#Slight abelism
scalycat · 3 months
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I missed them ?
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narah-nightbloom · 6 months
Okay so I only found out about ILW a few days ago somehow, and I literally finished it in two days and a half instead of doing uni work.
I need to scream a little bit now, sorry and thank you
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i-may-be-an-emu · 1 year
Autistic Jerry Seinfeld HC (the charachter not the person)
Reasons Jerry Seinfeld (fictional charachter) is autistic:
He has little to no empathy
Trouble understanding social cues/norms
Germaphobe (not a symptom but just something I've noticed a lot of autistic people have in common)
Superman special interest
Doesn't like waiting
Uses humour as a defence mechanism
Doesn't get genuinely mad at people (apart from in that one episode but then he goes back to not)
Strong sense of justice
He always eats at the restaurant they always eat at because yay routine and sameness
he likes cereal every day for breakfast (again, this is the routine and sameness)
Doesnt seem to have a "filter" or blurts out things that others find offensive, and is often "too" honest
Again, this is about the show and the charachter, not the actor who plays him. I know he has commented about the possibilities of him being autistic before but I dont really follow that so idk whwhat'really up with that.
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beeanonxx · 1 year
Oh? Are you sharing the reasoning you received or nah? Either way, photoshoot sounds exciting. Are you modeling clothes or showcasing a product?
Uh, it has stuff to do with me being wheelchair-bound and having a prosthetic. I'm modeling clothes! I've worked with this clothing company before and they were really nice, so I have high hopes! I've seen little peeks of the clothing I'm going to be modeling and they look really cool!
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purplesoil · 7 months
Terrible Delivery chp 2
🌱 YAM 47 (02/16/2024)
“AACK!” Katie freaks out at something on the floor. “Abel-san, the letter was covering up a crack! The culprit broke into my store and roughed it up too!”
Abel observes the damage with a frown. “There’s white flakes around it. Where did this come from?” He goes around the store... [read on AO3!]
bgm: medieval kpop cover of Super Shy by NewJeans, from ettee
inspired by: Abel's wiki page that says there's a rumor that he likes Katie??? HUH?? HOW DID I MISS THIS?! and also the quests for Abel and Katie.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
Now Loading...
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Starring: True from! Sukuna in a cabin in the woods... Synopsis: You don't see the point in it; chasing myths on Halloween night, going deeper into the woods than you ever had before. You'd rather be at home than chasing ghosts. But, your best friend insists on finding evidence of the local urban legends, and surely she won't abandon you the moment you find what shes been hunting, right? Content Warning: Tonight we are serving True form (two dicks) Sukuna, double penetration, tummy bulges, cunnilingus, kidnapping, marking, slight dubcon, and a soft Sukuna if you squint. reader discretion is advised
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“So, remind me again why we’re taking a walk in the woods on Halloween night?” You asked your friend, narrowly avoiding a thorn vine as you pushed past the brush. 
“Because, historically speaking, people tend to see it on Halloween!” She explained, holding up her camera, “It’s our best chance of finding evidence of the spider demon.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at her optimism.
“I don’t know if “Historically” is the right word to use there,” you grumbled softly as you continued your walk together. Ever since the two of you had started taking that Folklore Studies class for an extra college credit she had become obsessed with the local urban legend: The Spider Demon. To her credit, it was a genuinely interesting topic. 
As far back as town hall kept records of, there were sightings of the beast: a giant humanoid man that was covered in ancient markings, with four arms, four eyes, and a giant mouth on his abdomen. Rumor has it, he was the one at fault for all the disappearances that plagued your small town, dragging poor, innocent souls into some far off lair and feasting on their flesh. 
The sane people knew the real reason for the disappearances though; most of those kids hopped a train and got the fuck out of that dying town while they still could. You couldn’t say you blamed them. If you didn’t go to school here, one of the cheaper colleges around, you wouldn’t be here either. 
Your thoughts came to a halt as the two of you came up on an old stream. You knew it well as the boundary between where it was acceptable to play in the woods, and where was off limits. Everyone in the town had followed this rule. Your great grandparents had this rule engraved in their soul as kids, just as your parents and grandparents had, just as you had. And just as your kids would one day. No one really knew why you weren’t supposed to cross the water, just that you weren’t.
And your best friend was trying to hop across. “Hey! What the hell do you think you’re doin’?!” You yelled as you grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She looked at you as if you had just grown two extra heads.
"I'm crossing the stream?" She asked as if you were the insane one here.
"Yeah, I can see that dipshit!" You snapped, "Why the hell would you do that?!"
"To get to the other side?"
"What are you, a chicken?! You know we're not supposed to cross this stream." Your friend dramatically rolled her eyes, making her annoyance clear.
"The only chicken here is you Y/n." She scoffed. "Come on, it's just water. It can't hurt you." She said in a tone meant to mock assurance. It grinded your bones and made you wonder why you were friends to begin with.
"Don't be like that. Everyone in this town has been told since birth not to cross that stream, there has to be a reason why."
"The reason why is probably so little kids don't drown." She explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. It made you want to rearrange her teeth. "I'm going to cross the stream and keep the hunt going, are you with me or not Y/n?" She asked.
You took a deep breath. You absolutely were not with her. Every fiber in your being was setting off red flags, you could hear your ancestors screaming at you to turn around, somewhere from the great beyond, both Cain and Abel look at you and say "girl, don't do it." 
And yet, you started to jump across the rocks. As annoying as your friend was, she was still your friend, and you couldn't let her go alone. Your ancestors all collectively face palm, your nerves explode, Cain turns to Abel and shakes his head. There's no saving you now. You swore the air temperature dropped by at least three degrees as you made it to the other side of the stream. You cursed softly as you wrapped your jacket tighter around you, and rushed to catch up with your friend.
“See? We crossed the water and we didn’t explode! Some rules are just made to be broken.” She seemed confident in that, but you still weren’t. Something was so…off. Wrong. But you couldn’t figure out what. The moon was still as full as ever, lighting your way as the two of you walked. Your friend seemed fine, as chatty as hell even. And you were physically okay. Leaves crunched under your shoes, and the crickets chirped-
Wait. No they didn’t. “Hey, shush.” You demanded of your friend.
“What!? Why should I-”
“I said Shut. Up.” You snapped, an unfamiliar edge to your voice taking even you by surprise. She shut up, and you struggled to listen to the sounds of the forest. Except, there were no sounds of the forest. No crickets singing, no owls hooting, not even the rustle of a field mouse in the grass. The woods were completely silent, filled with nothing but the sound of your breathing. 
“Do you hear that?” You asked your friend.
“I don’t hear anything.” She scoffed.
“Exactly. We need to turn back.”
“What?! No way!” She protested with a stomp of her foot. You were really starting to think that Darwinism would not look kindly upon your friend.
“The woods are completely quiet.” You pointed out, “That doesn’t happen unless it has a reason to be quiet. We’re not welcome here.” You tried to argue. You would have been better off arguing with the moon itself. Your friend just shook her head as she continued to walk.
“The woods are always quiet Y/n, its what makes it so peaceful, or whatever.”
“But not this quiet!” You pleaded as you chased after her, still not willing to let her die out here alone. “Dude, please, we need to go-!”
“Ooo, whats that!” Your “best friend” quickly changed the topic as she pointed out a building off in the distance, running off to check it out. You felt your stomach fall to the floor. Who would build anything out here? You ran to follow her, deciding to just drag her back home if you had to. 
“Its a house!” She pointed out with a laugh as the two of you reached the edge of a lawn, “And they even decorated for Halloween, how sweet.” You looked at the house, an old wooden cabin that looked like something a pilgrim would have built back in the 1700s. You were shocked to see lights glowing in the window, indicating the building had electricity. That wasn’t what unnerved you the most though.
That would be the bones littering the yard. Animal and human alike, some looking older than others. All strewn about as if thrown there without any care, or sense of design. They looked more like discarded trash than they did decor, and a morbid part of your brain forced you to ask; do those maybe look a little too real to be made of plastic? You blood felt colder than ice as your throat contracted, an unseen anaconda choking you as your knees threatened to give out.
This place was cursed. “You should go knock.” Your friend smirked.
“I would rather die.” You whispered.
“I’m serious!” She laughed, “Go trick or treating! You’d probably be the first one to do so here.” 
“No way, this isn’t right. Why would they “decorate” for Halloween all the way out here? Why are they out here to begin with? It doesn’t make sense, we need to go.”
“Well, I’m not leaving until you go knock on the door.” Your friend shrugged as if she wasn’t signing your death certificate. “These kind people deserve trick or treaters, and I deserve to take a picture of you scared shitless as you knock on the door.” She laughed.
“That’s not funny!” You snapped, your patience growing thinner as your anxiety grew.
“Oh come on Y/n! Don’t be such a bitch, just go knock on the door and then we can go, okay? I promise.”
“...Swear?” You asked softly, at this point willing to do whatever it took to leave these woods and go home.
“Swear.” Your best friend smiled, locking her pinky with yours. Her smile as angelic, enough to trick you into a facade of ease. You took a deep breath as you approached the door, carefully avoiding the skeletons as you walked. Did they looked chewed on? You didn’t want to think too hard about it. You could feel your heart in your throat, the false courage of your friends pinky promise fleeing faster and faster with every step you took closer to this house. It radiated death.
Climbing the creaky stairs was harder than you anticipated, your jittering joints protesting the very act. You reached a trembling fist to the splintering wooden door, knocking as soft as possible. “H-Hello?” You called out, hating the way your voice quivered, “Trick or Treat!” Your entire body tried to collapse in on itself, the only thing keeping you from doing so was the primal instinct to maintain your ability to run should you so need.
You waited a few seconds, then let out a shaking breath as no one came to the door. As you turned back to your friend, you were blinded by the flash of a camera, freezing you in your place. The sounds of her cackle filled you with rage. You really needed you friends. 
You rolled your eyes. “There I knocked. Are you happy? Can we please go home no-” your words died in your throat as you heard the door open.
“Trick.” a rough deep voice said, deeply unfamiliar to you. You watched your friends face contort into fear and her jaw unhinged itself into a scream as she scrambled to get away. Though, you weren’t able to hear her panic, the ringing in your ears becoming deafening as you felt your feet fall from underneath you, a python of an arm squeezing your stomach as you were lifted into the air, and into the house. 
You tried to grab the door frame as you were dragged into hell, becoming aware of your own screaming ripping through your throat as the frame was ripped from your fingers and the door shut in your face.
“Quite mortal.” The voice said again, and you almost instantly shut up. Something primal in your DNA sequencing knowing better than to piss off this devil. The monster turned you over in his hands, turning you to face him. Your soul left your body. You took in the visage of the beast, your panicking brain struggling to process what was in front of you.
 A giant humanoid man, with four arms, four eyes, and a face and chest full of ancient markings. He was holding you too close to properly see it, not to mention the fact that he was wearing a regal robe, but you would bet an unreasonable amount of money he had a sickening smile on his belly. You were in The Spider Demons claws.
And worst of all, he was kinda cute? Like, maybe it was the unshakeable sense of death that rattled your soul and turned your brain into mush, but if he was like- a normal guy with a normal amount of arms and eyes, you would have been smitten! You were kinda smitten now, even if you didn’t want to admit that. God you…really really hoped this whole experience wasn’t awakening something in you. This would be something to unpack in therapy later- if you survived this.
The demon took your chin in a free hand, turning your head as he examined you. You smelled divine. If you had been a sacrifice for him, he would have given whoever picked you out an A++ for finding you, and a bit more leniency for a while. But, he knew you weren’t a sacrifice. The townsfolk had declared him their enemy long ago, and had been facing the consequences ever since. So, that begged the question.
“Tell me, whats a pretty thing like you doing at my doorstep on the most haunted night of the year?” He asked, turning your head to look him in the eye. 
“Wishing you were a myth.” You went with the first thing that came to your head and instantly regretted it. That might have been a little too honest for this situation. But, at least he seemed to find humor in it, snickering at your quip.
“Keep wishing then human, I’m all too real.” He chuckled darkly. 
“Yeah, I-I see that…Are you going to kill me?” Your voice was shakier than you intended as you asked. You hated it, but the anticipation of what he was going to do was more painful that anything he could have actually done.
“I haven’t decided yet.” He mused as he continued his examination of you. He smiled cruelly as he felt your pulse quicken under his hands. He could smell your fear, and it was intoxicating. Your eyes, blown wide with fear, were stirring something deep down inside of him, and making you far more interesting than any other human he had come across in years.
Or, maybe it had just been a while since he had anyone to fuck. Granted, he had stolen plenty of mortals from your small town, but most of the time they died in the process. Corpses held no interest to him for anything other than food. But you? You were alive and warm, and vulnerable in his claws. That fact alone made the notion of keeping you alive for a little longer far more enticing than killing you just yet. 
“Um, anything I could do to help you make that decision?” You asked softly.
“The decision to kill you?” he questioned
“Well, the decision not too!” You quickly clarified, “Dying sounds kinda, well, not fun  and with you being like, a real thing that kinda makes me question well everything as far as mythology goes and that makes dying really fucking scary and-”
“You’re rambling mortal.” He sneered in annoyance.
“Right! My bad I just- please don’t kill me. I’ll do anything not to die.” You begged, tears prickling the corners of your eyes as you grappled with being forced to face the unknown. You had the beasts attention though, an eyebrow raising at your offer.
“Anything?” He purred, his eyes falling to the swell of your chest and making you greatly regret your word choice. “Anything at all?”
“Anything.” You whispered softly. You reasoned with yourself that this was for your life and definitely not because the thought of getting railed by a blood thirsty demon made you squish your thighs together in anticipation. You for sure didn’t feel a rush of arousal as the thought of something meant to kill you making you cum instead crossed your mind. That didn’t happen, no way, not at all. You weren’t wondering if his dick was as monstrous as he was, or if his markings graced it as well.
“Alright then Human, deal.” He grinned wickedly as he brushed a stray hair behind your ear. “I’ll let you live, if you give your body to me first.” You felt your face burn at his proposal. Something felt fundamentally wrong about spreading your legs for a demon. You weren’t religious or anything, but that had to be some sort of sin. But, if it was for your life, surely you could indulge- I MEAN- endure. 
“Before I agree, we’re not talking about possession, right?” You had to clarify. He smirked at your words. You were cleaver to ask, it showed a familiarity with the supernatural. Maybe you weren’t as foolish as you first seemed after all.
“Smart girl. But no, we’re not talking about possession.” He confirmed. 
“Okay, cool, just checking.” You chuckled nervously. “You got yourself a deal.” His smirk turned into a dark grin as his free hands rushed to your clothes. You panicked, knowing he was going to rip them off and you’d be forced to walk back in the nude. That would have been mortifying.
“Wait wait wait!” You yelped, holding up your arms to stop his hands. 
“What?” He growled, annoyance flooding his tone.
“Let me undress myself.” You requested, “Please? I’ll make it worth your while.” He seemed intrigued and amused, setting you on the ground with an almost unnerving gentleness. 
“Will you now? Lets see.” He hummed. You nodded, taking a few steps back. You took a deep breath and shrugged your jacket off your shoulders. You had never been particularly good at being sexy, at least not in your opinion. But, The monsters eyes could have convinced you otherwise. The way he watched you undress, as if he was a starving man looking at a thanksgiving feast, or a hungry demon looking at his next meal. It gave you the confidence to put on a proper show, teasing him as you slowly shed your clothes.
“I’m Y/n by the way,” You said as your hands reached to unhook your bra, “You got a name, or is it just spider demon?” He huffed humorlessly at your quip. He never liked that title. 
“Ryomen Sukuna,” He said, his eyes setting fire to your skin as you finally dropped your bra for him, “you can call me Sukuna.” 
“Noted.” You nodded as you dropped your panties. His lustful grin showed off his incredibly sharp fangs as he dropped his own robe, the only thing covering him. You confirmed the mouth theory, seeing it spread and hungrily panting across his toned abs. Your breath hitched when you saw when he was working with. 
His dick- or rather, dicks- looked human enough despite the markings, but they were longer and thicker than anything you had taken before. And again, there were two of them. They stood hard and proud against his stomach, twitching to be inside you. You didn’t know if the buzzing in your hands and legs was from regret, or excitement.
You didn’t have time to figure it out either before you were taken back into the demons arms, this time with less violence and more neediness. He pressed you to his stomach, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist and leaving you open to him.
“You’re pretty brave for a human, you know that?” He complimented as a large tongue lolled out of his stomach mouth and against your soaking core. He chuckled darkly as the muscle shoved itself into your weeping cunt, making you gasp at the sudden stretch, “And such a slut too.”
“Hey, this was your idea, not mine.” You reminded him though breathy moans, trying to ground yourself as your hips bucked against his giant mouth. Every movement of the tongue felt like being touch for the first time, a ripple of pleasure coursing though your stomach and legs, and making you wonder there was something supernatural going on to make a demonic act feel so heavenly.
“True,” He agreed, “But you’re the one that's gushing for a monster when I’ve hardly touched you.” he reminded you, watching the way your face contorted with pleasure as you dropped the act of innocence. He didn’t know what was more arousing to him, watching your resolve dissolve, or just how sweet you tasted as you desperately you rode his tongue. “I was going to kill you just a few moments ago, you know that right?” He growled into you ear.
“Yeah, but you’re fucking me instead. Sounds like a win to me.” You grinned and he laughed at your sudden audacity. He knew he liked you.
“You really are a whore, Aren’t you?” He teased as his tongue slipped out of your cunt and into your ass instead, watching the way your breasts bounced as you flinched and moaned at the sudden intrusion. 
“Not a whore if it’s for my life.” You whined, digging your nails into his shoulders. You were starting to feel light headed from the pleasure pooling in your stomach, your cunt clenching around nothing, pissed off from the loss.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” He chuckled as his face fell to the crook of your neck, taking in your intoxicating smell. He could feel his dicks twitch with need as he kissed you there, fighting every instinct in his body to keep from digging his teeth into the thin skin. He tasted your sweet slick as it dripped from your cunt and onto the middle of his tongue, and finally he withdrew the muscle. 
You whined as he did, head dropping to his chest, both holes now clenching around nothing. “No, fuck-” You whimpered, only for him curl a clawed finger under your chin and lift your head to face him. “Sukuna..” You whimpered as you looked into his fire red eyes, darkened by lust. His lips crashed into yours, capturing you in a heated kiss. You sighed against his mouth, hands rising to tangle into his soft pink hair as his tongue tangled with yours.
You screamed into his mouth as you felt him shove both of his cocks into you at once, one for each hole. He growled, biting down on your lip as you clenched around him. “Sukuna!” You gasped as you pulled back from the kiss, your body trying hard to push out the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me Darling,” He groaned softly, the pet name slipping out without his permission. He pressed his forehead to yours as he rubbed your stomach, trying to ease your pain.
“I-I can’t. Too big..” You panted, trying desperately to release the tension in your shoulders. The stretch was searing you from the inside out. You felt overwhelmed, the pleasure in the pain feeling like static shocks. “It’s soo much..”
“You can handle it,” He assured you, extremely (perhaps overly) confident in your ability considering you had met less than an hour ago. You shook your head, tears slipping from your eyes. He lapped them up from your face, then captured your lips in a much softer kiss this time. Slowly, your body came to accept his, the tension melting away as his tongue tangled with yours and he eased his way further into you. The burn faded, leaving just the pleasure there, pulsating through you as he pushed deeper. 
He groaned into your lips as he bottomed out into you, stilling both to give you time to adjust and so he didn’t immediately cum in you like a fucking virgin. It was almost embarrassing how good you felt around him, taking him better than any other being had before. You clenched and fluttered around him in a sinful way, bringing him closer to his climax than he would like to admit.
“Told you.” He smirked as he pulled away from the kiss, licking at the string of saliva that connected the two of you. You whined as you looked down to where the two of you were connected, watching a bulge in your stomach appear and disappear with every thrust of his hips. It should have hurt, but no- quite the opposite.
 Every thrust of his hips electrified you with pleasure, sending wave after wave of intoxicating bliss through your nervous system. You had never felt so full before, so complete. You could feel his cocks rub against each other, against your walls inside of you, a dizzying sensation that you had never experienced before. Your hips bucked against him greedily as he fucked you, chasing your high.
“Look at me Y/n,” He demanded, pulling your head up so your eyes connected with his again, “I want you know the demon making you feel so good.” 
“Ryomen-” You whined, forgetting in your sea of lust that wasn’t the name he told you to use. His eyes widened a bit from shock. Mostly because he wasn’t filled with rage by your insolence, but instead a surge of lust from hearing his name fall from your lips. It really had been awhile, he was feeling himself getting attached far too easily. If he knew what was good for him, he would have finished and disposed of you as quickly as possible. He wasn’t interested in what was good for him.
“Say it again.” He demanded, a hand slipping in between you to rub circles into your clit. 
“Ryomen..” You whined, staring at him with fucked out, lust clouded eyes as you trembled in his arms, thighs clenching around his abdomen as the ecstasy crashed through your core and through out your body. You felt your muscles ripple and tense in anticipation. 
“Again,” He growled, pulling you closer to him, and dropping his forehead down to yours. “Who does this cunt belong to?”
“Ryomen..” Your brain was too clouded to make out the rest of his command, your body buzzing and bliss building up inside of you. He picked up his pace, chasing his own high and making you scream out his name in a truly embarrassing and needy moan. 
You clung onto his shoulders and neck, digging your nails into the soft skin there as the euphoria in your veins finally boiled over and hit the fire inside of your stomach, igniting it in an explosion of ecstasy and lust. Your vision exploded with stars and your brain officially clocked out of work as you melted into a puddle. Your legs shaking around him as you leaned against his strong body, unable to keep yourself up any longer.
Your velvety walls quivered around him and sucked him in impossibly deeper, needy and lustful for him. It drove him mad. He watched as your face scrunched in pleasure, your body reacting to him greedily as you melted into the pleasure he he was gracing you with. 
It send him over the edge watching you cum for him, feeling you cum over him, feeling you gush around him. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, holding you in a grip tight enough to bruise. His fangs buried themselves into your neck, marking you as his and his alone as he came deep inside of you, the warm strings gushing in you and filling you to the point of spilling over.
He held you close to him, head hung back as you both tried to catch your breath. Your mind was starting to clear the fog out, looking up to ask him to put you down before you felt him move inside you again. Your breath hitched as you realized he didn’t even get a little soft. You looked at him with almost horrified eyes as he bucked into you, only acting to encourage him. He looked back at you with lustful and wicked eyes, nipping at your lip as he set his pace and grinned.
“Whats wrong Darling?” He asked, the pet name now fully intentional in its use, “You didn’t think I was done with you yet, did you?” 
You were warm when you woke up, despite still being in the nude. Probably because of the huge body pressed against yours, radiating heat and holding you close as he slept. Visions of last night ran though your head, making you almost painfully aware of the cum still dripping from between your thighs, and sending another wave of arousal through you. When did you pass out? When did Ryomen?
You stayed still for a few seconds, listing to your bedfellows steady breathing. The bed, despite being made from feathers and thin quilting, was surprisingly soft, and the late afternoon sun filled the old home with a warm hazy light. You realized you couldn’t stay here any longer. You couldn’t get attached to an urban legend. 
You slipped out of his arms, freezing as he groaned and only breathing again once he was softly snoring. You sighed as you slipped out of the bedroom and found your clothes again. You quickly got dressed, and went to open the front door. It didn’t budge. Your eyes furrowed in confusion as you pulled the knob again. What the hell? You pulled with all your might, almost screaming with frustration as the door didn’t even move a centimeter. 
“Don’t bother with that Dove.” You gasped as you heard Ryomens voice behind you, a wave of dread blanketing you as you spun to face him. He was leaning casually against the door frame of the bedroom, a content smile painted on his face. “It has my seal on it. I’m the only one that can open that door.”
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spookypete-94 · 4 months
Dark Horse- Breath
Start of a mini series. Reader is a single mother, working double shifts at a restaurant. Father of the child starts to become a problem while reader is at work and Price offers a solution. Non-con mentioned but not described. Slight age gap between reader around 25 and Price around 35.
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Hard work was never something that had bothered you. Entering the work force at the ripe age of 14, you had learned many things the hard way. Like how what you thought was your "Highschool Sweetheart" was the love of your life.. Until he took advantage of you, in a time where you had too much to drink at a graduation celebration caused by him egging you on. Ultimately, the cost of his choice forcing you to become pregnant. You did not know how ever, that you were carrying his child when you broke it off with him, upset he had pulled such a stunt on you. Again, learning the hard way- you became forever tied to him, but would never settle with him.
Even for such a hardship to happen at a young age, you were blessed with the best gift. A piece of you. The entire pregnancy, you prepared yourself for the baby to come out like your ex. A reminder of what happened to you, but would care for nonetheless. But to your surprise, your baby boy came out with your color hair and orbs that matched your own. Literally the apple from your tree which quickly became the center of your eye.
Naming him Abel, meaning breath. He would be your fresh air. A man you would try to raise better for this world.
Locking the door behind you, you turned down to look at your little one. He was always so bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning, donning his school backpack.
"We got everything?"
"Yup." Abel said popping the p, reaching for your hand to hold it as you walked him to his school. He rather liked school for his age, making friends with ease. Watching as he skipped next to you, and listening to what he thought was going to happen at school today. These moments were what you loved most, feeling truly connected with Abel.
Infront of the school doors, kneeling down to speak with him face to face and fiddle with his jacket.
"Dad will pick you up today." You said smoothing his hair.
"Oh.." Abel said quietly. Abel knew how hard having split custody with his dad was for you. Your ex may be terrible to you, but he was a good father to Abel. Making getting full custody of Abel hard and the fact due to your funds coming from a restaurant. Of course the boy who took advantage of you turned into a man that became successful. Many times he would bait you ,"If you just came back to me." A smug smirk on his face almost telling you he'd knew you would come running back. Instead, you planted firmly, took root and grew. Getting a job at a local restaurant and quickly becoming it's best worker. Making enough to make ends meet, living pay check to pay check but still taking care of your son.
"It'll be alright momma, I'll see you later tonight." His arms coming around his neck and pulling you into him. Nearly teetering on falling over, but instead pulling him into you closer to lean on him. A perfect explanation of your relationship with Abel.
Watching him run into school you waited for him to slip inside, and walked to work. Hoping for a busy day to help with distraction making it go quick until you can see Abel again.
It for sure started off with a bang, like someone had fired a starter gun. Table after table, coffee turning into soda signifying the change from breakfast into lunch. Answering the phone of what you thought was going to be a to go order. was actually a phone call from your son's school. He had forgot his lunch. Thinking about how you had locked the door after asking, but then realizing his lunch box was on the counter still at home. Sighing, feeling further rushed, your boss Kate, could tell something was off and you explained what had happened.
"Well take him lunch," she said matter-of-factly like she couldn't understand why you were so stressed about it. "I got your tables for now." You were quick about it, asking your line cook for a cheeseburger and fry explaining the situation. Thankfully just pulling one he had just started for a customer and giving it you, you rushed out the front door.
Sudden surprise struck you, as you turned the corner and collided with a regular patron with your shoulder.
"Oh!" you said turning to look at the man with gentle blue eyes and brown mutton chops. "Sorry John." He would come in periodically, sometimes almost every day for 2 weeks and then would up and disappear for a month. Figuring it was military related, you always tried to be nice to him as he always left a generous tip.
"Careful love," he grumbled a name he said to you often ,"where you off to?"
"Abel forgot his lunch," you said showing him the bag, before starting to walk again.
"Silly boy," he said watching you walk away, hand resting on the door handle of the building. You grinned before sprinting off again in the direction of his school.
Finding him in the lunch room, you dropped he bag off in front of him.
"Sorry momma," he said at your winded state.
"Its fine, we just gotta clear out your lunchbox when we get home." Kissing the top of his head and quickly ruffling his hair. "Love you, see you later." Waving as you left heading back to work- this time at a stiff walking pace, too winded from running prior.
Back at the restaurant, the lunch rush starting to slow down as you approached Kate behind the counter, tying your apron back on again. "Thank you," you said whispering to her.
"It's fine," with a warm smile, her eyes peering up at you from the counter. "Your regular is still here."
Rolling your eyes, you gave her the same grin you had shown John earlier. "Not my regular. Maybe he is your regular."
"He didn't use to come every day like he does until you started."
"He doesn't come everyday."
"You know what I mean," she chirped back. "And he only ever tips you like that." Shaking your head, you started bussing tables, wiping down, and restocking preparing for the dinner rush.
In the mean time of waiting, you tried to make small talk with John.
"Want cherry pie? Fresh one was made this morning."
"Sure," he said sliding his coffee forward for a refill. Filling it, and turning to the kitchen to grab the slice of pie.
"Cherry pie?? That's your way of flirting?" Kate asked leaning against a kitchen counter, the cook giving a small snort and smile listening to your banter.
"Fuck off, I'm making you profit." causing her to cackle loudly.
Pie on the plate, you slipped through the saloon style doors and back into the dining room.
"Told a funny joke 'aye?" he asked.
Staring blankly, for a second you realized he heard Kate cackling. "Oh! That, no, just bullshitting with Kate."
The feeling of nervousness returning seeing his eyes peer up at you locking with yours before cutting into his pie, watching him poke some into his mouth on his fork. There must be a God however, because a table walking in is what broke your gridlock with him, grabbing your pad and paper. Ready to get back to work.
The entire dinner shift was a blur. John still there at the counter moving to a more private booth with 3 other men. Like he had been waiting for a meeting.
In the mode, your nervousness and anxiety left you, taking the order and trying to offer the best service you can. The mode finally being broke when 2 little arms snuck around your waist and hugged you from behind.
"Momma!" he yelled into the back of your apron. Kneeling down and turning around you hugged him around his shoulders. "Hey love bug."
"I missed you!! but..." and you could tell the next part he did not want to say.
"What's the matter..." You asked lowly and quietly.
"Dad's outside, he wants to talk to you." Your eyes leering up, seeing him outside leaning against his car, arms crossed.
"Ok, go tell Kate to give you some pie." You said ushering her to his direction. Eyes connected with Kate's speaking with a face that told her you were going outside as you untied your apron and placed it back behind the counter. She leaned to the side to see who it was you were meeting and once she did, the eye roll she gave back to you from the burning hatred she has for him.
Taking a deep breath in, closing your eyes to focus.
That's what you told yourself. Breath. Breathe. Abel, breathe for Abel. Little did you know, the booth all the way in the back, 4 pairs of eyes watching you. John's sending a glare in the direction, like he knew what was happening and the distress you were under.
The air outside humid from the impending summer that was approaching. The night sky starting to turn dark and street lights coming on. You refused to acknowledge him, instead standing in front of him with your arms crossed.
"You wanted to talk to me?"
"Our son told me you forgot to send him with lunch today."
"I did- but then I ran some to him." You said defensively knowing all to well your son did not say it in a manner to throw you under the bus.
"If its that hard for you to make sure he has what he needs, you should come back so I can do that for you both."
"No. You know that's never going to happen." Tone almost feral, tired of being beat with the idea.
"Fine," he huffed out almost nonchalantly, "Then here is this." He said presenting a packet of documents rather aggressively.
Looking on the front page, you saw it was a petition from him filling for full custody. He was trying to take Abel from you.
"Are you fucking kidding me??" Your tone hot.
"Don't think I won't win it. A mother working at a restaurant as her main source of income?? Unable to make sure he has lunch at school. Who knows what else you are failing at," his tone smug like he had full custody already. "Cat in the bag, Abel will be with me. And you can either join, or be miserable. Your choice." He said leaning down over you, laughing at your slack jaw look at him.
"You can't take him from me, I'm his mother."
"I'm his father with a full time job, money saved. I will do as a please. As I always do." He said darkly, hissing into your ear referring what had happened in the past.
Realizing how close he was, the reek of his pride burning your nose and eyes caused you to shove him back from you. He laughed, finding your attempt weak, seeing he got under your skin.
The scene could be seen from inside the restaurant, thankfully it was almost empty, John's table being the last one. Abel had his back turned from it and Kate stood inside distracting him from what was going on outside. Everyone couldn't help but notice John standing up however, long strides in his gait trying to get to you quickly. The other 3 with him standing up and following.
To your ex's mercy, he got into his car, still laughing before the group got outside the doors.
John continued outside, the other 3 standing inside, lax now. Hot tears stung your eyes and you did not want to present yourself to Abel yet.
"Love," John said quietly approaching you.
Turning to look at him over your shoulder, you quickly wiped your eyes, trying to look normal not wanting to bleed on him emotionally, but it didn't work.
"Love, what happened?" he asked approaching finally seeing your state. Unable to answer him, you hand him the packet of papers. Looking down on them he could see the intent behind it.
"I can't afford a lawyer," you choked to him. An arm coming around your shoulders pulling you into him. You never realized he smelled of pine and tobacco until now.
He let you sob into him. Heavy cries you tried to smother into his chest. John took in a large breath before finally uttering, "Marry me."
"What?" you asked thinking you misheard him.
"Marry me," he repeated, firmer this time.
You looked up at him wild look in your eyes. "Marry you??" you repeated.
"I'm British military. My benefits would be your benefits. Meaning you would have a lawyer." Your eyes bounced back and forth between the glaciers above you. Uncertainty filling you... but a spark of hope igniting. Had your conundrum really been solved this easily? You would do anything for your son.
Finally finding your voice, you muttered an "Ok." to him.
Strong arms wrapped back around you, pulling you into his chest and resting his head on top of yours. The shock of everything that had just happened, all you could do was lean into it. Breathing him in. A Breath in, Breath out.
"What jus' happened?" The one with the mohawk asked, leaning over to the one in the blue hat still watching through the windows. The blue hat answered "I think Cap'n is gettin' married."
Dark Horse Masterlist
Captain John Price Masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley Masterlist
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simpforboys · 1 year
what you need
rafe cameron x f!kook!reader, slight jj maybank x f!kook!reader
summary: when Rafe hears about your desire for JJ, he quickly steps in to remind you of what you actually need.
warnings: smut!! dirty talk, possessiveness, mostly canon!rafe, swearing, oral (f receiving), unprotected piv sex, creampie, fluff, drug/alcohol use, degradation, terms (slut, whore, bitch, etc), breeding kink, kinda cnc (?)
based on what you need by abel tesfaye (the weeknd)
not proof read!! (as always) <3
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it fucking killed Rafe that you slowly stopped answering his messages.
it fucking killed Rafe that you slowly began to hang out more with JJ Maybank.
and it fucking killed Rafe when he found out you fucked JJ Maybank.
Rafe hadn’t seen you for a few months. while the two of you had an on and off fling, everyone in Kildare knew you were Rafe’s.
no one dared to question the Kook Prince, especially since the rumors of his decreasing sanity went around.
Rafe was with Barry, the strong scent of marijuana and beer in Barry’s little trailer.
Rafe set up a line with his credit card, snorting the powdery white substance. he leaned back against the couch, closing his eyes slightly as the intense drug coerced through his pumping veins.
“dude, did you hear that Y/n fucked Maybank?” Barry asked suddenly, lighting a cigarette after he snorted his own line of cocaine.
Rafe’s already wide pupils grew wider. the veins in his neck began to bulge as he clenched his jaw.
the reason why it fucking pained Rafe to hear you fucked JJ was because the whole time you two had your fling, you would constantly tease him.
whether you two were on your sofa, your hips moving against his quickly as you chased your orgasm over his clothed cock.
and as soon as you would cum in your panties, you would leave him dry. every. fucking. time.
no matter how badly Rafe wanted to feel your pussy, you held off on him.
and to find out that a worthless fucking pogue got to your pussy before he did? oh, he wished he didn’t see JJ or else he might’ve killed the dude.
Rafe didn’t respond to Barry’s words. all the kook did was light a cigarette, letting it lay low on his lips as he collected his shit. with the keys to his car, and suddenly feeling as sober as ever, Rafe drove out of Barry’s driveway.
you lived a couple blocks away from Rafe on Figure 8. he knew your address like the back of his hand, so when he pulled onto your street he parked his truck on the curb before walking to your front door.
you opened the door, surprised to see Rafe standing there. he had a backwards hat on, a navy blue polo shirt, and tan cargo shorts on.
his baby blue eyes were dark and clouded, the white around his pupils now bright red from the drugs.
“the hell are you doing here? you smell awful.” you asked him, your eyebrows furrowed.
Rafe’s eyes raked down your figure. wearing a lace silk pj set, your breasts peeked over the top as it hung low on your chest.
Rafe paid your question no mind as he walked inside your house. “Rafe-“
“is anyone home?” Rafe asked, still staring out onto your backporch that overlooked the ocean.
“no, what the fuck do you want?” you asked, watching his tall body approach yours. in one swift motion, he captured your lips in his.
he pressed your back against the door, his fingers locking the knobs. his hand moved to your hip, pressing your body to his.
the taste of liquor melted on your tongue as you kissed him back, your core throbbing from the sudden action.
he quickly walked you backwards until you landed onto your plush white couch. your head rested against the patterned pillow as Rafe hovered over you, his hand running down your thigh.
“you gonna be a good girl f’me?” he asked against your lips, moving to kiss and nip down your neck. his eyes practically bulged out of its sockets when he saw a hickey directly on your breast.
a small growl escaped his mouth as you whined with need. you felt his tongue trace the bruised skin, before sucking the flesh into his mouth.
“fucking answer me, Y/n.”
“yes- Rafe, i’ll be a good girl.”
you sighed out as Rafe slid your shirt up, revealing your breasts. his eyes seemed to enlarge at the sight, before he swiftly sucked your left nipple into his mouth.
“tell me what that nasty ass pogue did to you, Y/n. where’d he touch you?” Rafe asks, his voice in a rasp and deeper than normally.
he was so pissed, and his questions made you buck your hips against his abs. “Rafe, is that what this is ab-“
“you’re gonna answer all my fucking questions and behave, understood?” he asked roughly, grabbing your jaw as he forced you to stare at him in the eyes.
what you saw wasn’t the man you were used to, but instead an animal coming to claim his territory. and the idea fucking turned you on.
“he- he sucked my tits…” you trailed off, letting out a small sigh as you felt Rafe’s mouth latch onto your nipple once more.
like he needed to be better than JJ, needed to show you what it’s like to fuck a real man.
“and he…” your face felt warm as you admitted all of this information to Rafe. but his lips felt chilly against your hot skin, and it was driving you insane.
“did he touch you here, Y/n?” Rafe asked suddenly. his fingers danced over your clothed pussy, making you jolt in response.
you nodded at his question.
“he ate me out,” you shyly admitted.
Rafe hummed in response, tugging your shorts down onto the wood floor. he wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling your body til your pussy was on full display for him.
he spread your legs wide, the cool air hitting your soaked pussy. your clit twitched from the temperature, and the fact that Rafe Cameron was staring at your vagina like it was his last meal before death row.
“yeah? that little fucking pogue touched my pussy?” Rafe asked, kissing and nipping your inner thighs. his knees rested on the rug as he leaned forward into your cunt.
“‘m sorry,” you breathed out. your legs twitched when you felt his hot breath ghost over your clit.
your back arched slightly when finally began his attack on your cunt. he circled his tongue skillfully along your clit, his two fingers going up to collect your juices.
“oh my god, Rafe,” you whimpered. your hands gripped your tits, massaging your nipples.
as Rafe entered his fingers into your cunt, he left a kiss on your clit. “fuck, Y/n. does the pogue have a tiny dick? you’re so fucking tight.”
you couldn’t respond as Rafe’s fingers quickly found the spongey spot inside your walls. your legs began to shake with ecstasy and Rafe’s naughty words weren’t helping.
it was like he studied your body like a map, knowing all the little tricks to get you closer to your orgasm.
so when Rafe began to suck on your clit, he sent small hums from his throat. the action caused it to send vibrations up to your clit, making you almost scream out.
“fuck, just like that.” you told the man, your eyes fluttering shut as a knot formed tightly into your stomach.
you tried to delay your orgasm, knowing that coming within the first three minutes would be embarrassing.
but to Rafe, it made his cock throb with need as he fought to get you to cum on his tongue.
he sped up his fingers, sucking harshly on your clit until he felt your walls contract against his fingers.
you moaned out as you came, your legs shaking as you gripped onto the pillow behind your head.
Rafe gave another kiss to your clit, working on his own shorts. he unbuttoned them and quickly pulled the zipper down, revealing his big cock.
roughly eight inches, with a prominent vein running from the base to his pink tip. pre cum oozed out of the tip, as he used the juices from your cunt to work his hand up and down his cock.
“look at me.” Rafe commanded, making you to leave your euphoric state. your eyes went wide when you saw his dick, standing proudly at you.
“holy shit…” you whispered to yourself, placing your hand on his cock. you felt it twitch against your touch.
“you gonna be a good fucking slut and take it all?” he asked rhetorically, knowing that either way you would take it.
“Rafe i need you.” you said quietly, wanting his large cock inside of you. he was bigger than JJ, but JJ had a slightly bigger girth.
“what was that?” he hummed, using his tip to slap against your clit as he teased you.
“i fucking need you, Rafe.” you admitted out loudly, desperate to finally feel him inside of you.
“don’t you ever fucking forget that, got it?” Rafe said darkly, sliding his member into your cunt.
you let out a small squeal from his sudden roughness. both of you moaned as your walls worked to fit around his massive cock.
as Rafe began to piston his hips, sliding his dick balls deep and pulling out to just the tip, your mind began to grow hazy from the feeling.
it was like your pussy was made for him, Rafe kept telling himself.
“you like that dick, baby? taking it so well… did Maybank fuck you like this? hmm?” Rafe speaks, mostly searching for your validation.
you nod, although you’re barely listening. his cock is hitting your cervix and driving against your g-spot as he pushes in and out of you quickly.
“you’re gonna be a fucking whore for the pogues, gotta show you how a real man fucks.” Rafe murmurs, holding your body tightly so if you made any effort to escape he could stop you.
“Rafe- ‘s too much,” you pant.
“i thought you said you were gonna be a good girl?” he taunted you, his eyes deep with lust as he held the back of your head and neck, forcing you to stare at him as he fucked you.
you didn’t respond to his comment, pure pleasure consuming your body. it felt like he was folding you like a pretzel, your body spread wide and open for him to take you any way he pleased.
and you didn’t seem to mind, not when he can dick you down this good.
“been everyone’s slut but mine, yeah? how’d the town feel knowing that you’re fucking ran through, and didn’t even let me get a piece.”
Rafe was now speaking to himself, but the fact that he was degrading you and making you his bitch almost made you cum.
“this pussy is fucking mine, Y/n. say it.”
“my pussy is yours.” you squeaked out, only half listening to his words as he marked you.
“louder.” he demanded you, slapping your cheek slightly to get you to focus.
“my pussy is yours, Rafe! fuck!” you shouted, clenching your walls against his cock.
the devilish grin that formed on his face was enough to almost send you over the edge, like almost tripping over a mountain edge.
and as your body jolted in his hands, he continued to grunt quietly until soft whimpers escaped his mouth.
the noises barely danced off the tip of his tongue, but fuck, it was like music to your ears. Rafe fucking Cameron, whimpering for you.
“you wanna cum, baby?” he cooed at you, taking his thumb and rubbing circles on your clit.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head from the action, your pussy clenching once again.
“please,” you begged.
“tell me how badly you need it. how badly you need me.”
“Rafe i need to cum so fucking bad. i need you to let me cum- i fucking need you, Rafe.”
your words were coming off broken as you pleaded, taking every fiber of your body to not orgasm right there.
“cum on this dick, Y/n.” Rafe demanded, continuing to fuck you through your orgasm.
the way you entire body convulsed caused Rafe’s dick to twitch inside your cunt, making him so fucking close.
your cunt was perfect and he couldn’t imagine fucking anyone else after you.
“you want me to cum in this fucking cunt? show everyone that you’re my little pregnant whore?” he coos, his smirk still on his face as he bit his lip at the idea.
“i wanna be your pregnant little whore, Rafe.” you responded, catching him off guard. you felt the way he twitched once more.
“fuck, you’re gonna look so hot carrying my baby. mark you as mine so this whole fucking town knows not to go near you.” Rafe says, sucking on your tit as he cums.
his seed shoots inside of you, coating your walls with his kids. you ran your hand through his hair, his hat thrown somewhere off to the side. you both panted against each other, trying to find your breath from the pure ecstasy.
Rafe hugs your body close to his, coming up to rest against the couch. you curl into his arms, tiredness erupting over your body as you yawn.
within minutes, you were passed out on his chest as he pulls a blanket over the two of you.
“i love you, Y/n.” Rafe whispers against your temple, pressing a small, tender kiss to the skin.
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kyloherrera · 8 months
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✦ ۫ 𑄼ల۫  ۪ FEB 8 — ROSES
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featuring: dot, , abel, rayne, odler, mash, lance. finn x gn! reader
note: I opened a patreon if you want to support me, and also there will be extra , spicier and special content that I will post there <3.
summary: will mashle boys gift or receive roses?
genre: fluff || event || patreon
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-Because mash is someone who values honesty, kindness, and simplicity, and he would likely see roses as a traditional and romantic gesture to express his affection he would more likely gift roses rather than receiving.
-He would approch the situation with genuine sincerity, wanting to express his affection in a clear and uncomplicated way.
-Mash would take the time to carefully select the roses, choosing the freshest and most beautiful ones he can find.
-Since he is a new one to buying roses he might seek advice from others or do some research to ensure he picks the right color and variety that symbolizes his feelings.
-He would probally add a personal touch to the gift, such as adding a little handwritten note expressing his feelings in his own earnest way.
-When delivering the rose, Mash would likely do so directly and without any grand gestures. He might approach his partner with a genuine smile and hand them the bouquet, simply saying something heartfelt like, "I got these for you because... well, because I like you a lot."
-Lance would want to make a memorable and grand gesture to express his affection. He might plan an elaborate surprise to ensure that the moment is both romantic and unforgettable.
-When choosing the rose Lance would opt for a large bouquet of roses, maybe in a vibrant and eye-catching color like red or pink to convey passion and romance.
-He might even go the extra mile to find rare or exotic varieties to impress his partner.
-He would choose a picturesque location or create a romantic ambiance for the occasion
-Lance would likely accompany the gift of roses with a heartfelt declaration of affection. He might express his love in a bold and poetic manner, leaving his partner in no doubt about the depth of his feelings.
-Given Finn's reserved and serious demeanor he might be more likely to receive roses from his significant other rather than gifting them.
-He is not be as comfortable with openly expressing affection in grand gestures like gifting roses.
-So when he received the roses, he expressed a quiet surprise and a slight blush.
-Finn would thank you, and he will convey his appreciation with a genuine smile and a soft-spoken "Thank you," showing that he values the sentiment behind the gift.
-He takes his time to observe the rose appreciating their beauty and symbolism.He might reflect silently on the significance of the gesture and what it means for his relationship with his partner.
-While Finn may not be one to openly express his emotions, receiving the roses would likely touch him deeply, so he expressed his feelings
-He would probally put the roses in fresh water to keep them around him allowing them to brighten his surroundings and serve as a reminder of your love and thoughtfulness.
-Being a perceptive and observant person, Dot , would first notice that their significant other admires roses or finds them meaningful.Dot might pick up on subtle cues or expressions of interest from their partner.
-He would do a meticolous planning, in which he ensures that every detail is gone through.
-He would research every type of roses and their meaning to select the most appropriate variety for their partner.
-He would choose a quiet moment to present the roses, perhaps during a private and intimate setting where they can express their feelings without drawing too much attention.
-He would accompany the deliver of the roses with a sincere heartfelt expression of their feelings choosing their words carefully to ensure they resonate with their partner.
-He is more likely to gift roses than to receive them, because he considerate it a gesture of affection and aprecciation.
-Abel would take the time to carefully consider the gesture, wanting to ensure that it's meaningful and well-received. He might pay attention to your preferences and interests to choose the perfect moment for the gift.
-He would choose the bouquet with care opting for a bouquet that reflects his partner's personality and style. He might select a mix of your favorite colors or varieties, or he might choose a single type of rose that holds special significance to you.
-He most likely add a personal touch to the gift, perhaps by hand-picking the roses himself or arranging them into a beautiful bouquet.
-He would also include a handwritten note expressing his feelings and appreciation for his partner.
-He doesn't often smile but for you, he will. He would present the bouquet with a genuine smile, conveying his affection through his actions and words.
-He would also say a few words to express gratitude for your presence in his life and the happiness you bring him.
-He has a thoughtful and considerate personality, this makes him likely to express his affection through meaningful gestures like giving roses to someone he cares about.
-Rayne would pay close attention to your preferences and interests, including any hints you may have dropped about liking roses or flowers in general.
-He would carefully plan the gesture considering the timing and presentation to ensure it is meaningful and well-received.
-He would take the time to select the perfect bouquet of roses, choosing a variety that holds significance or symbolism for your relationship.
-He would also add a personal touch, by making a little love letter to you. Expressing his feelings and appreciation for you.
-He would choose a quiet and intimate moment to present to you the gift allowing you and him to to share the moment togheter.
-Along with the roses he would express his love and gratitude for you verbally , emphasizing the depth of his feelings and the importance of your relationship to him.
-He would most likely be direct about his feelings and his love gestures.
-First he would approach the situation with confidence and decisiveness. He wouldn't hesitate to express his feelings and intentions clearly.
-He would select a single rose, likely in a bold and vibrant color like red to convey passion and intensity.
-He would also choose a high-quality rose to reflect his own standards of excellence.
-Odler would deliver the rose with a boldness and determination making his intentions clear since the begging.
-He would approch you with a direct gaze and a confident stride, holding out the rose as a symbol of his affection.
-He would also accompany the gift with a sincere expression of his feelings. He would speak from the heart, conveying his admiration and appreciation for you in his own assertive way.
-He would also be likely to fill your bed with roses in a valentine day and make love right there with you.
-He would plan an extravagant and elaborate setup for presenting the rose to you
-He will choose a picturesque location or create a romantic ambiance with decorations, candles, and music.
-He would also carefully select the perfect rose, opting for a luxurious and visually striking bloom.
-He would choose a rare or exotic variety to impress his partner and make the gesture even more memorable. Like blue roses.
-He would also accompany the gift of the rose with a poetic and romantic declaration of his feelings
-He might recite a heartfelt love poem or deliver a passionate speech expressing his adoration for his partner.
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@stvrlightt123 @Mysticalpersonpoetry @mailkyeom03
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jals-stuff · 6 months
short washing machine headcanons...
How would the Mashle characters react if they found their s/o stuck in the washing machine? + personal ratings (I know, no one asked)
For Mash, Dot, Finn, Lemon, Lance, Rayne, Abel, Abyss, Wirth, Margarette, Carpaccio, Orter, Renatus, Ryoh, Kaldo.
Warnings: SLIGHT spoiler for Margarette? Other than that, none. ratings are purely subjective, please don't bury me alive.
Note: none of this is canon so some charas might be ooc, don’t take it too seriously! Might write for Domina, Meliadoul, Famin and Delisaster one day, idk
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He’s probably busy eating or making cream puffs when he hears you call for help. It isn’t common for you to do such a thing so he freaks out a little bit at first, but upon finding out the mess you’ve made while trying to empty the washing machine, he just stands there, completely dumbfounded. 
He’s a little dense, so it takes him a minute or two to figure out that you’re actually stuck. He’s never been in this situation before, therefore he’s sweating a little and panicking internally. “T-t-t-t-this is bad. I-I-I have to help them out.” 
Pulling on your legs would be a terrible idea, considering his strength, and he’s just completely clueless on how to get you out. 
Would 100% rip open the washing machine and leave you completely astonished as he does so, then pat your shoulder in a comforting way with a thumbs up. 
Overall very cute, even tried to comfort you after such a “traumatising” ordeal. 8/10.
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He thinks he’s the main character, we all know it. He’s probably checking himself out in the mirror and saying cool protagonist lines when he hears you call out for help, and suddenly, his main quest has changed!
He walks in on you, stuck head first in the washing machine, and much like Mash, he just looks at you for a bit before taking in the situation. Of course, he’s going to help you, but he needs to gloat about it first, you know it.
“Damn, how could you ever get out of here without my help, huh?” He’d just take on dramatic poses that he assumes are cool (they are not), and try to pull you out by himself. “Can’t be helped, huuuh?”
Despite all his efforts, he doesn’t manage to get you out and he just starts mumbling things about the washing machine being a worthy opponent before actually grabbing his phone and calling someone for help.
Dot is just being Dot, after all, but he’s full of good intentions. 5/10, at least you had a good laugh..? 
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Finn immediately interrupts his studying when he hears you call out for him, and he’s running like his own life depends on it! “What’s wrong, (Y/N)?!”
Upon seeing you stuck in there head first, he gets into panic mode! It isn’t completely horrible either and it’s just purely annoying to be stuck, but Finn sees it differently. If you called for help, then SURELY you must be terrified or in pain!
He’s going to pace around the room for a minute, wondering “How do I get them out? How do I get them out? How do I get them out?” before deciding that he’s going to take it step by step!
Gently guides you out of the washing machine without too much trouble and doesn’t judge you even once for it! He gives you a big hug afterwards because he’s convinced you were very scared (you weren’t, but he was)!
I physically cannot give Finn anything under 9/10. He is bebe.
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She’s probably making a cute keychain for you when you call out for her. She will make you her utmost priority and cheerily trot up to you. “Yeeees~ what is it?”
You’re… stuck. She blushes dramatically and screams out something like “Kyaaah! Just like in those movies! You perv!” But then carefully inspect the position you’re in and how the hell you got stuck in there.
She’s going to try pretty much everything in her power, from pulling you out to switching your position and figuring out a way to painlessly get you out of there…
And eventually get you out! However, be warned: she will give you the side eye with a blush every time she sees you for at least a month and giggle. Who knows what’s going through her head?
Helpful, cute, and funny. 8/10 would recommend.
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He’s reading a book when you call for him. He will automatically assume something bad happened (well, technically yes, but.. yeah) and quickly run to the laundry room. “(Y/N), what happened?!”
Looks down on you without you knowing. The display is pretty ridiculous and laughable, but he won’t make a sound. He’s just going to pat your back. “I’ll get you out of here.”
He’s a very smart guy, so he just has to look at the way you’re stuck for a few seconds before figuring out the most efficient way to help you, and it takes him very little time.
Will sigh and shake his head in disapproval, but internally scream when you pout at him for sighing because he thinks you’re adorable. He’s going to look away and clear his throat so you can’t see his blush.
Efficient and definitely nice, he won’t even tease you about it. He did look down on you though, 7/10.
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Where is he anyway? He’s taking his sweet time when you call for him, and when he does finally arrive, you’re met with his usual neutral voice. “Yes, I heard you calling the first time.”
You can’t tell, but when he walks in on you stuck like this, he gives you the look… but again, it’s probably his neutral face. How’d you get stuck in there anyway? You really can’t do anything by yourself, can you?
Much like Lance, he’s extremely smart, so he’s going to pull you out of there very quickly, and he sighs while doing so. How can you be so clumsy? It’s almost as if you did it on purpose.
He’s about to lecture you but notices that you’re very embarrassed and can’t even look him in the eyes, so his expression softens just a little and he decides not to say anything mean and just gives you a comforting pat on the head. “Don’t get stuck again, alright?”
Very thoughtful despite the cold look he gives you, efficient and nice. 8/10.
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Abel rarely stays away from you for very long, so he was probably there when it happened and he saw you getting stuck. He also noticed how you couldn’t get out by yourself. “It appears you need some help.”
You’re now aware that he saw you and it’s just fully embarrassing, but he’s part of the clever ones, so you’re pretty sure he will help you out quickly. Or will he? He’s always been a little odd, even around you anyway.
It’s really curious to him, how you managed to get stuck that fast yet you just can’t get out by yourself. Will definitely ask if you did it on purpose while keeping a straight face and blank tone.
Gets you out in a longer time than he should’ve because he was busy trying to understand how you got in there in the first place. He won’t judge you for it, but he will absolutely bring it up around other people like it’s no big deal.
It’s nice that he was already there, did help, but embarrasses you in front of your friends. 6/10
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No matter what he’s doing when you call out for him or where he is, he will Acceleraise his way to you immediately! You are his top 1 priority!
He will however take a second to appreciate the display and chuckle a little bit to himself like “Hah… cute.” before actively looking for a solution because he can literally feel your embarrassment.
“How did you manage to do this?” He mumbles, and makes sure that you aren’t hurt or in any pain first of all. He will 100% reassure you through the whole process!
Abyss is smart and will get you out quickly and without making fun of you. Unlike Abel, he won’t mention it around anyone else, and makes a self note: needs to buy a bigger washing machine so you don’t get stuck again.
Sweet and efficient, very nice and comforting. 10/10, would get stuck again.
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He’s training and trying to improve his capacities when you call out for him. He’s used to you getting into such and such situations, so he just takes his time now. “What is it this time, (Y/N)?”
A bit dumbfounded when he sees the way you’ve managed to get stuck, will crackle up in laughter because as used as he is to see stuff like that with you, it always manages to surprise him.
He’s going to keep giggling as he helps you through, and you just wish you could wipe that smirk off his face but you can’t really do anything and just wait for him to help.
He even hesitates and feels like he should leave you like that, but he doesn’t want you to be upset at him, so he will get you out pretty easily and tease you about it later on. “Aww, c’mon, don’t sulk now~!”
Kind of a jerk, but in a lovable way. You need to find something to tease him back with, 7/10 though.
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They’re probably rehearsing or composing another one of these musical masterpieces to play on the piano when their beloved calls out for help. 
They’ll gently chuckle and crouch down next to you. “Oh my! How’d you get in such a situation, dear?” Their arms are a little too bulky to reach out for you from the outside, so they’ll shift into their true form and easily reach for your shoulders so they can pull you out!
Margarette is one of the smart characters and will get you out of the washing machine in no time, very gently and gracefully, making sure you don’t get hurt or anything in the process.
Will give you a hug and gentle pats on the head to comfort you. “There, there~.” They won’t tease you about it nor make fun, but will definitely chuckle a little upon remembering it.
A mother figure, very nice and gentle. Cannot wait to hear the masterpiece they were busy composing, 10/10.
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He’s experimenting on lab rats and seems very engrossed with his occupation, so it will take him a little bit of time to hear you calling out for him.
Freezes when he sees you stuck head first inside the washing machine and stares blankly without a word for way longer than necessary. He’s got a little smirk and his lower eyelids rise up in amusement.
“Heh.” is all you can hear before he makes his way towards you and inspects you while he considers leaving you like this for a bit longer because it sure as hell is funny for him. But he knows you’ll be upset and he doesn’t want you to give him the silent treatment.
If he doesn’t find a quick way to get you out, he will stab his way through the washing machine (and give you a good scare as he does that) to free you! Terrifyingly sweet, he’s just staring with a very slight smirk and you know he will tease you about it.
Mean but at least he helped you out. You got scared for your life even though you know he wouldn’t hurt you. 7/10
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He’s reading a book and he’s sure as hell he heard you call for him. He will carefully put down his book and look for the source of the muffled cry he just heard.
Despite being quite the jerk around others, Orter is a mature man, and he isn’t going to make any snarky remarks or make fun of you. He will sigh upon seeing you squirm, crouching next to you to check the mess you’ve been making.
“Calm down. If you’ve managed to find a way in, there’s obviously a way out.” Very rational throughout the whole process and effectively gets you out of the washing machine, inspecting you afterwards to make sure you aren’t hurt.
Much like Abyss, he will make a mental note to buy a larger washing machine, and kindly help you back up without teasing you or ever bringing it up around anyone else. If you apologise, he’ll tell you it’s nonsense.
Very logical and calm, efficient and polite. 10/10.
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Sure as hell taking a nice nap when he hears that scream of his name that could wake up the dead. He groans and stands up to lazily make his way to the laundry room.
He whistles when he sees you stuck there and gives a snarky chuckle. “Woah, just for me?” and you can physically feel your face heat up. He’s going to get closer to check the way you’re stuck and…
Whack! He’ll give your butt a playful slap before helping you out and laughing out loud at the ridiculous situation. After all, it’s not everyday that he gets to see his s/o in such an embarrassing state!
He will however stop teasing you if he sees you get uncomfortable and wrap his arms around your waist to comfort you with a softer chuckle. He might tease you later if he ever remembers this happened.
Again, jerk but in a lovable way. You need to give him that spank back tho, 7/10.
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Like Abyss, you are his utmost priority and he will immediately drop anything he’s doing (probably admiring his reflection in a mirror) when he hears you call out for him! 
He’ll chuckle when he sees you stuck in there, and you can tell his mind is running! But there is no time for this. If Ryoh's s/o is stuck in the washing machine, he must overcome this trial!
Will get you out in a manly way (whatever that means!) and you’ll even wonder how he did it so easily, that’s how flawless his whole performance is.
He might tease you if you’re comfortable with it, winking at you way too many times and making it pretty obvious what kind of ideas he has. If you aren’t, it’s also fine, he’s just going to cuddle you into forgetting it.
Ryoh is just a W man. There’s nothing else to say, 10/10.
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It’s good that you called him, he was about to ruin yet another perfectly fine dish by pouring an ungodly amount of honey on top of it. He will pout in disappointment but come check what’s up.
“(Y/N), dear, are you having fun in there~?” He teases with a chuckle. “Can I join?” But upon hearing your frustrated groan, he will go into thinking mode and consider his options.
His first thought is to use honey to make it easier to pull you out, but he quickly dismisses it. He will, instead, pull on your clothes to avoid hurting your skin when you get out. 
Will get you out, but your clothes are ruined, so he’ll give you his coat so you can cover up and not be too embarrassed. He might bring it up later and pretend he forgot how embarrassing it was for you, but really, he just wants to tease you.
Playful and cute, but he did ruin that shirt you liked a lot. 7/10.
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prodbymaui · 1 year
My Kind Of Love
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spit in my mouth while you turn me on
PAIRING: mark lee x reader
GENRE: the idol
WORD COUNT: 1.5k words
WARNINGS: ice play, oral sex, spit kink, cum eating, slight voyeurism (ig?)
SYNOPSIS: You had an extra time after your photoshoot. What's a more worth it way of spending it other than visiting your favorite producer, Mark?
A/N: inspired by one of 'the idol' scenes where lily wears a red robe and somewhat seduces abel. enjoy reading!
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SONG: One Of The Girls by The Weeknd, Jennie, Lily Rose-Depp
A click, and the pleasantly smooth sensual melody begins to fill the entirety of the recording room. Mark hums, nodding his head in the flow of the beat, elbow resting on the armchair as his forefinger ghosts over his lips. His fingers taps against the table, mind running as he searches for parts to improve.
Not even finished listening to the verse that he just worked on, Mark's hand hovers above the keyboard once again, quickly adjusting and adding what he thought the song lacks.
This needs a few more layers, Mark thinks. So he slides his chair to the other side of the table where the mic settles and closes his eyes, there he harmonizes with his own voice, layering a mellow adlib underneath the sharp yet slow rap. 
Just as Mark opens his eyes, the door opens without much of a knock, and turning around, he meets a vixen clad in red silk robe, a mesh black tights with black suspenders attached to what Mark likes to think is a sinful lace panties in the same color.
There's no way in saying Mark doesn't enjoy the view that he is blessed with. His eyes rakes down your figure, coming back up to meet your lustful gaze. The corner of your lips curves just a little before you take steps towards the man. His legs spread to have you in between as though instinctively, hands itching so much that he couldn't help but to grab your waist, squeezing just enough to feel your body heat seep through the silk fabric.
Water droplets fall onto Mark's skin, it is just then that he notices the glass of whiskey you're holding. ''Drinking alcohol late at night, huh. Tell me, darling,'' Mark leans back. ''What got you prancing around the company with just a thin piece of clothing to cover those nipples?''
You sip once more, holding Mark's stare for a few seconds before licking the liquor that sits on top of your lips' skin. ''Was doing a photoshoot for my new album– decided to pay my favorite producer a visit before changing. I just had a hunch he'd like to see me in this.''
Your words elicit a scoffy chuckle from Mark. He stands up. ''Favorite producer, hmm?'' His palm travels down and stops when it reaches your ass cheek, gripping lightly.
While Mark's other arm circles your waist, he noses your neck, closing his eyes as Mark allows himself to get drunk on your scent, kissing the pathway your throat creates. Pulling you closer, Mark nips your skin occasionally whilst he makes way to your jaw, soon connecting his lips with yours.
Mark swiftly delves his tongue in your mouth, sucking as you offer him your own. If words are to be chosen to describe the kiss, it'll be slow, sensual, and sultry. Just like the song that plays from the speakers surrounding the two of you.
Abruptly yet effortlessly, Mark spins your position and gives you a little push, pinning you down now that you're sitting on the chair. One of his legs separates your thighs apart, welcoming himself between you. Distracted from the way Mark delivers pleasure just from having his mouth on yours alone, you didn't notice how Mark steals the glass out of your hand and places it behind you, out of danger but is enough for him to reach it as well.
Suddenly, a freezing palm comes in contact with the back of your neck. Flinching, you whimper at the cold, tugging Mark's shirt. Instead of taking his hand off, he pulls away from the kiss, not without licking the string of saliva first. In contrast to the icy palm, a warm one rubs your side soothingly, it then nudges your robe away, revealing your nipples.
A sigh leaves your lips, fingers brushing through Mark's locks as you feed him more of your hard buds. Mark growls in satisfaction. Catching it between his teeth, pulling lightly, tweaking it with his fingers and sucking before licking the faint pain away. He does the same to the twin, spitting on it only to lick it away after biting it a few more.
''God, I fucking love your nipples. So fucking sexy. So pretty– always ready for me whenever. If I want to suck on them the whole day, you'll let me, right baby?''
''Yes– Haah– yes, lick them all you want. Ahh..''
Thinking you'll finally get his cock as Mark hums lowly, pecking each of your nipples, you fiddle with his belt. But Mark pins you to the chair again, kissing your forehead as he stretches his arm behind you.
''It's getting hot in here, darling. Would you mind a little raise in the temperature?'' Your eyes fall on the cubes of ice that melts inside the glass, you look up at Mark. One look and you know this is a way to ask consent. To ask you if you're down to try a new thing. Without hesitation, you nod.
Mark tilts his head to the side. ''Words, love. I need your words.''
''Yes, please..''
He brushes strands of hair off your face. 
''Good girl.''
Gulping the last sips of whiskey, Mark gives your lips one last swipe of tongue, letting you taste the alcohol. Pressing the glass on your inner thigh, shivers shoot up your spine. You bite your lower lip to endure the cold, toes curling as Mark spreads the icy droplets along your stomach up to your neck. Your eyes are closed, anticipating Mark's next move when you jerk in your seat, hand enclosing around Mark's wrist as you whimper, opening your eyes to see him tracing the line between your pussy cheeks with a cube.
''Fuck, really..? Not wearing a fucking underwear while a bunch of people watches you pose in front of the camera? What if they saw this, baby? Imagine the fucking headlines,'' Mark chuckles. ''A rising pop idol foregoes wearing panties during a photoshoot because they are desperate for someone to fuck them. How would your fans react to their lovely artist acting like a whore, my love? Would they like it as much as I do?''
Mark nudges your legs open, and as you do, the ice dips and lands exactly where your pulsating clit awaits. ''Fuck..'' You sigh.
Getting on his knees, Mark situates his face in front of your soaked core. He plays with the cube a little more until it melts completely and eases the cold with the warmth of his mouth. Mark laps and sucks, slurping your juices as he buries himself in your pussy, grunting on how your walls clench around his pink muscle.
Soon, his fingers join his tongue. Curling and prodding at your spot that sends your back arching, hands gripping the armchairs as you let your lewd moans bounce off the walls of the recording room. When Mark deems you're stretched enough, he pulls away and tugs his pants down enough to release his cock, tip in angry red shade.
Resting one leg on the armchair while pulling the other over his shoulder, Mark slides home. Groaning as your hot walls impressively engulfs his girthy cock like no other. Once he's deep and snug, Mark picks up a maddening pace, not giving you time to adjust nor get used to his size.
''A-ah! Ah ah ah! Mark– slow down… You're so big–... s-so big–!'' Your face scrunches up; eyebrows meeting, eyes shut tight, mouth open.
''I am, darling. And you love it.''
Your arms underneath Mark's, landing on his back. As Mark angles his hips and jabs at your spot, your eyes cross and your nails instinctively try to draw red lines along Mark's back but his shirt prevents it from happening. So instead, you opt for grabbing a handful of the fabric, tugging them as your hips unconsciously bucks to meet Mark's thrust.
The chair creates a continuous squeaking sound, continuously thudding as it bumps against the soundboard. Mark reaches to hold the back of the chair, spreading your wider. He renders his thrusts deep and hard, an action that slacks your jaw which allows drools to roll out past your lips and to your chin. Mark leans forward, spitting on your willing mouth before licking the strings of saliva and connecting your lips together. It cannot even be considered as a kiss because it is all panting and moaning against each other's mouth.
''Right there! I-I'm gonna cum.. fuck, Mark, I'm gonna cum! Shit– Mark! Ugh fuuuuck..'' Together with the drawn out curse is your eyes rolling to the back of your eyes, walls clamping down on Mark's cock as a white cream forms a ring around him.
The sight of you coming while moaning his name, Mark pistons his hips violently as he lets lust take over his mind and body. His thrusts becomes erratic and vigorous, and with an encouragement of words from you, Mark fills you up to the brim, his legs embarrasingly shaking as though he was the one who got fucked and not the one who s.
As Mark pulls out, he curses under his breath at the sight of his cum spilling out of your pussy. If that isn't the hottest fucking thing. You know what makes this hottest shit even hotter? Scooping his cum, feeding it to you while he fishes out a yet to melt ice and kisses the shit out of you, sharing the whole serve of the mixture of his cum and yours.
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A/N: wrote this in an attempt to get out of slump so I apologize if it's not as good as my other fics. hope you enjoyed, nonetheless! share your thoughts?
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sleeper-kerennnnnnx · 1 month
MASHLE author‘s Q&A from fan book translate!(2)
If there are some poor translations or errors, please point them out! I will correct them in time, thank you!
I will translate this in four parts!
Here are parts Q34-Q67! The original text and other parts can be found in the collection!
To the animation fans: There are slight references to the subsequent plot of the comics‼ ️ (Q34 and Q37) If you don’t want to be too comical, you can avoid it.
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Q34: When Epidem met Dot, he said that the Ira Kreuz were very rare. What is the position of the Ira Kreuz people in the magic world? Are they regarded as a dangerous people? What does the cross scar on their head warn them about?
A34: They are probably regarded as very powerful people. The cross scar is a warning to their fighting instincts.
Q35: What kind of people are Lance and Dot’s roommates?
A35: Dot and Lance later lived in the same dormitory! Because both of them were very noisy, they were complained by their roommates!
Q36: Does Easton have a school song? Who sings the best among Lance, Dot, Lemon, Finn, and Mash?
A36: Yes! I think it should be Finn or Dot!
Q37: Who proposed riding horses in the God divisionary Exam?
A37: Dot! When men get together, the first thing we should do is ride horses!
Q38: Is Ryane's rabbit handkerchief sold to the public? I want to know if it is bought or homemade.
A38: Homemade! He can do needlework!
Q39: Is the little spider (the spider that tested Mash's magic during the battle, sorry I forgot his name! Kneel down 🧎) Ryane's servant? Or does Ryan call it when he needs help?
A39: He calls it when he needs it! It's always there!
Q40: Rayne Ames has the strength of a mid-to-high-level God divisionary, but I haven't seen him use the highest-level magic in the work - thirds magic (note: there is in the comics). Does the firepower he have means he has the ability to use thirds magic?
A40: Even among God-divisionary, there are not many people who can use thirds magic. Probably Light, Undying, Sand, and then Flame cane and Rayne. (The latter reply should be the battle power ranking. Flame cane's official website introduction clearly states that he is a double liner magician.)
Q41: Rayne is the director of the Magic Tools Administration Bureau. Was the rabbit phone designed and made by Ryane?
A41: It was specially made!
Q42: Abel said that only Rayne can resist Abyss's Demon Eye. I want to know how Ryan did it!
A42: The Demon Eye cannot last forever. I think this is the point!
Q43: What does a perfect do? Are there any privileges and benefits to being a perfect? Doesn't Rayne feel tired when he has to balance the work and study?
A43: Perfects are mainly responsible for managing students' attitudes towards life, etc.! Perfects have special baths! They are as tired and hard as entrepreneurs!
Q44: Who named the "Magia Lupus Arc"? Lord Abel? Is the ranking is selected by the number of coins collected?Does Abel choose the people who join? Or did they volunteer?
A44: Abel named it! He is actually a sensitive high school student, very cute. They are just ordinary Boy Scouts!!
Q45: Did the Magia Lupus Arc and Mash get together after the war?
A45: They got together to play poker! The endings in Mashle's world are basically good!
Q46: Please tell me the order of academic performance among the Magia Lupus Arc.
A46: The best student is Wirth! Then it should be Abel and Abyss.
Q47: Are the poker cards in Abel's personal property?
A47: Yes! Abel has a lot of poker cards!
Q48: Why does Abel cherish the broken doll in his arms and call it "Mom"?
A48: Because it overlaps with the scene that his mother passed away.
(I'm already in tears after seeing the above line. let me cry for a while)
(I'm done crying, let me continue translating!)
Q49: Abel's third line is artificial. Will he still have three lines in the future? Will he never go back to two lines?
A49: Because it was forcibly added, it's different from the normal three lines, and it won't go back to two lines!
Q50: It is said that Abyss's sword has a magic wand built into it. Will he use an extra magic wand during class?
A50: He will use an ordinary magic wand during class! But the output power is relatively small! (Sorry, but I imagined Abyss holding a sword and waving it around in class haha ​​... 
Q51:Abyss is not good at talking to girls,how he talks to love cute?
A51:He Can't!!!!He watches the ceiling while talking to her.
Q52: Do you know why Abyss wears his hair in a bun or ponytail?
A52: A unique hairstyle may mean that he wants to be recognized... He may cut it short later!
Q53: Will love cute say things like "like or hate" or "am I cute" to other members of the Magia Lupus other than herself?
A53: All boys will be asked.
Q54: Why was Ryane so angry at Milo (the green-haired one of the Fourth Fang) in the ? Is it okay to kick him like that?
A54: Ryane is a bit extreme... Generally speaking, this is not a good job (crying)
Q55: What did Ansel Sinli (the Seventh Demon Fang, the one carrying two round plates) say in the last episode?
A55: "In my opinion, cream puffs are likely to contain cream."
Q56: Does Oror (the magic policeman) appear naked every time he casts a spell?
A56: It's pitiful, but that's how it is. (crying)
Q57: What kind of people are Ryoh's wife and son? If there is any story, please tell me!
A57: The wife is the kind of person who is broad-minded and said "Okay, okay" and then started dating (crying). The child admires his father!
Q58: Are the Ryho peripherals in the work certified by the author? Or are they made by fans?
A58: Certified by the author! ! ! ! ! (Please link it)
Q59: I want to join the Ryoh‘s fan club. Can I become member No. 0001?
A59: I admit it!
Q60: Why doesn't the robe on Orter's shoulders fall off?
A60: It's fixed by magic!
Q61: Why is Orter so short-sighted that his eyes have become "3"?
A61: He read too many books!
Q62: Can Orter’s sand magic turn himself into sand?
A62: It seems that he can't do that! But if you really work hard, you might be able to do it! (translator: It was done in the anime)
Q63: I want to know how Orter and Wirth address each other! What is their relationship like?
A63: They probably address each other with "お前" and "テメェ" (similar to "you bad guy" and "Hey")... They don't have a very good relationship! But it will get better one day!!!
Q64: Wirth said, "I have received elite education in magic since I was a child." Did Mr. Orter do the same thing?
A64: That's right!
Q65: I want to know why Kaldo wears gloves!
A65: Because it is so cool and making him handsome! ! ! ! !
Q66: What is the opportunity for Kaldo to like sweets? In addition, he has a strong impression of honey. Does he like sweets more than honey?
A66: He likes it after spreading honey on toast! He likes everything when it comes to sweets! My tongue is dying!
Q67: Which is better, Kaldo's honey salmon or Lemon's handmade cookies?
A67: Handmade cookies I guess? They are as bad for your health as the Ganges!
Q68: What is the name of Agito Tyrone's (Dragon Cone) pet dragon?
A68: Hipotan!
If you like, Can I please ask for a like🥹
Comments are welcome to discuss anything! And suggestions for translation!
Chinese version updated in:longyou1225.lofter.com
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koji-haru · 3 months
Time Travel Au Part: 3
Michael did find Lucifer and Lilith. He also reminded them of their assigned roles in Eden. Unfortunately, he didn't catch them do anything that would warrant their banishment from Eden.
Maybe next time.
Adam laid on his stomach on the grass, hands folded under his chin, feet swinging in the air as he watched Lilith and Lucifer getting a lecture from Michael. Both their gazes were turned down, a sullen look painted on both of their faces. It was obvious they didn't care for Michael's sermon, and were only sorry for being noticed. Adam hoped that Michael does more than notice one day. The sooner they were gone, the sooner he can truly enjoy the paradise God had made for him.
“Lucifer, the reason you're allowed in Eden is to watch over the humans. BOTH humans.”
“Lilith, although you're the newest here, you should already know better than to stall the plan God has made for you.”
And so and so…
After a few more minutes, Michael ended his lecture, turning towards Adam. Noticing that Michael was heading his direction, Adam quickly wiped the smug grin off his face, and replaced it with a concerned look.
Michael crouched in front of Adam. “I've talked to them. You wouldn't be left alone again.”
Adam beamed at Michael. “Really? Thank you so much Michael!”
Too bad I'd actually prefer if they left me alone. Permanently.
Michael gave a final stern look at both Lucifer and Lilith, and once satisfied, took off to the skies.
Left on his own, Adam turned his attention back to both victims of Michael's scolding. He stood up, dusting himself a bit.
“Well, it's getting dark. Want to get dinner together?”
He gave a slight smile, head tilted to the side. The last rays of the day dipped lower and lower behind him, his golden eyes seemingly glowed under the shadow he casted.
A few days have passed since then. Michael's scolding had only taught both Lilith and Lucifer to be sneakier, Lilith and Adam’s relationship only broke further apart, and while Lucifer tried to be more present for Adam, Adam always seemed to be preoccupied with others things to pay any attention to him. Lucifer would ask questions about what his new inventions, and Adam would always answer politely but brief, often leaving no space for further conversation until Lucifer decided to fly away.
Today Adam was going to finish making his acoustic guitar. One of the few times he actually sought out Lucifer was to ask about instruments, hoping to get a guitar. To his disappointment, the guitar wasn't something the angels made, and they only knew of (for now) of fiddles, lutes and harps. While Adam knew how to play every instrument to have existed, the guitar was always his favourite. And so, he painstakingly carved himself a guitar, making progress day by day.
He gave the strings a test strum before deciding to play a tune. It was a song he made for Eve to comfort her after they got casted out of Eden.
He closed his eyes playing the song, trying to feel tune as it came back to him. It had been a very long time since he played the song. Sure, he played songs for other people, he had his concerts, requests from both winners and heavenborn, and of course he always played for his girls. But this song, he only played it for Eve and his children.
Memories came flooding back to him, both bitter and sweet. Tender moments with Eve under the moon, a campfire birthday celebration, Cain's banishment… He missed them all dearly, but was he willing to leave paradise just to have them again? What if history repeats itself once he leaves Eden? Cain killing Abel and his banishment, his children getting sick and dying before him, struggling everyday just to get by. No. He refused to relive that. Despite the good that came with Eve and their children, he refuses to suffer in life again. This time he will be himself first. This time he will be selfish. Even if Eve bites the forbidden fruit again. He will remain in the paradise made for him. After a lifetime of hardship he deserved it. Those moments with Eve will just have to remain as memories.
Lost in his song, Adam didn't notice the approaching presence behind him until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Adam jolted awake from his reverie, turning to see who disturbed him.
“Oh. Hi Michael. What brings you here?”
“I came to inspect the garden,” he paused, before making his way in front of Adam.
“I called out to you a few times.”
Michael scanned over Adam, checking for anything wrong. Sure, he still believed that God can not make mistakes, but he noticed that Adam sometimes didn't respond to calls of attention. In fact, that was the first thing he did since he was made. And from what he heard from Lucifer, the first man always seemed to be preoccupied, at least mentally, and muttering incomprehensible things. Then there was Lilith. So perhaps while perfect, the first humans had some ‘quirks’ he couldn't yet fully understand.
“Oh, I guess didn't hear you.”
Michael remained in front of Adam, still scrutinising him. He was sure he called out loud enough to be heard.
Fuck. Have I been too reckless?
Lucifer and Lilith, he knew how to get around them, to do as he pleased without being too suspicious. But Michael, well, he was never that close with the angel, and so he didn't know how he worked.
“I was trying out this new instrument I made. I call it the guitar,” Adam presented his newly crafted guitar to Michael, a proud look on his face.
Michael took a glance at the guitar, and then around Adam. “Lilith is not with you?”
Adam shook his head.
“And Lucifer..?
“Both of them said they had other things to do…” Adam looked down, one hand on the back of his neck, trying to look sheepish.
Michael shook his head and released a disappointed sigh, and as he was about to leave, Adam stopped him.
“Do you want to listen to me play a song?”
Adam looked up from his spot on the ground, a small, shy smile across his face. He couldn't let Michael leave just like that, now that he was here. This was his opportunity to observe the angel, to understand how his cogwheels turn, and hopefully get him on his side when the time comes.
Michael seemed to hesitate for a moment, before tucking away his six wings and taking a spot beside Adam. He turned to Adam, crystal blue eyes offering him his full sincere attention.
“I did say you wouldn't be left alone again.”
[Guitarhero is a go!!!]
Part 2
Part 4
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https-alberich · 1 month
CW: Discriptions of gore. Bullying. Reader discretion is advised.
Notes: Guys my yandere sim(?) is going to begin soon!! Check it out on @killingfor-you.
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“Think fast bitch.” A venomous voice dripped nothing but liquid malice as the bully cornered you after school. “Shoulder. Don’t make me say it again.” He said dryly, watching as you nervously undid a few buttons of your uniform, exposing your shoulder to the delinquent.
He grinned, dragging his tongue over the tips of his teeth. “Good bitch.” You knew better than to refuse him. The consequences that came after denying him what he wanted were far worse then what he usually had in store for you.
He knew you didn’t care for your own health, and while that did give him a twinge of sympathy, hurting you, playing around with you - the delinquent had a social reputation to uphold. 
The feeling of a cigarette being put out on our skin made you wince but you knew better than to voice your annoyance. You didn’t want him to grow even more angry at you, it was obvious that he needed to vent out some emotions and whenever he did, he would slink over to you and make your life a living hell. The boy in question growled, grabbing your shoulder - making you wince - before shoving you aside. “See ya later bitch.” He hissed, smirking. 
Like he knew he wasn’t done with you.
And even if him tormenting you was sometimes literal hell on earth, you knew in some sick twisted fucked up way, he wouldn’t hurt hurt you. He just… expressed his love for you in strange ways.
Abel winced as you fretted over him, wiping his nose of blood - that continued to spill despite your best efforts - as you carefully pressed an ice pack to his busted and bleeding lip.
Your eyes were determined and careful to avoid hurting Abel any further. 
He looked confused and slightly annoyed at your worrying, despite telling you multiple times that he really didn’t need you poking around at his face with a bottle of medical alcohol in your hands.
He would’ve been grateful if he wasn’t so fucking confused. Why were so lenient when it came to him tossing you around like his personal plaything, but the minute he comes over with the slight amount of blood on his face, you’re fretting over his well being, making sure he’s okay.
Abel grunted, pushing you away. “I fucking told you- I’m fine! You don’t have to treat me like a little kid- I swear-” He sighed, exasperated. “You gotta fucking fight back one day or you;re gonna get yourself killed.” He whispered, looking slightly worried as he met your eyes.
You frowned, this sort of vulnerability was rare in Abel, your boyfriend was tough, and unforgiving. And mean, and annoying and now he was… being nice..?
“I get that you don’t care about yourself but fuck- you can’t just anyone treat you the way I do- fuck- you shouldn’t let me treat you the way I do!” He shook his head, conttinuing his monologuing, “The world isn’t full of sunshines and rainbows-” He exhaled. “The asshole I beat up after school. Do you remember him? From Biology.”
He gripped his bedsheets in a tight fist, his breathing coming out heavy, like the mere memory of the sound of his fist connecting with the other student’s face was making him angry again. “The cunt had the fucking adacity to put his filthy fucking hands on my bitch! Do you understand how fucking pissed I am I-” He gripped at his hair and groaned, glaring at you when you pulled his hand away from his black locks. “Fuck… just…. If anyone’s giving you shit. Lemme know.” He grumbled, defeated, as he pushed the medical kit aside.
“I need a fucking smoke.” He groaned, getting up, grabbing a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. “C’mon.” He nodded to his balcony. “I need to stop fuckin’ thinkin’ for thirty minutes.” Abel shook his head and sighed.
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Taglist: @mono273
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everydayyoulovemeless · 9 months
fallout 4 companions react to a sole who's mute due to an injury that mangled their vocal cords or something like that? bonus points if sole isn't really all that affected by it anymore since it happened before the war and all that! thanks!
Fo4 Companions With a Mute!Sole
➼ Word Count » 1.7k ➼ Warnings » Abelism? Maybe? ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic
MacCready finds you a tad unnerving when he first meets you, but you're quiet, which makes it easier for him to snipe. Less noise and whatnot, so he finds it hard to complain about you sticking around. After a couple of months go by, he'll slowly feel himself get more and more attached to you. You're not so much a client to him anymore, and he finds your presence to be comforting at the best of times. Because of this, he'll be more receptive to you when you're trying to communicate with him. He'll pay closer attention to your motions or make it more of a priority to read the notes you pass him. Sometimes, he even stops talking midway through a conversation with a shopkeeper just to see what you want to say. MacCready also can't help but find the expressions you make to be funny, especially when there's no noise to accompany them.
Nick can't help but chuckle anytime he lets out a sarcastic quip, and you just have to stare at him and nod. He didn't have any idea about how he was supposed to go about talking to you when you were both first introduced. In fact, for the first time in years, Nick found himself feeling a tad awkward. However, he's not one to give up on another for something so trivial and just started carrying his detective notebook with him more often. He'll pass it to you whenever he's curious about your thoughts, or if you tug at his sleeve a bit, he'll hand it right over. He noticed the slight scarring around your throat when you first met but never felt it was his place to ask. There are moments when he feels like he's just talking into a void, but doesn't everyone feel that way when traversing the wasteland on their own? One gets used to it after a while, and you're company is better than most others.
Cait didn't like you when you two first met. A part of her felt the need to be skeptical about you not being able to talk. How have you made it this far without speaking anyhow? It's an almost necessary skill, especially since many in the Commonwealth can't read, and that aspect makes her feel on edge when she's around you. You've either got to be one hell of a killer or know a few names to have made it as far as you did, and she doesn't like that one bit. After a while of traveling with you, however, she'll start to get more and more used to the silence. She'll talk about previous encounters she's had with people if she feels the need to say something, and is overall just happy to have someone who listens and isn't obnoxiously in her ear all the time. The only problem would be her muscling her way through most obstacles since the two of you aren't going to be very successful when it comes to talking things out. But if you don't mind a few altercations, then she'll have no issue hanging around you.
Danse has met a few people who couldn't speak in his lifetime, and you're no different. He knows how to sign a few words and has experience of what would and wouldn't be helpful to someone who's mute on the battlefield, so he's one of the more well-equipped characters in terms of knowing what to do. He can communicate effectively with you and would even ask if you wanted to have your vocal cords checked out by any of the scribes to see if there's anything that can be done in terms of soothing them or even possibly fixing them. At the end of the day, he treats you just the same as any other soldier under his sponsorship.
Preston's picked up a bit of sign language throughout his time with the Minutemen and can understand what you're saying fairly easily. Otherwise, he's not as good at interpreting the sporadic gestures you make. Early on, he'll make it a habit to glance in your direction as frequently as he can manage, just in case you're trying to get his attention or need to tell him something. That being said, being mute doesn't diminish or take away from your combat abilities, and he'd recognize that fact early on. This means you're not getting out of settlement quests, but he does have the decency to at least assign someone else to go with you so you can better communicate with the settlers. Not a lot changes with him. He'll still be the same firm and kind man he is, whether you can speak or not.
Codsworth is just as good as before the war with interpreting your body language and the slight signals you provide him with. His initial programming has allowed him to be more aware of the subtle shifts in attitude and be able to translate what you're signing to him. By far the most accommodating to your condition and the most receptible to it. He treats it as normal because, for him, it is. He doesn't need you to be verbal for him to be a renowned and approachable member of your family.
Piper just has you write everything down for her. She's got the paper and pens with her, so why not? It makes everything easier for both of you. She'll gain a liking to you as soon as she realizes you're mute. Something about your condition makes her even more determined to get your voice and experience out there to the public. Whatever it is you want to say, she is all ears. Always. No one should be able to stand in the way of speaking your truth, not even a medical condition, and she will sit there and copy every word you write down onto the papers if that's something you want to happen. She is more than happy to be your voice and, by the end of it, she'll make sure you have an audience.
Medically speaking, Curie understands you the best. She's so kind and gentle towards you and will even make you drinks that'll help soothe your throat if it ever becomes inflamed or will attempt to ground medications that you formally took before the bombs. Every now and again, she'll ask to interview you. Nothing too invasive, it's just to see where the pain levels are at for that week and how she can better help you manage it. Your comfort is her top priority, and she's happy to be given something new to research and look into, even if it's not something you're terribly bothered by.
When Strong meets you for the first time, he just assumes you're broken and refuses to follow you. He needs a strong, vocal leader, not whatever you are.
Hancock thinks you're a hoot. He's got no idea what you're trying to say half the time, but you've gotta be one of the most interesting people he's ever met. Whenever you pass him a note, he'll act like it's this top-secret document and refuse to let anyone else read it. Other times, he makes it seem like you wrote something outrageous until you get fed up and have to hit him to quiet him down. Hancock can't help but love everything about you. You're not only perfect for Goodneighbor, but you're resilient, and he can't help but admire you for it. It might sound ignorant, but he never imagined that he'd ever meet a mute person. And to him, it's a sign that the world is slowly becoming a whole lot safer, and that thought never fails to put a stupid grin on his face.
Deacon can't help but poke fun at it at times. It's never meant out of malicious intent, but more so him being him. Besides, what's the point of living if you can't joke about your misfortunes from time to time? One of his favorite things to say is that "he's got a guy for everything except mending vocal cords" or "at least we know you won't be sharing any of the railroads' secrets". Despite all the teasing that gets thrown your way, Deacon is great at depicting body language and can communicate with you easily. Better yet, he just so happens to be amazing at talking, so the two of you balance each other out nicely. You're in great hands with him and he's got endless jokes he wants to say.
X6-88 revels in the silence. He prefers traveling with someone quieter; you're the best case he could've ever hoped for. That being said, he wants this relationship to last and is willing to do a lot to keep you alive and happy. Someone's bothering you? Let him handle it. Your throats feeling irritated? He'll teleport you back to the Institute to have it inspected. There is nothing this man isn't prepared to do for you, both out of loyalty and genuine care. Even though he might be against you going out into the Commonwealth, he rather be the one to go with you rather than have you travel with one of those dirty commoners he sees you around. He's both accommodating and ready to help. There's not much more you could ask for with him.
Dogmeat gets a bit confused when you just point instead of giving him a command, but he'll slowly start to pick up what you're intentions are (he mostly guesses, but oh well).
Old Longfellow doesn't mind. He prefers silence anyway. He'll even offer you a few bottles here and there because he claims it "helps with sore... or somethin'". He swears Teddy told him, but you better double-check to really be sure there's a medical standpoint to back it up. Nothing changes with him besides him playing into the 'fatherly role' a bit more. He can't help but feel obligated for your survival when you come and find him for the first time.
Gage initially got really annoyed that you wouldn't respond back to him through the intercoms and assumed you had just kicked the bucket before your fight with Colter, and he was still a bit annoyed when you beat him and had to rely on you to take over the park. Gage is a big believer in natural selection, and you should've been taken out ages ago. A disabled person surviving in the wasteland? The notion is comical, but as long as you continue doing what he needs you to get done, he'll keep his mouth shut and (reluctantly) follow your lead.
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swallowtail-lotus · 6 months
🍎Father's Love {Adam x Daughter!Reader}🍎
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This Adam will forever be my favourite version.
I want a hug from him now 😭
Watching your father's match with Zeus was nerve wracking. Your father landed the first hit on the powerful god.
"Please be okay, dad."
You mumbled, your hands shaking from the fear. One of your older brothers, Abel, noticed your shaking form and patted your head.
"Relax, sis. Dad is super strong!"
He laughed, bringing you in closer to him. He was right. Your father is strong, but a part of you was doubtful of that. You didn't know why.
"He's right! Dad will win this!"
Your other brother, Cain joined in from your left, his grin bringing slight comfort to you. Like your mother, you were more emotional.
As the match progressed, you noticed the strain in your father's eyes and panicked. Zeus was overwhelming him with the punches. Zeus found out the drawback and used it to his advantage by pulling off such a dirty trick.
"No, dad!"
You yelled out, nearly falling from the stands if it weren't for your brothers.
Adam, on the other hand, heard your shout and threw more punches at the towering god.
"Always the observant one, (Y/n).."
Adam thought, fondly smiling at the memory of you. The faint cry of a baby entered his ears.
"There's a baby crying somewhere. There's no need to cry. Don't worry. You don't have to be afraid of those bad guys. Your dad's gonna take care of..."
Adam couldn't finish his thoughts as the punch landed. Having superhuman hearing, you gasped quietly, tears coming out of your eyes.
Just as they thought Adam was done, his hand shot up to grip Zeus's head.
"I got you."
"He took his blows to grab him. Amazing, father!"
You thought, a pinch of hope building up from inside. The sounds of bows being delivered at immeasurable speeds gave you so much anxiety you felt your knees give out. One last blow towards each other ended the match here, Adam standing on his feet and Zeus crumpled to his knees. Your eyes widen from the sight, thinking it was in humanity's favour.
Looking more closely, the hope you had faded away. Everyone from humanity were cheering, but you weren't.
"Hell yeah! You kicked his ass, dad!"
Cain called out, raising his fist.
The cheering ceased once the realisation kicked in. You knew what they were thinking.
The father of humanity had died, standing on his feet and with a smile.
As Heimdall announced the winner, you fell to your knees, the tears you were trying to hold back came pouring out, staining your clothes. Your mother and brothers brought you in for a hug, their sobbing filling your ears. The moment you looked up at the sky, you could've sworn you saw your father, smiling down at you all.
"Never forget that I love you all."
"Especially you, (y/n). I can never ask for a better daughter. My love is a circle, because it never ends."
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