#Voryn got embarrassed though
vamps-hmu · 9 months
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trickstarbrave · 5 months
i have a rough draft edition of the omegaverse nerevoryn fic i wanna share so. please enjoy
nerevar isnt super needy yet. he will be next chapter though. for now please enjoy some asshole in house dagoth being an idiot and nerevar and voryn fucking
Healing was a slow and steady process. Months of feeling sick and his body revolting against him for daring to leave his mate behind would take a while to reverse, after all. His appetite came back in full, at least, and while he was slower with the sword than he’d liked, it felt great being able to move his body again. 
What he was having an even harder time adjusting to though, was how differently people treated him.
He was no longer Nerevar Mora, the lowly canvasari who only was afforded the privileges he had simply because of his friendship (that many people hoped wouldn’t last) with Voryn. He was now Voryn’s mate, soon to be proper noble of House Dagoth.
Healers and tutors of all kinds were all over him. Tutors to make sure he didn’t embarrass Voryn and the rest of House Dagoth, and health check ups weekly to make sure he was recovering properly. Nerevar was Voryn’s fated mate after all, which meant it was a guarantee Nerevar would be having Voryn’s child, and very likely said child would be the future heir of House Dagoth. Nerevar had to be well educated and as healthy as possible now.
(Nerevar was particularly annoyed by the health check ups constantly reminding him of that fact every week, but he couldn’t deny that when he climbed into bed in the evening the thought of Voryn actually breeding him properly got him very excited)
Guards moved aside when he walked, bowing respectfully. Before they were mostly indifferent; casually friendly at best, or rolling their eyes at him and making snide comments at worst. Now that his heat had passed, they could all smell on him that he was claimed, along with Voryn’s scent all over him on top of it so there was no room to doubt by who. 
It was official, but also not. He was claimed, but there were typically so many social rituals that needed to be completed as well to make it ‘official’ in the eyes of everyone and have him be fully accepted as a member of House Dagoth. Which meant learning all of the complicated rituals, prayers, and preparing for it all.
It was annoying. Honestly, part of Nerevar really missed how he was before all of this. Back then he was just a caravan guard, able to slip in and out of the stronghold whenever he wanted to, honestly. He could practice in the training hall or head out near the gnarled trees of the ashlands to practice alone. Now all the guards had their eyes on him, watching him like hawks to make sure he never left the stronghold without permission and an official escort. For fucks sake, he couldn’t even go get a drink at the corner club without someone being on his ass.
But then he climbed into Voryn’s bed at the end of the day, surrounded by his scent, and everything felt so right that he knew he wouldn’t trade this for anything. Even after the aching subsided, being close to Voryn was as natural as breathing now, and imagining a life without this was terrifying. He never knew just how nice it could be to be mated to someone, especially someone he trusted so much. 
“Are you listening?” His current tutor asked. He was the son of a councilman, and someone who was very snippy that Nerevar of all people was Voryn’s mate. What was his name again? Dagoth Ven? Something like that. “This is very important information! You only have a few more weeks to memorize it!”
“I heard you already.” Nerevar scoffed. “And the second time you repeated it after rolling your eyes.”
A vein could be seen on Ven’s head. Honestly, if Nerevar had an interest in actually doing so, he could get the other mer in trouble for this by just telling Voryn. He’d been disrespectful the whole lesson, acting like Nerevar must be stupid and incompetent just because he was a commoner. But Nerevar didn’t want to make enemies of the House Dagoth councilmen yet; he wanted to fully establish himself first. They didn’t know yet how ambitious he truly was, and it was best to fly under the radar as he fortified his position. Even if he tried right now, they’d likely just see him as a defenseless omega whimpering and whining to his alpha to make all his problems go away. 
But when Nerevar was done, there’d be no mistaking just who exactly he was and what power he’d have in this house. He never intended to be adopted into House Dagoth like this, but he’d make the most of it.
“Well then why don’t you repeat it?” Ven asked through clenched teeth.
“The ceremony will begin with just enough time to be over at dusk for Azura’s hour.” He began. “I need to be clothed in ceremonial robes before dressing Voryn—“
“The young lord Voryn Dagoth.” Ven interjected. 
“He’s my mate,” Nerevar scoffed. “I’m not going to call him ‘young lord’ and ‘heir’.”
“You aren’t recognized as his mate yet within House Dagoth, and you would do good to remember that.” Now he’d pissed Nerevar off, one of his eyes twitching.
“Or what?” Nerevar challenged him. “What will happen? You’ll break the mating bond I already have in place?” It was said to be basically impossible to break the mating bond between fated mates, after all. Once it was set in place, it was done. The two of them were bound together permanently. “Send me away from Kogoruhn?” Keeping them apart long term would only risk Voryn’s health just as much as it would Nerevar’s. Everyone learned that very well after Nerevar was on the run after being kicked out by Uthol.
Ven didn’t like that Nerevar was talking back. He hated that Nerevar had a good point even more so.
“I think we’re done for the day.” Nerevar announced, standing up. Honestly, being alone with Ven was only pissing them both off. Last thing Nerevar needed was to attack the son of a councilman, and Ven was going to drive him to doing just that if he stayed.
“You do not get to dictate when this lesson is over!” Ven slammed his hand on the table, before following him out into the hall. “Get back here this instance!”
“You’ve pissed me off enough for today with your shitty attitude.” There were witnesses out in the hall, at least. They were close by Voryn’s office just down and around the hall, not to mention there were servants and guards around them. “Maybe we both need time to cool off.” Nerevar would give him this out. Ven could either pull himself together, realize he was getting too worked up, and remove himself from the situation… Or Nerevar was going to take this opportunity to get back at him.
“You’re the one being blatantly disrespectful!” Nerevar’s eye twitched again, his blood pressure rising. It seemed like Ven was too stupid to realize he had his last chance to leave this situation and completely passed it up.
“How am I being disrespectful for calling my alpha by his name?” Nerevar challenged. Ven was slightly taken aback. It seemed like Ven was actually referring to Nerevar daring to leave his lesson early being disrespectful, but he didn’t pause for very long.
“You—“ The guards looked at him expectantly, eying Ven carefully while the councilman’s son it seemed didn’t have the thought to deny Nerevar’s claims “You’re being outrageous right now!”
“No, you’re the one being outrageous.” Nerevar snapped. “Demanding I call him ‘young lord’ and ‘heir’ rather than his fucking name.” It was outrageous. He could understand them being annoyed he did so before they mated, but that was why Nerevar avoided it around the councilmen for a reason back then. “And then saying I’m not his ‘official’ mate, like I don’t have a claiming bite from him on my neck—“ Ven looked truly furious then that Nerevar was blatantly repeating what Ven said prior, only this time with plenty of witnesses. 
But Nerevar hadn’t expected him to be so stupid he’d slap him across the face in his anger. 
It actually left Nerevar stunned—not from the pain, but just how little he’d expected it. All he wanted was for Ven to make an ass out of himself before he ended up retreating or being escorted away by guards. But slapping Nerevar? In front of multiple people?
“You are just some cheap whore who climbed into the heir’s bed for your own benefit!” He snarled. “I don’t give a damn what the healers say,” He continued, “The Good Three? Making you the young lord’s destined mate?! Ha! You’re nothing more than a lowly canvasari, not even of full chimer blood!” Again, Nerevar could only stare in shock. Nerevar wasn’t hurt by the accusations, he just could not believe someone was actually this stupid. “When that foul magic you used to fake this is uncovered you’ll be—!”
“That is enough!” Voryn shouted, rage in his eyes. Ven instantly shrank, a look of pure mortification on his face as he turned to face him.
“Y-young lord—“ Voryn didn’t give him time to apologize or explain himself. He grabbed Ven by the jaw, flame spell in hand, and watched the other chimer scream and flail as his skin burned.
“How fucking dare you.” Voryn snarled. “Not only did you raise your voice at my mate, you raised your fucking hand!” Ven was begging for mercy, the tears pouring from his eyes instantly evaporating from the heat. “And then you call him a fucking whore, commit blasphemy by claiming such a sacred bond made by the Good Three could be faked, and you insult House Dagoth by—“
“Voryn!” Nerevar snapped, grabbing Voryn by the arm, “That’s enough!” The spell vanished, likely out of fear he might burn Nerevar by mistake. “You made your point.”
Voryn looked at the burnt chimer in front of him, skin melting in some areas, begging incoherently. Almost disgusted, Voryn dropped him, letting him fall to the ground.
“Let that be your punishment.” Voryn announced, before taking Nerevar by the waist to his office. “Take him to the healing ward.” The guards moved quickly, picking Ven up off the floor rather roughly, practically dragging him away. No doubt it would scar, but the healers of House Dagoth were good, so it likely wouldn’t disfigure him that badly.
Back in Voryn’s office, Voryn shut the door loudly, locking it behind him.
“Are you alright?” Voryn’s voice was soft again, the kind of warm tone he only reserved for those close to him. His hand caressed where Nerevar had been slapped, healing spell in hand.
“I’m fine,” Nerevar tried to wave him off, but Voryn’s hand remained to heal him. “It didn’t even hurt. Mostly I couldn’t believe he was that stupid.”
“You shouldn’t antagonize people like this, Neht.” Voryn frowned, still fussing over him. “Yes, he’s an idiot but,“
“I didn’t intend to go any further than what I said.” Nerevar explained. “I gave him the chance to back down and let both of us cool off saying we were both angry, but he refused to take it.” Again, stupid on his part. “And I just wanted to embarrass him, not goad him into hitting me.”
“You’re in a delicate state right now since you’re still recovering, and—“
“Yeah yeah I know, I have to take care of my body so I can bear you a child. The healers keep reminding me.” Nerevar rolled his eyes.
“… I was going to say: and I hate seeing you get hurt.” Voryn sighed. “I nearly lost you. I spent months wondering if you were safe, how you were doing, if you were injured or just as sick as I was…” Nerevar couldn’t help his cheeks turning red in embarrassment now at the tender, honey-sweet tone of his voice. “And I don’t ever want to see you suffering again. Today it was a slap in the face from an arrogant son of a councilman, but others might be more foolish and malicious.”
“… I know,” Nerevar sighed. “I know all that. I don’t plan on trying to antagonize everyone, especially not this early on.” Nerevar leaned into his touch now that the healing spell was finished, closing his eyes. “I had to weigh my options. If I did nothing I’d also be seen as a pushover, and that wouldn’t be safe for me either.”
“… Gods you’re right,” Voryn breathed. “Sometimes I envy how clever you are, Neht.”
“I don’t feel very clever after I spent six months running from House Dagoth like an idiot.”
“You didn’t know any better,” Voryn smiled, “Honestly even that was a bit impressive. Your dedication to staying alive for my sake, despite the draw trying to pull you back to me… I wouldn’t have been strong willed enough to manage that.” Voryn was leaning in closer with every word.
“I wanted to protect you…” Nerevar whispered, his eyes dropping almost completely shut. “I didn’t want to hurt you, I…” Most omegas could only focus on safety and survival, their instincts driving them to stay in one place unless they absolutely had to move. Nerevar had wanted to do the same; to lay there and wait for his mate to return and handle everything. Yet, when most omegas just gave in to the desire to be protected and tended to, Nerevar could only focus on protecting Voryn. Maybe it was because he spent several years as a canvasari and worried about protecting Voryn above all else, maybe he was so anxious he convinced himself it was life and death so the desperation forced him to move by tricking him into thinking it was for Voryn’s safety, or maybe it was…
Maybe it was because of how much he truly cared for Voryn. Maybe it was that feeling of care that he was quickly realizing went beyond mere friendship and hormone induced sexual attraction. Maybe it was…
Voryn’s lips met his as Voryn moved Nerevar to be sitting on his desk, kissing him deeply.
Nerevar’s thoughts turned fuzzy in an instance, gliding his tongue in time with Voryn’s as he wrapped both arms around Voryn’s shoulders. It felt so good—unimaginably good. It always did in a way Nerevar couldn’t tell was the bond or the feelings he was too scared to name. Apprehension mixed with pleasure, as Nerevar tried very hard to just turn off his brain, stop thinking, and just enjoy it.
“You’re thinking about something else.” Voryn said as he broke the kiss, his eyes boring into Nerevar’s.
“I’m not, I’m just…” Nerevar swallowed, trying to shove the feelings down.
“I can feel your emotions through our bond.” Voryn reminded him. Nerevar swore under his breath. Right, the bond. You could open yourself up to emotions the other felt, if necessary or desired. You couldn’t exactly read their mind, but could sense how they felt and what they might be thinking based on that along with if they were in any danger. 
Nerevar still wasn’t used to it. He found it… Intimidating. He didn’t know why, but he was apprehensive about it.
“… I keep forgetting,” Nerevar sighed, “I’m still adjusting.”
“You haven’t been using it much.” Voryn noted. “You can’t adjust if you’re not using it, Neht.”
“I know I’m…” Nerevar still couldn’t look at him. “I’m nervous about… Being overwhelmed?” Nerevar tried explaining. “I don’t know, it’s…”
“Shh…” Voryn whispered. “Just try it right now.” Voryn encouraged. 
Nerevar gripped his shoulders tighter before closing his eyes. He focused on Voryn, almost mentally reaching out, waiting, and then—
Warmth flooded him, his heart racing, before he peaked his eyes open to look at Voryn who was smiling warmly. 
“Is it still overwhelming…?” Voryn asked, and Nerevar felt like he couldn’t breath. 
“I-I…” It was overwhelming—but so much so he couldn’t focus on that, just how wonderful the feeling course through him was. His heart was buzzing with warmth, aching ever so slightly and delightfully the same way his cheeks did when he was laughing too hard. It was how he felt curled up against Voryn when they slept. It was how he felt when they reunited. It was…
“I love you, Neht.” Voryn whispered. Nerevar’s eyes widened in response, his heart racing even faster. 
It was the first time Voryn had said such a thing to Nerevar. And more importantly, Nerevar could no longer deny what his own feelings were. Voryn called it—the same exact feelings Nerevar had toward him—love. It was love, he… 
He loved Voryn.
Nerevar’s lips crashed into Voryn’s clinging to him tightly. Voryn groaned loudly, and now he could feel Voryn’s arousal mixing with it, his own desires only growing from it. Voryn kissed him even more intently, holding him close, and Nerevar could feel Voryn was starting to get hard.
“Fuck me,” Nerevar breathed, breaking the kiss only briefly. “Get inside me right now.”
“Who am I to deny my mate?” Voryn mumbled against Nerevar’s lips, already starting to undress him.
It felt so good; Voryn’s touch felt like hot flames licking him in the best possible way, heat pooling in his stomach. Focusing on Voryn’s arousal as well only made him feel all the better. His mate wanted him, just as strongly as he wanted Voryn. The knowledge he was desired only compounded his own arousal further.
Voryn didn’t entirely undress him; quickly they realized it would only make getting dressed again a hassle. Instead they only did so as much as necessary; their robes undone, Voryn’s cock freed and Nerevar’s underwear around one of his ankles.
“Mm~” Nerevar groaned, “Fuck yes…”
“You missed my cock?” Voryn asked, before kissing him again eagerly.
“Yes,” Nerevar panted against his lips as they broke the kiss once more. “It feels so good to have you inside me—“
“I was made to be inside you,” Voryn whispered, making Nerevar moan. “Just like you were made for me…”
“Yes~” Nerevar hissed as Voryn began with slower, gentle thrusts at first. They were made for each other, it was true; the gods themselves made them two halves of a whole. It only made sense that they’d enjoy making love as much as they did. Their bodies and souls craved being connected, and Nerevar was quickly losing himself in the arousal at the revelation. “I was made for you, only you…” It also made sense why he never found other alphas very attractive; he was Voryn’s mate—he was always going to be Voryn’s mate. 
“Neht,” Voryn moaned in between messy kisses. “You feel so good, so perfect wrapped around my cock…”
“Fuck,” Nerevar panted, “You knot is swelling up~” Voryn wasn’t even in a rut and he was going to knot Nerevar, knot him and fill him with his seed… The seal was still in place on him, but gods did he want Voryn to breed him already. 
“You like it when I knot you, don’t you?” Voryn panted against Nerevar’s lips and Nerevar threw his head back in a desperate moan. Fuck keeping his voice down—Nerevar couldn’t control himself. He couldn’t possibly keep himself quiet like this.
“Yes!” Nerevar’s voice sounded so desperate, a fact that would no doubt embarrass him after this. He never saw himself acting like this with an alpha, but he didn’t care at the moment. “I love it when you knot me~” He knew just what sentences like that did to Voryn, and he could feel the spike of pleasure through their bond. 
“I thought you weren’t due to go into heat for another week…” Voryn groaned, “But I think… You’re about to…”
Nerevar wouldn’t be surprised if he was going into heat right this second. It only made sense—Nerevar and Voryn didn’t get to have much sex his last heat. He was still recovering, spending long, long hours asleep in bed and eating to regain his strength. They did it only a few times, despite how turned on Nerevar was. Even afterwards the healers warned them to keep sex to a minimum as Nerevar recovered (already knowing full well it was useless to ask them to abstain as a new mated couple). But now Voryn was thrusting a half formed knot in and out of him, so much love and arousal present through their bond—
“Fuck—“ Voryn swore, burying his head in Nerevar’s neck, “You are—You’re going into heat for me—!” Nerevar wrapped a leg around Voryn’s hips, his hands clawing at Voryn’s back. “I can’t believe you’re going into heat just because I’m fucking you—!” 
When this was over, Nerevar knew he would be embarrassed. Beyond embarrassed actually—he never anticipated his body reacting so readily. Wasn’t it humiliating to be reduced to nothing but a moaning mess, fully going into heat just because his alpha was fucking him on his desk of all places? Or was it the fact Voryn confessed to him making him go into heat? If so, that was even more mortifying that his body would react like this. 
But right now, Nerevar couldn’t think about any of that. All he could do was moan and cling to Voryn, panting and begging for more, his head tilted as Voryn nipped and sucked a constellation of love bites onto his neck and shoulder. 
And then Voryn surprised him—he began kissing and licking at the claiming bite on Nerevar’s neck, Nerevar’s body tensing.
“Wait—” Nerevar began, “Wait, if you bite it again I’ll—”
Voryn didn’t even let him finish his sentence, his canines plunging into Nerevar as his knot swelled further. Nerevar’s body went rigid as he orgasmed, eyes rolled back and screaming in pleasure as Voryn thrust into him one last time, holding there as Nerevar’s cunt spasmed around his knot. 
Was it even possible to think like this? Absolutely not. Nerevar not even 30 minutes ago was proud and careful, cautiously evaluating risks and trying his best to keep his dignity in the face of a snide noble who despised him and thought that Nerevar being Voryn’s mate was some kind of trick. He had even been planning the best course of action to help raise his own position as he had no intention of laying back and riding on Voryn’s coattails forever. But all of that completely fizzled out as Voryn made him climax painfully hard, the combination of his claiming bite being reinforced and his body locking around Voryn’s knot, the sensation fully overwhelming. Perhaps ‘overwhelming’ was an understatement—Nerevar wouldn’t be surprised if he died from pure pleasure at that moment. His brain felt like nothing more than static and he’s seeing stars as he moaned and drooled, thoroughly blissed out.
“So good for me,” Voryn moaned into his shoulder, “So good, taking every drop… Cumming around my cock like this…” Logical thought slowly began to return to him, and Nerevar groaned.
“You—that…” Nerevar was desperately trying to catch his breath, “That was too much—!” 
“I’m sorry,” Voryn pressed apologetic kisses to Nerevar’s throat and jaw, “I’m sorry Neht, you feel too good…” 
“I have half a mind to kick your ass for that…” Nerevar groaned, still feeling Voryn’s cock twitch inside of him, the knot firmly in place. “You… That wasn’t helping…” Nerevar groaned. “Fuck, I can’t believe I’m… I went into heat from you fucking me like this…” Reality was quickly catching up with Nerevar, his cheeks burning red for a different reason now. He went into heat on Voryn’s desk of all places, moaning so obscenely loud there wasn’t a soul in the stronghold who didn’t hear them. “And we were so loud—”
“It’s fine, Neht,” Voryn tried to reassure him, “I cast silencing. No one heard us.” 
“Someone could have walked in at any moment…” 
“Weren’t you the one who told me to get inside you?” Voryn countered, unable to hide the smirk on his face. “No, you outright demanded it—”
“T-that’s enough!” Nerevar groaned, completely mortified. “I was… Overwhelmed, alright?” Nerevar tried to shift his hips only to groan from how full he was from Voryn’s knot.
“Shh…” Voryn hushed him. “It’ll be a few more minutes, and then I can get you cleaned up and back to our room.” Nerevar huffed slightly, burying his face in Voryn’s shoulder now. His heat was fully coming on, the restlessness and anxiety beginning to creep up on him. But he took deep breaths, reminding himself Voryn was right here, holding him, their bodies still connected.
“I’ll give you a nice bath,” Voryn whispered, the offer sounding absolutely wonderful to Nerevar right now. Nothing would soothe him more than being tended to by his alpha. And, if Nerevar could guess, as Voryn entered his rut he’d also want to tend to Nerevar. “Pile up the blankets and pillows for you on my bed…” Nerevar hummed softly as Voryn rubbed soothing circles on his scalp. “I’ll even dress you in my sleeping robes, before completely covering you in my scent…”
They stayed like that as Voryn’s knot went down, gentle kisses and promises. When it finally went down enough for him to pull out he kissed Nerevar on the lips, gently sliding out. Nerevar whimpered slightly, once again left feeling empty… Already he knew this heat was going to be a weird one. He already felt more sensitive than usual, both physically and emotionally.
“Now let’s get back to our room.” Voryn smiled, helping Nerevar redress.
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The elves being caught staring
Uh oh, someone got caught staring. Wonder why they were? 🤭
They know they're being watched, yet they only hold back a smile. Till they look up and finally ask "are you looking at me?"
Sotha Sil only has a ghost of a smile on his face. He reaches over and links his fingers with theirs. "Yes." He states calmly. Yet there's something under his expression they can't quite read.
Vivec grins shamelessly eyes sweeping over them once more. They're alone, after all. Besides, it's not like being around others would stop him. "I am, actually."
Almalexia only continues watching them. Her gaze is soft as if she's committing every feature to her memory. They're only faintly aware of the way her playfully wiggling her fingers against theirs. How odd.
Mannimarco huffs a small laugh. He playfully shakes his head. His eyes are squinty and he's smiling though. So yes, I think he was staring.
Neloth scoffs and looks away quickly. Ignoring the warm sensation creeping up his neck. Why call him out like that?
Divayth Fyr places his chin on his hand and smiles. He doesn't say a word, but the grin says enough. He was, and he wasn't embarrassed about it.
Teldryn Sero only chuckles and says he was admiring the scenery... nevermind the fact they were indoors and he was looking directly at them.
Indoril Nerevar's face gets dark. He thought he was being subtle. But he supposes stealth has never been his strong suit. He grins shyly and twiddles his fingers against theirs.
Voryn Dagoth jumps and looks away. He hadn't realized he was being that obvious. After a moment he looks back at them, cheeks warm. "I can't help it."
Vanus Galerion's face turns stark red and he vigorously shakes his head. "No! And you can't prove it!" He holds up his index finger and shakes it like he's making some grand speech.
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for the ask game and nerevar/nerevarine: 🤝🥰💘😳🤲🎻🚗 (answer what you like!)
YEAAAAAAAH NEREVARINE How do they express platonic affection?: Nerevar typically expresses platonic affection through advice, verbal affection and trying to uplift their friend more than anything else- calling them nicknames (buddy, kid) basically trying to act as an older sibling would! Nerevar is generally a very good mentor figure to a lot of people and tries to be as supportive as possible! Usually when Nerevar meets people, and she likes them, thats when they become friends. Neht's very open for friendships, but mostly AFTER the main questline of morrowind. Who do they currently consider to be their best friend and why? Has their best friend changed over time? : I think they'll forever consider Voryn to be their best and closest friend, even two hundred years after his death, Voryn unfortunately holds a specific place in Neht's mind that he has difficulty letting go of. Do they have a "canon" romantic partner? If so, who is it and what is their relationship like? If not, what kind of person would be the optimal romantic partner for them (the most interesting narratively, not necessarily the healthiest/what they think their preferences are)?: Nerevar isnt...necessarily open to romantic partners, outside of political conveniences- but there IS an AU where they do have a partner, but it is extremely complicated. BUT I DO LIKE SHIPPING THEM. SHIP ART IS ALWAYS FUN AND I LOVE SHIPPING NEREVAR ESPECIALLY. As for 'types' nerevar doesnt have one. Neht likes ladies and gentlemen, simple >:3 How easily are they embarrassed/flustered? What sorts of things catch them off-guard and make them lose their cool?: Neht is NOT easy to fluster. They are EXTREMELY good at turning anything back at the person trying to catch them off guard- pretty people, though... maybe? Do they have any deep desires that they don't talk about and/or don't even realize they have? Do these desires conflict with their main goal at all?: Nerevar is relatively sure of himself, but of course this guy wants stuff that contradicts what hes got going- he longs for the past, he longs for how it was back in the first era- he wishes it was different. but honestly? its never gonna happen, so yk... hes gotta b realistic abt these things Do they know how to play an instrument? If so which one(s)? Do they enjoy music in general?: nope! aaaand Neht likes sea shanties. i KNOW they do In a modern AU, what kind of job would they have, if any?: either shit fucked politician or retiree
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fanficofmanyagenre · 6 years
Scholarly Intent
           I know I’m not the smartest person, I get that. Sure, I’m a huge bookworm, but I don’t have any people skills. I just try to be nice to everyone I meet and if they turn out to be mean then I be mean too. I don’t like how a lot of people will say something and mean another thing or mean something else on top of that! I get lying, but otherwise why would you say something and mean ten other things? I just don’t get it! I swear, sometimes I think even Toothless understands people better than I do. Voryn is this mix of that and not talking at all. He doesn’t speak for most of the time, but when he does it’s like he’s telling riddles, and not the fun kind! I’m glad he understands I’m like this, so he tries to, uh, dumb-down what he says to put it simply. I don’t like it, but I really appreciate how much he puts up with me. I don’t think I could have asked for a better best friend!
           I remember when we first started travelling together. I was staying in a small inn for the night and I saw him reading, but my keen eye saw it was a traditional spell book! I had never met another caster before, let alone another Wizard so I let my excitement get the better of me and I approached him. He seemed disinterested in me when I first started talking but I would soon come to realize that’s how he always is! When I said I was a Wizard too, however, he seemed a little interested. I saw the flash in his eyes, but I don’t think he would like it if he knew I noticed that kind of thing about him. I proposed we should travel together after I learned he was only stopping by to rest. It took a little convincing, but I think he liked the idea of having someone to watch his back (or take hits for him).
           Toothless instantly took a liking to him. He even refrained from swearing a whole bunch around him at times! Ungrateful bird, It’s not like I’m the on-_____________
           He was reading over my shoulder! Bastard tried to steal my pen out of my hand! I swear sometimes, I don’t know what I taught him to act like this but I sure to regret it. That managed to get a laugh out of Voryn, though. I’m glad, he doesn’t laugh often. Normally it’s at me in a very similar situation to just now, but I like seeing him laugh so it’s worth it.
           It wasn’t always like that, though. For a long time, he was just silent. I learned to ask a lot of yes or no questions since he doesn’t like talking all that much, so he could just respond with a nod or shake of the head. We travelled like that for a long time. I did the talking to anyone that wanted to, they usually pointed out they were unsettled by Voryn not talking, I called them out on such a rude comment, they get flustered an apologize (most of the time), and we go on about our business. Of course, I constantly tried to get him to open up. I wanted to be best friends, I wanted to know everything about him! It took a very, very long time but over time he started talking to me. Not so much about his past but just talking in general. It was all I’d asked for.
           Now ‘a days, he talks a lot to me! He would never admit it, but I think he likes talking to me now. He warmed up to me pretty well, I think. When people get way too pushy about my, ah, “divine” features, he gets in the way and gives them that signature death glare of his. I really don’t want to be racist, but I swear it’s a Tiefling thing. Oh Arcane-Holders, I really hope he doesn’t read my journal like he threatened a month ago. Voryn? I swear it’s not a Tiefling thing, I’m not racist! Please don’t stop defending me, you’re so much better at making people go away!
           Oh man, why did that make me think of my wings? When my wings sprouted, I was ecstatic. I looked like a real Aasimar finally! I could fly as much as I wanted! Not to mention my skin was already metal at that point, soon my wings were too! Of course, Voryn had gotten so much stronger along side me. I don’t think I can ever be on his level of arcane mastery, but I’m fine with that. Anyway, he was always there for me. That is, beside his teasing. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but I very specifically remember something about Fallen Angels. Now, I know there’s no way he would have known. How could he? I didn’t talk about my past a lot and neither did he, so it makes sense he would have said it as a joke without a second thought. My parents, after my Halo manifested, they would tell me stories about Fallen Angels. I know they’re evil and all, but they would always tell me they’d come for me if I misbehaved. As I learned more about them that fear grew. Fallen Angels have been known to hunt down Aasimar and full Angels on the material plane, it would make sense for them to come for a defenceless kid. I…still have nightmares.
           Voryn didn’t know at the time, so I did my best to keep my cool. I know I didn’t know well, because he asked me if something was wrong. He never checks on me, even if I look a little more hurt than usual by his jokes. I think I remember playing it off as best I could, but he saw through me easily. The next morning, he made me spill the beans, and I swear I didn’t cry. Not even a little. Nope, not one tear. Not at all. Ok, maybe “morning” is a bit of an exaggeration, maybe there were a few tears…since I woke up screaming barely a few hours past midnight. That was the first time Voryn ever hugged me, actually. I guess he felt bad for spooking me so thoroughly? That was the first time he apologized to me, too. That night really showed how close we were at that point.
           Ah, I don’t know if he’ll let me live that down. He teases me about it occasionally, but I can always hit back with the fact he hugged me. Heh, even the thought makes my Halo shake a little. Oh geez, now I’m thinking of what an idiot I am. I can’t believe he had to teach me what romance is! After all those books I read, you think I would have come across a romance novel at some point! Maybe those were in that stash of books the old librarian would never let me see…? I’m getting carried away, I never mentioned that in this journal!
           I knew I was close to Voryn from early on in our journey. We’ve saved each other’s skins countless times, not to mention helped each other with spells and such. Of course, our focuses are different, but it just helps to broaden our knowledge, right? Well like I know I’ve said a lot, I’m not good with people. I do what I think is right or what feels right. I guess Voryn thought I was being overly nice, though. I always clung to him, I never really had anyone else to cling to. My sister was always trying to save her own skin and my parents were awful. Ah, I shouldn’t talk about my sister that way, that was too bitter of me. Anyway, any habits I would have I projected onto Voryn. Hugging onto him, sitting all close-like at tables, constant compliments, I would even make him hold my hand when we went into dark dungeons. He would always complain about me not using Daylight, but I didn’t want to suddenly illuminate a horde of monsters! He never complained about the hand holding, though, actually.
           Looking back on it now, I sound so absolutely stupid. That last encounter I can still remember vividly. We were stopped in this town, in some general shop to buy some rations and other small-time supplies. The clerk woman was nice enough and I had more funds at the time, so I paid for both of our stuff. (That was common by then for us, the paying for each other I mean). This Lady, right? She takes one look at us and goes;
           “You two sure do make an interesting couple!” Without missing a beat, I respond.
           “We’re the best of friends no doubt!” She gave me a bit of a funny look but the look Voryn gave me was full of confusion. Once we were out of there, well, I’m pretty sure he’d never spoken that much in his life. He went off on me about my actions, and his reactions, and how I was very clearly not treating him like a friend. I was sooooooo embarrassed, it’s not even funny. I can’t imagine how disappointed he was with me at the time, but he never got…truly angry. I thought he was going to ditch to me for sure. After basically being his boyfriend and not even realizing it, how do you come back from that? So, I asked him if he was going to leave me, but he said no. The next part is a little bit of a blur, but I’m sure it involved me hugging him, him telling me to let go of him, then our first, ah, maybe some things should stay secret, huh? He’s calling me over now, we have to get moving. I think a small little summary on the relationship with my boyfriend went pretty smoothly all things considered, hopefully next time I can elaborate further. Well, until next time! <3
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
HCs for how the dagoth siblings were in life i suppose that my brain has cooked up
for starters they all share the same mother (morvani) who was leader of house dagoth before voryn took over. but he had multiple husbands in her effort to try and get a respectable heir
gilvoth: the oldest and most over-protective of voryn. very easily angered and way too hot headed
vemyn: second oldest, also can be very hot headed, though not as much as gilvoth. secret soft side he will open up to his brothers with from time to time, more playful than gilvoth and got the two of them in trouble growing up all the time
uthol: quite and contemplative, but ultimately does best when he has others to back him up. errs on the side of too cautious as opposed to too impulsive like vemyn and gilvoth, doesnt actually enjoy being in a position of leadership but does like manipulating people
endus: focuses too much on the arcane arts and other studies to really want to be heir. very smart, but likes to avoid actual responsibility. isnt above things like human experimentation, and may or may not be interested in necromancy (which he keeps a closely guarded secret)
tureynul and ordos: twins, mostly influenced by their two oldest brothers. tureynul loves fighting and the sword and is is very impulsive, ordos likes destruction magic and is also impulsive. you can see these two idiots sparring with guards regularly. and tureynul swearing at ordos for accidentally setting him on fire regularly
araynys: voryn’s only full blooded sibling from the same father. he can have a pretty nasty mean streak when he wants to, but is the most passive of the siblings, instead preferring to keep peace within house dagoth. also very good at subtle manipulation. has a gentler face and softer voice that people don’t expect from house dagoth, which he can and will use to his advantage. also hes the tallest because voryn and araynys’ dad was tall as hell.
AND voryn: the youngest and baby of the family. what, you thought the heir would be the oldest? absolutely not. morvani was practical and going to pick the most promising kid for the job, even if she had to have 8 kids to pick one. voryn can be both ruthless yet controlled, able to act nonthreatening for negotiations if need be, clever but still dedicated, and most important wants to run the house. he isn’t overtly cautious and afraid to act like uthol, but not impulsive like many of his brothers, and not so passive and afraid of conflict he ends up dragging his feet like araynys. the perfect balance for morvani, or at least close enough.
she loved all her sons tbh but she liked to spoil voryn bc voryn wasn’t naughty all the time and showed a lot of promise. though she also would spoil araynys a lot too because he wasn’t an impulsive idiot. uthol and endus would have been spoiled more if they didnt get embarrassed about it tbh
vemyn was actually the closest to their mom :> he liked helping herd his siblings around and acting like her assistant.
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trickstarbrave · 11 months
still at it writing
i dont have a name for this au but i can tag it as seryn dragonborn so there is that
and look! we get to meet seryn too
Of all the ways Nerevar could have met the incarnation, he never anticipated it would be like this. Perhaps he should have, all things considered. 
The dunmer was brought in by House Dres, having stolen from their plantations. He was sickly, his legs broken for the transgression, and from how skinny he was, likely starving. But House Dres hadn’t brought him there just to be judged for those crimes, but because of the mark on his forehead.
It was a red birthmark in contrast to the grey of his skin. Almost like a third eye--the mark of the sharmat, as they called it. And to their credit, they weren’t wrong. A sort of supernatural power surrounded him, one Nerevar couldn’t quite place, as well as the familiar sickening aura of Dagoth Ur that lurked if one searched hard enough. 
And his face… Gods, Nerevar would know that face anywhere, no matter how skinny or battered he was. It was Voryn’s face exactly; the shape of his lips, the angle of his jaw, those full brows that he could already see furrowing in worry or annoyance… It almost felt like he was in the past again, staring down at his old ‘friend’, if not for the fact he was a dunmer and not a chimer. 
He set him up with healers who began tending to him. They set his legs, cast healing spells, and then got to work making a recovery plan for when he awoke. He wasn’t sure how he was going to introduce himself to the dunmer, or even how, but choice had been made for him it seemed when the healers called him to find the missing dunmer in a panic. 
His legs were broken, so how far could he even get? But regardless, Nerevar found him cowering in a wardrobe, having dragged himself there in the dead of night, terrified of being found. 
“G-go away!” He shouted, red eyes wide in fear that made Nerevar’s heart break. 
“Easy,” Nerevar kneeled down, his voice soft and gentle. “I’m not here to hurt you.” 
The dunmer didn’t look convinced, eyeing him suspiciously. 
“The healers asked me to look for you.” Nerevar glanced to see that at least the splits were still on his legs. “You probably gave them quite a fright disappearing like that with two broken legs.”
“... They said you were going to kill me.” His voice was soft and quiet. 
“Why would I kill you?” Nerevar asked, still not making a motion to touch him, though he could tell the other was slowly relaxing. Even the timbre of his voice was the same, making his heart race as much as he tried to fight the feeling. 
“H-house Dres said I was the Sharmat.” He admitted, still eyeing Nerevar with suspicion. 
“I know.” Nerevar replied. “That wouldn’t be the first time they were wrong about something though.” At that, the dunmer snorted, though he quickly looked away embarrassed for having done so. “Do you mind if I help you out of there? It can’t be comfortable, and the healers want to look you over.” 
A few moments passed of the other weighing his options and judging Nerevar carefully, before he finally relented. Nerevar was very careful as he scooped him up, careful not to aggravate his injuries, and carried him with ease back to his room. The way his arms felt wrapped around his shoulders was heavenly, but Nerevar knew he shouldn’t enjoy himself too much when doing this was a necessity. 
“What’s your name?” Nerevar asked as they walked back.
“... Seryn.” The dunmer admitted. “I don’t really have a last name.” 
“Well Seryn,” Nerevar finally made it back to the guest room the dunmer was staying in, laying him gingerly on the bed. The healers looked relieved to see he was still in the temple, beginning to check the splits on his legs and readjusting them. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He offered a friendly smile, stroking some hair out of his face as another healer got to work making something to relieve his pain. “And I hope that you’ll stay here at least until you’re healed.”
“... You really don’t mind?” Seryn asked, his voice soft. 
“Not in the slightest.” Nerevar continued to smile. “It isn’t your fault this happened, all because of something you can’t control.” He brushed a finger against the birthmark, though he regretted it when Seryn winced. “At the very least, here in the temple no one can hurt you and you can focus on recovery.”
“And what about after I recover?” Seryn didn’t sound angry more… Broken. Depressed. Hopeless. Feelings Nerevar knew all too well.
“... I was hoping most of my people wouldn’t be the type to judge someone for things they can’t control,” Nerevar sighed. “But I suppose the wounds are still too fresh.” He glanced away briefly. “If Morrowind isn’t safe for you, I can ensure safe travels for you to anywhere in Tamriel.” 
Seryn’s eyes shimmered with hope, astounded by the fact Nerevar was really offering such a thing. “You’d… Go so far for someone like me?”
“If it’ll keep you safe and the rest of the dunmer content, I don’t mind in the slightest.” Nerevar smiled again. The healer pressed a bottle to Seryn’s lips, making him drink the bitter liquid that quickly numbed out the pain of his injuries. “We’ll discuss where you want to go when you’re healed.” 
Nerevar knew he should probably use the mask. It was always at the back of his mind, as Seryn recovered. If he did it now, there would be no risk of Dagoth Ur coming back. There would be no uncomfortable memories resurfacing, and he could live out his days in peace. All Nerevar would have to do is be the bad guy one last time, before sending him off on a boat once he recovered with some gold and supplies. 
Yet, he didn’t have it in him to do so. 
Divayth Fyr said it might be painful, and every time he looked at Seryn’s face his heart broke at the thought of hurting him. Even listening to him scream and cry from the injuries being healed was enough to move Nerevar to tears, making him sob outside the room and his whole body quaking. It was unfair to ask Seryn to suffer, wasn’t it? To ask him to confront Dagoth Ur and fight him back, banishing him for good. Seryn was still weak, his mind and body weary from the abuse he was subjected to. And when he looked at Nerevar, his eyes so sweet and almost loving.. 
Nerevar couldn’t do it. He couldn’t even bring up the idea, not to the poor soul who had the unfortunate fate of being Voryn’s reincarnation. Maybe it was selfishness that kept him from wanting to hurt the one he loved, even if Voryn never felt the same. But it was the truth, regardless. 
Instead, he wanted to do everything he could to set Seryn up for a good life. Perhaps, if he was happy and fulfilled, far from Morrowind, Dagoth Ur would never resurface. He could spend his life blissfully unaware he was in fact the reincarnation of Voryn Dagoth, make something for himself, and die happily surrounded by loved ones. He could meet someone new, fall in love even, have children, grow old with his spouse…
All things Nerevar honestly wished he could do but would never get to have. What better gift could he give Voryn’s reincarnation? Azura wanted him to make up for the past, and this was the best thing he could think of to actually make amends to the man he loved so long ago and hurt more than anyone. 
“You’re going to teach me to read?” Seryn asked, eyebrow raised. 
“Being literate will help you a lot when you travel.” Nerevar explained, a few simple books in his arms. “Besides, I thought you must be getting bored laying in bed all day.” He gave a playful smile, enjoying the melodic laughter that followed. He pulled up a chair beside him, a book in hand; Voryn taught him to read when he was a poor caravan guard, so it felt a bit like coming back full circle. Not to mention he’d taught Vivec as well, so it wasn’t like he didn’t know how to teach someone properly. 
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
i wanna write smth for leilei’s good nerevar being stuck in shamat’s timeline bc i find the idea just fascinating. and my brain is too scrambled to work on other stuff
riiju-lei and shamat from @mulberrycafe
Shamat stared at the tied up chimer anxiously. Honestly, even though he was currently disarmed and restrained, Shamat was still actively repressing screaming, choking down bile that was bubbling in his throat.
He thought Nerevar was dead. Shamat saw him die. He saw Vivec’s spear ram through his chest, breaking his ribs and piercing his heart. He saw the light fade from his blue eyes. He saw Vivec carry his shrouded body for ascension.
“Why should we believe you?” Kaidan asked, arm firmly wrapped around Shamat’s waist to hold him close and comfort him.
The story Nerevar told was strange. Perhaps even stranger than him coming back from the dead. He was from a world where he found a dragonborn who was also the reincarnation of Voryn Dagoth, and the two got married happily? Shamat couldn’t believe that. Why would any version of himself be happy to be Dagoth Ur, the sharmat, cursed and shunned wherever he went? Not to mention Shamat knew first hand how cruel and controlling Nerevar could be. He still had scars on his back from how viciously Nerevar whipped him.
“I’m telling you all I know.” Nerevar answered, his eyes steady.
“Then why did you grab my husband?” Kaidan questioned. At that, Nerevar’s cheeks flushed as he looked down, embarrassed.
“I genuinely thought he was my husband.” Nerevar answered. “I don’t just make a habit of hugging everyone I see. I was confused and disoriented after ending up here.” Nerevar looked disgruntled now. “Though I was shocked myself to find out this one married you...”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kaidan raised an eyebrow, annoyed.
“Nothing bad, it’s just...” Nerevar coughed nervously. “I couldn’t imagine my Leilei seeing you like that.”
“Well,” Shamat glared down at him. “I’m not yours.” Shamat hated when Nerevar would call him ‘my Voryn’, stripping him of his identity and trying to possess him. Even thinking about it made his skin crawl, and he worried for this ‘Riiju-Lei’s safety. Was he also kidnapped by the hortator? Did he have Voryn Dagoth’s identity shoved onto him against his will as well? Was he forced to marry the hortator in a rushed ceremony, isolated from everyone he loved?
“No,” Nerevar’s voice was steady. “You’re not.” He replied. “You don’t have the same accent, you both laugh differently, you’re a few inches shorter...” Shamat felt his skin crawl from the level of detail he seemed to have memorized about the other dragonborn. “He also has piercings and you don’t. Not to mention he’s no longer a dunmer but a chimer as well.”
“Look,” Shamat sighed. “You’re going to stay like this until I figure out how to get rid of you.” It felt wrong to just slit his throat when the hortator hadn’t resorted to violence himself.
“Try and pick up a weapon and I’ll break your arms.” Kaidan added, before kissing Shamat’s cheek. “Go get the other’s, love. We can take turns guarding him and figure out what to do with him.” Shamat nodded, giving one last glare to the hortator before leaving for the rest of team Dragonborn.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
concubine au part 4. part 3 can be found here
content warnings: abuse and slavery mentioned, but mostly this is just them acting to throw off some shitheads off their trail. i recommend looking at the other parts too tbh
no actual smut this part but def in the next part lol
In the days that followed, Nerevar was genuinely embarrassed he got so into the act. He couldn’t believe himself--getting so turned on from something like that? Luckily, Voryn didn’t seem to mind, acting as though nothing was unusual. Likely, he thought it was just pretend on Nerevar’s part, or just him blowing off steam and relaxing to the thought of someone familiar touching him. 
But Nerevar knew. He knew he was playing with fire. But they were too far in it now to turn back, so he had to just be careful not to get burned. 
They continued their practice, Nerevar slowly developing the persona he intended to put on that played off Voryn well. They continued establishing boundaries, getting used to each other’s touch to the point anyone would think they were lovers rather than two friends acting. They did everything Nerevar could think of as necessary to practice--not just sex, but touching, flirting, eating… He sat on the floor at Voryn’s feet sometimes while Voryn worked, letting the other play with his hand absentmindedly. He ate from Voryn’s hand, both docility and stubbornly, getting used to Voryn acting angry. They even discussed how to fake ‘punishments’ and settled on illusion magic with some light slapping to sell it.
And then it finally came--a letter was delivered by a servant of House Dres, asking if Voryn had any idea where Nerevar was. Voryn had been acting innocent enough, not paying House Dres any mind now that his ‘business deal’ was taken care of. Just as they planned, he acted annoyed, sending a letter explaining Anaryl sold Nerevar off to Voryn and he had all the paperwork in order, sending copies. He didn’t even let on that he knew he was dead.
House Dres acted similarly. No doubt their initial plan was to corner him and demand answers when he denied it, but seeing him being open and covering his tracks so thoroughly must have thrown them off. Predictable, at least to Nerevar. Instead they changed tactics, now explaining there was something unusual going on in House Dres and they wanted to come speak in person to sort out all the details. 
Just in the nick of time, Nerevar’s new clothes befitting his status as ‘concubine’ were finished. They were of much finer quality than anything he wore in House Dres--luxurious fabrics with careful details and embroidery, leaving more of his body exposed. Plenty of gold and even ebony jewelry was added on top, selling the look. Voryn even left a few love bites here and there across his skin; a few on his neck, collarbone, even a couple on his inner thighs you’d only catch a few glimpses of as he walked. The goal was to sell the illusion he was Voryn’s most prized possession, and every inch of Nerevar’s appearance made that clear. But probably, the nicest part of it all, was the level of care Voryn put into picking the outfits. He made sure they were comfortable for Nerevar, and also gave him the freedom of movement he preferred. When relaxing he could stretch out, walk around comfortably, or even run if need be. 
Before when he was dressed in such a way he hated every second of it. He hated the fabric either being too heavy or clinging to his skin too much. He hated the feminine cut of the clothes being too tight in some areas and too baggy in others. Nerevar felt like a joke in House Dres, and Anaryl practically treated him like one, doing everything to either humiliate or hurt him. But here… Here he felt like he had agency. Like he was important. Voryn cared, always accounting for Nerevar’s tastes and comfort every step of the way. 
And then the noblemen of House Dres arrived: five nobles total, along with several servants and a handful of scribes. An excess of people for what should be just discussing a prior business deal they didn’t know about, ruffling a few feathers of other people in House Dagoth. 
“Are you ready?” Voryn asked quietly, fussing over Nerevar’s clothes and hair one final time. The servants put a few braids and beds in it, before styling his mohawk. They even added a bit of kohl to his eyes, per Nerevar’s request; Nerevar thought it both suited the clothes, and if he cried it would be very apparent, appealing to the sadism of the noblemen who wanted to see him brought low. 
“I’ll be fine.” Nerevar smiled, taking one of Voryn’s hands into his own. “Are your spies in place?” 
“Yes.” Voryn replied. Nerevar had anticipated some of the ‘servants’ they were bringing were actually spies trying to find dirt on them. But this was the territory and stronghold of House Dagoth; Voryn would allow the spies only so much freedom, just enough to get ‘evidence’ that proved their story true. If any of them actually tried to dig through paperwork, or even actually enter Voryn and Nerevar’s rooms, they would be killed swiftly and used against House Dres. “We’ll play it by ear, alright?” Voryn finished with Nerevar’s hair, before his hand slid down the side of his neck. “One more thing…”
“What…?” Nerevar asked, suppressing a shiver from the touch, before gasping softly as Voryn moved down, sucking on a spot that would be very visible. Nerevar moaned softly, clinging to him as Voryn made sure it was nice and dark, before pulling away and rubbing his thumb across the new bruise.
“Just the finishing touch.” Voryn smiled, almost apologetically, but with a little mischief in his eyes. Nerevar chucked softly.
“C’mon…” Nerevar let himself get led out of the bedroom, Voryn now tugging him roughly by the wrist. He hid his smile well, instead staring down at the floor as they walked, following behind Voryn obediently. Part of him was still anxious seeing the noblemen again, but not as much as he anticipated. He felt well supported and protected here; the walls of the stronghold were familiar and comforting, and Voryn would be sure to remove him from the situation if the need arose. They even worked out a non-verbal way for Nerevar to say he wanted out, in case talking was impossible or would be more suspicious. 
Entering the room, Voryn looked annoyed and disgruntled, though trying to be polite. “Apologies for the delay,” Voryn said, taking a seat on a luxurious chair in the sitting room, a cushion already prepared to the side by a servant. There, Nerevar kneeled as though trained, moving slowly and hesitantly to put his head on Voryn’s thigh. After a few seconds of waiting, Voryn tugged him closer, making Nerevar lay his head on his lap, cheek pressed to his thigh. Despite the sour look on his face, it was oddly comforting for Nerevar; he could smell Voryn clearly with his face practically buried in his robes, the scent grounding him despite the other noblemen in their presence. Voryn then began stroking Nerevar’s hair, leaving the brand new bruise exposed. “I was simply taking care of a few things.”
“No apologies needed,” The highest member, Dres Galar replied, “In fact, I would like to apologize for coming so suddenly.”
Voryn rested his face on his hand, looking at them skeptically. Nothing about his posture was closed off; he looked like he had absolutely nothing to hide. He even brought Nerevar with him as though he dragged Nerevar everywhere, something they hadn’t been anticipating. Already, they were off to a good start. “I trust you came for something important…?”
Galar cleared his throat now, taking on a more serious tone as he looked over the document a servant from House Dres handed him. 
“The documents you provided seem to be in order,” He explained. “And the transfer of ownership seems legitimate.” Of course it did, Nerevar thought to himself, Voryn and his spies were experts at faking documents, especially with Nerevar’s knowledge helping them. “We simply find it…” Dres Galar’s eyes locked with Nerevar’s, earning him a harsh glare from the other chimer. “Unusual that one of our own would die so soon after selling off his favorite slave.” 
A servant from House Dagoth came over with a long pipe in hand, filled with various fragrant herbs. Voryn only really smoked in front of others, adding to his air of maturity and authority. Seeing Nerevar was glaring though he gave a sharp tug to his hair, making Nerevar hiss, before giving a short, barely suppressed whimper as he buried his face into Voryn’s robes. 
“It’s quite unfortunate timing.” Voryn remarked, blowing out smoke as he talked, his tone entirely unsympathetic.. “As sad as it is though, it’s beyond my control whether he lives or dies, so I fail to see why you’re bringing it up to me.” 
“He was executed by the Morag Tong mere hours after you left his residence.” Galar said firmly.
“And what? Should I have known and stayed later to prevent it? Intervened? Paid them off?” Voryn scoffed, as though he believed they were accusing him of not preventing it rather than orchestrating it. “Their duty is to fulfill their writ with as few witnesses as possible. As a worshiper of Mephala, why would I get in the way of it even if I knew?”
“Did you have him killed?” Galar asked outright, eyes boring into Voryn’s. Voryn’s face remained impassive, his mask not cracking for an instant. 
“There was no need.” Voryn said dismissively. “I hardly even knew him. We had one business transaction.” Voryn brough the long, elegant pipe to his lips, inhaling, before blowing out another cloud of fragrant smoke. “Even if I did, for whatever reason, it’s not as though it’s illegal. I’d discourage you from seeking out whoever paid for his death.” He said that with the same tone someone would scold a child with, making a vein in Dres Galar’s face grow prominent, though he continued to try and act polite. 
“... He seems much more docile than he was under Anaryl’s care.” Galar instead turned his attention to Nerevar. Nerevar tensed slightly, but Voryn kept his cool. 
“He needed some discipline, that’s all.” Voryn explained. “He can still be disobedient from time to time,” Voryn was now playing with Nerevar’s hair, running through the long waves that ran down his back, before twirling a strand around his finger. “But I know just how to keep him in line.”
“I’ve been told you knew him before all this.” Galar smiled, thinking he had found a way to get under Voryn’s skin. “That the two of you were quite close, in fact, and that you had been looking for him.”
It wasn’t a secret, of course. But Voryn still remained calm and collected, smoking absentmindedly. 
“I did know him well, since childhood in fact.” He elaborated. “He ran off after a little…. Spat, shall we say.” The corners of Voryn’s mouth twitched up into a barely suppressed sly grin. “I was beside myself trying to bring him back, only to find out Dres Anaryl had him…” He blew another cloud of smoke, before his fingers moved to brush against Nerevar’s ear, making him hiss and squirm. It felt good, but Nerevar acted disgusted and annoyed with the action, his hips shifting on the pillow. “Not that I can blame Anaryl; he’s quite a beautiful little thing,” Voryn now looked down, tilting Nerevar’s chin up to look at him. Nerevar bared his teeth slightly, his cheeks flushed. “Aren’t you?” He asked, his voice dropping to an almost seductive tone. 
“Fuck you.” Nerevar muttered, barely audible. At that, Voryn’s eyes went dark as he took Nerevar by the jaw firmly. 
“Don’t make me reprimand you again, Neht.” His voice was gravely and deep like this, and Nerevar almost felt ashamed at how arousing it was to hear. His nails dug into Nerevar’s skin just enough to leave crescent shaped marks. “Just sit there and be a good boy,” Voryn’s voice was very low now, as though it was only for Nerevar to hear, “Understood?” 
“... Yes sir…” Came Nerevar’s reluctant response, as he looked away in faux disgust. 
“I didn’t think you would be so cruel as to keep a former friend in such a state.” Galar added, watching the scene unfold with heavy skepticism in his eyes. 
“Our relationship is very… Complex.” Voryn explained. “Friendship can be such a fragile thing in the end, easily disrupted by things such as duty, battle…” Voryn then smirked softly and sadistically as he forced Nerevar’s mouth open, sliding his thumb against his teeth as Nerevar’s eyes screwed shut in pure revulsion. “... Even affection.” He then ran his thumb against Nerevar’s tongue, watching him groan and try to pull away to no avail. “Circumstances change, and sometimes you need to make sacrifices.” Voryn then pulled his thumb out of Nerevar’s mouth, wiping the spit on Nerevar’s cheek, admiring the look of defiance in his eyes. 
“But do trust I will protect what’s mine, in my own way.” Voryn spoke, still looking at Nerevar’s eyes as if it was something specifically for the chimer at his feet to hear rather than anyone else. And then, he looked back up at Galar. “It may be cruel in the eyes of some, but our relationship is very layered and deep. We understand each other better than anyone.” Voryn looked absolutely sick with desire as he looked down at Nerevar, making him shudder involuntarily. Goosebumps broke out over his skin, though not from disgust as others might think. “Isn’t that right, Neht?” 
Nerevar didn’t have a good response, so instead he held his tongue, trying to look away. Voryn tugged his chin up more, his eyes demanding a response. His lips formed a thin line, refusing to respond, making Voryn give a long, disappointed sigh. “You always try my patience as of late, don’t you…” Voryn muttered, before letting go with a bit of aggression in his movements. 
“I suppose your relationships are none of my business.” Galar seemed to be convinced of their act for now, looking a little disgusted at the display. “Apologies again for the interruption. We would just hate to find out there might have been some foul play and theft at work.”
“You would accuse me of theft?” Voryn raised an eyebrow.
“No no,” Galar back peddled, laughing awkwardly. “I would never go so far as to accuse you of theft. I’m certain the young lord of House Dagoth has more than enough gold to buy one measly little slave.” He elaborated, trying to smooth it over. “But from an outsider's perspective the timing was quite ill fated, and if we don’t at least act like we’re looking into it, well…” Galar gave an apologetic smile. “Others might assume we are weak willed or fool hardy.” 
“Well we wouldn’t want that.” Voryn replied. “The dignity of Great Houses should always be preserved.” Voryn added, playing into the unity House Dres clung to. One might think House Dres would be combative and petty given their reputation as slave and plantation owners, but they actually supported the other Great Houses strongly, wanting to stand united. It’s why they appealed to law and the court system rather than only handling disputes themselves, after all. 
“I’m glad you feel the same.” Galar rose from his seat. “If it won’t trouble you, Lord Dagoth, we’ll only stay a few days and then leave back to Tear to finish sorting this out.” Voryn nodded as though he didn’t care one way or the other. “Rest assured, once we return back we’ll make sure your name is cleared.”
“That would be appreciated.” Voryn continued to rest in his seat, now stroking Nerevar’s hair once again. The men filed out to be escorted to their guest rooms, while Nerevar inwardly sighed in relief they were finally gone. After confirming the room was in fact entirely empty, Voryn set the pipe aside, inviting Nerevar to move up onto his lap. 
Nerevar could excuse it even though they weren’t acting at the moment as simply a precaution. After all, it was possible one of the noblemen would return claiming they “forgot” something. If Nerevar was seated on Voryn’s lap whispering in his ear, that was expected of a concubine. 
“You did well.” Voryn praised him as Nerevar rested comfortably against him, his head on Voryn’s shoulder. 
“Mm,” Nerevar hummed. “I barely did anything. You’re the one who did most of it.” 
“But your actions sold it.” Voryn smiled softly. “You aren’t uncomfortable anywhere, right?” 
Well, he wasn’t, except for his underwear getting soaked. But Voryn didn’t need to know that, so Nerevar shook his head. 
“I’m fine…” Gods Nerevar wished he could kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t afford to risk everything just to satisfy himself. Kissing was fine during practice or acting, but he reminded himself he wasn’t actually Voryn’s lover. They were friends--good friends who had to act like this due to circumstances. Nothing more or less. Voryn was doing him a favor, and Nerevar didn’t want to take advantage of it. 
“Should we put on another show?” Nerevar offered. “Plenty of time before dinner,” He continued, “And I’m sure it would really convince them of it.” He was telling the truth; from their act they would think Voryn could barely keep his hands off Nerevar, eager to take advantage of him now that Nerevar couldn’t escape. It would be unusual for them to not hear a lord and his new, beloved little concubine having sex, wouldn’t it? 
“What did you have in mind?” Voryn asked, rubbing gently at Nerevar’s scalp just like he knew Nerevar liked it. 
“Hmm…” Nerevar hummed contemplatively. “The baths could work,” The public bath was closer to the guest rooms after all, just within ear shot. “Or if you don’t mind the servants seeing us, you could take me in the hall.” Voryn’s fingers stopped their slow, small circles on his scalp for a brief moment, before they continued. 
“... The hall might be more convincing.” Voryn’s voice was slightly quieter. 
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Nerevar stressed. “No no,” Voryn replied, “It would work the best. Besides,” Voryn gave a soft, reassuring smile. “I have an idea in mind.” Nerevar raised a brow, earning a chuckle. 
“How about this,” Voryn whispered softly in his ear. “I’ll act like I’m reprimanding you, scolding and spanking you while you struggle,” Nerevar already liked the sound of that; spanking was one of the few ‘punishments’ he really didn’t mind. “Before I take you hard and fast right against the wall.” 
“Sounds good.” Nerevar answered, trying hard to not let his own arousal show. Instead, he offered a mischievous grin as he and Voryn stood up.
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