#Vld season 3
has-brain-rot · 2 years
So I finished watching voltron legendary defenders season 3 and I gotta say... what happened?
Like the pacing was so off that I’m almost 100% sure other episodes were planned and got cut. They glossed over so many details and didn’t cover things they should of? Quite odd. but yoo Lotor exists now so that’s neat. Same as before more notes under the cutoff
Lotor. now THAT is how you introduce a villain. Create suspense, show how strong they are compared to the previous villain, and show that hey, they might be evil but they are charismatic and people genuinely do want to work with them.
Lotor. Super cool in the first few episodes but after that he feels too good? as in like, it’s great seeing smart characters but seeing smart characters that are so smart they become undefeatable can be really cool if executed well but.. eh. Lotor also has a whole society to lead and he’s out here flying around in space half the time. It doesn’t feel as realistic.
Also do they ever give a reason why Lotor has white hair because so far WAIT NEVER MIDN he’s half Galra like Keith. <- is he and Keith going to ever mention that because I think that’d be a funky moment for them. like “hey bro I’m kinda like you” (identity issues follow)
Keith learning to be the leader is neat! I like how he gets that experience and we see some of that progression. Keyword some because if given more episodes they could’ve gone more into that journey.
Coran gets ignored so much. Sucks for you old man /affectionate.
Shiro. Okay so what was going on with the Shiro arc. Like once they started covering that the season started falling aopart? The pacing was already weird throughout the season, but once it brought Shiro back it turned into a speedrun into shoving as much plot into the episodes without explaining WHY <- I know that was purposeful to add to the power levels of Lotor but hmmmmmmm it could be executed better?
ALSO SHIRO fr he just went through another year (approximate? considering hair length), nearly dies a bunch and then nearly dies alone in space in what would be one of the most HORRIFIC ways to die and then he just.. gets a haircut and waltzes back into the show. My man PLEASE take a break. please show runners address whatever is going on with Shiro he needs help. He’s speedrunning all forms of severe trauma and they showed the briefest clip of Keith talking to Shiro and that’s it. he is not okay.
IGNORING all the wonkiness with the season I must say the visuals are still SUPER GOOD.
BATTLE SCENES WERE SUPER COOL!! Allura controlling the lion and it moving more like a real lion and not always just a ship? THAT was such a cool way of showing her bonding with the lion AND shows some of her core character as well. Doesn’t easily trust, strong morals, determined, very smart but also relies on instinct, and overall badass. Love how she gets fighting scenes and she is good at it.
Not the biggest fan of allura’s suit being pink even with the justification that it’s “the colour they’d wear to honour fallen warriors” just because it feels like “haha girly-girl must wear pink”. But that’s pretty minor all things considered. I really do like how each character kept their suit colours even when switching lions.
my idea of the red lion flying itself was false, but I still think it’d be neat if unrealistic. Love how even with the short season they went into some level of detail about how the lion-paladin bond works
OKAY SO that last episode? 0/10. Honestly I don’t like how they turned Zarkon from a super strong epic villian to like, king got corrupted kinda thing. Like that takes away from the whole idea that this man was so twisted and evil and corrupt but still managed to create an entire empire, and the horror behind that idea. The horror that someone can be so outwardly wicked and people still support them.
Also I think(?) it takes away from the whole “this man is a colonizer” if it’s not even really him doing it? Like it’s just some mysterious evil entity goop. however it DOES make Lotor that much more interesting as a villain because he parallels Allura in a neat way and also he’s just built like that. No evil goop there, he’s just like that
THE PARALLELS BETWEEN LOTOR AND ALLURA LETS GOOO. LOVE how they both have teams of not-the-same-species-aliens helping them in their goals and they all seem to be there because they want to be. The black-darkblue-orange colour scheme is like reverse of white-lightblue-pink colour scheme which is really fun!
Zarkon coming back is interesting but it kinda downplays Lotor’s role as the big bad? idk my feelings on that yet
TIME FOR SEASON 4! Soon after I finish the last few seasons I can go on the voltron tags and see all the art and what the fandom is like! I haven’t done that too much because of spoilers but that soon will change xD
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
I watched s5e2 and was shocked to find out how bad you guys (I suppose I am now part of you guys) were robbed of black paladin lance
Look at him leadering all over the place
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lefty-draws02 · 11 months
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Keithtober Day 18 - jacket
drew klance in their canon matching jackets ❤️💙
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occult-octoling · 2 years
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rewatching voltron and klance is still everything
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lokh · 3 months
it is the year 2024 and i have just posted a shlav fic. enjoy
“So I’m going to assume you all know that there��s a universal translating device.” “We do?” “Well, now you do.” or, team voltron finds out there's a universal translating device when it stops working. they play go fish about it. slav is there and becomes the subject of an impromptu field methods class in linguistics. shiro tries to figure out if he's good at linguistics or just good at understanding slav.
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alohaasaloevera · 10 months
It’s funny, really, how miserable he is in this situation.
He can’t see blood staining his hands—instead he sees it pouring and pouring and pouring, the viscous liquid piling up into his hands before it overflows, dropping onto the ground like a never ending stream.
He realizes, realizes that Lance has to watch Keith die like this, over and over again for the rest of eternity. The only person that could save him is dead now, and Lance has to look at him bleed out in his arms forever.
It hurts just as bad every single time.
Lance wakes up from that horrid, terrifying dream, his heart racing as he takes sharp, staccato breaths. Darkness shrouds the vicinity of his room—It’s warm, to the point that it feels like his skin is on fire. He feels like something is trickling down his nose, so he goes ahead and wipes it with his sleeve and inspects it carefully to see if it’s anything like blood. He can’t see very well, though, so he ends up attempting to get a glass of water in the middle of the night without waking anyone up. All while something is still pouring out from his nostrils.
He turns a light on and walks out, the metal door shutting with a dull, automatic thump. When he enters the living room, he’s shocked to see Keith, and…Griffin? What is James Griffin of all people doing with Keith Kogane in the middle of the night?
The two are on the couch, seemingly doing nothing until he hears a muffled noise come from their direction. He squints harder, and—
Oh. Oh no.
Keith has been dropped into Griffin’s lap and—ok, Lance is officially out!
He is not about to witness one of his closest friends/teammate be intimate with said friend’s TEENAGE BULLY. Lance turns on his heel faster than Voltron himself and attempts to make a break for it when he suddenly feels light headed and soon enough he’s falling to the ground as fast as the drops of his maybe-nosebleed.
Lance wakes up in a hospital. Who knows what he’s gotten into now.
The strong, bitter smell of antiseptic and chloroform only further convinces him that he should go back to sleep, but the universe is apparently against him now as a familiar, unsteady voice calls his name. “Lance? Are you awake? Oh thank goodness!” Hunk sighs in relief, a hand on his chest, “We all thought you were dead! Well, not me, because I know you get chronic nosebleeds.”
Oh. That’s what happened. He starts to remember the events of the night—no, nights? Whatever—before; waking up from that dream of Keith dying and Lance being forced to watch him forever—He gets chills from just thinking about it—the trip to get a glass of water while his nose was conjuring up a flood; the sight of Keith and Griffin—NOPE. NOT THINKING ABOUT THAT.
“Ok, not to call you stupid, but I just wanna know what you were thinking when you put your room’s temperature to eighty-degrees?”
“I… don’t know. The only thing I know is that I definitely shouldn’t’ve walked in on James and Keith—”
“I do not need to know about that, bro.” Hunk politely interrupts, because he’s a literal ray of sunshine, “but what I do know,” he says, dropping what looks like his keys onto a nearby desk before whispering in Lance’s ear, “is that James and Keith are being called rivals now, and both of them aren’t denying it.”
Oh, that fucker—
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@loturaweek2023 day 5: Runaways from Royal Nannies!
Melenor (named after her grandmother, in honor), Garrett (named by Coran, with a sadness Lotor now knew the man well enough to place), and Oria (a family name on Allura’s side) were supposed to be with their governess, right then.
As three small children ran giggling into Lotor’s legs, lifting his skirt cape around their shoulders so as to hide beneath it, he let out a huff of fond exasperation.
“And what, perchance, are you three doing here?” he asked them, the dignitary he stood speaking with giving an amused and knowing smile as he put their discussion of sewage on hold.
“Shhhshshsh!” Melenor urged, Garrett copying her and Oria copying them both with her chubby fingers.
“Oh?” Lotor arched his eyebrow. “What’s this? Are you hiding? Is that what you’re doing?”
The shushing redoubled, all three of them hissing at him louder than he’d spoken, and the dignitary lifted their pad to their lips to hide their smile.
A harried Altean woman with large muscles and hair pulled messily back in a bun rounded the corner, the sash at her hips fluttering with her rush. “Your Majesty,” she greeted, sounding somewhere between tired and defeated.
“Governess,” he returned politely. “I hope all is well, and the children are behaving themselves?”
More shushing from beneath his skirt cape, quieter now.
“About as well as they typically do, Your Majesty.”
“And where are my children, now?”
A tittering of giggles rose from beneath his skirt cape, all three pairs of tiny feet clearly visible, which the poor woman’s eyes landed on with something approaching exasperated fondness (heavier on exasperation, at that junction).
“I’m afraid I don’t know, my lord.”
“Unfortunate. But I’m sure they could not have gotten far. Perhaps they’ve gone to the kitchen again, I’ve heard there’s much to drink and snack on, there,” he gently prodded. He could look after the three of them for a bit. She looked like she could use a drink. And maybe a nunvill, but that wasn’t allowed while she was on the clock.
“A fine idea, Your Majesty, I’ll try there.”
She stalked off, swiping flyaways out of her face and leggings making a soft swishing sound as the legs brushed together, and Lotor waited until she was out of sight to lift his skirt cape to reveal the giggling children beneath it.
“You know, you really must stop causing her trouble,” he urged mildly, already fully aware that his children were unlikely to heed such words.
“We’re not!” Melenor insisted, “We just want to be with you!”
And quiznack it all if the little mite didn’t know she had her daddy wrapped around her finger. He sighed.
“I can’t imagine why. I’m not going to be very interesting, I have to talk about sewers, and pipes, and water decontamination, for hours. You’ll get bored.”
“Nuh uh!”
“Very well then, you may stay, but you must let me work,” he said firmly.
“Oh Lotor, you’re spoiling them again!”
Lotor and his children all looked up to see a miffed Allura approaching, and squeals of “Mama!” rang out as Lotor’s legs were swiftly abandoned for additional parental clinging.
“Me? My dear wife, never.”
“Always,” she accused, lifting Oria onto one hip and knocking a fist against the other. “You’re too indulgent.”
“But look at them,” he said, kneeling down and pulling Garrett and Melenor against his sides, squishing his face between theirs, “How can you say no to such faces, Allura?”
“Easily,” she said, giving him a flatly unimpressed look.
Lotor sighed. “Your mother is cruel, children. She is preparing you for the harshness of this world.”
“Where is your nanny?” she asked, ignoring his antics, and Lotor pouted.
“Papa sent her to the kitchen.”
“Then that is where we shall go. Come along, you three, your father has work to do right now,” she said pointedly, taking Garrett’s hand in the one not holding Oria and ushering Melenor forth.
He stooped to steal a kiss, which she indulged, and then continued herding them off while he stared after her fondly.
It was still such a joy, for him. To be a husband, a father, a caretaker. Someone whose children were not scared of him, not even at all. He would never have dreamed of running off from his Dayak and causing her the trouble these three caused their governess, and he would have never run to his father to hide from her. It felt good, that that was different for them. It felt right.
The dignitary cleared their throat and Lotor returned his attention to the subject at hand, putting thoughts of his children aside for the moment. He’d have plenty opportunity to indulge them all later.
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rubyrabbits-art · 1 year
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right hand man / i got you buddy
twitter | pixiv
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gaykeithbilance · 2 years
very often i forget that allura canonically died so sometimes when people see my allura fanart or discord profile picture they respond like "i miss her so much..." and in my head i am like what is wrong with you
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justaz · 2 years
pidge and lance rivalry after the lion switch of pidge being infuriated that she’s no longer the black paladins favorite and lance rubbing it in her face every chance he gets
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straysketches · 2 years
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baby girl Blue (probably looking at Lance) 💙
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lokimilf · 2 years
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fandomsandmorehere · 1 year
i just finished rewatching v*ltron and i forgot how much i hated the ending. if i ever try and watch it again show me this post and tell me no.
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
FINISHED SEASON 4: my takes time
SO I actually finished season 4 (after this I’m going to go binge season 5) and most of my notes are in the last post BUT the rest of my thoughts shall be below
LOTOR MY MAN you can’t just kill your friend/loyal coworker just because you think they’re a spy. Especially like. idk just saying that you had 3 other people (plus the cat) and you went for the blind person. seems odd :/
LOTOR ALSO BECOMING A CRIMINAL. Trying to sneak over onto the voltron side and you know what I’m down for that. The drama we’ll see. Will he be accepted? not?
They really just got rid of keith for the whole season and re-introduced him by having him just kinda in the background before he does some things. It’s especially odd since there was so much focus on keith in the last season?
Keith was out there doing epic adventure stuff where he could have died a ton while the rest of the voltron team were doing performance shows. hmm.
Shiro whyyyyyyyyyyy do you not get help. please this man needs help. Yeah sure he didn’t nearly die or go through something horrific this season but still there has been NOTHING about his trauma so far. In season 1 and 2 they touched upon the impacts of trauma and how it can mess with your mind but now that Shiro has another year’s worth of captivity testing and general horror, he doesn’t have any symptoms? HMM
also they completely dropped whatever plot was going on with Shiro in the last season. That’s odd right?
Can’t wait for Lotor and Keith to meet PURELY because I think it’d be neat if Lotor like, reforms some and becomes a mentor like figure to Keith. Teach him the half-galran ways without judgement. They can bond over poor childhoods and being broody. I think it could work.
WAIT maybe Keith gets the scar by Lotor switching on them and trying to kill Keith? That’d be dark but is a possibility? All I know is Keith gets the scar at some point but I still have no clue when aelrkgm
Slay Pidge, Slay Hunk <- I enjoy these characters. they deserve good things. They haven’t really gone through any development anymore though :/
Lance’s personality is a pendulum. who is this man. why is he there. why is he sometimes a silly guy and sometimes the only one that can give advice and pep talks. I find myself in the most hilarious position of being confused by his presence but finding him an otherwise meh character. idk my brain keeps going to him and being like “hey.. why are you here”
It’s cool to see them all get used to their lions again, but I’m kind of disappointed that they broke the character-lion symbolism. Red was passionate and ran with instincts first which matched keith. Hunk’s is grounded and tough, Pidge’s is lithe and connected to nature (which as the show said means the green lion is more connected to the base knowledge of the world, aka smarts) and the black lion is leadership and trust issues. With the shuffle they kind of lose all that.
I vote they should change the colours of their uniforms to match their lions. That’s what they did at first so why not now? /lh
Haggar exists and that’s chill. Love how she wants to kill her kid that’s very girlboss of her <- do not do this IRL. it is very bad and very NOT girlboss
Overall the season feels more similar to season 1 and 2 in terms of plotlines and general vibes. The comedy moments are good and funny but sometimes feel like they take away from the story? The story is at least more intact than the previous season but it doesn’t have the same level of building-towards-the-climax as the first two seasons. It’s good, plus it has Lotor and he’s cool.
LOTOR!!! Lotor would be an interesting person to go out and get ice cream with and ask him about his thoughts of the world and interests. NOT a date, I just want to study him like a scientist does a particularly funky octopus and I want to know what sort of ice cream he’d eat. Plus learn his hair care routine lmaoo
OKAY SO I know that Shiro gets married to a man at some point but I don’t know all the details. My theory is that it’ll be Matt. Matt and Shiro already have known each other for a while and after living together on the ship and fighting for the cause together they destroy the previous boundaries they had in the previous field of work and get closer. Plus they’re the only adult characters i think??? So it’d make sense. And then Pidge gets a cool older brother
Reason why the above won’t happen: Matt is straight I think -_- Shame on him /j
TIME FOR SEASON 5 LETS GOOO. I’ve officially watched half the show and it’s really cool, I absolutely adore every single artist and animator that worked on it. They did an incredibly job, especially after learning they didn’t have much time to do it all
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princessallura052 · 2 years
Voltron Season 3 Thoughts (Review)
Season 3. Ooh boy. This season. I love it but I hate it but I still love it. I make sense, it’s okay! But I love and hate it for the same reason. It’s messy. The Paladins struggle so much to make it work without Shiro and this is most apparent with Keith but the signs are obvious with the others too. Keith is just…more expressive, somehow. And then when they finally figure out how to make it work, Shiro from what it looks like returns and Keith becomes uncertain, stepping back.
I love Keith this season. I can really relate to him – the self-esteem issues, struggling to grieve and feeling like he isn’t good enough. It’s painful when someone you loved so deeply starts acting differently towards you and even though you want to brush it aside, it still hurts. Unfortunately, Keith, not all of us get the closure that our bad friend/family is a clone, so you got lucky! I wish I could say my friends had been replaced by a clone lol.
Also, major thing, I loved how quickly Keith and Black bonded. Keith literally defended her from clone Shiro’s victim blaming/victim shaming and she in return rejected the clone because she wanted Keith. It was amazing! The lion swap was amazing and the new pairings (Keith/Black, Lance/Red and Allura/Blue) fit so much better for the team and the characters to me. When I first saw this, I hadn’t seen the original. But I still liked this because I feel the season 1 and season 2 pairings formed too easily outside of Shiro and Black. Shiro and Black too though felt more like a trauma bond than a genuine bond. Which aren’t bad but I’m glad they didn’t make that long-term. It would have been a bit unrealistic.
I also enjoyed learning the past of the original Paladins. Interestingly enough, it had some fun parallels with Harry Potter and the Marauders, which was really cool! Both Pettigrew and Zarkon were very selfish people, although Pettigrew’s reasons were cowardice and maybe power while Zarkon’s weirdly was more noble because he did love Honerva.
Oh! Oh I almost forgot. Hole in the Sky is one of the best written episodes and is gold for real Kallura fans. I have always been fond of the lady and her knight trope and this episode did it beautifully with Keith and Allura. Keith literally stayed in her shadow, cautioning her the entire episode and protecting her when things went south. Not only that, but he went over to comfort her when she needed it and Lotor got the comet. It was so cute!
Oh yeah, where was I before? Yeah, ok so I enjoyed Zarkon and Honerva’s love story. It was romantic in an extremely messed up way, which is okay. Makes it more exciting but I do think they loved each other. And come on. Doesn’t “I’ll destroy the universe for you” sound like the most romantic thing ever? It totally does! Yes, I know I’m weird.
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porcelaintoybox23 · 1 year
I’m going to compare two random shows again.
Lance becoming a farmer makes as much sense as Amity doing whatever she’s doing, especially if it’s building abominations.
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