moe-broey · 7 months
At the risk of revealing I know very little about things in general, I really don't understand why Nintendo is shutting down online support for the 3DS/Wii U? Or that like, they can even Do That? Cause like, to me it makes sense that they'd have control and the say-so on the eShop, that's like, something they run as a company and Yes it absolutely sucks ass they nuked it for profit but like. Idk if I'll even phrase this right LMFAO but it seems like something they run themselves so it makes sense that they have complete authority over it. It's in their jurisdiction.
But like??? In my mind, if you have A Device that can connect to the internet it just. Should? Like I don't need a phone plan/data to use my old phone as a Youtube running device, as long as I'm connected to the internet. Like, the internet is a third party almost, one that you pay for personally and separately from any device you can use it with. I don't understand how Nintendo can intersect that and cut it off for their devices, specifically. Like, even if they have servers??? Idk how any of that works tbh I was just under the impression that if you have a device that you own and internet access. It's just those two things. Maybe it gets more complicated when it comes to games like Splatoon, but still....
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mxaether · 9 months
if they're flagging us mature now, how long til it's beyond the community measures? how long til we can't exist and be trans and queer. how long til we're sequestered in corners, trading knowledge like pieces of gold. how long til we're doubletalking all over again - euphemisms here, a nod and wink there, innocuous clothing and flags.
every day i wake up and want to throw my phone into the lake and walk in after it. this isn't what the internet was for. this was supposed to be unburnable; ways to connect in secret; anonymously. it was supposed to be about knowledge. and sex. and freedom.
but instead we're suffering mass psychological manipulation by corporations trying to make money off the results. Insight was scary in catws but they already ran it on us. they didn't shoot, no, but they sold it. every piece of information on how we work. what ads we'll click. who we'll vote for. if we're easily swayed. If they can flip us to the other side. Flip us to the other vote. Swing us towards the lobby they want. Buy the products they're selling. Support the vitriol they're slinging, carefully.
earlier this month, i stood in a booth at niagara comic con. pronouns on my badge. a man told me about how he's got "so many gay friends" who just don't understand this trans thing. that even they think it's too much, and just upsetting people for no reason. that there's no evidence. Not sure why he picked me, clearly identifying outside of the binary at the very least. I'm not a confusing shape. I'm clearly AFAB, despite a voice a little lower than normal. I wonder, since he had just been pitching me on working a tattoo event, what exactly he thinks i'm going to say to this. I don't say anything. We're at many shows together. I leave. But i think about it for weeks. how we have so much evidence. how we had more, and it was burned. every piece of it. how you can't exactly set fire to trans information on the internet. but you sure can flag it.
you can legislate it - not exactly, but kind of - couch it into the puritanical language you used to remove sex from the internet as much as possible. sanitize the social media, as if sex and sexuality isn't a common, normal, part of society. as if removing it from view entirely only makes it all the more enticing. all the more dangerous, now that safe information is harder to find. as if driving sex workers underground - driving them into darknet areas, and increasingly rare social medias - doesn't make it more and more dangerous. more and more violent. solving nothing.
couch all that sex into some bulllshit bill, and systematically begin to sanitize the internet. and when you've "Safely" pushed all the tits, all the SWers, all the stuff you deemed bad and naughty into the corners what's next? what's next but sexualities and genders you don't understand, that you've forcibiliy said are "too sexual" to teach children, this whole time? no kink at pride, only steps away from no pride at all. we don't discuss that, because it's too naughty.
every day i just want to walk into the lake. i have no idea what to do. no idea where the fight even happens. where the resistance even goes.
a new social media, they allow tits!!!! but, just wait, they're actually also massively racist. they censor other things though, of course. you know. the queers. but not that other word, obviously. of course.
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Christmas Presents for All: A List of Free and Easy Christmas Gifts
Christmas is just around the corner and you don't have a clue what to buy your loved ones. That's where gift ideas come in! Whether it's something small or something big, we've got a list of gifts that are both free and easy to give. From presents for your friends to unique items for all your family members, we've got everything you need to make sure your loved ones feel special this season. So don't wait—start shopping now!
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What to Get Your Family and Friends.
Christmas is the time of year to give, and there are many different ways to get your loved ones what they need and want. Here are a few tips:
-Consider Giving Holiday Gift Cards: This is a great way to show your support for your loved ones without having to spend any money. You can pick out a gift card that reflects the person or activity you love, and then send it off as a Christmas present.
-Give Christmas Gifts Online: If you have an internet connection, shopping online can be an great way to get presents for family and friends without going into the store. Just enter in the sender’s information and you’ll be taken to a selection of products that meet their needs.
-Give Christmas Gifts at Home: Another great option is to give gifts at home using either paper or electronic gifts delivery systems like Amazon Prime or Google Shelf. Just find the right gift for the individual by looking at product reviews, reading customer ratings, or considering what type of gift (stationary, kitchenware, toys) would work best for that person.
-FindGifts ThatMatchThePersonYouLove: There are so many different types of Christmas gifts, it’s hard to decide which one to get for each person. However, by finding gifts that match the personality of someone in your life, you’ll likely find something they love as well.
-GetGiftsThatAre uniqueAndDifferent: Not everyone likes the same things, so think about giving them something special instead of just something common. For example, if your friend loves fashion accessories, why not get them some new clothes? If your partner loves spending time outdoors in nature, why not buy them a camping trip kit? These are just a few ideas!
How to Get the Best Christmas Gifts
When it comes time to give Christmas gifts, there are several things you can do To ensure that your loved ones receive the best possible experience:
-Be sureTo choosenethe Right Gift For The PersonYouLove: It's important to choose the right gift for each individual when it comes time to give holiday gifts. By doing this, you'll make sure that everyone gets what they need and wants on Christmas Eve or Day."
-Think AboutWhat KindOfGiftWill FitThePersonyouLoveBest: It's often difficult enough trying to choose what kind of gift someone else might want - trying alsoto figure out what they'll like specifically isn't always easy! So think about what specific items or services your loved one might enjoy on Christmas Day (or any day during the Year). This will help you narrow down their choices beforehand."
-Consider Giving Them SomethingPersonalized?:personalization makes every gift even more special and makes gifting easier than ever before! When thinking about giving Christmas Gifts online or in person, consider adding personalization (such as name or date)to each product so that each recipient has a little extra fun with their gift(s).
Subsection 1.3 Christmas isthe TimeofYearto Give。
If givingchristmas gifts is too difficult for you or if you don't have anyone who has already given them away this year (!), here are 5 easy winter gifts for all ages!
How to Get the Best Christmas Gifts.
Christmas is a time to celebrate family and friends, so it’s important to choose the perfect gift for everyone in your life. There are many different types of gifts that can be given, including things like books, clothes, or electronics. To get the most out of your gift, find a gift that is personal to each person in your life and fits their personality.
Find theBest Christmas Gifts for Your Family and Friends
When shopping for gifts for your loved ones, it’s important to find something they will love. holidays are a time to celebration all around the world, so make sure you include things that will appeal to everyone in your family. If you don’t know someone well yet, consider buying them gift cards or sending them something special such as an origin story about a favorite artifact from their childhood home.
Make Christmas Gifts for Yourself
Christmas is also a great time to celebrate yourself! Whether you want to buy yourself some presents or just celebrate with a few favorite items, there are plenty of free and easychristmas gifts available online and in stores across the United States this year!
Tips for Getting the Best Christmas Gifts.
If you’re looking for a free and easy Christmas gift, look around for gifts that are popular or that are easily obtainable. For example, if you’re looking for a christmas present for someone special, consider getting them something as simple as a book or an ornament.
Get Christmas Gifts Online
Many people prefer to buy their Christmas gifts online, where there are usually many options available and the process is usually less time-consuming than trying to find and purchase gifts in person. In addition, many websites offer deals that make buyingChristmas gifts more affordable.
Get Christmas Gifts in a hurry
If you want to get your Christmas gift before everyone else does, try getting it delivered to your door as soon as possible! Many people who receive their holiday gifts early appreciate the convenience and can often be excited about receiving their presents on time.
Christmas is the time of year to give, and there are many different ways to get the best gifts for your family and friends. Whether you're looking for gift ideas or just want to get some tips on getting the best Christmas gifts, read this article! In addition, make sure to shop around for Christmas gifts and get them online. And finally, don't forget about getting Christmas gifts in a hurry!a
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gotreactions · 4 years
Ateez Reaction: Disney Movie Theme Date (Fluff Series) 1/8
Part One: Hongjoong
Movie: Peter Pan
Hongjoong has been preparing for this date for weeks now! He's noticed how stressed you have been as of late and he wanted to do something for you to help you relax. Having a childish and more fun date would be a great way to make you laugh and ease up, he thought. For the past three weeks he has done nothing but plot, plan, and prepare.
First, he picked a movie he thought you would both love: Peter Pan. It has pirates, takes you back to your childhood, full of love and laughter. It seemed to be the perfect pick!
He had everything planned out in his head. He made sure to pick a day when it wouldn't be raining, where the weather would be perfect - not too hot nor cold. He drove around for hours before finding the perfect park! Nine hours of searching later, he found it. The perfect spot! There was a gorgeous gazebo beside a lake of clear, clean, sparkling water. The rays from the sunset hitting the water at a perfect angle. There were no loud and obnoxious birds chirping that would ruin the mood. A few ducks floated around in the water, but they added to the charm of the night. This was definetely going to be the place your date would be at. He rented it ahead of time to secure this spot just in case. Nothing was going to ruin your perfect night!
Of course, the perfect date couldn't just be a movie in a beautiful park, no he had to do something special to make the moment so perfect you'll never forget this night. You deserve it, and nothing is too much for his Queen/King. So, he went shopping. Bought plenty of fluffy pillows, an air mattress, some white silk sheets and a big white fluffy blanket. Your comfort is of course the number one priority! You can't get cold and end up sick, now can you? And it wouldn't exactly be the 'perfect date' if your back was hurting from laying on the hard concrete either.
'What else would make this perfect?'
Hongjoong thought to himself. He isn't exactly the most exexperienced in love, on dates. Before you, he didn't really have any experiences - if he had any at all. He always made up excuses. 'I have too much work' 'what would my members think? What would Atiny think?' But for you, he will always have time. He knew his members and that Atiny would understand. For you, he just wants to give anything and everything. He wouldn't risk or do anything to lose you. Which is why he's so desperate to make you're date perfect, to strengthen your relationship and just so he has an excuse to be beside you all night long.
Giving things a little more thought, and scrolling online for ideas, he ended up buying fairylights and some other random iteams.
The whole time he had been preparing for the date, these last three weeks, he's also practiced his dancing. He even had his members give him tips and extra pointers. Whenever he could, he would spend extra hours in the studio working on his skills so that he would able to dance with you. He watched the dancing scene from the movie on repeat, learning Peter Pan and Wendy Darlings special dance so he can recreate it with you.
The time has finally come, after three weeks of anticipation and prepping, it was almost the day! Two days before your special night, he went shopping one last time to buy your gift. He bought you a beautiful outfit, it was classy and comfortable, an outfit he knew you would love and something he knew would look stunning on you. He folded the clothes neatly, put them inside a golden box with a neatly wrapped ribbon on top. Bought you a pair of matching shoes, wrapped them in their own smaller box. He got your favorite flowers and made a peter pan themed invitation, buying one last secret gift he was ready to go to your house. He stacked the boxes on top of each other placing them in front of your door, putting the vase of flowers beside it and gently setting the invitation in plain sight leaned against the vase. Hongjoong rang the doorbell and ran off, disappearing before you could see him.
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(Ignore the writings, that's the invitation)
That morning before the date, Hongjoong went to the park to clean up and set up. He went around cleaning up any trash, any animal 'mess' that was left behind to assure you wouldn't step in it on accident. He wiped down the gazebo, despite not being the most cleanly member Hongjoong was obsessed with every single thing being perfect. After everything in sight was cleaned up, he began setting up.
He took the fairy lights from his shopping bag and wrapped them around all the posts and all around the outter ceiling of the gazebo pkugfing then into am extension cord and assuring all the lights worked. He also hung up two speakers from the inner ceiling. Next he blew up the air mattress and put it in the center of the gazebo making it with the silk sheets he bought previously. He did his best to leave no wrinkles behind, though it was a struggle leaving him slightly annoyed - though he will never admit to kicking the mattress in frustration. Adding the last details of linning up the, possibly too many, fluffy pillows and placing the fluffy blanket in an abstract position. He placed his laptop on the center of the bed, the movie pulled up and ready to be watched the internet and speakers connected, he made sure there would be no technical problems ahead of time.
With a few hours to prepare before you'd be arriving, Joong took a bag of clothes and soaps from his car sneaking himself into the pool shower room to get ready. He doesn't have the time to drive home and get ready but he doesn't want to smell or look bad for you either, so, he used the showers that happened to be 'off limits'. Since the pool was closed, the shower rooms were supposed to be closed as well. However, the door was unlocked and the water wasn't shut off so could you really blame the guy? He was desperate!
After his quick shower and getting ready in his nice suit he snuck out of the shower area and back to his car, having exactly 45 minutes before you would be here. He finished the last of the preparations, running across the street to the store to buy a few last minute foods since his members ate the ones he had previously prepared. He got some pre-made sandwhiches from the deli - your favorite kind, some Champaign (or punch if you're not an alcohol person), and some chocolate donuts that he labeler 'Mr. Smees Cannon Balls' for your dessert. All he had left to do was set up the snacks neatly on the bed making sure no crumbs got onto the sheets.
Finally everything was perfect, set up just the way he had imagined. Just in time, he saw your car on the road about to turn into the parking lot. Full of excitement he hurried to meet you, making sure not to mess up his suit in the process. He waited at the end of the sidewalk, his hands crossed in front of him, legs standing balanced like one would at the end of the alter on their wedding day. His smile was so pure and wide. He waited, waited for you to step out of the car.
When you did, his jaw dropped. A 'wow' fell from his mouth. Seeing you in the outfit he picked out, watching as you stepped out of the car looking like a super model straight out of one of those slow motion movie scenes, his heart dropped and it felt like time had stopped. Nothing in the world is more gorgeous than you are. As you called out his name, approaching him happily, he snapped back into reality.
"Wow, you look...perfect.."
He managed to whisper out as he reached forward and grab your hand. He lead you both over to the gazebo, turning on the lights and watching your reaction. The way your face lit up, the excited squeel noise you made most likely unintentionally, your smile, it made Hongjoong feel full inside. He found his treasure in the form of a Goddess/God.
"I hope you like it.. I know it isn't much, but I wanted to do something to bring your smile back.. I wanted to do something special to show you I love and appreciate you in case I don't tell you I love you enough..."
He slowly faced you amd took both of your hands, walking backwards and leading you up to your surprise as he tried not to cry if happiness.
He helped you sit down on the mattress, poured you a drink, made sure you were comfortable before he went to his side to sit right beside you. He introduced the foods to you, waited for you to eat and give him the 'ok' before he started the movie. Once it was on, once you laid your head on his shoulder, he knew this is how things should always be.
Admittedly, Hongjoong did more smiling and staring at you than he did the film. You may not have noticed since he turned his jead towards the screen just in time every time you would turn to look up at him so that you wouldn't notice. As the night went on, you both slowly moved closer together and more down the mattress into a laying position. He happily pulled you closer to him so you were both facing one another and laying on your sides as you watched the film. He enjoyed feeding you donuts and teasing you to 'open up' so he could feed you, despite you insisting you could feed yourself this was much more his style. Taking care of his lover and spoiling you.
Once the dancing scene came on, as Peter and Wendy were soaring together through the sky and dancing with each other, Joong reached into his pocket.
"There is one more thing.. I have something for you that you can keep with you.. When you get stressed or feel alone you can look at it and remember I'm always a part of you and you are a part of me... We complete one another jagi."
He pulled out a matching necklace from his pocket, the one for you, and the other he pulled out from underneath his shirt.
"You are my compass.. You always give me direction and help me find my way when I'm lost. I don't know where I would be without you..."
He began crying as he put the necklace on you, clicking it into place and carefully fixing your hair around it.
"And I am your anchor.. I will always be here when you need me. I want to give you a safe landing and steady home. I just want to keep you safe and secure for as long as you will allow me.."
He reached up and gently caressed your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his thumbs and pulling your faces together so he could kiss you through the moonlight that shined on your faces and bodies, lighting up the laptops screen in a perfect glow.
Pulling away just as the dance scene ended, Hongjoong continued to talk to you over the movie as you both cuddled and watched together.
It's safe to say the night didn't end quite as he had intended. You were both supposed to dance together on the pier right beside the lake under the moonlight, him as your Peter Pan you as his Wendy Darling but in the end you fell asleep on his chest smiling as the movie credits played in the background. Deciding to just stay this way with you, instead of waking you, Hongjoong ended up falling asleep himself deciding this ending was better than the one he dreamed of. He felt content and happy in your arms, glad that he was able to make you smile in the end. Mission success...
So there you slept, laying in each others arms as your necklaces fall together on top of each other becoming one for the night. Pillows fallen of the bed scattered around the gazebo floor and your shoes kicked off to the side as you lay snuggled under the blankets. The moonlight covering your bodied as the laptop eventually timed out, or died. Owls chirping and the light splashing of the lake behind you pulls this perfect night to an end.
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I have the other 7 parts envisioned but not written yet, so if you guys liked this part I'll write the others! Also if you want to suggest future ideas, I'm open to anything :)
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sunel0 · 5 years
people I’d like to know better
I was unexpectedly tagged by @emjenenla , so here I go I guess, kind of flattered, my first tag thing:') (I too do watch cooking shows without actually cooking), thank you for your interest:33
Birthday: June 5th
Astrological sign: Gemini
Height: 177 cm (something like 5′ 9.68″, according to Internet)
Last song I listened to: 365 by Zedd and Katy Perry
Hobbies: reading, Watchung TV-shows, whining (especially about university), coming up with plots to write without doing anything about it, jigsaw puzzles (usually while listening to audiobooks, I have attention span of a golden fish and am very good at perceiving information in audio form, so together it works), languages (also mostly whining), posting weird useless hc online is a new one apparently, daydreaming, sleeping, some video games, generally being a nerd about everything I guess:D (and giving out too much useless information)
Favorite color: I'm not really sure, I've been liking different shades of blue and bluish-green, but and I probably still like lighter blues, but, for example, usually I choose my favorite colours in clothes, and recently I ended up buying a lot of pink stuff, some red and whining that yellow stuff wasn't in the right size (also, khaki and camo green and patterns, I'm so happy those are popular again, I waited for this for so long)
Last movie I saw: It Chapter Two, but I generally much actively prefer TV-shows (the last reality one was our local version of Ladette to Lady, and just show - probably the last episode of Final Space)
Favorite book: I am horrible at picking favorites, even for the moment. I ether live with this thing as part of my daydreaming or not, so, idk, it's always HP and now also TRC, other things may vary. I also generally hate the notion of 'classic'and do not agree with the whole concept, but from books written before my birth I like Cú Chulainn stuff, some Sagas of Icelanders, Percival, Lazarillo de Tormes, some Voltaire, some von Kleist, Hoffmann, von Chamisso, Mérimée, de Maupassant, Jean-Christophe (it turned out to be so good I was so surprised), Chesterton, Kafka, and a lot of plays throughout the history (yes, I'm a philologist, those questions trigger me)
Dream job: I kind of have been dreaming about becoming an author since I was like ten, but for that you have to actually write, so... I also love translating things, especially subtitles for TV shows or movies, never tried translating games, would love to, but like the only way to get properly paid as a translator is to be an inretpreter, and that's not for me, so I guess I starve and die
Meaning behind url: So a long time ago I made up a nick-name, which consisted of two names, at least one of which could possibly be a last name, and also it made sense as a phrase (thanks English and it's love to use random words as names), and I use it, but it is connected with my irl, so here and on ao3 I use an abbreviation of sorts, and 0 just comes from my email with this nick because I had to add something, and I added 007, and sometimes use the same trick, but with just 00, and here I was shortening stuff, so it's just a 0 (I might as well write ☀L0 huh)
I guess I tag anyone who wants to do this because I'm too unsure about the etiquette with this things here and don't want to do something wrong with people I actually like here:3
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eggjaculations · 5 years
ive never felt more pathetic begging you to come see me. i'm suicidal, i'm hurting, ive been wanting to walk half a mile away all day to the train tracks to sit and wait and sit and wait and think about nick and wonder what thoughts ran through his head while he waited too. i think about nick everyday for the wrong reasons. i should talk to someone but it feels wrong. i want to reach out, i really do, and i guess that's what these posts are on this little blip of internet i control. like if one of my friends could see these posts, but none of them look at this account anymore. it's too old, in the past, just like me. and that's not a bad thing, there's always a future for me to be in if i choose. but my choice might differ from that. i'm homeless with no home in sight. i own thirty-six cents and five bags of clothes. and you barely know the extent of my disturbing thoughts. you read my journal and saw some of that. you still chose to be with me. but it rears it's ugly head more and more now to you and i'm scared i might spook you with my ugly emotions. my struggles. no one wants to be around someone that struggles with suicide. it's a fact. it's a downer. so why would you go against that? i don't expect you to stay with me now that you know, which is why i never told you i. the first place. i'm too pretty and bubbly for that, too vain and confident. but it's not about hat sometimes. right now i'm genuinely convinced that my presence is a burden on people, i require too much, im poor and need a place to stay and put my stuff and no one wants to house that. i need to leave, and not the house i'm staying at this week. i need to leave this life. this absolutely pathetic existence of mine that drags other people's lives down. i'm the type of person people talk about on twitter, "don't let someone else's problems drag you down!" it's absolutely empowering isn't it? you have an excuse to leave me so do it. i'm pushing you away, setting you free, so when i do kill myself you won't have to feel that connection or guilt or suffering, you can simply move on with your life. and you will. and you won't think of me in a bad way, only the good memories will come flushing back to you and you'll appreciate my presence so much more because it'll be gone forever. but you don't have to do that. i don't want you to. if i killed myself right now, i'd want everyone to erase my memory from their minds. no funeral, no commemorative gathering, nothing. it goes against the point of my suicide in the first place. i want to kill myself so people don't have to think about me anymore, not so they can feel worse about me. so it's a catch 22. i just want to be forgotten completely. how do i do that? how do i erase my existence immediately? maybe i never will, and that's a shame. i truly hope you are able to move on quickly, to a woman who loves you and appreciates you and has none of these problems so she can be there for you and treat you the way you deserve. i hope she's rich and buys you dinner every night. i hope she's driven and inspirational. i hope she's a better woman than i am a girl. i never made it that far. and i never will. i'm sorry i had to leave you, it is my greatest regret and sorrow. i'll never forgive myself for it, but i hope you never think about that. please be happy. please be safe. please live.
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traj-30blog-blog · 5 years
"How ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) Affects My Daily Life"
Hello world!!
Hello universe!!
This is my first time to compose and publish my own blog and I don't know if I'm doing it right because it's my first time. I chose this medium because I'm shy in front of the camera. Also, I find it challenging because I don't know where to start and how to give an impact for my first blog. I'm so nervous and I can't deny it. I feel so excited about it and I'll try my best to make my blog works.
Writing a blog is a creative way to express our feelings, thought or opinions in a particular topic and share this to other people. It can be a way to entertain or inspire other people.
But for now, this blog that I'm composing is my way to express my thoughts, opinions and what I have experienced regarding to the given topic which is "How ICT affects my daily life". I don't know what is the right approach to this topic because we have our own experiences, but the content of this blog is what I actually experienced while using some medium or platforms of ICT. We all have our own perspective that's why I wanted to clear it out that this blog is based on my own experiences. Additionally, I gave some facts about what is ICT to give some clue to make it clear.
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First, let's define what is ICT.
According to TechTerms.com, ICT stands for " Information and Communication Technologies" that refers to the technologies that provide access to information through telecommunication. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
From the word itself,are the applications and technologies we use like cellular phones, computers, wireless signals,televisions and Internet that helps us to spread or give information to other people. This is a big help for everyone especially for the students like me. One of this help is when we are doing our homeworks, projects, presentations and other school works. With the help of ICT, in just one click, you can find the answer what you are looking for. Like in Google, I'm always using it when I have things that I need to research (but I always make sure it comes from reliable sources). For example, when we have an assignment that needs to have further explanation about the specific topic instead of going to the library to find books that is related to the given topic on my assignment then read again and again (time consuming), I used Google to search for it and  amazingly, in just one click, there is a lot of related topics that will appear on the screen that where I can choose from. I can also download files, videos, pictures and even music with the help of ICT. When I get bored, I also use my cellphone to entertain myself by watching videos online and playing games online or offline. Aside from our cell phones, we can also use televisions or radios to update ourselves in the latest happenings around us either local or international unlike before, the usually medium that they used to spread or to share news is by making a newspaper or any reading materials that are printed in form.
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Interaction and communication is one of the biggest contribution of ICT in our daily lives that's why it was been created. We can communicate easily with our loved ones with the used of technology and internet. You can communicate whenever and wherever you are as long as you have cellphones with load or internet. For me, I'm using my phone just to search for my assignments, to make some research to support my ideas, to make a phone call or video call with my friends and also to my relatives that is not here. There are many social networking sites that are available like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other sites that allows users to communicate and stay connected with the people all around the world. But, I'm not like that, who's always active in social media. I limit myself in using it because I know that it may distract me.
In fact, we are living in a digital world where in this age, you can observe or see that people change on how they communicate, gather information, and learn. In some school, like ours, the teachers uses their laptop to prepare their powerpoint presentation and a smart tv where they can connect their laptop. And, the content of your powerpoint presentation will appear on the tv screen that all the students can see it so that they can follow on the lessons. This will help both students and the teachers in teaching and learning process.
Second, in reporting, we need to prepare a powerpoint presentation then connect it with the smart tv and explain the given topic in our audience or listeners. Even the calculator. Now, all the phones or gadgets has their own calculator so that whenever and wherever we are, we can calculate mathematical problems easily. When I want also to buy something like products, clothes, shoes, and etc. instead of going to the mall or any boutique, all I need to do now is to browse any online shop with the use of my cell phone. After browsing the shop, I only need to do now is to order and wait for it to deliver. See, without giving much effort you can now get what you want.
Because of ICT, it makes our life easier that's why all of us relies on it. Aside from its positive impacts, we also need to consider its negative impact. Usually, the students spend most of their time in using or browsing their social media instead of studying their lessons that's why they cannot focus on their studies that may result of having low grades. For me, it's not bad to use our mobile phones but we need to know our limitations in using it. As a student, I always manage my time properly. Yeah, I also using my cellphone to browse my social media account but before I'm using it, I'll make sure first that I finish all the tasks or things that I need to finish. I always do first my priorities before anything else. And I know that too much used of social media can reduced my face-to-face interaction with other people and am I not able to express my true feelings with them or what I actually want to say that's why I always practicing it to myself to have a face-to-face conversation with other people. If we only relies on using social media to communicate with other people we may not know that person’s true identity and true feelings.
We may not realize that depending on it too much (Technology or the ICT as a whole) can lead us to be less social, less interactive, and less productive in our real world.
"Never let ICT be your life."
"Know your limitations when using your gadgets."
"Use your time wisely."
"Set first your priorities before anything else."
Thank you for reading my first blog! 😊
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toycarousel · 6 years
(2018 anon) mom forced me to go to the hospital, said I was crisis. said I have strong anxiety issues. Said to stay away from media. I said don't worry I won't be able to afford it soon anyway. So after a few days of nothing and "calming down", they finally let me watch tv today and use my phone and oh look, bullshit. Another reason to not make it to the new year. What do they want me to do? Not worry about my happiness being pulled away? I tried waiting and it did nothing. now what.
I’m really, really, really glad you followed up with me, Anon... I’ve been praying that you’re still with us... as long as you’re alive, there’s a chance at having a good life.
Wrt hospitalization, I completely understand how uncomfortable and terrifying it often is... I was hospitalized against my will when I was 16 (my therapist at the time actually tricked me into it, too, which is malpractice).  If it’s voluntary, it can sometimes be extremely helpful.  Even when it’s not voluntary, it can help (in terms of making connections and getting the resources that are actually helpful -- not just being forced to “calm down,” because I agree with you fully; that’s total bullshit).  And when it comes to waiting, well.  It’s a long-term wait (not, like, a decade-long -- but it could take a few months).  In the meantime, I don’t want you to just have to suffer without anything else to help you through!
I myself don’t have all the answers, and I’m definitely not a psychiatrist or other medical professional, but I’m always going to reply to you if I receive your message, and talk to you, whenever you want it -- and I will always do my best to suggest various things.  However, sometimes psychiatric skills (a lot of stuff I learned from DBT) don’t help unless you really want them to... it’s kinda like you have to make this stuff work for yourself.  And, in response to that, I have also said to my psychologists (since I don’t always know whether I even want the skills they suggest to work for me or not either) that the trick is finding something -- anything -- that currently makes life meaningful enough to really make these techniques useful, without having to just... pretend they’re working for the sake of it.
Now, it doesn’t mean just being positive about everything, or, like, pretending that the horrible things that have happened to you (and are currently happening to you) didn’t happen, or that they’re not worth being distressed about.  You never have to pretend that your emotions aren’t what they are rn.  You have every right to be angry, and scared, and exhausted, and any of the other emotions (and thoughts) you’re having at this time.  
Your thoughts and feelings are completely fair, Anon, and I know that you’re currently being forced to go through awful things that aren’t within your control.  The horrible political changes in the U.S, the hospitalization, the gender-related cruelties, the feeling of dehumanization, and of being brushed off...
These are all things I understand... I can never know another person’s pain in the exact way that they experience it, since we all experience pain differently, but I promise, when I offer techniques or suggestions, it’s because I want to help brainstorm with you, not because I want you to suddenly be like “yay, I’m all better, everything’s perfect, thanks.”  
I want to keep trying alongside you, because your life is worth more than you’re being told by the government, and by the people around you who’ve mistreated you.  I want to find something (hopefully multiple things, when practiced simultaneously) that help you feel even slightly better -- or that are at least useful in some sort of way! 
But I wanted to be clear that I do respect the fact that you’re suffering right now, and that it feels as though suicide is the only way out (it’s never the only option, but I know that, when things are as incredibly hurtful as they are, it can certainly look that way, and I don’t think you should just be told to “calm down and accept” all this other horrible shit).
So let’s get more into things, and do some more troubleshooting! I don’t know what else the hospital is doing for you (if they’re offering any sort of useful therapy at all), but I’ve got some things I can offer.  
In going through dialectic behavioural therapy, I’ve been taught some things that can help when your distress level is so high that suicide/self-harm seems like the only way to fix it.  When you are in that place where you’re being completely driven by painful emotions, a good way to bring the distress level down from about 100/100 to, like, a 70/100, is to change your body chemistry.  I know this tip sounds ridiculous, but it’s basically filling a bowl with ice water, and sticking your face in it for a maximum of 30 seconds (if you can hold your breath that long -- if not, just do it for as long as you’re able), then coming back up.
What this tip does is it literally tricks the body into thinking you’ve suddenly dove into icy water.  It thinks you’re in danger of freezing to death, so your parasympathetic nervous system is engaged (to warm, and protect your major organs), and norepinephrine -- a slightly calming “feel-good” hormone -- is released into your brain as a side-effect of that engagement.  It’s not going to make you feel high or anything, but it forces your brain chemistry to change into something that will help in the moment with intense dismay and panic.  (If you don’t have access to a bowl of ice water that you can stick your face into, using a cold pack, or even a cloth soaked in icy water can work instead -- as long as you kind of bend your face forward as though you’re diving into the source of the cold, that physical response will engage).
Now, that’s just one single tip.  It’s by no means a long-term solution to anything, and if you don’t want to bother with it, I understand.  It might be something that’s good to try a few times, but hey, if it doesn’t work for you after practicing it for a little while, then don’t worry, there are more options, and I’ll keep messaging you any time you want to follow-up (I mean, this tip is definitely not going to fix the government, unfortunately, so I get that).  It’s just for those times that are even worse than usual, when you’re certain you’re going to do something to harm yourself -- when your unhappiness peaks, and everything feels like it’s all crashing down on you...
Longer-term techniques are good to work on when your distress level isn’t at its very worst (like, maybe after using a cold-pack, when the distress level goes down slightly).  I know you’re probably feeling awful most of the time, so remember that you don’t have to feel massively better in order to do the following, and you don’t have to put on a mask for anyone.  You don’t have to look on the bright side if you don’t feel like it!
So, to start building a life worth living, even in the midst of all this horror you’re having to deal with, it’s good to start small.  As I mentioned previously, getting involved in something that matters to you -- something that you think could actually make a difference to political policies, for example, or help improve life for LGBT+ people, is a good place to start.  It’s good to get extremely specific to the things that affect you, and the things, and people, that you, at your very core, value.
Since your phone and internet are subject to being taken away from you at certain times rn, I’d look up as much as I can on the subject of online activist or LGBT+ support groups (or in-person ones, if you feel like that’s an option), as possible, during those moments when you do have access to your phone.  You could also ask the hospital if they have any pamphlets on LGBT+ support groups, support groups for suicidal people, or even political/social protest groups.  
Because sometimes it’s better to talk to other people who are going through the same sorts of things that you are, as opposed to only talking to “professionals,” you know? Meeting other people who are angry about being dehumanized, about being marginalized, about being tormented by a disgusting excuse for a president -- may feel kinda good, because when you’re around people like that, you can be angry.  You can be hurt, and in immense pain.  You can openly talk, and scream, and be honest, and true to your emotions around people who feel similarly, who are suffering under the same shitty political policies, and who want to support you, and each other.
Now, again, I’m not saying you gotta be an activist, or do anything you don’t want to do, and/or don’t have the emotional energy to do.  There’s nothing wrong with that, if it’s the case.  I’d totally just start by talking to American LGBT+ pro groups, either online or offline -- whichever is more accessible, or less unappealing.  Because then you can swap ideas with other LGBT+ Americans who are getting screwed over... and some of them may know of some things that are changing for the better (or that indicate that these policies are likely not gonna last long, along with trump as president), and you can talk to other LGBT+ ppl who are hurting...
If activism or support groups (online or offline) sound terrible or ineffective to you, then there are still different options.  What else do you care about in your life? Like, do you like animals? Do you like drawing? Are there any shows that were able to make you smile once? Focusing on these tiny things can buy you time in the moment -- and, over time, they can actually start to change life, in a more permanent way.
I’ve got a similar emotional state going on (mine’s for reasons besides trump and his nasty fallout, luckily, but I’ve been suicidal for p much my whole life due to, well, a lot of things I don’t tend to talk about).  So my psychologist basically asked me what I just asked you: Is there something/someone you care about, even if it’s just a little bit? 
For me, it’s that I care about animals, so now I’m volunteering at the animal shelter, whenever I’m able to.  Those animals need me... and even though my BPD isn’t going anywhere, and my PTSD isn’t going to heal just from volunteering somewhere, and aaaaaaall those years I lost to abuse, and trauma... sometimes it’s just-barely enough to know that my cats need me, the older bunnies at the shelter need me.  My boyfriend, my mom, my sister -- they all need me, so I try to do favours for them, and help them, and even though I’m absolutely falling apart, and screaming, and grieving inside myself at all times, those things/people that I still care about have helped me remember that I’m still alive, and therefore, there is still hope.
Now, as I said, I know I can’t understand your individual pain, and your exact circumstances.  But I know that it must be massive, intense, scary, and utterly agonizing for you to have to cope with things like this, things that are so out of control at this time.  Starting small is a way to take back some of that control, and to spit right in the eye of trump and every other bigot out there.  But more importantly, it’s a start on the road to a good life for you.  The life you still, and always will, deserve.
I’ve got a huge amount of skills from DBT that I can give to you (and publish in general).  DBT is often used for people with BPD, but it’s also used for people who have trauma, and/or are currently undergoing a trauma.  So I’m certain that some of these tactics are relevant, and can help... it may take time, but it’s going to be worth it, because you are.  I know I’m a broken record when it comes to saying that, but I truly mean it.  
I know we’re basically perfect strangers, and that there are other people who know you better, and who care about you too, but I also don’t want to lose you to a bunch of bigots... I don’t want you to lose your life.
This always stands: You can talk to me about anything.  You can be as angry as you need to be.  You can be as sorrowful as you need to be.  You can be anything you need -- when talking to me, and on my blog in general.  If you’d like more tips and short-term + long-term skills from my DBT manuals, and from my experiences, just say the word, and I’ll dig more up (there are, like, almost a hundred in DBT alone!)
Feel free to follow-up if you want/need to, and are comfortable doing so.  I really, really appreciate hearing from you!!!
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