lost in thought and laughed a bit, “For-forget al-already?” he laughed a bit, “It’s that st-tupid group therapy thing. I don’t… I don’t see why Mom signed you, you up for it.” Logan glanced over, “Group therapy?” “Yeah Nerd, Thera-py. It’s pro-bably just, just an excuse for Roman to, to get out of the ho-house and make Fr-friends.” Remus shrugged, today seemed to be a good day for him. Sometimes he had bad days and good days regarding his stutter. On bad days he felt like he couldn’t form a sentence without messing up almost every word. But today was alright. Logan nodded, “Could you drive me home after you drive him there?” “Why?” Remus asked. “Well, I walked here with Roman. I didn’t drive today at all, my parents needed the car.” Remus nodded, “Fine I, I’ll drive you.” Logan nodded looking back at his book before noticing the lights flickering. He lowered it looking over at Roman who was standing by the light switch. Roman smiled when Remus and Logan looked at him, ‘Thank you.’ he signed, ‘When do we have to get going?’ Remus watched then checked his phone looking at the time, “Now.” Roman rolled his eyes with an exasperated look as he went over looking in his mirror making sure he looked presentable, aka no glue or paper on him. Then he grabbed his jacket. Logan sat up stuffing his book in his bag before getting off of Roman’s bed and following the two out of the room and to the car. Near the front door he grabbed his jacket and shoes, putting them on, before they all left the house. Remus got into the car starting it up and turning on the radio, before he started driving to the address. It was across town and seemed to be at some community center, it was a place where people could rent rooms like office spaces or meeting rooms for any sort of thing they needed it for. Roman plugged his phone into the car and took over the music, starting to play his playlist some more throughout the ride. Logan just went back to reading his book for awhile till he lost interest. It wasn’t that the book wasn’t interesting or good, it really was a great book. But he just felt a bit bored of it currently and couldn’t read any more of it, that and he had been rereading the same paragraph for a while now and barely taking in what the words said. So he just sat back looking out the window as they drove through town. ____________
Virgil saw the flyer on the counter, group therapy. He knew his parents didn’t think much of him, but group therapy? For someone as anxious as him, that idea was shit. Why send someone who has an anxiety disorder to therapy with other random people they don’t know. Virgil stared at the paper, he had already determined that it would be the worst 3 hours of his life. But… it did mean he would be out of the house and away from his parents for 3 hours on the weekend. So… brightside. Virgil dropped the paper on the counter again before going back to his room. He was actually surprised about one thing though, his parents in question… weren’t actually home currently, which was shocking. His parents had a bad habit of being overbearing and over protective, or just fancy way of saying they were controlling. Virgil constantly was yelled at when he wanted to just go out of the house for a walk, saying how he couldn’t, he would get hurt, he’s too disabled to be on his own. Which was a really shitty excuse for their controlling nature. Virgil sat down on his bed and checked his phone, it was Saturday late afternoon, the group wasn’t for a few more hours, and his parent’s weren’t currently home. Virgil powered off his phone then put on his shoes and jacket before walking out of the house and down the street. He walked down the street not too far from the park in their neighborhood and went to a house. Most of the house was brand new, newly rebuilt, due to the fire a couple months ago. Virgil got to the door and knocked before standing there and waiting. Janus heard knocks at the door and stood up walking to the door. His bedroom was on the first floor right off of their living room. He walked out of his room to the front door. Thomas lifted his head up looking at Janus from where he was laying on Janus’ bed. He watched Janus walk out of the room before stretching and getting up following. Janus heard Thomas following and pulled a treat out of his pocket and gave it to the dog. He went over and opened up the door, “Virgil.” he asked as he opened the door. Virgil saw the door open and watched Janus’ lips, “Yeah.” he replied. Janus heard then smiled recognizing Virgil’s voice. “Come in, We’ll sit on the couch.” he said, still facing Virgil before turning and walking over to the couch and sitting. Virgil nodded, “Ok.” he followed. Virgil shut the door behind himself then went over and sat on the back of the couch before pulling out his phone and typing. “Apparently I have to go to stupid therapy.” the tts said. Janus heard and laughed turning in Virgil’s direction, “Wow, your parents are letting you out of the house?” “Yeah, surprising right?” “Oh absolutely, though I too have to go to some therapy group… My parents have been concerned since the fire.” “Yeah” Virgil nodded. Janus went silent and just leaned back, “You could hang out here for awhile.” Virgil nodded, “Thanks.” he put his phone away and leaned back relaxing. Virgil stayed for only an hour before he walked back home glad his parents were still out. He just went to his room and relaxed closing his eyes and napping for the time being until his parents were back and drove him to the stupid meeting. _____
Patton was in the living room sitting on the couch watching some show, his cat was laying in his lap demanding attention while he was adding more stickers to the side of his wheelchair. “Patton? We should get going so you’re not late.” his mother said walking into the room. Patton looked up, “Oh ok… why do I have to go?” “Because, it’ll be good, you’ll have fun.” Patton sighed and pulled himself off the couch and into the wheelchair. His cat got off his lap and looked at Patton betrayed. Patton wheeled himself to the door and put on his jacket before he went out of the house with his mom. He was helped into the car and sat there looking out the window. It wasn’t the first time he had to go to therapy through the years. He sighed watching as they went to the meeting. __________
Roman walked into the meeting, Remus and Logan decided to follow him in to make sure he got to the right place. Roman looked and saw a door with a cartoon of some guy and a speech bubble saying come right in. Under the character there was information saying what the meeting was. Roman opened the door walking inside the room. Inside the room there was a guy wearing a sweater, a pink tie, and some jeans was setting up the room. He turned when he heard the door open, “Oh! Hello! I’m Emile.” He smiled and signed as he spoke, “Welcome, are you three here for the meeting?” Remus threw his arm over Roman’s shoulders, “N-nope, just, just bringing my ner-nerd bro here.” He replied then pushed Roman forward. Roman stumbled forward then glared at Remus before smiling at Emile and waving. Remus looked at Logan, “Let’s go. See, see ya later bro.” Remus walked out of the room leaving and going back to his car. Logan waved bye to Roman before following Remus out and to his car. Roman sat down in a chair.
Only after 5 minutes three people came into the room, one in a wheelchair. A woman pushed the wheelchair inside, “Hello! This is Patton.” she said and brought the kid in the chair over to the sitting area. Patton smiled, “Hello.” he greeted. The third person went to the back of the room, he was carrying a fold up table with him and put it down setting it up. Emile walked over to the guy and talked with him. The woman, Patton’s mom, waved goodbye and left. She paused at the door holding it open for two guys and a dog before she walked out leaving. Patton lifted himself out of his chair and sat down on the couch next to Roman, “Hi! Roman smiled and waved slightly back. The two guys walked over and sat on the couch opposite to Roman and Patton. Emile smiled and walked back over, “Hello, shall we begin?” he asked, making sure to sign along with what he said. He smiled and looked at Patton, “Why don’t you go first then we’ll go around the room.” Patton nodded grinning, “I’m Patton! Nice to meet you all!” Roman nodded and looked at Emile, “I’m Roman.” Emile repeated, translating for Roman. He then looked at the other two. “I’m Virgil.” Virgil signed then elbowed Janus next to him after he watched Emile repeat him. Janus sighed, “I’m Janus, this is Thomas my eyes. No you can’t pet him.” Janus greeted. Emile nodded, “Alright! Nice to meet you all. I’m Doctor Emile Picani!” He grinned then motioned for someone to come over. The guy from earlier walked over to them. “Hey.” he smiled pushing his sunglasses off and to the top of his head. “I’m Remy. I’m catering basically. So… there’s food over there.” He nodded smiling then stepped back going back over to the area he set up. Everyone waved at him before looking at Emile. Emile smiled, “We’re mostly going to play some games, and talk a bit.” Emile said and nodded grabbing a few things before starting. Roman and Virgil got grouped up and Janus and Patton got grouped up. Originally Emile had paired Virgil and Patton and Janus and Roman… it didn’t work too well, Patton was excited and spoke too fast for Virgil to understand him, then Roman had difficulties communicating with Janus. The games went well.
Near the end of the meeting they went over and ate snacks. Roman laughed softly watching Remy failing at flirting up Emile who didn’t even realize. He was pretty sure Remy volunteered to cater to flirt with Emile. They all hung out, talking and eating. Remus came into the room to pick up Roman and smiled, “Hey Bro!” He said and walked over. He grabbed some food and ate Roman waved at Remus. Remy glanced over, “I see you have a twin, that’s cool. Hey, what do you think of the food?” Remus looked up, “It’s good, have you ever tried adding peppers and pineapple to cookies?” Remy Paused, “Nope, do you have any other ideas?” Remus went over to him telling him a bunch of other ideas he thought of. Remy took notes. Before leaving Patton, Roman, Janus, and Virgil exchanged numbers finding each other fun. Everyone was taken home, it was almost dark out by now while they all went home. Roman ended up texting Logan about the meeting telling him how they mostly played games and he was excited to go again. Logan was glad he had fun at the meeting.
_________________________ General Tag List @crazy-multifandomfangirl @aceawkwardunicorn​ @mistythegenderqueermess
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Other Half
hi i was haunted with the idea of subverting a soulmate trope after a chat with @potestessemagishomosexualitatis and it evolved in like a day on discord so here y’all go!
relationships: brotherly prinxiety, QPR moceit, romantic royality, implied/eventual anxceit
content tags: musician roman, techie/sound-guy Virgil, deaf Patton, QPRs, amatonormativity, soulmates & lack thereof, happy ending
word count: 2,847
read on ao3
Roman has half a soulmark, waiting to make skin contact with his Soulmate to finally be completed.
His brother, not so much.
Context: In this world, soulmates have half a symbol somewhere on their skin, each with one half. When soulmates have skin contact for the first time, both marks complete. The amatonormativity (prioritizing romantic love) is very strong, despite the fact that soulmates have frequently been platonic, not just romantic. It’s still a rather progressive idea, similar to gay marriage, and the traditions and stories are all centered around that romantic ideal. In that vein, some people have thirds or fourth of a mark would need to contact all their soulmates to have a complete mark. Marks are very much for One Person (or, occasionally, Two or Three Specific People), and so not everyone meets their mate. Not everyone has the means. They could be anywhere in the world! But unfortunately, there's still an idea that even if you're with a partner, you'd leave them if you met your soulmate, and that other relationship are just settling.
Enter two brothers.
Roman goes starry-eyed over stories of meet-cutes and surprise soulmates. He wants to know if he'll feel it, as his mark completes. Someday, when he meets his Someone™️!!!
And then his brother, Virgil.
Virgil... doesn't have a mark. He's not sure he's heard of that before. He has some freckles, but those fade with the seasons. Soulmarks don't fade.
Roman has half a circle, and it either has petals or rays around it. A flower or a sun, he thinks. It's right on his bicep, so he frequently goes sleeveless, and greets new people by taking both their hands in his every time. Just in case.
Lots of people do that- but it makes Virgil uncomfortable. Even if he knows he'll never be the one to trigger someone's mark, he hates knowing that's what everyone expects. He'd rather keep his hands to himself. He wears his big baggy hoodie to avoid the expectant stares of people looking for his mark, and avoids skin contact as much as he can.
They grow up in a family without a ton of resources, so neither can afford to take the 'Soul Year' some teens do where they travel before going into higher education. But Roman's determined that his career will help him meet hundreds, no, thousands of people, and he will find his soulmate!
Virgil really doesn't love the whole soulmate thing, the obsession with it, the constant reminder that he doesn’t have one and will never have one. But he does love his brother.
He tries, sometimes, to temper Roman's excitement just to make sure it doesn't hurt too much if he never finds The One. But mostly he just listens as Roman waxes poetic about his hypothetical love.
Roman, for several years, went silent, assuming Virgil wouldn't want to hear it. But Virgil has just kinda accepted it, you know? He's basically like everyone who never ends up meeting their mate, except he gets to skip the years of doubt and worry that their mate might suddenly appear at any time. He knows from the get-go. He’ll never have to look back with regret or sorrow, never have to worry about disrupted relationships, never need to mourn that his hypothetical mate might have died before he could meet them. It’s fine, really.
Roman becomes a singer and songwriter, and acts on the side. Virgil does his cover art and helps him with the sound-mixing. They're a great team - and they always have been.
Virgil makes friends with the roadies and techies, happy to leave Roman in the spotlight. He dates, sometimes. It's easier when they go on tour- a short international stay means no promises, no uncomfortable conversations about the future, no intrusive knowledge of a partner's Someone™️ out there.
After years of touring, Roman is internationally known and recognized. But he's also starting to lose hope.
He's lost count of all the meet-and-greets he's been to, how many hands he's grabbed from the stage into the crowd. He makes sure to at least high-five every roadie and tech, every opening act or announcer. His songs range from fantastical to domestic, from sweet and bubbly to sorrowful and yearning, and he loves creating, he does. But he knows there's someone out there for him, and he wants to meet them so, so badly.
They're in Paris for a show, and Virgil and Roman are strolling along the Seine. It's Spring, Roman's favorite time of year, and all the trees are in bloom. It looks like something out of a Hallmark movie.
Roman sighs heavily.
Virgil bumps him with an elbow. "Hey, no moping. That's my aesthetic, no stealing."
"Vee, what if I don't ever meet them?"
"I know I should keep hoping, but- I've touched so many people and still haven't found them, what if I never will?"
"Then you'll be like most of us, Ro. Find love & companionship the new way: with hard work and dating apps."
Roman nods, but sighs again. "I just... really wanna, Vee." His voice is small, like a pouting kid. 
"I know. I hope you do."
They keep walking, but Roman's practically shuffling. On the one hand, he is a fucking drama queen.
On the other hand, Virgil wants him to feel better. 
Rolling his eyes, Virgil orders ice cream from a vendor in clumsy but serviceable French and presents Roman with his sprinkle-covered cone. Just like he knew it would, it perks him up immediately.
"Chocolate! My favorite!!"
"How are you possibly older than me. You are five."
"I just have childlike wonder, not a well of ennui!"
"Fuckin' dork."
"Edgy poser."
"Prima donna."
Distracted, Roman walks straight into a man looking off at the river. He stumbles and trips and they both fall.
"Oh goodness gracious, forgive me, excusez moi, je suis desole! Pardonnez-moi!" he rattles off.
The man smiles, and his hands dance. Virgil realizes he's signing. Sorry, I didn't see you there!
 Luckily, Virgil understands it - he’s taken classes in ASL, just for kicks.
Roman knows very little sign, but he learned a couple of phrases. Sorry!
Virgil adds, It was our fault, we weren't watching.
Virgil recognizes the starry-eyed look on his brother's face. It's yet another Infatuation At First Sight, where he throws his whole heart into hoping. 
"Vee, Vee, ask him his name please?" he says, smiling for all he's worth at the curly-haired man in front of him.
Before Virgil gets a chance, he sees the man's eyes flick up and past them, and he breaks into a sunny smile. (Virgil might actually understand his brother's infatuation, for once)
Another person comes over, holding two ice creams. Virgil does a slight double-take. Like him, this newcomer chooses not to show very much skin. But they've covered even their hands. Ice cream somehow looks funny in a gloved hand.
Handing one to the first man, they start signing with one hand, far faster than he can follow. He catches a couple of signs he recognizes - gestures to himself & Roman, are you okay, something that either is we're late or shoo.
The first man is still smiling, though, and whatever he says must be okay, because the newcomer turns to them. They speak with a lilting accent, something not quite Parisian. "Please forgive my barging in- I can't exactly call for Patton from across the walkway.  My name is Dante. And you are?"
"I'm Roman, and this is Virgil, and it is wonderful to meet you!"
Virgil signs along with his brother's words, and sees Patton's eyes crinkle happily as he greets them both.
Roman has clearly also noticed Dante's gloves, but turns to Patton. With a slight bit of hesitation, he speaks and signs at once, "May I shake your hand?"
Virgil is sure he's not imagining the minute pursing of Dante's lips, but Patton's nodding and reaching out and so is Roman.
Roman is clearly holding his breath, and Virgil is too, both braced for opposite outcomes. But Patton's small, tan hand is wrapped in Roman's larger one and both sets of eyes are huge. 
Virgil's eyes flick to Roman's bicep, exposed as always, the white mark a stark contrast to his dark skin, looking like a sun or maybe a flower and-
"Holy shit-" Virgil breathes.
Roman, however, is not looking at his arm. He's staring directly into Patton's dark eyes with a smile that looks confused and elated all at once, and their hands haven't parted. 
Patton's eyes are just a huge, even huger thanks to his glasses.
"It's you," Roman says, wonder in his voice. Patton seems to read his lips, because he smiles somehow even bigger than before and signs It's you! back.
And sure enough, the mark on Roman's arm is a full circle, a full sun or flower, and Virgil's head is reeling.
Virgil's not sure what to say- the two soulmates seem content to keep staring and smiling and holding hands. But Virgil's just... nervous. Soulmate or not, this ‘Patton’ is a stranger, but Roman looks like he might never move from his side. Fuck, they can't even communicate both ways, Roman knows practically no sign and he just used up the only full sentence he’s ever learned.
He looks nervously at Patton's companion. Dante is staring too, seemingly unaware of the ice cream dripping down their glove.
Dante starts to sign something, realizes Patton can't see them, reaches out to tap Patton on the shoulder, then stops before they can touch, hand falling to their side. They look down and finally notice their ice cream, and blanch, pulling out napkins to clean their glove before it stains.
Virgil digs into his knapsack and pulls out a wet wipe and offers it. "This might help more."
Dante looks up, staring at Virgil without a shred of comprehension until Virgil waves the wipe once more. They take it with a quiet, "Merci."
They turn away, wiping off their glove and tossing the rest of their ice cream into the trash. They wiggle their fingers, clearly uncomfortable with the damp fabric. 
Virgil shifts awkwardly. He should say something, but what do you even say in this situation? He has no idea what their relation is to Pat- oh fuck, what if they were dating and Roman's just swooped in and ruined it?
In his tried-and-true method of awkward small talk with new roadies in new cities, he says, in French, "So, Paris, yeah? Know any good cafes near here?"
Dante shakes themself a bit and turns to look at Virgil. "Ah, yes. There's a patisserie just on the next block. Shall we relocate them and stop blocking the tourists?"
Virgil nods and looks over at his brother. He weighs his options of interruption, and decides on flicking Roman in the temple.
"Ow! Fuck! Vee!?!"
"You're blocking traffic, dumbass."
"I'm having a moment."
"Well come have a mocha. You can keep having your moment and I can have coffee. C'mon." 
He sees Dante signing to Patton too, explaining the plan but much more politely. Roman and Patton continue holding hands, but follow them down the block.
They get Roman and Patton sitting at a table in a picturesque cafe, and walk to the bar to order. Virgil orders his go-to of a double shot and gets Roman his mocha. Dante orders themself a latte and a vanilla cappuccino for Patton. Sitting at the bar waiting, Virgil looks over.
"So. That lunkhead over there is my brother."
Dante nods. "And Patton is my. Well. You might not know what it means, so don't immediately freak out, okay? But it's called a queerplatonic partner."
Virgil can feel the nervousness melt away. "Oh, phew. Yeah, I know what it means. So Roman's not homewrecking by being a discovered soulmate?"
"Well. I certainly hope not. But I know not everyone really, uh. Gets it. Especially with the soulmate sh- stuff. Things."
Virgil grins. "You were about to say soulmate shit, weren't you."
"You're a terrible liar."
Dante winks. "I might surprise you."
Virgil raises an eyebrow. "Oh that's how we're gonna play it?"
"I don't play, monsieur. I just win."
"Okay then, here's a test. Why the gloves?"
Dante automatically goes to adjust them, and looks up at Virgil. Their eyes drift down to his hoodie and back up. "I think you know exactly why."
"You don't have-?"
"Nope. I don't have one either."
"I thought I was-"
"The only one?"
"Apparently not."
Virgil looks over at Patton, sitting with Roman. They don't seem to be even attempting to talk still, just staring and holding hands.
"With the QPP- are you aromantic? Do you think that's why?" He gestures vaguely at their whole body, but he’s never been quite as elegant in his gestures as Roman is.
Dante opens their mouth to speak, but stops, and sighs. "That's what I've been saying. It was easier, to say maybe this was for a purpose. And I do love Patton with all my platonic heart and I will kill your brother if he hurts him."
"The feeling’s mutual."
"But, no. I'm not fully aro. I still have romantic attraction and all that, I've just been guaranteed that even if I want it, I'll always be someone's secondary love so. Might as well lean in, right? Make the system work somewhat in my favor?"
Virgil opens his mouth to respond, to object, when the barista calls out their drinks, and then they're carefully carrying full mugs across the cafe and finding a table next to the couple.
Patton appears to be teaching Roman how to sign his name. Roman is even managing to pay attention.
"I get that, uh, reluctance. The playing-it-safe thing," Virgil says quietly, so only Dante can hear. "We travel a lot. That's a good excuse to avoid the whole fucking system. No conversations about who'll leave who when the mark shows up, because I'll be leaving in a month, tops. And people looking for hookups barely poke you to check for the mark before just... getting on with life. No expectations, no holding their breath or unrealistic disappointment."
Dante smiles weakly. "Well, good to know for when I need to start dating. I think I'm about to have a lot more free time."
"Until Roman needs to travel on again. We're here for three full weeks, but-"
"What is it you do, that you both travel so much?"
"You know Sun Prince, the singer?"
"You're looking at him," Virgil says wryly, tipping his head in Roman's direction.
Dante's eyes go wide. "Oh, that's why he looks familiar."
"So Patton probably didn’t recognize him either?"
"Nah, he tends to like EDM and electronic things the most, for the bassline. Clubbing with a deaf partner is great - the priority is just feeling the music, and we don't have to yell to hear each other."
Virgil and Dante continue to chat quietly on casual topics, but Virgil's leg is bouncing. He wants to ask the bigger questions, but it feel like prying. It's none of his business, really, right? 
But it's Roman's happiness on the line. And Virgil will do anything and everything to protect his brother. Even if it means awkwardness.
"So, uh. Did y'all have the Conversation™️ before now?"
Dante raises a questioning eyebrow in response.
"The 'what happens if he meets his soulmate' conversation. Don't tell me Pat's the only one you've ever dated?"
Dante blinks in a way that implies that were they a lesser being, they might have blushed. "Actually, he is. But yes, we've had that conversation. I'll never get in the way of Pat's romantic love and his soulmate… destiny, ou comme tu veux. I just want to still have a part in his life."
They're tugging at their gloves again, even though their face remains smooth. Virgil recognizes a nervous tic when he sees one. And god does he recognize the sentiment.
Not that any of his past partners had ever wanted to stick around in return. Why would they? He wasn't their soulmate. They hadn't decided to "settle" yet.
"I can't speak for him, but- I think Roman will be open to that," Virgil offers. "He loves performing, so we'll probably still be traveling a fair amount. But I mean. I think he'd understand that you two are a unit the same way me and him are. Like, yeah, we're brothers, but we've been each other's lifeline our whole lives, and that's not about to change. Even if he's finally found his Other Half."
Dante looks up gratefully. "I can tell you love him. And- I hope you're right."
"I should be. If Roman's a dick about it, I'll smack him upside the head."
That surprises a laugh out of Dante. They finally pull off their glove entirely, shaking it out and letting it dry on the table. "I won't interfere with them, you'll encourage Roman to not interfere with us. Do we have a deal, then?"
They offer their bare hand to shake. For once, Virgil doesn't hesitate, but takes it immediately.
Skin hits skin. Virgil finds an agreeable little shudder running down his spine as he appreciates for the first time how attractive this person is. Elegant chestnut curls, heterochromatic eyes that are dancing with delight, and disarming smile. 
Dante winks as they withdraw their hand. "What, not going to check for your completed mark now, just in case?"
Virgil grins back. "No, but I can help you look for yours later, if you want."
"Is that a proposition? Monsieur, goodness, you move fast," Dante replies, fluttering their eyelashes.
Virgil shrugs. "It could be one. You know, we're clearly gonna be around each other a lot. They found each other the old fashioned way. Maybe we could try something a bit... less traditional."
Dante smiles. "I'd like that a lot, Virgil. Should we break into cloud nine over there and ask them about the future now?"
Virgil nods. Soulmark or not, the future's looking pretty good.
tag list: @residentanchor @royally-anxious @jemthebookworm @arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt ​@thelowlysatsuma @adorably-angsty @max-is-tired @almostoveranalyzed @hawthornshadow @mariniacipher and obligatory royality tag @notveryglittery and anxceit tag @vintage-squid
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c-h-pictures · 4 years
@lance-alt @katlikethesword since you two seemed interested, here's more info. (Sorry this is late, I was on holiday and the internet was bad)
Detective AU but one of those ones where some people have powers. (Ranks are the English ones because they're the only ones I can confidently rank properly)
Logan Jones: DCI (Detective Chief Inspector). No power
Patton Sinclair: DC (Detective Constable). Can teleport anywhere within vision
Roman Johnson DS (Detective Sergeant). No power
Virgil Cooper: DC. Power yet to be decided.
Janus Smith: DS. Can see people's circulatory and respiratory systems when looking at them (if they're alive)
Remy Williams: DS with firearms training (never uses it though). Can channel electricity through his body, but has to know that it's coming.
Remus Johnson: Pathologist. No power.
Relationships: Remus x character that never features (male)
There's also this kid called Vivian that features as a more major character.
Janus and Remus know sign language, the other detectives know a bit, but not as much.
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For the Sanders Sides Ask thing: 🥰😔🌎 - Blue Anon
🥰 - fav ship/pairing head canon
I don't really have one
😔 - fav angsty headcanon
Deaf Virgil, I don't take criticism
🌎 - fav au
Idk, rn I'm interested in a dark side ddlc au
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peach-cake-slice · 5 years
Ok, question for deaf/hoh fanders.
Did you guys ever thought about a sign name for each one of the sides? Maybe for them as sides or for a human au?
What would it be?
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fangirltothefullest · 5 years
How does Medi!Virgil treat kids when they find any who are injured?
He treats them so kindly. He's calm and gentle and often jokes with them. He tells them they're very brave or jokes about cutting it off if they come with a small scrape and are old enough to handle it. He scrounges everywhere for a supply of lolipops. He keeps packs and packs of dumdums in his giant med pack specifically for children cause they may never really have sweets again. He gets Patton and Emile to patch up stuffed animals the kids managed to take with them cause for the kids it's like a lifeline.
They travel in an RV and never stay in the same settlement twice and he's used to coming and going but if he sees a kids grown it makes his day. Virgil needs that comfort sometimes.
Sometimes the others come in and see Virgil after an exhaustive night of sewing up wounds is still awake, gently soothing the worries of an anxious kid. They always come to him cause they know he can handle it.
Sometimes he can't. Sometimes he has to put the kids out of their misery and he spends the evening alone, unable to sleep. Patton is a comfort on those nights. Virgil knows sign, learned it right away because he knew hed be living eith Oatton and Emile hopefilly for the rest of their lives. They can talk with their hands and not have to worry about spoken words. Sometimes they don't even talk, just keep each other company.
Virgil likes that. They sometimes talk about adopting if things get better, though they already sort of adopted Thomas.
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saltwatersweets · 6 years
Okay so hear me out
Human au sides but they all have some sort of physical disability
Virgil is blind (he was born with it)
Logan is deaf (he lost his hearing after he learned how to talk, so while he knows sign language he also knows how to talk thanks to muscle memory. )
Patton can’t walk (he lost his legs in a car accident when he was young) 
Roman is mute (he was born with this, but he does not like this fact. He wants to sing Disney at the top of his lungs, not simply watch it!!) (Also, Patton tends to be the comminicator between Virgil and Roman, because all Roman can do is write and use sign language, which Virgil can’t see)
Thank you, you may go.
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cofe-doodles · 3 years
New AU✨
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A little snippet of the AU under the cut :D
Roman is usually a well-behaved kid, but when his parents separated him and his brother (sending Remus away to a boarding school to 'fix' him) Roman starts to rebel. Eventually, his mother and father see him as a carbon-copy of Remus and decided to send him away too.
Roman isn't happy but he is glad to see his brother again.
In this journey of him trying to break out of Westwood Boarding School of Discipline and Manners he comes across some of the students there: Patton, Logan, Janus and Virgil.
Explanation of the comic:
Roman had confessed to Virgil about his romantic feelings for him, but didn't know that Virgil had his hearing aids turned off.
More information:
Virgil is deaf, he likes to turn his hearing aid off whenever he finds it unnecessary or when he doesn't feel like talking to people
Roman doesn't know that Virgil is deaf earlier on in the story and just thinks that the emo ignores him
Roman - when he finally finds out of Virgil's condition - still often forgets about it
He would talk even though Virgil has his hearing aid off and would have to repeat his story when the emo would inform him that he didn't hear anything Roman had said
It pisses him off
Especially when Virgil would wait until he finished telling his story
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northlight14 · 3 years
Starry nights and heavy guitars
Summary: Logan gets dragged out to a late night drive by his boyfriends.
Tw: cursing, let me know if I need to add anything else
Ships: analodemus (logan X all the dark sides)
Genre: collage au
Alt prompt 1: music/dance/art (prompt by @pridewrite2021)
Logan was hunched over his desk, re-reading the same line from his text book over and over. The information just didn't seem to want to stick. He glanced over at his clock. 12:08 am. Yeah, he'd definitely done enough studying for one night. Just as he went to pack his stuff away, as if on que, the very loud sound of a car horn made him jump out of his seat. He held a hand to his heart as he tried to catch his breath, rolling his eyes when the deafening sound continued, slowly giving him a headache.
He rose from his chair and drew his curtains, ready to scream at whatever moron is making that god awful noise so late at night, only to stop just before he could speak.
"Hey Logan!" Remus called from his shitty truck, immediately stopping the honking. Their other boyfriends, Janus and Virgil stood outside the truck, just by the door sipping on what looked like energy drinks.
"Sorry Logan, we tried to call you first but you wouldn't pick up." Virgil called.
"Yeah I turned my phone off because I was revising. Wait-why didn't you just knock on my door?!" The awkward glances the 3 men exchanged told Logan that they hadn't even considered that an option. Logan loved his boyfriends but God could they be idiots some times.
"Hang on, I'm coming down!" Logan called before pulling on his NASA hoodie and running down the stairs of his apartment, meeting the three outside.
“What are you all doing here?” He asked. “Do you know how late it is?”
“Says the man who was apparently still up studying.” Janus said, eyebrow raised and arms crossed. “What have I told you about taking care of yourself?”
“Yes, yes, I know. I just lost track of time. Anyway, that doesn’t answer my question.” Logan said, folding his arms, mirroring Janus.
“Remus is on an energy high so we ended up getting dragged into it.” Virgil said, taking a sip of his energy drink and slouching against the car.
“Come on Logan!” Remus said, shaking the door of the truck. “I wanna drive out into the middle of nowhere and blast music way to loud and it isn’t as fun without you!”
“As tempting as that sounds.” Logan said, sarcastically. “I have exams I need to prepare for.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to take a break for a while.” Janus said. “Just 5 minutes of fun. That’s all we’re asking for here.”
Logan glanced between his boyfriends, Remus giving him his best puppy dog eyes and Janus and Virgil looking hopeful. He sighed heavily. There was no use arguing this. “Alright, fine.” He said, rolling his eyes.
“Yay!” Remus cheered, clapping his hands like a performing seal. Virgil grabbed Logan and dragged him into the back of the truck, sitting next to him. Janus shoved Remus out of the drivers seat, all of them having agreed a long time ago that Remus shouldn’t be allowed behind a wheel.
As they stared to drive Remus tossed Logan another energy drink. He stared at the drink for a moment before eyeing his boyfriend suspiciously.
“Relax, we payed for them.” Janus chuckled.
“Only because I made you pay for them!” Virgil said, tone teasing.
“I have no idea what you mean.” Janus said, mock offended. “I am a perfectly honourable, law abiding member of society.” He drawled. Virgil couldn’t help but smirk.
“You’re such a spoil sport, Virgie.” Remus said, tone teasing, before beginning to play with the radio.
“Well excuse me if I don’t want us to get arrested!”
“You don’t get arrested if you do it right.” Janus commented. Logan couldn’t help but smile to himself and took a sip of the drink. He could tell already it was going to be a long night, it was probably a good idea to give himself an energy boost.
Remus continued to press random buttons on the radio until the truck was flooded with the sound of heavy guitars and someone screaming into the mic. It wasn’t a song Logan personally recognised, Remus definitely did.
“I love this song!” Remus yelled, turning up the music so loud Logan thought he might go deaf. Remus rolled down his window and stuck his head out, the wind making his brown hair impossibly messier. He cheered and sang the lyrics at the top of his lungs. The other three couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, Virgil and Janus joining in singing parts of it.
A few songs like that played, Logan recognising a few of them from his boyfriends playing them in the past. Eventually, Janus drove them into a field with no streetlights anywhere near them. Logan stared out the window, admiring the sky, each star shining so clearly. Despite the loud music, everything felt strangely calm and peaceful.
The truck came to a stop and Remus immediately hopped out, everyone else following after him. He took a swig of what was originally Janus’ drink, climbing onto the top of the truck and yelling:
“I’m never gonna die!” Before they all burst out laughing.
Virgil then plugged in his phone and started to play the playlist he’d made for all of them a while ago, mixing the different genres they all liked. Metal, pop punk, punk rock, rap, indie, and the odd pop song.
As each song played they all badly yelled the lyrics at the top of their lungs, Remus and Janus dragging Virgil into dancing with them. Logan sat on the grass by the truck and admired his boyfriends. They each looked so alive as they danced and sang, seemingly not a care in the world. Remus’ wavy hair flying freely, unkept and unbound like the man himself. Hair Logan had ran his fingers through countless times to either calm him down or when Remus had lay his head on Logan’s lap as they talked about strange science facts. Janus’ eyes reflected the star’s above them all beautifully. Those same eyes that always looked at him with genuine concern when Logan wasn’t taking care of himself and always gave Janus away when he was trying to hide his emotions or get away with something. Virgils pale skin shone like the moonlight. He clearly hadn’t had time to apply his usual eyeshadow before being dragged out by the others, leaving his small freckles along his nose exposed. A feature that Virgil always said he hated but Logan had always adored. Each of the men were so beautiful in such different ways. Logan couldn’t help but melt as he gazed at them.
This liveliness had always been something he’d admired about his boyfriends. Even Virgil, who had struggled with social anxiety for most of his life, seemed to be so free in moments like these. The guitars playing in the background and no one to watch him other than the people he trusted most and the stars above them.
Virgil was finally able to escape the grip of their boyfriends and he took a seat next to Logan, resting his head agains his shoulder.
“Saw you staring, you simp.” Virgil teased. “What are you thinking about?” He asked, huddling into his hoodie and holding onto Logan’s hands for some warmth.
“Oh, nothing.” He sighed, watching as Remus and Janus began to slow dance to a pop rock song that began to play. “Just listening to the music.”
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princeanxious · 4 years
An idea I’m drawing stuff for:
Okay so g/t sanders sides au idea but where the tiny people are actually mini android/cyborgs made to accompany people /if they want to/ as companions to humans that can connect to technology and the internet. (Medium-big sized ramble under-cut)
They arent nessesarily helpers, but they can help humans w/ technology issues if they want(and there are lots of human laws in place that prohibit forced labor and captivity from this new sentient race, but as you might guess, just bc there are laws doesnt mean everyone follows them or gets caught breaking them) the rest of the world is kinda up for development but i can tell you these tiny android people sometimes come with additional features such as tails w/ audio jacks/place where the tail would go to insert an audiojack, eyes and fingers that glow, ear type varients depending on what time they were born/created, have as many bendable joints as a human, but their legs and feet are naturally a bit thicker/wider both for balance and more room for technology in their tiny bodies.
Theyre a very intermingled mix of liveform and android(and are probably best explained as just. Straight up aliens to planet earth), to the point that theres no actual way to seperate tech from bio-matter. And theyre so tiny that trying to seperate the two on such a small scale is still scientifically impossible at this current time. Damage and wear/tear to their body can heal quickly with enough energy, rest, and time, but losing body parts can be nearly detrimental to their health if said parts cant be reattached quickly. They are not strong enough to regenerate a full limb.
It’s not an immediate death if they lose a limb, but its very much an emergency due to how spread out their bodily function sensors are in their tiny bodies. Losing a certain leg can mean losing complete mobility of both legs and balance, or losing certain patches of memory, losing a certain arm can mean losing the ability to balnce well, or go nearly sensory blind(meaning they can see things, but no longer feel them that well.) the tail is the only bodypart that is not immediately detrimental to their health, just their lifestyle. Their tail is their only way to directly connect to the online world without assistance. Without it, they rely on adapter prostetics that wear out over time and need to be replaced on occassion.
That being said, in this au, Roman, Remus, and Janus are tinies in this world. Roman and Remus are twins, and both suffered an injustice of experimentation that involved one of their legs each being removed, and being reattached(successfully) to the other’s body, as a test to see how similar twin tiny’s bodies are and if the similarities assist any in surrogate limbs attaching successfully. Theyre rescued and rehabilitated amd rehomed together before anything more was done to them, but they live life knowing they have eachothers leg and function as if said legs are really their own, and it connects them in a very odd way that they cant really explain.(it comes w/ a bonus of being able to send messages to one another, but a con of being able to see a portion of the other’s memories, be it mental, or physical muscle memory)
They live with a group of humans, Logan, Patton, and Virgil, who are aware of their situation and have welcomed them into their home to live normal tiny lives. Patton and Virgil are brothers, and Logan is their childhood bestfriend. Remus tends to travel w/ Logan the most bc Logan isnt bothered by Remus’s constant hyperfixations on dark and grusome things.(they hold alot of convos abt dark literature and anatomy, and astronomy. Remus finds Logan’s voice soothing on his semi-irratic stream of thoughts, and talking abt astonomy helps sooth Remus to sleep the fastest.) Roman clings to Virgil mostly but passes inbetween Virgil and Patton pretty frequently depending on whose at work. (Virgil and Roman bicker about everything under the sun, but it’s still healthy for them. Virgil keeps Roman’s ego in check and Roman helps Virgil gain more confidence in things, especially things in public.)
Janus is.. well, he was born.. defective, in a way. No ones really sure exactly what happened, if there were dificulties in his development, or if his existance was fused semi-incorrectly with another while in the preverbial womb, but he is born with his body being partially down the middle on one side with another set of tiny genetics, leaving 1/4th of his body from one side of the head to just below the same side’s ribs to be a different skin & metal plating color. One eye glows gold, the other a bright milky white, the same going for either hand w/ his finger-tips on the same sides. Pure snow white skin, plating, and hair is unnatural, and its theorized to be a permanent glitch in his physical coding seeing as the ‘other tiny’ that had yet to combine correctly would not have developed any physical traits until birth to mimick a combination of it’s parents, it’s physical attribute coding would remain dormant and thus not addapt with the rest of the body.
This leaves Janus visually different, and physically different. He has his own two legs and tail so that part of his body functions normally, but the arm that is inter-functionally dormant leaves him with terrible balance issues(thus leaving him to require a cane) and his on the same side that is similarly dormant leaves him functionally blind in said eye and deaf on said side.
He’s developed an extremely defensive personality because he refuses to be pitied for something he was never in control of. He’s plenty independent without help and beyond grouchy. Has been known to bite humans who try to help him but wont listen to him, hard. He’s never been allowed to live a normal tiny’s life because the parents he was born to gave him to humans to ensure he lived, then got retroactively babied since. His foul temper has lead to a difficulty in the homing process, and the humans are almost about to give up on him when Virgil walks in one day, curious about homing a third tiny to help stabalize the twins antics and frustrations born from there only being the two of them.
Janus is just as foul at first as he is to everyone who approaches him, because he fully expects pity. Instead of Virgil moving on in rejection/dismissal of the rude behavior, Virgil just chuckles in amusement. “Oh boy, you’re fiesty huh?” “Have to be, lest people think they can do and think whatever they want about me. Better to give them my worst so they don’t get any god-complex over my disability, right?” And Virgil relates, and isnt hesitant abt mentioning his own struggles w/ how rudely people treat him w/ his general anxiety disorder and chronic depression.
Virgil manages to convince Janus take a chance and come home w/ him. And then Janus meets Patton, and things go so much better than anyone expected them to go. I mean, they get worse before they get better, but the getting better is so much further than any resulted backtracking. Janus likes Patton, and is uber protective of him. No one knew Patton to bicker much, but oh boy, does he bicker with Janus, often abt taking care of one another. Its all out of love and care, and its honestly jarringly sweet. (Patton gets Janus hooked on chocolate chips, and may or may not bribe him with a bottle-lip full from time to time if it means making Janus relax.)
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typically-untypical · 3 years
Anger's Light
AU: Close to Canon
TW: Anger
WC: 1398
Date: 8/31/2021
Logan sank out slowly, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of his room wash over him. He took in a slow, steadying breath. Today had not turned out as he had hoped. Thomas had finally been open to the idea of a new schedule, of getting his life in order or listening to Logan, but things never worked out the way he wanted them to. He should have known better. Maybe he had been overzealous with his plan. He knew asking Thomas to do so much was a hefty task, but Thomas deserved a clean space.
Thomas deserved a space that didn’t leave him feeling overwhelmed. Thomas deserved good food that made him fulfilled, and Thomas deserved a well-organized life that helped him feel focused. Everything Logan wanted to do and wanted to plan was for his host’s benefit.
So why did no one listen?
“They really are deaf to you aren’t they?” The voice echoed through Logan’s room and he felt himself grow stiff. Anger filled him, his hand tightening into a ball. He didn’t want to be angry. He didn’t want to feel anything, it was so much easier.
“Stop fighting it, Logan.” His voice was soft and cloying, almost like a warm blanket that was begging him to rest. “Let me open the flood gates. I’ll make sure you are listened to.”
Logan choked, feeling two tears sliding down his face.
No one listened.
No one ever listened.
“Okay,” his voice came out as barely a whisper before his eyes flashed orange. The anger filled up, pulling to the surface every little detail he had pushed into the back of his heart. His body was moving on its own, like a puppet pulled by strings as he slammed his way to the common area.
They weren’t there, of course, they weren’t. Everything was so strained between all of them, but Logan didn’t care. The only one in the common area was Janus, and where Logan would normally hold back the pain that seeing Janus brought, his mouth opened before he could stop himself.
“How dare you?”
“How dare you silence me, after the play, in the courtroom? You know the importance of Logic, and yet you took away my voice.” He growled a deep and guttural growl, not even noticing the orange threads around him. He didn’t care, the flood gate had been opened. “Did you think that you could just push me aside and I would accept it? Maybe I would have, maybe I would have accepted your transgression but you did it again, and again.”
“Logan, what’s all this yelling about?”
He swiveled to face Patton who was making his way down the stairs. “And you, every time I try to work with you when I try to find compromises you steamroll over my thoughts and ideas. I was willing to come up with solutions that we could both agree on, helping the dogs find homes though we couldn’t take them in, finding new storage options to keep all of your beloved mementos, but what did you do? You immediately went back on our discussion, pushing your agenda of what you wanted rather than what was feasible.”
“That was over a year ago.”
“Fine, you want something more recent? YOU SKIPPED ME! I knew that my helpful information wasn’t accepted in the way that it was normally presented, so I tried to find another way to give you relevant information and what did you do? You skipped all of it. I knew you never listened to me, but do you know how damaging it was to watch as you let me be replaced? Is that what you want? Do you want Thomas’ Logic to be replaced? Maybe then all of you would be happy.”
He was going too far. He knew he was, but he couldn’t stop himself. Years of repressed anger, the feelings of hurt, pain, and abandonment had built up.
“Tell me, oh fearless leader, separator of the good from the bad. Do I no longer fit into the mold of your perfect family? Should I just toss myself to the side before you get the chance?”
Patton let out a strangled sob. Everyone else had come down at this point, Virgil’s hand reached out hesitantly to comfort Patton but then he pulled back.
“Lo, that’s enough.”
“Enough? Enough? Do you mean like how after your acceptance I attempted to stand up for you but was met with hostility? How I attempted to fix the mistakes that I made but my input is only listened to when we are in crisis? Well guess what, this is a crisis now. I will no longer compromise. I will no longer be the butt of your jokes.”
Tears were streaming down his face and Logan wasn’t sure if it was from the pain of everything, he was facing coming out all at once, or if it was from Rage’s influence.
“I think that’s enough Rage.” Remus cackled, dropping from the ceiling, a bunch of slithering tentacles sliding into his back.
“I think the little nerd is going to break if you keep the gate open for too much longer.”
Logan felt the string snap and realized the anger was the only thing keeping him standing. With the anger gone he was left with all of the other emotions, the pain, the sadness, the frustration. He curled in on himself, unable to breathe. He wanted to sink out but a hand stopped him.
“Nope, time to face the funeral music specs,” Remus said as he pulled Logan up to the couch. Then there was a blur of yellow and black in front of him, asking him simple questions, grounding questions. It helped him regain his breath.
“Apologies for the outburst.”
There was a dark chuckle from across the room. “No, I think that was very much needed, Professor Eggbert.”
Rage stood off to the side, “though, I’m a bit surprised at how hard that all came out. I was expecting a bit, not for you to chew out everyone here.”
Roman didn’t want to point out that Logan hadn’t chewed him out, but he knew it was only because the logical side hadn’t been given a chance. He was well aware that they had had plenty of misunderstandings.
“I am trying to be better, I am trying to learn. What can I do to be enough?”
The silence around the room was palpable.
Janus was the first one to break it. “My intention was never to cause you this pain. I might have been a bit over--dramatic in my first appearance, but in the courtroom, I knew you were the only one I wouldn’t need to convince and when I did involve you, you were against me. I got scared. I’m sorry that I hurt you.” He put a hand on Logan’s getting a soft hiccup.
Remus knelt down next. “Look Entrapta, I’m not your enemy. I’m just trying to help… in my own way.” Remus nuzzled against Logan’s leg. “I know I’ve been bad, you can punish me if you want.”
Logan rolled his eyes, but there was a slight smile on his face.
Virgil plopped on the couch next. “Sorry specs. I get so caught up in my own shit sometimes.”
“You and I rarely see eye to eye, but we both want what’s best for Thomas,” Roman said, sitting down on Logan’s opposite side. “Maybe I do need to be a little more open to your plans.”
Patton stared at the little group, his hands covering his mouth. He wasn’t even sure what to say, until he slowly sat in front of Logan, just a bit further from the dark sides who were protecting him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I have been so focused on Thomas’s emotions that I haven’t been listening to you. I’m sorry I hurt you. Logan, I’m so sorry. You know you are important right?”
The tears began to fall again as Logan nodded slowly. “Thank you,” He didn’t want to cry again, but the tears were already coming, and he felt the others hug him tightly. The dam broke and he began to cry even hard, curling into the warmth.
Rage smirked, still standing off to the side. Anger, when used the right way, could shine a light on a lot of things.
@tsshipmonth2020 @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky
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This was made back in 2020 lol. I actually want to redo this, cause it was gonna be part of a multichapter fic. And also as you’ll be able to see, it’s really not finished XD. I make no promises, but exploring a disabled au with more “realistic” angst is something I’m interested in. Just thought some of you might enjoy seeing where it started!
Also a note, disabled experiences aren’t inherently angst, but learning to accept new limitations, being diagnosed with difficult disorders, and sometimes just navigating life and symptoms can be “angst”. This is written by a chronically ill disabled person so just please be aware of that.
Anyways, only tw really is that Logan’s dealing with some internalized ableism.
Also, although I am autistic, I’m not non verbal, so before I write this into like, a full “thing”, I will be updating my research to be as accurate as possible.
Logan looks at the school with a look one could only describe as discomfort. He looks back at his parents.
“Do I have to go?” he asks bitterly.
“It’ll be good for you,” his mother says, “and it’s only for two years. After your A levels you’ll go off to a – normal – university.”
Logan doesn’t care to dwell on his mother’s words, and yet he can’t help it. Normal. Right, this school wasn’t normal. Neither were the people in it. People like him. He fiddles with the medical alert necklace around his neck, feeling the engraving, the cold metal.
“Well? What are you waiting for?” his father asks. “Go on in.”
Logan sighs, nods and walks into the building. He hears his parents drive away as he holds his bags close to his chest. He had to go to the office to meet his teacher and the school council president, or so he had been told.
He pulls out a map and inspects it carefully. He had colour coded it, so he could easily direct himself.
He gets to the office and knocks timidly, which felt so unnatural to him. He notices various accessibility things and feels uncertain. However, he enters on cue and sees Dr Sanders and Patton.
Patton is grinning widely, his uniform neat but his hair a mess. He has bright eyes, short dark dreads and beautiful dark skin. Logan is taken aback because Patton looks normal, and remembers he does as well.
“So, you’re Logan Surname?” Dr Sanders asks with a warm smile, “it’s a pleasure to meet you. Take a seat.”
Logan does so and listens carefully as Dr Sanders explains how the school works. He then directs him to Patton, saying he’ll show him to his dorm and help him out showing him around the school etc.
Patton then waves excitedly, eagerly stimming and making some kind of signs that Logan doesn’t recognise. Logan looks at Dr Sanders awkwardly, and Patton looks deflated.
“He’s non verbal. May I suggest you take some sign language classes here? We have a lot of students who use it, and it will be helpful for you.”
Logan nods slightly, turns back to Patton and smiles slightly.
“My apologies. I guess I’m still getting used to...this. Um, are you deaf? Ah, wait, I shouldn’t ask, sorry-”
Patton cuts him off by waving and showing him his medical id bracelet, which reads non verbal, autistic. Logan nods in understanding.
“My cousin is autistic. Um...I have epilepsy? And dyslexia...but it’s not too bad – um – I can read your-I’m sorry, I’m not usually like this.”
Patton waves him off and takes out his phone, quickly bringing up an app as the two walk outside. He types and it speaks.
“It’s ok. I’m guessing you’re new to being disabled?”
Logan feels uncomfortable with the word but nods.
“I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was eight, but my epilepsy...” he trails off, not wanting to go into detail.
Patton stims, telling him it’s ok with his actions.
They go to the dorm and drop off Logan’s stuff.
Patton then shows Logan around the school, explaining bits like where classes are, and how everyone is expected to join a club. Logan asks about clubs.
“I’m in the school council! Oh but you know that. My friend Virgil is in both the debate team and the art club. But there’s musical clubs and art clubs and sports and all sorts!”
Patton appears to be about to tell him about all the clubs, but Logan stops him.
They compare schedules and Patton is disappointed they don’t share any classes, but tells him he knows some of his friends have those classes. Logan nods awkwardly, wondering if they’ll look normal.
Patton reminds him that he’ll need to start classes tomorrow, but not to worry, he’s not the only new one.
As if on cue, the twins come out, almost bumping in. Include something about them being latino somehow? They introduce themselves as Roman and Remus. Logan finds himself looking at Roman’s missing arm and leg, and upon noticing Roman is immediately uncomfortable.
Remus is annoyed at Logan, and Logan mentions to Patton that he’s surprised they’re both there, and is it genetic? Patton tells him that it’s personal, and not to go asking questions.
“They’ll tell you if they want to.”
Logan feels bad.
The next day Logan heads off to his Psychology class, where he meets Janus, Emile, Remy, and Remus again. He apologises to Remus, who seems ok but says it’s Roman he should apologise to. His speech is obviously not quite right – he repeats words at times, but Logan reminds himself to ignore it. It’s fine.
He’s surprised that both Remus and Emile appear “normal”, but is fascinated by Janus’ chair, and notices Remy’s cane and also that he obviously can’t see.
He goes about his day, has a project to do, and studies in the library where he’s joined by Patton and Janus. They chat and study together, and Logan looks at them, wondering if he’ll ever get used to it.
“So what are you studying?” Janus asks, obviously tired.
“Uh...psychology, physics, english literature and environmental studies...”
Patton grins and stims to show approval.
“Clever, hm? You must like science and shit.”
“Yeah, well...I wanted to be a surgeon.”
The words feel heavy in the air, and both Janus and Patton seem to understand. Logan flushes, a little shocked that he actually told them.
He ends up leaving them, not wanting to dwell on the matter. He bumps into Remy, who seems a bit stressed, but they don’t share words.
Logan falls asleep unsure of his future, thoughts running through his head until.
“Fuck, I forgot to take my meds.”
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